GUIDE TO IN PARTNERSHIP WITH GROWTH NAVIGATING A CHANGING ECONOMY CONTENTS FOREWORDS 4-5 Introducing the guide to growth for retailers and brands AREAS FOR GROWTH 7 Product creation Do your research to create products that customers will love, and find suppliers that make the numbers stack up 8 Logistics and operations The backbone of any fashion business, and an essential touchpoint with your customer, your fulfilment must reflect your brand values 9 Branding and marketing It is easy to waste time and money chasing likes and comments, but a steady, sustained approach to social media can be more successful 10 Multichannel strategies How to make the transition from a direct-to-consumer operation to a multichannel retailer FOLLOW US FOR THE HOW TO GROW YOUR LATEST NEWS, ANALYSIS BUSINESS YOUR AND COMMENT QUESTIONS ANSWERED The Guide to Need business advice? The Growth will help Guide to Growth portal is here retailers navigate @Drapers for you to ask experts on any aspect of growing your business. the challenging @Drapersonline Go to times ahead For any further information Drapers Online about Drapers’ commercial content, contact Tony Mannix, Clipper Logistics Drapersonline
[email protected] OCTOBER 2019 / DRAPERS 3 FOREWORDS ‘The advisory panel will provide direction for brands and retailers of all sizes’ Tony Mannix CEO, Clipper Logistics verybody’s talking about the changing shape of retail, particularly in reference to fashion. Some organisations have responded well, and others not so, E while new market entrants have created disruption and new opportunities. Clipper has long been regarded as a leader in retail logistics.