■'S’V'i I IPAOB SIXTEEN / n iU n S D A T , N O V E M B E R IS, 1941 MmtrlfpBtrr £opnbt0 Hrrald Average Daily Circulation For the Mouth of OrtotM'ry 1941 The Sewing club of the Ameri­ The sprinkler system at Apel’s company aoldlera both interesting The Weather can Legion auxlliarj’ will meet Opera House at the corner of and enjoyable. Foreraat of U. 8. Weather About Town Friday afternoon at 1:30 with Mrs. Manchester Legion Guards 6,96.3 North Main street and Apel place Lost-Night's Drill O N E D A V Viola Rice of 76 Russell street. let go about 5:30 this morning. Mcmlirr of the Audit Members of the auxilia^ are re­ Date Book Mr. Marchlaotti of the YMCA OUR ERROR, FOLKS SALE flofidy followed by rjessring to­ Chief Roy Griswold of the Man­ was present at the unit's drill ses-. liurrau of Circulallona Th« Womfca’t Society of Chris­ quested to send in their returns chester Fire department answered Club Formed of night; Saturday increasing cloudl- tian Service of the Quarryvllle for the turkey raffle by Monday. Tonight alon last evening, at which time’ Those 1,000 Pounds of neaa, little change In temperature. a still alarm and took care of the he gave the members Instruction ' Methodist church v/ill serve a tur­ November 17. The drawing will situation alone. Slight damage was Meeting Zoning Board of Ap­ HATS Manrhrnter— A City of Village Charm in first aid and bandaging. This key supper at the church tomorrow take place Monday evening. caused by water and no trace of peals, Munieipal Building at 8. Members of Company G evening from 5:30 on. Reservations is one of the many features which Emperor Grapes VOL. LXL. NO. 39 (Ulaaained Advertising On Page IS) fire was found after a lengthy in­ Tomorrow - * W E R E 11.98! t ^ Q A should be made this evening Organize Social Group Captain Jenney is arranging in an MANCHE.STER. CONN., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1941 It Is expected a large delegation spection. A defective sprinkler Annual High school prom. High REDUCED TO ^ ■ l2l2L (EIGHTEEN PAGE.S) through Mrs. Ann Skinner or Mrs. from Manchester Grange will go head was responsible for the school hall. effort to provide his company with Are Selling .At PRICE THREE CENTS William Perrett. -Jenney Is President. a varied program of educational to Worcester. Mass., tomorrow alarm. Also. Fair, St. Bridget's parish VILLAGE where the seventh degree will be at Church hall. subjects. Close order drill and rifle Group G of Center church wom- conferred on a record-breaking In.stallatlon of officera and sup­ Following the regidar weekly practice completed the evening's 3 lbs. 25c BONNET SHOP en, Mrs. Harold Alvord, leader, will class. A special bus has been char­ per. Helen Davidson Lodge, Daugh- drill session of Company G, local program. 770 Main Street have a meeting this evening at No Drill Next Wevk And not at S Ibfl, 4f)c an advrr- Oppiislte State Theater - tered for the trip, and all who have Y Drive Falls ter.s of .Scotia, Masonic Temple. Stafe Guard unit at the local 7:80 at the church. purchased tickeLs should be at There will be no drill of the unit tlRed last nlRht. They’re a real Saturday, Nov. 15 arm oiy last night, a meeting ol the Masonic Temple at 10 a. m. Dance. .\merican Lithuanian next Wednesday due to it being buy at the rlj^ht price quoted The British War Relief woi-k- Short of Goal Citizens' club basketball team, the social club was held at the Thanksgiving eve, It was an­ above. Legion Home. It was decided at nounced today. The next drill ses­ Carrier Ark Royal Is Sunk rooma In the British-Amerlcan cliib Liberty hall. Clan McLean, Order of Scottish SPE.CIA1, FOR FRIDAY! building will not be open tonlgh’ ,* Clans, will hold its regular meeting ALSO. Fair, St. Bridget's parish, the meeting to call the organiza­ sion is scheduled for Wednesday and It has been decided to discon­ tomorrow night at eight o'clock m Only $2,218 of Ncrdnl at Church hall. tion. the "Legion Gunrd.s" in hon­ evening, November 26. tinue work on Thursday e%’enlngs .Monday, Nov. 17 or of the lyogion post which spon- Foster's Market the Masonic Temple."rhe members 84 Oakland St. Tel. 7386 LOBSTER for the present. have been invited to witness the in­ $6,000 Was Raised in I ,\lr Raid Wardens' School, High 3or"d the unit. stallation of officers of Helen School hall. Capt. John L. Jenney was ap­ Townsend Club No. 2 will hold Scotia. The C-anipaigii. ' ALSO, Fair. St. Bridget's parish, pointed president of the club. Pvt. DINNER its regular meeting tomorrow eve­ at Church hall. Howard Keeney, vice-president; CUT FLOWERS W ill Not ning at the Y.M.C.A. A report of Members of Campbell Council K. At a meeting of the Y M. C A Tiieaday, Nov. 18 Pvt. Elton John.son, recording sec­ SOe, 73e, $1 Per the ma.ss meeting In New Haven of C., will receive communion in a (lirectoTR hold last rvrninjj at the Annual meeting and banquet. retary; Pvt. Harry .Shennlng, fi- $ 1 .0 0 Miners to Join Union will be given and other routine I (xiy at the !) o'clock mass in St. Y it wa.*! TpportfMl that the drive, Manchester Chamber of Com­ namlal secretary, and Pvt, Wil­ FOOD SALE business transacted. merce. Ma.sonic Temple. liam Pitkin, trea.surer. Bouquet Bridget's church Sunday morning. held two weeks a^o, had rai.sed but SAT., NOV. 15, 9:30 A. M. Delicious Sunday Dinners! The gathering will be addressed by $2,218 of the needed $6,000 asked Wednesday, Nov. 19 In appreciation of the work Ever Ready Circle of King's Rev. Francis Breen, the new chap­ for in the quota However. It waa "Turkey, Goose, Pig" Hose and which they accomplished In form­ Wedding Bouquets HALE’S STORE Daughters announces a food sale lain of the society. reported today by Miss Marlon Ladder. Co., No. 1, Cheney Hall. ing the Guard unit, Elmer Weden Kver Ready Circle House lA>a(|prs Gut Presulunt’s Luller in Hale's store, beginning at 9:.30 Tinker that contributions, were Friday, Nov. 28 and Marcel Donze were enrolled $3.00 of King's Daughters. a. m. Saturday. T3ie committee in Hotel Sheridan Roosevelt Asks CIO, still coming: In and if the pre.sent Annual dance of Memorial Hoa*- as honorary memBers. Felix Mc- charge at the store includes Mrs. The Boani of Police Comml.ssion- ers will meet Tuesday evening of rate continuer! it was possible to. pital Auxiliary. Hotel Bond, Hart­ Evitt, former second lieutenant ot Corsages ,3.3c ae of Crew Lost L- J. Tuttle, Mrs. George \V. House realize at least .30 per cent of the ford. the outfit, was also appointed an and Mrs. Stuart Segar. next week. The commissioners will give consideration to the possible amount set forth. ALSO, Concert. O d d Fellows d is ­ honorary member by a unanimous Extra .\rtlvltles trict lodges. Odd Fellows hall. vote. The Married Couples club will appointment of more, members to Cemetery Graves the police department. The board The increased cost to the Y this Saturday, Nov. 29 The club Is planning several so­ Steel Firms’ Heads have a Pot Luck supper at 6:30 to­ year is due. in a large measure, to The Christmas dance, Jr. Cham­ Covered With Greens morrow evening at the South last month organtzed and elected cial functions during the winter B r N G O ~ Tliomas J. Rogers chairman. the extra activities and burdens ber of Commerce, Country club. In an effort to make the tour of and Berries As Towing to Haven Methodist church. thrust on It by dofcn.se workers. Tuesday, Dec. 2 State Guard duty for the "G" rONIGHT The Y. according to Miss Tinker, $ 1.00 At a meeting last night the Caledonian Market, at Center ODD FELI.OWS HALL It was announced today that due is making every effort to maintain Church House. to the Thanksgiving holiday next ■Young Republican club named a schedule that will take care of o n SPON.SORED BY KINO D .W II) IXIDtiE. I. O. O. F. Muss Lillian Reymnnder chairman Wednesday, Dee. 3 Urns 7.3c each Continue to Dicker week surplus food, stamps will be the "odd shift" workers ns well as "Uncle Sam's Meriy-Go-Round ------------------- n.VMES --- ^ _______ 30 given out next week Wedne.siJay of a committee to arrange a club, the regularly scheihiled progi-tims. dance and social. To add to the ac­ Fair at Second Congregational 2.5 t.am es................................................... $4.00 Prize Per ttanie Plan Proves Failure and Friday at the Manchester Capable nssi.stants for both men 4 S|>eelal G am es.......................................$I().(M) Prize Per Game tive membership a committee was church Presiilpiit Says (zovurii- Trust company. and women had laid out a course F. E. B R A Y 1 S|MM lnl Game .........................................................$.50.00 Prize foimed under William Davis. Thursday, Dee. 4 of events calculated to meet every JEWELER Door Prize $10.00 iiiuiit VE ill Not Ortlur Fears Blood I Japan Makes need, Annual sale and plav of Ever McConviUe’s $1.00 .Admission Includes .All of the Above Games. Des|H‘ratp Effort Made British Usilio j7Va.2r/s Given A car operated by George Luurt- Kver\' morning the bowling al­ Ready Circle King's Daughters, Slate Theater Ruildinf; Siieelal Cards lOe Eaeh.
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