
How does SKA1 compare with the world’s biggest ?

SKA1 LOW SKA1 MID Lovell Effelsberg Germany 2 2 UK 419,000m 33,000m 4,500m2 7,800m2 ~130,000 antennas ~200 dishes 76m dish 100m dish

n io t a is n a g r A O K : S A to K Pho S ASKAP

: it Australian SKA Pathfinder, Australia d e s r e C k


2 u J MWA . Murchison Widefield Array, Australia 4,000m N / R If P 2 36 dishes M : to 2,500m o P r h h e P o st to e : ch 2048 antennas JB an

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Low Frequency Array for Radio i A




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, Netherlands a


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o e 2 N F J b o / N / R O 52,000m T O I S

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i O o A r R C / f I : h S o P O M 34,000 antennas A C t L o A : Ph A h to R : t ho N to u P : ho o to P S o h n P A o ti K a S is : n o a t g o r h O P KA S it: GMRT ed Giant Metrewave Radio , India Cr 48,000m2 SRT 30 dishes MeerKAT Parkes Sardinia Radio GBT South Africa Australia Telescope, Italy , USA 2 2 2 2 I U 7,800m 9,000m A 3,200m 3,200m / O A R 64 dishes N 64m dish 64m dish 100m dish

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FAST ALMA JVLA NRT Five Hundred Meter Aperture Arecibo Atacama Large Millimeter/ Karl G. , USA Nancay , France Spherical Telescope, China Puerto Rico , Chile n e s s A 2 , 2 2 2 2 to Fo 42,000m - 13,200m 7,000m 71,000m 6,500m op T o: ot Ph 27 dishes 300m x 35m 500m dish 305m dish 66 dishes antenna

C red it: NA OC ARRAYS SINGLE DISHES At 110 MHz Pho to: H . Sc R hw F eik I er -T /W A I R oastronomi YN C adi e d N e r e N a : d a nd to n n o io ca N h t y O P ta A S O : / o A t U o R LOW MID h HIGH A P NON-STEERABLE / N S FREQUENCIES FREQUENCIES F FREQUENCIES

The (SKA) will be the world's largest radio A telescope's capacity to receive faint signals - called sensitivity - depends on its The collecting area is just one aspect of a telescope’s capability though. Arrays telescope, revolutionising our understanding of the . The SKA will be collecting area, the bigger the better. But just like you can't compare radio like the SKA have an advantage over single dish telescopes: by being spread built in two phases - SKA1 and SKA2 - starting in 2018, with SKA1 telescopes and optical telescopes, comparison only works between telescopes over long distances, they simulate a virtual dish the size of that distance and so representing a fraction of the full SKA. SKA1 will include two instruments - working in similar frequencies, hence the different categories above. can see smaller details in the sky, this is called resolution. SKA1 MID and SKA1 LOW - observing the Universe at different frequencies.