Edward Sturgis of Yarmouth, Massachusetts 1613-1695
EDWARD STURGIS OF YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS 1613-1695 AND HIS DESCENDANTS ROGER FAXTON STURGIS, EDITOR PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION AT THE $tanbope preee BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 1914 (PlPase paste in your copy of Book) ADDENDA AND ERRATA. EDWARD STURGIS AND HIS DESCENDANTS. RocrnR FAXTON STURGIS, Editor. p. 22 In thinl line of third paragraph strike out "name m1kn0wn" brackets and substitute "Wendall." p. 22 In reference to Samuel Sturgis (D) strike 011t all after the date 1751 the third paragraph and substitute the following: - ''Fora third wife he marrh•d Abigail Otis a11d had a s011 J (E) born Ot:tuber l':I, 17::i7 aml a daughter l,ncretia CE) l November 11, 1758 (B. '.r. R. 2-275). Administration was grar upon his estate April 25, 1762, he being described as "of llarm:ta gentleman," to .Joseph Otis (his brother-in-law) and to his wi< .Abigail (B. 1'. C. vol. 10, p. 101). His estate was insolve11t am mention is made of children." p. 22 Strike out the reference to Prince Stnrgis (DJ aml sul.JstitutP following paragraph: - " Prince Sturgis (D), the fourth son, married October 12. 1 ElizalJelh Fayerweather and died at Dorchester, Massaeh11se 1779. There was one daughter of this marriage, ElizalJeth lJaptized February 7, 1740 and married December 2fl, liGl, Art Savage. They had five children. The eldest, Faith or Fidt married lkv. Hichard Munkhouse. Tlle others dir,d unmarrirc pp. 22 & 23. Strike out the reference to f-;anrnel (E) beginning at the foo µage 22 and substitute the following: - " Samnel (E), the other so11, married Lydia Crocker, daugl of Cornelius a11d Lydia (.J enkius) Crocker, aml had one child Sn (F) born November 8, 17G0 (4 B.
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