Notes and References
Notes and References Introduction 1. On the French empire in this period, see Gilbert Comte, L'Empire triomphant (1871-1936). I. Afrique occidentale et equatoriale (Paris, 1988) and Jean Martin, L 'Empire triomphant (1871-1936). II. Maghreb, Indochine, Madagascar, lies et Comptoirs (Paris, 1990), and for a more interpretative approach, Jean Bouvier, Rene Girault and Jacques Thobie, Impenalisme Ii la franr;aise (Paris, 1986). For a new general history of French coloni alism, see Jean Meyer,Jean Tarrade, Annie Rey-Goldzeiguer and Jacques Thobie, Histoire de la France coloniale. Des Origines Ii 1914 (Paris, 1991) and Jacques Thobie, Gilbert Meynier, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch and Charles-Robert Ageron, Histoire de la France colonia Ie. 1914-1990 (Paris, 1990). On the renewed importance of empire in the 1930s, Charles-Robert Ageron, 'La Perception de la puissance francaise en 1938-1939: Ie mythe imperial', Revue franr;aise d'histoire d'outre-mer 69 (1982), pp. 7-22, and on the apogee of colonialism in this period, Jacques Marseille, L'Age d'or de la France coloniale (Paris, 1986), and, more generally, Thomas August, 'Locating the Age of Imperialism', Itinerario 10 (1986), pp. 85-97. 2. The following paragraphs sum up some of the main points of my The French Presence in the South Pacific, 1842-1940 (London, 1990). 3. See my 'European Expansion in the Island Pacific: An Historiographical Review', Itinerario 13 (1989), pp. 87-102, which also gives references to Japanese expansionism. 1 The Second World War in the French Pacific 1. Henri Sautot, Grandeur et decadence du Gaullisme dans Ie Pacifique (Mel bourne, 1949).
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