PAROHIJSKI GLASNIK PARISH HERALD List parohije Svetog Simeona Miroto~ivog Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve u Kalgariju, Alberta HRISTOS VASKRSE! CHRIST IS RISEN! St. Simeon Serbian Orthodox Church Newsletter Calgary, AB. GLASNIK VASKRS 2007 Uredni{tvo: Editors: Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Editor-in –chief: Protonamesnik Obrad Filipovi} V. Rev. Obrad Filipovic Preveli na engleski: Translated in English: \oko i Morana Ivkovi} Djoko and Morana Ivkovic Marija Grubor Marija Grubor Contributors: Saradnici: Milanka Filipovic Milanka Filipovi} Dr. Majda Djordjevic Dr. Majda \or|evi} V. Rev. Miroslav Josimovic Protonamesnik Miroslav Josimovi} Petar Grubor Petar Grubor Redakcija: Redaction: 2001 31 Avenue SW 2001 31 Avenue SW Calgary, AB. T2T 1T3 Calgary AB. T2T 1T3 Telefon: 403/244-3586 Phone: 403/244-3586 Fax: 403/244-1691 Faks: 403/244-1691 Web site Internet stranica E-mail:
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[email protected] - 2 BR. 14. GODINA 5. GLASNIK RE^ UREDNIKA Letter from the Editor ,,Kako je lepo i krasno kad sva bra}a `ive “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for zajedno,, (Psalmi Davidovi 133. 1). Ovo su re~i brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalms 133, koje nam upu}uje psalmopevac David u svojoj `eqi David 1.) These are the words of the song of degrees da istakne va`nost zajedni{tva me|u bra}om. of David in which he stresses the importance of U svetlu ovih re~i mo`emo sagledati i unity among brothers. na{ `ivot i istorijsku ulogu svih nas. Naime, In light of these words we can see our own mi koji smo kr{teni u na{oj Svetoj Pravoslavnoj lives and our own historical contributions.