Arizona Legislative Manual

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Arizona Legislative Manual Arizona Legislative Manual 2003 Edition Arizona Legislative Council Phoenix, Arizona Copyright © 2003 Arizona Legislative Council Suite 100, Legislative Services Wing State Capitol Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Editor David M. Thomas Deputy Director Arizona Legislative Council Table of Contents Chapter Page One The Legislative Function. 1 The Legislature . 1 Direct Citizen Legislation . 3 Initiative. 3 Referendum. 3 Amendment, Repeal or Veto of Initiated or Referred Measures . 4 Two The Arizona Legislature . 5 History of the Arizona Legislature . 5 Territorial Arizona. 5 The Enabling Act and Constitutional Convention of 1910. 6 Early Arizona Legislature. 7 Constitutional Principles Regarding the Legislature . .. 8 Size and Apportionment. 8 Membership . 9 Qualifications. 9 Elections. 9 Term Limits . 10 Vacancies . 10 Leadership. 11 President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives . 11 Majority and Minority Leaders . 11 Majority and Minority Whips . 12 President Pro Tempore and Speaker Pro Tempore. 12 Parliamentarian. .. 12 Standing Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen . 13 The Committee System. 13 Standing Committees . 13 Subcommittees . 14 Joint Statutory Committees . 14 Interim Committees . 15 Political Party Caucuses . 15 Staff . 16 Secretary of the Senate . 16 Chief Clerk of the House . 16 Research Staff . 17 Majority and Minority Staff . 17 Rules Committee Staff . 17 Constituent Service Staff . 18 Committee Secretaries . 18 Members’ Assistants and Secretaries . 18 Accounting Staff . 18 i Chapter Page Sergeant at Arms . 18 Pages . 19 Other Staff . 19 Legislative Agency Staff . 19 Lobbyists. 19 Press . 21 Three Legislative Finances . 22 Legislative Budget . 22 Legislator Compensation . 22 Salary . 22 Per Diem and Other Expense Allowances . 23 Retirement and Other Employment Benefits . 24 Four Legislative Powers, Privileges and Responsibilities . 26 Legislative Immunity . 26 Limitations on Legislative Power . 27 Crimes Against the Legislature . 28 Legislative Discipline . 28 Reporting Campaign Finances . 28 Reporting Personal Finances . 29 Five Legislative Procedure. 30 Parliamentary Procedure in the Senate and the House of Representatives . 30 Senate Procedure . 30 House of Representatives Procedure . 31 Six The Legislature in Operation . 33 Sessions: Organization of the Legislature . 33 Drafting . 34 Bills . 35 Resolutions . 36 Memorials . 36 Fiscal Notes. 36 Introductions . 37 First and Second Reading . 37 Committee Action . 38 Notice and Agendas . 38 Hearing . 39 Subcommittees . 40 Amendments . 40 Appropriations Committees . 41 Rules Committees . 41 ii Chapter Page Caucus . 42 Calendars . 42 Committee of the Whole . 43 Floor Debate . 44 Floor Amendments . 44 Engrossing . 45 Third Reading . 45 Second House Consideration . 46 Concur / Refuse, Conference Committees . ..
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