Gjjiousesson CEHOIISE&SON BURN Coal Jskmd Thousands Homeless As Flash Hoods Hit Potoniac River Area

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Gjjiousesson CEHOIISE&SON BURN Coal Jskmd Thousands Homeless As Flash Hoods Hit Potoniac River Area 2^ -, . ■ V t m d a Y. r a m it. im * •V ^ ’■ 'AjS ,' ;dliittrlr»atrr Eorufttg J|eraUi WosUm t Avorggo DaUy Not Prass R ob • be the Meolb et May, 1S4S Kav. WdMrd O. ------- - «--v xmdca wQl meat ygffff Lutharaa dnirdi adioat dar tha ehaimiaiaahin of Mrs. Kaa- Ston Lntharah.‘dm rdi. tb iily -M net tha data of Saturday, aay Hotdiinano will aarva atrsiw* ton. wOl Wash on the "l8K|ar 9,725 AbovtTown Jana 38, tor Its annual picnie, to berry ahotteahs with whipped Drives, or lito Dataraato of Mm p s ii.’iraLSTa ^ ba h d d on th a g ro n n ^ od^ th a cream and oodfee Sataritey avwung kind" at the masting of the u a ritniT-*"* to wear whlta pariah housa. A ^ from 5:30 to 7:8& at the Obnunu- worth Daagna, Bunday ovrntag at ; a. <x n« who pnrebaaad ar> nlty haU, Botton Oantar. d:S0 at thi Seuth Methodlat 3ianeheUar " -A CUy o f ViUogo C h a m K S ^at tha damonatration (Ivra pmgram at 3:80 win »• HM mfWt «0I ^aO CB tka tha "Down Homera" with OnJ* church, to which all ara invited. iM airrfiki'"— **^ at tha laat maatlnc ara aaked to The driU taam of the Daughtars Bom Uf a Lutharaa maasa at can for thorn at 7:80. Shorty and Hank I*a«^- Jh* eo. Page ttl 18, l« 4 f (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS iJ T ^ iS rS t«»o ■*»»■«> <2^ picnic houra are fiw 1:80 to 4.80 o f lib e r ty . 135, LbOJUL, wlU Urmiah, . Iraa, MrthplaOs of go> VOL.LXVIII., N a 220 .T'' ^ - ■ «»hM not ““ gstif tisrsots snd ftltnds wtil ^b# hold aAtrawbaary .aeeial ^ .ova- roastar.'M r. Fora rooolvod hla io> Ihe annaal atraw b^ welcome. Wadneaday nlng OB tha lawn at the home of ngious ' oducatioa ‘ at Oaaoocdla of tha Buckingham June 33, at 7:80 aU women of tha Vice Praddant Mrs. BUan Wilson, Conaga. Mihvankae, Win., aad the doty win be aarved at the <*urdi congregation will be wlcome to 30 Oriawold straat AS membera OoBoordla Samtaary at St. Louia New Salutes' Old iTramanHito in that place thla erenlng, with tha attend the sprinij aodal of tha ara urged to attend and to invito Higher Farm Price Brat a t^ if at 5:30. Ladles’ Aid Society. their friends. Lobby Stand Thousands Homeless dM«* Srteoldiic ki P ^ Tha Men’a Friendahlp Qub TgUl a t tte oominonoonMiit « • •arra a baa* and atrawherry aup- !S per at the South Methodlat ch u r^ Supports Planned- dMS fn m UOaeliorter tomorrow avanlng at d o’d o ^ ■f UponJIousing o( wliidi h« **“S<?* and foUow it with an entert^- As Flash; : , Hoods• 1 Hit Mta.fUbMien J o i ^ S m ent Tha proflta will be devoted a rnemlwr. Tko Qu««» “ to tha "Advance” program. [Martin Favors Hah in gdia^ad to n a nont wook. BFST BUYS FOR lu New Measure Spendhift Opposition John r . Moran, tan eapert and Maoibon of M y^e Roviow, No a of the Inveatmant FATHERS DAY! Stems ‘ People 1, Womaa’a Banaflt Aaaodatloi^ Poaeibly Highest Props Potoniac River Area houaa of Cooley A Company. Declares Boss Reluctant to Spend aia raquaated to meet to m o j^ Hartford, wlU ahow a movie en- oveninir at ^ o’clock at the Ever Attempted Pro- Utled, “Money at Work," at the •FitttQuM y-.., Funeral Home, 400 Main ab«et, Monday noon meeting of the Ki- poced for Neict Year Waahington, June U —(•)— West^ Virginia State to pay flnal tribute of raapect to ToldHerTake Prdrident Triunan’a statement that AiistriHn Pact R()lease Sought ICra. ^ Karlaen, who wao a wania club. The attendance prise ComfortaSU I win be fumiahed by W. P. Slover. In Bin Drafted by I real estate lobbylata have launched Police Official Says loyal member. Faurm'* State S olons; ^‘Decoy’ Notes a "deliberate campaign of miarep- Accord Target Situation *Pretty Bad* Would Repeal *4S Act reaentation” against bousing leg- And That Some Real- SAFE TRIPS S h irts and iatotion drew a sharp denial today Judith Coplon Testi- dents of Lowlands Ws^ingtoD, Juno 18.—(Rf ' from Raproaentativa Martin (It, Western Diplomats Corn Don't Lot Your Furs P ajam as —Possibly tl>o highest’Over- fiea Foley Gave Her ' 'oentrate'on* Remoirlng May Have Lost Livea; ' i The ' president said tote' yeatcr- toddbfs aP.fann pries supports over Pai^'W hen About to Iday in-a .letter'to Speaker Ray- Obstacles to Agreeinent New Rains Dispel Bo Robbed. •. h r attempted by, the government Leave for New York I bum (D., Tex.) that ha baa baen Hope of Abatement Whofl your chid hovaia a t have' been' imposed=for neat "shocked in recant daya at tbe ex- Paris, Juns 18—cffj—Western of thair natural year'in a biU drafted by irdinary propaganda campaign baby thoaa, ra ■» o amgte aofyal of comfxt. Waahington, Juna 18 — (F) — power diplomats conoentratsd to­ Petersburg, W. Va., June baaaty and high* T r u T a l farm state lawmakers. Tha [that baa boa unleashed” against day on removing tha obatoclee de­ No laama la book, on Mda or awMido. naw bill, whipped into shape Judith Coplon told tha Jury trying Seuato-piuaad' public hoiiaing, laying agreement with Ruaoto on 18.—(IP) — Thousands were Ughts. Cold storaga Shirts $ 2 .2 5 Up her on aeptonaga ebargea yeator- I shim clearance biU now pending In an Auatrian independence treaty. reported homeless today, oa kocpa tha nataral Plenty of comfort, and plenty of protacHon, too. yesterday by a House Agrt- day that her Juatloe department I tbe Houasw The American, British, Frsneb flash floods swept this viUley IU m « ~ $ 2 . 9 5 U p culture oubcommlttoo, would re­ boat Inalated She take the notes Tbe campaign, Mr. *rrunian de- oHs in fora so they peal outright the 184$ law due to and Russian foreign miidaters, aft­ region of the Potomac river $1.55 from an FBI "decoy” memoran- I dared, "conilatmtly diatorta the er a recess, will reconvene- tomor­ win ramaia gloBsy oet up a Soxiblo prleo oupport dinn which were found In her facte of the housing r itu i^ n in basin. State Police Capt. 9 k $|wdal ticat for Dsd-TraVd fhirta, ^Mt sbiitA oyotem a t 60 to 90 per cent of row to try and settle the problem . win not shad. purse when ebe was arrested. I this country.” in what may be the tost secret ses­ Basil E. Wright said at El­ A RIAL on. BAM and pajamu s»de of doe aeiected ce o M broad- parity, starting next year. When the trial reautnea Mon­ StatemiHt Surpriaea Martin sion a t their four-week-old c<mfer- kins that the situation waa -Instead, it would adopt a new day for its ninth week, MUa Cop- doth. Si^yr layoos in many colan. Bmutifully Martin, the House Republiesn ence. , "pretty bad” and that aothe PAWT IHAf €OVn» parity, system propoood by.Begw- Ion will retum to the witneaa stand I leader, tdd a newsman: They also are expected to dto- tary cf Agriculture Branaan. and to flnUh her denial that she ever n o V. a. Navy's CHaiaW taring, woiM’a largeat nsldents in the lowlands- may Storaga charga 8% of your vahiatloB. IN OW COATI tailored and ideal foe sununeitiine’^ooinfott.. teugM Its urai* with woodea ahtpa, Tbe gtoat ptooe, eomptetiag **rhis to a surprise to me. 'The cuas a “code a t fair play" which have lost their liveA aet price aupporto at 100 per cent In espionage activity, only.lobby that has contseted me Pajamas have notched coUaia add e wide celof of that otoamrit toetlfled yesterday that Wil­ It the famed frigate Ooaatltatl^ relle of the diaye wbea the Navy would eltmtote the barriers to No Abatement In Sight Mininiuni charge, 83.00. Cloth coats, eaa ba wotoo 84-day iieai eeuatry bop, arrived ever Charlestown, Maas,, ea I is the lobby trying to put over tbe trad# and transportation in Ger­ New rains dispelled hope of Tba govoenmont m m supports li Fol^, chief of the Jus­ bUl.” , many. ana mar- chekri fuU cut and pkanr co m fo rt^ Coa> pileoa at 80 per cent of parity. tice Department’a Foreln Agents 174th ■■uivereaiT of toe Battle ef B a k e r HiB. (AT wliephoto). The D. S. Tmtiasiff art Fiagae, immodiate abatement of the flood 12.00. With fur collar, |8.S0. Martin dedarsd that opposition Stafiy Bvary Aspect Csechotlevakto, said yesterday, it waters. to tvfT MAinw Daat-< leetiy sized-A, S, C*D. the TratU labd is ' Failty ia a prioo set years ago rolKistratloa and Intemm Security to the measure has come from Tbe western diplomats contin­ by a eompnestad fonniua tnUnd- eectiona, gave her the "decoy” seeks tbe release ef John Hvaata Among the missing wars State people concerned over government ued today to study in dstail every (above), S3. America Navy vet­ ilaM your guaianlec of line qnali^, your pnaise of od to ba fair to b i^ fanniri and paper toe morning of March 4 aa aspect of Russia’s price for re-ca- Police Cpl. A. M. H unt, hla wlfa conaumera. Tbero has boon amno ■he was about to leavo for New spending—^not real estate lobby­ eran, of BlUiilde, N. J„ sentenced and two children. Hunt'a\hqma on Hale’s FurS—Sceond Floor n o t ekccilcnt value. Don't dehy-come in saw foe tear axpreoeed that ia coming York.
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