J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. December, 2015 JJASEMOURN ISSNAL O1119F A-8362PPL IED SFullCIE-textNC AvailableE AND EOnlineNVI RatO NMENTAL MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved www.ajol.info and Vol. 19 (1) 53 - 63 www.bioline.org.br/ja

Aeropalynological Investigation of the University of , Ilorin,


1Applied plant Anatomy and wood Technology Laboratory, Department of Plant Biology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria 2Department of plant Biology, university of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria 3Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State, Nigeria ; [email protected]; +2348033897870

KEYWORDS: Hey fever, meteorological parameters, pollens, spores, climate, University of Ilorin

ABSTRACT: Hay fever allergy could either be from pollen or fungi spores. Using the Hirst model of pollen trap, pollen buckets were constructed; with pollen trap solutions inside them, they were placed in specific locations in the University of Ilorin for four months (December 2012/January 2013 to March/April 2013). Using acetolysis reaction, pollens and spores were recovered from the trap solution and were analyzed and identified in the microscope. Pollen/spore were counted and compared with meteorological parameters i.e. rainfall, sunshine, wind speed, humidity, and temperature. It was observed that pollen/spore concentrations were influenced by these meteorological factors. Hence there is need for us to always determine the amount of these pollen/spore concentrations all year round as it will help to predict the vegetation of a given area as well as helping hay fever sufferers manage their allergies effectively. ©JASEM http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/jasem.v19i1.7

Introduction identified most of the recovered palynomorphs Palynology is the study of dust, strew, sprinkle or mainly to family level thus not creating the needed particles that are strewn. A classic palynologist basic data for comparative pollen analysis. The work analyses particulate sample collected from air, water, of Adeonipekun and John (2011) also was carried out or any deposits including sediments of any age. The on the dust deposited on a car bonnet over a month. condition and identification of those particles, organic The sample used was not directly collected from the and inorganic, give the palynologist clues to life, the air with an aerofloral sampler. However, in the environment and the energetic conditions that southeast Nigeria, works of Agwu and Osibe (1992), produced them. The term is sometimes narrowly used Agwu (2001), Agwu et al. (2004), Njokuocha and to refer to a subset of the discipline which is defined Osayi (2005) and Njokuocha (2006) have created a as “the study of microscopic objects of rich data base for comparison and research in macromolecular organic composition (i.e. compounds aeropalynology. These works have not only shown of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen), not the richness of the aerospora, but have also provided capable of dissolution in hydrochloric or hydrofluoric basic data for the twelve months of the year in the acids (Sarjeant 2002). The study of these particulates Nsukka area as well as re-affirming also the in the air is referred to as aeropalynology. In March contributions of allochthonous sources for the 2010, a strange harmattan dust covered the whole of recovered aeropalynomorphs. The works of Adetunji Nigeria and raised issues bordering on changing et al. (1979) and Adedokun et al. (1989) on the weather conditions and its consequence on public mineralogy of harmattan dust in Nigeria have health. Adeonipekun and John (2011) investigated confirmed a Saharan source for the harmattan dust this cream coloured dust and found out that pollen and affirmed its significance on the agriculture, health grains of Guinea/Sudan savanna vegetation species and micro-climate of West Africa and beyond. were dominant. This, together with the abundant diatom frustules recorded, further supports a Saharan Medical palynological and aeropalynological studies desert source for the strange dust. Apart from the however are scarce in Nigeria and little or no known published work of Adekanmbi and Ogundipe (2010) aeropollen data is available for the Ilorin metropolis. in the southwest Nigeria and most recently Thus the aim of this project research is to identify the Adeonipekun and John (2011), there is no other concentrations of air borne pollen/fungal spores and aeropalynological work in this area (Ilorin) to serve the effect of some meteorological parameters in its as a basis for aeropalynological study. Even the concentration at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Adekanmbi and Ogundipe (2010) work only Nigeria.

*Corresponding Author: [email protected] Aeropalynological Investigation of the University of Ilorin 54

MATERIALS AND METHODS 90oC. It was again centrifuged at 3000rpm for 10 Study areas: The study was carried out in four (4) mins. It was decanted and washed with distilled water selected areas at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, three times; centrifuging at each interval of washing. Nigeria namely Jalala (Junior Staff Quarters), Senior The residue liquid was stored in the centrifuge tube Staff Quarters Unilorin Primary School and Unilorin for subsequent microscopic observations. secondary School. Construction of pollen trap: A pollen trap was Microscopic Analysis: About 10-15 microliters of the constructed consisting of the following, a four liter washed acetolysed liquid was collected from tube transparent bucket and a 25cmx25cm wire mesh. The using the micropipette. It was placed on a bucket was filled with 175L of water, 800mL of 25.4x76.2mm microscopic slide. A mountant was formaldehyde, 14g of phenol and 1.63L of glycerol. added to it to prevent easy dry up of the liquid. The wire mesh was placed on top of the bucket and Mountant used was glycerol. The cover slide was fastened with the aid of a wire. placed on top of the liquid on the slide. A nail polish was used to seal the edges of the coverslip so as to The pollen trap was placed in a hole 30cm deep at prevent loss of sample liquid as a result of rapid dry each sites of the study. The pollen trap was left for a out of the liquid. Thirty-two slides were prepared for month and was replaced with another pollen trap each month of study and were viewed under the solution consecutively for a period of four months optical light microscope and were later identified. starting from December 7th 2012 to April 7th 2013. The recovered palynomorphs were identified after Statistical Analysis: All the data gotten were reported acetolysis reaction has being carried out on the pollen and analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tap solution. Meteorological parameters data such as and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The temperature, rainfall, wind speed, humidity, and computer software package SPSS 16.0 for windows sunshine were obtained from the Lower River Niger was used for this analysis. The probability value of Basin, Ilorin station from the Meteorological and 0.05 was used as a bench mark for significant Hydrological Department from Dec 2012 – Apr 2013. difference between the parameters. The percentage abundance of the species and the monthly pollen/spore count were compared with the RESULTS meteorological parameters and data. The December/January microscopic analysis reveals total pollen/spore count of 277 belonging to 20 plant Pollen and spore isolation and identification: families and four fungi families with family Acetolysis reaction according to Erdtman (1960) Apocynaceae being the most dominant and destroys and extracts everything except for the extine, Aspergillus spp being the most dominant in the fungi the highly resistant outer shell of the pollen that bears families. Other plant families were found in lower characteristic morphological features used in pollen amount in the atmosphere. These include families like identification. The extracted pollen was infiltrated Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Liliaceae, with suitable mounting medium for light microscopy. Orchindaceae, Alismataceae, Lentibulariaceae, This technique has been used for high resolution 3D Holaragacea etc. Four species of the fungal family imaging of the pollen. were also identified and these includes; Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladiosporium and Alternaria (Table 1). All processing done in a15ml polypropylene conical tube acetolysis reaction was done in the following In the January/Feburary microscopic analysis a total steps: 6ml of suspended mixture of formaldehyde, spore and pollen count of 340 were identified and phenol, water, and glycerol was obtained and poured these belong to19 plant families and three fungi in a centrifuge tube; 8ml of water was added to the families; namely Trichocomaceae, Davidellaceae, and suspended mixture. The mixture of water and Pleospoaraceae of which the Caldiosporium spp was suspension was shaken thoroughly, and centrifuged at the most dominant spore. The most dominant plant 3000 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 15min. It was family was the Poaceae family, followed by the decanted and 10 ml of Glacial Acetic acid was added. Polypodiaceae, Solanaceae and Cyperaceae families. It was centrifuged for the second time at 3000rpm for Other families include the Brassicaceae, Annonaceae, 10min. Acetolysis mixture was prepared i.e. 9ml of Commelinaceae, and the Orchidaceae families (Table acetic anhydride and 1ml of sulphuric acid. 5ml of 2). this solution was added to the already decanted Glacial Acetic mixture, boiled for about 2 mins at 80-


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Table 1: Pollen and spore analysis in December 2012 and January 2013 for Jalala area of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria S/N Scientific name Family Nature of Frequency of pollen aperture pollen/spore 1. 1 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae Periporate 2 2. 2 Desmodium paniculatum Fabaceae Tricolpate 2

3. 3 Asystasia gagentica Acanthaceae Tricolporate 5 4. 4 Phlebodium aurebum Polypodiaceae Monolete 1 5. 5 Utricularia foliosa Lentibulariaceae Polycolporoidate 1 6. 6 Taxodium distichum Taxodiaceae Monoporate 10 7. 7 Alstonia boonei (de wild) Apocynaceae Tricolporate 7 8. 8 Salvinia minima Salviniaceae Trilete 2 9. 9 Physalis pubescens Solanaceae Tricolporate 1 10. 10 Phoenix reclinata Aracaceae(palmae) Monosulcate 8 11. 11 Solanum americanum Solanaceae Tricolporate- 3 syncolporate 12. 12 Gomphrena celosioides Amaranthaceae Inaperturate 1 13. 13 Asystasia vogeliana Acanthaceae Tricolporate 2 14. 14 Cladium mariseus Cyperaceae Ulcerate 2 15. 15 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae Ulcerate 1 16. 16 Sabal palmetto Arecaceae Monosulcate 7 17. 17 Eragrostis elliottis Poaceae(Graminea) Monoporate 5 18. 18 Sagittaria lancifolia Alismataceae Ulcerate 1 19. 19 Crinum americanum Liliaceae Monosulcate 3 20. 20 Alternanthera spp Amaranthaceae Inaperturate 1 21. 21 Thevetia neriifolia Apocynaceae Tricolporate 7 22. 22 Justicia elegantusa Acanthaceae Diporate 9 23. 23 Allamanda cathartica Apocynaceae Tricolporate 5 24. 24 Saururus cernuus Saururaceae Monosulcate 8 25. 25 Schinus terebinthifolius Anacardiaceae Tricolporate 4 26. 26 Trichopilia maculate Orchindaceae Inaperturate 1 27. 27 Justicia pectoralis Acanthaceae Diporate 3 28. 28 Astrocaryum standleyanum Palmae Panporate 6 29. 29 Onicidium ampliatum Orchidaceae Inaperturate 1 30. 30 Aritolochia pilosa Apocynaceae Tricolporate 7 31. 31 Meschites trifida Apocynaceae Inaperturate 1 32. 32 Chamaedorea wenlandiana Aracaceae Trilete 5 33. 33 Pennicilium spp Trichocomaceae Fungal spore 36 34. 34 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae Fungal spore 26 35. 35 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae Fungal spore 21 36. 36 Cladosporium spp Davidellaceae Fungal spore 38

37. 37 Undefined spores - - 38

However the February/March 2013 microscopic analysis reveals a slight difference in the pollen, Finally in the March/April 2013 results, pollen/spore fungal spores (palynomorphs) in the atmosphere. concentrations in the atmosphere decrease Although persistent families like the Poaceae, significantly. Eight plant families and 4 fungal Fabaceae, and the Taxodiaceae were present in the species were identified. A total pollen/spore count atmosphere, however there was a slow fall in their was 234 with Cyperaceae being the most dominant in concentrations. The most dominant family was the the plant family and Pleosporaceae family being the Cyperaceae. In total, 12 families of plant species and dominant fungal spore (Table 4). 4 Fungi families were identified. A total of 229 spore/pollen count was recorded (Table 3).


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Table 2: Pollen and spore analysis in January and February 2013 for Jalala area of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria S/N Scientific name Family Nature of pollen Frequency of aperture pollen/spore 1 Allamanda cathartica Apocynaceae Periporate 3 2 Asystasia vogeliana Acanthaceae Tricolporate 5 3 Tournefortia angustiflora Boraginaceae Trilete 2 4 Diplazium grandifolium Polypodiaceae Monocolporate 6 5 Cassia obtusifolia Fabaceae Tricolporoidate 9 6 Eleocharis cellulose Cyperaceae Ulcerate 7 7 Axonopus compressus Cyperaceae Monoporate 19 8 Coryanthes manculata Orchidaceae Inaperturate 8 9 Anacardium occidentalis Acanthaceae Tricolporate 9 10 Mormodes unlata Orchidaceae Aporate 6 11 Rhynchospora cephalotes Commelinaceae Monocolpate 9 12 Matelea trianae Asclepiadaceae Vesculate 5 13 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae Ulcerate 2 14 Commelina diffusa Commelinaceae Monosulcate 4 15 Saururus cernuus Saururaceae Monosulcate 3 16 Thelypetris balbis Polypodiaceae Monolete 22 17 Trichomanes godmanii Cyantheaceae Trilete 7 18 Descurainta pinnata Brassicaceae Trilete 8 19 Solanum americanum Solanaceae Tricolporate- 3 syncolporate 20 Aritolochia pilosa Rubiaceae Tricolporate 20 21 Ichanthus pallens Poaceae Monoporate 9 22 Orthoclada laxa Poaceae Monoporate 13 23 Paspalidium paniculatum Poaceae Monoporate 9 24 Leptochloa virgate Poaceae Monoporate 5 25 Lasiacis procerrima Poaceae Monoporate 6 26 Paspalum conjugatum Poaceae Monoporate 5 27 Acer rubrum Aceraceae Inaperturate 7 28 Thelypteris incise Polypodiaceae Monolete 4 29 Capsicum annuum Solanaceae Inaperturate 2 30 Geonoma procumbens Aceraceae Trilete 9 31 Aspidosperma cruenta Apocynaceae Syncolporate 8 32 Desmopsis panamensis Annonaceace Inaperturate 4 33 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae Fungal spore 27 34 Caldosprium spp Davidellaceae Fungal spore 29 35 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae Fungal spore 13 36 Penicillium spp Trichocomaceae Fungal spore 10 37 Undefined spores - - 35


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Table 3: Pollen and spore analysis in February/March 2013 for Jalala area of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria

S/N Scientific name Family Nature of Frequency of pollen aperture pollen/spore 1 Scetaria parviflora Poaceae Monoporate 7 2 Cladium mariscus Cyperaceae Ulcerate 5 3 Eleocharis cellulocosa Cyperaceae Ulcerate 3 4 Acrostichum danaeiflolium Pterdiaceae Trilete 15 5 Taxodium distichum Taxodiaceae Monolete 11 6 Phlebodium aureum Polypodiaceae Monolete 2 7 Cyerus haspan Cyeraceae Ulcerate 1 8 Boehmeria cylindrica Urticaceae Diporate 34 9 Typha latifolia Typhaceae Monoulcerate 4 10 Thelypteris kunthii Thelypteridaceae Monolete 6 11 Schoenoplectus Cyperaceae Ulcerate 10 taberaeamontani 12 Vigna luteola Fabaceae Triporate 27 13 Rhychospora colorata Cyperaceae Syncolporate 1 14 Morella cerifera Myricaceae Ulcerate 2 15 Myriophyllum spp Holaragaceae Stephanoporate 2 16 Phragmites australis Poaceae Monoporate 1 17 Ilex cassine Aquifoliaceae tricolporate 4 18 Caladosporium Davidellaceae Fugal spore 15 19 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae Fugal spore 10 20 Penicillum spp Trichocomaceae Fugal spore 18 21 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae Fugal spore 17 22 Undefined spores 43

Table 4: Pollen and spore analysis in March/April 2013 for Jalala area of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria Scientific name Family Nature of Frequency of S/N pollen aperture pollen/spore

1 Axonopus compressus Cyperaceae Monoporate 21 2 Eleocharis cellulose Cyperaceae Ulcerate 4 3 Cassia obtusifolia Fabaceae Triclporate 10 4 Alamanda catherica Apocynaceae Periporate 3 5 Tournefortia grandifolium Boraginaceae Trilete 3 6 Matelea trianae Ascelpiadiacea Vesulate 1 7 Commelina diffusa Commelinaceae Tricolporate 7 8 Rhynchospora cephalotes Commelinacea Monoporate 5 9 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae Ulcerate 9 10 Asystatia gagentica Acanthaceae Tricolporate 9 11 Alstonia boonei Apocynaceae Tricolporate 17 12 Utricularia foliosa Lentibulariaceae Polycolporate 1 13 Phoenix reclinata Aracaceae Monosulcate 5 14 Justicia petoralis Acanthaceae Diporate 5 15 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae Periporate 9 16 Cladium mariseus Cyperaceae Ulcerate 3 17 Salvinia minima Salvinaceae Periporate 3

18 Boehmeria cylindrical Utricaceae Diporate 17 19 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae Fugal spore 11 20 Cladosporium spp Davidiellaceae Fugal spore 29 21 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae Fungal spore 7 22 Undefined spores 21 23 Aritolochia pilosa Apocyanceae Monolete 15

DISCUSSION appearance of allergic reactions in humans when The suspension of pollen grains in the atmosphere is pollen/fungi spore is inhaled and its proteins are a phenomenon that is inherent to the biological released thereby forming antigens to which the function of these particles, since the wind is the major immune system reacts, provoking allergic symptoms. mode of transportation of the pollens and spores of As in many other biological processes, pollen/fungi most flowering plants and fungi. It carries the grains spore dispersal is influenced by meteorological from the anthers to the stigma of unisexual flowers, parameters like rainfall, sunshine, temperature and facilitating pollination (Charlesworth 1993) and often relative humidity. These may determine the timing of the pollen grains of these plants undergo various the flowering season and release of fungi spores by modifications (Crane 1986). One indirect way of photoperiod, the rate of maturation of conidia, consequence of this airborne transport is the as well as the development of flower organs via their physiology, or by affecting the dynamics of the air ABDULLAHI-ALANAMU ABDULRAHAMAN1*, ORITSETIMEYIN S. ARUOFOR1, TAOFIK GARUBA2, OPEYEMI SAHEED KOLAWOLE3, GANIYU S. OLAHAN2 FELIX A. OLADELE1

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which the pollens and spores travel as passive in the anther cell walls that facilitates anther elements (Ligthart et al. 1979; Benningnoff 1987). mechanical breakage which releases the pollen (Nitius 2004). The moderate mean wind speed of From the results of this work, spore/pollen count and 80.25km/h for the month of Dec/Jan explains the identification was recorded for the four month period dispersal and concentration of spores better than all of the study; in all pollen and spore count was most other meteorological parameters. At moderate wind abundant in the Jan/Feb month of the analysis. speed, the pollen count in the atmosphere does not Spore/pollen count values showed significant decrease, almost to an altitude of 1,000 m. According correlation with the meteorological parameters. to Nitius (2004) during the day, when the cloud of Positive and statistically significant correlation was pollen is brought up by the convection currents, no found between pollen/spore count and the mean selection of pollen grains according to their size and temperature (min and max) of the months, wind mass takes place, but during the night, especially on a speed, rainfall and sunshine while negative quiet one, larger and heavier grains descend correlation was observed between the mean relative significantly faster than smaller ones reducing the humidity and pollen/spore count. The amount of pollen concentration in the atmosphere. The wind is sunshine, rain or wind speed affects how much the passive fluid in which pollen and spores travel as pollen/spore is released and how much the passive elements (Ligthart et al. 1979; Benningnoff pollen/spore is spread around. On humid day, 1987). The relative high wind speed for the Dec/Jan pollen/spore spreads slowly, during windy days, period of study ensure the dispersal of the spores pollen/spore are transported over long distances hence even though the temperature was relatively low (Gregory 1978). Wind speed is therefore recognized there was still enough pollen to cause harm to hay as being the most important factor (McDonald 1980). fever suffers. On rainy days, pollen may be cleared from the air, causing pollen levels to fall. People suffering from The Jan/Feb spore count was the highest record of pollen and spore allergies look out for the counts 340 in the period of study. A mean minimum and whether daily or monthly concentrations to help them max temperature of 20.42oC and 34.23oC respectively start and plan their day (McDonald 1980). The has no much significance on the pollen/spore pollen/spore count tells us the amount of pollen in a distribution during the Dec/Jan period of study as certain sample of air in a given area. pollen were in much denser concentrations than the fungi spores. The most dominant pollen was from the In the Dec/Jan pollen/spore count, it was noted that Poaceae family. The Cladosporium spp of the fungi pollen dispersal and concentration were not as dense spore was also in abundance but in lesser amounts as as in the Jan/Feb pollen/spore count. This was compared to the previous month of study. The attributed to the cold weather as we know anthesis increase in rainfall value can be infer to have reduced occurs usually in the warm weather hence pollen the concentration of the fungi spore as the rain dispersal was not very effective due to low cleanses the air but that is just an assumption temperature of the atmosphere. But the fungi spores however the mean sunshine hour of 6hrs 50min might where much more in abundance, that is to say the be responsible for the increased pollen spore cold weather was not much of a factor in the dispersal concentrations due to the fact that most plants of these fungi spores because most of these spores are undergo anthesis (i.e. the opening of flowers) and produced from decaying organic matter. In line with release pollen early in the morning. As the day gets this, most of the fungi spores identified are mostly warmer and more flowers open, pollen levels rise. On parasitic. For example Aspergillus spp are a major sunny days, the pollen count is highest in the early cause of decay of agricultural crops in the field and in evening. The effect of the humidity on anther opening storage, and many species are also common in is also another factor to look out in the pollen contaminated indoor environments. The abundance of the Jan/Feb period having wet and dry Cladiosporium spp were found to be the most percentage humidity of 19.42 and 20.41 respectively. abundant of the entire fungi spore present. This is to This may be as a result of the loss of water i.e. dry say that mean temperature of 17.45oC and 33.42oC humidity, tension on the cell walls increases, anthers for both the minimum and maximum has an effect on break up and pollen is released (Nitius 2004). The the dispersal of pollen and not really significant in the high wind speed mean of 113.625 KM/H of the dispersal of fungi spores. Also the amount of rainfall Jan/Feb period of study is a major and more distinct for Dec/Jan was very low with a total of 7.2mm factor of pollen/spore distribution. Fluctuations of hence pollen/spore dispersal was not inhibited by pollen counts in the different locations of the Jala rainfall due to the relative concentrations of spores in area of study may be affected by the grains brought the atmosphere. The relative humidity also played a from long dispersal and redisposition in the air role in the dispersal of spore having wet and dry currents. humidity mean values of 17.97% and 19.22% respectively. One can say that pollen dispersal was The Feb/March period of study records the lowest affected indirectly in the airspora due to loss of water amounts of spore count of 229. This could be as a ABDULLAHI-ALANAMU ABDULRAHAMAN1*, ORITSETIMEYIN S. ARUOFOR1, TAOFIK GARUBA2, OPEYEMI SAHEED KOLAWOLE3, GANIYU S. OLAHAN2 FELIX A. OLADELE1

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result of the gradual change in the weather from the these parameters; in so doing allergies can be dry season to the early rainy season. Having a total effectively managed. Pollen counts alone are unlikely rainfall of 40.7mm which is much higher when to give an accurate indication of health risks for compared to the previous months of the study, the air allergy or asthma sufferers, as pollen potency can is said to have being relatively wash free of spores. vary widely. Hay fever sufferers can become The minimum and maximum temperature of 23.84oC sensitized by other, less allergenic, pollen species in and 35.52oC could not explain the drop in the pollen advance of the main pollen season, which may concentration. However moderate wind speed of increase the severity of the allergic reaction. 94.96KM/H explained the reason why pollen/spore were still present although in moderate concentrations The pollen forecast and pollen calendar (which shows in the atmosphere. Wind current disperse pollen/spore when different types of plant pollen that cause randomly and at low speeds selects the pollen/spore. allergic reactions are present in the environment) also Heavier pollens/spores tend to fall back to the ground involve expert judgment on, and provide information leaving only lighter ones in the air. The relative wet about, the specific allergenic pollen types in the area and dry humidity of 23.36% and 23.75% respectively of interest. Pharmaceutical organizations often use could not explain pollen concentration drop due to the these forecasts not only by displaying it on their narrow significant differences at p<0.05 or p= 0.05. website but also to predict demand and supply of medication, such as histamine antagonists (commonly The March/April result revealed a total spore count known as antihistamines), which alleviate some of the value of 234. There is a slight increase in this value in hay fever symptoms. spite of the high amounts of rainfall of 106.7mm. This increase could be inferred from the relatively Understanding the potential increase in the health high mean sunshine value of 7hrs 10min which burden in relation to allergy will help health means flower opening was more due to the warm organizations and clinicians to plan for the future. weather. The mean wind speed of 127.7KM/H which There are already significant costs to the economy is the highest so far encourages dispersal and relating to allergic rhinitis in loss of productivity and redisposition of spores. The mean min and max days off work. Understanding how this financial temperature of 23.90oC and 34.90oC as well as the burden may increase in the future is another area of percentage wet and dry of humidity of 23.30% and potential interest. Further studies that will cover the 24.45% played no significant role in spore count twelve (12) months and even years should be carried increments. out in the future to account for a more broad coverage of the area in question Conclusion: From the microscopic and statistical analysis of meteorological effect on pollen/fungi In the Jalala areas pollen count was done in four spore in the atmosphere, one can say truly that different locations during the four month period of pollen/spore concentration is influenced by wind study a summary of these location and the relative speed, rainfall, sunshine, humidity and temperatures. occurrences of spore is highlighted in the table below Hence hay fever sufferers should note the amounts of


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Table 5: Pollen and spore analysis for Primary School area S/N Scientific name Family Frequency of pollen/spore 1 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae 3 2 Asystatia gagentica Acanthaceae 14 3 Utricularia foliosa Lentibulariaceae 1 4 Desmodium paniculatum Fabaceae 2 5 Taxodium distichum Taxodiaceae 7 6 Alternanthera spp Amaranthaceae 4 7 Cladium mariseus Cyperaceae 5 8 Crinum americanum Liliaceae 1 9 Eragrostis elliotis Poaceae 2 10 Sabal palmetto Arecaceae 3 11 Anacardium occidentalis Acanthaceae 3 12 Matelea trianae Ascelpiadiaceae 2 13 Justicia petoralis Acanthaceae 2 14 Aritolochia pilosa Apocyanceae 7 15 Acrostichum danaeifolium Pteridiaceae 15 16 Alamanda catherica Apocynaceae 5 17 Tournefortia angustiflora Boraginaceae 2 18 Cassia obtusifolia Fabaceae 7 19 Axonopus compressus Cyperacea 10 20 Thelypteris incise Polypodiaceae 1 21 Desmopsis panamensis Annonaceae 2 22 Leptochola virginata Poaceae 3 23 Lasiacis procerrima Poaceae 5 24 Geonoma procumbens Aceraceae 3 25 Phargmites australis Poaceae 6 26 Thelypteris kunthii Thelypteridaceae 6 27 Morella certifera Myricaceae 2 28 Phleobodium aureum Polypodiaceae 3 29 Cyperus haspan Cyperaceae 6 30 Coryanthes manculata Orchidaceae 4 31 Descurainta pinnata Brassiceae 5 32 Trichophilia manculata Orchidaceae 4 33 Thevitia neriifolia Apocynaceae 4 34 Chamaedorea wendlandiana Arecaceae 3 35 Osmudia regalis Osmundaceae 6 36 Justicia elegantusa Acanthaceae 5 37 Saururus cernuus Saururaceae 4 38 Cladosporuim spp Davidiellaceae 32 39 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae 34 40 Undefined spores 45

Table 6: Pollen and spore analysis for Secondary School S/N Scientific name Family Frequency of pollen/spore 1 Alsotonia boonei Apocynaceae 10 2 Utricularia foliosa Lentibulariaceae 1 3 Phoenix reclinata Arecaceae 3 4 Gompherena celosioides Amaranthaceae 1 5 Rhynchospora cephalotes Commelinaceae 14 6 Axonopus compressus Cyperaceae 34 7 Eleocharis cellulose Cyperaceae 8 8 Cassia obtusifolia Fabaceae 6 9 Alamanda catherica Apocynaceae 2 10 Tournefortia grandifolium Boraginaceae 27 11 Matelea trianae Ascelpiadiaceae 4 12 Commelina diffusa Commelinaceae 3 13 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae 1 14 Taxodium distichum Taxodiaceae 11 15 Alternanthera spp Amaranthaceae 3 16 Cladium mariseus Cyperaceae 2 17 Crinum americanum Liliaceae 2 18 Eragrostis elliotis Poaceae 6 19 Sabal palmetto Arecaceae 9 20 Anacardium occidentalis Acanthaceae 3 21 Thelypteris balisis Polypodiaceae 4 22 Justicia petoralis Acanthaceae 2 23 Phleobodium aureum Polypodiaceae 4 24 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae 10 25 Cladosprium spp Davidellaceae 35 26 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae 10 27 Penicillium Trichocomaceae 18 28 Undefined spores 34 ABDULLAHI-ALANAMU ABDULRAHAMAN1*, ORITSETIMEYIN S. ARUOFOR1, TAOFIK GARUBA2, OPEYEMI SAHEED KOLAWOLE3, GANIYU S. OLAHAN2 FELIX A. OLADELE1

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From the result of the analysis of variance carried out with F-value of 8.416, 0.05 alpha level of significance the location is significant with the F- value of 11.015, in the months. at 0.05 alpha level of significance, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant Also the analysis of variance (ANOVA), there is difference in pollen count across the locations in each significant difference in the effect of the metrological month. The analysis also indicated that there is parameters namely humidity (dry and wet), significant difference in the pollen count collected temperature (min. and max.), rainfall, sunshine and wind speed on the amount of pollen count.

Table 7: Pollen and spore analysis for Junior Staff Quarters S/N Scientific name Family Frequency of occurrence 1 Lasiacis procerrima Poaceae 1 2 Geonoma procumbens Aceraceae 6 3 Phargmites australis Poaceae 2 4 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae 8 5 Mormodes unlata Orchidaceae 2 6 Salvinia minima Salvinaceae 3 7 Boehimeria cylindrical Utricaceae 7 8 Desmopsis panamensis Annonaceae 1 9 Osmudia regalis Osmundaceae 9 10 Justicia elegantusa Acanthaceae 14 11 Saururus cernuus Saururaceae 2 13 Justicia petoralis Acanthaceae 2 14 Aritolochia pilosa Rubiaceae 27 15 Ichanthus pallens Poaceae 9 16 Orthoclada laxa Poaceae 6 17 Paspalidium paniculatum Poaceae 9 18 Leptochloa virgate Poaceae 2 19 Aspidosperma cruenta Apocynaceae 6 20 Paspalum conjugatum Poaceae 6 21 Acer rubrum Aceraceae 7 22 Thelypteris incise Polypodiaceae 3 23 Capsicum annuum Solanaceae 3 24 Cyperus haspan Cyperaceae 17 25 Coryanthes manculata Orchidaceae 2 26 Descurainta pinnata Brassiceae 2 27 Trichophilia manculata Orchidaceae 4 28 Thevitia neriifolia Apocynaceae 3 29 Chamaedorea Arecaceae 2 wendlandiana 30 Desmopsis panamensis Annonaceae 11 31 Aritolochia pilosa Apocyanceae 8 32 Phargmites australis Poaceae 3 33 Celosia argentia Amaranthaceae 3 34 Mormodes unlata Orchidaceae 4 35 Axonopus compressus Cyperaceae I6 36 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae 1 37 Diplazium grandifolium Polypodiaceae 6 38 Coryanthes manculata Orchidaceae 2 39 Descurainta pinnata Brassicaceae 1 40 Alamanda catherica Apocynaceae 1 41 Anacardium occidentalis Acanthaceae 3 42 Trichomanes godmanii Cyntheaceae 4 43 Shoenoplectus Cyperaceae 3 tabaraemontani 44 Rhynospora colorata Cyperaceae 3 45 Myriophyllum spp Holaragaceae 8 46 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae 11 47 Caldosprium spp Davidellaceae 35 48 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae 17 49 Penicillium Trichocomaceae 10 50 Undefined spores 27


Aeropalynological Investigation of the University of Ilorin 62

Table 8: Pollen and spore analysis for Senior Staff Quarters S/N Scientific name Family Frequency of pollen/spore 1 Alamanda catherica Apocynaceae 3 2 Asyastasia vogeliana Acanthaceae 7 3 Tournefortia gandifolium Boraginacea 1 4 Cassia obtusifolia Fabaceae 6 5 Eleocharis cellulose Cyperaceae 10 6 Commelina diffusa Commelinaceae 8 7 Trichomanes godmanii Cyatheceaceae 3 8 Thelypteris balbis Polypodiaceae 4 9 Solanum americanum Solanaceae 10 10 Aspidosperma cruenta Apocynaceae 2 11 Paspalum conjugatum Poaceae 2 12 Celosia argentia Amarantaceae 15 13 Geonoma procumbens Aceraceae 3 14 Leptochloa virgate Poaceae 1 15 Orthoclada laxa Poaceae 7 16 Boehimeria cylindica Utricaceae 18 17 Ilex cassine Aquifoliaceae 4 18 Osmudia regalis Osmudaceae 3 19 Alstonia boonei Apocynaceae 14 20 Salvinia minima Salvinaceae 2 21 Saururus cernuus Saururacaea 4 22 Schinus terebinthifolius Anacardiaceae 4 23 Justicia petoralis Acanthaceae 2 24 Phoenix reclinata Aracaceae 4 25 Onicidium amplicatum Orchidaceae 7 26 Sagittaria latifolia Alismataceae 1 27 Sabal palmetto Arecaceae 2 28 Cladium mariseus Cyperaceae 3 29 Taxodium distichum Taxodiaceae 3 30 Alternanthera spp Amarantaceae 2 31 Alternaria spp Pleosporaceae 8 32 Caldosprium spp Davidellaceae 17 33 Aspergillus spp Trichocomaceae 26 34 Penicillium Trichocomaceae 16 35 Undefined spores 30

Table 9: Monthly effects of meteriological parameters on aeropalynomorphs concentration Month Dry Wet Minimum Maximum Rainfall Sunshine Wind speed humidity humidity temperature temperature Dec. 2012 – Jan. 2013 19.2258a 17.9677a 17.4516a 33.4194a 7.7000b 8.2000c 41.4194a Jan-Feb 2013 20.4194b 19.4135b 20.4194b 34.2258b 1.4000a 6.9000a 56.6452b Feb-Mar 2013 23.7500c 23.3571c 23.8381c 35.5161d 40.7000c 6.7732a 95.0000c Mar-Apr 2013 24.4516d 23.2903c 23.9032c 34.9032c 1.0670E2d 7.1339b 127.7097d Total 21.9617 21.0072 21.4031 34.5161 39.1250 7.2518 80.1936 There is significant difference in the values of means in the column not followed by the same superscript

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