1 A Survey of Colormaps in Visualization Liang Zhou and Charles D. Hansen, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Colormaps are a vital method for users to gain insights into data in a visualization. With a good choice of colormaps, users are able to acquire information in the data more effectively and efficiently. In this survey, we attempt to provide readers with a comprehensive review of colormap generation techniques and provide readers a taxonomy which is helpful for finding appropriate techniques to use for their data and applications. Specifically, we first briefly introduce the basics of color spaces including color appearance models. In the core of our paper, we survey colormap generation techniques, including the latest advances in the field by grouping these techniques into four classes: procedural methods, user-study based methods, rule-based methods, and data-driven methods; we also include a section on methods that are beyond pure data comprehension purposes. We then classify colormapping techniques into a taxonomy for readers to quickly identify the appropriate techniques they might use. Furthermore, a representative set of visualization techniques that explicitly discuss the use of colormaps is reviewed and classified based on the nature of the data in these applications. Our paper is also intended to be a reference of colormap choices for readers when they are faced with similar data and/or tasks.

Index Terms—Color, colormap, visualization, perception, survey !

1 INTRODUCTION the topic of colormapping in visualization, in which they briefly review colormap papers and provide is an important and fast channel for guidelines for using those techniques. An extended humans to acquire information. A colormap is a survey [90] from Silva et al. is more comprehensive. mapping from data values to colors that generates They summarize factors to be considered in colormap- visual structures for the data [27]. Colormaps are com- ping, e.g., data types, tasks, spatial frequency, and monly used in many domains in computer sciences, audience, and survey techniques indicating different e.g., computer graphics, visualization, computer vi- design guidelines. Furthermore, they introduce exist- sion and image processing. In this paper, we focus on ing colormapping tools that help the design of col- colormap generation techniques and applications in ormaps. Reviews of colormapping techniques can also the visualization domain. be found in the book by Ware [109], in which color Colormaps play an important role in visualization theories, perception issues are discussed, and col- as they are able to improve the efficiency and ef- ormapping techniques are introduced as applications fectiveness of data perception and therefore allow of these theories. Telea [93] introduces colormapping more insights into the data. For example, colormaps techniques from a data point-of-view. Likewise, Mun- are used in volume visualization as part of transfer zner [77] reviews and discusses general colormapping functions [4]. However, to represent features of inter- techniques including some recent advances. However, est in a dataset, colormaps must be properly gener- these book chapters are not comprehensive surveys ated to allow correct and efficient comprehension. An and are intended for introducing visualization con- ill-designed colormap may not provide insight into cepts. In contrast, we strive to provide readers a more the data. Whereas a good colormap can provide the comprehensive survey, a clear taxonomy that can user with better understanding and identification of be used for choosing the appropriate techniques for features in their data. Colormaps are not just data specific data and tasks as well as visualization appli- dependent but also depend on the undertaken task. cation examples that explicitly discuss colormapping. Therefore, it is crucial for visualization designers and Bergman et al. [10] made design rules to generate spe- users to understand colormap generation techniques cific colormaps. We group colormapping techniques as well as the general rules for choosing appropriate in the taxonomy which is similar to theirs, however, colormaps for specific data. the intention is different, as our taxonomy is meant to Silva et al. [89] provide an excellent review of map the surveyed publications. The contributions of our paper are as follows: • Liang Zhou is with the Visualisierungsinstitut, Universit¨atStuttgart (VISUS), Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] • First, we provide a comprehensive review of col- This work was partly done when he was with the Scientific Computing ormap generation techniques including the latest and Imaging Institute, University of Utah. • Charles D. Hansen is with the Scientific Computing and Imaging advances. Institute and the School of Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake • Second, a taxonomy is created for these colormap City, UT, 84112. generation papers. The taxonomy is intended to E-mail: [email protected] help readers quickly choose the right techniques 2

and specific papers to refer to based on the type CIEXYZ [91] in 1931. The CIEXYZ space is based on of data and tasks they are working on. the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric observer and three • Third, we classify representative visualization color-matching functions x¯(λ), y¯(λ) and z¯(λ), which techniques that explicitly discuss the use of col- are defined to approximate the three type of cones ormaps. Readers are encouraged to fit their ap- in the human retina for wavelength λ. These color- plications into the classification and apply col- matching functions measure the chromatic response of ormaps similar to those described in the cited the observer for different wavelengths. In practice, the application papers. transformed CIExyY is used for specifying The remainder of the paper is arranged as follows: colors. A projection of the CIExyY space onto the xy in Section 2, the basics of color spaces and color per- plane is called the CIE (x, y) chromaticity diagram, ceptual issues are briefly covered. Section 3 reviews which is often utilized to visualize colors. techniques of colormap generation and summarizes A major issue with the 1931 CIEXYZ color space these techniques in a taxonomy. Visualization appli- is that it is not perceptually uniform. MacAdam [64] cations that explicitly discuss the design of colormaps conducts color matching experiments for 25 locations are reviewed in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are in the CIE 1931 (x, y) chromaticity diagram to identify drawn in Section 6. the color region around each location that cannot be distinguished by humans. The results are anisotropic ellipses (MacAdam ellipses [64]) of various radii for 2 COLOR SPACES different regions in the color space. Colors inside each Color spaces are used to quantitatively represent ellipse are perceived the same as the color at the center actual colors. Numerous color spaces are proposed, of the ellipse, and the contour of the ellipse shows the and in this section we briefly introduce the most just noticeable differences (JND) in the color space. To commonly used spaces to provide some background make MacAdam ellipses more like circles, perceptu- knowledge. ally uniform color spaces are required. The first perceptually uniform color space is pro- 2.1 Basic Color Spaces posed by Munsell [76]. Munsell forms an irregularly Display devices utilize the combination of three shaped discrete color space using three independent channels-red, blue and green-to represent any color in dimensions: , value and chroma. Munsell’s color an additive fashion [92]. Therefore, the combination space is created by experiments and measurements of naturally leads to the RGB color space, which is a human perception to figure out perceptually uniform cube where the coordinates represent the amount of colors. This color space is later commercialized [75] red, green and blue channels, respectively. The CMYK and is still very popular. However, this color space (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) color space is used is discrete and the colors inside the space are quite for printing devices due to the subtractive color nature limited. CIE proposes two perceptually uniform color of pigments [92]. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ However, these device-oriented color spaces are not spaces, CIEL a b (CIELab) and CIEL u v (CIELuv), easy to use. Ease of use is enhanced with cylindrical in 1976. Both color spaces are transformed from the color spaces such as HSV (hue, saturation and value) CIEXYZ space to achieve perceptual uniformity. The and HSL (hue, saturation and ). Due to their CIELuv space is calculated from the CIEXYZ with convenience, HSV/HSL are utilized in color selection a different transformation [34]. An important feature tools contained in many image editing tools (e.g., of both color spaces is that the distance between Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint, etc.) as well as colors can be measured [34] since the color spaces are visualization applications (e.g., VisIt [30], Seg3D [33], roughly uniform. etc.). 2.3 Human Color Perception Issues and Color 2.2 Perceptual Color Spaces Appearance Models The basic color spaces may be easier to understand Color changes appearance under different viewing and interact with, but they have no connections with conditions and the color models discussed above can- human color perception. Humans have two types not capture these changes.For example, simultaneous of color receptors in the retina: cones and rods. The contrast effect, the background in which a stimulus is cones are sensitive to normal light levels and rods are presented influences the apparent color of the stim- sensitive to low light levels. The trichromacy theory ulus (e.g., a gray stimulus appears brighter with a states that humans perceive colors through three types black background than with a white background [42]). of cones-S, M and L-named after their sensitivity to With the Hunt effect, the perceived for a different wave lengths [111]. constant chroma increases with luminance [42]. The commission internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE) Researchers realize that color appearances can- proposes the first quantitative perceptual color space: not be modeled by only three variables. Therefore, 3 color appearance models are proposed. Fairchild [42] separation rules as rules to construct perceptual uni- provides a good comprehensive book on the topic. variate and bivariate colormaps. They emphasize the These models extend basic colorimetry (XYZ) to importance of perceptual uniformity of colormaps predict the appearance of stimuli (e.g., lightness, and propose to utilize perceptually uniform color chroma, hue, etc.) in a variety of viewing condi- spaces, e.g. CIELab and CIELuv, to build colormaps. tions. Early works on the color appearance models Specifically, they utilize the CIELuv space and strive include Hunt’s model [52], the model of Nayatani to make uniform spacing between colors, e.g., they et al. [78] and RLAB [41]. These works converge as avoid high curvature turns in the color space to avoid CIE takes the best of these models and proposes a distant colors on the color path to have very close simpler CIECAM97s [35]. The distance in the color space. Both 1D and 2D colormaps CIECAM02 [74] model improves upon CIECAM97s are proposed in their work; however, there are no and has become an industry standard for a color examples of data using colormaps. appearance model. The CIECAM02 model includes a Levkowitz and Herman [61] introduce their stan- chromatic adaption transform CIECAT02 and equa- dards for a good colormap, namely order, colors tions for computing appearance correlates of six should have perceptual orders in a colormap; uni- terms: brightness, lightness, colorfulness, chroma, hue formity and representative distance in which perceived and saturation. color distances should match actual differences be- Fairchild and Johnson [43] extend the CIECAM02 tween the data they represent; and boundaries where model to the image color appearance model (iCAM). colors should not create false perceived boundaries in The iCAM framework is a robust image processing data. Based on these standards, they propose a linear tool for color appearance, spatial vision effects (e.g., optimal colormap by maximizing the just noticeable the simultaneous contrast effect), image differences differences (JNDs) between colors in the colormap. and temporal effects. For technique details and the Specifically, they measure the sum of JNDs between practical usages of the iCAM framework, readers are neighboring colors in a black to white colormap in referred to [43], [70]. the CIELuv space. Next, the summed JNDs are maxi- mized and linearized to make the distances of colors in the CIELuv as equal as possible. In an evaluation 3 COLOR MAP DESIGN using medical scan images, they find that observers In this section, major colormap design techniques are perform better with the linear optimal color scale than reviewed. Based on characteristics of these techniques, the previously advocated heated-object colormap, but we divide them into four categories. The four cat- both colormaps are inferior to a linearized gray-scale egories are colormap generation techniques specifi- colormap. They provide a twofold explanation of their cally focused on addressing data perception problems, results: first, perceived color changes due to a color’s namely procedural methods (Section 3.1), user-study- surround are not taken into account and second, the based methods (Section 3.2), rule-based methods (Sec- CIELuv space is not adequate for modeling perceived tion 3.3) and data-driven methods (Section 3.4. In ad- uniformity. As such, they realize that depending on dition, as seen in Section 3.5, we survey methods with different circumstances, different colormaps are su- focuses other than (or more than) data comprehension perior to others and therefore several candidate col- in which colormapping problems involved with aes- ormaps should be provided to the user. Some of the thetics, energy saving and semantics are discussed. methods in Section 3.3 are based on this result. Then, we summarize these techniques and build a Pham [79] proposes a method that utilizes B-spline taxonomy for them in Section 3.7. curves and surfaces to generate univariate, bivariate The most commonly used colormaps are 1D col- and trivariate colormaps. The author examines exist- ormaps. 2D colormaps have been proposed for visu- ing colormaps and argues that these methods rely alizing bivariate or multivariate data although they on simple geometry in color spaces that restrain pre- have to be used carefully as they can be difficult defined color paths and are not good for perceptual to interpret [24], [77]. An excellent survey of 2D reasons. Instead, the author proposes to use cubic B- static colormaps for multivariate data visualization is spline curves and surfaces in the CIELuv space to presented by Bernard et al. [11]. Examples of 2D col- design more flexible and perceptual colormaps. ormaps can be found in [81], [9], [18], [60], [22], [24]. Ware [108], [109] points out that the nonuniformity Here, our focus is on 1D colormap design techniques. of colormaps is a minor source of error compared to other human perceptual issues (Fig. 1). He proposes two goals for 1D colormaps: metric 3.1 Procedural Colormap Generation reading (metric comprehension), which enables users Numerous techniques have been proposed for the to accurately read absolute values in data, and form generation of a default colormap as an attempt to reading (form comprehension), which enables users aid our understanding of most datasets. Robertson to correctly perceive the shape. Further, he expects and O’Callaghan [82] use Trumbo’s [100] order and that a spectrum approximation colormap (rainbow) 4

nation between data values in discrete colormaps. The method first computes the maximum inscribed circle from an isoluminant slice in the CIELuv space and then chooses colors that are equally spaced around the circle, to ensure equal color distances between a color’s two nearest neighbors and a constant linear separation from other colors. Healey then conducts Fig. 1. Ware [108] concludes that a rainbow colormap user studies to test the maximum number of colors is good for metric comprehension, while a grayscale that still provide good separation. Specifically, the colormap is good for shape comprehension. Copyright author designs four user studies that test the response IEEE. time for finding a target color with the presence of three, five, seven and nine colors, respectively. In each test, every color in the chosen colors is tested as a should be good for metric comprehension because target and the response times for various sizes of humans can distinguish the multiple in such a stimuli with the absence and appearance of that color map easily whereas a gray-scale colormap would be are recorded. From these studies, it can be shown that bad because of the simultaneous contrast effect. For users have no difficulty with three and five colors form comprehension, Ware suggests that the opposite but have significant difficulty with seven and nine holds where a rainbow colormap is bad because it colors. Healey also realizes color distance and linear creates false color gradients that may be misleading separation are not enough to define colors that con- whereas a gray scale colormap would be ideal because stantly produce good target identification. As such, luminance is the most effective channel for shape he takes color category into account and segments the perception. To test these hypotheses, Ware conducts circumference of the maximum inscribed circle into 10 user studies to confirm his assumptions. He also color categories identified by a previous method [46] realizes it is possible for humans to switch their rather than equally placed. To derive a maximum attention back and forth between hues and luminance. numbered color scheme, Healey studies one particular Therefore, he creates a lightness increasing spectrum seven-color scheme that yields good response time. approximation colormap, which makes a good trade- Based on further user studies of color similarities and off between the metric comprehension task and the response times, the seven-color scheme is optimized form comprehension task. This colormap is suggested and a color selection scheme for these seven colors is as a good default colormap. proposed. The resulting colormap is then evaluated More recently, Moreland [73] proposes a diverg- on a medical CT image where a small feature can be ing colormap that is a good compromise between better perceived with the improved seven-color map metric comprehension and form comprehension and compared to the original colormap as well as a gray- suggests it as a default colormap for scientific vi- scale colormap. sualization. The diverging colormap is generated by With a properly designed user study, humans can interpolating a light blue color in the beginning with easily determine the correct colors and luminance. a color close to white in the center and a light red Rogowitz et al. [83] propose a so-called the ”Which color at the end. The interpolation takes place in Blair Project”, which is a user-study-based method a so-called Msh color space, which is a spherical to evaluate perceptual (increasing) luminance mono- representation of the CIELab color space to make tonicity of colormaps. It is desirable to have lumi- the color changes smoother. Examples comparing this nance monotonicity in a colormap as it preserves the new colormap to other colormaps, e.g., gray-scale, perceptual ordering of data, and the higher the con- rainbow, heated body and isoluminant on both 2D trast in luminance in a colormap, the better that col- images and 3D surfaces, show that the proposed col- ormap represents absolute values in data. Rogowitz ormap performs well in the example circumstances. et al. let observers rate the naturalness of a gray- This specific colormap is included in the visualization scale human face stimulus colored with a sequence of package ParaView [48] and has seen extensive use in small segments of colors from eight commonly used visualization applications, as will be seen in Section 4, colormaps. The rationale behind this test is that if as the default mapping. a segment of colors preserves the relative brightness variation in the original face image, then this segment 3.2 User-Study-based Colormap Generation of colors is luminance monotonic. If all segments Some methods in the previous section utilize user of colors in a colormap preserve the correct relative studies to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed col- brightness variation, then this colormap is said to ormaps. Other methods, however, directly conduct have luminance monotonicity. The user study results user studies and learn colormaps from users. confirm the authors’ assumption of a positive corre- Healey [45] proposes a systematic method for lation between the luminance monotonicity of colors choosing effective colors that provide good discrimi- and the naturalness of pseudo-colored face images. 5

Also, in these tests, the degree of distortion from Trumbo [100] proposes four rules for color mapping the natural looking image appears to be proportional bivariate statistical maps, namely, R1. order, R2. sep- to the distortion from luminance monotonicity. This aration, R3. rows and columns and R4 diagonal. The work is successful because humans are very sensitive first two rules apply to general colormapping prob- to luminance variations in human faces. lems and have become important principles for col- ormap research. According to R1. order, colors chosen to represent statistical variables should be perceived as preserving the order. R2. separation states that colors for important differences in statistical variables should be perceived as different. Rules R3 and R4 specifically deal with bivariate colormapping cases. Trumbo also provides examples of 1D and 2D col- ormaps that meet the rules he proposed. Pizer and Zimmerman [80] argue that the gray (a) (b) (c) scale colormaps have three weaknesses: 1) the eye is not sensitive to many distinct gray levels, 2) the Fig. 2. The double face image, (a), is used in the eye has relatively low sensitivity to gray scale con- user studies by Kindlmann et al. [55]. The generated trasts, which makes it difficult to visualize changes, isoluminance colormap is shown in (b), whereas a and 3) the gray scale is 1D and cannot be used for luminance increasing colormap is shown in (c). Copy- encoding multivariate data. They claim that color has right IEEE. advantages for all these objectives, and describe four rules for colormapping: 1) sensitivity, the color has Kindlmann et al. [55] propose that the idea of to be distinct, 2) naturalness of the color order, 3) Rogowitz et al. [83] can be further extended to create the associability of nearby colors in the colormap, a perceptual colormap (Fig. 2). They propose to use and 4) perceptual linearity. The authors then go on a double face stimuli, which is a binary black and to evaluate colormaps applied to ultrasound imaging white face image and its black with white reversed via user studies. From the study result, they conclude copy placed side-by-side. Human brains can easily that the heated-object colormap is the map of choice judge the ”positive” face from the two faces. To match for medical imaging, whereas grayscale colormap has luminance, the authors replace the black with a certain poor sensitivity, the margenta colormap is somewhat shade of gray and the white with a certain color. Here, garish, and the rainbow colormap is unnatural. the users are given a series of double face stimuli of Bernard et al. [11] present a survey and task- evenly increasing luminance in six major hues: red, based quality assessment of static 2D colormaps. The cyan, magenta, yellow, green and blue. The users are authors re-implement 2D colormaps in over 50 re- asked to identify the luminance when the ”positive” lated works. Then, the 2D colormaps are grouped face turns from left to right for each hue. From this into two classes: static 2D colormaps and 2D col- user study, the optimal luminance of each hue can be ormaps intended for bivariate datasets. The focus is determined and used to create perceptual colormaps. on static 2D colormaps, and therefore, the authors Two colormaps are designed by interpolating the col- exclude colormaps for bivariate datasets. A set of rules ors found in the user study: a perceptual isoluminant are formed where quality assessment measures are rainbow colormap and a monotonically luminance mapped on seven different analysis tasks. The authors increasing colormap. A 2D image example is utilized calculate detailed quality information of every static to show the isoluminant colormap is helpful to aid 2D colormap across all quality assessment measures. data value comprehension. Thanks to the perceptual From these results, suggestions, depending on the power of humans, the luminance matching is done task, for the choice of 2D colormaps are included in very efficiently and accurately under the user study the survey. designed by the authors. Bergman et al. [10] study the tasks of visualiza- tions that utilize colormapping and build a taxon- omy for colormaps for different tasks and data types. 3.3 Rule-based Colormap Selection They follow the commonly accepted classification of Many accepted rules of human perception of colors data into four classes: nominal, discrete data that has are to be found in the field of psychology. These nonordered tags; ordinal, discrete data with ordered rules raise conflicting goals for colormaps [108], [109] tags; interval, continuous data where the differences and therefore researchers conclude that an attempt between values are meaningful; and ratio, continuous to find a default colormap that would work for all data with all the properties of interval data and has datasets may be infeasible. Instead, researchers utilize absolute zero. In this paper [10], the authors specif- these rules to propose rule-based methods to generate ically study the interval and ratio data and in an colormaps for different data and tasks. extended web-based version, they expand their rules 6 to all four classes of data. They identify three tasks hides details and creates sharp boundaries that are for colormaps in visualization: isomorphic, to faithfully not in the data. Some suggestions are provided to represent form in data; segmentation, to show features create colormaps for different data types such as in discrete colors; and highlighting, which focuses on using a heated body colormap for high frequency certain areas with colors. Also, they emphasis the im- ordinal data, isoluminant colormaps for 3D surface portance of spatial frequency in colormap design and visualization and colors with equal bands along with classify data into low and high spatial frequency. For iso-contours for continuous data visualization. The each combination of data type, visualization task and authors admit that there is not a single best default data spatial frequency, the authors make colormap colormap, but several colormaps should be provided design suggestions. Examples of colormaps designed to users from which to choose. To educate readers following these rules are applied to both 2D and 3D about how widely the rainbow colormap is used in data and compared against colormaps that do not visualization despite studies repeatedly reporting its follow these rules. Based on this taxonomy, a system shortcomings, the authors further give the statistics called PRAVDA is implemented to aid visualization of the appearance of the rainbow colormap in pa- users. The PRAVDA system guides users to appropri- pers of visualization conferences from the years 2002 ate colormaps for given data types, tasks and spatial through 2007. The authors find an increasing number frequencies, and the system further allows users to of studies using the rainbow colormap. Fortunately, interactively edit colormaps to better visualize their visualization researchers have become aware of the data. In a related paper, Rogowitz et al. [85] provide choice of colormaps, and the visualization commu- a more detailed explanation of their taxonomy and nity has made significant improvements in carefully explain how a rainbow colormap can be misleading choosing appropriate colormaps according to the data in visualizations. They summarize by stating that and tasks, as will be seen in Section 4. the rainbow colormap creates perceived contours that More comprehensive task-based colormap genera- may not exist in the data, and that structures that fall tion has been studied by researchers. Rheingans [81] within such false contours would not be represented. realizes that there is no best colormap for all datasets. Finally, the yellow areas capture attention because She summarizes existing univariate and bivariate col- of their high brightness and not because they are ormaps and then proposes rules for choosing col- important. ormaps by considering several factors: the goals, the The rainbow colormap provides excellent metric nature of the data, the intended audience, the whole comprehension ability [108], [109] and creates aesthet- visualization and cultural connotations. Tominski et ically pleasing visualizations, and, more importantly, al. [96] propose a more sophisticated and systematic is accepted as the standard colormap by many domain task-driven colormapping technique considering the users. As such, it is widely adopted by many visu- characteristics of the data, tasks and goals as well alization applications as the default colormap. How- as the user (Fig. 3). Based on a formal hierarchical ever, the rainbow colormap has several important task typology [3], Tominski et al. choose different flaws that may lead to misinterpretation of the data. colormaps according to four tasks: lookup, comparison, Although the shortcomings of the rainbow colormap identification and localization, and data characteristics. have been studied and well documented in a number Histogram equalization and Box-Whisker plot adap- of papers (e.g., Ware [108], Rogowitz et al. [85]), tion have been proposed to better adapt colormaps visualization designers and users are generally not to data. Furthermore, interactive refinement methods well aware of them. To raise the awareness of visu- for colormaps are provided to allow users to generate alization researchers and users on this issue, papers colormaps that better fit their own needs. specifically discussing how rainbow colormaps can Brewer [22], [23], [24] proposes a set of perceptual be misleading have been published. Rogowitz and discrete colormaps that can be grouped into four Treinish [84] illustrate the downsides of the rainbow categories: qualitative, binary, sequential and diverg- colormap through examples of 2D and 3D data. They ing. The colormaps are carefully designed in a per- find that the rainbow colormap can hide small de- ceptual color space, namely HVC (Hue, Value and tails in data and create artificial boundaries, which Chroma) color space, which is a Munsell-like [75] can greatly bias the perception of structures in data color space. Unlike the CIELab or CIELuv spaces, the and further lead to misinterpretation of data. Their HVC color space is a discrete colormap that can be solution is to build perceptual colormaps with a focus easily converted into the RGB or the CMYK color on visualization tasks and the spatial frequency of the spaces used by digital devices. In an earlier work, data. The PRAVDA system is recommended by the Brewer labels the Munsell color space with CMYK authors to achieve such colormaps, which are better value combinations and utilizes the tagged color space than the rainbow colormap. to design quantitative colormaps [21]. In [23], Brewer Borland and Taylor [16] list three aspects of how proposes a systematic approach to generate all four a rainbow colormap can be misleading using 2D categories of colormaps. synthetic data examples: has no perceptual order, The specific color paths in the HVC color space 7

The tool suggests appropriate colormaps for a given number of data classes. The user can compare these colormaps on a US census data. Further, appropriate colormaps for CRT monitors, LCD displays, color printing and colorblindness are also suggested by the tool. Finally, the user can easily export colormaps and use them in their own applications either in their original discrete form or as interpolation nodes for continuous colormaps [73]. Because of the carefully designed colormaps and the easily accessible col- ormap tool, Brewer’s colormaps are now very popular in the visualization field as will be seen in Section 4. Wijffelaars et al. [110] realize that the number of colormaps designed by Brewer is large but finite and the colormaps lack flexibility as they are manually designed. The authors therefore propose a more au- Fig. 3. A task-color-cube proposed by Tominski et tomated colormap generation method for single-hue al. [96]. Copyright IEEE. and multihue sequential and diverging colormaps by Brewer’s definition. The method automatically gen- erates paths from a set of intuitive parameters in a are also proposed in [23]. In [22], Brewer pro- simplified displayable CIELuv color space with a cus- poses guidelines for colormaps for different datasets. tomized distance function. An intuitive user interface Based on map data with different sociological statis- is proposed that enables users to design colormaps tics laid over it, the author summarizes good col- that are similar to ones designed by experts. A user ormaps for different data and emphasizes that users study has been conducted that shows the effectiveness should apply their knowledge of data to the col- of the method. Results from this method are close to ormapping process. She gives detailed hue, lightness those generated by Brewer. and saturation usage advice for colormaps in dif- The work of Zeileis et al. [112] is also inspired ferent situations for univariate and bivariate maps. by the ColorBrewer tool [24], [44]. Here [112], the Specifically, she discusses qualitative, binary, sequen- authors propose that colormaps fall into the three tial and diverging schemes for the univariate cases, types suggested by Brewer, namely qualitative, se- whereas qualitative/binary, qualitative/sequential, quential and diverging, for statistical maps. Instead sequential/sequential, diverging/sequential, diverg- of predefined discrete colormaps as in ColorBrewer, ing/diverging and diverging/binary are discussed for Zeileis et al. propose more general principles for bivariate maps. Colormaps generated by Brewer may constructing colormaps with paths in the perceptual be better candidates for default colormaps compared HCL color space, which is derived from the CIELuv to a rainbow colormap or a gray-scale colormap as space. The authors show examples using the proposed Brewer pays much attention to reducing the simul- colormaps and also discuss the implementation in taneous contrast effect for metric comprehension and statistical computing environments. enables good form comprehension at the same time. Some researchers study more specific rules of The method has been implemented in an online tool colormaps used in certain circumstances. Wang et by Harrower and Brewer [44] to facilitate colormap al. [106] study the discrete colormap design for illus- users (Fig. 4). trative visualization. They summarize effective usage of colors from previous research and identify eight goals for colors in illustrative visualization. An equal- lightness path and an equal-hue path are computed in the hue, saturation and lightness space derived from the CIELab color space. They then propose methods to meet the eight rules based on the importance of objects determined by the user. Moreover, they study and propose methods to improve perception and to reduce false hues generated from color blending. Ex- amples of both 2D and 3D visualizations are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of their methods. Wang et al. further conduct a user study to evaluate the Fig. 4. ColorBrewer [44] (http://colorbrewer2.org/) is usefulness of their methods. an online application for choosing an appropriate col- The methods above introduce rules for general col- ormap. ormap design. Borland and Huber [15] further discuss 8 guidelines for designing effective colormaps for spe- authors compute the projection of data onto a diago- cific data and questions. They describe a collaborative nal axis spanned by the smallest and largest elements process between a visualization designer and a do- found in the data and use this projected value along main expert designing highly tailored colormaps for with a user specified angle to interpolate nodes in three 2D scalar fields extracted from a unstructured colormaps. With a higher angle value, outliers are em- 3D vector data each to answer a specific question phasized at the cost of reduced differences for other that interests the domain expert. Interestingly, the regions, whereas a lower angle value leads to better colormaps they design are quite unorthodox and discrimination but loses absolute scale information. somewhat violate colormapping rules in visualization (e.g., not following perceptual ordering), but they adequately match the needs of domain experts. The important lesson here is that generic colormapping solutions are useful for providing first impressions to domain users but to achieve truly effective visualiza- tion, colormap design should be driven by the data and domain users’ knowledge of the data. Real-world applications may require a combination Fig. 5. A comparison of volume renderings of a of several tasks for colormaps. Mittelstadt¨ et al. [71] simulation dataset with colormaps from (a) VisIt, (b) propose a series of suggestions for combined tasks ParaView, and (c) Thompson et al. [95]. Copyright of colormapping. The authors point out that previous IEEE. colormapping methods usually support only a single task, and exclude the visualization expert from the Thompson et al. [95] propose a technique to gen- loop. The authors define requirements for analysis erate colormaps that essentially match the slope of tasks and their combinations, form quality metrics colormaps to the underlying data by sampling volu- for 1D colormaps to support these requirements, and metric data (Fig. 5). A proof is provided to show that also provide color-blind safe colormaps for each task the method gives a sufficient number of samples to combination. An interactive system, ColorCAT, is im- capture important features in the volume. The key plemented to realize these rules. More importantly, observation is that without matching the slope of this system integrates the visualization expert in the the colormap to the data, small features are hard design of colormaps, and the authors argue that such to perceive as they are surrounded by regions of a complex combined tasks forbid automatic methods similar color, i.e., the simultaneous contrast effect. and interactivity is the key to address this issue. Both works extend the idea of Tominski et al. [96] in which they emphasize the importance of transforming 3.4 Data-driven Colormap Generation and Opti- the colormap to enhance the comprehension of forms mization in the data. A more in-depth and general analysis of colormap Most of above works discuss the generation of col- transformations is discussed in Bertini et al. [12]. ormaps regardless of underlying data, although some The authors analyze shortcomings of previous den- works (e.g., [16], [85]) mention the importance of sity mapping techniques for continuous colormaps: designing colormaps for specific data and [85], [96] 1) linear mapping, 2) density function mapping, and provide interactive tools for that purpose. These gen- 3) histogram equalization. Two drawbacks are found eral rules are problematic in many cases as interesting with these techniques: increasing the number of den- features are given inappropriate color ranges, and sity collisions and reducing the number and range makes them hard to perceive and may interfere the of used color tones. The authors then propose a first impression of the data, making further explo- two-step mapping procedure that first splits the fre- ration and analysis difficult. In this section, automated quency distribution into intervals, and then assigns methods that generate or optimize colormaps based each interval a color scale value. Examples of 2D on underlying data are surveyed. datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is able to show more density variations compared to 3.4.1 Colormap Transformations previous methods. Furthermore, qualitative metrics, Schulze-Wollgast et al. [88] propose to extract statisti- which are calculated in a case study, demonstrate the cal metadata from a dataset and automatically gener- effectiveness of the method. ate colormaps that map color ranges to the population of the data using linear, exponential or logarithmic 3.4.2 Discrete Colormaps for Particular Data Types mapping function. Eisemann et al. [40] introduce a Wang and Kaufman [105] propose an importance- simple interpolation scheme for colormap design that driven automatic colormap design technique for di- emphasizes outliers on 2D map visualizations. The rect volume rendering. The user is able to specify 9 the importance of each classified object in a volume regions embedded in other classes. Specifically, an rendered image and then an objective function is energy function that measures the sum of differences set up based on user-selected importance to assign between the visibility of each class against the mean colors to the objects to convey their importance. The visibility of all classes is formulated and minimized objective function measures a rendered image, and using a GPU-based conjugate gradient method. takes object importance, separability, attentiveness of Mittelstadt¨ et al. [70] study the simultaneous con- colors and distances of object colors as well as color trast effect and propose methods for compensating harmony into consideration. An optimized objective such an effect. The idea is that, simultaneous contrast function for colormapping along with an importance- makes regions of the same color look different but based opacity mapping yields rendered images that by setting these regions with different colors, it is improve the perception of important objects, as a user possible to make their perceived colors the same or study shows. very close. The methods they propose first compute Tennekes and de Jonge [94] propose a novel method the perceived image based on predictions of the si- for coloring tree-structured data. The method assigns multaneous contrast effect using a customized color each node in a tree with colors from the HCL (hue- appearance model. Cost functions are set up to mea- chroma-luminance) color space. The colors satisfy sure the differences between the perceived image and three criteria for effective color perception: 1) all col- the original image. Cost functions are then optimized ors are unique, 2) the colors reflect the parent-child to minimize the differences between the perceived relationship, and 3) the colors encode the hierarchical image and the original image. To better measure the depth. The method also allows parameter tuning to color appearance, the authors extend the iCAM color achieve better visualizations for specific datasets. A appearance model [43] by modifying parameters. The formal user study with 98 participants is conducted, authors identify two tasks for colormapping on 2D and the study result demonstrates that Tree Colors images, namely, the elementary task and the synoptic enhances the understanding of hierarchical data visu- task, and formulate different cost functions to handle alization. these tasks. They then utilize a weighted sum of cost functions to form a uniform cost function for different 3.4.3 Perceptually-based Optimization tasks. A heuristics-based approximation approach is designed for the optimization of cost functions. To examine the effectiveness of the method, the authors conduct two user studies. The study results suggest that the proposed compensation methods could im- prove the accuracy of metric comprehension in 1D colormapped data. Furthermore, applications on real data are examined and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Images are perceived significantly Fig. 6. A categorical colormap, as shown in (a), results different by users. Therefore, Mittelstadt¨ et al. [72] in a limited visibility of categorical differences on a map further improve the performance of contrast com- dataset. Lee et al. [58] propose a visibility optimization pensation by introducing a personalized perception method that results in the colormap shown in (b), which model. The method also improves over the original provides much better contrasts in the data. Copyright method in runtime, such that it runs interactively. IEEE. 3.5 Beyond Data Comprehension Lee et al. [58] propose an automated optimization method to improve categorical data perception on Researchers also focus on colormap design techniques 2D map datasets (Fig. 6). Color appearance changes for purposes beyond pure data comprehension. with different spatial context. This issue has been studied extensively as shown in Section 2. However, 3.5.1 Aesthetics previous studies have not taken spatial information How to choose natural and visually pleasing color into account and therefore cannot address the color schemes for images is an important topic in computer appearance issue. In [58], the authors define a point graphics ( e.g., [103], [36]). It is also important in saliency measurement that computes the difference visualization as humans look at visually pleasing between the color of a pixel and the averaged color of representations with more care, which may lead to its neighborhood in the CIELCH color space, which is more insights gained from a visualization. a cylindrical representation of the CIELab space. Next, One application already being used in visualiza- a class visibility metric is calculated as a weighted tion is color harmonization proposed by Cohen Or sum of point saliences of all pixels that belong to this et al. [36]. Cohen Or et al. [36] study the color class. Then, class visibilities of all classes are opti- harmonization theory and propose an optimization mized in order to highlight classes that have smaller method to harmonize the colors used in an image. 10

The resulting method is able to recolor an image into electronic device is a major consumer of electricity, a harmonic scheme that looks natural and realistic. especially for the smart phones whose display is the Wang and Muller [107] extend the work of [36] to biggest consumer of battery power [28]. Older dis- preserve lightness in the harmonization scheme and plays (e.g., CRTs and LCDs) consume approximately apply it on volume visualization (Fig. 7). They pro- constant energy for displaying any color. Emerging pose to compute iso-lightness curves for hue slices in display techniques (e.g., OLED) allow variable en- an HSV (hue, saturation and vividness) color space, ergy consumption for different colors and researchers which is transformed from the CIELab space. The col- therefore have been striving for color mapping tech- ors change only on their corresponding iso-lightness niques that consume less energy without sacrificing curves when transformed into harmonic schemes. The the quality of perceived colors. Chuang et al. [32] pro- lightness-preserved harmonic schemes allow better pose two energy-aware colormap design techniques contrast for highlighting features that are important based on the CIELab space to reduce energy con- in the volume visualization. Wang and Kaufman [105] sumption of screen space variant energy displays for visualization applications. The first technique is based on the optimization of a set of discrete hues that is easily distinguishable as suggested by Healey [45]. The energy consumption of these colors are ana- lyzed and an optimal scheme for minimizing en- ergy is calculated. A second approach is based on constrained continuous optimization of color energy for lower overall color energy consumption. The au- thors compare their techniques to traditional color schemes (ColorBrewer [44] for 2D example) and typi- cally achieve a 40% energy savings. Wang et al. [104] introduce energy-saving color schemes specifically for sequential data visualization on OLED screens. Color schemes are found by a multi-objective optimization Fig. 7. The original volume rendering of a frog CT scan approach that minimizes the power consumption of is shown to the left, whereas a harmonized version the whole display and maximizes a color perception using [107] is shown to the right. Copyright IEEE. distance term which measures the distance between the starting color and the ending color in the se- utilize color harmonization for assigning colors to 3D quential colormap proposed by Wijffelaars et al. [110] structures based on their importance. The aforemen- in the CIELCH space. Experiments are performed to tioned work of Wang et al. [106] also takes aesthet- measure the energy consumptions of their proposed ics into account in the design of discrete colormaps approach on colormaps from [44], applying a treemap for categorical data. For example, they utilize vivid visualization that results in a reduction of 17.2% of colors to focus attention on specific structures, and energy. they use high-saturated colors for interior structures, whereas low-saturated colors for outside structures to 3.5.3 Semantics make the interior structures stand out. Moreover, they Humans associate colors with semantics. If the visu- study the color blending schemes to avoid opposing alization correctly matches the cultural background colors canceling each other, and propose optimization of visualization users, the resonance of colors and approaches to better preserve the ordering of overlap- their semantics allow humans to gain insights more ping structures. efficiently. In contrast, contrasting textual and color cues (e.g., use red color for the word ’green’) greatly 3.5.2 Energy Awareness hampers understanding and humans take longer to Energy consumption is an increasingly important understand; such an effect is called the Stroop ef- topic in computer science as a result of the demands fect [67]. Lin et al. [62] propose a method to select for longer battery life for mobile devices, the lower semantically resonant colors for data visualization. energy cost of desktop computers as well as the in- The idea is that given a set of colors and a set of creased environmental awareness of the whole society. categorical values, the method is able to assign the For visualization, the need for light-weight meth- optimal color for each categorical value. Specifically, ods to examine visualization results (e.g., physicians they first conduct web searches for categorical values would like to use mobile devices to quickly check a (key words) in the data and compute an aggregate patient’s CT scan) is growing and with the increas- color histogram for each search result for analysis. ing computational power of mobile devices, many A color probability for each color is then calculated computationally intense visualization techniques have based on the color histogram by measuring the con- gone mobile [31], [113]. The display system of an ditional probability and the entropy. The color is then 11 assigned for a categorical value based on an affinity Based on these simulated CVD models, researchers score computed from the color probability. To validate have proposed methods to enhance visualizations the method, formal user studies are conducted and for people with CVD. One approach is to recolor the results show that, first, with the resonant color, an image to improve color perception. An efficient users are able to identify a category faster and, second, method proposed by Kuhn et al. [56] automatically the color assignment result is close to crowd-sourced recolors an image to highlight important visual de- assignment results. tails that are unable to be noticed by dichromats (Fig. 8). The method preserves the naturalness of 3.6 Color Vision Deficiency original colors as much as possible while increasing Color vision deficiency (CVD) is the inability to dis- color contrast for better perception by dichromats. tinguish certain shades of color or in more severe The method can be implemented on the GPU. The cases, see colors at all. The spectral response of each method is evaluated by paired-comparison with peo- type of cone (S, M, and L) in the eye is defined by ple with color-vision deficiencies and the effectiveness the specific type of photopigment it contains [66]. is validated. Machado et al. [65] propose an automatic If a given photopigment changes its spectral re- real-time image-recoloring technique that guarantees sponse, it is called anomalous trichromacy. Dichromacy temporal coherence. The method has a computational is caused by the absence of one of the photopigments. cost that varies linearly with the number of image It can be further classified, for anomalous trichro- pixels. A comparison against state-of-the-art methods macy and dichromacy respectively, into protanomaly, demonstrates that the proposed method has compa- protanopia, or red-green weakness/blindness (less sen- rable quality, but is two orders of magnitude faster. sitive to red), which is caused by L cones, deutera- Patterns are also utilized to encode color informa- nomaly, deuteranopia, or the second type of red-green weakness/blindness(less sensitive to green), which is caused by M cones, and tritanomaly, tritanopia, or blue- yellow weakness/blindness (S cones). Monochromacy, a much rarer deficiency, results from the existence of only a single kind of photopigment or no photopig- ment at all. Approximately 7.9% of Caucasian men, 4.2% Asian men, and 2.6% African men, and 0.42% of Caucasian women, 0.58% Asian women, and 0.54% African women are affected with color vision deficiency of some kind, and their ability to carry out visualization tasks with colors may be compromised [66]. To improve visualization experience for people with CVD, Brettel et al. [20] propose a method to first sim- Fig. 8. A volume rendering of a flame is shown in (a). ulate color perception dichromats for observers with Simulated views of protanopes for (b) original image, normal vision. The method treats colors as vectors (c) result by image-recoloring technique by Kuhn et in a LMS (long-wavelength, middle-wavelength, and al. [56], (d) exaggerated color-contrast approach [56]. short-wavelength) space, and transforms color vectors Copyright IEEE. from normal-vision gamut into gamut of color-vision deficiency based on previous physiological studies. tion for people with CVD. The method of Sajadi et The model is able to handle three types of vision al. [86] overlays a colormap with patterns, so that deficiencies, protanopic, deuteranopic and tritanopic dichromats are able to better comprehend the values vision. Simulation results of a mosaic image are eval- in the data, while original colors are preserved for uated by a protanope and a deutranopic who both normal trichromats. Two user studies are performed consider the simulations are close matches to their to validate the effectiveness of the method. From the perceptions of the original image. Machado et al. [66] studies, overlaid patterns not only help dichromats propose a physiologically-based model for simulat- but also aid normal trichromats as an extra cue. The ing color perception. The model unifies normal color method is implemented easily on the GPU for real- vision, anomalous trichromacy, and dichromacy in a time performance. robust framework. A controlled user experiment is conducted to demonstrate that the results created by 3.7 Summary of Methods the model closely matches the perception of people with color-vision deficiency. Furthermore, the method The colormap generation papers we have reviewed is equivalent or superior to current models for sim- are classified into a taxonomy as shown in Figure 9. ulating anomalous trichromacy and dichromacy per- In this graph, the papers are laid out in a taxonomy ceptions. based on types of data and tasks. Visualization tasks 12 r ] ] 135 o ] - 3 9 88 1 CAT 11 Color 0 Id Id + 122 108 [11] [ . 10 109] [ [108] 1988 2015 2015 2 [ [ 2013 2 Comp pp.122-135pp r ] 09 CAT 73 Color [73] [ 2009 Loc + Comp ] 5 1 71 0 ] [71] [ 8 2015 2 0 0 r 110 1 [110] [ 2008 2 CAT Color ] 8 ] 3 6 0 0 Loc + Id 44 0 1 [ [44] [ [106] 2008 200 2 2003 2 ] r ] 0 ] ] ] 7 1 ] 7 ] 9 9 90 5 ] or 4 6 1 112 1 6 0 9 7 79 1 1 8 [ [112] 2009 2 1 15 0 [79] [ [ [84] 1 0 0 24 9 [ [ [16] [15] 1990 199 1 0 1998 1 [ [24] [ Color Color 200 2 2 2007 2011 [ [11] 2 1999 1 Brewe Brewer 2015 2 ] ] ] ] 4 6 r ] 9 ] o ] 0 9 9 DA 8 0 1 [ [96] 88 1 0 85 23 9 2008 2 0 [ [85] 8 0 000 [23] [ 112 1 CAT 8 0 00 1996 1 [ [ 1994 1 Color 10 2009 2 [112] [ [ [ 2000 20 1988 [ [108] 2000 20 PRAV PRAVDA ] 4 ] ] 8 9 ] ] 2 ] 135 ] 8 - 22 9 3 0 Comparison [ [22] 1 9 10 2 0 8 83 9 99 1994 1 [ [10] 13 8 [83] [ 61 6 9 1995 1 96 0 [80] [ 1998 19 [61] [ 122 [96] [ 1983 1983 1 . 1992 1 109 109] 2008 2 [ [ 2013 201 pp.122-135pp Colormap Design Tools: Design Colormap PRAVDA ] 5 135 ] - ] 8 3 1 1 ] 2 6 1 r 1 0 1 [11] [ o 9 0 122 2015 2 8 0 000 . [96] [ 109] 109 [ [ 2008 200 2 [ 2 [ 2013 2000 20 pp.122-135pp PRAVDA PRAVDA Color Brewer Brewer r ] o ] 8 ] 1 ] ] 0 95 CAT [95] [ Color ] 5 1 9 6 90 9 2013 8 83 9 99 1 1 15 0 79 1 [83] [ Continuous [15] [ [16] [ [ [79] 1998 19 1 0 2011 2 2007 1990 199 2007 2 [ [11] ] ] 2 2015 3 8 ] 0 0 Interval Interval Ratio+ ] ] r 1 109 1 ] 2 4 8 9 r [ [108] 1988 1 2013 201 2 [109] [ o [40] [ 8 Identification o 2011 88 0 0 5 55 0 00 0 [55] [ 1 112 1 ] Color Colo 2002 20 CAT [ [108] 1988 198 [112] 2009 [ 2 ] Color Brewer Brewer 0 0 ] 15 1 2 [15] [ 1981 1 [ [100] 2011 2011 2 1 [ [12] 2007 r ] ] or ] 5 1 1 96 15 ] [96] [15] [ [ 1 0 Color Color 2008 2011 2008 2 2011 2 [ [11] Brewer Brewe 2 2015 88 [ [88] 2005 ] ] 0 r 1 0 1 o 8 0 000 112 1 [ [ CAT [112] 2009 2000 20 [ 2009 2 Color PRAVDA PRAVDA



Techniques s k s a Tasks T T Decision Decision ] 94 [ [94] 2014 for Better Visibility for Better r r ] 3 Colormap Transformation Colormap CAT CAT Color Color ] 86 2 [ [86] or 2013 201 7 [ [72] 2015 CAT Color ] ] ] 6 96 9 Data [ [ [96] [96] 65 2008 2 2008 2 [65] [ ] 2010 4 ] 4 70 [ [70] 9 2014 [94] [ ] 8 2014 201 Contrast Effect Contrast Compensation for for Compensation 56 [ [56] Color Color Color 2008 200 Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer ] 6 9 [ [96] Techniques 2008 2 PRAVDA PRAVDA Ordinal Color Brewer Brewer [82] [82] 1986 1986 r ] ] o 0 0 0 CAT Perceptual Perceptual Color 10 1 1 1981 1981 19 1 1981 19 1 [100] [ [ [100] Color Vision Color Vision Deficiencies Optimization PRAVDA

Enhancement for Enhancement for


Localization Comparison Identification Combined Combined Tasks ] ] 3 1 8 104] 104 0 5 [ 2012 [ 2012 [58] [ 2013 2 ] 9 0 Energy Energy 0 32 [ [32] Discrete 2009 2 Effect (Nominal)Effect Awareness Reduce Reduce Contrast ] 62 62] [ [ 2013 2013 No Semantics ] 8 00 107 [ [107] 2008 2 ] Features Handles Handles Small Aesthetics 106] 106 1 [ 2008 [ 2008 2 Data Only? Comprehension Nominal No No Examples (Claims2D &3D) ] 2 01 105 105] [ 2 [ 2012 ] 2 ] 1 ] 1 [ 2009 2 [112] 2009 62 [ [62] Survey/Evaluation (Claims2D) 2013 2013 No Examples No Examples 112] 112 1 [ 2009 [ 2009 2 ] 6 ] ] 9 8 [96] [ 2008 2008 2 or 112 1 [112] 2009 [ 2009 2 106 1 [106] 2008 [ 200 2 CAT Color 3D 3D Only Data-driven DA ] Yes ] r 96 ] 4 o [96] [ 96 ues 2008 2008 2 4 [96] [ PRAVDA PRAV 2008 2008 2 q 9 CAT [ [94] Color 201 2014 : Paper Type Paper based based ] 6 135 ] ] - Techniques Techni 3 User-study- 2D (Others 2D (Others toapplied 3D) 2 9 9 996 4 45 1 [45] [ 0 94 1996 1 12122 [ [94] PRAVDA PRAVDA . 1 109] 2014 2014 Examples in Examples Paper [ 2013 [ 201 PRAVDA PRAVDA pp.122-135 pp r ] 6 ] 135 ] - or CAT ule-based 2 Color 13 2 r 2D Only2D 4 45 9 996 R [45] [ o 6 12 1996 19 109] 109 [ [62] Color Color . [ [ 2013 2013 2013 Brewer Brewer pp.122-135pp Color Color Brewer Brewer 5 ] ] 2 r r 3 13 5 ] ] - ] 1 0 2 0 2 01 0 1 0 6 CAT 109 109] [105] 2012 [ 2 12 Both Color Colo [ [62] Color . [ 2 [ 2013 1 2013 2013 Brewer Brewer 100 1 [100] 1981 [ 1981 1 [ 1981 1 [100] 1981 pp.122-135pp


9. A taxonomy of colormap generation papers.

Legend Tasks

Identification Comparison Localization Combined Combined Tasks Fig. 13 have been systematically studied by Andrienkos [3], If the data is visualized as continuous, there is and more recently by Brehmer and Munzner [19]. usually not a distinction between interval and ratio Both focus on typologies that are able to describe data. For data comprehension purposes, combined complex visualization tasks using tasks decomposi- tasks can be grouped as localization + identification, tion and hierarchical decomposition and are good for localization + comparison, and identification + com- design studies. However, the full task description is parison. overly complex for our purpose, and therefore we Colormap transformations [88], [12], [40], [95] can specifically adopt the following tasks: localization, iden- be performed to improve small feature perception. tification, comparison. These tasks have seen usage in Perceptual optimization can be performed once the colormapping work by Tominski et al. [96], and more initial colormap is selected. recently by Mittelstadt¨ et al. [71]. Mittelstadt¨ et al. Care should be taken for people with color vision describe these three tasks: ”localization is performed deficiencies, and several techniques [56], [65], [86] when the user wants to see where specific objects are exist for enhancing colormaps for CVD. located within the data. Identification is performed when the user browses or explores the data and reads 4 COLORMAP APPLICATIONS values from color encoded objects on the screen.” A The applications of colormap are numerous in a wide comparison task is used to compare multiple visual spectrum of various communities. Here, we discuss a encoded objects, and to perceive and understand the representative set of works in the visualization com- relative and absolute differences. Ware [108], [109] munity that explicitly discuss how colormaps are cre- refer the absolute comparison task as shape reading, ated and used for specific applications. We place ap- whereas Bergman et al. [10] refer it as authenticity. plications into the aforementioned tasks (Section 3.7), Moreover, combined tasks [71] is where two or more i.e., localization, identification, comparison, identifica- of comparison, localization, or identification are used tion + localization, identification + comparison, local- in a specific application. Each paper is represented by ization + comparison, to analyze colormaps in each a tag whose shape and color determine the property manuscript surveyed. Images from some of the works of the paper. The shape of a tag indicates the class discussed below are summarized in Figure 10. of the approach of that paper: chevron for procedural papers, scroll for rule-based papers, glasses with doc- uments for survey papers, microscope and documents 4.1 Scientific Visualization for user-study-based papers, and disk for data-driven Scientific visualization is the subarea in the visualiza- techniques. The color and hatching of a tag represents tion community that visualizes data that has spatial the data examples: blue means that the paper handles information in a physically meaningful sense. The both 2D and 3D data, white indicates 2D data only, most commonly visualized data for scientific visual- black indicates 3D data only, dark red is used for 2D ization are 2D and 3D scalar field, 2D and 3D vector examples while others applied to 3D. Some papers field and ensemble data from many simulation runs do not have examples; nevertheless, we use green or from sensors over time. diagonal hatching to represent that the method is sug- gested for 2D data and brown horizontal hatching for 4.1.1 Scalar Field Visualization methods that are suggested for both 2D and 3D data. For scalar field data, there are one or more scalar val- Furthermore, we pay special attention to methods that ues at a location. It is critical to set proper colormaps handle small features, and use a check icon on the for the users to comprehend the data. right top corner of the paper icon to indicate. Many applications show 2D scalar field data with Except for the decision rules category, all leafs of colormaps. Borkin et al. [14] evaluate different tech- the taxonomy represent papers that introduce new niques on artery visualizations for heart disease diag- colormaps or colormap transformation/optimization nosis and specifically test the effectiveness of differ- techniques. Given a dataset, there are a number of ent colormaps, including the rainbow colormap and papers on rules ( [100], [23], [22], [10], [85], [84], diverging colormaps from the ColorBrewer tool on [81], [44], [16], [15], [96], [71]) for determining which 2D for the detection of low endothelial shear stress. colormaps should be used. The purposes of the colormaps are to localize and In our taxonomy, the first step is to determine compare low endothelial shear stress regions. Malik whether to visualize data with a discrete or contin- et al. [68] design methods to visualize and compare uous representation. For discrete representation, it is different scalar fields of high-resolution industrial CT necessary to identify if the data is nominal or ordi- scans simultaneously with the rainbow colormap and nal. For nominal data, if data comprehension is the utilize a black body colormap to visualize edges in only purpose, techniques can be found for different the scans. They reason that the use of rainbow col- tasks. Some techniques exist for purpose beyond data ormap is a result of the industrial convention and comprehension, for example, aesthetics [107], [106], they customize the rainbow colormap to highlight semantics [62], and energy awareness [32], [104]. small features of interest in the visualization. The 14 rainbow colormap helps with the identification of colormap, encoded by the number of time steps, is multi-variate data values in the multi-image view, and adopted for comparing attribute values. Noticeable is the black body colormap is utilized for the compari- that Lipsa et al. design their colormaps specifically son of different regions in the edge view. Moreover, to highlight small features of interest. Bachthaler and since all variables are drawn together, both colormaps Weiskopf [5] utilize an isoluminance colormap [55] are used for comparing different variables. Hollt¨ et with the same depth perception colors along with al. [49] utilize a diverging colormap to represent the bump mapping to visualize line integral convolution magnitude of energy of a horizon finding algorithm on 3D surfaces. This colormap aids the identification on slices of seismic datasets. Such a blue-white-red of velocity magnitude values on 3D surfaces. Uffinger¨ colormap is typically used to localize regions with et al. [101] apply a white to green sequential colormap extreme scalar magnitudes in the petroleum indus- to show hyperbolicity of path surfaces and a white to try. Zhou and Hansen [114] apply a ColorBrewer’s blue sequential colormap for the finite-time Lyapunov sequential colormap to show the confidence of feature exponent (FTLE) representation. These colormaps are boundaries of one or more attributes of volumetric used for the comparison of the vector field attributes. datasets on 2D slices and allow the user to crop the colormap to highlight values of interest. Comparing 4.1.3 Ensemble Visualization and identifying computed confidence of different re- Sanyal et al. [87] propose a tool for visualizing en- gions on feature boundaries are the tasks associated semble uncertainty of numerical weather simulation with the colormap. models with color-coded ribbons and spaghetti plots Khlebnikov et al. [54] propose a noise-based mul- to show variances of simulation ensembles. To avoid tivariate volume visualization technique and utilize the use of the rainbow colormap, a black to green the diverging colormap proposed by Moreland to vi- colormap is applied to the background 2D scalar sualize one scalar field and customized sequential col- field, and Sanyal et al. apply a discrete colormap ormaps to visualize another attribute simultaneously. by combining three sequential colormaps from the The diverging colormap is used to localize regions of ColorBrewer tool for rendering spaghetti plots. The interest of the first volume, whereas customized se- colormaps are adopted for the comparison task within quential/diverging colormaps are designed for iden- a spaghetti plots and across different simulation runs. tifying data values of the second volume, and can be Hummel et al. [51] design a 2D interactive colormap distinguished from Moreland’s colormap as they are to separate the joint variance parameter space into rendered together. similar, dissimilar and uncertain regions to visualize Van Der Zwan et al. [102] utilize ColorBrewer col- and explore an ensemble of 2D convection flows. ormaps to visualize molecular surfaces with contin- The interactivity of the colormap enables the user to uous abstraction as spheres, balls-and-sticks as well visualize specific values of interest. This 2D colormap as ribbons with illustrative rendering. The colormap is utilized for localization and identification at the is applied to localize and identify different chemical same time. The user can localize regions of different elements for molecular spheres and front or back of joint variance classes(similar, dissimilar, and uncer- ribbons, and the colormap also better suits cartoon tain), and to identify the joint variance for each region. rendering as it has a pastel look. Meyer-Spradow et al. [69] design a combined 2D scalar and 3D glyph 4.2 Information Visualization visualization approach for multivariate single photon computed tomography (SPECT) with various multi- Information visualization deals with the visualization hue colormaps for efficient interactive detection of and analysis of data that does not have a physical coronary artery disease. The reason to have several location information. Since the field of information multihue colormaps is that values are shown on both visualization includes large amount of various visu- surface and glyphs. All these colormaps can help alization techniques, we discuss only important cate- with identification, while two of them also simultane- gories of work. ously fulfill the comparison task. Another colormap is designed for combined task of localization and 4.2.1 2D Plots and Matrices identification for visualizing wall thickness. Bachthaler and Weiskopf [6] introduce the continuous scatterplot with a sound mathematical model to map 4.1.2 Vector Field Visualization an n-D continuous data to an m-D density-based Lipsa et al. [63] visualize both the irregular grid and scatterplot, and an increasing luminance multihue path lines of 2D foam simulation data over multivari- colormap is utilized to show the scatterplot. The ate 2D scalar fields with several diverging colormaps colormap is logarithmic to give more color ranges to and a heat colormap. The diverging colormaps are a larger amount of samples. The colormap is used utilized to help with localization and identification to identify the density value of a point in the scat- for averaged attribute values across all time steps, terplot, and comparing regions of the plot. Torsney- and for the path visualization of bubbles. The heat Weir et al. [99] visualize the parameter space of image 15 segmentation algorithms with sequential colormaps colormap is used for comparing the differences be- from the ColorBrewer tool. User interactions are sup- tween two conditions. Brandes and Nick [17] apply ported for the colormaps to best visualize regions diverging colormaps for indegree of graph nodes and of interest. These colormaps aid the simultaneous popularity measurement for a matrix representation localization and comparison for the matrix of scatter- of gestaltlines to analyze asymmetric relations in lon- plots. Booshehrian et al. [13] propose a method for gitudinal social networks. A combined identification analysis of trade-offs, uncertainty and sensitivity in and localization task can be performed with the col- fisheries management decision-making. They design ormaps for the indegree of nodes. highly distinguishable colors for different scenarios as colored dots and plots. They also utilize discrete 4.2.3 High-dimensional Visualization colormaps on contour plots to show isocontour in- Heinrich and Weiskopf [47] propose the continuous terpolation for the simulation model. These discrete parallel coordinate plot, which is a density representa- colormaps enable easy identification and localization tion that reduces visual clutters for multivariate data, of different scenarios. Correll et al. [37] explore col- and they apply the same logarithmic increasing lumi- lections of tagged text for literary scholarship using nance multihue colormap as in [6] to visualize the fine an isoluminant multihue colormap to show different details in the density of the plot. Dietzsch et al. [38] genres (e.g., comedy, history and tragedy) for each apply a multihue colormap and a diverging colormap tagged word in a literature, a histogram-based per- to parallel coordinate plots and scatterplots to visu- tag card view for each literature as well as a 2D alize and analyze high-dimensional gene expression dimensional reduced scatterplot for all literatures. To data with statistics. The diverging colormap is used facilitate users who are familiar with existing tools, for localization, whereas the multihue colormap is the rainbow colormap is also included as an option in intended for identification. Holten and van Wijk [50] the tool. The colormaps are intended for identification evaluate cluster identification performance for differ- and localization of groups defined either by user, like ent parallel coordinate plot variants and apply both a genre, or by metadata such as composition year or discrete multihue colormap and a rainbow colormap author. to show the cluster density values of each method. Lehmann et al. [59] apply a multihue colormap for These colormaps are utilized for identification of den- scatterplot matrix and diverging colormaps for a set sity values of each cluster. Alsallakh et al. [1] propose of visually abstracted scatterplots, which the authors a novel contingency wheel visualization colored by compute from the original scatterplot. The diverging various types of colormaps, including diverging, qual- colormaps Lehmann et al. use are restricted to seven itative and sequential colormaps for different metrics items as this is a good distinguishable color scheme and incorporate the wheels with a star plot for visual suggested by Healey [45]. The multihue colormap is analytics of large categorical data. The colormaps are adopted for identifying items in the scatterplot matrix, applied to discrete data for a combined identification whereas the diverging colormaps are utilized for iden- and localization task. Comparison can also be per- tifying and localizing values in the visually abstracted formed for different groups as the colors are distinct. scatterplots. With the help of color mapping, the proposed approach allows interactive navigation and 4.2.4 Time Series selection to explore a large scatterplot matrix with more than 100 dimensions. Byron and Wattenberg [26] apply colormaps on dif- Tominski and Schumann [97] propose a visual- ferent categories of items in a stream graph to visu- ization approach for gene combinations where they alize a time series. These colormaps are intended for modify the conventional red-black-green colormap for identifying the category of a stream, and are designed genetics by adding saturation variations to represent with aesthetics in mind. Chan et al. [29] propose a the aggregated expression of a gene combination on visualization method for semantic structuring of a matrices. With this colormap, the user can identify time series of the classical music score. To avoid false and localize gene expressions in different gene com- emotions invoked by misleading colors, they design binations. a colormap based on colors of instruments to repre- sent different groups of instruments in a layer braid visualization and the colormap is also interactive to 4.2.2 Graphs allow customization. With the colormap, identification Barsky et al. [8] use both traditional and colorblind- of different instrument groups can be easily done. The friendly ColorBrewer colormaps for gene expression authors also take aesthetics into account for colormap data overlay on the layout of graphs in a biological design. Bruckner and Moller [25] apply a categorical context to facilitate system biologists’ exploration and ColorBrewer colormap to show cluster timelines of analysis of a biological system model. One colormap simulation sequences. Colors in the colormap are is used for localizing and identifying expression val- distinct, and therefore, users can easily identify the ues of nodes in multiple conditions, whereas another cluster number of an item and localize all items of a 16 cluster. Javed et al. [53] apply a blue-white-red diverg- than one type of colormap for different data or tasks ing colormap that is similar to Moreland’s colormap in their visualizations. Furthermore, many works, for and a multihue colormap for a horizon graph and example, [14], [69], [6], [37], [59], [8], require combined braided graph for visualizing multiple time series tasks to be performed with a single colormap. Also, simultaneously. These colormaps are utilized for si- aesthetics is an important goal for colormaps, and at multaneous identification and localization of items in least [26], [29] explicitly declare these as their goals. horizon graphs or braided graphs. In all 24 works adopting existing colormaps, 16 papers ([14], [114], [102], [87], [99], [25], [59], [8], [17], 4.2.5 Spatial-temporal Data [38], [1], [53], [2], [7], [39]) apply colormaps from Andrienko et al. [2] colorize self-organizing maps the ColorBrewer tool [44], 3 papers ([49], [54], [63]) with ColorBrewer and customized colormaps for utilize the colormap designed by Moreland [73], 4 space-in-time and time-in-space visualizations to dis- papers ([68], [63], [1], [38]) use the black body or cover and explore high-level patterns of multivariate heat colormap, i.e., the black to red to yellow or spatiotemporal data. The ColorBrewer colormaps are white colormap, 1 paper [5] adopts the isoluminant adopted for combined identification and localization multihue colormap proposed by Kindlmann et al. [55] task on the geospatial images, whereas the customized and 5 papers utilize the rainbow colormap. For the colormap is designed to identify cells of geospatial 18 papers with originally designed colormaps, col- data and to distinguish from the ColorBrewer maps. ormaps from [101], [13] are similar to the ColorBrewer In [7], Bak et al. use sequential colormaps on 2D colormaps, whereas [69], [6], [59], [47] utilize lumi- sensor matrix and growth ring maps for analyzing nance increasing multihue colormaps, and [54], [97], spatiotemporal sensor logs. A sequential colormap is [26], [29], [37] design multihue colormaps with the used for simultaneous identification and comparison issues of standard rainbow colormap in mind. for visualizing the sensor matrix. Multiple Color- Interestingly, 5 papers ([68], [69], [37], [50]) adopt Brewer sequential colormaps are adopted for identi- the rainbow colormap. However, these are results of fying different ring maps. Dykes and Brunsdon [39] application domain conventions rather than arbitrary introduce geographically weighted maps and apply choice, e.g., Correll et al. [37] design a isoluminant sequential and diverging colormaps on geographical multihue colormap but users of their tool prefer to views and scalograms to show statistics with spatial have the option of the rainbow colormap as their information to facilitate decision-making. These aid familiarity with the colormap can contribute to gain- combined identification and localization of discrete ing insight into their data. In another case, Borkin map data for various statistics. Tominski et al. [98] et al. [14] use the rainbow colormap in their user propose a stacking-based visualization to show multi- studies and report that the rainbow colormap reduces variate trajectory attribute data on geographical maps. the time for finding features of interest but increases Two discrete diverging colormaps from the Color- the error of misidentifying these features compared Brewer tool are applied to the trajectory attribute to a diverging colormap. Regardless, authors of these data as well as a star plot for analyzing trajectory works are fully aware of the issues of rainbow col- behaviors. The colormaps are intended for combined ormaps and cite the rainbow colormap paper by identification and localization of a trajectory attribute, Borland et al. [16]. Eleven papers ([14], [68], [114], [63], for example, speed. Lampe and Hauser [57] colorize [51], [99], [8], [1], [29], [2], [98]) allow users to edit their kernel density estimation-based visualizations colormaps to explore or highlight regions of interest with sequential colormaps similar to those from the in their data. Five papers ([68], [63], [51], [6], [47]) uti- ColorBrewer tool for visualizing streaming data of lize colormaps specifically tailored to highlight small maritime vessel trajectories and air traffic in real-time features in data. Moreover, 2 papers ([59], [8]) include on the GPU. The colormaps are used to compare colorblind-friendly colormaps in their applications. different trajectory regions. 5 CHALLENGESIN COLORMAP RESEARCH 4.3 Summaries of Application Papers From the taxonomy and the analysis of applications Among the 33 papers in this section, 24 papers adopt that explicitly discuss colormaps, we are able to iden- colormaps designed by methods already proposed, tify several directions for future research of colormap- 18 papers introduce original colormaps specifically ping. designed for the applications and 9 papers use both Perceptual issues in colormapping are very impor- existing colormaps and original colormaps. By an- tant as colors can change appearance due to its envi- alyzing tasks associated with the colormaps, many ronment, and therefore, perceptual colormaps should applications utilize colormaps to carry out multiple take into consideration spatial information of the col- tasks. They use multiple colormaps to cope with these orized data. While the simultaneous contrast effect tasks, 16 papers ([14], [68], [54], [69], [63], [101], [87], has been recently studied [58], [70] many more effects [99], [59], [38], [1], [53], [2], [39], [7], [98]) utilize more need to be examined. 17

Fig. 10. Representative works in visualization that conduct good practices for colormapping. The works are classified based on the type of data they visualize. Copyright IEEE. 18

Multivariate colormaps are not widely used due data to applying rules based on the nature of data to the limited number of colors human discern as and tasks, and then to more intelligent data-driven well as the color appearance phenomena. However, approaches as the state-of-the-art. We propose a tax- visualizing multivariate data has become increasingly onomy for the colormap generation papers as a de- important with demands for high dimensional map- cision tree that supports readers in finding papers pings which can highlight multivariate trends. which share similar types of data or tasks as in their From a task point of view, as we can see in applications. Fundamentals of color spaces including Section 4, most real-world visualization applications color appearance models are also briefly introduced require multiple tasks to be conducted for different in the paper. visualizations, and in many cases, combined tasks can We summarize papers that explicitly discuss the use utilize a single colormap. From a task point of view, as of colormaps, and we analyze the tasks associated we can see in Section 4, most real-world visualization with the colormaps in these papers. Users can refer applications require multiple tasks to be conducted, to papers which share similar types of data or tasks and in many cases, combined tasks can utilize a single as in their applications accordingly. We identify some colormap. More metrics and tools should be proposed possible directions for future work. We believe our to fulfill other combined tasks. paper can be a valuable contribution to the visualiza- There are many rules to guide users and there exist tion community and may inspire more investigations optimization methods to improve colormaps for the into the topic of colormapping. data. These methods typically require that the user has the knowledge of both the data and color percep- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tion principles which can be a problem for domain users who usually know only the former. Therefore, The authors would like to thank the anonymous it is desirable to have an automatic, or semi-automatic, reviewers for their constructive comments that sig- approach to intelligently determine the appropriate nificantly improved our manuscript. This research colormap for given data based on colormapping rules, was partially supported by the Department of En- and analysis of the data. Furthermore, this method ergy, National Nuclear Security Administration, un- should be able to learn from domain experts regarding der Award Number(s) DE-NA0002375, the DOE Sci- what is relevant. DAC Institute of Scalable Data Management Analysis Aesthetics are important for all types of visualiza- and Visualization DOE DE-SC0007446, NIH: Fluoren- tions, but only few works have explicitly considered der: An Imaging Tool for Visualization and Analysis aesthetics as a goal. Aesthetics can sometimes conflict of Confocal Data as Applied to Zebrafish Research, with colormapping rules and domain conventions. R01-GM098151-01 and NSF ACI-1339881, NSF IIS- How to create aesthetically pleasing colormaps that 1162013. This work was also partially supported by still provide insight into data is an important research DFG within SFB 716/D.5. direction. Semantics-driven colormapping may be able to im- REFERENCES prove the performance of users on tasks they carry out. 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