California Highways and Public Works, June 1942
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y ~~ ,d v-n --• A i r /1a ry~~~~vpY. .l / Z ~y yt ~. k b 4 u_ ~v ~ 4 % '~ ,~s~ f ~ k' ~. D ', ~' ,~~ _ e A ~ ~,~~ ; 't'ao~~a~ ~ ~~ p~~aoc~~ ~~ o~~ p ~ ~~ ~- F` ~ tµ~ IS ~, .- r~ ~ ~_ "~ ~ ~ t ~a k~'~ 'wf.~:4~ 16 ~ '~ ~%'1! ~r ~ 1~ ~,„, ~.~~~i~ ~ $ ~~ to y ~_ '~x 7 ~s "1 ~,~ b [. R yyy j • r, ' R~ J w.w. .."t~. " AL CALIFORNIA HIC~HW~yS AND PUBLIC V~//ORKS Official Journal of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works, State of California FRANK W. CLARK, Director C. H. PURCELL, State Highway Engineer J. W. HOWE, Editor K. C. ADAMS, Associate Editor Published for information of departmen4 members and citizens of California. Editors of newspapers and others are privileged to use matter contained h¢rein Cuts will be gladly loaned upon requ¢st. Address communications to California Highways and Public Works, P. O. Box 1499, Sacramento, California Vol. 20 JUNE, 1942 No. 6 Table of Contents Pate Carquinez and Antioch Bridge Tolls Reduced to 25 Cezits for Passenger Cars---------------------------------------------- ~ Photograph of Carquinez Bridge on Day It ~~%as Opened by President Coolidge, May 21, 1927------------------------------------------ State Highway Traffic Committee Holds Organization Meeting in Los Angeles------------------------------------------------------- Speed Trends in Wartime High«gay Traffic Shown by Surveys__________ 4— t B~ H. L. Kile, Asstista~tt Traffc a~ad Safe~t~ Evtigi~ieer Graph of Speed Curves Showing C1langes Before and After War Began__ Graph Showing Speeds and Volume of Truck and Passenber Car Traffic G Long Beach Traffic Circle Eliminates Bach Bottleneck__________________ S By W. L. Welch, Ass4sta~at Dastrict Office E~i~i~ueer Vie~~s of Long Beach Circle Showing Channelizatioiz Controlling Traffic 9 New Divided Highway Completed on State Route Through Visalia City Limits-------------------------------------------------------- 10 Photos of Four-Lane Divided Highway Through Visalia________________ 11 Funds Voted for Repair of 200 Miles of High~eay Damaged by Hea~-y Traffic----------------------------- ---------- 1? High~va~~ Picture As Chan ecl by Drastic ~rar-tune Conditions____________ 13 By Joan G. Me~e~•, Se~tii,or Highway En~t~ineer Legislators Inspect Central Valley Project Units and State Water Plan Sites--~---------------------- ------------------- ------ 14 Picture of Legislative Interim Committee Group at Shasta Dam_ l~ Divided Highway and Fridge Completed North of. Bakersfield__________ 16 B~ E. T. Scott, District Engineer Photos of Highway Improvement on Route 142 North of Bakersfield______ 1r Franz R. Sachse, Assistant Director of Public Works, Goes into Air Corps 18 Bids and Awards of High~~~ay Contracts in ~Iay____________ __ 20 TosoII n Cara uenez an A ntioc h ~r~ ~es A~ ain Re uce y tate to 25 Cent Rate Fo r Prise n~ er Cars N June 1 motorists began en- and the travel to and from the Mare passenger Island and Vallejo areas," Clark said, joying a 25-cent Cargaaines automobile toll on the Car- end Antioch "that Governor Olson, as Chairman quinez and Antioch bridges, State- Bridge Sta4istics of the California Toll Bridge Author- owned toll spans. ity, felt that the public should have Bridges Pur- the of Three reductions in vehicular benefit the steadily growing chased___~eptember 16, 1940 business. charges on these two bridges were ap- Revenues to proved by the California Toll Bridge April 30, 1942— TOLL COLLECTORS INCREASED Authority at a special meeting called Carc{uinez Bridge_ $2,595,847.51 "The income from the Carquinez by Governor Culbert L. Olson and Antioch Bridge__ 173,902.76 Bridge has mounted to the point held in Sacramento on May 14th. where we have ample funds to care Lowering of the tolls was iiz line Total Revenue_ $2,769,750.27 for all extra expenses not anticipated with Governor Olson's declared policy Expenses O t h e r in 1940 that have been occasioned by Than In- of giving motorists full benefit of in- Sond the increased traffic. There is reason terest _________ $362,678.70 creasing Carquinez to believe that the Carquinez and business on the Interest on Bonds $223,738.25 and Antioch spans. Antioch bridges will be toll-free con- Excess of Revenue siderably The new rate for automobiles, am- before April, 1948, the date Over Expenses_ $2,183,335.32 when the privately-owned franchises bulances, hearses, taxis and light de- Improvements ___ $79,740.34 for these structures which the. State livery automobiles is 25 cents instead Total Bond. Retire- purchased would have expired. $895,000.00 of 30 cents. This is the same toll ments ________ "Increased business on the Car- charged on the San Francisco-Oak- Bonds Outstand- quinez Bride has made necessary the ing ___________ $5,048,000.00 land Bay Bridge. employment of more toll collectors rigina~lly Bonds 0 and the owners of the bridge bonds NAVY BUSES BENEFIT ________ $5,943,000.0 Issued have been requested by the Authority balance Lowered tolls for buses operated by on Hand to approve of the necessary increase —Cash R,e- or for the United States Navy on and in the operating and revolving fund ceivables x`$1,560,207.60 regular schedules transporting Fed- _____ to provide for the additional operat- Motor V'e h i c 1 e eral employees to and from their ing costs. Bond holders are expected Tra1iic ________ places of employment on Mare Island 7,122,707 to approve the action of the ALlthority ~Tehicular Toll are now 75 cents instead of $1. because it is in li-,e ~~ith the best in- Revenues ______ $2,74,466.49 Monthly commutation books for terests of themselves and the general passenger automobiles now cost $10 Rents and Miscel- public. laneous Income_ $5,283.78 instead of $10.75. "The excellent financial condition The i~ew for automobiles rates and TOLL REDUCTIONS of the Carquinez Bride is conclusive commLitation books on the Carquinez proof of what efficient public owner- Bridge apply to the Antioch Bridge. September 16, ship and operation of such a utility This span already had a 75-cent toll 1940 _______From.45¢ to 30¢ can accomplish. The same sort of for l~Tavy buses. 5¢ for each passenger ab~lishsd proof has bee~1 established by the 14, 1942__From May 30¢ to 25~y Antioch Bridge and, of course, by the REVENUES EXCEED NEEDS Tlncludes $3'51,612.62 cash acquired San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bride." The. bond issue for acgLlisition of at time of purchase. the Carquinez and Antioch bridges LEGISLATURE CREATED AUTI30RITY was $5,943,000. Since September 16, The California Toll Bridge Anth- 1940, the rei~enues from these spans The reductions ordered by the Tall ority was created by the Legislature have eQCeeded the amount required Bridge t~uthority were recommended in 1929, under an act which states it for bond retirement by more than by I2irector of Public Works Frai7k is the declared policy of the State $1.,000,000. tip'. Clerk, who is Secretary of the of California to acgtiiire and own alI Rates for trucks and other commer- ~lllthority. toll bridges situated upon or along cial vehicles nsin~ the Carquinez and "Revenues on the Carquinez Bridge any part of the highways of the State Antioch bridges have been reduced have been so greatly increased by the with the end in view of ultimately twice since the State purchased these additional traffic resulting from the eliminating all toll charges thereon. spans. toll reduction of September, 1940, The act setting up the Authority Photo Oourtesy of Sacramento Unioati Photo of Carquinez Bridge on May 21, 1927 when President Coolidge pressed a button in Washington and opened it to 50,000 cars of the vintage of sixteen years ago and prior which crossed it that day provides that the i7~embers shall con- chairman of the Federal Reconstruc- Despite the fact that the Legisla- sist of the Governor, Lieutenant Gov- tion Finanee Corporation, in an effort tnre, in passing the Toll Bridge ernor, llirector of the Departilient of to arrange for reductions of tolls on Authority Act in 1929, had declared Public Works, Director of the Depart- the San Francisco Bay Bridge. it to be the policy of the State to ment of Finance, aiicl the Chairman After correspondence and telephone own all toll bridges located on its of the I3ighway Commission. coiZVersations with Jones, Governor highways, and that same body ' in The first act of this ne~~v a;ency Olson dispatched Director of Public 1937 had given specific approval to was to laLlnch construction of the Works Clark to Washington to follow the acgLiisition, by purchase or by San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bride, up the negotiations. These were so eminent domain of the Carquinez and which ~~vas completed and o~en~d to successfLll that on June 15th, of the Antioch bridges, izo effective steps traffic on October 12, 1936. wine year, tolls for automobiles were had been taken by the previous ~s late as JanLiary 1939, ~~hei~ reduced from 50 to 40 cents. administration toward that end. Governor Qlson took office, a toll of The reduction of tolls. had an im- extortionate tolls on these bridges 50 cents per car was being char~ecl mecliate effect on the stimulation of had for years discouraged traffic over an the Bay Bridge. The legal con- traffic, which iiz turn made possible. important highways. Prior to 1938 stituency of the Toll Bride Author- further cLits. Oi~ .January 1, 1940, the toll charged on the Carquinez ity places this a~;eizcy under coiztrol tolls were established at 35 cents. On span had been 60 cents per car plus of the Governor immediately upon his May 25th of the same year, they 10 cents per passenger.