Astro2020 APC White Paper Panel on Radio, Millimeter, and Submillimeter Observations from the Ground The Case for a Fully Funded Green Bank Telescope Brief Description [350 character limit]: The NSF has reduced its funding for peer-reviewed use on the GBT to ~3900 hours/year, 60% of available science time. This greatly increases the telescope pressure & fragments the schedule, making it very difficult to allocate time for even the highest rated projects planned for the next decade. Here we seek funding for 1500 more hours annually. Principal Author: K. O’Neil (Green Bank Observatory;
[email protected]) Co-authors: Felix J Lockman (Green Bank Observatory), Filippo D'Ammando (INAF-IRA Bologna), Will Armentrout (Green Bank Observatory), Shami Chatterjee (Cornell University), Jim Cordes (Cornell University), Martin Cordiner (NASA GSFC), David Frayer (Green Bank Observatory), Luke Zoltan Kelley (Northwestern University), Natalia Lewandowska (West Virginia University), Duncan Lorimer (WVU), Brian Mason (NRAO), Maura McLaughlin (West Virginia University), Tony Mroczkowski (European Southern Observatory), Hooshang Nayyeri (UC Irvine), Eric Perlman (Florida Institute of Technology), Bindu Rani (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Dominik Riechers (Cornell University), Martin Sahlan (Uppsala University), Ian Stephens (CfA/SAO), Patrick Taylor (Lunar and Planetary Institute), Francisco Villaescusa- Navarro (Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute) Endosers: Esteban D. Araya (Western Illinois University), Hector Arce (Yale