600022745Q THE PURSUIVANT OF ARMS. i-y &JttHtmorial Gkt^ip^ .of Xnjm Beamfert Dttk of JStmo? i'iom Ms Garter Hale in S! @torg# Compel, Wratyi'tfr ^r Ji. Haxdmcfce, .192 Piccadilly. i»« April 1859." THE PURSUIVANT OF ARMS; OK, HERALDRY FOUNDED UPON EACTS. BY J. R. PLANCH E, Rouge Croix. " My attempt is not of presumption to teach (I myself having most need to be taught), but only to the intent that gentlemen who seek to know all good things and would have an entry into this, may not And here a thing expedient, but rather, a poor help thereto." Leigh's Accedence op Armorie. NEW EDITION. WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. LONDON: ROBERT HARDWICKE, 192, PICADILLY. AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. M<rq 2/<9. a,, 4-6- TO SIR CHARLES GEORGE YOUNG, Knt, GARTER KING OF ARMS, &c. &c. &c. DEAR SIR CHARLES, I have much pleasure in inscribing this little volume to you. + .„. A personal acquairi,tarice-""©f /nearly five and twenty years might, of itself, have entitled me to the privilege of thus expressing my respefct Jor an able antiquary, and esteem for a woTflpJ^mmi : but as Garter King of Arms, you have a double claim to this trifling tribute, independently of that of private friendship : Firstly, as the principal officer of a Corporation to which my best thanks are due for the courtesy of all, and the assistance of many of its members. Secondly, as one of that body, most competent to judge of the difficulties which beset the study of Heraldic Antiquities, and the real value of the results of such labour.
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