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[email protected] Goldridge College Website: Facebook Page : GoldridgeCollegeKwekweZimbabwe Twitter: @GoldridgeCol Monthly Newsletter Fax : 055 – 21353 Phone : 055 – 21363 March 2016 Cell : 0782081881 This issue Dear Parents IMPORTANT DATES FOR TERM TWO The end of the short first term is upon us. We give glory to CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL the Almighty God for all our achievements and protection EXAMINATIONS LEARNER AWARDS FOR as we traversed the country. We greatly appreciate all 2015 your support throughout the term. I hope you will enjoy NATIONAL ALLIED ARTS MUSICAL having your children home with you. As for us, we already COMPETITIONS look forward to an exciting and enjoyable term two. SPORTS CRICKET IMPORTANT DATES ATHLETICS They say “Every end is a new beginning” and herewith the TERM TWO SPORTS important dates for term two to enable you to plan SDC FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES accordingly. HOLIDAY OFFICE HOURS Event Date The office will be open during school School Opens Tuesday, 3 May holidays as follows: First Fixture Free Weekend Saturday, 21 to Sunday, 22 May Thursday, 24 March 2016 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Exeat Friday, 17 to Monday 20 June Tuesday, 29 March to Friday, 1 April Second Fixture Free Weekend Saturday, 16 to Sunday, 17 July 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. School Closes Thursday, 4 August Monday, 25 to Friday, 29 April 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Monday, 2 May onwards – normal working hours. CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS LEARNER AWARDS FOR 2015 While the first term was successful in many regards, the Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards for 2015 were an icing on the cake.