Liberals Choose John Mclennan As Maxville Starts Lancaster Twp in This Corner
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<9 U Glengarrians who milk • It must be a real testing -Holsteins will vote for an time for High School seniors Ayrshire man, McLennan when they are on their could win the Milky Way. The arry Uppers. ONE OE CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING- WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS YOL. LXVT — No: 33 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15tli, 1957 SINGLE COPY 7e Liberals Choose John McLennan As Maxville Starts Lancaster Twp In This Corner ... Garbage Pick-Up Has Building Code Candidate In September 5th By-Election All types of new building and September 1st major repairs to present buildings Reeve of Charlottenburgh and Former in Lancaster Township now are to A municipal system of garbage be regulated; At its meeting Aug- Counties’ Warden Wins On First Frost Flayed collection will be instituted in Max- ust 6th, Township Council gave B:allot Over Two Other Nominees ville, September 1st. There will be third reading to the new building once weekly collection from all bylaw and named Clerk-Treasurer SI til# / Johnloi McLennan, reeve of Chatlottenburgh; tvas the choice For Increased homes and places of business with James Maodonell as building in- ■of last night’s Liberal convention, and the former counties’ the exception of garages. spector and issuer of permits. warden will carry the'Liberal colors in the September 5th by- The necessary by-law was passed Regulations of the bylaw provide ! Taxes This Year at Monday’s meeting of Council. that no person shall commence the «election. He will be opposing Pern Guindon of Apple Hill and Council also recommended that excavation for, or the erection of, Cornwall, who was nominated by the Conservatives a fort- Ontario was inflicted this year with the heaviest provincial tax the Ccmmunity Hall board plan a new building, or the repair e or night ago. stricter supervision of the hall dur- alteration of existing buildings Mr. McLennan was winner on the first ballot when he increases in its history, Peter Manley, MPP,. Stormont, told laÿt ing dances. without first obtaining the neces- took a clear majority- fiver the combined vote given C. Gerald night’s Liberal convention. The Bills and. accounts totalling sary penpit from the, building in- •Sangster,'Bainsville, and Rol-<j> treasury had a whopping $60 million $1,547.20 were passed. spector. Only exemption is for re- and Pilon, St Anne de Prescott, surplus for the fiscal ' year 1955-56, pairs not exceeding $100 in cost. who had allowed their names Advance Poll To Be he declared, but Mr. Frost hid huge There are limits, too, on the to remain in nomination. sums in sinking funds and else- Think CornwalPs minimum size of new dwellings; 500 square feet for one-storey con- Five were nominated, but G. G. Held Lale August where and came back for more of your money this Spring. Mayor Menard struction. And there are. other Jtubry, president of the association, An Advance Poll in connection provisions for concrete foundations, and W. J. Major, ex-MP, withdrew with the September 5th by-election Mr. Manley instanced increases in Died From Fall for types of roofing, plumbing sys- JOHN MCLENNAN FERNAND GUINDON then; nominations, prior to, the vote. will be held Thursday, Friday and taxes in the last budget on beer and tems, approved wiring, etc. When a majority of the delegates The Conservative candidate in the Alexander Hall was comfortably Saturday, August 29th to 31st, in liquor, on gasoline, on diesel oil, An autopsy report has revealed at last night’s Liberal convention coming provincial by-election, Fer- tilled by more than 200 delegates Alexandria. The poll will be open which is going to cripple the diesel no indication of foul play in the voted John McLennan, they were nand Guindon, of Apple Hill and -and others. each day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and industry. Taxes had been upped on Monday night death of Cornwall’s 90 Next Monday- unaware that the nomination they Cornwall, has a 20-year advantage On the platform with the five from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. (Standard mining and logging and there is an Mayor Emile D. Menard. y?ere giving him as Liberal candi- over his Liberal rival and has a nominees and association officers Time) in Vincent McDonald’s added two percent levy on corpora- Inspector of Detectives James Still Plays Piano date might be interpreted as a private cheering section of five boys, ,were Peter Manley, MPP, Stormont, house, Kenyon street. tions though Ontario’s companies Blackadder of the Cornwall city birthday present. Mr. McLennan ranging in age from 14 years to two and Rene Bertrand of Hawkesbury, are already the highest taxed in police department, said all possi- Mrs. Alex. MacPhail of Tay- months. Those eligible to vote early are was marking his 60th birthday yes- -Liberal candidate for Glengarry- Canada. As with all other taxes, bility of foul play had been ruled side, will celebrate her 90th terday, August 14th. Mr. Guindon also has the ad- IPrescott in the June federal people, qualified to vote in the by- he pointed out, it Is you the con- out following consultation with Dr. election, but who expect to be birthday on Monday the 19th. Those 60 years of his life have vantage of being better known to •election. \ sumers who will pay the added levy. W. J. Shannon, city ' pathologist, Despite her advanced age, Mrs. been years of accomplishment in the electorate through his activities absent from their polling sub- who performed, the autopsy. in past elections. He was unsuc- ’ Mr. Bertrand received a' warm division. on September 5th. The treasury budgetted for 1956- McPhaib still reads a great deal, many spheres; in farming, which welcome when he rose to pledge all 57 for the record total of 574 million Insp. Blackadder said his depart- has seen his rise from farm laborer cessful in his bid to carry the the help of he and his Liberal con- dollars, Mr. Manley declared. And ment believes Mi-. Menard suffered makes quilts, knits and crochets. to owner of one of Glengarry’s federal riding of Glengarry-Fres- freres to whomever should be the still the Frost government must a fractured skull as the result of a And she still enjoys playing the finest farms and top Ayrshire herds, cott for the Tories in 1953, though choice of the convention. Mr. Mrs McDonell have more. This is the period be- fall in the bathroom of his Corn- piano. the Sunnydale Farm strain; in local he did roll up a healthy yote. Manley was the guest speaker, and tween elections, he noted, and prob- wall home. politics, which have seen him a She resides with her son, A son of Pascal Guindon and his his message is reported in anfather ably Mr. Frost is increasing the take “Unless some new development member of Charlottenburgh Town- wife, Josephine Lalonde of Apple column. Williamst’n, Dies now so he can benignly lower your turns up, of which police are un- Ernest A. McPhail and Mrs. ship Council for the past' 16 years, Hill, Fernand Guindon was bom at G. G. Aubry, Alexandria, presi- taxes when election year rolls round. aware, we are ruling put foul play", McPhail. reeve for 10 years and Warden of Bourget, May 30th, 1917, and re- he said. '■ dent of the association, was in the The funeral of Mrs. W. D. Mc- The Stormont MPP referred to the United Counties Council in ceived his primary education there chair, and first order of business ; Donell of Williamstown, was held in Mayor Menard, who had served 1955. In February of this year, Mr. before attending Ottawa University, the speech made by James Maloney, only seven months of his two-year was the registering of the dele-I st. Andrew’s United Church, on MPP, Horth Renfrew, at the recent Took Dancing McLennan was elected president of where he was awarded, his B.A. in gates', by the credential committee, | Monday, August 5th. The service term of office, was discovered in his the Canadian Ayrshire Breeders’ 1939. A member of the debating Tory convention. Mr. Maloney gave bed shortly after 7 pm. Monday by C. Gampbell Fraser, Glen .Sandfield, I was conducted by Rev. J. J. E. Premier Frost full credit for the Awards At Syracuse Association; he has served as team, he won the Gold Medal for ■and Howard Alison, Vahkleek Hill. Brownlee of Apple Hill. Interment his son-in-law, Claude Dagenais. v president of the Ontario Associa- Public Speaking (French) in 1937. fact Gntario now has a population He was in a state of coma and -Glengarrians who attended the Following the reception of nom- was in St. Andrew’s cemetery. of V/i millions, he pointed out. Central New York Scottish Gather- tion of Rural Municipalities. /He is Mi\ Guindon is equally fluent in inations, each nominee spoke bleeding profusely from the mouth. a director of the Glengarry Farm- English. Mrs. McDonell passed away on Actually the increase in population Rushed: to hospital, he'lapsed into ing held in Syracuse, N.Y., Satur- briefly, Messrs. Aubry and Major Friday, August 2nd, in Cornwall is to be seen in every province. Mr. day, report an increase in attend- ers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. For the past 15 years the Guindon -withdrawing their names from con- unconsciousness and died two hours And three of those 60 years were family has been in the gasoline and General Hospital, after a short ill- Maloney dwelt at length on the later. ance comparable to the great influx tention. All pledged their support ness, her death being regretted by school and other grants-which his at our own Maxville the previous spent in France during World War oil distribution business and Fer- to- the winner and their brief ad- Bruises discovered on the mayor’s I when John McLennan was a nand Guindon removed to Corn- many friends.