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SPECIALLY LOANED TO THIS EXHIBITION BY HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGHERITA. - Q7tB^ WARINGS' EXHIBITION OF ITALIAN ART 1909 ;^._u_ VMOZn^' '^^O FURNITURE BRONZES TAPESTRIES EMBROIDERIES MARBLES LACE ACADEMY PICTURES WARING & GILLOW, LTD. 164-180 Oxford Street, LONDON. W. INTRODUCTION INTEREST in Italian Art, like the Art itself, never dies. The seed sown by the makers of the Renaissance not only bore immediate fruit, but ensured a harvest ot lofty ideals tor all time. In each succeeding age Italy has taken her place in the van of artistic expression, and to-day her sculptors and painters are worthily maintaining the great traditions of the Latin race. In view of this perennial interest in Italian Art, we trust that connoisseurs will appreciate the Exhibition we are now holding. Our representative has recently returned from Italy with many fine examples of Antique Furniture, Old Tapestries, Sculptured Marbles of historic interest. Bronzes of unique design, old Majolica ware. Lace (including a XVIth Century specimen from the collection of Prince Bellaprima), XVIth Century Cathedral A^estments embroidered with figures of saints, and Paintings by Old Masters. There is also an interesting collection of works by modern artists, including Pio Joris, Ricci, Corelli, Cipriani, Vertunni, Forti, Ferretti, Balla, Mariotti, Santoro, Mancini, and Filiberto Petiti, a work by the last of whom has been specially loaned to this exhibition by H.M, Queen Margherita, who is showing an interest in this introduction of the Modern Italian School to the English public. This Catalogue deals with but a small portion of the exhibits. Only a visit to our Exhibition Gallery can give a proper idea of the scope, variety, beauty and value of the Collection as a whole. f^^-T^ «> ^ '-J BALLA, GiAcoMo. All Artist of great renown, awarded diplomas in many International Exhibitions. No. I. "May" . Oil painting. No. 2. "Villa MedicT' . „ of , .; . Pastel. No. 3. "Head Girl" ; BATTAGLIA, alessandro. A most celebrated Artist, resident at Rome, awarded medals and diplomas at many International Exhibitions. No. 3A. "Gathering Oranges" . M-^ater Colour. BENEDETTI, michel de. a renowned Sculptor at Rome, awarded diplomas at the most important International Exhibitions. The following exhibit is a replica of that sold to 11. M. <)ueen Margherita. " No. 4. " Alba A Marble Head with bronze base. " No. 4A. " SuL I>iMiTARi . Bronze Head on base. BENTIVEGNA, vincenzo. Born 1S79 at Sciacca in Sicily. Studied at Palermo under Antonio Ugo. Awarded the " Circolo Artistico " prize, and diplomas in various Academy Exhibitions. No. 5. "Mammina" . Bronze. " No. 6. " La Palla . „ " No. 7. " Ragazzo . ,, " No. 8. " CoNTADINA . ,, BOTTOM, pio. A celebrated Artist, resident at Rome. Awarded diplomas at many Exhibitions of International Art. No. 8 A. "Assisi" . - . Oil painting. CACCIARELLI, uMBERTo. An Artist of great merit, awarded diplomas at many International Exhibitions of Modern Art. No. 9. "Sisters" . Oil painting. No. 10. "My Father's Village" ,, CAROSI, GIUSEPPE. A celebrated Artist, pupil of Cav. Professor Publio di Tommasi. Awarded diplomas at Exhibitions of Modern Art. No. II. "On THE Hills of Subiaco " Water colour. No. 12. "A Promising Girl" . „ c > < < CARPANETTO, professor g. e. Born 1863, resident at Turin, pupil at the Albertina Academy under Gamba, Gastaldi and Gilardi. Awarded diplomas at various Inter- national Exhibitions, and many of his works have been acquired by H.M. The King of Italy and National Galleries. " " No. 13. Un Pontile di Venezia . Oil painting. " No. 14. "Porto Venere . ,, " " No. 15. Lago Maggiore . „ " No. 16. " Piazza ' San Marco,' Venice ,, No. 17. "Grand Canal, Venice" o ,, No. 18. "A Rustic Bridge in the Mountains" . ,, CIPRIANI, nazareno. An Artist of great repute, resident in Rome. x\warded diplomas at many of the important International Exhibitions of Modern Art. No. 19. "The Song of a Nun" . Oil painting. " " No, 20. Fruit Sellers at Venice ,, No. 21. "House at Abruzzo in the " Middle Ages . Water colour. No. 22. "Old House in Abruzzo" „ CORELLI, CAV. PROFESSOR AUGUSTO. Born 1853 at Rome, pupil of the Royal Academy of St. Luca. Awarded Gold Medal at Antwerp Exhibition 1S85, Grand Prix at Berlin 1887, Diploma at Barcelona 1891, Medals at the International Exhibitions ot Paris, St. Petersburg, Chicago and St. Louis. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. No. 23. "La Pannechia Rossa e il Bacio alla Piu Bella" T4^ater colour. This unic|ue picture represents peasant men and girls threshing Indian Corn. The man who finds the reddest husk has the privilege to kiss the prettiest girl. " No. 24. " MoRMORii Crepuscolari . Oil painting. No. 25. "A Morning Prayer" " No. 26. " The Guardian " No. 2 6 a. " The Votive Shrine " No. 26b. " Between Her Pets CORELLI, FILIBERTO. A noted Artist, resident at Rome awarded diplomas at Exhibitions of Modern Art. " " No. 26c, On the Way Home . Oil Painting. No. 26d. "The Favorite Page" . ,, w Pi c o O < <Pi c a W ^: CROCE, MADAME LANCELOT. A lady artist of renown at Rome. Some of her clever productions have been acquired by the Italian Royal Family. No. 27. "Wine" . A bronze vase. No. 28. "Beer" No. 29. "The River and Meadow" ,, FERRETTI, paolo. An Artist of great fame, resident in Rome. Awarded medals in a number of Exhibitions of International Art and patronised by H.M. the King of Italy. " " No. ^o. At Porto Venere . Oil painting. No. 31. "Porto Venere" . „ " " No. 32. Grotta Arpaia . „ No. 33. "Peasants' Dwellings" . ,, " No. 34. " SCOGLIERA DI PoRTO VeNERE „ FORTI, EDOARDO. A Painter of great merit, celebrated for his portrayal of early Roman subjects. Awarded meilalsat many International Exhibitions. ",, . No. ^5. " A Bacchic Dance . Oil painting. FRANZESE, giuseppe. a celebrated Sculptor at Naples, awarded medals at various Inter- national Exhibitions. '•'• No. 36. Ax:>Y IT am" III!,sfra/ed OH page 72. A Bronze Group. GALIMBERTI, silvio. A celebrated Artist of Rome, awarded diplomas at many important International Exhibitions. No. 37. "Moonrise" . Oil painting. No. 38. " Mountain Life." . „ " No. 39. " Country Scenes in Abruzzi „ JORIS, CAV. professor pio. Native of Rome, pupil of the St. Luca Academy, awarded gold medals at the Exhibitions of Paris, Dresden, Munich, Rome and Naples. Academical Professor, by merit, at St. Luca and Turin. Many of his pictures are in the National Galleries of Rome, Budapest, Stuttgart and the Metropolitan Museum, New York. No. 40. " Campo di Fiori, Rome" . Oil painting. No. 41. " Washerwomen AT THE River Tiber, Rome" . Water colour. " No. 42. " Mary Magdalen . „ 1 _: « m — — 1 MANCINI, ANTONIO. Resident at Rome, the most celebrated Italian Poitrait Painter of the day. His portrait of "Elizabeth Williamson," now at the Royal Academy, Burlington House, has been most favourably commented '•. upon by the English Press. There hangs alongside inirahile dictit — a INIancini ! . without exception it is the greatest portrait in ." the Academy . Extract from the Sunday Times criticism of the Royal Academy Pictures, 1909, Aj Frank /\ utter, Esq. No. 43. " Portrait of Mancini " (by the Artist) . (Jil painting. MARIOTTI, LEOPOLDo A famous Painter, resident in Rome, awarded diplomas at many International ExhibitExhibitions. No. 44. "Under the Olives" . Oil puinting. MELIS, gino salvatore, A famous Painter of Venice, awarded diplomas at many International Exhibitions, including the Paris Salon, 1900. " " No. 45. L'ora DEI Vespri . Oil painting. la . No. 46. "Verso Luce"' ,, " " No. 47. Val d'Aosta . „ " No. 48. Ite Missa est" . „ NOLIGORI, signora l. xV lady Artist of renown at Turin. " No. 49. " Mentone . Oil painting. No. 50. "Valle d'Aosta" . ,, No. 51. "Valle d'Aosta" . ,, PAZZINI, NORBERTO. Born at Verrucchio, resident in Rome. Pupil of Giovanni Corla. Awarded gold medal at San Marino Republic, 1894; diploma at Venice Exhibition, 1901, and medal at St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. No. 52. "At My Village 'Verrucchio' Oil painting. " No. ^'}. "On the Lake of Como . „ No. 53a. "Evening" . „ 1 "An August Morning in the Saint's Valley at Subiaco. By FiLIRERTO PeTITI. SPECIALLY LOANED TO THIS EXHIBITION BY HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGHERITA. PENNACCHINI, domenico. A noted Artist of Rome, pupil of Cav. Professor Augusto Corelli, Awarded diplomas at various International Exhibitions. No. 54. "The First Steps" . PVater Colour. PETITIj CAV. professor filiberto. Professor of the St. Luca and Milan Academies, awarded Gold Aledals at the International Exhibitions of Rome, 1890, and Milan, 1893. Many of his paintings are in the Royal Italian Palace, and the National Galleries of Berlin, Rome, Milan and Turin. " " No. 55. Morning AT LuNGHEssA . Oil Painting. " " No. !^(i. Anticoli Corrado . ,, " " No. 57. Valle del Santo . ,, " " No. 58. Seascape at Capri . ,, No. 59. " Mattina di Agosto nella " Valle del Santo . ,, Loaned by HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARGHERITA. PIUMATI, CAV. professor g. Born 1850, resident at Turin, pupil of the Albertina Academy, awarded gold medals and diplomas at many International Exhibitions. No. 60. "August Snow on the Alps" Oil Painting. No. 60a. " Flowers on the Alps" RICCI, DANTE. Native of Serrasanquirico, resident in Rome. Age 29. This young artist has already achieved celebrity, and it is predicted by the best judges in Italy that his pictures are destined to become very famous. Patronised by 11.
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