After Perfect I Tomorrow from 3 to 5 P.M
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MSMSMirnc'. ■•■f ---------- ■Vf-Ls—..- \ .. \ J J '■ ■ . ■ . r . ■ ___ . ' ■ I , I ! ‘ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1«6$ PAGE FOURTEEN •-W iianrlffatpr lEoftting l|praI2 Average Dally Net Press Run For the Week Ended The Weather Fehniary 1, 1958 Forecaat of C. S. Weather Biiriaa The weekly meeting of the Man The Rev. Carl J. Webb, rector of Navy Ens. John C. Reed, son of Joseph c l Nemchick, a freshman Albert Hekvlstdes, 57 Baldwin chester Squadron of Civil Air Pa St.’ James Episcopal Church, Glas Mrs. Harold M. Reed, 132 Walker at Nichols Junior College, Dudley, Rd„ and Miss Bernice Juul, 99 « About Town trol, USAF,, will be held Wednes tonbury, will be the speaker' at the St., graduated Jan. 24 from the Mass., is on the honor roll at the East Center Stl, attended an alL PICK UP 12,640 Cloudy, not eo cold tonlghL haw day at the American Legion Home. meeting of the Ladles Aid Society Navy Officer Candidate School kt college. The. son of Mr. and Mrs. day 'session of the' State Hkir- Hava ytfur doefer phona Member of the Audit near 25. Tyunday cloudy, occaaloa- th)« to *n overBight on the part: of the Buckingham Congregational dressers Guild, Unit No. 1 of / W of the committee In charge,, the Instructions in First Aid will be Newport, R. I. He is a graduate of Joseph Nemchick. 70 Indian Dr:, PKOKi Burenu o f arculntton al light snow or rain. High fai 99a. j given starting at 7 p.m. for three Church, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Augustana College, Rock ’Island, he formerly attended Mt. St. Hartford, Sunday, at the Waverly name of Mrs. Charlea .lacobaon' Hostesses will bg Mrs. Dwight A. Iijn, cKeahire. Final plans were iM year proseripfieii and M anche»ter--‘A City df Village Charm was omitted from the list of panel hours. Members are also reminded 111. Charles Academy, PeeksklU Mili that It will be “ Recruit Night.” Blish and Mrs. Albert R. Harten- tary Academy, Windham High made fdr the formal dinner, dance ^ members who will take • part in a . and ____ stein. Gilbert Berry, industrial rela School, BucknslI and the ynlver- 4vnd. '-candlelight installktion of wt wiN promptly doiivar it race relations panel at Center VOL. LXXVII. NO. 107 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECl'IONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1958 (ClaMlfled AdverttOng on Pago 99) Manchester Grange will hold ak tions manager of the Royal Mc- sity of Fribourg. stkte, 'Officers, Feb. 10; at the PRICE FIVE CENTS Church on Feb. 17. It was also lyaverly Inn, mi to ymir homa. erroneously reported that Mrs.' Bee Corp., will give a summary of the past month's programs con The monthly meeting of the Jay Rubinow would he a panel ,at 8 " “ me^t at the Holmes Funeral Home member, whereas actually A tty.' will also be open house an* neigh-, p. 7 .^^ tonight to pay respects to cerning labor and management BrltlsH-Amerlcan Club will be held Oittwd Parish Chapter, DAR, will problems at the meeting of the Kl- at the clubhouse tonight at £ n.eet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Rubinow will participate. j bors night. , m Alexander Madden, who was a M l l - t M t business meeting the pro^am will ember of the Iddge wanls Club, Thursday ' at 12:15 o'clock. ''Members are advised to at the ho'me of Mrs, Hermann Tie- p.m., at the Manchester Country register for ladies’ night, Feb. 22, manm 189 8 . Slain St. Mrs, Don LIGGETT "Disarmament and International ; be open to friends^ of the mem- " bers, -Walter Jacoby, a member Club. and to decure their dues cards. ald ^ 8^, state chairmat. of ap Recurity" will be discus.sed at a Delta Chapter, No. 51, Royal proved schools,' will talk on "Ap series of four meetings, the first of ■ and consultant on agricultural ed- for FR EE i ucation for the state, will talk Arch Masons, will copfer the Most St. Anne’s Mothers Circle will Past matrons of Temple Chap proved Schools." Hostesses will be REXALL DRUG which will be held V'eb. 14, at the Excellent Msster degree at Its reg Hiss Marlon Waahbiirn, Mrs. Her Service Bureau of Women's Or- 1 about the Future Farmers of meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the- ter, No. 53r Order of Eastern Star, ' America. Refreshments will be ular meeting tomorrow night at home of Mrs. Gordon'Todd. 182 will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at bert Robb and Mrs. Martin Alvord. ■ganlzations. 956 Main St.. Hart 7 :30 in the Masonic Temple. High DELIVERY ford. Other meetings wiH be held served by Mr, and Mrs. Sidney McKee St. Co-hosteases will be Mrs.' the home of Mrs. 'Viola Trotter, 15 Cushman and their committtee. priest Stanley H. Steiner is ar John Prior and Mrs. William BeqU. Bigelow St. Hostesses will be Mrs. The Alpina Society will m ^ t to on Feb. 28. March 14 and 28, frojii ranging for a social hour and re 10:30 a.m. to 2;3Q p.m. in tlie club- A sale of hofnemade cookies will Mildred Harrison and Mrs. morrow night at the Italian Ameri freshments following the meeting. follow the meeting. Florence Thornton. can Club at 7:80. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays rooms. Ever>*one is yelcome to at Members' of the Lutz Junior tend. and may make hmcheon re.s- Museum League will serve as ervatlons with the Service Bureau. hostessces for the first open house After Perfect I tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. at the St. Elizabeth's Mothers Circle i mu.seum at the Waddell School. will meet at the home of Mrs. Mi Students and members of the fami chael Massaro. 57 White St., lies of the Buckland and South Wednesday night at 8:15, The co- Schools have been invited to attend. hostess will be Mrs, William Gallo. Feb. 12 is the dale for families of FCC Chief Ik e Plans Bowers School pupils. Fuel Leak to Blame Dakota Council. No. 61. Degree REPORTING ON 19S7 of Pocahontas, will meet Wednes Mrs. I.«roy Aspinwall, 43 Wood- In Squabble day night at 7:.30 in Odd Fellows bridge St. district deputy jresident m No Defense Hall A social hour will be held and her staff from Sunset Rebekah after the meeting. l.«dge. will install the officers of For Rocket Breakup Myriad Rebekah Lodge of Stafford I M a Continuing demand from commercial airlines and the armed forees for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft’s jet and piston At Hearing Space Shift Springs tomorrow evening. ■ l a w 1 / W W I I w l a a enginw kept production levels high during 1957 despite industry-wide military cutbacks and production stretchouts. e Cape Canaveral, Fla., Feb. 5 (/P) — The Navy’s second At the 7:30 service tomorrovv eve Washington, Feb. 5 </P)— Wa.shington, Feb. 5 (/P)— Members of a House subcom ■Vanguard satellite rocket roared skyward today but ended NATHAN HALE ning in the Covenant Congregation- President Eisenhower .said to just like the first— in a fiery explosion. PTA j al Church. Pastor Ejnar Rask will mittee and their chief counsel. day Secretary of Mc- • present the first of two talks, en Dr. Bernard Schwartz, clashed Sixty seconds after a beautiful takeoff at 2:33 a.m., the titled "Home Mission Echoes from >4 ' Elroy will direct all outer publicly today when Shwartz bullet-shaped Vanguard wobbled crazily, broke into two piecei the 1958 Ministers' Ashram at space programs in the defense and was destroyed by the test range safety officer. Woodstock," which he attended challenged the credibility of department at this time. If the flight had succeeded, the Navy would have put last week. Choir practice will fol FCC Chairman John C. Doer- Eisenhower told his news con low at 8:45 p.m. fer. ference the scientists who are ad a tiny “ moon” into orbit with the Army’s Explorer, which SALE Doerfer Is on* of five Federal vising him expect to work out a was fired aloft Friday by the Jupiter-C missile. Secretary of State Mildred Al Communications Commission program of outer space develop But the Vanguard climbed only about 20,000 feet into len will speak at the annual Mary (P'OCi ntcmbers against whom ments which they’ believe are pos a cold, starry sky before the safety officer, R. D. Stephens, THURSDAY, JAN 6 Lyon dinner of the Hartford Mount sible and probable. Schwartz and his aides have made pressed the button that blew it apart and sent it plunging Hol.voke College Club Feb. 13. The accumUoM of personal misconduct. He said this program will be J. W. Halt, 9;30 a.m. meeting, vviiich honors the birth Doerfer was testifying for the distinct from projects in toward the ocean in fiercely blazing fragments. day of the founder o the oldest third straight day before a House the space Held. So Soviet Russia, h a v i n g’*- --------- college for women in the United Commerca. subcommittee Investi ..’The defense program will be launched two aputniks. still holds States, will be held at 6 p.m. at gating the' big federal regulatory pushed under the direction of Mc- a numericsi lead in the race ‘"IgcieiltistsSee Les Shaw's Restaura ,t, 964 Farm agencies. He has defended as legsl Elroy and his assistants, the pres solve the fascinating secrets of{ ington Ave., West Hartford. and proper his acceptance at ident said. outer apace. .Sputnik disintegrated Jan, 4 but Sputnik II.