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WARING & GILLOW, LTD. 164-180 Oxford Street, LONDON. W.


INTEREST in Italian Art, like the Art itself, never dies. The seed sown by the makers of the Renaissance not only bore immediate fruit, but ensured a harvest ot lofty ideals tor all time. In each succeeding age Italy has taken her place in the van of artistic expression, and to-day her sculptors and painters are worthily maintaining the great traditions of the Latin race.

In view of this perennial interest in Italian Art, we trust that connoisseurs will appreciate the Exhibition we are now holding. Our representative has recently returned from Italy with many fine examples of Antique Furniture, Old Tapestries, Sculptured Marbles of historic interest. Bronzes of unique design, old Majolica ware. Lace (including a XVIth Century specimen from the collection of Prince Bellaprima), XVIth Century Cathedral A^estments embroidered with figures of saints, and Paintings by Old Masters. There is also an interesting collection of works by modern artists, including Pio Joris, Ricci, Corelli, Cipriani, Vertunni, Forti, Ferretti, Balla, Mariotti, Santoro, Mancini, and Filiberto Petiti, a work by the last of whom has been specially loaned to this exhibition by H.M, Queen Margherita, who is showing an interest in this introduction of the Modern Italian School to the English public.

This Catalogue deals with but a small portion of the exhibits. Only a visit to our Exhibition Gallery can give a proper idea of the scope, variety, beauty and value of the Collection as a whole. f^^-T^

«> ^

'-J BALLA, GiAcoMo. All Artist of great renown, awarded diplomas in many International Exhibitions.

No. I. "May" . . . Oil painting.

No. 2. "Villa MedicT' . . „

of , .; . Pastel. No. 3. "Head Girl" ;

BATTAGLIA, alessandro. A most celebrated Artist, resident at , awarded medals and diplomas at many International Exhibitions.

No. 3A. "Gathering Oranges" . M-^ater Colour.

BENEDETTI, michel de. a renowned Sculptor at Rome, awarded diplomas at the most important International Exhibitions. The following exhibit is a replica of that sold to 11. M. <)ueen Margherita. " No. 4. " Alba A Marble Head with bronze base. " No. 4A. " SuL I>iMiTARi . Bronze Head on base.

BENTIVEGNA, vincenzo. Born 1S79 at Sciacca in Sicily. Studied at Palermo under Antonio Ugo. Awarded the " Circolo Artistico " prize, and diplomas in various Academy Exhibitions.

No. 5. "Mammina" . . . Bronze. " No. 6. " La Palla . . . „ " No. 7. " Ragazzo . . . ,, " No. 8. " CoNTADINA . . . ,,

BOTTOM, pio. A celebrated Artist, resident at Rome. Awarded diplomas at many Exhibitions of International Art.

No. 8 A. "Assisi" . - . Oil painting.

CACCIARELLI, uMBERTo. An Artist of great merit, awarded diplomas at many International Exhibitions of Modern Art.

No. 9. "Sisters" . . . Oil painting.

No. 10. "My Father's Village" ,,

CAROSI, GIUSEPPE. A celebrated Artist, pupil of Cav. Professor Publio di Tommasi. Awarded diplomas at Exhibitions of Modern Art. No. II. "On THE Hills of Subiaco " Water colour.

No. 12. "A Promising Girl" . „ c



< CARPANETTO, professor g. e. Born 1863, resident at Turin, pupil at the Albertina Academy under Gamba, Gastaldi and Gilardi. Awarded diplomas at various Inter- national Exhibitions, and many of his works have been acquired by H.M. The King of Italy and National Galleries. " " No. 13. Un Pontile di Venezia . Oil painting. " No. 14. "Porto Venere . . ,, " " No. 15. Lago Maggiore . . „ " No. 16. " Piazza ' San Marco,' Venice ,,

No. 17. "Grand Canal, Venice" o ,, No. 18. "A Rustic Bridge in the

Mountains" . . ,,

CIPRIANI, nazareno.

An Artist of great repute, resident in Rome. x\warded diplomas at many of the important International Exhibitions of Modern Art.

No. 19. "The Song of a Nun" . Oil painting. " " No, 20. Fruit Sellers at Venice ,, No. 21. "House at Abruzzo in the " Middle Ages . . Water colour. No. 22. "Old House in Abruzzo" „


Born 1853 at Rome, pupil of the Royal Academy of St. Luca. Awarded Gold Medal at Antwerp Exhibition 1S85, Grand Prix at Berlin 1887, Diploma at Barcelona 1891, Medals at the International Exhibitions ot , St. Petersburg, Chicago and St. Louis. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy.

No. 23. "La Pannechia Rossa e il Bacio alla Piu Bella" T4^ater colour.

This unic|ue picture represents peasant men and girls threshing Indian Corn. The man who finds the reddest husk has the privilege to kiss the prettiest girl.

" No. 24. " MoRMORii Crepuscolari . Oil painting. No. 25. "A Morning Prayer" " No. 26. " The Guardian " No. 2 6 a. " The Votive Shrine " No. 26b. " Between Her Pets


A noted Artist, resident at Rome awarded diplomas at Exhibitions of Modern Art. " " No. 26c, On the Way Home . Oil Painting.

No. 26d. "The Favorite Page" . ,, w Pi c


O <


^: CROCE, MADAME LANCELOT. A lady artist of renown at Rome. Some of her clever productions have been acquired by the Italian Royal Family.

No. 27. "Wine" . . . A bronze vase. No. 28. "Beer"

No. 29. "The River and Meadow" ,,

FERRETTI, paolo. An Artist of great fame, resident in Rome. Awarded medals in a number of Exhibitions of International Art and patronised by H.M. the King of Italy. " " No. ^o. At Porto Venere . Oil painting.

No. 31. "Porto Venere" . . „ " " No. 32. Grotta Arpaia . . „

No. 33. "Peasants' Dwellings" . ,, " No. 34. " SCOGLIERA DI PoRTO VeNERE „

FORTI, EDOARDO. A Painter of great merit, celebrated for his portrayal of early Roman subjects. Awarded meilalsat many International Exhibitions.

",, . No. ^5. " A Bacchic Dance . Oil painting.

FRANZESE, giuseppe. a celebrated Sculptor at , awarded medals at various Inter- national Exhibitions.

'•'• No. 36. Ax:>Y IT am" III!,sfra/ed OH page 72. A Bronze Group.

GALIMBERTI, silvio. A celebrated Artist of Rome, awarded diplomas at many important International Exhibitions.

No. 37. "Moonrise" . . Oil painting.

No. 38. " Mountain Life." . . „ " No. 39. " Country Scenes in Abruzzi „

JORIS, CAV. professor pio. Native of Rome, pupil of the St. Luca Academy, awarded gold medals at the Exhibitions of Paris, Dresden, Munich, Rome and Naples. Academical Professor, by merit, at St. Luca and Turin. Many of his pictures are in the National Galleries of Rome, Budapest, Stuttgart and the Metropolitan Museum, New York.

No. 40. " Campo di Fiori, Rome" . Oil painting. No. 41. " Washerwomen AT THE River

Tiber, Rome" . . Water colour. " No. 42. " Mary Magdalen . . „ 1 _:


m — — 1


Resident at Rome, the most celebrated Italian Poitrait Painter of the day. His portrait of "Elizabeth Williamson," now at the Royal Academy, Burlington House, has been most favourably commented '•. upon by the English Press. . . There hangs alongside inirahile

dictit — a INIancini ! . . . without exception it is the greatest portrait in ." the Academy . . Extract from the Sunday Times criticism of the Royal Academy Pictures, 1909, Aj Frank /\ utter, Esq.

No. 43. " Portrait of Mancini " (by

the Artist) . . . (Jil painting.


A famous Painter, resident in Rome, awarded diplomas at many International ExhibitExhibitions.

No. 44. "Under the Olives" . Oil puinting.

MELIS, gino salvatore,

A famous Painter of Venice, awarded diplomas at many International Exhibitions, including the Paris Salon, 1900. " " No. 45. L'ora DEI Vespri . . Oil painting.

la . . No. 46. "Verso Luce"' ,, " " No. 47. Val d'Aosta . . „ " No. 48. Ite Missa est" . . „

NOLIGORI, signora l. xV lady Artist of renown at Turin. " No. 49. " Mentone . . . Oil painting.

No. 50. "Valle d'Aosta" . . ,,

No. 51. "Valle d'Aosta" . . ,,


Born at Verrucchio, resident in Rome. Pupil of Giovanni Corla. Awarded gold medal at San Marino Republic, 1894; diploma at Venice Exhibition, 1901, and medal at St. Louis Exhibition, 1904.

No. 52. "At My Village 'Verrucchio' Oil painting. " No. ^'}. "On the Lake of Como . „

No. 53a. "Evening" . . . „

1 "An August Morning in the Saint's Valley at Subiaco. By FiLIRERTO PeTITI.

SPECIALLY LOANED TO THIS EXHIBITION BY HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGHERITA. PENNACCHINI, domenico. A noted Artist of Rome, pupil of Cav. Professor Augusto Corelli, Awarded diplomas at various International Exhibitions.

No. 54. "The First Steps" . . PVater Colour.

PETITIj CAV. professor filiberto.

Professor of the St. Luca and Milan Academies, awarded Gold Aledals at the International Exhibitions of Rome, 1890, and Milan, 1893. Many of his paintings are in the Royal Italian Palace, and the National Galleries of Berlin, Rome, Milan and Turin. " " No. 55. Morning AT LuNGHEssA . Oil Painting. " " No. !^(i. Anticoli Corrado . ,, " " No. 57. Valle del Santo . . ,, " " No. 58. Seascape at Capri . ,,

No. 59. " Mattina di Agosto nella " Valle del Santo . . ,, Loaned by HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGHERITA.

PIUMATI, CAV. professor g.

Born 1850, resident at Turin, pupil of the Albertina Academy, awarded gold medals and diplomas at many International Exhibitions.

No. 60. "August Snow on the Alps" Oil Painting. No. 60a. " Flowers on the Alps"

RICCI, DANTE. Native of Serrasanquirico, resident in Rome. Age 29. This young artist has already achieved celebrity, and it is predicted by the best judges in Italy that his pictures are destined to become very famous. Patronised by 11. M. The King of Italy. " No. 61. " GiuDECCA, Venice . Oil painting. 6ia. No. "The Trevi Fountain, Rome" ,,

RONCAGLI, commander g.

Attached to the Geographical Society at Rome, Pupil of , of Naples, travelled for many years as a naval officer, and explorer in South America, always painting and collecting sketches, many of which he developed into large pictures. In 1903 one of his large marine paintings was purchased by H.M. The King of Italy for his private gallery.



" No. 62 " A Man Overboard Oil painting. " " No. 6'i A Bright Noon . " No. 64 " Sunset at Sea

No. (^s "Twilight in the Adriatic " No. 66 " Entering Port at Night

No. 67 " Summer Evening in the Appennines "

No. 68 " In the Region of the

Trades-Winds" . No. 69 "The Mooring of the Mail" No. 70 "A Glance at the Adriatic " in Summer

No. 71 "Landscape in the Marca d'Ancona " No. 72 " A Summer Breeze " " No. 73 Country Rest

SANTORO, CAV. FRANCESCO RAFAEL. A renowned Artist of Rome, awarded diplomasd in many International Exliibilions of Modern Art.

No. 74. " Lago di Piediluco, Umbria" Oil painting.

SOMEDA, domenico. Native of Udine, resident in Rome, awarded diplomas in various International Exhibitions. Many of his paintings are in National Galleries, and one in Barcelona Museum, which was acquired in that city by the Authorities during the Exhibition of 1908.

No. 75. " The Lower Alps from " Friuli Oil painting.

No. 76. " Villalta Castle in the Middle Ages "

No. 77. "Village near the Castle OF Count Brasse di Sarvognan "


TARENGHI, cav. exrico

An Artist of great reputrepute, resident in Rome, awarded diplomas at many of the important InternationalInt Exhibitions of Modern Art.

No. 78. "Ecstasy" . . lJ\iter coloir.

TINNARO, GIUSEPPE. Born in Sicily, resident in Rome. A young Artist, but alread\" achieved fame. At the Barcelona International Exhibition, 1908, the City acquired one of his pictures for the Gallery of 2*Iodern Art. YWi, pastel " Serenata," shown in this Exhibition, has been greatly admired by H.M. The King of Italy, as a picture full of poetry and painted with vigorous technique. " No. 79. " Serenata . . , Pastel.

TIRATELLI, cav. cesare.

A celebrated Artist, resident in Rome, pupil of his father. Professor Aurelio, awarded diplomas in the Exhibitions of International Art at Rome, Palermo and Chicago. Some of his pictures are in National Galleries, and their Majesties Humbert I. and \'ictor Emanuel have acquired some of his works.

No. 80. " The Flower of the

\"iLLAGE " . . Oil painting.

No. 81. "A Cat and Dog" . JJ\iter colour. No. 8ia. "Roman Washerwomen at " THE Tiber . . . Oil painting.

TOMMASI, CAV. professor purlio de.

An Artist of great renown and merit, resident in Rome, awarded medals and diplomas at many important International Exhibitions.

'' No. 82. "A Street in Anticoli . Oil painfuig. " " No. %},. Wayside Rest . . Jl'ater colour.

VERNO, PROFESSOR CAMILLO. A celel^rated Painter at the Royal Institute of Fine Arts, ?iIodena.

No. 84. "Sun Rays". . . Oil painting. No. 85. "Frescura" ... „


A famous Painter, resident in Rome, awarded diplomas at many International Exhibitions. His painting in the Academv Exhibition at Rome, 190S, was purchased by H.M. The King of Italy.

" No. 86. " Barche sull' Adriatico . Oil painting. " " No. 87. L'Eremo di San Cosimato ,,

17 " Frescura." By Camillo Verno. VIGHI, coRioLANo [deceased'). A celebrated Artist of Bolngna, awarded diplomas at the most important International Art Exhibitions.

No. 88. "NoTruRNo" Pastel " No. 89. " Ultime Luci


A celebrated Painter at Florence, awarded diplomas at man)- Inter- national Exhil)itions.

No. 90. "The Old Story" . Oil painting.

No. 91. "The Privilege of Age" " " No. 92. A Pause .

No. 93. "The Old Spinner"


" CATTANEO, c. " Maternita . . . Bronze CANONICA, coMM. "A Head"

BISTOLFI, coMM. L. "Washerwomen" " Busts OF Washerwomen

CONTRATI, professor. "Heads of Children

FLIMAGALLI, c. " Bacchante with Amorini

"Theft of Roses" . " " Preparing for War

B2 19 " The Three Graces." By Sarriboursi.

SARRIBOURSI, de. An Artist resident at Florence, celebrated for his studies of the Old Masters. Appointed by the French Govermiient to copy Raphael's " Madonna of the House of Orleans," and his " Three Graces," both in possession of H.R. H. Duke d'Aumales at the Chateau de Chantilly. The studies are placed by the French Government in the " Ecole des Beaux Arts," and small replicas are being shown in this Kxhiliition.

No. 95. " Madonna de la Maison " d'Orleans . . . Oil pduiting. " No. 96. " The Three Graces . . Oil painting. " No. 97. " A Botticelli Panel . Oil painting.

20 "The Orleans Madonna, By Sarriroursi. No. lOO. Suite of Seven Tapestries ot the early XVIIth. Century, depicting hunting scenes, vigorously treated, set in backgrounds ot interesting woodland landscapes, enclosed with rich borders of Caryatidi, clusters ot truit, masks, scrolls, &c. The colourings are a tine example ot harmonious blending of a torcible

character. These tapestries, the weaving ot which is liberally interspersed with silk threads, were executed by Jan Raes, the same weaver who produced a set tor the Vatican, the cartoons ot which are in the South

Kensington Museum. They were made tor a Spanish Governor in the Netherlands, whose picture and that ot

his Consort are portrayed in two ot the panels. Subjects :

No. I. "A Lion Hunt." No. 2 "A Bear Hunt."

No. 3 "A Leopard Hunt."

' No. 4 '• A Boar Hunt.

No. 5 "A Wolf Hunt." " Nos. 6 &: " Governor and Consort."

See illustration^ page i. Price /, 3,000 the suite.

No, loi. Screen and Doors from the Borghese Palace, Rome. This unique decorative woodwork illustrates the best examples of Italian carving and gilding of the XVIIth. Century. The open work panels ot screen are treated with richly carved and gilt foliated scrolls of noble design, torming a cartouche in the centre, which encircles the Borghese crest of an eagle supporting a coronet. The doors, ot similar treatment, are occupied in the centres with carved and gilt cherub heads. The lower panels ot screen and doors are carved from the solid, with cartouche shields embellished with a design of interlaced carved and gilt strapwork. As suggested in

the illustration, page No. 2, thev would form a most noble teature for the construction ot a dignified Italian

salon. See Illustration^ page 2. -

* ^ ~— '•^•"gg^ —."-^ "r"-!S'-"ii'^r>iTT r -"tst^" i

XV'th Century Fainting on Panel. "The Annunciation.'' By Francesco di Gentile. (Comm. Carlo Fornari Collection.) Sie a/so page 76. Ax Italian Gothic Cabinet.

See description, No. 102. .

No. 1 02. A Carved Gothic Cabinet, with cupboard and flap enclosing

drawers. /^^^S- lUustrated on page 24.

No. 103. Italian Gothic Arm Chair, with carved back and pedi-

ment. ^28. lUustrated on tins page.

No. 104. A Gothic Oar Arm Chair, upholstered in ruby red cut velvet with applique embroidery.

/, 30. Illustrated on this page.

A Gothic Chair.

See descTipiioii, No. 103.

No. 105. A Reliquary Bust ot the XVth Cen- tury, in carved and gilt wood, representing " John the Baptist." Rare

museum s p e c i m e n Height, 10 in. /,"8 \os.

No. 106. A Reliquary Bust of a Saint. Similar to above. Height, lo in. A Gothic Chair. £% los. See description, No. 104.

25 .

No. 107. A Decorated Bust of the XVIth Century, representing " A Saint." A rare museum

example. ^18 lOi".

No. 108. AXVIthCENTURvLEATHER Chest decorated with cut-work

partly embroidered. ^9 lo.v.

No. 109. A Gothic Tabernacle OF Gilt and Decorated Wood, interesting shaped tront, with end panels embellished with

painted figures ot Saints. /, -5.

Italian Gothic Stalls (pair).

See description. No. 1 1 1

No. 1 10. A Gothic Coffer of Leather with impressed design, S embellished with interesting iron work. ^37 los.

No. III. Italian Gothic Stalls (pair), with carved backs and supports and with folding seats. The pair, ^45. Illustrated on this page.

No. 1X2. A Gothic Cabinet, with

door and fall front, the whole very richly carved. Embossed iron lock plates. ^65. Illustrated on this page.

No. 113. Italian Gothic Chairs (pair), circular seats and with Italian Gothic Cabinet. carved backs. The pair £10. Sec description, No. 112.

26 No. I 14. Carved AND Gilt Easel, triangular base, elaborately carved with winged sphinx, escutch- eons, and masks, the carved spiral pole terminating with carved and Italian Gothic Bench, gilt leaf ornament. See description. No. iiS. ^35 lo-^-

No. 115. A Gothic Table, the top with circular carved medallion of characteristic conventional ciesign, the stretcher and side medallions ot interesting openwork

• carving. ^8 105. ,

No. 116. Monastery Chair of the XVIth Century. In- teresting form in walnut, with carved and gilt finials, the seat and back upholstered in old green velvet embellished with gold galloon and bullion tringe. ^19 105. No. 118. A Gothic Table and Bench the table with pierced a n d carve d St andard ends, the benchwith revolving

rail back. The two, Italian Gothic Table. See description. No. iiS. on l/iispage. ^ « No. 119. Italian Gothic Stalls (pair) with carved backs and arms, and with folding seats. The pair, ^40. Ilhis-

trated on tJiis pdge.

No. 120. Italian Gothic Chairs (pair), revolv-

ing; seats with carved and pierced backs. The pair, ^30. Illustrated on this page.

No. 123. A Buffet of the XVth Century, with divisions in front

of caryatide figures ; Italian Gothic Stalls (pair). forming two cupboards

S,:e dcscTiption, No. 1 19 and a centre recess with finely carved masks. The panels of the two cupboards with circular inlaid medallions. The frieze of oblong panels with finely carved grotesque masks. The top with wrought iron hinges of the period enclosing recess fitted with drawers. The carved base moulding supported with claw feet. ^250. No. 124. Arm Chair, upholstered in old PTcen velvet. XVIIth

Century. /, i 5 lo.f. No. 125. Two High-Back Chairs,

in old Renaissance tapestry. /, 35. No. 126. Carved Walnut Decor-

ated Chair, with the back and __y'

front support shaped with carya- „ ,, ^ ^ . , ^ "^ ,. Gothic Chai RS (pair). tide figures. 12. ^ e description. No. T20. 28 Italian Renaissance Credence. See description, No. 133.


No. 127. Carved Coffer Bench, with arm supports of caryatide figures, the back panel carved with foHated and floral scrolls, with Amorini and escutcheon in centre. ^25. No. 128. A Re- naissance Cherub,

vigorously carved in

Italian walnut. £1 5. Illustrated on page ] 3 No. 129. Italian Re- naissance Table in walnut, the top sup- ported on standard ends with carved seated figures of

Boys. ^60. Illus-

trated on page 3 ]. No. 130. Pair of Mirrors, elaborate-

ly carved and gilt, the outer frame ot bold Florentine foliated scrolls with cherub head above and below, the inner border composed of Embossed Leather Chair. fruit carved in high See description. No. 135. relief. ;^8o.

Italian Carved Cassone.

See description, No. 136. 31 Q rt\ w rn ^ i-i U d •^

w ^ > • ^ Pi ^ <

U ;^ 2 ^ No, 132. Italian Renaissance Table in carved walnut, with inlaid mar- queterie top. £lS' Illustrated on

No, 133. A Fine Italian Renais-

sance Credence in walnut ; the doors carved with oval medallions of heads, fluted pilasters with capitals, with 2 drawers and panels under ; grotesque masks and cartouche panels. In this, as in many examples of XVIth Century work, the design of surroundings of the panels difl^ers in design. ^loo. Italian Carved Illustrated on page 29, Cherub, No. 135. A High Back Arm Chair See description, No. 12S. IN Walnut, of characteristic form of the early XVIIth Century, the seat and back are of em- bossed leather ot interesting design, embellished with metal studs. ,^^27 \os. Illustrated on page ^i.


Renaissance Walnut Table.

Sec descriplion. No. 129.

^Z .

No. 136. Italian Renaissance Cassone, in walnut, with inter- esting carved design of foliated scrolls and angels supporting a cartouche shield, and carved masks at both ends of front panel. ^32 105. Illustraled

on page 3 i

No. 137. Unique Oak Chest, three doors with carved panels ot portrait medallion centres surrounded with interesting arabesques. The doors are Savonarola Chair. divided by two pilasters with

See description, No. 140. carved cherub heads. XVIth Century. ^135.

No. 138. Renaissance Velvet Arm Chair, the seat and back of interesting "opus consutum" or applique em- broidery, with centre design of vase with conventional

lilies. /18 i8i.

Italian Renaissance Table.

See description, No. 141. 34 Italian Renaissance Cabinet.

See description. No. 150.

Old Monastery Chairs (pair).

See description. No. 158.

No. 139. A Credenza of the XVIth Century. Bold con- struction in Italian walnut and vigorous carvino; on tront and two sideSj three pilasters with design of male bust on pedestal in centre and a female figure at either end, surmounted by lions' heads

enclosing secret recesses : two finely carved panelled doors enclosing cupboard with shelf and drawers above, with of carved caryatide Carved and Gilt design supporting knob han- Pedestals (pair). figm'es base of interesting See description. No. 156. dles ; the

37 carved detail, supported by four whole-length lions. This unique

example is in excellent preservation

and in its original condition ot the period without restorations. From a

ft. ins. Roman Palace. Length, 7 4 ;

height, 4 ft. 8 ins. ; depth, 2 ft.

. on . 4 ins . £2.20 Illustrated page 3 2 No. 140, A Savonarola Chair in walnut, the arms carved with brackets terminating in female

busts ; the seat and back covered in stamped leather, £\S- Illustrated on page 34. No. 141. Renaissance Carved Table in wal- nut, with arched up- rights in centre and caryatide figure sup- ports at ends. ^85. Old Venetian Chair. Illustrated on page 34. See description. No. 159.

Carved Walnut Table. See description. No. 160. 'W






Old Milanese Cabinet.

Sec description. No. i6i.

Walnut Arm Chair. Sec description, No. 165.

No. 147. Coffer Bench of the Renaissance period, in finely carved walnut of interesting treat- ment of Amorini, festooned flowers vases, leaf scroll escutcheons, the bracket su ports ot rich design in carve detail. An important ex ample. ^85. No. 150. A Renaissance Cabinet, in walnut, moul- ded panel doors enclosing cupboards, richly carved pilasters with design of caryatidi and pendants of foliage and fruit clusters, two drawers with carved Carved and Gilt Candelabra angels supporting escut- (pair). cheons. Illustrated £^60. See description, No. i66.

on page i,S- 41 No. 156. Pair of Carved and Gilt Pedestals, with fine detail of foliated

scrolls, shell orna- ment and heads of "Pan." /60. Illus- trated on page 37.

No. 157. A Renais- sance Table in walnut, with arched uprights on carved stretcher, and carved supports at ends with open work

Walnut Chair in Old Red Velvet.

See description, No. 167.

panels and seated boys. ^95. Illustrated on page 36.

No. 158. Old Monas- tery Chairs (pair) in walnut, with carved

panel in design f of rosette and foliated scrolls. The seat and back in leather, stud- ded with nails. The pair, ^47 10.^. Illus- Walnut Chair in Embroidered trated on page 37. Velvet. See description, No. i68.

42 Italian Embroidered Screen.

See description. No. 172.

. .

No. 159. Old Venetian Chair, elaborately carved

and gilt, to which age has imparted a subdued tone. Upholstered seat and back crimson brocade, interwoven with gold threads. ^29 105. Illustraled on page 3 8 No. 160. Carved Walnut Takle, Renaissance design, with arched upright supports on carved stretcher, and

Walnut Arm Chair. Sec description. No. 176.

end supports with grotesque caryatidi divided by female

figures. jCsS- Illustrated on page 3 8 No. 161. A Milanese Cabi-

net, a deux corps. This is an interesting fine specimen of intarsia inlay, which may be described as the earliest kind of marqueterie. The frieze and panels are of walnut, with inlays ofebony, in oval or oblong medallions, surroundeci with flowing ornament of inlaid box- wood, the treatment ot which suggests something of the feeling of damascened work. ^165. Illustrated Carved Walnut Stall.

on page 39. See description, No. 177- 45 Italian Bambocci Cabinet.

See description, No. 179. .

No. 162. A Renaissance. Table in walnut, with stretcher holding carved end supports with fluted columns and caryatides. The top of noble form with pendants of grouped

Y% Walnut Arm Chair. Sec description. No. 183.

female figures, the trieze enriched with carved flutings and masks. £^o. Illustrated on page 40. No. 165. A Walnut Arm Chair, carved spiral legs and arms supported by carved temale busts. Up- holstered seat and back in XVI th Century ruby red velvet. £^0. Illustrated

on page 4 1 No. 166. Italian Candela- bra (pair), very richly V carved and gilt, triangular bases with female figures at corners and alternate fes- toons of flowers, supporting finely carved and moulded columns with vases and Italian Candelabra. acanthus foliage and groups See description, No. i86. 47 .

of dancing boys. The pair, ^120.

Illustrated on pcige 4 1 No. 167. Fine Walnut Arm Chair, the seat upholstered in old red velvet trimmed with silk fringe and the back covered in embroidered velvet with escutcheon in centre. Embellished with interesting brass studs and ter-

minals. ^45 los. Illustrated on page j\.2. No. 168. Rare Walnut Arm Chair, the seat upholstered in old ruby red velvet trimmed with silk fringe, and covered with a Renaissance Old Venetian the back Clock. embroidered panel on old red velvet

See description, No. 187.

and vase ot

lilies in centre, emblematic of the "Annuncia- tion." ^52 lOJ. Illustrated on page 42. No. 172. A Three Fold Screen with emb roidered applique panels of Renaissance design, with circular car- touche miCdal- lions, the centre one enriched with an escut- cheon. ^40. Illustrated on Fine Inlaid Ivory Cabinet, page 43. See description, No. i88. 48 Venetian Girandole Mirrors.

See description, No. 189. No. 175. A Sarcophagus-Shaped Coffer in walnut, fine Renaissance design ot foliated scrolls and conventional flowers emanating from a cartouche centre medallion, entwined carved strap-work containing alternate masks and rosettes. The ends with vigorously carved winged lions, supported on carved lions' paws. £s~- Illustrated on page 44. No. 176. A Walnut Arm Chair ot interesting form, the seat and back ot old gold antique velvet, embellished with original fringe and finished with metal studs. ^16 105. Illustrated on page 45. No. 177. Italian Walnut Stall, with carved supports and arms, shaped moulded panel back, and embellished

50 .

with carved and gilt enrichments, ^39 105. Illustrated on page 45. No. 179. Bamrocci Cabinet of the XVIth

Century, in walnut ; the upper part with numer- ous drawers and secretaire

cupboards ; double tall- down front with metal

gilt hinges, bolts, and

heraldic escutcheon ; slides for support with carved lion's head termi- nals. The lower part with panelled doors en- closing cupboard, and two drawers above. The base of bold construction with lions' claw feet. ^95 los. Illustrated on page 46. No. 183. Walnut Arm Chair, the seat uphol- stered in leather with gal- loon and fringe, the back of stamped leather embel- lished with metal studs.

^18 I OS. Illustrated on page 47. No. 186. Italian Cande- labra (pair), carved and

Pfilt, on triangular bases Old Console and with female sphinxes as Mirror. the angles, supporting See description. No. 19S. columns richly carved with vases, cherub heads, caryatide figures and acanthus foliage. The pair ^100. Illustrated on page \n

D 2 _^i

No. 187. Venetian Clock, decorated on a oreen p-round with natural flowers in colours, enriched under dial with ormolu ornament ot basket containing fruit, resting on branches of leaves. £\^ \os. Illus- trated on page 48. "*'' No. 188. A Walnut Cabi- net OF XVIIth Century, with eight drawers inlaid etched ivory of interesting

design of scrolls, inter- spersed with birds. The centre door with architec- tural design in ivory, of warrior in centre, inlaid etched ivory, enclosing Cardinal's Chair. six smaller drawers. On See description, No. 203.

'^"^T walnut stand. £l S- Illustrated on page 48. No. 189. Venetian Giran- doles (pair), carved and

gilt, of rich design, with female masks and scrolls. The pair, ^35. lUtistrated on page 49. No. 190. Italian Table WITH Marble Top,

carved and gilt, fluted legs with leaf ornament, the table with carved and gilt design of foliated scrolls and drapery festoons, with centre placque of carved reclining female figure. ^32 lOJ. llhistrated on Italian Needlework Chair.

page 50. See description. No. 20.:|.

. .

No. 198. Italian Console AND Mirror, enriched with carved and gilt decoration, and festooned urn in top panel of mirror. £SS- Illustrated on page 5 1 No. 202. Italian Console AND Marble Top, in fine Florentine design, vigor-

ously carved and gilt, to which age has imparted a subdued tone. The top of genuine old Verde Antico marble. ^57 los. Illus- trated 0)1 page 52 No. 203. Cardinal's Chairs Fine Old Italian Chairs. (pair), in walnut, with plain See liescriptiou. No. 205.

leather seats and tooled leather backs, the fine de- sign impressed in gold with centre escutcheon surmounted by a coronet. Each, £'12. los. Illus- trated on page ^t^. No. 204. Arm Chair and Two Stools, the frames ot walnut, upholstered with "petit point" needle- work of a yellow ground and design ot floral sprays, the back of chair embellished with an em- broidereci escutcheon of the " Order of St. Francis," The set of three pieces loj. ^47 Old Italian Chairs. Illustrated on page ^t^. See description. No. 207.

ss 5^ No, 205. Italian Arm Chairs, finely carved and

gilt, ot interesting design and in good state of preservation. From the Theodoli Palace, Rome. Each, ^25. Illustrated on

No. 206. Italian Table

WITH Marble Top, flat white ground with carved and gilt enrichments. The top of fine old alabaster. ^47 los. Illustrated on pdge 54. Old Italian No. 207. Old Italian Chairs. Chairs (tour), in wal-

See desci-iptioii. No. 209.

nut, upholstered seats and backs in fine old crimson silk

damask. The tour, /, 68 \os.

Illustrated on page ^ ^. No. 208. Old Italian Tables with Marble Tops, carved and de- corated, in fine design suggestive of early Chippendale style, the tops of old green mar- ble. The pair, ^92 los. Illustrated on page ^6. No. 209. Italian Arm Chairs (pair), carved

and gilt, upholstered in Genoese jardiniere velvet. The two, Old Italian Chair. ^48 loj. Illustrated on In Green Damask. ^18 lOJ. this p(^ge. 51 *"*1^ "

No. 250. An Oblong Font in " Porta Santa " marble, the sup- ports vigorously sculptured in white Carrara marble on coloured

m a r b 1 e plinths.

t r d t e d u page 58.

No. 251. Mar- RLE Busts (four) skil- fully sculp- Marisle Busts (tour). t u r e d in See description, No. 251. white mar- ble. Reputed to be executed by " Canova." The four, ^400. Illus- trated on pages 59, 61 and d^^. No. 252. Pair of Old Spiral Pedestal Columns, of Africano marble, with Corinthian capitals of white marble intricately sculptured. Fine examples of the early XVI Ith Century. ^125.

No. 253. Roman Marble Head of Female, on circular base. Early specimen. ^25. No. 254. Old Circular Marble Column, and Renaissance Vase of elegant form on square base. £SS' No. 255. Marble Vase and Column, the column of " Breccia Corallina on white marble base, supporting a solid Alabaster vase enriched with Ormolu mounts. Complete ^95. Marble Vase and Illustrated on this page. Column See description, No. 255. 59 .

No. ic^d. Pair of Marble Oviform Vases, elaborately sculptured, with handles of

entwined serpents ; upon octa- gonal marble columns. Vases

4 ft. high, columns 4 ft. 6 ins. high- ^75-

No. 257. Pair of Renaissance Marble Boys, one with shield ot crowned Eagle, the other with shield of Lion rampant. ^105.

No. 258. Pair of Renaissance Marble Columns, with chiselled grape vine design. ^32.

No. 259. Renaissance Red Marble Vase, and grey marble circular column pedestal, with sculptured

mouldings and flutings. J^^SS-

No. 260. Placque of Sculptured Marble in bas-relief. Renais- ance. ^32. No. 261. A " Cipollino " Pedes- tal of fine marble. ^32 lo.f.

No. 262. Marble Busts ON Pedes- tals, skilfully sculptured white marble busts of " Venus " and " Apollo " on green marble pedestals. The pair complete, ^95, Illustrated on this pcige.

No. 263. Marble Group of Child and Dog, cleverly sculp- Marble Bust of tured and vigorously portray- " Apollo." ing:o the sentiment of affection. See description. No. 262. ^35. Illustrated on page 6 i

60 Marble Busts (four). Marble Busts (four).

See desc7-iption. No. 251. See description. No. 251.

Marble Group in White Marble.

See description. No. 263. CiPOLLiNO Marble Table.

\See description, I\o. 267. No. 264. Roman Cinerary Urn of sculptured marble, with cherubs sup- porting festoon of fruit, eagles and other birds. XVIth Century. A museum example. £^S-

No. 265. MarbleBust of the " Madonna." Florentine sculpture of the early XVIth Century. A museum example. ^90. Fine Sculptured Vase.

See deseriptioii. No. 26S.

No. 266. Pair of Breccia Corallina Marble Colu MNS.

No. 267. A Table of old " Cipollino " marble, with finely sculptured white marble supports of elegant form. ^95 loj. Illustrated on page 6'2.

No. 268. Fine Marble Vase of classic form, skilfully sculptured with mythological subjects enriched with branches o\ palm, foliated scrolls and masks. A very important example of the Sculptor's Art. ^115. Illustrated above.

"/-----j^l^t,^ ^ «;;j^^j(5c;j-.:j5^^

Cipollino Marble

Bench. \

See description, No. 272.

63 No,^' -6 9- Roman Columns (pair) of Fior di Persico marble, with white marble caps and bases. £ii \os.

No. 270. Old Ala- BASTRO Vases (pair) of interesting char- acter and classic JMarble Figure. form, £11 \os. See description. No. 27S.

No. 271. Paonazzetto Font with tripod support, ot interesting sculptured white marble. ^52.

No. 272. "Cipollino" Benches (pair) with sculptured white marble supports. The pair, ^58 \os. lUiistrated on page 63. No. 273. A PORTASANTA Bench, with supports of sculpt u red white mar-

ble. ^24 \os.

No. 274. Old Paonazzetto Fountain, with Bigio column ped- estal and early sculptured base with escutcheon. ^48 lOS. Marble Madonna and Child.

See desci-ipiioii. No. 275. 64 No. 2,75. Madonna and Child^ ot

marble in the form ot a picture (framed). Renaissance low reliet sculpture. ^75-

Illustrated on pcigc 64.

No. 276. Marble Figure of Crouch- ing Venus. ^42. Marble Busts

. - (four).

See description. No. 251.

No. 277. Two Old Marble Masks, sculptured

in vigorous treatment. £\o \os. .

No. 278. Renaissance Marble Figure of a

sleeping boy. ^25. Illustrated on page 64.

No. 279. Marble Hermes (pair), of skilfully

sculptured white marble, on rare Cipollino columns and marble plinths. The pair ^250.

Illustrated on this page.

No. 280. Roman Columns (pair) of old " Breccia Corallina " marble, and two Roman Busts of skilfully sculptured alabaster " and white marble, representing " Setimius Rare and " Caracalla."

Marble The columns (pair) ^95. • - Hermes, The^ busts (each) /, 45. Illustrated on See description, page 66. No. 279.

65 -k .

No. 281. A Table of old "Verde

"' Antico marble slab, and " Breccia Corallina " borders, with vigorously carved white marble supports of bold design^

^115. Illustrated oji page 6 7

No. 282. Africano Marble

Pedestals, with 2 skilfully sculptured figure heads of white marble, representing " Tragedy and Comedy." Important ex- amples, £^1 los.

No. 283. Roman Cinerary Urn, vigorously sculptured marble of

rich design of rams' heads, with

a festoon ot fruit suspended from the horns, numerous birds feed- ing. Renaissance. A museum example. ^95-

No. 284. Pair of Old Marble

Vases of classic form. ^15.

No. 285. A Marble Chimney

Piece, with fine sculptured de-

sign in centre, of basket con- taining clusters of flowers and

fruit. Height, 4 ft. ; width,

6 ft. ; depth, i ft. 2 ins. Marble Column ^17 I05. AND Bust. See description, No. 2S0.

66 Italian Marble Table.

See description, No. 28 1.

E 2 67 ^^ ^swW'f"*-'"''''^


See descripticn, No, 300. .

No. 300. Original Bronze Model of the magnificent "Dante" monument at Trento. Signed by the celebrated artist, Professor Cesare Zocchi. ^125. Illustrated on page 6 8

No. 301. Old Bronze Candel- abra (pair) ot fine modelling with triangular bases, supporting pedestals surmounted with per- forated galleries. The pair, ^25.

No. 302. Bronze Fountain of noble torm, surmounted with finely modelled group controlling water jet. £^^S-

No. 303. Bronze Dragon or Griffin, vigorously modelled as a replica of the examples in the Castle of the Count of San Nazaro. ^75.

No. 304. Bronze Missal Stand, enriched with finely modelled cherubs. £^S'

No. 305. Bronze Jardiniere, in the torm ot a tripod, arranged

by connecting 3 single-legged Satyrs, supporting a finely mod- elled circular bronze jardiniere with pierced gallery. Replica of Bronze Candelabra. the famous Pompeian example. See description, No. 301. ^49 los. Illustrated on page ^o.

69 .

No. 306. Old Bronze Gilt Satyri (p^ir), supporting vases of classical form. Fine examples of the XVIIth Century. £Gs pair. Illustrated on this page.

No. 307. Metal Figure of "Venus," nearly life size.

£^S' Illtistrated on page 7 1

Old Bronze Satyri.

See description. No. 306.

No. 308. Bronze "Altar Front," of a beautiful Renaissance design, with centre panel of foliated scrolls and oval medallion frame, the borders of finely modelled foliage inter- spersed with cherub heads.

^120. A miniature illus- tration on page 72.

No. 309. Bronze Head of A " Dancer." ^25.

No. 310. Italian Bronze Candelabra (pair) with square bases on bold claw Bronze Jardiniere. feet, supporting pillars of

See, description, No. 305. noble form finely modelled

70 and chased with rams' heads, fruit clusters, and folia The pair ^9 5. Illustrated on page ^1^.

No. 311. Bronze Ink-

stand in the form of a Triton, with attributes

of Dolphin and shell. On circular base. £^o. Illustrated on page 74.

No. 312. Bronze Fire Dogs (pair), finely modelled and chased, with claw feet bases and female caryatide figures supporting columns sur- mounted by vases of classical form. The pair, £^S- Illustrated on page 74.

No. 313. Unique Old Bronze Statues (pair),

representing nearly life- size "Warriors," finely modelled and chased. The pair, ^500. Illus- trated on p<^^ge 75.

No. 314. Clock and Candelabra, in bronze

gilt, finely executed re- productions of the exist- ing examples in the "Pollenzo" Castle. Style, Figure of "Venus. Louis XV. Set of three

See description, No. 307. pieces, ^^150.

71 A Bronze "Altar Front." See description, No. 308.

A " Bronze." By Giuseppe Franzese. See desci-ipfioii, No. 36. No. 315. Bronze Vases (p^ir)? finely modelled in the style of the Renaissance. The pair, £'vz \os.

No. 'T^ I (> . Two Renaissance Bronze Taps, with terminals of grotesque heads, and handles of carya- tides. ^8.

No. 317. Renais- sance Bronze Bracket ot two mermaids with

tails entwined, and shell alcove sur-

' mounted by figure of Cupid. ^30.

No. 318. A Bronze Knocker, in the form of entwined mermaids supporting a mask. ^18,

No. 319. Pair OF Bronze Fire-dog Terminals. XVIth Century. ^8.

No. 320. Roman Bronze Candelabra. Bronze Lamp, in the See descj'iption. No. 310. form of the head of

73 " Pan," supported on a stand in the form of a bird's claw. ^8.

No. 321. Two Bronze Stirrups. XVIth Cen- tury. ^10. No. 322. Roman Dagger, with wrought openwork handle, and bull's head at connec- tion of handle anci Bronze on Base. See description, No. 311.

blade. XVIth Century.

No. 323. Roman Bronze Figure on circular marble base. A fine example of the XVI Ith Century.

£r- 1 05. No. 324. A Bronze Group of the XVIth Century, depicting " Hercules anci Deian- ira," with the slain centaur, " Nessus," at

their feet. Important example. ^115. No. 325. Old Vase OF Jasper Marble,

with bronze g-ilt mounts and heads of " Pan," with elon2:ated horns I %*^ forming the handles. Bronze Fire Dogs. Rare specimen. See description ^'Ko. 312. ^27 lOS. 74 Old Bronze Statues.

See description, No. 313. «sr?^

X\ ill Century J'ainling uu Panel. " Madonna and Child," and " Saints Bernadino and GiROLAMO." By PiNTURICCHIO.

(Comm. Carlo Fornari Collection.) See also fage 23. XVIth Century Embroidered Panel. Ses dcsiiription. No. 350.

No. 350. XVIth Century Panel of Red Velvet, with three embroidered strips containing medalHons of saints. ^25. Parth illustrated above. No. 351. A XVIth Century Banner of Red Velvet, with elaborate design ot real silver embroidery trimmed galloon

and embellished with three bullion tassels. L},S' No. 352. An Embroidered Picture of XVIth Century,

worked in coloured silks and gold threads. Framed, ^i 8. No. 353. A Shaped Panel OF Red Velvet, embroi- dered with Madonna and child. XVIth Century example. ^13 105. Illus- trated on this pctge. No. 354. Old Paintings on Panels (two) ot the " " Pier Delia Francesca " School — " St. Francis and " St. Peter," and another " St. John the Baptist " and " St. Paul." Whole length figures. The two paintings on panels 36 ins. by 24 ins. The two, ^75. Illustrated on page 79. No. 355. Gothic Orph- reys (two), composed ot oblong panels containing Embroidered Panel.

fuU - length figures o'f See description, No. 353. 77 XVth Century Painting on Panel representing " Madonna and Child " In rare Carved Gothic Frame enriched wiih Gilding on Gesso Ground Price ^95.

Apostles, embroidered in gold threads and coloured silks, emphasized in effect by quaint perspective architectural drawing. Enclosed by bands of " en couchure " needle- work in the form of frames. Rare XVth Century

specimens. ^18. See page ^C). No. 356. Old Silver Monstrance, finely modelled in Cathedral form. Unique museum example. ^225. Illustrated on page 80. No. 357. XVIth Century Panel, red velvet foundation embroidered with five figures of saints enclosed in applique frames of architectural form. /^37 loj. "'- Illustrated on pages 80 and 87. '

78 Old Paintings on Panels.

See description. No. 354.

No. 358. ABBRuzzoPLACQUEjofrich colour- ing, subject representing Moses before Pharaoh. ^i8. Illustrated on page ^\. No. 359. A Similar Placque, with Biblical subject. ^i8. No. 360. A Chasuble ot the Sixteenth Century, the foundation ot copper red velvet with green velvet orphreys, embroidered with circular medallions, containing pictures ot saints worked in gold and coloured silk threads, the tilling Gothic of eracetul and well-balanced scrolls. Orphrey.

^39 \os. Illustrated on page %\. See description, No. 361. Enamelled Miniature of No. 355. St. Peter, in finely chased silver gilt frame, surmounted by an enamelled ribbon. ^25. Illustrated on page %i. 79 No. 362. A Chasuble, the founda- tion of red velvet with Gothic design embroidered in o-old threads, the orphreys of red satin, with unique design worked in gold threads and coloured silks. Re- naissance period. £1^. No. 363. A Chasuble, the founda- tion of green damask with orphreys of ivory satin, embroidered in gold threads and delicate coloured silks, with a graceful ^^^^^rf^ -;.; design of fine foliated scrolls and conventional flowers. Renais- sance period. ^18 i^s. Illus- Unique Silver trated on page 82.

Monstrance. No. 3 64. An desa-iption. No. See 356. Orphrey of Red Satin, with Applique design containing three niches with central figures of Saints. Renaissance period. ^5 los. Illustrated on page 83. No. 365. Old Embroidered Pictures (two framed), worked in gold, silver, and coloured silk threads, depicting the Martrydom of Saints. Pair, £10 los. Illustrated on page %i^. No. 366. An Ivory Carving OF Madonna AND Child, on wood base. XVIIth

Century, £^ i^s. Illustrated on page ^j^.. No. 367. An Old Rose Brocade it-( Chasuble, with a rich design interwoven with with gold threads, embellished Embroidered bullion galloon. ^13 \os. Illustrated Panel. on page 84. See description, No. 357. 80 Ahbruzzo Faience Placque.

St'c' description, No. 35S.

Renaissance C See destriptioii, N No. 368. A Gothic Orphrey, containing panels of Architec- tural design, with central figures of Saints. ^5 lo^.

No. 369. Renaissance Hang- ings (pair) of old red velvet and cloth of gold applique em- broidery, " opus consutum," rich design of foliated scrolls, conventional flowers, and parrots with embroidered silk plumage. The pair, ^84. Illustrated on page 85. Miniature "St. Peter."

See description, No. 361.

No. 370. Majolica Vases (pair) with snake handles and terminal heads of " Pan." Fine and intricate design of caryatides, fauni, masks, &c., with two portrait medallions. ^80. Illustrated on page 85.

No. 371. Majolica Ewers (two) with lids of rich colourings, with trophies and inscrip- tions. ^22.

No. 372. A Renaissance Reliquare of finely chased metal gilt, with

Renaissance; Chasuble. Jasper columns. ^30. on page 86.. See description, No. 363. Illustrated

82 Embroidered Picture.

See description. No. 365.

v'^^§ i

Renaissance Orphrey. Embroidered Picture.

See description, No. 364. See description, No. 365.

^3 .

No. 373. Roman Hangings ot " Drap d'or" field, with graceful design in old red damask of conventional floral sprays enclosing conventional floral motif. Vandyck borders at top and

bottom, trimmed with bullion galloon \ / and fringe. XVIIth Century. (Pair) ^75. Illustrated on page '^G.


Carved IvoryFigure See description, No. 366.

No. 374. A Missal (M onasticum),

V e n e t i i s M D C C L X X In addition to the usual illustrations of " The Annun- ciation," " Cruci- fixion," and " Re- surrection," there

is another tuU- page engraving on

page '}^},(). This

book is bound in old rose pink vel- Old Brocade Chasuble. vet, embroidered See description, No. 367.

84 in gold and silver, with centre wreath medallions, one containing mitre, cro- zier, and book, and the other the ecclesiastical in- scription Pax, with em- blems. Surrounding these are borders of embroidered ?Ǥg5^WgE'


Majolica Vases (pair).

See description. No. 370.

interlaced scrolls, with an

entwined trail ot delicate

foliage. £11 1 05. lUus- tvdted on pnge 87.

No. 375. A Gothic Crucifix (Processional), of metal, en- amelled and studded with stones, half-length figures of Apostles anci Saints in re- pousse and chased work. A museum example. £SS- Renaissance Hangings.

See description. No. 369.

85 .

No. 376. A Crucifix (Processional) of the XVIth Century, with finely modelled figure of Christ, chased circular portrait medallions and full length figures of Saints

in left and right panels, with Holy Pelican in the one above, and subject of " The Annun- ciation " in the one below. Rare example ot the Silversmith's Art. £90-

Renaissance Reliquare.

See description. No. 372.

No. 377. Embroidered Pictures (pair). ^22. Illustrated on page %%.

No. 378. Embroidered Pictures (pair). " Joseph and his Brethren." The pair ^15. Illustrated on page 89.

No. 379. An Embroidered Picture. ^12. Illustrated on page 8 9

No. 380. An Ivory Figure of Saint, finely carved on wood base. XVIIth Century. ^8 loj. Illustrated on page 90.

No. 381. A Renaissance Strip of Red Velvet, with applique em- Roman Hangings. broidery, in yellow and blue satin " Opus Consutum." with corded tracery. £^ los. Illus-

See desci'iptioii. No. 373. trated on page 90.

86 No. 382. A Renaissance Tapestry, heraldic shield centre, with interest- ing quarterings. The borders with line design composed of arabesques, lions, vases, graceful scrolls and

masks. Leno^th, 8 tt. 7 ins. ; height,

8 ft. /^r5-. lUustrated page 91.

No. 383. A Tapestry of XVIth Cen- tury of old gold central o-round and blue border. The centre con- tains a Cardinal's Escutcheon and the border ot interesting Renaissance design. ^1^5-

4%t s»J.

ill % cm:^


Embroidered Panel.

See description. No. 357.

Embroidered Missal.

See description. No. 374.

87 No. 377. Embroidered Pictures (pair), ^22.

No. 377. Embroidered Pictures (pair), ^22. No. 378. Embroidered Pictures (pair), ,^15.

No. 379. An Embroidered Picture, ^ 12.

No. 378. Plmbroidered Pictures (pair), ^15 89 Carved Ivory Figure. See description. No. 3S0.

No. 384. Old Arras Cover, entirely covered in needle- work, the ground of cream

silk embroidery, with exquisite design in coloured silks and gold thread, of graceful folia- ted scrolls and flowers, inter- spersed with animals and birds of rich plumage. The centre cartouche medallion contains a woodland view and castle on

a cliff approaching the sea. Renaissance An important example of Panel, Petit Point embroidery. See description, No. 381.

90 Italian Renaissance Tapestry.

See descrit'tjon. No. 382.

No. 385. An elaborately carved and partly gilt Reredos, the centre enclosing painting of Madonna and Child in oval cartouche frame, with Cherubs at either side, and surmounted by the Holy Pelican depicted as tearing open her breast to feed the young with her blood, emblematical of Redemption through the Sufferings of

Christ. 5 ft. 3 in. high 5 ft. 6 in. wide. ^50.

91 i

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92 Old Maltese Lace Alb.

Sc't' description. No. 400.

No. 400. Old Maltese Embroidered Lace Alb and Sleeves. £v%. Illustrated above. No. 401. Old Roman Point Lace Flounce. £'~^- Illustrated below. No. 402. Old Milanese Lace Flounce, of interesting design, of the XVIIth Century. ^'i8. Illustrated on

P^'S*^ 94-


Mliliiiiii iiiiiiii

Old Roman Point Lace.

See description, No. 401.

93 Old Rose Point Lace.

See description. No. 403.

No. 403. Old Rose Point Lace Flounce of exquisitel}^ fine and rich detail. ^125. Illustrated above. No. 404, Milanese Lace Flounce of the XVIIth

Century. /,^i8. Illustrated on page C)K^. No. 405. Milanese Lace Flounce of the XVIIth Century.

^25. Illustrated on page <^!^. No, 406, Old Italian Lace Flounce. A fine and inte- resting example, with design composed of foliated scrolls, conventional flowers and fruit, with birds and butterflies,

^68. Illustrated on page 95. No. 407. Old Italian open Guipure Lace Length. /, 15. No. 408. Fine Old Venetian Flounce Length. L^SS- No. 409. Rich Old Venetian Rose Point Garniture Length. 100 Guineas. NUMEROUS EXAMPLES OF OLD FURNISHING LACE ON VIEW, INCLUDING TABLE COVERS, CUSHIONS, BORDERS, &c.

Old Milanese Lace.

See description, No. 402.

94 No. 404. Old Milanese Lace. ^18.

No. 405. Old Milanese Lace. £'^S-

No. 406. Old Italian Lace. /,6\

95 The Premises of WARING & GILLOW, Ltd. 164-180 Oxford Street, London, W.

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