■'S’V'i I IPAOB SIXTEEN / n iU n S D A T , N O V E M B E R IS, 1941 MmtrlfpBtrr £opnbt0 Hrrald Average Daily Circulation For the Mouth of OrtotM'ry 1941 The Sewing club of the Ameri­ The sprinkler system at Apel’s company aoldlera both interesting The Weather can Legion auxlliarj’ will meet Opera House at the corner of and enjoyable. Foreraat of U. 8. Weather About Town Friday afternoon at 1:30 with Mrs. Manchester Legion Guards 6,96.3 North Main street and Apel place Lost-Night's Drill O N E D A V Viola of 76 Russell street. let go about 5:30 this morning. Mcmlirr of the Audit Members of the auxilia^ are re­ Date Book Mr. Marchlaotti of the YMCA OUR ERROR, FOLKS SALE flofidy followed by rjessring to­ Chief Roy Griswold of the Man­ was present at the unit's drill ses-. liurrau of Circulallona Th« Womfca’t Society of Chris­ quested to send in their returns chester Fire department answered Club Formed of night; Saturday increasing cloudl- tian Service of the Quarryvllle for the turkey raffle by Monday. Tonight alon last evening, at which time’ Those 1,000 Pounds of neaa, little change In temperature. a still alarm and took care of the he gave the members Instruction ' Methodist church v/ill serve a tur­ November 17. The drawing will situation alone. Slight damage was Meeting Zoning Board of Ap­ HATS Manrhrnter— A City of Village Charm in first aid and bandaging. This key supper at the church tomorrow take place Monday evening. caused by water and no trace of peals, Munieipal Building at 8. Members of Company G evening from 5:30 on. Reservations is one of the many features which Emperor Grapes VOL. LXL. NO. 39 (Ulaaained Advertising On Page IS) fire was found after a lengthy in­ Tomorrow - * W E R E 11.98! t ^ Q A should be made this evening Organize Social Group Captain Jenney is arranging in an MANCHE.STER. CONN., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1941 It Is expected a large delegation spection. A defective sprinkler Annual High school prom. High REDUCED TO ^ ■ l2l2L (EIGHTEEN PAGE.S) through Mrs. Ann Skinner or Mrs. from Manchester Grange will go head was responsible for the school hall. effort to provide his company with Are Selling .At PRICE THREE CENTS William Perrett. -Jenney Is President. to Worcester. Mass., tomorrow alarm. Also. Fair, St. Bridget's parish a varied program of educational VILLAGE where the seventh degree will be at Church hall. subjects. Close order drill and rifle Group G of Center church wom- conferred on a record-breaking In.stallatlon of officera and sup­ Following the regidar weekly practice completed the evening's 3 lbs. 25c BONNET SHOP en, Mrs. Harold Alvord, leader, will class. A special bus has been char­ per. Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh- drill session of Company G, local program. 770 Main Street No Drill Next Wevk have a meeting this evening at tered for the trip, and all who have Y Drive Falls ter.s of .Scotia, Masonic Temple. Stafe Guard unit at the local And not at S Ibfl, 4f)c an advrr- Oppiislte State Theater - 7:80 at the church. purchased tickeLs should be at There will be no drill of the unit tlRed last nlRht. They’re a real Saturday, Nov. 15 arm oiy last night, a meeting ol the Masonic Temple at 10 a. m. Dance. .\merican Lithuanian next Wednesday due to it being buy at the rlj^ht price quoted The British War Relief woi-k- Short of Goal Citizens' club basketball team, the social club was held at the Thanksgiving eve, It was an­ above. Legion Home. It was decided at nounced today. The next drill ses­ Carrier Ark Royal Is Sunk rooma In the British-Amerlcan cliib Liberty hall. Clan McLean, Order of Scottish SPE.CIA1, FOR FRIDAY! building will not be open tonlgh’ ,* Clans, will hold its regular meeting ALSO. Fair, St. Bridget's parish, the meeting to call the organiza­ sion is scheduled for Wednesday and It has been decided to discon­ tomorrow night at eight o'clock m Only $2,218 of Ncrdnl at Church hall. tion. the "Legion Gunrd.s" in hon­ evening, November 26. tinue work on Thursday e%’enlngs .Monday, Nov. 17 or of the lyogion post which spon- Foster's Market the Masonic Temple."rhe members 84 Oakland St. Tel. 7386 LOBSTER for the present. have been invited to witness the in­ $6,000 Was Raised in I ,\lr Raid Wardens' School, High 3or"d the unit. stallation of officers of Helen School hall. Capt. John L. Jenney was ap­ Townsend Club No. 2 will hold Scotia. The C-anipaigii. ' ALSO, Fair. St. Bridget's parish, pointed president of the club. Pvt. DINNER its regular meeting tomorrow eve­ at Church hall. Howard Keeney, vice-president; CUT FLOWERS W ill Not ning at the Y.M.C.A. A report of Members of Campbell Council K. At a meeting of the Y M. C A Tiieaday, Nov. 18 Pvt. Elton John.son, recording sec­ SOe, 73e, $1 Per the ma.ss meeting In New Haven of C., will receive communion in a (lirectoTR hold last rvrninjj at the Annual meeting and banquet. retary; Pvt. Harry .Shennlng, fi- $ 1 .0 0 Miners to Join Union will be given and other routine I (xiy at the !) o'clock mass in St. Y it wa.*! TpportfMl that the drive, Manchester Chamber of Com­ namlal secretary, and Pvt, Wil­ FOOD SALE business transacted. merce. Ma.sonic Temple. liam Pitkin, trea.surer. Bouquet Bridget's church Sunday morning. held two weeks a^o, had rai.sed but SAT., NOV. 15, 9:30 A. M. Delicious Sunday Dinners! The gathering will be addressed by $2,218 of the needed $6,000 asked Wednesday, Nov. 19 In appreciation of the work Ever Ready Circle of King's Rev. Francis Breen, the new chap­ for in the quota However. It waa "Turkey, Goose, Pig" Hose and which they accomplished In form­ Wedding Bouquets HALE’S STORE Daughters announces a food sale lain of the society. reported today by Miss Marlon Ladder. Co., No. 1, Cheney Hall. ing the Guard unit, Elmer Weden Kver Ready Circle House lA>a(|prs Gut Presulunt’s Luller in Hale's store, beginning at 9:.30 Tinker that contributions, were Friday, Nov. 28 and Marcel Donze were enrolled $3.00 of King's Daughters. a. m. Saturday. T3ie committee in Hotel Sheridan Roosevelt Asks CIO, still coming: In and if the pre.sent Annual dance of Memorial Hoa*- as honorary memBers. Felix Mc- charge at the store includes Mrs. The Boani of Police Comml.ssion- ers will meet Tuesday evening of rate continuer! it was possible to. pital Auxiliary. Hotel Bond, Hart­ Evitt, former second lieutenant ot Corsages ,3.3c ae of Crew Lost L- J. Tuttle, Mrs. George \V. House realize at least .30 per cent of the ford. the outfit, was also appointed an and Mrs. Stuart Segar. next week. The commissioners will give consideration to the possible amount set forth. ALSO, Concert. O d d Fellows d is ­ honorary member by a unanimous Extra .\rtlvltles trict lodges. Odd Fellows hall. vote. The Married Couples club will appointment of more, members to Cemetery Graves the police department. The board The increased cost to the Y this Saturday, Nov. 29 The club Is planning several so­ Steel Firms’ Heads have a Pot Luck supper at 6:30 to­ year is due. in a large measure, to The Christmas dance, Jr. Cham­ Covered With Greens morrow evening at the South last month organtzed and elected cial functions during the winter B r N G O ~ Tliomas J. Rogers chairman. the extra activities and burdens ber of Commerce, Country club. In an effort to make the tour of and Berries As Towing to Haven Methodist church. thrust on It by dofcn.se workers. Tuesday, Dec. 2 State Guard duty for the "G" rONIGHT The Y. according to Miss Tinker, $ 1.00 At a meeting last night the Caledonian Market, at Center ODD FELI.OWS HALL It was announced today that due is making every effort to maintain Church House. to the Thanksgiving holiday next ■Young Republican club named a schedule that will take care of o n SPON.SORED BY KINO D .W II) IXIDtiE. I. O. O. F. Muss Lillian Reymnnder chairman Wednesday, Dee. 3 Urns 7.3c each Continue to Dicker week surplus food, stamps will be the "odd shift" workers ns well as "Uncle Sam's Meriy-Go-Round ------n.VMES --- ^ ______30 given out next week Wedne.siJay of a committee to arrange a club, the regularly scheihiled progi-tims. dance and social. To add to the ac­ Fair at Second Congregational 2.5 t.am es...... $4.00 Prize Per ttanie Plan Proves Failure and Friday at the Manchester Capable nssi.stants for both men 4 S|>eelal G am es...... $I().(M) Prize Per Game tive membership a committee was church Presiilpiit Says (zovurii- Trust company. and women had laid out a course F. E. B R A Y 1 S|MM lnl Game ...... $.50.00 Prize foimed under William Davis. Thursday, Dee. 4 of events calculated to meet every Door Prize $10.00 iiiuiit VE ill Not Ortlur Fears Blood I Japan Makes JEWELER need, Annual sale and plav of Ever McConviUe’s $1.00 .Admission Includes .All of the Above Games. British Usilio j7Va.2r/s Given Des|H‘ratp Effort Made A car operated by George Luurt- Kver\' morning the bowling al­ Ready Circle King's Daughters, Slate Theater Ruildinf; Siieelal Cards lOe Eaeh. Nor ( Itiiigruss Pass 1.4‘g- sema of 9 Warrei street went out Greenhouse & Florist leys. gymnasium and other facili­ Directors' room. Whlton Library. 737 Main Street Will Be Shed War Machine 1 o Bring Listing Giant of control on Hartford road at .Ti.'iO islatioii Ortlering .So- ties at the Y are used to the ut­ Also, fTirlstmas Sale and sup­ 302 Woodbridge Street TAI L ( r:t) \HS a m. tolontlay. pendent I nion Asks Coniinaii(lo8, Traiiijeil Folloiv Anti-Jeicish Ac­ 8:15 O’clock A daughter, their first child, fVincert. Handel's "Messiah." 130 Xmas Cards ( ^ D O C S Special Session of Par­ doed; Wssel on Her ORANGE HALL was bom last evening at the Me­ voices with .Manchester Civic or­ Wa.thington, .Nov. 11.— (/p^ Roosevelt to Investi­ liament Opening in to r Sabota^o, Raiding titm Throughout Ger- ^ ay to Gibraltar. morial Hospital to Dr and .Mrs (^iiiekly Put Out chestra assisting. High School Now gate Plans of CIO. 20 Regular Games Eugene Davl.i of 23.") Oak street. hall. — President Roo.sevelt, a.sk- One of Gravest ([rises. Slill Mystery Forre; many and Transfer of The baby has been named Nancy For Brakes ing the CIO United .Mine Bulletin! $3.00 a Game Tuck Davis. Thr BflvHntagr of having a m.m Worker.s and steel compiiny Columbus. O., Nov. 14' _ ^ ork Is Kept Seerel. | Many from Berlin. on rail at all timr.s at two of thr Young people of the Covenant- 5 0 for $L00 AND TUNE-UP SERVICE Tokyo, .Nov. 14 - Japan I-a Linea, Spain, Nov. 14.— heads to continue negotia­ Grover C. Kreglow, president of 7 Specials three hoii.sr.i in the .South Manches­ "ongregational church will meet strengthened her war machine to­ London. Nov. 14.- /P -The Min­ — Thirty-two men are ter fire di.strirt was demon.strated Saturday evening with Mi.ss Ellen And Up. tions to avert a stfike in the the Columbus Aircraft independ­ Berlin, .Nov. 14 Ten new! Central Service Station day on the eve of a special se.ssion istry of Information announced to­ known to have been killed 1 Free Game this afternoon * John.son of 124 Maple street. captive coal mines, told them ent verticle union, wrote President fjoints govemlnj- Germans In their ' An automobile owned by an out (IK)C’S GARAGE) of Parliament opening tomorrow day that the newly formed "Com­ and more than 60 injured in today that “the government ItfKisevelt tcKiay there may be Speaker .Sam Rayburn (left) (D , Tex.l, and Rep. John W Mc­ relations with Jews, l.ssued by Sweeptstake of town m mi wa s tiotired burning Brainard Place — Off Main in one of the gravest crisis of her Cormack (D , Mass. I, House majur.lv leader, read the li tter President mandos" — Britain's toughest the loss,of the British air­ will never compel” the mi­ bloodshed at the local Curtiss- Germany's fiery Propaganda Min­ a.s It rame into I#- ('enter Ju.st modern history. RcHwvelt seht them urging repeal ol the neutralitv act re.strictions on shock triKjpa already have been craft carrier Ark Royal, ac- before 1 n'lTni k ,\ rail wa.s sent Tel. 3957 Rear of Gas Co. nority non-union nllnera affectoU Wrtght airplane plant If another ister Paul Joseph G'lebbels, were $.3.00 Door Prize The cabinet approved for sub­ U. R shipping. The letter arrived just before the Huu.se prepared trained for sabotage and raiding, in for the fire department, .lame.s | NEW ATTRACTION TONIGHT* THRU SATURD AY! by the dispute to join the union. cordinjf to reports reaching S ioi^ “ Safe Brakes Save Lives" union aets-up a picket line mission to the I>iek,®n extraordin­ to vote In V\ .a.shington on ^ en d im n ts which would permit merchant are "still rather a mystery force published today In the periodical. •Srhaub wa.s at ,N’o. 3'.s. located on I LEO I)E MERS AND HIS "I tell you frankly," he said, Admission 2.3c He asked the president to In- ary war fund of 3,'H00,0(K),W)0 yen Ships to enter combat zone.s and belligerent ports. and the work they do is the sort, Das Reich. this border tdwn just oppor Spruie .street ami k n ovlig that'^ "that the government of the Unit­ ROYAL HAWAIIAN SWINGSTEKS I nominally $844,0(K),0()0) and the which. In so far as It Is deceptive, They followed thorough-going site Gibraltar tonight. These MO •No 2. the company near the fire, | ed States will not order, nor will DINE ------DANCE (tuntinued On Page Sixteen) War Office announced a dra.dlc re- cannot be revealed so long as tell­ anti-Jewlsh action throughout SECBET was without a ilriver as ttie regu- I Congrcaa pass Icgl.A^tion order­ report.s, from Gil^raltar, said DEI.ICIOUS HOME .MADE R A V IO L I! vi.sion of conscription regulations, ing of it might give information to the bifi! warship w'ent down lar driver had Jii.st gone home for , he weather man nays ing, a so-called closed shop." making scores of thousands of men the enemy." (Continued on Page Ten) dinner he and (Tiief Foy lo.st no Ilmilers - Steak.s - Roa.st Heef - Oysters On Half Shell about?45 miles east of Gibral­ Auto and Truck DANCE “ Old Man Winter is on his Would Require Joining hitherto exempted liable, tp early Raid Achieved Purpoiwa time in driving to the sicne The. Steamed Clams and Clams On the Half Shell The union Is a.^klpg a union summons for military service. tar. fire was out in a sliort time after Manehester Temhlor Felt American Vessels The Bardia night raid achieved REPAIRS COLD FINE WINES — LKU ORS AM ) BEER way I’ shop in the mines, which supply Situation Aggravated Its purposes of making Axis troops the firemen arrived. coal to .steel mills busy on defen.se Expert Service ,\t Sports Center These steps were taken as bomei believe a full scale British attack Misty Bases London, Nov. 14.— (>P)— You’ll want a fuel that re­ orders. .Such an arrangement In Siilnirhaii quoted well-informed Japanese was being launched from the ABEL’S Every Thnrstlay Night would require that all employes beaches and of causing the de­ The three-year-old 316,000,- MORNINGS Reymander’s Restaurant sponds quickly and bums circles as saying that revision of Get Arming Right, 000 aircraft carrier Ark Roy­ Rc«e !8 Cooper Street Admission 44c, Incl. Tax. become members of the union aft­ the U. S. neutrality law "certainly struction of Axis stores, the min- Stop Raiclinpr I f your car "*oo.s not .atart {.')-37 Oak Street Telephone .3922 steadily. Fill your bin lyith er a probationary period. istrj’ .said. al was torpedoed late yester­ Do You Need — Music bv Los Angeles aggravates the situation, not only easily on a col 1 morning our Old Company’s Anthracite.' The closed shop, in labor par­ in the Atlantic but in the Pacific." The Commandos came ashore day east of Gibraltar, proba­ e.\|K>rts can l-M-ato the trou­ • AI.GOHOI. THE BARNSTORMERS lance. provides that the employer I Nevertheless many Japanese from landing boats which were de­ may not hire any m.m who is not Freedom of Seas Reich Again bly by an Italian .submarine, ble (juickly. Hank Post, Prompter. You’ll be ready to meet ' looTted to Wa.shington for signs of scribed as "shallow bottomed craft PINEHURST FRIDAY • l»REST()NK a union member. Topplu.s BriokH Bml Cor­ with armored sides rising above and .sank early todav despite Our service liminatea re­ Roller Skating Every Friday winter’s bitter blasts in hope for the mission of Haburo nsH sr(;c;ESTioNs . , . • BATTERIES and Saturday Night. The President asked the mine nices from Buildings; Kuriisu, special Japanese envoy, en Hoii se Finishes I^^gisla- T> *»* 1 O * the heads of the men who sat In British Never Will Be a de.sperate effort to bring placing parts unnecessarily comfort union leaders and the steel rep- route to the American capital for three lines. 30 to a boat. At the the li.stiny giant safely to FRESH OYSTElF) Press and Public Jiibi the R. A. F. never would bo able POLLOCK been blown sky high" and a great $1,000,000 damage In one su- for re-examlnatlon and possible in­ — -American merchantmen re­ dump of new rubber tires brought to bomb Germany all night every P ie c e ...... IK. Me Combination hurhan community alone. W’ll- lant; How Soon Ves Urged njques In Army I Use of Armed duction Into the forces. This applies $cross the desert for refitting sup­ night from Its present airdromes llnm II. Htanger, superinten- gained complete freedom of S liced ...... lb. 18c to all classes back to and including 8p I s ply lorries was "burning merrilv " Minneapolis, Nov. ‘ |4.—)__\ Records and Sheet Music drat of the 'Torrance water Will Reach oif the mfsty British Lsles. Steak Cod. Piece Cod. that of 1931 men between the the sea.s today by act of Con­ according to the ministry. government wltneas tentlfled today deiiertmetit. put the mllllon- ages of 20 and 30. gress, and with it the right to aiii Not Known Two Axis motorcycle scouts es­ Bad weather stopped the b^trality act amendments which with "much gratification" while Pinehiirst is Selling a Large HEATERS ?o"u Agent For guns and arsenals and turn tlMm, since 1939 have prohibited Amer­ (Conttnned On Page Two) (Continued On Page Two) the press and public greeted the on those In power. The wltneoa was Number of Cans of WARM FLOORS ALL WINTER! \ Boston, Nov. 14-(A>,-Thomas ican shipping from entering the s Eugene J. Williams. WillUms a l«» CAI'E COD COOKS IK. Jones. New Jersey manufac- combat zone.s or belligerent har­ congressional action with Jubila­ GENTLY FLOWING M'ARMTH REACHING EACH I turer, declared today that "the bors. tion which the Daily Express put t^tifled that a General Drivers* CLAM CHOWDER ... .21c Coppers into this banner headline in let­ Union 544 defense guard waa actu­ MMpeneuT luae of the Army and Navy to aet- Russians Drive Nazis CORNER! Vote 212 to 194 ters big enough for a major war ally drilled in marching by Ray CODFISH PATS ...... 17c Itle Industrial disputea is typical The vote was 212 to 194—no I of the methods or the very gov- victory! Germans Admit Pace Kainbolt, another defendant, and M arni Floors Mean Comfort - Health for Young and Old tremendous majority but a very the guard at one time considered leramcnts we art armiqg to de- sweet victory to ftdministratlon "They're Coming Over!" At 2-y'^c Fuel Co.st With EVANOIL! la tiyy and beneath the dignity of Tank Unit from Tula This referred spcciflcallv to re­ purchase o f crash helmeta, not cf heautifut •KE leaders who had been haunted by only for protection but for Identi- Inationji calling themselves demo- 1------• — , I. visions of a photo fini.sh where two opening of British seaports to Of Battle Is Slowed C ji. Vfomen Icracles." American merchant ships. How- fication In case of pltebed bnttlea. I In an acJdresa prepared for the or three votes could mean de­ • • • L. T. WOOD CO. Battle luasting Two ]|| •_ ^ [ | | feat. soon and how fast American ves­ session of the 17th New Stock rertifleates Missing 51 Bissell Street Weeks Described a s ^ » 4 a r ilie S W 111 The final roll call climaxed the sels loaded with lend-lease ma­ aponaored bv terials would reach Britain imme­ Advance Only Yard by Washington, Nov. 14—(;F)--aeB- hardest battle yet waged to up- Hope Rising ator Wllllanr l-anger (R-ND) teatl- 2o; Phone 4496 I the New Kngland Council and the One o f Most Dramatic; diately became a subject o f specu­ Yard in Oiniea and I laMAY SEE governors. Jones. Leave China lation. ricd today that while he hnd re­ ■ president of American Type Foun- German Losses Heavy. (Contlnued On Page, Six) S S a f e Billerly Contc.Hte }ojC one big fredcle, yon say A Tass broadcast declared to­ Withdraw Units Now Washington, Nov. 14^IA5—The supplies for England, while other Berlin, Nov. l4.— (>P)— DEMON- Polley Favored position of the Treasury Nov. 12; never delivered the stock certifi­ day that tank-led German as­ sources thought that among the Q u a rts...... 39c; 2 for 7.ic to yourself: “ There’s a real boy, and no mistake.’’ When Such a policy, he sold, should In- Receipts, $30,257,704.98; expen­ ports Lanfling of Miss­ German military dispatches cates to the purchaser and they YOu D/DNTeAT! Icludc: Stationed in 3 Cities. first, arrivals might be the same STRA- sault troops had been driven | ditures, $07,301,750.69; net balance, said tonight that the pace of now were missing. I.nnger, defend­ you see those RED trade mark s ^ u on a, piece of coal, American-owned ships which have ing Plane on Caspian. ing his right to a'Senate sent In 1— A statement that no person 1^^'* Southern ou tsk irts ' . Washington, Nov. 14 ■__ (Jf^ __ $2,524,354,320.54; customs receipts r-n. TIONS 'VrES, ii’i trut that many dii. ■may be coerced Into union mem- battle on the freezing Rus­ the filth successive day o f testi­ you can say: “ There's c m / coal and no foolin’ I” Because of Tula, 100 miles south of President Roosevelt announced to- for month. 111,063,428.83. ^ orden may result from sat^ ■berahip, or forced to contribute to (Continued On Page Two) By The Ass^iated Press sian front had slowed to a mony, testified that he and the there’s only one R E D trade marked coal. It’s Famous lo r Join a union not of his own Moscow, after a two-week United states government lawyer, niom as SuHIvan, had w n -m r 25c aating,j And t ^ ''arcU-fad'' ara - . t HaH f/\ wlfA Hope rose today for the safety yard by yard Nazi advance in oftea sufferers. In perioda o f Harmony Reigns On ■choosing, as a condition to em- battle described as one of the had decided to withdraw American ulcri'ed verbally to share equally Reading Anthracite -- the low ash hard coal—as nearly Marines from Shanghai, Tientsin of U. 8. Ambassador Laurence A. the Crimea and the bitterly stress aad straiu, we may require I Tiloymont. most dramatic o f the war. In stock of $55,000 par valun In 10046 pure as can be produced. And does it ent your fuel more viiamiaa than the avaraga 2— A statement to the effect and Peiping, China. Steinhardt, Soviet Ambassador contested central front. The the land finance company, a cou- ‘*The Germans were here yeater That will take all the American Religious A wakening Seen bills! You ’d be surprised how much. Why not give it a try? diet wiU supply, In suchicases, , likL there shall be no strikers or day.” Taaa said of Tula. “Today Maxim Utvtnoff and nearly a doz­ Crimean fighting was sum­ cern holding Mexican land aad Physiciaas maka up this rk * - Dockouta in industries contributing Marines out of China,' the chief claims to expropriated MrxJeau ‘ only their corpses are here." The executive told a press conference. en others who had been .reported med up here as a gradual tighten­ mm d^fUitney by prescribing The Domestic Front Wirectly or IhdlrecUy to defense missing in a Russian plane in the ing of the German grip on Sevas­ arras. ^DRTON D. PEARL’5 ■intll there shall have been rea- news agency reported that the Nine hundred and seventy of them • • • CHICKEN CHOP SUEY vitamini in ctmctntmltd form. Among Youths in Service wild wastes along the border be­ topol and Kerch with fierce fight­ Germans hurled '15 consecutive have been stationed In the three Engineer In Wreck Dies 33c Lb. Vitamins should not be taken onable negotiations and use of tween Europe and Asia while en ing necessary for every gain. promiscuously. Consult your And a modernized kitchen i.s the tune! If you have to all mediation facilities offered by tank attacks at heavily-mined, cities. The president would not Kenton, O., Nov. 14—(A*>—BaHh strongly-defended approaches to Fort Knox, Ky„ Nov. 14—dP)— route from Kuibyshev, Ruaaia, to RuMian Advance Reported Old Farm s Physician. His diagnosis will -he national government. discuss capital speculation about ?> The colonel, a Catholic priest Teheran, Iran. E. Schuler of Fort Wayne, lad., en­ CHECKERBOARD do a marathon round and round your kitchen to serve the little village of RodeZhesny on the withdrawal 6f these troops be­ 'There is a pronounced religious /SAUSAGE PATTIES ^99 M A IN HOTEL SHERIDAN BLDG.- PHONE 7590 determiot the vitamins you 3— A statement that a strike whose brogue U aa Irish as his An American woman journalist, A t one place on the central gineer of the Pennsylvania mll- hall be called only after approval the southern outskirts of Tula, and ing linked with efforU to obtain a awakening among the youth In the 39c Lb. need. And, when you havt his the simplest meal — teeter on a step-ladder to readi ' name, has been tn the Army 24 Alice Moats, was reported today front, presumably In the general • oad's “ Pennsylvaolaa’* which was prescription, bring it here to be by a majority of the workers In gained a temporary fMthold In better undersUndlng between this army,” Ueut. Col. William D. region of Moscow, a Russian ad­ wrecked Sunday night, died today. country and Japaq. years, He catne to Fort Knox three to have been aboard the plane, PO R K CH O PS . . . . .Ib. 35c FEED STORE lilted with those ever depend- over half your shelves — spend extra hours cleaning a govemmentally-supervised elec part o f the village bcTore being Cleary, chaplain leader at Fort years ago from the PhlUpplnes. vance In considerable force sup­ His was the IStb dmth la the du> gion. Knox, believes. along with (juentln Reynolds,’^ tble Abbott Vitamin Prodecis. smashed back with heavy losses N o Plana to 8m Knnisn ' The first World War. Colonel ported by tanks was reported in rallment at nearly Dunkirk. About Juicy Florida Oranges of men and equipment. “ We have discovered It In Army American magazine writer, Lltvin- 10 APEL PLACE MANCHESTER TEL. 7711 up — then it’s'half past time to M O D E R NIZE ! 4— A. statement to the effect He said he had no definite plans CTeary declared. > taught Army o if’s English wife and their child, the German dispatches. 10 were Injured. The paaaeugM 33c dozen. hat no unreasonable acta such as camps," Colonel (Jleary said today. Driven Bock o^Botli Wings yet to ace Japan's special envoy leaders the value of reli^oua train­ and a number of British diplo­ They said, however, the German train w m derailed by a haH-ibM he 'slowdown' or sabotage shall “ EJvery day many men who have Maxwell Houae Coffee $5.00 a month transforms an ugly, dingy kitchen into a The Moscow radTo said the Ger­ Saburo Kurusu, who la flying to ing for troops. matic officials. Army was forging ahead “village cylinder head liluwn from a fretgM W ELDON allowed to interfere -with de- never had religious training come train which had passed on aaathm 32c lb. ■OAK GRILL- mans bad been driven back on the United States to discuss the In 1017-18, he explained, wror- Reports Safe Landing by village,'' sometimea fighting rjense production. ' to us for Information. This Is one model of efficiency and good looks! Far Eastern sltuatioa. ahip facllitlea were a hit or miss hand to hand with the Russians. truck. WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETTHER” 1 6- A statement of conditions both wings of their drive toward reason we know there Is an awak­ A Cairo dispatch reported the s • • the Soviet capital. Asked whether he thought war matter, “but today the situation Is craft had landed safely at Pahlevl, For tile second day in succession DRUG COMPANY forming -the basis for future In- ening." Markets A t A Glaiuw DINE AND DANCE It gave Tass, official Soviet could be avoided in the Pacific, Mr changed.” Iran, on the (JSusplan Sea about 17S spokesmen declared the German kervention and seiaure. Roosevelt said he cerUInly hoped No Statislles To Back Relief J ^ g t o n Streosed In Army New York, Nov. 14-«ft..- Prescription Pharmacists news agency, and Red Star, the Colonel Cleary and the 32 chap­ miles short of Teheran, but Brit­ forcea were “ knocking at the door Delicious Foods — Modest Prices! 1 Intelligent Management Needed Today, religion ia itresa^ in ish officials ill London were o f the C^ucaaua" across the nar­ Stocks—Hlgker; Hal raOlM m Hoast Beet 255 I "W hat our nation needs," he Army's own newspaper, aa au­ lains who have charge ot the re­ labor peace hepe. Veal Scgllopine Roast Turkey 901 Main Street thority for aasertions that the But he declined to give a yes or the Arm y 'Just aa much aa drifi f r ^ l y puzzled over a delayed row strait from Kerch. lalf Broilers A’tal Cutlets ' gteaka added, “ in both big and little In- ligious guidance of the nearly 40,- We Deliver. Pial 5321 Germana had lost heavily In men no answer to an Inquiry regarding and la just aa valuable. Teheran dispatch, filed yesterday, Beads Firm; raUo. utUitiMfhaw' - CENTER Hu.stry Is a more intelligent, better how Dlls might be done. 000 men at the fort had no ata- German bombers, carrying the ForelgB Exchaage—Qalet: m o . Wines — Liquors and Beer Mid had beei) driven from Im­ “And now we are.about to open stating the Ruaaian legation could war in advance of the troops, were ST. Informed, and more courageous K he said no, he remarked, some- tiatics to back up thehr belief hut nine new chapels for use by ev­ etuUy UBchaaged. to Oak Street 3894 MAN [HESTER4:“ portant footholds on both ap­ the colonel said: not confirm reports the plane had said to be blasting at bbjectivea nanagement. We nied manage­ _Oottau—HIglwr; tmda ami W m proaches to the capital. . ^ y might use interpretation on ery- depomtnaUon." the colonel landed at Pahlevl 1 east to the foothills of the Cauea-, I ment alive tq its broad responsi- bis answer. And If ue said yea. he " W our 82 chaplalna, thirty are said. rtreet buylag. 4 In the MaloyaroalaveU sector, ■ 'p»e British Miniatiy of Infohna- ITS REARNE L ( 2 < r . THItles; management with a tbirs> added y w o u d be put* g u lS iii* Reaerve.offloenx who nave just Sion mountains. ' ' j -Sugar— Impiroredt trad# We Cater To Banquets u . W miles to the southwest. It quot- come from alvlUan churdies • J I ^ A * * * ^ Bie chapels, costing Im , nllaved fears m part by, stat­ One such objective • has . Ibeen He said he did not know,-fits ques- $22,000 sach, will be dedicated scattmwl eoveHug, > they all agree that attendance here ing Uiat the plane wan not due In' Sunday afternoon. .^Eacb has a Anapa. 50 mllea southeaat\ of Oa rqkc FoortMB) (OMaatie^ On Page Tea* 1 exceeds anything ^ e y hava ev*r Teheran before last night, despite Kerch, 'whicL the Germana (C s m im 6« w tim u m )' seating capacity of 400 aad aU are J* p - .’ ekperienced previously^" , equipped with clecirie organs. ■ ■ - ■ ■ ') ■■■ ■ ' . (OasitteMff O* P a^ Twalvl) - 40aattaiM(| Oa f a f s Twa) v \ ■ . P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANniKSTER. CONN. FniDAY, NOVF.rjRFR 1 1. m i troops rather than spies or guer­ war, a decision whose conse­ PAGE THREie British Using rillas since they wear unIforma British Praise quences tower Into the future. ’ Nazis Admit Pace and when captured must be treat­ Manchester A b o u t T o w n Misty Bases -lav night, two Aineiican .sohllers ed under international law as eral soldiers while drinking the “ ”V. Keen Improved Overnight News Soldiers Helil I'rivale.s I'.'.ireM j, k'arriier of lo-al line pel eer.t t,e..r ing Ihat .Slgiirdson sel.^ed Cox. Shock Troops Array prisoners. They appear to he Repeal Action Chinese Officials Date Book Of Battle Slowed H unlinglon W V,. . and Charles who struc k him with a piste,l m the Britlah rounterparl to the G o G e t G o -C o ' Express Relief The Junior* Epworth League of Stop Raiding Of Connecticut H. Cox of .McKee Kv will go to V\hen the sol-hers left they were ''«lf-'lofense. German parai bate battalions. Tonight follow ed by the Ir danders and a Chungking, Nov. —Chi­ (Continued From Page One) the South Methodist church will .By AuocUted Pr«M After Deutli Inal before a -ouit martial .Moni On Occasions They have received training In Annual High school prom, High (]iiHrrel eii.-ued, diinng 'jvhu li sev­ Tot CAafipoef HemeU. On Neutrality nese officials expressed relief to­ hold a scavenger hunt, followed by By Air Raid Shelters day on man.s|a-igl,l..r diargi-.s. In Fjigland th* cost of living saootage and military destruction • school hall. a quiz program tomorrow evening er,al shots were lire.I these a c­ ro.se approximately 28 Rnnah ahia, mlMr shia Inrfta. day at the adoption by Congress wa.s a key point In the outer de­ Reich Again I liie death *.f fbe f.stierman, ^ (ler cent ■ lens. .after vesshlsa aisbs*. from Spanish civil war guerrilla Also, Fair, St. Bridget's parush Hartford W. Ellery Allyn, s p c - counts .sell.I The .Hoi.h. I.s wc'-re .-aid (Oonttnaed Prom Pare One) of amendments to the United fenses of the Csucasus and a at 7 o'clock at the church. All .'\iii4.‘rir(iiis Fari* (!oiirl Thonli.r .uigui d.-.;.ori. was attribut­ tietween the outbreak of war iti ■■Iirae-aise rnlie lOe ml *riaaatata. fl|[hters (Continued Prom Page One) at Church hall. itaiy of the Republican dial- to have iie.n carrying guns in vio­ States neutiality law. i aining base for Russian para­ members and friends will be wel­ U nFxjierletl K i ' s u II h R e - ed by iiivi stigal -r.s , f u,e judge Septemtrer. 1939, and July i, 1941 Sonlhrs the Shlel Installation of officers and sup­ (Continued From Page One) 1 'pntral Committee, announced lation of legigalloh- ^reuure on the British-front line. chute troops. come to attend. .Marliiil a*- Roiilt of advie a l.’s .-lair ,■> I, d|e., «-oiind I'coicling to the Ministry of lyt- Dies Suddenly I been coming.to England regularly Chine.se quarters said it was fell per. Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh­ Ueatth amt yesterday that a special commitlee The sol-llers were c|urdpcl as sav­ • Soothes the SUinfm Oe\-eloped Sim-e Dunkerque . Vi lieu Siirvt'v Ik in Ihp h . Ircir under Panamanian registry. I that failure of the Roosevelt ad- ters of .Scotia. Masonic Temple. Bombers .Strike .Across Strait A. F. away from Germany for 40 on rules revision was considering The C om m »r(ios. Britain's Hose No. 2 of the South Man­ nights. I<'4‘laii»l4‘r*8 l)<‘a(lie ln\ol\(‘(| In \rj;iiriH*iit Derby. .No 14 • V- Edward G I Ships .Mready Ix>adrply A growing Chinese belief that School ball. German troops in the Crimea The Ministry of Home .Sectirity ter. impn»vd be n totn- Ko\iew of Stwm and tlui.s the neutralitv repeal was road would bring American and at Church hall. eastern l.rimea seaport and harbor Britain last month caused 262 Prospect and .Mrs Smith w.as an­ boat In the darkness. Their fate was private cars were sufficient. deaths and injured 361. ijiiuttion o! niiser>’ lovmj; t-»m|».i.iv regarded as important not only In Britl.sh Intervention was reflected Tuesday, Nov. 18 under the fire of German artillery, nounced here yesterday. .Smith re- Oot revealed but they were presum­ Tonight, each star will ri.se fn today In an editorial in the Eng­ Annual meeting and banquet, the high command announced to- and ' inspircil by nunibuis ■ently ajipointed to ihe Fedeia^ EXC^LUSIVE supplementing Britain .s shipping Attorney Raymond A. Johnson 1942 ably captured. Another boatload the ea.st almost four mlniit s lish-language Hankow Herald day. 'Phe hf*altli ortiM ts are one tind- and protective patrols but al.so In Manchester Chamber of Com­ who Is a member of the Connec­ bench, heard his drst cose in 19^ was unable to find transportation earlier than it did last night. At , Whii h now is published in Chimg- merce. Ma.sonlc Temple. The Air Force, me.anv.hlle, has Enemy Planes Bomb InK [THyLholopisl.t, refiortetl In releasing Itntsih iiieri-hant men and ticut River Brlilge comml.ssion Haven Wednesday. The son was but sailed safely into Tobruk the ! the same hour, it will be one de­ I king pul the coastal batteries at Sevas­ Ihe cfTii fit) fwienoc journal. Natur « a r s.iip.s for . ! ■: 'ir-.■•d t-i.-ks. \\ eiiiiesJay, Nov. 19 will be the guest of the Kiwanis Eastern Germany the .Smith’s second child. next day. j gree further we.sl. Thus, as the topol, principal Crinreaii s.-aport (ft th(»xe wlio vveTd to eoninuin.'il The aii'lvirdalr. • British source The Herald said that if - the— sup , "Tiirkev, Coo.se, I’lg " Hose and elub of Manche.ster at its meet­ Bloomfield - A meeting of Con- fe.a.son passe.«. all the stars pass In and N'vi’al ha.se. out of conimls.slun Berlin, Nov. 14. -oTi- Enemy s)i» Iter.s, this .'■tu'iv !4ji\.-i. tr’» per ' iHsii'-rl a stateni. Id .s.iv ng tli.st the P‘>' boad werWcut and China left Ladder < o .No. 1. Cheney hall. ing Mond.ay in the Y. .M. C. A necUcqt police chiefs at the Tiim- Only The Oommando.s are shock ' review arrn.s.s the evening sky. by liomh hits. di-Htroyed inilltarv [Ilanes flying singly dropped k (enl were Mj oite'l lo liave .uol.iin The jr.-peal u.mld "r.-lr.-1i and rein- ‘^capable of further resistance 1,- Frliluj. Nov. 21 Judge John.son will dl.sciiss the Ide Brook Country (Jlub went on Annual tncellng. South Manches­ in.siallatinns in the harbor 'anil small number of blgh-exploslve Cil a'Jt''jii:.lc ;.'e. p vigorale .lie will of the ^ British Wf* Japanese troops would be progre.ss that has lieen made on bombs in eastern Germany terri­ reiord in favor of strict enfori e- Perfect people to fight tire lear to victorc’." ■ ^‘ ee for action elsewhere. ter Fire District. No. 3 Ho.se House. ilaniaged two large freighters, the W eight V hifii )i;:il Int ii lo.sf at Ha.s (hr higli com mand said. the con.structlon of the bridge. A tory last night and caused casual­ ment of speed and other traffi,- Thr authoritative statement I ' ^e Herald suggested that the Friday. Nov. 28 Lniiiie u aa le^.tme *, ;.n«! neoM-ti iBurton’s ... for Best! large attendance of Kiwamans is ties among the civil population, tile swi;f/iom.4 «li 4 ippt’.i ■ I •! I’ i‘)ivi«l . il lawH n.i a mean.s of reducing high­ F M : Ffimous Sewinu said: : United Slates and Britain could Annual dance of Memorial Hos­ I liers M l.,ck H eelng Trcwips expected to he present to hear the way fatalities and injuries. CROSLEY high command .said today. bJieller.i, Aheio they avail ".New.s of tla- n pe.il of tin prin- j help China repulse such a new In- pital Auxiliary, Hotel Bond, Hart­ The Air Force al.so ha.s attacked ! This i.s "llralth ;n Ui* ■ Uicir efjuipniriit. It HtreaseH the night. AM. ^ FM, S':.in<).ud ant) n-sist* Eacts Seen by yaxis Church House. X ed today that anticipated Nazi The board of directors of the Now For .Ml .Models .Wedneeday, ,t I s> I holtiJCl.sl.v ..nil that Idle MiM?- feet Uiat ther(* is a job for ev’erv- ShorfAX’a\r . . it an arnaa- ing Axis aggression prai-tical ■'mil [ Berlin. N'ov. 14.— (/Pi—Author- onquest of the Crimea would cn- Orange Hall Corporation will ToiTington Cornelius E "Con- Fierce Fighting • ■1' W \S good U’ gene; ,il, then t |< “ iif in buildii'^' a Mtronjj, healthy in>^ly ! '’» price ’ J.UU.K iinaliiatile a.s.si.-.t.in- e in the coni- '’t^d German sources declared to- "Uncle Sam's .MerX-Go-Round ible tlie Gert.i.an Air Force to eliin- meet tomorrow afternoon at three a,'h ( . / ’" " “ l!'"'' '^"'•'•ington high r o .N S O I.K mon cause, remm ing a.«. It does t day that Congress voted on the Fair" at Second CongHgatlonal mstanro.H f*f .m ) »leluu^- <''imriiinity and in keeping Am en- .( hool c,,ach. underwent an opera- mate Hiissian shipping from those o'clock In the Washington Social On Gonflar Front h o d k i .s . .SI.'i.O.') church. X waters. tendeiK V f(.r iiHirale to dt i-Tioi- I I a ■ (it lor defense.’' ion at the Charlotte Hiingerford M O D K I-.S . ..«T9.9.4 Reserves for Chri.slmas an olist icie whicti imi'ede.l tnlfiil-i basis of a'fals« presentation of club. Rome, Nov. 14 — (A’l —Fierce Thursday, Dec. 4 \ at»’. hospital yesterday for removal of ini-nt of A m ei'.cas determination ' by President Roosevelt and The capture of the Naval ba.se fighting In severs! sectors of the I ★ IX C IU SIV I fH IlC O FM SYS- Keith's “ l.ay-a-wav” Plan Annual sale and play of Ever I.ONH of Morale I a kidne.y storie, Hi« condition wa.s ( OMIH.N ATIO.VS...... <;{.).n.-, to play a le.od ng role m the peer- ! Secretary" ‘ Hull in revising the Uni­ port of Seva.stopol, which those Merle C. Shaw, o f 49 Wetherell Gondar front, where the Italians j dutiiid If* show tiiat (diildren lack- Ready Circle. King s Daughters. < ‘ited ah -.I^IIM t M oi :ti.i! ale TU4. I htu-ly new circuit FITTKI) SFWI.NH throw of llitle. nsiii. ted States neutrality act. sour-c.s pre-iicted, would deprive street, was one of 14 recruits in i are making a la.st stand fri Bthio- I in^ tins kind ol adult a-sacFTmtioi. I hierc'’ Torrlnxlon 'I. Down Keith’s Price Protection Plan "It Mill refreid, and reinvigor- They expressed satisfaction that Directors' room, Whlton Library. the Red Navy of its bejt remain- 1 Ibe United State.s navy that left •vete un tiilhi)!,: I'd (a u'niu'* e i, ,• in l.tiiid if’.Li.s are likely to develoj' high completed its football season srrjh gcm rn: u.v.-.g j.'.' the ( AfU N K TS...... from SM.9.') pia. was officially reported today. lunniii'- a ’Vay im m iHuiil'in^ .lan- ate the will of tile Kriti.^h people the congressional majorltv did not Al.so, Cliristmas Sale and sup­ Ing harbor in the Black Sea. Haven yesterday for train- >ei iou-> i.i rve Ir'Hdiles. before the coach was slrn ken fubn fc r V'jhJnr.i j.nJ The high command reported p'erM. >'en4ira! d'ru'^.sit-n aP'iiit the OPEN .S.VTl RD.AY EVE.N'I.Nd U.N'TIL .NT.NK. to figlil Uie w.ir to victory." reach one-half of the entire House. per, Ladles’ Guild. St. Marv’'s. No Repair Facilities Italian outposts in North Africa | In many c.iH*a Hiiiall childicn Bridge,lort Four hundred and '-hc.rt tX .1, - .1 - » . II r. r.Nf. v.’ar and triiiti.sm #ii ihe j;ovein- Most morning new.spapers de-^ The next days will show what a Al.so, South Methodist W . S. C Alter that, declared DNB, the were active and th.at five British - were helped by having; a vnoml)- tnnnufactiirlng concerns, visited SEPARATE BASS AND TDEBLE Nfd all the ...... in ’tli' vote Among their views w.-re den, they added. Wednesday. Dec. 10 along the Caiuasian coast and, street, who Is with Battery E, Sth ed ai.ea.s these )*a lef. hJ|(V (fiSyulop- he special defense train during MANCHESTER b id of ’ ll.' ieija. AlUU 'i;:)! CO N TaoiS. tmpl.aM/e ^ J W th .'se: Germany simply must shoot In Annual Christmas Sale and the news agency conten-ied,...... Ku.s- Coast Artillery stationed at Port- The average automobile travels j i‘'i unsHif()| V relation.s_^ wnn he first (lay o f Its two-dav Slav ' - ”4 : P^TMOMH m ^he i-ioie fiea'lly uii-J-d I- wc and ’ h.gt:c m any Tile News ('hcoiuclc- Tlie n^d- ca.se American vessels carry mu­ Cafeteria, North Methodist W S I Sian port.a there have no (.actiilies I Maine, harbor, has lieen pro- 14 miles on a gallon of gasoline. I thetr mother.s, The p.%\choroj^i.stH, here, offi. jals |•e[lorl/•,| last night ston takes ".Vmcrica one more arei'.i ut-rr nai*" iiiti-a l ;ind «le. -'..n.'-in.,' If I pred?.- nitions, they concluded. C. S. ; for r.-palring damaged ships. ; "’"tel to corporal. !;i*’a-c\-» r. fouml that co.mplete II g-.os next to W aterbury long sU-p toward bearing a full I )U esse

x>phet. emerged Iren \vcM‘ iit'out one \(*ar behind -'g'-t night nn-1 their ca.ses were The Ttl(gra|ih It gives eftect attacks on those prisals (»n the (hinian.s Blaik .Sea port, and German The old car All aid to nu.smj: moralt wa» llu- tlie av(’ra>;e in rea'iin^ It was .sur- (onUiiiied to .N’ov. 21 under $1.00o ★ DOUBLE I. F. CIRCUIT, ! vr without delay to a legislative [jjp newspaper II Popolo dl RoiUa i:e,^te,| that thi.s 'utuation inav be Chang.' that rest-we.s to the l.’nit- jaid today ‘ <41 uom a sources said it already was with- ^ '<’<’'4 rtream-llned but j*rer.rmc of a uUr *n tat i vely ap­ tliul f’Ul h. A Htiitp poliuc invcstiua- k ed St.ites the fullness of itji his- * * " * 1\. Y. Stocks tn sange of air attack 11/ lo getting pointed leam i's in-Uie ran! sludttis. W(ir.S4* in areas tiiat lui\e be(*n raid- li-ui began .Monday when a |i.'itjt'nl '.S ' ■ ' ' a-. I p. CC • r. tone national objective— freedom V Stress \ alue of Ore I a Idii.H jiuh.HUtuted Inr lainily nuth- e«| f-ver a Inm^er perioii ’ihan (da.s- identifcd only a.s a Staniff-r-l re.M I Adam s E xp ^ ...... 71, German and Rumanian troops ' - *''“ 8 his Ford has not |g"W.’ ‘lent, w.is found to ire' m need of of the sea.s ’ been turned down yet. onty and. the psyrduil*isia .said. The Express- "Llmlte-1 ship­ I Air Rediic ...... '. . Zen kick­ lUMig ic .i: . In -.pe.r and on our power to aid Rus.sli Alleghany ...... 1, the gateway to the Caucasus oil, iu regu a^ meetmi^^ifnno ' CtoiKl l^fMidership ed in the abdomen. The au.s,iei ts Short-Wave and FM — in .^ er 1 .1 1 ’ em . ri - -t Allied Cliem ...... ]50 were John P.atiick iJowling, 41 and supply our own armies Furnished hv Putnam and Co. ^and Berlin economists stres.sed the ' nTn J m Odd Fellmi^ M iV It In fine sheitor w lu-rc a giMnl li,ilci (II ntmn.s. whcK’ .ia Ihcrr had tv.t RED CROSS 127 132 Am .‘5ni-.dt...... 3 6 ', deli' ered We cann- t yet bs.sos- .■\*'tna Fire ...... 5.1 wor.d although not fully exploit- .serve refreshments. A gwd turn- I rcvioii.sly been i-vcn a hio-im ti* TfuiKirmw Big Trade-Ins * Easy Terms 57 AmT&T...... 14 S’ the full possil'llilles of this aid oi 1 .\i>'n'i L i f e ...... Od 1 . ^ ^ 1 of the Rebekaiiii koep thp pi.-irp I lean. . 2 7 ', Am Tob B ...... St', is h(.»po(l for. k OU Cadet^ To Hold o,M „ niv iisHlon ;-P( . SI AIM ESS > 7 ' " T - where it will lead America. B .t .•\nt<*mubik ...... 38 Or»‘ suppllefi th^ro were eatimat- : ____ The Iisychiili.gi.'ita aaul ihat as- lo n u -iir o o .hinifii'.s 4't I Am Wat W kc ...... 3 r \R\ I.NC .se ts we know it is an Immensely pow­ Conn. Gpncr.il . . . . I".» r i m 2--1!^.000^000 tons and The i Miss Betty C. W oodruff, second auifinrr la iicc-locl. If moiiil, ,.s ti, 11 OU s« hfoi 23' J i Anneon-ia ...... 26' \ i erful new weai'on come into our 11 11 tford Fire . , . S7U toolkisclier Beobachler, A-lolt i daughter of Rev. Watson Wood- r i .r s : LLOYD XOL.\N -oiitiniic, iluit pffort.s a ic hciiig 1 uu.'i.no Hadnunton pun I H-I.sinki. Finland, .Noi. n .7* let! ci iv S'*‘ . .Armour III ...... , l hands " ; Hartford Stm. BoU 49 Hitlers newspaper, predicted "3 : ruff and Mrs. Woodruff of SI4 .iiadc lo iiirrcn..i' the salctv. ot I'Oii-ri.fMt t'ad'f.**, ^anie nw i Till- Lab..r m-v.-spap.-r .Vosiaali 52 1 Atchison ...... 26r in “ Buy Me That Town” The Evenbig News declared the .National Fire «2 great future" for the Kerch penln-j .Main street, has been elected - iiclti'ra. ' ' *p hike.s. 1 ncmokraatli said P kIiiv that Kin- A n d I p. 64 j .Avi.stlnn Oorp ...... 3.’- United .<4tates' action iepr .\1m> Havr Complete Line Of R oasting l » c k ...... ;Striker Is Given • 9 ': 1 1 '. C'on.s Oil ...... Buy all the Slip* you need now .. .at flsvlngs! Won­ H »wW » ] Fnfnlr Bearings . . . 127 137 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healy and C on t’ Can ...... Pans derful values In tailored ami Iscy styles. . .White snd Hart and Coolev . . 128 daughter. Judith Ann. have moved Vi EAREVER ALE.MINLM 138 C om P r o d ...... Jail Sentence Tearose. Sires .S'J-11. ' ^ , 1 Hendev Mach., cm. 7>.. 9 ' . from Lynesa street to their new Del L & Wn ...... ROASTERS Land'rs Fr & C|k . 19'.j home In South Coventn’. 21' Doiipla.s A i r e ...... •New Bril M com. . 41'.. 43'.. New Haven Nov. 14— (iT’-— Du Pont ...... 1 -Ralph Clncoln 30, of this city, was It Ls oxpecteil that present offi­ mm ArNo Increase in Price ^ ® "p /'. S. A Jl omlerfiil (Airistinas (,ift .North and Judd 3.3'2 3 7 '- WILLIAM LUNDIGAN Have your ear rheclied liy our iiieehaiiirs on 3 1 Peck. Stow ft w n 7 9 Eastman Kod ...... 1 .sentenced to jail for 60 days and cers of the Board of Park Coramis- 1 Russell Mfg. Co. . . Elec Auto-L ...... I fined $35 today when he was ar- j sioners will be chosen to serve an SHIRLEY ROSS • 121, 19' . Gen E l e c ...... llie same machine as lliat used hy the Slate am) Scoville ...... 2 4 ', 26' . : raigned before City Court Judge ■ additional tern this evening as the A BtFURitC FteTUBI Gen Foods ...... Sllex Co...... 1 0 ', John A. Maresra on charges aria- | Board holds its organization meet­ 1 2 ', Gen Mot ...... ,. , 37' TARF.E CLOTHS do , pfd...... ing from incidents of violence in Ing. put in sha|)r before y«*n lali.e it tliroii^li the Meeker Prod ...... 6' 79c to S3.19 Stanley Works . .. 4 0 'i 42'-. I connection with the current strike ____ Plus I Kifler Hudson Mot ...... 3'’ - at the G. ft O. .Manufacturing Already numbers of persons are MARLOW’S Pardon us Torrlngton ...... 2N . 27 Int Harv ,, ...... 4 6 '. Company. Stale t<‘slin» lane. NAPKINS...... 1.3c f O g V A L U E S Veeder - Root . . . . . 50 53 ccmplet'ng theli $3 ,old age tax A m bushed” Int Nick ...... 2.6". New York Bank* He was arrested on Wednesday payments. T h 's levy^ n ot due bv if tee are Int T * T ...... 2 afte-r a window on a non-striker's ff inter's Success Styles S2.95 Bank -of N V. , , , . . 305 325 tsw until mld-wtnter, anmiallv is Johns - M a n ...... 57 automobile was smashed as it was M m : Bankers Trust . .. . 47 49 paid In advance by more than ten Kennecott ...... 3 2 '- entering the plant yard. He . was COS.'UETICS TO LADIES! persistent, hut Central Hanover . . . S3 86 per cent o f those billed bv th.e Ivch Val RR ...... 3 ', charged with general breach of the er umerators. '•B.MINACLE BILL” FURRED Man(Jiester Motor Sales, Inc. 4 Chase ...... 2 6 ', 28 peace. Injury to private property "DANtE HALL" Chemical ...... 3 9 ', Llgg & .Mv B ...... 73 OI.DSMOBIEE .S.M.E.S .\NI) SERYICE 41’ , and thrpyi^ipg c-bject at a mov'- City ...... 26 Lockheed A lrc ...... 28 Tl\e youngsters'like ita ^ . 24 Loew’ s ...... 3 7 '- Ing automobile. Clncola's attor­ :.12We.sl Center .Street .Manchester Continental . 11% 1 3 '. IROVEN PICTUR DRESS COATS grown-up” look—Mother, I.,orillard ...... 15N- neys filed notice of appeal. There Is Com Exchange ... . .32', 34’ - THEATRE • Hartford ithe.way it FITS— . First National ... .1305 1345 Mont W ard ...... 29 ewriters Nash - Kelv ...... 31, The salary of London's Lord Guaranty Trust .. . 252 260 Baujo- $ 3 9 50 Dad, its long^srear Nat Bisc ...... 1 6 'I ■Mayor, which :iad been fixed at SECOND 8.MASH WEEK! Irving Tiaist ...... 10 TO N IGH T J9:4.<) ouao- Moale by Pete Paatalak*B d-Pe. Orchestra. I t I ‘ chinery, • WELU LIGHTED AND PATROLLEDl V VICTOR jIDDilvaj^ : j . .7


Stars ill M m if at the .'la'' auUionly .. .tn ....• 'Wlii h mena.’e Nation Soon Will Keep Comhat Planes | Willkie Stund us from the armed aiitotraey of Columbia Europe Aerial Santa Claus May "Tho.se who accept such a RECORDS U’eaootl Rice Are Reealledj Hit l»v Taft |ihlloso[)hy.'’ declared the .Senator, victor - BlasbIrd and News From Manchester’s Neighbors 57.'V-lt, WllUmantlo OlviiilnD Abreast on Alnminuin can only vote for every demand Decca. Solve Marine Mystery nmde hy the adrainlstration with­ Izitest Rrleaara: .\ir l*oAv*T for Muiieii- out critii ism or analysi.s " A beach wagoti owned and op­ Prediction Made by Dc- niciit that I..aGiianlia made a ''sille Sees Anieriean Bi'roin- ALBUMS erated by Mrs. Edith Jackson of Boston, Nov. J4 oVi-— A n . I.*'ckaheid. .Snow said he eriii.siil ' m istake " in tjclieving the .scrap v*TM (.III; Co to .Sern’t Popular ,.ShFet Music, ty Teachers' Association was held Rectory. Many were at w-ork on iiifj ‘Jiisl as Tfitalituriaii Ixing Childhood •Marlborough cra.slicd through the .aerial S anta Claii.s. doubling In over a 2.’i-.square mile area o!T fcuHC OiTicials; Expuii- collei ted by aii'l for tile govern S for $1.00. on Thur.sday evening at the Union the sleeveles.s sw eaters for Army lirass as a (lying sleuth. iMdieves Cn[ie Cod's Race Point where tile nienl could then he tiiriiccl over to DuMlinulion. RockviUe As Italy Is Toilav.' .Sixteen years of the life of a church with supper being served Bolton and Navy C'bri.stinas siipplie.s. Part Aiulover loft fence and down the embank­ he's well on tin' way to solving bodies and wreckage were-wn.shed sion and New FucililicH junk dealers and sold for prolit by the ladle.s of the church. The of the 1.1 sweaters assigned as ment on Route 44 about one-half one of the greatest of Aiiicneiin up. No Fucllltles for Work W’llh Army In the Field. Nov 11 n .T'la are spent underground In Ueivto H. Chapmaii Mrs. Clyde Marshall .Mn. .Maswell Hutchinson Hartford. S n v . II v ,S.n,a- in im m ature .stage On the 17th speaker was Mr. O'Meara, execu­ Hebron's quota have already been mile we.at of K atzm an's C om er marine niy.slerie.s the u'reekiiig Three H ulks HlM-enied (riven M ajor r.r***Ul. Ordinarily, Junk and.waste deal­ KEMP’S, Inc. \ M, ilockTtlle Phone ao6S (/!’. -Kiidden w ithdraw al of "ear. it emerges, .sheds Its outer tive secretary of the Connecticut finished and the outlook is en­ 157-4, Will!mantle early Thursday morning. The car of the side-wheeler Portland lii a "We were .siieee.s.sful in obtain- ers would clean, soi l ami hale sm li tor Taft (R-Ohioi says the h.-lief Fu'm/ihiro — Music' State Teachers' Association. couraging. U .seems a foregone which was travelling In the direc­ I'oinhat planes for a sei n t di slin- . '/vering. and hei omes an adult 76.A Alain St. TH. 3880 yeai'.s ago with a lo:gi of juj. ptioliigrajibic mosaic of llie Washington, Nov. 14 (A’I sci'iiii ami ship it to sm elters icady allon has .'Ut into Ui*' air power that the adminialratiori niu.st tii' Common Pleas Court conclusion that all will be finished tion of Wllllnsantlc at the time the "IT-y.-ar locust " Twenty-one attended the meet­ Aliotil ninety tow'n.spcople, with l.iihve.s ^ entire area Willi much of the ocean A^lth their Angers crOAsed, defense for limnediale iclimslimg. la the wliK'h the Army. th(- .N'avy and ile.l all Its desires, whn h hi­ pressed ofT. and ready to forward arrident occurred was towed to The flr.st casi's in the new Tol­ ing of the ].iidles Benevolent So­ •je.st.^ from .Manchestei. Goventry, F.uwarn Row*' Snow. Hu-ston bottom vi.siblo.” hr sni»1 "A ftrr aluminum drive, hmvcvcr, the .snap the .Marrni* Corps has rmidy for ed waa the aUitinl.. of tii.s 22 Selectees iiy November 'J.'i. the date set. I| I'ollin.ss G arage Both Mra. .lark- >friclals preillcted today th at the land t'oimly i'oiirt of Common dirtford and Farmington .sal hariior hi.storiiin who hist ynir rxiuniruition nf thr printn th rrr was sent direct to smelters which Ui(' A r m y m.iiieiners in the Caro- ’ Republican an.I .s.n . essf id ciety of the Bolton C'ongn gntional .aon and a .soldier from Camp Fd- LJ. S would ratch up with and S Pleas are lieing heard at a session th'ise who work in their homes Ic, down to a harvest .supper at the n fliKbl ovrr lorn )y N.-w \ui\Un of thr nlippmximnte size ami had nr'i fa lUtics lor such work, church held yesterday afternoon ward.s, who wa.s the other ocrii- linas. il was harried tmlav. oppon^dit for the presi'lential n'.mi- today opening at 11 o'elock. The stead nf attending the gatherings flepublican Club meeting on Tues­ FriKlnml ll^hlhous. m. ilr-ipvinK .shapr of thr 291-foot Keep abreast of aliiiniiiiiiii de­ f'omc had to hire and train i rews Leave Moiidav pnnt were unhurt except for a few Portland An - iimmpi a. hahle aiiUiority nalinn that year. Wen.lell I, W in­ o c t W cady A (fc/or case la that of Bertha B. Allison at the home of .Mrs. Arthur Mer­ could be counted In it woiild add to day evening. Miss Katherine ( hfi.stniJi.s parkaj^ra lor tin' kf'-p- u rre dlBcrinr*! ” mands- within the next lliree or of sorters. I'lam-loads ot pot and -NOT LONG OFF! aeratches. The aceident will be disclosed that aerial nmts. already kle. will ridake America just a agaln.st Frederick I. Allison, a rill in South Bolton. .Mrs.. Thomas the number of workers consliler- Bryne. vice-chairman of the State ers. says that for a g^'rimtinn Snow Hiiys thr Portland Associ- lour month.s. Jains liar ked up in smclterH' yards here for the Army general head'- totalitarian Italy is today ’’ taken up in court at 3:30 on Sat- New England marincr.s have ron- W i n t e r foreclo.mire action. The second case Bentley as co-hostess presented a ahly. There are quite a number ('eutral Gommittee, and W. Ellery Rt» H. a j^roup of nm rinrrs Intrrcat- Although giving major credit I 'iiid Uie railroails linally refused io qiiart.'is war gaini.s ,\.iv. I.'.-.'in, That w'as thr’-^rm'-ssav.* ti.e ritm, Tmi late when winlrr enmea, T ollanil's who cannot leave their homes for unlay alterniMin. j4*rtured w hether the Portland Is that of Spear A Company Library Program with the follo-.v- Allen, were after dinner speakrr.s, ril in tin* fair of thr old ship, a rr ;o plant expansion and new facili- .ransport addi'ional .si rap until have, been recalled without i-xplan- .Senator left wHh a groiqi of to take lime for comparing one rea.son or another hut who can The Trl-('ounty Youth Fellow- foundurrd in tlv blow 'luring the DinM’lly l>) 1'raiii to against Dorothy Russell. The ca.'^e ing members giving short hook fmnclng followeil the dinner and nil .»5rt to put divrrs to work, but tle.s, which have tiecn rushed since ars already lied up were unloaded iitiori. vonnger biisinessmery^ivhorn h.- .ar|- fuel, for efficiency, economy. and do work on the quota. .Mrs ahip met nt Yeomana hall Thurs­ trnihlr night or ♦xplo'lrfl and and returned of George .S. Brooke.s agaln.st the revicw.s: Mrs Alcxaiidtr Biince many young people flocked In to to sHvr thrm divinii willy-nilly to last spring, OPM officials declared Overseas Best Guess ilressed last aight. (iXjar.ng tha' who reviewed "Tile Country School Harry Kramer furnished refresh­ day evening. Oswald P. Sheller burni’d at .‘«ea. Vou'll need fuel In a h u rry — The Military Camp. American Automobile Insurance ndii to the success of the evening.* all thrrr of thr widrty srpnratrd that the go\jfrnm ent’s "p'lt.s and Even toda\’, manj' .smelters have "We don't know whire ttiey • om e m em bers of the nrHr.r.al ad Ma'am'' by Della T. Lutes and the ments for a simple tea served at showed moving pictures of skiing and probably order It hurried­ Company will be n.s.slgned for trial. Much credit Is due the president of Swept .Mllrn Off ( 'mirso hulks thr "FlvinK Santa" baa a lit­ pans" colleolion last suniiiier was piles ol Uie nn.Horli d scrap on have gone Imt one best guess is rmmslration w ire seeiurrg th. "Family" by Nina Fedorova; Mias the clo.so of the day's session. at Sun Valley, Idaho, and of sail­ In ml Rockvillr. Nov. 14. (Special.) — Judge 'Thomas J. .Molloy of H art- the club. Mrs Lincoln ' Bathrlhk. Bodies and htta of w're< kagr tle m orr .Rlrulhinj; to do. an ImiKirtant factor ovcr.seas, " a tiigli ofiicer said U.- Jam.'S .Sl.'ph.ii.son. Rnnald R .a g a n an.I William I.nn.ligan a.s ".socialization of the cSgitci ly. AAhy not lake time, now? Adelia Isvomia wdio reviewed Card players and all Interesteil ing on Columbia Lake. Square foni will pre.slde at the cotirt ses­ the chaihman of the entertainment were washed ashore on ('ajir ('od \^an(s to Loratr Hogan W on’t Be Tried .Again l’rlc«-s III .\oHr-l>l\e would not say wheUicr the planes Uir.'.. hinl.li.'s ..( the air in "Int.-m ational .Sqiiiolron, a s.-n.-n story .Stales ' De<'ide to try mir au|M>r Fuel There are 22 men KCheduItx! for in­ "They W ent on Together" by in the local American Lr-vion arc dancing and group singing led by sion. ermmittee. Mit*. Alma Bramhall. 28 hinirs after thr paddlr-whreln Hr wanl.s to locate Mirhnrl J. In the same breath, o l’.M niad<’ AS n side issue, the smellers be­ were Army, .N’ltvy or .Marine, how :»'lo. First Service school with Mvman Reiner, prin­ Niihfer is to be miustpr for the ' strong.'.St ollin.siv.' for. .’ ill. ^ kr (Sofk 4m H coks M .Sorvine the Public for 25 Years, till* box to be sent by tfie soeu-iy |Pra!t and Whitney jilant. .Methodixt ehiircbe.'i during the pileh of |s)ts and pans and jilies i Uie siihjei 1 Unit otlicials annonnce.l hi.sl*ji y. Mansfield; Stpnl*y Anthony Kob- The ctinsllan .Science Society of cipal. Mrs. Theodore lyickwcaid coming year, while James Thomp- ' /\iniy has e\.'r iml int.i ti.'ld . xer-I ' Mrs, Anne ('. Gilbert Mis.s f;. p:i;[>ropnation of di*nat»*d fnr Hie gnod rected the cninpiiigri as i ivilian that more Ui.m 97 per ( I'lit ol thi' ' Rockville; Joseph Alexan'pt lunl .Syn.'i. (jen- lra*ir(imary .se.ssi*tn *jf Uio Diet bo- will be held at the honu of Mrs I)ay in c’olr hester. Mls.s Day gave [lots arnl pan,.; w. ' Silbros, Your ^^OldReliable’^Store Alexander Dunce on Thursday at , M'hiirch affairs He operates hlA .'m.nnn . omnitmllii.s lia.s tieen sold ton: Kdward Martin Nothnick, an intere.stin:: talk on T'^rael Put­ The war office was not open to l.'cres, Mls.s Sophie Szegda; Porno- '■ red junk and wa.sle dealers fiuiii s.Tvi rs U'. r.' T. st.s at F.irt B. n- 2 p. ni. Nov. 27. Mrs. W alter Kl­ to sm elters and Unit im.ire than 7.5 The * abiTu t air* ady has pre- Wappiii" nam. nn«l Mi.ss Sylvina Norton lo»d vi.s|tor.s In Lebanon, much to the na Mrs Fvelvn I lewellvn Flora i' 'Wii car dally on vi.sits to m em bers'' Iiartictpating; on the seKuid. Ol’.M mrig, (i.'i, witii planes droppirig ' Stafford; Kdwanl ('harle.s Brown. llott will he Cl -hfjsless. Mrs* Helen flen nem lin • ' la .Iv as I'" ^'"'"gton Town Hall \\ ednos-■ ot tbo parish and relatives out of p.-r cent has las-n I'ernoved fiorn I»ar«'d n**w *'ni' r^;en( y lexi.slatmn ' HARTFORD COl NTY'.S J.K VDI\(; CRKDIT .STORK Rockville; Buasell Whalan Felten- of the heautie.s of Gharie.'c tbr- oM silt'. They were privileg­ gle; member of executive commit- ! -.ertiirer. Lillian Peterson; S te w -[ }*uf street 's a patient at the any am ount of fact.'; and liguK - tending a iriti.pi.' of this '.v.'.'k’.s Af»nie f a.s*-.s ffi.ruh!**, in*lirecl for education week, held Tliiirsday 1 nesday evening and two or three to prove it.s rase. prohl. m wiUiin tl..- F.,nrUi Armv Ontek, Mansfitdd; Bruno Joseph ed to g-ri nil through the .lonathnn i Hamilton; Assi.stant I johiLson Meijiurial hospital follow- C a re less t.iX'-H Ln wfiat ar** r*-j:arded hs Festi, Staffonl: Walter Joseph On Frlilay ^vrnlnp. Nov. 2H at afternoon in the Community Hall I more plan to come into the cla.ss Triimbidl hoii-.e, and Incited the Squier. the retiring master. Steward, Franci.s AshliruL Ghap-* 'Hie O I’.M'.s riiw with l.aGiiaidia Corps lu.xurM'.s j The iirogram wa.s enjoyed by all i at the next session wtiirh win ing an app<*nf G*,mrn**ree and Eight o'Hork thrro will bo a pro­ who were [ire.sr'iit and the proje, t : ni.ike a cla.ss of 20,'just about the Orlowski. Rockville; I»uia Jo.seph o' ni.'inv iiiembers of the TriimhtiM a .supper of c Ralph Bradway, Cnion; secretary, uhionald of thr Miss t>live Swans'in. o f H iandyi bell, the r**tjnng M-*ist»‘r. . Insur- the .He'liool wn.s In session.. tt la tinned the tern hing of the .sM^>je^t. tlew tnive.lled 4i\Vr the Indian Fnivrr.sity Extrn.sion Rerv’ice spoke Mrs. John MacGreijor. Vernon; street will be tin** of the Bolton an**e Committee, f*»r tlire*- y**ar,s HEADS on tho topic "The Mra.surr of Ma­ treasurer, Alexander Hunce, l^.o|- mli*nd''4 give parents an idea Grangers receiving the .seventh de­ however. The elas.s will not m e e tl'n .iir Trail. The birthplace of .M(jrtlace gree at Worcester. Mass thi.s eve­ SHOP mlttee. A» H. Benton. Amiover; ol hours. Ther* Ibilton (Irahg>* will nu** t jis usu- ’ that many of the ineinliers felt rP’i-ut it. T.lie young people retuiTi- party for the members. M*md;ty <*vening N*iV**inb* r 17 at Neill. Vernon; Lucius W. Robinson. will be other sound films lasting .il thi.s ev*>|ung di.sjute th** fact thal they would be so busy mak- w»-arv. but felt so nuu li of hl.s It has been announce*! that the 8 *i‘*’lo(*k, the Auxiliary of Always Columbia; Willard Pinney. Som­ about an hour and a half. Parent.- that many of the members are in I'ng prrpai ;ition.l children *>f | "Binnu in F^hngt*ui T*'wn IPill. Klllott. Mansfield The committee (inldren. The first "Parents Keen* y Hutrhij^son, * hitirman The adjiiurned l 'W.n meeting i.« ' v.'ell Huii'hinson were members of the lf)\vn will be continue*! for .six A turk^-V'arid otb*‘r ’ specials will chairmen and town directors will N ight” of the year will he Wed- of the Holthn Board of ApT>eals of billed to take pl.'i'e .Monday eve­ Bo'tim Gran'-e serving on th-» aiMilional lesst th«* •pecial meeting, a.s at tme tim»* . dav evening. tribute*! jr>30 to thr Windham M* pton of Highland avenue wu»-s There will be ii meeting of the will tie in their rooms and will be Board, attended the h*;mng of thought likely and new warnin..* I Fire alarm at 7 4.1 a m today (.'ommunily Memorial hospital re- stnick by an automobile W**(lne.s m NO T A X O eg T fe o f Pocahonta.i at their gla«l t" coM.Hult with parents on will not In* neee.s.sary. The j)r<*- Galled the Voliinleer Fire fiepiirt- rr.ntly. $130 wn.s rnllrctrJ'*mI.s rooma thta evening. any prohli-nis relative to school la.st evening. V10U.S meeting, from \^hi- h ttu*^ f ment a ehininex fire at tho old rommitt«*e: ■ Clayton E. Hunt, it had to hr sh»)t to end itw suf (i«neinU Kitchener l>Hlge afTair.i. ; wa.s adjourne.!. wa.s on o- f. 27 B:*n»*tt nUee at '^'nlumbia chairman, and Mrs. Charles Nat.«ch fenng The animal was hit with ON TOUR PATRONS BECAUSE General Kitchener lyidge. Son.- Next Sunday* NuvemfHT U5. the ' Items to t)4* acted niion will be m - .1', NT Rogardiis are and Mr.s. Raymond Sejuier during •MK'h force it was thrown ov**r 200 Store I ©f St. George will hold their regu­ Rev ' Ihiul D. Teller from Gam- I reptarve of the tdwn' repoi t.s and ' ni.aking fln.al nlan« Ir the pureha.ae the camj>aign which clnsr11 Child first fall card parly spori.soreil hy ! pupils of the si hofils here a ci«*ly will be held at thr town hall rising costs first began to disturb the market. Our purchases Mr. and .Mrs Alfred Thomas of ('onference will he held Friday the Denioeralie Ovic rluh at the I ^*>**^‘ Simp^^on. of on F'riday, Nov. 14'. A pot lurk lohn O Nello oRUCSTOREs MEN’S were pkuined and made early. We didn't have to pay 1S6 Prospect street ob.serv.-d their afterm>on from \ to 3 p. m. in the Hebron Town Hall Tuesilay eve- 1^^*' primary mom. Hebron rireen. (llnm*r will be .serve*! nt 12:30 an*l 172. Stafford Reg. 2 5 c ...... 5 pr, $1.16 63rd wedding anniversarv on No- t«*wn hall ning. There were tahle.s for *4ct- I boarding everyone la asked to bring .some­ Famous “Well - Klad" ▼ember 13th.' .No special celelira- “high** prices, so we're not “taxing'' you with increases! 'Hie South Windsiii Garden liiil) line k, iiiiiiiehle, Citsliio and bridge Plat e here instead'of returning tf> Norlli Govenfrv thing for this a.a well as their f*wn ; Reg. .t.»c ...... 4 pr. 9fic tlon was held this year, tml I tie mWATOAS OF A^OMABLE PALCES Suits, Overcoats and Top­ met yesterday aUerno'. I’inochlc jfrizes went to .Mr.x. M il- | W alter WriL'ht. Mr niul Mrs. W al­ r*q)re.*ienting the Columbia church etc. Everythinff a man A testimonial dinner in honor of of the Congregational chiireh on thf'lomew and .Mi .h, Barthol-»mew The activities of the present mer Dingwe'll and Stephen Mosnv, ] ter (’ Mei-vilt. Mr and Mr.s Ray- at th** onlinalion of James A. D:u- LUXURIOUSLY | needs to dress well! Dr. John E. Flaherty, Commlssion- niiind Smith and Mr.s. Frank W hitr j Wedneailav, December .3. .accord- ley at the Cfiventry f'ongrega- ot High .street on the ocra.slon of Week at'FilNWorth schonl will in­ tir.sl, anil to Mr.x. O’Brien arid I Ing" to [.bins made ye-itcrilav at • r of the .State Board of Ki.sli. ries clude the Sports Dance sponsored 'llt* rul»'*l a P.ist Matron.s’ and tional church Thursday aftern*>on their Ijoth' w***tding anniversary. BROADCLOTH •n d Game will he given by I tie ('ori- William Hartz. -xecond. I ’a.sino the monthiv nieeilng of the As- UAKfit fUMMl liv the s. f' H. K The Farm - 1 Iirize.x w.-nt to .Mrs. (.’oi iiebu.s Patnm.s’ m*-ftinK of thr OE.S at At the siigge.stlnn of th" Dlrec- FURRED COATS • nectlriit State lyagiie of Spiirt.“ I .soiTitjon hcbl in the vestry. A tor nf Civilian Def"n.r dancing. Hefre.Mhments will door (irize wa."i captured by Mrs | day at 7 o'clock. Tickets may be nml Offirers were mitisle.l. Mi.s.x ! the supper, .'in.l In the later land Southern eonfereni e, which AT ONLY. .. be srrv’ed and a goixl time i.s as­ John O’Donnell Clarkson F Mailev i In he observed as,"Religious Free­ 'iffW A il* •ecured from Fred F.rtel of Earl sured fr<*m eight o’clock to twelve Hil.liPg was in ehare,f nf the cere- I there-will b.- an cntcrtaln- dom Day " at the local church. Ob­ Inc'ude.'i the .Melhodiet churches of PABUIM atreet. was in charge a-s luesideiit of the I nioiin-s. ' nient by the c K. young iieojile. th's seotion of 'onnectieut. some LADIES’ o'( lock. servance of Tlinnksgiving will take Final .Miadiiig Tonight club, and wa.s here and tlieri- and | ______I Plan.s Were al.so ma-le at this in the Eastei-p part of Ma.araehii- The Soccer season ende,l with everywhere atioiit the tahle.s see­ piaee in the .serviee of the follow­ Coats, Fur Coals, The final riiertiiig o| the City liiieellng for a Christmas party to ing .'Sunday. .aeft.x and the who'c .stale of Rhode A O t s u e ’ ALMOND the game of last Mi'n*iay exci»pt- ing that all were ha'.lnsr a -good Council for (he fiscal year wtilcii be hi M in the ve.stry oh Weilne's- The annual Ren will open ; lie change.1 from the Hartford ant.s wlio will canvass in arena le.strv and parlor.s of the local You'll find rich furs on dreisy ' sandr have enjoyed here, fOr the past^twenty years. Pay- the recommendations of the -vari­ .siiri>nse,| p.-ople her-' Tu-.sday ^'inlin.atinn nf Jama's ' AU«*rt jD Isliiit to tile Eastern , District, near their home.s are: Mrs Ben- !'’hurch will he open not only for V> ' 5ELTZER entation to make milady j w llhvthe first game on .November morning. II was only a Hurry and ous departments Dail^'y aM mlnrfttf'r thr First j of the Congregational (TVristian Irlie .Niilifer, Mr;i. Grace (.'ooper. nicmher.s of the parish but aUso for fobrictr sporty fur-trimmed, loecials •ftarhoon as usual at 8L PetsTA year-old aqo, Wallace, Mr*. Bertha F lin t.. Page 9. ’ll ■I’ -e- \ - " X ,.. " r r •'V V i- ■ -r/ ^ II


P A G E S IX M ANCHESltlR K VtiNlM i Hf.KALl). .MA.M MKtilfciK. fU N N PKIUAV, N()\ K.MBF.K 1-1, 1911 MA.NCHESTER BVK.MMJ HKKALI). MANUHKSTCK. UU.NN. f k m j a r, .MJVK.MHKH 1 1, io-ll vote. Rep. Smith (D., Va.l and I the captive mlne.s, which supply and other CIO officiala In resign­ P A G E S E V E N SUrnes (D., Ala.I, among others, (IIO and Steel j American Vessels I the nation’s big -steel mills. ing from the Mediation Board in is.s Soiiiiiiervilic am e. surcumhed ye.sterday In a demanded that Rayburn and Mc­ 1^200 Song Hits Ready eh'|,hai;'c.i'n i, in.Kuls 'of I The three labob officials—CIO protest against the board's deci­ railway riri us lar en route here Cormack fix sn exact date when Worker Hurl nuts '.'..'U to. dot. t v.snt t I ’AilI he.ar report.s (Concerns’ Heads President Plsilip Murray. UMW sion in the mine case. Ships Face Different , Horn Augusta, Ga ( I II Mppliiijf Get Arming Right, legislation to cope with defense ! -Secretary-Treasurer Thomas Ken- (iiveii Showers lake anv n. Mnyh.- r 41 ! ' ■ -I r., f.ir Miserable With A The resolution said that the In the next ear there js another was a ['(.l.-'orn-,) , ■■■' "y-n n f: ye.w -.siil ai.s.. strikes might be considered. Mc­ To Be Loosed Over Air ' nedy and John X.. laiwis. United policy committee would "stand by Cormack urged his qiie-stloners to Asked to Dieker By El^pliant? ■pacehyderm. ill, !.,o, in the .sam; Kil'Hn t* appr.t’.f b.rn'i’AiuL , Freedom of Seas I .Mine AA’orkcr.s president c.ame out to receive fuither reports from iiu'iriner .‘lonu’-of the trainer's a.s- 'A n, for Uie 4 f,,.| r.m "wait until Monday; there may be fii.-'t and Lewis remarked: the executive officers" pending a Miss Mary S Sommcrvllle, of 15 Type of Sea Warfare I Of Firr i)ist Bv .lack Devlin .sislant.s Hiigjp-,st the [xuson may 1'I'ii*' di-stf,'! f if.s,. f;,. 'var aon.cthing I can .say." •those such regular BMI hit# as • "Any statement will come from conference at the AA'hite Hou.so M:.A Staff Writer (Continued From Psite One) Newman .strei I, lias, bi'cn the have been led to the elephant.# in f ,:iiiadiaii I roop.s ‘-dh ab'rut $7.0uu'4,/i p:,- ,1 HE/tDroiO? (Conttnoed from I**Co One) As the roll call proceeded, the "The Hut Sut Song," "Daddy." • the AA'hite Hmiso." B o iif h in. FiU'f of Hart- with President Roo-sevell and steel a[ipies, 1 he eleven pi)lsf,n victim.# Just try a-purs«s# Va-tro-nol up each administratioi foTc.s slowly pull- New York A mu.slcal "blitz­ ■'"'I Hear a Rhapsody." "There I l.ewls would not say, however, company officials. guest of honor at four local soi ial Anniial .Su- 'on at Stmili \rbllHon;»l Terrl!or\ word that they would accede fn M iist Be Prepared lo De- Motorist Is I natvare fool Man Broken were valued at approximately nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mem- hold Prosldent Roosrvelt’s hand In I ed away to a load which 2.5 tnin- krieg " ot at least 1200 "sure-fire" Go." and "I Don't Want to Set the '.vhetlier tfie AA'hite House planned functions within the last week. In an A- tiun \«. in b.' 1■;ik« r. to t«ku the reque.st for three days of di­ The resolution wa.s adopted , .tllff.OOo I EntI lo Elfcl Offit a matter affecUnjr forelgrn policy. ' utes later became LS voles a oom- tunes is about to start pouring in­ World on Fire," which are still in ■ tr i.s.siie one. feinl' TheiiiHelveH Not D'M.l;unal lan!J in thf ‘'H.stnrn part rect nepotiatlon on the dispute. after John L. Lewis, UMAA’ [iresi- I rerognllloii of her approaching His Own .into Afire He InlorvcnoH. 'Three fiet Into Fight cold-clogged And it came after the ten.^e House I paratively sniall majurity of the to the radio [uiblic'.s car from a heavy demand. rhe l.ihor lendcr.s. .solemn-f.acctl, ■tf th t' -.An int'r ihe fii.stnr t Thf The chelf executive relcn.scd n dent, Murray and Kennedy had ; marriage to Frank Faiiimataro of The l■l.e[lh,■inIs are nervous. They | On .\fxl Fritliiv. haard a dramatic, last-minute ap­ ! 435 members but a .sub.stantiul bulging re-sc^voir of .song thnf.s Already hard at the ta.sk of d( [larte l along with no indication Westerly, R. I. O nly -A^aiiiHt IJ-BoalH r.omlon, n 'j r;■ ’ *'ft rs al.M' ikin*; statement which decliwcd iincqiiiv- re\'iewed recent developments in ! Irimqiet, niouinlullv or wriiHifully j ??ctfSi'- peal from the pre.sident. I margin to those administration been ullinc iip ever since the ■ opening up the musical bottleneck [whether they mpTht return. They ( ■hnrie.ston, ,S ('. N'ov II i,V eord'iicei r (• ,, t h;.! .'t ;n th»• south {JiU t ocnbly that the cessation of pro­ tfie dispute. Mrs. Maud Torrance of Newman Blit .Also ItoinherH. I’hilii(lcl[)hia, .Nin- I ( .,j‘, leslerd'iv. Hire" of them gr>t into I folder. V A T R 0 4 M 1 By ita vote the House joined the I leaders who at Id a m. j'oslerday ASt'AP-BMI boys started feudin' are auch favorites as Dinah I Paid the steel company executivc.s rtiey .say that ele[diaiit.# lu-ver for- •if th“ 11 s'.K ri in I'J.jlo'l duction of coal would "create a Lewis, Murray and Kennedy j siioft cnteitalnod with a kitchen Hearing aIrciLS, Aaron G<.M a-flgiit on Hi,, (ireus grounds i Senate in broadening the original privately admitted fear of defeat about 10 monllis ago. Shore, Connie Boswell, the An­ I V ere wrestling with their over- ge| r.oiiii'nn.'d t'-. g,,,u[, of ni'r:irn»*r.fl;4t ;fin . u m f' a t c h " dont" to see that "nccc-.sary cool On other labor fronts, these j fully flecorated in a cu'or si.iieme fact* a tliffiTenl type of Naval war- In .iii.swcr, (iri'iiicn from .'4i'Vei,il hones m hr.# fa'e wtrre ■ ' a rr.', ed The r.'iil f.-r r.exf 'Ih.;. Ir rm; ( \GK Stars and Stripes. American I>abor pa y member tunily about 10 are cori.-idercd to -Male honors in the musical free- ( iinjectiire On W'lilking Out Bingling Brothers ami Bainiim * hf Tfi.' oI: ''■rs TS T., pur-ha.’-f ;,n- production be continued and not were to[) develojimeiits; |of blue ami [link, with wedding faro frttm that whith prtnluruii Hiri'c ,‘*<|uail car#, a liook an'l htok'-ri, Mi'g t.'it Ho o: t.. , r.# .. V .. Sal.. .\r,v. l .'i. 10 :.'50 - 2::I0 Just as soon a.s the legislation viiting for the resolution: 5,3 Dem- he among the main.stiiy.s of the i'l- for-all will be ii(ihel l by such old Thi.s le.l to ronjectiiro-s a-s to . f r-, j'.- ai-jLira I'T U.Su stopped" Kejoet ('•iniprniiilse hells sus[a'ii'l"d from the festoons lail'itr isagon anil tlic in.siii- Bailey's i iri us reiiieuiher 'well Hull Ti'- u 1,, • h iri- •ol^oiirn u was approved, Speaker Rayburn oc.aUs, 137 Republb an.s one Farm. (liislry. Out of ai) average of ab >iit favorite.s as Bing Cio.sliy. Biiily whether the labor triumvirate srolf.s of htToIr ami hard-fouj'ht Walter .'I'Cl in, th»' framer oi • '1 l.t.Ht r;;;.’ht '. ' ' ' j ■ ■' 1 SlvDf.KWK'K SCMOOI, quickly affixed hi.s signature, and AA'ith no element of threat, the of ( repe [ia|>er. ('..iiiies were [d.’iycil ance (lalrol .a-.i-armi-d around lu. the [,a,#t week I 1 of Hw ir luiiii- • ■ . 1 'riio by-l;i* Latiorite and three I’logres.sive.s 20 sniig.s individual liiiii-s accept Vallee Tony .Martin, Kenny Bak- might have walked out of the con- The 14 non-operatltig rnilroa:■. " I T v. a.a *. books. Provisions of Imiv firm.s'in a VA'hite House confer­ mimded in answer to tbeir demand 1 table ileeornllons la-lng a wi'ilding hail landed in tiie hack aeat. rstahli.Mhed a.# Hie i au.#e ,,f |), A nre the measure House -acceptance of Senate to pass It board had -suggested a 13 1-2 per; nient of gift.# for u.se in the kitchen. nionth. Consequently. In tl'.o ten- "You only have time for eight ; Presidential Secre^ry . M. AA'at.son hara.s.s the sea lam-.s for hundred.’' SIMvCIAl, FOR F l i m w could go to the White Mouse for amen.lmenLs t" the neutrality law month period of the ASCAP .strike, .song.s on the average [irogram," Tuo Sii|;gestions Made rent pay boost for the 900,000 iiii-' Mrs. .Margaret Sargent, another I left the.se provi-aon.s .still in effect: to confer amon^themselvcs. of inile.s ot! the Hiitish eoa.st. the final name:- Franklin D the mu.slcal rc.servoir >ullectcd ap­ he .said "Here's where the rub Mr. Boosevelt made two siipRe.s- ion members. |of .Miss .Sommervillc'.# neighbors on (wiriipr Silent American cilir.ens may not I AA'illlam D mssett. acting pres.s Kaiiters M«»re Niiriiermts Roosevelt. Hm ever, an objection proximately r.’bll tunes that are , coiia .s. Two of the songs will be lloii.s to the conferees; F|ve operating brotherhiMxls ! Newman street, gave a mo.st en­ tr,fvcl aboard belligeient ve.s.sels i secretary. .‘■Jil/l he did not know And thi- ranlers are inm h more LOBSTER by Senator McNary iR-Orei, the expected to kee[i Little ( »ld .■\nieri- oM favoMtes A couple more will 1 That they continue nepotlo­ representing 350,000 railroad men joyable party and niisrellnneoiia except in aci ordance with presl- U'hdher there would he a'iclitional niimeioii.s to.ljiy Kniwe Mini.stet *S minority leadci. made it necessary ra a'A'inging and ir.vaving for some probably be noveltii's that will tions and If no conelu.sion i.s earlier had rejeeled the boards .shower for her Mr.« Howard Hob- Upon Politit j p.arlevs with the chtff executive or mar. ot A'li t'lCia road gave a tea] Churchill ileclared earlier this for Wailace to wait unti' the Sen­ I denLial regulations. time to c 'me. ; give the band a chance to show its reached, that the point or points recommendation in their rase ,and DINNER American.s may tml deal In .se- 'whether the AA'hite H"ii.se would I week that ’ there never have been ate rcconvenos Monday before But that s not ' all by a long stuff at Issue he submitted to an arbiter, called a strike for Dec. 7. The non­ and shower In .Vtic.s .Sommervllle'L ' curltle.s of helbgei»'nt.s. i is-siie A statement. operating brotherhoods did not honor, snd the club of her form«r| more I’-hoat.H or lonK-ranKf* alf- r - .[■ signing. shot. From now e.n the lid will he "All right, that leaves four re- with production continuing mean­ .\*)w R m Ich Herd on Ban- No person 'may .--olicit eoutrihu- Executive# .Also .Silent mention a strike. craft than are working now” Nevertheless, there was abun­ I oft for a whole series of new songs ' mauling songs. Out of the four, while ^ Higl s. hool cin-ssmaies. a pcr.sonal f dant evidence that the technicality tions in this country f"r helliger- I The sled executives left, the shrnvcr. During the Mr.st WftrM war car- SHOES $ 1 -0 0 written for new Hollywood movies IWi) or three will probably be i iii- 2 That they consider "other Meeting in Chicago, site of the lain (IhiekfiiH riiat /\n' of the brief, three-day delay would I ent government.s. ' AA'hite House ,50 minutes after the Tile reremoiiv w ill take place to­ Ro ships jiartaeipateil in tvime ot anc| Bro.adwav .sliow.s Both H lly- lenlly [lopiilar songs, that is. songs mtllio.ls reliiNpg to eini'loymeiit railroad men'.# scs.sion.s, rejire.sen- not prevent the administration The I're.sident may prescribe ' coal nffU'inls. likewise silent and morrow nltej-m.un at three o'clock | the most hitt«’rly-<'onli*st*'d .sea ar* Hit# J o y a n d I'riiN *. I wcxid and Broadway want the-se tlial hive been g"iii,g out on the 'Mr. HooseveTt 'lid not amplify tallves of niidwe.sl Iriiek-liiic All One Price F)cliciou>. Surul?i> Dinner#; ffortl putting the legi.slation into reguliition.s regarding the ii.se of , likewise ilednring firmly that 'At ,st. Mary's Fpisro[iaI church. tnm.s ref hk**- .All hut a small portion of the 53. ni'‘ ''le Hus rnorni"..'. <1 an hour .Ships .Already .Armed The [n'e.aldent or Uongre.s.s may I battle racefi four hour.s The ?uh- Unformed marine rircles In commission an 1 t'.eo sihe.bilc'l f Olid miners In the ca[>tlve mines .Ap'k'' 1 how he felt laboiit the Po#t [Mined For \A cek r i i i i e r a l s inanne fin-d roiimls and the proelalm tlie existenee of a .state largely owned by the steel com- New York said the United States comiilel 1''ll in IIM'2, as in In il. 'l S".Illation. Frank Purnell, of the A threatened strike of long line 1 Lurkenhai h I’oj. 'idie steanmr’.s en- f & i M n of war between torcign states. Did You Know p.anies anc| pro'liicing fuel for ster: already had armed some of its bv til'' iia'. il manual, jHri' '.s Yoiing.-L'wn .‘‘ hei'l and 'Dibe Uom- telephone workers in 42 slate.# was | Mrs. Aiinii Ciiselll Kinrs wer» fli.^ahled and [laft f.f production, are meniLers of the merchant ships, manned them !• igliliug .•'liip.s. pav.', toM reporters; ."I felt line postponed for at least a week ' The funeral of .Mrs, Auiia Ca.'MdIi. [ the ship ua.s set alir*- .Nfany of That— ITiitC'l Mine AA'orkers union.- with Navy gun crews and had ' Roosevelt Sees .\ o I Those bclieve.l In o[ierati"n are when I went in an.l I feel abo'it while the t'. -S. ( 'onrillaliun .Srrv- of Brandy street, Bolton, who died her .sonmen. mrludinp .some of the’ Noting that 95 per cent nr more them ready fn. insta nt art ion. the Fag!". 22.'ioo t'li.s. aii'l tfie the same way no-.y." lee attem[ited to settle the inde- • ye.stenlay tnonung w ill be held | I Run rrew. w»Te woundes of t'. S thony Ca.selli, Moil.lav morning In I apfiroat h of a ile.'#troyer scan-d off ui.^ HI ih«‘ tir.-t ai'ven montlLs of 'Pile .Ameriraii Telephone aiK, 'Pele- , expected in revising neutrality act ' PlfSlili'Ilt Km. i.-fVi'll tol.l ;l prv'B.S ! trioii.s. wliicli has been I'epaii' l .sit". 1. Bolton .s.u'vn e.s wdl la- held at I ' the .siihmanni*. hut the , hattli*- 11‘11 thu linti.-ii nuaily lwn t* giu[di t’niu|iany. The walko it I regulations. Some ships have been cnnfoi»'m in(piir« r tr>.j:iv lhi*t h‘* '.ifl'-r a I'Ouri'fini: In the Mediter- I.lke Hitler Methods Tlu' I'.AIAA' Poluy Cirmmittee X 30 In Bolton nu,) nl .St. James’sl Hciarn’d Kuvki-nhach linally made H5 combat flanes ;l3 the “ rigiiuillv had heen .-"t fur mbl- • operating under the Panamanian dill not ctinRldf*r ttir c1om»* House riineaii. the IlliLstriniis' ne'.ver .sis- "Tti" government will never ga'. e O’-l"rs. in a re-wliition. to the nicht tonight. The iiniun demanded ch’iri'h here at nine o'' Ioek, Burial I p• ixd revi­ tei.sl'.o' . Hie \'irtoriusin^f thriller wa.s the \M> was expected to be discontinued. o' UMO. "rontiiuie their eff. rts to .secure ^ America, ! .small, 10'i.'.i)-!on H rmrs uhu h de. ree. That would he l'io niiKh ranges from $13 to $66 a week. 1anytime after five o’clock thl#| ra.se of the 8 . S. Mon-m Attacked (In addition to arming shlp.s ; c arries 15 planes SKlinjT with tiic H'lmini.'sl rati'‘n like the Hitler methods tc.rw.ud a .settlement " In the controversy afternoon until the hour of the! off the Spanish c«)a.sl, .she waa hit against submarine and jilanc at­ and voiin^' to arhi :diip.s and ji-'t- of t!ii' t'nitcti States to eollform to the I'l-ovision.s of Settlement of a two-day strike SeluHlllied for ( '.imjlIetiiiM labor. ■' funeral. Arr.'ingemcrits are in| 4.*) tlmeH hy .shellfire and her ga.so- R ANGE O IL tack some Of Amcnca'.s fa.atc.st 1 miL them to travel anyuhm* were .\rii;y -\.r Koi.c.s will be comltir- tile .A[ii'abu Ilian agieeiiient. at the Mack International Motor • Slartiiifi ThankNfiivinjr <-«k— .Saturday. .NovFinlnr l.> An'! lie dn larC'I fiirllu'riiioi .■ rharge of AA'illriiii P. tfiiish. line tank.s ♦•xploded, hut the ^;un cargo-pas.scnger liners have been 121'J im‘rnber,'>. Oppo.‘<*’d were l‘»1. I .''t( hc'luled for e"iiipleti. II ' In • tably warm in teniporature.s as Ti ll' k Corporation's -New Bruns­ 1 BUSINESS CAII, 11112 and po.ssu |y eoiii|ileied al- that nnllu'r the gow'ininoiit noi I I iiion !><‘inanJ Itejeeted rrew kept firing' until the entire equipped as armed iiierchHiit cruis­ I "How valuable," a reporter low as 00 (IcgreCsS belt)\v /.ero wick, N. J... plant was annoiini i d the Cong.'e.s-s by legis ation would I'ri'ler this agreement, all eom- I vessel wa.s m flames A Spani.sh ers. those iourccs said. All recent- j asked. "iS revision of tiie neutral­ 1 ready aip the liM|i|,ir;ib!,' aiM in- when they rei rive nrw flying last night. The plant e[n[iloys 2-1 Onion# TiiImhi -rrder ;i su-ca'lcd C'ldsed .sho[». j mere'al soft coal mlne.s have steamer then picked up the survi- Turkey — Chicken — Steak ^ ly-conitruetcd American sliip.s ity to our rOort.s t.i defeat the I'lefatigable. .si.sler.s of the llliis- .suit'* healt'I.l)y cleclrii'ity. which 000 men and makes transmi.ssioiis , igianled a union shop to the F.MW. I vor.H an8ted that O T H K R M K K K D . W ,h:PK{ lA I.S — 50c. mine.# Hetter fort;.no attended the H S aenger ves.sel.s to neutral nations, ; the letter on the sut)je. t which iie .MediteiT.ini-an. st-heUuUal transatlantic air serv­ Ireciaiise they arc -so clearly involv- gr.intlng pay raises and the com- and 7 p m " ^ At his pre.sa conference, preced- MonKolia which wai attacked In DRESS auch as the American Kxport rent yesterday to .‘^p.-aker The ..VilrrirallV .sael th.it ("i.'.'ud. ice, more fh.in 6h00 passengers ■d.’ and becaii.se lack of coal for our [i.iny's alleged backing of an inde- H:\y- Ini’ the AA'hite House coal meeting, mid-Apnl, 1917. only a .short time John N. Garner Line'.s Fusbon run. expressed hope I i)urn and House Majority Leadi-r ties on the Ark Loval wer,- "fortu­ ; an.! ToO iu)o j.oiiml.s' of mail have steel plants would injure the d,e- [lendent union w hich won'a labor" WILLIAMS fen.se of the nation, it Is a national the i re.sident han'lled gingerly after the arminp: American mer* that their .ships '.loiilil not he I Me(’orma. k supplied .all the neces- nately not heavy" rhe r.iiriei's I t-ro.s.S4*il the Atlantic via the line’s hoard election, later set aside. One j Old Story on. SEKVH E. INC. SCRANTON’S RESTAURANT questions atiout the’ threatened I chantmen. Ships ofTu ers repor ted 1,\-looking bantam# nrros# h ITfi TOU.AM) TI RNPIKF * armed beetuise, tlicv said, "gurus I raiy nd.htlfinal comment. iioiu.al coir.|iIeiia'iii was 1 .575 ni. ii. : clippers nece.ssity that the puHluction of of the terms of settlement was an j mtOM) STHF.FT I 'Ink', in the fuel mines, declining that a .shell froiTi Ihcir stru< k ["■'■an orehaid into Hie arnuj of . TELEI'HONE .5855 Invite attaiks" Herman homliers While the i|enr.an> t r'-queiil I v this coal be continued without de- ag'reemcnt to hold another roll#"- ' A tablet excavated In northernl l.iy to he drawn into anv di.si u.ssion I the U-hoat s conning tower .sepmre- hel[,er. have been cu-cling Kxjiort ships had ebiiua l .‘.uibuig tl'e gie.it. I'erl.'iin e.c‘»tern .s-ier'.t. ts and live harcainlng eldtinn next ' Mesophtamia in 1932 pruve-s thatl ' I'at-t .ppe.l .sgan r,.,i|„r tiu-v nor of lalcr Ir'grdatlon nr t:ie [v si- I ly and the sub disappear«*d m .a He sniih'l Iriuiiq.hanHv aiii near Lisbon for I be last few 'engineers are hot itp the trail of "And so I am asking yoii - I week. the story of the expiil.slon of Adamf bilitv of the governinent's taking * cloud of .smoke This wa.s tlu- Ar.-^t said he wa.s tiaviiig a ehl< ken and months I Some of drew the It.il, ms h.ul Ill'l l.' anv s'e fi atomic po'vver for aircraft and never threaten I am asking you and Eve froip the Garden of Edenl ' ove.' the mines. “ hit” on a German submarine re­ ■ liinqilitig dinner today. Secretary Knox declared that .claim reeenllv aiul tb, lu t r.",\,s are clo.se enomdi to .sut'ce.«.s to be to please talk over this problem of wa.# known In-f^he ea.«t nearly 6OO0I .A II lioiu^'i he said reri'ntly that Fre^/.es Faster year# ago. ported by an Ameri( an .««hlp. He [lanferl too. qrinne.i an*! sai-i the vote meant that both ".ships of the I0.S.S was the A Imiialli '.s aba' t.) pji'liv'l Irtmitely that It ■ oiiliriiiiii;; dial pi"i:ii. tion. If you W e R b n e r ^S Litst as d'owinir the question ot l:ib,,r legislation I fo'iii'l out I'm not a.#"young ns and the men will be available to I ‘ "Wii I 'm.m'uui|'ie will . ome m the not -1. h >-< Just ant ■ iri't agree today, piea.se keep on Attack on Siirfa4'e was under eon.mderation, .Air. Rceaiise it loses it.# latent heat I iisi <1 to he." deliver defeiusr aid and materials" | Triwex Krllliiint ••erilee lUtl.TC I oii/emiig tomorrow ami .Suri'lay In those days it wa.s the prat tl' e SHOE STORE I 'lon't want any aotThn that is pre- Boos. Veit , .wi'iild not say today faster, hot water freezes quicker . Fallacy 7 , He will be 73 .Nov 22 In auch quantity and at such ! Proves Failure The Admiralty l.s.-n. 1 an 'oU fi. I just what the ['".ssibilily of it was. I of U-boat.q to .mirface and aitark A'itonu ihiie*» are :^ho\ving a 1 ipitate I w..nt every 1 hanne giv­ so If you want Ice cubes In a • Jiiesl FNlrtentU Siie,#-#>.rul places as to aid matermllv those ^ iry' 0:1 the Ar)< Ho\al, tiaeinglier merchantmen with shellfire when- h2.'i M \ iN . v r m a . T trrn i to'A.i. 1 hlghrr age groups j en. ajiparently desinng to avoid aay .shorter time, fill your refrigerator The Ploi.i'lc# cluster of brightj who oppose "Hitler and his at­ "hrlllmiit service' and recourime statements that might impede ne­ lever [Hi.sMble. uHim' their expensive i _ 7’* i b-'tp-*^ not so younp'. hut If ^ (('onttniiert From I’nge One) in the nat.ious mott.r vehicle pt*p- i ■ ‘ And let me have some kin.I of tiav with hot water Insteal of star.# has been knu'.vn as tempted domination of the World.' among other tliing.s.. that .she h.'ol gotiations 111 thi m:ne dispute. j torpe'ioos or.Iy when they hitM f,,, I Garnerarm-r retiredrtTireil loit the qiriet of his u'ation. In a’pproximntely M a report on Monday n-xt a le- coM Seven -Star# ' for .‘ievei .al thuiia.'ihcJ Pre.sident Roosevidt sent his jier- . shot down or severely da mage.I ' He dismissed a.s a hypothetunl [other ( h' I e. Almost alwav.s th ' ll'illle 111 .southwe.st Tex 1# for hi.# j an Iindi.sr-lnsed number of tier jM'i cent of the pa.'^^‘*enger motor i [mrt of agreement, or at least a A'eni.#, yet there are only six visi-j aonal thanks to Rayburn and Ucm- ! more than 100 German and Italian ! qiii stion at present and one which nttnrk.s ocriried In Hie day-tmi'^ lie.ilHi. til.# quest evid<'nt:v h'ls l.een crew of about l,.liio meii who re-, \clucles u«-re 9 or more years ' report that you are making piog- ble td the naked eye. ocratic Floor leader McCormack planes. | h.'ld I -tti r not be asked or answer­ .'\tKMit 4ty|i#iet# on or iii-ar Hie .#iirfaie. ,#o that the #11' ' ''-itdul. j mainc'l nlsoard In the str'iggle to f»kl. blit in KHo there were IM per re-'i-s." of Massachusetts'for their victory,!! .save the shi|>. -A'mong the .-Ark Royal's exploits ' ed. an inquiry whether he or the men haiil.#hl[)'had a ch ime to fight He H[ieni|.# a g-ood deal of time (f-nt of the passenger cars in that Votes To (krntinue Fight I bat k lilou.'t'l t h-' house, ,s u [icr \'l #e.# the in the strenuous battle. A secrc- i "A v« rv l.-irge nnniber of the listed tiv the .'AdmlraUy were tor- j iguvernment had the authority to I The first gypsy tribe left In lia Basketball on Roller Skates age group. The White House conference ' "le ol lu,# |,e. iin Oleh.'ll'l. .I....,# a tary said the chief executive wa.s , ship's i om|,nnv was t.iken nlT." j pedo hits by her plan.'s on the Hi.s- j lake over the mine.#. ’ .some 2500 years ago, but it Wa.# In the [ire.#eiit w.it the record to SI Nl)AY. NOVKMHFK Ifith •‘naturally pleased with the re- ' niarek. b"n'biiig of an Il'iluin oil 1 took place shortly after the I’oliey . .\p|irii\e# Resignation# I not until the 15th century that a ilate lia.# given evidenee of mm h little [dov.iiu;, .#,.,;# after Hu 5ii the .A.lniirnltv .'=nlr|, and mdica-' Total' pas.senger t ar rogLstra- I BUlt." refinery at l.'gliorn ami the air­ ( ’ommittoe of the (TO-United .Mine -The t'.MAV 1‘oliey Uommittee re­ 1 hand of the gayly dressed wan- Keep Your Shirt illfferent lactic.# The I'-hoat# have haiiHim chi' ki'n.s that aiu his mule MFKIDFN AT MANCIIKSTKK tions were Unit [■er'onnid b .--ses tions in the im reased by •lii'l Joy. Hull Hails Action drome .111(1 r.'iilwav junetion • st 1 W AA'orkers voted to continue Hie solution ronimended and approved ; dcrers made their first appear- I attac ked at niglit, prowling iiiusecn were "fortunately not heavy ' nearly o OtMhOOO from UtS.’S to G.ime Time 2 Secretary Hull, whose aervice,s Fisa during the fleet's li.milmrd- UMAV's fight for s union Bho|i in Hie a. tion 01 .Murray, Kemu dy I lines In western Euro|ic. Ion the ocean'.# iHjrface with, muf- hishing and h'lritmg leiiiain his Tfie story of the siiiking, pieced 1910. and the bulk of that expan- | on . . . tongerfl had been enlisted to win over nient ot Geiio.i, in February, this ' I flecj engine.#, and aiming md liv ' hief 'tiv, i.#ion.#. ju.st a.M they were SKATIM; AFTER IHFliAMK together from the admiralty's | m automobile ownership Is fence-straddling members .when It yeir. and the tor[iedolng rr bomb- ! Sion |.#ight .#<) much a.# hu sound Their ''.hell he u.-.ed to .leave It'ashing- (ienenl .Admission...... brief amiouno nieiit aiul woi.l in Ixdicvrd t<> have t.aken phu'e ' looked as though the legislation ing of an Italian battleshi|i I'l'iis- ' iletector# for [m king up the beat toris hubbub- an po.si- farms in the r S Farmers are I Secretary Knox, they ex[ire.#.# ron- her of wild duck.#. ing fighter pr.itection to the pa.s- into war with that kind of a vote 1 tive 1 tentiftc.stlnn i the largest single group of mo­ I fidence that in general the arming But when talk got around to • irtBarawi -sag" of imi'ortant eonvovs an'l A Christmas behind him " Wheeler asserted. Mniiv of the eon'.[iany remained tor vehicle owners. ' ' I technique will make the sub- pirld and national poUtlcs, hi# field I \ other operations against the en­ "If he carrt get more than a aboard after the hit or hits a.ni ' 1 marines' rLsk !H e rise from apprt»xim'ifely He I IvnnS :e in attacking armed ahip#. nothing to say" to 'JIc whoM bids \V!*re opened • iallcrliM I’arkixl , The lo.ss was belated fulfillment ’ Hut, .‘Vii'l till’ admiralty, the ear- | .'#|»e#-lal Gun# To Be Used Aii'l ahrnit the repeal, yo.stcnlay. MAY BE REDEEMED FOR Oil, HERE . . . OR BFY The h.ands of the t .vo big clocks I of manv a Herman claim, since rier wins "lui'l'iiiiagixl and taking I in July for 4,000,OUO pounds. of part.# of the neutrality law? As for air attacks, npeclal gtim# in the House chamber stood at 4 | the he .'inning ot the war, that the p.-irt in the search for Hie Admiral • G^ncr shook his snowy-haired A O l’R OH, FRO.M TK .AND FILI, A'OUH ST.AMP HOOK! I Including both .50 caliber machine o'clock ^when the clerk beg.an to cntrier Ji:id been .sunk Graf .Sper m the .doiith .Atlantic." I The new United States !?ava! head and silently walked away. I guns and five-inch dual purpose call the rod of tb.e members al­ ' ! Iiilercepli'il Sii|ipl\ Ship I Ba.se at Bermuda wjH occupy two A Alex.iii ler, lir.st lor.! of the I gun#, will be u.#ed on the freight- most all of them ['resent. d and lone lines e.l the I fei ii.ati pdi ket liiittlesliip Sound from Itamilton, the prin- HAROLD T. WEST, Inc "sad blow." and .e.iid "I li ive been , I they would serve to prevent plane.# F’i.shiiig Contest crowded up to the rluamber's iloorS > ii that '-ear. h. t'lit she Inlercejit- ( ipal city of the Islands. In addi­ 29 BISSEI,!, STREET '' p h o N E 5202 eheered t'l hear that Va.S'ialfles prom flying in to attack at low Rayburn ha.l j ist read a per- , were very light " - . e,i on.' Mippiv sliqi, ami her sir- I tion a considerable area of the ..„ 0 L W ■ altitude#, forcing them up too ■onal letter from ,.Mr Roosevelt. , craft wi'ie "m-strumental in sev- • bay IS beirtg dredged to form The concise communique said | ■ high for accurate bombing. Prizes Awarded In so many w .r,|s the chief ! that the 22.000-ton fl.'atlng air- | cral other German -supply shijis extra land. executive tol.l’ the Moiflir that de-, field sank .soniewliere on some iin- i being rirundod -rip " Gun duel# between U-boats and feat of the legislation would en- l The A'lnurul Graf S|)ee Iatf*r I merchantmen were numerous dur- Distinctive without being expensive ilisclo.sed il.ste while In tow after Auxiliary ships In the Navy In a #ea.#on"big fl-#h" contest, courage aggro-vsive acts by tier- I having been torpedoed. j wa.'i drlvenrlhlo .Montevideo )uir- which carry tongue twisting llng 1917-18. According to record.# bor by British craii.a< r.a an.l was ■ compiled by Josephus Daniels, conducted by tne .Manchester many and her allies: that it would I Third < arrler I»*t names get them.from bodiew of interfere with the defense of the ' sc '.ttled there Dec 17, l!)3!l. water and American Indians. De­ I World War secretary of the Navy, Sport,#njen'g Association. Herbert ROOM HEATER" She was the third“ aircraft car- ; United States. • I 129 armed American merchantmen rier lost by Britain in the war and ! In the search for .Atlantic mld- stroyer tenders are named after Hampton wor the bass contest I were torpedoeiUand siinki and two CHEVROLET^ NEW ^e^^-ze^MOOELS He also had Something to say. i the newest of them all. ers the Ark Royal's planes search­ natural areas m the U. S.; large with a 34; pound small-mouth obviously for the benefit of tho.-c I I other ships were .#unk by sub- finly in an ' ohitirirv ' of the ed an area of 4 "jOO square miles seaplane tenders after sounds: I s - ba.ss and E. Kompanik' took the heaters Democrats who had openly com- | and -once was at .sea continuouaty small .seaplane tenders after bays, WITH AESOHANE FABtIC COlURS I marine .shell fire after long en- WHEN Coleman OIL MSIONtO TO LIAS IN tii.ut prize, registering with a 15'» Their surpassing quality-plus their surprising economy .\i'k Royal did the Admir.ilty indi­ |gagements. STYUNO CHEVROIET ABS plained in debate that defense cate that she might have been ^ foe 30 davs. ateaniiirg 15,000 niile.s. straits and inlets; occan-goipg pound laker. * . itlikea were continuing and th it Against these ln.#.#es Daniels ri'- C h«vro l«t ok>n« o f a ll low# sunk in the Meilitonanean aii'l ! After that the c.iriier leturned to tugs after Indian tribes and har­ m Brizes worth $20 were distribut­ NATIONAl DfHNSI VJ/ In all our experience Icorded 193 attacks as succes.sfully pticod cofs hoi n«w ‘'l«ad*r —sets them apart from all other "Torpedo” models the country was not properly pre- | this it did by giving the Mediter­ Britain for re-til ting .and went to bor lugs after Indian chiefs and ed to the following# contest win- pared, |' Ircpiilaed and said 34 engagements Heot Your House Like a Furnace! Styling, distinctive new ranean as the last theater of her ■ the Mediterranean in March, 1040. poignant Indian words and tiers: \ we have yet to find a $hirt ■ probably resulted In damage to "Ooof-Actioo" Fenden ond Coal Must Be Mined operations. .The followirg month she went phrases. Bass Contest: First. Herbert To all men and women who I enemy submarines. ftew Fleetline ftody by Fisher beautj’ distinguish their new Mr. Roosevelt declared that de- ' In this case, the submarine at­ into the .North Sea for the Nor­ Hampton, 3?, pound bass; J. Mu- that hot made a greater with No Draft Ventilation. want a motor car that is dis- feat would make strikes and work tacker might Well have been Ital­ wegian cnmp.ilgn, then back to Liquid oxygen for high altitude rawskl 3'ii pound ba.#.#: William FORCED WARM AIR Fleetline Bodies by Fisher, stoppages "less serious In the miml , ian. The coniniuniqiie identified it till Mediterranean in Jtilv 1940. flying, replacing the large tanka Scott, 3 pounder. ' ' w tincthv without beinft « - of the public." Then he mention­ *'''TH0UT moving parts SUIONIO TO UAO IN their dashing Fleetline de­ only a.s a "F-boal " which «hile i an.l out into the Atlantic in may of gaseous oxygen kept under high stir than W ingi. The iDevelopiiient Firm •Trout contest; E. Kompanik, PttFOtMANCI ed the' conference today on the pressure, may mean increased / ■ : OR ELECTRICITY! penrive, ChevTolet proudly originally a German de.signation this year to hunt the Bismarck, 1.5 J pound trout; J. Kaminski. Chovrolet clone comblnet a sign, their exceptionally com­ •eft coal captive mine dispute. He safety for the pilot, greater ma­ might apply also to an Ito+ran sub- later returned to the Mediterran­ fabrics are the kind you 13', pound trout and J. Murawskl powerful, thoroughly proved presents its two new Fleetline M id he h o p ^ it would be succesa- neuverability, and added arma­ fortable, 3-couple roominess .marine. ^ ean Here Is Organized li- pound iaker. .**??«'“ *!* Dm %s *N «r Volve*in*Head “Victory” En* ful, but if it was not, "this coal That was as far as the story ment for the ship because of the find in more expensive • ' * • ' • • • * • • r»e* *llaSI« models—the new Fleetline The $16,000,000 vessel was un­ Mem^ C —tr l ★ WanaSlrCtrraUtiM, gmop Sofe*T-$peciai Hy­ and th eir fine-quality must be mined" to keep steel der the command of Capt. L. E. went and it was the only Indication lower pres-Hiire used in storage and plants going. y y l« M S»— m -t, Hut draulic Irokei, Unitized Aerosedan and the new Fleet- H. Maund, but whether the com­ from the Admiralty as to where reduced weight and .size of the shirts. The tailoring is per­ The Manchester Stores Corpora­ Karl Of Ken mare Dies “ Fleetweave” upholstery “The government," he promised • J S '* ;'“ fyjB i** 0«*fc Wanm.1* Hast- Kftee-Actton Ride, ond Extfo- mander wa.s among the "fortu­ the carrier had gone down. tank required. tion has been organized with the MtNaatWhaaDmIreS AAUalValM Eoiy Vacuum*Power Shift line Sportmaster. tat bis final sentence, “proposes to. and appointments. nately not heavy" casualties was electkin of Robert F. Raymond of I^niion. Nov. 14-t.ipi_The Earl ot no extro cotf. see this thing through.". fection. The collars can't not made public. Before self-sealing gasoline Farmington as president and of Kenmare. Ro. fifth holder of the These smartly styled motor R sybum followed the president's See these distinguished No News of Huabai)d Be*r Bottle Aidewmlk tanks are placed on military air­ treasurer. The company will have title and owner of estates estimat- MHSNIS TO IIAS IN __ letter by an appeal of his own for ' wrinkle, can't lose their cars are the newest of all His wife in London,, said, ".So far planes, they are given a thorough Its place of busine.#a at 252 Asylum ^ at 140,000 acres, died today KONOMY the support of thoss Democrats, motor cars at your nearest I have had no news as to vliether The sidewalk leading to the testing, part of which consists of CKO street, Hartford. It starts business H:s eldest living son and heir, Vls- Chevrolet it the mott eco* "Torpedo” models. . . . In and he brought the members to home of James Allen, Sr.. Cddy. NOUIAX shape, actuolly outlast the my husband is safe. I am get­ rocking them in a large cradle-like a / tfa J with $16,000 of which amouqtl $13.. ^iint Caatlerosse is a director of pomkql of oH the lorgett- Chevrolet dealer's, and con­ their, feet shouting and. applaud­ fact, you'll call them “ Tops ting In touch with the A'lnuruity: AVyo . Is made entirely of beer bot­ machine. From this mbasurementa 000 is In cash and $3,000 In prop- Evening Standard. \ \ \ \ ^ •eHing tow-prked con froni ing sidien be said: tles, packed tightly with bottoms shirt itself, vince yourself of the fact that but I do not think they have any sre made of the stresses and Jerty. As pre.sident and treasurer The Dally Express and Sunday Ex­ fhe ott-round ilondpoint e# in Torpedoes!” * lf it Is of Intsrest to Anyone to up. The bottles make a smooth strains It endures. press. ’ further Information." Wrinklt fr90 cellar mode o f the company Mr. Raymond Is AMeRICA»S s ;'3 9 « 0O«s oil ond upkeep. “ It pays to buy the leader and • know m y poaltloa on .both capital and s^rriceable walk. Iy>8M of the Ark Royal was the holder o ^ 7 2 shareqand ts the vice Superlative grace and and labor ui this titanic, thia fate­ Russia possesses about 72 per a b ig c h ild ren -7— ^ ^^oncfet/anci under Celaneie patent, get the leading buy.” greatest single blow suffered by Here is treat for the Hamlin of Weston, Mass., Is-'the taiHemt-fSelllmg MODEl R301 tibete Complete ffS Q Q () ful struggle for democracy and cent of the world's reserve of Studying Erscuatlon Problem the British navy alnce the avenged ja n d ho'd of 172 shares and is the vice, dsceosy. It la that I a n raisdy to About Highest MountaUns pest. stojry of Billy Betty's adventure h u O U H E A T E R i mill RiCtRIC BlOWiR onli sinking of the battle cruiser Hood, president of tbe company. Hildred follow or to lead, in any movement in the land of toys! Calcutta, India, Nov. 14__f/p)^__ by the German battleship. Bis­ KELLER'S 8 Raymond is the secretary of the by leglalatlon or saaely otbarwlae, Mount McKinley la the highest Cliangsha. China, la the home of The Bengal government disclosed marck, between Greenland and mountain In the world above its Hal C^hrah company and ts the holder of one that will keep dstenae production -Iceland last May 24. « cpltege for Chinese maintained M E N ’ S W E A R today It was studying the prob­ ITMYS1P BUY THE LEADEiyUlD GET THE lEADINGJUlY fafBg la the United States of own base. This Alaskan peak by 'Tale University. share and John H. Bradtn of West lem of evacuating part of the th e. Ipsa of the A rk Royal left Hartford la the asristant secre- Am srica." stMda in a valley of low plains, ” 887 MAIN STREET population of CslcutU, India’s the British, however, with more wMIe Mount Everest, the world's Chapters—Starting Monday, Hovi. 24 SCHELL newsesfii Dade Be Set aircraft carriers than they had at The Arctic territory la rich in n Next To the Green A Gold j biggest city, in the event of air u . u. ««mhtog and Mestiiig Gontnetor ▲ few after the Sael highest mountain, la situated on goldv salt, and vartoua minerals, 'The new.corporation owna land- attack, rhe city Is .within range of ton MAIN STREET the start of the conflict—sgven In nound hish above seS lavsL Bake Shop. M Main street In Manchester, the TEL. a S i l MM wait as fur-taaarlBs shlmsda. , Japanese bprating planes based to W l’limt^llc Branch: . a i » Main Street. R iley Cheirrolet Ce.; Ine. - ■ ■ I . . . 1 . W iner ^Icott property. TcI. ISO i l ■j French Indo-Chto*. CORNER CENTER AND^NOX STREETS I ' t i MAKCHI -f i* » X

PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1941 PAGE IsriNB national concern th a t auch mo- Take, for Instance, the case of said, "and I d(m't think any of Uveg be rebuked avei^nA'here. Congressman Kopplemann, who is them had a rhance." freshman, met while he wa* at­ Adequate Prices Needed Flagg Praises Turkeys for Thanksgiving 13 Ships Sunk ribbel's .Step-Son tending school in Tucton, Arlz. o* war con we hope to achlev* Ui*: smarting ovar the fact that bis Big Factory Pay Lures Those giving United State* or unity necessary to win," h* toldfj Cenadlan eddreasea among the sur­ Laat week It was reported that Bacon Assails fellow members on the House vivor* were: W;«Is in Wilton the coupje had been married a the Medford Women’* R«publieaa Woodland Eg:otist Spanish Girl Are Highest in Six Years Say Survivors short Urn* before in .New York club yeaterday. Banking Committee held their To Expand Food Output Allen Puumen, San Francisco, Dl**gre«« With Lodge ; , ~ rUBUBHKl) BT THB The pine, we discovered on a City. Lodge’s Stand ■■RALD PRINTINO CO, INC vote session on the price control Workers from Offices who said he fled the sinking ihlp "I disagree with Senator Lodge’* 'I clad only in silk pajamas; Arthur II BlMil) 8ir«*t walk through the woods the other bill while they knew he was in .\rli9l Derlares Jinx ChlcaBo, Nov. 14 OP)—Th* first Dealers said the movement of IVfrmherH o f Grew o f Wilton, Nov. 14 OP)— John technical and limited Interpreth- MAnctattltr. Conn. Worcester, Mass.. Nov. 14 /Ti • prices from consumers. If farmers of tlie nation's dual Thanksgiving Carlson, New York aty; Peter None of Traditions Saered THOMAS FEROUSOK day, is a supreme egotist. As Hartford, campaigning for the re- can get equitable prices for their basements for apparel, an.I eat | turkeys to market has been late Clark Burgarii, J r . son of Mre. Gjills fo r D rriaratio n o f tton of the lend->eas* bill, which —The National Grange declared While Collar Help Is fsiorly balanced meals. Her .Sun- Days conies next week and It finds Bolfl Veiiiiire Tell of Statklewlcz. Montreal; Slgfrled Gonoral Mtnasrr much as any other growth, i t , ejection of Mayor Spellacy. He has products, they can and will pro­ Falkehhtirg Is Personi* j (Quality Us very good. The '41 class Lawrence Tibbett, wife of the he says he supported, but omit* te Foundod October I. 1111 today that “exhortations" to farm ­ day chore U ca.-e ot clothes, which turkey piicea the highest In six of birds was fattened on ample Welsa, Kirkland Lake, Ontario; New York OP Ifs. getting ao War lo Arhif'vp Nation­ say that up to th last minut* h* needs sun and open air for its own | reason to smart: the committee duce in abundance." (iration of Youth. Getting Harder and years. Attack in Atlantic. Capt. Holger Schon, New York; Metropolitan Opera alfiger, and none of the traditions of- the old Publlenetfv Everp Evening Eicept ers to greatly expand production Want Adequate Prices must be more presi-ntable than supjilies of toe/’.. VVeighta are run­ did everything tOj-jtUl,” B*coa start. If it doesn't get sim and those of nigher-jiaid factory help." A little quiet research In the Albert Pearson, radioman, Toron­ .VUa Jean Duff, daughter of Mr. west Is sacred. William S. Hart al Unity. ad.led. Sundave arid IlotidaTa. Entered at adopted the weakest version of jof food for war need.s would not Some leaders predicted the farm . Harder to Find in 'Pliis ning heavy, as was the rase last the Poet Office at Mancheeter. laplilly expanding market fof Boston, .Nov. 14 - (Jh Fifteen to, and .Second Mate Charlea l-ev- and Mrs. John Ewing Duff of New the "two-gun Hill" o f ailcnt m o v i e ' space it will never grow tall. But ■suffice unless adequate farm prices organization would inalat that the By James Montgomery FTagg year. In fac t, dealers sanl. there is Bacon, an unsuccessful candi­ Conn., at Second d ate Mail Matter. the blil yet by a one vote margin; (’ountry Now. Not all ifflcea are of "horse | dressed turkeys -birds already on ens, Halifax. ,N. 3 fame, doffed hia lO-gallon fedora Mi-ilfoz-l, .Ma.s,s . ,Nov 14 -(J-, - I were assured. government offer greater assur- Hollywood, Nov. 14— (Ah—In somewhat of a shortage of lighter survivors of the tttrpi-iloed freight­ York, were married yesterday in date for governor in 1934, ho* been once it has grown tail, it Itself de- ■. himself has been consiatently j '!age vintage, however. their way to retail cosinUrs for er Bold Venture, arriving at Bos­ for a cap shortly a fte r his arrival (■'ailing for a -l.claratlon of war to SUBSCRIPTION RATES If food-production fails to come ancea of adequate farm prices , spite of Jinx Falkenburg'a deserv­ birds. Weights had been tending the 'Tibbett home here. mentioned In pollt'cal circles ** • One Tear oy Mall ...... |«.00 cree. death for all other things | advocate of a stronger bill. Singled out by the publication I next week's big trade — found snialler until la.st year, when the ton today, reported that 13 ve-saels here to have his eyes examined achieve national unify. Former po.asible opponent of Lodge for Ul* up to needs as outlined by Secre­ than now provided under Federal | Paul Uosner and John Berkley During the ceremony, perform­ explaining that if he stuck to the Per Month by Mail ...... I that need sun and space. Th ed popularity a> a model, lota of a-e model, modem offices are those | prices 5 for bes. quality Just before cold snap just before Thanksgiving The re.scued crew member* of \ puhHaned harein. | he Is raging around Washington resolution adopted by the farm or­ lutlon, "ahould not ask more nor i hera of clerkr, bookkeepers, tyjiisl.s ' All righta of repuhllcatton of | chance. _ ’ | not come-hitlier. They seem to be | and messengers are leaving their tion Mo.lem desks (well-spaced), Thaiik.sgivlng, but that was the cost the lives of abmil a million the Hold Venture, which formerly GoofI Progress This like a tormented and wrathful ganization's T.'ith annual conven­ agree to accept le.sa than actual | rising over the horizon of her low- ! cheapest they have been In recent hlnls We ve ImprovPfl Our Service Et/uipnieut in ^ectn) dispatrhf'a herein are also { Some human beings seem like. jobs to take hetter-jiaying ones at t new files, po.stiin- chairs, speed I was the Danish steamship Al.ssund reserved gadtiy. He proclaims his inten­ tion after Wickard had told dele­ parity " er lashes -joyfully aa if sure It i work and lncrea.se efficiency. years. In 1935 they were up to 30 \ear; Additional Work The convention also declared its machines in defen.se fm tories. 1 Dealers are aicustomed to the but had been j)laced under Panama that They at.ort with their roots' tion of working against the meas­ gates that farmers. In the interest would be a beautiful day. She has > "Health and sa'ety must be I and 31 cents and poultry dealers the Interest of Your Car by Adding the Meu; FuW servle# client of .S. E. A of th e'defen.se program, had to opposition to "arbitrary price-fix­ That Is only half the story, ac­ "i.ouble-header' Thank.sglvlng, this registry, held little hope that their 8«rvic* Inc. in the same soil that should pro­ ure as it was adopted by his com­ generous lips, a lovely mouth. ■ cording t(, the magazine ".Modi rn watched ir. offices ns wall as fac-1 said the current market Is com­ being the third and last of that 18 missing shipmates were alive The work of taking the enumer­ take a risk that increased produc­ ing unless necessary." It expressed She Icrvea life, action. Shaw's | parable to that ENLARGED!! vide nourishment for others. They Industry " which hius Ju.st com- t(tilcs." It add.s "A t lohns-Man-l kind, and. although llii.s givea them .None of the mls.alng were Ameri­ ation of persons In Manchester i PublifiU#r* Hepre»entatlv*g. Th*' mittee. He .seems to have bullied tion of food might result In some belief that inflation, which it said wittiest epigram, "Youth 1s much Geese an«l ducks, still were con- JuMui MKihewi Sp#cl«l Agency — I jileted a study of the white collar vllle a nurse is in l onstant attend-1 a loiig'er marketing jierlod, they cans, the survivors said, although Sh.01 upward, with greater ambl- committee itself into holding I roIT or the ('.range, "Is least likely of all the pressure of surplus Income on Too Sweet To Be .Star comfort of office girls. The com-1 ago, and ducks 12 to 18. or only ception of taking the names of j CIRCULATIONS beings need to live. And then I industries to exact monopolistic inadequate supplies ' .tuetlJUid-Womec.'-! and-are destined country. Thirty-three states will cued seamen, all were in the after back into the good graces of his She may possibly be too sweet" in the future to become a major , pany nl.so has a lounge room usedl slightly ahoie last year's quota- observe Thanksgiving .Nov. 20 and section of the Bold Venture, which those who live on Main street or In and Selling Space Th. H.rild Priniln* Company. when they get there, they turn to everyb(jdy to become a .star. I girls during rest periods. and| tion.s. some apartments. Inc.. no financial raapnnai- constituents mount high enough, problem for management. the others will feast a week later. literally was blown away by a tor­ around and shut off the sun from ii.se the word star in the movie during .lunch hour for relaxation, pedo when the ship was attacked The work this year has been Dynamic Wheel Balancer blllty for typographical arrora ap- jirovide the spark which iipset.s millions of potential violators’ •sense This .' not meant as a Pay acfems to be one trouble In ptaring in a<1v ertiatmapta in tha others who have not grown a.s 1 many offices Says the personnel I I onversation. r< a.ling. smoking.| .')00 miles from Iceland. done by six men. They have had the whole half-hearted adminis­ Cniild city, eoiinty or state en- iTitiiism but an observation and Manchaatar Cvanina Hafald Man About manager of a concern employing ('loak rooms givi emjiloves jirjv- The nnlv one who mighthave good weather and they are able fast or as luckily. They turn the I fnreement agencies (nearly always speculation. Ther,’ Is nothing exo­ A completely new ami revoliitionarv ma­ Larger Stock—More Styles tration scheme for price control 1.2(i0 wliitc collar workers: "It ] acy. protect ( lothing, and boostl escaj.ed death, tiiey .s/iifl. was to curnplete the W ork in a much Friday. November li whole area of soil in which they short on funds to do even the tic, provocative or aiiltry about and substitutes some real protei- would take s year to train new I morale by making work pleas.ant-l Woman’s D eath!**•••**•*•••' <’<"> Thief Steward Karl Cla’isen, who ifhorter time than waa the case , ordinary w-ork assigned to them i her chine that enables you to see and know that in themselves have grown barren, ' ^^e wage dollars of all Manhattan people t(0 this wo'-k hut heoaiise er " was on deck at the time in other years. Th* work waa much : be exfiecled to help out ? I like her name and I asked her more complicated this year than in Motives of the 194 , and cover it with their dry' leav- 1 Americans By George Tucker how she got it. It seems her par­ .some officials think they are 'just To Be Prol»ed, Preaenled 1.5 Siil)s In Xtinek wheels have been balanced perfectly. Wheel clerks,' I can t get adequate wages III)' past as It was .al.vi necessary Inga, and if nothing else grow s! I'nknown No. 3 and it s not ents wanti'd a son and .so started ■Speaking from Hie rail of the The thin ire held; the rejoicing for them " I vessel thatthst l,roiightl,r„u.)i,( them to Bos­ i t-'*kc- the names and addrCMe.s rrf t.there, or has a chance to grow. so much an unknown as a ques­ New York, Nov. 14. - I^et me , calling licr months before she Washington. Nov 14 '-r The those who are voters so that their balance ran he tested from 1 to 100 miles today is In America and London, w as born "Jinx " Somehow the Recreation ton. several sailors said they he- they shrug their shoulders and tion Is can the government afford hear you say "Francescatti'' right Mrxiran Authorities to street addre.sses may be placed on out to campaign for Spellacy. oame stile k. but she was christen- ' A few years ago it could be ten-thousandth .,50 caliber aircraft Ilev(-d 1,5 .‘■'ibmanne? had partici­ p er h our. Sweaters— Jackets ro t in Berlin. Tokyo and America to turn the already overburdened fart Francescatti 7 That's fine. the vuting list for next year. ^ say, "I made it, didn't I ' ” cil- for form. lity's sake and pro- fairly stated that white-collar Jobs Investij'ate .Alleged Ae- machine gun produced by the High pated In the ma«" attack First headquarters, and another federal i nirts into something simi­ Here'.s why I said that: As iho.se who are working on the j Our ear is not yet educated hahly to j'lease sonie conc’cntional were preferable to factory Jobs he- Center Items •Standard .Manmarturing Conipanv The siirvivor.a were warm in great decision in the long series lar to traffic courts for the sim- After his ajipearances with the , cau.se of higher earnings, shorter out.side securing the names bring This \nieel Balancer tests all wheels for Best Club in the World I pie jiiirpose .of collecting a tax" (lints Kiigt-nia. ei4lent of Aiiieriran. Hu-ir jiraiM- of Li--'.( f'ornnianiler ; enough to know if that is what Pittshiirgh Symphony under Fritz 1 working hours, moilern working j Today: ,al .New Haven. C o n n , will he jire- tiii-ni into the offue of the enum- of decisions reaffirming American If you want the iin.swer to that, ■linx was Ijorn in .Sjeain, reared George Windi-ver of Hie Cana-lian Snowsuits I'lhe pine out in the woodland-i ReiniT eailier this month, Zino I conditions, greater stability of em­ I ()-9 .liinlor tiovs' game rr I ."tented to Ui(- army’s ordnance de- •■lator at the municipal hullihng both Statir and Dynamic Balance. Faults policy has been taken. There seem Our salute to those 4,700 Man- in South Ainenra A rc’voliition 1 Monterrey, Mexico, .Nov. ‘ 14 corvette \V.-tasl(4-.-.'lti which jiiek- I '.ask your loe.al I'niled States dis- Fr.mcesratti wa.s guest of honor' ployment, snc. better chances of , (iii'i’n F .S. and W. t partnient tomorro’.v. where they are checked for ad­ murmurs to itself as it pursues rhesterites who, many long months drove the family out of (’liilo and' (/Pj An official inquiry Into the ed them up about an hour after at no other similar decisions on for­ tni t juilge. nt s party where he was intro­ promotion, the puhlicatlon savs. ' (i-7 Small gvm open for hand-j War, department offidals In dresses as (Ompared with the town are shown by the sensitive .Neon Eye attach­ > its solitary destiny. Nor can we Thebe have been no official an- they came to leis .\ngele, bei-aiise, the Hold Venture sank. j eign policy in the immediate off­ ago, had fore.sight and thrift duced to a lady who at once cried, "L’nlonlzat'on and defense have ■ hall K S death of a wealthy former Kala­ I making the announcement- today directory. If their names do not I nounrements ao far as to the the whole family being avid ten­ I said production at the plant wai While the corvette was engaged m ent. remonstrate with the pine. But ■ enough to join the local Christma.' "H.ave you the original manuscript reserved conditions," it adds. "To 7-S - Small gvm open for boxlng| mazoo, Mich , woman was set for In rescue work, thev added one I appear in the directory they are ing: we are on the course: it methods of eolleetiiig the tax nis players, there were more ten­ ^ many weeks ahead of si hedule kept separate and later on wIH be humans who have won their share Club. of The Star Spangled Banner? " nis courts in Los Angeleij. What a day there Is little question that E 3. thl.s afternoon by Mexico authori­ torpedo passed 20 feet from her should be a long time before the t'nder consideration is the jilan of the highest wagon are paid to pro­ 7-8 Womert's plunge ,period| j .Major (."har'ea M. VVc-xson, chief checked with the new directory of sjaace and sun ahould never for- "I'beg your jiardon. " ej.ieiilated reason to go to Los Angeles! stern Bring your repair work to us for complete obatructionists have another op­ And a slight touch of envy over oldaining the Slate ownership lists duction workers. E 3. ties who questioned her hu-sband of ordance, will be repre.senteil at FACTORY PRICES the startled Frem h violini.st. I'nlike so many girls I've met Among the men taken fm,m the i ^ I get that sun and spare are good the $217,000 they're going to he and lulling each owner. Since the 0-7 P A A C haski thall prac-| for hours last night. .the ceremonies hy Brigadier Gi-n- satisfaction. portunity to threaten our adher­ "But aren't you a descendant here niaihe it's the climate- she "Working . conditions in ternvs water hy the Canadian corvette I o be aTranlr^ T ** '"’■* j for others too. absolute minimum of letters re­ o' alr-conditionin;*. lighting, wash- tlce period K .s. ra: R H. Somers. Come See How Sweaters .\re Made! ence to that course. receiving on Dec 1. That would quired hy the government under of Francis Scott Key?" iias "bounce " United Slates Consul Henry srcor-llng to the Ho)d Venture's I i"d the Ust tharw^^^^^^^ rOiims, eating facllit'e.s, etc.—are 7-8 .Manchcstei Green basket-j W aterman aald that the man. surviv'.rs were 22 members of the ' ""u.:, “ I'V ^ As was recognized in London it­ solve our Christmas shoppiri,; such a svstem would be two i the "No no. la m Mr. Franeescatti " They call her n natural blonde. j he assured her. anil yet. in rejieat- .She has brown hair! Maybe it's better In acirae new factories than ball prnc'K-e period E. .S. Identifying himself as Arth'ir Tor- .■\lty. Dullv's Speech [irolilem nicely. hill and the mailing out of the i S-9 .American Lithuanian Citl^ crew of the tanker Harfonn, some | to'names*an*d*i^t^^eef*add'^^^^ self. the action on the Neutrality ing hia own name. F'ram escatti. like Pans, where a woman a shade In the general offices of the .same ranee. 55, of .New York City, was Is SIiol Beraiise of whom were burned or severely ! wiU no, K e ^^‘^'■esseB sticker 1 and since it probably companies. ] Zen's Club hnskett.nll period R 3. Act was more fhiportant as a sym­ But the benertt.s of tliritl g , he herame aware that It all soumt- lightcT than raven black is a held by Monterrey j) >lire while injured ' ^ considered To date 15,- I There are two kind.s of or.ators would take U(i. that to vet in "Yesterday, rvery factory hand I 9-1(1 Ihoneer Parachute Com-j bol of American intention than it only to the thrifty We shall, on ed alike . . francescatti . . . blonde. ] they Investigated the death of his Hora.se.1 Three NiBbts ' I’nd '"umcrated Depot Square Garage all the willing tax payers ■ or more on the j)iesent uorld crisis th'vsc .She IS a tall girl out here In ! wanted his son ’o he a bookkeeper, pnnv haslo'thall period K. .S Wife, the former Mrs. Ada Love­ H<* Has M OIICV was for its practical effect upon Dee, 1 , note thb.se faces which than 120 000.00(1 letters i, the size franeisroUkey. . . . 7 30 Re.' Senior hasketbalj Member., of the Hold 5>r,fure's ^BO to l'^(W who stress what America will lose, Flickerhurat-5 feet 7. A g.rl is' hl.s daughter to he a stenogrnf>(ier. land, whose age authorities gavi- Grew th^y ha*'! hnra?wpd j _' ___ Ernest Roy, Prop. look t ov.ird the hm-mate -share. Five Hanged For Salmtags land, Los Angeles attorney who man tc)ld jxdire he picked up a the time he reached the deck from hemisjd'.ere Tli.il question was are members of the best elub in would be a squawk heard all the None of the musicians is under, cans of anti-frcezc. For nt the i hospital yesterday as the result of lore. tliey do rud (|uihhle ahoiil llie .qhe arrives at the office. Poor arri\’ed here from Sacramento hitch-hiker on the Berlin Turnpike the engineroom -he had time only again nn.ssered in the aftirmatLve. the world. (.S|.'ei lally in liie month way to the f . S Siijuenie Court. 1C), none over 25 , . . .\11 were bottom of the pile pnaumiibly lay ;i’es, in .1 baiilv lighted, cramped .New York Nov 14 '-P Th(j Tuesday. an acri-ient while loading paper at cost, whatever it may he Thev near the Berlln-Newnngton town to leap into the sea He was-picked the freight station. A ca.se of pa­ of Dererntier. liorn in the Cnlted States . . . Pvt. A. W. McGlothcm. who had I office comer where conipanv rec­ British radio said today tha Torrance, authorities said, re­ so far as llie Inoid lines "of our hop.e, (Mth President Hoosi-veit. line, and that after thev had trav­ up a short time later hy one of the per slipped from the truck, pin­ They represent 21 stales, yet 1 been wrapped in blankets, asleep ords are Kept make Lucia's joh ■j 1’ragiie radio had announced tha$ ported hia wife's cleatli was due elled a short di.stance his pas.sen- foreign i>oIh y are conierm d. Uien. 'I'lien, for ourselves we .cha'l atop the truck After they had dug ' Bolil. Venture'.^ llfeh-.nts. ning Mr. .Strickland, against a tliat it mil be a (ost mostly rejire-j among them are 18 different na- , more difficult cut her efficiency, five persons were sentenced snci _ to a motor car S( (ident outside ger pulled a gun ami nnlerod him McI.eod reporte.1 that when the all IS Will. .Aniiina ha.'i not sur­ see wliat we can do ataiiit having i>0 mmutoH, McGlotherh crawled I .‘the has to do mlmeogr.aphlng on stone wail. Injuring hi* right leg seiited by prodiu tion and man- i Quotations tionnlities. . . . They play only ' hamred vaster lav In Bruenn In th(j Monterrey. t ) pull over to the siiie of the road. tr-rpe-Io .atriick, the m.en in the af­ rendered .-tnnrican music. . . . Soon thi.( , out. He stfiod up. f< lt his body to s machine crowiled in an airc.idy <’:i -man protectorate of Aforavlal and arm and rendering him uncon­ hour, and tanks and shijis a n d l" ”‘^ f’'*'''"*''’ "" see if it wer«‘ nil there, then re-' Husband's Statement ------' T ter section were list- ning tt, a scious An X-ray waa taken at the AND NOW’S overflowing sto'ck room Each sueces.'iw jihase of the ' org inization. with Paige roniluet- on i harres of economic sajslt.agel In .iHpAn, rlinncr ' sproi h- phonograph planes, rather than by American I "P ^ Wednesday. Dec. 24 mg. leaves on a t mr. . . . Its ini- marked, "Thi.*; i.s a fip' way to j "l>)'w wages. " tt is added "com­ The B'-ltish hron least was hearef District Attorney Vallejo and hn.-spital to determine whether American decisl i.n has-been fought I j CB are made before meals. "The entire poop co]lap...'d " he live. But should it prove neces- ■ I hope that .^orrrtar>’ Knox will i lial chore was appearing with the ; wake a guy up ’ j pel Lucia to patronize bargain 1 by .NBC. police said Torrance repeated the there were any fractures. bf* lnstnictotcan. lance corps. Next it recorded an votes have lieen narrow, last sum­ see no other choice before Amerl- ' —Senator Kenneth McKellar of That he and his bride were mo­ mer it was one vote instead of IS Washington Tenne^ariv album of old American favorite ca. They believe, with the Presl- | congs, to be known aa "From toring toward .Mexico City at which kept us on our course; but Golden Paiges of Melody." . . . about 65 miles an hour when "a dent, with everj' American who j Muasolinl is a very mediocre cow or some animal" ran onto the OUR the decision has been continually At the moment It is getting ready J^SUUERSAR? THE TIME! truly appreciate, the sacred worth i Daybook man, but he made a discovery he ^"ThaCs the way to fix up road: that Mrs, Torrance, who repeated; it Is a democratic, and for its tour, . . . of his own country, that the de- j passed on to his former pupil and waa driving, aw'erved and jammed a binding, decision By Jack Stinnett present master. Hitler. TTial is fen.se of thinga like liberty U the A (leeuHarly NeW' Yorkian prod- on the brakes, and the car crash­ Nonetheless, we think that that a lie Is a He if timidly ex­ ed into a ditch; that when hs re- for a moat Important thing in the pressed, but It becomes go.spel iKt about town are the U-Wear It the dining room for the Sc* When history, with Its large view Washington Nov. 14. —Congress Hhops, which rent "Tuxedos, Cut­ txjvered from a blow which knock­ world. ■ This nation would rather ■has the Treasury department truth it you repeat It 10,000 times ed him unconscious he found his of the situation, gets around to —Count Carlo Sforza, ' former aways. Evening Clothes ' to people die free than live slave. across a barrel and all because of who have no dress clothes of their wife lying beside the car, appar­ considering the narrowness of foredgn mlnlater of Italy. coming Holidays’^ The second kind of orator on a little $150,000,000 Item which own but who must get all dolled ently badly hurt from striking her ROPER Isn t a drop In a ten-gallon keg head on the rear-view mirror. some of these votes it »nll pucker I'll not retire. I've burled 10 out f')r some special occasion. the world crisis Is a sjteciallat in when you come to considering the The district attorney's office hai its brow In bewilderment, amaze­ generations of critics, have writ­ They are operated on>the basis ot adding up what the cost of de­ overall billiona needed to run the ordered Mrs. Torrance's body dis­ ment; and shock ten 45 or 50 books, and still have the old U-drive It idea of renting KITCHEN HEATING fense is going to be. It will, ne government and finance national something to say. an automobile for a day or a week interred for examination. Consul ^ a l s ! 4 The clear Issue yesterday was defense. Waterman said. prognosticates, take so many — Novelist Gertrude .Atherton — at so much per night. 'j \t e k ) whether America should remain When the latest tax bill came on her 84th birthday. What stands out about these (Records o f Whitley CJounty. years, so many million men, ao out of Congress, one thing in it on Its course of defiance to Hitler, places, especially along 6th Ave­ Ky., showed Arthur Torrance, 54, many more concentrations of au- -NOT recommended by the Treas­ Men’s There is not the slightest as­ nue and through the 40's arc their retired, of New York, and Mri'. or whether it should make an ad­ ury was the $5 motor vehicle use Young Men’s thonty In the Roosevelt regime. surance that the British govern­ billboards. They are as noticeable Ada Cooke Lqveland, 50, of Early vance token of surrender. In the tax Even ndw that It has become ment wdll ever pay back any of Hills, Calif., obtained a marriage When he adds these thinga uji, law, you can't get any on-the- and con.spicuou.s as the cigar store House, 194 votes were cast for the money which 1s now being Indian, of hallowed memory. license October 18 at Williams­ OVERCOATS with a horrified expression On his record" diacussion of it at the that surrender. | advanced. Thc.se displays show life size burg, Ky., and were married the TROUSERS face, he may, like Lindbergh or Treasury Department. r ' What were llic.se Vnen thinking I —.Senator Uoliert .A. Taft of drawings of men in evening same day by Whitley county Nye or Wheeler or Danaher, throw Certain regulations concerning Ohio. Judge J. I. Manning. .She was the At Only of? clothes, but the cut and style Is up hia hands and openly advise us the tax were laid down In the that of the gay nineties. The widow of a Watcrvllet. Mich..' pa­ $ Well, We kno'.v what wws in the i law; the uiie of windshield stick­ I Believe that much of the edu-' per manufacturer.) GAS RiUKE britches are skin tight. The 19.86 to yield to Hitler, because the minds of some of them. ers aa certificates of payment: the -■ational vorl- such aa the de­ sleeves were the gaudily-cuffed Iprice we would pay for bur liberty jail sentence and fine provideil for velopment of a more Intelligent •V r* Regularly 122.50! With klight or LeR Hand HeiUing Unit * There were 137 Republican variety ao fashionable a quarter would be loo great. Or he may, tax dodgers; and principally the ir.d healthier citizenry must be of a crntur>- ago. The men inva­ votes against the bill. 22 for it | fact that the tax should become done by the women. . . . "s.,’ Cliildren’s Plays .»'arm woolens tailored nicely like Atty. Frank Dully when ho riably sport handle-bar mus- with set-ln ahouldera. What a $20 Allowance Some of the.st ■, .tcs were - individ-.l .. effective February 1, with a pro- — .Mrs. John I.. Whitehurst, pres­ addressed the Cniversity Club rated payment until the beginning ident, General Federation of tachioa. buy at this low price! UAlly laolatiomrt but the gieat ' Do these shops a busin.e.sa? Being Presented Iteie the other night, merely -per- j the tax year July 1. Women's Clubs. majority of them responded to i Y’es. They rent hundreds of for­ Oxford Graj’s — Brown and For Old Stove form the adililion, and wait for bis „ p a rty , leader.ship which was will­ , TTil.s little joker means that the mal wear units a week . , . "Fit­ Green. tings guaranteed," . . . It's a full ■ A number of local mothers are ' ing and eager to make the ques­ aiidunce to draw; the conclusion. Treasury Department's collectors Neither kind of orator can pre- i of internal revenue will take the “^Health Day** time industry. taking their children to Wpst tion of Americas surrender or tend to be accurate in evaluating Febrjiary 1 to rollect <2 09 Hartford tomorrow to see a per­ self-defense a pit- ren's plays by the Claire Tree y e a r and the presidential election , IMrex’lor Office of Defetiae Health N ow ...... Reg. $4.00, American participation required i 'f « Person buys curl, It's Grace Hartman. . . . If Major Children's Theater, New $ 1 8 8 6 in 1944. , “ i a new ear-or a second-hand one on and Welfare Seiwlcee Now .... i. nia> be proved false by events, 1 which the iisetax has not been paid I he's wearing a, green hat with a York. The next is "The Sleeping REVERSIBLES Reg. $25.00, $ 3 . 8 6 W hile 189 Democrats voted for i Beauty", and the date Februaiw Reg. $4.98, Attorney Duliy'a statistics may , around the flr.St of March, he will | blue haDband, its, Blue Barron. Now ..... the bill, there were 53 against it. ! This November 14 Is. merely to ■21. The last play is scheduled for Reg. 612.85 .. .Now 611.46 $ 2 3 . 8 6 never actually come into being. i cents leas: and so on. until remind you that every day is N ow ...... $ 4 . 7 6 March 28 and I* entitled "Toby Reg. 616.95 . . .Now 614.96 Reg. $29.50. Some of these. In turn, were indl i The imrv.rfanf -Off.,.. , 1 purchaaers of untaxed cara on 1 Health and Welfare Day. Ameri­ Reg. $5.98, f tffeience is one j cents. On I Tyler." ParenU of children In the Reg. $17.95 . . .Now $16.96 vidual iaolationlsta. And some ot I cans must have good fo<}d and Table, Buffet Junior school are sponsoring these Now ...... N ow ...... of attitude-on the one hand the July 1. the collectors will have to $ 2 8 . 4 6 $ 5 . 6 6 them were engaged in the Insane I I plenty of it. rest and play protec­ A Thought It’s a far cry from the crude oak and pine performances for boys and girls, 6 attitude that we will do whatevei J "taet all over again with the 32,- process of threatening to surre^i- tion against pre­ benches and trestles of the Pilgrim day.s to this Set of 6 Chairs to 15. . Mrs. William Elcovllle of -Is necessary, whatever that may I P‘ck up $5 from each, ventable disease Let us therefore come boldly 56 Bishop Road, West Hartford, SPORT COATS der America to spite John L. he un.i o r, Ih. ri, I, 1 ‘9 Pfobleiii. there are sev- ' 365 days of the frrand 18th Century dining room in gleaming BOYS? ALL WOOL be, and on the other hand the at- : pra, unknowns No 1 Is how to unto the throne of grace, that we la a member of the committee. Lewis. Mr. Lewis must and will year. mahogany! Yet it was a little-over a hundred There are two showings of the Reg. $9.95...... Now $8.86 Ulude that we should do only , find out who the automobile oWn-! nuky obtain mercy, and find grace bo handled; but nothing would I n peace w e to help In time of need,—Hebrews years after the first settlers landed at Plymouth play tomorrow, 10:30 a. m. and MACKINAWS Reg. $12.95...... Now $9.96 what la comfortable and conven- *“'’>■ '9 Ihe country are. About the 2:30 p . m. have pleased him more than to m a y muddle 4:16. Rock that English cabinet makers and design­ V . lent and economical. 1 Places such lists are avail- , along. But the S6.98 have had America defeated yester­ There (. eo . r,. i .able BTC in the state highway I tempo of defense , ers were creating just such fine furniture! 159°° There is no doubt In our mind departments. In moat states, it i God, the Great Giver, can open Double-Breasted day In tha House. 'won't wait. Sol- j the whole universe to our gaze In Even back in the 18th Century it would have aa to which course represents the | may be assumed that the state Bamr Group With China, Hooded Regpbr $3.50. Some of the congressmen yes­ 1 (Hers off duty. * the narrow apace of a single la.te. cost you many times the price of this timing WPA Employees greater risk. We would rallu r De highway departments will 'ue verv defense workers ' 9 Pieces, $108.00 Zip Rook Pocket terday wera thinking of o th er —Rabindranath Tagore. room to have such pieces in your home, for they WORK SHOES over-prepared than under-pre- cooperative and furnish the col­ in hundreds of *- were then made only by hand. Here Increased Plaid Lined thing!. Soma of them were think- lector with the ownership lists booming indus­ JWore Intereat In Cbemistry $ 2.96 par^. We would rather have a But suppose there are some states trial communi­ O T H E R S ing of how they hated E ngland $1.06 a n d $4.50 WORK SHOES super-abundance of victory than a > opposed to the" ta x or for som e ties. families be- $5.96 to $6.08 more t l M they do Hitler. O th ers Falrbury, Neb.—(iPj—Art Bitter, The number of men.-empIoyed.on A T ...... $3.86 close-rationed chance of . defeat other reason have no inclination hin(l the lines: Jr., takes more Interest in his high ; Today.. .thanks to modem manufacturing pro­ Size* 6 to 18. were thinking of how they b ated to cooperate. That could easily these must be WPA In Manchester was in­ We would rather be safe, first, and school chemistry now. He filled a j cesses. . .everyone can enjoy the fine furniture Enjoy Roosevelt more than they- do H it- develop Into an insurmountable provided for if McNutt creased during the past week. To­ complacent after. We would rain- toy balloon v/ith hydrogen, using a which only the nobility would have owned a cen­ day a new period begins. There Jar. hurdle—.insurmountable in ao far national strength and national formula used in class, and attached i er err" on the aide of awareness aa any solution to it has been sug­ morale arc to reach their peak. tury ago! All broad suriTaces are mahogany are now 15 men working on aide- e I And auch motives, for pm hour gested yet. his name. He released the balloon ! walks, 16 men working on sewer New COOKING Pleasure of danger than run the nsk of Your community has a local de­ Oct. 18 and Mrs. John Wicks st veneered for beauty of grain; structural parts Unknown No. 2 (and for my line extensions and water mains, jraeterdsy, held the fate of this fense council, with nutrition, rec­ Miami, FTa.—abo'Jt 1,400 miles •re solid guniwood for strength. J ileeping too long. And ao, we money it \makes the first hurdle with the larger number working RRtloii in the balance. Those are reation, medical, and nursing com­ away—recovered it nine days later. New HEATING Perfection think, would the great and over­ look like aVpuddle Jump) Is what mittees, which can tell you how • •n the extension of water mains in tha thing* the IM mambera w te the west port of the town. There whelming majority of Amerlcani. enforcement or policing agency jro.u can help. Volunteers are need­ Not 8o WeU Off voted for surrender to Hitler were can the Treasury Department em­ ed Vto assist in this work. There is one person, attending trade ploy to check up on five or ten or school during the day eesslon and thinking e C , aren't enough professionals to go P hiladelphia—0^1— A rraig n ed on A faneliofutor D iviision Hemuin On. the War Path 15 .million motorists wto might Around- four are employed in library work. It 1* a cauaa ter national rejoic­ refuse to comply,? What headway a charge of counterfeiting, Steph­ One 1^ Working at the local nurses' Wool Knickers If your community doesQ't have en Nichols and Alfred White rue- WATKINS BED GROSS ^ Bartford G m C e . ing that moUvee did not pre- Sometimes the rouUne ga«Be of could the handful of Secret Ser­ • ROTMERS 1 N C home and 17 are at the toy center. a Jocal defense council, write your hiUy admitted; 'The lead soldier Reg. $1.98 YS SHOR vice agents and Treasury Depart­ Meet of those working at the Toy ' W a o F 's 'iSlL It Bhmild he a matter for politics pays onexpeitcd dividends State' defense council end "ask how business was rotteh—«o w e tu rn ­ ment inveaUsatdrt make against center are women. ss NOW $1.76 OI7 MAIN BTRErff you can heljp start aemething. ed to making lead nickels." /■’ * « MANCHESTER. CONN. -i .1 T ------"IT" X'

> PAGE TEH MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN. ERfDAT, NOVEMBER 14. 1941 MA.NTHESTF.R EVENTXr. HERALD, MANCHESTER, C0N'N> FRIDAY, .\0VEMRER 11, ]"11 PAGE ELEVEN The Malaya Steams Back lo Battle attacking the Caucasus towns of 14 Amateurs Sailor from Panama KVntral iiigh .i-h'x.l ;r, K-.n-i'i'* I Temblor Felt H on or Gutests Toman, Anapa and Novoroasiak, Operas Using D ’lty ' ’ ' ! Mexicans Are Divided acroas the Kerch atralta from th* Daily Radio Programs \ Finds Maine Too Cold I o'litiiiiiiilM-r ( 4>nlliii-nt.il - l a n Crimea. III Easter-i Stansrd Time , To Aid Poliee ' ,In th.' Iri.'if'r 'Amcri- Suburban At Reception The Red troops already station­ j Portland, Me , Nov 14. ryp) Native Talent ( ah .‘Mr.u'V'i.x !l,i> , ,1 . On National Affairs ed in the Cmicasiis to meet an ex­ I. ■ ' - I — A sailor, bis penjarket hut- -'I Uii- r, t ..ij . , A Bib K from U-S.^ li pected thrust ncro.ss the straits tonc'l up Id hi.s ears, walkeil n " n - Los Angeles were said to be getting help from : .Slate Neixork of Hudio ! a thorough invcijtigafion. allowed Rfv. J. I. Biirtlioloniew Into a watertf'int c.'ife with a .AII-Ain(‘ri(-an (iasl ' I hf trurj 1>: fi, 4 Ru.ssian concentrations at Rostov. I demand for ' a cup of your But International Ue- a mass funeral procession and ap­ A ll Networks lo Unite ■ I'Y'i-n T.tkun 'I I/'u. ■ .''I,; ;i;; t.f^ on-Don, where Mar.sh.al Scrneon- ' .Stalion** Is (;oMi|»lel('(l,;I hottest coffee peared personally among the (Continued from Page One) Ami Wife lo Be at pcarinji in ‘ba Truvi- HfJi/ll '■ a ri,’. I,.l-u. r.,s.y velopnients Watched Timshonko's Armies have repulsed "Tell me.' he asked the mourners. I llirkev .Annoiiiiees. o^l'l ; KhV'T') IG.-JM* ( J.rr 'iu‘i 1'<- vere in eight years, toppled btiek.s StalTonl SpringM. German attempts to reai ii tha For Red Cross Broadcast counterman, "d'les it get this ata at (.liicafio. ' ill' ■/ r ir. I U . Closely and Moderate In view of this gc.sture no .small Caucasus Ihroiigli the Don valley. sensation was caii.seil when it wa.s and cornices from Imildiiigs in ^ cold here very often'’ ' The Mux, ,tj. f;.,;,...- , Trying to Cut Railways \\ :ili i Imi y. ..Nov. 1 I ;.1>, A ' The Situation. announced that the president had suburban Los Angeles, sent guests Rev, J. I. Bartholomew, pa.stor New York, Nov. 14 -An­ The mercury .slfa,d at elev­ Ohuag',. .Nov M .r Il,ili:n, ill’,’" HI ■■•I I .^ 1 u .1 . I . London ob.serveis said the Ger­ • Blue; 10:,30 NBU Rlu.', iqi.'. CHS- I state ncf'.'.fitk of M amateur rntlu< en ab'ive decided to grant ''Supreme Lead­ fleeing from one damaged hotel, of the South Methodl.M church of other hour broadcast via all net­ singing slais ho h.ive 'I'.miiui'.-.! ■Afuk. rifl'l Ul. I-'f. : ■ -t'lt,,-. mans appeared to be turning their Faat, i2:00 .NBC, ( B.S 12 By John Lloyd er" Abascal permission to colonize split a ."is.000 gallon (jil tank and i.staliona 1iia be< n (ompirtod and: .Nod'ling affiematlvely, the Ka«» (1 .j'.Mir. si: ^ i. a l -' • ,, \ thi.9 town In 1899-1900, wh,en he energies to attacks designed to works Is being set up for Sunday NBC, UB.S. the opera stage for more than half Mexico City (J‘i - ReporU have Lower California with lus Sinar- damaged gas and power lines to­ afternoon at 1:30 for the bcnelit ; will fiinMi'jn m crK;p,-ration with"' counterman allowed it was U.«t •,. WH.S apjiointed presiding eider, and sever the two m.-iin railways by NBl -Re'l 8 Liinlie '.ManiuTS a century must feel the appr'UK h- qiiistas. Few had expected such a day. ot the annual Ked'Cross roll call. good weather to put on storm ' Oiii (• Italy -Iru-.s *,,<> i;one out of trouble brewing .aouth which Ku.ssia i.s, rl■l■elving Allied rom-ert; 8 30 Infi.rniatlon th»' fVfHnr'tK ijt police ari'i fire rje-^ move, which aU*- ) aroused interest Guests fle,i the 30-room two- Mrs. Bartholomew, \vill be giie.st.s The program whl con.sl.st of the wlml')wa .something the .sail- ing end of an er,i tonight 'when ihe, Ir s ' Hif.iiir.i- '-’ j.J, • . of the Rio Grande, but the true supplies. fr.'Oi l.oTi'l'in anil I'Srlnifnt.«, it .'ifuinunfctl Iht*-' or n**v**r had brar^ of. story Hotel Torrani (' in siihiirhan of the Methodist church in S'taffot"! dramatized t(»ne iMieni, "Narrative Chicago fjpera Company win.i.s up ' ' ■■« ■' 1 rut ,!• in the United States. They pointed out tliia could be Wailz time; 9.30 I'oglions,.; jii jl'idav l>v Slat*’ Rnlii. ( '•.imnLs.sinn- . picture doe.a not nece.s.sanly .aiih- Torrance as the to-niMor showered .sprlng.s, in the vestry and parlor.s, in Reil aii'l While," with I’aiil 3br counterman explained, tile first U'-ek i.f it.s .seas',n ‘ajGi Ir.K t.M fi../ The Chamber of iH'piitie.s named ncconipli.shed if tb<' Nazi advanc­ Aviiition ilr.iina, I cr F’Mv.ar*! .1 Hit k v atantiate ideas of a con-.inp nation­ bricks into the street Fire In­ Tiie.sday evening. November 18 at Muni as narrator. Actor.s are to an*l th*' .**ailor sputtered an all-Ameri'an t asl m V.-r tp a comnuttre to call on the presi­ ed 110 miles in the north from I'li.S 7 30 ,W. ,sl 10 30, A1 Th*‘ nu'woik \ull .supidm,. nr Ui* spectors condemned the liuildiag eight o'clock at a reception in Br*^)ttirr. I just came frf>m "La Traviata ' , wide upheaval. dent and ask him to change hi.s Tikhvin, .soulhea.st of Leningrad, Include Lionel Barrymore, Ray­ Pearce; 8 Kate .Smith hour. 9 p»ili< (' ;mii rniini'ipal t*'lei\pc and ordereil the gicsts to tinil ceiebratioji of their 60th wislding /’anamn, and If It gets «o cold ‘ _ "Thirty years ag', " .Manage: AMERICA'S BIGGEST NICKEL S WORTH A middle-of-the-way pre.sulent, mind 10 Vologda on the line from Areh- mond Mas.sey, Ray Collirus anil Lana Turnei In "rii,. fievil aii.l I aniv ut mng iMi.ssif'g fi‘-i Mon'' .l-il.'l.'ih ., •! i,- ; . , ■ . "t ... The quake occuried at 12:12 a. 5,’ith year as a memlier of the J'.hn -M'Coin:,a k and Ciiei can revolution bii‘ remained solid­ appointed hi.** enei’^elic brother, Althi.iigli bitter fighting is rag­ broadcasts to America by Alex 8 .10 (Ivillan I>'‘f«'n.se, "Eyes l-'or limn;; f nb’i/p-nt u-«. M-i.-.t of th* i '.1 11 , , ■ • , , , I T I ’SI ( t)i.A (O. OF (F .M K V I. VTI,I.A(,E m I 3 12 a ni . e s t i, and laste.l Southern New Kngland conference. ; "ttier.s, h'it 95 per . e:,i „t Ihe .,i,,r ly enough entrenched to obtain (Jeneral Maximin<» Avila (’amacho, ing on Hie i,eiitr:il fnmt before I Dieler, .NBf? man tlicre, was lilt­ Ameriea"; 9 G.angbii.'iters 10 anifil*’iir.. sflef trd ha\e iioitablf , I I s ' ,; .■ ,. He was widely known as a great j were Kurofu'an. and nearlv all'ha'l pledges of support, conditional at t(» his caliinet ns secretary of Cbm- for a few .*e( t>nd.s to IS or 2o in Moscow, tbese observers said the! ed after about a day, the network R'chesler . ivir onhe. I ra . - 10.1.', '■qtiipriifnl V) Ui.-ii servile tan be ^ Spafford. Former t'-'l 1 ' 1. ‘ Rr' 7. - , temperance worker. ! trained at .Milano " least, from all tht (irincipal fae- munication.H and Uublic Works. Torrance. Gardena and Lfing trend of (lie .NaZi iittaeki indicat­ does not intend to resume pickups I.alk, M'.'lvyn I)oiigl.a.*i, auspices Kiv*'n from alrno.sl ariy location ^ ) ',rk anl ti,. r u. 'h- Uiut'''! Mr. and Mrs. Bartlioloniew were tlcns. Maximino. until then goveinor Beach, the h.'trile.st hit areas. ed the Germans now iiitend'-d to I from Germany until the entire i Fight for Fr'e.l'io. commlltee 'riu* network la in eontaiT with | U«*gioii Head. Dies In the last 10 years, he estimat­ ' h.ria Rolirf Orga:..zal,',n married in their native town of r That i.s the situation in a land I*uct)la. wa.s unpopular with the Maehliie Shops Itaniaged delay any rial attempt lo lake question of censorship had been i •MILS 7 15 Il' Te's .Morgan; 9:1.’', the state police barrack.s iind li. I ed. Amernan singer.s have ri-en , Arlverli.sr in The Hf'rald— It Pays Lodi. Wi.s., November 18. 1881 : ' lalm 60 per - erd of the t'.;, npe, where the revolution is of primary big labor unions. He stepped into Two small niai liine .shops tool­ the .Strungly-fortifu il i aiiital until t ironed out. MB.S also .innounced ■New .sene'!. What Price Det.'ns.' «ome • ase.s nni.'Ueur ’” ation.< will importance disptte a major inter- office with typual vim and pub­ ing instruments for alnraft and Their only daughter, Mr.s Noah G. hit''r I'erliaps next spring. 1 Iri’st night 'ilsi onllnuanre of broad­ [9 :’.0 Herb' aO'! Laughl'.n 10 Hox- b*> I-a ate,| tn barrack.-* "Ham.s" m i Annajiohs. .M,|,. .Nov II __ .tie billings 'If, a.'y.ther 10 .j eat Ih international events and licly assailed what he called "Com­ other southern California defense Ingalls of Springfield, Mass., wa.s The Russiaius, meanwhile, wer*| casts from Its Berlin corresponii- ' ing Giis I>>.snevich vs I'ami Mau- Ihr vanoiLs Niv.n.s ,'in*J (iti*'S will be i F'lwartl F-: .s.'paff,,r,I. 63, of Brew- -years, . he ...... sai'l.. ' ,perhaps no mote married while they lived in Man­ ster, .N ) , -wh,) wa.s natlonaH hut ri.a.'.y fine American acute con.sclousness of possible munist elemenLs." Industries were .so hadly damaged said to be anxious to maintain ac-I I ent, John Paul Dickson, bet'au.se of r*ello in ronf.'Kt with t>oii(e ;uid firr of-| American war involvement. Shortly thereafter labor held a that Torrance firemen sahl ‘ It chester. They also have a grand­ tivity on the eeplral front, wher*| cen-sorshlp difficulties. tiMrtls in thrjse towns and ritn-.s. Commander of the American I^e- | artists -will take their place ' The one appearr to Have influ­ gigantic mass meeting in which its might he aeveral days before work daughter and three great grand­ tliey feel the .strongest. ' What to expert .Satiirdav Ihe \ vt as .\dvNory Board gion in 1927-26. 'lie'l last night at I^xids By Amerle.sna children. enced the othei. That is, the war orators charged ther*’ were N’azi could Ihe resumed. Reds Dislodge GerniunS Both NBiJ and CB.S are planning war .Morhinu: 8 00 .NBcc m s Artinp as an advisory hoard for­ the i' .s naval hospital. , The Ica'is in tonight's perform- Rev. anil Mrs. Bartholomew were daily broadea.sts. starting .Monday, th.- riftwf.rk - re Walter J H,,.s|,ilal authorities sai,i a cer- l ,'*U'e 'A'lll be sung hy Ihe Akpin, danger ha-s emphasized need for niHi-hinatinns in Mexuo. A One wall of the Torrance thea­ The .Statue of Liberty, background, seema to be waving Gi>dspeeei)utie.s committee he agei buildings. The same report said Soviet) 1 Saturday evening at 7 3U i.s to in- Anieihi- vaodivilli': 6 pm Rhv- .Naup'.ll-'U k .No ( hnrrrts In (irillan Life , Barth ft j Ali,ui,.i',. n,-,m large and imptvrtant facti'in among rould not change his mind alioul fliavy fog hadly hampered In- units li.i'l disl'.dgeil tile Gi-rmansl I elude a relay from .Manila liy Ihmaiies CR.S 1 I>.|'s Pieteml 5 I'uring the fl,.at -zeek nf r.pera in ' Reds Drive Nazi are W IR 'IT i,p,i,n,.,| Camp W',Iters Xex -T' Civll- the revolutionaries feels a new allowing the Sinarquistas to col­ \-estigiit'ir9 atirl sloweci traffic to Sports Roundup from a itroiig position on IIh' I.en- President .Manuel Quezon New Tommy To' Io t m.i'inee .NR('- ; Chn .ago the it lea.img roies were i,an life apparently held no eharni.s crucial point ha.s arrived, but thus onize Ixiwer ('ahlornia. The sinar- a few miles .an hour. Strikes Very Rare ii'.grad front and lia'J tield itl York will provl'le muairal features. Rloe II 3o a m 'Mir R.irn 12 30 lo iiJ ’ ’'''' .N iu gi'i-k an'l I'llvide'l eqii.'illv bef.veen .stars I ''ir I’nvate Arthur lievrraux. He faction has hem extremely careful ,-piisia.** uere explain- Ileslliite to Return Home J'anks from J'ula against Gi'rman ("iinti r-altai ks. pm National Grange Din'iiord U I R'.,''.2 ''perate-l i.v (leorge Iy.,a- jfrom the hl’irupe.an sehor,] hke '.vas released reeen'Iv. shook hamls In Its act.s. It.s pre.sent aftitudc u* . d, and he d»d n-d f*‘cl he had a Mill, women and ehiMren hud­ By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. On till' Crimea ifsi if, reportsl .“afiirday's football sehediile- .lor.ilee .MR.S li ■>() am c man 'if '.vest Cheshire ''liovanrl .Mar'melli the 56 year one of clo.s.' vigilance over arhieve- N«‘\s' York, N’ov. II .d*. - .loo said ill,' G'-rmans ivere In-avily as-) NBt'-Red and < B.S 2:15 .Notre Ollier Ihi, li, ||,,,||,n, ,t„nr,na ^ all around •,*.ent awa*,' and pres- old Italian ferT-.r and native right to restrict th*‘ movements of dled in autonuvbiles for w.armth as (Continued from Page One) Armv banil . . . Week-end Short roent-s of the revolution In three .Mexuans Mcxl are WlK.s.l, P.-.g, r F llamilt'di .safe. Another slight .sh "correct the errors" rower of Seiidiufi Men test. For despite the' fact that batth'ship for the rnt*‘rtainm<‘nt Destroys 48 I’liinrs I vs. Washington State bas, F'lr .Sunday D.ID Reriin D Aho.stmo. Wi.iiuep,,,! w ii.f'R .Tii.slic e Cm rt tmilding was knock- In the Kalinin sector. 95 miles ■ensible one at pre.-cent for Mexico of cei tain of his < lo.so collabora- throughout the war lalsrr has gobs who <’an't gel shore leave The Itiissi.'iii eommumipie c‘arly| 6 30 Organ: G S i' U.nd'm '^''b'lr Tii'Ce. I'luiL'r'iril. e Gm lon Mav'Ti W IKGL t'h.iile.s Rerner Bank of Ameriea tiraneh and ha'f i To Show .\iith(»rilv. man.s driven from 20 villages in conatrucllon anil to Ka.scist have Siirrendi'i eil their freedoili hasn’t fully re*’over(‘d from his S«*a j\ir H'orr*’ dr.sUoyed ‘US **n*'my| )8 15 .MB.S: 8:55 CB.S; 9:55 NHc: 10 30 War In .Soun'l Haven. WlNt-':, Donal'i a dozen stores were damagnl and | the past 24 hours. publicly repeat.^ that no extremist of action, or right of eritiei.-m. lon.sil operation, .'\pparently he iiir* rail. trucks with infahtryl ■ d f ' e Ham'lMi U l\ l;.\ M.'nrv VEAL 24: sympatliizers. stocks of goods were strewn on Ry Paul Manninfc Tlie London lijiily Hetald, offi- figures ther«’’s no us»* going if he Bring Fp Fresh Reserves awlnfT to the rl^ht ta contemplatetl ,\ll Promise Support Iksirs and military supplu'w, many rart^l F K'ldkow.ski .\ns,,,,ui V.'IMWZ He ban toM eaj>ilal that it mu.‘»t In the.se varimis developments NK.\ SlafT <'orrf**tpondent ciai organ of Brilisli Ial>or. wriit's • an t lake liis V(»ice along, (o'org** The Germnn.s were .said to he and s*‘V**ral anli-am'mfl inHliilla* Alfre.l Koon, r,eruv. V. II,.-''.,, .■utan; The temlil >r wa.s the third In 1080 reinvent a larjre part of Itn pront.«i tlaeie was still, however, a hopeful I/»ru|(in. A small tyiunvritton "Lahor, while it iloes not cooper­ Tiinp.son of th*‘ Christian Srjrnce bringing up fresh reserves on the Imns, WIIC K iln cvclcs ley .Smale . .s:evni',ur. W P'PL. G lx's Angeles county m live nionlhs \n>RU In Mexican Indu.stry He ha.s advis­ not*' for tlmse who wish*'*! to avoid ate roniplelely in the national gov­ Morutdr. who has cov**red som** Iir* central front but the'riidio declared Th<‘ i'oimnmii(juo also said thall K ilocycles l.^fiO \ .Sawyer, Devon. - r i T - r p and the wor.st sim e a 1P33 quake ilociiniont In the largo mahogany ed labor that i\ n;u.st confine itn open trouble It took the form of a ernment, ri'operiites in Ihe n.ilion- sf>or ts in New York for about the that el.sewhere .Soviet foreo.s wore on \V*‘dn**s*lay tho Urd A\r Korc«l The parti, up. .si,t, ,.,s r,[,- killed 130 jK'r.'sons. (It'.sk. lower right-hand drawer, of ho'ding firmly. activltien to a "s»aicral auperior [•romise of continued .support by al purpose same number of vears, is on his had d*'.'^lrnyed IT (’»«•! man tanks,[ Friday, Nov. 14 Frida \, \o\. 14 ■'r-it'* ,,n 2 5 meter.s an.i , an , ,,ver plan.” To both .niue.^ he aaid aim- all parties to the 1‘re.siilent himself. It opened a thin crack in a 12- Britain a labor boss F!^rnest Bevin, The result has been a constant- j <’alifonua ami will miss his Russian jtlanes h,ave been active 11 small tank?* an*! arnuua'd cars,| I P M. I> M any point in the te,ntorv. ply: h'v**n the <'onf**d*^ratton promi.sed story apartment huilding in Long makes him a manpower dictator. ly increasing jump in production hoeki v season since the game on the entire front before Mos. ow 300 triKk.H with infantry and mili­ 3 :3 0 —Guiding light 3 30 Renfr'' Valley Folks Beach, tjlrw out a Iran.sformcr at day and night, according to Red “It in to be remembered that we this Kirj‘p'n'1. although it added the He can step into any fi:15 com- Figures are not piiMi.-habli', tint ('.arden.. High tary aupplifs, 29 Kona i>{ varlon«) 3:45—Vic and Sade 3 15 - News the Ixis Atigelis shipyard.s. with a Star, and in raids on German air mu.st eat." wonl.s "in all his jio.sitive acts. s< miitcr.s' special anvernment resultant spectacular display of wnmi'ii were producing el.'ctncal ! ''mil .Mansfield team.s in li.'uses and troop concentrations 4 15- t^Uella Dallaa. AiiK'firaii.s A r r i \ ** fowl lu* may contmu** hi.s ditTicult task man to re|>ort for labor work the rofilmoiit. 1 ou A'l Liner. hliie flaiiie.s. and darkelieil .siibiir- •sinch yesterday have dostroyoil or •uceeefled one of the most radical in tu cordance with the program ot following morning. And he can units I(!r RAF bombers. Two of * *hio has been .set aiiead because 'Th** Uusien 1 son on r*‘f(*rros. nhlp wan overthrown in 1010 For came bark to report that the force, and send every man who re- this particiil.sr factory, asked One German thrust on the west ports totaling 9,000 tonj? in thi 6:1.5—Portia Faces Life. At Wilmington, in the harbor shore of the Nara was conceded by 5:45 Ben Bernie aome time ' after he tf>ok office Presiilent sti>od firm on the Sinar- fu.se.s to work to prison for up­ them to give still another week- 'Barrnla Sra apoo T*»(la>‘K (iiicMt Star Ihe broad'sat, but It wa.s said to totalmc: 13.000 ton.'i in thr Baltiisl 5:45— Igiiira Gaiidct. Pianist I .'.P ..\ group SMOKF.D lb. I»any field tanks, eontaming a liiii.shed units. 0 05 G'll.lin 'late Quartet and "f ra •,.r II.>• that hi.s prcilecc.«*nor fjeneral a .spirit of nvaleraiion pr*’vail«‘ l These he can an*l 0. 5:55—Stand by America. ■\n,,'iuian K'igle SHOULDERS large amount of oil, split open losses of men and armament Hazel .Sp'dt. s,|u."lr,.,.s ai.'t y-H'.g Not Only For Mr, Turkey! IsHzar > ('arrt ti 10 Mpi.shal Inl'-il'i'le '■ffl'ers who will he att.ai’he,! t,. hack.slaKe heln'.smat Hut that was p«*.iting th**y *l'id not like the plan. relations is to carry a big stick called with a tiuik to taki th*‘ vso|\*-.s. and 1 hav*' s*'**n and talk- vi»’t tioniUrrs auccesHfulIv atfackrdl 6:13— Strictly Sports qulrkly established a guard at the 6:1.5 Frazier Hunt .Ne-.v.s th.e lint .s|, Armv and R A F Mr "Turkey isn't Ihe only one who will get It In the neck. It’s Hilt IlOAHT SHOILDKR before mip‘»rtHT't n« s tenden'de.s. i)Ut the Ch.'imb*'! vot^d to visit the an*l speak softly units away to their taunher .sta- ♦■“d {•> sntn«* with f»'arsoim* fanjjs. The mid-day Soviet ( ommunique, military f»bjrrtivr:» VVi'dnrsday atl 6:30— Musleal Appetizer. BONEI.ESS POT .seem*. however, merely reiterated its riis- • 6 20 F'lw'in C Hill. • tpo surn.ihlv t,, mu'!', r.,,!,', loea; d.yoni’ too, for |>eople who are fooled nr misled by deceptive price with vshi'h ( ‘a rdcna.'s cnuld not be Pr*'.sident en massf and c ontirm its "I iloii'l like force in my labor j tion, they found 1000 f^a.ly and but the No 1 wolf of nil limo is thn Riga. LaUia, and K**rnigabrrg', | 6:45— Lowell Thomas. The Gardena fire department j "•■'Alting. It is bk 6:30 Gol'Ien Treasury of .Song tion. have arrived safeh m Rrit- ads on "Turkeys, .shopping around for hours In the hope of sa\1ng identified, crojiped -»ut. loyalty. fx'lations." he says today. "I like thus m must on** I m*’t over th*' week-end. tomary report that "our troops Grrniany 7:00— Fred Warlng’s Orcheatra, reported hrieks ami plate gla.ss I factories, only fought the enemy along the whole Frank Parker. .nn wdii a n.-w , ,,,.tmgei-.t of Can- :i few trwlal pennies is not neressary TODAY ! You needn't se< ri- The Mexican revnlutlon wan a The Presulent told the deputif*.s arbitration arbitration, free *li.'*- prr.'*.surD is oftori Sixakir.js” of his [>et av»*rsion Thr Mopenw radio rrpnrtrd to-1 7:15—News of the World. ui.an tr,,,.p.s PORK STEAK windows friuii .several buildings mote I'onstant, I 6 45 The Worl.l Today II"' the mealtime pleasure and hralthfiilness „f a (Jualitv Turkey ROAST movement substantially intended h*' had no intention of d*‘parting cussion and the type *>f odloctiv*' ^’ith rh*'n and amonji the coai'hos. he said: tront'l 'luring the night day that n mMtorizrfl divl*«ifjn of 7:.30—Grand Central .Station crashed into Vi'rniont av<'niie and The broa'leasl a.sserteil a .Nazi I 7:00 ..Irno.s 'n' An.ly Part of the large.st grnu|, of economy. .All our ex|M-rienee Indicates that L.A.ND to return the land to the peasant.s. from tin* path *>f th*‘ revolution, bargaining which will keep indus­ ! wonii-n Working seven day.s H I wamia t*’ll you th** truth if (U'rtnan Flit** Huar«D h.'id hrm l 8:00 laicille Manners. Frank Ilu-rt' were seatl«-red reiwirts of a week, getting time off drive ag'iinst Ihe Riissl.an right 7:1.5 Iginny.R'Pss ail m,'ll so far .sent froni c.ina'la , Turkeys are parked to a standard and not to sell C lb. emancipate Ifuiustnal workeis that he would b» n faithful guard* try running smoothly." 'P.Iy *-vrv that ^uy ha million working days have .STirls gave up for ttie r ,\F pilots 9:30 Uncle Walter's Doghouse et up hy hnrglar alarms in many ported 111 the ilircctiiin of Zarei hic, 9:00 'Ireat Moments frt.m ed for this a.saignm, nt fr,,ni all dating from the I>iaz rra.sh. lalnti add*'d, and the people"must eal " be**n lost through strikes iluring Tuke-.\-C hanre Dept. 10:00—Wings of Destiny. parts ,,f the I luteil .St.il,-.s H om e Made H om e Made came gradually to occupy a f>osi- hu.sine.ss nrejis. Tremors fri-quenl- weeks"’*'* "m. which wa.s deacribe'l as a German Mii**t Meet < honiH Girl 10:30 Studio ,\ Great Plays. I.E \ \ His Words wei(‘ hardly a ph'dge the first two years of the <'urrent K*’\vrtinp to old grad stalu.s. SVI.TA ...... lb. 3-.C tion of p'.'uer unequalcil elsewhere ly set off the alarms and officers HowMowevor. many men unTTgirls operating ha.se. 11:00 - News an'i Weather 9:30 First .NIghter S.\l SAGE MEAT. lb. 29c FR!L’8H lb.‘ to < an y th«* *'au.**e of labor to war In HM7-18 twelve million this dei»t. pick.* ITmcelon t** b*'at .''wedish S it It*. In the world, with the pn.ssibU* ex­ greater heights, hut they w*‘!e a were kept running froin one.to an­ n Kngland have been doing tins In the Murmansk zone in the 'ar D* s Moinr.s, la >P' A1 0'C'on-| 11:1.5—Korn Kobblcrs 9.5.5 llinnv Simm.H, Uelall Sahs, Inereasr' * It’s D itT eren l: SHOULDERS working days were lost. ther until all were quieted Yai«* l)”t au.*^*' our bums are better nortli, Tsss said, Ku.ssian troops nor. s*‘<'r**tarv of Tau Kappa Fj>« ception of Hussia where the struc­ pioinlse that th*' pendulum would More impjiftJLDt than Ihi.s, how'- ti«, much for too long. F.n.illv I 11:30— Music for Everyone. 10.00- Hollywixi'l Premiere. Ceiiterexl In Long IkuM-h than them hums Th»‘r«- H no *)th»*r captured several stiategic heights pilon fraternity, s'w .m "a fr*‘.shman’4| ture took a ng Beach, where most of the . ral kilometers." hr ha.H met a * h*irus girl” So tiv«l r a c o n ; SIRLOIN „ Congre.^n wh.r predonrinanllv lab'ir, There the situation .stands There round tabl*» c*mf**rences Both la- ■ ‘all> had to cut the voliintarv Mi- 12:30 -Chuck Wagon Days 11:00 New'M. weather. . chanl.s this week to move the larg- 1033 damagi' and deaths oociirred, girls fn»m Karl ('irroll's V’aniti**»,| big properties .nu< h a.*^ tlie fi-refgn- i d*‘ep tlivision *iv*‘r (pi**.**! i*>ns of h**r and ,capital have sacrificed hour work we.'k to 70, a.s well as I 12:5.5— News. 11:05 Sports R'liinilup. e.st quantity ot good.s .suice the •VNI) p o r k LOIN'S. R IT Z ...... 2 pkgs. 35c ROl NI) lb. and ran along Ihe old Ingl. wood Sp*)rtx l*af(** playing an rngagt'uo'nt here, w*‘ral . owned oil interest.** ueie e.xpio- vital int»*rest Hut President Avila man.y things under-the stress of give .some employees short r.'st 1:00- Silent. 11:10 - (.’luint Ha.sie's orche.stra. * b'sun week' at Ihe end of .Septem- SHORT fault. fUFfS. Dufjue.sm’H f*)Otball*-rs uilj be Itussiang Race Forres invited to fratrrnit” dinnef| priated and th*‘ work'm.s enjoyed Camacho has n>moiTovii’* Program 11:30 Tommy Dorsey's onhe.stra IxT, Dun & Rradstreet reporte,! fo- A highpower line ot The .South­ jruests of hon* r at the Dapper Dan rhaf>er(m* '1 by a hous** mother STEAKS wide privilecp.s .sadille and is plugging on toward for example, ha.s voluntarily given L’p along riyde.side and Mer.sev To Caucasus Const I A. M. 12:00 Linton Wells, news. I 'Iny .Sales in stores at leading ern I’.nlifornia Fdison i'o was -scene of bitter le.sentment la.st Club banquet. November .30, even KLEIN'S FOOD STORE With the war came an increas­ his "lIumarHAt Demociacv " up, for the iluration of the war, I-onUon, Nov. 14 -oT*j - Russian 6:00 -Reveille with Doye O'Dell 12:05 Ray Scott's onhestra. trading centers average,! U2 to IS shaken ilown near Ixmg Beach, G ring when docker.s were forced if they should be kno* ked off be­ SlioiildFr \ (*ul Choiui . . . 2.‘»c Ih. ing cry for hemisphere .solidanty .«ome principles for which it strug- relnforcerpents were reported rac­ F'o!l*iw*i Orders and Agricultural News. 12:30 -Ci.iudo 'I’homhiH'a orviies- I>er rent abov,- la.si vear for the 1(* ||». tion.n, The -too.000 members of the rpgis- I bo.xing dally with .Normar. Hughes, ciiaiia coast agalrot the threat of a Inglewood, f'llif 1.1*1 Draftl 12 55 News I Nazis (iiveii rolling lemblor.H shook downtown teri'd, full-tinie w 6:55—-News. Slicetl I.iixnry I.oaf . . . 29e Ih. Avila ('am aih" s';< i d to the Aimilganiatcd Friginp. img t’nlun. .sr.-iloVsct b v,, " , “ rkiT.i , , wage ; f,,liner Illinois new Gorman drive- from the Roar! 201. whuh ailmoni.shed .lohnl Ixcs .Angeles. Thi’ flist lasti'd some amateur mitt 7:00—ifornlng Watth. ,M(*aly YCaT Chops. . . 2 Ihs, 2*>c prenideney when the ' st ind l*y wealthie.sl and largest group of He\in and has ininl.s- .swinger, and he's keeping liun.self Crimea which the Nazis hope will i-ti(hafd Vogt to l'*'c[» it po.ste.l ofl Tomorrow's Frngriuii .S seconds ami the othi-r. only thre<- try of laly>r. ih^r** ia a pur- 8:00—News. Sliced Rolled R fff ...... |5j. II, each oth»*r*‘ move in the .\merna.'* New Points .skilled bihor in all Britain, volun­ smart by managing Hughes in net oil for their war machine and his wh«*r*'atH)Ut.s, has reri'jved thiil A M seconds l.iter, about 10 seconds P' .‘«efuln*'s.s. 8:15-^Europoan News Roundup. Satrsa«i(» .M eat...... 2 Ih*.. 2.>r was getting urnler lull steam He tarily voted to permit semi-skilled Camp bouts... Heaiiliiic : "W rest­ cut Russia's southern supply line. communication; "I have ( hangedi 7:00- News, weather. Santa Bart'ara. hardest hit hy a There is little friction there to- 8:30— Radio Bazaar. immediately embarked up<-n a workers to be admitted into their lers to be paid off m defense German tanks and dive bombers my ad*lress to xth floor. Uanadil 7:10—.Shoppers Special — .Music, d e l iv e r y Sliced Swiss Cheese . . . ,37c Ih. Upon Jews June temblor, barely fell tod.ay's 8:55— WTIC’a Program Parade. A Real Treat! Frrsh Hamhnrp• ^ .... aw2 ll>s, 25r policy of fnendnhlp and n>opera- ranks hecau.se this would increase pouri'cd r.erch; eastern Crimea's building. Windsor. f)nt.“ Vogt U|| time. It felt only one roller 9:00— Radio Bazaar. Minced Ham - Bologna tlon with the United State.s Ru* armsment output. At the .same ^ crntre;?:,'^'?nd'' o'her Isurkrto get^^^^^^^^ raise. . .'”*** Notre stepping-stone to the Caucasus now a member of th*' Royal ('ana^I 7:30—Robarf.s Program. Also feeling the quake In vari­ similar .ferns, but all .surh com- 9:15— Food News. Pigs’ Feet his attitude toward the rev(duti"r (( oiitlnii^ From Face OniO time this agreement was signed. and Nazi planes also were reported dmn Air Force. 7:5.5— News, weather. Try A Dellclobs created excitement i ous degrees were Beverlv Hills. plaints ar. being ironed oui rapid' * 9:30— Rayonalitles. Kiska • Frnnkfiirts |b. S Government and employers prom­ line IS the toughest they“have fac­ 8:00— The World Today. Neck Rones It looked an though there nn a ; Hollywood. Pasadena. Glendale Iv by arbitraUf the p.ople; whoever Blevins, 47 Kldrldge street: Mrs. For example, the 54 skilled en­ blankets. . .Maybe that’s W'hat has j regularly nominated men aspir- SHORT. .SIRLOIN or CITRE STE.YKS (Guaranteed Tender!) .. prohibiting unannounce- Jews enjoy the protection of Neri, Rockville. more money, nor did a strike for Quite Comparable Yet none would dare strike for Football Frlcusse« I would campaign as a "sticker" Killed in Onsh member of his cabinet -I’ublic our enemy countries;. no further Admitted today: George Hooey. different working conditions or a Southern scribes are comparing To Our such rea-sons as more pay. better I candidate. Blducation Secretary Sanchez Poti- proof of the destructive role they 207 Center street: Mrs. Anna Gor­ V'irginia’s Bill Dudley with Ace in IJdv^ne " " " ‘bosc famous Land O' Lakes Turkevs. Bv ordering it 3 pkgs. 14c closed shop. It was simply a working conditions and a closed Only a few hours later, Mrs, 3 Lb. Con 67c | j Lb.' Co" l9e bOD. To replace him he chose At­ are plavnp among our people la man. 32f) Highland street; Mrs. Parker, with the edge going to in advance >ou will he assured of the finest that money can buy and the price will not feeling that the plant should be shop. With pllot-s. on tiny week­ Made-To-Measure I Rose Coughlin, a grandmother. New Hartford. Nov. 14 torney General Vejar Vazque, of n»*«*deci. Edith Ellis. 72 Durant street; El­ Dudley. . .They point out that working to capacity. ly salaries, —losing their lives each I beauty parlor operator and an oc- more conservative leanings. 6 Jews arc couriers of the ene- more Anderson 62 Eldridce street. “W’p suspected bad Internal w'hen Ace w-as Bill’s age, 19, he I cupant of the . same apartment An unidentified AVinsted woman Geiiiiiiie (.risp Taste Tempting my among us; he who goes around day over Germany, with the whole Sanches Ponton had dominated Discharged yesterday: Mrs. planning." their apiikesman said. still \>'as in' high school...Gil I building as Mrs. Hopkins, an- w-as killed and three persona In­ 1 tn Important force In the revolu- with them ' is a deserter In war­ Louise Vassellet, 756 Vernon nation tightening Its belt and with Bouley's kid brother, who. really Overcoats Potatoes, Fancy No, . . . Ft LL time. "For instance, we were making I nounced that she waa taking the jured, none seriously, today when . . peck 33c S p r v ...... 3^lh. can ,59c tkmist program. He appointed the Streep; Miia Josie Biitkus, Wap- merchant iwiamen enduring Incred-. can run 100 yarda In 10 flat, is army cars and trucks, and one Ible hardshlns after being torpe­ I some step. a Hartford News Company truck Florida Oranges...... do7,. 23c 5 (}l^ ^ R T teachers who went out to Instruct No Right To Feel F.qual ping: Mrs Bertha Grobel. 65 due to enter Boston College next and automobile collided here near Dog Food ...... can ^ day we required engines and back doed In mid-Atlantic, the opinion P. 8. We suggest a genu­ I ’The Democrats have nominated J.AR the country’s youth, be controlled 7— Jewa have no right to feelSpruce street: Mrs. CTiristine axles for the army cars. We were fall. .. Michigan, whose weakness Satan's Kingilom. Grapefruit (Sweet. Juicy) .. 5 for 2.5c equal with us; wherever they raise of workers In other factories and ine Wommbo for super I Walter W. O’Donnell, former as- Lux Hakes...... 2 Ige. boxes 38c textbooks and be super\'ised the Smith, 606 V’ernon street; Mrs. sent the cqr engines all right, but rif any) this season is pass de­ laistont attorney general, and the 'The injure^ taken to Wlmited Turnips ( Yellow Globe) .. their voice they should be told to Clement Fantom and infant son. the public In general would be too smartness. A Knitted .. .5 lbs. 15c Lux .Soap...... , ...... 4 bars 21c DILL PICKLES molding of the country’s future along with them.came big truck fense, is scheduled to run into No­ I Republicans chose John Elwing, a hospiUl. were Adele Sullivan and keep quiet. . .simply because they adverse. .Apples (Hand Picked) . . . Jitixenry. 27 LUley street. axles, and we were then Idle for tre Dame and Angelo Bertelli the Fleece.for good looks and I former alderman. Antone Fodda of Winsted. who .. 6 lbs. 25c -Mixed Nuts (mostly W alnuts)...... lb. 29c LIHRY’S C%angti la Tactke are Jew's and have no voice In the Census tl8 patients. next two yetKa. . .North Carolina were,in the car, and Walter Ber- SALADA TEA community. a considerable time." rugged wear. New England’s only woman Sweet Potatoes...... 5 lbs. 15c About this time. too. there oc- They’re back at work again, of Rig Oak* State's attack ‘ features a "Sally mayor, Mrs. Alice D. Burke, holds naski of Hartford, the operator of Olives (large S tu ffed )...... ja r 25c BROWN LABEL CORNED mrred a change in tactics toward 8— If a Jew plays upon ypur IIa»-Troublemme Jury Rand" play, a fake "hip” play and the truck. v. Celer>- (Fancy Bleached) . WINDEX sentimentality, remember , that course, like other strikers who I office In Westfield, a few miles ...... ea. 9c Evaporated Milk ...... 3 cans 25c abor demonstrations. In several have briefly deserted their Jobs Every year a one-ton birthday- - 'I " reverse. Seems to ^ Ifnyn here. Peas or Stringless Beqns . BEEF , taaee the police sailed in and there that Is a mete speculation on your Kansas City—(JPt— Judge Emory football the raw. Two Hurt In Crash .2 qt.s. 25c Pitteil D ates...... T'^-or. pkg. 17c i Lb. 18c Sm. BH.2for25c forgetfulneaa; show him you see for the same sort of reasons. For cake is cut by a Los Angeles de­ rare injuries and arrests. A crowd H. Wright let it go with a mild labor is working hard these days Walnut Meats ...... 1/. ib. 33c through him and punish him by partment stare. The making of Get* FInanrIal Lift government arms factory work- reprimand when he caught a juror because laboring men know a Torrington. Nov. 14.—i^pv—Shir­ Radi.shes - Cucumbers - Broccoli - Sprouts Lar9e BH. 29e your disdain. reading a book during trial of a this mammoth cake requires 260 Varied Uses i Lb. 35c 2 cans 49c ire marched to the home of the British weakness Is lack of abun­ 372 ley Detlessen, 21. of 1246 Baidw-in -Leaks X Honeydews - Parsnips • Lettuce • 9— A decent enemy after defeatJ4.550 lawsuit. But when Roy pounds of butter, pounds of Fort Bragg, N. C.—(gv_The ^resident and practically under its deserves msgnanimity; the Jew dant man-power, and they are de­ sugar, 382 pounds of flour. 3600 street, Waterbuty and May Scha- Tomatoes - Grapes - Pears. and manv more rtndows came to blows with Cramer, Jr., dozed off -to sleep it The prolific cocoanut palm tur- KELLER’S great white father haa given Lieut. lOBser, 19, of 230 Lounabury street. Our Grocery Department is complete In 6UNKLST SEEDLESS isn’t so; he Just pntends he is. termined that employers, too, eggs, 3 quarts of vanilla and 400 niahea Item s LARGE GRAPEFRUIT EATING AND s*oopa. There was shooting and was too much. The judge excused island natives with wo<^ I Charlea A. Allen a nnanclal lift. Waterbury. were admitted to the Mn be purchased at our fruit and OR.WGES 10— Jews are to blame for the shall put in the long hours of pounds of Icing. for houses, boats and utensils; its respect. You can buy almost every- - line workers died. him and both sides agreed to pro­ work which'they themselves now I He’a just received hia aonual Cbarlotte Hungerford hospital to­ vegetable department. COOKING AI*PLES war’s treatment; they get from ceed with 11 jurors. leaves, when young, are eaten; MEN'S W EAR check from the United Statea In­ thing and anything in our store. rTear was generally expressed us ju st what they deserve; they have. ' Ptoneen Registered day with Injuries received in aii when the leaves get old, they terior Department U aeems that automobile accident on the Avon- doz. 4 lor 25e bat the incident would give rise have more than earned tt. ' Ooverament. ESIcieiicy make hats, baaketa, cloth, fana. • a nationwide outbreiak. But a Small Army Cnlt Likewise, they want the Gov­ 887 MAIN StREET Alien is part Oneida Indian. Under New Hartford road. A car driven Ooebbels warned that regulation A aectlon is the aecond smallest ‘•Register a sU te park bedding, paper, and tljatch; the an pid treaty members of this tive nrlclU* The telephone for QuaUty Merchandise at competi- o i moderation became Im- of the Jewish question is a mat­ ernment to do the same. For near Guernsey, Wyp.. is 17 time# riba .are made into arrows, torches, by Iflaa Detleaaen left the road at CELERY' FRESH ai^arent. wa^-strength unit In the United though the government'4iaa the Next To Green A Cold I tribe and tbeir descendants each a sbbrp curve. The car wras dem<>l- letL f i theoai* « EWridge, that has been doing busi- V. ICEBERlS LETTUCE ter for'the state and said the pop- States Army. Oohaisting of JO to as high aa it is sride. Thousands and paddles; the flowers yield * Ek^ leaders / publicly upper hand always In a nation at yaar muat be given five yArds of isfaed. Mtaa Detfeasen has an-fo-'.| ness-for the past 25 years.. .is now the busiest little spot in town. Come in and set STRING BEANS ulatjkm must not mix into the af> 35 men. it is commanded by a of ploneera on the old Oregon wine; vinegar, and sugar; the I calieo—or' a cash etjulvalent. This Large tb t HA Poti^^ proBBleed ftOr. ' war. labor era and the men v A Trail carved their names on this Bake Shop., jured Jaw and MUa Schaloaser has >| .c,u.lnlri will, M.rk.t. To.1l DiW It .m -rth ud Ihrift,. sergsant ; f^ t.is eaten, an(i its husk makes I time it jtmbunted to 57 centa. head injuries.'- j| 2 Bunches. head labor’e .ranka that any fov-i|«rpen

saas ,3 \ -.-ii. 'is!.'! f-.-;7y.V».v,s<'


At the Qrcle Saturday Only Avon and Country ClUb roada and .Moss, assistant U. S. attorney iLLi.C iiLiiLiv ^VL.Ni.Ntj llLKALiD, ,)iAvNLill:,&i CUNN. t'K lU Al, ,s'u\ E.MBER 11, 11)41 New Reservoir Couple and Baby owned by Paul Aliano, waa one the southern district of N ew Yorl| PAGE THIRTEEN' Deny Auto Junkyard of the oldest In town. The los.s, and special aulstant In the easter Savetl by Aiitoist of wh^ti no estimate wius avail­ district of New York. New Jersejl Soon Complete able. i.s Partly covered by Insur­ and Connecticut, resigned today t<| SERIAL STORY ance. A .shed ami bam on the enter private, law practice. I Deaths Last Night Bid After Hot Hearing Avon. S o v. 14— f/Ti A pa.xsirig plate were not diyinaged but the Throygh his efforla as proaectil Work in the North End motorist who ..ma.ihcd a window house was too far gone when fire­ lor of .amusement t.ax evasions ill notified Mr. and Mrs. Gordon men arrived to he .saved. .N'ew York, New Jersey and Conf FOR THE LOVE OF PETE! ‘ Yoehiro Raka- Is Ten Days .Ahead of Trapp that the hoiise wa.s ablaze necticut, fines and penalties totnll tAni, 78. elevated frcim baron to Zoning Board of Ap­ New Red Chief shortly after midnight thi.s morn­ ling approximately $2,SOO,OfM) w eril BY BURTON BENJAMIN eomrsiaHt. i»4i. viscount by the emperrir after he NCA •CRVICt. INC. liecame III Tuesday peals Refuses to Allow Its .Sehediile Now. ing in time for them to c.scapc Not l>ollM>Htlo1ha)l star I’ete “These g-uya are good. Th<-v re | mii I-antlrm' ryr.s Be Ex]ianVled. eannot be railed domestic animals. Quivering .\spen tough They're bigger than you | southwest s desert and mountains nc‘W re.sorvoir of the Manc^e.atei A niimher of wed.ling pre.sent.s I liAlrd, pursued hy iivovle iirtmm ^Vo^!^ockl \Yalkrd over to Petr. and two chest.s of silver in the at­ It takes .so long for a young ohe to Linemen—you'll have to charge W ater C'ompnnv will he c(jnipleted Thoii.sand.s of ppoplp atill belicvJ I Stephanie Htevena, who la slvly ■ phouldrr went the fifnt time hr New Y o rk —P.lehard Pitman, 67 A ncighborlux-xl's ponsonal wash­ tic, iiropcrtv of .Mr. Trapps .si.s- grow up that it is cheaper to catch harder and fa.sler than you linve about ten day.s ahead of. .«»fhedule. wild one.s. in that aiiper.stition originating ill I w ing him for hJa piibUcIty value. trjrd to u?c It ■■ he growled •'Well, who represented niany Broadway tcr. -Mrs William Kalher, were all season Backs - you can ! loaf ing WB.s hung I’Ut to air in public The right or north win^ of the nncli'iit Kgypt, that tin- a.spen le a f I Stephanie's oompllments and at- big xhot, you were the guy who and Hollyzriod stijrs during a 20- lost. .Mrs Kalbor is living with a mln'ffe " ■ last night aa thr Zoning Board of .spillway, haa been poure>ntiniietfl) ;-^pafforr) 6J, former national com ­ pased extension of the premise.^ of The house. lornt.Tl at West a fleet of trunks were exravalln- New York. N’ov. 14 OD- Jesse aspen wood. Iphreys. his lieet friend and loom hole 'Ijin d crs st.irl;. at ipiarter- mander of the .\ merlean-I^eglon the Pantaleo automobile junkyard I the south bank of the new re.^er- I captain, George l.anders. l oiu-h back tomorrow." he .-n.ipped I vst ' I ttiP road.s .Minnesota vva« on an attemi't made to carry on di.a- .1 I being wheeled into position to corn- important to keep the lenm lo- , field when they j(5xgedJiSgged outm for vrr'atile entertainers nf' stage, (len. Boris M. .Slinposhnikov, wtirk. is it best tr> eat first or rest , a careful search is made. Pura at a cloudlaf cussion after the he.aring had lieen 1 I plete the excavating of about 20.- first Igether. I 'heir warnpips Big, t^igh and serc-n and radio, the Four Ink declared . lo.sed he Chairman Ray- j alioce. succeeds Cion. O. K. M»00 yard.s of fill along where the r.irigy wa.- right. And CMfident .Spots, in person, America's great- Answer: The wisest plan is to I (Removing Superfluous llalri In thm tkyl mond Goslee | Zi’.uknv. onetime defense vice i Wilson brook was formerly locat­ vs. Minnmvota too \ e^st quartet, ereators of "If 1 lUdn't cnmmi.s.-ar. as Hu-sian aimv he down and rest for at least half Iteii.i I’elittmi i ed. The brook i.s now piped ff»r a QueMion: ‘Toflstant Reader” in­ CSsipher X "A break m.ay win this ga^W" Care " and other song hits, stieh a:- end Health Market an hour b» fore eating the evening ' In executive session aftt r th e ' chief of st.-ilT in effort to stiffen (listaru e of about one half a mile quires: “ Plca.se inform me w-hat Foods You^ll Enjoy Dugan .-.aid as they came In frh. ."M.y Prayer. " "M aybe." "r>o 1 meal. The tired person needs rest Slowly, unstcadyly. without battle, the Board voted unfavor-^ Soviet rcMidance, the cause of superfluous hair (.n final Instructions. ".Make vour own W o r r y " and many others too nu­ Thanksgiving Is Right Around The Corner, Folks' Get Your Orders \ ea.*»twar*i and is feet one .s*clnm which has Warm drink before guung to bed tinning of the dm tie.ss gland.s; FOR A TASTY ME.M I.OAE receive •■ff'.g, a'-ballad I'-ballad in a manner | cnhnMt I n| thf I uncorked a fourtli-quarter pass to er owner .c»f the land utiicti the.!' "nipl.uiit id bf. n trimmed up and is swuling I ii.ive trouble in dr.qiping off to i however cases have i»(‘en reroiil'-d Itoitstinif ( hifkcn'i. Extra Ean,’\, l.arifo. unlike anything y<^u ever he.ird be ■ I HEALTH MARKET ‘'.ml lhal th*-re \ eat, Reef and Poi tv'll round. IW onsocki to tie it up and returned It seemed that .all S9.(K)0 were brothers desire to Imy for expan- | •'alian rlulis the ‘Aatcr thnnigh the gatehouse slei p and it seems to me tiial 1 i where th»‘ e.xtcrnal apfdication of -st .''i/.f, .-) i,(^ 7 pounds i-ach. p Eh...... ; l a punt to the l.l-yanl line fre.m on their feet screaming Pete Bion purpises, Thi.s land Is located , *''‘ d Im i ii on niafle ^ I to the present reservoir Two more go to slei‘[» mon* quickly if I tlnnk an irritant has prodiKed an a'l- eoiiMn I even hear the whi.stle over or the .sooth side ,,f Hora< e street i' b.'rg. .d .seilmg li,|urd' on .Sunday. 29c J where Joey Ander.son klekeil a DOUGHNUTS are ne« cssary to keep the over­ .-nmething warm, sin h as a glas.s Lower Round Oround. e* p» normal growth Superfluous hiir I.'*...... 35c llleld goal In the wiii.ing minute-. the din but he sn-.v .Minnesota ad- oriPfc-nte the present .site o f lh e . M it h .d li.r s.niilar ..rg;im/..il mns flow from getting into pre.sent ef riiilk. before going to bed ' :\ ' may be harmle.^-'lv r.moved 1 v They Just eked oi.i a vvlu a' : V in-'e ufion the hall and the game Clerk*H Advic^ junkyard Attorney .la'y K Itut.i- ' nJo'O'g >h; lu ■ ns. pnv.Uge, supply. It u.is (piite a feat to con­ Answt r: ('unsiderable evidem »• ' iL'-ing one of the w;i\ an i ro.; n ('hick,‘IIS for Kriiiv,* or Roa-tini;, .'Icdiiim l;'»...... 35c j '.Vas on \ now appeared for the petitioners. stated ne nn.iiglit it only fine the watfTH from th«* Wilson iia.s Hi'ciimulated to substantiate Si/,‘, each— ( hiiek Reef (.round. iTowa when Pete scooted S4 yard.-. p»-epaiations The reh.'f. h o . - v r . Ifor the only touchdown in a ragge.i c dozen He told the Board that his client ifa ir t" giaj.t tlie |.etiti..n hrof>k to a pipe line and to keep Uie theory that sounder sleep is I It was a long spinning kickfriT No! So K\j)(^| 17 L b ...... i.A (.nlv temj'orar v 29c I that came in Laird s direction. He riesire.R to pur. ha.se the W illiam - ] ,, heiin.-l Appeal liraiit.al it separat**d 'from the dirty water enj»iy«‘d wh.*n a warm diink or ] * * me. Purdue and Ge.,rc:a Tech ^re.shl> Made l.amli Patties. O C j h.-iekrd up to receive If sa'S' Lan- tract, hoard it in with an oight “ i" r,..d oi two years .Mrs which IS pumped constantly to the s*ime light food is taken lust be- 98c and $1.19 jw e re easier, hut .v^tate l.-iekf-l the Hale’s Qualitv foot high whilr woo.len fenoo. I . N I '■ risl. "..is gr.intcluiicu theine I j.oml about three quarters of retiring. Some such mea.^ure (\er\e Killed In Tnolh) Raeon wrapped, l.li...... i b O C Jrip and cni.-hlng p-e.ver of the derh C'lt m front to block, and set t'ainp .'ite'xart, Ga ,T'--B rig build within this enolosure a j ' ’P 'oa'e i io rinel at • ...... MMV he used hv the patient wi’o Que,..t;on: JoliJi.-,.-,!! J ' n I r,‘sh I'ul-rp Ell'll for a nice Chicken ■ first tw’o games .Mthni.gb the hlm..e|f This one. would be for G'-n James I. Frink -vent to a mile awav. .Ptephanle, wrecking shed ami ronline his ao- I-*' 'e ii.ln .i sti.-.t Killed Three Tillies w i.slie.s temporary reliet in pn*- the nor\ •• :s kdl.*d m a t* •< -l h d. Iteam as a whole 1n.-i s.,m-- pres- store to puretia.M- f-e.d for a pri­ Ericas-,e,‘. ,‘ach— A DEl.lClorS (OMRINA'ITON— The h.ill hit his arm.'* hr jijjf. • Aay^bQ, try Swan Soap, wonchoo? tual junkinp npemtiona to thus i Fdward Kell**y. superintendent \enlmg insomnia. However, the tins mean that th* Tootivv. dl K-mi- Itlg e . Laird gained fair., a.- tlie.-e.i- vate dinn.'-f pai-tv As h” ordered j (H-tuge Knie ab.-<, • ss, ,) I IYER .\M) RA(ON I son rolled along \t riter.s i ali.-d x'if'd i» m omrntarllv and -IruppM each Item, the el.--rk qiie-tioned his For face o^bsby, silk or wool - Swan I right to 11 an.slt i h loaf naid. would be u.^fd-only for .stnr- .s e 1 d 1 ng bII.sI• lontraetors, will pour the footings ne.s.M p.rnianantly is to firul Uu- .Answer- U’hen Uu- nerv.* of n (ieniiine Calves’ l iver, ^ ^ I him the king of sport.' for li'll I 1^ Ox An(!rr.«on, Minrirsola’#* m x - judgment of quantity. Tlie kibitz- i la simply wohder-fool! i M**sS I f , iiu .',0 » i.i k liet-l to UT:) 98c and $1.19 ! right-inrh md. bearlnsj a^re of iicrap for the core wall which will la* A ill be permitted Native I’iirs" l.iver, - A mm around the propo.s.’d new yar.l site n»‘W reservoir, some time tialay In be, au.s*‘ one has eaten too nun h ' filled to tile end a l.\«» family submitted a [.rlition against th.‘ addition to the power shrivels a at night, or bf'iause (me has taken : [lo.s.sdile that an abscf.N.', \\ d! l*>rm L b Itoward I'niversity Town. Hemie time Hr ri.uMn t fjti rither. for his o'.vn fam ily I SWAMt-OI dwelling at :;o7 Highland .stn**-i...... 27 c plan A .smaller p.tition eml.>rs- hull dozer has he«*n working long •So little piiysical exercise during ! if th»‘ p-itient i). ,orn.-; M'. ivit,-d. Ronelc-s Rollcf! Oven R'i;^>;f Reef or Rone- leiitler Calves' l.iver. Western, iB ierm an had another gre.it Minne- Andrrson hit him *A't(h a vrci'uic " Y e s " the I'lerk r< plie.l "Th.at .■ a p m i link w ill he fi* r- a to ta a / . Ing it wflfl brf*ught in am rit''wa.d'''''‘ hr»urs to k«‘r*p ?ihr*ad of tile silovels the day tliat he is not really tired. This Will pro.lm-r a I'-m , poi.-oil- la o ta te a m t'ndefeated and untied, t.irlilf .-intl srrit him sprawlinj^. nutl*d to Miiike alt.ration.s to a l,‘«.s ('ro^s ( ill for a ni<-e Pol Roasi. ^ ^ 1.1)...... why I feel I kno-A something abou' j ON TNt tAOOl \ found that *m tl,#* two pctitHms and tile tn ak s which are carting By «lis(overing the cau.se in your ' ing w hiiii Will ( au.se ,»tii« r di.<- H 'm ir [»r,ber. j;rrat Giiphrr tackle, i f \ liou.se at t»{< .\i;liinm strtet. lot.-il- 39c Iw riters labeled it the "finest eol- nom^ .Hign^^d both Th^ .mgnci.s the till away. Whep rompIet(*ii. particular case and then remov- eas. s, B»*( aii.s*' of tile a h ., - i, th.* ...... 35c I lection of talent in the country pounerd on th** ball cin Statr'js "H ow niAKv are ui ...or fani Join our hoj-f of satisfied customers who arc ♦ii at a pninh inarei tiian (he le- thrre-vard.Jmr. I Tuna In every w ash: otACii a Uin Sugar 2 jiought to explain thrlr tuo-tim lng thr* res«*rvoir will be fiilr*d at least ;ig that cau.se, \mu will find that tooth must usually be ren;o\.d. quir»‘d di.''tam-e Jr? ted * (iiniiine Sprint l.anili i-eir-. ^ Ipbers have no Laird That may Three. ' th*- clerk re.'pouded MCMOf tURNS • eAOl WHinMAN 1 what waa involved in the rantalco bermonient your head hits KainMy. hr-hoard thr crowd roar* Ocean .Spn^.v damaged in the HL'l.K times and then Mibmitled to the 'regard. (I hv d»‘nt:sts as Pot* t:al I make the difference' “ Do you kno'w h-iw manv peopir other poultry items for Thanksgiving Day. hurn< anc, the i>iTNw and aft(*r tin t you will in^' ns he drap(;(?d hlmaelf to hie request State Board r>f Health for final trouble-m;ik» rs \\'h,-n th- ...... 33c " - 35c 39c Landers' injury mended .'lowly 1 feed three times a 'dav"" the 1 he \ f r anda b« ing ih* P"int hit. no longemKeed to give any tiiought fert Hr wiprf! a trirklr of blood Except for the fairly strenuous apf'roval. m tin* nioulii. I hell, ve tl;-* s.i'est In # left the hospital in a week Imt Gf neral Inquire-I to the pr,mWn of whether you I'oia's of ! mill, lioned and rolled 1| Q fr'ipi hi.s no5r. iurnrrl to walk back resistance of Chairman on vv ish, l.l)...... I y C Ik e p t him out of eonlaet wgak. hop- G.-neral q'iar'.erir.asttT who pre.- SWAN SOAP Insomnia or slfu^e.ssness i.s not a r curedcornei r e e f iPK ''■* I’-nn on the ^;r(»und would have snat« hed control of tho lloj>e Rising ■ not infected. SI (; ) lin g to get him In shajie for .Minn- vii|i rneai.' lor -\rmv peis-mnel in Includes healthful meat; I ’Uvrrfl crowded around him hearing and l-Tanci* R. Wilson, one Rill ,ir Navel Corned Reef. ^ |•0ta. Andy Roskauer w.a.s a hopiaL the entire K-.iirth ''-.rp ' area, in­ NIW WHITI FLOATING Native Er,‘-.h Shoulders. .I to and a.« thrv Inafi#.] hfm nri a fi* Id \ of the opiH'sition, living at 173 Men ils la t quarterback hut that va,' formed., him ^lincy Mixed Fruit Your vitamins served this icoy (m eat) Wetherell street, had to be repeat­ r.nvo> s Saf<‘ () pounds each. I.h...... Lb...... 12c “ tret, her I^ lrd M w hix fR^r, for ' I i.'t ,ih,,:p a half million " Lf • I* eawPAWY Ma»a. \ \\>ek’t Supply 27c iBbout all. Sure make a treat. edly quieted when he failed to ob- l-ane.v Roneless Rriskel or O O Anne Humphrey s romance wiih rve the rulingH of the chairman (('onttiiiied from Page One) First Prize Fre>h Dressed I’ork lo Roast, Churk Pieces. I.b...... ^ * ^ C j P ete Laird was dead a.s a 'loil for FriHl" Cakes lb. 39c ECO.VOMICAI, TREAT! ndtJ {1* rsmted m argument. AVil- For (iood Health Rc^conimen ded Rih Cut. ^ ^ Sirloin Flank Corned Reef, W hole, ^ ^ I decided the campii.- iihe and l^i -i sop a. i «tiiise. however, was general earlier reports to the contrary. The i Lest Yo^ Forget! Iders were inseparable reople s/.. ,• and tX^re was much hack-bitmg By .Mc<.'oy Health Service .") ( o fi pounds each, lb...... 4 b O C ' OH, AUNT JENNY, lafr'.st f^riti.sii mr*a.s'igr*s in Teheran ! ...... 31c |took their affair for granlcl GOSH HONEY, I CANY WAIT TIU. All Kinds of fancy Quality Dates Lamb Fore Roast lb. 17c ail arouH^i. ) I HAVE THE WORST, .‘•ani the ,-raft had md left Kuiby­ ,'=;.\TrRI)\V IS THE r,A.Sl D O F Pete Laird secluded him.'-elf tl.- y o u BRING 'EM TO THE TABLE. Cook with bonejn— or cushion sty le— or rolled. Majority Opposexl -Memis supRested for the week LUCK WITH M Y. shev until WrulnesdaV. I became the hermit of I'lilvci.'Uy At VerY Low Prices. For all tNj commotion, one fact beginning Simdav, November 16 11 For the Best Selection, Lenve Your Order for the THEY LOOK A N D SMELL Plonip, .Meaty stood out clearly. The great ma­ 1!HI. IT owu and, apparently reli.sh'- l if S 0 6 0 0 0 ■ He lived alone. Lander,' having jority rrf the 'neighhorhootl re.si- Rpfis Still Have ,\f* Sunday: _ NOVt/ denta wont In a*‘»*'rM» rxten.S(*in “ f a ■______Turkey and Avoid Disopp^infmenf. I found other quarters Fowl Cut Up eo. (59e Mru's Ahimt Plane Breakfa.st Coddled cri.sp | FOSTER'S Fancy Fruit Cakes junkyard husine.s*i\or any other bacon; waffle ihn'iwned thru,; Pulses quickened in I'niMil-il\ i business m Uuir li^lily. Condi­ Tr*hr'ian. Iran. .\ov. l i ifi p rn' ) .slewi.d prunes. AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT iT ow n as tho week of the .Minne- tions Ht a aandpit aining tne V Tile Sovif t r inl.»a.s>y said Limcb One kind of a,id fruit; 1 I sota game dawned Ton.se w itij ex. 1^ Lb. 29c 2i Lb. 55c Large Fowl Broifera I ’antaU'o pla* e w n e c il*^ ti.i.s evening tiiHt it .still had no ■gla.sa of milk. ' Pre«Holiday Said! Iciteroent. no one t.ilked nr tliouglii ' Speakers agmnst Uie ■'petition nr'w.s r>f tile pi,me in whii h H. .S Dinner Roa.st rabbit: whole­ Our Ow n Raked Reans, C,)fTee Rings, Sugar Fnisled, j o f anything else, Profe'ssoi .S inun.l ' Roasting Chickens last night advis/l the Roai^ that .•\inluus'*;i4lor I..;iurence .*\. Stein- , l.av er Cakes, a choice of EEAYE YOl R ORDER FOR HOLIDAY Spry F l f U f lA V O / i Whole Wheat Raisin Muffins destroy the .».pj.enrnn< e ot the Breakfast Di.sh of whole-wheat | PIES A M ) FRl IT ( AKES EARI.Y Imlnisfaed. lion. \(rom Kuibyshev, Kiissla. niu.sh witli butter or cream: st,iw- ajfain . . . So Stock I'p! .Ml advertised prices in our itYnt's. each...... Claiming that with a Junkyard ^\^’iie Russian emii.i.sHV .said it ed rai.sin.s. TO AYOIO DISAPPOINTMENT! It waa g sellout - 89.000 seats on 29c lb. 2 lbs. 57c Veal Roast hn\receiver1 up to nightfall no re- half paKe advertisement Wedne.sday nisht will prevail Eaatern Cut and sandpit the ru-ighborhmid now Lunch Combination salad of over the week-end! lliatld and'oc order. I're.s.s bejx rea- Real ENERGY builder* Kancy is standing enough without exten­ ports\ from eltiier south Ru.s.sian lettuee, celery and parsley; whole­ FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES jcrvatlons rained in. "The game of and so good tasting! sion of either. Mrs. Mildred Swan- r*r north Ir.mian airftejinn,’ r Ftoast mutton; carrots I I Standing m Uie hallway were Cour ]i rup Fpry them, however. ( laiming that they sia, anute tb'Jhe ped cream if desired. I flew into his .arms and kiased turn cup tufar riend's Mince Meal c.n 27c Block Chuck Roost lb. 25c I,ocql^ Medium Eggs, Focal. Strictly Fresh. Te t t e r mediate irilereal. Fnited Sl tte**. N'o anxiety w\s Wednesday: SHORTKMNt; I hungrily. Sift flours with baking p.jerdrr. rigar Breakfast — Cottag* cheese; F’ancy, Large, r» jp silver Lane—Ra-ret Farther still reri'ioved was Frank exp-rsiS' d, how. \er. Fairmont, X i| O "Hello, Pete, niy boy. ' Win.Hbij) »od ^ t . Cut io Spry.. C ut in raiatnr. ^heed-pineapple (canned,. P. f’lamy who had to have his say Eggs I 2 doz. 85c dozen ...... O O C Pure \ egetable. Roy­ latlrrad him out of hi.s giddiness (.Qinbtna egg ao(j tnilk. Turn bquids ^-unch Dish of cooked string] lb...... HAC into dry n^edirata and ftir rigoroualy Birds Eye Limas pkg. 25c in the matter ('la m y saui he wius al .Scarleti None Better! I The publlnty agent was dressed beans; turnip salad. until ii] flour ie dampeard. In Mixed Pickles speaking a.s a public .spinted citi­ Pure Lard. Land O’ Lakes, Isomethlng lik e 'a circuii- barker «t. 27c Duller -Broiled steak; cooked I pane in bot ovrn zen who lives f)U Benton street an*l Public Records Spry 3-ib. can 55c" 2 lbs...... & / € •l-pound C T - I "H ow are you, kid? Steph and I '.LeS F.) 18 to 20 miautra. Makrg 12. L ampDeu ■ drives pa.«t the jurikyarM every day spinach't- celery and n p « oljves; [ -Armour’s, 2 lbs, .. 29c li-Oc. Bottle Bort OIney pnme whip. can ...... ^ # V ■ figured you'd be surprl.sed. Could- on bus way l wi.rk. He d«M'sn't like Rumford Cottage Chee.se (YermonH, In't miss this game, though Got TP/e FlAtrOR SA!^£R - it. H’arrantr^ Thursda^^ Mixed Nuts lb. 25c 1-pound w c Tomato Soup Cans , Breakfast XrFrench om elet; flaking PowdCr, laom e ducats, tdo— right on the .Vi Ketchup Asked i.y a spectator why he By warranti’r ffonl property on carton...... /IWV Lr-"..... 20f I behind your bench. W hat a game; 2 Bii, 25c didn I travel A diffeient n>ute, toa.sted rercsi' biscuit; stewed] 12-oz., c a n ...... 21c Oak fitrcft at ,II, iia ooff has boon prunes. ■ k. ' IW e'll be yelling for you. won't we. Clanc-y wa.s toid hv ('hairman (Jos- oonvcyl'il by the .\!iim hesler Pitted Dates, . 1b. 19c Ib a b y ? " Hale'a Qnallty lee that he 'iidn t m*ed to an.swer. Lunch Asparagus (canned or] Browhic Brand Realty .diniianv lo John It. Allen. Fancy Diamond Sun Maid ■■ 4% '"Vt'tll w e ? " Stephanie dismissed The variou.M s[H.k* .omen a.s mui h ns fresh I: -cup custard. I’enillt \Yalnut .Meats, Mince Meat, I him with a nod "I'll see you to- Hi Ho Crackers speaking on th» m.-nt.s of the peti- r> V. . V . J ' t’inner — Roast po>k: baked Currants ,pkg...... l i C C •i lb...... 2-lb. jar . ] morrow. Ijirry " Orange Pekoe Tea Lb. 58c *z-Lh. Cellophane Bag liop argue,1 or, the Iwisim ss de- ri'p w Flow- ground beets and carrots; stewed 29c Royal Scarlet 25c PATTERSON’S MARKET Mushrooms ' lb. 25c "Sure. Steph. 1 get you." Wln- •• pen>b»bilily of Um- petiti.jiiers and rd R, Hastings to erect a single ,tomatcats (cannedt; celery and None-Such Currants, Fancy. T Q Royal Scarlet -Iw.-lling on W.-llnian road lor carrot salad. Delicious ■ ■blp winked. "So long, kid " ! 3386 ______101 CENTER STREET Hald'a Preah often tjtt't to he i-tjactid to " ‘••'Alfred F. r.iihox to cist $I.6(.M>. .Mince Meat, •Mince .Meat, Pete watched him swagger out ' Subject hy the , hairiimn. Friday: package ...... l 7 C , I Walnut Meats '\|,pll,'uti„n 2 pkg.s...... door and turned to .Stephanie. Charle.s Lalhrop and Karl ■ J | Breakfast Baked eggs Melba 21c 2-lb. j a r ...... Ithe Ajrpl.i ation for a marriage li- White Rai.sins, ^ jm 33c r T m still numb, darling"' he said. Red Bag Coffee Lb. AMorted Campbell, the foti-iei a resulent o f' toa.st: .stewed raisins. Apples 16-qt. bskt. 50c Royal Scarlet cen.se has h,-< n fi|,-,l at the office l.i-oz. pkg...... I O C Royal Scarlet She clung to him. and he kia.'etl the area, faVored the petition Lunch -Rice en rasserols, salad Lean ' Pitted Dates, I ,, . , ...... of the toAi; cp.rk hv .Spirito V. s- of shredded lettuce. Sun Maid •Mince Meat, Iher again. "Alwhys kiss me like ^ m p b e ll .said he thought the e r e ,.;,o and Hehn Ko.sak both „ f Fancy, 8-oz. pkg. .. ■ that, sweetheart. " she .'aid liuskliy. Chocolates Don of a fence woul.l shield the i thi.s town Dinner — Broiled .white fish; 17c .Seedle.ss Raisins, ' All Kinds of Fancy Olives l.ayer Figs, New 9-oz. pkg. 2pkgs. 19c I The door interrupted them. Pete | objeclionahle view ,n a jui.kyar.l. ' Kxc ulor's Dee,| I beets; pumpkin (canned); vege- Ground Beef 2 lbs. 49c l.'S-oz. pkg...... I w C ■ the bird we choollfTor you^‘‘‘ For tabletable salad molded in gelatin, Fresh Crop, S-oz. pkg. ... 15c lanawered. It was Alex Simms, lo. Plain . . . Stuffed . . . or Ripe In h . ! Bv , Xecutor s'de,-.l propertv of i-on.sisting of chopped celery, Pumpkin, Fancy (lolden, |csl reporter, with a photographer. ' " W hst do you want. A le x ? " askevi j Boxed Candy thl? hi, cheThad b.er ■>" .string beans and minced tomatoes. FRUIT BASKETS Candied Cherries and Pine­ Royal .Scarlet, 4% p» . •No dessert. I Pete with annoyance. ' on their business for ,ner three U , T,(^.„h K and H ,hv A ^ V Shoulders lb. 25c .Saturday; Made To Order apple in Kulk, 4 p 2 Igst. c a n s ...... d C D C "Understand Stephanie Stevens j Fancy Anchovies and Many Other years and now needs to expand *0 I,.-’ , Large 5-S-Poond Roa.sting lia here. Pete. Boss.wants a picture .engage In a trade deemed vital to I Breakfast—Dish of berries With •'4 lb...... I D C Native Roattting Chickens. 5 to 7 pounds Squash, Royal Scarlet. Fan­ I and atory." I Appetizers. national defense. He noted that it,, . glass of milk. Lemon and Orange *| ^ Pot Roasts...... 30c to 38c lb. Luneh -Steamed carrots isprin­ 75c r cy, Solid Pack, « p» "Nothing doing," Pete moved to FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES originally no one had o p p o s e d ,^ ” '"’ ' ' “ ■'’•A. property has Chickens lb. 29c Veal Roasts...... 27c Ib. Anoour'i Star establishment trf the yard, and he I ' Cirlando and kled with chopped celery i; lima Come In and .Select Them Peel, 'i lb...... l O C Igst. c a n ...... I D C |abut the door. | Native Fowl. 5 to 6 pounds___ . . . ..32c lb. stated he consideV>l it unfairly ■ B.OSC M .Mon,oni to Suzanne B beans; cabbage salad.- •3'iJ*ound Average Early! Mixed Fruit in "Why, darling." Stephanie held i Boneless Rolled Chuck...... 32c lb. Boneless Veal Roast...... 32c Ib. Phillips by warrantie ileed Friend’s Ihls arm. "That's not-fair. We've | penalleed his client tp lestn cl hiiii I Dinner- Sliced cheesy; aspara- Bulk, lb...... Roa.st Beef (rolled if desired).. .30c-35c lb. FreshXalves' Liver...... 6.ic Ib. Lard ______2 tb.. now when, it was ■daimed, due pre­ ttiiltclalin gu«: turnips: salad of grated raw Wright’s .Mince Meat, Igot to give the press its due." ______Ib. 17c Cut-Up Fowl eo. 89c Pet# sighed and opened thS dpor. I Fresh or Salted Brisket R olls...... 28c lb. caution, will be taken to safeguard Properly on Tolland Turnpike carrots on lettuce; small dish of Silver Cream Polish, Citron, Fancy, large- can , I Baby Beef Liver...... 32c Ib. the preMnt condition of the neigh­ has been conveyed by quitclaim stewed fruit. Sheffield in Bulk, q lb...... iThs two newspaper men entered. Softasilk Cake Flour borhood. ,leed lo KUiyle M. Knofla by Kni- *Cup Custard: Beat three whole 8-oz. j a r ...... 21c Gros.se & BLickwell Mince ■They posed fo r a few pictures, ma A KnoHa. eggs and add a cup and a half of Cherries arid ISimina asked aome rouUne ques- CENTER-CUT ROAST PORK (young and taslv) m lu ____ bch. 9c Those opposed to the Pantaleo .Meat with Brandy, i| A - PA’TTERSON’S SCOTCH HAM (best v o u e v e r haii)...... !?' request suggested he could os well sweet milk, a cup and a half of Milk 6 cons 50c NEW CROP NUTS! Pineapple, Ittons and prepared to leave. You Swansdown or Snosheen Cake Flour Larg* Btmcli, Fre.)i 30-oz. j a r ...... HVC ■folks planning on early elope* bt y land at some remote spot as In seedleaa raisins and. a teaapoonful Seal of Merit Mixed Nuts, Our Own Se­ 3-oz. p k g ...... (linkTor sliced) ^ ...... o?f 5* the area he plans, where property m f feretice of vanilla extract. Pour into cus­ 1 •‘>-ounce |ment?“ he asked at the door. Beets or Carrots j vaJuea m ight be affected, tard cups, being careful to dls- lection, O O . * Orange and Lemon "See us after the season," paSS n'.s '' yw. uv- . : ;is e ib; 24c package Three minutes of snowfall I tribute the raisins evenly. Place j a r ...... llaughed Stephanie" "Isn't that i W ithout Opp'osiUon the Italian- Peas 4 cons 50c lb...... Arc Peel, .i-oz. pkg, .... NEW ENfiLAND OYSTERS (saperior in nuslllvi...... 3 m Ih. nidppi. . ■ YELLOW GLOBE TURNn»S...... Iba. 15e Ajaerican club waa granted the would pile up more than two feet the cups in a shallow'pan of hot ■right, darling? " Pete nodded va- of snow on your Melcwalk If snow Brazil Nuls, larg^, Cut Mixed Fruit, GENIM.NE LAMB LEGS (“ i K S ...... right to apply for a club liquor water and bake in a moderate Bell’j? Sea.soning, |cantly. FRESH BROCCOLI...... '...... bunch Ifc fell as fast as rain does in a trop­ oven until custards are slightly Sugar 10 lbs. 55c polished, l b ...... A w Q 3-oz. pkg...... FXdays before games were tra- FRESH BRUSSELS SPROUTS...... 2Se license for premises at 135 Eldridge ical cloudburst. package ...... Mince Meat ^Lb. Jar 2 7 c street, leas than . 1,000 fe et from browned on top. You w ill find that Pecan Nuts, IdiUonally hectic, but this one was Honey Brand Bacon...... SWEET. JUICY GRAPEFRUIT ...... k the raisim, make the custard aweet > s • • ■ 38c Iba Uaisy Hams...... the point of operation of other per­ soft shell, Ih. .... A ^ C SPRY 3-LB. SPECIAL! Stickney’s Ready To Use ■mors so. Pete went to clas.ses in Smoked Shoulders...... as 40c Iba S e m Soch NO. 1 QUALITY MeINTOSH APPLES .. ^.... .5 fto. S i : mits. enough without adding augar or Fancy Grapes 3 lbs. 25c ■ the morning and met Stephanie . . . .29c ib. Lean Ham Rolls...... Mostly Native* honey. Serve with a little plain or iVj lbs. at usual C Q . Stuffing, « v Nice Fresh Shoulders ..... • a . a • ^46C llfa Appearing for the club w e r e Walnuts, large \ 29c ■for lunch.. Dreamed up In a jaunty • ••. .26c lb« whippejl cream if desired. Suffi­ AND ABOUT 80 MORE RED HOT SAVINGS! Rolled Shoulders of L«mb ... • • .r a « a 29C Iba Judge William S. Hydo and Dante Of the emploj-es In . Uie United Diamond’s, lb. price; '/z lb. Ic .;. D O C 6-oz. pkg...... I D C Iplald coat trimmed with lynx, she Minee Meat Frw Deliveiy_0 n All Ordera For t l.^ AM Morel ? cient for six. ’ ■captured all eyea ■■ they walked Pkr. 11c Pagani. The latter explained that States steel industry, SO' per cent COME ON DOWN OR CALL! JUST DIAL 7386 FOR the club deidrea the permit as an are Americgfr citizens ami 70 per ■down Main atreet The paper had U rga IVa. Can Bart Otaey arf£ Green Stamps Given With Cash Saks! questions and Anauers FOSTER! Jtold of her arrival and University f S k . OrderJ tS e r u n tiI? p ” M^^ ‘" '" w e d production this aid to its social program. Judge cent o f these being born In this D IA L 5137! FREE DELIVERY!, iRest First or Rat First) ? ■Town atood by and gaped as she Hyde noted the club i« the oldest country. question: Mrs. T. R. wants to I - ■walked EBMRg the etude^ta. .vet 7 If not do before ekpiS X tS.?ffi^'Tha£;y Pumpkin or _ No prpetiee that day; but a tong JOHN CHAMBERS, Prop, IcfeaDt t«lk. Dugtn tried to hide hla i Marrow Squash Can ; -z:. .JMHEibC PAGE POURTEEW MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN FRIDAV, NO\*EMBER 11, 1D41 MANCHESTER F{V-F>NLN(f-HR^R AM). MAN('HEsTER. CO.V.V. FfllDA V, NOVFMTIKR I t. 1911 PAGE FIFTEEN the former was on sabbatical leave M ai iiieH W ill designation of areas front whlcli tnnln handed the reply to For­ New Director as psychology professor at the Japan Makes permission will he required for eign Minister .Shlgenorl I'ogo In a University of ( 'onnectlrut. Iir. persons wishing to leave and Itie brief Foreign ijffice meeting. Heiser has now left the faculty of Leave Lhiiia payment of relief to the ihprnd- Japan's protest alleged that the WEEK-END SPECIALS AT For Research the university mid Is expected to War Machine ents of air raid wardens killed or Kehi .Maru sank after hitting a take the examinations for the new injured on duty. drifting Rinssian mine. It helil \Harvard-Brown Historian^Disagree Over First Game position. It will paV from J4.200 to (Continued from Page One) tho .Soviet govenimenl responsl- $5,100 a ypar, Ip.m.h nminlenanre Bit Stroiiijer Me. Japanese aicouiits put the W ; D . STAR L^boratOfT at Norwlrh Thp two of psyrhoin^i.it tinner did not, and neither did any Russia Replies total of dead and mlssing at l'J6. w'iU pay fmm to #3.(.>00. Iphr interpreter. Evolution of the State Hospital to Be maintenancr. Aware nf .SerlotMneea (Continued from Page One) To Jap Protest tiels Big (Vinirnet light Heavyweight Si|^iial Bovs III reaponae to another question, Made Permanent. Dr. Bryan .said that the labora­ Tokyo, Nov. t4 i,P)— Russia .New Haven, Xov II ulh Thi' Mr. Roosevelt aaid he thought the to non-com.s up to 41 years old and tory will be liniilod to work with leplieii today to Japan's proti'sl Wimhesler Repealing Aims Coni- MARKET Both SchooLs Meet American people were aware of the officers up to .51. patlonta now in Uu* ho.‘«]>itR! and on the sinking of the liner Kehi pan> has been awarded a I.TJ.iKMt,- Carry Mail R«rtford, Not. H .—i^Ti A ro- serlouaneaa of the pn)blem In the Official estimates of the )iui))- .Maru in the .Sea of Japan on 17 North Street—"Where You Buy the Best for L^sa!” Title Bout Toiiiglil with thoae released, with emphasi.s 000 goveinment contract for ani- and teachinif Inlxiratory. Far Fast. But he aaid It waa dlf- bers of men involvad were not ini- •tvch on “follow-up work." Tlda limlta- Nov. 11 and informed sources said niiinition for the American and | lirult to answer another whether i))ediately available. Again on Saturday at^ted at Norwich .State ho.spital ti(»n will avt)id duplication w'ith the tliey un.lerstofsl that all major British ai niies. Roheit C. .''wanlon. I’lionr .laa.) Friday Night for Early Saturday On Cridiron child cllnlc.s operated by the State anyone ov.mrated Its aerlovjsncsa. Congrc.sslonal, action revising Japanese claims were rejected. rills la-Mirvirli Ih-fpiidH bjr Dr. William A. Bryan, giiper- the U. 8. neutrality law "certainly .secretary of the tirm, annoimceil | Delivery Department of Health. He a.sked Ahat “overrate" meant Amba.ssador Constantin Sme- Sii rv<‘v SlioH.s jlntendent. la now being organized aggravates the situation not only to'iiiv. '■ iFntH'ii Agaiiihl T'aiiii l iirrv^rll .S;iiurrla\ on a permanent biusia, it waa learn­ At pre.sont. Dr. Bryan Raid, and what "scriou.sness" meant in I^iiar(erl)aeks ( m -| M a il. RriiinN Claim Victory that connection. in the Atlantic hut in the rncific," ed today. <• there are eight stmient.s In p.ny- "It might be war," a reporter Domel quoted well-informed cir­ Hlanrirllo; Holli Arc BoU lillir ( Rack ill 1890; John A director and two paychologlat* choloLW takinp: the otie-year Ftiiii .S|)«Tial D*di\er\. Oo| renj.arked. - cles as saying today. will be appointed under merit .sya- courae at the laboratory’ and four SUGAR lltcjidy for Hard Scrap. Mr.' Roosevelt .'aid he atneerety On fi«*ld; TraITie| Harvard Had Famou* tem examinations .open to non-resi- nuraea from general hoapitnla en- On Verge of Ex)>lo*liin BUTTER f-i - trusted not. Order Your Turkey Now! denta of the state. Personnel Direr, !olIe7^\iiNtin tl«MiliiM*Mr tor Harrj' W. .Mar.sh announced for him. The hn.apitalak provides circles ns saying also that V. S. J I, 7nen)orandum during the eonfer- NATIVE OR MiRTHERiN 10 lbs. 54c .\uvv Vurlk, Nov M. fiuh these examination.' will lie held only maintenance forr Yhesc stu- Illations with Oeniiaiiy were on 1 ' i «*nee by Acting F’ress .Secretary On l*iircliaR$e of S?.00 I B> Marry (irnyson ' By Bill King here some time between December ilent.*>. the verge of an explosion. They 37c lb. ppmovicB of t.'liff.sifJo, .N. J , and William D. Hassett, which he read. nr Morf*. I'opiilar liirloor .Sporl Host on, Nov. 14—OP;—With no 12 and De<'. 31. “Otirs ia not an out.^i'le r.jinir." said President Roosevelt believed FOR TIIA>k.Sf;iVI>(; lanii Maiii’K llo of the Bronx «wap .Vr.i^York, .Nov. 14 Kr.., .s.ji,. j It snlil the governnjent hail decided mtentloris of causing any 111 feel-, Dr. Florien Heiser wa.' appoint­ P i . Br\ an .MHtd ' There la hiurh the neutrality revision was the Junulie.s l'»r the .S4*( oml time in Now Rated T'ops; Rig .stlliitlon has iieen so suc'vasful ' to take Marine dctai hmenta which lii'iirr the gimdiiess of the liirkr.v yoti ing.' between such dear football ed several months ago by Dr, work tn he dnnr r.'4pe<’ially tn\he beat barometer of the aentiment of jiree mnnih.s tonight in a battle have been n)aintained aah'ore out ■Miixwcll House that tiurae who usci] p. harp on friends as Harvard and Brown, it Bryan a.' provi.sional dtrci^tor when preventive ftleil " Congress and the I ’nlted States scDp Im getting It at M . It. star 5Iarket. |»r the worM M light heavyweight .Strides Made When m u't bg mentioned, for the of the three t'lilnese cities. Me said Ihi' s li.jcrt completHy ov< rlo,ok ' sake of public on Americaji participation If .toil nn> nut eompletely satlsHed with rown whu h l>eHnevi(h ueaiH (Aith i H(' ora; \-, that one of their his­ gunboats operating im the Yangtze Owners (ileaii ll<»iise. th.- far-t liiat the gnrrlf has been | in the war. [le api’roval of both the ,V H A ! torians has been most liver wiMilil not lie alTectril because iiiir iiersonnlly soleeli'd turkeys yuiir COFFEE taken a-way from Ihe noy.s to a ■ inaccurate "The stage Is set for conimeni e- lb. 30c ad Neu York .^tate i they were .Naval force.'. inuney w-ill h,* refiindixt rheerfnily. greater extent than ever ' , ment of a aluxjling war,” these cir­ Regular or Drip. J The >'I »i>. .Mniorrow has been rearranged, Tufts did by the ^ a rg in of a ! lieen in Jiiat the three local areas. “ M h e re You Biiv F o r l-e.s.s” We Feature Land 0' Lakes Butter Ihnl fight drew the bleBslng of j Men. women and children jam callers use their own noggins in I selling the main speeches later. ‘ I go,al and a touehdoyn In 1874 and ! l’rol)ahly they were offering pro- lew York'H State Athletic f'om- ten|iin emivirtum.s. There has hee the clutche.* ss they did In days of ■ ^ \ II was suggested that this would 17 NORTH STREET TEI.EPHONE 3885 Jib ion. .Miirc M.'iunello wiiN re- | in the golilen Iw^ties. when the ^ Y v ie a t I tei tion in ll)o.se areas. But l)e .said give the ministers more time to At Lowest Price In Town! . i " ^'*ld('at growth in league com- old when f'aithallers ivere bol-l Crirn.'oii w.a.s seoking new victims. \ he thought it was not a very in- rded an the outalanding ehal-| jw-f,tion. In fart, mduatry%fKini/r But in reality the bovs are kept : Htu.dy the resiiltn of Wasliington's Inger after Billy (N»nn stepped It signed On liM^le Geneva and big I ti'lligent thing to write about. repeal of the neutralitv provisions ed bowling leagues are the ^rk- bii.sy running in and out they ■■iv. n from th** 17r)-poun»l throne. Riirdiie and A'mk 16-7 and 19-0 9ATtM» ' Replying to a question as to and also receive reports from J a ­ ({old .Medal bone of Amert(*an bowling , unpc haven’t time to think The slgnai- 9 U M " The New Jersey alugger came drubbing.' m punishment for plsy- whether Japanese demands on pan's special emissary, Sabiiro tition. caller »«.Idom knows who’.' In .and . mg with tdrangers. . . with a derision ho rlo.qe that A W . M9AITM VAiygg China were holiling up an agree­ Kur)isu. due to reach Washington I InduHt rial managenied^f relleii '.vho s out He has one team in, one fcany at the ringmde (liHaureeil j But Rwiwn’s claim to a half cen- ment lietween thus country and during the week-end. | more heavily on bowKng In rc. I going an-l onr roaring, j tiiry-old'^ triumph should not be JIh victory ptit him ui thi* aorne- fo'’.« * * " ..* * * * " /" " ? " carryinr Diaitram I shows T - used bv Gcorcc Halas in TWa \n PA|>eelally true when you buy your Thaiik<(f^i\ln(^ .lapnn. .Mr. Hofcsevelt rcspondctl In It was announced originally that creation prograniK. tfi/n anv other j Before r.-.s- rvist." could pop off FLO U R '.-•1.05 |hat unii-back iniar* I the negative and then added that F’rcmier C.cn. Hideki To|o would , Hport a' freely a.s they could be s-ih.'ti- I ! I' tl;iat even tlie present genera- Above Items limited. igiuzed all around a.H king of up he defense, r;>P;,i'ally when used with laterals and the man-in-motion. D.ajram 3 shows a 190 antee of MitlHfaetlon. Kvery Turkey we **el! >ou, wbelher >oii neither tile ipie.stion nor an.swcr speak tomorrow immediately fol­ ^ Nation-Wide Stores A Hfudv by Prof/Kloyd B Kn.Ht- variation ol the " r with fullback (n motion, an end split very wide, a tackle split and the other-end .tuled. coaches sent In as many aa ' tirm of Bnims hang their heads in he light heavier W(nkJ and Ix'ormr/1 Pichl of Pur- buy Natlve'or Nortbem, \% the llne«»t ohtjUnaltle. .X^aln tliU >ear I was worth teroi-'ling. lowing the ceri'miiniiil opening In­ split normally. Diagram 4 shows how the "T" puts defense at disadvantage, winds up with 112 I a half .'lozen quarterbaiks to’ put ’ I .'bhme when they recall that wf) feature C'onn. Yellow Tajf Tiirkeva from Broun end the finest I Incidentally. tonight'H get-to- du<* I niVeisity, "found ft7 per rent cen- I into execution plays that poppe.i | shanghai ttiirrlsnn I.argest stead. the Diet will confine it.self ter chasing George McAlee, sub-10 second back, on pass defense. Left half starts------in motion before rown didn’t beat Harvard again FRESH NORTHERN BIROS. State of ( onn. price ulll iie net The .Navy sahl the principal. to routine organizing NATIONALLY ADVERTISED ether may he the la.xt for both of 2ir> compXiueH reporting had ball Ls snapped and is covered by defensive fullback “ ‘ info the ma-tei m nd in tight .situ- ' ■[for 35 years, whe. their Hose Bowl liriicd'ant** in the iTTi-pound bowling prograroH for men Next ■ •rrx...., k.ii . ■_ ; ------Uefeniive center moves over to cover vacated w'.l'on.s today, and ue ho|>e to have our price on Northerns. .Marine garrison in China was at Tojo To Speak Sunday territory. When ball is snapped, offensive end move* downheld and is covered bv halfback. Then Mc­ j ti-ari), w:l)i( h inrluded Wally Wade, Since ThanliMf^vInj; U f*arly thU year— \o\enii*er COth— ue .Shanghia,, where the famotis EVAPORATED MILK la.«M. I.A*.«ni Vi'h had trouhh- mak- WHH softball uith 71 per cent: b;iH- Afee goes in motion and slow defensive center, who has moved over, must rover him. I .N'ow they develop speeia! mes- ' ->V4‘ I roach of undl-feated Duke, Fritx cannot iirife too nfronKly lo order >oiir Turkey earli Tonight Tnjo w ill speak as war minister Ig the'weight for hla previou.x go ketbnll, .%4 rent; golf. 40 pcT i sengers. .Se-ond .string q uarter- ! Fourth .Marine.' are .stationed un­ .Sunday ,'nd fi.s premier Tuesday. (apt. M\ron Kiildwin - j 1‘oII.ard and Bill Ormsby, former and Saturday uMI help iin \^lth »*i7e s«de4'tion«i. der conimand of I'ol. .Samuel L. lit'i Maunello ,ind took off 10 cent; and ba.Heball, 31 per cent . hac ks Ktx>n may be ,given letters ■ This should give Kiiriisu lime in BREAD of \\ ctlu rsfiHii—Insiile FV^\ard H. C. end coach, galloped to a 21- 3 cans 27c l>iind.M in traininL* for thia brawl. Thirty-fU-e jkt cent of thoHf* I or ' their ability aa carrier pigeons I : 0 W i n . .. Howard of Wanlimgton. D They have had an initial ronfeience with 1 'i-Pound laiaf! ! lork Sutherland Says number TTiO officers and men. 1 Maiirielin. a midr. , Navv. Hargrave galloried out on Capt. Bald^vin 1 defeated sc-asc.n u.ndor the numeii- GENT INE SI PER-(T HE OR ToJo and Foreign .Minister .Shig- Lift Lid Off 1 Col William W. .V.shur.st of I>'x- I riassiidy beniusi besrievii h may j rather than a .'[weta- I I'»rk sSuthoriand (lain)'-* I'jUk- I On St •us.sell I the field warn the Iri.sh that a . ■ al seonng system .They date TENDKRKMN FI) .S T E A K S ...... cnori* Togo i.q the fill I tliat I h' li. Uh- ;inplon. ,Mo. Tlicre are It!,') offh ers and Vegetables e lloile.l awa', Home of hia |lr>r sport, it has played an impfir- : l)uri:h motonal l oiiiparcs fa­ I screen pas.s to Steve Juzwik on the the Harvard-Brown inaugural os Diet Intends to lireak with tiioli- Fre.^h ShtiiilHei’s, and men at I’eiping. MEATS Irrngtli along with his avoirdu- ; tant (lart tn intramural and intrr- vorably with th^r jKjuads hr I line of srri ,Tiaee was eoming. | Lpadsi^porers 1893. when the Crimson slaughter­ Prrshlv fiiopiiod liiishorst lioti and permit Imih speeche.s to II)...... I I I I diist (ffanip ! The tlilrd detachment Is at 25c als. Maunello Is expected to > fraternily conirietition High- I'['oacheiJ there - before the so- In Last Tilt .Eolith Ben'l linemen permitte-i ■ ed the Bruins, 58-0. . . T)e recorded for broadcasting. l.argc. .luicy ^ |f I Tu'rt.'In. The ."i.^ officer.' and men limb into the ring the favorite nt ! Iiool leagues are apringing up. i (ftllrd (Ju-rmphasis sol in. t the Annanolis ffirwards to s#*eo It is likely that any football in­ The government is ex|)ected to Chickens, Fowl, ^ Boneless Chuck Pot Roast, lb. 29c pds rif nlioiit fi to 7 The (ihenomenal ris« of bowling through Then -.vlfh h!g Navy line­ jury would rule in favor GROUND BEEF, 2 lbs. 59c j tl.ere are iimler command of Maj. |{rapefruit. i for a DC still the iMHt tjoys Hrillifiiii/SfXTcr l*layer of the submit 1.3 measures to the Diet, I fleganlles.' of wliat hajipens to- j lias been largely dm- to two things: (.oarli **H Funk'r 0 |m‘iiis ! I Luther A. Brown of Annapolis. lb...... 29c In v.‘e.vi,Tn f’rnn.sylvania,' ex- Injiircfi Hoi) Harris Is men upon him Angelo Bertelli Crimson if this friendly dispute ; .Ml'. including two requesting approval , Ha Id)) in .Apples, ^ p flit, many tlstlc followerM think I I I Cleaning i(ji the bowling al-' 6:poed a liltl< pa.*s dir.vtiv over Fiis / (;a r « ‘4*r Vguiiitsl iMnehiirst Thrlffv Prime Rib Roqst of Beef lb. 29c Rjifl 4>f 'I'rirkis fo r I |i- /’'in.’i I»t here IS brought up foi settlement. . .In f .Marines first entered China In of .•ilrcaily applied postal ceii.soi- Chuck Roii.'-t, fi Ihs...... bih boys will deseiA the light ' leys; (2i feminine interest | Out Mith Rad Kn*‘P: I their hearts an'! .luzwlk hoomer] 17 the first place. Brown football Itl.fU K shi(i and revishins of the military 4 ^ 0 C (lonuine Spring ^ ith his B*r‘w»klyn prof* .ssional IIIon .Saliirdav. IX.'ii and were there off and on iin- ]!Bv5’w ,^ h l ranks srsin and cat to | few year.' ago ino.st houling >*4>t Virlory O ver Fa- I vaids behind enoiin-h traffic to was in its swaddling clothes In s»*rvlce law. Four tmdget in­ II)...... lMxJp»Ts U>r a mcrtinij the Pol >Iolir Plays Fast ( III ( K l*OT KOAS'IS t ’ atioiit 11)00. .Since the turn of 29c Criinbcrries. T O ■eir hearts’ enntent. eonflnlng ' iillt yH were Kinoke-filleil den.', in­ ^-reate a'jam on a Texas plain. 1890 and hardly in shape to run •' I* ' I'Tt). ••sperm) OeliveFN () l*minfls iind Oi er tl)e century they have been there creases are proliatily lo be asked, I.eg of l.jmil) quart ...... I ^ C Leg of Lamb lb. 29c Jieir talents to the heavywelthl j habited by many .shillv-oved i hai- v«)r4*4l Triiiilv. i ! Hargrave then rame out nf the yrnv.iiK' lh*'ir !«.*.» game this rough-shod over those Harvarda inelnding sum.' for the militarv aetera Itoiig'i talk fi.' w'. U’lves . .lone, has more natural fsaniF 4)11 .Suliirduv. Weights. Pound continijon.sly, under teri))s of the Ih...... I'reshly SnwiI.ed ■ass. wh< re Hie golil is found in , I "aine an.l garble I welt ,vi he wo.i’-l : j/ ;i;iay again.st at Med- who plied up the staggering total which will bring expenditures on 29c Celcr.t, Ifger lumps. |invaded only to drag out a recal­ than Mar^hBll tJoHberj?.*’ I te in gfKid v(,i. e tile next time he ilu* ( unm-t tu. ut Icanv wUl of S.O.") fKiints while holding 11 op­ Boxer [irotocol which followed the .VIi idletown. Conn. .Nov 14 In I .-^'.oirs. i ’,,nn. .Nov, 14 The I , p he 26-year-old rhanip has haii i citrant hu.sband. I ‘ V. ci'led on as Frank I^eahv «*iil for a rcoi-i of nuven wins ponents to 12. ..The sUffest argu­ lloiu'le.-s ('buck no wiistf, .h, i;,S’, Corned Reef, pound— hunch ...... I w C Beef Tongue lb. 28c the 41th game of a sene.s which I if Boh H.arn'. sl.ir sophamoie leit of all foreifTnera. profossionM fights and lost only | That ty{>e of bowling establish- ^ tr-.fil to ronvir.cr his ai i...s that hi- ar.f1 two lo.s.si .>4 (\i/)lain “CXsaie" ment the Crimson admitr its long­ .'10c lo lie It). AycraR:*'2 ' J roiindn. began in I'k.'-i, the We.sleyan I ’ni- iKilfhack. 'liie to an injury leceiv fievision.s expected to Ih* a.«k*’d Carrots. ^ ^vcn. eompared with a record ol merit hipi gone tiie wav nf the w.a-s a center and tai kle in college, Baklwin*. Sam Frail ami “Hank” haired Hellions were given that 1-5 Avoragr* ^ '.er-ilv foottiall team wdl meet a [ -1 in S.'iliirday's Hliode Islan-; ; for the air defen.se law will pro­ defeats In 34 bouts for .Man- , hiti hiog post and hor.s.-drawn n-'rt a quarterhai k. Zc:ccho.sky will hf playing llielr sea.'on was their 12-8 win over n Tender II ii m p. Shoulder 13c 25c 2 hu nches...... ^ C street car. f.isl and highly favored Trinitv EIpm‘11 Teams i ::ame, .seiiously cripp'.e.s tin fn i-j vide for an Increa.si’ In camou- ■ello. who is 21. Besides !>>sne- Hargravi’s nex' onii-r hroiigh* , ,\11 ihr***- .jnen have Yale team that Included ,the fabu- ck I til’ o f A i’iih t I flag(’d nre-hghtlng .shelters The Roasting Chickens lb. 32c eleSn-n in Hartford on .Satiirdav m ver.sity of ('onne-Tictit Jootiial ■ ( I I and .Sirloin Tip Konsts. |ch. the only man to whip Tami | an eiiKMinler which will mark the out a spinner ot -.vhlrh Dipp" o'lt hnlhanlly this s^a-son ^lous Walter (Pudge) Hefflefinger new provJ.aion.a are to enable an- j -quad 111 it.s prep.iralioii for th- •SL N SIM N Our 8u|>er Cube ts Billy Soose, the former mid- | la.st game of the seiison for liotti Ftans race.l int- pay -llrt to lireak j-m'l ha’.:" hfcn th** ha.His tor tho This week-end Pinehur.st feature Tender, llladeless. Lean thoiitiea to .scatter important End UpGi iiul I Butgers game on the loth. H a rri'. tpe tie ^ Fm m ’c o s leweight titleholder. I squads In the ancient, traditioniil I f-'8l «M’''er ruf'ord lo be found yet* But Brown die,hards probably (Tpiipment. n ‘fU wood«‘n .slmctin’c.s Eastern Dre.ssed Pork at. Strip n r,t*c>r(J .stands n»jw; that the history of Harvard foot­ (('ontiniicd rrom I’aifr One) ball In the eighties was the work Roast Beef, except first 2 R ihs ...... ||,. ,t |c f„ ;(7c 1941 for Lesnevich. i cd only I t victories. i i n ''' t’*-' that vou get in a lot of rnnversa- s:.x win? an I two flof.-^t.'^ the wins Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 23c usual hill lant punt*. He rlclimtei.) ron even if vm, don’t .-ee much ))' ;r..' over Masji. State. \V. F‘. I.. of Thomas Chandler Thatcher, a Native Rroilers and Turkevh . Native Roa>ting Chick­ for Uno'Alc'lt^o )f thr furriarruMilHl Grid Briefs Coaeii Wc.s t.’e.sler is aiming for vMll nit bo ahje lo plav in th» ' irti-m 35c quart Center Cut Oner -Afiain Vale .Mail** ( lark H'‘fi’.* r. M I. T. anil Coa.st Crimson star from 1878-81. . .they ens. . .Tender Fresh Fowl, a thrifty l»uv* at .'Vie Ih. (let .‘WKlal an«l (•ercenl- , tivc dci;i.Hi(^)ns on which ev(»r\' de- Paul White. Trinity’s .seri.s;itionaI haek all- yoi.i inimeifiat-ny t.M.k ,minrl a.' freelv as he mav be in- .Blands -f*r*.infl in in'lividual goals shared the halfback berths with with enough left for salad. GROCERY SPECtlALS 1 to B-IN»und age So far, We.sleyan has won |(iM<-M. howrwr trivial. ImpinRe.H .sojihoniore bark, took Jii.s plin e m l*riiieelou T<*anj; R C over his assignment at left and 'erte i L* that f'arl .'tnavelv no iI score 1 m the .New FZngland I>*ague Kddle Casey while they, and thetr oriiy three games a J of them lie- Canadian B a co n ...... ' ’ ll>- ‘{'{c in x-'in«‘ the Blue and Hold (jneiip yester­ ms kicking, pa '.«ing anil running loruer ran be ch.-irr-ed ivilh wig- I with (*i*/nt an-l 1* 111 i.ature of th. I.**ccir!ng RC(^a art in line for All- & (.'o. ! SWEETEN IT WITH Cranherrv Sauce, ing a rlo.se decision to Amherst, Boston. .No' 14 4>, drud- Old Farms ' WLs«'r nm')n lea'lcrahlp. l^cadership 1 | and there was a go<«1 poHsilulity (.’cmiecticut attari.. He ha.s been I Who suggc.'terl last .soa-rxin that ‘ Historian Thacher. however, Friend's winch fell prey to the Trinitv g'-ry of practic,. conies to an end Sausage Meat or Patties whuh rcf *^ni7.cs that the hmiik’ j | Roasting Pork, Rib lb. 25c ri|>|ilrd HIu f a 'I'u4-kl<‘ lie might tie able to pla\’ against 'Uiverte.l to the left ha'lfljai k I'urt ’ the roar hes ret ri"ht out there In considered 189) e most significant fio ti'fs \A hi( h swin^ a penduintn i Mince .Meal. forces lost week. lo; eleven more .New Kiiglapd fcxil- uiririg the Week ami .shoul'l hoM year m Harvard fisitball. for that .‘18c II). 8(iiiash or 0 7 jOiim-killn Sunday ; Wesleyan here .Satiinlav in the the orien and call plays them- in (.me liirci tion can.se.s it to KWint; ; { 2S-oz.,can...... traditional battle between these The gang will be the last in the halL learns today but there Is no up in Harris’s assignments very S(*lVf'.s‘* L a s t /X'ig/il'ft F ig h ts was the season, he recorded, that 27c re.st in sight for the section’s "Big .veil Deorfoot Sausage. in t‘ir op}>oHit«* one. and that ae- 90 I’umpkin. 2 cans A # C Red Wing rivals. The news cheered tl|e Trim­ collogiatc football careers of such Prartirnllv all of thorn nro iolne it introduced formal coaching and OVALTINE iH artford Baillv OfT. Siz, ” Harvar.l, Yale, Dahlmouth, BrightwcKtd I curity and pcriiiHin'ncv demand Nalioii-Widc ly supporters who are on the eve key-men on the Wesleyan eleven Tlie work of Juhn Toffolori ii; thot rifrht nn\»' through personal spring practice... We would be Mara.schino ^ ...... „ ____ Btxiwn, Holy Cross. Boston CMl- n.) The .V.s.sociated Pre.s.s Small I.ink.s. I ^ that the pendulum he not allowed » • kind hr Mince .Meat, 8 Oz. C an ...... 31c of another undefeated and untied as Captain Jim Carrier. Doug Mac- nil the backflehl po.sjtion.s during r« pro.qontativc.s. hard to convince that Brown beat Cherries, 2 l)tIs. . a DC Grape Juice [Hartford. Nov. 14 Althoiigh Kelean, Cah Brown .Slan Kay. ‘ '*">• Boston irniversity. till- Rhody game -.va.s anolhe. en­ B.i.timou- Wiilic Rcldi.'h. Phil- Harvard. 22-8, that y e a r... Sperry’s Bag Sausage. I t(V MWln^' too far either way. Thlfi iTtrjr iM package ...... 8 Oz. Can Chocolate season, their second since 1934, n-1. l|-hia. 1S7, outpointed Hob ' li'K-lersliip mu.st realize that lK>th leir fans may be inclined to take Walt Bolient. l>>on Losee, Stan | Crim;on appeared well couraging feature and he is the I’epperniint ^ |jj Ovaltinc ...... Ic ^e tTiurchllla of Sprlngileld light- 1.4Uskowakl, and (leorge .Morrill, j I'^'med to take Brown before set- logu ai choice to take over the right .Wmith, 1H3, I'ilt.'biiigh iKii. Kitzabcth. N. J . - Danny Cox, II it.self anti maminemcnt have re- English Mtilnut.' Middletown. Nov. -For Special On MorrelT.s In the thlr<) game which the Facli one of these regulars hp-s | down to the serious business halfback post wliere he combine.-- Sports A llianee i- ail River, .Ma.'s. -The Cocoa 178. New York, outpointed Gua , spoMsilnlitie.H exli'nihnj: hey*md the Panics, Ih...... Z D C the first time since the s*aaon Ready To Serve Hams pound ...... lartford Bliie.s will play sqfainat contributed aubstanllally to the 8*Ulng set for Vale. The Bruin*, not only a fine ability in gaining Kid. 114 1-2., New Haven, out- -Alexander. 170. Trenton, N. J. : I'iinnt or meeting-hall ’ Both for 35c 25c qt. opemsl. Wesleyan will be able to ink Kennedy’s eleven next Sun- P'linted Freddie Caniu.ao, 146 1-2, ( 6 ). Shank Half or Whole H M FAan.M. a«lmiiUHlrat'»r of Dales . Special Holiday Mixed .Nul.s, succes.ses of the team In the last j however, have indicated that they ground on running plays but ■ bi al Pynehon Park, In .Spring- field its entire football strength w-ill put on H .'trcnuoti.' striiggl«{, For Proiiiolers Kail River iKIi 19c II). Pur« Pork Sovsage LMln A-Siirhfi' h tK« fon I the ,\L'ri» ultMral z\«lj«i5tment Ad- thrgg yrnrx and will be fighting '■qually adapt at *blrxking and de- Prices! pound ...... kid. neither roach flriit O’Connell against undefeated and untied when their "Skip ” .Stahlev niatchc.' Atlanti f'ity. N. J I,ee,n Hare, nnni.stration. .^aid liiat the larni-^ hard to ring up another victory in .en.'ivc work. Karl DeCurli, '2e u.sed HB a i»owerful weapon balfb.ack who ha.' Ijcen available a* i.-Vri ll'“*eenis that everybody con- Calves’ Liver. THESE PRICES .\RE (ROTEI) FOR ( \SH! he Blue* feel they were Buperior 1685. (Viach Wes Fesler spent a Yale was equally favored to SAUSAGE LINKS against aggre.aaion When the Cardinal.' take the a kicker and pa.sser and on pass ,le- .pected with the boxing hiisincss in Beef Liver. Julienne Potatoes 3 tins 23c their fir*l engagement agalnat good part of yesterday's workoii held nt Hartford, Jl'm Carrier will overwhelm Princeton and turn its len.'e, have been returned to the I “Like mdn.atry and labor.” he Connecticut, except the ciistomers Lamb Legs . . . . ,1b. 11c Red Label |e Churehill*. hut their experlenee drilling Captain Jim Carrier on again hold the limelight at the Harvard game Into a "Big Three" .squad this week .after having been i Nflid, “the Amer1('an farmer Is . y BLRSACK BROS. ^ plarr-kicljing: could be. themselves, have now forme'l an the neeonil eonteat played at fiillliack post anil will take care of championship struggle but only out of uniform due to iiijiiries and Lamb Shoulders, lb. 19c 38c lb. not only pnalucing for home 139 Hartford Road — Tel. 85.X! organization. litfoid WHS none tfx> pleii.sant, calling the signals Doug Mac- the bravest Dartmouth Indians their presence in the Rutgers game j need.s l)iit al.so to aiipply antl-Axta Salada Tecf i-lb. pkg. 43c Matchmakers, managers, .sec- jBolstered that afternoon by half New Haven, Nov. 14. lA', Kelcan will get the nod for the hoped for another upset triumph .should help a lot. The pro’uahl. forec.s. In the food for freedom K in EL’S M.XRKET I W. HARRY ENGLAND oniL* and trainers started the bail TH.WKSCIX INC LIFT FOOD AM) FRITT BASKETS |dozen ex I’rovidence .8teamroller spirit, speed and acrap in the final wlngback poeition and will share over Cornell at Ithaca, N. Y starting backfleld will consist of I proj^nim n«>w im»ler way, farmers 18 BIssell Sf. Tel. 4'166 | .Manchester Green Tel. 8151 Red Heart Dog Food 3 for 25c rolling about a year ago with the irs, the Churchills made an In- heavy pre-game drill mean any the kicking duties with aophomore VVhlle the (7rlm.*on and Bnilns Co-CapUin "Pot " Mohr at qtiarU-r Our fruit man really does an oul.stnnding wi^rk of art, Mahieu's Connecticut Boxing. Alliance. Then fn»n) New England lo the PaciHc Niitliin-W’Idp Fnod Stores of New England. Irc.stlng game of it all the way thing, Yale Is fit and ready to Bill Sadowski, who Is slated to clash at the Stadium, the majoiitv Ray Scussei at left half; John ti/f- came the referees; timekeepers creating fancy Lift Baskets. . priced at .<2..'»() to 810.00 coast are getting ready for the 18.3 Spruce Street Swansdowi) Cake ^ u r Ige. 23c Yd the BhiCs hai to work out to sho>—The Uni­ Wesleyan's chances of springing The Eaglea who have been click­ night, forming - the Connectlciit Sheffield Milk, Boxing and Wrestling Promoters Pink G rap efru it...... |. . . . 1 for 2.">c Is Being D rafted Our Own Circle Coffee lb. 23c iDeapite the fact that both Hall versity of Connecticut football an upset tvlll be greatly enhanced ing hard and fast since they On Bow ling I^nes 3 tall cans.... Id bfo/Iet will be ready for the knocked Temple out of the unde­ Alliancs. No announcement of the Seedle.s.s Florida (ira p efru it...... ;. . . .1 for 21c 25c (Mnty Moore forces beaded for New Brunstvlck. by the re-appearance of regiilar llril and probably final meeting .N. J., today for their- encounter end Gporge Morrill to the line-up. feated ranks, appear to have a alms and purposes of the organi­ White .Almeria ({rapes. Bed ({rapes. Itween these two teams thja sca­ zation was made, but the mem­ The new zoning map of Man­ Native F'resh Eggs, with Rutgers on Saturday without George was confined to the side­ slight edge on the VoU. Holy Beef Stew Ige. can 17c the Blue* have a problem, (’happen grounded all the bowl­ bers voted to set up a general Give Your Clothes Small .McIntosh or chester. Iieliig prepared by Hayden .8un .Maid the services of Bob Harris star lines against Willisms Isat' week Cross, also on the up-beat, doe* Medium Size, [ley may be missing the services ers tn the Aircraft league on the Hand Picked HALOXMNS...... • irlsw'old, will he ready next" week sophomore halfback, a cruel blow becSu.se of an injury received the not appear greatly coneemed fund by slicing a share out of,the f I Ib.s. 2.1c ...... their star punter and’ace block- Y alleys with a 371 high three the Sparkle The present map'Xent out of date dozen C to the U-Conns hopes. Harris re­ previous week, but will be able to about the Manhattan Jaspers, and gate receipts of each boxing and Baldw ins — Special! . 16-qt. bskt. S9c Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs. 19c Bobby Taylor, who was hurt in string total and a lofty 140 for when new develotoments were ceived a sever knee injury In last start Saturday and Is likely to Boston University's Pat Hanley WTesUlng card staged. early minutes of the 17-l’i tie | high single honors. *rhese teams started. In many seyions of town weeks Rhode Island State fray. prove a valuable target for Car­ has high hopes that tomorrow's Billy Prince of Bridgeport was 9 f Maine Potatoes, Ime against the Long Island In are getting into stride right now­ zoned as rural new Ihomes have Corn Nibl.ets 2 cans 23c rier’s passes. The other end post New Hampshire game will provide electe', »

S I X T E P f l r:.\Nriiii*rKK e v k m .ng h e k a l d . man'c h e s t e r , c o m n . F r id a y , No v e m b e r 11.^ 9 4 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY,'NOVEMBER 14. 1947 PAGE SEVENTEEN RED RYDER Difference of Opinion BY FHED HABHAN I BANOD -L Sense and Nonsense 5£A'.E.D tP N""-'5 "I'Se • S CA!R(?T 3ECA--SE As SCIT> )-iE £-3 HE ” E w-StsE A company eniploylng a large Tenclier - .Iiihnny, wlmt nr,- the I Ified Fbr>bur Benefit Rufus—-I don't heliev,- you're WAS S t ’MT t ) m ''--1 CAOiEE F o i s t s - ' Inumber of girts Inslsteil on all scHsons ? going I,) Ilk,-, n-i n, \v j,,t) yoii'v,,- p R tsoi*:.» '-= GO'-TS-’- lappllcantH taking an Intelligence Johnny- You im-nn in lli,- I'm l-i Ju.-'t g' u.s,- lor ■spert ,and 1 w'ill help you, All welcome. -Packard sedan. J21.'>: 1911 Pai k- Tolland Turnpike, Buckland. Condition of Durant street. Telephone 3777. OUT OLK WAV PiiU’hiirHt Grocery, one of iiiiing Uiey were BY J. R. WILLIAMS Hours 11 a. m. to 8:5o p m dally ard deluxe sedan. 8109,1; 1937 FOR RENT 3 ROOM unheated Igry that I ate my pet parrot. OLR BOARDING HOUSE WITH Help Wanted— .Male or FOR SALE— CHOICE yellow la,giwt buyer; of Yellow Tag Coij Itaven'l n!),,-re tlian a .io||ar In my i lined tip on deek for Inaiiertlon MAJOR HOOPLB except .Sunday. 91 ^Maln street, Ford coupe. $26.5: 1937 Packanl State Roads apartment. Continuous hot water, Llstener- What was tl like’’ pocket Globe tiirnipa delivered Orn- big f;,-i man .-.ail,a- ha,l a bla, k E-XPEC iEMCE ? WHV, \ VN'ELL, I c a n \ Manchester, opposite^ Woodland. Female 37 hv the lights and gas. 43 South Main St. nectlcut Turkeys in .Manct^hcat, - coach, $285; 1931 Packard scilan, bank gravel surface on Shingle Explorer-O h. very nice .81n- - You ir.ii.-ht l.:<\,- kii,-,wn' 1 k peck or bu.shel. E. \V. ■ ye. The i-api.aln asked his men I XNOR F P F E P TM' \ y o u a I MEARD VOUR WWV NCfT $35; 1934 Pontiac seilan, $125; Atwood. Construction In force in the Mill and West Mountain triads. ar.noiinc,-., (hnt the Yellow T.-l Listener But wh.at unter girl. rurkey price will he act by III t" buy a f.-V nuni-- I Brlll.'

  • - rolet coach. $295; 1936 Ford all Improvement.s, middle agcil ous nmcadaiu surface on West Explorer -Oh. turkey, chirken. T h ' h o o -''9 "CO l am' Die . GO t h r o u g h / IMNEKTIOK SPUM IT A N D on everythitiK pertaining to your Silk O tv Diner. the (.'onnecUcut Highway Depu.e Cciinei tii ul Division of .Marketiil lie- .1 .lid j -I'aa to blame "When he called PLAVJ IN MV DOORMATT I S Packard Dealer. 80 Oakland .SI people. Telephone 8267 after 4 Simsbury road. |w1ld-durk. plover -that [Mrrr.t TW* MCiTGAn- cMGINEERiN’. Ue m y o e r into a life. Spec ial reading.s >c. I’er- Household Goods 51 you a Briti.-li pig, i ,|„| i„,thing ; HERE ,■*'00.' PED D L-E A TINV BIT TOO MUCH Open until Midnight. Phone 5191. ment November 12, 1941, for the p. m. Somers. Installation of tw in 60 " at tlic .Stale t'apltoi this afl< l oiild Imitate anvthtng y - E A, S'. CO'-’ P ’NS-, manently located 2191 .Mam .M--n,’V it' nn arti,Ie wliirh may t r a n c e /wa-'-AOE week ending November 22, 1947. A. C C -M. P. culvert on Watcli- noon It will bi 5 centa over tl| \\ h'-ti h<- ciille-l tin- Ktiig am! ' m O TM E POWER—~ HAR-R u MP h /: — .street, oppo.-.i'e Capen street, Poultry and Supplies 13 FOR SALE-DAVF:NP0RT A.ND Is- i;-.,-! a- a u’iiv,r.--al t-a-:i[.r.it (Vu,-> tl dirtv 'so ,'t^tf r .still ' T h' D'ijo p FOPC-E, NOU SOiNS'TO SN E club chair with slip covers, good Thi.s report does not include the aiig road. average j,rlce for the lieal .Nortl ■Sign In .S)inta Barbara, ( al : I— L- GONERNWENT ' NONE OP US IS IMPALLIBLE li.artford, Conn. Phono .■..''i.'i.'il. I" C-, ■ lyw . ni, |(, -iv-t-, an-1 j ■ l.i'l i.olhing But when he spat TV* P lEP DRil'., Auto .Acce.ssories— Tires 6 f o r s a l e —ROASTI.NG chtc kcn.s condition, reasonable price. Tele­ Wilbur -Cross Parkway which is ford place intersection with Route Stoningt,m. (,>iiakataug road | we.st, rn l'iirk, VM for Uie I2th 1,31 Irug store (,n-r recent earth- AVJAV A R lR 'S T - FO R A Hours 10 30 a. m to 9:00 p. ni. as 11 f The Hii,|-«'yc Fr,i.>.|,-il Kih Iia-k. .Moving—Trucking— town aid roads. I or live. Call at the farm or will amazed at the low prices now in ment on South Main street. South­ !>ection of Route U. .S. 5 and Wil­ t'or|)., has iiiHl l-ak,-6 over a Inril It a.shingtofi Tlir,*r iiiiW-s of roll- Ev(‘niii$> H eralfl SloraRC 20 deliver. Martin Kri.stoff. Ash efTect. Regardless of what item bound traffic is m a i n t a i n e d bur Cross Parkway. part of on,- t|,H,r (• H-n y ti Kint*|,-\,-r E|-liraim. v- -le. I <’d gravel surface on tlie .Morns Swamp Hoad. near Diamond you may need for your home, you through the project. Detour is pro­ -Siin-,. Hartfor,! warehoii.-(e, and |terve a b. M,-r .-alary r r i :) Classified Advertisements STORAGE Route Nq. T*. ,S. 5A Windsor road. Lake Hmkingliam. Glastonhiirv ran be assured of finding it at vided for northbound traffic, from th,* fijtiir, will ,s,-rvi<-,- (*onn,'clic- Ephraim (Jh,. thank you sir Count ilJi a\.i.m» W.-idft 'O H Une ■Moving and Packing. The Austin About 1 mile of conrrete sidewalk Wa.shitiglon. 3-4. mile of traffic VLO Tel. Glastoniniry 2278. Albert's. Visit our store and let'.s Cninn (5ty via Route No. 68 ami and part of .Ma.-.-Kic hii.selts fro| Employer Sn I m giving \.iii»-rn nnrt 4bhr«vtatiotif A. Chambers Co. Telephone 6260 ami ramps on Hartford-Sprlngfic'd bmind gravrl ,,n Baldwin Hdl r,iad. ..lUM' Af 4 worfi And oomn'Minti get arqiialnted. town roads to intersection of road. lhi.>, point in.-Jli-ad of from Bo.-'t, Iceck ,,11 t.. go ,„,t „ml g,.( -ome- FOR s a l e n i c e TE.NDER tur­ Weston, I 1-2 mil,s of traflic rtii.v will giv, !’in,-hiir.‘(t hetti |s.dy e|:„. t,, gu,. It |,, von for w.’rd* tp ’ tvfi wordp M'n'mttm •'opt ALBERT'S—EST 1911 Route No. 8 and Pie-lmont street Route No. U .8, 6 Fast Hart tp i>nc^ or 'hrt*p keys, ready for the oven or live bound gravel on Langei Lane. Old »-rvlce. enn’t Repairing Waterbiiry in Waterbury. ford. ..\bout 1 mile of reinforced iJnp pe'f dav for irnnai^nt 23 weight, delivered in town. .'TtiC ^ P fn Wed. & Sat. Eves. Easton turnpiki- and Wliit,- Birch Rir,L**eye p,-:i.s an,l hrocc,)| Ida «' xlilnack Farm, .South -Main street. . ,~s.. Route No. 15 I'ninn, Willing- concrete pavement on Burnside road. Kfterdsr Alnrrli 17, iu:iT .'SAWS FILED A GUMMED, any ton and Ashford. Approximately 9 whi< h M (ve t-,-,-n out of .sl,»-k ff Telephone 6121. FOR SALE^IX PIECE Dining avenue. Wethersfield Bridge ovi<«vs .1 7 ctg| • (*!■ Room .set. .Silent Glow range Southhurv. 2*3 miles of rein­ dan Lane ami W,,i,-ott Hill roa,l Capitol’ Grinding Co.. 531 Lvdall ment on relocation of Route No. Pin,-hiir.*,| Bii-,Dev,- Dent Satrl I tronnecutiv^ . » L'tSlU ct« FOR SA LE RHODE ISL^V.ND burner and coil, gha, range, 3’rl forced ronrrete pavement from th< WethersHelo aiul Harlf,(f,l ,\ day. l)riA ...... street. Tel. 7958 WILFRED THOMASON ill otnll i2ti Red fowl. 20c lb. live weigld J. 8495. 15. beginning at Ma.osachusetts junction of Route U. S. 6 nn’* HIo4m1 his humaniUnan work for nearly 00*6 t**' 6* tliOTf KNOWS WHEN Cockerharn, 28 Rlgelow street ^ t IS 6 fG u 6 **f ij.p V. ,U.IA*.C , •Ada ')fdr.t»fj I'ofor® rhr third or Articles for Sale t5 street. fiTtuminoiis macadam froni the vil­ conrrete pavement from Beacon and Hartford railroad 50 years in Labrador and New- t h e f a s t w o r k e r fifth dtry will Da ohar^rd only for Dial 4219 J t HE'S U'C K E p = lage of Litchfield .southerly. De­ Falks northerly. Wilton. 1-2 mil,- ot ,r. 6^ th® actual nutiHier of ttmen th® ad FOR SAl.K MKNS RKBriLT F'OR SALK MOOKFLN coinhina- Will B<* .SIumI WA.N'TED TO TUNE, repair and tour is provjflejj from Litchfield via surlai-i- on Weston /oa,l I telically. appearrd. ••h.irultiR at *h^ rata •arn~ and relastt'd ?hoes. Hettf'r than lion stove m first I'las.s condition, I'ld .-(rMith .«tr>«.tto Rantani bridge j Ro'ito No 2b .8ouier.s .\l r Ied.ebiook 1 pictures Sir Wilfred on his ste.im- t ‘ (S'Jt -iO YOO___ Y ' i t l .►"».'kK).,.wlVAE).i t IWAT, t'i tFt S.AFK KNCI^Isn (.’(>A(’H 8921 -l.'iH 1-2 .Mam street. Kepliu ing t\( () In idpes wash7ui..f'u! sor Reinforced. r< raid ^Hl not h® reipi riaihi® Help W'itniea—Female 3.5 Iship SIralhcona II with an iceberg 5I->S»T '..situ. COHt I - - V»t b lV 0100* 106t — Porarnhnlator. gfMMl t omlit ion. bv the hiiri'icane oi i-i.f-; TrafThs llTlilce ol-i'r the ( ’onneel li-lit nvei CLte*K : 1 \»i)k.vyt to UF* .IHOfcT ©OT Tw.tWVb for mor® than one incorrm inarr- *i<=Kllt \»0 Wib eoOrr flon of any aii r t lacmant ordrrrd WANTED GEN ERAL honse- rcH.sonahIr price Ph'me ,“»329 or F o n SALE GOOD US E P el.-, - imi.st continue u.-ing other tovVi, |■Ope-unv traffiu. .-Vvolil II possjli|< '■■'* t, i. (*io uiimn lu-gani/atil anil a ,-chooncr in the background -OAT*b StU.'). AOMETWW4* / k WAb ©04)110 .t o o YOoRt T«yu,J4 for mor® tl.an on® tim®, worker. 2 adults, small house, intpiiro at 98 ‘Hamlm .street. .trie ranj^r.s ami refricrratf'i s, J roads * [liana lli,-r,- ^ I Sir Wilfred died last vear at the W)-T Th® lnad\ertrnt omission of in- j Rb-tle .No '29 New ( ’aiiaan 1 I age of 75 © I TO vett® f r o m own r»»oin and bath. Tol 2-H10.3 vv Hale i ’o. Ea.-t Hartford .S,.|-|ion No 1 ' Th,- United 'Aiitmiiohilc Woil M l ...... eorrret puhltcaflon of advertlsinii F o i; SAi.K nt.'io M()Dk i7 a f .iki : mile- oT-rcj^nforee'l concrete p.ivc- III LofrtiiiD I)aii< <- • • • w ill h® rHci nr.j only fiy «*sncrl tat Ion iiiniracts .No. 1 and .No. 2 of the 'era Union iCIOi i,u contestii coupe Al.'^o 32-20 WinrhuHter l- i >K SALK O.NK BI I n-.enl < n .8iiu'th avenue, of t^r > !?arii;r madr for th® srrvic® a.’\(*K (If'n- j Ha I tfoiel by -pass. ill,- ind,’p,’n,l, nt union for tl A course in the fundamentals rn.drr.'iJ W A N T F D KXPKfilKN!-KD liMt 11 Miinrt'e .street cr.il Rb-i-lM, wa.sihin^ ma< h)M,-. ID j Roi’li' No 32 'Franklin I.eba- Ea.-t Hart foul Hjr\s,’r -It ml r:glit t-5 r,-[ira-a,-nt 3.2U0 ,-mpln\4 I of philately will be taught at Ail ad 4’®rt.s( ;i.rtu■ nnist conform waitrr.v? Applv s^^hendan Mnlc! p,-i I)•< t 'riinn.ng - - in.I tlnp Fi’i I n N'av" .are hei{ I Louis J. Edward Vining, presi- ! ®.A and they rraerv® th® rl«ht 'o Boats and Accessories Ifi I R< iite No .31 (iranee aniil 1,1 .Start strike ®.i> r«'d n M-qhlr un-1 » hair« < n Wilt'Ur ' 'ros.s I’arkaav I Americans, will lecture Ym wat,-r- : <"r-,<-|-et 1- ...... nrd Ham® »l'4y rrumt h® H r'id' m IT Mill i ,v. r a ivl au in til- [dant that *he CIO is abr rr. ®i\,Mi Dv ;? ) clock n on Sniir* ' 'a-ii.fn iMi'iM i rai'viT. ,\-l .'ilvtpc Route No ■ f .6 tl I-kistf.ii-.l .a, ill 111' Ui,- mo.st ;:,k:NK'n.\N ; M-arhe.s on Wdii.ir ( 'r. - I’.itk ; t-i pull out a kev ,1,-pnrtmenf (l| I other basic instruction I IT NNV BUSINESS 4 .M *« •. ^■ull hradn - -n;. ’ ilii.iI - < - r.t i <'! -j, til ■ uul I'< .ii.fi-i-l iqii cixiinali'ly 6 '. 1 li* 5 i'k;i'^ 1;< fiiiliii- ai;.s are ,tn atiikc in .an effoi-t to close t| RLl.N'D.'S t:r;i'l( hlnui'^ rr'nii I ((a y Telephone Voui Mant \ds 1 f|M,|-nu'n! 1 iM'i [ h.-8. Uiii'h uiii on inil< s of hitiiminoiis iiiai-a{or t2 .•ill. fioni !>,■).•. ('-ijufol I .5!l liio snyig. aR T. iTfla a *. ht, an h® I'HAHtJK HaTL K>5®n l-HOOM C \F>K c o n .«trtc!. Hnrtfnpi. Pl'.-mr ^-7“ ]^* I’ark wav - M"<>\® as .1 '••ns •lie Inc® to HtJv®r- nUni tl■ r-1 Tern.'- r.> m's; .-i-a- of R,’-;t,-s .No 93 and N" I'H on I Ea.st HMrtfor,l w li, r,- th,‘V Will he 'W e th- 2 too niemhera of t| Cross agencies from Dec .30 f.-cis hi*t til® 4 .XSII KA'IKS wUJ (>• I'ln pJUty w ?5. -if'iO .M.un (>:’♦ n I'Mij-.u <; .'.'< nd ■! .r ■! W alhiu'b r.' 1* I h,' I’iioeniv \ .1!,-. I‘on'f r,l r.® coll®ci> Thix I’liicc I- ,\II rinanct-d. of concrele p„vemint on Will, ,1 Slenderly Darted , people 'have LEABWEO ^ BUT 1' iu‘l and I'ced 49- A ’O-NDn In.NKD ..M.l.l.s Cl,ai­ < porlant imlii.sirv, find it neresHa| Famous Americans, including home AtONE WOW AMO THEM ®f! No r® Hp*’n Hihllii V for ®rror« in I ('rov- parku av R,'iile .No, ,5k l-aiifi,-l,i 3 in', THAT XOIJ AREW’T WOCK- , DAH-viNfi 5 mers r,n III -.V |■u^)lM•r. use.I plows I to inform you at thi.s time that | I Wendell L. Willkic, Admiral Rirh- BUT I'M TIRED OP IT... I®.1 phoned sil* will h® ®ssum®d and S|u*:ik ({uii'k! FOR .s,\l.K KI11EI'I..\('K anil I Milf<,ird and Orange 22.943 fi<-l , of biliimm,111.8 niaeiulam ,mpany Hoiitr -N,i 65 Trumbull .ktnit- I Adolphe Menjou, Ginger Rogers 'A' EXPLAtM THAT VOO'RE BEEKI waitin' J. Holl. Tcl. \Iancbc.stcr 5117 or Willimantic. : bur (Yoss I’arkwnv i til,)o,l.'-he’ laken road .Musical Instruments Route .No 80 North Brnntoi'l not recognize a picket line off Auction for Britain s an raid \ 1 JUST CANT DtatkM ...... o Wrther.sfb'M J 2-.5 miles of Ynmority CIO group whose orJ (.’srd of 'Ih.tniv® ...... ifi FDR SALE - SMALL upright grading and ririiinage on .Sertlou 492 feet of concrete pavement oti k - ’ I : < f . I victims The auction is sponsored 4>ET O P?: im o r IN — OR < ALL IN — Eoxon roail. [-urpose may be to stop the whea \ In Menicr tn ...... |r apartment piano. I’erfect .ondi- .No-3, contract .No 1 rrl®s—Tlrrs ...... ft I.AY-AM AY PLAN Telephone 6060.7432 Rooms Without Board 5!> the Hartford by-pass. William Gibson, UAW (CIOi il laemi-postals. issued each Chnst- Auto flepatririK — Pslntlng .. . . 7 Const met Ion—Traffle Maintained Drainage Improvement In Niantlc Imas "Pro Juritntute" (For Youth), FOR XMA.S DKI.IVKRY ROO.M.S FOR 2 gentlemen, at 168 village ternatlonal representative, ssl Auto Schools ...... t-A Route No f .s 1 Bridgeport K reglow had no grounds for l1 I w ill this year honor a poet and a Autos—Ship Dv Truck ...... I Woodhridgc street. 'Felephone No route numbera Reacon (X>ei) 1H1 It Kt. T M »te. u » US Repairs to Stratford. avenue •statements, Gibson termed t| ■ master watchmaker. Autos— F*ir Hir,® ...... f Coiiir in riiuv anti -^dref a ntflln. 4.580 Falls, tj mile of rollcl gravel on 1 (f.’iraKes—S®i \ i.-®—Sfora*® ... 10 bridge letter "ridi ulous. mother, or refrigerator on lhl^ Burt-ort road. I A 5-centimes plus 5c green pic- ALLEY OOP fttotorcycles- H c V c !®t n Routes Nos. U -S. 1 and U. S lA ‘The United Auto Workers Bygosh Is Overwhelmed Wanf®d X .M «’c)ro>’cl®s IS easy plan. Small deposit will M ANTKl) FOR RE.N-r F U R N I .S H E D lierlin. New Britaln-Middletown Itures Johann Kaspar Lavater, I East Haven and Branford En­ the plant haven't as yet any rtl BY V. 1. UAX1LL\ Hitslnrss srtd l*re or rooms, private home centlemen road. Route No 72 open to traffic. ■ poet, theologian, and mystic borr ' nuslness Scr\ D ®H ' ’fTcred .... II IM-aee of mind. I’lpele^.s. I’honr 8'!5t. ('all at 166 Eldridge .stre/*t, sec­ larged Intersection 8 Inch rein .sons for thinking of a strike,” G i ■ in 1741. A 30c plus 10c blue an' Household S®rv;.-4H off®rrd ....ll-.A Constnirtlon— Traffic Maintained son rommenfed. "Our membersit A DKMONf HA' S ir OEsaON ond floor. forced conrrete pavement ■ light blue will present Daniel Jean ! IN WHOSE FLASHING) Ax Bulldln*—t'on* I Hcf In* ...... M •No route numbers: is growing dally and wc repreaejl SIR Route No tl. S. lA Ea.st Ha­ ■ Richard, called the "father " of the j OLE.NHSTHE HALO OF /'dEMON Florists—.SuiHcrif't ...... Ift .|()m ;.< f i r m 'H'r k LARGE ROOM beautifully fur- Bethany. 11.538 feet of rolled more of the workers than AIrrrif F»jri®ral (Mr»-.-* ...... tft 31 Oak Street ven.. 3.539 feet of Toncrete pave­ ■ Swiss.- watch industry. Richard I ,\ ...... D00)H_T^ iglNG-TOHN [\ SALUTE nished. twin beds, sh-’nver. near bank gravel on I.itchfield turnpike does. This letter apparently 1*1 H' at !ng-I-P: urn r>:»i* ~ Kci Hri* .. IT t'l>en Every Evening. ment on a section of-th6 New Ha- and Beacon Falls road. ■ died in 1741. Both stamps are bi- j YOU.' 1 nsuratic® .... I ft Bcnson Main street; ideal for couple or scheme to stop >ur progress at i-ir ven-Saybrook mad. ■ centenary commemoratives. 1 Milllnsry — Urrssinaklrif ... Ift VM'TIB JSaiM fTaitT two men. 11 Locust. Bloomfield. 3-4 mile of water- plant ' Movin*—Trnc^k 1 n*—-Stors g® .. fO East Haven. Widening of Ssn- bound macadam on Blue Hill* ave­ “Noisy darn place, isn’t il?’ Puhllc Pa.«-pr ^.-r .S®r»f4c® ...... t A nue and Packard street. Paint Irj*;—r.»’‘-riii»r ...... Proffssiiria I '^®r% ,ce® ...... It Coventry. Approximately 3-4 [XJONEKVILLE FOLKS H«pairina ii Embroider Army' Boys on Towels mile of traffic bound gravel sur­ Showers, (iifls BY F O M AINE f o x . Talloroi^; — J ♦•ni tf—!’l®an In* .. ift Do You Need-^ face on Repley Hill road. Tollit in.j .<®rvlc® .... 1ft 1 Notice 1V'inf®d—Hu .S»-r\tc® ..♦. Ift Eaatford. Approximately 4 1-2 F’or Brhle-Kle< i:l%® ftto«*k~l*rt»^|*naltry— I 2. To take action In regard to macadam surface on Granville AND CENTS ---TEN \ rl)t«'l®a times. A buffet lunch was serv| HILDA > FOB NAMED horn j appropriations for the purchase road from the end of present im­ CLINKERS AnD Oog8~Blrds^f*Ms ...... ftl bv the hostesb. BUZZIS / IN? A Comanche ! j 'If equipment and for the ex- proved section to the Massachu­ Liv® Stock—VehicU‘8 ...... '. ftl Just Arrived! setts state line. Miss McCarthy’s aunts. Ml piijltry and' Supplies ...... ftl I pen.ses. repairs and maintenance Ann Vennen and Mrs. Raytnos Wanted —IVls—P- tjP ry—Stork ' 44 Ledyard.'Three sections of town For ftain—>ll»r®11*iiei»e® ' of the Eire Department and other A New Shipment of Flor­ roads. Fogarty, entertained for her at t| Article® For Sal® ...... ftft property an-1 activities of Uie Fire Marlborough. Approxima t e I y home of their father. John McC . Boat® and .ftiicesi'ur'.ea ...... Distrirl for the ensuing year. ence Ranges and Heaters— .18068 thy of Pine Hill street. Thirty re Butlding. Materials ...... s7 2- 3 mile of rolled bank gravel sur­ Diamonds —\V.itches—.I®w®lry ftt 3. To .see If the Di.strict will and XX'ood Stoves. Also face on Isleib street. lives and friends from this Klectrtcal Appliancfs —Had:6.. ift authorize its Treasurer to borrow It Is no trick at all to make this other towna attended and preseH - ..<■ Used Enamel Cook Stoves MIddlefleld. 9.204 feet of water- attracUvs frcK'k for home wear. Fuel and Fctcl ...... \...... p* a in the name of the South .Man- bound macadam on Peters Lane. ed the prospective bride with ma| ".^rdea—Farm-—Datr^ Producta, ®0 ehester F'ire Distriet money for Simply Join the skirt, (when dart­ fine indlvddual and group gifts. Houaehold Goods ...... •! and Healers For Sale. Montville. Old Colchester road— fttachinary and Tuola ...... ftl the expenses and uses of the Dis­ town aid. ed through the top to give that Muaica) ln*trumenta ...... ftl trict during the fiscal year, and North Haven. 550 feet of rolled slim torso effect) to the full cut Offlc® and Store Equipment .♦. ftft give the note or notes Of the Dis­ SEE JONES bank run gravel on Sackett Point bodice, attach the flattering col­ L i U ' , ...... Speclala at the Sior«a ftft lar, set In tbe sleeves, add pockets, Another Shower T. IS ate, u a »sr or?. Wearing Apparel—Fura ...... ft7 trict for the same. For Better Prices! road and concrete slab bridge on Wantad—To Buy ...... ftft 4. To take action on the peti­ 31 Oak St. Tel. 82S4 S 25T Fitch StreeL side sashes and huttona and—your SCORCHY SMITH R«hiw»—Bon rd—lloirla—n®*f»ria tion of Edwin A. Johnson and Open Every Evening. North Stonington. Chester Main frock is ready. Yxju’ll wear it with For Miss Foh It’s A Deal! Heataaraaia pleasure always for it is desired BY JOHN C. TERRY Room® Wlthuu' Oogfd ...... ftl other residents and taxpayers in road—towm aid. By Mr*. Anne CWbot and the third design shows him at to fit comfortably. The long skirt 7 . Boarder® Wanted ...... «..ftft-A the territory adjoining the South Orange. 11,632 feet of rolled ‘tHCNIQU/MS] MiaiQN 19 ^ Country Board—Hesorta...... K Manchester Fire Distnet on the Your boys home on leave and that time-honored . past time— gravel surface on Derby-Milford line will add inches to your height l/r w r ® iAr\vr»cvaKfi]mWHSN7V®6U«I« your guests will get a big laugh Miss Catherine M. Foley, daut nim icp” SOVPMMSNT/ Hotel®—ilaatauranta ...... ftl east for admission to said Dis­ ; peeling potatoes! The fourth de- road. Garden street. Orange Cen­ and the smoothness at the waiAt- ter of Mr. anc Mrs. John Foley,] If KUVRfiP AIT *r$« Wanted—Hooma— Board ...... ftl when they see these Soldier Boy ' sign shows him at the end of a line is definitely slenderizing. wiu. FWMrr,’' I Rm I Rntat® Far Heat trict. ter road. Chestnut Hill road. Emerson street, was the guest A « F » L 0 / ^ Apartment®, Flat®. Tenement® ftl figures embroidered on your guest hard day's march. Ridge road and Indian Hill roacL Pattern No. 8068Ja designed for 5. . To take action on the peti­ FOR SALE towels or your kitchen 'tow-els! another shower given in her bon Buaineaa Locatlona for Rent .. ftft tion of Iva J. Watkins apd other Gay and amusing, these towels Redding. 1 mile of rolled gravel sizes 12 to 40. Size 14 takes 3 3-4 Wednesday night by Mrs: pioniil "V Hoijaea' For Kent ...... ftft Ready for Occupancy. Ex- "The designs of the Navy boys are easy enough for the beginner yards 35-inch material, 3 lr2 yards Suburban For Rant ♦..•••••••• ftft residents and taxpayers in th«i on Mountain avenue. I-siMatta and Mrs. James Hattinl cepHdnally XX'ell Built .5- were so popular that readers have to embroider. They'll make hilari­ Ridgefield. 3-4 mile of rolled gra­ ric rac braid or novelty edjging. Bumroar Born®® For Rtaf .*••• iT territory adjoining the South Man- asked me to design a set of Army the home of Mrs; Hatten In tl Wabtad to R®nt ...... ftt Chester Fire District on the south Room House. Cape Cod De- ous gifts at a kitchen shower or vel on New road. For this aftracUve pattern, send Centennial Apartments. The col Real ISatalo Fa® Balo boys for tes^ towels. Here they are as a ('housewarming” present Rocky Hill and Wethersfield. 15c In coin, your name, address, scheme was yellbw and white Aparueent Bulldtps fdr 8aU •• ftft for admission to said District siitn. o n Heat. Fireplace. and I know you’ll like them! 6. To elect, officers, for the For transfer patterns of all 4 3- 4 mile of bituminous macadam pattern number and size to The the guest of honor seated under Butlnaaa Proparty for Bala ••• 1ft Attached GaniRe. Located There are 4 figures each done 5«oldier Boy designs for towels surface on Charter road. Manchester Herald Today’s Pat­ Farm® and Land Car Bala •*••• 11 District for the ensuing year. In easy outline stitch and using large umbrella to which was u Houaa® for Bala ...... If Signed! At 393 Summit Street. Be­ I Pattern No. 92S7) color chart Roxbury. 1 mile of rolled baiik tern Service 106 7th Avenue, New Uched streamers that to roal Lota tor II brown, red, blue and yellow cotton for embroidering, amounts of ms- Robert J. Smith, tween Henry and William gravel on the Minors Bridge road Tork, N. T. useful presents There were at Resort Propartr lor S>1« ...«•• 14 eaibrotdery floos. terials specified, send 10 cents in Salem. Nine sections of town aid Pep up your winter wardrobe. 20 In attendance. Mubarbao'for Halo II Emil U C.' HohenUuO, Jr , Streets. On* ngyra showa the lad Itoal Getat* tor Bzekanto • ... II Ttaomaa J. Hasaett ' coin. Tour Name and Address and roads. Send for our Paahion Book of new A buffet lunch was served di] tVantyd—Rm I ...... II **thumbiiu[” bia way home when he ths Pattern Number to . Anne , SharosL 1 1-2 miles of loose gra­ designs, for all ages, an sixes.' ing the evening. Mias Foley (a] * - j r * t|[»T Hotlooa Dated at Manchester, ConnMti* HARLAN WHITE gets tbac welcome leave from the cut thla 14th day of November. Cabot .Tbe Manchester Herald. vel surface on the Lucas, Fairchild Pattern 15c Pattern Book JSc be married in St. James's reeM Phoitr Manchester 8811 PosL Another , is of him thinking 106 Seventh Avenue, New York and Middle 'rosuia. One Pattern and Pattern S^ok Thanksgiving momlnr to Gl •< ‘TSa -mrle be M l behind - bias” ettjf. S bn ^iry. About 1 B i l e o< rolled or^^-togsU M T S5c. BoWTSan ^ I i— --A - ' ■']


    PAGE EIGHTEEN illan(l|irstpr lEurnittg HrraUt FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Average Daily Circulation CJenter Church Men's club will tomorrow morning charged with For the Month of October, 1941 have a meeting Tuesday evening Intoxication. He wa* arrested on A. The Weather About Town at 7:30. at which the speaker will Is Arrested North Main street. Forecast of It. 8. Weathe be. William Shea of Hartford, for­ 6,96.3 ■* Hie ▼. F. W. Glut) BJinounce* eign news analyst. A social time Cloudy and warmer tonight; oocn- elaewhere today e dance at the with refreshments will follow the For Evasion New Equipment _ .Member of the Audit Hlonal light rain late tonight and V. F. W. home, Manchester Green, talk and all Center churchmen are Bureau of Circulations Siinflay morning; colder Sunday tomorrow evening, under auspices urged to reserve the date. GLOVES afternoon and night. ot the kitchen committee. Art Mc­ C. J. Blanchard Ilchl For Town Clerk Manchenter-—A City of Village Charm Kay's orchestra has been engaged After Leaviiiw Scene of and \ to play for a mixed program of Pass 2,500 Mark New equipment has been order­ VOL. LXL. NO. 40 (ClasNlflrd Advertising On Page 12) daaeea-.’iand a good turnout is an­ Yesterday's Aeeitleiit. ed for the town clerk’s office, but MANCHEiSTER. CONN., SATURDAY, .NOVE.MMER 1.',. 1911 (FOCKTEE.N PAGES) ticipated. when it will arrive is a problem PRICE THREE CENTS In Testing Autos C yrus J. B lanchard. ‘44, of 235 The fact that the equipment will MITTENS The m arriag e of M iss A nn G. be of steel and aa there Is now a Kennedy of 18 Hollister street, and Center street waa charged with evasion of re.sponsibility last night question about steel being dellver- Bright colorful leather or knitted wool glovea or mittena Paper Helps Aircraft Carrier Ark Royal Sent to Bottom William E. Tripp of South Wind­ rd for non defen.se work there may sor, wtil take place tomorrow Inspector Montague White, in after, It was stated, ho left the in plain colom, or with |wasant de.«ign.i for .tport wear. be a delay. The present method of Fine Capeskin or Fabric glovea for street and dress wear. r ...... morning at ten o’clock In St. charge of the Inspection lane for scene of an accident in which if keeping the books placed high on Rom eo Find Bridget's church. Germans Claim Gains the Motor Vehicle Department, car he was driving hit another shelves making it necessary for stated th is m orning th a t 2..^00 cars machine, Blanchard was com­ persons seeking information from All Wool Mittens ...... 59c and $ 1 .0 0 The Epworth Ijcague of the the different books to use a lad­ Girl Desired South Methodist church will bowl had pa.s.sed th ro u g h th e required plained of by Jennie F’orsherg. of second half-year tost. This figure 33 Hamlin street, wh<»se auto was der. -This Is considered too dan­ at the West Side Recreation Cen­ gerous. All Wool Gloves...... $ 1 .0 0 ter alleys tomorrow evening was slightly under that of the hit by the act ii.scil on Myrtle same period last ..\pril and it is ex­ .‘Street. F-Uanchartl will be present- The new equipment ordered for A tlanta Journal (',Pts Are Made in Crimea; Members are requested to meet at the office will make it po.ssible to the church promptly at "nn p m. pected lh(it the usual last minute eil in Court tom orrow m orning. Lined Leather M ittens ...... $ 1 .9 8 ru.sh will result. In a .'»econd m ishap Ann A m ­ keep the books in a lower caae and Quick Resultit After The lane, located on I„ennard brose of .South C oventry wa.s a r ­ will do away with the necea.sify of Gibbons As.sembly, Catholic using the ladder when books are \an Raalte Fabric G loves ...... $ 1 .0 0 Printing Letter Sent . Ladies of Columbus. will meet .street, just opposite the State rested on a charge of failing to .\rmory, is open daily from 8 In halt at a .stop sign alter a car .she being taken down. When the new Tuesday I'venlng in the K. of C. equipment arrives the books will To It by t ir^inion, home at eight o’clock sharp. A the morning until .’5’o’clock In the was driving at Hissell an.! Spnu’e Kiiikid Uoipeskin G loves ...... $ 2 .2 5 I^Leds W inning V ictory be kept in a section near the floor talk by Mias Adelma Grenier of evening. Iji.st time inspection was streets struck the automohilo of held here approximately 8,100 .Michael Hal>erern. of 38 Spring and this will mean the removal of Atlanta, Nov. 15 i/l’. A nows- C oventry will 'nllow, Mi.ss G renier the present shelves and will give has traveled extensively in Guate­ automobiles of all descriptions street. paprr adviro on cooking, Hold .Slral«-«»ir Points passed tbroiigh the test. the towri clerk more room In the mala and other Central American Joseph Jackson, of 77 N orth vault. fa.shlon.s. rtifjurttc and tithcr suh- z- .Advance in A irinity o£ n,^| School street, will appear In court All Wool \misli Start -countries and In Europe, and will •Jof’t.s ari'l. if callct] lipfin, may ^ivc In ('rin ifa \\ liil«- I)«-- .Scv ii-iojnd and Kerch exhibit fabrics and curios brought frii,s»* of Oi|-Hi(*|| Uaii- from these places, and describe Si. Briut ralc Invading Uiiits CLEANSING PADS I z c r r n r 'M PlancH; Hej^in be s e n ’od a t a siM'ial tim e to fol­ St nridppfs annual bazaar will Stenographer I ID to 2D. hninettn with a pleasing Foiifflit to Standstill: low. op«>n thm ov<*mnK in tlu* rh u rrh 55* I di.Mpositinn One of Strictest Serfs of .^Io|»|»iiifz-I,j» (A iiii|>algu 2. n«lay rvomng Vhon 3 A homeiiody who will have Pennsyl vania's 'Plain In Eastern Crimea. view, Montana, a home missionary Humkier and tho prizes will b«^ <)u lotiling fici«U __ I hi* liii.'-i-ifui Army,, i.s win­ I tion n hen If or/.- Done. day evenlng-at-seven meeting of tmo Maynard, blankets. Mrs. U'll- 5. A g'x.d girl in gen<‘ral |U<'rman frircv.s in the Crimea Center Church CYI’ Club When t r o (II > o u r p u r t r . Tuesday. Tbiirsd ay ning a .nnic. An>«tlirre Tiiey c«k.1' . . . thry Genuine Feather Trefern Anonymity U'tro gjiining ground in t h o Rev. and Mrs. Hannant and their Williams, camlv Mrs .lohn H<>M- frcxhrn' they |ti»r you i lUt! . . and oh' and Jlarcly had hi.s lelter iie4 n print- < rirni-a li\’ holding ,*;tralegic I I.ari'-a.stir. Ra.. Nov. 1.5 ,.i', three small sons flr.st went to i how ihtv^ i IcAnxc! ( Arr> them »irh >ou in vicinitv of Sova.stopot and on, novelties; Mrs. W.liter Pal* )i. ed before a young lady, who .said T hr Hrill'.h aircraft carrier Ark Huyiil rabovo wa-s toriii-d'.c'l eaat of Gibraltar, probably by an Italian .uMe «amt)-. Friday .Afternoons she' met all the requirement.^, toWf'd t.i tifirt :4 n (« nn< ,11 r ir->. iitnn t i r, I z.rwt#... ,>..,.1 1 - 1 ?ank before Kerch de.spite “strong” re- hoii.sehnld gooti.s. Mrs Ktlward It coiiM e towel t,; port, an annouiif-tmont in lymtlon «ald l.slhmu.i; while the defense ot jin throijghf,ul tins rich farm coun­ gregational churches in the state Moi'iarty. groceries, Mrs, hard BEGIN.’SING DECEMBER 2 w rote In from Thf»ma.*itf>n. O a . en­ ; .si.siancc*, the high command Mrs. Hannant is now on a speak­ HANDBAGS of the oil-rich Cauca.su.s i.s being try and thj;/annual rush for piar- Branhick. refroshnn'nt.s, M WELDON R4MiHonahle Rat4»A for Sf'rAirps closing a f>hntograph a stately announced today. The high ing tour in the Ea.stern states. The John .Mct'arthv. <’ake brunette .'^he said she too pre­ New Anti-Semitic Laws reorganized, London oEiserv- nagi* hcensfs has starti-d. meeting will he of unusual interest DRCG COMP.WV Bontlorr/l. For ('orn^pondoniM* I command al.so said Moscow The wheels Will he m charge of — W IIN and Ty p in g of .All Frgal ferred to remain anonymous until Kiiriisii JVears ers declared today. Rejiorts I For the industrious Amish, one and is open to alt F o ster WilIi.'Miif.^. I.an ren re M<>o. ^ I ! the lad wlentified Kim.self. .\(Tcft French Colonies land Leningrad were raided Proscription I’harmacisf.s I ForriiM. .\Uo Telephone Dicta­ I i Union and Steel Firms fi'iui the long, flaming brittlciir*' of the stric te s t Siet-S of Pennsyl- nan. George lbisk\\ ih'orge f\it- tion .Available. The Journal promptly printed "f It-.e eaxti rn front inilc.iteil ih*- vama’s ’’platn pe.,ple, ” only take I last night by German planes. Gar- ‘ The executive committee of the tnn and with the ticket sale in !)0l M a in S t. D ia l .").’521 V'irhy, l*norrnpiY* la Washburn. Tuesday evening they woiilil serxl him s biinch of nuw anli-Somitic laws witu *’X- N ovem ber 18, at the Y. M C A. ' es.s re'A'ar'ting fler* e Kii.^.sian .-\nd for that reason, only the ern part of the Crimea while ma* bus schedules. Diplomaev Hop Icvilay to K ra n ro s rdi- jor Inva.sion force.s clamped down The meeting will be held at Vi.lO. F S If the gentlem an confer again today on the early-nv«mlng communique Said The (iernrians said besieged Len* journey from Tokyo reportedly AI h o Daina^pil hy At­ ning at the home of Dr. and Mrs. 6 . 9 8 captive coal mine lalinr di.s- I that between Mon'lay and Wed- Ingrad was shelled anew by heavy Robert Keeney, T.") Robert Road. bearing hl.i g o v ern m en t’s fin.al Armili" Ships ne.sday Hii.s,sian ships sank four Ioiij;i(*r RepIareH Prico- 2 .2 5 “"<1 *3.00 Red. Hluc, field, lirou n, (ireen Starts""Today pute after President KiMise- tack of U-Boats in Army batteries. terms for peaceful settlement of velt declared it was hi.s "in- Axis tran.-fports totaling 26.0oi) lo in Post; I.atter to As- (’ounter-.Attacks Repulsed WINTER HATS Japanew-A meriean differenee,. in Job to Start M cditt ‘rrancan ^ aters. tons in the Baltic. Russian counter-attacks on the Fares Two-Fokl Job of the Pacific. disputalile otiligation" to see The war report also declarei] Htinie O ther Diitien, central sector of the eastern front, TALI, CEDARS that a hostile submarine blew up Oniilal.H .said that .since Kuriiaii that production of the fuel Bulletin! supported by artillery and tanks, ’ Regular Prices SI.9.5 and S2.9.5 ^ ou Can’t Have Top .Manv Aiding War Machine. according to dlploni.itie quarteia | continucii. Whether or not the ne- j «'n a Russian mine in the Gulf of .\nnounrement Says. ; have been repulsed, the com- is carrying a personal iiies.sage to i After Siuniii «r gotlations prevent a tlireatened 1 I-oiidon, Nov. 1.5— —first I Finland and sank. niunique said, with the Russisna BINGO Levying New Taxes Ine president from Premier Gen ^ ■ttnke affecting ,53.tKKf captive l.ord of the Admiralty A. V. , ^ Observers in Ixindon said the Rome, Nov, 15- - ■ Premier ' losing 44 tan k s. Germans obviously were putting TONIGHT 8:15 Just Received! .As Tension Mounts. Hidekl Tojo, the Japanese may re­ mine workers Monday, highly | AlevBnd<*r announced today ■Mussolini remorved Gen. F ranceisco War commentators declared that quest an Immediate conference at TruiiiPtl Gun (>ew« anti th a t the Iom of life aboard the their greatest hop’e.s on the fight­ bombardments of Kerch, the Cri­ SKIRTS pl.iccrt Democratic members ot , I’ricolo today as chief of staff and ORANGE HALL $ 1 . 7 5 $ 0 . 7 5 the White Mouse. General Tojo Is Congres.x declared that a .show-, great aircraft carrier Ark ing in the south, seeking to over­ mean Naval ba.se of Sevastopol and ‘ A New Shipinent of For all kinds of casual wear wtfh Tokyo, Nov. 15 0T5 The .spe­ Lindcrstoial to de.sire to have his WeapoiiH Uollf*t‘tetl at down was Imminent on loglslatlnn Royal, uoulil not Im* more than run the Crimea and hurst into the inder-.socrctary for aviation, rc- the Caiicasfan fiorts of Novorosaisk sweaters, blouses, or jackets. cial "crisla scs.sion” of the Diet message delivered to the president Uniflrntifipd Stralvgir to prevent stoppages on work es- two or three men. ( aucasus by the back door across p—cing him with Gen. Rino Corso and Taupso had left only Batum, on B.x.xemhled today w ith a tw o -fo il be/ore he nddre.sses the Ja[innese •sential. to defense. the Kerch strait before the Riis- c'ougier. the southeastern shore of the Diel on Tue.sday. Berlin. Nov 15 ■J’. The Ger­ .sian.s can bring down .sufficient Black Sea, as a base from which niack Alpaca Crepy Skirt job to feed niore men and money PoinlH by tin* Navy. Those legislators .said they Tile announcement said Prlcolo You’re Invited To The The State Department aiiiviunc- would demand on Monday to know man high command disclosed to­ force to oppo.se the .Nazi drive to­ (Vould assum e o th er duties. Soviet fleet units could refuel In Full Pleated Sizes 21-28 to the Japanese war machine and isi that arrangements had l>een ward the oil fields. comparative safety. , Bmarfly styled dresses for the young Wnshinxton. Nov. 15. wV> Ar.- when corrective measures woul;! day for the .first time that U-boats Fougler formerly commanded levy new taxea to help pay the made for Kiirii.su to call on Secre­ Have Foiled Intention German artillery and airmen tunl arming: t»f American merchant he considered in the House. If no are operating in the Mediterrane­ the first air squadron. Me also had • I.OVELY DRESSY HATS woman Wool and Rabbits’ Hair. bill -amid increa.alng ten.aion in tary Mull at 10:30 a ni. lest.l ornmanded Italian Air Forces in vere reported to be cooperating in the Pacifi--. flhipR ifi expected to j'el under w ay commitment is forthcoming, one an by announcing that German The Ru.saians thus far have foil­ V .F.W . CLUB Rayon Crepe, or Wool and Rayon .Monday, accompanied liv the Ja- declared, existing machinery ed that intention, these observers •N'lrth Africa and the Italiai. Air *4.98 Aa a aetting, t’nited .Stalea Ma- [innese amli.-ossador, Kli hlsaburo next w*fk ih busy .iii:pj»inp cen­ .submarines damaged the British (Continued On Page Ten) would be .set in motion to bring said, by retreating immediately to Forc e on the ppglish channel. Crepe combinations. Dresses that fit rinea in Shanghai, Peiping and nom iira. ters along the Atlantic roaat. tiattle.'ihip Malaya and .sank the • SM AR I ( ASl AL H ATS The work will start Imme»liately the matter before members quick­ aln roft larrier Ark Royal In an stronghold.*, at Sevastopol and DANCE smoothly around the midriff and hips Fin^ W(M)I Plaid Skirl.<* Tient.sln began parking up to I>eellne to Comment ly. Kerch, on, the Crimea, after the Fifty-year-old Gen Francei.aco leave f>n President Uoo.aevelt’s or­ Mr Itoo.sevelt and .Secretary a fte r M r F^ooHevelt n\gn» into law attack on a formation of Britisli V. F. W. HOME and flare out with a dramatic swish. In Ireland Colors .Sizes 21.30 the neutrality ail revi.siun meaH- laist-M lnute .\speef battleships. initial Gorman break-through on ITlcoio has .sjient 31 year.s with FUR AM) w ool, FELTS der and .Sabiiro Kiiruau neared Mciil have dc*c,-iineil to c'oniment on the I’erekop Isthmus. Italy’s armea forces and has been* Manchester Green Washington as a sp«-( lal envoy the iiossllilllty of a peaceful adjiist- ure paa.sed by the Hou.se 'Phur.sday Today’s captive mine confer- [ The Malaya was so badly dam- Sizes 9 to IS to authorize American merchant rni e had a last-minute aspect. ageil .she had to be tow ed into The Red Army units mav be a flier for more than a quarter- Flashes ! with a mission of underst'inding n'ent of Japaneae-American rela­ SAT., NOV, 1.0, 8:1,'. P. M. ,\l.l. MRADSI/KS VELVETS FABRIO; SUEDES HhijMi to Rn>'A^'here in the worhi John L. Lewis, UMW president, ^ Britain’s fortress harbor of (ii- forced to abandon all the (>imea en tu ry . piloting dirlgihlo.s as Well (l-ate Bulletina ot the OP) Wlra) *4.98 which many Japnne.se regarded tions as a result of the renewed except the Naval base city of .Se- a.s airplane.s. under protection of their own agreeil to a truce ending at mid­ braltar. tho sjiecial bulletin from w ith pc.a.ajmlam. disc ussions, pending study of what­ v.astopol within the next few days, ‘romnted |n I S Shakrup Art McKay’s Orchestra Hap.s and >?un.s. The bill probably night tonight, ^when he called oft Adolf Hitler’s headquarters de- 1 9 9 I‘ubllshed Without Conimrnt ever proposals .Nom’iira and it wa.s .said but already they have Spaniard Held .After Blast Pastel Tweeds and Plaid Skirts a three-day strike in the captive clared. He moveci up to the underseepe- ’ Admission Inc. Tax: .'.Oc, Brims Berets Tiirlians PiU Boxes Sailors The ileclaion to wittidraw the Kiirusii r.iay present gained time for .Soviet artillery to tary.*4hlp fo r aviation Mu.ssolirtl .Buenos .Aires, Nov. IS. — (/p) _ Full Pleated Sizes 21-30 (Continued On Fa^e Twelve) jilts last month to permit the lie- Two .submarines, cimmanded by Marines was published in Japa­ Diplomatic circles evidenced lit­ Ih* placed aldng the coast of the himself is the air mini.ster -. a Bombs rxpliMied this morning Ir *6.50 to *12.98 fense Meas.s on I.ieiit. Comdrs. Hans George nese ncw.spaiHTS umler Washing­ tle optimism over the' talk.s. poin t­ Caucasus to ficht Nazi efforts to •government shake-iiL of Oct 31 front of the headquarters of the Black BroHii inc Red Soldier Hif;h Shades ton d.atehne.s without eomment. ing th a t the tw o gcivernnients ti.avo the union’s demand for a union iteshke and Friedrich Guggen- cross the strait. 1939. l.egion de Mayo, which Is a Right­ * Government sfiokesmen were si­ oiitiniied to follow widely diverg ■hop The board ruleil against the Irerger, Were credited with having Reports have been received here He fought in Italy's war ag.iinst ist nrganlutlon, and before tha 5.98 ■nt (lollrles de.spilc tho previous Sailiiijj Ships union, 9-to-2, and (TO member.'^ .sunk the Ark Royal in what the (hiirrh of Carmen. Althoagb lent but it was believed Ui.at Ja­ that Russian troops were rushing I’lirkey in 1912 ns a lieutenant and V pan’s attitude would parallel her . oiivorsations^ resigned from the board in pro­ high command acclaimed as a southward from Rostov-on-Don to :,stingui.«hed him.*ielf in the W orld the Ixiiiitis cxidoded » l ( h n great DANCE test. "great new success ” for the Ger­ stand on President ItoOsevelt’s (At .S.an Krancisco, however, reinforce the defenders of the Cau­ ■ ar by participating in .58 d.iv and noise, tlicv f oii**4'd ro> damage. Po­ M anchester original announcement that the jv'lien. rcqiorteis a.sked K irusti ves- ' In Use Again There was no word from Lewis m an .Navy. casus, but It was indicated the light dirigible fllght.s (iver ’ the lice arrested a J ’J-vear-old S pah - Sports Center step was contemplated that it t< relay about the chance for peace, IS to whether the midnight dead­ Other Vessels Tor|>edoed Russians elsewhere had decided 'Sti'e llne.a. lard. .\nlonlo Bermudez Porto, oR T h « CORP. was welcomed as treeing China ot ctic- envoy rc-pned ’If I didn’t have line stood. The miners, however, Other British vessels were tor­ agaln.st weakening their forces by Pricolo continued a.H an avia­ **iisplrlon of jilantlng at least ODO ^ Every Thiirsdny .Nighl J W. HALC foreign influences and that the hope, why do you think I came Vi imljaininers Pressecl do not work Sundays, .so the real pedoed, the coniniunique said, but drawing them from other battle’ tion specialist after the wari a.s o( tiiern. Tlic (*\(do-tons iM'ctirrrd 1 such a long wuy?"i GREEN STAMP.S .Marinc.S’ presence was unneces­ crisi.s appeared due Monday morn­ It gave no Indication of what or zones. second in command of the Acad­ alHtiit ’2 :SU a. m., about foRT Admis.sion 41c, Inch Tax. Manchester Co n H* The imperially approvecl mes.sage Into Service to (jarrv ing how man> there were. blocks apart. Earlier last night GIVEN sary'as the Chinese were fully (Tieek (terman .AseauR emy of Aeronautics and com- Music hv able to niaintam order I i,,„|,.,r lr» i f I Mr. f^‘*°*^'eltRiK)xevrlt called the dispii- dispu- i Neither did the terse announce anmunce- In the fighting before Moscow*. mamler of diiigible flights, then as Kightlst gruujis had attended R Th.JW.IULC CORE (( ontiniied On l*age 'rwn) | z-'Hinin i oi i rii a. I tantsnl.s to a A While Mouse Hou.se conference ; ment Indicate whether the Ger lianquet honoring .Admiral LeoR : THE RARNSTORMER.S WITH CASH SALES IA Domel broadca.at hoard in assLstant chief of staff for the Manchester Cohn- ! — ■ X'ABye.sterday. t AV/laie Relea.^ing a transcripl__.._ .t ______— a .. .e. Sea^o. The places where thR ' Hank Post, Prompter. New York .said leading Japane.se fnan underwater craft were oper­ (Continiled On Page Ten) Royal Academy of Aeronautics, neWtipapers heralded the Diet Portlanil, Ore.. Nov. 15 i/T>i of part of hia remark* to the steel ating out of . Italian harbors, and Inter a.a commandant of the bombs exploded* Were remote fronA... Roller Skating Every I rlday When lumber cargo rate.s jump men and I’MW rcprosentative.s. the restaurant where they father­ m eeting w ith ex[>re.Hsions of ho(ie whether some other part of the Second Territorial Aivlation zone and Saturday Night. ed, however. that it would live up to its name Two Aijeiieies from $12 to $80 a thousand board the Fre.sidont disclosed ho had told Axis-held Mediterranean coast feet, and hull that ran keep the son • • • ( HEATING OUR HOME WAS as a war Diet ami art accordingly. them flatly that to cease produc­ was sheltering them or whether out will .sail if she can g e t a crew . Data on Vital ’2.300 7’ugoHlavs Shot .-\ssured of Full Support ing coal for the ateel mills would they had slipped through the nar­ British Planes Kill And she usually can, with war-zone I-ondon, Nov. 15. — (A5 — ' (Parliament, it saiil, was as­ (ail Spending "create a further danger to Amer- row strait of Gibraltar past Brit­ Tha pay in the neighborhood of $275 a 29 Persons in Raids Vugoxlav govrmirnt In exile de­ UNTIL WE ^ AUCE COFRAN sured by tlie press of the nation’s ain’s guardian rock. Metal Asked month for each man. (Oontlnued on Page Ten) When the British Admiralty an­ Rome, Nov 15-c;pi . BrItLsh clared today that In the past two V (Known As Queen AUoe) full sup|«irt. no miitter where Its So it is that the four-master planes killed 29 persons and in­ ueekH, 2,300 Viigoslav civiliaaa, la- ; S P IR IT U A I, .MEDIU.M decisions might leqd. It quoted UUC. uikI NYA Probably nounced that the Ark Royal had RANGE .Marie, formerly the gambling ship Treasury Balance been struck by a torpedo and jured 20 others in raid.s on Ca­ eluding school boy*, had been shot '• CHANCED TO Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son ^ . . BACK AGAIN. . . the iicwapap<-r Hochi as .saying Tango, formerly tlie Mary Dollar, TechniriaiiH to Estimate SILENT GLOW Will Turn Back Hiiii- sunk, the only comment by Ger­ tania and A'cireale, Sicily. and liv the German force* of oocupa- and V ou Boiwer Salea aa4 Basske - Bom With a Veit will be in the Columbia river soon Brindl.ol, on th e It.*ilian m’ainl,an*l. lion al hrigujevac In reprtval fos ( Readings Dally 9 A. M. to B P. .M. t( onllnufsl On Fage rwo) W ashington. Nov. 15.—f/Pj—t h e man sources was that the aiixraft Supplier on B uhI s o f tlrctl Million of Funds. under a press of ssll to take a -position of the Treasury. Nov. 13: the killing of ’26 (ieriiian Holdlera. i Or By Appointment In the Serv­ And Ready To Resume— WHiple of m illion board feet o r so carrier w*aa attacked in an Italian CHAS. G. SCHELL Receipts, $10,048,621.02; ex­ operations zone. Three Years' Needs. (CooUuued On Page Two) A sjMikesman asHcrtrd that JovoR i ice of the People for SO Years. for South Africa. , ------i------Knezevlc, a |irle*t and brother of R I You too, can hare Bteadi^, healthier, t o n Main S t TeL S«7 169 Church Stieel, Hartford, Conn. W asliington. Nov. 15 penditures, $60,401,498.82; net baD (The 31,100-ton M alaya, w*lth a FUEL OIL Federal decurtty official working She is one of four west coast ance, $2,489,902,861.61; customs minister to the rourt of yoang ’■* money-taring heat this EASY tcoy! Phone 6-0097 Turn to (irave windjammers to hoist anchor from Washington. Nov. 15— (A5__ ling I'etar, was among (lio*e *hoh :i out plans to consolidate the C ivil­ receipts for month, $11,541,324 45. (Coottoufd On Page Two) OPM technicians have been asked CATERING ian Conservation Corps and the semi-retirement and spread ennvar Envoys’ Plane Petar now I* In England. % , • Why heat yotir home the hard way when yon can by Army and Navy consultants to FOR ALL OCCASIONS National Youth ActminLstratlon for one more fling in cargo lanes. • • • use ‘blue coal' and take things e a ty ? ‘b in e c o a l’ is to p In Next Move Reeame Gambling Barge estimate stock piles of vital metals Cannot Be Beaten L. T. Wood Co. said today the two youth agencies on the basis of needs for a three- quality Pennsylvania hard coal... acientifically pre­ Engine-driven ships forced her -New Haven Nov. 15— (>P)e-Brig. ’f 51 Rissell Street probably would turn back to the year penod. it was learned tbday. Lands Safelv pared to ^ve all-around heating comfort, without a Treasury about $100,000,0()0 of out of trade years ago. She became Gen. R. II. Homer*. Army ora- s> a gambling barge off southern Plane deliveries to Britain As a result, the OP.M is attem pt­ , nance department offlelal, *aid to-' PHONE 4496 lot of fassing with the furnace. So if you want sore ARNOLD PAGANI Torranre Gives Re-En- their appropriations for the cur­ ing to antici|>ate “unexpected de­ ren t year. (.alifcmnia, but iav,*. enforce**!'nl I day that the “American eooihat t x a n » t » 174i/> SPRUCE STREET TELEPHONE 5790 mands or losses of sources of sup­ Britinh .Aiinounrenient protection for family health, freedom from artment of Arrident; He estimated CXX: would have eventually relegated her to idle­ team of production— the Army, < Get Ready ness. Hit New High in 8 Months ply" in building military* reserv'oirs induHtriol management, and lahot ' chores, and real money-saving heat, Son Suspects Slaying. $80,000,000 unexpended of Its of materials necessary in the man­ Indicates .Arrival of hll your bin with ‘bine coal’ tuna. $247,000,000 fund, and the NYA The Marie, now being converted — cannot be beaten.” Mpeoldag at ( > — . . nt San Diego, la the second gamb­ ufacture of munitions, planes, and s ceremony marking the prodae- ‘ For $20,000,000 out of an appropriation Lot Angeles, Nov. 15— —De- • T^e chamber released these sta­ ships, one source explained. Parly al Port of Baku. Monterrey, Mexico. Nov. 15—(/p) of $151,000,000. ling ship to go respectable under tion of the 10,000th JW miiHroetei '* the lure of war cargo rates. ll very of warplanes and aeronau- tiatica: To assure such needed reserves, aircraft machine gun at tho phiat .-Polu - turned today to the gr.ave Secrete^' of Treasury ^orgert- London, Nov. 15 (A5 -A Brit­ of the 6,5-year-old bride of Arthur The old Rex. khich did a fat tical equipment to Britain reached O/ipnal British orders placed critical metals must in mai\y in­ of The High standard Manufac­ thau ySsterday retonimended to stances be withdraw'n from civil­ ish announcement indicated today Thanksgiving Torrance, identiflcl by autl(orlties gambling buaincaa off San Pedro turing Company, General Kotaora, the Joint Congressional Ektonomy a record high of $330,000,000 in tpJen'X ^ ian uses. that a British-United Statea-Rus- aa a New York author and expert before the war, is being re-rigged aaslHtant chief of the Induatflal committee that reductions be made the first eight months of 1941, $2,000,000,000 Copper'Supply Shorter Sian party of 12 Including Lau­ on tropical diseases. In the next in expenditures for youth projects, as a schooner. She has been re­ ■ervice, Innpectloa divlsloa, of thO named the SlnK of Scotland and the Aeronautical Chamber of Com­ No Comparable Figure Given Surveying the metals situation rence A. Steinhardt. U. S. amas- War Deportment, sold that *if move of a thorough investigation agriculture project’s, rivers and in general, OP.M experts reported of her death while on a honeymoon. (vill be carrying cargo to South merce of America reported today. Total aeronautical deliveries to andor to Moscow landed safely wll] bold the Nae for the harbors, reclamation and for high- that the coppei supply this month T h u rsd ay a t the CTaspian p o rt ol Torrance. 54..gave an exhaustive Africa too. loading soon at Grays The chamber added that pro­ the British from Jan. 1 to Sept. 1 rratic way as the comhat tonaM a i SUPER-BINGO w-ay construction. were $330,000,000. (Number of probably would run more than 7,- Baku on a flight from Kuibyshev, FOR^UnecoaTANo Harbor. W art. Have a permanent wave and a Ilvetv new re-enactment yesterday of the To C'Xit Numher Of Camps duction of military aircraft for the Army will hold tho Hno aa tha* at the planes ^involved is a military se­ 803 tons under direct military and R ussia. are called apoa to fight at FR il HEATING SBIVICC hair style especially for the Holidays.' automobile accident in which he Previously. J. J. McRntee. CCX: four-maat^r Commodore !■ B ritain It still larg ely in its ori-i being re-riggeO at Winalow. Waah cret. No comparable figure for lehd-lease requirements, compgred Concern had been felt for its front.” - aaaerts hLs wife lost her life. director, had announced he Intend­ ginal phase, with a majority of 1940 was given.) with a shortage of some 6,000 tons Becauae we know you want our usual high alao for the African trade. She will United States manufacturers rush­ ■vfety since the start of the week, * * * PHONE US TODAY! Eyariato Garcia, assistant chief of ed to turn back to the Treasury In the first six months opera­ ia October. standard aervice- may we suggest that you state police, said police would open lo ^ out at Port; Angeles. W’aah. ing w'ork on contracts swarded with rough weather Indicated over (fuezon Urges Oefonoe Effort make your holiday appointment now! ARMY & NAVY CLUB, over $70,000,000 of the appropria­ tion of lend-lease March 1-Sopt. 1. December’s nickel requirements, its route tt the south. .Waaila, Nov. 15—Un—PresM her grave today for an autopsy. tion for his agency, and soon would The fourth west coast tailing prior to the.lend-lease program. for direct and Indirect defense ship back In cargo hauling ia the a p p ro x im ately $1,3 0 0.0 0 0,0 0 0 TTie M in istry of Inform ation, Maaael <)ueaoa griady argad 1 Richard Loveland, son of the ijut the number of CCC cogips to Lend-Lease Getting Htarted worth of aircraft was contracted needs, are expected to exceed 17.- wealthy Mrs. Torrance by a former renamed the which made the announcement, ptaoo to an ah oat dofeaas o4< 872 against a toUl of 1,500 camps In other words, tne chamber for under lend-leaae authority. 000,000 poun^, compared with identified the aircraft only as a THE W. G. 6LENNEY CO. marriage, has told police he siis- Kalula^ already en route from today, dedartag **wo oast aar i Saturday, November ^5 last January. stressed, the output of slrplsnea, Total ahronauUcal exports to production estimates of 10,500,000 . pected she was sjain rather than Grays Harbor to South Africa un­ plane carrying Sir Walter Monck- with America oad tha gnal § COAL. LUMPER. MASONS’ SUPPLIES. PAINT I TTie Federal security spokesman engines, propellers and other the British under lend-lease were pounds or leas. Aoout 70 per cent toB. chief o the Middle East In- accid en tally d n ju red . Hi.s cam plaint der Panamanian registry. She is eqfiipment forj the British Is ap­ dpioo slM> la ftflvlag la A lSilSP. M. *aid the amount to be saved by the $6,016,045 between March 1 and of this month's supply Is moving tnrmatlan Service, who has offices .336 NO. MAIN STREET TEL. 411f^ MANCHESTER M odem Beauty Salon reau te^ in the investigation. the /irat of the four actually at proximately $40,000,000 a month, A* the PMhppiaea obaoi two agencies v ould depend upon S ept. 1. direct to steel mills. at Cairo. Efcvpt. sixth aaalveraary of the J200. In Prizes Not Including Door Prize! Torrm nee OIv m Hla Veraioa- developmenu ha their defense ac­ although t&a lend-leaae, pbaae of Nine leading alrcraift companies, As to chrome, reports Indicate Mrs. Florence Leemon Ford — Mrs. Jane/Cleary Torrance threw himself a dozen CMTjrtBg Rates Jamp ^ N aerial aid ig Just getting started. Indicate Othen AbaaH wealth aastd 5ar Canten _ b lu e c o a l the DEPENDABLE FUEL SOLD ONLY BY RELIABLE DEALERS ADMISSION ...... 11.00 tivity. and emphasized that the S o u th A frican 'tia d e b egan pay.* jointly representing' more than 60 that total supplies now barely Tetograma earlier to the Brttlah tho BsooUsat dsrtawl Ih u r 905 MAIN ST. WELDON BLDG. TEL. 6.311 times full length into a muddy figures he gave were estimates. - This is true jwrtlcularly of south­ per cent of the Industry's bqcktog equal detnanda and Intenstve ef­ Amiile Parkinit la Rear of ClubF roadside ditchtnear Monterrey yea<' mg lofty rate* when the war ktart* ern Californtp’s major aircraft legation at Teheran, Iran, however, yabito opooehla a m art."m i ITiis official, who at the dire^- ed and weal coast vessels flocked of unfilled orders reported that U forts are being ff>a aad itsfT rt Jl- 1 - C