Project Acronym: SEE River Work package: WP4 – Application of the SEE River Toolkit on the Drava River Corridor Action: 4.1. Preparation of the Drava River Framework – Analysis of the International Drava River Corridor Preparation of the Drava River Framework Analysis of the International Drava River Corridor DRAFT NATIONAL DRAVA RIVER CORRIDOR ANALYSIS REPORT OF AUSTRIA Regional Government of Carinthia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Department 8 ‐ Environment, Water and Nature Protection Water Management,
[email protected] [email protected]; s.korber@revital‐
[email protected] General information about the preparation of this draft Analysis Reports Along the Drava, especially in the district Spittal a. d. Drau, a number of successful projects have been executed concerning river management (restoration, flood protection, nature conservation, recreation, etc.). Stakeholder involvement was always an important part of these projects. The projects LIFE I (Flood Plain‐Forest Combine of the Upper Drau River Valley) and LIFE II (Life Vein – Upper Drava River) projects are the most known ones; in the following parts of this report particular measures of these LIFE‐projects are described. Our project work always follows the relevant EU directives such as the Water Framework Directive, the Flood Directive, or the Habitat and Birds Directives. The draft results of this Austrian Drava Analysis Report will be discussed at the national stakeholder workshop on the 13th of June 2013 in Sachsenburg (near Spittal a. d. Drau). Received stakeholder comments and information from of the workshop will afterwards be included in the final Analysis Report. As proposed by the Lead Partner, the chapters 9‐11 on “Synergies and conflicts analysis”, “Feasible measures” and Progress Indicators connected to the Drava River Vision objectives will be elaborated and added at a later stage.