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Spring 4-2-1982 Maine Campus April 02 1982 Maine Campus Staff

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Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus April 02 1982" (1982). Maine Campus Archives. 1220.

This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. No decision yet on food science department retiring, by Sean Brodrick Wing said he needs $200,000 not Ramsdell didn't think students replace Ramsdell, who is some Staff Writer only to keep the food science would be deprived of essential courses. adding another faculty position, also to beef up "It narrows down to the depth of the graduate assistantships, and a slight By June 30, UMO administrators department open but other student's education," he said. increase in operating dollars. should know whether or not UMO will the academic research of which have food science said money is so tight have a food science department, said departments in the college Wing said cutting off Ramsdell past five years. eliminating policy initiated by the Kenneth Wing, Dean of the College of been taking cuts for the was no smarter than because of a is starving marketing classes in 1977, stating that salary Life Sciences and Agriculture. "Academic research production and university either station Frederick Hutchinson, vice president now," Wing said. The choice is agriculture, but, he said, something increases for all experimental of an research arm of the for research and public development, to cut food science and give its funding has to be done because employees, the so which science, must be Richard Bowers, vice president for to other programs or to get $200,000 increasingly tighter budget department of food and appropriations academic affairs, hope to make a food science and other departments couldn't keep up with inflation. taken from federal lost in of the food ioresnu. decision on whether or not to eliminate can get back the funding they've The faculty and staff tmhiasdepotolictyhehsatsat The inception of been to the department. the past five years, he said. science department has allowed !led in additional of • Wing said the question isn't one 01 Gordon Ramsdell, acting chairman dwindle through non-replacement costs to the experimental station said, has to program quality, but of money. The of the food science department, retirees, and now the university exceeding $600,000. college of decide whether it wants a complete department now costs the university "1 just can't believe that a Vice President Bowers said that the exist a food science program or none at all. about $100,000 to run and $200,000 agriculture should without budget for next year still needs to be time the Wing said if the food science will be needed to keep it going, said complete program, from the closely examined before any decision department was fully funded it would Wing, who originally proposed the product is planted until it reaches the can be made mean getting a new chairman to program elimination. consumer's table."

The University of Maine at Orono the daily student newspaper aine since 1875 am us April 2. 1982 vol.90 no.43 Friday, Proposed Sea Grant cuts criticized about $860,000 - one-third of Maine (AP) - Maine's receives ORONO, university's marine-research industry would be badly hurt if the fishing budget. budget cuts requested by President Reagan wipe out the Sea Grant The University of New Hampshire Program, University of Maine rutty the program jointly with UMO officials said. and receives about $640,000, said Ronald Dearborn, the program's Paul Silverman, president of the associate director. University of Maine's Orono campus, the Sea Grant said the administration plans to drop The greatest benefit of it money to the program entirely. Efforts are program is that provides marine underway to restore some Sea Grant solve local and regional funds, he said. problems, Dearborn said. for with "My belief is that we are going to Technical assistance paid to the success succeed in restoring significant parts of Sea Grant money has led companies in these proposed cuts, but I'm fearful of 50 marine aquaculture flat Oysters that the process by which this occurs is Maine that grow European fraught with so many cracks that some and blue mussels, he said. of these programs so critical to Maine the Sea Grant program also might fall through." Silverman said. founded the Fisherman's Forum, Program cuts would damage the which has helped Maine's independent competitiveness of Maine's fishing fishermen gain a political voice, industry and the growing productivity Dearborn said. of the Gulf of Maine, he said. Money from the program funded The university became the nation's seminars that taught cold-water college in 1980. Under photo) 13th Sea Grant survival techniques to fishermen, he Stadents are beginning to enjo the first warmth of spring.(1inscoit the 12-year-old program, Maine said. University officer awarded for bravery by Richard Mulhern floor. After dragging the man to Staff Writer safety, Ash returned to the building and led to safety another UMOPD officer George R. man who was attempting to find Ash was presented with an award his way out. for bravery Thursday for his role in rescuing two persons from a Assistant Director of Police burning building March 20. Services William Prosser said the Police and Safety Director bravery award is made by a Alan Reynolds made the committee comprised of presentation in a ceremony at university police officers. police headquarters. The 27-year-old Ash has been a The award stems from an member of the UMOPD since incident in which Ash, while on October, 1978, A New Jersey patrol, discovered a fire at the native, he now resides in Pine Tree Inn in Bangor. After Hancock, Maine. instructing headquarters to notify When contacted regarding the the Bangor Fire Department, Ash March 20 fire, Bangor Fire Chief entered the smoke-filled building, James McKenzie took the where he heard someone opportunity to praise the for its role in receives a braver, sward from Police and coughing. UMOPD UMO police officer Ceorge Ash to a saying "they Ash received the award for Ash traced the coughing responding to fires, Public Safets Director .Alan Rev noldv Thursda.. the recently. (Storey photo) man whom he found lying on do a heck of a good job." pulling two people out of a burning building in safety 2 The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 Engineering students to display vehicles Exp4 by Sean Brodrick by Naomi Laskey bicycle parts, Crosby said. a member of his team got members of or rowing is allowed and no team may Staff Writer Staff Writer an opposing team drunk and got "all deliberately interfere with another "Plans and An internatio designs for the vehicles sorts of information." during the race. have been kept secret. Nobody has Thursday ni) seen the vehicles except the members of "It's no sabotage (which would "The students arranged with police administration's The UMO campus may be stirred up a fire brigade. when, on May each team. All the projects are hidden disqualify a team according to class to have roads blocked off during 8, the 62 Mechanical "When we thi Engineering away in shops and garages," he said. rules). If they tell us something, what the race. They did everything. I think Technology class projects, we send in fire trl all human-powered can we do?" Malloy said. it turned out to be more work than they vehicles, are tested All of these cloak and dagger a crowd of ab in a 10-mile land/water expected though," Crosby said. race which will activities may seem extreme to an Crafts must be powered completely Stoessinger, whc begin and end at the steam plant outsider, but the competition is a very by human propulsion, must have at The race itself will consist of two affairs and serve parking lot. serious matter to all students involved. least two persons aboard at all times, five-mile loops of the UMO campus, audience econom opportunity to experience one of their must follow the agreed upon course, all "The competition idea builds a great between which teams must operate Central Americat designs as a major design project, to group members must participate in the deal of motivation. You work harder their vehicles in waters of the S illwater "The real neec actually suffer through what up until race, no conventional (hand) paddling to beat fellow classmates," said Jame, River, Crosby said. American militar now was only on paper," said Manter, senior MET student. countries are star. Herbert Crosby, associate professor of Instead of shir "We've put in Actors, Actresses wanted ft, Mechanical Engineering Technology. close to 100 hour,. Stoesinger sugges and material CAMPUS summer Children's Theatre A man-powered vehicle is made by -wise have spent about like Honduras ; S800. got company. Audition April 5 and each item, which is made up of six or We some special lightweight conditionally if it tubing CRIER 6, 7:30 p.m., Jewish Communii, seven students (there are 31 seniors in all of the way from Toronto, In the area the class). Teams are chosen at Canada. I think naturally I'm going to Center, 28 Somerset St., Bangor Musical audition required. Par,: described the tril random. There are thus five vehicles boast we've got the best engineering going to spend or being constructed for the class. Crosby and design ideas," he said. positions. For information call Orono Students: Now showing 866-4103. MEGO dollars, ft said. Although design is important, there and renting apartment for fall, the sum is so lari The vehicles themselves are being are other ways to get an advantage over mile from campus. No pets. Call Delisery Omer wasted, and is bei made of fiberglass, aluminum, wanted.Appb. in steel, other teams. Jerry Malloy, a senior forappoimment 827-7231 827- person. Napoli as the MX missile pieces from water and Pula, Orono, 154 craft, a lot of ME T major no on Manter•s team, said 2402. HaYe apartment to sublet Park Si. these weapons 1 • for summer. Summer house for rent June- —f —1r Aug. 25 miles South of Bangor Journalism students Help Wanted: Earnings overlooking Penobscot Bay on unlimited working from home. 3/12 acres. 4 bedrooms, deck, Any age or location. See ad under fireplace-all modern. $1000 per awarded scholarships Business Opportunities, month. $275 per week. Commute campus enjoy summer ,a1,1 - Nst.irail]. Business Oppurtunities: Earnings to and by Ed Manzi I n- too! 401-941-5556 Staff Writer honored... Storey said she wants to bt Unlimited working from home. a sports .riter after she graduates. Any age or location. Many types Will person interested in old The Maine Press Association has "The field is wide open for womer of work as ailablr. Offer, send papers on business history of Mr awarded two UMO journalism stud- sports writers." Stores said. $1.00 (refundable) to: Triple"S", Sawyer, paper mills an.: ents a one year tuition scholarship for John Toole said. "I think the award 19287 Highway 18, Suite 3 - railroads. Contact 942-4958. their outstanding interest in print is great. I'm grateful to the Maine L5,Apple Valley, CA 92307. House fen rent. 1w o miles awa, journalism. Press Association and the journalism Lost: Dark green five subject Woodstove. June 1- May 3! Junior journalism majors Nancy professors w ho made the aw ard notebook in Boardman Hall. S600/montli(5500 -summer). 82 Storey and John Toole won the award possible." Toole said that his goal Please contact me at 866-3756. 7058. when they were chosen from a final someday would be to publish his our Reward field of 14 candidates. To be eligible newspaper for the award a candidate had to have Toole is a graduate 01 had at least '5 credit hours. a 2.5 John Bapst High School in Bangor and 866-2111 866-2112 011 grade point average and an outstand- is currently co-sports editor on the ing interest in print journalism. student newspaper with Storey. Storey and Toole were chosen by a The full year scholarship will be 7:04 Maine Press Association committee disided between the two winners and made up of last years winners Dale will provide both students with one McGarrigle. assistant sports informat- tuition wincster ion director for the university, Ind Paul Fillmore, editor-in-chief of the Maine Weather Campus. The other two committee Northeast, Northern Interior, members who helped choose the Northwest-Friday partly sunny winners were Robert Neal. assistant and windy. High 38 to 44. professor of journalism and Arthur 0 Westerly wind 20 to 10 mph and Guesman. chairman of the journalism gusty. Friday night mostly clear. Campus department. Low in the teens Saturday Delivery Special • 'This is going to make -Ts mostly curtly High in the 40's •• hat py than any thinc ! • • • FREE COKE I 2 o + N% ith each Pat's Pizza delivered to Campus. M.A.Clark Compare our prices. E% en 4: with our Orono 866-4995 866-2100 deli er,, charge ou Weekend special Get the Best for Less I Rosatc Offer good after 8:00 Sun. Monday Lambri Miniature thru Thursday 5pm-12-1 ?aim Bianco ...... 4: Carnations Eat In Special Present this coupon and Frier), $1.99 a Bunch reciere 50`off any pi::a. Good on 1a1-in Also: \N( Cash and carry on specials only. Offer good tpri/ 5-6 elect ror and ipril / 2-/ 3only. ou: a Daily deliveries to campus -Fekflota Price S++++++++++++++++++++ Orono store only + ...... TheMaine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 3 Expert speaks on world and national crises explained the MX is unnecessary when "we can blow He also called international by Sean Brodrick terrorism an "outrage up the Soviet Union 30 times...and the B-1 probably against civilization," and team may Staff Writer said the United States is too obsolete to make it through Soviet air defenses should appropriate some of the defense h another An internationally recognized political budget analyst anyway." toward combatting terrorism. Thursday night described the Reagan Instead, Stoessinger said, the U.S. should On domestic issues. Stoessinger said he was administration's attitude toward with police Central America as concentrate on conventional weaponry, because of appalled at the state of education in this a fire brigade, country, but off during the Soviets nuclear superiority and a conventional found a class he taught for UMO political science "When we think communists 'rig. I think are under the bed, war is more probable. professor Walter Shoenberger yesterday "very rk than they we send in fire trucks," Dr. John G. Stoessinger told refreshing." a crowd of about 250 in Hark Auditorium. "A teacher of children has neither money nor Stoessinger, who has written ten books on world prestige," Stoessinger said. He said only functional sist of two affairs and served in the United Nations, told the illiterates stay teachers, and then 10 campus, audience "we wonder why economic aid would be far more valuable to our kids cannot read." ust operate Central American countries than mill' ary aid. "I asked one of my classes on an exam, 'What is se S illwater "The real need in these countries is not for more the greatest danger facing America today: Ignorance American military aid, but for economic aid. These or Apathy?' One of my best students answered, "I countries are starving," he said. don't know and don't care!'" Stoessinger said we Instead of shipping military aid to trouble led or spots, punish excellence and we reward mediocrity "We are Stoesinger suggested we reward democratic Theatre countries a nation which doesn't read anymore, and we are led Al 5 and like Honduras and give aid to other countries by those who don't read anymore." conditionally if they nmunity reform. Stoessinger said that in economic matters Reagan In the area of national defense. Bangor. Stroessinger IS "out of touch with reality." He also criticized the described trillion d. Paid the and a half dollars Reagan is President's attentions toward 'New Federalism,' going to spend on defense over tion call the next few years as which redistributes some power from the federal MEGO dollars, for "my glaze eyes over," because goverment to the states, which is "like re-arranging the sum is so large. Stoessinger said much of it is Dr. John C. Sioessinger, a foreign policy expert, the furniture in a house that is burning down." wasted, and is being spent on the wrong things, AppIsii such spoke to more than 250 people Thursday night on the An immigrant like myself, with a sense of as the MX missile and the bomber. -ono, 154 B-1 He described crisis in the Reagan Administration's foreign policy. perspective, understands freedom. Freedom is not these weapons as "counterproductive," 2nd Ititorey photol free. If you don't stand for something, you will fall ... rit June- ...... —1 —T —1 1 for anything." Bangor ,..-1,-4=1,--1,-1}=1 --I Bay on s, deck, 1000 per .7ommute summer mimic GULF GASOLINE I in old Reg. ry of Mr. Unleaded Is and 958. $1.169 lc, away . (amid $1.219 klal‘ II. icr I. 827. Convenience Food Store A=O-, .mon. 99 Park St. -Orono COKF 2 LL'-iteiarnBtottle $1.09 OPEN 7 DAYS WAEEK & x & Deposit 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 A.M. PEPSI Large 1 Liter 59e NEW! NEW! NEW! STEWART'S "Fast For You BUDWEISER Submarine LIGHT BEER Sandwiches only $1•15 each Also Reg."Bud 6 $2.79 COLT 45 (reg 1.15) 400z ape -ft oz. Bottles Bottle 12 Pack & Tax 8, Deposit Cr,.& Tax & All Brands & Sizes Deposit ,l.- The Popular Wine! CIGARETTES Pock 70e RIUNITE it Rosato University of Bangor Sa‘,ings r.;11 0 Lambrusco 750 ML $2.79 Maine Bianco (1 5) &tax (SAVE 30`) -)rono Campus Friendly, Courteous Service Also: We now have Donkey Kong the latest electronic game...

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Prices effective through April 10, 1982 4 Tr, Slain."( ,2'7OUS. Fr 2, 1982 Opinion

column the Maine Camp. Guest brief (300 cord, or Name, will t Talk is "An. cheap Margaret E.Gates

Two days ago, a dedi.ated group of people began a While politicians sit in Washington and discuss the Facingfear long walk which will take them from Indian Island in implications of arms reduction, citizens in 45 Maine Old Town all the way to the steps of the United towns have passed resolutions calling for a freeze on In my brief stay at the Nations building in New York City. nuclear weapons. Similar movements are gathering University of Maine force throughout the rest of New England. Yet the this year. I The World Peace March will wind its way slowly politicians in Washington do not seem to be getting have become increasigly involved south over the next two months in an effort to call the message. in discussions and activities attention to the UN's second Special Session c; relating to women. Disarmament on June 7. The major reason for the People are no longer interested in the hollow march is to call attention to the UN session because a promises of the SALT talks. These negotiations did It would be too narrow to sa., similar session held four years ago received very little little more than open a dialogue between the United women's rights, as the scope has publicity. States and the Soviet Union, a dialogue which has included virtually every facit of Quebec grown silent in the last few years. existence. There has Numerous politicians have paid lip service to the been one idea of nuclear disarmament, while very little has The World Peace March that stopped on campus common phenomena which I been done on the issue. The proposals of both for a short while two days ago is just one example or have observed in all settings. the grounds-we'll support the nuclear disarmament whether it be in faculty This is going Brezhnef have been hollow attempts by dicussion Reagan and movement is gaining these days. Action, like that unusual request. R these politicans to justify the escalation they are or classroom lecture and that is taken by the marchers, is worth a countless number girlfriend Debbie ar responsible for throughout the world. Even the phenomena of fear. Raising of the words the politicians use regarding the weekend in Que members of the Maine congressional delegation have the topic of women brings about problem of world disarmament. Quebec for the anr president's program of nuclear voiced support of the what might best be described as a carnival. with the before any arms "parity" Soviet Union behavoiral manifestation ot We met a guy "C negotiations could P.E.F reduction be held. existential panic. UMO, orminally York. We had a go I have detected many sources Saturday and re of this fear, some of which are streets of Quebec well-known, others which tend to states of inibriation. be more subtle. The one source Because we had sus which strikes me as fundamental is the function of reproduction as an exclusively femal attribute commen I believe that there exists an underlying belief by both men and women, in far too many instances, that were women "What did yot reak? Did you h. enjov full equality. reproduction •reak?" would cease "Yes, my a Somewhere in tins notion are the wonderful." assumptions that women have Walking along ( his first week bac children, not just out ot hear these word, biological destiny (as is often hroughout. T posited), but rather as a result ot • uestions are a: la) ignorance; (b) coercion;(, nswered by all. need for deception; (d) need for "Yes. I did, and "It seetartty; (e) lack of anything eke was good." Not once hay e to do; or all of the above (f) someone say: "Ni my dog died I find suc't attitudes very and The University of Maine at Orono's sTudent newspaper since 1875,, old me I only have discouraging. !hi. means to mc The titer Campmr n nubby/Ned iii, a; of the semester to It Ase Lenuarary or Mane Orono that we recognize that as a society at That certainly w Ecbtonal and butaness of(Key are we have placed child bearing and loaded st late 7A Lord Hal. UMO, Maine up the monotonous Orono. Mame. (Magill. telephone tart rearing in the most digusting or Of course if it weri MI 7511 Ad.neU d sobacrepoon as an animal would be no humo (lnen mmehldne Woo rooms Pruned at Campus classifications Ellsaeoerh uSaterteart. Eihstortly function and necessary esil just the same one Kann. Cla605 *VT UM., Soon, atorautat to laugh with the or Having a child is seen as an Mies hIschael Dm is Ken W•112 staff enough to say what activity that no person in a right Paul F F.Ilmoer Mary Ellen Malmo Another question nor Besse ie mind, that is, a male with full Weed and feel we have tc Perm rights and freeedom of choice. Misoopne he old stand b Waives W-1,14 Et, MOO would choose to perform. 1.1r let r Ornintoo Monsen ia,ts.n Clarette eughlir a,. Bruce Prothorton• koastartru Feminists, on the other hand, And. Pa, Paulette Mu Laughlin Come McKenoe ...ea• LaIr•c••• Peter Oldham. Dond Waller Johanna Johnson and contrary to popular Ellen York 4.11•TIININg Plimmeeni Rya Suydam Paul Wright Wow Linke" mythology, do not view the Stan Brew:hick Nam)'Coils Mary Quinn iv( iark Tn. Rice Communises reproductive function with Mary Blot Malaya A,(ere, Robot SON!LE ye', Rather, Sam Motion Marshall Murphy AttrerOdog PoPMWWW/B7w repugnance. the Stanch Booloym Mauve Awe. News 14Ilors Andy Paul Matthew literature of this loosely defined Lathy Sons Wendy Barrett Anne London to.AnnPorter Nancy Angel E4oard Mean Paul Pierce group, seeks to produce changes Wive Vallely Claudia Turco Jane Robbith in society which would elevate Aaal. IllanOwat Maroon Nam u S(orer Photo Asaistasta Vance (pr.. Paul Take Nhk, I e8r., child bearing to its proper place Mandy ly nigh, Sm. WaiI.aae as a source of joy and Fewores Leder Gina /mar, fulfillmenr Sports Eaton Todd C olhny Typesetters of all people, not only women NNW Getchell Torn Robmge John Toole Ellen York Mar,(,eragt ... till•eetising Prod...on Nancy Storey Kakonk Lahed, fhlkon For this to °CCM'. N omen Aria &Mom (,lenn Pike Debbie Phillip, Phillip Hodge'in. have equal Gina Shaun Brmnahan Don I mu.,o opportunity of Photo ramie Mil .aughlin Gretchen Piston Don I iniLoit choice and education. brod I hod Rees Andrea Saunders Jane Bernard The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2. 1982 5 Response EQUAL TIME he ‘i'vtrte C amp, trekorne, letter, to the editor Letters should hr. It's all in what one prefers in music brief IVO words or less) and include a name and telephone number Names will be withheld only under spec.) circumstances. "Anonymous" and open letters, although To the editor: fact, all that they did ___welsome, will not Ise Puhlr`hs-d was inferior to some other style or ate* „re "- The Wane CoMpul form. It's about time that reserves the listen to a record or turn on rtght 10 the radio. people think before they open Shea's This is not a edit letter, With regard to Chris their mouths to put down what sr defense comments, I have some of punk, pop or any their listening tastes don't other type of music, which is include. I don't care what you al the thoughts I would like to all these other letters have or anyone else likes but I do year, I express. I resent the fact that been, but a defense as a whole. resent the fact that you are nvolved anyone, Mr. Shea should trying to tell me what you feel tis it assume that "their music is Music is a designed method is "Good" and "Bad." of any better than anyone elses expression which uses I can make up my own mind sounds as a medium. Whether to just because they listen to it. so you listen to what you want you like the way these sounds and I'll :ope has do the same. This arrogant, self rightous Quebec City friend are organized is a personal Nen of attitude makes one sound as if preference :en one so just because you To the editor: time together we thought we'd they •hich I see if we could locate him wrote and performed the can't appreciate it, that Tood Settlemire settings, music themselves, w hen in doesn't mean it's bad 415 Corbett through you, hoping you or icussion This is going to be an unusual request. Recently my could briefly word the I that is We're so informed now, girlfriend Debbie and I spent a contents of this letter in an commentary ed manzi Raising attempt at a kind of penpal ad. many of us actually know weekend in Quebec City, where is about The only other thing we know El Salvador is. Yes, the are taking _over We have Quebec for the annual winter El Salvador: the word communists bed as a carnival. is that he was in a group and again. the great gears of nothing to lose. The situation was sleeping on a church appears in the newspaper steadily grows worse there. ion of We met a guy "Chris" from floor conservative-minded paranoia at night. everyday and we hear it on Our pride cannot overshadow UMO, orminally from New every television newscast. We are in motion. can do our brain. Desperate people York. We had a good time on Hoping you hear it so much we're already SOUrCel request will die for reform. A Saturday and roamed the something with this sick of it, and yet we can't hich are hope you had fun communist solution is not the streets of Quebec in varying and if not, dismiss it because the media Let's start drafting all those tend to reading it. answer, but it's a hell of alot states of inibriation. has burned it into our smart-ass college kids and go better than what is there now. ! source consciousness Because we had such a Andrew Mackay over there and teach those amental good communists a lesson. Let's If the rebelg Auction make the world safe for understand that we are not a ttribute. commentary lisa reece democracy. threat, they will not be, itists an antagonistic towards us afteri ith men The real facts are (all joking the revolution and will look fel Questions and answers? aside) o many we're wasting our time us for heln. you?" actually feel that great about and money in El Salvador. imen to "What did you do over anything. I pretend not to The Guerillas aren't any threat break? Did you have a nice I read an article on "What Vietnam comparisons iduction hear the "How are you," just to us. break?" does one really mean when have been made before, but the "Hi", and I respond If El Salvador became a "Yes, my arm feels they say, how are you." in some ways thcy havt appropriately. For the most communist state,life would go 1 are the wonderful." that we been accurate. We The article said part, when someone asks me on as usual in this country. In Walking along on campus know how shouldn't make the same :n have really don't want to how I'm doing, I say fine. fact, if we backed the rebels this first week back one can mistake twice. out of one is (one could care less), That seems to cover all aspects who are concerned with social hear these words echoing know s often but instead, we want to well. reform instead of the present throughout. The same how one is not doing. If a Nicaragua is scared. Most people are sincere government run by the great result of questions are asked and or They fear a U.S. coup and person who is totally bummed at least think they are land owners, we still mightbe rcion;(c) answered by all. when why shouldn't they? It's out is asked how they are, they they ask how one is. If able to save our reputation in need for "Yes. I did, and you?" or you been done so many times in usually say they are feeling feel an urge to the minds of the peasants It was good." truthfully the past, it's natural thes lung else answer the there. Not once have good, regardless. question and your Aso, c• I heard should seek Soviet aid. someone say: "No, it stunk, Face it, nobody wants to not exactly in the highest of - The United States should my dog died spirit, try answering the very and my doctor here about Rover's funeral, accept the Mexican proposal If the Nicaraguans are told question like so: "Oh, I'm mel only have to the end especially when your rushing for peace talks between the supporting the rebels, and s to me of fine, I'll talk to you later." the semester to live." to classes in the middle of a U.S., Nicaragua and El this has yet to be proved, SOON) That is, if it is a close friend. That certainly would break rain storm. Salvador; a plan that would wouldn't the Mexican 'Mg and If not, you may soon gain one. allow the up the monotonous questions. Saying "Hi, how are you," rebels to have a voice proposal seem more viable? sting of Of course if it were true there is just an extension of the But, if you are feeling good, in the government. animal would be no humor in it, but word, "Hi" or "hello". We don't hesitate to say so. y es il. just the same one would have are all guilty of not responding If you really want to capture The Mexican proposal is A negotiated peace to someone's attention, avoid between the as an laugh with the person brave truthfully. to this question. our best alternative in this U.S.. enough to say what he meant. questions. Nicaragua and the rebels is Some do not even the monotonous crisis. It could bring all a right the answer to this cri,t, Another question we all ask acknowledge the question. Try this, "Hi, how much sex factions together to ..ith full over vacation," Our government should and feel we have to answer is I have been guilty of this at did you have negotiate a lasting peace in choice, similar. realize this. the old stand by,"Hi, how are times. Especially when I don't or something the region.

.r hand, sopular Ally *NY,. L tole bere'fr Why, Les4er- •' - ens the ostrres4ed er -Fold rise an obou4. wael with spsre -tr4s'e I is"r4ces341lae4,e. Alee,i My neK .t,c Evers/ oc. , the }ravels! trii'rd Lecher NICAZ‘t defined We me+ a+ 6en 4V,C `Cccersi'.- :hanges -14-,e. +own .ir,„,,eltfr • elevate er place fillment women.

-n must f 6 The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 Darling Research Center... •• •a c

Tabarini. Polyploiding means ot each of the most i One of the University of Maine's having Darling Center to UMO to continue a chromosome number that is a equipment in the Ii best kept secrets is actually only a short their teaching. This disturbed many of multiple greater than that of breakdown the bad) ride from the UMO campus. a the professors and staff at the center as monoploid number. activated immediate! The Ira C. Darling Research Center, many bought homes and raised UMO's marine research station, is a Heather Holman, who is doing work families near the center and were in no The laborator: little-known research facility on her Ph. D. could be considered environmental c located at one position to pull up stakes and move to the mouth Damariscotta of the old timers at the temperature control of the River in center. "I Orono. "About the only arrived thing the Walpole. Maine, some two hours south here in 1976 as a graduate University offered us was a moving used to grow the sic Orono student and got my to of the campus. master's from the van, which left us a bit feed the various oceanography frustrated:. department in arthopod said Mayer. being used in ex) systemistics," The center, composed of several said Holman. Holman laboratory also has buildings and laboratories, is nestled said her doctorate research centers on However, at this writing, there are amongst some giant white pine trees soft bottom or mudflat research still between seven and ten professors overlooking the river. Larry Mayer, dealing with arthopods at the center, and a staff of between 30 assistant professor of Geological and 35 in June and July, the peak Photos Sciences and part of the oceanography months of activity at the center. program, said, 'The facility was 'the perfect The facilities at the center appear to originally given with the thought of be very diverse. There is a large marine starting tree farm in mind." description for or cool sta., a e a this These shellfish trays are used le lab located on the river, a chemistry temperatures. various types of marine research. lab, another laboratory, computer The property was donated by Ira C. structure is (Murphy photoi Chapman said, terminals, office space, housing for to university in the mid- money, we make up Darling the students and kitchen facilities. at certain universities. UMO and UNH the university was ' marine environment t 1960s. At this time dynamic.... now have the chance to work together of property to The personnel at the research center situated in and the t looking at several pieces and share facilities. start a marine research facility but One thing that was emphasized by share their studies and their facility for research and stud chose the Darling property because of the professors, specialists, and students with a variety of schools throughout The marine laboratory at the center Funding for the its excellent proximity to the salt water, that were interviewed was that the the northeast section of the United definitely warranted closer inspection. operations come frt and the fact that there was also a very Darling Center is available for any States. The Darling Center and the "The perfect discription for this sources. Die operati clean water estuary nearby, said students who have an interest in Woods Hole Oceanographic Center in structure is "dynamic," said Sam center comes from L studying marine science. While Chapman, an aqualculture specialist from the office of Woods Hole, Mass. have worked on with the Darling Center. The lab has research and public se cooperative projects in the past. This 2,000 square feet of floorspace, and individual research spring the State University of New the facility can be assembled or comes from vario York in Binghampion is sending a reassembled to meet any project agencies including th professor to study at the center. Study requirement need. Energy and the Sea groups are often sent by Colby College Donations and equ IRA C.DARLING CENTER to the center. "We are pumping 90 gallons of water a minute from the Damariscotta boats and personal The University of Maine and the River, which after being strained (life preservers) are s University of New Hampshire were through a 500-micron plankton net private sector. RESEARCH .TEACHING chosen to operate a cooperative Sea travels through some 2000 feet of As President Reag Grant program. Sea Grant is a plastic pipe inside the facility," said cuts in educational ft government funded program which in Chapman. Chapman called the whole students and profess° SERVICE turn funds marine research programs system redundant, in that there are two to look to the private UNIVERSITY OF MAINE and more aid. Big bc large oil and paper AT ORONO foundations such a Science Foundation being studied for prop Diane Shaw, a g studying at the cent This size marts the miniver of IUMO's Darling Crater, the bun, students here aro university's marks' research program. I Murphy photo) government grants, an what the status of tho' isolation from UMO is a prot-,u,, In the late 1960' Dr. David Dean, a there is a lot of space at the Darling President Reagan member of the zoology department at Center for study and the people of the ending the Sea Gran UMO, instituted a hiring program for center want students and faculty to downgrading the I people interested in working at the know that. Energy, Allan Hil ard Darling Center In the earl) 1970' the feels that the Sea G oceanography program was given the A shuttle bus now runs from UMO fita "pretty safe" fo th green light by the university and people to the Darling Center and back during _ Hillard, who is one of in that department began using the the week. This shuttle is a free form of Mach of the research modernity at the ihrling Darling Center. transportation for people who would tabulated in this facility. I Murphy photo I like to study Or work at the center, or "Now the center is used mainly by who are just interested in seeing what Sportsu riling biologists, chemists, and geologists," the center has to offer for them. Positions said Mayer. There are between s..ven and ten faculty at the center at one AN ailable In the past couple of years the time, even with the recent reshuffling Darling Center has suffered from a of the Darling Center staff between series of bad breaks and bad publicity The UMO sports information Walpole and Orono. office is seeking two In the spring of 1981 the oceanography student assistants for the 1981-82 school year. Studies in department was abolished at One a variety of marine topics UMO. assistant will are being conducted at the moment. and a cloud of uncertainty passed over work primarily on major sports the These studies include aquaculture, Darling Center. coverage with the other concentrating on women's beach, water column, seaweed and sports coverage, Both benthic studies_ While the oceanography department will work with statistics. and the Darling Center are different Applicants must have journalism In addition to the research done by organizations, much of the work done experience with professors, several students are doing by the department was done at the layout experience a plus, Strong preference center. Oceanography has never will be their masters and doctorate work on given to students various projects at the center. regained departmental status, but there with work-study is an oceanography program of sort, Give e /f interested, send a resume, your best three clips Tina Tabarini has been in the Graduate student Tabrini said, "Sk e NEWE masters degree program at the Darling seem to operate an oceanography and best layout before April 9 to Drew Finnie; budget." Center since 1980. "My graduate program, but without a Sports Information Director; PICS Building; thq With the death of the oceanograph, University of Maine; Orono, ME 04469. advan research consists of studying the department came a university plan for scallops," said polyploiding of bay moving much of the staff from the March of Birth Defects I The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 7 ...a dynamic marine laboratory

ol each of the most importani peices of at the center who was in the equipment in the lab. In case of a Ocenaography Department before its breakdown the backup system can be end, is preparing a speech for the activated immediately. benthic ecology meeting to be held at The laboratory contains an Harvard University. Hillard said, "at environmental chamber or a this time there are no department funds temperature controlled room that is available for another Oceanography department." used to grow the stock culture needed to feed the various fish and shellfish The type of research programs going being used in experiments. The on at this time and in the future are very varied. Projects on shellfish shell laboratory also has the ability to heat

Photos and text by Marshall Murphy

or Loot seawater are used la to desired hinge morphdlogy with the ultimate temperatures. Inc research. goal of a larval shellfish identification Chapman said, "what we lack in book will be worked on this spring with money, we make up for in the perfect professors from UMO and Rutgers 10 and UNH Four of the Darling Crater's boats are shown in storage. (Murphy photo) marine environment that this facility is University. ork together situated in and the excellent facilities attempting to start an American potential." A project concerning the hatching, for research and study." Lobster hatchery. and rearing of the rinbow smelt and the Allan Russell, administrative officer Gem Giray, a sophomore the center Funding for the Darling Center sea-run smelt will be conducted this microbiology major, summed it up inspection. operations come from a variety of spring. The hatching techniques and at the Darling Center sees a concerted marine well, Giray said, n for this sources. The operating budget for the surviveability of these fish will be effort to bolster science "the Darling Center is funding as the key to future of the a very interesting, efficient said Sam center comes from UMO, specifically monitored closely. The smelt are an operation, Center. Russell said. but moral and e specialist from the office of vice-president for important baitfish in Maine and the Darling efficiency could be "agriculture, forestry and commercial increased if the university would The lab has research and public service. Money for success of this project would benefit fishing a large portion increase its funding to the center." rspace, and individual research projects usually baitfish industry. constitute of the University embled or comes from various government Maine's economy, and the Giray, who worked at the center last known for its summer, continue ny project agencies including the Department of A study on the predation of soft- of Maine is well and plans to programs but said, "I don't feel that Energy and the Sea Grant Program. shell clams by sandworms is being agriculture and forestry studying there, publicizing its marine science the university realizes the importance gallons of Donations and equipment such as funded by the National Institute of needs to work at upgrading and or potential of this center." ,amariscotta boats and personal flotation devices Health this spring. There is also talk of ig strained (life preservers) are solicited from the ankton net private sector. 00 feet of As President Reagan continues his Ilitv," said cuts in educational funding, graduate c1 the whole students and professors may be forced here are two to look to the private sector for more and more aid. Big business, including large oil and paper companies, and foundations such as the National Science Foundation are areas that being studied for proposals of funding. Diane Shaw, a graduate student studying at the center said. "Most students here are funded by government grants, and we are not sure what the status of those will be." President Reagan has proposed ending the Sea Grant Program, and downgrading the Department of Energy, Allan Hillard a Ph. D. student feels that the Sea Grant Program is "pretty safe" for the coming year Hillard, who is one of the few students naired sad

The Darling Center's ocean-going vessels are launched at the docking facility on the Damariscotta River. I Murphy photal ing two r. One r=vr= 1: Graduate Student Dance men's featuring s. 1 'e with BUFFALO CHIP TEA T. rill be Give every Sat. April 3, 8:30 p.m. e clips , NEWBORN at the Damn Yankee the advantage beer wine & soft drinks available 11. March of Dimes Free to graduate students and guests Birth Defects Foundation 8 The .%laine C'ampu, Aprti 2, 1982 IRAs! World News retalial L ON DO N D Parties deadlocked in El Salvador Ireland (API- SAN SALVADOR, ambush in an a El Salvador Democrats, but said before last (AP) - Rightest parties shot and killed t and centrist Sunday's elections it would work with Christian civilian clothes r Democrats remained whichever party won, stepped deadlocked up van outside Thursday on formation of pressure against a right-wing a a coalition to lead representative government. cathedral Thursd assembly They were if and name an interim In Washington, State Department soldiers murdere president. spokesman Dean Fischer said it was week. Jose Napoleon Duarte, president of premature to pass judgement on El The Irish Rept the ruling junta and a Christian Salvador's political future because responsibility for Democrat, left open the possibility he negotiations among the sin parties were might step aside. still underway. soldiers "plain agents." The 1 "I've never personally sought any But he said the administration hopes responsible for se position. I've always obeyed the the new government will "credibly and bomb under a dictates of my party...1 will obey any effectively" implement policies of Newry that dos( decision my party takes," Duarte said reforming the economy and politics Dublin rail line T1 at a news conference Thursday in while controlling political violence. The attacks ca response to questions. Fischer said the policies are those Minister Margare "we have supported in El On Wednesday Duarte said he Salvador approved a plan t. and which we expect to support planned to remain at the helm and in the elected assemble future" - a clear message that U.S. insisted that his party had to be this fall as a first , support for a regime that attempts included in any viable government. to partial self-rule. turn back the gains of the Kremlin The Reagan administration, which past two ready for arms years would probably talks has supported the Christian not be forthcoming. MOSCOW (AP) - The Kremlin said Reagan said strategic arms Peace r Social Thursday it is ready to discuss nuclear limitations talks could begin as early as Security faced with crisis arms limitations with the United this summer, but asserted that the BANGOR. Mai States, but that President Reagan's Soviet Union holds the nuclear peace march, by WASHINGTON (AP) - Social The trustees forecast that edge rejection of an immediate weapons over the United States. Buddhists and A Security will be unable to pay retirees' beneficiaries will get a 7.6 percent freeze is designed to secure U.S. Tass condemned Reagan's Thursday through and survivors' benefits on time starting benefit increase this July based on the support military superiority. of a proposed Senate York City. consumer price index. Reagan has resolution to The official Tass news agency said freeze nuclear About 20 memh opposed congressional calls to reduce arms growth after the in July 1983 unless Congress takes Reagan, in a news conference Clergy and Laity the size of that increase. United States completes its present corrective action "in the very near Wednesday, proclaimed his willingness buildup. Buddhists, beg future," Despite benefit cuts enacted in 1981, the system's trustees said to negotiate arms limitations as a tactic Wednesday on Ir "the short-range financial status is Thursday. to defuse a growing anti-nuclear Town and were significantly worse than was estimated But the trustees, movement in the United States and Bangor-area rev all members of last year," the trustees said in their LOW COST TYPING President Western Europe. reached that city, Reagan's Cabinet, made no annual report to Congress. recommendations "Accusations addressed personally group plans to real for bolstering the "A series of economic downturns system's sagging Old to the president multiply because his June, about the Age and more severe than anticipated have led Graduate Center, 114 Survivors Insurance Trust Fund. government has plans to prepare for Nations Speer They to the current financial Crisis," said the Estabrooke war, but so far has not formulated a Hall, 50¢ per Disarmament. trustees - Treasury Secretary Donald T. said they are waiting policy for preserving peace," Tass spaced page for Reagan's Regan, Labor Secretary Raymond J. National Commission said. The report was read on the Contact rim on Social Donovan and Health and Human Robbins at Security Reform to nationwide television evening nor, 7842 complete a report Services Secretary Richard S. or 7671 (room 452). Moose 1 due by the end of this year. Schweiker. show Vremya. Defense budget cut by 3.2 billion interesi AUGUSTA, Mt WASHING ON (API - [he Senate news conference the day after the hat far away as Cai Armed Services Committee has panel passed its bill by a 16-1 vote at Arabia, applica approved Pentagon a authorizations closed session. Sen. Carl Levin, pouring in for a c totaling nearly D- Do You all that President Mich., was the dissenter. in Maine's secor Reagan sought despite the clamor on The Pentagon, virtually nearly half a centui Capitol alone Hill for deep cuts in defense among federal ant The Department agencies in getting spending, the big panel's chairman said spending increases from & Wildlife has ali Thursday. Reagan, has been targeted for cuts by members of From card, from hunter A $3.2 billion cut in budget Congress struggling to reduce a fiscal $5 or $IO for a authority-money that will be spent over 1983 budget defecit projected biggest game animi a period at of several years - from between $96.4 ()liege? The deadline fa billion and $150 billion. Reagan's $183451 billion request was Some lawmakers have called for Thursday, and offi achieved primarily by trimming funds defense cuts of up to $10 billion. figure to be "well for the MX missile and Apache Tower told the Adventure? all the cards are coi helicopters. Senate Budget Committee last month that he thought Meanwhile, a In terms of • dd It outlays - the budget he could find at least seeking to ban fu category $2 billion in that includes funds to be outlay savings. To Your Schedule. and perhaps even b spent only in one fiscal year - the Nearly $2.1 billion in budget set for September committee shaved less than SI .15 authority savings came from cutting names. billion from Reagan's all $82040 billion funds for interim deployment Try rappelling SMOOSA, whiv request. of the ... descend- MX missile until the Reagan ing a precipice by a Maine's Only Off Committee chairman rope John Tower, administration decides on a rid claims to be rot R- Texas, permanent the seat of your pants. disclosed the figures at a plan for basing signatures short ol them. he fastest way down. Ex- to force a statew ept for free fail. hunting the anima' Duke the spaniel Rappelling given reprieve is one part of state seal challenging academic Maine's 1982 m CLEARWATER, rid Fla. (AP) - evicted. Sattler was threatened with a extracurricular pro- experimental seaso Duke's problem was the battle of the S50-a-day fine until Duke reached the ram offered by Army lobe a subject of cc bulge. 24 pounds. OTC. Opponents cc The dog was nine pounds overweight But the attorney for the Army ROTC teaches pro- lumbering, dim-wii and faced being evicted by a condominium said Wednesday that the essionally oriented stu- easy to shoot that condominium association which association has decided to drop the ents to lead slaughter, not a limited the size people and to dog a resident could matter. shooting fish in a have. •irect equipment to achieve "The association has better things to pointing to the higl The 6-year pecific objectives as an ARMY ROTC -old spaniel weighed 33 do than to pay money to go into court 1980 season, whe pounds ctive or Reserve Officer. ITTC ALEISSICOS and the Trade Winds and lose," said C. Scott Brainard. OFFICEP permit holders got Condominium told If you're looking for the his owner, William "We don't know whether we'd win or "It would be mo Saltier of Chicago, hallenge of leadership, IIIIVERSITY that Duke would lose but we don't think it's worth the in OF MINE Budweiser trucks. either have ollege to go on a diet or be money." and afterwards, same size, but they ook into Army ROTC. 581-7112 John N. Cole, th spearheading the St The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 9 IRA slays two British soldiers in News Briefs retaliation NEW YORK (AP) to constable's claim - President SQUAW VALLEY, Calif. LONDONDERRY, Reagan's standing with the Northern On March 25, three British soldiers (AP) - Rescue workers on skis Ireland (AP)- IRA guerrillas public, both for the job he waiting in were shot and killed in a crowded Wesr is searched snow drifts and debris ambush in an apartment doing in the White House and for they seized Belfast street by an IRA gang that took at a ski resort Thursday for up to shot and killed two his personal appeal, has dropped British soldiers in over a house, held a family hostage and seven people reported missing civilian clothes to the lowest riding in an unmarked waited for their prey. point of his after a pair of avalanches that van outside a presidency in the latest Roman Catholic The IRA also murdered police Sgt killed three people. cathedral Thursday. Associated Press-NBC News Norman Duddy last Sunday as he left a Four people were rescued after They were poll. the fourth and fifth Presbyterian church in Londonderry. 12 feet of new snow triggered the soldiers murdered The nationwide telephone from ambush in a poll, avalanches Wednesday. One of week. 'The wave of 1,603 adults in of violence is apparent a scientific those rescued, John Riley, 74, The Irish retaliation random sampling Republican Army claimed for last week's claim by on Monday said avalanches "had come down Chief and Tuesday, responsibility for the attack, calling the Constable Sir John Hermon thar found that 43 many times in the past, but percent not as soldiers "plainclothes undercover "the terrorists are reeling" front think Reagan is doing a bad as this.— agents." The IRA said it also was defections and nearly 200 arrests. good or excellent job as president responsible for setting off a 600-pound - down from 47 percent in January bomb under a railroad bridge near and down 20 percentage Thursday's killings brought to points Newry that closed the main Belfast- 350 from last August. the number of British troops slain in 13 Dublin rail line Thursday morning. 'TERRE HAUTE, years of sectarian strife. The overall Ind. (AP) - The attacks came as British Prime In the year since death toll is 2,185 including 283 Terre Haute Minister Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet other Police members of Ulster's security Chief Gerald Loudermilk approved a plan to set up a 78-member forces. NORFOLK, The Irish Republican Va. (AP) - adopted a "shoot to kill" policy, elected assemble in Northern Ireland Army is America's fighting to unite second "test-tube" the city's crime rate has dropped this fall as a first step the Protestant• toward restoring majority North baby, conceived in the more than 12 percent - withour a partial self-rule. with the Catholic Irish Republic. laboratory, has been born, the shot fired by a police alks head of the in vitro fertilization officer. strategic arms Peace marcherscontinue clinic here said Thursday. "We hope we never have louse d begin as early a, journey "It's a very healthy baby, our guns, but if there's ever a asserted BANGOR, Maine A bigger than our last one," need we want the criminals to that the (API- 400-mile After a brief ceremony in Bangor said the nuclear peace march, by a group of Dr. Howard Jones, who heads know we won't hesitate," edge Japanese this morning, the marchers were Buddhists and Americans, continued the clinic run by the Eastern Loudermilk said in a recent expected to walk to the town of Etna. Reagan's Thursday through Maine toward Virginia Medical School interview. support Ness They were to reach Pittsfield on Friday at ate resolution York City. Norfolk General Hospital with to and planned to spend the weekend in growth after the About 20 members of a group called his wife, Dr. Georgeanna Jones. plete, its present Clergy and Laity Concerned, and the At each stop, the Buddhists, began their march marchers are giving speeches urging world Wednesday on Indian Island in Old peace and PRAGUE, Chechoslovakia showing slides about Town and were joined by about 20 the atomic- (AP) - A local school is offering bombing of Hiroshima Bangor-area residents when they during World courses in solving Rubik's Cube TYPING War II. reached that city, police said. The for frustrated parents who feel The marchers make up WASHINGTON (AP) - group plans to reach New York City in the New outsmarted by their children, the England segment President Reagan underwent June, about the time of the United of the World Peace youth daily newspaper Mlada 114 March. The marchers hospital tests thursday for a Nations Special Session on plan to ask the Fronta said Thursday. United Nations previous inflammation 504 per Disarmament. session to set a of the School director Antonin Pryl deadline urinary tract but told •ed page. for world disarmament. reporters said the course "is especially afterwards, "Everything Robbins is designed for parents of teenage at Next Monday perfectly normal." and Tuesday, the children who, because of their tom 452). Moose lottery marchers plan to "I feel great," Reagan present their progran. said ignorance of the secrets of the to Maine legislators upon his arrival back in Augusta. They at the Rubik Cube, are losing prestige are scheduled National Naval Medical to leave Maine and enter Center in and authority at home,— interest suburban the high Portsmouth. N 11 eek Bethesda, Md. article said. AUGUSTA, Maine (API - From as far away as California and Saudi Arabia, applications have been pouring in for a chance to participate in Maine's second moose hunt in nearly half a century. The Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife has already tallied 45,000 cards from hunter, willing to gamble $5 or $IO for a chance to stalk the biggest game animal in North America. The deadline for applications was -Thursday, and officials expect the final figure to be "well over 50,000" when all the cards are counted. Meanwhile, an organization seeking to ban future moose hunts - and perhaps even block the one already. set for September - is also counting names. SMOOSA, which stands for Save If you're a senior and have the promise of a $10,000 career-oriented rob. do you know Maine's Only Official State Animal. what's stopping you from getting the American Express' Card claims to be roughly 10,000 voter You guessed it. signatures short of the 37,000 needed Nothing. to force a statewide referendum on Because American Express believes in your future. But more than that. We believe hunting the animal that decorates the in you now. And we're pnwing it. state seal A $10,000 job promise. 'That's it. No stnngs. No gimmicks. And this offer is Maine's 1982 moose hunt, like the even good for 12 months after you graduate. experimental season of 1980, promise, But why do you need the American Express Card ncxx! to be a subject of controversy. First of all, it's a good way to begin to establish your credit history. And you Opponents contend that the know that's important. lumbering, dim-witted creatures are so Ofcourse, the Card is also good for travel, restaurants, and shopping for things easy to shoot that a moose hunt is a like a new stereo or furniture. And because the Card is recogni:ed and welcomed slaughter, not a sport. "It's like worldwide. so are you. shooting fish in a barrel," they say, So call for a Special Student Application pointing to the high success tOTC rate e! the college bookstore 1980 or look for one at your or on season, when 636 of the 700 campus bulletin hoards. IS permit holders OFF got ICU their moose. American Express Card. Don't leave "It would The be more sporting to shoot school without it: r MAUL Budweiser trucks. They're about the same size, but they travel faster," says application: John N. Cole, the Brunswick writer Call today for an spearheading the SMOOSA campaign. 800-528-8000. The Maine( .arnpu, .4pril 2, 1982 10 General Alumni Association 1982 National Student Phona thou Wells Complex Lounge April 4-29, 1982 Blacl For four weeks over 450 UMO-BCC students hove volunteered to contact MAINE alumni nationwide. Twenty individuals will call each evening to assist the UMO General Alumni Association in updating alumni records by Nancy Storey Staff Writer and broaden alumni support for the Annual Alumni Fund. Area merchants have also rallied support for the first National Student' Phonathon. The University of Maine at Orono and the General Alumni Association The UMO ba is returned from a proud to recognize the following merchants and student sponsored organizations. swing, opens up its this weekend wi Connecticut.

Maine compiled California oser bri Tournament, whi, largest college sprin IT'S ttJtratt WEEK The First UMO National Student Phonathon

apoli Pizza of Orono is the week's sponsor.

Volunteer Group: Sunda y.1pril I Wells Complex Residents Am mmidemtified ri Mows (be lime trying safely. Merchant Sponsor Napoli Pizza and M.A.Clark Florists (Storey phoii jtItiatitsy tprii 5 Volunteer Group: Phi Gamma Delta Little Sisters Celtics_

Merchant Sponsor Napoli Pizza and Governor's Restaurant ATLANTA I API- center Tree Rollins file assault charges a Celtics M.L. Car Tuesday .11)1116 Volunteer Group: Hancock Hall Residents threatening him witl Jan. 13 National Ba ion game Merchant Sponsor Napoli Pizza and Time Out in Boston. Restaurant The 7-foot-I Rollin Journal in an intervil Volunteer Group: Hanibal Hamlin Residents where the Hawks v edtiesday April 7 Bucks Thursday nigh the incident to the NI upset because Carr Merchant Sponsor Napoli Pizza and Time Out Restaurant letter of reprimand fr Can denied the a, Residents it was "unbelievable Thursday April8 Vounteer Group: Hart Hall The league did about it. and that tee( said. "They wrote h Merchant Sponsor Napoli Pizza and Time Out Restaurant wasn't worth anythir wait until after the thinking seriously al Merchants listed above have provided individual award certificatesfor each evening they are listed. CAN For information on theUMO General Alumni Association and any of it's programs stop into Coj the Crossland Alumni Association FOR 5 c or call 581-7392. CM 244 PERRY ROAD BANGOR 10 The tfame Campus Fr,sIus, April?. 19,2 11 Sports Black Bear squad to ?. Twenty face Yale,UConn records by Nancy Storey Maine had trouble putting further." Staff Writer priority now is to for everything together during the first Going into keep playing." the the last day of Maine will week, especially since a number competition play II games in southern The UMO baseball of in the tournament, Maine New ciation team, which games were cancelled because England before returning home is returned from of rain had to beat Brigham Young University a 14-game westcoast and the team for their opener against Vermont swing, had had no opportunity to decide who would advance at opens up its east coast campaign to to the Mahaney Diamond play outside. Most of the teams the championship game. April 17. this weekend with use games The Bears lost Beginning in Bears competed against had 12-3, however their bid for the ECAC Connecticut. been in a game which was not playoff playing since Feb. 5. spot, the Bears will face Yale Maine The Black Bears worked on compiled a 6-8 record while in their timing, and their hitting California over break at the Riverside and fielding began to come around Tournament, which is one of by the middle of the the second week. largest college spring tournaments. The highlight of the trip was when Maine defeated Stanford University 7-4 and Washington University 7-2 in a doubleheader Thursday, March 25. Stanford had been ranked second in the nation prior to the tournament. Pitcher Bill Swift, who picked up the win against Stanford, said "It felt like I won the World Series," after the victory. Coach John Winkin said this weekend will be the pivotal point of the season. His team has had the opportunity to get used to playing outdoors, so they should not make as Black Bear shortstop Pete Adams, who performed in California with many fielding errors as they did injured an right hand, has recosered and should help Maine this coming out of the field house. weekend. (Storm) indicative of the manner in which today and then the "In view of the fact that it rained for the University of Bears had begun to play in previous Connecticut for doubleheaders most of the first week in California, 1 both games. Saturday and Sunday. have to be pleased at the way we played," Winkin "We played ourselves into shape An unidentified Maine player bustles said. "I couldn't Winkin said it is important help but to have against good competition," Winkin down the line trying to make it think we're as good as any of good weather to first now so the team can said, "We've regained the momentum safely. (Storey photo( the teams that were there, but I have to continue to play. "We have to play. we had last year, now all we be disappointed that we didn't go have to do We're ready to play. The number one is maintain it." rs Celtics'Carr accused of threatening opponent

ATLANTA tAPI. Atlanta Hawks action. pocket. not It center Tree all the wa • but he let me Rollins says he plans to razor. He must have said that "I've got to do something. know he had a weapon," Rollins said. off the file assault charges against the Boston I don't top of his head. A thing want to do anything "I thought it was a razor..." like that can Celtics' M.L. Carr for allegedly right 110W because he very detrimental." we're driving Carr said Thursday that he said. threatening him with a razor after for the playoffs and that he met a Rollins outside the Jan. 13 National Basketball might be too much of a distraction for Associat- after the game. ion game in Boston. the team." Rollins said. "but I knew I couldn't DIRECTWAV SERVICE get into any Rollins said the incident began hassle. I was just there STUDENTS The 7-foot-1 Rollins told signing autographs:* The Atlanta during the Jan. 13 Hawks-Celtics "%ere here to save Journal in an interview Robes also ,ou moneA' 4 in Milwaukee, game when Boston's Rick Robes set a said the accusation was where Rent-A-Bav or Rent the Hawks were to play the "hard pick•• on Hawks guard -A-Lift :S Wes Do Bucks Thursday night, that he reported Matthew s. "All I saw M.L. do was talk to our II14n auto repairs. Tree." he said. the incident to the NBA office and was "1 told Robes that he .as Irving to "There was no Hour,: Mon thin Fri:8 am - Spin confrontation. M.L. upset because Carr received only a hurt our guys and not to do that said something to Sat: 9am - 4pm letter of reprimand from the league. again." Rollins said. ''Then M.L. him, but he didn't threaten him with Sun: Closed went off. He tells Robes to hit any razor.'' Carr denied the accusation, say ing him again and said. Carr also denied 1216 Hammond Si,, Bangor it A. S "unbelievable.'' "We'll get you, too." he carried a razor. Rollins said Carr. a 6-foot-6 guard-for- "Nobody has ever seen me with a 942-2782 "The league didn't do anything ward. told him he was going to settle about it. and that teed me off.'' Rollins the dispute after the game. said. ''They wrote him a letter which Let's After the game. Rollins said, he saw Get Pizzacatedll Weekend wasn't worth anything. I'm going to Carr and Robey w-aiting for wait until after the him as he season. but I'm was making his way %lane thinking to the team bus. Coupon /Value Coupon seriously about taking legal "I saw him pull something out of his al $1.00 off any 17 or 50' off any 10 or 19inch CANTEEN pizza with 14inch pizza with ed. this coupon this coupon good til 5-14-82 good til 5-14-82 • -5 CANTEEN sorry no other coupons) into CUt *7s 0 GAMESIVIUSIC FOR 5 OR MORE 1 ticiruitls I POOL &SOCCER ARiNsCADE GANES Delivery & Take Out service CANTEEN alter BOXES I 244PERRY ROAD 9465431111 866-5505 COMPLETE P000& VENDING BANGOR SERVICE 154 Park St. Orono 12 The Maine Campus. Friday, April 2, 1982 commentary Ken Waltz Pete Rozelle: Movement It may be a dream of Rams to Anaheim come true benefits all football fans LOS ANGELES(AP)- Pete Rozelle, 28 member teams before a club can Oh. what a warm feeling. Thy' will prove he didn't have his the football commissioner, testified move. sun shining brightly, the snow best years in Baltimore and New Thursday that the move of the Los The owners, with nearly all of them almost gone, and the joggers York. • Angeles Rams from the Coliseum to voting, were unanimous in their out in droves these days. a sure I can see it now, Glen the stadium in suburban Anaheim opposition to the Raiders' move so the sign that spring is finally here. club Hoffman will hit .295 and play benefited all pro football followers in sued the league. Wait. doesn't that mean that flawlessly at shortstop and show the area. Rozelle had testified earlier that Rule the exhibition games are almost the people of New England that 4.3 was not a restraint of trade, but "Anaheim Stadium sold out and so over and the regular baseball made the "reasonable to our structure." television of home games was sent to 2 season is about to begin? 1 can't right decision when he shipped The city of and one half million fans in Southern Oakland in turn sued the wait to watch the Sox on T.V. Rick Burelson to California. Raiders two California," he said on the witness years ago to get them to and maybe even get to Fenway And Dwight Evans will shake off stand. stay, but the case was thrown out of Park to see them play. the thoughts of last years fine court. Rozelle was one of the first witnesses season and go out and win the Rozelle is expected to be on the stand It was so exciting watching in the retrial of the antitrust case batting crown and golden glove again Friday and perhaps Monday. them drive to the playoffs last brought by the Oakland Raiders and award. Later, he will testify when the season only to lose to the the Coliseum against NFL the National presents its case. Milwaukee Brewers in the final I can see it now. Tony Perez Football League. eek of the season. This will show signs of the power he Coliseum lawyer Maxwell Blecher discouraged me almost as much displayed in Cinncinati and Rich The Rams vacated the Coliseum in reminded Rozelle on Thursday that he 1980 as watching loft a Gedman will show people that and the Raiders tried to move in, earlier said the Rams got the most out fas.tball over the he can do anything but the NFL owners said no. of the move. But Rozelle replied that can do (except Kin rookie-of-the "when I reflected, I decided green monster and into the The first trial ended in a deadlock in the -year award) when he slams a significant fact was to the public." screen to beat the Sox in that August when jurors voted 8-2 in favor memorable one-game playoff homerun off the rightfield foul of the Raiders. "I asked late Rams owner Carroll against the Yankees in 1978. pole to beat the Chicago White Rosenbloom to reflect again before The retrial is being held But. that's all in the past and Sox in the 12th inning of the before making the move. I thought it was to District Court this is the year the Red Sox will sixth game of the American Judge Harry his • best interest to stay in the Pregerson. go all the way. I can feel it! League playoffs to win the Coliseum," Rozelle said. Rozelle was Pennant for the Red Sox. At issue is NFL constitution Rule 4.3 general manager of the Rams before which requires a 75 percent becoming commissioner 'Haywood 1 can see it now, Carl vote of the in 1960. Sullivan Yastremski will bring us all back made the right to 1967 when he hits .400, with Fergus,Edwards four homers and eight RBI's tied for lead in decision when against Los Angeles to lead the Red Sox to a four game sweep of Greensboro Golf Tournament he shipped the Dodgers in the 1982 World GREENSBORO, N.C. Series Championship. (AP). Keith and a good attitude, and that's a big Fergus Rich Burleson I can see it now, Yaz will dropped a 15-foot birdie putt part of any good round." on the final hole to finish announce his retirement because off a 66 and to California' tie Danny Edwards Edwards. a former winner here. he has finally captured that for the lead Thursday in the first round of the matched his 6-under-par effort on the 1 can sec it now. Carney elusive World Series ring. 1 can 5300,000 Greater Greensboro 6,984-yard Forest Oaks Country Club see it. I can see it, 1 know 1 can Open Lansford will put his contract Golf Tournament. course, his best of the year. dispute behind hint and hit .340 see it.... "1 feel like I did everything well," this season. a ill finally' "It's hard to put your finger on it "Ken, wake up. wake up.- said Fergus. who scored his first tour realize that he is the highest when you play good," he said. my roommate shouted. "You're victory in the Memorial Tournament paid player on the team and "Things just worked out for me." all sweaty, you must have had a last year. "1 had good concentration prove why when he clubs 50 bad dream." •aI homers. will •61. • I•T• • • • •T•.1. • • .1. • • •i• •• •1• .. "I knew it couldn't be true." I find his old fastball that he lost sighed. "1 guess I'm in for in Cleveland and go on to win 20 Celebrate Passover another long season." With Hillel games. as will Mike Torre,. who At Our

11)11 enern I Election for pte.iiions of BRUNCH Preid4nlandvt ice Pref,ident o ill he held AND on ‘pril I 1.1982. l'o•ition% are %alari,d and open 10 8115 re.ident hall full•time MODEL •tudent. Nomittation• ea he made al SEDER Student Go% e content office. Sunday April 4 11:00 AM :3rd floor Memorial t nion. Ford Room, Memorial Union tiXESLEEKTO.-. -,...1c...s..,c4L r ,it1- : • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• •000000.00 ...... The UMO Fensing Club is raffling Hey Mals,,.rn. How did NOU enio, a S50 dinner for two gift certificate •PERSONALS your sasation in Old Tome lot all at the Real Lion, Milkr's, Bangor'. • C . Xla.k. She ha. es er st hing going Barb, 1,11 Accc places 10 bet look for more message, nem week finest restaurant, on Main Street • t brains. brains . and lots • PEt Tickets are • 50t each or three for • •• preludised. M.G. • How come you neser put a SI 00. For tickets and further • Bernard.Snorky, The personals are a great way to personal in for me? information contact, Bruce • r, and Denise say April surprise someone spe,xal. Loft for Sale! Contact Brian, Kreider, 581-1152; or Cindy Ward, • Fools Everyone reads them!' Room 210 Chadbourne 0230) or 866-310,, or Craig Allen, 827. • Whs didn't you put in a personal Phil, you are our fasofitc April Andy, room 343 Hancoxli 0100 • Foot Hope 31343. this week? They're only St OD! you had a great day! To Glenn Eaton- You are • P P Cyndi. Dolly, Lynn, Bruce, Mike, To the other ten of the USiti gorgeous! From a girl in your • You're Chuck, Shrub, Kelli, Elesen thanks for an excellent • a precious young lads Psych class Donna, Tackle. Dan, and I'll love you FORE% ER' I all, Spring Break! You are OK most Katrina. Karin, Marra. Robin, Congratulations lose DRS Glenn! We considerate and generous people I • %Dora, Huey. Free typing- 1 need the practise Jeff, Paul. Sisk. weren't going to lei you lease know, all irsoit. RA,and last but and t use you yens • • for my summer lob Call PhOlis at utter anyway and Yve flee, will, least Ben much let's do it again soon' Sue P • Send coflee and hoe- I .• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,, into withdrawal. ••••••