Secret History ITOOT of Clinton Ave., St
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r (thf (flint on Undfiiendcnt. VOLUME III. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1809. NUMBER 47. B08INE8S CARDS. FEWMa •fcOptovRevlIl*. I Tea CULTURE IE THE South .—Wt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. She | ndrprndnit. Base Ball . Oe •. t. aanwa. ». oaawroan Tneaday afternoon ^ following aenaiblo remarks from AGENTM waster Published every Wednesday, at TME0. COLE, ■. D.f FOR THE BE0T BOOK OF THE PERIOD, MOWN & CRAWFORD, a return gams of Bass Ball waa played u ^c^mgg . “ It is generally known HYSICIAN AND SURGEON.—4Iffioe oxarO. A TTORNRY8 AT LAW.-Will attend to any ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN J. Oibb’a yreeary atore, St. John#, Mkk 41 WOMEN OF NEW THE; A fcwtiw felling within the scope of theirnro- BT between the “Forlorn Hope," of OvM, ** tWa Tery * #lnjlWe planl be P marine. Cotlootinf , foreclosing, and conveyancing* •r9 (lie Uader Werldl mi Site Great pwiMHy attended to. Will examine land titles, GEO. M. CORBIT. and the “Pecatonic^ ’* of Shepardsille, i„ yarions portions THEY HAVE COME. City. atUMtothepayment of taxes, Ac. Special at* The meat at art It ne rcretoilrut of readern theca.— Uoa rim to tW defence In criminal oaaea. Oi OFFICEOVER OORBITB HARDWARE on the grounds of the latter. the Union, and that wherever the ex- New York Society Unmasked. “The ArtMurracy,” over J. W. Hoard A Bou ’a drag atore, Ithaca, Mich STOKE, WALKER STREET. •• Women of Pleasure," •* Married Women. ” and The gam# was n hard on# nod da- kaa been carefully tested, the all ehw>re thoroughly ventilated. 89 Uluetratlena. Hubacriivtion, #1 0O Per Year, Address at once The New York Book Co., 146 THORRTOH’S FINE ART GALLERY. cidedly well played, meriting, as will WW|H h„ f„ mrfmmnd expectations, Naaaan tft., New York. 44rwt pIlOTOOBAPIinOTOOBAPHS large and amall and In fact IK ADVANCE. 1 ewe variety*• of picture made at the above Gal- be seen below, in n victory for the Aboil| ^ ,earn ago Captain J. Camp- AGENTS WANTED FOR lore, ettber large or amall. Particular attention la Advertisements Inserted at reasonable rates. called to eulargiienlarging and If derived colored In oil, JOB PRINTING « Pecatonicaa, ” who were beaten in a 0# Tenneeeee, received a few plant, watoraaloca or India Ink. Hand of ClnU*a Avenue, Of every description promptly and neatly exe a III L. W. Thobbtos , Artiat. cuted , at satisfactory prices. previous game by the “ Forlorn Hope," ^ ^ Agric ritural Department in at Ovid. The «P«*a” showed H WaaMllg4oilt which he planted near THAT WONDERS DENTISTRY. ETTHE BE8T. *TI8 CHEAPEST IN THE moat mnmle, while the “ Hopere ” din- K|OXTnk), Tbeee plant, have proved OF THE. WORLD,” and. Aa heretofore, the subscriber will con Ovea mi raot'sAXD iLLtrsTSAvinaa. The luy Gtinue to supply the an«vdental work at a fair price. played greater activity in the *•«, beer .nasally en abundant cet, beat aelllnir. and moat attractive aaleeriptloa t»ook ever published. Send for Hrrnlaia. with Fresh O ysters received daily at doing soma good work on “flifin” crop, and those who kave tested of the terms, at once. Address. U. 8. PUBLISHING Tremendous Stock CO., 411 Bwmme street, Mew York. 44 w4 Griswold ’s. _____ 8everal amusing incidents occurred ^ egree, that in flavor it is fully equal PER DAY.—Agents wanted everywhere. REMOYAL. daring the game, such as g«Ui»« * the best Young Hyson. Onr trade $20Ratuple for two etafilpe. Address H. WATTS haa removed hia bather ahop to A nnual School Meeting . — The 44 w4 RATB8, HAINES A CO., Cleveland, O. • over Jacob Brown's atore, (Hicks’ new block * knocked down by the hall, etc., which wjtb China and Japan ia immense, eon- Wwhere he will attend to Shaving, Hair Cutting nextaikl annual school meeting will be held —OF- AGENTS WANTED FOB THE Dressing, Shampooing and Dyeing. Rooms fitted at the Union School-honae, on Monday proved great fun for the spectators, bat gtitgting a verv heavy drain upon onr up la a pleasant and comfortable manner. “for otherwise” to the players. The Mtioil#| ^ * iMircci> ind if> bj a St. Johns, January8th, 1808. U:yl. evening next, at 7^ o ’clock. ARST&Y HOUSE, following is a brief reanlt of the game : Uttl# ltady of the natam and Secret History ITOOT of Clinton Ave., St. Johns, Mich. H. W Coen .—From the beet information T Walton. Proprietor. Thislas New House, and Foblob . Hora. —Total#—Onta 27; Rnaass. peonliantiec of the plant, the beat metb- has been fitted up with special reference to the we can gain in this lodhlity of the pres Mr. G. 0. McIntyre, living jnst ode of cultivating it, and the climates BOOTS & SHOES of the confederacy ; wants of the public. Stage office for Ithaca, Alma ent corn crop, we eonelade that tho The aatoendlne revelations nnd startling disclos and St. Louis. north of this village, lately threahed *nd coils beat adapted to its growth, we ures, made In this work, are creating the most in- yield will be over, rather than under, UMiro in the mind* of rlie people to obtain |L BARTOW A COOK, 104 bushels of nice bright barley the °»n *op this drain, it will amply repay T.u** P°nncal Itdriguea, Ac., of Da via and TTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law and Soli a half crop. , That haacreated Mich a sensation of lata, other Confederate leaders, with the Hidden Mys citors In Chancery. Alan, Collecting Agents, at iroduot of two acres of ground. Who ^ effort ; hat when it is remembered teries from - Behind the Scene. In Richmond, ” are Aeatphalia, Clinton County, Michigan. thoroughly ventilated. Rond for Clrrulara and are MOB IS BASTOW. [l»49] ABTUOBT COOS. Max . H eavinrich , of the firm of can beat it ? I that a successful cultivation of this our tonn*, Hml * full description of the work. Ad- dre.a, NATIONAL PUBLlHniNO CO., Phila 6. W. TOPPING, M. D., M. Heavenrioh & Co., is now east B. M. Shepard & Co., dealers in pro- plant in the border or Southern States, delphia, Pa., Chicago, III, or Ht. Lonla, Mo. 44 w4 T)HYSHyflICIAN AN1> enRQKON. OM<* nr»r hU dues at this place, have, np to Angnat I * new source of wealth and trade may I real d an ea, on Main Street, DeWltt, Michigan, selecting their stock for the fall trade, Has Just been received Partlcullar aUentiou given to surgical cases. (16yl which we expect will be as usual; very 28th, shipped fifteen ears of wheat to l>e opened np, which, in market value, SPAULDING A CRANSON, large and fine. Detroit. W>H throw even the vast cotton staplo TTORNEYS aud Counsellor* at Law,and8olicl tore is Chaocery, 8 l Johns, Clinton Co. Mich. Owing to the late decline in wheat *°to the shade, the importance of BT A he ork olls on O. L. SPSOLOIIO. 1 i. U. CHAKSOB. T W R .—Farmers it has not come in qnite as freely for prompt, fair, and well directed effort in are now busy plowing and fitting their the pest week. Many farmers am hold- th*1 direction will appear self-evident. ” MISCELLANEOUS. grounds for another wheat crop, and iug in expectations of an advanos in While we have this great article of IprPAILDIG EYE PRESE&YEB& threshing their grain. The wheat yield OLD ON I HOLD ON! price. We think some time will elapse tr*de under consideration, we would H. D. MeGABE, Messrs* LAZARUS A MORRIS, H will average about twenty bushels per before they see it. I remind tboee of our readers who All a ha are In want of acre. ___ The continued celd and wet weather «*pen»iY« luxury to boy, the OPTICIANS* OCULISTS HARTFORD, CONN., rXJJROSrXTTJ^tE, Tub First Bonus Deposited .—The is interfering very much with th e portenoe of buying the best article AT THE >onds in favor of the Lansing, St. fall plowing, and unless Providence f°r least money, and to accomplish Hold ob and do not bay until you have first exam ined the stock and prices at Johns and Mackinao Railroad, of the smiles upon them soon, they will be I these two important pointe, wo would late. ] advise yon to call on P. L. Vauconaant township of Bingham, were the first to •-Old Headquartera.1 TURNER’8, >e deposited with the State Trea«ury. Blackberries are very plenty in this}^ ^°*» Clinton Avenue, St. Johns. Who la selling Have, witha view to meet the incronring demand This looks like busin locality the proiwnt wwon. Buabel Wbile in bT/’c* l.rt w^ek, w* BETTER FURNITURE AT LOWER TRICES for their after Large Potato V ines .—We have bushel u being brought in d.ily wcre lnrUrf bj Mr. Ju. WelU, for- And they arc going off like "hot cakes," and CELEBRATED Than any other establishment •nd Belling nt from 6 to 10 cento !*r Lwly 0f thi. Tillnge. end now one of In St. Johns, Mich. ieen shown a peachblow potato vine, jigrown by Mr. 8. Hewitt, of Maple _____ I the proprietor! of that popular hotel Perfected Spectacles My stock consists, in part, of Apppotnted lapida, which measures fall nine feet. Thb first oysters of the eeaeon now hnown as the 41 Globe, ” to dine with TKrzEansr«? Caie, Flag ai4 Wm4 seal Chairs, We would like to see that man that on sale at Griswold ’s. him, which we gladly accepted, for we E. IX. KELLOGG, (late H. C. Smith A Co.) Kxtbksiom , Dinrao a *d Bbeazpabt Tislb8, I were jnst 4* ripe” for a 44 square meal,’* can eat the potatoes, tope and ell, this Dealer In Barcaaa, year. Enlarged . The Grand Haven after going the rounds of that extensive Clricks* IFtttcfaen.