


INDEX N° 1 - 50



Lasalliana - n° 51 • June 2000


0- General subjects. Variety.

02-1-0-01 BASTERRECHEA, Jose P.blo Interview with Superior General. 04-1-0-02 RUALES,Osw.ldo Miguel Febres Cordero. today. 05-1-0-03 LAURAlRE, Leon 1985: Intern.tional Youth Ye.r. 06-1-0-04 FERMET. Andre Who wos Brother Scubilion? 06-2-0-05 SALM. Luke The Brothers .nd the new Code of C.non Law. 07-1-0-05 FERMET. Andre Brother Scubilion (2): "A Brother for those afap>: The Missionary. 08-1-0-06 MAREY, Potrice The General Chapter. 08-2-0-07 HERMANS. Maurice The proto-Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Springtime 1686. 08-3-0-08 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (3). Catechist of Slaves: A Gospel of Freedom. 09-1-0-09 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (4): Brother Scubilion's spiritual school: prayer and dedication. 11-1-0-10 JOHNSTON. John Brother John Johnston. Superior General, replies to our questions (I). 11-2-0-11 JOHNSTON, John Brother John Johnston. Superior General, replies to our questions (2). 11-3-0-12 SAUVAGE, Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (I). 11-4-0-13 SAUVAGE, Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (2). 11-5-0-14 SAUVAGE, Michel Los.lli.n spiritu.lity: our heritage (3). 11-6-0-15 SAUVAGE, Michel L.s.llian spiritu.lity: our (4). 11-7-0-16 SAUVAGE, Michel Los.lli.n spiritu.lity: our (5). 11-8-0-17 MAREY, Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (I). 11-9-0-18 MAREY, Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christi.n Schools (2). 11-10-0-19 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Do you h.ppen to know Brother Arnold?... 12-1-0-20 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Brother Arnold: teacher. catechist. educalOr. 12-2-0-21 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Brother Arnold director of novices and animator of spiritual retreats. 12-3-0-22 LAPIERRE, Charles Brother Arnold «in the shadow of the Spirit». 14-1-0-23 PETIT. Roger The central position of Christmas in the life of Brother Scubilion. 14-2-0-24 FROSSARD, Mgr. Roberl The Institute .nd the origine of the J.O.c. (Young Christi.n Workers) (I). 14-3-0-25 FROSSARD. Mgr. Robert The Institute .nd the origine of the J.O.C. (Young Christi.n Workers) (2). 14-4-0-26 RIBERO. Francisco Lasall ian stamps. 15-1-0-27 JOHN PAUL II The Holy F.ther's address to educ.tors.t . September 41988. 16-1-0-28 EMMONET, Teresa and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 18-1-0-29 RILOV A. Const.ncio Juan Lasolli.n stomps. 21-1-0-30 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenory of. forgotten educ.tor Ch.rles Demi. (112). 21-2-0-31 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenory of. fnrgotten educator Ch.rles Demi. (112). 22-1-0-32 OLIVA, Ju.n Los.lli.n st.mps. 24-1-0-33 SCAGLIONE, Secondino Blessed Edoordo Giuseppe Ros.z: • Los.lli.n . 26-1-0-34 VIENNOT. Pierre The massacre at the Carmel ite Convent. 27-1-0-35 (MARTINAIS. Clement Marcel) Conversation between M. Gobel and the Brother who was an ignoramus. 28-1-0-36 EFOE-PENOUKOU, Julien CELAF (Los.lli.n Centre of Afric.) .t the service of the Church in Africa. 28-2-0-37 "Positio super virtutibus" C.non Nicol.s Roland. 29-1-0-38 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «L'Ecole Paroissiale» an important pedagogical work of the 17th ceorury. 29-2-0-39 DUNKEL, Engelberl Lasallian symbols for a school. PracticOiI? Art? Bronze symbols? 30-1-0-40 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Consecroted Life tod.y: Charisms in the Church .nd for the World. 32-1-0-41 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo M.le I.y religious and their specific vocOIion in the Church. 34-1-0-42 MARTINA IS, Clement-Morcel Two hislOrical accounts by a Janseninst concerning the Parish of 5, Roch in . 36-1-0-43 COFFEY. Marlin Homily to De L. S.lIe Brothers. 37-1-0-44 GRIEGER, Paul Living Community Life as a Communion. 37-2-0-45 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Three contemporaries of De La S.lIe. 38-1-0-46 JOHNSTON. John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vit. Consecrot.· (I/2). 38-2-0-47 JOHNSTON, John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vit. Consecrot." (2/2).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -3- INDEX OF SECTIONS 38-3-0-48 GRIEGER. Paul Communication in Community. Successful communication. 38-4-0-49 GARVEY. William Reflexivity / Human growth / Religious Life and FSC. 39-1-0-50 GRIEGER. Paul When life and ministry are one. "The crisis of adulthood". A psychological problem. 40-1-0-51 GRIEGER. Paul The NewEvangelisation. The role of audio-visu~1 means. 42-1-0-52 GRIEGER. Paul Affective maturity and consecrated life. 42-2-0-53 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (1/4). 42-3-0-54 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (2/4). 42-4-0-55 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (3/4). 42-5-0-56 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (4/4). 43-1-0-57 GRIEGER. Paul Affective problems. Educarion in cerebral control. Practical suggestions. 44-1-0-58 ZAGO. Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (lIZ). 44-2-0-59 ZAGO. Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (2/2). 46-1-0-60 GRIEGER. Paul Evangelisation Today. <~Making a success of the mission entrusted to us», 47-1-0-61 BORELLI. John - FISHER. E. Journey of the heart to God: Reflecting on the oneness of God in the Year of the Father. 47-2-0-62 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (1/3). 47-3-0-63 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (2/3). 47-4-0-64 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (313). 48-1-0-65 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (1/2). 48-2-0-66 GROS. Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (2/2). 50-1-0-67 GRIEGER. Paul Living and working together. Relationships with others ... its difficulty.

A- St. John Baptist de La Salle - Facts - His Teaching - Writings.

01-1-.11.-01 LAPIERRE, Charles Life and Times of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-2-.11.-02 GERY. Henri Travels of SI. John Baptist de La Salle: Journeys and Foundations. 01-3-.11.-03 VIGNON. Jacques A New Biography of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-4-.11.-04 HERMANS. Maurice An Imaginative Life of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-5-.11.-05 HERMANS, Maurice Brothers of the Christian Schools. 01-6-.11.-06 MAREY. Patrice Spirituality of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-7-.11.-07 PUNGIER. Jean Lasallian Prayer is Affective Prayer. 02-2-.11.-08 GALLEGO. Saturnino An x-ray photograph of SI. John Baplist de La Salle. 02-3-.11.-09 CERVANTES, Jose A meeting of the first Brothers with M. de La Salle. The 1686 Assembly. 02-4-.11.-10 SCAGLIONE, Secondino A new image of SI. John Baptist de La Salle rrom an anthology of his writings. 02-5-.11.-11 PUNGlER. Jean 51. John Baplist de La Salle's message to teachers. 02-6-.11.-12 LAURAIRE. Leon Management of schools. 03-1-.11.-13 HERMANS, Maurice Rheims 1684. A community founded on Providence. 03-2-.11.-14 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of St. J. B. de La Salle (I). 03-3-.11.-15 POUTET, Yves The school clientele of the Lasallian schools at their beginnings (I), 03-4-.11.-16 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The duties of a Christian (I): A work characteristic of De La Salle. 03-5-.11.-17 MAGAZ. Manuel F. «The Duties of a Chrislian» (2). 03-6-.11.-18 LAURAIRE, Leon The management or schools (2): «Live with the pupils the beller to educate lhem». 03-7-.11.-19 LAURAIRE, Leon The management of schools (3). (Teaching made lO mesure»). 04-2-.11.-20 HERMANS. Maurice First taking of the habit: Rheims (Winter of 1684-85l. 04-3-.11.-21 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of Saint J. B. de La Salle (2). 04-4-.11.-22 POUTET. Yves The clientele or the Lasallian Schools at their beginnings (2). 04-5-.11.-23 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (3): De La Salle himself. 04-6-.11.-24 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian and present day catechesis (4). 04-7-.11.-25 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (4). (A rigorous learning process). 04-8-.11.-26 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (5): Importance or evaluation.

LASALLIANA -W 51 -4- INDEX OF SECTIONS 04-9-A-27 MOE. Christian The principal mysteries in the spirituality and catechesis of St. J. B. de La Salle. 05-2-A-28 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of saint John Baptist de La Salle (3). OS-3-A-29 ROCHE. Adden Reference list of quotations contained in the writings attributed to St. John Baptist de La Salle. OS-4-A-30 BRODERICK. Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat. 05-5-A-31 SCHMIDT. Simple attention and the spirit of Faith. 06-3-A-32 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (6), «Knowing the pupils as individuals». 06-4-A-33 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Why and how we should read the Management of Schools. 06-5-A-34 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (S): Theocentric or Anthropocentric? 06-6-A-35 BRODERICK, Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat (2). 07-2-A-36 POUTET. Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (I). 07-3-A-37 POUTET. Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (2). 07-4-A-38 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of the Schools (7): Relations in class. 07-5-A-39 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (8): Relations among pupils. 08-4-A-40 PUNGIER. Juan John Baptist de La Salle: the message of his . 08-S-A-41 BANNON. Edwin The vocabulary of the Meditations for the time of Retreat. 08-6-A-42 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools: Emulations and rewards. 09-2-A-43 HERMANS. Maurice At Paris. 31 May 1686. 09-3-A-44 POUTET. Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (I). 09-4-A-45 POUTET. Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (2). 09-S-A-46 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (10): Concerning corrections (I). 09-6-A-47 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (I I): Concerning corrections (2). 09-7-A-48 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The «Conduct)) was born in life. "If I had but known ... " 10-I-A-49 HERMANS. Maurice The first novitiate and training school for country teachers. 10-2-A-50 MAGAZ. Manuel F. A pedagogy based on participation. I1-II-A-Sl HERMANS. Maurice 1687: the election of the first Brother Superior. 12-4-A-52 HERMANS. Maurice Rheims May I. 1687. 12-S-A-53 MOE. Christian De La Salle. moralist. 12-6-A-54 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Parents in the "Management of Schools", 13-I-A-SS HERMANS. Maurice An unforgettable centenary: the of Venerable John Baptist de La Salle. February 19. 1888. 13-2-A-56 BONILLA. Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (I). 13-3-A-S7 BONILLA. Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (2). 14-5.A-S8 HERMANS. Maurice 300 years ago De La Salle left Rheims for Paris. 14-6-A-59 OLIVE. Manuel I know three different "Founders". 14-7-A-60 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Conduct of Schools and approach to teaching based on knowing one's pupils. 14-8-A-61 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Teaching religion through songs. IS-2-A-62 OLIVE, Manuel The underlying causes of an unexpected journey through life. IS-3-A-63 BAUDET. Gilles The use of hymns in BrOlher's schools. IS-4-A-64 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Do you know the "Conduct of Schools"? IS-5-A-6S BUTTIGlEG. A tour of -IS4 days on horseback with Brother Barthelemy. December 4th 1716-May 7th 1717. 16-2-A-66 NICODEM. Edgar The process of justification in the spirituality of saint John Baptist de La Salle. 17-I-A-67 TEMPRADO. Antonio Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever! 18-2-A-68 GONZALEZ, J.M.-Ibarguren. A. De La Salle and training schools for teachers (I/2). 18-3-A-69 GONZALEZ. J.M -Ibarguren. A. De La Salle and training schools for teachers (2/2). 18-4-A-70 EVERETT. Dominic Chapter S of the Conduct of Schools: a dramatic dialogue. 18-5-A-71 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Editions of the «devoirs In by years and cities. 19-I-A-72 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Live Jesus in our hearlS .. , Forever! 19-2-A-73 EMONNET. Gabriel S. John Baptist de La Salle and openness to the world (112). 19-3-A-74 EMONNET. Gabriel S. John Baptisl de La Salle and openness 10 the world (2/2). 19-4-A-7S EVERETT. Dominic The Parish School (I6S4) and the Conduct of Schools (I 720): a study of conlraSls. 20-I-A-76 DANIELOU. Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (I/2). 20-2-A-77 DANIELOU. Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (2/2). 20-3-A-78 BEA UDET. Gilles St. La Salle's retreat resolUlions or "Rules which I have imposed upon myself". (I/3). 20-4-A-79 BEAUDET. Gilles 51. La Salle's relreat resolutions or "Rules which have imposed upon myself". (2/3).

LASALlIANA - N" 51 -5- INDEX OF SECTIONS 20-5-A-80 BEAUDET. Gilles St. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which I have imposed upon myself". (313). 20-6-A-81 BARBAGLlA. Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (112). 20-7-A-82 BARBAGLlA. Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (2/2). 20-8-A-83 BARBAGLlA. Serafino La Salle? de La Salle? de De La Salle? 21-3-A-84 LE BARS. Joseph The heroic vow or the daring of a man of faith and obedience. 21-4-A-85 GATT. Charles Saint De La Salle-Patron of teachers. 21-5-A-86 LOES. Augustine De La Salle sense of humor. 21-6-A-87 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (115). 21-7-A-88 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (2/5). 21-8-A-89 CALCUTT, Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (315). 22-2-A-90 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (4/5). 22-3-A-91 CALCUTT, Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (515). 22-4-A-92 HOURY. Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kept secret (1/2). 22-5-A-93 HOURY. Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kepI secret (2/2). 22-6-A-94 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario The meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -1- (112). 22-7-A-95 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario The meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -1- (2/2). 22-8-A-96 EVERETT. Dominic De La Salle and school administration. 22-9-A-97 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The contents of «Duties of a Christian -I» in the various editions. 22-IO-A-98 pANTANO.Ouo Concordance of the meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 23-I-A-99 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -11- (1/2). 23-2-A-IOO PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -II- (2/2). 23-3-A-IOI CHASTEL, Jean-Paul St. John Baptist de La Salle and catechism in the light of <

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -6- INDEX OF SECTIONS 29-8-A-13l WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian doctrine (2/3). 29-9-A-132 WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian doctrine (313). 30-2-A-133 HOURY, Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume (1/2). 30-3-A-134 HOURY, Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume (2/2). 30-4-A-13S MAGAZ, Manuel F. Duties of a Christian 1: Hs Readers. 3. The Parents. 32-2-A-136 LE BARS. Joseph Tercentenary of the first perpetual vows in the Institute. 32-3-A-137 BANNON, Edwin The Founder's Letters revisited. 32-4-A-138 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 1: The Rules (112). 32-S-A-139 HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 1: The Rules (2/2). 33-1-A-140 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (112). 33-2-A-141 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (2/2). 33-3-A-142 MOE, Christian "The Duties of a Christian" and the Catechism of the . 33-4-A-143 LE BARS, Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (112). 33-S-A-144 LE BARS. Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (2/2). 33-6-A-14S GIL, Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St (I/3). 33-7-A-146 GIL, Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of the Cross (2/3). 33-8-A-147 GIL. Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of the Cross (3/3). 33-9-A-148 EMONNET. Gabriel Optimism according to St. John Baptist de La Salle. 34-2-A-149 HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works. N° 3: The Explanation of the Method of M. P. 34-3-A-1S0 HOURY, Alain Plan of the Explanation of the Method of Mental Prayer. 34-4-A-1Sl JUSTO. Henrique St John Baptist de La Salle teaches freedom (1/2). 34-S-A-152 JUSTO, Henrique St John Baplist de La Salle teaches freedom (2/2). 34-6-A-153 CURlE. Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Solidarity (112). 34-7-A-154 CURlE, Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Solidarity (2/2). 36-2-A-155 LE BARS, Joseph Nicolas Roland and John Baptist de La Salle. 36-3-A-156 MARQU1EGUI. Anton Close relatives of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. 36-4-A-157 HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the Sundays of the year (112). 36-S-A-158 HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the Sundays of the year (212). 36-6-A-159 MAGAZ, Manuel F. John Baptist de La Salle, Catechist. 37-3-A-160 ARNOUIL. Eduardo John Baptist de La Salle, a prophet for the Church. 37-4-A-I6I BRAGADO. Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (l/2). 37-5-A-162 BRAGADO, Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (2/2). 37-6-A-163 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle as Catechist (2). 37-7-A-164 HOURY, Alain A Reading Guide to the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and Christian Politeness (112). 37-8-A-165 HOURY, Alain <\ Reading Guide 10 the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and Christian Politeness (2/2). 37-9-A-166 LE BARS, Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short Treatises (1/2) . 37-IO-A-167 LE BARS. Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short Treatises (2/2) . 38-5-A-168 HOURY, Alain Reading the Complete Works: Meditations for the principal Feasts of the Year. 38-6-A-169 MOE. Christian De La Salle. Medilations for Feasts. 38-7-A-170 LE BARS. Joseph St John Baptist de La Salle, Meditations on Prayer. 1.- Med. 36: The necessity of prayer. 38-8-A-I71 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Duke of Mazarin and St. John Baptist de La Salle. 38-9-A-I72 HOURY, Alain Spiritual Writings of St. John Baptist de La Salle. The first volume of the Hal ian Opera Omnia. 39-2-A-173 HOURY. Alain Reading Guide to the Complete Works. MR: Meditations for the Time of Retreat. 39-3-A-174 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (112). 39-4-A-175 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (2/2). 40-2-A-176 BOTANA, Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (l/4).

LASALLIANA - NO 51 -7- INDEX OF SECTIONS 40-3-A-I77 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (214). 40-4-A-178 BOTANA. Antonio The process of idemification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (3/4). 40-S-A-179 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (4/4), 40-6-A-180 LE BARS. Joseph The Meditalions for Rogalion Days - II. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of prayer. (11Z). 40-7-A-181 LE BARS. Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days - II. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of prayer. (2/2). 40-8-A-182 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Most Blessed in the Duties of a Christian. First Part. (112). 40-9-A-183 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Most Blessed Virgin in the Duties of a Christian. First Part. (2/2). 42-6-A-184 BOTANA. Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (11Z). 42-7-A-18S BOTANA. Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (2/2). 42-8-A-186 LE BA RS. Joseph Meditation 39. On what we are to ask of God in prayer. 43-2-A-187 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (l/2). 43-3-A-188 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (2/2). 43-4-A-189 LE BARS. Joseph A meditation written in 1717? 43-S-A-190 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Prayers inspired by De La Salle's writings. 1. Burning desire. 44-3-A-191 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (1/3). 44-4-A-I92 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (2/3). 44-S-A-193 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (13). 44-6-A-194 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salles "Women of Proven Worth» (lIZ). 44-7-A-19S WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's {(Women of Proven Worth» (2/2). 44-8-A-196 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying in the style of John Baptist de La Salle. 2. Bountiful possession. 46-2-A-197 LE BARS. Joseph Meditation 63. for the 10th Sunday afler Pentecost. On self-contempt (112). 46-3-A-198 LE BARS. Joseph Meditation 63. for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. On self-contempt (2/2). 46-4-A-199 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools» (1/2). 46-S-A-200 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools)) (2/2). 46-6-A-201 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 3.- Honest dialogue within the Liturgy. 47-S-A-202 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Female presence in the life of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. I. 47-6-A-203 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 4. Reconciled with God. 48-3-A-204 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - II. Female religious... (11Z). 48-4-A-20S LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - II. Female rei igious... (2/2). 48-S-A-206 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The approval of «Duties of a Christian - b). 48-6-A-207 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the Christian Education of the Poor. The contribution of Jean-Louis de la Salle (lIZ). 48-7-A-208 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the Christian Education of Ihe Poor. The contribution of Jean-Louis de la Salle (2/2). 48-8-A-209 I-1ERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 49-1-A-210 PRIETO. Miguel Concerning th~ La Salle - Moet families. An abundant richness. 49-2-A-211 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle. - 1Il Sister of the Child Jesus. 49-3-A-2!2 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian. Part I (1/2). 49-4-A-213 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian. Part I (2/2). 49-S-A-214 MEOL!. Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools. a reading guide (113), 49-6-A-215 MEOL!. Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools. a reading guide (2/3). 49-7-A-216 MEOL!. Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools. a reading guide (3/3). 49-8-A-217 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist De La Salle (6 - 7 and 8). SO-2-A-2l8 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relationships with benefactors... (I IZ). SO-3-A-219 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relationships with benefactors... (2/2), SO-4-A-220 DEENEY. John Departures: 1671-1672. SO-S-A-22! DEENEY. John Out of the depths. 1680. SO-6-A-222 PERRU. Olivier The face of tile Falher in the writings of De La Salle. SO-7-A-223 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (1/2), SO-8-A-224 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (212).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -8- INDEX OF SECTIONS B- Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools­ The Brothel' - History and current events.

01-8-B-01 BRISEBOIS, Raymond Expansion of the brothers of the Christian Schools Throughout the World. 01-9-B-02 SALM. Luke The Brothers of the Christian Schools in To-day's World. 01-10-B-03 THOUARD. Jean-Marie Points Stressed in 1981. for Brothers and Lasallian Associations. 01-II-B-04 MAREY. PaIrice Vocations Animators. 01-12-B-05 SCHNEIDER. Jean-Louis De La Salle To-day in Upper Volta. 02-7-B-06 HERMANS. Maurice Twenty-five years of Cahiers Lasalliens (1959-1984). 02-8-B-07 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Brothers' pan in the catechetical movement in Chile. 02-9-B-08 SAMNE. Dominique :nculturation of religious life in Africa. 02-10-B-09 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent Youth aposLolate in rural Africa. 02-II-B-10 SECOLI 1983 Missionary Symposium. 03-8-B-II SCAGLIONE. Secondino Fifty years of the «Rivista Lasallianu». 03-9-B-12 MARTiNEZ. Jose Maria Saint Pius X Institute for advanced catechetical studies. 03-10-B-13 CANTIN. Jean-Marc The Lasallian Study Circle. Districi of Oltawa. 03-11-B-14 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent The apostolate of urban youth in Africa. 03-12-B-15 MORALES. Alfredo La Salle-Cienfuegos: solidarity project. 03-13-B-16 GAUDREAULT. Florenl Youth Villa: pastoral centre. 04-10-B-17 GINES. H. La Salle Foundation for Natural Science (FLASA). 04-11-B-18 CREAGH, Stephen The «Harambee» spirit. 04-12-B-19 RAZAFINDRAKOTO A publishing house serving a country's cultural identity. 04-13-B-20 SUPLIDO. Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (1). 04-14-B-21 SUPLIDO. Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (2). 05-6-B-22 CENTRO Lasaliano Arricano Implanting the Lasallian ideal in African culture. 1984 Session of the Lasallian African Union. 05-7-B-23 LE LABOURIER. Louis Tounouma: A college for the people. 05-8-B-24 SMITH. Paul Boys Town. Beaudeserl, Queensland (Australia). 05-9-B-25 LlEM VO. Nicet Working among the Indo-chinese students: a continuing mission. 06-7-B-26 MONGEAU. Jacques Needs of youth in French Canada. 06-8-B-27 COLLIGNON. Bernard Operation migration. A Community Project in Africa. 06-9-B-28 TRAN VAN NGHIEM. Pierre The Brothers and lhe Asian refugees in France. 06-10-B-29 MEJiA. Felix A school co-operative fishing project. 07-6-B-30 CARRERE. Andre Junoriale and rural development Cenlre Analabe. 07-7-B-31 AGNELLET. Louis Lenten animation in a High-School (I). 07-8-B-32 AGNELLET. Loui, Lenlen animation in a High-School (2). 07-9-B-33 LUNDY. Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (I). 07-10-B-34 LUNDY. Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (2). 08-7-B-35 LUNDY. Damian Sl Cassian's Centre: Kintbury. England: len years on. (3) 08-8-B-36 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Cenlre: Kintbury. England: ten)'ears on. (4) 08-9-B-37 BOHNENBERGER. Pedro La Salle ten years in the Amazon. 08-10-B-38 DUCAT. Roger Brolhers at lhe service of deaf youlh. 08-11-B-39 DRAHMANN, Theodore The Lasallian apostolate in the Colleges and Universities of the USA. 08-12-B-40 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent Some initiatives for the formation of our young Brothers in Africa. 09-8-B-41 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Cemre. Kintbury. (5) 09-9-B-42 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Centre. Kintbury. (6) 09-10-8-43 MARCOUX. Philibert The Springboard: repar shop for school dropouts. 09-II-B-44 PARIZI. Bartolo The Lasallian Youlh Center: Gallipoli. 09-12-B-45 MEOLI. Rodolfo Bartolo Longo Instilule of Pompei. (I) 09-13-B-46 MEOLI. Rodolfo Bartolo Longo Institute of Pompei. (2) 09-14-B-47 MONTECARLO. Col. de For the past 120 years: The Brothers in Monaco. 10-3-B-48 MOE. Christian A forgoten mission (I). 10-4-B-49 MOE. Christian A forgoten mission (2). 10-5-B-50 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socia-cultural animation at the SainI Christopher Agricuhural Inslitute (I). 10-6-B-51 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socio-cultural animation al the Saint Christopher Agriculturallnslilute (2). 10-7-B-52 BONNETAIN. Rene Acceptance. help. prayer: a communily at the service of youth.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -9- INDEX OF SECTIONS 32-9-B-149 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The and the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2/2). 32-10-B-150 GRIEGER. Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects ([IZ). 32-11-B-151 GRIEGER, Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects (2/2). 33-10-B-152 LUNDY. Damian How did St John B. de La Salle see the vocation and mission of the Christian :eacher? (1/2). 33-11-B-153 LUNDY. Damian How did St John B. de La Salle see the vocation and mission of the Christian teacher? (2/2). 33-12-B-154 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Words of praise addressed to the Brothers throughout French history. 34-8-B-155 BUTIIGIEG, Michael Heroes of the on the prison-ships of La Rochelle ([IZ). 34-9-B-156 BUTIIGlEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (2/2). 34-10-B-157 HUTCHINSON. Nicholas Alternative prayers for use in Lasallian prayer services. 34-II-B-158 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of renewal ([ 13). 34-12-B-159 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of renewal (2/3). 34-I3-B-160 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of renewal (313). 36-7-B-161 HOURY. Alain Chretien Motsch. Brother Alpert ([849-1898). 36-8-B-162 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Brother Monitor (Maurice Martinet), victim of the French Revolution. 36-9-B-163 ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres De La Salle and martyrdom. A reflection on the beatification of the Brothers of Rochefort. 36-10-B-164 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Litany of for use by the Lasallian Family. 36-II-B-165 GRIEGER. Paul Continuing Formation of retired religious. "To live better. .. To be of greater service". 36-12-B-166 CiMAR ROCHA. C. The Lasallian presence in Bolivia. 37-II-B-167 ANDERER. Michael John Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed by the Spirit ([IZ). 37-12-B-168 ANDERER. Michael .lohn Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed by the Spirit (2/2). 37-13-B-169 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel A strange case of coexistence or 2 schools in Auxerre: The FSC "Tabourin" ­ the FSC "Lasallien". 37-14-B-170 HOURY, Alain Canon Fichaux. witness to the holiness of Brother Exuperien. 37-15-B-171 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre My Spiritual Reading. 38-10-B-I72 JUSTO, Henrique The brother and the uoconscious. 38-11-B-173 ANIFALOBA, Peter A Lasallian Stations of the Cross. 38-12-B-174 DRAHMANN. Theodore Brother James Miller Day. 1994. 39-5-B-175 MARTINAIS, Clement-Marcel 1734. Rheims. Ecole Saint lacques. A row over some New Testaments. 39-6-B-176 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel A row over some New Testaments. Appendices. 39-7-B-177 JUSTO. Henrique The Identity of the Brother... Why? 40-10-B-178 BONDARNAUD. Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. ([IZ). 40-II-B-179 BONDARNAUD. Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. (212). 40-I2-B-180 Vicepostulador The Brother Adolfo. 40-I3-B-181 RATA. Tiberiu - MARTiN. F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania ([IZ). 40-14-B-I82 RATA. Tiberiu - MARTiN. F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania (2/2). 40-15-B-183 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Don Bosco and . 42-9-B-184 PUJOL I BARDOLET. Jaume Guide for Brother Directors. a guide for all the Brothers. 42-10-B-185 LOES. Augustine How many Brothers were in the Institute on April 7. 1719? 42-11-B-186 TRICARD. Fran~ois The 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Brother Scubilion (21.3.1797). 42-12-B-187 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Saint John Marie Vianney. Cure of Ars. and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 43-6-B-188 DUPONT. Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (112). 43-7-B-189 DUPONT. Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (2/2). 43-8-B-190 ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session for new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (112). 43-9-B-191 ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session for new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (2/2). 43-10-B-192 - Declaration on Prayer. Prayer week at Bujedo. 43-II-B-193 DRAHMANN. Theodore Brother James A. Miller. the martyr. 44-9-B- I94 MICHAEL. Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle Br. In Sri Lanka (lIZ). 44-10-B-I95 MICHAEL. Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle Br. In Sri Lanka (2/2). 44-11-B-196 RUMMERY. Gerard The Prayer of the Teacher before School.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -12- INDEX OF SECTIONS 46-7-B-197 LEONARD, A. - DUMONT, M. The Abbey Church of Our Lady of the Star. 100th anniversary of the reconstruction (112). 46-8-B-198 LEONARD. A. - DUMONT, M. The. Abbey Church of Our Lady of the Star. 100th anniversary of the reconstruction (2/2). 46-9-B-199 D'HUITEAU, Jacques Brother Alpert. On the occasion of the transfer of his remains. 47-7-B-200 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste The first years of Apostolic Life. 47-8-B-201 LOES, Augustine Thirty Years of Evolution in the Service of the Poor. 48-9-B-202 ALPAGO, Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute (112). 48-10-B-203 ALPAGO. Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute (2/2). 48-II-B-204 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Mission. Consecration. Community (1/2). 48-12-B-205 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Mission, Consecration. Community (2/2). 48-13-B-206 CANAL, Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for a first step in formation for community life. 49-9-B-207 SEGUIN, Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (l/2l. 49-10-B-208 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (212). 49-II-B-209 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for slarting formation in community life. 49-12-B-210 MORALES. Alfredo Brother Victorino (1885-1966). 50-9-B-211 SCAGLIONE, Secondino With regard to future research on De La Salle's pedagogy. 50-10-B-212 BANNON, Edwin Another major work of Lasallian scholarship from the Region of . 50-11-B-213 BANNON. Edwin The earliest Lasallians. 50-12-B-214 CANAL, Josep Brothers among themselves. 3. Anthropological community. 50-13-B-215 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. 4. Religious community: the subject of a mission.

C- Ministry - Educational Procedures - Pedagogy - Teaching.

OI-13-C-OI CABRIA. Agustin Evangelising a World in a stale of crisis. 01-14-C-02 HUETHER. Francis Young People and the World of Work. 01-15-C-03 GARGES (France!. Com. de Learn to look at reaiitiy: Examine what is said; Listen to what is not said. 01-16-C-04 TRESCENTS. Adrian Christ's Challenging Choice. 02-12-C-05 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educators: men and women of prayer. 02-13-C-06 BONFLEUER, Amo The Christian teacher educates children to live according to Christian values. 02-14-C-07 TRESCENTS. Adrian Who are the marginalised? 02-15-C-08 BANNON. Edwin The charism of teaching. 03-14-C-09 NERY, Israel Jose Catechesis in our life. 03-15-C-10 PIERRE, Etienne (cThe school goes to them». 03-16-C-II BRAND, Taurio Pedagogical research carried out by the Lasallian National Commission (Brazil). 04-15-C-12 VARTHALITIS, Fran~ois Catechesis in Greece. 04-16-C-13 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The school of SI. J. B. de La Salle (1): Introduction. 04-17-C-14 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The school of SI. John Baptist de La Salle (2). A school for the most needy. 04-18-C-15 KHOURY, lIdephonse The tenderness of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. A c1-aracteristic beloved of children and young people. 05-10-C-16 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (1). 05-10-C-17 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (2). The Brothers in association. 05-12-C-18 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The school of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. Personal attention to lhe pupil. 06-II-C-19 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (3). By whom?: The Lasallian Family; new role of the Brothers. 06-12-C-20 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (4): For whom? 06-13-C-21 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (4): A place of interpersonal relations and pupil participation. 06-14-C-22 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (5): A preparation for life. 07-11-C-23 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (5) How? School and non-school apostolate. 07-12-C-24 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (6): How? Some practical suggesLions. 07-13-C-25 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Lasallian school (6). Why the title "Christian Schools».

LASALlIANA - N" 51 -13 - INDEX OF SECTIONS 07-14-C-26 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (7). The Brother's zeal extends beyond the classroom. 07-1S-C-27 BOTANA, Antonio Christian group animation. 07-16-C-28 CASEY, Thomas Computer technology and Christian values in FSC schools. 07-17-C-29 GUASCONI, John The ministry of teaching. 08-13-C-30 CROCE, Alberto Pastoral care of youth in the context of Lasallian spiritualit), (I). 08-14-C-31 CROCE, Alberto Pastoral care of youth in the context of Lasallian spirituality (2). 08-IS-C-32 CHILDS, Jack Holislic spirituality and the Christian Brothers. 08-16-C-33 KITSON, Charles F, Campus ministry (I): «...the grace to be able to touch hearts» (I). 08-17-C-34 KITSON, Charles F. Campus ministry (2). 09-1S-C-3S MORATTO, Richard Youth Retreats. 09-16-C-36 FRUTOS, G. - BUENO, C. Towards a plan of Lasallian formation. 09-17-C-37 RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent Perpetual vows and inculturation. IO-12-C-38 MAGAZ, Manuel F. An experience of evangelization. 1O-13-C-39 MORALES, Alfredo Education for the poor (Il- IO-14-C-40 MORALES, Alfredo Education for the poor (2). IO-IS-C-41 MORALES, Alfredo Education for the poor (3). IO-16-C-42 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Pedagogy for life. 11-14-C-43 BARBERO, Justiniano A catechumenate for adulls. II-IS-C-M ALVEANO, Carlos Animation of groups of mother catechists. 11-16-C-4S MUELLER, Frederick Teaching as ministry: a new perspective. 12-12-C-46 McLOUGHLIN, Terence The role of the Brother in the Lasallian school. 12-13-C-47 LUNDY, Damian Action for catechetics. 12-14-C-48 LAURAIRE, Leon The spiritual growth of the child (I). 12-IS-C-49 LAURAIRE, Leon The spiritual growth of the child (2). l3-lI-C-SO ALVAREZ PEREZ, Adelardo Principal orientations in the education of the youths at Aravaca. l3-12-C-SI McLAUGHLIN, Terence The teacher and the profession. l3-l3-C-S2 LLANO, Alvaro Communication and values. Milieu for communicating values. 14-13-C-S3 McLAUGHLIN, Terence Teachers: overcoming a sense of irresponsibility for each other. 14-14-C-S4 LOES, Augustine The teacher as minister of grace. 14-IS-C-SS GIL, Pedro The ministry of Christian education (I). 14-16-C-S6 GIL, Pedro The ministry of Christian education (2). IS-IO-C-S7 McLAUGHLIN, Terence The role of the Brother in the Lasallian school. IS-1I-C-S8 CAPELLE, Nicol

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -14- INDEX OF SECTIONS 19-15-C-84 PETIT, Marcel Status of a non-government school in Japan (2/2). 20-II-C-85 McDONALD, William Issues of evangelization in a culture. 20-12-C-86 McLAUGHLIN, Terence An ethos of fear. 20-13-C-87 MURPHY, Mark Characteristics of Lasallian education. 20-14-C-88 DE COEN, Maurice Failure in school. 20-15-C-89 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria The new evangelization and the Christian school. 20-16-C-90 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian educator (5). 21-12-C-91 Education Commission - USArr. Caracteristics of the Lasallian school. 21-13-C-92 ANIFALOBA, Peter The Catholic school as a place for a life of holiness. 21-14-C-93 MORALES, Alfredo Implications of the new pedagogy for today's educator. 21-15-C-94 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria To evangelise the poor... To evangelise everybody. 21-16-C-95 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayer of a Christian teacher (6). 22-13-C-96 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God) «Let us adore Him». 22-14-C-97 MacCAUL, Mimi This ministry of ours (1/2). 22-15-C-98 MacCAUL, Mimi This ministry of ours (2/2). 23-10-C-99 MORALES, Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and transparency in the Lasallian ministry of education (lIZ). 23-11-C-100 MORALES, Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and transparency in the Lasallian ministry of education (2/2). 23-12-C-I01 SHEA, Robert Vocation ministry: a High School model. 23-13-C-I02 McCANN, Robert Management of the Christian School (112). 23-14-C-I03 McCANN, Robert Management of the ChriSlian School (2/2). 23-15-C-I04 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria The three professional characteristics of the Lasallian educator: knowledge, teaching skills. pastoral concern. 24-10-C-105 POUPARD, Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (113). 24-11-C-I06 POUPARD, Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (2/3). 24-12-C-I07 POUPARD, Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (313). 24-13-C-I08 PONCELET, Georges Being able to change... for something better. 24-14-C-I09 IAFRANCESCO V., Giovanni Pedagogical principles which should inspire all Lasallian educational policy. 24-15-C-110 McLAUGHLIN, Terence The teaching of values has special consequences. 24-16-C-111 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria Distinguishing characteristics of Lasallian education. 25-11-C-112 MALONE, Mgr. James Low priorities for Catholics Schools? 25-12-C-I13 TORO CHICA, Jesus Octavia The charism of a De La Salle Brother as seen by a layman. 25-13-C-114 ELSEN, Henri Ministers of God. look upon yourselves as the dispensers of his mysteries. 25-14-C-115 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Discipline in the Lasallian school today. 26-13-C-116 ALCALDE, Josafat Elementary School curriculum in De La Salle's day. 26-14-C-117 BORG, Martin De La Salle's "Formateur" and "inspector" control and Management By Objectives. 26-15-C-118 IAFRANCESCO, Giovanni M. Lasall ian Education and the challenge of science and technology. 27-II-C-119 BAUVIN, Gilbert The Christian education programme. The school pastoral care team. 27-12-C-120 GATT. Charles Twelve qualities of a good teacher. 27-13-C-121 MATAS, Rafael The leader of a Lasallian "Faith group" is someone who... 27-14-C-122 PORTER. Joseph What a Christian school commited to justice looks like. 27-15-C-123 GIL. Victor The Brother and the "Convention on the Rights of the Child». 28-13-C-124 RAFFARA. Benoit - VEGER, C. The Gypsies (1/2). 28-14-C-125 RAFFARA. Benoit -VEGER. C. The Gypsies (2/2). 28-15-C-126 TEBAR, Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (lIZ). 28-16-C-127 TEBAR, Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (2/2). 29-13-C-128 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Christian school and [he evangelisation of cuitures (lIZ). 29-14-C-129 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The Christian school and the evangelisation of cultures (2/2). 29-15-C-130 GIL, Victor Offering the school as a sign of the Kingdom. 29-16-C-131 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The O.N.U.'s Convention on the Rights of the Child and the "Right of the child to education". 29-17-C-132 DE COEN. Maurice The ideal school. The ideal school for the young people of the year 2000. 30-16-C-133 LLANO. Alvaro The responsibility of present-day families to educate their children. 32-12-C-134 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre The Mission of the Lasallian in Scripture. Epistle to the Philippians. 32-13-C-135 DE COEN. Maurice The ideal teacher. A few thoughts. RAY, Jean-Guy The 10 commandments for communicating with young people. 32-14-C-136 GROS, Jeffrey Ecumenical formation and the Christian school. 33-13-C-137 LLANO, Alvaro Quality as a key to the Educational Mission of a College (1/2). 33-14-C-138 LLANO. Alvaro Quality as a key to the Educational Mission of a College (2/2).

LASALLIANA - NO 51 -15- INDEX OF SECTIONS 33-IS-C-139 NEARY. John How can teachers meet the needs of children... who are either bullied or who bully olhers. 34-14-C-140 CALORI. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (I!2l. 34-1S-C-14I CALORI. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (Z/Z). 34-16-C-14Z GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Jesus the Teacher (1IZ). 34-17-C-143 GARCIA AHUMADA. Enrique Jesus the Teacher (Z/Z). 34-18-C-144 Saint Mary's College of California Ways for Faculty to support student success. 36-13-C-14S DRAHMANN. Theodore New world in Catholic Education. 36-14-C-146 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (1/3). 36-1S-C-147 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (2/3). 36-16-C-148 WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the continuing formation of lhe Lasallian educator (3/3). 36-17-C-149 LLANO, Alvaro Educational campaign for "Solidarity". 37-16-C-lS0 DE COEN, Maurice The needs of Young People Today. 37-17-C-lSI KERDONCUF. Fran,ois .!ntegrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (I/Z). 37-18-C-ISZ KERDONCUF, Fran,ois Integrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (2/2j. 38-13-C-lS3 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Educalion in the family (1/3). 38-14-C-lS4 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (Z/3)' 38-IS-C-ISS GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (313). 38-16-C-lS6 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (I!2l. 38-17-C-lS7 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (Z/Z). 38-18-C-lS8 CARROLL, David The nature of Dialogue (Ecumenical and Interfaith). 39-8-C-lS9 MAGAZ. Manoel F. De La Salle schools as arenas of responsible participation (liZ). 39-9-C-160 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle schools as arenas of responsible participation (Z/Z). 39-10-C-161 SFEIR. Fadi \Vhal conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to be an Ecc1esial community? (1/3). 39-11-C-I6Z SFEIR, Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to be an Ecclesial community? (Z/3). 39-IZ-C-163 SFEIR, Fadi What conditions must 11 Christian School fulfil in order 10 be an Ecclesial community? (3/3). 39-13-C-164 DRAHMANN, Theodore Family life in the United States (I!2l. 39-14-C-16S DRAHMANN, Theodore Family life in the United States (Z/Z). 39-1S-C-166 ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres The New Evangelization. Inculturation of the Gospels. 39-16-C-167 GROS. Jeffrey The Synod for America. occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (lIZ). 39-17-C-168 GROS.Jeffrey The Synod for America. occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (lIZ). 40-16-C-169 GROS. Jeffrey One in Christ's . Called to be one in Christ's Church. ~O-17-C-170 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Biblical Ministry in our Institute. 40-18-C-17I VARTHALITlS, Fran,ois L

LASALLIANA -W 51 - 16- INDEX OF SECTIONS 46-13-C-197 KRaTKY. Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy of education (112). 46-14-C-198 KRaTKY. Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy of education (2/2). 46-IS-C-199 DUPONT. Richard Community and community discernment (l/2). 46-16-C-200 DUPONT. Richard Community and community discernment (2/2). 47-9-C-200 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (113). 47-IO-C-201 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (2/3). 47-II-C-202 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (3/3). 47-12-C-203 LAURAIRE. Leon The principles of the Christian school (1/3). 1. The love of God as a foundation. 47-13-C-204 LAURAlRE. Leon The principles of the Christian school (2/3). Associated for the service of young people. 47-14-C-20S LAURAIRE. Leon The principles of the Christian school (113). Young people at the heart of the Lasallian school. 47-IS-C-206 SALM. Luke Characteristics of Lasallian Schools in the USA (112). 47-16-C-207 SALM. Luke Characteristics of Lasallian Schools in the USA (2/2). 47-17-C-208 WRIGHT. Gregory The Tradition of Prayer in the Lasallian School. 49-13-C-209 GRaS. Jeffrey Educating for the Unity of the Church in a Changing World. SO-14-C-210 PERRU. Olivier The Ministry of the BrOlher and spiritual fatherhood. SO-lS-C-211 MALONEY. Rita Globalization. SO-16-C-212 GRaS. Jeffrey Oriental Orthodox in the Catholic Schools.

D- Mission - Shared mission - Lasallian Family.

01-17-D-OI BELLY. Michel The place of the Christian Teacher. Ol-18-D-02 BOUFLEUR. Arno Integration of the Christian Teacher in the Educative Community. 02-16-D-03 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Meeting of young Lasallians. Malta and Caracas 1983. 02-17-D-04 OLIVE, Manuel Mexico Congress 24 to 28 July. 1984. 03-17-D-OS ANDREOLI. Claudio The Lasallian Family. 04-19-D-06 RUIZ. Luis Enrique St. John Baptist de La Salle here and now. OS-13-D-07 . Paulus - OLIVE. M. Signum Fidei (1). Introduction. OS-14-D-08 ADAMS. Paulus - OLIVE. M. Signum Fidei (2). Life style of the Fraternity. OS-IS-D-09 Maldonado De Torremorell. Eva The joy of living for the service of others. OS-16-D-IO LaZAR GOMEZ. Jose A. de The Lasallian leader. 06-IS-D-l1 ALPAGO. Bruno Seminars on Lasallian spirituality. 06-16-D-12 MERCIER. Rene Two days a Parmenie. With the Signum Fidei of France. 06-17-D-13 MONTECLER. Alain Message from the President of the Lasallian World Confederation. 08-18-D-14 CASTANEDA. Telly Signum Fidei's vision: a Faith-full response. 09-18-D-IS ARQUILLERE. Etienne The Lasallian Association in France. 09-19-D-16 OLIVE. Manuel Lasallian Associations in Africa. lO-17-D-17 LlROT. Camille Experimentation with the instrumental enrichment program of Reuven Fuerslein. 10-18-D-18 CASTANEDA. Telly Management of Christian schools: a layperson's view. 11-17-D-19 BOURDIN. Emile The computer in a technical school. lI-18-D-20 MOUTOU. Pierre A lay director of a Lasallian school. 12-16-D-21 ARANDA RAMiREZ. Adalberto An integral Lasallian formation course. 13-14-D-22 OLIVE, Manuel The Lasallian Family encounters. 14-17-D-23 HURTADO. Javier A Saturday morning at "Mier y Pesado" (Mexico!. 14-18-D-24 AUSTAT. Elie A Lebanese Lasallian describes a year long refresher course in Paris. IS-J3-D-2S SANTANELLO. P. - LINKE. G. Characteristics of Lasallian schools -Association-. lS-14-D-26 SAURAS. Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian voluntary service (l/2). lS-1S-D-27 SAURAS. Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian voluntary service (2/2). lS-16-D-28 QUISUMBING. Lourdes R. Keynote address of Secretary Lourdes R. Quisumbing. University La Salle. Bacolod. JulySth 1988. lS-17-D-29 [stituto Arti & Mestieri. Torino Some thoughts and suggeslions from a group of leachers. lS-18-D-30 LlEW. Matthew Lasallian Family concept and the Malaysian reality.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -17- INDEX OF SECTIONS 16-II-D-31 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (I). -1- Key concepts to bear in mind when reading the letter to the Lasallian Family (I). 16-12-D-32 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (2). -1- Key concepts to bear in mind when reading the letter to the Lasallian Family (2). 16-13-D-33 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (3) -2- At this particular moment in History. 16-14-D-34 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (4).-3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response (1). 16-15-D-35 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (5) -3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response (2). 16-16-D-36 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (6) -4- On being a Lasallian nowadays: a few practical guidelines (I). 16-17-D-37 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (7) -4- On being a Lasallian nowadays: a few practical guidelines (2). 16-18-D-38 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria The Lasallian training of the lay teacher. 16-19-D-39 HOYO, Felix del The De La Salle Sisters of Guadalupe. 17-14-D-40 JOHNSTON, John Rheims '89. Opening address. July, 3rd 1989. 17-15-D-41 JOHNSTON, John Rheims '89. Concluding remarks. Brother John Johnston, FSC Superior General. 17-16-D-42 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (8).-5-Different but associated. 17-17-D-43 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (9).-6-Let us build our future together. 18-16-D-44 COUGHLIN, Francis P. Lasallian association (1/2). 18-17-D-45 COUGHLIN, Francis P. Lasallian association (2/2). 18-18-D-46 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Together and by association (112). 18-19-D-47 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Together and by association (2/2). 19-16-D-48 MANN, William Reflection after the Gospel at the Closing Liturgy of the Fourth Session of the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies. 19-17-D-49 CANTIN, Jules New life for the Lasallian Family in Quebec. 19-18-D-50 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria «Shared mission» How shall it be achieved? 20-17-D-51 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando The new evangelization and the Lasallian Family (1). 20-18-D-52 MANN. William «True cooperators with Jesus Christ»), Homily at the USA-Toronto Regional Convocation II. 21-17-D-55 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando New Evangelization and the Lasallian Family (2). 21-18-D-56 CHICO, Pedro The spirituality of the Christian educator today. 21-19-D-57 CHICO, Pedro The dynamic elements of the spirituality of the Christian educator. 22-16-D-58 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Towards a better understanding of the Lasallian Family. 22-17-D-59 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria The identity of the religious and of the lay person in the shared mission. 22-18-D-60 LLANO, Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (112). 22-19-D-61 LLANO, Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (2/2). 23-16-D-62 "JUNTOS"- Centroamerica What is demanded of us by our association (112). 23-17-D-63 "JUNTOS"- Centroamerica What is demanded of us by our association (2/2). 24-17-D-64 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (112). 24-18-D-65 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (2/2). 25-15-D-66 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando The role of the lay person in the Lasallian educational mission (l/2). 25-16-D-67 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando The role of the lay person in the Lasallian educational mission (2/2). 25-17-D-68 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria Four essential facets of the Lasallian educator. 25-18-D-69 OLIN, Jenny T. 1991 commencement valedictory address Saint Mary's College. 26-16-D-70 JOSSE, Pierre The Lasallian School as it faces the future. 26-17-D-71 GARCiA MORENO. Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian thinking (112). 26-18-D-72 GARCiA MORENO, Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian thinking (112). 27-16-D-73 VALENTIN, Dominique The shared Mission: Brothers. , laity (1/2). 27-17-D-74 VALENTIN. Dominique The shared Mission: Brothers. priests. laity (2/2). 27-18-D-75 GRIEGER, Paul Religious in retirement «consaerated and sent»). 28-17-D-76 SCHULZE, Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe 0/3). 28-18-D-77 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (2/3). 28-19-D-78 SCHULZE. Rudol f And these signs will accompany those who believe (313). 29-18-D-79 MALONEY, Rita The call to share Ministry. 29-19-D-80 SWAIN. Carole L. Reflections on my recent encounter with Lasallian teachers in the Philippines. 30-17-D-81 CONLAN, Mary Leadership for a better World. A Lasallian Coordinator Seminar. Narooma. 1993. 30-18-D-82 GROS. Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Unity of the Church. 32-15-D-83 SCHIELER. Robert A presentation of Shared Mission (1/2). 32-16-D-84 SCHIELER, Robert A presentation of Shared Mission (2/2). 33-16-D-85 BOIS. Noel Living as part of the Lasallian Family. 33-17-D-86 MEAGHER, Raymond «Together we cam).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -18 - INDEX OF SECTIONS 34-19-0-87 CONLAN, Mary Sharing our Mission - alive in hope, 1994 Lasallian Assembly. 36-18-0-88 HOTEK. David L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (112), 36-19-0-89 HOTEK, David L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (2/2), 37-19-0-90 ORAHMANN. Theodore The Age of the Baptized, 38-19-0-91 KITSON. Charles Twenty-nine years a Brother and still growing, 39-18-0-92 VALLAOOLIO, Jose Maria Some points of reference for a theological reflection concerning Shared Mission (Il2), 39-19-0-93 VALLAOOLIO. Jose Maria Some points of reference for a theological reflection concerning Shared Mission (2/2), 40-20-0-94 ORAHMANN, Theodore Lasallian Youth: modeling and being inspired by Jesus. Marisa Niemice, Testimonial from a Lasallian Graduate, Paul Springer. 42-19-0-95 BUTTIGlEG, Michael St. La Salle and the Lasallian Teacher (112), 42-20-0-96 BUTTIGIEG. Michael St. La Salle and the Lasallian Teacher (2/2). 44-16-0-97 ARRIBAS, Abelardo The Laity in the Ministry of St. John Baptist De La Salle and Shared Mission, 44-17-0-98 ORAHMANN, Theodore What does Shared Mission mean to me? 44-18-0-99 ARTEAGA. Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in the Lellers of Brother Superiors (1976-1996) (1/3), 44-19-0-100 ARTEAGA, Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in the Lellers of Brother Superiors (1976-1996) (2/3), 44-20-0-101 ARTEAGA, Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in the Lellers of Brother Superiors (1976-1996) (313), 46-17-0-102 GROS. Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Local Church. 46-18-0-103 THERESA. Mother Mother Theresa spoke to former Lasallian Students in August 1976 in Malta (1/2), 46-19-0-104 THERESA, Mother Mother Theresa spoke to former Lasallian Students in August 1976 in Malta (2/2). 47-18-0-105 SCHNEIDER, Jean-Louis A Ministry which becomes a Mission for Lasallian Educators. 47-19-0-106 HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: the first lay teachers in the Brothers' schools in Paris and in the world (112), 47-20-0-107 HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: the first lay leachers in the Brothers' schools in Paris and in the world (212), 48-14-0-108 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (114), 48-15-0-109 SALM, Luke Associale membership in the Institute (2/4), 48-16-0-110 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (3/4), 48-17-0-111 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (4/4), 48-18-0-112 Berciano. F, - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (1/3), 48-19-0-113 Berciano. F, - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (2/3). 48-20-0-114 Berciano. F, - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (313). 49-14-0-115 SAUVAGE, Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (1/6). 49-15-0-116 SAUVAGE, Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (2/6). 49-16-0-U7 SAUVAGE, Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (3/6). 49-17-0-118 SAUVAGE. Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (4/6). 49-18-0-119 SAUVAGE, Michel For a better understanding of the Lasall ian association (5/6). 49-19-0-120 SAUVAGE, Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (6/6). 49-20-0-121 BEAUDET. Gilles Some lhoughlS about the meaning of the association in the context of our vows. 50-17-0-122 CARNAGHI, Robert The importance of funded, in-depth CommunitylApostolate experiences... (l12). 50-18-0-123 CARNAGHI, Robert The importance of funded, in-depth CommunitylApostolate experiences... (2/2).

E- Experiences - Witness - Happenings.

01-19-E-Ol JOLY, Christian Together and by Association. 01-20-E-02 CASTANOS. Aingeru Why stand you here, looking up 10 Heaven? 02-18-E-03 KIMPTON, James Reaching the unreached... In the steps of St. John Baplist de La Salle.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -19 - INDEX OF SECTIONS 02-19-E-04 LUNDY, Damian Growing "into" Faith... 02-20-E-05 DELUDE, Rock Run schools or face a catastrophe. Understanding the situation of Cameroun. 03-18-E-06 HaURY, Alain The identity of the Brother of the Chrislian Schools, 03-19-E-07 JEAN, Robert The Brothers in Turkey, 03-20-E-08 RUBAT du MERAC, Gonzague !....eaming from those we teach. 04-20-E-07 DUPONT, Richard The Brothers' commitment to the poor of Haiti. 05-17-E-08 BERARDI. Mario Problems and prospecls of youlh in Turin. 05-18-E-09 HERMANS, Maurice BrOlher Armand Huber!: twenlY years in a special school. 05-19-E-10 DARREYE, Claude Educational service of the very poor. 05-20-E-ll VERGER, Camille Schools without walls. 06-18-E-14 LAUBY, Jean-Pierre They gave meaning 10 my life. 06-19-E-15 AA-P,B, A new apostolaLe for retired Brothers. 06-20-E-16 MASSART, Pierre A Brother works with young immigrants in Brussels. 07-18-E-18 ELSEN, Henri The Lasallian sense in my activilies in a Primary School (I), 07-19-E-19 ELSEN, Henri The Lasallian sense in my activilies in a Primary School (2). 07-20-E-20 FIRMAN, William The aposlolale of the Lasallian Boarding School. 08-19-E-21 WURTH, Olhmar «Take up your pallet and walk», In the service of young wanderers. 08-20-E-22 WURTH, Othmar «Take up your pallet and walk». In the service of young wanderers. 09-20-E-23 GAGNE, Benoit Help 10 children with difficulties in studies. 10-19-E-24 RAINE, Ray New Creation community (l). 10-20-E-25 RAINE, Ray New Creation community (2). 11-19-E-26 FRECHETTE, Leandre The religious aposlolale of a Brother in the third age. 11-20-E-27 HUTCHINSON, Nicholas Prayers in lhe spiril of John Baplisl de La Salle. 12-17-E-28 McCARTHY, Timolhy A lheology of mission for the local and universal Church (I). 12-18-E-29 McCARTHY, Timothy A theology of mission for the local and universal Church (2), 12-19-E-30 McCARTHY, Timothy A theology of mission for lhe local and universal Church (3). 12-20-E-31 HAYES, Hilary «Year of calling». 13-15-E-32 METAYER, Georges LeI us evangelize, In wishing to evangelize the teachers John Baplisl de La Salle is evangelized by them. 13-16-E-33 TEBAR, Lorenzo Vocational aposlolate, 13-17-E-34 MOLONEY, Beata New Life community. 13-18-E-35 SPELLMAN, Marlin «Fe y Alegria» (Faith and Joy). The extraordinary movement of popular inlegral education in Lalin America (I), 13-19-E-36 SPELLMAN, Martin «Fe y Alegria» (Faith and Joy). The extraordinary movement of popular integral education in Latin America (2). 13-20-E-37 FOISY, Paul «La Releve»: a springboard for the young. 14-19-E-38 SHORT, Gery Developing lhe Lasallian school program. 14-20-E-39 LORENZO, Javier Celebrating Easler Wilh young people. 15-19-E-40 BOHI, Richad - FREY, Roman The Neuchalel Calholic InSlilute. A cenlury of leaching foreing languages (112), 15-20-E-41 BOHI. Richad - FREY, Roman The Neuchatel Calholic Institute. A century of leaching foreing languages (212). 16-20-E-42 RIESCHSTEINER, Fran<;ois The pastoral Centre al the Abbey of Fontaine Andre, Neuchatel, . 17-18-E-43 PULGARiN, Hernan St. John Baptist de La Salle and the centenary of the Institute in Colombia, 17-19-E-44 DALOA, Com, de De La Salle professional training Centre. Daloa. 17-20-E-45 KESTLER, Richard St. Gabriel's Hall. Audubon, Philadelphia-U.S,A, 18-20-E-46 CALVERT Hall College Calver! Hall College. Two educalion programs. 19-19-E-47 WILL, Baplisl Villa La Salle, Relirement Living Complex. Soulhporl, Queensland, Australia. 19-20-E-48 LoCOCO, Bernard Sangre de Cristo Center. Santa Fe. New Mexico. U.S.A. 20-19-E-49 ESPINO LEDEZMA, Edel Maria A community of Faith and aposto!ate. University of «(EI Bajio». Leon. Mexico. 20-20-E-50 CIRERA, Angel 40 days in Togo. 21-20-E-51 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Santiago (Chile). Inauguralion of St. John Baplisl de La Salle Square. 22-20-E-52 LOES, Augusline Some individual Lasallian apostolales. 23-18-E-53 VARGAS, Juan Brothers writers of Colombia. 23-19-E-54 DELERSNYDER,P,M, A personal accounl by the lay headmaster of a Lasallian school. 23-20-E-55 CUSIN, Alain Religious-for which ? 24-19-E-56 LACATTE, Etienne A life... A commitment. 24-20-E-57 ROGERS, Anthony (Interview) «OHD helps Asian Church become a Church of the poor». 25-19-E-58 POULIOT, Elie The Brolhers of the Christian Schools in the Cameroon Church, 25-20-E-59 CASALLAS LASSO, Roque The Museum of Nalural Sciences of Bogola.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -20- INDEX OF SECTIONS 26-19-E-60 GONZALEZ K.. Lorenzo An Easter adventure: missionary for young Mexicans. District of North Mexico. 26-20-E-61 Fratemidad Misionera Lasallista The Lasallian Fraternity for missionary work (FML). (Santo Domingo). 27-19-E-62 PETIl, Donato The educational and cultural work of the S. Paolo. 27-20-E-63 JAMES, S. Nanban: A Center for street and working children. 28-20-E-64 LOES, Augustine Some other individual Lasallian apostolates. 29-20-E-65 Esc. S J.B.Salle. Santo Domingo The La Salle School in Simon Bolivar suburb, Santo Domingo. 30-19-E -66 GRIEGER, Paul School and Life. Former students speak about their schooldays. Beirut, Lebanon. 30-20-E-67 GRIEGER, Paul The Cathol ic School in Lebanon in the future. A new educational approach. 32-17-E-68 LUCIAN, Justin Personal growth and lifelong commitment: Seminars for Religious Educators (IIZ). 32-18-E-69 LUCIAN, Justin Personal growth and lifelong commitment: Seminars for Religious Educators (2/2). 32-19-E -70 KIMPTON, James Reaching the unriched. 32-20-E-71 LARREA, Juan Jose "La Salle" Museum - District of Bilbao. 33-18-E-72 LOES, Augustine More individual aposlolates. 33-19-E-73 MICHEL. Ange ;s the Shared Mission possible in Moslem Turkey? 33-20-E-74 BRASSEUR, Jean-Pierre Among the Turks and the Maroccans. Raquinet, 20 years later. (Bro. Pierre Massart). 34-20-E-75 flAMINGO, Felix The Information and Advice Centre of Mont La Salle, Beirut. 36-20-E-76 LADOUCEUR. Robert A tradition of excellence demands commitment. ~ 37-20-E-77 CAPLICE, Stephen Holy Week Missions in Mexico. 38-20-E-78 GONZALEZ PEREZ, Enrique Lasallian Holistic Formation Center. Tijuana. Mexico. 39-20-E-79 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Philosophy for disavantaged students. 43-20-E-80 TOMINIKO, Falaniko Address of a former Lasallian Student to the New Zealand Catholic Education Convention - 1996. 46-20-E-81 MARCATO, Umberto Vocations in the Land of Jesus. 50-19-E-82 Philippe A present-day understanding of the first point of the second Meditation for the Time of Retreat. 50-20-E-83 MAGAZ, Manuel F. An experiment with Former Students.



0- General subjects. Variety.

42-2-0-53 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (1/4). 42-3-0-54 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (2/4). 42-4-0-55 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (3/4). 42-5-0-56 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (4/4). 02-1-0-0 I BASTERRECHEA, Jose Pablo Interview with Brother Superior General. 30-1-0-40 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Consecrated Life today: Charisms in the Church and for the World. 32-1-0-41 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Male lay religious and their specific vocation in the Church. 47-1-0-61 BORELLI, John - FISHER, E, Journey of the heart to God: Reflecting on the oneness of God in the Year of the Father. 36-1-0-43 COFFEY, Martin Homily to De La Salle Brothers. 29-2-0-39 DUNKEL, Engelbert Lasallian symbols for a school. Practical? Art? Bronze symbols? 28-1-0-36 EFOE·PENOUKOU, Julien CELAF (Lasallian Centre of Africa) at the service of the Church in Africa. 16-1-0-28 EMMONET, Gabriel Saint Teresa and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 38-4-0-49 GARVEY, William Reflexivity I Human growth I Religious Life and FSC. 37-1-0-44 GRIEGER, Paul Living Community Life as a Communion. 38-3-0-48 GRIEGER, Paul Communication in Community. Successful communication. 39-1-0-50 GRIEGER, Paul When life and ministry are one. "The crisis of adulthood". A psychological problem. 40-1-0-51 GRIEGER. Paul The NewEvangelisation. The role of audio-visual means. 42-1-0-52 GRIEGER, Paul Affective maturity and consecrated life. 43-1-0-57 GRIEGER, Paul Affective problems. Education in cerebral control. Practical suggestions. 46-1-0-60 GRIEGER, Paul Evangelisation Today. «Making a success of the mission entrusted to US)), 50-1-0-67 GRIEGER, Paul Living and working together. RelCi.tionships with others ... its difficulty. 48-1-0-65 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (I/2). 48-2-0-66 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (2/2). 21-1-0-30 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenary of a forgotten educator Charles Demia (I/2). 21-2-0-31 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenary of a forgotten educator Charles Demia (1/2). 29-1-0-38 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «L'Ecole Paroissiale~) an important pedagogical work of the 17th century. 37-2-0-45 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Three contemporaries of De La Salle. 11-1-0-10 JOHNSTON, John Brother John Johnston, Superior General. replies to our questions (I). 11-2-0-11 JOHNSTON. John Brother John JohnslOn. Superior General. replies to our questions (2). 38-1-0-46 JOHNSTON, John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vita Consecrata" (1/2). 38·2-0-47 JOHNSTON. John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vita Consecrata" (2/2). 15-1-0-27 JUAN PABLO 11 The Holy Father's address to educators at Turin. September 4 1988. 05-1-0-03 LAURAIRE, Leon 1985: International Youth Year. 27-1-0-35 (MARTINAIS, Clement Marcel) Conversation between M. Gobet and the Brother who was an ignoramus. 22-1-0-32 OLIVA. Juan Lasallian stamps. 47-2-0-62 PITAUD, B, Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (1/3). 47-3-0-63 PITAUD, B, Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (2/3). 47-4-0-64 PITAUD, B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (3/3). 28-2-0-37 "Positio super virtutibus" Canon Nicolas Roland. 14-4-0-26 RIBERO, Francisco Lasallian slamps. 18-1-0-29 RILOVA, Constancio Juan Lasall ian postage slamps. 06-2-0-05 SALM, Luke The Brothers and the new Code of Canon Law. 24-1-0-33 SCAGLIONE, Secondino Blessed Edoardo Giuseppe Rosaz: a Lasallian Bishop. 26-1-0-34 VIENNOT, Pierre The massacre at the Carmel ite Convent. 44-1-0-58 ZAGO. Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (112). 44-2-0-59 ZAGO, Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (2/2).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -23- INDEX OF SUBJECTS A- St. John Baptist de La Salle - Facts - His Teaching - Writings.


20-6-A-8I BARBAGLIA, Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (112), 20-7-A-82 BARBAGLIA, Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (2/2). 20-8-A-83 BARBAGLIA, Serafino La Salle? de La Salle? de De La Salle? 01-4-A-04 HERMANS, Maurice An Imaginative Life of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-3-A-03 VIGNON, Jacques A New Biography of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle.


24-s-A-106 ALCALDE. Josafat A liule-known Lasallian educational practice: the use of a training supervisor ')f new teachers (J 12). 24-6-A-I07 ALCALDE, Josafat A little-known Lasallian educational practice: the use of a training supervisor of new teachers (2/2). 28-7-A-124 BLOYER, Pierre Some decisive moments in the life of Sl. John Baptist De La Salle. 02-3-A-09 CERVANTES. Jose A meeting of the first Brothers with M. de La Salle. The 1686 Assembly. 20-1-A-76 DANIELOU, Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (112). 20-2-A-77 DANIELOU, Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (2/2). sO-4-A-220 DEENEY, John Departures: 1671-1672. sO-5-A-221 DEENEY, John Out of the depths. 1680. 18-2-A-68 GONZALEZ, J.M. - Ibarguren, A. De La Salle and training schools for leachers (112). 18-3-A-69 GONZALEZ, J.M. - Ibarguren, A. De La Salle and training schools For teachers (2/2). 03-I-A-13 HERMANS, Maurice Rheims 1684. A community founded on Providence. 04-2-A-20 HERMANS, Maurice First taking of the habit: Rheims (Winter of 1684-85). 09-2-A-43 HERMANS. Maurice At Paris. 31 May 1686. 10-I-A-49 HERMANS. Maurice The first novitiate and training school for country leachers. 11-11-A-51 HERMANS, Maurice 1687: the election of the first Brother Superior. 12-4-A-52 HERMANS. Maurice Rheims May I, 1687. 14-s.A-58 HERMANS, Maurice 300 years ago De La Salle left Rheims for Paris. 27-4-A-1l9 HERMOS1LLA. Jose Luis Auacks and Defence of the Christian Schools of De La Salle between 1697 and 1706. 38-8-A-I71 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Duke of Mazarin and Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 22-4-A-92 HOURY, Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kept secret (112). 22-s-A-93 HOURY. Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kept secret (2/2). 47-s-A-202 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Female presence in the life of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 1. 48-3-A-204 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - 11. Female religious... (112). 48-4-A-205 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - 11. Female religious... (2/2). 49-2-A-211 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle. - III Sister of the Child Jesus. sO-2-A-218 LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relatiunships with benefactors... (112). sO-3-A-219 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relationships wirh benefactors... (2/2). 21-3-A-84 LE BARS, Joseph The heroic vow or the daring of a man of faith and obedience. 32-2-A-136 LE BARS, Joseph Tercentenary of the first perpetual vows in the Institute. 36-3-A-156 MARQUIEGUI. Anton Close relatives of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. 49-1-A-210 PRIETO. Miguel Concerning the La Salle - Moet families. An abundant richness. 48-6-A-207 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the Christian Education of the Poor. The contribution of Jean-Louis de la Salle (112). 48-7-A-208 WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the Christian Education of the Poor. The contribution of Jean·Louis de la Salle (2/2).


21-6-A-87 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (liS). 21-7-A-88 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (215). 21-8-A-89 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (315). 22-2-A-90 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (415). 22-3-A-91 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (515). OI-2-A-02 GERY. Henri Travels of St. John Baptist de La Salle: Journeys and Foundations. Ol-I-A-OI LAPIERRE. Charles Life and Times of St. John Baptist de La Salle. 07-2-A-36 POUTET. Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (I). 07-3-A-37 POUTET. Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (2). 09-3-A-44 POUTET. Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (I). 09-4-A-45 POUTET. Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (2).

PERSONALITY OF DE LA SALLE 37-3-A-160 ARNOUIL. Eduardo John Baptist de La Salle. a prophet for the Church. 27-3-A-118 BORDIGNON. Nelso La Salle. a road for you. Crowning of the work (1714-1719). 33-9-A-148 EMONNET. Gabriel Optimism according to St. John Baptist de La S.lle. 02-2-A-08 GALLEGO. Saturnino An x-ray photograph of St. John Baptist de La Salle. 21-4-A-85 GATT. Charles Saint De La Salle-Patron of teachers. 21-5-A-86 LOES. Augustine De La Salle sense of humor. 36-6-A-159 MAGAZ. Manuel F. John Baptist de La Salle. Catechist. 37-6-A-163 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle as Catechist (2). OI-6-A-06 MAREY. Patrice Spirituality of St. John Baptist de La Salle. 14-6-A-59 OLIVE. Manuel rknow three different "Founders". 15-2-A-62 OLIVE, Manuel The underlying causes of an unexpected journey through life. 25-1-A-I08 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Rediscovering St. John Baptist de La Salle I. The present-day relevance of the Founder. 26-2-A-1l3 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Rediscovering Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. (2nd part - 112). 26-3-A-1l4 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Rediscovering St. John Baptist de La Salle. (2nd part - 212). 28-3-A-120 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Towards a renewed discovery of St. John Baptist De La Salle. III (112). 28-4-A-121 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Towards a renewed discovery of St. John Baptist De La Salle. III (212). 02-4-A-IO SCAGLIONE. Secondino A new image of St. John Baptist de La Salle from an anthology of his writings.


03-2-A-14 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of Sl. 1. B. de La Salle (I). 04-3-A-21 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of Saint J. B. de La Salle (2). 05-2-A-28 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of saint John Baptist de La Salle (3). I3-2-A-56 BONILLA, Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (I). 13-3-A-57 BONILLA, Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (2). 40-2-A-176 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (114). 40-3-A-I77 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (214). 40-4-A-178 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (314). 40-5-A-179 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de La Salle (414). 42-6-A-184 BOTANA. Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (112). 42-7-A-185 BOTANA. Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (212). 37-4-A-161 BRAGADO. Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (112). 37-5-A-162 BRAGADO. Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (212). 34-6-A-153 CURIE. Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Solidarity (112). 34-7-A-154 CURIE. Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Solidarity (212). 44-3-A-191 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (113). 44-4-A-192 DUPONT. Richard under the guidance of the Spirit (213). 44-5-A-193 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (313).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -25- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 19-2-A-73 EMONNET. Gabriel S. John Baptist de La Salle and openness to the world (112). 19-3-A-74 EMONNET. Gabriel S. John Baptist de La Salle and openness to the world (2/2). 30-2-A-133 HaURY. Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume (112). 30-3-A-134 HaURY, Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume (2/2). 38-9-A-I72 HaURY. Alain Spiritual Writings of St. John Baplist de La Salle. The first volume of the Italian Opera Omnia. 34-4-A-151 JUSTO, Henrique St John Baptist de La Salle teaches freedom (112). 34-5-A-152 JUSTO, Henrique St John Baptist de La Salle leaches freedom (2/2). 26-4-A-115 LE BARS. Joseph St. John Baptist de La Salle's debt 10 the writings of Nicolas Roland. 36-2-A-155 LE BARS. Joseph Nicolas Roland and John Baptist de La Salle. 43-2-A-187 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (112). 43-3-A-188 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (2/2). 23-4-A-I02 MARCATO, Umberto Lasallian Way of the Cross. 04-9-A-27 MOE, Christian The principal mysleries in the spirituality and catechesis of SI. J. B. de La Salle. 12-5-A-53 MOE, Christian De La Salle, moral ist. 16-2-A-66 NICODEM, Edgar The process of justification in the spirituality of saint John Baptist de La Salle. 50-6-A-222 PERRU, Olivier The face of the Father in the writings of De La Salle. 02-5-A-1l PUNGIER, Jean St. John Baplist de La Salle's message to teachers. 08-4-A-40 PUNGIER, Juan John Baptist de La Salle: the message of his catechism. 05-3-A-29 ROCHE. Adrien Reference list of quotations contained in the writings attributed to St. John Baptist de La Salle. 44-6-A-194 WRIGHT, Gregory La Salle's "Women of Proven Worth" (112). 44-7-A-195 WRIGHT, Gregory La Salle's "Women of Proven Worth" (2/2). 50-7-A-223 WRIGHT, Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (112). 50-8-A-224 WRIGHT, Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (2/2).

Letters 32-3-A-137 BANNON, Edwin The Founder's Letters revisited.

The Rule 32-4-A-138 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 1: The Rules (112). 32-5-A-139 HaURY. Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 1: The Rules (2/2).


08-5-A-41 BANNON, Edwin 'fhe vocabulary of the Meditations for the time of Retreal. 05-4-A-30 BRODERICK. Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat. 06-6-A-35 BRODERICK, Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat (2). 25-5-A-I12 CARUGNO, Italo Meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Distributed throughout the year. 36-4-A-157 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the Sundays of the year (112). 36-5-A-158 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the Sundays of the year (2/2). 38-5-A-168 HaURY. Alain Reading the Complete Works: Meditations for the principal Feasts of the Year. 39-2-A-173 HaURY. Alain Reading Guide to the Complete Works. MR: Meditalions for the Time of Retreat. 38-7-A-170 LE BARS, Joseph St John Baptist de La Salle, Meditations on Prayer. 1.- Med. 36: The necessity of prayer. 39-3-A-174 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (112). 39-4-A-175 LE BARS. Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (2/2). 40-6-A-180 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days - II. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of prayer. (112). 40-7-A-181 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days - II. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of prayer. (2/2). 42-8-A-186 LE BARS, Joseph Meditation 39. On what we are 10 ask of God in prayer. 43-4-A-189 LE BARS, Joseph A meditation written in 1717? 46-2-A-197 LE BARS, Joseph Meditation 63. for the 10th Sunday arter Pentecost. On self-contempt (112). 46-3-A-198 LE BARS, Joseph ",Ieditation 63, for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. On self-contempt (2/2). 38-6-A-169 MOE. Christian De La Salle. Meditations for Feasts.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -26- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 22-IO-A-98 pANTANO, 0110 Concordance of the meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle. 22-6-A-94 PRESCIUTTlNI. Mario The meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle -1- (I!2l. 22-7-A-95 PRESCIUTTlNI. Mario The meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -1- (2/2). 23-I-A-99 PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Meditations of SI. John Baptist de La Salle -ll- (I!2l. 23-2-A-IOO PRESCIUTTINI. Mario Meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle -ll- (2/2). 25-2-A-I09 WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations for the Time of Retreat. De La Salle's image of the students. 29-7-A-130 WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian doctrine (113). 29-8-A-13l WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian doctrine (2/3). 29-9-A-I32 WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian doctrine (313). Method of Mental Prayer

25-4-A-lll GIL, Victor To wean the soul or to abandon meditation. 33-6-A-145 GIL, Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of .he Cross (1/3). 33-7-A-146 GIL. Victor Mental prayer of simple allention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of the Cross (213). 33-8-A-147 GIL, Victor Mental prayer of simple atlention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of the Cross (313). 34-2-A-149 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works. N' 3: The Explanation of the Method of M. P. 34-3-A-150 HaURY, Alain Plan of the Explanation of the Method of Mental Prayer.

Collection 33-J-A-140 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (112). 33-2-A-141 HaURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (2/2). 25-3-A-IIO LE BARS. Joseph The sources of the Collection. John Baptist de La Salle, the disciple of Nicolas Roland. 29-3-A-126 LE BARS. Joseph Nicolas Roland. source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle (113). 29-4-A-I27 LE BARS, Joseph Nicolas Roland, source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle (213). 29-5-A-128 LE BARS, Joseph Nicolas Roland, source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle (3/3). 33-4-A-J43 LE BARS. Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (I!2l. 33-5-A-144 LE BARS. Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (2/2). 37-9-A-166 LE BARS, Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short Treatises (1/2). 37-10-A-167 LE BARS, Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short Treatises (2/2).

The Management of Schools 23-3-A-IOI CHASTEL, Jean-Paul SI. John Baptist de La Salle and catechism in the light of «The Conduct of Schools». 18-4-A-70 EVERETT. Dominic Chapter 5 of the Conduct of Schools: a dramatic dialogue. 19-4-A-75 EVERETT, Dominic The Parish School (1654) and the Conduct of Schools (lnO): a study of contrasts. 22-8-A-96 EVERETT. Dominic De La Salle and school administration. 02-6-A- I 2 LAURAIRE, Leon Management of schools. 03-6-A-18 LAURAIRE. Leon The management of schools (2): «(Live with the pupils the beller to educate lhemn. 03-7-A-19 LAURAlRE, Leon The management of schools (3). «Teaching made to mesure». 04-7-A-25 LAURAlRE, Leon The Management of Schools (4). «A rigorous learning process». 04-8-A-26 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (5): Importance of evaluation. 06-3-A-32 LAURAlRE, Leon The Management of Schools (6). «Knowing the pupils as individualsn. 07-4-A-38 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of the Schools (7): Relations in class. 07-5-A-39 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (8): Relations among pupils. 08-6-A-42 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools: Emulations and rewards. 09-5-A-46 LAURAlRE, Leon The Management of Schools (10): Concerning corrections (I). 09-6-A-47 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (11): Concerning corrections (2). 06-4-A-33 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Why and how we should read the Management of Schools. 09-7-A-48 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The ((Conduct» was born in life. "If I had bur known ... ··

LASALLIANA -W 51 -27 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS IO-2-A-50 MAGAZ. Manuel F. A pedagogy based on participation. 12-6-A-54 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Parents in the "Management of Schools". 14-7-A-60 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Conduct of Schools and approach to leaching based on knowing one's pupils. 15-4-A-64 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Do you know the "Conduct of Schools'"? 22-9-A-97 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The contents of «Duties of a Christian -I» in the various editions. 24-2-A-I03 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Catechesis today and catechism according to chapter IX of the Conduct. 46-4-A-199 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools» (1/2). 46-5-A-200 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools» (2/2). 49-5-A-214 MEOU, Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools, a reading guide (113). 49-6-A-215 MEOU, Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools, a reading guide (2/3). 49-7-A-216 MEOU, Rodolfo The Conduct of the Christian Schools, a reading lluide (3/3).

Duties of a Christian

03-4-A-16 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The duties of a Christian (I): A work characteristic of De La Salle. 03-5-A-17 MAGAZ, Manuel F. ·,The Duties of a Christian» (2). 04-5-A-23 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (3): De La Salle himself. 04-6-A-24 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian and present day catechesis (4). 06-5-A-34 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (5): Theacentric or Anthropocentric? 18-5-A-71 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Editions of the «devoirs In by years and cities. 26-5-A-116 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The poor in Duties I. 27-2-A-117 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle book: «Duties of a Christian», The message in its title. 28-8-A-125 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Those for whom «Duties h) was intended: 1. The Brothers. 29-6-A-129 MAGAZ. Manuel F. «Duties of a Christian I»: its readers. 2. The students. 30-4-A-135 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Duties of a Christian I: Its Readers. 3. The Parents. 40-8-A-182 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Most Blessed Virgin in the Duties of a Christian, First Part. (1/2). 40-9-A-183 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Most Blessed Virgin in the Duties of a Christian, First Part. (2/2). 48-5-A-206 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The approval of «Duties of a Christian - I». 49-3-A-212 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian, Part 1(1/2). 49-4-A-213 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian,Part 1(2/2). 33-3-A-142 MOE. Christian "The Duties of a Christian'" and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Songs 15-3-A-63 BAUDET. Gilles The use of hymns in Brother's schools. 14-8-A-61 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Teaching religion through songs.

Rules of Christian Decorum 37-7-A-164 HOURY, Alain A Reading Guide to the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and Christian Politeness (112). 37-8-A-165 HOURY, Alain A Reading Guide to the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and Christian Pol iteness (2/2). 24-3-A-I04 WRIGHT, Gregory Why read the «Rules of Christian decorum and politeness» (112). 24-4-A-I05 WRIGHT, Gregory Why read the «Rules of Christian decorum and politeness» (2/2).

Rules which I have imposed upon myself

20-3-A-78 BEAUDET, Gilles St. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which have imposed upon myself". (I/3). 20-4-A-79 BEAUDET. Gilles St. La Salle's relreat resolutions or "Rules which have imposed upon myself". (2/3). 20-5-A-80 BEAUDET. Gilles St. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which have imposed upon myself'". (3/3).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -28- INDEX OF SUBJECTS B- Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools ­ The Brother - History and current events.

HISTORICAL SUBJECTS 28-11-B-130 ALCALDE. Josafat Studies in 18th Century Lasallian boarding schools. 48-9-B-202 ALPAGO. Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute (1/2). 48-10-B-203 ALPAGO. Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute (2/2). 50-10-B-212 BANNON. Edwin Another major work of Lasallian scholarship from the Region of Italy. 50-11-B-213 BANNON. Edwin The earliest Lasallians. 01-8-B-OI BRISEBOIS. Raymond Expansion of the brothers of the Christian Schools Throughout the World. 15-5-A-65 BUTTIG/EG. Michael /\. tour of France-I 54 days on horseback with Brother Barthelemy. December 4th 1716-May 7th 1717. 36-12-B-166 CiMAR ROCHA. C. The Lasallian presence in Bolivia. 26-8-B-117 DANIELOU. Herve The short-lived adventure of the first Brothers in the United States (1817-1822) (112). 26-9-B-118 DANIELOU. Herve The short-lived adventure of the first Brothers in the United States (1817-1822) (2/2). 14-2-0-24 FROSSARD. Mgr. Robert The Institute and the origine of the J.O.c. (Young Christian Workers) (I). 14-3-0-25 FROSSARD. Mgr. Robert The Institute and the origine of the J.O.c. (Young Christian Workers) (2). 08-2-0-07 HERMANS. Maurice The proto-Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Springtime 1686. 13-1-A-55 HERMANS. Maurice An unforgettable centenary: the beatification of Venerable John Baptist de La Salle. February 19. 1888. 02-7-B-06 HERMANS. Maurice Twenty-five years of Cahiers Lasalliens (1959-1984). 26-6-B-115 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Twenty-six years exile in . courageous Gabriel Drolin (112). 26-7-B-116 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Twenty-six years exile in Rome. courageous Gabriel Drolin (2/2), 28-12-B-131 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis How the Brothers got the nickname of "ignorantins". 32-8-B-148 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Popes and the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (1I2). 32-9-B-149 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Popes and the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2/2). 33-12-B-154 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Words of praise addressed to the Brothers throughout French history. 40-15-B-183 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Don Bosco and De La Salle Brothers. 42-12-B-187 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis SainI John Marie Vianney. Cure of Ars, and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 15-6-B-75 JUNIEN VICTOR. Frere The Brothers martyred in . Leller of Brother Superior General. 18 7-B-86 KNEALE. Brendan \(The Lasallian tradition». Report on a symposium. 19-8-B-92 KUKWIKILA. Crispin The «aulors» of the original Rule. 46-7-B-197 LEONARD. A. - DUMONT. M. The Abbey Church of Our Lady of the Star. 100th anniversary of the reconstruction (112). 46-8-B-198 LEONARD. A. - DUMONT. M. The Abbey Church of Our Lady of the Star. 100th anniversary of the reconstruction (2/2). 42-10-B-185 LOES. Augustine How many Brothers were in the Inslitute on April 7. 1719? 47-8-B-201 LOES. Augustine Thirty Years of Evolution in the Service of the Poor. 17-3-B-83 MBALA. Kukwikila From Grand Bigard and Bokriyc () to the Regional Novitiate of Kinshasa. The Lasallian vocalion in Africa. 08-1-0-06 MAREY. Patrice The General Chapter. 34-1-0-42 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel Two historical accounts by a Janseninsl concerning the Parish of St Roeh in Paris. 37-I3-B-169 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel A strange case of coexistence of 2 schools in Auxerre: The FSC "Tabourin" ­ the FSC "Lasallien". 39-5-B-175 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel 1734. Rheims. Ecole Saint Jacques. A row over some New Testaments. 39-6-B-176 MARTINAIS. Clement-Marcel A row over some New Testaments. Appendices. 49-12-B-21O MORALES. Alfredo Brother Victorino (1885-1966). 29-II-B-133 MORELLI. Leone The Office of Postulator General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (112). 29-12-B-134 MORELLI. Leone The Office of Postulator General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2/2). 03-3-A-15 POUTET. Yves The school clientele of the Lasallian schools at their beginnings (I). 04-4-A-22 POUTET. Yves The clientele of the Lasallian Schools at their beginnings (2).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -29- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 42-9-B-184 PUJOL I BARDOLET. Jaume Guide for Brolher DireclOrs, a guide for all the Brothers. 40-13-B-181 RATA. Tiberiu - MARTiN. F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania (lIZ). 40-14-B-182 RATA. Tiberiu - MARTiN. F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania (2/2). 03-8-B-11 SCAGLIONE. Secondino Fifty years of [he «Rivisla Lasalliana». 50-9-B-211 SCAGLIONE. Secondino With regard to future research on De La Salle's pedagogy.

THE BROTHER - THE COMMUNITY 37-II-B-167 ANDERER. Michael John B"ptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed by the Spirit (lIZ). 37-12-B-168 ANDERER, Michael John Baplist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed by the Spirit (2/2). 34-11-B-158 BOIS, Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of renewal (I/3). 34-12-B-159 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of cenewal (2/3). 34-13-B-160 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of renewal (313). 40-10-B-178 BONDARNAUD. Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. (lIZ). 40-11-B-179 BONDARNAUD, Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. (2/2). 17-2-B-82 CARMO. Col. do - Caxias do Sui Challenges facing the Brothers' community: end and spirit of the Institute-mission. 29-10-B-132 GRIEGER. Paul A Community of ·'Brothers". «A sign of hope, a source of life» The role of affectivity. 32-10-B-150 GRIEGER. Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects (1/2). 32-11-B-151 GRIEGER. Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects (2/2). 01-5-A-05 HERMANS. Maurice Brothers of the Christian Schools. 03-18-E-06 HOURY. Alain The identity of the Brother of the Christian Schools. 34-10-B-157 HUTCHINSON. Nicholas Alternative prayers for use in Lasallian prayer services. 21-9-B-97 JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (l/3). 21-10-B-98 JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (2/3). 21-11-B-99 JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (313), 39-7-B-I77 JUSTO. Henrique The Identity of the Brother... Why? 30-5-B-135 LEE, Christopher A. A theoretical view of elderly Religious (IIZ). 30-6-B-136 LEE, Christopher A. A theoretical view of elderly Religious (2/2). 33-10-B-152 LUNDY. Damian How did St John B. de La Salle see the vocation and mission of the Christian teacher? (I IZ). 33-11-B-153 LUNDY, Damian How did 51 John B. de La Salle see the vocalion and mission of the Christian ieacher? (2/2). 11-8-0-17 MAREY. Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (I). 11-9-0-18 MAREY. Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2). 30-7-B-137 MA YMi, Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (119). 30-8-B-138 MA YMi, Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (219). 30-9-B-139 MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (3/9). 30-10-B-140 MA YMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (4/9). 30 - I1-B-14IMAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and nol "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesia! Mission (5/9), 30-12-B-142 MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (6/9) . 30-13-B-143 MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (7/9). 30-14-B-144 MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (8/9) . 30-15-B-145 MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brothers" and not "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial Mission (9/9). 19-7-B-91 SAENZ DE UGARTE. Genaro I read the Rule and begin to dream... 20-9-B-95 SAENZ DE UGARTE. Genaro .

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 30- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 22-12-B-IOI SAENZ DE UGARTE. Genam Places where there is a special experience of the presence of God for Lasallians. 01-9-B-02 SALM. Luke The Brothers of the Christian Schools in To-day's World. 11-3-0-12 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (I). 11-4-0-13 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (2). \ 1-5-0-14 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (3). 11-6-0-15 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (4). 11-7-0-16 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (5). 48-II-B-204 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Mission. Consecration. Community (1/2). 48-12-B-205 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Mission. Consecration. Community (2/2). 49-9-B-207 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (1/2). 49-10-B-208 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (2/2). 01-10-B-03 THOUARD. Jean-Marie Points Stressed in 1981. for Brothers and Lasallian Associations. 22-11-B-IOO TURCATEL. Estevao Calls addressed to the Institute and the response of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

VOCATIONAL MINISTRY - THE FORMATION 48-13-B-206 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for a first step in formation for community life. 49-II-B-209 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for starting formation in community life. 50-12-B-214 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. 3. Anthropological relationships .. .in community. 50-13-B-215 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. 4. Religious community: the subject of a mission. 24-7-B-I07 DESHAIES. Marcel Awakening vocations (District of Quebec. Canada). 36-II-B-165 GRll':GER. Paul Continuing Formation of retired religious. "To live bener... To be of greater service" . 12-20-E-3 I HA YES. Hilary «Year of calling», 23-5-B-I02 HENDRON. Joseph Guide for formation. -1- Developments in Institute formation. 38-1 O-B- I72 JUSTO. Henrique The brother and the unconscious. 23-6-B-I03 MANN. William Guide for Formation. -2- «Some introductory comments to assist in a better understandign of the Institute's Guide for Formatiom>. 24-8-B-I08 MAN • William Guide for Formation. -4- Formation «Guide». 26-10-B-119 MANN, William Guide for Formation. -9- What does it mean to .. Accompany" a Candidate in the Initial Formation Process? 27-7-B-124 MANN. William Guide For Formation. -11- Continuing Formation. 01-II-B-04 MAREY. Patrice Vocalions AnimalOrs. i, 25-6-B- I 10 MATAS. Rafael The pastoral ministry of vocations the responsibility of everybody. 15-9-B-78 MENDOZA. Rodolfo Pasloral activities during formation. The Schalasticate of South Mexico. 13-15-E-32 METAYER, Georges Let us evangelize. In wishing to evangelize the teachers John Baptist de La Salle is evangelized by them. 02-10-B-09 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent Youth aposlOlate in rural Africa. 08-12-B-40 RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent Some initiatives for the formation of our young Brothers in Africa. 09-17-C-37 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent Perpetual vows and inculturation. 19-9-B-93 SAMSON. Joe Vocationn crisis: a community's self-fulfilling prophecy (I!2l. 19-10-B-94 SAMSON. Joe Vocationn crisis: a community's self-fulfilling prophecy (2/2). 47-7-B-200 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste The first years of Apostolic Life. 13-16-E-33 TEBAR. Lorenzo Vocational apostolate. 43-8-B-190 ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session for new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (I!2l. 43-9-B-191 ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session for new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (2/2). 23-7-B-I04 VILLAR, Bernardo Guide for Formation. -3- A study aid. 24-9-B-I09 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -5- The accompaniment of young Brothers in community. 25-7-B-I II VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -6- The Word of God-the source of our life (1/3). 25-8-B-I \2 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -7- The Word of God-the source of our life (2/3). 25-9-B-113 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -8- The Word of God-tile source of our life (3/3). 26-II-B-120 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -10- Postulancy: Food for thought (I!2l. 26-12-B-121 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation. -10- Postulancy: Food for thought (2/2).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 - 31 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS SPIRITUALITY 43-10-B-I92 - Dedaration on Prayer. Prayer week at Bujedo. 38-11-B-173 ANIFALOBA. Peter A Las.llian Stations of the Cross. 43-6-B-188 DUPONT. Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (1/2). 43-7-B-189 DUPONT. Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (2/2). 19-I-A-72 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Live Jesus in our heans... Forever! 43-5-A-190 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Prayers inspired by De La Salle's writings. I. Burning desire. 44-8-A-196 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying in the style of John Baptist de La Salle. 2. Bountiful possession. 46-6-A-20I HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 3,- Honest dialogue within the Liturgy. 47-6-A-203 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 4. Reconciled with God. 48-8-A-209 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 49-8-A-217 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist De La Salle (6 - 7 and 8). 11-20-E-27 HUTCHINSON, Nicholas Prayers in the spirit of John Baptist de La Salle. 28-5-A-122 LAPIERRE, Charles Poverty. the path to sanctity in the footsteps of SI. John Baptist De La Salle (112). 28-6-A-123 LAPIERRE, Charles Poverty, the path to sanctity in the footsteps of SI. John Baptist De La Salle (2/2) , 37-15-B-171 LAUBY, Jean-Pierre My Spiritual Reading. 44-9-B-194 MICHAEL, Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle Bf. In Sri Lanka (112). 44-10-B-195 MICHAEL, Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle Bf. In Sri Lanka (2/2). 01-7-A-07 PUNGlER, Jean Lasallian Prayer is Affective Prayer. 44-II-B-196 RUMMERY, Gerard The Prayer of the Teacher before School. 05-5-A-31 SCHMIDT, Joseph Simple attention and the spirit of Faith. 17-I-A-67 TEMPRADO, Antonio Live Jesus in OUf hearts! Forever!

THE SAINTS OF THE INSTITUTE 36-10-B-164 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Litany of saints for use by the Lasallian Family. 36-9-B-163 ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres De La Salle and martyrdom. A reflection on the beatification of the Brothers of Rochefort. Saint Benildus

25-10-B-114 EMONNET, Gabriel The striking example of St. Benildus's devotion to the Eucharist.

Saint Miguel Febres Cordero 04-1-0-02 RUALES,Oswaldo Miguel Febres Cordero. today.

Saint Muticn-Maric Wiaux 18-6-B-85 JUAN PABLO II Saint Mutien-Marie (1841-1917) possesses all the greatness of the humble. Homily for the , December 101h. 1989.

Blessed Brother Salomon

27-5-B-122 SIMON, Bernard-Jean A recently discovered letter of Blessed Brother Salomon (1/2). 27-6-B-123 SIMON, Bernard-Jean A recently discovered letter of Blessed Brother Salomon (2/2).

Blessed Brother Arnold 11-10-0-19 LAPIERRE, Charles Do you happen to know Brother Arnold?... 12-1-0-20 LAPIERRE, Charles Brother Arnold: teacher, catechist, educalor. 12-2-0-21 LAPIERRE, Charles Brother Arnold director of novices and animaLOr of spiritual retreats. 12-3-0-22 LAPIERRE, Charles Brother Arnold «(in the shadow of the Spirit).

Blessed Brother Scubilinn

06- I-0-04 FERMET, Andre Who was Brother Scubilion? 07- I-0-05 FER MET, Andre Brother Scubilion (2): "A Brother for those afar»: The Missionary. 08-3-0-08 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (3). Catechist of Slaves: A Gospel of Freedom.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -32 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 09-1-0-09 FER MET. Andre Brother Scubilion (4): Brother Scubilion's spiritual school: prayer and dedication. 16-3-B-79 JUAN PABLO Il Brother Scubilion was able (0 see God in every person. 14-1-0-23 PETIT. Roger The central position of Christmas in the life of Brother Scubilion. 16-4-B-80 ROCARD. D. Michel Speech made by Michel Roccard, the French Prime Minister, in the presence nf the Holy Father. on May 1st 1989. 16-5-B-81 V" J.M. The miracle attribUied (0 Brother Scubilion approved for his Beatification. Miracle allributed to Blessed Brother Mutien Marie approved for his canonisation. 42-II-B-186 TRICARD. Franc;ois The 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Brother Scubilion (21.3.1 797).

Saint Brothers martyred in Turon 19-5-B-89 JUAN PABLO Il The Beatification of the martyr Brothers of Turon and the Brother Jaime Hilario. (Audience April 30. 1990). 19-6-B-90 DiAZ MERCHAN. Gabino Beatification of the martyrs of the Christian schools. 15-7-B-76 V" J.M. The Brothers who were martyred in Turon. Spain on the 9th October 1934. 17-4-B-84 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The martyrdom of the Brothers of Turon.

Saint Brother Jaime Hilario 18-8-B-87 OLIVE. Manuel I knew Brother Jaime Hilario.

Blessed Brothers martyred in Almeria

27-8-B-125 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs of Almeria (1/3). I/a. The Brothers. 27-9-B-126 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs of Almeria (2/3). lib. The Brothers. 27-10-B-127 VALLADOLID.Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs of Almeria (313). 2. The Martyrdom.

Hissed Brothers victim of the French Revolution

28-9-B-128 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution. 1 - Brother Moniteur (112). 28-10-B-129 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution. 1 - Brother Moniteur (2/2). 32-6-B-146 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (112). 32-7-B-147 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (212). 34-8-B-155 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (112). 34-9-B-156 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (2/2). 36-8-B-162 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis Brother Monitor (Maurice Marlinet), victim of the French Revolution.

Brother Exuperien

37-14-B-170 HOURY. Alain Canon Fichaux. witness 10 the holiness of Brother Exuperien. 23-8-B-I05 POUTET. Yves Brother Exuperien and Christian Trade Unions in the context of ((rerum Novarum» (112). 23-9-B-I06 POUTET. Yves Brother Exuperien and Christian Trade Unions in the context of (\rerum Novarum» (2/2).

Other Brothers 38-12-B-174 DR AHMANN. Theodore Brother James Miller Day. 1994. 43-II-B-193 DRAHMANN. Theodore Brother James A. Miller. the martyr. 46-9-B-199 D·HUITEAU. Jacques Brother Alpert. On the occasion of the transfer of his remains. 36-7-B-16I HOURY. Alain Chretien Motsch. Brother Alpert 0849-1898). 40-12-B-180 Vicepostulador The Servant of God Brother Adolfo.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 33- INDEX OF SUBJECTS C- Ministry - Educational Procedures - Pedagogy - Teaching.

THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL 21-J3-C-92 ANIFALOBA. Peter The Catholic school as a place for a life of holiness. 02-l5-C-08 BANNON. Edwin The charism of teaching. 01-I3-C-OI CABRIA. Agustin Evangelising a World in a stale of crisis. 36-13-C-145 DRAHMANN. Theodore New world in Catholic Education. 32-14-C-136 GRaS. Jeffrey Ecumenical formation and the Christian school. 50-I6-C-212 GRaS. Jeffrey Oriental Orthodox in the Catholic Schools. 25-11-C-1l2 MALONE. Mgr. James Low priorities for Catholics Schools? 12-17-E-28 McCARTHY. Timothy A theology of mission for the local and universal Church (I). 12-18-E-29 McCARTHY. Timothy A theology of mission for the local and universal Church (2). I2-19-E-30 McCARTHY. Timothy A theology of mission for the local and universal Church (3). 16-6-C-60 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The «catholicity) of the school. 24-10-C-I05 POUPARD. Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (113). 24-11-C-I06 POUPARD. Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (2/3). 24-12-C-I07 POUPARD. Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (3/3). 43-14-C-184 SARASA. Jose The Catholic School and Vocational Guidance. 43-15-C-185 SARASA. Jose Vocation Ministry activities within the Ministry of Education Program of the Cathol ic School. 28-17-D-76 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (1/3). 28-18-D-77 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (2/3). 28-19-D-78 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (3/3).

THE LASALLIAN SCHOOL 26-13-C-116 ALCALDE. Josafat Elementary School curriculum in De La Salle's day. 27-II-C-119 BAUVIN. Gilbert The Christian education programme. The school pastoral care team. 26-14-C-117 BORG. Martin De La Salle's "Formateur" and "inspector"' control and Management By Objectives. 03-16-C-ll BRAND. Taurio Pedagogical research carried out by lhe Lasallian National Commission (Brazil). 15-11-C-58 CAPELLE. Nicolas The school must be well run. 07-16-C-28 CASEY. Thomas Computer technology and Christian values in FSC schools. 10-18-D-I8 CASTANEDA. Telly Management of Christian schools: a layperson's view. 05-19-E-IO DARREYE. Claude Educational service of the very poor. 21-12-C-91 Education Commission - USArT. Caraclerislics of the Lasallian school. 25-14-C-115 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Discipline in the Lasallian school today. 29-13-C-128 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Christian school and the evangelisation of cultures (112). 29-14-C-129 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Christian school and the evangelisation of cullures (212). 29-15-C-130 GIL. Victor Offering the school as a sign of the Kingdom. 19-13-C-82 GOUSSIN. Jacques «The school is doing welL.)) 04-16-C-13 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The school of Sl. J. B. de La Salle (I): Introduction. 04-17-C-14 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The school of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle (2). A school for the most needy. 05-12-C-18 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The school of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. Personal a[[ention to the pupil. 06-13-C-21 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Lasallian school (4): A place of interpersonal relations and pupil ?articipation. 06-14-C-22 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Lasallian school (5): A preparation for life. 07-13-C-25 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Lasallian school (6). Why the title "Christian Schools». 07-14-C-26 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis The Lasallian school (7). The Brother's zeal extends beyond the classroom. 24-14-C-I09 IAFRANCESCO V.. Giovanni Pedagogical principles which should inspire all Lasallian educational policy. 26-15-C-118 IAFRANCESCO. Giovanni M. Lasallian Education and the challenge of science and lechnology. 37-17-C-151 KERDONCUF. Franc;ois Integrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (112). 37-18-C-152 KERDONCUF. Franc;ois Integrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (2/2).

LASALLlANA· N" 51 -34 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 47-12-C-203 LAURAIRE, Leon The principles of the Christian school (1/3).'1. The love of God as a foundation. 47-13-C-204 LA URAIRE, Leon The principles of the Christian school (2/3). Associated for the service of young people. 47-14-C-20S LAURAIRE, Leon The principles of the Christian school (113). Young people at the heart of the LasaJlian school. 39-8-C-1S9 MAGAZ, Manuel F. De La SaJle schools as arenas of responsible participation (112). 39-9-C-160 MAGAZ, Manuel F. De La Salle schools as arenas of responsible participation (2/2). 23-I3-C-102 McCANN, Robert .vlanagement of the Christian School (112). 23-14-C-I03 McCANN, Robert Management of the Christian School (2/2). 20-13-C-87 MURPHY, Mark Characteristics of Lasallian education. 27-14-C-122 PORTER, Joseph What a Christian school commited to justice looks like. 03-20-E-08 RUBAT du MERAC, Gonzague Learning from those we teach. 47-IS-C-206 SALM, Luke Characteristics of Lasallian Schools in the USA (112). 47-16-C-207 SALM. Luke Characteristics of LasaJlian Schools in the USA (212). 39-10-C-161 SFEIR. Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to be an Ecclesial community? (1/3). 39-11-C-162 SFEIR, Fadi What conditions mus! a Christian School fulfil in order 10 be an Ecclesial community? (2/3). 39-12-C-163 SFEIR, Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to be an Ecclesial community? (3/3). 17-7-C-67 STIENLET, Philippe Lasallian pedagogy, a liberating pedagogy (1/2). 17-8-C-68 STIENLET. Philippe Lasallian pedagogy, a liberating pedagogy (2/2). 24-16-C-lll VALLADOLID, Jose Maria Distinguishing characteristics of LasalJian education. 40-18-C-171 VARTHALITIS, Fran<;ois Lasallian Education accessible to other Religious Denominations. A Meeting in Greece (112). 40-19-C-I72 V ARTHALlTIS, Fran<;ois Lasallian Education accessible to other Religious Denominations. A Meeting in Greece (2/2).

THE LASALLIAN TEACHER 19-Il-C-80 ALCALDE, Josafat The Conduct of the Christian Schools. a technical-professional training manual for leachers. 02-13-C-06 BONFLEUER, Amo The Christian teacher educates children to live according to Christian values. 17-9-C-69 CHICO, Pedro The apostolic role of the lay teacher in the Lasallian school. 17-10-C-70 CHICO, Pedro A professional psychological profile of a LasaJlian lay teacher. 32-13-C-13S DE COEN, Maurice The ideal teacher. A few thoughts. 23-19-E-54 DELERSNYDER, P. M. A personal account by the lay headmaster of a Lasallian school. 09-16-C-36 FRUTOS, G. - BUENO, C. Towards a plan of Lasallian formation. 27-12-C-120 GATT, Charles Twelve qualities of a good leacher. 02-12-C-OS JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educators: men and women of prayer. OS-IO-C-I6 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry 0). OS-IO-C-17 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (2). The Brothers in association. 06-11-C-19 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (3). By whom?: The Lasallian Family; new role of the Brothers. 06-12-C-20 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (4): For whom? 07-II-C-23 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (S) How? School and non-school aposlolate. 07-12-C-24 JOHNSTON, John Lasallian educational ministry (6): How? Some practical suggestions. 17-6-C-66 JONES, Thomas Perspective of a religious educator in a science classroom. 04-18-C-1S KHOURY, I1dephonse The tenderness of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. A characteristic beloved of children and young people. 36-20-E-76 LADOUCEUR. Robert A tradition of excellence demands commitment. 32-17-E-68 LUCIAN. Justin Personal growth and lifelong commitment: Seminars for Religious Educators (1/2). 32-18-E-69 LUCIAN. Justin Personal growth and lifelong commilment: Seminars for Religious Educators (2/2). 12-12-C-46 McLOUGHLIN, Terence The role of the Brother in the Lasall ian school. IS-10-C-S7 McLAUGHLIN, Terence The role of the Brother in the Lasallian school. 16-10-C-M MANN, WiJliam A religious and a educator: to lead the young into a warmer and a gentler world. I8-12-C-76 MELLOR, Maureen Perspective of a religious educator in a Science classroom. 21-14-C-93 MORALES. Alfredo Implications of the new pedagogy for today's educalor.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 35- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 23-10-C-99 MORALES, Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and transparency in the Lasallian ministry of education (112). 23-II-C-IOO MORALES. Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and transparency in the Lasallian ministry of education (2/2). 32-13-C-135 RAY. Jean-Guy The 10 commandments for communicating with young people. 47-9-C-200 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (1/3). 47-10-C-201 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (2/3). 47-II-C-202 RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (313). 23-15-C-I04 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The three professional characteristics of the Lasallian educator: knowledge. teaching skills. pastoral concern. 36-14-C-146 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (113). 36-15-C-147 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (2/3). 36-16-C-148 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (3/3).


13-II-C-50 ALVAREZ PEREZ. Adelardo Principal orientations in the education of the youths at Aravaca. ll-17-D-19 BOURDIN. Emile The computer in a technical school. 20-14-C-88 DE COEN. Maurice Failure in school. 29-17-C-132 DE COEN. Maurice The ideal school. The ideal school for the young people of the year 2000. 37-16-C-150 DE COEN. Maurice The needs of Young People Today. 39-13-C-164 DRAHMANN. Theodore Family life in the United States (112). 39-14-C-165 DRAHMANN. Theodore Family life in the United States (2/2). 43-16-C-186 DULLIUS, Paulo Faith Education and integral formation (112), 43-17-C-187 DULLIUS. Paulo Faith Education and integral formation (2/2). 46-11-C-195 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Values in Mathematics Education (112). 46-12-C-196 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Values in Mathematics Education (2/2). 39-20-E-79 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Philosophy for disavantaged students. 01-15-C-03 GARGES (France). Com, de Learn to look at reaiitiy; Examine what is said; Listen to what is not said. 38-13-C-153 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (113). 38-14-C-154 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (2/3l. 38-15-C-155 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (3/3). 27-15-C-123 GIL. Victor The Brother and the «Convention on the Rights of the Child», 07-17-C-29 GUASCONI, John The ministry of teaching. 18-13-C-77 HARKINS. William «Higher spectations» in the Catholic inner city High School. 01-14-C-02 HUETHER, Francis Young People and the World of Work. 46-13-C-197 KROTKY. Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy of education (1/2). 46-14-C-198 KROTKY. Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy of education (2/2). 12-14-C-48 LAURAIRE. Leon The spiritual growth of the child (I). 12-15-C-49 LA URAIRE. Leon The spiritual growth of the child (2). 10-17-D-17 LIROT. Camille Experimentation with the instrumental enrichment program of Reuven Fuerstein. 13-13-C-52 LLANO. Alvaro Communication and values. Milieu for communicating values. 30-16-C-133 LLANO. Alvaro The responsibility of present-day families to educate their children. 33-13-C-137 LLANO. Alvaro Quality as a key to the Educational Mission of a College (I/2). 33-14-C-138 LLANO. Alvaro Quality as a key to the Educational Mission of a College (2/2). 16-7-C-61 LOXHAM. James A new school year. 10-16-C-42 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Pedagogy for life. 38-16-C-156 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (112). 38-17-C-157 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (2/2). 50-15-C-211 MALONEY. Rita Globalization. 42-17-C-180 MARQUIEGUI, Anton Values Education (1/2). 42-18-C-181 MARQUIEGUI, Anton Values Education (2/2). 13-12-C-51 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The teacher and lhe profession. 14-13-C-53 McLAUGHLIN. Terence Teachers: overcoming a sense of irresponsibility for each other. 18- I4-C-78 McLAUGHLIN. Terenc People-driven schools. 20-12-C-86 McLAUGHLIN. Terence An ethos of fear. 24-15-C-IIO McLAUGHLIN. Terence The teaching of values has special consequences. 33-15-C-139 NEARY. John How can teachers meet the needs of children ... who are either bullied or who bully others. 19-14-C-83 PETIT. Marcel Status of a non-government school in Japan (l/2). 19-15-C-84 PETIT. Marcel Status of a non-government school in Japan (2/2).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -36- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 03-15-C-IO PIERRE. Etienne (The school goes 10 them~). 24-13-C-I08 PONCELET. Georges Being able to change... for something beller. 34-18-C-144 Saint Mary's Call. of California Ways for Faculty to support student success. 29-16-C-131 VALLADOLID.JoseMaria The O.N.U.'s Convention on the Rights of the Child and the "Right of the child to education",

SPIRITUAL SUBJECTS 08-15-C-32 CHILDS. Jack Holistic spirituality and the Christian Brothers. 46-15-C-199 DUPONT. Richard Community and community discernment (l/2). 46-16-C-200 DUPONT. Richard Community and communily discernment (2/2), 25-13-C-114 ELSEN. Henri Ministers of God. look upon yourselves as the dispensers of his mysteries. 44-12-C-190 FOISY. Paul The Ministry of Education (11Z). 44-13-C-191 FOISY. Paul The Ministry of Education (2/2). 34-16-C-142 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Jesus the Teacher (11Z). 34-17-C-143 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Jesus the Teacher (2/2). 14-15-C-55 GIL. Pedro The ministry of Christian education (1). 14-16-C-56 GIL. Pedro The ministry of Christian education (2). 42-13-C-I76 GROS. Jeffrey One in the Holy Spirit. Return to God. Rejoice in Hope (11Z). 42-14-C-177 GROS. Jeffrey One in the Holy Spirit. Return to God. Rejoice in Hope (2/2). 43-12-C-182 GROS. Jeffrey The Lasallian Charism and the Uniting Church (112). 43-13-C-183 GROS. Jeffrey The Lasallian Charism and the Uniting Church (2/2)., 22-13-C-96 HERMOSILLA. Jose Luis «Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God» «Let us adore Him». 16-9-C-63 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (1). 17-13-C-73 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (2). 18-15-C-79 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (3). 19-12-C-81 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian educator (4). 20-16-C-90 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian educator (5). 21-16-C-95 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayer of a Christian teacher (6). 16-8-C-62 "INTEGRAc;:Ao" - Porto Alegre The spirituality of the Christian teacher according to St John Baptist de La Salle. 18-IO-C-74 KINNERET. David Discipleship a call to follow Christ through identification with the poor (112). 18-JI-C-75 KINNERET. David Discipleship a call to follow Christ through identification with the poor (2/2). 32-12-C-134 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre The Mission of the Lasallian in Scripture. Epistle to the Philippians. 43-18-C-188 LLANO. Alvaro The Spirituality of the EducalDr today (lIZ). 43-19-C-189 LLANO. Alvaro The Spirituality of the Educator today (2/2). 14-14-C-54 LOES. Augustine The teacher as minister of grace. 22-14-C-97 MacCAUL. Mimi This ministry of ours (11Z). 22-15-C-98 MacCAUL. Mimi This ministry of ours (2/2). ll-16-C-45 MUELLER. Frederick Teaching as ministry: a new perspective. 50-14-C-210 PERRU. Olivier The Ministry of the Brother and spiritual fatherhood. 25-12-C-113 TORO CHICA. Jesus Octavia The charism of a De La Salle Brother as seen by a layman. 15-12-C-59 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria Working togegher like Brothers in our missionary task. 47-17-C-208 WRIGHT. Gregory The Tradition of Prayer in the Lasallian School.


34-14-C-140 CALOR!. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (112). 34-15-C-141 CALORI. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (2/2). 12-13-C-47 LUNDY. Damian Action for catechetics. 17-II-C-71 McDONALD. William Shame and evangelization. 20-IJ-C-85 McDONALD. William Issues or evangelization in a culture. 03-14-C-09 NERY. Israel Jose Catechesis in our life. 39-15-C-166 ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres The New Evangelization. Inculturation of the Gospels. 17-12-C-72 RUSTUEL. Dominique Catechesis and John Baptist de La Salle's schools. 04-J5-C-12 VARTHALITIS. Fran<;ois Catechesis in Greece. 20-15-C-89 VALLADOLID, Jose Maria The new evangelization and the Christian school. 21-15-C-94 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria To evangelise the poor... To evangelise everybody.


07-7-B-31 AGNELLET. Louis Lenten animation in a High-School (I). 07-8-B-32 AGNELLET. Louis Lenten animation in a High-School (2). 11-15-C-44 ALVEANO. Carlos Animation of groups of mOlher catechists. 11-14-C-43 BARBERO. Justiniano A catechumenate for adults. 07-15-C-27 BOTANA. Antonio Christian group animation. 38-18-C-158 CARROLL. David The nature of Dialogue (Ecumenical and Interfaith). 08-13-C-30 CROCE. Alberto Past=1 care of youth in the context of Lasallian spirituality (I). 08-14-C-31 CROCE. Alberto Pastoral care of youth in the context of Lasallian spirituality (2). 17-5-C-65 DESHAIES. Marcel OUf work of fostering vocations. (Distric of Quebec, Canada). 40-17-C-170 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Biblical Ministry in our Institute. 46-10-C-194 GIL. Victor Youth. icon of the Church. 39-16-C-167 GROS. Jeffrey The Synod for America. occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (1/2). 39-17-C-168 GROS. Jeffrey The Synod for America. occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (lIZ). 40-16-C-169 GROS. Jeffrey One in Christ's Baptism. Called to be one in Christ's Church. 44-15-C-193 GROS. Jeffrey Challenges to Lasallian Leadership in Christian Reconciliation. 49-13-C-209 GROS. Jeffrey Educating for the Unity of the Church in a Changing World. 08-16-C-33 KITSON. Charles F. Campus ministry (I): «... the grace to be able to touch hearts» (I). 08-17-C-34 KITSON. Charles F. Campus ministry (2). 42-15-C-178 KROEGER. P. James Milstones in Interreligious Dialogue (1/2). 42-16-C-179 KROEGER. P.James Milstones in Interreligious Dialogue (2/2). 36-17-C-149 LLANO. Alvaro Educational campaign for "Solidarity". 27-13-C-121 MATAS. Rafael The leader of a Lasallian "Faith group" is someone who ... 15-8-B-77 McAULEY. Paul- CIL 1987 «Lei the greater among you be as the youngest. the leader as the one who

serves)~. 10-13-C-39 MORALES. Alfredo Education for the poor (I). 10-14-C-40 MORALES. Alfredo Sducation for the poor (2). 10-15-C-41 MORALES. Alfredo Education for the poor (3). 09-15-C-35 MORATIO. Richard Youth Retreats. 44-14-C-192 PRESMY LAGUERRE. R. J.-B. Especially the least privileged... 03-11-B-14 RABEMAHAFALY. Vincent The apostolate of urban youth in Africa. 28-13-C-124 RAFFARA. Benoit - VEGER. C. The Gypsies (1/2). 28-14-C-125 RAFFARA. Benoit -VEGER. C. The Gypsies (2/2). 23-12-C-IOI SHEA. Robert Vocation ministry: a High School model. 28-15-C-126 TEBAR. Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (lIZ). 28-16-C-127 TEBAR. Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (2/2). 01-16-C-04 TRESCENTS. Adrian Christ's Challenging Choice. 02-14-C-07 TRESCENTS. Adrian Who are the marginalised?

D- Mission - Shared mission - LasalIian Family.


44-16-0-97 ARRlBAS. Abelardo The Laity in the Ministry of SI. John Baptist De La Salle and Shared Mission. 44-18-0-99 ARTEAGA. Edwin TwenlY years of Shared Mission ill the LeLters of BrOlher Superiors (1976-1996) (I/3). 44-19-0-100 ARTEAGA. Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in the Leiters of Brother Superiors (1976-1996) (2/3). 44-20-0-101 ARTEAGA. Edwin Twenly years of Shared f\'lission in Ihe Lellers of Brother Superiors (1976-1996) (3/3). 01-17-0-01 BELLY. Michel The place of the Christian Teacher. 48-18-0-112 Berciano. F. - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (1/3). 48-19-0-113 Berciano. F. - Cachazo -Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (2/3), 48-20-0-114 Berciano. F. - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (313). 01-18-0-02 BOUFLEUR. Arno Integration of the Christian Teacher in the Educative Communily.

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -38 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 42-19-D-9S BUTTIGIEG. Michael St. La Salle and the Lasallian Teacher (1/2). 42-20-D-96 BUTTIGIEG. Michael St. La Salle and the Lasall ian Teacher (2/2). 21-I9-D-57 CHICO, Pedro The dynamic elements of the spirituality of the Christian educator. 30-17-D-SI CONLAN, Mary Leadership for a better World. A Lasallian Coordinator Seminar. Narcoma. 1993. 34-19-D-S7 CONLAN. Mary Sharing our Mission - alive in hope. 1994 Lasallian Assembly. 44-17-D-9S DRAHMANN, Theodore What does Shared Mission mean 10 me? 37-19-D-90 DRAHMANN, Theodore The Age of the Baptized. 24-17-D-64 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (112). 24-IS-D-6S GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (2/2). 26-l7-D-71 GARCiA MORENO. Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian thinking (112). 26-IS-D-72 GARCiA MORENO. Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian thinking (112). 30-lS-D-S2 GROS. Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Unity of the Church. 46-17-D-102 GROS, Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Local Church. 14-17-D-23 HURTADO, Javier A Saturday morning at "Mier y Pesado" (Mexico). IS-17-D-29 Istituto Arti & Mestieri, Torino Some thoughts and suggestions from a group of teachers. 17-14-D-40 JOHNSTON. John Rheims ·S9. Opening address. July, 3rd 19S9. 17-IS-D-41 JOHNSTON. John Rheims 'S9. Concluding remarks. Brother John Johnston. FSC Superior General. 26-16-D-70 JOSSE, Pierre The Lasallian School as it faces the future. 22-IS-D-60 LLANO, Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (112). 22-19-D-6l LLANO. Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (2/2). OS-16-D-IO LaZAR GOMEZ. Jose A. de The Lasallian leader. 05-lS-D-09 Maldonado De Torremorell. Eva The joy of living for the service of others. 29-1S-D-79 MALONEY, Rita The call to share Ministry. 20-IS-D-S2 MANN, William ((True cooperators with Jesus Christ». Homily al the USA-Toronto Regional Convocation II . 33-17-D-S6 MEAGHER, Raymond ..,Together we can», Il-lS-D-20 MOUTOU, Pierre A lay director of a Lasallian schol'l. 2S- I8-D-69 OLIN. Jenny T. 1991 commencement valedictory address Saint Mary's College. IS-16-D-2S QUISUMBING. Lourdes R. Keynote address of Secretary Lourdes R. Quisumbing. University La Salle. Bacolod. JulySlh 1988. 15-14-D-26 SAURAS, Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian voluntary service (I/Z). 15-IS-D-27 SAURAS, Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian volunlary service (2/2). 32-IS-D-S3 SCHlELER. Robert A presentation of Shared Mission (112). 32- 16-D-S4 SCHIELER. Robert A presentation of Shared Mission (2/2). 47-1S-D-IOS SCHNEIDER. Jean-Louis A Ministry which becomes a Mission for Lasallian Educators. 2S- IS-D-66 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando The role of the lay person in (he Lasallian eduC


06-15-D-l I ALPAGO. Bruno Seminars on Lasallian spiriluality. 12-16-D-21 ARANDA RAMiREZ. Adalberto An integral Lasallian formation course. 14-18-D-24 AU STAT. Elie A Lebanese Lasallian describes a year long refresher course in Paris. 50-,17-D-I22 CARNAGf-lI. Robert The importance of funded. in-depth Communit)'/ApoSlola!e e'reriences... (J /2). 50-IS-D-123 CARNAGHI. Robert The imparlance of funded. in-depth Community/Apostolate experiences ... (2/2).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 - 39- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 21-18-0-56 CHICO. Pedro The spirituality of the Christian educator today. 27-18-0-75 GRIEGER. Paul Religious in retirement «consacraled and sent». 38-19-0-91 KITSON, Charles Twenty~nine years a Brother and still growing. 19-16-0-48 MANN, William Reflection after the Gospel at the Closing Liturgy of the Fourth Session of the Butlimer Institute of Lasallian Studies. 16-18-0-38 VALLAOOLIO. Jose Maria The Lasallian training of the lay teacher. 22-17-D-59 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The identity of the religious and of the lay person in the shared mission.


49-20-0-121 BEAUDET. Gilles Some thoughts about the meaning of the association in the context of OUf vows. 33-16-D-85 BOIS, Noel Living as part of the Lasallian Family. 18-16-D-44 COUGHLIN. Francis P. Lasallian association (1/2). 18-17-0-45 COUGHLIN. Francis P. Lasallian association (2/2). 01-19-E-Ol JOLY, Christian Together and by Association. 23-16-D-62 "JUNTOS"- Centroamerica What is demanded of us by our association (1./2). 23-17-D-63 "JUNTOS"- Centroamerica What is demanded of us by our association (2/2). 15-13-D-25 SANTANELLO, P. - LINKE. G. Characteristics of Lasallian schools -Association-. 48-14-0-108 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (1/4). 48-15-0-109 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (2/4). 48-16-0-110 SALM, Luke Associate membership in the Institute (3/4). 48-17-D-lI1 SALM. Luke Associate membership in the Institute (4/4). 49-14-0-115 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (1/6). 49-15-D-116 SAUVAGE, Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (2/6). 49-16-D-117 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (3/6). 49-17-0-118 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (4/6). 49-18-D-119 SAUVAGE. Michel ."or a better understanding of the Lasallian association (5/6). 49-19-D-120 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (6/6). 18-18-D-46 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Together and by association (112). 18-19-0-47 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Together and by association (2/2).


05-13-D-07 ADAMS. Paulus - OLIvE. M. Signum Fidei (I). Introduction. 05-14-0-08 ADAMS. Paulus - OLIVE. M. Signum Fidei (2). Life style of the Fraternity. 03-17-0-05 ANDREOLI. Claudio The Lasallian Family. 09-18-0-15 ARQUILLERE. Etienne The Lasallian Association in France. 02-16-0-03 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Meeting of young Lasallians. Malta and Caracas 1983. 19-17-0-49 CANTIN. Jules New life for the Lasallian Family in Quebec. 08-18-0-14 CASTANEOA, Telly Signum Fidei's vision: a Faith-full response. 40-20-0-94 ORAHMANN. Theodore Lasallian Youth: modeling and being inspired by Jesus. Marisa Niemice. Testimonial from a Lasallian Graduate. Paul Springer. 36-18-0-88 HOTEK. David L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (112). 36-J9-D-89 HOTEK, Oavid L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (2/2). 47-19-D-I06 HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: the first lay teachers in the Brolhers' schools in Paris and in the world (112). 47-20-D-I07 HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: the first lay teachers in the Brothers' schools in Paris and in the world (2/2). 16-19-0-39 HOYO. Felix del The De La Salle Sisters of Guadalupe. 15-18-0-30 L1EW, Matthew ~asallian Family concept and the Malaysian reality. 06-16-0-12 MERCIER. Rene Two days a Parmenie. Wilh the Signum Fidei of France. 06-17-D-13 MONTECLER. Alain Message from the President of the Lasallian World Confederation. 02-17-D-04 OLIVE. Manuel Mexico Congress 24 to 28 July. 1984. 09-19-0-16 OLIVE. Manuel Lasallian Associations in Africa. 13-14-0-22 OLIVE. Manuel The Lasallian Family encounters. 04-19-0-06 RUIZ, Luis Enrique St. John Baptist de La Salle here and now. 16-11-0-31 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (I). -1- Key concepts to bear in mind when reading the letler to the Lasallian Family (I). 16-12-0-32 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letler to the Lasallian Family (2). -1- Key concepts to bear in mind when reading the letler to the Lasallian Family (2). 16-13-0-33 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (3) -2- At this particular moment in History.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 40- INDEX OF SUB.iECTS 16-14-0-34 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (4).-3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response (I). 16-15-0-35 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (5) -3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response (2). 16-16-0-36 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (6) -4- On being a Lasallian nowadays: a few practical guidelines (I). 16-17-0-37 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (7) -4- On being a Lasallian nowadays: a few ;xactical guidelines (2). 17-16-0-42 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (81.-5-0ifferent but associated. 17-17-0-43 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (9).-6-Let us build our future together. 20-17-0-51 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando The new evangelization and the Lasallian Family (I). 21-17-0-55 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando New Evangelization and the Lasallian Family (2). 22-16-0-58 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Towards a better understanding of the Lasallian Family.

E- Experiences - Witness - Happenings, ] -----


08-9-B-37 BOHNENBERGER, Pedro La Salle len years in the Amazon. 37-20-E-77 CAPLICE, Stephen Holy Week Missions in Mexico. 20-20-E-50 CIRERA, Angel 40 days in Togo. 06-8-B-27 COLLIGNON, Bernard Operation migration. A Community Project in Africa. 23-20-E-55 CUSIN, Alain Religious-for which Europe? 02-20-E-05 DELUOE, Rock Run schools or face a catastrophe. Understanding the situation of Cameroun. 04-20-E-07 DUPONT, Richard The Brothers' commitment to the poor of Haiti. 02-8-B-07 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The Brothers' part in the catechetical movement in Chile. 26-19-E-60 GONZALEZ K., Lorenzo An Easter adventure: missionary for young Mexicans. District of North Mexico. 30-20-E-67 GRIEGER, Paul The Cathol ic School in Lebanon in the future. A new educational approach. 03-19-E-07 JEAN, Robert The Brothers in Turkey. 33-19-E-73 MICHEL, Ange Is the Shared Mission possible in Moslem Turkey? 06-7-B-26 MONGEAU, Jacques Needs of youth in French Canada. 11-13-B-58 MORALES, Juan Bosco A community at the service of the country folk. 25-19-E-58 POULIOT, Elie The Brothers of the Christian Schools in the Cameroon Church. 17-18-E-43 PULGARiN, Hernan S!. John Baptist de La Salle and the centenary of the Institute in Colombia. 24-20-E-57 ROGERS, Anthony (Interview) «OHD helps Asian Church become a Church of the poor». 02-9-B-08 SAMNE, Oominique Inculluration of religious life in Africa. 01-12-B-05 SCHNEIDER, Jean-Louis De La Salle To-day in Upper Volta. 04-13-B-20 SUPLIDO, Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (1). 04-14-B-21 SUPLIDO, Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (2). 06-9-B-28 TRAN VAN NGHIEM, Pierre The Brothers and the Asian refugees in France.


11-12-B-57 In step with the poor of the land. An original work: Tami. 06-19-E-15 AA-P.B. A new aposlolate for retired Brothers. 05-17-E-08 BERARD!, Mario Problems and prospects of youth in Turin. 15-19-E-40 BOHI, Richad - FREY, Roman The Neuchatel Catholic Institute. A century of teaching foreing languages (1/2). J5-20-E-41 BOH!, Richad - FREY, Roman The Neuchatel Catholic Institute. A century of teaching foreing languages (2/2). 10-7-B-52 BONNETAIN, Rene Acceptance, help, prayer: a community al the service of youth. 12-7-B-59 BOULANGER, Hubert Adull education in Marie- Victorin College, Montreal. 14-10-B-72 BRANDELERO, Jeronimo Are teachers still necessary? New Lasallian ventures in Amazonia. 33-20-E-74 BRASSEUR, Jean-Pierre Among the Turks and the Maroeeans. Raquinet, 20 years later. (Bro. Pierre Massart). 12-10-B-62 CALDERON Manrique. Jaime Radio San Gabriel and the Aymara people (La Paz, Bolivia). 14-9-B-71 CALLIGAN. Jeffrey 1" The charism of Brother in the world today.

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 41 - INDEX OF SUBJECTS 18-20-E-46 CALVERT Hall College Calvert Hall College. Two education programs. 03-10-B-13 CANTIN. Jean-Marc The Lasallian Study Circle. District of Ollawa. 07-6-B-30 CARRERE. Andre lunariate and rural development Centre Analabe. 14-II-B-73 CARRILLO-Endaya. Tomasita What is Bamcrefoundation. 05-6-B-22 CENTRO Lasaliano Africano Implanting the Lasallian ideal in African culture. 1984 Session of the Lasallian African Union. 04-II-B-18 CREAGH. Stephen The «Harambee» spirit. 12-II-B-63 CYR. Rodrigue «Le Baluchon» (The Bundle): educational assistance program. 17-19-E-44 DALOA. Com. de De La Salle professional training Cenlre. Daloa. 08-II-B-39 DRAHMANN. Theodore The Lasallian apostolate in the Colleges and Universities of the USA. 08-10-B-38 DUCAT. Roger Brothers at the service of deaf youth. 07-18-E-18 ELSEN. Henri The Lasallian sense in my activities in a Primary School (I). 07-19-E-19 ELSEN. Henri The Lasallian sense in my activities in a Primary School (2). 13-5-B-65 ELZIERE. Daniel The school outside the walls. 29-20-E-65 Esc. SJ.B. Salle. Santo Domingo. The La Salle School in Simon Bolivar suburb. Santo Domingo. 07-20-E-20 FIRMAN. William The apostolale of the Lasallian Boarding School. 34-20-E-75 FlAMINGO. Felix The Information and Advice Centre of Mont La Salle. Beirut. 13-20-E-37 FOISY. Paul «La Releve»: a springboard for the young. 26-20-E-61 Fratemidad Misionera Lasallista The Lasallian Fraternity for missionary work (FML). (Santo Domingo). 09-20-E-23 GAGNE. Benoit Help to children with difficulties in studies. 03-13-B-16 GAUDREAULT. Flarent Youth Villa: pastoral centre. 04-10-B-17 GINES. H. La Salle Foundation for Natural Science (FLASA). 38-20-E-78 GONZALEZ PEREZ. Enrique Lasallian Holistic Formation Cenler. Tijuana. Mexico. 05-18-E-09 HERMANS. Maurice Brother Armand Hubert: twenty years in a special school. 27-20-E-63 JAMES. S. l\Janban: A Center for Slreet and working children. 13-7-B-67 JAUREGUI. Julian Interesting Lasallian missionary work in the Andes (1). 13-8-B-68 JAUREGUI. Julian Interesting Lasallian missionary work in the Andes (2). 17-20-E-45 KESTLER. Richard Sl. Gabriel's Hall. Audubon. Philadelphia-U.S.A. 32-19-E -70 KIMPTON. James Reaching the unriched. 02-18-E-03 KIMPTON. James Reaching the unreached... In the steps of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 13-6-B-66 LANTHIER. Real Brothers of the third age at the service of the handicapped. 32-20-E-71 LARREA. Juan Jose "La Salle" Museum - District of Bilbao. 06-18-E-14 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre They gave meaning to my life. 05-7-B-23 LE LABOURIER. Louis Tounouma: A college for the people. 05-9-B-25 LlEM VO. Nicet \Vorking among the Indo-chinese students: a continuing mission. 07-9-B-33 LUNDY. Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (I). 07-10-B-34 LUNDY. Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (2). 08-7-B-35 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Centre: KinLbury. England: ten years on. (3) 08-8-B-36 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Centre: Kintbury. England: ten years on. (4) 09-8-B-41 LUNDY. Damian St Cassian's Centre. Kintbury. (5) 09-9-B-42 LUNDY. Damian St C.ssian·s Centre. Kintbury. (6) 50-20-E-83 MAGAZ. Manuel F. An experiment with Former Students. 09-10-B-43 MARCOUX. Philibert The Springboard: repar shop for school dropouts. 03-9-B-12 MARTiNEZ. Jose Maria Saint Pius X Institute for advanced catechetical sludies. 06-20-E-16 MASSART. Pierre A Brother works with young immigrants in Brussels. 06-10-B-29 MEJiA. Felix A school co-operative fishing project. 09-12-B-45 MEOLI. Rodolfo Bartolo Longo Institute of Pompei. (I) 09-13-B-46 MEOLI. Rodolfo aartolo Longo Institute of Pompei. (2) 10-3-B-48 MOE. Christian A forgoten mission (I). 10-4-B-49 MOE. Christian A fargoten mission (2). 13-17-E-34 MOLONEY. Beata New Life community. 09-14-B-47 MONTECARLO. Col. de For the past 120 years: The Brothers in Monaco. 03-12-B-15 MORALES. Alfredo La Salle-Cienfuegos: solidarity project. 14-12-B-74 MORALES. Juan Bosco A brief description of the Ayahualulco Lasallian community. 09-II-B-44 PARIZI. Bartolo The Lasallian Youth Center: Gallipoli. 10-10-B-55 PARMA. Communita di The Don Gnocchi Center of Parma. Italy. 10-5-B-50 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socia-cultural animation at the Saint Christopher Agricultural Institute (I). 10-6-B-51 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socio-cultural animation at the Saint Christopher Agricultural Institute (2). 50-19-E-82 PHILIPPE A present-day understanding of the first point of the second Meditation for the Time of Retreat. 27-19-E-62 PETTI. Donato The educational and cultural work of the S. Paolo.

LASALLIANA -W 51 -42- INDEX OF SUBJECTS 1O-19-E-24 RAINE, Ray New Creation community (1). 10-20-E-25 RAINE, Ray New Creation community (2). 04-12-B-19 RAZAFINDRAKOTO A publishing house serving a country's cultural identity. 10-II-B-56 REYES, Rafael A Lasallian apcstalate among the hansenite patients in Tala. 16-20-E-42 RlESCHSTEINER, Fran~ois The pastoral Centre at the Abbey of Fontaine Andre, Neuchatel. Switzerland. 14-19-E-38 SHORT, Gery Developing the Lasallian school program. 05-8-B-24 SMITH, Paul Boys Town, Beaudesert, Queensland (Australia), 13-18-E-35 SPELLMAN, Martin ·:

OTHER EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES 11-19-E-26 FRECHETTE, Leandre The religious apostolate of a Brother in the third age. 30-19-E -66 GRIEGER, Paul School and Life. Former students speak about their schooldays. Beirut, Lebanon. 22-20-E-52 LOES, Augustine Some individual Lasallian apostolates. 28-20-E-64 LOES, Augustine Some olher individual Lasallian apostolales. 33-18-E-72 LOES, Augustine More individual aposto!ates. 14-20-E-39 LORENZO, Javier Celebrating Easter with young people. 02-19-E-04 LUNDY, Damian Growing "into" Faith... 10-12-C-38 MAGAZ, Manuel F. An experience of evangelization. 46-20-E-81 MARCATO, Umberto Vocations in the Land of Jesus. 10-9-B-54 TAZZER de SCHRIJVER, Lucio The A. C. Social Action movement. 43-20-E-80 TOMINIKO, Falaniko Address of a former Lasallian Student to the New Zealand Catholic Education Convention - 1996. 23-18-E-53 VARGAS, Juan Brothers writers of Colombia.


18-9-B-88 BLONDEAU, Marcel The Brothers and Natural Sciences in Quebec. 25-20-E-59 CASALLAS LASSO, Roque The Museum of Natural Sciences of Bogota. 01-20-E-02 CASTANOS, Aingeru Why stand you here, looking up to Heaven? 13-10-B-70 DACHET. Maurice Malonne, a center for meetings and for prayer. 20-19-E-49 ESPINO LEDEZMA. Edel Maria A community of Faith and aposto)ate. University of «EI Bajio}), Leon, Mexico. 2I-20-E-51 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Santiago (Chile). Inauguration of St. John Baptist de La Salle Square. 10-8-B-53 KOCH, Carl Saint Mar'y's Press: ministry through publishing. 24-19-E-56 LACATTE, Etienne A life... A commitment. 19-20-E-48 LoCOCO, Bernard Sangre de Cristo Center. Santa Fe. New Mexico. U.S.A. 02-11-B-IO SECOLI 1983 Missionary Symposium.



In step with the poor of the land. An original work: Tami. 11-12-B-57 Declaration on Prayer. Prayer week at Bujedo. 43-10-B-192 Chronological Table of the Circulars of the Superiors in the Archives of 45 the Institute. AA-P.B. A new apostolate for retired Brothers. 06-19-E-15 ADAMS, Paulus - OLIVE, M. Signum Fidei (I). Introduction. 05-13-D-07 ADAMS, Paulus - OLIVE, M. Signum Fidei (2). Life style of the Fraternity. 05-14-D-08 AGNELLET, Louis Lenten animation in a High-School (I). 07-7-B-31 AGNELLET, Louis Lenten animation in a High-School (2). 07-8-B-32 ALCALDE, Josafat The Conduc: of the Christian Schools, a technical-professional training 19-11-C-80 manual for teachers. ALCALDE, Josafat A liWe-known Lasallian educational practice: the use of a training 24-5-A-106 supervisor of new teachers (lIZ). ALCALDE, Josafat A little-known Lasallian educational practice: the use of a training 24-6-A-112 supervisor of new teachers (212). ALCALDE, Josafat Elementary School curriculum in De La Salle's day. 26-13-C-116 ALCALDE, Josafat Studies in 18th Century Lasallian boarding schools. 28-11-B-130 ALPAGO, Bruno Seminars on Lasallian spirituality. 06-15-D-11 ALPAGO, Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute 48-9-B-202 (112). ALPAGO, Bruno Educational service of the poor throughout the history of the Institute 48-10-B-203 (2/2). ALVAREZ PEREZ Adelardo Principal orientations in the education of the youths at Aravaca. 13-11-C-50 ALVEANO, Carlos Animation of groups of mother catechists. 11-15-C-44 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (1/4). 42-2-0-53 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (2/4). 42-3-0-54 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (3/4). 42-4-0-55 ANDAUR, Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (4/4). 42-5-0-56 ANDERER, Michael John Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed 37-11-B-167 by the Spirit (112). ANDERER, Michael John Baptist de La Salle and the Brothers of the Christian Schools: formed 37-12-B-168 by the Spirit (2/2). ANDREOLI, Claudio The Lasallian Family. 03-17-D-05 ANIFALOBA, Peter The Catholic school as a place for a life of holiness. 21-13-C-92 ANIFALOBA, Peter A Lasallian Stations of the Cross. 38-II-B-173 ARANDA RAMiREZ, Adalberta An integral Lasallian formation course. 12-16-D-21 ARNOUIL, Eduardo John Baptist de La Salle, a prophet for the Church. 37-3-A-160 ARQUILLERE, Etienne The Lasallian Association in France. 09-18-D-15 ARRIBAS, Abelardo The Laity in the Ministry of St. John Baptist De La Salle and Shared 44-16-D-97 Mission. ARTEAGA, Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in the Lellers of Brother Superiors 44-18-D-99 (1976-1996) (113). ARTEAGA, Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission In the Lellers of Brother Superiors 44-19-D-IOO (1976-1996) (2/3). ARTEAGA, Edwin Twenty years of Shared Mission in lhe Letters of Brother Superiors 44-20-D-IOI (1976-1996) (3/3). AUSTAT, Elie A Lebanese Lasallian describes a year long refresher course in Paris. 14-18-D-24

BANNON, Edwin The charism of teaching. 02-15-C-08 BANNON, Edwin The known manuscripts of St. J. B. de La Salle (I). 03-2-A-14 BANNON, Edwin The known manuscripts of Sain' J. B. de La Salle (2). 04-3-A-21 BANNON, Edwin The known manuscripts of saint John Baptist de La Salle (3). 05-2-A-28 BANNON, Edwin The vocabulary of the Meditations for the time of Retreat. 08-5-A-41 BANNON, Edwin The Founder's Letlers revisited. 32-3-A-137 BANNON, Edwin Another major work of Lasallian scholarship from the Region of Italy. 50-10-B-212 BANNON. Edwin The earliest Lasallians. 50-II-B-213

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -45- INDEX OF AUTHORS BARBAGLIA. Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (112). 20-6-A-81 BARBAGLIA. Serafino An unjustly forgoten Lasallian biography (2/2). 20-7-A-82 BARBAGLIA. Serafino La Salle? de La Salle? de De La Salle? 20-8-A-83 BARBERO. Justiniano A c3lechumenate for adults. 11-14-C-43 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Interview with Brother Superior General. 02-1-0-01 BASTERRECHEA, Jose Pablo Meeting of young Lasallians. Malta and Caracas 1983. 02-16-D-03 BASTERRECHEA, Jose Pablo Consecrated Life today: Charisms in the Church and for the World. 30-1-0-40 BASTERRECHEA, Jose Pablo Male lay religious and their specific vocation in the Church. 32-1-0-41 BAUVIN. Gilbert The Christian education programme. The school pastoral care learn. 27-II-C-119 BEAUDET, Gilles The use of hymns in Brother's schools. 15-3-A-63 BEAUDET. Gilles Sl. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which 1 have imposed upon 20-3-A-78 myself". (1/3). BEAUDET. Gilles SI. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which I have imposed upon 20-4-A-79 myself", (2/3), BEAUDET. Gilles St. La Salle's retreat resolutions or "Rules which I have imposed upon 20-5-A-80 myseJr". (313). BEAUDET. Gilles Some thoughts about the meaning of the association in the context of OUf 49-20-D-121 vows. BELLY, Sr, Michel The place of the Christian Teacher. 01-17-D-01 BERARDI, Mario Problems and prospects of youth in Turin.. 05-17-E-08 BERCIANO - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (1/3). 48-18-D-112 BERCIANO - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (2/3). 48-19-D-113 BERCIANO - Cachazo - Herranz Lasallian Identity and Shared Mission (313). 48-20-0-114 BLONDEAU. Marcel The Brothers and Natural Sciences in Quebec. I8-9-B-88 BLOYER. Pierre Some decisive moments in the life of Sl. John Baptist De La Salle. 28-7-A-124 BOH!, Richad - FREY. Romon The Neuchatel Catholic Institute. A century of teaching foreing languages 15-19-E-40 (1/2) . BOHI. Richad - FREY. Romon The Neuchatel Catholic Institute. A century of teaching foreing languages 15-20-E-41 (2/2), BOHNENBERGER. Pedro La Salle ten years in the Amazon. 08-9-B-37 BOIS. Noel Living as part of the Lasallian Family. 33-16-D-85 BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of 34-11-B-158 renewal (1/3). BOIS, Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of 34-12-B-159 renewal (2/3). BOIS. Noel Some thoughts on the place of the Conduct of Schools in our process of 34-13-B-160 renewal (313). BONDARNAUD. Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. (112). 40-10-B-178 BONDARNAUD, Raymond "Moving forward". Reflections. (2/2). 40-II-B-179 BONFLEUER, Arno The Christian teacher educates children to live according to Christian 02- I3-C-06 values. BONFLEUR. Amo Integration of the Christian Teacher in the Educative Community. 01-18-D-02 BONILLA. Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (I). 13-I-A-55 BONILLA, Jorge The brotherhood of saint John Baptist de La Salle (2). 13-I-A-55 BONNETAIN. Rene Acceptance, help. prayer: a community at the service of yOUlh, 10-7-B-52 BORDIGNON. Nelso La Salle, a road for you. Crowning of the work (1714-1719). 27-3-A-118 BORG. Martin De La Salle's "Formateur" and "inspector" control and Management By 26-14-C-117 Objectives, BORELLI. John - FISHER. E. Journey of the heart to God: Reflecting on the oneness of God in the Year 47-1-0-61 of the Father. BOTANA. Antonio Christian group animmion, 07- I5-C-27 BOTANA. Antonio Dynamic Tensions of Lasallian Spirituality. 35-4 BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de 40-2-A-176 La Salle (1/4). BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de 40-3-A-I77 La Salle (2/4). BOTANA. Antonio The process .)f identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de 40-4-A-178 La Salle (3/4). BOTANA. Antonio The process of identification with Christ in the writings of John Baptist de 40-5-A-179 La Salle (4/4). BOTANA. Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (I/2). 42-6-A-184

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -46- INDEX OF AUTHORS BOTANA, Antonio The Lasallian way of following Christ (2/2). 42-7-A-185 BOULANGER, Hubert Adult education in Marie-Victorin College. Montreal. 12-7-B-59 BOURDIN. Emile The computer in a technical school. I 1-17-D-I 9 BRAGADO. Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (1/2). 37-4-A-161 BRAGADO, Erlinda St La Salle and Sacred Scriptures (2/2). 37-5-A-162 BRAND, Taurio Pedagogical research carried out by the Lasallian National Commission 03-16-C-II (Brazil). BRANDELERO, Jeronimo Are teachers still necessary? New Lasallian ventures in Amazonia. 14-IO-B-72 BRASSEUR. Jean-Pierre Among the Turks and the Maroccans. Raquinet. 20 years later. (Bro. 33-20-E-74 Pierre Massan). BRISEBOIS. Raymond Expansion of the brothers of the Christian Schools Throughout the World. 01-8-B-OI BRODERICK. Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat (I). 05-4-A-30 BRODERICK. Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat (2). 06-6-A-35 BUTTIGIEG. Michael A tour of France-154 days on horseback with Brother Barthelemy. 15-5-A-65 December 4th 17I6-May 7th 1717. BUTTIGIEG, Michael Heroes of the French Revolution. I- Brother Moniteur (112). 28-9-B-128 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution. 1 - Brother Moniteur (2/2). 28-IO-B-129 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (I/2). 32-6-B-146 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (2/2). 32-7-B-147 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (112). 34-8-B-155 BUTTIGIEG, Michael Heroes of the French Revolution on the prison-ships of La Rochelle (2/2). 34-9-B-156 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Sl. La Salle and the Lasallian Teacher (1/2). 42-19-D-95 BUTTIGIEG. Michael Sl. La Salle and the Lasallian Teacher (2/2). 42-20-D-76

CABRIA, Agustin Evangelising a World in a state of crisis. 01-13-C-OI CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (l/5). 21-6-A-87 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (2/5). 21-7-A-88 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder 0/5). 21-8-A-89 CALCUTT. Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (4/5). 22-2-A-90 CALCUTT, Alfred Paris at the time of the Founder (5/5). 22-3-A-91 CALDERON MANRIQUE. Jaime Radio San Gabriel and the Aymara people (La Paz. Bolivia). 12-10-B-62 CALLIGAN. Jeffrey L. The charism of Brother in the world today. 14-9-B-71 CALORI. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (l/2). 34-14-C-140 CALORI. Carlo Educating young people to the Mission for the Third Millennium (2/2). 34-15-C-141 CALVERT Hall College Calvert Hall College. Two education programs. I8-20-E-46 CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for a first step in formalion for 48-13-B-206 community life. CANAL, Josep Brothers among themselves. Materials for starling formation in 49-11-B-209 community life. CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. 3. Anthropological relationships .. .in 50-12-B-214 community. CANAL. Josep Brothers among themselves. 4. Religious community: the subject of a 50-13-B-215 mission .. CANTIN, Jean-Marc The Lasallian Study Circle. District of Ollawa. 03-10-B-13 CANTIN, Jules New life far the Lasallian Family in Quebec. 19-17-D-49 CAPELLE. Nicolas The school must be well run. 15-II-C-58 CAPLICE. Stephen Holy Week Missioas in Mexico. 37-20-E-77 CARMO, Col. do - Caxias do Sui Challenges facing the Brothers' community: end and spirit of the 17-2-B-82 Institute-m iss ion. CARNAGHI. Robert The importance of funded. in-depth Community/Apostolate experiences.. , 50-17-D-122 (112) CARNAGHI. Robert The importance of funded. in-depth Community/Apostolate experiences... 50-18-D-I23 (2/2) CARRERE. Andre Junoriale and rural developmenl Centre Analabe. 07-6-B-30 CARRILLO-ENDAYA. Tomasita \Vhal is Bamcrefoundalion. 14-II-B-73 CARROLL. David The nature of Dialogue (Ecumenical and Interfaith). 38- I8-C-158 CARUGNO.ltalo Meditations of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. Distributed throughout lhe 25-5-A-I07 year. CASALLAS LASSO. Roque The Museum of Natural Sciences of Bogota. 25-20-E-59 CASEY. Thomas Computer technology and Christian values in FSC schools. 07-16-C-28

LASALLIANA - NO 51 -47 - INDEX OF AUTHORS CASTANEDA. Telly Signum Fidei's vision: a Faith-full response. 08-18-D-14 CASTANEDA. Telly Management of Christian schools: a layperson's view. 10-18-D-18 CASTANOS. Aingeru Why stand yuu here. looking up 10 Heaven? 01-20-E-02 CENTRE Lasall ien Africain Implanting the Lasallian ideal in African culture. 1984 Session of the 05-6-B-22 Lasallian African Union. CERVANTES. Jose A meeting of the first Brothers with M. de La Salle. The 1686 Assembly. 02-3-A-09 CHASTEL. Jean-Paul SI. John Baptist de La Salle and catechism in Ihe light of «The Conduct of 23-3-A-101 Schools.>, CHICO. Pedro The apostolic role of the lay teacher in the Lasallian school. 17-9-C-69 CHICO, Pedro A professional psychological profile of a Lasallian lay teacher. 17-10-C-70 CHICO. Pedro The spirituality of the Christian educator today. 21-18-D-56 CHICO, Pedro The dynamic elements of the spirituality of the Christian educator. 21-19-D-57 CHILDS, Jack Holistic spirituality and the Christian Brothers. 08-15-C-32 CIL - 1995 You ought earnestly to beg of God this Spirit of Prayer. 35-16 CIL - 1995 You seek me at dawn. 35-17 CIL - 1995 Admire this goodness of God. 35-18 CIL - 1995 Accepting the gift of God. 35-19 CIL -1995 The celebration of the Mystery of God in Mental Prayer. 35-20 CiMAR ROCHA, C. The Lasallian presence in Bolivia. 36-12-B-166 CIRERA, Angel 40 days in Togo. 20-20-E-50 COFFEY. Martin Homily to De La Salle Brothers. 36-1-0-43 COLLIGNON. Bernard Operation migration. A Community Project in Africa. 06-8-B-27 Education Commission - USArr. Caracteristics of the Lasallian school. 21-12-C-91 CONLAN. Mary Leadership for a beller World. A Lasallian Coordinator Seminar. 30-17-D-81 Narooma. 1993. CONLAN. Mary Sharing our Mission - alive in hope. 1994 Lasallian Assembly. 34-19-D-87 COUGHLIN. Francis P. Lasallian association (112). 18-16-D-44 COUGHLIN. Francis P. Lasallian association (2/2). 18-17-D-45 CREAGH. Stephen The «Harambee) spirit. 04-11-B-18 CROCE. Alberto Pastoral care of youth in the context of Lasallian spirituality (I). 08-13-C-30 CROCE. Alberto Pastoral care of youth in the context of Lasallian spirituality (2). 08-14-C-31 CURIE. Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Solidarity (I/2). 34-6-A-153 CURIE. Leon St John Baptist de La Salle and Sol idarity (2/2). 34-7-A-154 CUSIN, Alain Religious-for which Europe? 23-20-E-55 CYR. Rodrigue «Le Baluchonn (The Bundle): educ3lional assistance program. 12-11-B-63

DACHET. Maurice Malonne. a center for meetings and for prayer. 13-10-B-70 DALOA Community De La Salle professional training Cemre. Daloa. 17-19-E-44 DANIELOU. Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (1/2). 20-I-A-76 DANIELOU, Herve The tercentenary of the heroic vow of 21 November 1691 (2/2). 20-2-A-77 DANIELOU. Herve The short-lived adventure of the first Brothers in the United States 26-8-B-117 (1817-1822) (112). DANIELOU. Herve The short-lived adventure of the first Brothers in the United States 26-9-B-118 (1817-1822) (2/2). DARREYE. Claude Educational service of the very poor. 05-19-E-10 DE COEN. Maurice Failure in school. 20-14-C-88 DE COEN. Maurice The ideal school. The ideal school for the young people of the year 2000. 29-17-C-132 DE COEN. Maurice The ideal tea;;her. A few Ihoughts. 32-12-C-135 DE COEN. Maurice The needs of Young People Today. 37-16-C-150 DEENEY. John Departures: 1671-1672. 50-4-A-220 DEENEY. John Out or the depths. 1680. 50-5-A-221 DELERSNYDER. P. M. A personal account by the lay headmaster of a Lasallian school. 23-19-E-54 DELUDE. Rock Run schools or face a catastrophe. Understanding the situation of 02-20-E-05 Cameroun. DESHAIES. Marcel Our work of fostering vocations. (Distric of Quebec. Canada). 17-5-C-65 DESHAIES. Marcel Awakening vocations (District of Quebec. Canada). 24-7-B-I07 D·HUITEAU. Jacques Brother Alpert. On the occasion of the transfer of his remains. 46-9-B-199 DiAZ MERCHAN. Gabino Beatification of the martyrs of the Christian schools. 19-6-B-90 DRAHMANN. Theodore The Lasallian apostolate in the Colleges and Universities or the USA. 08-11-B-39 DRAHMANN. Theodore New world in Catholic Educalion. 36-13-C-145

LASALLIANA - N' 51 -48- INDEX OF AUTHORS DRAHMANN, Theodore The Age of the Baptized, 37-19-0-90 DRAHMANN, Theodore Brother James Miller Day, 1994, 38-12-B-174 DRAHMANN, Theodore Family life in the United States (l/2). 39-I3-C-164 DRAHMANN, Theodore Family life in the United States (2/2). 39-14-C-165 DRAHMANN, Theodore Lasallian Youth: modeling and being inspired by Jesus. Marisa Niemice. 40-20-0-94 Testimonial from a Lasallian Graduate. Paul Springer. DRAHMANN, Theodore Brother James A. Miller. the martyr. 43-II-B-193 DRAHMANN. Theodore What does Shared Mission mean to me? 44-17-0-98 DUCAT, Roger Brothers at the service of deaf youth. 08-10-B-38 DULLIUS, Paulo Faith Education and integral formation (l/2). 43-16-C-186 DULLIUS, Paulo Faitb Education and integral formation (2/2). 43-17-C-187 DUNKEL. Engelbert Lasallian symbols for a scbool. Practical? Art? Bronze symbols? 29-2-0-39 DUPONT, Richard The Brothers' commitment to the poor of Haiti. 04-20-E-07 DUPONT. Richard To be the Word in order to proclaim the Word. 35-7 DUPONT. Richard Prayer. the heart of the Brolher's life. 35-12 DUPONT, Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (1/2). 43-6-B-188 DUPONT. Richard The Holy Spirit in the life of the Brothers: inspirations (2/2). 43-7-B-189 DUPONT. Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (113). 44-3-A-191 DUPONT, Richard Under the guidance of the Spirit (2/3), 44-4-A-192 DUPONT, Richard Under tbe guidance of the Spirit (313). 44-5-A-193 DUPONT. Richard Community and community discernment (lIZ). 46-15-C-199 DUPONT. Richard Community and community discernment (2/2). 46-16-C-200

EFOE-PENOUKOU, Julien CELAF (Lasallian Centre of AFrica) at the service of tbe Cburcb in Africa. 28-1-0-36 ELSEN,Henri The Lasallian sense in my activities in a Primary School (1), 07-18-E-18 ELSEN, Henri The Lasallian sense in my activities in a Primary Scbool (2). 07-19-E-19 ELSEN, Henri Ministers of God, look upon yourselves as tbe dispensers of his mysteries. 25-13-C-1l4 ELZIERE, Daniel Tbe school outside the walls. 13-5-B-65 EMMONET, Gabriel Saint Teresa and tbe Brothers of tbe Cbristian Scbools. 16-1 -0-28 EMONNET. Gabriel S. John Baptist de La Salle and openness to tbe world (lIZ). 19-2-A-73 EMONNET, Gabriel S. Jobn Baptist de La Salle and openness to tbe world (2/2). 19-3-A-74 EMONNET, Gabriel The striking example of St. Benildus's devotion to the Eucharist, 25-10-B-114 ESPINO LEDEZMA, Edel Maria A community of Faith and aposlolale. University of «EI Bajio>" Leon, 20-19-E-49 Mexico. EMONNET, Gabriel Optimism according to SI. Jobn Baptist de La Salle. 33-9-A-148 Esc. SJ,B.Salle - Samo Domingo Tbe La Salle School in Simon Bolivar suburb, Santo Domingo. 29-20-E-65 EVERETT, Dominic Chapter 5 of the Conduct of Scbools: a dramat'c dialogue. 18-4-A-70 EVERETT, Dominic Tbe Parish Scbool (1654) and the Conduct of Schools (lnO): a study of 19-4-A-75 contrasts. EVERETT, Dominic De La Salle and school administration. 22-8-A-96

FERMET, Andre Wbo was Brother Scubilion? 06-1-0-04 FERMET, Andre BrOlher Scubilion (2): «A Brother for those afap): The Missionary. 07-1-0-05 FER MET, Andre Brotber Scubilion (3). Catechist of Slaves: A Gospel of Freedom. 08-3-0-08 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (4): Brother Scubilion's spiritual school: prayer and 09-1-0-09 dedication. FlAMINGO, Feli' The Information and Advice Centre of Mont La Salle. Beiru!. 34-20-E-75 FIRMAN, William The apostolale of the Lasallian Boarding School. 07-20-E-20 FOISY, 0, Paul «La Releve»): a springboard for the young. 13-20-E-37 FOISY, Paul The Ministry of Education OI2l. 44-12-C-I90 FOISY, Paul The Ministry of Education (2/2). 44- I3-C-191 Fralernidad Misionera Lasallisfa The Lasallian Fraternity for missionary work (FMU. (Sanlo Domingo). 26-20-E-61 FRECHETTE, Leandre The religious apostolate of a Brother in the third age. 11-19-E-26 FROSSARD, Mgr, Robert The Institute and the origine of the J.O.c. (Young Christian Workers) (I). 14-2-0-24 FROSSARD, Mgr. Robert The Institute and the origine of the J,O.C. (Young Christian Workers) (2). 14-3-0-25

FRUTOS, G, - BUENO, C, Towards 1:1 plan of Lasallian formation. 09-16-C-36

GAGNE, Benoit Help to children with difficulties in studies. 09-20-E-23 GAiNZA, Fermin Toward a unified Lasallian Spirituality. 35-2

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -49- INDEX OF AUTHORS GALLEGO. Salurnino An x-ray phctograph of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 02-2-A-08 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Brothers' part in the catechetical movement in Chile. 02-8-B-07 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Santiago (Chile). Inauguration of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle Square. 21-20-E-51 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (112). 24-17-D-64 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The commitment of the Lasallian teacher (2/2). 24-18-D-65 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Discipline in the Lasallian school today. 25-14-C-115 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique The Christian school and the evangelisation of cultures (112). 29-13-C-128 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique The Christian school and the evangelisation of cultures (2/2). 29-14-C-129 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Jesus the Teacher (1/2). 34-16-C-142 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Jesus the Teacher (2/2). 34-17-C-143 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Litany of saints for use by the Lasallian Family. 36-10-B-164 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Philosophy for disavantaged students. 39-20-E-79 GARCiA AHUMADA. Enrique Biblical Ministry in OUf Institute. 40-17-C-170 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Values in Mathematics Education (1/2). 46-II-C-195 GARCiA AHUMADA, Enrique Values in Mathematics Education (2/2). 46-12-C-196 GARCiA MORENO, Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian Ihinking (1/2). 26-17-D-71 GARCiA MORENO, Jose Carlos The education of the poor in Lasallian thinking (1/2). 26-18-D-72 GARGES. Com. (France) Learn to look at realitiy; Examine what is said; Listen LO what is not said. 01-15-C-03 GARVEY. William Reflexivity / Human growth / Religious Life and FSC. 38-4-0-49 GAUDREAULT. Florent Youlh Villa: pastoral cenlre. 03-13-B-16 GATT, Charles Saint De La Salle-Patron of teachers. 21-4-A-85 GATT. Charles Twelve qualities of a good teacher. 27-12-C-120 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (1/3). 38-13-C-153 GATT, Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (2/3). 38-14-C-154 GATT. Saviour Human Rights Education in the family (3/3). 38- I5-C-155 GERY, Henri Travels of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle: Journeys and Foundations. 01-2-A-02 GIL. Pedro The ministry of Christian education (I). 14-15-C-55 GIL. Pedro The ministry of Christian education (2). 14-16-C-56 GIL. Victor To wean the soul or to abandon meditation. 25-4-A-Ill GIL. Victor The Brother and the «Convention on the Rights of the Child». 27-15-C-123 GIL. Victor Offering the school as a sign of the Kingdom. 29-15-C-130 GIL. Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of 33·6-A-145 the Cross (1/3). GIL. Victor Mental prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of 33-7-A-146 the Cross (2/3). GIL, Victor MenIal prayer of simple attention in SJBS and contemplation in St John of 33-8-A-147 the Cross (313). GIL. Victor The Spirit of Faith and Buddhism. Notes on the fifth means by which we 35-21 can acquire the Spirit of Faith. GIL. Victor Youth. icon of the Church. 46-10-C-194 GINES, H. La Salle Foundation for Natural Science (FLASA). 04-10-B-17 GONZALEZ. J.M. - Ibarguren. A. De La Salle and training schools for teachers (1/2). 18-2-A-68 GONZALEZ. J.M. - Ibarguren. A. De La Salle and training schools for teachers (2/2). 18-3-A-69 GONZALEZ K.. Lorenzo An Easter adventure: missionary for young Mexicans. District of North 26-19-E-60 Mexico. GONzALEZ PEREZ, Enrique Lasallian Holistic Formation Center. Tijuana. Mexico. 38-20-E-78 GOUSSIN, Jacques «The school is doing well. .. ». 19-13-C-82 GRIEGER, Paul Religious in retirement «consaerated and sent». 27-18-D-75 GRIEGER, Paul A Community of "Brothers". «A sign of hope, a source of life» The role of 29-10-B-132 affectivity. GRIEGER, Paul School and Life. Former students speak aboul their schooldays. Beirut, 30-19-E -66 Lebanon. GRIEGER. Paul The Catholic School in Lebanon in the future. A new educational 30-20-E-67 approach. GRIEGER. Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects (1/2). 32-10-B-150 GRIEGER. Paul Life communities. A new approach. Psycho-affective aspects (2/2). 32-11-B-151 GRIEGER. Paul Continuing Formation of retired religious. "To live better. .. To be of 36-II-B-165 greater service". GRIEGER. Paul Living Community Life as a Communion. 37-1-0-44 GRIEGER, Paul Communication in Community. Successful communicalion. 38-3-0-48

LASALLIANA - W 51 -50- INDEX OF AUTHORS GRIEGER, Paul When life and ministry are one. "The crisis of adulthood". A 39-1-0-50 psychological problem, GRIEGER, Paul The NewEvangelisation, The role of audio-visual means, 40-1-0-51 GRIEGER, Paul Affective maturity and consecrated life. 42-1-0-52 GRIEGER, Paul Affective problems. Education in cerebral control. Practical suggestions. 43-1-0-53 GRIEGER, Paul Evangeiisation Today. «Making a success of the mission entrusted to US)\, 46-1-0-60 GRIEGER, Paul Living and working together. Relationships with others... its difficulty. 50-1-0-67 GROS, Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Unity of the Church. 30-18-0-82 GROS, Jeffrey Ecumenical formation and the Christian school. 32- I4-C-I36 GROS, Jeffrey The Synod for America, occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (112). 39-16-C-I67 GROS, Jeffrey The Synod for America, occasion for Lasallian Solidarity (1/2). 39-17-C-168 GROS, Jeffrey One in Christ's Baptism. Called to be one in Christ's Church. 40-16-C-169 GROS, Jeffrey One in the Holy Spirit. Return to God. Rejoice in Hope (112). 42-l3-C-176 GROS, Jeffrey One in the Holy Spirit. Return to God. Rejoice in Hope (2/2). 42- I4-C-I77 GROS, Jeffrey The Lasallian Charism and the Uniting Church (1/2). 43-12-C-182 GROS, Jeffrey The Lasallian Charism and the Uniting Church (2/2). 43- I3-C-183 GROS, Jeffrey Challenges to Lasallian Leadership in Christian Reconciliation. 44-15-C-193 GROS, Jeffrey Shared Mission and the Local Church. 46-17-0-102 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (112). 48-1-0-65 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (2/2). 48-2-0-66 GROS, Jeffrey Educating for the Unity of the Church in a Changing World. 49- I3-C-209 GROS, Jeffrey Oriental Orthodox in the Catholic Schools. 50-16-C-212 GUASCONI, John The ministry of teaching. 07-17-C-29

HARKINS, William «Higher spectations» in the Catholic inner city High School. 18-l3-C-77 HATEM, Sami Lasallian Spirituality. 35-9 HATEM, Sami The Spiritual Doctrine of St John Baptist de La Salle. 35-II HAYES, 0, Hilary «Year of calling». I2-20-E-3 I HENDRON, Joseph Guide for formation -1- Developments in Institute formation. 23-5-B-102 HERMANS, Maurice An Imaginative Life of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-4-A-04 HERMANS, Maurice Brothers of the Christian Schools. 01-5-A-05 HERMANS, Maurice Twenty-five years of Cahiers Lasalliens (1959-1984). 02-7-B-06 HERMANS, Maurice Rheims 1684. A community founded on Providence. 03-I-A-l3 HERMANS, Maurice First taking of the habit: Rheims (Winter of 1634-85). 04-2-A-20 HERMANS, Maurice Brother Annand Hubert: twenty years in a special school. 05-18-E-09 HERMANS, Maurice The proto-Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Springtime 08-2-0-07 1686. HERMANS, Maurice At Paris, 31 May 1686. 09-2-A-43 HERMANS, Maurice The first novitiate and training school for country teachers. 10-I-A-49 HERMANS, Maurice 1687: the election of the first Brother Superior. II-II-A-51 HERMANS, Maurice Rheims May I, 1687. 12-4-A-52 HERMANS, Maurice An unforgettable centenary: the beatification of Venerable John Baptist de 13-I-A-55 La Salle, February 19, 1888. HERMANS, Maurice 300 years agu De La Salle left Rheims for Paris. 14-5.A-58 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The school of Sl. J. B. de La Salle (I): Introduction. 04-16-C-l3 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The school of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle (2). A school for the mosl 04-17-C-14 needy. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The school of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. Personal attention to the pupil. 05-12-C-18 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (4): A place of interpersonal relations and pupil 06-13-C-21 participation. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (5): A preparation for life. 06-14-C-22 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (6). Why the tille «Christian Schools». 07-13-C-25 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Lasallian school (7). The Brother's zeal extends beyond the 07-14-C-26 classroom. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Live Jesus in our hearts... Forever! 19-I-A-72 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God» «Let us adore 22-13-C-96 Him». HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Twenty-six years exile in Rome, courageous Gabriel Drolin (112). 26-6-B-115 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Twenty~six years exile in Rome. courageous Gabriel Drolin (2/2), 26-7-B-II6

LASALLIANA - N° 51 - 51 - INDEX OF AUTHORS HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Attacks and Defence of the Christian Schools of De La Salle between 27-4-A-119 1697 and 1706. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis How the Brothers gOI the nickname or ·'ignoranlins". 28-12-B-131 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «L'Ecole Paroissiale)) an important pedagogical work of the 17th century. 29-1-0-38 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Popes and the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (112). 32-8-B-148 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Popes and the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (2/2). 32-9-B-149 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Words of praise addressed to the Brothers throughout French history. 33-12-B-154 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Brother Monitor (Maurice Martinet), victim of the French Revolution. 36-8-B-162 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Three contemporaries of De La Salle. 37-2-0-45 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis The Duke of Mazarin and SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 38-8-A-171 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Don Bosco and De La Salle Brothers. 40-15-B-183 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Saint John Marie Vianney, Cure of Ars. and the Brothers of the Christian 42-12-B-187 Schools. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Prayers inspired by De La Salle's writings. 1. Burning desire. 43-5-A-190 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying in the style of John Baptist de La Salle. 2. Bountiful possession. 44-8-A-196 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying witr John Baptist de La Salle. 3.- Honest dialogue within the 46-6-A-201 Liturgy. HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 4. Reconciled with God. 47-6-A-203 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist de La Salle. 48-8-A-209 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Praying with John Baptist De La Salle (6 - 7 and 8). 49-8-A-217 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (I). 16-9-C-63 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (2). 17-13-C-73 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (3). 18-15-C-79 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (4). 19-12-C-81 HERNANDO. Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (5). 20-16-C-90 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian teacher (6). 21-16-C-95 HERNANDO, Celestino Prayers of a Christian Teacher. 35-22 HOTEK, David L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (1/2). 36-18-D-88 HOTEK, David L. The Lasallian Family: a shared Mission (2/2). 36-19-D-89 HOURY, Alain The identity of the Brother of the Christian Schools. 03-18-E-06 HOURY. Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kept secret (112). 22-4-A-92 HOURY. Alain The 1691 vow: a well-kept secret (2/2). 22-5-A-93 HOURY. Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume 30-2-A-133 (112) . HOURY. Alain The Complete Works of St John Baptist De La Salle in a single volume 30-3-A-134 (212). HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 1: The Rules (112). 32-4-A-138 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N" 1: The Rules (2/2). 32-5-A-139 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (112). 33-I-A-140 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the "Complete Works". N° 2: The Collection (2/2). 33-2-A-141 HOURY, Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works. N" 3: The Explana:ion of the 34-2-A-149 Method of M. P. HOURY. Alain Plan of the Explanation of the Method of Mental Prayer. 34-3-A-150 HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the 36-4-A-157 Sundays of the year (112). HOURY. Alain A reading guide to the Complete Works: MD: Meditations for all the 36-5-A-158 Sundays of the year (2/2). HOURY. Alain Chretien Motsch. Brother Alpert (1849-1898). 36-7-B-161 HOURY. Alain A Reading Guide to the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and 37-7-A-164 Christian Politeness (112). HOURY. Alain A Reading Guide to the Complete Works. RB: The Rules of Propriety and 37-8-A-165 Christian Politeness (2/2), HOURY, Alain Canon Fichaux. witness to the holiness of Brother Exuperien. 37-14-B-170 HOURY. Alain Reading the Complete Works: Meditations for the principal Feasts of the 38-5-A-168 Year. HOURY. Alain Spiritual Writings of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. The first volume of the 38-9-A-172 Italian Opera Omnia. HOURY. Alain Reading Guide to the Complete Works. MR: Meditations for the Time of 39-2-A-173 Retreat. HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: fhe first lay leachers in the Brothers' schools in Paris and in 47-19-D-I06 the world (I!2).

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -52 - INDEX OF AUTHORS HOURY. Alain 1881-1894: the first lay teachers in the Brothers schools in Paris and in 47-20- D-107 the world (2/2). HOYO. Felix del The De La Salle Sisters of Guadalupe. 16-19-D-39 HUETHER. Francis Young People and the World of Work. 01-14-C-02 HURTADO. Javier A Saturday morning at "Mier y Pesado" (Mexico). 14-17-D-23 HUTCHINSON. Nicholas Prayers in the spirit of John Baptist de La Salle. 11-20-E-27 HUTCHINSON. Nicholas Alternative prayers for use in Lasallian prayer services. 34-10-B-157

IAFRANCESCO. Giovanni M. Pedagogical principles which should inspire all Lasallian educational 24-14-C-109 policy. IAFRANCESCO. Giovanni M. Lasallian Education and the challenge of science and technology. 26-15-C-118 JAMES, s. Nanban: A Center for street and working children. 27-20-E-63 "INTEGRA<;Ao" - Porto Alegre The spirituality or the Christian teacher according to St John Baptist de La 16-8-C-62 Salle. Istituto Arti & Meslieri. Torino Some thoughts and suggestions from a group of teachers. 15-17-D-29

JAUREGUI, Julian Interesting Lasallian missionary work in the Andes (I). 13-7-B-67 JAUREGUI, Julian Interesting Lasallian missionary work in the Andes (2). 13-8-B-68 JEAN, Robert The Brothers in Turkey. 03-19-E-07 JOHN PAUL II The Holy Father's address to educators at Turin. September 41988. 15-1-0-27 JOHN PAUL II Brother Scubilion was able to see God in every person. 16-3-B-79 JOHN PAUL II Saint Mutien-Marie (1841-1917) possesses all the greatness of the humble. 18-6-B-85 Homily for the canonization. December 10th. 1989. JOHN PAUL II The Beatification of the martyr Brothers of Turon and the Brother Jaime 19-5-B-89 Hilario. (Audience April 30. 1990). JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educators: men and women of prayer. 02-12-C-05 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (I). 05-10-C-16 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (2). The Brothers in association. 05-11-C-17 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (3). By whom?: The Lasallian Family; new 06-11-C-19 role of the Brothers. JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (4): For whom? 06-12-C-20 JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (5) How? School and non-school 07-II-C-23 aposlolale. JOHNSTON. John Lasallian educational ministry (6): How? Some practical suggestions. 07-12-C-24 JOHNSTON. John Brother John Johnston. Superior General. replies to our questions (I). 11-1-0-10 JOHNSTON. John Brother John Johnston, Superior General. replies to our questions (2). 11-2-0-11 JOHNSTON. John Rheims '89. Opening address. July, 3rd 1989. 17-14-D-40 JOHNSTON. John Rheims '89. Concluding remarks. Brother John Johnston. FSC Superior 17-15-D-41 General. JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (113). 21-9-B-97 JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (2/3). 21-10-B-98 JOHNSTON. John Creating the Institute of the 21st century (3/3). 21-II-B-99 JOHNSTON. John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vita Consecrata" (112). 38-1-0-46 JOHNSTON. John Religious Institutes or Brothers in the light of "Vita Consecrata" (2/2). 38-2-0-47 JOHNSTON. John OUf Lasallian Mission in France: Today and Tomorrow. 41-1 JOHNSTON. John The Specificity of the Lasallian School Today. 41-2 JOLY. Christian Together and by Association. 01-19-E-OI JONES. Thomas Perspective of a religious educator in a science classroom. 17-6-C-66 JOSSE. Pierre The Lasallian School as it faces the ruture. 26-16-D-70 JUNIEN VICTOR. Frere The Brothers martyred in Spain. Leller of Brother Superior General. 15-6-B-75 "JUNTOS" - Central America What is demanded of us by our association (112). 23-16-D-62 "JUNTOS" - Central America What is demanded or us by our association (2/2). 23-17-D-63 JUSTO. Henrique The tercentenary of a rorgollen educator Charles Demia (I!2l. 21-1-0-30 JUSTO, Henrique The lercel1lenary of a forgotten educator Charles Demia (112). 21-2-0-3 I JUSTO. Henrique St John Baptist de La Salle teaches rreedom (112). 34-4-A-151 JUSTO. Henrique St John Bapt:st de La Salle teaches rreedom (2/2). 34-5-A-152 JUSTO. Henrique The brolher and the unconscious. 38-10-B-I72 JUSTO, Henrique The Identity of the Brother... Why? 39-7-B-I77

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 53- INDEX OF AUTHORS KERDONCUF. Franr;ois Integrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (1/2). 37-17-C-151 KERDONCUF. Franr;ois Integrated Lasallian Education in a secularised culture (2/2). 37-18-C-152 KESTLER. Richard SI. Gabriel's Hall. Audubon. Philadelphia-U.S.A. 17-20-E-45 KHOURY.lldephonse The tenderness of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. A characteristic beloved of 04-18-C-15 children and young people. KILTY. Aidan Lasallian Spirituality. 35-6 KILTY, Aidan The Prayer of the Brother. 35-13 KIMPTON. James Reaching the umeached... In the steps of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 02-18-E-03 KIMPTON. James Reaching the unriched. 32-19-E -70 KINNERET, David Discipleship a call to follow Christ through identification with the poor 18-10-C-74 (112) . KINNERET, David Discipleship a call to follow Christ through identification with the poor 18-11-C-75 (2/2). KITSON. Charles F. Campus ministry (I): «...the grace to be able to touch hearts» (I). 08-16-C-33 KITSON. Charles F. Campus ministry (2). 08-I7-C-34 KITSON. Charles Twenty-nine years a Brother and still growing. 38-19-D-91 KNEALE. Brendan «The LasaIlian tradition», Report on a symposium. 18 7-B-86 KOCH. Carl Saint Mar'y's Press: ministry through publishing. 10-8-B-53 KROEGER. P. James Milstones in Interreligious Dialogue (1/2). 42-15-C-178 KROEGER, P. James Milstones in Interreligious Dialogue (2/2). 42-16-C-179 KROTKY, Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy cf education (112). 46-13-C-197 KROTKY. Etienne Comenius: A new philosophy of education (2/2). 46-14-C-198 KUKWIKILA. Crispin The «3ulOrs» of the original Rule. 19-8-B-92

LACATTE. Etienne A life... A commitmenl. 24-19-E-56 LADOUCEUR, Robert A tradition of excellence demands commitment. 36-20-E-76 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Female presence in the life of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. I. 47-5-A-202 LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - II. Female 48-3-A-204 religious... (1/2). LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle - II. Female 48-4-A-205 religious... (2/2). LAiNEZ PAZ, Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of St John Baptist de La Salle. - III Sister of 49-2-A-21I the Child Jesus. LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relationships with 50-2-A-218 benefactors... (112). LAiNEZ PAZ. Carlos Jose Female presence in the life of SJ.B.S. IV. Relationships with 50-3-A-219 benefactors... (2/2). LANTHIER. Real Brothers of the third age at the service of the handicapped. 13-6-B-66 LAPIERRE. Charles Life and Times of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-I-A-OI LAPIERRE. Charles Do you happen to know Brother Arnold?.. 11-10-0-19 LAPIERRE. Charles Brother Arnold: teacher. catechist. educator. 12-1-0-29 LAPIERRE. Charles Brother Arnold director of novices and animator of spiritual retreats. 12-2-0-21 LAPIERRE. Charles Brother Arnold «in the shadow of the Spirit». 12-3-0-22 LAPIERRE, Charles Poverty. the path to sanctity in the fOalsteps of SI. John Baptist De La 28-5-A-122 Salle (112). LAPIERRE, Charles Poverty, the path to sanctity in the footsteps of SI. John Baptist De La 28-6-A-123 Salle (212). LARREA. Juan Jose "La Salle" Museum - District of Bilbao. 32-20-E-71 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre They gave meaning to my life. 06-18-E-14 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre The Mission of the Lasallian in Scripture. Epistle to the Philippians. 32-12-C-134 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre Lasallian Spirituality: "the strength to begin anew" (Rule. 144). 35-5 LAUBY. Jean-Pierre The prayer c·f the Brother: The determination for continued rejuvenation 35-14 (Rule. 145). LAUBY. Jean-Pierre My Spiritual Reading. 37-15-B-171 LAURAIRE. Leon Management of schools. 02-6-A-12 LAURAIRE, Leon The management of schools (2): «Live with the pupils the beller to educate 03-6-A-18 them», LAURAIRE, Leon The management of schools (3). «Teaching made to mesure». 03-7-A-19 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (4). «A rigorous learning process». 04-7-A-25 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (5): Importance of evaluation. 04-8-A-26 LAURAIRE. Leon 1985: International Youth Year. 05-1-0-03

LASALLIANA - N" 51 -54- INDEX OF AUTHORS LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (6). «Knowing the pupils as individuals». 06-3-A-32 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of the Schools (7): Relations in class. 07-4-A-38 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (8): Relations among pupils. 07-5-A-39 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools: Emulations and rewards. 08-6-A-42 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (10): Concerning corrections (I). 09-5-A-46 LAURAIRE, Leon The Management of Schools (I I): Concerning corrections (2). 09-6-A-47 LAURAIRE, Leon The spiritual growth of the child (l). 12-14-C-48 LAURAIRE, Leon The spiritual growth of the child (2). 12-15-C-49 LAURAIRE. Leon The principles of the Christian school (1/3). 1. The love of God as a 47-12-C-203 foundation. LAURAIRE, Leon The principles of the Christian school (2/3). Associated for the service of 47-13-C-204 young people. LAURAIRE. Leon The principles of the Christian school (1/3). Young people at the heart of 47-14-C-205 the Lasallian school. LE BARS, Joseph The heroic vow or the daring of a man of faith and obedience. 21-3-A-84 LE BARS, Joseph The sources of the Collection. John Baptist de La Salle, the disciple of 25-3-A-II0 Nicolas Roland. LE BARS. Joseph St. John Baptist de La Salle's debt to the writings of Nicolas Roland. 26-4-A-1l5 LE BARS. Joseph Nicolas Roland, source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle 29-3-A-126 (1/3). LE BARS. Joseph Nicolas Roland. source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle 29-4-A-127 (2/3) . LE BARS, Joseph Nicolas Roland, source for the "Collection" of John Baptist de La Salle 29-5-A-128 (313). LE BARS. Joseph Tercentenary of the first perpetual vows in the Institute. 32-2-A-136 LE BARS, Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (I/2). 33-4-A-143 LE BARS, Joseph Sources of the Collection (continued). Silence (2/2). 33-5-A-144 LE BARS, Joseph Nicolas Roland and John Baptist de La Salle. 36-2-A-155 LE BARS. Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short 37-9-A-166 Treatises (112). LE BARS. Joseph An analysis of the article "On Humility" in the Collection of Short 37-10-A-167 Treatises (2/2). LE BARS, Joseph t John Baptist de La Salle. Meditations on Prayer. 1.- Med. 36: The 38-7-A-170 necessity of prayer. LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (I/2). 39-3-A-174 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days. MD 37 for Rogation Monday (2/2). 39-4-A-175 LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days - n. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of 40-6-A-180 prayer. (I /2). LE BARS, Joseph The Meditations for Rogation Days - n. Rogation Tuesday. On the love of 40-7-A-181 prayer. (2/2). LE BARS, Joseph Meditation 39. On what we are to ask of God in prayer. 42-8-A-186 LE BARS, Joseph A meditation written in 1717? 43-4-A-189 LE BARS, Joseph Meditation 63, for the 10th Sunday after Penlecost. On self-contempt 46-2-A-197 (I /2). LE BARS, Joseph Meditation 63, for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost. On self-contempt 46-3-A-198 (2/2). LEE. Christopher A. A theoretical view of elderly Religious (112). 30-5-B-135 LEE. Christopher A. A theoretical view of elderly Religious (2/2). 30-6-B-136 LE LABOURIER, Louis Tounouma: A college for the people. 05-7-B-23 LEONARD, A. - DUMONT, M. The Abbey Church of Our Lady of Ihe Slar. 100lh anniversary of the 46-7-B-197 reconstruction (I/2). LEONARD. A. - DUMONT. M. The Abbey Church of Our Lady of the Star. 100th anniversary of the 46-8-B-198 reconstruction (2/2). LlEM YO. Nicet Working among the Indo-chinese students: a continuing mission. 05-9-B-25 LlEW. Matthew Lasallian Family concept and the Malaysian reality. 15-18-D-30 LlROT, M. Camille Experimentation with the inslrumemal enrichment program of Reuven 10-17-D-17 Fuerstein. LLANO, Alvaro Communication and values. Milieu for communicating values. 13-13-C-52 LLANO, Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (I/2). 22-18-D-60 LLANO. Alvaro Shared mission and Lasallian philosophy (2/2). 22-19-D-61 LLANO. Alvaro The responsibility of present-day families to educate their children. 30-16-C-133

LASALLIANA - NO 51 -55- INDEX OF AUTHORS LLANO. Alvaro Quality as a I;ey to the Educational Mission of a College (lIZ). 33-13-C-137 LLANO. Alvaro Quality as a key to the Educational Mission of a College (212). 33-14-C-138 LLANO, Alvaro Educational campaign for "Solidarity". 36-17-C-149 LLANO. Alvaro The Spirituality of the Educator today (I/2). 43-18-C-188 LLANO, Alvaro The Spirituality of the Educator today (2/2). 43-19-C-189 LoCOCO, Bernard Sangre de Cristo Center. Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. 19-20-E-48 LOES. Augustine The leacher as minister of grace. 14-14-C-54 LOES, Augustine De La Salle sense of humor. 21-5-A-86 LOES, Augustine Some individual Lasallian apostolates. 22-20-E-52 LOES, Augustine Some other individual Lasallian aposlo]ates. 28-20-E-64 LOES, Augustine More individual aposto!ates. 33-18-E-7Z LOES, Augustine How many Brothers were in lhe Institute on April 7. 1719? 42-10-B-185 LOES, Augustine Thirty Years of Evolution in the Service of the Poor. 47-8-B-201 LORENZO, Javier Celebrating Easter with young people. 14-20-E-39 LOXHAM, James A new school year. 16-7-C-61 LOZAR GOMEZ. Jose A. de The Lasaliian leader. 05-16-D-10 LUCIAN, Justin Personal growth and lifelong commitment: Seminars for Religious 32-I7-E-68 Educators (I12). LUCIAN, Justin Personal growth and lifelong commitment: Seminars for Religious 32-18-E-69 Educators (2/2). LUNDY. Damian Growing "into" Faith... 02-19-E-04 LUNDY, Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (I). 07-9-B-33 LUNDY. Damian St. Cassian's Centre: Ten years on. A personal account (2l. 07-IO-B-34 LUNDY, Damian St Cassian's Centre: Kintbury. England: ten years on. (3). 08-7-8-35 LUNDY, Damian St Cassian's Centre: Kintbury. England: ten years on. (4). 08-8-B-36 LUNDY, Damian St Cassian's Centre. Kintbury (5). 09-8-B-41 LUNDY, Damian St Cassian's Centre, Kintbury (6.) 09-9-B-42 LUNDY, Damian AClion for catechetics. 12-13-C-47 LUNDY. Damian How did St John B. de La Salle see the vocation and mission of the 33-10-B-152 Christian teacher? (l/2). LUNDY, Damian How did 8, John B. de La Salle see Ihe vocation and mission of the 33-11-B-153 Christian teacher? (212).

MacCAUL, Mimi This ministry of ours (I/2). ZZ-14-C-97 MacCAUL, Mimi This ministry of ours (2/2). ZZ-15-C-98 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The duties of a Christian (1): A work charaCleristic of De La Salle. 03-4-A-16 MAGAZ, Manuel F. «The Duties of a Christian» (2). 03-5-A-17 MAGAZ. Manuel F, The Duties of a Christian (3): De La Salle himself. 04-5-A-23 MAGAZ, Manuel F, The Duties of a Christian and present day catechesis (4). 04-6-A-24 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Why and how we should read the Management of Schools. 06-4-A-33 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (5): Theocentric or Anthropocentric? 06-5-A-34 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The «Conduct» lVas born in life. "If I had but known..... 09-7-A-48 MAGAZ, Manuel F. A pedagogy based on participation. 10-2-A-50 MAGAZ, Manuel F. An experience of evangelization. 10-12-C-38 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Pedagogy for life. 10-16-C-42 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Parents in the ·'Management of Schools". 12-6-A-54 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Conduct of Schools and approach to teaching based on knowing one's 14-7-A-60 pupils. MAGAZ, Manuel F. Teaching religion through songs. 14-8-A-61 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Do you know the "Conduct of Schools"? 15-4-A-64 MAGAZ. Manuel F. Editions of the ,

LASALLlANA· N° 51 -56- INDEX OF AUTHORS MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (I/2). 38- 16-C-156 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Audiovisual Method of Reading (2/2). 38-17-C-157 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle schools as arenas of responsible participation (]12). 39-8-C-159 MAGAZ. Manuel F. De La Salle schools as arenas of responsible participation (2/2). 39-9-C-160 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Most Blessed Virgin in the Duties of a Christian. First Part. (112). 40-8-A-182 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Most Blessed Virgin in the Duties of a Christian, First Part. (2/2). 40-9-A- 183 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (lI2). 43-2-A-187 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Fathers of the Church in the writings of De La Salle (2/2). 43-3-A-188 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools» (l/2). 46-4-A-199 MAGAZ, Manuel F. Assessment in the «Conduct of Schools» (2/2). 46-5-A-200 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The approval of «Duties of a Christian - !». 48-5-A-206 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian. Part I (]/2). 49-3-A-212 MAGAZ, Manuel F. The Gospel norm of life in Duties of a Christian, Part I (2/2). 49-4-A-213 MAGAZ, Manuel F. An experiment with Former Students. 50-20-E-83 Maldonado De Torremorell, Eva The jo)' of living for the service of others. 05-15-D-09 MALONE, James LolV priorities for Catholics Schools? 25- 11-C-lI2 MALONEY. Rita The call to share Ministry. 29-18-D-79 MALONEY. Rila Globalization. 50-15-C-211 MANN. William A religious and a educator: to lead the young into a warmer and a gentler 16-10-C-64 world. MANN, William Reflection after the Gospel at the Closing Liturgy of the Fourth Session of 19-16-D-48 the Buttimer Institute of Lasallian Studies. MANN, William «True cooperators with Jesus Chrish). Homily at the USA-Toronto 20-18-D-52 Regional Convocation II. MANN, William Guide for Formation -2- «Some inlroduclOry comments to assist in a 23-6-B-103 better underslandign of the Institute's Guide for Formaliom). MANN, William Guide for Formation -4- Formation «Guide)}. 24-8-B-I08 MANN. William Guide for Formation - 9- \-Vhat does it mean to "Accompany" a Candidate 26-10-B-1I9 in the Initial Formation Process? MANN, William Guide for Formation - ll. Continuing Formation. 27-7-B-124 MARCATO, Umberto Lasallian Way of the Cross. 23-4-A-I02 MARCATO, Umberto Vocations in the Land of Jesus. 46-20-E-81 MARCOUX. Philibert The Springboard: repar shop for school dropouts. 09-10-B-43 MAREY, Patrice Spiritualit)' of Sl. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-6-A-06 MAREY. Patrice Vocations Animators. 01-II-B-04 MAREY, Patrice The General Chapter. 08-1-0-06 MAREY, Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (I). 11-8-0-17 MAREY. Patrice The Rule of the Brolhers of the Christian Schools (2). 11-9-0-18 MARQUIEGUI. Anton Close relatives of Saint John Baptist de La Salle. 36-3-A-156 MARQUIEGUI, Anton Values Education (112). 42-17-C-180 MARQUIEGUI, Anton Values Education (2/2). 42-18-C-181 (MARTINA IS, Clement Marcel) Convers

LASALLIANA - W 51 -57 - INDEX OF AUTHORS MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brolhers" and nol "Fathers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial 30-11-B-141 Mission (519). MA YMi. Pascual Why "Brolhers" and nOI "Falhers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial 30-12-B-142 Mission (6/9). MAYMi. Pascual Why "Brolhers" and nOI "Falhers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial 30-13-B-143 Mission (7/9). MA YMi. Pascual Why "Brolhers" and nOI "Falhers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial 30-14-B-144 Mission (8/9). MA YMi. Pascual Why "Brolhers" and nOI "Falhers"? Lay Religious for an Ecclesial 30-15-B-145 Mission (919). MBALA. Kukwikila From Grand Bigard and Bokriyc (Belgium) to the Regional Novitiale of 17-3-B-83 Kinshasa. The Lasallian vocation in Africa. McAULEY. Paul & Cilisls 1987 «Let the greater among you be as the youngest. the leader as the one who 15-8-B-77 serves», McCANN. Robert Management of the Christian School (112). 23-13-C-I02 McCANN. Robert Management of Ihe Christian School (2/2). 23-14-C-I03 McCARTHY. Timolhy A theology of mission for the local and universal Church (I). 12-17-E-28 McCARTHY. Timolhy A theology of mission for Ihe local and universal Church (2). 12-18-E-29 McCARTHY. Timolhy A theology of mission for Ihe local and universal Church (3). 12-19-E-30 McDONALD. William Shame and evangel izal ion. 17-II-C-71 McDONALD. William Issues of evangelization in a culture. 20-lI-C-85 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The role of Ihe Brother in the Lasallian school. 12-12-C-46 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The teacher and the profession. 13-12-C-51 McLAUGHLIN. Terence Teachers: overcoming a sense of irresponsibility for each other. 14-13-C-53 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The role of the Brother in the Lasallian school. 15-10-C-57 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The «catholicity») of the school. 16-6-C-60 McLAUGHLIN. Terence People-driven schools. 18-14-C-78 McLAUGHLIN. Terence An ethos of fear. 20-12-C-86 McLAUGHLIN. Terence The teaching of values has special consequences. 24-15-C-ll0 MEAGHER. Raymond «Together we can», 33-17-0-86 MEJIA. Felix A school co-operalive fishing project. 06-10-B-29 MELLOR. Maureen Perspective of a religious educ<:.tor in a Science classroom. 18-12-C-76 MENDOZA. Rodolfo Pastoral activities during formation. The Scholasticate of South Mexico. 15-9-B-78 MEOLI. Rodolfo Bartolo Longo Instilule of Pompei (I). 09-12-B-45 MEOLI. Rodolfo Bartolo Longo Instilule of Pompei (2). 09-13-B-46 MEOLI. Rodolfo The Conduct of Ihe ChriSlian Schools. a reading guide (113). 49-5-A-214 MEOLI. Rodolfo The Conduci of Ihe Chrislian Schools. a reading guide (213). 49-6-A-215 MEOLI. Rodolfo The Conduct of the Chrislian Schools. a reading guide (313). 49-7-A-216 MERCIER. Rene Two days a Parmenie. With (he Signum Fidei of France. 06-16-0-12 METAYER. Georges Let us evangelize. In wishing to evangelize (he teachers John Baptist de La 13-15-E-32 Salle is evangelized by them. MICHAEL. Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle 44-9-B-194 Br. In Sri Lanka (112). MICHAEL. Joseph The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in the life of De La Salle 44-10-B-195 Br. In Sri Lanka (2/2). MICHEL. Ange Is the Shared Mission possible in Moslem Turkey? 33-19-E-73 MOE. Christian The principal mysleries in Ihe spiriluality and catechesis of SI. J. B. de La 04-9-A-27 Salle. MOE. Christian A forgolen mission (I). 10-3-B-48 MOE. Christian A forgoten mission (2). 10-4-B-49 MOE. Christian De La Salle. moral isl. 12-5-A-53 MOE. Christian "The Duties of a Chrislian" and Ihe Calechism of the Calholic Church. 33-3-A-142 MOE. Chrislian De La Salle. Meditations for Feasts. 38-6-A-169 MOLONEY. Beata New liFe community. 13-J'l-E-34 MONGEAU. Jacques Needs of youth in French Canada. 06-7-B-26 MONTECARLO, College de For the past 120 years: The Brothers in Monaco. 09-14-B-47 MONTECLER. Alain Message from the President of the Las.llian World Confederation. 06-17-0-13 MORALES. Alfredo La Salle-Cienfuegos: solidarity project. 03-12-B-15 MORALES. Alfredo Education for the poor (1). 10-13-C-39 MORALES. Alfredo Education for the poor (2). IO-14-C-40 MORALES. Alfredo Education for the poor (3). IO-15-C-41

LASALLIANA - N' 51 - 58- INDEX OF AUTHORS MORALES. Alfredo Implications of the new pedagogy for today's educator. 21-14-C-93 MORALES. Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and lransparency in the Lasallian 23-lO-C-99 ministry of education (lIZ). MORALES. Alfredo The everyday repetition of actions and transparency In the Lasallian 23 - ll-C-IOO ministry of education (2/2). MORALES. Alfredo Brother Victorino (1885-1966). 49-12-B-210 MORALES. Juan Bosco A community at the service of the country folk. 11-13-B-58 MORALES. Juan Bosco A brief description of the Ayahualulco Lasallian community. 14-12-B-74 MORATIO. Richard Youth Retreats. 09-15-C-35 MORELLI. Leone The Office of Postulator General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools 29-II-B-133 (I IZ). MORELLI. Leone The Office of Postulator General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools 29-12-B-134 (2/2). MOUTOU. Pierre A lay director of a Lasallian school. 11-18-D-20 MUELLER. Frederick Teaching as ministry: a new perspective. I1-16-C-45 MURPHY. Mark Characteristics of Lasallian education. 20-13-C-87

NEARY. John How can teachers meet the needs of children ... who are either bullied or 33-15-C-139 who bully others. NERY. Israel Jose Catechesis in our life. 03-14-C-09 NICODEM. Edgar The process of justification in the spirituality of saint John Baptist de La 16-2-A-66 Salle.

OLIN. Jenny T. 199I commencement valedictory address Saint Mary's College. 25-18-D-69 OLIVA. Juan Lasallian stamps. 22-1-0-32 OLIVE. Manuel Mexico Congress 24 to 28 July. 1984. 02-17-D-04 OLIVE. Manuel Lasallian Associations in Africa. 09-19-D-16 OLIVE. Manuel The Lasallian Family encounters. 13-14-D-22 OLIVE. Manuel I know three different "Founders", 14-6-A-59 OLIVE. Manuel The underlying causes of an unexpected journey through life. 15-2-A-62 OLIVE. Manuel I knew Brother Jaime Hilario. 18-8-B-87

pANTANO. Otto Concordance of the meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle. 22-10-A-98 PARIZI. Bartolo The Lasallian Youth Center: Gallipoli. 09-II-B-44 PARMA Community The Don Gnocchi Center of Parma. Italy. 10-10-B-55 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socia-cultural animation at the Saint Christopher Agricultural Institute (I). 10-5-B-50 PEROLHOU. Jean-Marie Socio-cultural animation at the Saint Christopher Agricultural Institute (2). 10-6-B-51 PERRU. Olivier The face of the Father in the writings of De La Salle. 50-6-A-222 PERRU. Olivier The Ministry of the Brother and spiritual fatherhood. 50-14-C-210 PETIT. Roger The central position of Christmas in the life of Brother Scubilion. 14-1-0-23 PETIT. Marcel Status of a non-government school in Japan (112). 19-14-C-83 PETIT. Marcel Status of a non-governrnent school in Japan (2/2). 19-15-C-84 PETII. Donato The educational and cultural work of the S. Paolo. 27-19-E-62 Philippe A present-day understanding of the first point of the second Meditation for 50-19-E-82 the Time of Retreat. PIERRE. Etienne «The school goes to them», 03-15-C-IO PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the 47-2-0-62 Child Jesus... (113). PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the 47-3-0-63 Child Jesus... (213). PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the 47-4-0-64 Child Jesus... 0/3}. PONCELET. Georges Being able (0 change... for something better. 24- I 3-C- I 08 POULIOT. Elie The Brothers of the Christian Schools in the Cameroon Church. 25-19-E-58 POUPARD. Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (113). 24-lO-C-105 POUPARD. Card. Paul The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (2/3). 24-11-C-I06 POUPARD. Card. Pau The Catholic School and the new Evangelization (13). 24-12-C-I07 POUTET. Yves The school clientele of the Lasallian schools at their beginnings (I). 03-3-A-15 POUTET. Yves The clientele of the Lasallian Schools at their beginnings (2). 04-4-A-22

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 59- INDEX OF AUTHORS POUTET, Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (I). 07-2-A-36 POUTET, Yves De La Salle and the civil authorities (2). 07-3-A-37 POUTET, Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (I). 09-3-A-44 POUTET, Yves De La Salle's dealings with the Government of his time (2). 09-4-A-45 POUTET, Yves Brother Exuperien and Christian Trade Unions in the context of «rerum 23-8-B- I05 Novarum» (1/2). POUTET, Yves Brother Exuperien and Christian Trade Unions in the context of «rerum 23-9-B-I06 Novarum» (2/2). PRESCIUTTINI, Mario The meditations of St. John Baptist de La SallE -1- (112). 22-6-A-94 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario The meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle -1- (2/2). 22-7-A-95 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle -11- (112). 23-I-A-99 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Meditations of St. John Baptist de La Salle -11- (2/2). 23-2-A-IOO PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Rediscovering St. John Baptist de La Salle - 1- . The present-day 25-1-A-I08 relevance of the Founder. PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Rediscovering SI. John Baptist de La Salle. (11- 1/2). 26-2-A-113 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Rediscovering St. John Baptist de La Salle. (11- 212). 26-3-A-114 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Towards a renewed discovery of St. John Baptist De La Salle, III (1/2). 28-3-A-120 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Towards a renewed discovery of St. John Baptist De La Salle. III (2/2). 28-4-A-121 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Lasallian Spirituality: Living Salvation HisLOry Today. 35-3 PRESCIUTTINI, Mario Ministerial Prayer. 35-15 PRESMY LAGUERRE, R. J-B. Especially the least privileged.. 44-14-C-192 PRIETO. Miguel Concerning the La Salle - Moet families. An abundant richness. 49-I-A-210 PORTER, Joseph What a Christian school commited to justice looks like. 27-14-C-122 "Positio super virtutibus" Canon Nicolas Roland. 28-2-0-37 PUJOL I BARDOLET. Jaume Guide for Brother Directors, a guide for all the Brothers. 42-9-B-184 PULGARiN, Hernan St. John Baptist de La Salle and the centenary of the Institute in Colombia. 17-18-E-43 PUNGIER, Jean Lasallian Prayer is Affective Prayer. 01-7-A-07 PUNGIER, Jean St. John Baptist de La Salle's message to teachers. 02-5-A-l1 PUNGIER. Juan John Baptist de La Salle: the message of his catechism. 08-4-A-40

QUISUMBING. Lourdes R. Keynote Jddress of Secrclary Lourdes R. Quisumbing. University La 15-16-D-28 Salle, Bacolod, July )th 1988.

RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent Youth apostolate in rural Africa. 02-10-B-09 RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent The aposlolate of urban youth in Africa. 03-11-B-14 RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent Some initiatives for the formation of our young Brothers in Africa. 08-12-B-40 RABEMAHAFALY, Vincent Perpetual vows and inculturation. 09-17-C-37 RAFFARA, B. - VEGER, C. The Gypsies (112). 28-13-C- I24 RAFFARA, B. - VEGER, C. The Gypsies (2/2). 28-14-C- I2) RAINE, Ray New Creation community (1). 10-19-E-24 RAINE, Ray New Creation community (2). 10-20-E-25

RATA, Tiberiu - MARTiN, F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania (112), 40- I3-B-181 RATA, Tiberiu - MARTiN, F. The Brothers of the Christian Schools in Romania (2/2). 40-14-B-182 RAY, Jean-Guy The 10 commandments for communicating with young people. 32-I.1-C-135 RAZAFINDRAKOTO A publishing house serving a country's cultural identity. 04-12-B-19 REYES. Rafael A Lasallian apostolate among the hansenite patients in Tala. 10-II-B-)6 RIBERO. Francisco Lasallian stamps. 14-4-0-26 RIESCHSTEINER. Franyois The pastoral Centre at the Abbey of Fontaine Andre, NeuchateJ. 16-20-E-42 Switzerland. RILOVA, Constancio Juan Lasallian postage stamps. 18--0-29 ROCARD, Michel Speech made by Michel Roccard. the French Prime "Minister. in the 16-4-B-80 presence of the Holy Father. on May 1st 1989, ROCHE, Adrien Reference list of quotations contained in the writings attributed to Sl. John 05-3-A-29 Baptist de La Salle. RODRiGUEZ. Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges 0/31, 47-9-C-200 RODRiGUEZ, Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (213), 47-10-C-201 RODRiGUEZ, Alvaro The Lasallian Educator facing Today's Challenges (3/3L 47-II-C-202 ROGERS, Anthony (Interview) «OHD helps Asian Church become a Church of the poorl:>. 24-20-E-57

LASALLIANA -W 51 - 60- INDEX OF AUTHORS ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres Oe La Salle and martyrdom. A reflection on the beatification of the 36-9-B-163 Brothers of Rochefon. ROSERO BOLANOS. Andres The New Evangelization. [nculluration of the Gospels. 39-15-C-166 RUALES.Oswaldo Miguel Febres Cordero. today. 04-1-0-02 RUBAT du MERAC. Gonzague Learning from those we leach. 03-20-E-08 RUIZ. Luis Enrique St. John Baptist de La Salle here and now. 04-19-0-06 RUMMERY. Gerard The Prayer of the Teacher before School. 44-II-B-196 RUSTUEL. Oominique Catechesis and John Baptist de La Salle's schools. 17-12-C-72

SAENZ OE UGARTE. Genaro I read the Rule and begin to dream... 19-7-B-91 SAENZ OE UGARTE. Genaro "That tye W0rd of God continue to spread» (1/2). 20-9-B-95 SAENZ OE UGARTE. Genaro "That tye Word of God continue to spread» (2/2). 20-10-B-96 SAENZ OE UGARTE. Genaro Places where there is a special experience of the presence of God for 22-12-B-I0l LasaII ians. Saint Mary's Coil. of California Ways for Faculty to support sludem success. 34-18-C-144 SALM. Luke The Brothers of the Christian Schools in To-day's World. 01-9-B-02 SALM. Luke The Brothers and the new Code of Canon Law. 06-2-0-05 SALM. Luke Characteristics of Lasallian Schools in the USA (1/2). 47-15-C-206 SALM. Luke Characteristics of Lasallian Schools in the USA (2/2). 47-J6-C-207 SALM. Luke Associate membership in the Institute (114). 48-14-0-108 SALM. Luke Associate membership in the Institute (2/4). 48-15-0-109 SALM. Luke Associate membership in the Institute (3/4). 48-16-0-110 SALM. Luke Associate membership in the Institute (4/4). 48-17-0-111 SAMNE. Oominique Inculturation of religious life in Africa. 02-9-B-08 SAMSON. Joe Vocationn crisis: a community's self-fulfilling prophecy (112). 19-9-B-93 SAMSON. Joe Vocationn crisis: a community's self-fulfilling prophecy (2/2). 19-10-B-94 SANTANELLO. P. - LINKE. G. Characteristics of Lasallian schools -Association-. 15-[3-0-25 SARASA. Jose The Catholic School and Vocational Guidance. 43-14-C-184 SARASA. Jose Vocation Ministry activities within the Ministry of Education Program of 43-15-C-185 the Catholic School. SAURAS. Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian voluntary service (112). 15-14-0-26 SAURAS. Jose Manuel The missions and Lasallian voluntary service (2/2). 15-15-0-27 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (1). 11-3-0-12 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (2). 11-4-0-13 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (3). 11-5-0-14 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: OUf heritage (4). 11-6-0-15 SAUVAGE. Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (5). 11-7-0-16 SAUVAGE. Michel Perspectives of Refoundation. 41-3 SAUVAGE. Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (1/6). 49-14-0-115 SAUVAGE. Michel Fnr a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (2/6). 49-15-0-116 SAUVAGE. Michel For a belief understanding of the Lasallian association (3/6). 49-16-0-117 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (4/6). 49-17-0-118 SAUVAGE. Michel For a better understanding of the Lasallian association (5/6). 49-18-0-119 SAUVAGE. Michel For a beller understanding of the Lasallian association (6/6l. 49-19-0-[20 SCAGLIONE. Secondino A new image of St. John Baptist de La Salle from an anthology or his 02-4-A-1O writings. SCAGLIONE. Secondino Fifty years of the «Rivista Lasalliana»). 03-8-B-l1 SCAGLIONE. Secondino Blessed Edoardo Giuseppe Rosaz: a Lasallian Bishop. 24-[-0-33 SCAGLIONE. Secondino With regard to future research on Oc La Salle's pedagogy. 50-9-B-211 SCHIELER. Roben A presentation of Shared Mission (112). 32-15-0-83 SCHIELER. Roben A presentalion of Shared Mission (2/2). 32-16-0-84 SCHMIDT. Joseph Simple attention and the spirit of Faith. 05-5-A-31 SCHNEIDER. Jean-Louis Oe La Salle To-day in Upper Voila. 0[-[2-B-05 SCHNEIDER. Jean-Louis A rvtinistry which becomes a Mission for Lasallian Educators. 47-18-0-105 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany Ihose who believe (1/3), 28-17-0-76 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (2/3). 28-18-0-77 SCHULZE. Rudolf And these signs will accompany those who believe (3/3). 28-19-0-78 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Leller to the Lasallian Family (1). J-Key concepts to bear in mind when 16-[ 1-0-31 reading the letter to the Lasallian Family (1).

LASALLIANA - N" 51 - 61 - INDEX OF AUTHORS SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (2). I-Key concepts to bear in mind when 16-12-D-32 reading the letter to the Lasallian Family (2). SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (3). -2- Al this particular moment in History. 16-13-D-33 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (4). -3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response 16-14-0-34 (1). SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (5). -3- John Baptist de La Salle: a response 16-15-0-35 (2). SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (6). -4- On being a Lasalliar. nowadays: a 16-16-0-36 rew practical guidelines (I). SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (7). -4- On being a Lasallian nowadays: a 16-17-0-37 few practical guidelines (2). SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (8), -5- Different but associated. 17-16-0-42 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Letter to the Lasallian Family (9). -6- Let us build our future together. 17-17-0-43 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando Together and by association (1/2). 18-18-0-46 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Together and by association (2/2). 18-19-0-47 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando New Evangelization and the Lasallian Family (2). 21-17-0-55 SEBA LOPEZ, Hernando Towards a better understanding of the Lasallian Family. 22-16-0-58 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando The role of the lay person in thc Lasallian educational mission (112). 25-15-0-66 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando The role of the lay person in the Lasallian educational mission (2/2). 25-16-0-67 SEBA LOPEZ. Hernando The new evangelization and the Lasallian Family (1). 20-17-0-51 SECOLI 1983 Missionary Symposium. 02-II-B-IO SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste The first years of Apostolic Life. 47-7-B-200 SEGUIN, Jean-Baptiste Mission. Consecration. Community (112). 48-II-B-204 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Mission. Consecration, Community (2/2). 48-12-B-205 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (112). 49-9-B-207 SEGUIN. Jean-Baptiste Consecrated celibacy (2/2). 49-10-B-208 SFEIR, Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to be an Ecclesial 39-10-C-161 community? (1/3). SFEIR. Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order to bc an Ecclesial 39-II-C-162 community? (2/3). SFEIR. Fadi What conditions must a Christian School fulfil in order (0 be an Ecclesial 39-12-C-163 community? (3/3). SHEA. Robert Vocation ministry: a High School model. 23-12-C-IOI SHORT. D. Gery Developing the Lasallian school program. 14-19-E-38 SIMON. Bernard-Jean A recently discovered letter of Blessed Brother Salomon (112). 27-5-B-122 SIMON. Bernard-Jean A recently discovered letter of Blessed Brother Salomon (2/2). 27-6-B-123 SMITH. Paul Boys Town. Beaudeser!. Queensland (Austral ia). 05-8-B-24 SPELLMAN. Martin «(Fe y Alegria» (Faith and Joy). The extraordinary movement of popular 13-18-E-35 integral education in Latin America (1), SPELLMAN. Martin «Fe y Alegria» (Faith and Joy), The extraordinary movement of popular 13-19-E-36 integral education in LaLin America (2). STIENLET. Philippe Lasallian pedagogy. a liberating pedagogy (1/2). 17-7-C-67 STIENLET. Philippe Lasallian pedagogy. a liberating pedagogy (2/2). 17-8-C-68 SUPLIDO. Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (1). 04-13-B-20 SUPLIDO. Raymundo Lasallian initiatives in the Philippines (2). 04-14-B-21 SWAIN. Carole L. Reflections on my recent encounter with Lasallian leachers in the 29-19-D-80 Philippines.

TANGUAY. Henri At the servic~ of interdependence: The De La Salle Foundation. 13-4-B-64 TAZZER de SCHRIJVER. Lucio The A. C. Social Action movement. 10-9-B-54 TEBAR. Lorenzo Vocational apostolafe. 13-16-E-33 TEBAR. Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (112). 28- I5-C-126 TEBAR. Lorenzo The Vocations Ministry (2/2). 28- I6-C-I27 TEMPRADO. Antonio Live Jesus in our hearts! Forever! 17-I-A-67 THERESA. Motl,er Mother Theresa spoke (0 former Lasallian Students in August 1976 in 46-18-0-103 Malta (112). THERESA. Mother Mother Theresa spoke to former Lasallian Students in August 1976 in 46-19-D-I04 Malta (2/2). THOUARD. Jean-Marie Points Stressed in 1981, for Brothers and Lasallian Associations. 01-10-B-03 THOUARD. Jean-Marie Lasallian Spiritualily. 35-1

LASALLIANA - N° 51 -62- INDEX OF AUTHORS TIETZE. Erhard Through abstinence and prayer he learned from God what He wanted of 35-10 him. TIJUANA. Comunidad de The La Salle integral formation Center of Tijuana (1). 12-8-B-60 TIJUANA. Comunidad de The La Salle integral formation Center of Tijuana (2). 12-9-B-61 TOMINIKO. Falaniko Address of a former Lasallian Student to the New Zealand Catholic 43-20-E-80 Education Convention - 1996. TORO CHICA. Jesus Octavia The charism of a De La Salle Brother as seen by a layman. 25-12-C-113 TRAN VAN NGHIEM. Pierre The BrOlhers and the Asian refugees in France. 06-9-B-28 TRESCENTS. Adrian Christ's Challenging Choice. 01-16-C-04 TRESCENTS. Adrian Who are the marginalised? 02-14-C-07 TRICARD. Fran,ois The 200th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Brother Scubilion 42-II-B-186 (21.3.1797). TURCATEL. Esteviio Calls addressed to the Institute and the response of the Brothers of the 22-11-B-IOO Christian Schools.

ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session lor new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (112). 43-8-B-190 ULLERICH. Jose Iva Session for new Formation Personnel: 1996-997. Some convictions (2/2). 43-9-B-191

V.. J.M. The Brothers who were martyred in Turon. Spain on the 9th October 1934. 15-7-B-76 V .. J.M. The miracle attributed to Brother Scubilion approved for his Beatification. 16-5-B-81 Miracle allributed to Blessed Brother Mutien Marie approved for his canonisation. VALENTIN. Dominique The shared Mission: Brothers. priests. laity (112). 27-16-D-73 VALENTIN. Dominique The shared Mission: Brothers. priests. laity (2/2). 27-17-D-74 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria Working logegher like Brothers in our missionary l<.lsk. 15-12-C-59 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The Lasalliall training of the lay teacher. 16-18-D-38 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The martyrdom of the Brothers of Turon. 17-4-B-84 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria «Shared mission)) How shaH it be achieved? 19-18-D-50 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The new evangelization and the Christian school. 20-15-C-89 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria To evangelise the poor... To evangelise everybody. 21-15-C-94 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The identity of the religious and of the lay person in the shared mission. 22-17-D-59 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The three professional characteristics of the Lasallian educator: 23-15-C- I04 knowledge. teaching skills. pastoral concern. VALLADOLID. Jose Maria Distinguishing characteristics of Lasallian education. 24-16-C-l " VALLADOLlD. Jose Maria Four essential facets of the Lasallian educator. 25-17-D-68 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs 01 Almeria (I/3). l/a. The Brothers. 27-8-B-125 VALLADOLlD. Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs 01 Almeria (2/3). lib. The Brothers. 27-9-B-126 VALLADOUD. Jose Maria The Brother Martyrs 01 Almeria (313). 2. The Martyrdom. 27-10-B-127 VALLADOLID. Jose Maria The O.N.U.·s Convention on the Rights 01 the Child and the "Right 01 the 29-16-C-131 child to educalion". VALLADO LID. Jose Maria Lasallian Chronology. 31 VALLADOLlD. Jose Maria Some points of reference for a theological reflection concerning Shared 39- I8-D-92 Mission (1/2). VALLADOLID. Jose Maria Some points of reference for a theological reflection concerning Shared 39-19-D-93 Mission (212). VAN GRIEKEN. George The nature of Lasallian Spirituality. 35-8 VARGAS. Juan Brothers wri:ers of Colombia. 23-18-E-53 VARTHALITIS. Fran,ois Catechesis in Greece. 04-15-C-12 VARTHALITIS. Fran,ois Lasallian Education accessible to olher Religious Denominalions. A 40-18-C- I71 Meeting in Greece (112). VARTHALITIS. Fran,ois Lasallian Education accessible to olher Religious Denominations. A 40- I 9-C-I72 Meeting in Greece (2/2). VERGER. Camille Schools without walls. 05-20-E- 11 Vice-Postulator The Servant of God Brother Adolfo. 40-12-B-180 VIENNOT. Pierre The massacre at the Carmelite Convent. 26-1-0-34 VIGNON. Jacques A New Biography of SI. John Baptisl de La Salle. 01-3-A-03 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation -3- A study aid. 23-7-B-I04 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation -5- The accompanimenl of young Brothers in 24-9-B- I09 community. VILLAR. Bernardo Guide lor Formation -6- The Word 01 God-the source 01 our Iile (113)' 25-7-B-III

LASALLIANA -W 51 -63 - INDEX OF AUTHORS VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation -7- The Word of God-the source of our life (2/3l. 25-8-B-112 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation -1l- The Word of God-the source of our life (313). 25-9-B-113 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Forn1ation -10- Postulancy: Food for thought (lIZ). 26-II-B-I20 VILLAR. Bernardo Guide for Formation -10- PoslUlancy: Food for thought (2/2). 26-12-B-I21

WILL, Baptist Villa La Salle. Retirement Living Complex. Southport. Queensland. 19-19-E-47 Australia. WILLIAMS. Gregory Giving and receiving. 13-9-B-69 WRIGHT, Gregory Why read the «Rules of Christian decorum and politeness» (112). 24-3-A-I04 WRIGHT, Gregory Why read the «Rules of Christian decorum and politeness» (2/2). 24-4-A-I05 WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations for the Time of Retreat. De La Salle's image of the 25-2-A-I09 students. WRIGHT. Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian 29-7-A-I30 doctrine (113). WRIGHT. Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian 29-8-A-131 doctrine (2/3). WRIGHT, Gregory From the Meditations of S. J. B. de La Salle. Some aspects of his Marian 29-9-A-132 doctrine (3/31. WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (113). 36-14-C- I46 WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (2/3L 36-15-C-147 WRIGHT. Gregory Toward the continuing formation of the Lasallian educator (3/3). 36-16-C-I 48 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's «Women of Proven Worth)} (liZ). 44-6-A-194 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's «Women of Proven Worth» (2/2). 44-7-A-195 WRIGHT, Gregory The Tradition of Prayer in the Lasallian School. 47-17-C-208 WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the Christian Education of the Poor. The contribution of 48-6-A-207 Jean-Louis de la Salle (1/2). WRIGHT, Gregory Toward the Christian Education of the Poor. The contribution of 48-7-A-208 Jean-Louis de la Salle (212). WRIGHT, Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (1/2). 50-7-A-223 WRIGHT. Gregory La Salle's Church of the Poor (212). 50-8-A-224 WURTH.Othmar «Take up your pallet and walk);, In the service of young wanderers. 08-19-E-21 WURTH,Othmar ~(Take up your pallet and walk)). In the service of young wanderers. 08-20-E-22

ZAGO, Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (1/2). 44-1-0-58 ZAGO, Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (2/2). 44-2-0-59