INDEX SECTIONS - SUBJECTS - AUTI:iORS *lasalliana I .j INDEX N° 1 - 50 SECTIONS - SUBJECTS - AUTHORS I Lasalliana - n° 51 • June 2000 INDEX OF SECTIONS 0- General subjects. Variety. 02-1-0-01 BASTERRECHEA, Jose P.blo Interview with Brother Superior General. 04-1-0-02 RUALES,Osw.ldo Miguel Febres Cordero. today. 05-1-0-03 LAURAlRE, Leon 1985: Intern.tional Youth Ye.r. 06-1-0-04 FERMET. Andre Who wos Brother Scubilion? 06-2-0-05 SALM. Luke The Brothers .nd the new Code of C.non Law. 07-1-0-05 FERMET. Andre Brother Scubilion (2): "A Brother for those afap>: The Missionary. 08-1-0-06 MAREY, Potrice The General Chapter. 08-2-0-07 HERMANS. Maurice The proto-Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Springtime 1686. 08-3-0-08 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (3). Catechist of Slaves: A Gospel of Freedom. 09-1-0-09 FERMET, Andre Brother Scubilion (4): Brother Scubilion's spiritual school: prayer and dedication. 11-1-0-10 JOHNSTON. John Brother John Johnston. Superior General, replies to our questions (I). 11-2-0-11 JOHNSTON, John Brother John Johnston. Superior General, replies to our questions (2). 11-3-0-12 SAUVAGE, Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (I). 11-4-0-13 SAUVAGE, Michel Lasallian spirituality: our heritage (2). 11-5-0-14 SAUVAGE, Michel Los.lli.n spiritu.lity: our heritage (3). 11-6-0-15 SAUVAGE, Michel L.s.llian spiritu.lity: our herit.ge (4). 11-7-0-16 SAUVAGE, Michel Los.lli.n spiritu.lity: our herit.ge (5). 11-8-0-17 MAREY, Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (I). 11-9-0-18 MAREY, Patrice The Rule of the Brothers of the Christi.n Schools (2). 11-10-0-19 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Do you h.ppen to know Brother Arnold?... 12-1-0-20 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Brother Arnold: teacher. catechist. educalOr. 12-2-0-21 LAPIERRE. Ch.rles Brother Arnold director of novices and animator of spiritual retreats. 12-3-0-22 LAPIERRE, Charles Brother Arnold «in the shadow of the Spirit». 14-1-0-23 PETIT. Roger The central position of Christmas in the life of Brother Scubilion. 14-2-0-24 FROSSARD, Mgr. Roberl The Institute .nd the origine of the J.O.c. (Young Christi.n Workers) (I). 14-3-0-25 FROSSARD. Mgr. Robert The Institute .nd the origine of the J.O.C. (Young Christi.n Workers) (2). 14-4-0-26 RIBERO. Francisco Lasall ian stamps. 15-1-0-27 JOHN PAUL II The Holy F.ther's address to educ.tors.t Turin. September 41988. 16-1-0-28 EMMONET, Gabriel Saint Teresa and the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 18-1-0-29 RILOV A. Const.ncio Juan Lasolli.n post.ge stomps. 21-1-0-30 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenory of. forgotten educ.tor Ch.rles Demi. (112). 21-2-0-31 HENRIQUE Justo The tercentenory of. fnrgotten educator Ch.rles Demi. (112). 22-1-0-32 OLIVA, Ju.n Los.lli.n st.mps. 24-1-0-33 SCAGLIONE, Secondino Blessed Edoordo Giuseppe Ros.z: • Los.lli.n Bishop. 26-1-0-34 VIENNOT. Pierre The massacre at the Carmel ite Convent. 27-1-0-35 (MARTINAIS. Clement Marcel) Conversation between M. Gobel and the Brother who was an ignoramus. 28-1-0-36 EFOE-PENOUKOU, Julien CELAF (Los.lli.n Centre of Afric.) .t the service of the Church in Africa. 28-2-0-37 "Positio super virtutibus" C.non Nicol.s Roland. 29-1-0-38 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis «L'Ecole Paroissiale» an important pedagogical work of the 17th ceorury. 29-2-0-39 DUNKEL, Engelberl Lasallian symbols for a school. PracticOiI? Art? Bronze symbols? 30-1-0-40 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo Consecroted Life tod.y: Charisms in the Church .nd for the World. 32-1-0-41 BASTERRECHEA. Jose Pablo M.le I.y religious and their specific vocOIion in the Church. 34-1-0-42 MARTINA IS, Clement-Morcel Two hislOrical accounts by a Janseninst concerning the Parish of 5, Roch in Paris. 36-1-0-43 COFFEY. Marlin Homily to De L. S.lIe Brothers. 37-1-0-44 GRIEGER, Paul Living Community Life as a Communion. 37-2-0-45 HERMOSILLA, Jose Luis Three contemporaries of De La S.lIe. 38-1-0-46 JOHNSTON. John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vit. Consecrot.· (I/2). 38-2-0-47 JOHNSTON, John Religious Institutes of Brothers in the light of "Vit. Consecrot." (2/2). LASALLIANA - N" 51 -3- INDEX OF SECTIONS 38-3-0-48 GRIEGER. Paul Communication in Community. Successful communication. 38-4-0-49 GARVEY. William Reflexivity / Human growth / Religious Life and FSC. 39-1-0-50 GRIEGER. Paul When life and ministry are one. "The crisis of adulthood". A psychological problem. 40-1-0-51 GRIEGER. Paul The NewEvangelisation. The role of audio-visu~1 means. 42-1-0-52 GRIEGER. Paul Affective maturity and consecrated life. 42-2-0-53 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (1/4). 42-3-0-54 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (2/4). 42-4-0-55 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (3/4). 42-5-0-56 ANDAUR. Rodolfo Some reflections at arriving at the noon of life (4/4). 43-1-0-57 GRIEGER. Paul Affective problems. Educarion in cerebral control. Practical suggestions. 44-1-0-58 ZAGO. Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (lIZ). 44-2-0-59 ZAGO. Marcello Challenges facing religious life in Asia (2/2). 46-1-0-60 GRIEGER. Paul Evangelisation Today. <~Making a success of the mission entrusted to us», 47-1-0-61 BORELLI. John - FISHER. E. Journey of the heart to God: Reflecting on the oneness of God in the Year of the Father. 47-2-0-62 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (1/3). 47-3-0-63 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (2/3). 47-4-0-64 PITAUD. B. Simplicity in Nicholas Roland and in the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus... (313). 48-1-0-65 GROS, Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (1/2). 48-2-0-66 GROS. Jeffrey A Jubilee for the Future Church (2/2). 50-1-0-67 GRIEGER. Paul Living and working together. Relationships with others ... its difficulty. A- St. John Baptist de La Salle - Facts - His Teaching - Writings. 01-1-.11.-01 LAPIERRE, Charles Life and Times of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-2-.11.-02 GERY. Henri Travels of SI. John Baptist de La Salle: Journeys and Foundations. 01-3-.11.-03 VIGNON. Jacques A New Biography of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-4-.11.-04 HERMANS. Maurice An Imaginative Life of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-5-.11.-05 HERMANS, Maurice Brothers of the Christian Schools. 01-6-.11.-06 MAREY. Patrice Spirituality of SI. John Baptist de La Salle. 01-7-.11.-07 PUNGIER. Jean Lasallian Prayer is Affective Prayer. 02-2-.11.-08 GALLEGO. Saturnino An x-ray photograph of SI. John Baplist de La Salle. 02-3-.11.-09 CERVANTES, Jose A meeting of the first Brothers with M. de La Salle. The 1686 Assembly. 02-4-.11.-10 SCAGLIONE, Secondino A new image of SI. John Baptist de La Salle rrom an anthology of his writings. 02-5-.11.-11 PUNGlER. Jean 51. John Baplist de La Salle's message to teachers. 02-6-.11.-12 LAURAIRE. Leon Management of schools. 03-1-.11.-13 HERMANS, Maurice Rheims 1684. A community founded on Providence. 03-2-.11.-14 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of St. J. B. de La Salle (I). 03-3-.11.-15 POUTET, Yves The school clientele of the Lasallian schools at their beginnings (I), 03-4-.11.-16 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The duties of a Christian (I): A work characteristic of De La Salle. 03-5-.11.-17 MAGAZ. Manuel F. «The Duties of a Chrislian» (2). 03-6-.11.-18 LAURAIRE, Leon The management or schools (2): «Live with the pupils the beller to educate lhem». 03-7-.11.-19 LAURAIRE, Leon The management of schools (3). (Teaching made lO mesure»). 04-2-.11.-20 HERMANS. Maurice First taking of the habit: Rheims (Winter of 1684-85l. 04-3-.11.-21 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of Saint J. B. de La Salle (2). 04-4-.11.-22 POUTET. Yves The clientele or the Lasallian Schools at their beginnings (2). 04-5-.11.-23 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian (3): De La Salle himself. 04-6-.11.-24 MAGAZ. Manuel F. The Duties of a Christian and present day catechesis (4). 04-7-.11.-25 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (4). (A rigorous learning process). 04-8-.11.-26 LAURAIRE. Leon The Management of Schools (5): Importance or evaluation. LASALLIANA -W 51 -4- INDEX OF SECTIONS 04-9-A-27 MOE. Christian The principal mysteries in the spirituality and catechesis of St. J. B. de La Salle. 05-2-A-28 BANNON. Edwin The known manuscripts of saint John Baptist de La Salle (3). OS-3-A-29 ROCHE. Adden Reference list of quotations contained in the writings attributed to St. John Baptist de La Salle. OS-4-A-30 BRODERICK. Malachy The Meditations for the time of Retreat and the directed retreat.
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