Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project

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Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project AMBASSADOR ALPHONSE F. LA PORTA Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview dates: February 11, 2004 Copyright 2009 ADST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born and raised in Ne York Georgeto n University% Ne York University US Army National Security Agency% analyst Entered the Foreign Service in 1965 State Department% Administrative Rotation Program 1965 ,orale issues Consolidated Country Programming System .CCPS/ Foreign Affairs ,anual State Department% Office of Functional Personnel% ,anagement 1965 Planning State Department% FS0% 0ndonesian language training 196611962 3akarta, 0ndonesia% Chief Consular Officer 196211969 Abortive coup Sukarno e6iled Communist Party Political situation ,ilitary Embassy evacuation Chinese Activities of ,rs. 8a Porta 3akarta, 0ndonesia% Political Officer 196911920 Okina a fishermen Anti13apanese feeling US10ndonesian relations ,iddle East interest 1 Universities Free Aceh ,ovement Sukarno accomplishments Dutch interests State Department% Bureau of 0nternational Organizations 192011922 Science and Technology Affairs Nuclear energy issues Nuclear Non1Proliferation Treaty 8a of the Sea 0nternational Conferences Kuala 8umpur, ,alaysia% Political Officer 192211925 Prime ,inister Tunku Abdul Rahman Federation ith Singapore Chinese Racial violence Universities ,uslim Parties Kuala 8umpur Players Political Parties Vie s on Vietnam War Relations 3apanese Red Army hostage taking and negotiations Embassy evacuation Kissinger vie s on terrorist negotiation State Department, FS0% Turkish language study 192511926 Ankara, Turkey% Political1,ilitary Officer 192611928 Political Parties and situation Turkish Federation of Northern Cyprus Turkish1Greek relations NATO Failed Greek Cyprus coup Syria 0raq CENTO Kurds Environment US military presence Ambassador ,acomber ,edan, 0ndonesia% Principal Officer, Consul 192811981 Ethnic groups 2 Geography Economy 0nsurgency groups Government Universities 0slam Chinese Territorial disputes Aceh ,obil Oil Asian Development Bank Refugee issues 0ndonesian 8a 0nstitute Schools East Timor Relations ith local military The National War College 198111982 Student body State Department% Deputy Director, Office of ,alaysia, Burma 1982 11985 and Singapore Affairs, East Asia Bureau ASEAN ,ilitary Cooperation Suharto East Timor Aceh ,erdeka ,ovement Free Papua ,ovement Brunei ,alaysia Chinese Five Po er Defense Arrangement, .FPDA/ ,alaysia security discussions CornellBs 0nstitute of South Asia Studies US1ASEAN Business Council State Department% Office of ,anagement 198511982 Overseas staff levels Strategic ,anagement 0nitiative CState 2000D planning e6ercise Post closings Russia and East Europe posts Congressional interest Terrorism Wellington, Ne Eealand, Deputy Chief of ,ission 198211991 A Non1nuclear policy and US Navy Environment ,ilitary US CNeither declare nor denyD policy Relations CAgreement to DisagreeD policy Russians Asia Development Bank Gulf War C0NCPAC Greenpeace Economy Consulates Geography Family State Department: Special Assistant to Special Representative 199111995 for the Philippines, Elliot Richardson Personnel and assignment problems Cory Aquino administration Philippine economic reform 3oint business and economic organizations 0nternational Donor organizations USA0D projects RichardsonBs portfolio Philippine government Relations ith Embassy Relations ith World Bank and Asian Development Bank Pacific 0sland Affairs State Department% Contributor CState 2000D 1995 American Foreign Service Association .AFSA/ Senior Foreign Service Association .SFSA/ Personnel and management issues Strategic ,anagement 0nitiative Government stoppage Demoralization of the Public Service State Representative .Vice President/ to AFSA 199511992 AFSA membership and policies Warren Christopher Grievance process Equal opportunity cases AFSA issues Security arrangements for employees 4 Civil Service vs. Foreign Service Senior E6ecutive Service Strategic ,anagement 0nitiative Relations ith Congress Service as President of AFSA Foreign Service as a profession Ambassador to ,ongolia 199212000 US1,ongolia CThird NeighborD relationship ,ongolian independence from neighbors US1,ongolia military relationship Narcotics traffic Relations ith Russia Economy Environment 8iving conditions Communist Party USA0D projects 0nternational Republican 0nstitute .0R0/ Role of omen Security Soviet legacy 0ndia World War 00 3apanese Social and humanitarian affairs US missionaries Naples, 0taly% Political Advisor to Commander of NATO forces 20001200A in Southern Region Territory covered by Naples Regional Command ,ilitary organization NATO activities in Balkans Kosovo Southern Serbia Greece/Turkey Operation Endeavor Kurdish refugees 0raq ,odernization of NATO forces NATOBs Brussels headquarters European abuses Rumsfeld The French and NATO S eden 5 Afghanistan Center for Strategic and 0nternational Studies 0llegal immigration Barcelona Process European defense Darfur and Sudan Retirement 200A Post Retirement President, United States10ndonesian Society .US0NDO/ Writing and speaking engagements Consultancy contracts Activities of ,rs. 8a Porta INTERVIEW Q: Today is February 11th, 2004. This is an interview with Alphonse La Porta. Is there a middle initial( 8A PORTA: F. Q: F. All right. )ou go by Al( 8A PORTA: Al, right. Q: Okay. ,ell, let-s sort o. start at the beginning. Could you tell me when and where you were born and then we-ll start talking about your family. 8A PORTA: Okay, 0 as born 3anuary 15, 19A9 in Brooklyn, Ne York, Bush ick Hospital to be e6act, but my family moved to 8ong 0sland hen 0 as a fe months old. So, 0 gre up basically on the south shore of 8ong 0sland. ,y father as a hairdresser. He had also orked as a barber. ,y mother had also been a hairdresser at one time although she did not ork at all once she married my father. ,y fatherBs family ere first generation immigrants to the United States making my father second generation and 0Bm third. ,y motherBs family as from the Ukraine and they ere first generation immigrants as ell, but they lived in Pennsylvania. Q: Okay, let-s take your father. Let-s go back to the father-s side and then we-ll go to the mother-s side. ,here did the La Portas come from, your grandparents and on that side( 8A PORTA: The 8a Porta side of the family basically came from one small part of Sicily, Agrigento on the south coast of Sicily. 6 Q: Important ruins there. 8A PORTA: Right, Greek and other ruins. The family as basically very typical of immigrants at about 1890, 1895. They ere landless or they ere living on marginal land. Sicily as no here developed in the ay it is today obviously and the impetus as to get out and live some here else. ,y grandfatherBs older brother as the first to migrate to the United States and, as as typical, he saved money and sent money back to the family in 0taly and then subsequent siblings migrated to the States. Q: ,hat did your grand.ather do( 8A PORTA: ,y grandfather as a hairdresser. When he started out, he learned the barbering trade and hen he first came to the U.S. he as a barber on a cruise ship hich is an interesting occupation in the 1920Bs. Q: That would probably have been fairly lucrative you know in that trade. Had the family sort o. settled in Brooklyn( 8A PORTA: They all settled in Ne York. ,y father ent to 3ames ,adison High School in ,anhattan. The family for a hile lived in ,anhattan and bought a home in Brooklyn in Coney 0sland. Then my grandfather relocated his business, his beauty shop out to 8ong 0sland and my father orked for a department store I Best J Co. I as a hairdresser. Then, later on, he right after the ar, he started his o n shop in Garden City, 8ong 0sland and continued that until he died. Q: On your mother-s side, 2kraine, where did they come from( 8A PORTA: Well, they had a very interesting background. Unfortunately in our family e kno very little about them and in fact my mother and her siblings kne relatively little about the familyBs origins. They ere very poor people from Galicia, hich is in the estern Ukraine an area that as traded off bet een the Austro1Hungarian Empire and the Russians and the Poles. 0n fact her family had t o names. Their Slavic name as Kuzemchak and the German name as Kuzenbach. But they found their ay to central Pennsylvania and my grandfather orked in the coalmines. That as a typical occupation of people ho came from central Europe in that period. Q: Oh, yes. ,ell, how did your mother and family get together( 8A PORTA: Well, it as a sad tale in a ay because my motherBs father died hen she as about 11 years old of black lung disease and her mother died hen she as 15. They lived in a little to n in Pennsylvania I Kulemont near Shamokin I and they had one sister ho migrated to the big city to find ork. ,y mother took care of t o siblings, younger girls, and hen her mother passed on they all moved to Ne York City. She started ork as a hairdresserBs assistant in ,anhattan and thatBs ho she met my father. 2 Q: Did your mother get through high school( 8A PORTA: No, e used to chide her that she as a functional literate as opposed to a functional illiterate. She finished 8th grade in school and she didnBt go beyond that. ,y father had a high school education and 0 as the first in my family to have a college education. Q: This is so o.ten what happens I must say. The cohort that I-m dealing with now, my parents didn-t graduate from college, you know and this is very typical in the Foreign Service. Today I guess both parents have a master-s degree or something I don-t know. nyway, do you have brothers and sisters( 8A PORTA: Well, 0 have, 0 had t o sisters. One passed a ay in 1928 and the other one still lives in ,anhattan. Q: ,here would you call home as a kid when you grew up( 8A PORTA: We lived in a kind of circumscribed suburban area on the south side of 8ong 0sland. ,y grandparents moved to a to n called Oceanside. ,y parents bought their first house in Oceanside and later, hen my second sister came along, e needed a larger house so e moved to 8ynbrook.
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