World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 66 2010

Investigating the Use of Energy and Water in Villages in the East Mesuji region of ,

Ahmad Taufik and Jonathan Whale

the same village has also led to ethnic clashes in some villages Abstract- , Sumatra is one of the targeted areas of the [10-11]. millenniulD development goal (MDG) in Indonesia, partk-ularly An example of an area where many "transmigration" villages related issues on energy and healthy water. The aim of this paper is to were established in Sumatra is the East Mesuji region, located look at the impact of programs related to drinking water and in the district of TuIang Bawang in the province of Lampung. renewable energy projects on two villages in the East Mesuji region The deforestation has been so intense in this district that today of Lampung through field observations (conducted in the villages of the rain forest is one tenth of the size that it was before the Tanjung Menang and Tanjung Mas MakInur) and interview. The policy of transmigration [12J. The villages in the Tulang interviews were given to community leaders in the village ofTanjung Menang. The results show that both villages have continuing Bawang district have one of the highest rates of incidence of problems in regard to poor water quality, sanitation, short energy water-borne diseases in Lampung [13-15J. Moreover, for the supplies, vulnerable to increasing energy prices, environmental East Mesuji region only, it was reported that more than 124 degradation. The renewable energy projects were not successful due villages are not equipped with basic facilities such as to a variety of issues including ownership, overestimating usage and electricity and water supply system for over 29 years [16]. underestimating affordability, use of the technology for applications The seriousness of the plight of villagers in the that it was not designed for and lack of adequate training for the transmigration villages in Lampung has prompted action from villagers. both government departments and non-government organizations. Over a period from 1990 to 2006 the Lampung Keywords- Energy and water use, environmental degradation, government supported programs to improve community health renewabfe energy technofogy. sanitation. in rural areas through sanitation program [17J At both national and provincial level, government L INTRODUCTION departments have also supported programs related to ince the 1960's to 19805 the national Department of improving energy services to rural areas through the STransmigration in Indonesia has operated a transmigration installation of renewable energy technology. In the East program that was designed to improve the economic life of Mesuji area, a key project was the 2007 development, in the cornmunities in areas of highest population density village of Tanjung Mas Malanur (Latitude: 3°45' - 4°05'; (predominantly Java Island [1-2]) by resettling communities in Longitude: 105°07' - 105°38'), of a multi-billion rupiah rural areas on other islands. In the 1970s, the transmigration commercial mall featuring the demonstration of photovoltaic program targeted three main islands of Sumatera, Borneo and (PV) technology for business premises and public facilities. Papua as locations for resettlement due to the islands Other government initiatives have resulted in a small number containing areas of low population density and large areas of of stand-alone solar home systems installed within villages in rain forest [3]. Out of the 903 new villages established under the area [18-19]. the transmigration program, many bave experienced problems Non-government organizations have also been active in such as deforestation leading to high salinity, lack of electricity trying to address the problems experienced in the and water supply systems and poor sanitation. Combined with transmigration villages. A key organization working in the limited access to health services and a low level of education East Mesuji is the Yayasan Pijar Cendikiawan Foundation this has resulted in a severe seasonal spread of disease [4~91· (YPC), based in Bandar Lampung. In 2001 the YFC, with Transmigration ofpeopJe from different ethnic backgrounds to financial support from GTZ, initiated a long-term research project aimed at improving agricultural productivity and reduce the spread of diseases in the villages by the use of Ahmad Taufik is aPhD candidate at School of Engineering and Energy, wind-driven mecharucal water pumping system, referred to as Murdoch University. Murdoch - Western Australia 6150 (phone: +61 8 9360 the PKM. Traditional farmers from the area were involved in 6286; fax: +61 8 93606624~ ._mail: [email protected]). the design to manufacturing stages of the wind pump [20]. Jonathan Whale is currently Director of the National Small Wind Turbine In 2005 a demonstration project of the wind pump was Centre at RISE and a Lecturer in Energy Studies and Renewable Energy Engineering at Murdoch University Murdoch - Western Australia 6150 installed in the village ofTanjung Menang (Latitude of4°00'- (phone: +61 8 93607235: fax: +61 8 93606624: e-mail: 4°15'; Longitude of 105°15' - 105°30'), one of the [email protected]).

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pipe (see Fig. 4). The water tank itself was not maintained well transmigration villages in the East Mesuji region of Lampung facilities, energy usage, fuel prices, water resources, water children dlstances of 15 to 30 kIn to the nearest schooL To and it was observed that the water had an unpleasant odor and, (see Fig. I). The Tanjung Menang village is noted for having supply systems, and installed renewable energy technologies. receive proper health treatment, villagers have to go to the the highest number of ethnic tribes (twelve) of any village in The main objective of the field observation in Tanjung Mas district hospital. For the villagers of Tanjung Menang, the after sediment had settled, was green in color. the East Mesuji. The village is also one of the central villages Makrnur was to investigate the PV lighting systems for distance to the nearest health clinic is around 75 km and the in the transmigration villages either side of the provincial commercial premises and for public facilities (road light, water price of treatment is very costly. The main road leading in and boundaries of the provinces of Lampung and . supply system and mosque light) as well as the water treatment out of each village is comprised of clay and gravel, fonning an The YPC established a research station in Tanjung Menang station. unsuitable road surface during the wet season. The condition and observed that the PKM requires further development in of the road deteriorates with the movement of large trucks on order to meet the growth in demand in water for the villagers. B. Interview the road surface. The varying accessibility of roads is a The YPC has obtained further research grants to develop the determining factor in the prices that the villagers pay for fuel, PKM and aim to install the system to other villages in the Gauging the opinion of community leaders of Tanjung energy and water. area[21]. Menang on key issues was carried out by semi~structured All villagers in Tanjung Menang and Tanjung Mas Makmllr The aim of this work is to investigate the impact of interview. Local village culture dictates that community villages are strongly dependent on wood for cooking, government and NOO programs related to drinking water and leaders must satisfY certain criteria related to their age, particularly in the dry season. In the wet season, when dry renewable energy in the villages of Tanjung Menang and experience and dedication to the village. For the interviews, wood can be dlfficult to obtain, some villagers burn kerosene, Tanjung Mas Makmur in the East Mesuji region. 25 participants were selected in tenns of their position, The scope of work for the paper was defined by the influence and reputation within the Tanjung Menang village. or coconut shells, a minority of villagers burn coal. following objectives, namely: (1) to ascertain the condltions The interview materials were structured in terms of six It was observed that the water sources in the Tanjung within the villages with regards to energy, water, sanitation general areas of questioning, namely: Menang and the Tanjung Mas Makmur villages are non~ and public facilities; (2) to investigate the perfonnance of the 1) questions on backgroundlcontext: typical questions protected and are susceptible to pollution from waste water NOO wind pump project in Tanjung Menang; (3) to included length. of stay in the village and experience as a from septic tanks and households and from rubbish that is Fig. 4 Water supply station in the Tanjung Mas Makmur: (a) investigate the perfonnance of the PV demonstration project in community leader dumped in river and ponds. Intake gate of water supply system; (b) electrical~DC "Water Tanjung Mas Makmur, and (4) to gauge the opinion of 2) questions on opinions regarding drinking wafeY". typical From Fig. 3, it was observed that villagers do not treat the pumping; and (c) output water pool. community leaders of Tanjung Menang on the issues of -..vater, questions included sources of drinking water, concern about waste water from the septic tank or the household, which is energy and technology within the village. water resources, opinions about water quality and flooded to the backyard. The distance between the villagers' In investigating the performance of the NGO wind pump expectations of government programs on water supply wells and their septic tanks is typically less than 6 meterS. In (PKM) project in Tanjung Menang, it was discovered that the systems. the wet season, it was reported that wells were contaminated PKM had failed to survive through a combination of lack of 3) questions on opinions regarding energy: typical questions with this waste water. In the dry season, water is very limited maintenance and vandalism. Four main components of the included opinions about energy availability and prices, and the villagers well run dry, causing villagers to take water current condition of energy and fuel services and PKM were found to be in a rusted condition including the from the river. For the villagers of Tanjung Menang and tower, which -..vas so rusted that it gave rise to doubts on the expectation of programs on energy supply systems. Tanjung Mas Makmur, the is the main river of Kuala Mesuji .. 4) questions on how technology is viewed in the vii/age: safety of relocating the PKM. The transmission system from typical questions related to concepts of technological the turbine rotor to the hand pump was bent and could not advancement, technological impact and opinions on transfer any force to pump water. Finally, the capillary pipe sustainable development system lost its gripper, which resulted high cavity for pumping 5) questions on renewable energy projects: typical questions water. include experiences with renewable energy technology, The flywheel from the hand pump (needed to balance high lessons learnt from demonstration projects and appropriate torque from turbine blades during pumping) had been technologies and sites for renewable energy projects within removed. This vandalism occurred after a local election the village. resulted in a new headman for the village ofTanjung Menang. 6) The ideas about giving priority scale for future development The newly elected headman requested that the PKM be of the Tanjung Menang village. relocated from the fonner headman's land to neutral land. The The interview was initiated by sending an official letter of aim of the relocation was so that more of the villagers could introduction to the headman of the Tanjung Menang village. gain access to the water and could participate in maintaining The headman of the village informed the community leaders the wind pump. It is likely that the vandalism occurred in order about the proposed interview at an open forwn and approval to prevent this relocation and suggests that renewable energy Fig. 1 Research location: (a) Indonesian archipelagos; (b) was given by the community leaders. The interviews were technology can become a symbol of political power within the square box with dash line shows the Mesuji region; (c) The carried out by surveyors at the participants' houses from 24th Under the transmigration program, the Tanjung Menang village. The vandalism of the PKM also indicates the divisions PKM demonstration project in the Tanjung Menang village of August 2009 to 24 September 2009. village "Was established in 1986. Since this time, despite the that can occur within transmigration villages based on political the East Mesuji. efforts of villagers in lobbying local government, the village and ethnic lines. III. RESULTS has not had purpose built supply systems for electricity and The PV demonstration projects in the Tanjung Menang II. METIIOD water. In comparison, the Tan,jung Mas Makmur village does A. Field Observation were reported not successful since some ofPV panels failed to have a water supply system, which had a ceremony for its produce electricity after few weeks of installation. The A. Field Observation In terms of general observations on the public facilities in opening in 2007. During the field observations it became villagers did not know where to report the PV failures. It was Ascertaining the conditions within the villages was carried the villages Tanjung Menang and Tanjung Mas Makmur, both apparent that the system has not worked properly for some worsened that loser political parties that previously gave the Ollt by field observations. The main objectives of the field villages have limited access to roads, schools and health time, and failed to distribute water to the villagers. The water PV panels have taken back the PV panels from their observation in Tanjung Menang was to observe public services as well as electricity and water To get a basic intake from the Kuala· Mesuji river was very polluted and installation points. education for their children, the villagers must travel with their rubbish had built up in the -..vater tank and blocked the intake

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For the Tanjung Mas Makmur (the KTM project), worsen B. Interview from the first well was indicated by one community leader who 2) 2 community leaders thought that better water quality for condition also happened. Numerous PV panels failed to • Water Quality has consumed water for 24 years. There were observed that 4 drinking water is the same with rain water. Therefore, it survive; only some of PV panels for road lighting were still There are at least 15 types of independent and dependent of community leaders who used water for long time 20 to 29 was found that munbers of water tanks at villagers' house working. PV for mall light and kiosks of modern market were organization structure, which influence the village years. However, the community leader did not specify from for collecting rain water. not working since none of villagers could afford high rental development. The participants have adequate experiences and which well they consumed water. 3) 4 community leaders have pointed out that better water prices of the kiosks in the market and the mall as shown in Fig. a significant staying duration in the Tanjung Menang village quality for drinking is the same with bottled water. 6. As previously mentioned, PV for water supply also did not (Table I). 4) 2 community leaders have: tried to filter water from the work to distribute water to villagers. well. They put natural-local water filtration material outside of the well's ring. Better water absorbed to the well. 5) 2 community leaders estimated that water quality was also significantly influenced by a distance between well and septic tanks. 6) 2 other community leaders stated that water resources must be regularly maintained 7) Compare drinking water to neighboring villages. Actions of this opinion were described in point l. About water vulnerability, all of the community leader was seriously concerned in the following aspects, namely: . 1) always bappen annually in the both seasons, rammg and dry seasons. i 2) Protecting water resources, particularly for water catchment areas in the forest is urgently required. 3) Technology for water treatment must solve health problem of the Tanjung Menang village such as in the dry sea.s~n, the technology can solve the main water problems (salm!ty and amount of water). For effects on health problems, 15 community leaders suggested to overcome spread diseases for ~oth seasons by conducting prevention activities and educanon program for villagers. Moreover, 2 community leaders concerned about long term effects on health due to consuming water for long period of time. All of the community leaders expected that local government of EMTB or Lampung province put more efforts on water quality, sanitation and water resources. Small target was set that Indonesian government can provide water supply Fig. 5 The PKM failed to survive ailer local election of the station in the Tanjung Menang village. new head village of Tanjung Menang: (a) Rusty in all tower II, components; (b) hand pump components were sabotaged; (c) • Current Situation of Energy Use 'water tanks were not maintained; (d) many wind blades were All of the community leaders concerned about local tom problem on current situation of energy use, namely: energy i shortages, energy prices including fuel prices in the Tanju?g question of interview. number of years living in the Tanjung Menang village. Menang, increase of electricity without an incr~ase of Its services and to make a decision to use alternat!ve energy Table 2 indicates duration of consuming "'ater and a number It has been observed that majority of the villagers have sources. of wells that he/she had used as water resources. However, consumed water in their wells for long period of time such as It was studied that there were five major areas had been there were no details information whether he/she also used from 8-29 years. It was indicated that the some community identified as sources of the energy shortages, namely: (1) their wells concurrently or seasonally or for a certain purposes leaders have attempted to find the better water resources for limited stock wood for cooking in the dry seasons always e.g. for watering back yard garden or for irrigation only. . drinking, by providing another new wells near their old house, increase kerosene price (44%); (2) Huge demand for kerosene About water quality, community leaders expressed therr or their new house, or even at their son's houses. The first well and diesel are also main problems for villagers (32%); (3) opinion in various ways. It was indicated that there were seven at the villagers house was provided by Transmigration Water price in the dry season is other main issue for energy basic opinions, namely: Department through Indonesian transmigration program [8]. shortage (12%); (4) Roads and other basic infrastructures are 1) For a nmnber of years, villagers did not have a good The shortest duration of consuming water from the first fundamental aspects for controlling energy shortages (12%); drinking water. Therefore, 7 community leaders suggest to well was indicated by one community leader who has and (5) Environmental degradation is also main key factor obtain a good drinking water by considering several Fig. 6 kiosk in the modem market and mall building in the consumed water for 2 years. Then, he/she attempted to dig a affecting wood supply to the villagers (8%). efforts such as buying water from outside of the EMTB Tanjung I\o1as Makmur Village second well. It was indicated that be/she used the second well The increase of energy prices has put all of the villagers areas, maintain water catchment area at every household a lot longer, 8 years. Tbe longest duration of consuming water into a difficult economic situation. It was suggested that local and find other water resources in neighboring villages.

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government will consider three main targeted areas in the near 6) Providing water supply system. not only affect soil characteristic but also has introduced future, namely: (1) Energy shortages & short supplies for Prlority Scale "fFulu", Do""lop"","tl'nlgfllmforTanjung Mon""g 7) Technology should has a minimum impact to another problems such as massive eye irritation and respiratory basic fuels (kerosene, - diesel and unleaded petrol) for both VlIlage environment and society. problem in other provinces (South Sumatera, and some season (56%); (2) Improving roads to control fuel supplies 8) The main objective of the technology is to improve and energy shortages (16%); and (3) Control demand for fuels parts of Malaysia [27]. . . economic life ofthe Tanjung Menang villagers and energy (24%). For water quality and related areas (samtatlOn & [J F"" of,~.,,;, foe For using alternative energy sources, it was observed that do<,"" environment), community leaders also indicated that there are The point of view on renewable energy projects "'.. ,of,h.,,;,lb, serious demands for better water supply, educational program 36% of the community leaders suggested to use renewable b,"~,,,,,i= All community leaders stated that electricity and water energy resources available in the Tanjung Menang village; IIH"lthy",,'" on sanitation and environment, improvement health services supply are the most suitable application area of 28% the community leaders were still expected that local and testina water composition. Field observation explored that energy technologies (RETs). government to put on grid electrification; 24% of the a gap on ~derstanding water-sanitation and .environment has community leaders suggested to use local technology for There were several barriers for implementing the RBTs as revealed between villagers and commuruty leader. The supporting the use of renewable energy resources; and the rest indicated by the community leaders. 6 community leaders villagers did not have sufficient budget and did not .s~ow 12% the community leaders expected that the use of stated that the difficulties for RE projects will be in tenns of strong efforts to maintain water resources., These condltlO~ l'rlorityOrd., renewable energy resources can give massive to all aspects of selection an appropriate technology for the Tanjung Menang can be seen from a significant amount rubblsh was dumped III villagers such as water supply for inigation, drinking water, village, 5 community leaders specified that the difficulties for Fig. 7 priority scale of future development project for the the Kuala Mesuji river and ponds (see Fig 3 and F.ig. 4), sanitation and training-education. RE projects will be in tenns of operational procedures Tanjung Menang village. Moreover, the viUagers did not concern about a dIstance Discussing Current energy situation, the community leaders including maintenance system. 3 community leaders stated that between septic tanks and well and did not isolated waste. water identified four critical aspects educational background of operators is key point for RE A«"","I.~.n to be considered to improve Priorl.y s ..l. ofF"""" P"'lI"m O.""I"p"",nl f.,l".njung from household, which is let flooding to backyard. It ~s also M.,",n~vill.1I" energy situation in Tanjung Menang and surrounding villages, project, Only 1 community leader pointed out that supply of informed through interview that local government did not namely: (1) short supply fuels for both seasons need to be the projects' component will be the most difficult one, RE intensively provide campaign and training program for the solved as soon as possible (48%); (2) related to a high price of To maintain the RETs, 10 community leaders assessed villagers. diesel in the MTB areas, improving roads and public facilities based on ability to find and fix the RE projects' problems. 8 It is also shown that villagers were easily provoked to are recommended (20%); (3) Proposing a similar program like community leaders examined based on ability to do job similar sabotage the PKM (see Fig. 5). This is a very critical point for Integrated Independent Energy Village (KTM: Kota Terpadu to a mechanical workshop. 6 community leaders assessed implementing the RBTs technology in a fragile community as Mandiri) is stated by 3 community leaders (I2%); and (4) based on ability to install and maintain the RE projects. Only 1 discussed early by Elmhirst [11]. Similar problem to the PKM, Using battery as an alternative solution since villagers community leader did not put any comment on the difficulties Eloc"','y F"".f F",oof Hcolhy M>ri

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problems such as high water salinity, limited water for villagers in the EMTB could afford rental price of modem 4) Do you have any concerns about the quality of the c. How would you assess the skills of the villagers to drinking and for household activitie's, rice field frequently kiosk and mall. drinking water for the village? install, operate and maintain RE systems? failed to harvest and spread disease. These problems have put To bring the priority scale of future development program 5) Do you have any concerns about the vulnerability of Ideas for investigating opinions about priority scale: the villagers into disadvantage position for better life. The of the rural areas development project, local and national your village to water shortages? 24) "What are your priorities for the village? "Where does villagers fight for they life for such a long time. government should delay any new mega project such as a new 6) Do you have any other concerns related to drinking energy and water rank in the list of priorities? 100 trillion Rupiahs project of Sunda strait bridge, which will water for the villagers be initiated in 2012. The Sunda strait bridge will cost 7) Since you have lived in the village, have there been any ACKNOWLEDGMENT Indonesia government about 100 trillion Rupiahs, which will improvements in water supply facilities for the Authors thank to ruSE-Research Institute for Sustainable be allocated from overseas loans, national budget and local villages? Who was responsible for these Energy of Murdoch University for providing facilities, to (provincial) budget of Lampung province for over 10 years improvements? Murdoch University for providing research fund through PhD [37]. It is much better if the Lampung province government 8) How does the water supply situation in your village compare to neighbouring villages? scholarship and to the Pijar Cendikiawan Foundation (YPC) put more attention and effort to the rural areas development 9) What is your expectation for the future in terms of for providing research ftmd through MPhil Scholarship and for project. For instances, building a new schools and main roads, water supply to meet the needs ofthe village? How assisting the fields observation, interview and field survey on providing ruraI electrification and water supply for both will this be achieved? energy and water use in the East Mesuji Tulang Bawang, irrigation and drinking water systems for 1000 rural villages Ideas for investigating opinions regarding energy Lampung Indonesia. will be much worth than Sunda strait bridge project. 10) Do you have any concerns about the vulnerability of your village to energy shortages? REFERENCES V. CONCLUDING REMARKs AND FUTURE WORK 11) Do you have any concerns about the vulnerability of [IJ R. Tirtosudarmo. "Transmigration policy and national development your village to rising energy prices? A. Concluding Remarks plans in Indonesia (i969-1988)". Canbeml, Ausrralia: National Centre 12) Do you have any other concerns related to energy for for Development Studies, 1990, p. 27_30. W._K. Chen, LiI,ear Networks The water quality and its resources, electricity, education, the villagers? and Systems (Book style), Belmont, CA; Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123- health services and basic infrastructures are fundamental 135. 13) In your time in the village have you seen growth in [2J T. R. Leinbach, "The transmigration programme in Indonesian aspects to be considered for sustainable development of electricity/fuel demands from the villagers national development strategy: Current slatus and fUture Tanjung Menang village. Implementing these aspects into long 14) Since you have Jived in the village, have there been any requirements". Habitat International. Volume 13, Issue 3. 1989. Pages Fig. 9 Satellite photo over the EMTB area term rigid programs requires strong support from local­ improvements in energy supply (kerosene, diesel fuel, 81-93. [3J R. Ellen. "The human consequences ofdeforestation in the Moluccas". national stakeholders. electricity etc) facilities for the villages? Who was Sp~cial Issue in Civilisation. Volume 44, Issue 1-2, 1997, pp. 176-[93, In measuring villagers' point of view on sustainable criteria, The electricity, fuels prices and technology are key factors responsible for these improvements? [4] F. Stone, K. M. Chomitz. E. F. Lambin, T. P. Tomich. '·Land use and it is indicated that in general sense, community leaders have to improve better economics life of the villagers. The life time 15) How does the energy supply situation in your village vegetation fires in Province, Sumatra. Indonesia". Forest well understood [32]. However, like many other villages in the of RETs projects/products is strongly related to end users' compare to neighbouring villages? Ecology and Management, Volume 179, Issue.-; 1-3, 3 July 2003, pp, appreciation, methods & behavior of use, supports (links and 277·292. deVeloping countries as investigated by Cheshire and Higgins 16) What is your expectation for the future in terms of [5J S. Holden, H. Hvoslef, R. Simanjuntak. "TransmigJ'otron seulemenls in [33], sustainable development of villages need a strong networks and protection programs provided by government). energy supply for the village? How will this be Sebedda. Sumatra: Deterioration offamting systems in 0 rain forest commitment of local and national stakeholders. Then, the Priority scale of future development program for the EMTB achieved? environmem". Agricultural Systems, Volume 49, IsslIe 3. 1995. pp. commitment can be measured from rigid programs, which will areas should be prioritized in the near future. Moreover, this Ideas for investigating opinions about how technology is 237-258 program should be discussed intensively with the local [6J p, Burbridge, J, A. Dixon. B. Soewardi. "Forestry and ogrit:ullure: be nm in a medium tenn and be continued in the long tenn viewed in the village: aptionsfor resource allocation in choosing landsfor transmigration government of Tulang Bawang district and Vlith other program. NGOs, 17) What makes one village more advanced i.e (explain) development". Applied Geography, Volume I, IsslIe4, O<.:lober 1981, government agencies and educational institutions. Then, the It is observed that Indonesian human development index more progressive than another village? pp.237-258. discussion results are proposed to provincial and national 18) Have there been any committee discussion or [7J G. Dawson. "Developmenl planningfor WOmen: Thecase a/the (HD!) and human poverty index (HPI) are still low compare to government. agreement found within the village to decide the future Indonesian transmigration program". Women's Studies International other ASEAN countries [34-36]. This condition means that Formn, Volume 17, Issue 1, January-February 1994, pp. 69-81 development of your village? education program on related issues for rural areas have to be [8] Y. Lu. "Test of the 'healthy migrant hypothesis'; A longitudinal 19) Is new technology seen as the main way forward for analysis ofhealrh $electivity of interna! migration in indonesia". Social accommodated by the stakeholders. High numbers of failure B. Future Works development in the village? E.g. new power station, Science & Medicine, Volume 61, Issue g, October2008, pp. 1331_1339. rate ofRETs projects are strongly related to the IIDI and HPJ. [9J K. Nomllra. "Apel'1lpective on educationfor sustainable development: Transfer data collected into a qualitative analysis using water filtration plant, teleconununication system. The HDI and HPI are key factors to bring the priority scale of NVlVO software. Then, finishing related data from field frlSlol'ical development of environmental education in Irtdone .• ia", 20) How that bringing a new technology in to your village International Journal ofEducatiollal Development, Volume 29. Issue 6, the long term program development of rural areas in survey in which 250 villagers were selected as the survey could result in any problems e.g. for your environment November 2009, pp. 621-627. Indonesia. participants. For further stages, together with secondary data, and society? [10] c. Marr. "Uprooting people. destroying cultures - indonesia's It is absolutely depended on Indonesian government to recent data obtained from the field observation, the interview 21) What is your understanding of the term sustainable transmigration program ". Multino/ronal Monitor. Volume 11. No 10. reconsider IIDI and HPI as basic elements for every long tenn October 1990. ell. Indonesia. and the field survey will be used in sustainability assessment development? [11) R. Elmhirst. "Space. ide/llily politics and resources control in program development. Like usual, Indonesia government 22) Is sustainable development important to your village? indonesia's transmigration programme". Political Geography, Volume failed to synchronize its agencies programs. For instance, the APPENDIX Ideas for investigating opinions about renewable energy 18. 1999.pp. 813-835. program of independent energy village (KTM) installed in the projects: [12] B. Verbist, A. E. D. Putra. S. Budidarsono. "FaCIOI' driving land lise List of interview materials: change: Effect on woter$hedfuI!clion in a coffee agI'o forestry system Tanjung Mas Makmur was established by Transmigration Ideas for questions on background/context 23) In recent years, you have seen renewable energy in Lampung, Sumatera". Agricultural System. Volume 85. 2005, pp. Department in 2006. However, designing PV technology for 1) How long have you been staying in this viIIage? technologies such as the PKM windpump installed in 254·270. [13) Dinas Kesehatan Previnsi Lampung. "Heallh profite of Lomprmg the village was not followed any standard procedures. 2) How long have you been appointed as one of 2005 andPV for solar home systems in 2009: Moreover, economic feasibility study did not touch a. In what ways (if any) can you see RE improving the provirlcc 2006". Lampung- Indonesia, 2006, pp. 85. community leader in this viII age? [14] Indonesian National Dcvclop!\1~'1Jt Plallllil\g Ag~l\cy "R~l'{11'I 011 rlw quality oflife for the village? fundamental aspects of rural economic and social life. The Ideas for investigating opinions regarding drinking water: A~hl"vemmt of Millennium Developm"nr Goa;.' Inuorm,},: 2I1D;". b. What are the difficulties for projects to succeed field observation in the August 2009 indicated that none of 3) How long have you been conswning drinking water RE L1nited NaMn. Ja~artll. 2()08.l'P. 4{j.5S, [15J WSP Report. "Economic impacts of sanilatloll ill SoU/heost Asia - A from your current source of water? in your village? fOIlI'-~ountry study conducted In Cambodio. Indonesia. tlte Philippines

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and Vietnam under the economics oj'sanitation initiative (ESI) ". World Cen~i1d~wan Foundation. Since 2001, he has been doing severnl research Bank. , 200S. studles.lij the areas of renewable eijergy and cQnsetVatlon energy for [16J BPS. "Profile of electricity distribu/~ for consumers ]995-2007 developmg country, particularly Indonesia. A Practical Method for Load Balancing in the (IndOlle~ian ",,;s!on) ". Jakarta, 2005. Available: ~,ttr:/h.yw\\·.l> Dr, Jonathan Wh~le has worked in the area of renewable energy in the [17J Indoijesillu Mmlstry of Rural Development. "Electricity mId water UK, USA and Australia over the last 18 years including periods working on samlalion program for Lampung province, ,. Jakarta. 2007. Available: projects with the International Energy Agency (LEA), tho US National LV Distribution Networks http·iwNw.mdonesia.goid. Rene:vable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Research Institute for [18] Department of Traijsmigration and Labour. ']ndependent energy Sustainable Energy (RISE). He is currently Direl:tor of the National Small villages (KTM). in bldonesia, " Jakarta, 2009. Available: Wind Turbine Centre at ruSE and a Lecturer in Energy Studies and Case study: Tabriz electrical network QIL\Y.\UY.i~ll!..g!1i4. Renewable Energy Engineering at Murdoch Uijjversity in Perth. Dr Wbale [19J Media fudonesia News. 44 KTM across fudonesia. Jakarta, 2007. has research interests in the area of small wind turbines sustainable [20] B. Yudiantoro, A. Taufik. "Mainlaining productiVity of ,.ural area in 2 develo~~t and energy efficiency. He has authored or co-auth~red a total of A. Raminfard ],2 , S. M. Shahrtash JndoneslO: A perspective of total customer involvement from design 10 22 publicalJOns together with 20 commercial-in-coijfidence reports .. maintenance of a loco! wind pump (LWPJ application, ., In Renewable rjl.l1l1lli"3rd(a.~ci!i.t<:l!!-it"§9jr .i?lnhIlash@ill'§.L.!!..t<:ir Energy for sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region AlP 1.Tabriz electric dis1ribution company, ~ewYork, 2007, Volume 941, pp.30-39. • , 2.Center of Excellence for Power System Automation and Operation [21J A. TaufIk. "Technologica! implememation of renewable cne1'!V' In Iran University of Science &Technology nlral isolaled and small_mediuom Islands in Indonesia: Problem m~pping and preliminary S1/n'eys of lOla I people porticipation in local By applying the proposed algorithm, the neutral current wmd pump waler supply". In Renewable Energy for sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region. AlP, New York, 2007, Volume Abstract- In this paper, a new efficient method for load balancing becomes very low and power losses due to unbalancing 941, pp.I-8, in low voltage distribution systems is presented. The proposed decrease significantly. [22J UNICEF. ··Core questums on drinking,wOIer and sanitation for method introduces an improved Leap-frog method for optimization. household surveys'·. WHO, Geneva, 2006, pp, 6-14. II. MODELING [23J Ministry of Planning & Infrastructure. "WaleI' map/or Tulang Eawang The proposed objective function includes the difference between Areas". Jakarta, 1984. three phase currents, as weU as two other teons to provide the integer Many different objectives could be considered for [24J H. ~. Siri. "Undergroundwatcr quality ofRawajilU LampIlJlg··, Master property of the variables; where the latter are the status of the optimization function. In this paper the difference between thes,,;, Faculty of Mining Engineering, Banduijg lnstitutc of connection of loads to different phases. Afterwards, a new algorithm amplitude of three phase current, in least square function form, Technology, 1992. is supplemented to undertake the integer values for the load [25J ], bnbernon, "Chonges In agricullllfal practice and landscape over a connection status. Finally, the method is applied to different parts of is used as the objective function(similar to[1 D· 60 year period in North lampl/ng, Sumatera". Agriculture Ecosystems Tabriz low voltage network, where the results have sho\Vll the good & Environment, Volume 76, 1999, pp, 61_66. perfonnance of the proposed method [26J R. Gauthier. "Agra-ecologlcal strOlegies in North Lampung, Indonesia: soc~l const"".inlS to biological mOJlagemem of soil fertility'·. Agncultuml SCience, Volume 48, 2000, pp. 91-104. Keywords-- Load balancing, Improved Leap-frog Method, [27] M. R. Abas, D, R. Oros, B. R. T. Simoneit, "Biomass burning as the Optimization algorithm, Low voltage distribution systems. main source oforganic aerosol ponlcu/ale mallei· in Malaysia during haze episodes .'. Chemosphere. Volume 55,2004, pp. 1089-1095. LlNTRODUCTlON [28J D, Restutia, A. Michaelowab. "Vie economic polenlia.1 ofba.gasse cogeneration as CDMprajec/s in indonesia". Energy Policy, Volume 35.2007, pp. 3952-3966. [29J R. E. Wimanda. "Price voriQblllty and price convergence: Evidence Developing in distribution power systems, load variety and ~r;;!~~nesiQ". Journal of Asiaij Economics, Volutue 20, 2009, pp. loads sensitivity have made distribution companies to pay [30] P. Tan. "Pell'Ol up 87% in Indonesia", PauJtlm News, 2005. Available: special attention to power quality indices and networks httn"jip~ehan.orgJ2005i l OIOll,.,etwl.lrn-B7 _in_jndone<;ja. reliability. One of the important topics in low voltage [31J GTZ. "'the different foel price policies in AS&i.N ,·ountries". GTZ distribution systems is loss reduction, in order to reduce the Report, 2005. (.) [32) D ..Murdiarso, M. van Noordwijk. A. Puntodewo, A. Widayati, B. costs, Lus!ana. "Distric/oScale priOlithation.far AIR CDMproject actiVilles in The existing low voltage distribution systems have various Indonmda ill line with sustainable development objectives'. Agriculture single, two and three phase loads. Optimum distribution of E~osystems & EIiviromnent, Volume 126, 2008, pp. 59-66. single phase and double phase loads between three phases [33J L. H. Cheshire. V. Higgins. "F'J'Om risky 10 responsible: expert network is one of the important factors in reduction of the knowledge and Ihe governing of community-led nlfol development ". Journal ofRuml Studies, Volume 20, Issue 3, July 2004, pp. 289_302. difference iIi the amplitude of loads between the three phases [34] M. AJauddiij. "Ellvlronmentalitinget.'Olwmic development: a SOllth and power Josses consequently. Asian perspective", Ecological Eoonomi~s, Volume 51, Issues 3-4. 1 In this paper a practical algorithm for load balancing in LV Dccr:mber 2004, pp, 251-270. dis1ribution networks in presented which is based on applying [35] C'.. M .. Varglll;. "Sustaillable developmenl education: Averting or mmgatmg c"llural collision". International Journal of Educational Modified Leap Frog Method to optimization of Development, Volume 20, Jssu~ 5. September 2000, pp. 377·396. loads' connections to different phases subject to the fact that [36J 1. E. Schmalbach, H. Alfonso, H. Oliveros, H. Gaitan, C. Agudelo. "A each single phase can be connected to one of the phases and /lew IlIeq"ity-in.Hea/th index based all MiIlellll/m Development Goals; the variable parameter which indicates this connectivity should methodology and volidatlolln.Journai of Clinical Epidemiology. Volume 61, Issue 2, February 2008, pp, 142-150. remain as an integer number through and in final stage of [37J H. ~~ono, '·J~batan Selat Sunda dan 208 Feri". Short Analysis of optimlzation process. (b) f~aSlbJiity constramts-economics and finaijsiai. Hanum News 2010 Available: .. Fig.l. (a) DistributiO!l Feeder around point k

Mr. Ahmad TaufIk is a PhD studeijt at the School of Engineering and (b) Load Switching Coofiguring for a load Energy, Murdoch U~iversity. He is also an activist as weU as a principal researcher ofa NGO m lndonesia dealing with renewable energy, named Pijar

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