2^ -, . ■ V t m d a Y. r a m it. im * •V ^ ’■ 'AjS ,' ;dliittrlr»atrr Eorufttg J|eraUi WosUm t Avorggo DaUy Not Prass R ob • be the Meolb et May, 1S4S Kav. WdMrd O. ------«--v xmdca wQl meat ygffff Lutharaa dnirdi adioat dar tha ehaimiaiaahin of Mrs. Kaa- Ston Lntharah.‘dm rdi. tb iily -M net tha data of Saturday, aay Hotdiinano will aarva atrsiw* ton. wOl Wash the "l8K|ar 9,725 AbovtTown Jana 38, tor Its annual picnie, to berry ahotteahs with whipped Drives, or lito Dataraato of Mm p s ii.’iraLSTa ^ ba h d d on th a g ro n n ^ od^ th a cream and oodfee Sataritey avwung kind" at the masting of the u a ritniT-*"* to wear whlta pariah housa. A ^ from 5:30 to 7:8& at the Obnunu- worth Daagna, Bunday ovrntag at ; a. nlty haU, Botton Oantar. d:S0 at thi Seuth Methodlat 3ianeheUar " -A CUy o f ViUogo C h a m K S ^at tha damonatration (Ivra pmgram at 3:80 win »• HM mfWt «0I ^aO CB tka tha "Down Homera" with OnJ* church, to which all ara invited. iM airrfiki'"— **^ at tha laat maatlnc ara aaked to The driU taam of the Daughtars Bom Uf a Lutharaa maasa at can for thorn at 7:80. Shorty and Hank I*a«^- Jh* eo. Page ttl 18, l« 4 f (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS iJ T ^ iS rS t«»o ■*»»■«> <2^ picnic houra are fiw 1:80 to 4.80 o f lib e r ty . 135, LbOJUL, wlU Urmiah, . Iraa, MrthplaOs of go> VOL.LXVIII., N a 220 .T'' ^ - ■ «»hM not ““ gstif tisrsots snd ftltnds wtil ^b# hold aAtrawbaary .aeeial ^ .ova- roastar.'M r. Fora rooolvod hla io> Ihe annaal atraw b^ welcome. Wadneaday nlng OB tha lawn at the home of ngious ' oducatioa ‘ at Oaaoocdla of tha Buckingham June 33, at 7:80 aU women of tha Vice Praddant Mrs. BUan Wilson, Conaga. Mihvankae, Win., aad the doty win be aarved at the <*urdi congregation will be wlcome to 30 Oriawold straat AS membera OoBoordla Samtaary at St. Louia New Salutes' Old iTramanHito in that place thla erenlng, with tha attend the sprinij aodal of tha ara urged to attend and to invito Higher Farm Price Brat a t^ if at 5:30. Ladles’ Aid Society. their friends. Lobby Stand Thousands Homeless dM«* Srteoldiic ki P ^ Tha Men’a Friendahlp Qub TgUl a t tte oominonoonMiit « • •arra a baa* and atrawherry aup- !S per at the South Methodlat ch u r^ Supports Planned- dMS fn m UOaeliorter tomorrow avanlng at d o’d o ^ ■f UponJIousing o( wliidi h« **“So highest’Over- fiea Foley Gave Her ' 'oentrate'on* Remoirlng May Have Lost Livea; ' i The ' president said tote' yeatcr- toddbfs aP.fann pries supports over Pai^'W hen About to Iday in-a .letter'to Speaker Ray- Obstacles to Agreeinent New Rains Dispel Bo Robbed. •. h r attempted by, the government Leave for New York I bum (D., Tex.) that ha baa baen Hope of Abatement Whofl your chid hovaia a t have' been' imposed=for neat "shocked in recant daya at tbe ex- Paris, Juns 18—cffj—Western of thair natural year'in a biU drafted by irdinary propaganda campaign baby thoaa, ra ■» o amgte aofyal of comfxt. Waahington, Juna 18 — (F) — power diplomats conoentratsd to­ Petersburg, W. Va., June baaaty and high* T r u T a l farm state lawmakers. Tha [that baa boa unleashed” against day on removing tha obatoclee de­ No laama la book, on Mda or awMido. naw bill, whipped into shape Judith Coplon told tha Jury trying Seuato-piuaad' public hoiiaing, laying agreement with Ruaoto on 18.—(IP) — Thousands were Ughts. Cold storaga Shirts $ 2 .2 5 Up her on aeptonaga ebargea yeator- I shim clearance biU now pending In an Auatrian independence treaty. reported homeless today, oa kocpa tha nataral Plenty of comfort, and plenty of protacHon, too. yesterday by a House Agrt- day that her Juatloe department I tbe Houasw The American, British, Frsneb flash floods swept this viUley IU m « ~ $ 2 . 9 5 U p culture oubcommlttoo, would re­ boat Inalated She take the notes Tbe campaign, Mr. *rrunian de- oHs in fora so they peal outright the 184$ law due to and Russian foreign miidaters, aft­ region of the Potomac river $1.55 from an FBI "decoy” memoran- I dared, "conilatmtly diatorta the er a recess, will reconvene- tomor­ win ramaia gloBsy oet up a Soxiblo prleo oupport dinn which were found In her facte of the housing r itu i^ n in basin. State Police Capt. 9 k $|wdal ticat for Dsd-TraVd fhirta, ^Mt sbiitA oyotem a t 60 to 90 per cent of row to try and settle the problem . . . win not shad. purse when ebe was arrested. I this country.” in what may be the tost secret ses­ Basil E. Wright said at El­ A RIAL on. BAM and pajamu s»de of doe aeiected ce o M broad- parity, starting next year. When the trial reautnea Mon­ StatemiHt Surpriaea Martin sion a t their four-week-old c pileoa at 80 per cent of parity. tice Department’a Foreln Agents 174th ■■uivereaiT of toe Battle ef B a k e r HiB. (AT wliephoto). The D. S. Tmtiasiff art Fiagae, immodiate abatement of the flood 12.00. With fur collar, |8.S0. Martin dedarsd that opposition Stafiy Bvary Aspect Csechotlevakto, said yesterday, it waters. to tvfT MAinw Daat-< leetiy sized-A, S, C*D. the TratU labd is ' Failty ia a prioo set years ago rolKistratloa and Intemm Security to the measure has come from Tbe western diplomats contin­ by a eompnestad fonniua tnUnd- eectiona, gave her the "decoy” seeks tbe release ef John Hvaata Among the missing wars State people concerned over government ued today to study in dstail every (above), S3. America Navy vet­ ilaM your guaianlec of line qnali^, your pnaise of od to ba fair to b i^ fanniri and paper toe morning of March 4 aa aspect of Russia’s price for re-ca- Police Cpl. A. M. H unt, hla wlfa conaumera. Tbero has boon amno ■he was about to leavo for New spending—^not real estate lobby­ eran, of BlUiilde, N. J„ sentenced and two children. Hunt'a\hqma on Hale’s FurS—Sceond Floor n o t ekccilcnt value. Don't dehy-come in saw foe tear axpreoeed that ia coming York. Britain Stands Fast ists. tabliablng Austrian indapandence. by a Caeehoslovak court to three the river bank near heie waa "Patartei To NaoW The president's strongly-worded They were seeking to determine ycore Impriaonmcnt on chargee ef months under this formula the Just what aaseta in Austria Rus­ swept away during tha night. Dod’agifbf govopunent might havo to pay out "He said it was *hot and Inter- totter said that “a Uttla group of spying. (AF wlrephoto). Meanwhile, tha crest of tlio eating” and pointed to NeeAe- ruthtoas man” to rssponalble for sia is likely to claim aa part of her huga oumo, meanwhile getting settlement. flood, which struck, laat night after ■tuck with great cron sbi^uies. man’s name,” she aaid. "Ha told On Argentine Treaty the campaign to dsfeat the bilL torrenUal rains, rollad northaaat- *'Mot0 swbff f t r d t U U r . He aaked Congress to "be aware Meanwhile, leadeia of the pro- GJJiOUSESSON Th4' igan. proposed by Braanan, me-be wanted me to make notea ward towards Romney, W, Va Tito “Slovene Liberation front,” a J S K H ^ d | ' CSgS^SSSSSSSSBSSBBB^B tbtm say tU rt 0U tm ty* wbMi the admmistiation■dmmiriratioi lo back­ of tha highlights in connection of tbe false aad mialeadlng nature Union Leaders Police had unconfirmed raporta MANOflSnft € o m » with the poaelble proeecutlon of Senate Committee Will of thia pn^aganda " minority group supporting Yugo- W l QIVl^^OKEEH 8 T 1 M P 1 ing atnmgty, would let prices of stovto’a territorial ctoima against that eight to ten others wars miss­ perishable crops drop on the Amtorg." Houao Democratic Leader Mc- ing la the Petenburg-Mooraflald, (The memorandum said Isidore Aak Wisbb for Full Cbrmack (Maaa) promptly com­ Auatrto, havo been called to Vien­ Shot in Melee mariut, with the government pay­ News Tidbits na for an emergency conference W. Va., region. ing fSimeri direct mibridiee to G. Needleman, general counsel of mented: “the President la ab­ They were unabta to confirm a make up the difference. Amtorg, Soviet trading sguney, Report on American CalM Frma (ff) W ins solutely right. I hope his state­ with offictoto of tbe Yugoslav le­ and another high-ptoced Amtorg ment will have the effect ef driv gation. It waa believed the con­ report that at least five poraoaa Would Permit T ria l Bos'* Position on Trade Pact ference was called to discuss the Two Members of Rival were lost in the Moorefleld arcA CAMERA DEPT, The new Houoa bill, beaU official had become FBI inform- ing .this dafarious lobby out of THE anto. Government wttneaeea have Foreign Mihiatera of five Waahington.” Auatrian treaty negotlationa. Labor Group Beaten ComBumlUea laototed uaing tba Brannaa parity formula, ■ela Treaty a a ria s start second And in Belgrade, the editor of h as Advlco By called this A ^ b e ra t^ false and Waahington, June 18.—

c.' MAWCHESTEK EV«a«NG HERALD. BIANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 18. 194» MANCHE8TBS EVENING HERALD, MANCHE8TEK. CONN 2S. On that day -offlceni Mwwad Bted with a rosa at the mom* up st his farm. bi 248 mllaa—more Pardon Given nil y r $ili BalancedTax Fights Jail l i eatHmt By Scar a rids for tha pony axpraaa V i i i e will be Church SchebI IKSGRE W 1tU.>t6W FbuitK Dcgi^ee Two Lofud Gi^uEtes ler who racad across tha |Aatna An argunumt with a graear en^ with Commancemant at St. John’s Mpla- Escaped Con ad HsU’s Sight tram pelsqa. Tlia 80 yaara ago at tea rata- ef 200 eopal church at 10:46 S . ^ . s ^ System Need oftteers were probing a auariet McRINNKy mtOTHERR tSSS=^yoddy*s Radio i p m * — IBM mllaa a day. ne service st S:S0 a m. This win Baal I M t e aad IsafmMe IvHiHiC KoC Election o o k P la n ever a btlL Tliey identWea Hall, W «A T - .2 I2 Hanoa a second section of th|a close the school for Bis summer. MounUhiMr Arrested wbo waa eenvleted af aeooad de­ l08 l^fs St. Ttl. 8(Mn ewhwi itote ride will start at 5 a. m.. (ex.LI Starting Bimdhy. Jims 28th ths State Chamber of Com­ gree .muider in ins, by a long (6 a. m. cjs.L) from Osntral CSty, preaching services for the rest of Last May Alter 30 an bla left hand. L o c a l M em bers HoofbeEts in Revival of about half way. to Gothenburg. iFo r Exerasee merce Hea^ Urges the summer will be at 10 a. m. ?Hsll had been aentenced to IS WTHT—Cominualim. Never-to*Bo> Forgotten When the Blair aeetloa raaches CnstoDi bnilt honst. instead of 10:46 a. m. Holy Com­ Years BlegaUy Free years on a murder charge and five -Ntwp. A g o L iite d RS B e in g Keeping Industry -lasifiranca Man Dlge WKNB—HaU High Sehaol Cho­ central dty tha mall pouohaa win AD typas of qxactisf, munion will be held* as usual at S yeare on another count A t the Expansion Chapter bo relayed ahead to the speeding {ji, Bernard, St. Joseph BOUQtTtfn JoNuya. rus. C andidates a m . Rtobmond, Va„ Juao IS— umo e f his aoenpe In Diekanaon W HAT—Skttch BenOoraon. horses by automobile, then will ba ftltoni^n wofb, ad« OlaMag Servlee Hartford. June 18—a—(Spedsl) best way to kesp industry inside 40 KaaaiBgtOB Sirsst tlon. eral ' aasombly. Fourth Degree where the old Fred Machette Pony menta arranged, 10% ham Rosenberg were hosts for the arrsatod last May after SO yean o t In tee fanner*enar*a iMnalf, beating out a revival of a never- expross station has been preserved •iOrsSsstlM Mtwnrtirti w<|l mark evening. ^ the state. lUasal Ubariy that Mlowad Ms ea> Aa Hall walked away from the ^'^lipiRC--Eap8ft«thtel Procrana W HAT—Sjnnphoiw HaU. Knights of Columbus, whldi jplU to-be forgotten chapter la Ameri- down, balanec pay­ "The southern snd western ' W 0N8—JoS Itelehman’a Otebas* WKMB—C!ry«l)l BaUroom pe* In the city park. UnO ia^ ftacrun at Soth St. capo from a state prtaoa term, baa penitentiary, he peuaed andhreeth- bo held at 8L Jaaea* school haU ea’s westward expansion. states hsva consciously framsd been conditionally' pardoned by ed doapb. tlew. The Nebraska Horse duba As- Special Cachet on Letter* ment monthly. ' aksnard’a and St. eburcb' tax policies to attract industry to WTHT—Johnny ’Thompaon. Vlrsinia’a Obvemer TuSk. "iW d ra a d If gonp,'* hf anid next Wodnoaday ovsnlng- aoclatlon, sponsor of the commem­ A program will be held here and thsir territories,’’ hs said. "We WDRC—Spike Joftea. Four Manchester membera of orative ride, moved their horses to a spedsl pony express station P H O N E 4836 'W a p p i n g should guard against the growing Kttlhrwing bis aacaps Hall be- ■C Bcrnani'a.acliool wlU frad> caam known to tea rolka la Wy­ t -Home Hour. 1»12— . . tee assembly art listed on tho points along the Lincoln highway cachet will be stamped on the let­ «a t« a daaa of tMrtyHSgbt p a ^ danger that threatens our Indus­ Ii2(k^ WTHT—Sort Andrawa. ballot as proparad by tea nomi­ to carry pouches of mail clear ters carried on the ride before Dr. Charles W. Crankshsw of trial state of Connecticut from oming County, W, Va., as John Warn RetidenU 7(28^ St throe p. m., with axaretaea Henry ’rbomas, a bard-warklng-' . WDRC—Give and Tgka. nating ooimmittea, a copy of which serosa the state on horseback. they are returned to their sendy-x. IBC hsid in the cburcb. Rev. Pat* Pleasant Vallsy road, president of these regions." : WOOC—Naqrp: Insurance Man WDRC—Vaughn Monroe;* baa boon sent to each ewmbor by ‘The ttrst two sections of the ride Near North Platte the ride will Foreword to Report farmer end law abiding dtlaea. a * J. ICahonejr will present the the South Windsor Historical So­ Of Fire Danger Dtac Joekaya WKNB—Ruril Nrighbor. F a lt ^ l Navigator JnmM G. Me* start at 2 a. m. (m. s. t.) today pass near the ranch of Buffalo and the sermon will be WUUsms' remarks came in a Ha developed a SST-acra term WTHT—The Bye. (11 a. m., a. s. t.) from Scottabluff, ciety, attended the 55th reunion ( WONB—Journal of tea Air. Cabo of Hartford. They art: Frank Bill Oody, where the bearded In­ g S m ih y Rev. Terence Murphy, foreword to the chamber’s annual alaag tea aroundbof * crash, be- ir n t T —B ^ t ’s My Name. WONh—True or False, and from Pine Bluffs, Wyo., on the Hartford, Juno tS -(S t*- Al* IFA b ii Jffm itts J. Quirii for faithful captain; dian Boout and showman held K S . The feUowlng t in the gnd* of his claaa of the University of report, mailed today to memberA canse a aMotear af .* tea. .Baptist : W HAT—B iM Oomwrt w n c —Vie Damone.’ Mguricii E. O’Connor for faithful Hgtotln A Oeaietto Dorotey A, DarwsMt western Nebraska border. ‘The court fo r the North brothers. Kit diurah, was marrlod and raised a tv-V SStaa: WalUr SUphen Arehacki, Pennaylvsnla, Friday. "More than ever before," Wll- though no aaitoua foreat or waoda .WOOCr-lkXMrts; ShowUme. outer aptotlnal; FBatar H. WUUams two aections merge at Sidney for Carson, Gen. Phil Sheridan. Paw­ liams stated, ‘‘all segments of bus- taadly. Count U4ft*> the dash to Gothenburg, Neb. Mtir—r Mae araot, Madeline Dr. Crankshaw received his de­ Sras have deValopad In Ooaaaetl- -WTIC—Juka Box Jingles. 2:02— aa dtlagate to the district aasero Mlsa Dorothy Arlene DarwenL-< 7 nee Bill, Death Valley Scottle and Jane Breton, Maurtce Paul Bret* inens and labor must get together He even served as a atete Are WDRC-Otne Autry. academy chapel snd the diplomas with an overnight stop at Ovid, Biabop Beecher— all colorful fig­ gree of doctor of dental surgery and resolve problems for the pub­ cut dufing tea dry spall, the Stete bly; aad John F. Tlonioy aa altar daughter of Mrs. Alice Darwent, of Colo., site of an old pony expreas ■S, atebard OeraM Bundy, Tar* in 1M3 (fom the School of Medi­ warden and helped Federal reve­ Parka and Foreat commisaion *!'v^KNB—BaaabaU Game. wnC^Hotiywood Ster Thea­ npto to tea dlatrict aasombly. 34 Perkins street, and Mbm Nata­ woro presented by Right Rwerend ures of the old We«» SPECIAL ry Arthur Chstacno, Lorraine lic good." nue agents root out moonehinem ter, lie AniU Ouellette, daughter o f ! Monrignor Jedin Callahan. ffhs station. cine and he was retired in 1937 The chamber head stressed what urges Conaactteut rasidanto to be m wwivnvw w w mv llO ^ * Faithful Navigator McCabe has ‘The eastern leg of the trip ’nie commemorative ride win in­ Bdith DaUey. Donald Richard Do* after 42 years of setivs work. In in tho deya of prohibition. *- carefid of outdoor $ rm oyer tea , wt>RC-8tato o m HoUyw^ WCCC—Sign Off Soranade, advisad membera thqt tha baUots Mr. and jttva. And^„,Ouwotto, of gltla have majored in buaineas volve more than 500 people and as 1946 O LD S - 7 y * '4 - lJ «. herty,' Mary Elisabeth Egan, he termed the "essential" need for wW^w ^F^^w ■Ww WKNB—Dm # fbr' Dapchif. couiaea.' starts at Blair, Neb., on Nebras­ 1925 his son,! Charles Crankshaw, ■scapo Heavy weight week-ond. i WGOC-r Insurance « Olria Dl$a •ent .to team wUl ha uaed for the 30-Dcopitfood driva;;6toro Krghtr ka’s eastern border, at 4 a. m. (c. many horses. Most of them will Aan Marie ElUs, Ruby Belle Pel* "a stable and equitable tax struc SHtvare to WOKS—Twante QuqsUons. " ' atcil Tutodaf, Juno 14, from MaTy Both gbta attended St.'James’ received the same degree from ture which will produce adequate Tet bis escape weighed bebviiy' Director Donald C Mateaws etacUoa. s. L ) (5 a. m., e. s. t.) Sunday ride only a mile or two In the re­ One Owner lows, Carol Ann PlUp, EHaabsth the same school. ‘ WkS^^ariety T ^ - ' • WTHT-frPat Novak, for Hire. Immaculate Academy, New Brit­ Parochial school and Holy Trinity lay Instead of sivltching horses as revenue and at the same time upon him. said last night teat tea oanHnuad T t Mnvo Bpadnl Program High school- in Hartford. morning. FuDy Equipped— $1,495 Isuiae Gessay, Francis Edward Members of the American Le­ " If anybody atreage.came around dry waateer baa tncrcaadd the W ^ B —DIac Date.’^ w Ha T—Music in Wohderland. ain. ‘The trip from Blair to Gothen- the old pony express riders did. Orunabach, WtlUam Joespb Han< gion have been invited by the Le­ safeguard all the . vital intere.ats WTHT—101 Ranch Boys., 8:22— A apedal program la being pro* within the state." Joseph CHarltsa. IS. tries to bceak away tn m . I M t tea dread on me. 1 M t Ilka dangsr M forest Sraa As a pn- 1 non, Robert Edward Hanson, Ar< gion suxiUsry to a pot-luck sup­ *WON2—Tnke n Number. parud for the meeting by Man- howaver, increaaingly good tost for a 1947 O LD S “ 76” 4-DR. a call In a peedact stattoa bovie In New York after bis arrest cea- thay were trying to get hold of cauuonary measure, Mathews WELDON'S cheater mambeVs of tec aasombly thur Edward Heim, Albert Ed- per at Community ball June 28. mo and take me back,? he aaid yaatardik ordmed raopanad tare of ^'UDROr-Ooi»nt^ jA n W ^ WDRC-PhUip Miriowe. detecting cancer in certain organs ■sctisw with the Iddaaptaig. assault aad rohbeey at Oswgs B. F< SSI NAIM •nWEft and tha program la twing achodul* i|«rd Hewitt This will be the last meeting of when ha walkaS ftom tee state the atete’a natch towers W PO G ^ow a; Inswanee GUIa W HAT—2 ^ 0 Rm o L early, one of these being examina­ a 1946 H U D SO N 4-DR. OwiSht ef Neiv York, a Harvard stodeat. Behlad O larim Is Aa- WTHT—FWttoua Jury Trials. ed aa Myatory N I^ L Large bal­ tion of the cells under the micro- Shirley Louise Johndrow, Bar­ the two groups until faU. thony Nocara, 26. atoe arrested la esaasettea witk tbs Dwight panitanDary bars yeeterdey-** alerted the eommitslon'a pump ap- , Pipe Jockaya. The #1941 RUICK SPECIAL bara Margaret KerMu, Patrlcte ’Ths Installation of the Abe Mil­ South Coveutry araters. t WON8—Day ||t to# Itecoa. W n O —’TVuth or* Ompequences drics wtU ba worn over suit eoato scope. X-rays and various devices AUCTION AUCTION Both OlarUxo aad Naeera are frees BroeklyB. HaU'a fears materiallaed on May - W»THT-—J»»nlof J«incUon. 2:45— for tho meeting. uaed In physical examlnaUon, es­ 4-DR. BMnadette Kuefaenaki, Joseph ler Post, American Legion Auxil­ Mra PaoHae IJttle ------— ----- 4 WHAT—Nows, Sporte. pecially' thoae which can be iMcd TODAY, 2 P. M. SHARP, RAIN OR SHINE Ernest LaPolnU, Robert James iary, wtUch was to have taken Advertisement— I Advertisement—* I AdvertlMmeht— I Advertlaemmt— w n o —IPa the Topii, In preparation for tho mooting a 1941 OLDS 4-DR. tVlilimantie Ea. Phoae 3II2.VWI 262— Doctor to examine the openings of the CHARTER OAK ST. AUCTION MARKET place Fnday night has been post­ Christian Service local group vot­ Um Manchester mambera held a Leahy, Harold Oaytaln Levesque, SEDAN Richard Leo McCarthy, Mary poned until the last meeting In ed Thursday not to meet during W n O —UN ta My Beat. WDRC—Oangbuaters. aeaal(m at the K. of C home this body, are particularly helpful. MANCHESTER Jtane Madden, Carol Ann MUunus, September. Plane have been completed for summer months. 'The next seaaiMi WON2—Mto Bogins at 80. week imdef the leadership of Past Beaeflt Maaekester U otm rj Ctab'a Youth AeUvIttea Fund a 1940 P L Y M O U T H 4-DR; During the annual meeting of w h a t —Moonlight iMatlnoa. Sand Pays All of Town’s mils NEW MERCHANDISE: SmaS mahogaay aniahed cheat, doer &iurlts P ^ e ric k North, Hsrbert a scavenger hunt under the aus­ will take place in September. ‘The Report Of The Officers Of The Eighth School And’ *^DRD-Ii»vll«l!an2o leafing. Faithful, Navigator ‘Ihomaa J. Says; Newly painted. Frederick Paganl, Francis Allen the East District Boy Scouts of pices of the organization commit­ group will save soap box tops for { BKXIC—Damdnf Pttty. ’TPlegram Oanalng Dannaher. A t that tlma Mr. Dan mats, electric grin, seatter rags la oriental pattoraa, Remlagton Atnw,, Thomsa Girard- Plata, America at Spring Pond Park, tee of the Nathan Hate Oommun- a treaswy project. I WTHT—Traaaury Show. ' Party. nahor appobitod two committees Sedgeford, Bhigland—( ^ — This dual shaver, felt bane rags, vises, Mtchea acts, portable and table a 1939 P O N T IA C 4-DR. Wednesday night, Daniel Cava- w n c —Tour Hit Parade. FIbrcid Turners Oftea Occur Dur- NoiTolk village runs on sand. radloa, hand heoked raga, Doraieyev kitchen laixen, ear pollahing DonaU Joaeph Racskowskl, John ity Center July 2. All persona Methodist church services on W n C —Votes of Um Wliard.. to make preparations for the lag MMdle Years 4>f life I ’ 48 motor. Raymond Sharkey, Erwin An- naug was named second vice pres­ planning to go oi. the hunt are Sunday are at 10:45 a. m., at the L.dities District Of Manchester, Conn. 862— meeUag.. Bernard M. Fogarty, The 700 or so villagers haven't kits, wheel cultivators, lawn mowers, comhiaatioa gas sad wood ■ thcay S t Louis, Barbara Joan ident. requested to be at the auditorium United Methodist church at Bol­ W HAT—Jukebox Review. W D R C-T«lM *of FaUma. Frank J. Quiah aud Charles Mc­ paid a penny in local taxes in 16 raage, caa be eonverted to oS boraers, table model llinrolaated a 1939 OLDS “ 66" 4-DR. Harmon Smith of the Charter W0N8—Guy Lombarda By Edwin P. Jordan, M. D. { years. glebe ofwerid. electric toasters, aad many etber items. Stam^ James CSrl Wohllebe, E4* at 7:30 p. m. that day for instruc­ ton. The congregation will b e ' I j f f . , ' . ->■ . Carthy were appointed on the Re­ Written for NEA Service ward Joaeph ZIgmond, Gloria Oak Council office commemled tions. Teams of four will leave at served by a supply minister dur­ WDRO-PVhUe Serriee Program wnc—Judy ^ Canoya shot- freshment committee. John E. The tax rate is fixed st eight- TinEU ITEMS: Baby carriage, elethlng, eiectrle Irqo, smorted ~ Frealdenfa BepaH Treasurer'a Report tor FIseal Year Eadlag Jaaa 1,1848 About one in five of all women pence on a pound's worth of real books, lee refrigerator, mirrors, whig osal Charge (Middle Tpk„ W est)... 168.90 WKNB—Nawa; Scoreboard Va- w n c —Grand Old Opry. pend on their location, sixe and Eleanor Bloniars, organUationa are planning to as- repairs and general up-keep of the Capitol Grinding Company ...... 7.70 Sewage Disposal Charge (Board of Education).. 64.64 ritUas. 1162-* olood supply. The best known ed to be worth at least 35.500, all Sewage Disposal Charge (Vet H aven )...... 47804 Kaminski, Lorraine slat in a tubereuloaia X-ray pro­ building. The organization com­ of the family's furnishings and James Carey ...... 2.50 w n C —OasaUe Home Raea. Newa OB aU stations. Eighth District symptom is excessive or painful Richard Doboss, gram. 'Ths entire program will be mittee has set a monthly goal bf Paul.Cervini ...... 700.84 Town of Manchester Water Dept. Sewage Dis­ bleeding. Sometimes discomfort or v/ere lust in the Oanics. posal. from May 1,1848 to May 1,1848...... 682.72 llilS — ■Manor Qunanreik. Celine Kos- explained at a meeting in the near at least fiOO toward the approxi­ The Are was started by an oU- Joseph Chartier...... 1.206.61 **WOOO—Nows; Dancing Party. WDRC—World ‘Tonight; Sr/rt. even severe pain in the lower part future by a representative from R. F. Bahr (Wooden R o d s )...... * 40.00 Calls Meeting of the abdomen is the only sign of Jsinkl. Marian Nnrklswlca, Hen* mate f2,Q00 budget for the year. bunting hot water heater. Fire Neal Cheney ...... '275.00 WTHT—Horsa Races. WTHT .— 'Triegram Dancing the State Health Department. Sewer Assessments ...... 1...... ^. . . . 8,008.60 6CITO—Oentaate. a fibroid. One of the most com­ ^.Wareha, PTands Zagura, O lia ‘The committee netted about 362 Chief Ernest J. Starlccl reported. Clarice Insurance A gen cy...... 45.00 ParW* Interest on Sewer Assessments...... 49.47 WnO-rOontrasts. The Eighth School and UUUtlea mon symptoms is a feeling of Osrara, Barbara Sojka, Angela 'The children from the various from the bean and aalad supper Firemen saved a -garage located Raymond Coleman ...... '...... 100.00 Lien Charges ...... 700 WONS—Oaneo Ordwatra. Opraadek, Gertrude Strycharx, schools received their report cards ‘Thomas D. C c lla ...... 200.00 4(tt-> WHAT—Moonlight Mntlnm. Dlatrict will bold itg annual meet­ weight often accompanied with FOURTH ANNUAL and strawberry festival Monday only about ftvc feet from the Sewer Connections and Repairs...... 1,320.76 7,202.34 WTHT—BaUad Box. constant fatigue. Also fibroids can ggman PaalcAo and Francea Friday and the schols closed at 10 evening. dwelling. Companiea 1 and 2 of Community P re s s ...... 124,38 , . I. ^. 1 I- r f w nO -Spoctel Rppeil. ing next ’Tuesday night at 7:80 in sjn. for the summer. ‘’They will Conn. Power Company ...... 264.35 the Honiater Street .School Audi­ produce bladder or rectal aymp- Rev. Allen H. OaterwUI preach Coventry and EagleviUc Oremen 262.629.80 WDBC—Old Record Shop- 1162— loma apparently caused prlnctp(il- ■eb Mob Chib re-open S^tember 7. ' on "What Are Your Green Pas- fought Uu blaze. Company t ’s Connecticut State Firemen's Association ...... 39.00 Cash Disborsemeats Dortag Yean WONS—Danea Bead. torium District Offtcere will be Jamas p. Callahan, son of Mr. I Frank Damato A Son ...... 38.50 W K A T—Eddie Rood Show. elected at tlds Ume. ly by the pressure of the growths. The Mr. and Mrs. H6b Nob turea?" Sunday during aervices truck equipped with a 150-gallon A(kntelsiratlva > WKHB-^Kowa: Roquoot MoU WTHT — ‘Weathar; Telsgram Many women with fibroids, how­ and James Callahan of Main Dewey-Richman Company ...... 2.8.3 ...... 6 3,827.64 A proposal sriU be read asking

coat Una are twill broadcloth, a elgaty, so hmg will there be war. A t P irifi Split Decisidn Blood Bank Campaign sturdy all-waer waava. with a r t H t r gecrctaiy Oensral U s is most Babich Trial satiny broadoleto finish, handsome What Is on view at Paris is the anxious that what we have twaed and deep pile flaecea. The demonstrated inabiUty of the big ahould not be undereatimtted or For Horseman To - Start Next Monday 'Nearing End two-way coat, spotlighted tor powers to agree oa much of any­ thrown Into the discard, and with Fatt can bo worn with or without MANCHESTER DIRECTORY a bait. Luxurioua fur trims, warm SSiM >SSTa<^ thing, coupled with their diapost- that aim we agree. What ws , they call. “Wqmustramambsrtliat U »mmO ‘The two proposals are Hnked;- duced. She. In turn, aabad tha nging msamuro. Ws have also angle o f ' ths Community Blood statomanto to too Jury probably gift proMams if you vMt toe Vil­ on. By having your car chocked t u b *89t»aAT«D M lM » __ not for sale. They will not be Program. “Money in ths bank to wUl net bo made until Monday. win be toe choice of many to wtar taking thoaa long planned and an- Uoii of ready money baaomro Im- If one fills the other wlU appar- court to order tbs month^ pay­ asked aoaw Manchester etttosna to lage Charm. Store ot S4B Main at Gibson's Garage many minor toll of thair reactions to the Blood good,” be pointed out, “but Mood , Ootonao Boats Caao inatead of regular tailored suite. Uelpated trips to the abore and peraUva and with tt toa thought enyy also fail. bought Off; they wage an old and ments increased from 1300, to Preciston-Uilorod, they have the repair, bills will be avoided and you of where this,OMnay can be ob­ Program and I know svsryctM la In the bank can save a llfo.” Tha dofanaa retted ito caae latA atroat for J. C Wilson baa gatlMr- mountains and without ixallaing tt, will be aasured of a trip free from II guMa dtsDRicMs ^ bitter title, and against it none $400. The court said no to both yeaterday after Babich told the expenaive loo’* of a worsted ault. tained. Hara in Mancheater tha erilitwi la Oii. iNPt. Russia has offered verbal guar­ tbs community wiU be iatsraotsd Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, p a » •d toyfth^r Aomt * unuAUAlly ttne the added milea creep up od the these annoying sounds. mmi m *« aMiitaM m m . prevail. Older than crops and of them. Jury be had plannad to teU his answer to Ahat immediate prob- antees of continued western ac­ to hear of ouch overwhelming tor of ths Omtar. Oongngidtotial bu^ara priced a. low aa a raym. | J ^ m d la. at a ^ v . W apeedomcter. Even if 3^ have Gibson’s Garage la located at 185 vCSrU®**99 Bast Centfir Street ail rigMa ol fWO>l*Mtio« »> • w ’H men, the lien they hold is brutal, * Difficult BlakiBg rayasesrta WBO, Katolaan, 13, about the alay- (If mi tam is toa nraonal Finance Com­ cess to Berlin; the western na­ support.” church, can spnak with authority You may choora praebcalJ flftp had your car conditioned for eum- Main street a moat convenient lo­ giaaMMi* MT>i> *f* rMiMii._ Crotty told the court it was Ing of her sister after thair baby . “Oriiper fabrics will be liaod to cation and there you will find the pany located in the SUte Theater primitive, beyond the pale consid- aymond O o < ^ , member of tbs oa ths subject cf bloed denatlon are really beautiful, or gifts tost mer driving early in toe spring, at w. A a. Mm- tions want these guarantees for­ difficult making the payments, Board of Dlraotors, aald that he for he to a member of tbs OoUoii waa horn. enhance the dressy FaU soaite. facUitlea for oomMete repair aerv Building. M l Mr«lM dll erstlons of a world grown cold in especially since he alio is paying The body of Katolecn’a pretty wtU be display^ for their beauty this wUl not lari whan you get malised and spelled out and spe­ had given Mood during the war Club, which constats, of those who Woman will look prattler than down to the serious buatneaa of ice, no matter what make ot car Dax’ld Havay, treasurer is avail­ T quest of order. They brood and a similar amount to his second ■iater, Patricia Birmingham, Id, aver In striking dreaats of rayon alone, while girUig the utmost In cified beyond all doubt and later and totsnda to do so for this com­ gave at least sight pints o f Mood taking weekly tripe far and wide, you drive. Bert Gibson haa had able at all Umee te talk ever toe M odernize plot and fail not la their powers wife, the former Christine Lane was found In too MUwaukea river ■Upper aatin, fame and taffeta, ■ervlea. many yean of experience in work­ matter of a loan artth you and Pum»**r* iiiUJt' N » interpretation. munity program. “Oiving Mood to during the war. *T haartny on should be changed and a good Steam ond juini* MalMw* Sia»i«l “„ ** ftum whom he was divsrcsd in March 30. A concrate buUding dramatically atyled with gathers, Here yolawm find electric Irons, grease Job dono regularly on your ing on all makes of cars and from money up to $S00 can be borrow­ Tora. diie«*o. 0«tfoll ••• ■mIob. against the wold. a very flao thing and 1 enn fiaaura mend,” ho said, 'ths f Merit waa fasttnad to her fatL Steam irons as well aa light Your Sewing Ma4hine Russia has offered what are IMA you that tt dooan’t hurt mat doea manltartanlam and tucks. Jutting ^ k a t e and back car and a routine chack-up made tola work haa galnod much valu- ed without any undue red tape or The earth blackens; they do d o tty said the double alimony Three days before firamen puUad interoat The new fasMona are and regular wright, waffla Irons, Rhte tftiMriraot. personal embarrassment for any aUDlT SORBAU Ol Just about the necessary conces­ It have any bad aftor-sCfscto what­ of this campaign to save Mvos. toa grueaoma find from toa water, every thousand milea tor maximum H of W oter not feel regret. Bummer dies payments 'weren’t so hard to pay vary diffaraat vary exciting aad table grills, aandwich grills, com affieieney. Why not taka your Tlrea that begin to show aign worthwhile purpose. The one thing Electrify and InataO it in mKCUUlTIOWW. ______- sions to make a peace treaty with ever. tt to sspsctolly. important to through the donation of Moofi.” Babito and K ath lm alopad to binatlon sandwich and waffle a-borning; they do not care. during the past three yeifs when Osorge H. Waddell, Msnchss priced within toa reach of every car to Oibaon'a Garage and have of uneven wear mean that toe that makes this loan a simple one conaola or portable cabi- Austria possible. The lack of this his income was about $3fi.OOO per have a Mood supply avallaMs at Kalamaaoo, Mich., and wore mar­ Irons, automatic toaatera, slactrtc wheels are outtof alignment—an­ TM Hcraia annUBg CiHBPanj. Their life is long. It is only men tar's General Manager, iwprimia American woman,” Miaa Smith this dona before going on your ia the fact that the repayment is oeta. Boilers UaOBM M •UlMdkl tMao**'*>Ued “I have been cakes, cool drinks and sandwiebaa. from tattling that.KatMam was one of toeae portaMe aata, you can Uea many mean a looaenlng of is linked to affairs which have Ue Stovall Ims (ottoa a weapon to protect himself aad hlo family m m BoltQD Mongomary, Ala.. June IS—(ff) can ba repaid without working We mony, of its smooth, cooperative ----- SO and 80 years old, courted the Theological fiamlaary, has been ‘T d have told Kay after the ated in Jefferson (Birmingham) these checks on a aiaeable scale have their claims filed and consid­ the ataff wholly willing to cooper­ action, of its ability, even in its board. Names of tha graduatoa the new apartment alae electric Won'L begin until early 1050 it waa covered, as he said, from a “ de­ their attitudes . rather than in­ ihe first towns to attempt to ob-' widow for a month and set JuBs fi art: U ‘Sherwood Atkina. David student preacher at the Canton balqr waa bora.” , county. ered by the Veterana Administra­ ate with you imd you do not feel hectic closing hours, to legislats TranstusloB Fees BaMrii tom admitted ho had not •tove aa well as the regulation learned authoritatively thia week. tion before the aforementioned that this la a matter od'cold bual- pression, a '^ p l e sunk in spirit­ crease it. as they have been do- tain the necessary pledges for do­ aa toejr wadding day. But he dis­ George Cook. Tharaaa Louisa Cen­ O ntor ohurchAnd tt ia hoped oiat In Birmingham, tha head of ■iso. Electrid percolatora ara also in s broad spirit of non-partisan i To the Editor, nations by direct door-to-door so­ appeared on June S after he had he will become the pennaawi pas­ told peUea about too incidrat when Fadarated Ku Klux fOana, Inc., deadline date. There ia aome talk neaa routine, you are aaaurad ot Painting Paparbanging GIBSON'S ual dosoUllmi (Nasi Germanyl tng for the past three years. They tolersnee. Wo write of the inspir-1 i have received a letter from tura, Walter Myron Dimmock, toegr first queottonod him end Me- a popular gift. licitation. We have been adviaed persuaded Mrs Corrigan, mother Fradoric A. HafflUn, Robart Aldan tor of Bolton Center church, ftov. ■aid the organisation would Sght Veterana aad aunrirora ara warn in Congraaa at preaent to conaidar inga utmost aecraej In your deal and three years in a (Japl prison may not be going anywhere with ing exception to the rule of end-1 the Red doss appealing for blood Chaig G'. Whitaitt, Interim paator Ceulqy aolL “ You lied to them?” any effort to revoke its charter. For picnics what better gift •d against racketeera offtring to extending the law for another inlga. Stop naedieas worry over Floora aad CtlOags GARAGE leas controversy. We salute the donations to be turned over to by officials of the National Blood of three teen age children, to with­ Hardy, Dorothy Maa Konlar, David Bohich rapllqd. “YoS, air.” camp.” this Big Four Conference; at the at toa church, haa urged aveiy Dr. E. R Pruitt, a physiciaa and could YOU buy for youraelf than m U forma neceaaary in making ap­ year and liberallxlng provlaiona of lack of money now and let Par- moment in which the warring Program that the results of our ef­ draw $5,1)00 from a hank and give Fraderic Loyxiih. George T. Lynch. toe P' Installed and Reflnished same time, all SMm agreed on the Manchester Memorial HosplUl. It to him. Police said he told Mrs. member and every friend of the chairman of toe KUn Board of ilacUc picnic dlittMa, cupa and plication for the Avidenda to be prqaent law to Include arm am- sonal Finance Company loan you What Mr. Holland discovers!, Bides came together, In a spirit of My wife and t each donated blood forts on these two days are being EUary Lovtoll Neff, Evelyn E. New­ pUtea with toe well to prevent prospect of holding another. If watched with considerable interest Corrigan be would send the $5,000 man, Daniel Joseph Rtdxon and church to attend, aervloa’ tomor­ Governora, said: paid on NaUonal Servlco life In­ puteaa and blinded veterana. enough to end your Immediate fi­ General Carpenter Work through Bueh practical testing as statesmanship. several times during the war, and row monfing to'ehbw Mr. Baachy your cup from Upping over. PUs- It was beautiful to see. and to ! as an example to the state and to and hia check of $50,000 to a Donald J. Weingartnar. Attends Fashion "We have not violated any law. surance. No- veteran aad no veter­ nancial problems through their ttm men have survived, was that they can dress up thsir present in sdditioin we have given it to i the real welcome of a^fhM com­ Wo are going to gght for our tlc apoona and forks are aleo sold easy, repayment plan. those who dtopsrsgs the- behavior indlvlduala in the hospital. Wa l^a nation. Coral Oablea, Fla„ bank to aatab- here. an's dapendent baa te buy any­ The data el which gunpowder We Repair Everything adjournment with some limited munity and to hear Ms memagh. rights.” thing in order to apply for these the fundamental reality, the fun­ of ths 1949 session, we recommend, la toe minds of those In the Uth an estate for her and her Trade Showing For eervlee on any uUliUea take waa flrat used in artillery tn bat­ Aroond the Pnqwrty agreement on something, they daughters. Rev. and Mrs. Baachy wUl ba an- dividend payments. Whan the Vet­ damental power in human life la in glowing terms, a study of ths S n to o X ' t o - S out Bullet in Head your work to J. C Tourtelotte Mr. tle ia uncertain, but ia bellavad to will perhaps have turned the cor­ manner in w-hich agreement was MrA Corrigan mat toe man by terUIncd at an Informal rSoap- erans Adminlatration is ready to be 1331. the power of the ideal. > patients if we were sure it would i tion at the home o f Miaa Helen “ Fan fsahiona |;iva tha Amari- Wilaon’a partner and proprietor of begin making payments, the nec ner in post-war history and have •cbtovsd on toe bilj donating a be “sold" to them Instead of I gram la the thought that * chance oaa nl|^t and for a month Find Prisoner toe ABC Service Center, 21 Maple R. S. PORTERFIELD “Unfortunately,” Mr. Holland non-psrttoaa payment of the thing not all being given a chance to parti- he wined and dined her and bar Proves Fatal Berry at Bolton Crator at fi omi woman a greater choice in easary forma will be supplied to 1 taken the road whldi la going to given them by the honpltal. two daugbten. Ha aald ha araa a o’clock tomorrow evemng. fabrics than aha haa enjoyed in the veteran without coot and offi­ • smiciR 178 Oak Grove Street aald, “the word idealist’ has be­ called “ mUesn" to certain deserv­ cipate In the most purely unselfish npalra arausurad, p b ^ lead, painfully aad alowly, away 1 do not doubt the integrity, of motiS wii That unhappy stats of affairs Bennet, occasionally dnbbed Bir many members of the medical pro- self to an unknown n el^bor Here man described by Mrs. 0>rrigan’s pital with a bullet wound in toe at toa gtatlar Hotel, and attend- here tonight and Dr. A. A. Chase, ed throughout the country it haa | Blare let la the moat realistic of all people. Chlorophyll In these columns. daughters to police). low a short worship aarvlea. Dies in Hospital yswr bvlfist. SEWING will, -we suppose, be normalcy for fession’ nowadays use their ■ ------power can be Americans at their beat. head. ' ' ■d by Mrs. Eatoar Rarmin, faah- medical examiner, eaid death waa no effect oar insurance payments j targx Aaaatirorot The houM of his or her life This was an entirely natural and There will ba no aaaaieo of Um department head of the local our times. to take advantage of the public. I am sure I am reflecting toe ‘The 52-yaar-oid Cooper, former church achoM tomorrow. Basalons caused by a heart attack. iMing made by veterana in thia i ei fla a F W Oav- hiillt oa the strongest foundations Justlfled solicltnde; toe oflldnl Montgomery Ward store. Fashion Kraeft earlier in the day had WUUmanUc, June It —(Jh—Pet­ area. Aa in the past veterans in MACHINES •alary for the post of executtvo Peter Finlay Dunne's “Mr. Doo- : wishes of every reaponslbla citlxen head of thb Washington dlatrict win roauma in Septambar. ■ttac. OaD Oa $M who of the geeret Service, aerved as a haads from Ward stores in twahre been sentenced by the Putnam er Valone, $6, a veteran employe this area wilt continue to make and is proof against the greatest secretary does not begin to re­ ley" said aomethlng that iluatrates of Manchester to urging all Bervicea at United Mathodiat Expertly Repalrsd can to plege a donation of their Tolland M x lygu ^ for four prastdents. atatea also attandad the meeting. town court to aerve SO dajra on a of toe American Thread Oo., here their payments to; Veterans Ad­ htOrins of misfortune. ward Sir Chlorophyll’s time and my point. “ I think.” said Mr. church In QuarryvUIa, will be held MABY McFABTLAND M r. U o ’a Good Hope blood to our own blood program He waa found on a bodroom i^^m Bmlto reported that lower charge of drnnkenneee. died early teat night at ths Wind­ ministration, District Office No. 1,, r. “The saddest thing in all the tnleats. Dooley, ‘that if th’ christyan at 10:30 a.m. for tha remainder of ham Oommunity Memorial hospi­ Apt. $40 Garden Drive | The soundness of toe Governor’s Scientists had some science an th' next week. Mr. and Mra. Edward Wocho- floor in his suburban home. Near­ prices tor toll win make It 55 Tremont atroat, Boston 8, Mas- JONES' world is to listen to people talk “ No war of importance," Secre­ by waa a .45 caliber Army auto­ June and July. OaMor tor every woman to ba beV Te HeM Trink Boadeo tal from injuries he received PhoM 7654 or 8-SSgg Singer desire once being admitted, the doctors more Christyanlty, it Tours very truly, murka, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ The Bolton baaahafi team will ■achuaatts. about' their youth when they had tary General Trygve lie of the J. F. Miller, chairman matic. Police would not disclose tar draaaed for leas money. Suit heeday on too company grounds. SPEN(tER*Si3S^ SUPPORTS FURNITURE STORE problem then became one of how wudden't make anny diff'rence thur Buabnall and many ToUSnd play Hebron tomorrow at Silver- • HU wwiMtmirif iw w im United Nations told IntornsUonal Manchester Oiapter American the contonU of notea found on a aad coat prices wlU be 18% leas Hartford, Juno 18—(F)— Twelve He waa struck bY the company’s The Center haa received any Sewing Center high ideals and mourn the fact a certalA increase in Sir Chloro­ which ye called in —if ye had a friends and old neigbbon attended ■tein'a Field. Play will get. under ffxight locomoUve. V phyll's emolument should be ar­ Red Ooaa. draaaer and addraasad to hia wife, while a dreaa which coat a custom­ Connecticut track drivers, ail with number o f requests from veterana -iS Oab ntraat ot 8S2 Main S t TCL 8882 that they have lost them. But the Rotary in New York the other good nurse.” the funeral of t b ^ brother and way at 2:30 p.m. , Survlvora include his widow. ranged. To ask the General As­ neighbor, William Woebomurka at Fanny, and hia daughter, Barbara. er $13.33 and $15.9d last year will excellent eafety records, will com­ who wan required to register tin­ I fi.ie4i SBcat hateful thing is to watch day, “ will ever be started while The Red Cross letter said “The Members of tha IteWea Benevo­ pete today at (Therry Park, Avon Mrs. Anna Valona, and aeverai sembly to change the salary. In toe. Staiffordville Congregational Ckwpar, a ratirad Army pffiMr, lent Society o f ' Boltra Center eoat Kftr only $10.98 this year.. | . der the 1948 Selective Service Act these people try to cover up their the General Assembly to in aes- only charges to the patient re- waa suparvlaor of the Warisington ’ Faqtured fabrics in tha new in the annual roaoea aponaored by grown children. DON W ILLIS this era of economy, might be sm- ceixing the blood will be the church Wednesday. June 16 at 2 p. church will IcaVe tha church at and now hold a “IV-A” draft lion." barrsssing. Furthermore, an open Keeney Pupils district of the fiacrat Itervlca from the Motor Transport aaaoctatioa Funeral plaaa are incomplete. own weakness and incapacity by charges for the transfusion.” Hos­ m. Mr. Woebomurka died Sunday, 7:45 p.m. Monday, on thair an­ 1 - - - claaaifleatlon, aa to what .thair salary change w-as not a process 19S« to 1942. He was a p a ra ^ l ConroeUUon will ba tn toa semi­ preaent aUtus ia. Thia classiflea* SMchiag at the ideals of others. One hopes with Mr. lia in that pitals are notorious for their “ex­ June 12 tn a hospital at Psrtb nual mystery ride. Raaarvatlona Heepitel Vet Gets Olpleem TELEVISION GARAGE open to the non-partisan adjust­ Give Recital guard for Preaidant Harding, C ^ - trailer and atnlght truck divlaiona a Frig id aire Ts Ps .Holloran You will experience this your- statement. One hopes tost toe tra” charges. Go to one for tho Amboy, N. J„ from injuries in a should be made with Mrs. i t K. N ea t House Frock tion slgnlflea that the registrant ment which later occurred. truck accident. Tolland neighbors Udge. Hoover and Franklin D. Jones. Mra. Anna HoIIaiid, Mra, with CbampionqRaymMid A- Mad­ either haa completed aervice. or la aalves. Tou will be told that you fores of world public opinion, as The nest way of giving Bir simplwt thing and your bill will Rooaevalt. den of Torringten and William Do- Norwalk, June 18—(F>—Joseph 18 Main S t Phone 2-4531 FUNERAL BOMB be full of them, half of which Over 100 peraons attended a express sympathy in toalr baraava- Frederick Warnock, Mrs. Alaxan- F. Blue, 20 an ex-aervlceman, waa a sola surviving aon and tharaby, RADIO Soles ond Service ahould be realistic, thst in this ever present and always mobilised cnilorophyll • hsnr la n the Governor's Sir CTtlorophyll his ing toa oparationa or tasting, tak­ Miller. Tolland fermara are busy bar- thair hours are so full of endless tall, toe whooping crane, once nu­ 1 fiVahrat Bl. ISL fi-t#46 FOR AUTO PARTS BILL'S TIRE ‘’The power of ideals is incalcu­ potentis) importance started in much needed increese In salary. ing. and giving blood, is $10. Ths Others paiUcipating included: veating thair bay during this dry ■mall tasks that tha days and merous. now is repraaented by laaa BgouHIu I Lawns and Grounds AND ACCESSORIES lable. We see no power in a drop Palestine and in Indonesia within But. although It was the Ideal end Rad Cross is now negotiating with Barbara 1 Duncan. John Dense, hot weather. months eaem to- run togathar.- and t ^ ’ lOO individuals. • Its color it the prectieal w-ey. it might not do bo4 jBfit happfiB th«y art n ad c of water. But let it get into a the past few montha The latter all the hospitals of the state, seek­ Alice Kelly, Patricia Scheiner, Strawberries that early proved despite all of their work, they vAute, with red brown and black REPAIR SHOP have gone very far if non-pertiean ing tha establishment of a stand­ James Collins. Charles Keeney, to be a bumper crop fijutba home never aaam to gat anywhere. •Woodtrfnl iaprovoBCBtfi hav* baaa BMdc within tha ELEtrrKiC WEI4)ED crack in the rock and be turned two wars have, indeed, been ex­ wing tips. statesmanship hsdn't entered the ard fee for this service which, it EUlen Brown, Sandra McKenney, gardens have in aoifia matancaa (. tt might jMlp a lot If the wo­ past 10 yaara aad wa hava kept abraast with the times. oa Wm. H. Green. Piwp^ to Ice, and it splits the rock; amples of toe ability of toe Unit- picture. Elaine Verrillo. man who ferit that way would aak RECAP HKES hoped, will be somewhat lower. cooked on too vine. Who caa battar giva yom impartial help? *tumed into steam, and it drives •d Nations to . soften and resolve ‘This appeared when the RepubU- Whatever this charge will be, ft AUo Nell Cowled, Marie Manel- Lawna are burned to a crisp on benalf theaa quaatlona: SEB ColomMs Rtcycim - cens, beautifully cooperative with la, Nancy Scott; duet. Neil and How can I ba oCtha biggaat help Wa carry triad aad trofi prodacta. the pistons of the most powerful conflicts once begtm. „ will be a charge for services, and soma of tha sunny places, on other o: (t nreo Governor Bowles ■ for once, evi­ not for blood: The patient who has Donald Cowles, Cynthia Dunlap, to my buSband this year? ■ - OPEN ALL DAY engines. Something'has happened But we w-ould feel more secure denced a willingness to bestow the shady placaa they are too dry to We tcD yoa how, show yoa how or do the work for you. CAMPBELL to have a paid transfusion now Eleanor Small, Edwins Verrillo, ba inowad and riiow dirt instead W tet ia tt that I moat want to Repair* ' ^Bonlli to . it which makes active and ef­ in the peace guaranteed by the same mileage privilege on a wor­ Beatrice Walker, Brenda Cole, Al­ do for my children, right now? In SUNDAY Come over and coaaaU jroar lawn aad tree doctor. thy Republican'public servanL En- pays $25 for the blood and $10 for of grass. A U T 0 5 I7 P L Y fective the power that la latent in United N atloy it it were a peace toe servtces. In some other com­ thea Duiyap. Jennie Rowsa. John Mr. and Mrs. Lae have had ae what ways do tbay-naad me moat? .QUAUTTi Accaamrle* grossing Oerk Bearlea Dearing- Leander, Cbarlsa Keeney, Esther Hava I time fo r any wortowfaUa North End Phannacy New eiid Uoad Hren It. 8o it is with ideals. When they in which the nations of toe world ton, who. happily, lives just about munities the rate for blood Is recant guaats ralaUvas from MJae- JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON PRINTING! bightr. It is in the provision of Panclera. oommunity jeb? This i$ ths tims to get 3» BlroaB Bt. M . 6101 Oi 6166 I 180 Sproce S t Pboae 2-0666 are put into action all their hid were not only subject to world far from Hartford as does Sir ouri, who camo east to be praaei 4 Oepat 8q. ^ Phen* tS4l toe blood free tost the blood don­ Prelude. “ ‘Bells of Moscow,” at toa graduaUon of relaUvas tn a What do I want tor myaalf ? IMUAINSTSEGT PHONE (SO dan power is manifest” Catlorophyll. There was such a public opinion against war, but or program provides its senriye. (duet), Rachmaninkoff. Dolores &>IIsga. I f ' will give henaat aad your ft'reg ready fo r non-partisan meeting of the minds q u ^ Keep your ideals, Mr. Holland also subjected to ^ e s and regu­ on this happy 'disposal of the smf toe worth of this service ia Donsa, Dorothy Keeney; aong, Mr.Sr. and Mrs Howard Ayart aro tbaughtfM a n a i ^ to ^ < summer. ton told Manchester's graduates, and lations which would deny them stata'B money that, the aama privi­ not dlminahed by fhe fact that E esU ^, Fernandes. Sopranoa, on a 'vacation______in Vermont vtelting tloM aa tooat. ^ KRAUSE'S H IG H G R A D E there la a regular hospital charge Jennie Rowra, Althea Dunlap, Ma­ Miaa Clara Podge in l « ' t . getting what aha want!wanta out Recaps giva yoa maai- “ you will find what the' saint ask­ the wherewithal for beginning a lege was thrown in for the two as­ thair aunt Miss (Tiara Podge which must still be paid, whether rion Snodgrass. Patricia Scheiner. Barra, Vt.. and other ralaUvaa of life or dolag her joB-aa wen as mom mileage et minimum ed for: the strength to change sistants to toe engrossing clerk, GREENHOUSES war in the first place. NaUons even though, as we understand, or not the blood itself Is free. Altoa, Dolores Donsc, Esther Pan­ other sections of tha state. She should, can probably figure Catering with Taste coat. PRINTING those things that must be WiU have to be disarined before these happened to he Democrats. clera, Carpi McKenna}'. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCarthy out where she ia falling and how oat ni BarttarS she can manage bar Ufa better. JOB AND ODMMBRaAt changed, the courage to endure we can be sure tost they will aot With all that majesty of gener­ Blood Donations Canraaa Hungarian Rbapsodlr, Usat. visitad Mrs. LuaUa McCarihy M aer aatliaata. Mrs. Fuorence Wood. Mra Dorothy But many a woman wlU pidb- PRINTING those tilings that cannot be find some way to slip around pub­ osity which comes, now and then, To tha tMUor: North Brookfiald. Maaa.Tuaeday. MANCHESTER TIRE with a non-partlaan agraqroant on Keeney. Rev. HolUa French was raan- ably find out that she ia already changed and the knowledge to On Monday and Tuesday. June , and Finesse lic opinion, or foolhardiness disposal of state money, toe ^$1* 20 and 21, approximately five hun­ pointad as paator of the Weeds d o i^ the most important things, and RECAPPING CO. distinguish between the two.' enough to defy it toture voted to make the mneaga Hola.' Masa.. Methodist ehurob at and that; instead o t toeUng liko a I N Broad 81. T tL 9-63S4 dred voluntaera are going to make Beaven'e on Earth for Trapped Boy faHura. she ehouM be proud of the OPEN SUNDAYS 10:00 A. M .TO 7:00 P. M. “But what,” Mr. Holland asked, There win have to be a clear . rati'oactlve to tha begln- houaa-to-houae canvaaa in ~~ toa fioutharn New England 4 By fixe Wrnwm COM M UNITY PRESS toa IcgtslaUva'aaaaion tost faranca of the Methodist diureb lob Mm la (toing. WAIKINS “are the ideals ws should seek to procedure for a true world gov­ caster aoUciUng pl«m- Of Mrs. Jfwtin’a parraU. Mr. and Fadua and Roma. According to iron transfer for taro aadi o t toa ‘Ihey had faaad taasmaa grawaf sd to cover all oommunitiea at one up uith (Irit. He fainted. Hia res­ the newapapar “RapubHqua du to Sue Burnett The Manchester from lasoeU aad diaaagg they' ahoald be' sprayed. For r o B 'R A C S . m lesser ooafiicts aad proMsms btoattons of powers c«n be ar­ Ume. Beginning tn B apU m ^ cuers dug him out and revlvtd Mix. Edward Maacham. Evening Herald, 1100 Ave. Amer- five designs muatrated. measuring prompt and effideBt apraying scrvica call Ih e ToUand Community Wom­ 8u 6m I other! I of treo coMen Wm. Otfrintinf The Ignited Btatea haa some 40 nard. chairman of toe committee world .peace and to advocate ro- ara eka expertly 699 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER .W '1 l.ltO pountto. tt was brought to Perhaps :.*ou will ba intaraatod’ leara of ail imprisoned Mahopa designa-.-aad a free pattern print Evening Hcqald. 1150 Ave. Ameri- 182 BItocU SL TsL 6979 C le o n iiig ” league sf pawers, instend of a in learning that to toe beat of our million automotive vShtclea in op- of able asaiatanca, furniahad a Ifaaciiaatar ' Meaeow aM went on sals l a ^ c and priaate. ed Inside toe book. 38 eeatst caq New York 19, N. Y . .seal aurrsaaer s f astlsasl aovar- M tke etevaa. kMwIsdga MfinrhaMsr is aaa of [eratioa. variate af ■:/ ■ >


Engaged tb ^ e d Thousands Flee New Yc^k tmd Ni^ B/i^m xi .As 'Floods Hit BA^d Come From Behind to Nip Rockville at Oval, 3 to 4 Up to jHreaa tinM m The Team to Beett^R^Rptfe during the paat Herald ycaterday there waa Potomac A r^ hut MM birth-In ain daya at Dotteit — - *!Neiw. T sfk ,tM . mors t t o It fk>w Walter 6. Ihia informant aald that Rav.- Mbncbe|ititr.Jtom9rial hoapttal THE Dr. Antonin Mandl. aecretary at taut aooif 'alter the editifm sMta-not^as 1-bad bsUsvod,-Bos­ Legion Juniors P hillies H alt tha church'a aecular Catholic Ac­ reached the hoepital the situ­ ton, is the olUb that wUl have to eWitt ef $lM Bro«^ Fourth Annual Water Snap Losing Streak tion organlaatlon. waa now con- ation began to ehanga ' BhieMs saM Jtaete would peotastaly waf hart the other a»d.'l tae no addltlonsl evacuatloito tliera. he sawed down In the Amerloan made him a prapotRlon for Flrsi HERALD ANGLE Cardinals 8-0 flnad in Pankroc, Pragua’a chief There were four birtha yea- League,” says Red Rolfs of the Baasman Jack Be is M, Plav at Oval priatUL W aiw Blill RIetato terday, aona to Mr. and Mra. At Romney, with s pcqmdsUoa and Has knocked about s iot but Show at Center Springs Rev. Dr. Rudolf Doemcr, chan­ Charlea Gagne and Mr. and ■ngere. After Three Setbacks > dfaifote orer tli* dia* of tiOOO, the water waa stlU riaiiig hs has bit fotpr out of this parlf. EARL W. TOST cellor of the archbiahop'a chancel­ rsirfMRi.,Hitli of Rock­ *flVhen ere were a t Yankee Bta- "I havs taesa rsadiag a 1st Play Hmt to 'Hartford CHqsb to Within But trtM toB Of pro|p«irt7 one* h«W lory, waa reported atiil held at ae- ville,'and a aon to Mr. aad andweveral homes along the south­ dlum not so long agp. I Md you curlty poUce Sbeadquartera. Ha ern teranch may have to tas svao- the Yankees could not win, and i^ t our alls^ deal ^ OshMd ‘Afternoon; T w o G b i u m of Leagoo Um tat* Mn. Beiri* Pokofky Mra. Thomaa GraccewakI o f M ddyi ActuMiyi wa nave no-se- Trwl Stof^ng liflte«l T Suniday f1o4»d S iaflw Afiirait waa aeized when poUce raided the uated. ShieMe aald that a miia- that tho Red Boa would. * S«ed«d water Owaleal Bhaday «and where, in hto epiniea, there Returns to Action for ftiporlor Oourt todny 17 North street Also a daugh­ ber of th% SOO to 400 psraons at rloue dicker on for btoa. I -offered By Helicopter; Also L PetriccB to Phdi Leildinf Doflfor Nine palace aeverel daya ago. ter to Mr. and Mra. Anthony "But- 1 now am certain that DsWttt $900,000, .os .9170,000uand Stooking of trout by a Kaman was room for improvement W iBBlnf Kim la TIfA ■a,a 190,000 damac* nc^on waa Galumboakl of 81 Wells atreet. nearby Otoenspring alao would srimt l.h ad regatdod aa a tempcp> heUeepter to toa foatun attiao- Cronin replied in a letter, re- 1 : have to be moved. ' ary phenomenon in New Yow Is two playsra Cor PiUdy last Do- Canoe T11tiiig« Log | Ooaicb Roger ’Thomaa will send By Joe Beirbler Iimiag; Bujdt SaB««- atarlad ta bdialf'Of Ura. Pokof* Thl# morning, a.-- camber. . tlon scbedulod tor the Faurth An­ oriveo by Lefty yeiterday. "We W a giaaddiUdren, Dorothy M, In the patta of the waters on ths A suhstontlsl sltuaUon. Nino Petricea to the amund lua- nual Sportamea'o Water Show Aaoactatod Prase Sports Witte* Higher Farm Price bom to Mr. and Mra. Samuel northern branch was Cumberland. ' "Reports that wo wOuM be efUl- Rollings Plug Casting appreciate your interest in toe Rad Flrst Le«ga« Dcffffit CUriaa D;, and Mary L. - fls ^ e a s wgB ssaUwto d«y altonterii at tba West Bid* Sunday afternaoD at Oeater Sw and hope it will centlnua Ws It’s about time oomebedy atart- FeUce o f 144 Highland street Md,. an Industrial oommualty of to '.fls wan 'as rsnw ay T tA . ‘ ^ to give $900,000 plus BtMidr aan ky thalr guardian, David and reports were that the EMhiw aad Inflelders fUOoway By 8 late hour this afternoon, Oval when toe Meaebeater Amer-' Springs Park. The show win be are confident tost Manager Joe ed paying attention to theoo Moartaon. *nie grandchildren are Supports Plannra about 40,000 and MeCoot, Md. and "But for ths road ths Red Box sponsored by toa Manchester Di- McCarty will get toe club stork was flapping its wings Keyser, W. Va , which facie each aiid Berry for Priddy aro not hassd all will be in roadlnaas at PanM lean Laglea Junior baseball toaai “Pightln’ Philiieo” froas Phlla- U Prt, • aB adnora. are not suffleiently equipped with on tact: plays bett to McKiimey-KlBg Pest vtoion of toa Ooaaectlcqt Sparta- ‘atraigbteacd out and on lU way laiad defendant la the auit in ready for another visit to the other across the river. ^tddng. Joe Dobson, Mel Par­ Springs Parb Sor the etaging of men's Atooeiatlon. delphia. PA a *••••■■•,••. S 9 ,7W bi New Measure maternity ward. 919M00 aad.Bpewe of Hartford, firat pitch to scheto ■hortly- Keep resting. Joe Cronin." BA e S A9S I g. Wllaon of OrlawoW atreet. But the waters were dropping nell. and then nobody. the fourth annual Outdoor Sports­ utad at 9:80. It will ba tbe lecala (Ed Note. When adU toe efflcial White toay’ro at it, Uiay could tet MeOool and Keyser, seme 20 "With Bobby Doorr tw and out "We could not afford, to . let Sheta Bare sad There ReekvtUa ...... 4 1 ATI ,..,a r t y ta her name on Oria- Irene Oariten (ab«v«).^9t-yenr-old man’s Bhow presented each year first home start of tba asason aft- aame be shertened?) also give the deuMe-e te toe Phils’ Silk a t y ...... 4 4 ASS.* v ^ .a a d Ridge atreeta haa been (Ooetinned fraia Page Oee) registered nurse from the Law­ miles seat o f Cumberland. A t at sodand' base with a chronic Krstlow go. Ha hasn’t been s i^ The program of event* wlU ttart Many comment* were heard en Mite Valaria( to do much winning for Iis, ahd by toe Manehester Divlsten of the ar two robd gaaiea Harry Stmroena' baoeball ques­ young bonus pitcher, 23-year-old M ortort/s ...... 3 4 A9S sttAchwL rence and Memorial Aseoclatod Cumberland the river waa repast- bank eondltion, Joe McCarthy is P6tr t^ ace of the High staff at 10 a. m. with final txblbiUoa i West S id es...... , 1 7 .199 >^aeerding to recorda of . the March IB, support atandarda hospitals In New , haa been ed rising st a rats of s tontb of a further handlcaiiped. TniSi Botatay perhaps wo wars ready to give Oenneettcut •perUnan's Associn- Itotad at S o'clock. tion and anower which appeared ItoMn Roberta. Mrt. Rk L, Williama announcea up on him, but be has more Kuff too past aoaaon, will havs Jimmy in a receat tosue o f the Saturday A chronic seoend divIrion club •laaehcater Probate court, cou­ would be; nanMd ae the qneen of the $4th foot an hour and was "almost sta- is 91, aad haa taasn with ths Rod Uon. Tonight a thousand strong, Roaeh as hto battoraw ta Bobby A varied schedule to planned Snapping their own toreo-gamo pled with current action, the de^ Wheat $1.88 a btiahel under the Harvnrd-Yato regntto to be held News Tidbits the engagement of her dsiughter hUlssd." In ths downtown area Box fur 19 years, bi)t bo atlU’is than any. other piteher in ths which abouid aattofy the testa of Evening Feet and waa reprinted since 1939, the PhUe weren't given Valeria Marie Carman, of Al­ leaguo. One of tiieos days he will tha sportsmen will beeeeob Daaw Panctora, Billy Eagteson, Meost a tumble in pre-eeaeon polio. Only lesliig streak and halting tlio rie- fijif Intimate that the grandchll- new bill aa against $1.95 under at New London, June 24. Mlea the river was two fset jmder flood class, r wish wo had Um." Fortune to send twelve hours of all attending- There arttl be canoe in this eelumn. SImmens claimed CaUed Fro* UPi W ireg ton atrett, to Edward J. Baylea, tassla making it astvs him Ws riBiMfan aad Cbarlto'Patrtoca will a run counted if with one out aad toe most optimistic favored them tory parade ef Johnny Bujaki wb* g n a feel that undue Influence ex- the present law; com $1.46 and Carlson waa choeea from nearly stags and the city was not be- Itgaae Bye BtaUBpe brtobt ■unshtna on tbe Sabbath, form toa Inflrid from. firat to races for juniors aad ataiera ialad when, before her death, Mra. son o f Mr. and Mrs. Joaeirii Ctaiaiua Uvsd to be in dsagsr. gsW Lou It^ooo for sifrdag M eanee tilting, log rolling, surf east­ a runner on Srat aad third baac, with e fiiat division barth. had ragtetsred four auocoaEro tri­ $1.42; cotton $.2799 a pound and 56 oonteatants la Massachusetts, m ftf Evans of ths Dstxalt cinb fore the eurraat heotis taoaus tauB> 'n o program gets underway at third whUo Cliff Hawkaa BIU WU- Now here it ii the middle of Pokoficy aigned over her Ridge $.274$; butierfat $.669 a pound Rhode bland and Oonnectieat. Admitting he was a "confused of Oakland street. At Petersburg, a state poUce 10 A ni. with competition in Fly Ito and Hal Ella wiU patrol tha ing and plug and bait casting and toe batter flies out to rightfiald- umphs the Brtttsh-Awerteangi atniit |>roperty to Mra, Wiiaon. Mias Carman graduated fwm radio hookup with Romney, some eomas into ths fllaeusslon with a iaasB got u|4ar way.7 , » « spinning real ooaipatiUan all da*. (The runners were off with toa June, and IMdle Bewyer'e scrappy and 1.582; whole milk $4.22 a boy” six months ago, Actor Rob­ wilUngnssa to aimpoct ths Rolfs Informed DeWttt had announs- and Plug Casting for both die- OUtftold. bunch eie in the thick of tbe pen­ paced by tha lumber toted Iro Cliff Backgrauad of Oaae hundredweight and $S.8Q; and ert Walker pralsq$ mental treat­ Manchester High school June IT. 50 miles northeast, and smergeney tansb and aueuraey. More than Tha Juniors havs split avao ia Offlrial opening eoromoalta will pitch.) The fielder torews to first Keeney, etlpped by Jim’e Sarrieo Mr. Baylee was graduated Ytom telephona ssrvlos to Moorsfiald thsito on ths Tshksas. od that two eiubo weto taidding take plaeo at l a m. at toa <3en- base after toe catch for a double nant fight-—two games from too J A check of probate recorda hogs $19 a hundredweight and Union Leaders ment which he eaye hae made him "Casey's chib Is fooling svsry- for Priddy, Evans replleta: ."W in fifty castore from all ever New two praWoua atorU, A fter Sun­ top. And judging by the way the of Rockville last evening at the $16.10. new man.. Search 'for sadistic Manchester High in 1945, and will was the main link with tbs out-, En^and are expected to be on day’s gam*, the'oeato wlU cntcr- ter Sprtaga Lodge wkero toe pub­ play to retire toe ride. Meanwiiite. Oval, winning, * te 4. nM win­ that Mra. Pokofky had a body, doubtless Btongsl himsslf, count us out. 1 know that Connie toe amn who waa on third had Phils have been knocking off all hter, Mra. Morriaon, who Supports would be set at 100 slayer of petite Louise Springer gfoduate from Byrant OoUege, aids world. hand to compete for top, honors toia East Hartford Wadasday cve- lic eddreaa oyatem will bo taatall- ners outhit ^ckt'Ule $ to i and Shot in Melee Providence, R. 1.', in August. Bsar for Safety sf Tsnristo too.^ General Manager Evans Mack offered $150,000 for the ses- •d. creased toe plate. . .fieveral New opposition of lata, it would come climbed e notch. Into eeeend plaee, __ ^'and left three children. Hear- per cent of the new parity-for- lea ^ up various blind aUeye and opiiioe.. ond baseman last winter and 1 in this popular sport. Cnnoe rnces Blag at d;i$ at ML Nabe. as no surprise if they took the farm-income standard mr wheat, Los Angeles police enllto aid of No definite date lias been set for ' Officials sxprewed fasr for the for Juniors will be staged at 11 There will alao bo a boy oeout Terk merte commentators fea­ roplaeing the Jimmy Owaoo’ taiga on the Pokofky will have "Who could havo foreaeen the also know that Joe McCarthy, who tured toe questien reeently end league leadership from Brooldim Bin Behtailor broagOt out that after her daugh- cotton, corn, rice, tobacco, pea­ Goatlaned trsm Page One crime scientists to find clue..De­ the wedding. Bsfoty of touriato who Invaded the O’clock altb the promlae of plenty oxUbitlen at nOon, vaudoriUo acta coached nine, w)io aro aeiw W the area for the opening of the baas ittceeae of those ahlfto at Bist and had Wm- in New Tork. haa no high In mid-afternoon aa woD as d ^ alt agreed filmmona erred end before the month ie out. Tliey’ve third slot, e hslf game behind the tar’aM ath . Mra. Ptdcofky tended nuts, hogs, milk, butterfat and fense lawyers Moodey will begin third bflMsT of ■killod contestants from among won 16 of thalr laet 19 games. ahom wool. r fishing season today. Bwltehboard fsgard for Oerty. obedience training. And peny aiM that toe run did net count. . . . Avon—"Rronee” BID Schindler BA’e. to'leae tntareat in her grandchil­ two Shota in front of the City Hall their court battle to try to prove "Who would have gusmeii that "Yet it would not aurpriae ms tha yetmger enthuatoSta o f this The Phite achieved their most Bob Ermiech lined a double into Eggs, chlckena, flaxaeed, aoy- where the trouble took place. Alger Hiss did not lie when he operators and poUcs wamsd rssl- event At 1:$0, Brook and Rain­ Local Sport motor rides aad asveral axhlbite NBA Commissioner Abe Green ef Freeport. L I., king of toe doo­ dren, and that they aaw little of About Town ' dwU to svacuate, but sonw small Phil Rlxxuto, who locied to be so ff Boston wore PhUadalikdaipbia’s op- ef interest. says toe winner ef Wednesday hotewerthy feet of the year last right field that rolire over toe road beana and potatoea would be sup­ Both in Serious Condition swore be never handed out govern­ bow trout will be stocked in the night, eeollng Harry Braehean and dle-bug drivers, plus a combina­ ported at one to 100 per cent of tourists cabins wars without tola- deddedly on the downgrade last poelUan In the bidding.ig. IfU DeWittDsWitt canteen service will be availebla ntght’e fight between Eszard ia the second wtth'twe on and two Mia. Pokofky went to live with Petroski was shot in the chest, ment secrete to prewar courier for season, would achtsvs his amaa- includes us, tao Is dObig so ba a waters of tos pond by the stato the St. Louis Cards. S-6. Roberta tion united stock and midget ear out te give RocfcvUlo on eariy load. the new parity, with rigid stand­ phOll6S. BoiUd of Fisheries and Gama Chatter throughout the day. Ctoaries and Jersey Joe Walcott her Mend. Mra. WUaon, and after Rodrigues in the abdomen. Both Soviet spies. C. A. Wiese qf 73 Summer ctreet tng comeback T” supposition.” ' gave e brilliant pitching perferm- program la in the offing Sunday The BA’e talUad a run, wnearm d. a a win in which nhe ards for determining the percent­ has received a set o f lost^ keys Ueut. O. Busch of ths stats Is aa annual feature of the Tbtrs isn’t a batter place to win be recognised ps' world were in a aerloua condition. Belief gains groimd that peaai- polics barracks thera said thtor Askod.lf hc could bsooais In- Aaksd what vrouM be his rose- TK ut wUl ba stockad by a hril spend Sunday than at Center heavyweight . Walcott ence. night on Cherry Perk Speedway. in the second en three walks.-a laft^aU of'h er effecta and proper­ age of support. The Verdu brothers were attack­ from the Disabled Amerieu Vet­ show and alwayp attracts a The \ictory extended' Phllsdei- fielders’ ohoios end a long fiy t* Props would run from aero to mlstie talk and high prices arja had bsen “able to contact most o f’ torsstod In a dsal with ths Biimb- tien if St Louis offered a Gra­ woptor Sunday aftarnoon at Center Springs Park. has been 10 years. . . , It wiQ be the first appearance t y to Mra. WUaon on conaidera- ed by persons in the crowd after hurrying butineaa along downward erans, attached to which a DAV srs, Evans replies;. "Csrtainly. ham and Priddy paMmgs. Bvapp throng of wntohdre- phie’i ' winning streak | on the Avon oval of the ohe legged left by Dick Cobb, but Jinva fie*v- toaa'that aha received life uae of 100 per cent for other agricultur­ the visitorB. •prings pond during too all-day Cronin BOplles to Bray Block car racing is listed Sunday they arrived on scene, police said. path ... Russian-sponsored Ger­ Idento-tag. miniature Ucenee teg Uks Jack FhllUpa Hs eouM do shouts:- "Gesb, w apist haven’t gqt At noon, selected representatives Spoitamen’a Show. Thia type of straight gamsa and moved tow ; op**""'penlng dday when be icc took a 4-1 leed in the home bar pauperty and that Mra. Wll- al coramodiUea, depending upon It was at Moorefleld that thS froni s$eh of Mahrirester’s Boy Stanley ’’Lefty” Bray, once a night at Flainvllio StadAm. A1 Inte a rtftuel tie wito the Cerda half of toe same frame ea a walk. the availablUty of funds. Neither of them waa hurt serious­ man Peoples council urges all for key-rings. These are distribut­ five, parsons wars' reported, lost. iis a lot of good. ttiat much money. DSWItt aneera stocking to said to be the tret ever fine sprinter and baikotball atar Keller and Ted Tappett are slated took the victory ftag in the fea- aoB woiM care for her. Soon aft^ ly anoiigh to require treatment ed to. 30 million motorists each "But ws havs nothing to fivs at a mare hundred grand, Why.lto fiebitt troops win stags a camp­ Larry Rostek’g single to left and Called “Reglmentetlon’’ Germans to resist Ruhr disman­ A reecue team', of firemen re attempted in toe East. with Manchester High teama now to compote, . . .Jersey Joe Wal­ De«plte his win the Bruno Perm’s double inside the hot er^tte wUl waa drawn, Mra. Po- Highway patrolmen said the sit­ tling program of "foreign oppres­ year, and the replica of their state exespt money, and money Inter- got $190,000 and Bhu Bp*Bpsneo fee ing and aooutcraft damonatratlon. m ,()()5 percentage , at Ixnghorne, Pa.. koO^ deeded over the Ridge Unlike the administration plan, ported .setting out to pick up three Tliia will include several different Mancheoter’o moat ardent suppor­ cott haa run 800 miles in prepara­ corner aack. the biU would not require farm­ uation was quiet this morning. sors.” ... Senator Byrd (D-Va) license pistes enables the DAV men marooned on KeUerf ' island. eeto Del 'Webb and Dan Topping A1 Zarllla.” Tbs graana at tha Manchaater ter of toa Boston (ccaaorad). took tion for hie bout with Essard ‘®**l'**.u^ iwi Sundiy^t hie be?n slim plck- atrent property to Mra. Wiiaon One squad car was patrolling the to return 5,000 keys a month from braaehes of seouUng and should Country Club are in oxceUent con­ i Once more toe BA's ralllad thair ao JItot in probate court, on Mra. ers to use certain good farm prac­ demands "all the facts” about Before the stranded trio could be out pad and poneil and wrote a Charlea Wednesday night at forces to creep within a run Of a tle area. „ « number of former officers and its national headqualrtera in Cin­ be of interest to enildren ef ell dition. A tribute to Qreenakeepqr letter to Oeneral Manager Joe ‘ •■rhe* rteforyWrRoiirte’ eighth ["*; ^!* 52rtere c S PowOiy'a death, the eatate con- tices before they could receive amyti, the raseuera said, darkness every respect with the Pekiaeee • agea as wsU as tbs grownups. On* Art WUkHL Jr. Oomiskey Park. Walcott has also again. Welt Ford reached cm a price supports. Pace called that Ryan told state police he fired men of armed Ber\’icea drawing re­ cinnati. settled over the island and water except that bis cost is abort and Stave Krtotof. Cronin tost week. Bray toM Oonln engaged in 131 rounds egelnst R'.lnh*Br^?c. for to. To ! aiatod only o f a few aharea of after several men started coming fsatoat win bo too ieouts cooking atodi and aome incidental itema. regimentation.” tired pay, before Congress passes soon Slipped over i t smooth. It is a very oM Meed, what he thought ef the Red Sox spantog partners. •» saMter TI. I *0 Hi® CliDvav ®riCl 5ET81® d®g®Bv* Green worked a paee out eef f ButeBujax, toward him. He was taken into on $300,000,000 annual pay boost. The morning worship aervice at tosir esm dlnnar ever an open fir* First round ecorss in tob Preri- end after Jackie }IayMay had filed to AdariMad to Probate The biU also ignores the admin­ The marooned group was net originating, as did the Peke, In < atartsd by ths flrs-by-frlctom dent’s Cup tourney e f the Kii'vanto ™ V - 5S . h « “ • istration plan to set a limit cm custody at the scene. One shot American and Caimdian fundii the Second Congregational church heard frmn thereafter. Sand China. iT—iirh* event st Buffalo Speedway by hie right. Keeney enden^ Mike" " Savortek)' ^1M granddilklrea argued passed through the trouser leg of will begin totoorrow at 9:3of the others wars seen llostihg ofi a Q—Where was Lake Bonae- ward or backward. , eoatist bring bald among spia- Kaceys Score Initial tough 2-1 decUion over the Chi- ‘ The stock ear portion tf toe slew rollor was thrown wrild by to probate 9toy d. mittee. aing rosl castors for both dlstaacs T o R isk T itle 4 and 8; Ed Clarke eliminated BuJak for anotoer twro-boaa arrer. organization la carrying on its congregation. The church school raft as it passed ths town. Efforts vUleT A—A person wba auddanly dies Charlie Crockett, 8 and 6: Dave cam <^»he. Don Newcombs out- ] •vent U wide open end anyone ' Tbd Morrlaona, through their Special Program The company haa refused to bar­ held Its closing exercises last Sun­ to get a Une to ths distraaseil pair whUe standing, wbefher from a aad accuracy. At one the otncial Keeney and Flood olnglad to gtv* woric behind Iron Curtain___ It A —Ttala la the name given by opening ceremonies of too show Havsy won by default over Harry pitched young Warren Hacker with '''ho owns e stock ear is weU*me toe BA’s the win. A ReekwUle attomiay. Judge Herman > Yulea, gain with the Smelter Workers couldn’t be true, of course, but day. when Chiidren’a Day was ob­ failed and they last wsre^ sssn geologlate to a freah-water lake bullet or other cn(Mes, almoeC in­ Folgmann; Earle CiUford beat , League Win|r six-hitter for hU fourth victory I to enter. There will be no feney gmablad the admiaaion o f the union because Its officials have re­ served, skimming ewttUy downstream, variably toUa forward. The same spin be held wltli town and dub Q ub Championsbip threat was wiped out ia the aev-' For Fathers’ Dav testimony before Congressional which existed tpoueands of years offlclaie extending' welcome to too Here House, 3 end 1; Art Knofle egelnst no defeats. Gil Hodges’ ! entry fee for the individiial stock enth when Jack* HoUoran forced win,. The grandchildren aaaerted fused to sign non-Cbmmunist affi­ committee indicates that about she said. ega It covered what ia now la true of a persMi who faints . topped Tut Hewitt, 4 and 3; Ray 1 single which scored Duke Snider | car and the enUre puree will be WUaon. diacouragad them davits required by the Taft-Hart- pubUo’ aad sbo)% rrinarlu by Play Starts Toilay Dick Fetey te end the eenteat. 68,000 Army officers are going A large percentage of the Utah, aa well as parts of Idaho ediUe standing. (3wens pravaltod over Doc Moaaet, : from second broke up a 1-1 tie in turned over to those competing, BA’e (•) iM n tlMlr grsiidniothere A special Fathers’ Day pro­ ley law. graduates of the 1924 dess is ex­ spertomaa’s leaders from aB ever 3 and 3. Doc Beaser and Johm Ol­ Turn Back Floors 12-5 p aronnd In tbeir nnderpants... .Es­ and Nevado. With the withdrawal tha atato. At Lo4»1 €k>lf Course Double Results the nfnth. The defeat was the i In all Promoter Ed Otto expects AB R HPO A ■ The praaaa t aeOon, in which gram will be presented at the WUl Stand Firm pected at the reunion this evening of the glaclerB, Lake Bonneville Q—What would cquae the ap- son have not played toeir matiB I cellsr-dwelUng Cube’ sixth in e i about 7* stock end midget can the WUaon property, part o f it timated 20,000 to 25,000 police: State to Improve One totrty will find a oonteat In At Robertson Park; L fbrd. If ...... 8 1 d 9 0 • Salvation Army dtadel tomorrow Workers voted 373 to 339 Tues-' many of them steel-helmeted and at the Manchester Country Club. shrank and only a few amaUer pegrance in the sky. an hour or as yet. ; row. ; event. He will alao Green, i f ...... 9 9 1 9 $ • tormerly bel^gin g to Mra. Pcdiof- Fr^eric B. Werner, who heads ' surf casting being staged to find Qualifying round ta the Club John Pringle Stars « Baeeye (It) morning at 9:30 during the Sun­ day against thp Progressive coun-6 carrying gaa masks, patrol Paris lakes survived. Tbs principal one so after sunset, of bright red toe riuunpioa lead thrower among Championship pUy gate undatwey I Bravos Drop To Fewth present e specie! match race with May, cf ...... 4 6 0 1 • • ky, la attached, ^paara aa an ac- ell as their bar^lnlng agent. How- ' the reunion committee, hopes that Highways Here streaks thst make it lock aa if the Bruce Wilkie has Improved hto AB R H PO 1 Cincinnati dumped the Boston 1 $toln«er, Steve McGrath of day school aeasion, sponaored by streets to head off possible riot in­ is Great Salt Lake. the Oeatsitanta. Jim Rohan, Jack this weekend at .to* Maaebastet In Italians* Victory b . Pageni,age u 2b Keeney. 3b .,,. 8 2 3 9 I • tlea to aacnre a aetting aalde of ard I. Young, company president, volving Communists and Rl{^tiata. all who can conveniently do so will whole sky were tfn Are? game greatly under the able I Brevet inta fourth pUce. knock- Stamford and George Rice of Mll- the prevlouB property tranafer the young people. Johnston and Lee Fracchia are the Country O ub when arombera tee instructlona offered by Pro Alex Jim McOove, rf Baverlck, 8b ... 8 8 1 1 8 * aald the company would stand gather at an early horn tc renew Q»W bat waa the closeat presi­ A—Very high, thin streaks of • leading local toreaU in tola spe­ off in quest of the major honor at Ina off Billv Southwotth’s crew, I fore driving atpek care, Flood, p ...... 4 6 1 a 9 fi a id aa n aupplament to the ap- friendships, liie dinner will be Four aecUons of eUte highway clmiB clouds, perhaps six to eight Hackney at the Ooimtiy Club. Btoadinge LupacclUno, 3b 'The combinattdh program with Recitation, "At Last,” Robert firm in its refusal to bargain with in Manehester are to bo improved dential election in our history? cialty and win be out to take aU the South Main atreet course. Mariim.' e ...... o|7-2. Howie F ox aided by WeUter Cobb, l b ...... 8 a a 4 a 9 paal'drom admiaaion o f tha Pokof- McCabe, Jr. the smelter workers until the un­ served proinptly at seven o’clock. miles above the ground. At such - • W. Pet. « Cooper’s dret inning home run ■ the extra match race wrill be pre- «ir.,wUL by ~ appUcation of a bituminous A—^tlie elsctlon of Rutherford comers. ‘ The low fifteen grass aoorao will Sammy Massey, summer Rec di­ Iteliens ...... McOonvUic, c f . I Zesaero, ae .... 2 9 d 2 9 9 Recitation, ''Queatlofta,'' Allan ion complied with the Tart-Hartley Acording to Mr. Wemer, all ef­ B. Hayes. I9th president of the an altitude the would remain iW 1.000 n ! with two aboard. won his fourth | aentsd without an increase in too Berube, e ...... 9 0 1 5 0 0 surfaoe treatment it waa announc­ Feataio Attraetlea qualify. Defending chempioa Art rector in Manchester laet summer, Niebols-Bristol Martin, a e ...... prices beginning at 8:18 p. Lyons. Richard Hastings, Jack law. forts to locate ■ Frank Valento, United Staten The euoceaaful lumlnated with the reddish- light wee e visitor in toum yesterday. Mangan, p .... game. Johnny Sain suffered hls Hildlng. ' Obituary ed todiQr by Highway Commiaalon- of the setting sun long aftsr lower TM meia feature end ettracUen ^lUUe, Jr., bea baen aaeoed. Tba Motors ...... $ a .800 Young aaid the company would 11 president of the 1924 class, have candidate was elected by. a n He played a round of golf at the North E n d s...... * $ .571 MaUigen, lb . . . seventh defeat. I Totals ...... 27 9 9 Male quartet, "My Heavenly close the plant unless negoUotions ; I been unavailing. eb O. Albert HUl as -he releued a clouds were in darkneea ef to* program win be staged at 9 next 48 qualifiers will ba placed Church to Honor UM of projects for the WMk of Jority of one vote. p. m. when a heUcopter from the in flights of 18 in accordance with Country Club. Floors ...... 1 6 .167 H. Jarvis, if . . . Shelling CUnt Uai-tung from the | Father." are begun before June 25 “by a I hUl with e four-run barrage in the i Thrifty Cleaners June 20. Kaman Aircraft Corporation at toeir qualifying score. Keceys ...... 1 8 .143 E. Pageni, 2b . . F. Faley, 3b Recitation, "How Thky Know,” qualified union representing a m a-' Robert W. Hanscom, fireman Q—Who la considered the Q—Whet Is meant by the Qerr Bradley Flald wlU lly over the Joe Rafferty, New Tork Giant flret inning, the Pittsburgh Pirates j Schumey, to , Parish Fathers Bary Cole, Thomas McOum. To get attention here are one nftan Reich? Prises will be awarded winners went on to defest the New York i Jr..} Jority of the employes.” Funerals apprentice USN, son of Mr. and. mile of Highway 85 (Highland founder of the Zionist movement? pend with a local club member aa and nmnerapa in each ef tbe four baseball scout, witnessed the Tui- The Softball TWilight Leagus’s ToUte ...... 29 12 10 21 10 0 Strengthen Lead HoUoran, lb Richard Atwell, Jr. Smelter workers’ officials said Mrs. Enoch A. Hanscom o f 48 A—Theodor Hersel, born in A—Reich is a Garmsn woed peMsiTgii and stock trout in toe light League beeaball game at the first double-header proved e suc­ Giants, 8-4, in a night gams in I Bujak, p ... Comet solo. "The Holy Oty," they would attempt to start nego- | Park road): 8 miles to U, 8- 8 rigaifyipk ktogdom. empire, stato fliKhte. Oval laet night end w.’os Improaeed Persoaolizod Fleers Pittsburgh. Big. Ernie Bonham I tlist otaaervanoa o f Father’s Perkins street, has been on a ten- from Route 83 westerly to the Budapest In 186a Influenced by ■atore of toe pond. Thia is toe Former club chemplone expected cess last night at Robertson Perk Zad. os ...... 4 0 0 S 0 1 Ermlscb. if • 0$y teaawrow will atari with the Alton Munaie. tiaUona. I Anne O. Berry day visit to Naples, Italy, aa a tha antl-Bemltle reaction of the or commonwealth. TTm empire first attempt of tola kind tried with the play of Stan Kulo, youth­ as the Kaceys notched toeir first spaced seven hits for his second | Staadhigs W. Foley, as East Hartford town line; 2.8 mUee was the First Reich; the federated to enter tha event include Tommy ful RockMlle catcher. P. Phillip. 2b . . S 0 0 0 2 0 tain msM at 10:80 at St John'a Recitation, "Gratitude," Sandra Special Police On Hand ! Funeral services for the late crew member of the light cruiser Dreyfus affair, be pubilebed The aaywliere and it ie expected that Faulkner (1847), Mumps Foster victory of the campaign, dounlng vletoiy. Wally Westlake drove in L. Kulo, c .... Rudaz, Marilyn Rleder. Jean of the Silver Lane road from U. republic under Presidents Ebert B. August, If .. 4 I 2 0 0 0 two runs for the victors with a ' Pwidi National OathoUc church on Special police were on hand dur­ Miss Anne O. Barry were held i u s s "Juneau, He had an oppor Jewiah Stete in 1896, which ad­ toouaaada of persons will be on (19367, HoUy Mendly (1935). Art the Personalized Floors. 12 to 5, J. August, lb . . 3 1 2 7 0 1 I Thrifty Cleaners .. 1 I Rostek, ef .. Doty, Faith Hall, Betty McCurry, S. 44A to the East Hartford town and Hlndenburg waa tbe Second. hand to wateh tola novel experi­ The double-header softball at­ and tha Itellan-Americens came couple of eingl'es. Gohray street, with the uaual pro- ing the tsiwe NLRB election Tues­ this morning at 11 o'clock from 1 tunity to visit Rofne. Pbrnpell'and line and 2.8 milaa o f Route 83 vocated a theory of Jewish ns- WUkie, Sr. (1943-44), Roy Fraser Kawalac, Sb, p . 3 1 1 0 3 0 Manchsster Cleansrs a ' Pent, rf . . . . nepiien ataaerving special holidays Carol Ann Deane. the T. P. Halloran Funeral Home ‘ " ‘ “ ...... Reich, and the Fascist tountartan- ment. A full account of toe events traction' at Robertson Perk last from behind to edge Central Mo­ The upsurging Cleveland In­ Red Men ...... 3 j day but no trouble was reported. j the Isic of Capri while on his lib- from U. 8. 44A northerly to Route tionsllsm snd which Ister led to (1940-41), Earl Ballaiaper (1934- night attracted a fine crowd. An­ Hollbran. c .... 3 2 2 4 0 1 4nd church festivals. Vocal solo, "Child's Prayer," Angelo Verdu who heads the at 175 Center street, snd at 11:30 { erty schedule. the creation of the Zionist move­ state under Hitler was the TMrd wUl be followed et< an times by tors of Hartford, 7 to 6, in eight dians whipped the New York Oak Grill ...... Totele ...... 3* 4 5 21 9 4 30. the pubUc address system. 39). Paul BalUleper (1986-38) aad other twlnblU asay be staged next innings. Holmas, p3b..S 0 0 3 2 0 Yances. 10-4, at the Yankee SU- 3 - At 4 pw m. children from the Richard Atwell, Jr. Progressive council had promised from St. James’ church. Rev. Al- ment. Reich.. Harry l^naon (1938). Johnson, lb, rf . 3 0 1 1 0 1 Walnut Tavern ...... 3 BA’s ...... 0 19020 0—fi Announcements will be made In Marlborough and Hebron At 9:90, aa informsl exhibition Friday by the league. Only flew Scoring early and often, the Ka­ dium to extend their winning Nestiff Arms ...... cbuich eebool will give a abort that a vote for hla organization bert Taylor of Naugatuck, a friend I Pollsh-American Oub membera surfacing will to appUed to 6 leit night wee the feet the first Olbert, cf ___ ; f 0 0 0 0 1 4 R ock v ille...... 220000 0—-4 ptaogiam in honor of all fathers relative to the Sunday school pic­ Q—^What ta a "dead man's throt­ win, As atogad by- more than a ceys gained their first league win streak to six games. The *1111)0, Morierty Brotoere .. 5 Runs batted in: Ermteek 3, Feoa would end the 10-month old strike. of Uie family, celebrated the mass | hold a special meeting this miles o f U. a 8A from Route 2 0—How long baa natural gas doaan membars of toe local club game didn’ t start until 8:40 p. m. Burks, c f ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 paqaant 'Dm oldest and youngest nic to be held at Forest Park, Joe Verdu, Martinez and three and read the committal service at tle ?” ae ^nny Pageni paced the definitely on the move, now ts four Si!k City A. C. a 3, Keeney 3. Savortek. PlooA Springfield, Saturday, July 2. cvening at 8 o’clock at the club- easterty and n half nlle of Bolton been uaed fo r lighting homes in A—It is a throttle that requires, and thalr bird dogs in a.s^isU y. and ths aecohd game wasn’t over Knights’ attack with two singles Cfonnelly, rf . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 games over the .500 mark end tatbsr in tha hall will receive a other members of the Progressive the cemetery. cooms on Clinton street All Are until after 11 o’clock. Thrifty Cleaneri trounced the Oobb; Twro base hlto: EimteeB. siaaQ g ift Center road'and a hatf mile o f U. this country? praaauro of operetor’s hand ev ‘ laid out spot, prspsrsd for this end a home run. Jack Mangan only five and a half games from council were charged with assault Bearers were Tltomas Sulllven, urged to be present A —Aa early aa 1824, on the evaat. .For many.it win, ba the Totals 28 8 8 18 7 5 Red Men in e Rec Softball League Pera; Stolea bases: Keeney; Left Tito Yeung Ladles Frlendahlp Louis Sullivan, Francis Sullivan, S. 44A in Bolton from Routs 6 foot to 'BNveht power shutoff and went toe route allowing the Floora tha top. gema’ lest night to toe tunc ef on basee: BA’e 7, Rockville to murder on May 26 after two of­ esater^ will be treated. oocaaloo of Lafayette’s visit to tto application of brakes. Ain engine first attempt at this snd tha rt- Monday night the -Floora aad right hits. Kacey runnen crossed Floors 000 401 0— 5 Five of Cleveland’s eight hits off Clito win ^onaor a supper to bt Center Thespians ficials of the rival union repotted Walter Osterling, Joseph Heck Russell Maron of Hartford, son eountiy, a house in Fredonia Nee) auK rimuld be both entertaining North Ends will meet in a Softbail Jthe plate in every inning' but the Kaceys 112 20* X—12 It to I. The second round wrill get Besee on balls: Flood 3, Bujak 9, is m d promptly at 6 p. m. with and Nathan Jefferson. so equipped would stop Instantly Ed Lopat went for extra bescs. underway next week. Strikeouts: Flood 4, Bujak 4; Um­ they were fired on by men in a of Mrs. John Johnson of Clinton York, was lUumlnatad by aatural if the operator MI dead. ^ and amusing. 3:00 p. m. wUI find 'TwiUgbt League game under tha fifth. The sixth was the big in­ Runs batted ia: B. Paganl 2, Ken Kellner, emerging from a V n . Ida Novak as hoatees. AsaUt- moving automobile that pas.sed in Miss Jane Nackowskl presided vtrect, waa graduated this week three acta of vaudevUIe being of­ ItghU at Robsrteon Park. It wiU ning as six runs scored on ^our Thrifty’s shelled Red Men’s pires: Bohenko, Lovett. iM tatr in buying and apeclal Pick Their Play gas in his honor.- LupacclUno, McOonvUle, HoUoran protracted slump, hammered two front of their apartment In East at the organ during the mass. from the School of Bustneas Ad­ Hospital Notes fered with Ulented local pcrfe wounded r-ailadetpUa PhUlie* lows: Etta Mugford. Ruth Rowley; tice, son of Mrs. Alfred Phaneuf toe Bast’s leading'ampteur obedl- run by Jackie Holloren. HoUoran The Red Men plx.yed very ermtlc The Mary Cushman Group of Town Court this morning for driv­ Squires. 106 Deepwood drive; Ro­ son to beooBM ddaf ? are in Englend. one at Oxfeed aad enoe trainero, xltl present more P h lla d el^ a S. St. Louis 0. ment trophy to CapUln Prod and Jimmy August led the stuck off: Kawalac 8 for 10 runs ia 5 Boston pounded out 15 hits tn first beaeman, planned furtket Tabby Pipps, Marylea Johnson; the Seepnd Congregational Wo­ ing while hla license was under of 14 Maple street have been bert Lethrop, 56 Benton street; A—Thomas A. Edison, the in­ the ether at toe British Moseum Aosertcaa Seeley. Alan Cone end Nell Law­ 1-3; Ifiu o ff: Helmea 1 for 2 rune the nightcap. Stephena smashed 'ball committing six errors eflsld. Louay u iteksmune whan It ^ Action Today on a ten-day visit to Naples, Italy, then a half dosen doge he hae against toe elents bf Mangsn. Helm. Gentilcore end Paul Cfor- Mrs. Lowell, Constance Hunt: men's League, at its annual meet­ suspension.^ Chapman was repre­ Mra Alice SulUven. 489 Middle ventor, waa a vendor of mag%- In London. trained, augmented by more than Boston,4-10, Chicago 3-S. rence, facultv members end ath­ In 2-3; WUd ' Pitchee: ^ on goa 2, his 18th Iiome run end WiQlams would be advtseble to attempt to John Mugford, Van McQuide; Ca­ ing Friday evening elected offic­ as crew members of the Aircraft sin*a • 19 Kteiaechmldt, c 3 bo gave his fliat o t^ eg the aew gewsnuBeat-sponaored “Cath aa they are called by geologhrta. ed from Vigland. Wood was to* many others. Smy ridei, boat Aawrieaa Triptei^MttcheU. Cleveland 7; came up with a run en a single, McKlnney-King Poet va Legien Occasion. Reported in May ward Bittner, 28, of Putnam, waa street bcire west of the Mississippi? 20 — Ramondi. c .... 4 10 4 0 Helm, ef ...... 4 at tba Ugowator sUa AetSoa ovganlsatlon.” curious glassy objects found In prevailing fuel used In our coun­ ridm, aad balloons wUl be avail­ New York .... .35 .838 Valo, Philadelphia 8. stolon base and'tpro errors by Juniors, 2:80 p. m.—Ovol. Plotting the course of a flight continued for one week. deeert country, are formed by A—Although tiw Federal Oon- Detroit ...... 31 94 .5*4 4' Home Rune—Stophene, Boetoa Sadoaky, cf .... 9 9 l 3 0 Forest, cf .... 4 HoteL Hae had gaao to Mtos Stola- A reliataia diplomatic report ^ tu tlcs i had been in offoet 140 try imtll about 1840. able ell day4ong and refreab- Prlngib himeelf. Meafiey. Ju m 98 hagea’a room m aaawar to her o f war brides from Elurope, he Last moijth there were 21 dog lightning atriking the sand and Phtledelphie .. .31 35 A54 4% 18 Jooet, PhUadelphU end Wil­ Hualay, p. lb . . 4 0 l 10 l Mitchell, as ....4 aaig an ofneial of the Central Ac- came up with this one: It Takes One to Stop One years when he was inaugurated, ments to take care of the thou- Bob Hunley was sent in to re­ Fisher, Sb...... 2 3 1 1 3 Floors vs. North Ends, 9 p. m.— Vince, If ...... 3 ptoao that she had "sooMthlag |ae- bites reported to Dog Warden Lee fiiaing it into glass. Public Records Q—How long bav# we had aeade expected to attend with va­ Cleveland .... .38 24 .538 8% liams, Boston 15. tlaii-ceaunittoe of the National Po- “As your flagship points lu nose Itorbert Clark Hoover waa the Washington .. .38 28 .819 8 % lieve Smltb in toe eighth to pro­ Karp, a s ...... 3 0 1 0 3 Itobertaen. Yost, r f ...... 1 portaaV* to teO Um. Wattkux .who Htleal front taata been placed in Fracchia. At press time today. proaidanUal Inaugural balls?* riety and qurilty a feature. ^ Stolen Baoes DUling er. St. RockviUe va. Aircraft. 8 p. m.— to the west Bangkok—(S')— Authorities had Blgta-Lew Asia flret diief executive born west of Beaton ...... 27 27 AOO 7% tect tha on* run lead aad was Smith, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 to •laglx alagl did act kaewr tba Url. diaiBS o f ttao archbiahop'a palaca. Warden Fracchia said that he had to look into prison to find the A — Jamas Msdiaon’S'lnaugure. Paridag faciliUea are readily Louis 8; Mitchell, (Seveland d. greeted hy a double off toe bet ef MUlar, l b ...... 0 0 0 1 0 OvaL- whoIio lartiaed tha peptdar PUBtoa "And moonbeams end stardust fan • I S r- Wamatoe Deeds the Mlastsrippl. (Chicago ...... 33 34 .404 13 Totals ...... 32 a 11 I t 7 d Ankbiahop Bacan for aome received and investigated but ohe right man to train e special police UoB-ex Msrrh 4. 1809, ushered In avaUiMe ia too park area and on Pitching—JUechl. New York 10- Dom GontUcoN and too lattor waa QriU vs. Walnuts. 8:15—Charter gently around, dog bite this month. Asia 18^ a''land of extremas. Samuel Bwtek to KraakUn N, St. Louis ...... 19 39 .991 19 1 .808; Reynolds. New Tork T-1 •tor. mekttaa has led the campaign supprewion unit bow to handle f^TVhat State waa named after the inaugural 'mU. The ball Wmeh- all surrounding atieoto and traf­ doubled hooM by Mee Pringle to ’Rotate Oak. Iliaa Stotahagea, who to la Jafi “We hope that this flight starts a Parents are urged to instruct Mount Everest, Its highest peak, and, Roeelyn ML HSl. propeirty on TODATW OAMES ATS...... 92*^794 11 4 Red Man ...... 109 004 3— * MPiaat the gpranuaent’a plan to life for the beet, plotters against the government. a valley ia Pennsyivula? ing had attended in -1798 wee fic will be kept moving at all Eesterw tie tha acore at d-all. Hunley Temple va. St. James. 8:30— Thrifty ...... 414 019 X—19 ia default of 9K,d0d earti hall, will tUto- over aebooU and abolish their children not to annoy dogs stands approximately 29,(MX) feet Alton street Strikeout*—Trucke, Detroit 78; Motors ...... on 102 01—a “And your memories are pleasant • ’The right man was on army Itergnerite Rlagtar to V IM ^ A—The state ef Wyoming is be-' not an official part of the program. timea Ne games scheduled. triad to sneak a fast hall by Big U ’e .. Memeriel. Rune betted in. Savine 3; P. ba gtvoB a haariag aa a egnma of chhNk papaaa. In hot weather as In peat years colonel arrested in connection with above sea level, while the Dead N«wh*u*er. Datroit 80...... 116 001 23—7 when we reach the gneund.” C, Saymaneki, property on Alex- Ueved to have beep so called to Anwriraa John but John laced the .ball Ruae TModay. Juae t l Correnti, Helm. Ihrest. Mitehall, amault with iatont to muHar aa Latteaa Dafy OeeaMs the months of June, Juty and Au­ an attempted coup last Oct 1. Sea Ilea 1292 feet below the level Q—Where did toe eutja baerd - Baeoa at West Sfriagllald Naltoaal I eagan through too middle to drive in batted Ja: M. Correnti. ' Merierty’a 'nc. ReckvUle, 8 p. au Jkaw IS. fh a la to ba g to n a MM- Anther time—to soothe bis nas- gust have elwaye been danger of the sea. perpetuate the Wyoming Talley la Clevaland at New Tork—Paige I Batting — Roblnaon, Brooklyn .Gam, M. Pringle.’ J. Pringle; Two- GaveUo 5, H. (tor.tntl, ■aptonaa, ' Ri recea t w iih i ha has aant out •engere after a takeoff delay Pennsylvania. get Ite nemsT ‘ (2-8) va. Reachl (10-1). brother *Mee wito toe wiiming —Oval. tal o f lottan liaoathlng de- months. *"lrrine*BLlU!k’ toWMMam Wji4 The Wgsoat field of racing A87; Sebeendteari. St. Louie A5L baas hito: Oentlloere. G ^ U. COrcoraa 9; two-base blto, Oeatll- by mechanical trouble—the Bheamatlsin Ooetly to Britain Francee Tedfoed. ,PW «fty on In­ A—It Is compounded frea Um Detroit at Waehlngton—Trucks maiker. core; throe toee Mta, Helm: haiae Smekera* Fires Freneh snd Germnn words far equipment, Inchidiag stock oare. Runs—Roooo. Brooklyn 47; Rob- Ctelli with a heme run end a Pringle. B. Jacobe, CkUakan; T a il .Tape of the alrwaya told them: It’s u Alley dian drive. Q—To what grain la the Hes­ (9-8) vs. HitUe (9-d). Homo nm s: GaUl; Stolea baaae: ruBx Oaveuo. Savine: Bacrtlcaa, cry against "We w sorry we caused you this New Tork—(8V - Lord Horder, sian fly OMSt laJuitouA yea mldgeto and hot rods, and number- 8t. Louis at Philadelphia—Oar^ Inaen, Brooklyn 44. eiagle and Mee Pringle with two MaOywaadl ea U L -A H is tkat tha Careleae use of mstehes and glarriM * UeaMMO in. about SO, will be on hand to­ Buna Batted In — RoWnaon, GeatUoore, Sadooby, Fiaber; fiac- Boucher, Orcoran; left en bsaao. ^ short delay, Qerman silver is en ell«qr o f cop­ physletan to King George Vl ef Samuel Jaiaeo U ^ . ^7* A—^The larva o f the Hcaalan fly ver tS-8) vo. Kelhter (S^)> deublea were thenui in . toe ridaa Chlcage. June Ig— (ff)—Ted WU- Rad Men 5. Thrifty’s S: baeea en 1 9 7 % , ^ 4 vHth Gkaebo- England, esUmatee that In Britain smoking materials la the greateet night xt the West Springfield Brooklyn 68; Hodgea, Bnoeklya 45. of Smith end Hunley. riftcea: Rlebton: Loft en baoas: Uame of the Beaton Red Sox hrtd ^ t once egeln we’re under way. per, nickel and sine, flret produced cause of fire in the United States, Laurel street end Bnthmary Elia- lives In the etema of wheat and Q. What cauaea the flicks heard Chicago at Boston-^umpert HiU—Robinson. Brooklyn 80; Italian Amortcaa 9. COntor Metoro i«aiia, H. CtorraaU 3. P. OomM ll ^ n gln et. Uks humans, get a pain ta Germany in the early 19th cen- Inst year the money loas' caused abeth Walker, of $19 Middle turn­ frequently does great damage to in aa electric 'ton when in paS? Speedway to partlctpaU in the (5-5) vs. Kinder (8-4). his lead In the nation-wide voting by rheumatism alone totaled 17,- accounting for 29.36 per cant of first united program in hlstiM^. Thomson, New York 75. *; Baaea on baUa) Pringle 4, Smith today in tbe latest AU-Star boas- 10; striheoi:to, H. Oerrantt S; wfld ora n a riie, tt*y. but used centurlee earlier by pike east weddliig June 95 at this crop. A—^nis in'the (qierntion of U>e NbUmmI San Franclacoi — A1 Hoosman, pitchex H. Coireati 9, P. Cerra to a "And ao our macbanlcs must oner- OOO.IMO pounds aterUng. Ldrd Hor­ all flrea o f known cauaea. nurr wUI be a feature 28-lapper New Tork at Pittsburgh—Jones Titoloa—Robinson end Puriltor 215. Loa AnfMee, otoppre BlUy Me- 2, Hunley 1; Strtke-outa: Pringle b®1l tabulsliotis. the Chinese. South Methodiat toennostat. TTksn toe iron reaches Brooklyn and Bmalley, Chicago 8. 4, Smito 3: Hits Off: Smith • for ti 9: peoeed balto. OarollA Kleia- ate.” der came here to attend en Inter­ toe desired temperature tola turna in each branch of racing, along (5-S) or Kaoitedy (5-4) va. d u re, 204, MbmeapMtt. 9. WUUame has polled 79J84 votae Albert WUltam Momlngway, Q—Where waS the flret perma­ R oom Rnao—Ktoer, Plttoburgfe 5 ruae in 7; Hito off: Hunley 9 lo r as the moot popular dtoice for the sehmldt; uavlre. Ks«to. OPEN ALL DAT McNeely. a native of Duluth. •DoM ligfeV* national congreaa on rtaeumatiem. 81 Ridgewood .atreet and Phyllis nent settlement in Texas? off toe current, then .turns it on with the regular qualifying heaU, Riddle (1-0). Cleveland — Artie Levine-Dick semi-finals and eoosolatletia. Boston at CiaciAaU—HaU (2- 14; Seainlck, PhUadripbia 19. Waaner bout peatpnaod to Monday 9 runs ia 1; Hit to pitobar, by: aimua] AU-Star game at Brooklyn - X Mndied medicine for a y ^ English ^nakerf of domssUc June Andereta, of 944 Main atreet, At ^ S first permanent aettle- again wpen It h u eoolod a tittia, Prtngle-nabar; WiU Pltohaa: J. - Denver—Oory OnnaatoK 199%. graduated from 'the Follows OM WaB AH .told there wiU be.over 100- 1) va Raffensberfpr (S-S). < ■tolaa Baoto—BoMuen. Breex July 19. Jackie ftebinaea. Brook­ SUNDAY ' The “eeld light" produced by baths are now required to con- wedding June 94 at Emanuel C$i- ment waa at Tsleta In 1682 by the and ae kseps it from overhaqUag. lyn 19: Raeae, Broeklyii IL P r l i ^ 9. Sasito .1. Hualoy 9; lyn Doggara second baooman. to Danvar, - autpointad Laa BaMaa Iluig, mto an irep usee eurraat lape w caring and five different Broe)dyn at Chmago — BaraOy soBM lumiBous enimels raises the New Tork Cltye Wall street de> oentrato on. one model, to save tfeeran cirorrt-^_ Spanish. racing erganlsatioite represented. Pitching Sowell. Pittaburgh 4-d thia yooFe Mtcb- Paaood b ^ : M. Pifagte l; Laetag oeeond wttfc 4 t 4 l4 votoo out o f a 199%. Oavalsad. 10, yanmd to the American AMInea temperature leas then one-thou- only n a rT ^ ilM tiiM , end H oeMg (3-4) va Leonard (3-1L S u DCigA CaUL—Dm Patton. N M k M tirnffle department in Clnriimetl. rived its name bcceuse it follows wastagp. Ihere are 998 different A^DC. Ahrtrican Hot Rod Club. Phll-defoMs at •’ 1.000; Branea. Brooklyn, S-1 J99. tgan' Bteto awtmmint team « • ? * pitcher: Riinley; Umphres: Brala- total 94a974 coat tineo the pell aan ^ of a degree Osatlgrade. ec- the line of the pelleeded wall or types of bath tn use at present Alexander Jsrria to Masfuerito Q—What b is toe Mappa conetderabiy less to oporqlf than Strikeouts— Branca. Breekiym,' :»wfardad pbtcao aa tbe 1947-49 AU- ard-Dennle; Tiase: 1:18. opened June :0. The vdlteg da*' IdL Hanelnhi. outpetatod Nap 4 ®sps4 tfi • 9to sewed in the Alv Traa»ort M ’dlag to g e Encyclopedia Bri- Rieger, property on Alexander if it ware drnerlaf power oentlBu- Bey ' S U tl. Ne%v England and VNivnt I-^Simmons (2-4t va Pel­ iHaward, Ids, Laa Angrtex IS. during the war. stockade burn in 1652 across the ranging from m'rtature awimmiag United atock ear rircuitfi. let. (8-4j.’ ,aad Sphba. Boatoa 59. x-B affld for AaalMl* Une to Ju aato. 'Y southern and of Manhattan islaad. pools to Us-batha. A—Tba Ha is identlaal in aliy. UANCHUSITER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. SATURDAY, 18, 1949 UAHCHE8TB1 CVjBHING HEBALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JUNE 18,1948 PA O B B lsB V M e .

Thton That Tsaebar—What la it that hinds Hie witty young wife, off B 73 BY rUNTAINB FUR AatoaMbilaa PM Sale 4 HoastheM Sarvieaa ■ PaiBUng--HBBMtiig SI 4fi Maehintry u i Teels 13 Housbs for Sato 73 Hoonot for Sal* TUUNKR' tt.I.K MM.H> H m msbIc books'are quite a fod, ua togetoor, auatolna us and makaa varsity profeeaor remaikofL4iiftaa> us batter than natura totendad? her first pregnacy: *Ta qnito Offered I3A OXTEKIOR AND Bstorioi pnlat* MERCURY ChampiOB maatbtan GARDEN^ Traeton — Brsady, A POPULAR Demand home, lot and soma are good and aenw are WAPPING 5|M 9 — V 8.— -FUTTY. A d R U o a s m a t c h and INonBense bad. My youngitor gats tham by Junior—Olrdlaa. • modern, you imerw—hslr-ooedltkMl- 1941 PONTIAC aedanette. Rea­ HOUSEHOLD Repair aervice. All tog. poportunglng. caUlan ro- metora. Lormaa' Domphy, Pen Tan laanat Jr„' Choromaatar, Baovar 100 t POO. Spectncular view. Liv­ s ed, so to epeak.” - ^ I iniahed. Vuily laaurad Eapeft Excellent 8 room olngle neetUng ing r6om, flrepince, modeir kitch­ The boriier lifted the yotag eua- the pei^ and reads them till be sonably priced. 885 Center street. those Jobs you never get around' boatA' saiaa, sarvtes,. trada. ridtog, can bo purchased on aaSJr strains Ms naek. He cannot eat or work Naw 1949 walipapar souks. Urma R. E Mclntaah, 88 Har­ temu. Cultlvatora, aleklo moww la a mtting of large abady nuipleA en, • bedroomo, two-car garage. 1 ievo to hdsr Uw lotost gegMp, tomar into hlo chair and said: Few people aver live to under­ to do. Alterations, repairs, odd Bariiar—How do you want your-ifo™®' without a comic stand and ^ipreciate tbMr friends. “My meaeage you aii •• 1986 PLTlfOUTH, good mechani­ Jobs. Phone 4687. Edward R. Prloa. Pbone 8-ttNI8. vard Road. and other attdehmanta aTaltablo. Juat tha hooM for the bualaeaa ex- Hot water heai 16 minutes from But. Mdsd, t gtva tbla waralag: to • r u R *^ I go boMsrk whan goddtpa oaU ' hair 6uL aonT 'by hia sidy‘ ~ And whan hia lasaons A funeral brtogx out boots of pocA oourageoua! 1 have Uved a t a g cal oondltlon, $125. 76 South OMiltol Equipment, 88 Mntai ecutlYs or profeeetoiial man who Hartford. Call 8009. H. B. Grady, should be dona, he’s reading CLA8S1P1BD ADVT. Hawthorne. 5586. OUTSIDE, INSIDE Painting and CLEAN USED outboards, pricsd wants country charm with easy Agent. . Thd first thing MoMsy jaenlBg. Toungatar—Like Dad’s; with a pie whom tha decadaed never tlmy I have seen history ragMt paperhaajgtog Fra# asttmataa. BtroaL '’Crims la Naver Fun!” and at the thought of numbering aa real itarif again sad again. I have 6aaa DEPT. HOURS: BalMing—Centraettng 14 right. (8) Martla 60's at -880; 3 aeeeselhlUty to hia work. Two car I^ H . Norris bolt in tha top. Prompt aervtee. Raasonabla Martin 80a at |1W; 3 Flamhoau ASSORTMENT used tractor tires, Sorage and bam. Uble, "Caatoln Swloh’’ Is propped friends. An obligation rsats upon maay dapremiona la hnalnaaa, Al- • :M A. M. to 4 : a P. M. CARPENTER Work ot all blnda prlcea Phone 7630. O. B. 5 h. p. ot 833<1: 3 FlamMOu 8.5 Lol9 for Sale 73 against tlie riiaflng dish. Last everybody to ba openly friendly to ways« Aminerlea out — USED CARS -ii— plow, harroers, Uma aowors, mow­ lAtlo <^irl—Goa,'Pm Uate fTm Woman’s Styles May. (Change, But i^ht, he should have been aslaap; Attica Bnlebed, cabinet work, al- Frechette. h. p. at 875. Rnbart Memteah, 88 ers. New, used traetoyo- Dublin ARTHUR A. KNOFLA that honMback ridy r u ooivar go Thstr Deaigna Remain Tha Same? aa many people as p ^ b ly Oanu- stronger and more taraUona. niarlee Davta 8 and 10 Marvard Road. "' ' REALTOR TWO BUILDING Iota at Lake hia mother cried. “ Oh, I could Ina friendship U a superior social as brave oa your 1948 Buick Sedan, Dynaflow GENERAL Repairing, Ught car­ Tractor CO., North Windham a boras again. weep! He has a flashlight on his Waddell road. Phone 2-0294. Road, WUUmanU>-. Phone 3058. Hayward. EkveUent location. Uttld B o y - ^ n 't talk Uks that. lubricating olL you. Have faith! Go forward.” . 1947 Buick Sedan pentry. painting. Floors aandad. 875 Main SUeet Reenable price, inquire 39 Cot­ Tha drunk was sitting at hia bad, to read—guass w hat?—"Tha This was Thomas A. EdlooBfo Tho avanga parson has a tondsr favorite bar, and was startlad UAKPENTEK Work at al) UndA reflnlahed.. ReaaoaablA caU 2- O tei Phone 5440 Or 8988 tage street. Phone 5879. living Dead!" In atomast tonas, I Man—How did you make your last public meosage. XiOST—Bitedl* JBal« bcour. Nama 1946 Ford Coupe RootA adingA additloae and ai- 4261. spot to Ms baart for homey whan a horse anUrad the astob- criad, "Enough! rU put an and to J fw s ir y 48 ' Wanted—To Bnp 88 Eatahliabed 198f JdtOa CHri—WaU, I jnust ba be­ UshmanL and to claar, undaratand- neighbor keep his hens in his own «a collar. B. V. Quinn. Reward. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Uratlons AJae new conatructloA FOR SALE or exchange Butming oil this stuff, Thasa comic hooks yard ? He (murmuring) — Darting, Home Xisiinga Wanted lota al tbs Green. Wm Kanchl. low the avatagy. able Engliab ordered two Martlnia Phone Mancbeater 7259. 1941 Buick Sedan Steffert. Pbone 2-0258. LEONARD E TOBY. JowMor Rw wiNTBSD—One or two aeroa are bold and brash, and I will Friend—One night I bid a dozen please eay you'll be mine, I’m not Repairing S3 land, vicinity of Bolton or Var- Builder. 519 O n tfi street Phone with two ollvak to each. After tha throw them in the traab!” With t 0 8 T —PoUce puppy, tan, black palm and odJuaU wetoiMa akpert- NEW HOME, 881 Parker street. bartender had mixed ’em up, flip- eggs under a bush to my garden rich Ul(e Perclval Brawa; 1 1940 Buick Coupe CONintBTE Contractor. iqaaoD ly at raaanaabie priiwe. Opon non. Write Bex E Herald. 4 rooms and > unanlahed. aoaed 7778. Whan Btoek la Yriilto heavy tread, I 'took the stair. My ta li wUU cheat, named Tippy. work and '.andscapUig. V. Bal- MATTRESSES Toui old nuA- H tha world Is topgy-turvy. pad two olivet In each cocktail and the nei^t day I let him see me lutven't a big car or a fin# houaa. 1939 Buick Sedan Tburaday aveeiag 185 Spnioa brooMwsyi attae*ied garaga, l»- erring 'son lay raadlng there. I gather them. I wasn't bothered But I cannot Uve without yuul CaUld'a pat Phone 7BM. luecL Phone 3-1601. tress aterUiaao and romade *ilka NORTH COVENTRY-1 hqve a Tha rtason now la.claar; glow and poured ’em out, the snatchad-4be Iwk frmn out bis after that. atmat Pbode 8-df87. - aUlatad, Sreplaoe..opan stairway, nice comer lot with n well on the hone Bwallowod hia drinks In Her anna stole around hia nock, 1940 Pontiac Sedan new. CaU Joeaa FunUturs and WANTED—By veteran, a piano, large modm kitchen, oak Soora, A pillow salasman told me hand, and paddled him to beat tha ALTERATIONS, kitchen cabinets Floor Ooearlag. 86 Oak. TsL 8- raasonably priced. Can 8r80lL property. IkO’ foontage, 250* That down Is up this year. quick Bueceaslon, paid his bUl, and and her Upe whispered In bis ear; 1936 Ford Coach copper ptutabliig. hot water oil band. And than atayad up till half- Maybe figures don’t lie, but gir­ She—I love you, too, darting, and remodeling, garagee copi- 1041. Gsrien—Fans—ObIty deap, or If Interested In more nice said, “Good afternoon, gentleman !** past two; to road' that dog-gooa pleted or partially built, wl£h a heat, baaamant diower, basement land I can aell you up to 4 acres. • ; -iK V ’ ».! W " and walked out dles and bras keep a lot of them but-r-where la this man Brown. RIDERS Wanted U State Capltot 3 Profia^ 80 laundry, Venetian oUnda. comic through.—Karl Floater. front telling the truth.—Grit. Working houra, 5:S0 to 4:80. GORMAN MOTOR SALES aubatantial saving by Sniahlng FURNITURE Repaired, roSalab- Boomo Witbost Bmird 88 For further information enll Alice Thq axclamatiba marie is M n g Drunk—Say, Isn’t that a bit un­ yourself. Phone 2-2576. ed. Chairs reseated E C. Naafe. dlscardad bacaOM ppoplS aran’t usual? Wher you’re away tha prloa of n iaae 6845. 285 Main Street PICK Tour own ab*Wberrlea, 88e LAAg e r o o m , Bultabla for one DUPLEX 8 and 8. Newly decor­ Oarapet. 4998 or 8-0880, or Mr. Boa 88. 714 North llalB stroot quart Naw lot good 'ptektag. Mitten 6080. surprlaad at anything thasa days. Bartender-No, I frequently put Thera la A dose TlyUp Ba- Under the “Fair Deal." guess accomodations approximating what Telephone 7220 or two. Good location. CaU, 8- ated. 2-car garage. Landscaped —Exchange. two eliveg to a Martini. twaan Earnastnaaa And Earnlngy who will have to pay the fare! you enjoy at home is prohlbitlvik 8BWIN0 Machlnaa aapartly ra> Florists—Narseries 15 Paaqiiallnl Farm, Avory atrast 8813. grotiads. Bariy occupancy. Cash pa'rad or adjusted. Reasonable Wapplng. required, 88.000. Madeline Smith, OXFORD STREET—Lo|, 100 x intee. Work guaranteed. Call Open Monday, Wednesday Privato InstnMtinw S8 164. Buyer may purchase 70’ or TRANSPLANTED annual and TO RENT — Furnished ..rooms, Realtor. 8-1642 or 4678. aUCRKY FINN An AccompUccI LANA LKUNAKO 8171, or evenings 2-9419. and Friday Evenings vegetable plants, nardy plantA AUTO DRIVING, duai oontiM. STRAWBERRIES. Pick you f oam, ^tchen privUagea. Private an- 80' frontage. Madeline Smith, evergreens, shrubs and fruit AAA earttSed tostruetor. Eal- 35c quart Euttar, Route 86, TeL trance. second iioor. FiVe mlnutsk HOLUSTnCR S'l'REBT — Veesmt Realtor. 3-1648 or 4670. CAN rOU USB 8100 cash? Join trees. Woodland OardenA John lard's Drtvliig eebooL CM: 8-8868. 8182. ookmiaL Sreplace, tils bath. lava- NOW THEN, T SHE «R6 HGAPM6 INTO WHAT EUPLANATION Watklaa Brothen Kelvtnator 1987 CHEVROLET. Good running from Main. 188 Eldridge straat CLEARED LOT — Convenient to condition. Reasonable price. Call J. Zapadka, 168 Woodland street tety, hot water oU heat, electric BRECKEN \ TOWN, CHCF-AMD fitSlJ OOSHE0 VETOU Kasb Kontaat Nothing to buy, 8'PRAW BERRIES Pick yrour ATTRACTIVELY fttmlalied room. stove, •aeredna, storm windows, school and bus. Cify water avail­ Call at store, phone 0171. or 7788. Phone 84 <4. own and bring eontnlnara, 85e able. Price 81.100. MadellM -WHArSTNE WEILOCiaDTNEROlAO •FORKtNe'WAY Manical— DiBEMtlc St Conveniently located at 18 John­ large screened rear porch, tare- STORY ON /ANDTHOUGHT SHE MAS OUTHEfOE-AT /CAME OUT HOE FOR write for entry blank. Kontest TOMATO PlanU, peppers egg quart PaaelU, Birch 'Mountain son Terrace. 1 minute from Mein car garage, 811800. Offers con- Smith, Realtor. 2-1643 or 4079. ^ Cleese June 80th. plant, celery, early cabbage, let­ PIANO TUNINO. rogaira, raeoa Road. HER? 460IN6TOHrTUS-IUT THREE OUOCK A A DRIVE • AUME/ . / 1936 CHEVROLET, 8150. 91 dlUonlBg. etc. Joka Goekorham, ...I.—— . atreet. Phone i848. aldered. Thelma Jeffriea Eecott, V Doane street. tuce, acters, einnia, snapdragont, PICK YOUR own atrawborrios, Agent. Phone 8883. TWO LOTS on Oakwood Drive, SHE STOPPED JUST rHEMORNMGt salvia, petunia, etc. At Oder- 28 Bigelow etroot Phono 481A > AatoOHibilM For Sale 4 naw bed. 86c quart Bring your 8650 each. Phone 2-4204. MTNC* JONES SERVICE SALES mann'a Greenhouse, 504 Parker own contaiaem. Paul ghetto Busiseas f 821.16 A MONTH tion. 8850. Call 2-1120. pairing roofs of all kinds, also Must have driver's Ucense. Apply IMMEDIATE Occupancy, 0-room BOLTON—5 and bath down: 8 in person oqly. 459 Hartford Then You Can Afford To Own single homy built 0 years. Priced unfinished up 'J flrepiacey open 1989. OE SOTO, new tires, front new roofa. Outtei work. Chim­ Summer Homer for Bent 67 neys cleaned aqd repaired. No Road. 8 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS OF fo r quick sale at $8,800. Down stircsoe; bnaeboard rmdtation; end, battery, rear and, valve Job. BusiiwM Services Offered 13 BRAND NEW FURNITURE payment, 81.800. For a ^ ln t - ell -H. W neat; 2-car attached Job too small or Uuga. Good BOOK MATCHES bring dally INDIAN TOWN. Saybrook— Five IbiceUent condition. For further Which Conslata of tha Following: room cottage white stucco, on ment call Howard R. Hastings, garagy Many sxtray Very rea­ Information can 5219 after tin. CHIMNEYS and Sreplaccs dean- work, fair pHca Free esUmataa. profit You'U nmke more money sonable. Many ottaera Ceom 4 to Call Howiey, Manchester 5861. A 3049 ’TVestinghouao” Electric Mohican TraU. Call 3-9475 until Real Estate Speciallat, 480 Mato ad and repaired. Brick work with our Union Label bo^ match Refrigem tor a 1949 Bengal Com­ street. Odd Fellows Bldg. (A t 8 roomy Suburban Raalty Co.. Une; nearly 100 color combina- 6 p. m. Friday. Owner on GUARANTEED USED CARS pointed up. ?S years' experience. bination Range; a handaomo Mod­ premisea Saturday and Sunday. the Center). Phone 3-1107. Raaltory 40 Perkuu atroat TeL Mancheeter Chimney Experts. tiona. 1949 portfoUo—224 pages em Bedroom Suite: a pretty ‘8-Pe. 8215. Clorinc In BY V. T. HAMLIN 84 Ford Coupe 60 Phoos 2-0348. Free estlmateA Roofing^Rcpinlring IfiA of seOtog dynamite. Free. Su HENRY STREET, near Princeton ALLEY OOP 87 Packard Sedan...... 190 Living Room Suita; a gorgooua CAPE COD, Falmouth. B-room FEATURL40 Guaranteed roofs perior Match, 7536 Greenwood, 5-Pc. Dinette Set, Tablea, Luipe. cottage. Screened porch, privato street. Ideal location. Good 0- r P o r o o BAD , _ 89 Chryalar ...... 595 RADIO — Electrical Appliance Chicago 19, lU. room housy oU burner, two-car YVaatc6-.Rcal BsUt* 71 89 Packard ...... 695 and expert repairs as waU as Ptetuma and many other ttonu to beach. AvaUable for July and Dunr ANDUND ServtcA repalre picked up and gutter and conductor work. Try complete your home. last two weeks of August. Man­ garaga. Can owner 2-0684. 61 Buick 985 daUvered promptly.'- 20 years' CUNSIDIOUNU aiO XlN O 61 Fard Dump ...... 395 your “ Local Roofar." CaU Cough­ Dogs— Bffd^—Pete 41 ' YOU PAY 831.1« ONLY TO US chester 3-4469. experience. John Maloney. Phone lin 7707. Net to any bank, not to any TOUR eROPBRTT 3 ^ . 46 Dodge ...... 1295 2-1046. 1 Walnut Btreet Without ooiigatloo to voa wo 46 Hudson ...... 985 DOG FOODS, supplies and aecas- finance company. AU tranaacUons SIX ROOM SINGLE are with ua alone. Privately end Wantefi la Real 69 will appraise or make voa a eaoii 46 CadUlac ...... 1685 VENETIAN Blinds. All types Boriep. Hand plucking, bathing, jffet for proparty. Saa oa baforo 48 Stndebaker Conv...... 1985 made to ofdar, aiao raconditlon- Heatlag— Phraibing 17 dipping and cUpplng of doga DeraonaUy with a furniture ergan- ixatlon who has. bken in htulncsa WANTED—hive nt six room house vou sclL 46 Packard ...... 1985 ing. Beat quality. Flndall Manu- Kennel Supply Shop, 995 Mato Four down, two up. Furnace Phona 7728 Or SHS STEAM, Hot water and hot air stroat Telephone 7 4278. for over 40 veera. or apartment for family of four factUTlng Co., 485 Middle Turn­ heating- Van Camp Bros IPheae adults and 1 year old child. Pbone hemt. Good location. This is g MANY OTHERS pike Eaat uau 4865. NO CHARGE FOR STORAGE BKAE-BURN REALTY 4-18 5244. Regerdleae o f time, we will hold 4SC3 bgrgain. Asjdng price $8,500. EAST TERMS TROPICAL Fish, plants, tar READY To SeUT Bfog the »aU at UP TO 24 MONTHS ALL APPLIANCES aanriead and and accessqrlee. We now have these 3 rooma until yon are ready Just the thing for a G. I. See EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ for detiverv. ENGINEER AND wife desire Uanebaetor 8314. Ed. W. Kra- repaired, bnmare, refrtgerstorA ing. Plugged drains machine new all plastic tanks. KeUYe fully furn shed apsrtment. R. H. senica. Suburban Realty Co., 1949 PACKARD ranges, wasbera, ate. AH work Aquarium, 26 Sunset street. FOR INFORMA’nON IN DETAIL DEMO. — SAVE 600 cleaned. Carl J. Nygren. Phone 0 PHONE 6-0358 Webster. 2-4204. Renitory 49 Perkins streat "Tho fifBney olnt u a aittor for Junior— ho dooon’t guarantacd. Uatro Sanrlea Co. 6497. Phone 5705. Open 'tU 9. STUART J. WASLEY TeL Hanchaatar 2-0888. 9:00 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. Rhiy I h matchoa. dots ht?” ‘ COCKER Spaniels, all colors, ons WANTED—5 or 6 room house or State Theater Building BRUNNER'S GENERAL Repairs, Jobbing, rw- A—Lr—rB—E—R—T—S Vartm ent. vicinity o f Manches­ .SHHi: GLANCES , BY GAI-BRAITH LINOLEUM - Asphalt tUA erall female ColUe. A.K.C. Very rea­ 43 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD Phone 6648 Or 7146 BY DICK TURNER I 858 Eaat Center Street modsitog, watar piping, dsap and ter, by reliable party with two I'WSMS IS Villi, ■■ ■ ..1.11 ■■■ sqi iq CARNIVAL FRECKLES AND UlS FRIENDS ______Caruso Of Croon BY MERRILL C BLOSSER Open Mon., Wed., Pn. Evenings covartng. Docs by roUabla, waU- shallow wail pumps, gas ana sonable. Phone 7724. Open Thureday TU 0:00 P. M. children. Call Hartford 8-8251 Sports in Brief , and Set. Afternoon trained OMn. Ail Jobe guaranteed. etectile automatic water boaters Any Evening Appointment week days between 9 y m. and 4 Gosu, MS NAMe~^/cuT ir SiaarTlLUCiM. NcfT UlS Hall Linoleum Co., 82 Oak etrast Phone 5191 available. Prompt aervtco. Ed I,ive Stock—Vchirtofl 42 Gladly Arranged p. m. SINGUE HOMES in every eectlon By The Associated Press WAS_ON D « DF OF our.wjKL Oft -iDUu. THinjc BROIMi Pbons 2-4022. evenhiga 6166. ward W. Jbhnson. Phone 8979. After 0:30 P. M. Phene 4-4620 of Mancheeter ranging from 87.- MV 'kM eue- NOW ■tar YOO'Fff A , HKjr TM6 NOUr, 3889 PONTIAC 8. Four-door WANTED—4 - 3 room apartment 500 on up, Immeolato occupancy OoU DONT nus«4 Me/ PRerzEu' PAL. We'FE sedan. Good eondlUon, 8475. Can MATTRESSES Re-made and eter- WANTED—RRR'-A-BRAC. fuml- on aU, from 4 to 11 rooms. T. J. Columbus, Ohio — Marllynn OUR WAY Uixed, Uke new. w% call tor and PCX3GIE A PETERMAN at S'Jl GUERNSEY COW, asw milk. ture. antiques Ole Mill Trading or house in Manchester or vicin­ he seen at 435 Middle Turnpike Hilliard street, wlU do your Phone 2-3212. ity. by veteran, wifs and small Crockett, Broker. 5418. Smith of U. of Kansas defeated Bast Phone 7566. deUver anywhere Frank Falk. 42 Pest. 17 Mapla street. Ptaeac Grace Lenesyk of John B. Stet­ plumbing and heating, oil burner 3-1089. child. Writs Box WY, Herald. South Main street Colchester. work. SklU ecd satlsfacttpn. Call TWO-FAMILY duplex, 8 .5 , one son U., 3 and 3, to win the 1989 PLYMOUTH two-door, re­ Conn. Phone Oolcbester 460. Poultry and Supplies 43 furnace, will decorate reasonably. Women's IntercollegisJe champion­ built; motor. No ressonable offer RockvlUs 3162 or Mancbeater 2- WE BITT and eeU good used fuml- 9404. Rusinefls Property for Sale 70 Full pricy 87.500. Frank P. ship. refused. 828 Adams street. ANTTQIIEIS ReOnished Repairing r o t m h Freahl.v kUJed turkeya. tiiro. noipMnetkif! rangoA gae Andls, 858 Adams street. Tel. dons on any fumltuTA Tiemann. ranges and naetera loner Pumi- Detroit — Csry Middlecoff of 16 to 20 lbs, 69c per pound. GROCERY STORE and 11-room 6658. Memphis took a two-strokw lead 189 South Mala atreet Phone Phoae Manchester 7733. ture Store. 86 Oak. Phene 2-1041 house with two-car garage. Only 1987 FORD 85 club coupe, R. and 5648. MilHnory— nreeemaliliMt I t NORTH END—6-rooms, seml-alr in the Motor City open with a H, 8885. CaU 2-0596. store within half mile rad us and four-under-par 07. WALNUT Modem bedroom aet. located to Manchester. Store does condition, oil heat lot approxi­ KAUtO Servteltg Dependable low Wanted—Peta- •Poultry— mately 85 X 200. Price 810,500. SPECIAL. 1947 Sportsman Ford cost and guaranteet.. A.B.C Ap ALTERATIONS made on all gar­ Reasonably 74 Jensen street. an axcellant bustoosa. Consider­ ments. Reasonable. CaU 2-4870. Stork 44 Frank P. Andie, 858 Adams LondoiF—Ted achroeder o f La eoavartible, radio, heater. 81,250. pUance, 21 Maple street 2-1575 SIX DIFFERENT styles corner able cash necessary. T. J. TSmiA Call 6950. Crockett Broker. Pbone 4516. street. TeL 6658. Croscenta, Calif, and Gardner w a n t e d —Cowy calves and beef china cabinets completely in- Mulloy of Miami gained the final * LAWNMOWERfi sharpened, re­ sUUed. Call 2-2676. 353® PONTIAC 8 four-door sedan. paired, hand and power Washing Morins—Truckint— cattly -alao uoracs. We pay the LAKE WILLIAMS Shores—Wln- round in the Queens Club Tourna­ The Dafanae Ritats BY AL VERMEB^ top dollar. Plela Droa 364 Bid- terixed 4-nom oottage with PRISCILLA’S PUP A-1 condiUon. 49 Oxford street machines repaired Pick up and Storas* 30 House* for Sale 72 ment. Phone 6923. well street. BREAKFAST SETS.. etovey raia- Homart hot water heater and Racing '" AND THERE iME waS._ Jellvery. Friendly Flxli Shop. Tel ceManeous used furniture.' Rail­ 39 BLDRIDOE street near Main. pumm^flreplace. 86,500; at wall SNITCHINQ (DOKtES AFTER 4777. ASHES. Rubbish removed. Cel- road salvage 167 Middle Turn­ Coceanport, N. J. — A ir Attack (art, yards and attics cleaned. On the market foi the first time, os partially flnislied 4-room cot­ (810,000) won featueed Kingston VOU TOL 3988 CHEVROLET 4-door eedan, Arlirirs for Salt 45 pike Bast Monday through Fri­ a two-atory tingle dwelUng o f 6 tage overlooldng water, 83.200. l>h.-LONU’S refrigeration service Dump truck for hir« Sand. loam, day 6-9, Saturday 9-9. Purse at opening at Monmouth 88OO0 Phone 6563. Repairs ,on ail makes, commer­ gravel. 8U and stony James DON’T LET the heat get you, a nice roomy Beautifully landscap­ June epeclal on building lots. Park’s 47-djiy meeting. cial and domestic. 34-houi aerv- Mactl. Phooc 4528. ed lot, approximately 10’ front. Come out Sundays. 10 a> m. until e v e r y c a r must go at a fair power mower purchased at papi- RUDD Automatic hot water heat­ General Ice. Phon.< 2-1791 tol Bkjuipipient, 38 Main street, er. Monel 80-gallon tank. Used Property is svailable for Immedi­ dark. O tfeo located on Pine Prito. 1947 Ford sportsman con­ LIGHT TRUCKING. HslMon ate occupancy and pricad for street between Route 6-A' Colum­ Winner, S. D.—Mickey Owen, re­ vertible, 81,495; e beautiful car, may save your Ufa. Liberal trade- one year. For Propane gay Call cently reinstated in organized base­ ACtXJUNTANT. CompleU ac­ pick-up trick No ashey no 2-4394. quick aala. Robert J. Smith. Inc., bia and Route 207 Lebanon. 1947 Ford eedan; 1941 Buick counting service and tax work. in allowance on your old mower. ball with other Mexican League rubbish Phone 2-1275 or 6298. Term s 963 Main street Phone 8450. Thelma Jeffriea Eecott. Agent. Jumpery said he would Join the sedan. 1940 Ford two-door. 1940 CaU 2-3329. USED Combination gaa and elec­ Mancheeter 8683. DeSoU coupe, 1C37 Chrysler THE AUS-nN A. Chsmbers Co., FOUR TWO-family dwaUingy one Brooklyn Dodgers Tuesday. LAWN Mowurk, hand and power, ADJUSTABLE yrtlst's Uble, 3- tric raagey Breakfast sets and Los Angelcs--^lympie star Mel sedan. AU care lun good. TCrme locsl moving, packing, crating piece living room sat, maple mlseallaneoua furnltury. Chsm­ four-family. Each wlU have an •ad trades arranged. Franklin sold, sharpened, repaired. Pick and storage service to all parts apartment vacant Ranging in Chareh Lengne Patton scored firsts In the 100 and up and delivery Keys made Saws dinette, ’ rug, cooking utenslle, bers Warehouse Sales. Msnehes- Motora, 658 Center street. Phone of the U. S. A. and Canada. CaU pressure cooker, dishes, boy's bi­ tor Green. CaU 5187. price from 813,000 to 815,500. 220 as Southern California led in 2-9981. Sled. Capitol Equipment Co., 88 5187. T. G. Crockett Broker. Phone Ceator Conxoe (12) qualifying for the NCAA track cycle. Make an offer, leaving Sat­ and field championships. Mato, Mynehestoi Phono 7958. urday. 256 Autumn. 3-4259. ICK BOX. aU porcelain Inside, 100 5416. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 1848 CHEVROLET Fleetmsster LAVELt’S Bhiprets light trunking Steckel, cf .. . .4 2 2 8 0 0 New York—Lt. Col. Umberto FLOOR Problems solved with pounds ice capacity. Three burn­ two-door, 81,495; 1947 Chevrolet and delivery. Weekly or monthly MEN'S Rebuilt and relaslM ahoes er kerosene stove with oven, $10 SIX ROOM older housy two extra Johaaon, 2b . j 2 2 1 1 0 De Martinto of Italy won the Na> . 4-door eedan, very clean, 81,295; Unoleuin, asphalt tUe counter. rubbish routes invited. Man­ loty 88,800. Beautiful 4H rooms, CTarke, 8b . . ..4 2 2 0 2 2 tlonal Saber champioiulMp. Miss » a i V lt KLIN1 The Whist! HI MM MAEL U'MAI.LEY AND RAI4*H LANE Expert workmanship, tree aatl- chester 2-3290. Higb and low. Bettor than cheap each. 47 Cottage street. Call 2- 1947 Chverolet FleeUlne sedan. naw ones- Sam Tulty Shot Re­ 1614.. on laige lot two rooms partly Crosby, c ...... 3 3 2 8 2 0 Polly Craus of Holywood won the 81,846. AU cars fully equipped. matey fpen avaningy Jonas finished. Reduced for quick eale. i(rf,iceiCA6 vouT I TwiUtY THE V * ? ' I MANtTIES'l'EK Package delivery pair Shop 701 Main streeu Saari, lb .. . ..4 2 2 11 0 0 woiqan's title with a 0-7 vlctoi-y "Junior (MnH an}ey thia latt album aa waH aa ha did tRLM wurnra CU,1ACICY Y7 I MOWW \ Imw mileage. Many others. Doug- Furniture, Oak '! street Phone LAUNDERALL Automatic wash­ Six-room singly aide screened Spencer, rf ... . 3 1 0 0 0 0 over Mry Maxinne Mitchell of **Why didn’t you toll tho d ^ o r you cant 9tart on a dial It m docKiTM DoaotrrjMiNK ^ las Motor Sales, 383 Main street 2-1041. Local light trucking and package porch, garage, newly painted, aoma o? tha ethara— thia last ana had tha unbraakabla nil iMraaNnip A-1 BLACK Loam. 4 yards. 818 er. Two years old. Excellent cen- Anderegg, rf . . 1 0 1 0 - 0 0 Pasadena. new? Do you want to offand our naw dealt?** « - 1H8 M O tfr PNonij OVERWINi A W t delivery. Refngeratory washers Quarry wall stone, 4 yards 820. 811.500. Four-room eingle, two raaerda. yoQ knewr* GUARANTEED repair oarvtce on and stove moving a specialty. dlUon. Can 8563. Blggerstaff, ee 4 0 1 2 4 0 MOOMY^ waahery irony toastery electric 'Flat 8eid sUne, 4 yaroy 816. unflnisitod. Corner lo t 81(k500. Moeely, If .. . .2 0 0 1 0 0 OU’I OUR WAY HV J. K WILLIAMS OUR BUARDING UtU'HE with MAJOR. HtNIPLE 1987 PONTIAC coupe. Good con­ Phoae 2-0752. WELCH Cabinet, chairy atudie Otll ogont 7702. dition, reasonable. Inquire 617 clocky VMuums. etc Reasons Die Aiao Bolton buUdlng stona and Nell, If ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Notices flagatont.. Bolton Notcb Quarry couches. Btqvea, small pool table, 0 OH. YbU LOOK WC HAVENTT.' write MOOS PUBLIC 8AHf-fH» PRAaiMG North Main street pnoey A.B.C. AppUancy. 21 KUBBISH ano amirt removed In- FOR lALX—4-5-0 and-Ti.voom Rritler, p ...... 2 0 0 0 8 FOR « { £ l k i s fnK sv ctoerators cieaneo. Sand, graval Phona t-0617. Stanley Patnods garden tools, mlsceUsneous U4ms. AT A COODT OP PROBATC held JUST CARRyiN& OURG EKPBCT5 6A S m - OPYDuBaeaH-mEO Maple street 2-1675. Bingley pricad from 87,500 up. St Manchester within and for the lo n g b k .« a l l .' polyooohsha * 1989 PLYMOUTH two-door. Good and otodara. Van aervice and ‘ Afternoony evenings. The Wood­ Totalsh ...... 82 12' 12 21 14 3 x m ROYAL Portable typewriters and shed, 11 Main street We have some excellent-new sin­ District Of Manchestsr; on the 11th PROM NOW O N w e v u ^ AFTER that RADIO HOMoenePFBCT condition. Bargain for reasonable HAIHU need fixing T Have It 1 local moving Pbone H IL Jones SootJi Methodist ( t ) day of JunS, A.D., 1S4S. B e s o B usy lookim ' ofbr. 55 Winter atreet oalred by experts Pick-up aei. 3-18S2, 2-3072. adding machines Used tyrpewnt gles. Mortgages arranged. Imme­ Pressnt. JOHN J. WALLETT. SH0V),MA30RA OHMStUAlO A ‘ v < ; era and adding machines sold ot 30-GALLON automatic oil hot diate occupancy. Phone Manches­ AB R. H. PO. A. E. FOR SNAKES IN OURfi, icy guaranteed work. ScU eheck- H. Geer, es-cf .810-802 Judss. . MCU. KETCH UF (ZOODTIMBTO , CASH OF BirTBRS 19to FORD V-8 H-ton paneL rented. Repalre on ali makes water heater. Perfect condition. ter 7728 or 8373. Brae-Burn. Bstsls of Jessie W. Bldwoll. late nt HmViCMOVHHL MUUU ^ IS I5e home. Q u radloe MarioW s Reasonable. Tel. 8265. NlchoU. 3b ___ 3 0 0 1 4 0 Msnehsster In said district, dscessed. vs/rm u s .' G008 tires, naw paint very good QMctalty. MaiuUiester Rad t o Pflintinir— Paperiat 31 5IAN(7HE8TER — 178 Avery A. Whitney, lb 8 1 3 7 0 0 Upon application of said Jeaala W. m& HCADAXTU ta m tu o tt.* motor. Priced for quick aaly CSU Servlcy 78 Birch atroat Phone 6-FOOT tElectric refrigerator, to E. Geer, c .... 3 0 1 1 0 9 Bidwall praying that she be restored OHB ------INTERIOR and Exterior paint­ TOP 8 0IU atone for fireplace and Street Five roomy aunporch. 8-OTSS, or Inquire 113 Eldridge. 2-0840. walk. Dry welta inatalled. Phone good condition, 140. Also a fsw breeseway, attached garage, W. McCann, cf 1 0 0 1 0 0 to iMr capacity, tt is RX6 ing. Paperhanging a specialty. antiquay tabisa and chairy t Speed, r f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 ORDERED; Tlist the foregoing ap­ IlNMIlOltS: CIMRKE MOTOR SALES wOl be Free estlmatee. Fred E. Lauritaen 5305. landscape 16t 90 x 240. QuaUflea plication be beard and datenninad at epea aU day Sunday this week' Jsneka atroat East Hartford. for top mortgage. Madeline Towle. If ...... 8 0 1 3 0 0 tha Probate office In Manchester In BoooghoM Serriees 104 Homeatead street. Phone 2 BY l KSU* rU M N B I and uatfl 0 p .m . Cbme la and 0058. Smith, Realtor. 3-1642 or 4670. R. Wtaltney,rf-2b3 0 0 1 0 0 ■aid Olptrtct. on the MIh day of Juno, WASH IIIHKS la Law Kaaky Wrong? Offered 13A GIRL’S Tennis racquet and pidlng FOR SALE — Used Glenwood Slover, 3b-es . . 8 0 0 1 2 0 AD., IMS, at tap o’clock (d.s.t.) In the btowaa around. Wa have them boots, slM 5>i. Tel. 4353 range, 4 burnery even and forenoon, and that notice be given to aNADpM»'.ir BUT Hr-aawMitPMOw i W from 880 up. Tw« 10S6 Dodge INTERIOR and Exterior painting SIX ROOM Cape end. 2 unfintah- E. McCann, p 2 . 9 0 1 0 0 JALL RUT ano Gordon. Ibipartn roaatar, in good condition. Two- ed. Hot water host copper all parsons Intereatea In sold estate v o u a o n e w r Y i« Monay M M wonan ai iwn 9«Bcnoii.opfMMl aedany 81M aseh; 1941 Olds, 6- and paperhanging Oet m'y free ZENITH PerUble; radio with an- of the peadehey 'ef taU applieaUen and ■lYHffFMWb iinrnm momoooaeoi •T-J MMMNtt for lug ano upaoisttry shampoo­ tone grey'enamel. Phone 4854. plumbing, large lot 'arltn 3-car Totals . 26 3 4 18 0 3 the thaa and plaro ot haaring tbSraon. o w io a iT ii S-oyltndkr. hydraasatic; U47 ing Oompiatt homo ano offioa estimate on your work. Raymood tenna. Run on A. C. or D. C Very TMATFaCMWt (tHIMtaiP #0M8I|0W Olds aadaitatto, 2-toay grey end Flaks 2-9287. garagy Reduced price. 2-8883. Intogs: by pubitahlag a copy of. this order tn rieonlng. AU ktada af odd Jobs reasonable. Call 2-9248: MAOIC.^anar, gag rango, . . . 300 000 0— 3 aeaat nswspapar haelsg a ctmilafloa Wue; 1941 Cbevratot two-door ceUent condition, reasonable. MethodUt .... In said dtstrtet. at laaat fire days be­ 4840.Phone 2-9087 or ■Mancheeter ■ n w -s e r *-2- to exc SIX ROOMS, In good condiUen. Oongoe ...... 850 021 X—12 YOU) mdm, clean; 1987 DeSoto, 4- CHARBONNEAU House paint­ DRILL PRESS. 8 " circular saw. aftentoons and evenings. 11 screened perch, garage. SO-day fore the Car of said heartng, to appear WRUMT* door ■aitan 'WtU accept your old ing. Interto', exterior. Paper Bander. CaU 2-1696. or toqulra 66 Main street. occupancy. CXah required, 83,500. Runs batUe In. Johnson (2 ), If they see eaupe at asM tlma and place ^»U U l ^ car for trade-in. Clarke Motor WBAVINU M buray moth hanging, floor sanding and refla- Middle Turnpike West. Crosby, Saari, Spencer, Bigger- and ha beard relative thereto, ana ishlng. Call 3-9575 or 7-2805. Madeline StO D O tekltor. 2-1842 staff, A. Whitney, Towle; two-base make return to tbla court, nnd by Sklqy tooad street, Mancheeter. and to n booiary runs WHITE Comblnatloa oil and gas or 4679. mailing to a registered letter on or be­ rangt with Lynn DeLuxe bunt' hity Johnaon, Crosby, Clarke; h^haga cepalreo, upper n - CALL G. FICKBTT for toslde and Bosts an6 Acmsorlcs 46 fore June 21. IPU, a copy of this Order FORD,' imdio, heater, new umbraUaa repaired. cry used 8 months. Prloa reason HILLiARD STREET— AttracUva thraa bass hlty Saari; hmpe runy adayaasad to The • Manchester Truet m outslda patoUng. paperhaisging. Johnson; stolen bases, E. Ooer, Company, Consarvator, Manchester. in' good ooBditloa. • iBlrt colterH rtn im il — A JOHNSON Sea Horae meter ably Call 2-4475. four-reein ain|^ Hot air bkat, CantO 4488 ■ftor S. ganerai carpentry work. Pros Clarke; double, plays, KHiler to lUrtow's uttl« llw tlnt •MtasaUa giroa. Men lasanfi. WtU make your vacation eem- ell huriwr, exooUant condition. JO iO f 4 . W ALLBTT;. Judge. x m & Tmmodlata oeeupaney. Don’t foU Crosby to Saar; baaao on baUy IsiL 19U Pbone 4306. platy tmmadlato doBvesy, easy 63 paymanty Ws buy, aalL axchongo to inapeet thJa toal buy,. 87J00. McOahn 8, Kabtor 1; atrikaouty 1887 Fold tw ^ •iJtT V1NUB HoUaaO srtndow on ly $1,800 down payment. Wm. McCann 1, Kehlar 1: wild pHehey “ ipo, claaii can. PAINTING and paperhangtog. and repair. A few used motors on R O T om X E R for hire, lawns and Read Herald Advs. «H.lKa MT. ahaflis made to maasun. Keys First clasp work. Reatonably gardens. Call Manchester 6144, Goodchild, Sr., Office IS Forest McCa-rn 1; umplrey Edwards cvaftaaT* M ete«4 4X84. made, while raa waR. lU rieW y liand from 835 up (Tipitol Equip- _____ V;______THE SETBAOC ocicafi. i i fia k y Phoas »-9178i. mcot. 88 Mala sUoet. or Hartlord S-7185. street 7925 or 889U (SiappeU. -Hvi- ; . ' \ I N A.*::*-'. ' ■ • . 'f , 'f c ■■ 8ATU1DAY, JUN* II, IWt 4 liuirlr»ater Cpm itis IfmiUk u - Doily Nst Press I Tin Wssttsr irtp .a wieOrt way .lata the High Bchoal • thia I iioatharMar.iii W r week. Far mmm unknown aSMOta PflHdi Wdtli< $1,000 Given i : m dtao og the Mggar baea fbund his A i tYown Along Main Street way Into eno special dtaasroom 9J25 and doddod to root momantorlly For Nursing ' «kaMtlMa^t«wttwTlW eeedlitadl>nim And on Somm o f ManehmuT* Sidn Siroelf, Too Ota a female student Sho aeraamad O w fii ■ ( ▼•nMti.iota, v ^ a c a in' IoUgo waa that yell ter?” asked Manehoslor^A CUy o f VIttoga Charm taonltpMtlm t n :Man* tite tiT Sdacirtioiifll Q ab Con- e t t f t ar. Ttm affair repUed. "A boo Just atung Iqr tin Con* I t ain’t often X get talto townaiplatol, and he i^pparentiy f d t that wuv poMoaelon would not ha wel- to.” tributefl Part o f Saleaof MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY* JUNE 20. 1949 (FOURTEEN PAGES) . P|UCB FOUR < Fttanr and Druano^ on Sunday,” aald our farmar Wheraitoon the teacher Informed VOL. LZVnL* NO. 221 •ad wOl ba niKdi ^ friend early thla week aa are met corned at home. her that "tho bee always goes ter Eaater Scab aa laat yaar. wffh him on Mato atraet “Thla Sun­ At any rate, for many weeka, the ‘honey' o f the claaa.” OcicM In CantorCanUr raPart m day, though, I had to come to he would appear each monitog The rooult a five aaiauto ova­ It waa announced at tho meeting S 5» * ? t SoT m, wito the wife who got a alatar-ln- near the rear of the SUte theater tion from the dart of the Manchester PlibUc Heatta GciiGi^ !View of Rash Flood Reprats Denial a yarada aad law hda a daughter la get tin’ her. and pick up hia idatol from ita Nursing Association this arert Urgies States m tto Amory. Dandiut win ftrt- apecial hiding place. Each night that a check for $1,000 had been, Ev^ Saturday Niflkt Truman Asks Solons baby baptUed.” A'Herald neighbor called toyea- low tho avoninf . Ha pauaed and atratched hia he would hide it again. te r ^ aftentoon to report ilie U received froth.' the Educational Secrets Given Now he haa either found a. now Club. , Worry About Iba aurriaca od -aermon though." spider ft her home Thursday by 1 ToGubitchev Ghariaa J. "What waa it aboutT" we art- at home that made him hide the aUo_Joted to tho Manchester Public Own Bfudgets Baitford. wffl taka gun. tSiflA . She aays ahe had Just Health Nursing Association to hsip 20 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPECIALS For Welfare Agency ed« sat down to read The Herald when ^rnoon 4 o'cto^ to 8C Mwrjr* “ Uaual thing. Heaven and hell, their arort for the prevention, de-| Kptaoopal church. sn d d ^ a shiny thing.leaped on ■taction and .m irdof tuberculoeto. Jndith Coplon Abo Tes- gaema thla mtolatar thtoka they It ia underatandablo that with her chest and slid down'her dtafea nUnob Governor Soys ain’t placca. but oondltlona. Ha both policemen a^d mailmen Through the Chest g lnlc run by ■tiuM Maadtaatar boya, HoraM wearing tropical'helmets, some­ on the Inside. thia association and AH Government Coats tifim Rnisian Never w BlBaaU of •• Fairtlald atraat lure differa from one woman I Since no one of our readers haa heard tell about the hereafter one one should mistake one for the lecvlalon wort of the Asked Ho*. for Any ^ ttobart ®. McCann of 80 Laurel other. Yesterday a small boy, his ten fo attacked for reading our Curses, many cHaea o f tub Top Mndii Wonts No As Part of Cabinet Moot, and Roy S. Turkington of time, n ila woman aald ahe could ;>aper before, this news is o f in- 'W are found ia time to make a enrol ■enrboronxb roal, ware among the ■omeUmea reach heaven and talk face upturned, greeted a man to '-A Fedieral Aid Qnarrel Goveriiment Papers gray with a "Q ^ morning, Mr. 'lenart. possible. Eariy detactloa mombera of tho fi»**“ **{"*,®*J“ to the dead. She aald It waa a acrevnlng, tho la ^ k ife rm s ua, lltos Lenatas : sates others fronj contraotiag thej fnnn the Bentley School of Ae- Policeman!” Washington. Jims 20 — (jn — place 1^1 flght.?-^ she Jumped up and down and Sn- Members and friends of Emanuel disease from —A froshaum Domecrstic Judith Ooplon repeated today bar Hecklers Howl itol HiU Within Half aSm were held y^ t^ F feik with people who had paaaed self aad her spider out of her portunity at the worship .servtca Irte Board voieed their thanks I danlal that aba aver gave govam- noon to the Beaton Opera Houee. aw ay?" we inquired. tho man’s shoulder, the boy's 0X‘ drert Her mother, quick on the ana appredation to the Educdtioo-1 g ov on er—Adlal e . Stovsnsota a f pression griiw hostye. omorrow morning ' to' meet and to Valentins A. Gu- Hour After President " t e ahe aald, but let me tell draw, aiew tho critter—the spider great Emanuel’s newly empipyod •1 dub for thla groat flr ftUtaois ■ sold today that an gov- Down Sermon Hie Mancheater BorMtlmiat you aomethtog alwaya made me Why, you aren’t a cop at all,’ of course—^arttb DDT. Neither help. g^fh wUI hold ita Inetallatlon t o ­ he saiA "you're Just trying to pariah arorker, Mias Lerctone snuAsat obsts too much sad tho Signs Long • Drimted have my doubta about theae peo­ one cd the sfqinen. would touch the Nteraon d Brortton. Mass. - Mrs. Robert'Seaman, ia.cham l Sha furthar taatiliad to har trial ner at tho Mancheater O ow it^ bluff me.” stotso. hod bettor set their on espianago chaiges that Gubit- Reoi^anization Bill To­ Monday aventog ft To clock, ple. They all cap get haaven on corpse aiid ir waa iisrept out Into Iflas Peterson to « grtehiate.of of the drivta told the board that I Czech Prelate Forced the- Wirt, and i i rtenia iOl they $800 Is atin needed to aaaka the hoiiMap to order before qusrreltog ebav naver askad her fo glva him with antartatomont numbara u Flag Day cable .this jtoat‘Week yftrd* the Brockton Bustaeas College and shout F sd i^ .ald. ever 'talk to la to heaven.” Whgt was it, aqd doei It come besldea several years of ofltoe. ex- drive a success. vanuneat sacrets. To Leave Church and day; Would Put Com­ foOoar. Mra. hWdred Rlw of N w and some of the patrtoUe cltisaaa f t is hoped that thia aura' caa be Steveasota, who has galnod moa- d by Defanse Attorney Havan, Now Bnglind regional ,'dl- Our friend undid hU collar but­ to pklrs, the lady wants to:kndw. pirirtce with the Liberty'Mittual ■’ > V merce Department in remembered the occasion, It Without a corpus delicti, we are Iiuhiraaee Company, rte has done raised befoia next falL ' tton as s Domoorstle presidential Archibald ndmar wbather her re- Return to His Palace n etor. will aaat the offleera. ton. . . , ' , calls to some an Incident on Main soorihlhty to 1852, tifld s reporter latiorshlp with the Russian engi­ "You and me know that hell at a total disadvantage. We do considerable study to voice and Work done by the nurses g Public Roads Control street of several years .ago when draniatics. She haa been aa grMter each year aad also tn MONDAY, JUNE 20 be doelmt agree with some of neer with whom ahe waa airtafod ain’t exactly rural. The/a lota of a Joker happened to pick on Flag not know if thla was Sesh or fowl of the organisation. par-| his -govwnorF coofoteiws col- kCorcb 4 was on a "peraonal basis." H n llctin ! people there Ulp 0? which I could or fine red herring. But we tive lead^ to her home pastob, i Day aa a basts for a little tun.. for the iM two years has served. iiGulsrly tn bod- years w1|fa -maifr lesgUM to demanding greater tha tiny brunette replied: FragaOk Oxeebealovakia, Jane 'W.aahington, June 20.—(JP) mention a few. But did you ever He chanced to meat a dart from prom^ad oyr qalM .to do all we are out of wort, ft anyone stiu IN THR NORTHWEST SECTION oopboi over the' sj^dtog of U. S. "Definitely.” Jrte 26—(PV—The Ceotawadat could and hero It is.' pariah -worker in the bother —President Truman today Ametito Drives once hear o f anybody teUto’ you local store aad briskly enquired^ Memorial church, Minneapolis, wishes to oontrlbute. no qiatterl maney. This to tagStaStal vtow 'af fibs otatsklrts o f MesraSoM, W. Vo* after a Saab SeeS'lou aiatei a geod petOea "Aa batwaan a man and a gevemmeat’a aacortty pollee they got a meaaage for you If the clerk was going to put out All spidera, wa Snd on Investi­ how small a sum. pleaae sand it to I ef the eeauMoity. StreaSei ostea coa he seata'aarrbuaHsg the huge buUiiag to'emrier. (AP wire- nmid?” aeked Congress to croStfoit gation, are supposed to be poison­ Mton„ where she waa . oqwotally Help the B o^ltsl Help Locsl Indsstry By Contlssliif Head F m im j at All Levels apporeatly, ttghtosa6 their ■tralght from the coal yard on the flags. Mrs. Loon Dobkto, 151 H artford! Hhteto).' . ' "Definitely,” Mias Coplon re­ tenth cabinet-rank depart­ Graliiut ous If they Uto. The Black Wid­ rospo^Me for the youth program. 'Yknrsrnmsnt to too oxpmalve guard oa Atchbiebop. Joeet Brimnrte road? Tho clerk aald "Sure”, and he In her new position at iCmanuel, fOftde peated. Beraa’e polaee today while ment—a department o f wel­ Coaerat* Work "W’ell, here cornea my wife. She er female loctrodectua mac- T d SS f * Rsper. 'Tke Need H is Not INsilBishedI at on Isvsto,” hs said. "Wo noed hurried out two flags and polos Mias Peterson will serve as Ojurch Mra Edsria Higgins loaned her| sootaomy from ths townrtlp up to Wort Never mecaeeed QttboScs weighed tha maaa- fare—and to put the Com­ TBKM8 ARRANGED flnaUy decided to quit^ gabbln’ and and set them to the.sidewalk slot. I, Sometimes can fatally bite ittaga at Oolumbia La The formaT'luatlcb depoitmant children or persons in in health. ofBce secretary, replacing Mrs. JO'^ WgahliMton. But uatU' wo can do log o t orgoouMd CaoMraalst merce department in charge' let the mlniater .go get'hia dinner. A nearby merchant'thought he haiina Afadersoa who haa served to final mutoesa meettog-oC the year j political onalsrat told the Jury ef Hartltog af the prelate at "Women never talk aerloua aft­ There aren’t suppoeed to be any of the ting a I ta bsttor job to governmont at Uh T i d l i r f ? of public roads. The plono-^ was missliqg aoaqe lovent, • ad out this capacity for the last eight and at tho close cal aad state Isveto ws ought not eight men and four women that ahe Saaday*e cathedral aervleti. T.D.COLLA er church like ua men.” Black Widows around here. But holiday foeltog prevailed whileU eth ej all told—were sent to came that merchant’s ' flags. months. Mias Peterson also will to ho damning Federal ,toterf«r- CirilM. Frqih 4m .Wirtg .1 aiul Gubitebev had long-converm- AttenvOa e< maoy piiaiaa to seven Others rapidly fOUowed>sult until there are lots of other kinds, big direct aad supervtoc the youth aad members had a jd ca lc lu art aad| Figures Sil6w Disease Peril tiona about-literatuita, but never Capitol bill within half hour oftar CALL ANTTIMB and little. Even if the sort that later swam or sailed oa tho tSka otaoo St tho some time ws ors art- talk to the arehhielMHi today We have been carefully watch­ Main street waved to the breese. Churdi schooV programs, including tog tor mors Fodaral funds.” even discussed the nature of her were felled by aoeority peSce Mr. Truman signed the long-de­ Finally, one customer arted the startled the lady doesn’t come to the Vacatioir (murch school whlrt PrssMaat Truraaa’s' sootol-eco- work to the Justice deportment. bated reorganisation bill giving 2 - 9 2 1 9 ing for many daya and have not pair% be probal^ haa cousins. BUY Ths 41st annual Oovsnors’ hsmle program draws firs of,for- sapeniaaig the pa* aeen the Bissell Street Ourtnan toevltablo question. “Why a n the opens Tuesday, June 28, aad’eon ootaftesBos, bsginirtng Its offtotol Twit-NGSkmal Surveys Sha.oald ahg waa amosed at Qu- him brood powexa to merge and return. We believe he haa taken flaga out today?” tinuaa through July 15. She will om SMnisnr of .^tote , UfeB$Yi lourttodga o f Mfltota. streomUne government ogenclea, One little lad showed an un­ make her home to Manchester with m m o m today, bos befors it a DiMgNte on CoQrsG .•OsnSNte this Sbeiley and Shakespeare. hia gun and haa beat it for the No one knew. Down came, that p n m sa l to r m SO por cent cut to subject to congrcaaional veto. merchant’s flaga Others followed usual md absarbing interest to Mr. and Mrs. John Benson, 19 starts what may be nwst thor­ Palmer Jumped back and forth The Public Road administra­ aummer. the commencement exerctsea of Fsdtral old grants to state#' - to Situation Will Take From Polluted Water Prague, Cxechoelovakla, June 20 The Biaaell Street Gunman waa the procedure until by mid-after­ Newman straeL MEMORIALS ough ehert-op an aetlenal kenith from dates and places as Mias tion now is to the Federal Worka Manchester High school yester­ Oreettegs of welcome to behalf bwmade up by taereoaod otote It .ttempted. .Russia Ooplon neared the end of her story —CP)—Screaming hecklers, appar­ ahort and aged probably el|^t or noon the street waa again flaglaaa tax collectlotvi from theater ad- agency. Welfare and oodol secur­ day at the Mats theater. 8oon of the congregation arill' be Washington, June 80*-;;{P)—'Two .ys aha to ready to Petersburg, W. Va., June 2 0 -^ —flatly denying that aha ever en­ ently Oommunlata, bowled down ity matters are handled by ths ntoa He had aomehow picked up tended to her tomotrow morning sgtoOspn, goaoHne galea, stoctric gaged to espionage activity and a fln^ pearl-handled aort of borae Writes a reader: afbfr a group of little boys and ia m a i8HM OF PROVEN national aurvays agree the imttoa ptatriotlaa o f Japanese prtootaers —Health oiithorltiaa ,moved into Arcbblabop Joaef Beran's Corpus Federal Security agency. girls who bad gathered had been by Ernsst KJellaon, vtCe-chalrman aad tsle^ewi aervieo. If tho Fsd- .rt-w or. . Tkrin and labor rsB- matotalntiig loyalty to this coun- HILDITCH After reading that tho pellee it eat footur* Mwt sral govsnuneat would wlthdnw aoQB. taigy, Sava PjatOfiOO « r /« a i s ;ithalio«4‘atoickjia llhinafifl^b gad Christl day Mnaoa at St.^ Vitus' WUI Carry Out Propoaoia ' shoodd aarayi for fear o f their o f the CSiurch Council; and by aSZ ^ permoaeil I My- , would apprehend* aad fine any pastor. Rev. Carl E. Olson. Jdem- causes favorable cssiaisnt. from taoM R^MTi Phtoirtc flm vallaya^iiiiiV *' Ah (M taotsat o t today's 'seoaton c a d if e ^ yrtteiRBay. Unable to AU the plahS,' if peimlttad to townspeoplo leaving their cara on notae, be appeared by himself. He mldwUat orggnlsaUoB fortpoBtteal stood up for.a long time at the bers of the eoagregation have Gov. Jamsa H. Duff, Psnnsytvo- hoppana n ext avert any poaalbla threat o f —beginning the ninth and proba­ continue above their Jeers the pre­ take effect, wiU cony out reform the stiset ovemiajht, it is astound­ late waa forced to leave the church Mrs. DofOlhy Rocifoliae, 26; wbe OPEN ALL DAY Bissen street entrance in the heat. been invited to, share to a mone­ SUPERIORITY alta nseahSeaa, haa 'complained In reports pubUrted over the Dapper, 7S-ycar-eM inaa with pboid from jMUutod water. bly tbs lost week of ths trial— wrote to BOA Administrator Fool and economy pnmaals of tho MARKET ing the utter dlnsgard these tary gift srhich will be presented to obeot too much Warttagton to- Palmar again had Mlaa Coplon da- and return to his poUce-controUed commlaalon on govertment orgoh* nival people have for the law. We The next time a Herald reporter U R K E © lixtiotaal poUoe record and 15 The danger o^^toeeae was palace. Uoffmoa about har oadarwear, S troat glanced at him be was lying down. her at thla time. torteraBoo-to admtototaring rrtef Public■ Afitairs laetitttte aUasOs to. hunted a s swindler o f scriba bar Jnstica department du­ izotlco headed by former Preol- M 8 i SUNDAY have been told that they have, j C o rre ctly d eelgiied nMNiaBMOta b i s aad other programa. aftermath of floods ties. The unruly mob sceiM capped Btaoda Botrigi Iwr hoow a t Mtt- dent Herbert Hoover. This lasted qidto a whUe, and hia tetsW i^ stadj^. Ttiay have balsi Chleago widpor whom he wooed. months of conflict between the oham. Sonoyr SaghHrt Sha to- been adviaed by the police that next position was on his knees He^a bound to go places with Sha aal4 thay Mcludad keeping The other five would give the North End Phamuic> they must not live In their trailem BMfliliitff': they have b«iaty that wIR efldsre. .^POrtto-mjwealJto keep wagee tab oa ‘‘Oommuniat and laft wing church aifo CXechcalovakia’B Com- dktateg ht ' ^ latter aha would Manager Jart kanson came alongi that endurance or pertastetnCc. Gov. Bari Warren, California Tke Aaaesieaii PeflHfUtai o f at pfoawt level for iMxt 18 not be aiveree to aeoepttog any Bureau of Employment Security OPEN and several did go to Bolton, but Labor declared, "a serioua busi- affairs.” Sha insisted there waa munlst government. 4 Dqtot 8q. Phon# 1145 but as the boy sras making no dis­ Cnttlat ^ e In Ow O w b Shsp; Frsni The RepabUcaa, said ha doent thtok inonthe goes before, company and ntoa persona. spore undies from oa American (Jobless pay and Job ptocemant) there are still "Mystery" contrap­ ’The literary creators of this FadanI aid can bo eat until some ceeeien if olmeoC impooel- "nothing nefarious” about her hav- Bonehed Near Alter to the Labor department, roorgan- ■ tions that stand ou^ to defi­ turbance he paid no attention to Roogh Stone To The naiehed Memerial ble.” .*••• . union negottotora. . .Harvard, 8UU unaccounted for were about reports daaling with totartal The whistling and catcalls broke wcoaon who has toe many. (AP SUNDAYS him. TVs no doubt gave him the column started this week's props- definite sgrsoment to reached to B ot^’a oidaot university, will photo by rmdle troai'Leaden). Ixe the Poat Office depart mept. an* ance o f the. law and Urn aa they ratlona aa they drooled ovei otira the states a Mggar Uto o f doiaa otbora on tha.prea. OtO* aecurity mottaca and aurt^etad out from demonstrators, bunched large the scope of the executive of­ please with no police tourventian, courage to enter the theqter, aad PRfSCRIPTIONS SeiM ^ ClUhaiiA' (D„ Wyb.), aef-^IMtait. fo r . Opoummtota on its ssidp aapicaage agehta dt bar daSk. She iMor tba altar, os the arohblahop 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. be sat Ota the floor. great hat of possibilities. But |mx eoltoctloaa teou(to;.. .Oorfldta Oray, ,lnfata sold such reporta ware naeaa lauiMhed a denunciation o f tha gov- fice of the prealdeht, stroamltoe XAU-45»$ 1» A. aad yet we reapectrtM taxpayers due to the areatber, the drool haa "Whota you got down to c « Otoe in-a ws ih r t d rta tetneot. wakl hpwwm, that «hoy ;paabably an tho CtvU Serrioe commlaalon, and WocU^rsItol are "squeeaed” If vte but leave our The curiosity of the Herald CALLED BOR tay:|iith|flto'aavaa'yeato ago. takas olive but unable to communicate to har wort f e lling with tha regia- armnent'a ottampts to cripple tba scribe was aroused and, aocosttog dried up. It's too hot to do any­ Manchester Memorial Go. and try to decide who to going to ffi%Hi wtQ Htodar tie over oa oaeretory of Army. , tratlaa Of toreigB agents. church. YA Aimbiiiices atrengthen tba authority of tba o o N N E c n e m ' cars on the stre^t’Weinlght. the boy, he learned that he plans thing but go . AND gtva sp what to tha way of tax- with roacuata. chairman of the-Maritime oommis- PdU BoO f Uesto. A . H . A lM S m , P rop . Tha Public Affolra butltuta, TMtob gevnqaartt announdaa it TuU Te I anil 61 Bipnrta Tbe rest af tba congregation, Paiatinc and Oacaratinf Co. tO'eater Ugh artod in the fan. A . NON m , thot'a whan the dilfVqiIttos ho> w hirt dancribaa m o t « a -m a ataUaaaatefl-^ene of -lofgazt . Sbarttt C,. P. Pntt oaiA dain- taara atreomtog down many faert aion. ' The bees that have been himfi' P E t lV E R E p HARRISON STREET— MANraESTER grt" ha told a nowk eonfersace aga from tha flood aoay nm bw> •ha furthar taetlfiad that har GnMfkB Ptofte aal PkptrlianfiiiK mi'ng around town ter tho past p n S t, aota-parttoOta ragaareh Or- Rpmota OathbWe printing plants boas, William E. Fcday, gave apacl- buiat nctataaeously Into a hymn to GI Dividend The plana, said Mr. Truman to OPP. EAST CEMETERY PHONE 6207 OR 7767 ypettodg . to oouatiy. .« .Demand for Olr Oavaral tniHioiM. Eatlmataa o f tha quail the diaturbonoa. Vdgttablto three weeka finally made thUr ganisatton, pisdtotod that •.OOOt- number of homeleas dltfarad. fle l*BtnioUea for har to leek at an alghtb meaaage, "provida a na- M Nelaan S t ■artfecd. C a n . GOv. ThoBHa H. Dewsy o f New OOO wortars will ha out of Joha a Una s t q ^ puta-tatart a f flte la the reports aha needed to her wort 11m archbishop, potottog from eaaary baaia for tocreaaad aqonoiay PINB PHARMACT PINB PHARMAtir- j^ r m T Tork, Uto 1848'praMdatattol aom- year froqi nowMtnlaaa tha Slderal WaU sinat. Carter W. Atktos. Jamaa Breathad. Jdcol Rad CWw- his throne to the hundreds of disaster rtairmanfl sold aoma 800 Palmer again bod lliaa Ooplon Estimates Average Pay­ and efficiency" in the goveyhibehL 1 toot. wlD be hood man when the government steps In to give busl- anacutlve director of Connecticut tall about meeting Gubitebev white-robed, flower-decked chil­ They deserve the support o f Oon-| PHARMACY govaraors got down tocaocaontbr neaa a boost - Bxprtditures council, deritocs to ora dependtog on tho Rad CrOss dren gathered for the celebration ment to Be $175 for food.kitrtan fo r maoto. flaettogly to upper Manhattan the areas and of the people, M da- FENDER AND 664 Cantor Strati fodsral-aUto government question* UnamploymanI may hit 6,000,000 tor into any "veriial boota” night of Feb. 18. FBI agents who of Corpus esudati Sunday, aald: Each Policy Holder riared. PINE PHARMACY tomorrow. Dowoy, who hsi by the end o f thia jrear, the tnati- with Damocratle Stats Chairman DiWtog water to Paterabi^ foQowad them bava tosttflad that “T h fe ore children present. Un­ TM. ^9614 osaa Woiran Mb m be and tha Con- tuta added. and othar coBununlttaa .hit by tbg der tlM present drcuniatances it is But he cauttoned that approval BODY WORK John U. Bailey^ . .Oiteert JO ro m Oubitebav caught up with tha da- ef a reorgmnlaation plan “ dMa net forntoa loot toot yhor’a etoetloa, BoeotaMMtada Tax Cota tells Fadtrol Jury tbot, aa Oom- floods baa bacn polluted, and impossible to conduct niaas." Washington, June 20—(g)—^Vet­ You A re Is Open Sunday AN Day ontvsa ftem tha coot today. fendant and that os ha came olctag- Ha made no further attempt to automatically piroduoa eftlcieney SoUbmbc aoi Fltenr* Ibc. In a apaotol report on employ­ muntot leader, .he advocated'prin­ haalth offictoto are aterttog a pro­ side her she reached into her erans Adminiatrator Carl R. Gray, Proa Delivery For All Toor Drag Needs Their Future To Mastasa Stoslsta VSSiqr gram.of toocculotions. speak but. left the cathedral, fol­ and economy or reduce expendl- ftl4 Ctater 8 tr^ ment. the tnetltota recommended ciple^ of party to many post-war purse and ha reachad to front of Jr., today authorlxed payment next With Oov. WUltom P iW oa tax cuts for tha lo w ' and middla lowed by thousands of the falth- turea. apaaebaa and written articles. Dr. CTouda A. 11101000, district b«r. Ooplon daiUed that- sho fuL year of a apecial 82,800,000,000 Jr„ MaryiaBd Dsnwerst. Income braOkets, emargency public Francak For East colony of In- haalth offloar. said to Romnoy ‘OiUy the curtaUmant or oboU- Planning A Picnic fCMdOng, Gov. id s Knouta CMo- works in hard-hit areas, revival of reartad to bar purao. May Be MOde Oordtoal dividend on National Service Ufe tlon of govenunent programs can PINE PHARMACY Craftsman do-Ohtoa tekas on sort of domto- that no dtoaasa baa occurred as Sha aald aha was late for on ^ Inouranoe poUciea. <64 CENTER STREET TEL. 2-9814 the CIvUtoa Conaervotlon Corpo, I sttalaa. . . .Secretary o f De- lult o f the flood yet, and Meanwhile, on informed source be expected to result in substantial AUTO GLASS Depends On <( aa Page Tm ) and'other Federal actions to re^ at the Vatican said tt “vary likely Gray said he hopes veterans immediate savinga.” fanap Johnam: reported to have that tha chances are good that (Octatlaned Ota VOge ^Iwo) AU TO BODY assure and atimulafa bualnaaa. Udd’ Bengtora that defease spea that Ardiblshqp Baron' wUI be win begin receiving checks ‘‘adme The preaidant promised a This Weekend — MIRRORS PINE PHARMACT PINE PHARMACY SS4 Charter Oak St. ‘‘Uaamploymant haa passed the none wtU. mode a cardinal at the next con- time to January. 1950,” with pay­ ‘spot* stogc,” the institute sold. "It tag cox be trianed by $760,000,- Taktog Ne Chineea tisfory, expected to be held before ment aubatontlally completed in Phone 2-1248 000 to 12 nwntbs starting July 1. However, state otflclala ore tak­ (Coattaaed oa Page Ten) Miners Troop to not a loeal, but a national, prob­ . .Fr—eh rtoMtod that Ruo- the end of the year. the first half of that year. lem.” ing no I C3Uaf State Sani­ Shanghai Hit It la alao likely, tha toformant Tba dividend payment has been Noted for the Bent Ftods Praapeet Ooed rioaa remove eastera poUce from tary Eiiglnaar H. K Orldley oiMl added, that Magr. Alolrijc Stept- otrike-boond railroad roundhouee. hopefully onticlpatod by aoxam Back to Pits The AFL look^ over the eco­ an assistant. J. B. Baker, were nac, impriaonad aichbUhop o f ecoiiomlats oa a stimulant to pur­ Work in Town nomic outlook in Ita magaalna, . .Senate labor tow debate Bdieduled to arrive to the ores tor By Air Raid Zagreb and bead of the Catholic edges toward series of key test chasing power which might help 23 Tears Baperlence ''Labor’s Montlfy SUivey,” and church in Communist Tugoalavia, offset declining bustoeaa activity. found the proepect good. It ac­ votes on. how to deal with strikes Thomas has 1,400 unite of will be elevated to the purple. Home Mortgage Lomis Absenteebm Reported at hBperlUag - oatleaal defoxee'. • A premature announcement of F lash es! Reasonable Priecs knowledged there ore eome dan­ vaccina ready and exiweta more to Nationidifit PlanM At* Nmatfona Axteote Mode. the action was toff out by VA yes­ gers, however, and sold .p<^telas of Big- Four foreign mtototore to be shipped to. Scores of aaeurity poUca ia the (Late Bnllattaa o f tM (P) fVtra) Free Bsthnatan Minimum as Diggers unions, ■ maiiagemant ’and' tha -gov- Phrto expected to announce today Water for Petersburg haa baea square which aepormtes the cathe- terday but recanad befeise Gray If ypn art bniUlng dr baying a . tack Airports; Warn bad not yet signed the order. Ha Wort UoSsd rCv and Drtsiri Entey , Mines Today agreement -.to .bring, peace to brought to from Ksywr, aoma 50 ' homo, let na tan yon abont tha •y-j- strlfe-ton i. Berlin. People More Coming signed It thto-marntog. , (Ceeltoaed aa Page -■ight) miloa away, in five-galloB milk (CMtlaasd on Pago Bight) About 16X>00,W0 , .veteraiM e f Santeoceg for Tax BvaMota varlow types nf inanelng that arc Wo handle any fob froaa I Senator'Hlckanloopar (R., Iowa) and a oantrol boiling station Hortferd, Jnae 20—(P)— A in^Osaterflt I Pittsburgh, Juno 20——At dividends. ' $2400 Sne ood Sve y o a ttf preha Atomic Energy commission at can get safe drinking water. laoat Uirao Nattonoliat fighter tloa were Unpoeed to tM U. A Oio- Mere Prosta PMan largeet wreck. mtoeis trooped book into the pits Hanford, Wash., coat approximate­ r g ynn rta to Average $115 today at tha end of a ons-wert Seek Forumla Tha Rad Cross haa aet up about raided Bhongbol with Czech Society Tills wouM'average about $175 telet eeart today ea Servlto H. VeanisB BUe ly $2,000,000 iM re thoa erigii 60 cots to tha grade school bare, boml)s and strafing attacks for Pirtto o f 88 BacUmr avanna, Sfoaa- shutdown onlersd by John L. Ltw eatlaMto-...;Prealdeat Truman for each > ax-aaryiceinan, bqt the THE CO. to'to "stshlilse ths industry.” and about 40 more are to the Me­ about 20 mtoutoa today. agency sold individual fecula- ferd. ehargod with tocaoia fox We Rave The Most To Save Face abews totomat in apaady oongrea- morial Church of the Brethren Several bombs struck near tha Named Schism •vaatoo. by Jndge J. Joseph S o i^ Ahsentoetom was rsportod at slooml action on bis proposal to oieroas the street Scattered tloiM have not been completed. Modem Shop la Tbwa minimum as tho flrrt diggers oB- Lnnghwa airport on tha aouth- In genera], eVery veteran who Peri to. todteteg Mat December, Mi act up "Httle Marahal fiam to r around town to various locations waat edge of tha city. Oim fall w claiBwd to have paid ooly New foar room honac, tored the mlnee fo r midn^ht 'and Republic o f Korea. .17. 8. Steel are about 100 more, all to use. took out' notional service toau^ 7 a., m. ahlfts. Atuerienn and British iMor a cament factory. There were Vatican Excompmui- once and kept it in foixe. at Igost $86$.0I IB toxea whea M awad Corp. and dO^Vnitod Steehrort- Mnet C taaa Fleeded Wcito na inunedtoto rdpoite of ' damage tnr to saadwkh in tho tinM to sac our homes .dTokott Coventry Lake, fall cel­ The good drlyiag sea The minors will be working only three montlu will be eligible. |9,106i B e waa aloa anatataosg OfficinU Hunt Com- era coU aaother caotaaet taagetiat- Dr. Thomas said that all wells of caaualtlea * cates All Participants to two years ia priarg, hot exaen- Manor . . . t v t r j one la a peacl^. . . the t MI sh ould Open Thnnday 6i30 to 8 p. m. Is atarUag. Drive a flvs days befors thay start a coo- iBgffMatoa tofry to resolve differ­ that w«ra-fledded by aurface water Where polii^-bolders have died. trobturol vocation for 10 days The plonea mode oeverol straf­ in was Map tail d hy Jofe prove to be a fndtful one. These homes are open for lar, oak floom, lake prlvL' yaa*D lie ptead fa iwh* promise on Treaty ences ion whether pensions will be will hava to be pumped out, ing paaaea at olrflald taatellationa In ^Catholic Action’ JuM 25. Koch roceivss flOO for scrubbed down and chlorinated to (CoBiianeid ea Page T no) Smith. your inspection from. 1 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday and diacuaaed. and other industrial.; - centers • • ■ ledges. On Main high­ those 10 days. Washington, June 20 make tham aafa-for drinking. Sunday. JARVIS and his representatives will be on WiU Not Bsepota m a s around the edge ot town. Vatican (Tity, June 80 — (g)— Elevator Folia, lajorea Tan American aad Brittoh offirtato ap­ ~ Tha National Guard moved into OommuiUata threw up conalder- The Rorngn Catholic church today the grounds to answer any questions. way, Roate 31. Lew A t lease mm suable cool mining parently ors aaorcblng for a toce- town early Saturday to help main­ New Veth. Jnna M - U h - r TM operation, the Cloverdale mtoa of tain order. abla art oelt iMor Un^wa but excommunicated mavibers of the Court Backs iieona warn tajnred today .whan priced for quick aale. agvlag cbmptomtoa In thair row jCabin Bunted the three planet eoewea. govenunOnt • apeoaond Catholic I afovnfor fafl foor Baea dwriag the CosUe Shannon Cool Corp„ at over a pfopoeed BrittobyugsatlM The .flopd struck savagely Action society of Oommuniat-dom- neoriqr QuUe Bboimon, oimouiiccd without warntog Friday night fiot- aadto aNofeioia .Waodage tM kmrhao Opea for hiapectloH Son- I - ■ 'ji, . tradw HiriiiiiHint totdng cropo, toMiltog buildtogo, The rald-conM a day after the toatod COecboalovakto. hfo at ntth av It would not reopen after the ehut- WbUe the Issue to the moet ser­ The aacrtel oQngragatlon o f the HoiiseGroup down. To Hide Crime sweeptog away Mdgao, wreckmg Nationalist radio broadcast warn­ otreet. Pc Bee a day’s 10:06 A. M. to ious which haa thus far entered hlgtawaya, ood carrying away Uvr- ings that tha Natloinllst Air Holy ofllce issued a decree which Jnred aerienaly. The mine waa about worked out, American relations ' srtth any condemned the greup-oa a achia- anyway, oCfictoto ssld. About 550 Fores totandad ' bombing oil aoa 5:00 P. M. ^ We Have Added More country under tha European Be- Lonely Hearip Ean Ae- Ota Page Twe) and river ports to Cbmmuntat matlc one fraudi)laa(ly Isbellad. Refusal of Records to mlasrs wlU have to seek employ covary program, ofOcials dto- « ' The docree, pubMgMd to Oioar- ’ S .. S • ¥ meat etoswhers. bands, Tho broodoasta womad tba Un-Aaterieim Conunil* Yes, and plraty o f clean dothcfl) flclentifto- countod speculation' that the ensed o f Murdering His people to hasp away from abipo, vatore Romano, tba. Vatican news­ The one-w ert Idtoneee reduced Uidted States might actually cut TYoflsarjr Bolaaca paper, declared: tho natlon'e cool stored above Bride and Dangliter piare, warehouaaa, railroads, b i^ - tee Called/^Contempt • e • ally cleaned ai only a good lauiidry con do h o ff eome MorehaU ptoii old to ways. barbor tostafiatioiM and “Recently the oppoiienU of the JOHN PONTICELLI ground from an estimated 70,000,- Briteli^ Waahtogton, June 20— - HUDSON Doctors Assert New Drug alevrtia. haa denoonead the Com- o6nstitottonal rhAfo whan in IMS BsSrsotal Nsfs nO y were furioughod. Howsver, ths not Sign tha treaty until after the oter of 81 women with whom he 9IH aBawa Uw Hivwiiisneed? Let JARVIS arrange it. JARVIS baUt 1%% « v | | $ f lor thopa vdra use oor egsb and railroads said soma would have Stats department and BOA have a bod oorrsepondod, Dtotrtet Attor- munist-W group. Teeterdoy at tt gomandad ‘‘all tha hooka, rto- ig foto tIdB aaotafoi homee fancy 25 year Snsnd iig with FJi.A.*a gqgraatae, Limitei Number Npw bsen furioughod anyway beesus* Change to study and oomment on nay'Ltvorett K. Fraser, said. Decreases BUntd Pressure moea to Bie Cathedral of 8L Vitus orda, documents and oarramoDg- fo lOd aHana « M havp I eorry.sefvlee. o f s iMUrtnsss slump. Loot on the Hat was Mrs. Vir­ to Prague, he was aboqtod down enoa” of the Natioaal Fagafeien 8n teltOtaMiiD or Bu^'he parchased under GJ. veterans’ prefercnco it for Oenatttottonal liharUaa. J ’S lS l* ■, f Now DstaHtate H ot BOVMIS6 2. BiPitato intaads to go thsough ginia Jamas WUtMi Bruonohan. shrilly hy haeklavg when ha 4% 25.yoar term. Sec m for fall deUilo. Financing Sapstwglx wHIi m h » Mgh- •a Ac Lvsrto and hto strstogtotp gon a sermao cen tinging hfo TIte geciaian ufhaMiM tba cota- with the flve-yoor ogreinneat but 26, termer wife o f a Chlmge po- Pbitadapbld, Jupe 20—(g)—A » id) "TM Wood priogura Ot tha tempt aonvictioa of Goeotaa ~ l i f e arranged-by JARVIS Organization in thia area throngh rsisprssriss eegtee, W tort prtpor^ to BMet with thrss oapo- eoocedes that auch. ture-BaUea Heotaton. whs dfod 'to the bloas nundation of government acta qytksHbsas (Local taxes to fcs iMw drug ciaditad hy deetopa with body is lowoied.” . rtgiy rtaiwaan of t Im - taoiUktiMiit THE BnDDLETOWN SAVINGS BANK. •■f#- iste groups of operatoso tbla week, dgato ore ccotraxy to tbg priflet- toot- .week. She. and PoUcaman iteernaaing bWod powauie agotoat ths eb u rrt Cteurch-i ' iw m added). Available For Rent. the 'Operstor* hadn’t yet been told (S) "T tm to ora no uofavnaabla tension ia high to Caaaoalovakla. who rofuaag to gaUvgr tM rgborga. • Duly the |Am 'of free tntematlOBal ' tnlde Chnriee WUtgen were divorced, aanomioed by tba UnlveUniversity of affocts on tba patlant” Marrtall wga ccovlctod to U. S. Just what Lctvis wonts ia hto new and should be avoided wtagneVer and Bnunahan married her to Hut- remtoiaoent of the conditiooa RanaayKania. Davelapai Frsm Fnegm District court hero to April, 1945, contioet. Miners now are paid on 3. While the Brittob will have i ebineon, Koop- toot March 31. The iww drug, called dihydoego- which eidetod to.Hungary before ang aantahoed to $500 ■ fins ong avetoga 814.06 dally. poeatble. - . . Tho hefty maebanie was om ot- oohmiiM, waa davalopod by f f e TM utoveratty aanouncamant the' Joiltog of Jogef Cardinal fe 686 toaiporarily tM Botaiaa Cathotte rturch. LAVMmiT gghan oqddaaly was eanfraMiad at oUa ootautaottaa of affoota-had fowora ggnatol bioad pofodfo*- iWw Mfofo fo atw NOtaiaa ET MANCHESTER, C O l^ . McCLURE A irro ia experta sad conversion of coal- pun^^Me oontneta win be renego­ on Inquest with dtoereponctoa to bean oboarvod” for tM flint tlma: Doctoai explatnad that tba drug TM Vottcoa d e e m octattouad: hia ooaotifitttaoal rightorlfeto wl 8?8 Malta at. C on or Btroat 73 Summit Street T el. 8 0 7 2 burniiH qflulpmeht to gas. Finally tiated ivery year ao tbot at 01- liM..account 'o f tha cabin'fire. Hto (1) *Tba apoom*-of the brain la-not raoQBunandad tor routfoa " S fe i ‘oMlaB’ ' (refoyt tog to the B u b p otn ^

' * .**6£a$SEn^4itaajiaiGtAj itiJL- .ew- ,i£-dbAj% a, / ■ ^ '