Occo-1Masterindex-Wo-Wz.Pdf (2.24
LAST NAME FIRST NAME SOURCE The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Amy Lou 1783-1970 (Indexed) The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma David James 1783-1970 (Indexed) The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Donald Peter 1783-1970 (Indexed) Wobma John Marriages, Volume G-136 The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Nancy Lee 1783-1970 (Indexed) The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Peter Michael 1783-1970 (Indexed) The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Robin Kay 1783-1970 (Indexed) The Descendants of Charles & Ann Malby Jackson Wobma Ruth M. Crofoot 1783-1970 (Indexed) Wobosel Eileen Balsom Surname File, Sue Poaletti Wobosel Mat Surname File, Sue Poaletti Surname File, John Bender, Descendants of John Wobser Sandra Joan George Bender p.8 WobsZal Lorraine Helen Lorraine Helen Jackoviak obit Wodek John Roger Surname File, Napoleon p.1,10 Wodek Keven Jay Surname File, Napoleon p.10 Wodek Leslie Ann See Leslie Ann Wodek Blancard Wodek Leslie Ann Surname File, Napoleon p.10,11 Louise Karen St. Wodek Armand Surname File, Napoleon p.1,10 Wodek Mark Allen Surname File, Napoleon p.10 Wodek Theresa Ann Surname File, Napoleon p.10 Hutchins DanielB-1867-MarrigeCertificate- P6121376, see digital folder OcCo-ScannedFiles- Woding Aschel S. VitalRecords(Loose); Wodkowsky Estelle Mears NewZ 1943 Sep 10 Wodkowsy Estelle Clipping File, Marriage Book N pg 21 Hart High School 1950 yearbook "Hartian", see digital folder OcCo-ScannedFiles-Schools- Yearsbooks-AllSchools, Junior Party B&W group Wodo Malcolm photo, page 39, digital image #01091403; Frederick D. Parsons Obit; Bettie Mae Parsons Woebbeking Bettie Mae Obit; Carol L Battige Senger, age 88yrs, 7 Apr 1930 - 3 Nov 2018, Grant Twp Cem Mason Co, obit & Woebbeking Clara Marie (Miss) photo, see obit & scanned files; Woebbeking Theodore Frederick D Parsons Obit; Woebbeking Theodore Library, Marriage Book M (Indexed) Woebeking Betty Lou Betty Lou Tripp obit Woebler Emma See Louise Lubl, Vital Rec Book #32; Woehler Anna Anna & John V.
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