Clinical and Molecular Genetic Aspects of Leber's Congenital
Clinical and Molecular Genetic Aspects 10 of Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis Robert Henderson, Birgit Lorenz, Anthony T. Moore | Core Messages of about 2–3 per 100,000 live births [119, 50]. ∑ Leber’s congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a It occurs more frequently in communities severe generalized retinal dystrophy which where consanguineous marriages are common presents at birth or soon after with nystag- [128]. mus and poor vision and is accompanied by a nonrecordable or severely attenuated ERG 10.1.1 ∑ As some forms are associated with better Clinical Findings vision during childhood and nystagmus may be absent, a wider definition is early LCA is characterized clinically by severe visual onset severe retinal dystrophy (EOSRD) impairment and nystagmus from early infancy with LCA being the most severe form associated with a nonrecordable or substantial- ∑ It is nearly always a recessive condition but ly abnormal rod and cone electroretinogram there is considerable genetic heterogeneity (ERG) [32, 31, 118]. The pupils react sluggishly ∑ There are eight known causative genes and and, although the fundus appearance is often three further loci that have been implicated normal in the early stages,a variety of abnormal in LCA/EOSRD retinal changes may be seen. These include pe- ∑ The phenotype varies with the genes ripheral white dots at the level of the retinal pig- involved; not all are progressive. At present, ment epithelium, and the typical bone-spicule a distinct phenotype has been elaborated pigmentation seen in retinitis pigmentosa. for patients with mutations in RPE65 Other associated findings include the ocu- ∑ Although LCA is currently not amenable to lodigital sign, microphthalmos, enophthalmos, treatment, gene therapy appears to be a ptosis, strabismus, keratoconus [28], high re- promising therapeutic option, especially fractive error [143],cataract,macular coloboma, for those children with mutations in RPE65 optic disc swelling, and attenuated retinal vas- culature.
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