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Wall flippé, Dam’s au Théâtre- été 2001 - montage BD

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0,00 F Octobre/Novembre 2001

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LES NIOUZES pas le droit de tricher!) D ’ O N C L E R A G O T S Bracquouille Valéo style 2001: N e ws by Coupe au carré with teinture Mimo noir, chemise hawaienne, short Les inscriptions pour le grand rouge, Globe 35 moizi 2002 ont débuté. Price Franck part money, un magnum de vomi à la Aprés le port du (voile) Tchador, c o n q u ê t e «pour ou contre le port de la Un été with Homer & jojo, tu te de la femme barbe à l’école?» fais pas de meufs (pourtant c pas à Bordeaux, il les groupies qui manquent, hein va pouvo i r On aurait vu King-Kong pointer à Zeb !) cacher son passé l’ANPE depuis la destruction du honteux a ses nou- World Trade Center. Mais que fai- Enfin du sk8 & toujours Zeb : veaux amis. (Sero n t - i l s sait Superman? bluntslide shove- dupes ?) EDITO it 360 à toute CONCERTO IN PARIS CAPITAL by BD vitesse à la gare Donger from Cambodgia flies r o u t i é r e with héléna from polska. Je t’at- 30.oct Bugge wesseltoff 132fr (le trabendo) Les news (comme dans les 31.oct Trouble maker 110fr (le trabendo) d’Oncle ragot, tend chez H&m ! vidéos NLDR) 01.nov Magic Malik 110fr (le trabendo) encore des L’hiver arrive (quoique y s’press 13 nov Roots manuva 157fr (le bataclan) news, Blondin l’italien une kronik pas!), rangez les planches à rou- 14-17 nov Ceux qui marchent debout 58 du chskate vidéo... lettes, sortez les play s t a s t i o n s 110fr (le trabendo) la vie d’ailleurs une battue au mange 26 27 28 nov Erik truffaz 154fr Etienne aurait continue au QG boulon sera organizée pour célé- 02 dec Burning heads 89fr (plan Ris orangis) du FTBX crew. été vu en train brer la trève hivernale. 19 dec Napalm death 89 frs Le roman de faire la sortie photo du lycée jeanne tant hachette... à suivre attendu Il est comment fonzy ? sera là la Qui est venu en 1er, l’oeuf ou la prochaine C h é p e r, y pourr a poule? fois. jamais se trouver une On attend vos Manager of the year du malbouf: meuf avec 2 seins Aprés chéper ka eu son bac, articles, si vous Blondin. gauches pouvez pas Dam’s ka réussi son deug, Donger Si tu est sans emploi, que tu aime venir, envoyez réïtére une niéme fois le deug l’exploitation et que l’argent c pas Citation : Tu bats les oeufs en les par email artiste du plastik. (voir la couver- ta priorité, alors inscrit toi!! neige pour faire monter la mayon- ture) naise. A bientôt Découverte scientifique : Chéper à 2 mains gauches, alors qu’il est Damien (Dong brother) veut faire droitier (pas facile la vie). le métier de cop sont nom Derrik Hunter. Pion of the year : Dam’s (il aadooore les enfants) Y’en a qu’on un métier, d’autres qui construisent une maison cf Pour ou contre le string? (Ca Lud au BIJ. dépend des fesses) Mimo chomeur free lance, Pour ceux qui aurait vu Ben laden vit SA vie. Mimo est un tricheur. Si il vous c/o Homer. Un FTBX en couleur propose une partie de Risk© ou à gagner ! Artist 2001 : jean bozart de Monopoly© dites NON ! (c pas marqué dans la régle que t’as p2 suite & fin p3

rats morts kom nous... (C pas vrai dès Trotinette : passez pour un has- EWS fois, y a du monde le soir au théâtre, been, faites de la trotinette. La mode a appellé aussi la 3ème division ou pro- même pas tenue un an ! NBY ZEB & BD motion d'honneur rapport au niveau de skate NDLR) Info de potes : Stef aka Steuf One aka chambre37 aka Niveau : blondin fé des flips front en ..... a un new email : chambre37@ifran- Mini-rampe Allonne : mini et ça merite d'être dit...... Envoyez lui un p'tit message On a l'impression d'être dans une autre cela va lui faire plaisir ! dimension... un ptit en parlant a zeb : Bobo : dong a mal au pied pour la "Eh toi, tu fait pas les xgames a bvs ??" xieme fois Artiste maudit: Mimo se prend pour Buckowski, y Info ou intox P l a y s t a t i o n : le jeu To n y haw k manquerait plus qu’il se mette à écrire. va p'tet y avoir une big a bvs du même (THPS) III c pour bientôt, on commen- fabricant ke la rampe de allonne "sour- ce a chauffer les play 0ne et 2 Entendu au BIJ ce: les ptits d'alonne... les gars ki ont «A l’Elispace, y a rien à dire» Yeah, top installé la mini leur auraient dit kilau- La coupolle = Julien + hang'up en moumoute ! raient vendu un big à bvs...... montant l'EMB Bientôt une FNAC Loose : Session o Bronx spot derrière la à Beauvais, avec les 100000 habitants et Franck a pété encore un axe en roulant cathédrale) : les 300000 vaches ! dans la mini d'alonne : le truck aurait Dam's : nollie , ro c k s l i d e , ■ pété sous le poid du traitage de julien noseslideZeb (aka le p'tit con): pivot, ki, il faut le dire, n'arrétait pas. nose-grind (avec presk sortie shove it)Blondin : tentative backside tailslide Virtual réality : hmmmmmm...... un extreme glisse Nouveau spot de sk8 à Persan : show imaginaire... y a environ 6 ou 7 curbs juste après le centre commercial et en face des dits News de Voici : curbs on trouve des barres d'a peu pres Etienne sort avec audrey 30cm de haut, donc de quoi bien Seuls ??? tout le monde a repris les rider!!!` cours, y a plus personne à Bvs apar les

Une petite rubrique résultat de contests, ba ouais faut bien parler 3- Tas Pappas un peu de sk8: Best trick rampe: 1- Matt Dove ( fakie pop shove-it indy 720) 2- ( ze 900) 3- Bob Burnquist ( switch backside flip-indy 360) En plus y a et un best trick de street a la LOVE PLACE et c’est Kerry Getz qui l’ a remporté et en ce concerne la rampe : en double Où on pouvait voir une bonne aire de street c’est encore Hawk et Mac Do qui ont gagné! avec un méga bowl en plein milieu et avec de jolis quarters toutt autour pour faire des beaux transferts; et y ‘ avait aussi Autre résultat celui du X- une énorme vert (vu le budget qui devait y avoir c pa tres etonnant) B OX wo rld sk8 contest Alors pour ce qui est des results: 2001: 1 - Bastien (qui termine son run Park: par flip rockslide back sur un rail 1- Rodil de Araujo Jr de 12 marches) 2 - Kerry Getz 2 - Koston 3 - Caine Gayle 3 - Ed Rampe: 4 - Colt Canon 1- Bob Burnquist 5 - De Andrades 2 - Bucky Lasek ■ Franck VIDEO tapes uzzle 13

Bon ben nous revoila. Encore une kronike k7 R E P O RT S : U. S . A , skateboardistique A l l e m a g n e , Espagne : guy c pas la bonne ! Cette fois c la puzzle 13 ke je viens d'acheter. kampfen, hölger krösik… pas Alors mercredi, je passe à Paris plus precise- trop de français puis juilian à P ment à "Street bidule" et a la "Wear" pour des Barça… trucks mé il me reste un peu de thunes alors EVENT: EUROCUP MALMOE (Suède) kom a ce ki parait elle est teribb!! Elle va ravire le park déchire ça vaudrait le coup d'y faire un les rappers et les techs, mais à bvs ils sont pas tour kar le park…………….. il paraît mieux ke tres présent. zumiez (même si j'y é jamais mis les pieds) des Voilà un coup de cash et rien ken rails partout sur la pyra tous bas et accessibles. mattant la jaquette je kroi kom- Ça fé réve r. Carlos de andre a d e , Po n t u s , prendre le niveau de la video. De Florentin Mafaing et jj Rousseau forment le toute façon, ça fait du bien à la quatuor de tête du contest. Sven est présent motive NDLR : ya toujours besoin aussi. les results : de motiv'. 1Carlos 2 jj 3 Pontus enfin je crois mais chu Bon g hesité entre les pas sur. ca va meiux ! prod americaines et les EUROCUP MUNICH (germa- ptits européens mais en ce moment ny) : Park assez froid d'aspect. Il a l'ameérique se porte mal, alors c au l'air bien mé c pas ca, je bloke un profit des ptis europeens à ki j'ache- peu, je c pas c chelou. Pas grand te la cassette. La 411 37 avais pas chose à dire sur le niveau. Kom d'hab l'air top : "Day in a life cab" ça calme koi. direct… mé y avait report in France R E P O RT SUISSE : pare i l d e s

Espagne. Donc 130 francs et 2h de Ronnie ! bons spots un niveau, pas de com- train + tard, chu posté devant ma mentaires particuliers. (à part Sven télé et…………………. ptit run avec un nollie flip nose 360 shovit out) PUTAIN j'hallucine……………………….. TOUR LORDZ SQUA R E ( d a n e m a r k Ca commence par un jumble (sorte de chaos). ;Allemagne) : Jb, Lluy Pa, Stéph Larance…. du Putain ça fé mal.. Kan on dit ke les ricains les + niveau je kiffe bien Jb Gillet. Y a du matrakage forts ; chu pas si sur… un nom à retenir en de curb, de pyras par Thibaut Fradin…… tout cas c sven kilchenmann, suedois ou suisse PUB je c pas c l'new Arto Saari skate a Barça un peu FOCUS FLORENTIN MARFAING partout ils font tout et sont bien fort (ex Presenté par Salabanzi qui speak english well. Il William Phan run à Berçy : flip-five-o, nollie é fort mé se la pete trop a mon gout, je vous hellflip, flip nose grind back.) Les européens laisse voir c lui ki fini la vidéo c pas pour rien. nikent les ricains c clair enfin une partie on le A noter un gars ki se baigne a poil dans les bas- dira jamais assez. La musike ressemble fort à sins du Dôme pendant ke Florentin fait nollie celle du chaos de la 411 n°46. Les spots sont noseslide sur le ledge. trop bien même en France y a des trucs pas mal FIN je c pas ou mé ya des trucs a aller voir ça paraît Bon ben c fini 2,3 chutes et voilà. pafait ou preske. Ca donne envie. Y a tous les Pour 130 f 30 min de skate aproximative ca va européens du moment. a peu près, le filmmage c pas du 411 mé ça les vaut je trouve. Ensuite PUB. Lordz hommage à Bastien World Championship 2000/2001, 411 cliché… un peu C you soon. de tout……. Zeb reporter, le 13/09/01 p4 BD par F. Bégnez pompée sur le site de UI FABRIQUE QUOI ? Edpolenta voir liens dans la rubrique Q potes des archives-ftbx infos de ;-) Seulement trois marques fabriquent leurs propres plateaux : Santa Cruz, Powell et Acme, les autres font appel à des fabricants. C'est pour cela que vous retrou- verez des similitudes entre certaines boards. • Ps-Stix fabrique pour : Girl, Alien, Workshop, Plan B, Platinium, New Deal, Element, Mad Circle, Planet earth, Rhytm • Taylor fabrique pour : Chocolate, Expedition, Real Stereo, Think, Birdhouse, Hook-Up's, Anti-Hero, Invisible • Watson fabrique pour : Toy Machine, Zero, Maple, Foundation, 23 , Cartel Skateboards, Street Machine • Prime Wood fabrique pour : World Industrie, Blind, Shorty's, Flip, Prime • Clearwood fabrique pour : Capital, Silverstar, FTC • Mervin Manufacture fabrique pour : Lib Technologie • E-Deck fabrique pour : E.Deck, Magic Mushroom, Exagone, Five 0 Skateshop, Heel Skateshop • Woodshuck Laminate fabrique pour : Premium Skateboards, Siro c c o Skateboards

Jeux concours lequel de ces personnages ne fait pas partie du DBSC, répon- se sur le http://dbsc.multima- Une binouze à gagner !

p5 Tom - Allonne - été 2001 - tof : Donger p6 Le nouveau portail sur le web du FTBXsk8zine Sur le net... Le Web : les archives : Le chat : l’email : [email protected] p7 ici les news en américain qu’on va bientôt retrouver dans les mags français This Is The News October 2001 By Kevin Marks attention lecture de l’américain indispensable

This Is The News Fuenzalida, Jeremy Virginia, and the Chris Cole, John Rattray, behind Ronnie Creager. Rick McCrank spent five 10.23.01 Rogers, and Scotty Carolinas. Team mem- Sam Baptista, and Tom Check Paul out wearing days on the long road Tuesday October 23, Moore. bers consisted of Keith P e n n y. On October 19 Diakka watches and from Vancouver, Canada 2001 by Kevin Marks Hufnagel, Jeron Wilson, and 20, 2001 Videoradio Dragon sunglasses, to Oceanside, California Volcom is located at Daniel Castillo, Kerry premiered at the which just added him to to compete in the Vans San Jose meets 1740 Monrovia Avenue in Getz, Anthony of Ta m p a , their rosters. Look for Triple Crown contest. In Huntington Beach! Costa Mesa, California. Pappalardo, and a new Phase II in Milwaukee, additional footage of Paul his Volvo V70 station Caswell Berry just joined Check for am edition Jeremy Wisconsin, Brothers in the upcoming wagon, driving with his the Toy Machine roster. more info, or contact Rodges from the shop Boards in Aurora, Menikmati DVD. roommate Michelle, Rick The way Caswell has [email protected] for Coliseum in MA. Colorado, Altered States stopped in Portland, been destroying rails and more info. Click here for in Edmond, Oklahoma, Oregon for 3 days. He racking up coverage it directions. Chad Muska has been and Spirit in Adrenalin and Etnies met up with Joe Brook, seems like he’ll be a working on his first Spokane, Washington. man of mystery, Mike Anthony Claravall, Scott good fit on Toy. Globe will premiere its album, which will be Manzoori is putting the Bourne, Matt Beach, new video Opinion on dropping on December finishing touches on the Howard Cooke, Jayme The final contest of the October 30, 2001 in Los 12, 2001 and has also After being in the States Menikmati DVD. No Fortune, and Damn Am Contest Series Angeles at the El Rey started his own record for a couple months with release date has been Unabomber/Et nies rider is this weekend October Theater on Wi l s h i r e label 1212 Records. the Zero crew, John set, but it could be in James Woodley. Hitting 26—28, 2001 at Volcom Boulevard. Check out www.muska- Rattray is back home in shops by mid November. the secret spots of in Costa Mesa, for more info. Scotland. Portland, Oregon and California. An entire new Deca announced the Along with being featured non-secret Burnside and street course is being release of their second on the cover of the Bob Burnquist and Rune Go to Newburg parks. constructed by Brian full-length skate video tit- January ’02 TransWorld Glifberg got first and for Schaefer, Allen Russell, led 2nd To None. A spe- S K ATEboarding, he’s second at the Vans Triple the new éS screensaver. and their crew outside in cial premiere celebrating also trying to wrap up fil- Crown finals. Rune also After leaving Portland, Volcom’s parking lot. The the release of the video ming for the Shorty’s new scooped an extra 10 The éS Australia To u r Rick stopped over in indoor volcom park will at the Galaxy Theater in video Guilty. grand for being the Triple starring Eric Koston, Rick Santa Rosa, California be available for practice Santa Ana, California Crown Vert series overall McCrank, Paul and stayed with Santa and the vert segment of took place on Monday, Circa introduced Adrian w i n n e r. Congratulations Rodriguez, Rodrigo Rosa’s legendary skater the contest will certainly October 22, 2001. L o p e z ’ s first signature are also in order for Ed Teixeira, possibly Arto Josh Powner skating be held inside on Special appearances shoe, the AL202 at the Templeton and Colt Saari and Bob Burnquist Santa Rosa and Volcom’s unique vertical were made by various ASR Trade Show in San Cannon who placed third is set for November 7— Healdsburg . ramp. This contest is the members of the Deca Diego in September. and fourth respectively in 21. Kids were amazed and finals in a series that family including Daewon Look for Lopez’s inter- the street contest. many autographs follo- began in July and saw Song, Shiloh view in the back to school Donny Barley now rides wed each session. After qualifying contests all Greathouse, Marcus ’01 Active Mailorder cata- Rodrigo Teixeira has for Independent trucks. leaving Santa Rosa, Rick over the country. The McBride, Brian Hoard, log. Call 1-800-588-3911 gone home to Brazil for a made his way to Bob public is welcome to and Luis Cruz. to have one sent to your couple of weeks before Eric Koston, after placing Burnquist’s home on ska- come down and see the house. going on an éS tour of second at the Tr i p l e ting the twelve-foot vert finest ams in the biz NHS has got to be stoked Australia with fellow Crown contest in ramp. His goal: to learn show what they’ve got. in welcoming a new Mark Appleyard got back Ricta and éS teamriders Oceanside, has decided 540s. We’ll keep you The winner of this board brand to their fami- from a filming trip to Arto Saari and Paul to keep his skateboar- informed if he lands it contest is qualified direct- ly! Bootleg Skateboards Arizona with the Flip Rodriguez. ding riding local for the sometime soon. ly into the finals of the is building daily and crew, and he has been next few weeks. He’s illustrious Tampa am should be in shops by the working on the first desi- Talking of Paul, check out focused on filming a few Rick McCrank’s mini contest in January at the end of November. Jay gns of his own pro model his amazing part in the bangers for the upco- ramp is finally finished! SkatePark of Ta m p a . Strickland will be mana- Circa shoe, due out mid new City Stars video, ming Girl video, due out Two days after his return Friday is street registra- ging the team from sou- 2002. which should be in shops around February 2002. home from the Va n s tion, vert registration, and thern California. by Christmas. Paul had a Not to mention, Eric is in Triple Crown in open practice. Saturday Confirmed teamriders so Videoradio, Tr a n s Wo r l d pretty striking weekend, a role reversal, where he Oceandide the five-foot is street qualifying and far are Trainwreck , S K AT E b o a r d i n g ’s latest winning 2,000 dollars at is actually filming lines high twenty-foot wide vert finals, and Sunday is Elissa Steamer , and video, will be hitting the Irvine Spectrum’s from Ako and Atiba ramp was totally ska- the street semis, finals, Anthony Mosely . stores this week. The Invert Pro/Am Contest Jefferson and Ty Evans teable and under a vinyl and a twenty-minute jam Anthony Mosely also just video was filmed by Jon held Friday October 12, in the mythical Chomp roof–completely sealed best trick contest. Some got on DVS. Holland and Greg Hunt 2001. He competed On This video. Eric’s in from the harsh Canadian of the talent on hand who on the Circa European against highly skilled the credits as a filmer, winter weather. placed well in the earlier DVS in currently roun- Invasion To u r. Skaters pros like Ronnie Creager and his precise filming is contests are Pat ding up an East Coast headlining are Jamie and Caine Gayle. Paul’s just another talent to add Arto Saari has been ska- R a k e s t r a w, Anthony tour starting in Atlantic Thomas, Chad Muska, runs were flawless and to his list ... three weeks ting until the wee hours of M o s l e y, Allen Russell, City ,and traveling south Adrian Lopez, Mark technical–enough for till Chomp time. the morning with Flip James Atkin, Danny t h r o u g h M a r y l a n d , Appleyard, Colt Cannon, second place right teammates Geoff Rowley p8

ici les news en américain qu’on va bientôt retrouver dans les mags français and Mark Appleyard to finish filming for Atlanta, Georgia and of course he’s fil- amazing surprises are expected in this wanted to do, get back home to his wife. the upcoming Flip video. ming for the new Zero video, Dying To long-awaited video along with solid ska- Knowing that air transportation would Live. Jon Allie, Lindsey Robertson, and ting from owners Richard Angelides, be grounded for several days, Andy ren- Atiba are also traveling with Jamie. Chany Jeanguenin, and Chris Lambert. ted a car and drove across country to Bob Burnquist was surprised when his his home in San Diego, California in two family and close friends yelled "Happy Innes Clothing has been blowing up. Former Scarecrow rider, Thom Hornung and a half days. Birthday" to him at his surprise party on They’ve built one of the best teams has a new board out on Anthem Boy, October 10 at his new restaurant La around and if you haven’t seen their which is based in Louisville, Kentucky. Javier Sarmiento will be coming to San Melodia. new line you can check it out the rede- Francisco and L.A. to shoot for an inter- signed Web site, Rob Dyrdek with Ice T's Whip view this month. Javier had an insane Charlie's Park. interview in Spain’s, Dogway Magazine. A few days prior to Rob Dyrdek’s seven- If you get a chance to get your hands on Charlie Wilkins has been designing ska- The Zero training facility is fully finished th place finish at the Xbox one of these magazines then you’ll teparks from his home in Boston, and is being shredded as you read this. Skateboarding Championships in know why Javier is loved by many. Massachusetts. The first one is now Rumor has it the park is geared towards Oceanside, Rob spent a couple of open for shredding. It opened on the styles of its team riders. So you can nights in New York living the celebrity Rodney Jones has started work on his September 23, 2001 in Greenfield, bet there have been some serious ses- high life. Rob spent his final night in the Wheel of Fortune for 411VM. Rodney Massachusetts. See attached photos. sions going down behind those closed city partying with rapper Ice-T, and with has been seriously thinking about Charlies’s going to be on the Ricki Lake doors. the help of Ice-T’s Ferrari, Mercedes moving out of San Diego and up to San Show in 2 or 3 weeks along with Mary S600, and personal limo, Rob and crew Jose to skate with Caswell and the rest and her son who own Skater Island. The headed to a show where Ice-T perfor- of the Tilt Mode Army. New sponsors for show’s about moms who don’t want Zero Flat Bars? That’s right, Zero flat med along with the Beatnuts. After the Rodney include Aera shoes and Ally their kids to skate anymore ’cause they bars are now available. The flat bars are show the entourage made its way back Containment Co. are going to really hurt themselves. It adjustable and made from the best to Ice-T’s penthouse where they chan- should be pretty funny to anyone who materials available to man. They’re ged into tuxedos and made their way to New Powell Flow team guys To n y skates. We’ll let you know an airing date designed by the team and come in two Hugh Hefner’s black tie roast at the Manfre, Ryan Chadwick, and Oliver as soon as possible. Soon after that fil- colors red and black–go figure. Ask your Friar’s Club. From there, Rob took off Buchanan were in Denver with Caswell ming he went to Dallas, Texas for the local shop to order one for you. After all, with Ice-T to Hugh’s Playboy after-party and Rodney. Tony Manfre is twenty last stop of the MSS, Mobile Skatepark Christmas is just around the corner. at a private downtown club. It just so years old and lives in Sonoma, Series, and dislocated his ankle and happens that Rob is featured in the California. He has a great personality tore all the ligaments. He’s going to be On a more serious note, Adrian Lopez November 2001 issue of Playboy, and is a very talented skater. Ryan out for a while. Poetic justice for the has a new board graphic that is sure to which, according to Rob "didn’t give me Chadwick is seventeen years old and moms. In an effort to turn that frown turn a few heads. It’s Osama Bin Laden even the tiniest bit of pull with the ladies lives in San Jose, California. He is a litt- upside down, he’ll have plenty of time to and underneath it says "Wanted Dead that night." le quiet, but has super skills. Oliver spend with his new wife. He got married or Alive." All of Adrian’s royalties from Buchanan just turned fifteen and lives in on September 1, 2001 to his long-time this deck are being donated to the Pat Channita has just added a skate- Salt Lake City, Utah. girlfriend Victoria. American Red Cross to help the victims park in his backyard to go along with his and survivors of the terrorist attacks in mini ramp. Airwalk recently announced the addition Don Nguyen snapped his wrist in mid New York. This board is sure to be a col- of Dave Hupp as airwalk’s skate team October. Bad luck for Don, the guy just lector’s item, so go buy one. Be sure to Moses Itkonen has another tour labeled manager. Hupp remains on the airwalk recovered from a broken ankle–as tal- read the top graphic of this board for a Tough Guy Tour Number 2 (The Court roster as one of their top pro teamriders, ked about in his new check out in TWS. special message from Adrian. Bless Date). The tour spans from Vancouver and will now bring his expertise to the Super sick sequence in that check out. America! to Edmonton, Brigade teammate, Paul forefront. The broken ankle didn’t keep Don down Machnau will join Moses and some of for too long, so I doubt the wrist will slow Karl Watson will be getting his own the other RDS team riders. The RDS The 303 Who Cares? video premiered him down much, either. company through Expedition One. video FSU has been pushed back to on October 19 at the Ogden theater in Sources are claiming that the name is February 2002. Denver, Colorado. The video features After premiering at the ASR in still uncertain and only one rider is loc- loads of Colorado and Washington state September, Adio’s One Step Beyond is ked in so far. Paul Machnau is one tough character. heads. finally in stores. 411’s #48 just landed in While shooting photos for his stores as well. It’s official: Brian Anderson is on Girl. TransWorld interview he wrecked his In other Colorado news, a new board His first ad should be hitting soon. ankle. He later went out and skated for company thru 303 has emerged featu- Ghetto Child will be releasing the first another interview and bruised his heel. ring a few of the up and coming ams ever Brandon Turner pro model wheel Vert skaters and their new babies: Rune Paul is now on RDS’s Tough Guy Tour around Denver and Colorado Springs. this month. Brandon is the sixth pro of Glifberg and his girlfriend Tu s n e l d a Number 2 and can be seen doing stunts It’s called ICONcepts The team as of the Ghetto Child family. He joins Chad recently have a baby girl named Alfa. like twenty-stair crooked grinds and fif- now includes James Frankhouse, Justin Muska, Sean Sheff e y, , Chris Gentry has a new baby named teen-stair noseblunt-slides. Shardy, Gordie Cousino, and Windsor Danny Gonzalez, and Henry Sanchez. Micah Gentry. James. Ryan Millard will be taking up Ghetto Child has added ams Brian Jason Ellis continues to keep himself team manager/filming duties. Filming for Herman and Jeremy Holmes to the busy. Last week he was in Philadelphia the promo video starts on December 1. family. The Expedition One video Alone will be filming a part in a movie. For a catalogue or information e-mail available and in stores November 15, [email protected]. 2001. A premiere will be held at La Andy Macdonald was in New York when Jamie Thomas has been traveling all Paloma in Encinitas that terrorists attacked the World Tr a d e over the world. Right now he’s in weekend–more info to come. Some Center. Andy immediately knew what he p10 ici les news en américain qu’on va bientôt retrouver dans les mags français

duct raffles and tosses. Limited-edition Please note that all times are Eastern info contact Marshall Reid at (206) Did you know that Salman Agah and event T-shirts (non-branded) will be pro- Standard Time, so check your local lis- 890.2297. Or e-mail at soundandthefu- Steve Caballero will be riding in the duced and sold at the event. The orga- tings. [email protected]. celebrity supercross known as the nizers are also asking retai- Supercrossover at the opening round of lers throughout the nation to sell a limi- this years AMA Supercros in Anahiem? ted amount of these T-shirts in their Everything is the same for the Colorado Cab has also been writing a column for stores until Christmas. For more info Oct 24 6:00am EST Best of To n y contest except for the event takes place Racer X. The last two issues have some contact (949) 460-2020 ext. 2956, or by H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 1 on November 2—3 at the Colorado great stories. e-mail: brian.garofalow@soletechnolo- ESPN2 Convention Center in Denver with open All proceeds of these T-shirts sessions to the public for 3 dollars per will be donated to the New York State Oct 24 9:00am EST Best of To n y session. Mike Vallely Mailer World Trade Center Relief H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 1 F u n d – w w w. h e l p i n g . o r g / w t c / n y / n y s t a - ESPN2 te.htm. Mike Vallely is hoping to see some fami- Oct 24 1:30pm EST Best of To n y liar faces on Saturday night November H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 1 3. He’s doing a spoken word benefit at Upcoming events for World Cup ESPN Skate Street in Ventura, California in Skateboarding include the Phillips order to raise money for a disaster relief Fusion Soul Bowl Contest in Miami, Oct 25 6:00am EST Best of To n y effort. Florida on November 2—4. Plus, for H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 1 those in Brazil the whole clan is coming ESPN2 to Sao Paulo for a street and vert event Ed Templeton and Leigh LeDare are for the ladies as well as the gents on Oct 25 9:00am EST Best of To n y featured in upcoming art show entitled November 9—11. Visit H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 1 The Black Sperm Of Vengeance, which for more details. ESPN2 is open November 17, 2001 through January 5, 2002 at New Image Art. The Dec 19 2:30pm EST Best of To n y opening reception is Saturday Globe is throwing a pro contest in H a w k ’s Gigantic Skatepark Tour 2 November 17 from 7—10 p.m. New Melbourne, Australia sanctioned by ESPN Image Art is located at 7906 Santa World Cup Skateboarding on February Monica Boulevard Unit 208 in West 16—17, 2002. That same weekend, H o l l y w o o d – w w w. n e w i m a g e a r t g a l l e r y. c o Gallaz is throwing a contest for the m. ladies. This should give you plenty of Gravity Games On NBC time to figure out your travel arrange- ments. Sunday, November 4 (4:00 - 6:00 PM The Faction is at it again. This time EST) Skateboard Vert Prelims around Santa Cruz, California is the host. No Use For A Name, The Faction, For those not in Brazil, but rather in Sunday, November 11 (4:00 - 6:00 PM Dieselboy, Zero Down will play Tuesday, Texas, near Houston would be even EST) Skateboard Vert Finals November 13 at the Catalyst in Santa better–you can support a worthy cause Cruz. Tickets are fourteen dollars in and see some sick skating at the Make Sunday, November 25 (3:00 - 4:00 PM advance or fifteen the day of the show. a Wish demo held at Southside EST) Skateboard Street Comp and Doors open at 6:30p.m. For more infor- Skateparkon on November 10—11. Gravity Games Airwalk Amateur mation, call (831) 425-7799. It's an early Challenge show with The Faction hitting the stage by 9 p.m. T-shirts and cds will be avai- On October, NBC premiered a new lable at the show. action-drama television series called Seattle is having a major am contest on Skate. Each of the thirteen scheduled October 26—27 at the Stadium episodes of will include guest appea- Exhibition center located at 1000 If you are in the New York area this rances by professional skateboar- Occidental in Seattle, Wa s h i n g t o n . coming weekend, there’s a massive ders– was on the premiere Registration and practice start at noon fund-raiser for the families and the vic- episode. Chad Muska has also been on Friday and the Contests starts at tims of the World Trade Center Attack involved. Look for the show to hit your 10:00 am Saturday. The divisions are as on Nov. 3, 2001, at the Owls Head television screen this Saturday morning follows: Unsponsored 15 and under $20 Skatepark in Brooklyn, New York. The at 9:30 am PST on NBC. entry fee; Unsponsored 16 and over purpose is to bring together the skate- $20 entry fee; and Sponsored all ages board industry in efforts to raise money Tune in on the following dates for more $30 entry fee. for the charity known as the New York of Tony Hawk, Jason Ellis, Bam State World Trade Center Relief Fund. Margera, Matt Hoffman, Mike V. and the There’ll be cash prizes, season passes, The money raised will be handed over guys as they hit the road! Due to skateboards, snowboards, and more. to the relief fund in the name of the ska- changes in the schedule, the final Best Everyone must pay 10 dollars entering teboarding industry. Throughout the Of The Tony Hawk’s Gigantic Snowsports Expo. coupons available p11 day, donations will be accepted for pro- Skatepark Tour will air in December. at For more