All these circumstances allowed the author to conclude ON THE HISTORY OF OPPOSITION IN DENMARK'S that the nature of the Social DeMocratic Union in the 1880s SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY. was reformist, as its leaders saw no need for revolutionary changes in the country and sought to achieve their goals by Svetlana Gavrilchenko, Russian State Archive of Socio- gradually transforMing social order froM bourgeois to Political History (E-mail:
[email protected]), Rec. ad. socialist. At the saMe time, the importance of the scientific op.: Die Revolutionären. Gerson Trier, Trier, Nicolaj L. theory of socialisM and its assimilation was not denied. Petersen und die Revolutionäre Sozialistische Therefore, Much attention in the LahMe’s work is paid to Arbeiterpartei (RSAP), Dänemarks. Beschreibung und the relationship of Danish socialists with K. Marx and F. Ausblick, Exkurse, Briefe, in: Zeitschrift der Russischen Engels, first as a section of the IAA then to bolster the Akademie der Wissenschaften "Новая и новейшая Marxist views aMong party MeMbers. This was facilitated история" ("Neue und neuere Geschichte") 2020, Nr. 3, by the personal acquaintance of Engels with G. Trier (1851- S. 199-202. Translated froM Russian into English. 1918) and N. L. Petersen (1854- circa 1916), both who had worked in London since 1885. For the book series A new edition of the faMous Danish historian Hans- “Socialistisk Bibliotek” (Socialist Library) published in Norbet Lahme’s work Die Revolutionären. Gerson Trier, Copenhagen, Trier translated Engels’ work “Der Ursprung Trier, Nicolaj L. Petersen und die Revolutionäre der FaMilie, des Privateigentums und des Staates” into Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei (RSAP), Dänemarks Danish.