Educational Inequality in the Singaporean Primary School Choice System
1 Structure-reinforced privilege: Educational inequality in the Singaporean primary school choice system Mira Debs and Hoi Shan Cheung Abstract Prior research on school choice as a global educational policy has emphasized how parents use their privileges to gain advantages. In contrast, we use the theoretical framework of structure- reinforced privilege to highlight how parental advantage can be compounded by complex choice structures, both the number of choices and the complicated selection criteria. We focus on a case study of Singapore’s primary school registration process which has not been previously examined in the academic literature. Using a discourse analysis of newspaper coverage and a Singaporean website for parents, we demonstrate that the primary enrollment system creates confusion among parents, and ultimately allows privileged parents to gain an admissions advantage in perceived elite schools. Numerous admission preferences, while initially intended to strengthen family-school ties, rewards those with resources, furthering the perception and reality of economic inequality. We close with recommendations to simplify school choice systems giving priority to families with limited resources. Key words: Parents, school choice, parent involvement, education policy, segregation, inequality, Singapore 2 Introduction In the last twenty years, school choice has been expanding as a global educational policy (Adamson, Åstrand and Darling-Hammond 2016, Forsey, Davis and Walford 2008). Choosing schools has been promoted as the solution to increasing student achievement, offering educational individualization, introducing competition into the public sector and providing greater access for poor students to quality schools (Chubb and Moe 2011, Dronkers and Robert 2008, Salman 2010, Wu, 2020). Yet this shift from education as a right to a consumer good has shifted the relationship between parents, schools and states (Proctor et al.
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