shall not receive nnder Verona, June 23. at hoop troa at . sheet won a OF TW? NEW STOCK ANO chair, and resumed tbe consideration of State of California H'He-- aUVIkW T"K. IV Do this, my exuntTTmea, and Kentucky SKNATB. the Aus COMMERCIAL. 3!se. 70 M iKXiT-- me (wnriicx opeed Tariff bill. this act a greater quantity of land tor At two o'clock tbia afternoon, tbe aeissttlssswaaassiwUitavaaA boils at Uaw ilME will roll up a majority of thirty or forty Washington, July motion of Mi. tbe Brigade, reached out (Special lo Ihe Weeteva Prase., The rose close debate. school and Improvement purposes tuau auc trian, Pulz's the virus or tub Lortsvn.LS mraisa, t Ptg Iron Is sustained and rather active, with receipts TELEGRAPHIC. thousand the cause you espouse, which was order- Committee to the faTuaoAT X. w w. rorxTY. lor Iane, of Indiana, a night sesaion having Ivssiaa, July ( MS Jnly J ki:xto report of is entitled to by law. lying forts of Verona without loss, ef tons. A sale of SB twos f s at TttwTitt, will all time co:ne, the political Ma. nOOPER presented the r mrtU-l- uw fir, for to ed for Friday for the consideration of the House then went into committee 011 been pushed back by a greatly superior Transactions at the close of tha week arc of a $3adM per toa. The Post's mB"-- sataas afT of your State, and nerve the arms and pension the Conference Committee on the Internal The Owtis to ihe e. eve beat vers lllte bill. rce ot Italian artillery, wnicn, nowever, limited character, and the SHOT-- W. w a gladden in the Revenue bill and proceeded to explain the state of the Union, Mr. Schofield general market may UAO AMD noose sales thai week W W. done uvihl. Th. re . Kweer. rally,Ba the hearts of your brethren Mb. SHERMAN, or Ohio, from the Com- d not charge. In ihrmand satiouai secunuse.'ATniivs IJrrat Raokrt Meftiac same. tlieehait, and resumed the consideration be quoted dull all departments. Cotton, the of pig lead at He, aad bar at 12m 12 He. fate ef f"r tat-poari- nc North. mittee of Conference on the army appro- the The Ituliuns are advaneiner noon both lwld lUlM and mors p'enr.,iiil. rar ladrpcudrare threat list- Ma. STEVENS inquired what bad been the tariff bill, the question being on leading staple, haa beea la rsry remelte at Sales of patent a 3 at 1 cent, with exceptional The speech of Colouel Sfevcuson was priation bill, made a report, which was Mincio toward Peschiera-Tbe- y little demand ttJSe. shot market eaev at 9t ol ibe People I'loqueal requiring cases of amendment to increase the duty banks of the tor some aad hoc kobot per bag. Ul at Ip- - r ceni. ened to with breathless attention, at the agreed to. Mr. bill was done with the provision time, tbe market hers as well as else at tt truwii'iiw taw Ac. Sherman said the tried on live animals from IS to SO per were repulsed by a sharp cannonade LEATHER , I h inerrtai pa(-- -r dad aad Bale eaTrnnf; conclusion ot which the vast crowd dis- now alleged frauds on the revenue to be cent where being excessirely doll. We quote aemlo k sole, w ale-- oak mr are per substantially as it passed the Senate. The amendment was rejected. from the outer fort of that stronghold. That has had ita , "a s LOUSULLC f 01 BIER. We find in, the Cincinnati Enquirer a persed to homes, highly gn titled aud upon before a United States Court instead of usual Influence by sole, 7'30c; karmena, J7iiOe-- and ikirtia jwl2e. TSe iort maret la without MTisnal waters) their A resolution was adopted calling moved to increase Judging from the preparations upon the lessening the demand for ar- -- ld at Kead- - the day. being decided by assecors. Mr. ROSS the duty kip sklas, Oc'atl; apper leatawr. SJStsvtl per of iniereat: alter ihe Hoard Kr'e k. a meeting ia Kcnion counly, delighted with the work of the President for information concerning Lower Gen. Chialdinl will a ln few enter- H l"S. preat HOOPER replied the nottee re- on apples, garden fruits and veijetubles Po, throw ticles of consumption, and making trade gener- dozen. lifts. Sort - the American vessels destroyed by pirates Mr. that bridge across near Palerza. TH- - ommercul s money arlivie contains the fol- allien was addrcbsed br both ceded from provision, being assured from 10 to 50 per cent, using the argument ally Inactive. Breadsto ITs are also inanimate OILS low, sg: Looisville Courler.l that -- Linseed on has beea advanced at maw- - For the otl the China coast during the past year, VERoaA, June 'i. the 1 .peewlartvo rearttnwesx on Saturday, June 30. U. by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue of protectionists, that it would have tbe and prices lower, with rather a rood, if not a factory to 2 he activity iu stork At WSHINCTON. tide and whether further legislation is necessary greater A great battle has been in progress since VJ if per r.alios, with a strong preaent, however, tbe eiier preliMitnate aud snnae ERIGG'S KEXri'fKV t UirAIGX. were sufficient provisions of the effect of provoking competition, anperabandant .t.-- Judpe Shaw, the Hobson candidate for to prevent such depredations. that there this morning between the Italians and Aus- stock of floor oa tbe market. other qualities onehaaxed Lard otl t trM. lewiinx are lower. parts the bill. thereby cheapening the prices. il i ih. Mr. WADE, Ohio, called np the bill same kind in other of The new crop of wheat will be la fair snuply tlMai,astanaHty. Coal il Castor etlB rifl" Kill- - Minister to Mexico to the oflice of County Judge, of Ms. STEVENS thought that was the Mr. THAYER suggested that it the gen- tria ns. .stc Money m is mors demand owing to tbe rhen?e to reannex eily and county of Alexan- wings army al dnrlng the Incoming week, and new oil fcfcU 1. Beazin BteaVc. of loans coeeeeted wuh aad Arawy UII I'nttoa Crop oft In a In which be laid the the most provision In the bill. eral amendment included small potatoes Both of tbe Italian bare then flour Mek ueeniatMae is led spccdi, important POTATOE9-T- ho very moveukent of rtirreney weaiwaril; 4 per eenl las I J BY A STAfF OFFICER SO. II. dria, Yirciniii. to the District of Columbia. Laughter. ready been repulsed. Tbe battle still will largely enter Into competition with the old. market at dull for old Dans m w on and Mr. ROSS, of Illinois, inquired what dis- he might go for it crop, been ptid on eil loans ou eoliaierala. and 4 blame of the ar the aluvcholtlera, Mr. rOMEROT", on wtta so sale reported. rat r. Bum's Uareaa Rereaue Keen pis from the Committee had made ol provision WENTWORTH suggested that and consumers are likely to reap tbe benefit by Sew Botatoe. per cent ou Geraiunta, Tne lenerai rale. c position been the Mr. the email lota, M Is per f)lMania ea Bnw--r denied tbe North was iae reefOB-biM- Public Lands, reported a bill to extend the SO 24. tana per bbl. Ceal. ratbv that icya about income tax. duty should be per cent., the same as on Berse, Jane a general decline In both Boor and wheat. and eomparauvey euwa as aa time for completing AgricTiltural Col- PBOV1XI05 AND LARD-- So at5;e. las for it. lie declared b'.msclt in favor the explained live animals. Tbe Austrian have occupied the higbU gradea or range transactions are ia acllv demand (Special Dianutcti to the Louisville Courier. OF M V S FO R D VI lege which pub- Mr. HOOPER that the Senate The of the qnallliea of Soar reported ia mess peullivs MR RENDER LLC in Iowa, for the erection of in- his pork the aaarket eloatna ft en.tom duties. Fureuta uxhaag m eniareiy V T. iit'CTo teatituony in our courts had struck out the whole section, as the Mr. ROSS modified amendment by of Stelvio. In this market are too nameront for commercial ASBTKOTON. Jul; of admitting lic !aud was granted. rather dan, though it had beea nU nominal. come tax for this year had been laid, and making it read 20 per cent and it was Garibaldi is near La go Gardo. arm the week, pl lowing In arwvlew of the teanaree The d'.fl not succeed in jnstioe, aud waa In favor of readmitting Mr. SHERMAN, from Conference Com- quotations, and we think aniformity abonld be with aa advaaemc Tbe uertpJ Bout of The formal tcnii6 of surrender, as signed tbe Senate deemed it expedient that there agreed to. A dispatch from Italian headquarters this tendency. We toots nt SSk ef Uvs waoMis aarket (or tne mit tee on Army Appropriation bill, observed at all the leading point Floer as has been s moderate."t: deer-so- the tariff. All of the virion rate of notice Southern Statea Into the - the add a mmroM lota, snail soke a Been Fuira Ibere tmnf of the by CoL Wilder, provided that the public should be no action on the subject until Mr. ROSS moved to an additional 25 evening says: as Uiers wss a sood Ipoel admiuitara-tiv- e made a report. Mr. Sherman said it waa ranges la price from $3 to $13 per bbl, going pretty well anstasaod ttvIlT and at 'be now were agreed oa however, and tbe Union if they would only elect "loyal" the next session. In that view the House per cent to the paragraph taxing barley. A desperate engagement bas just taken with w u lor -- Prvces nave ea n property In the works should be turned substantially as passed by Senate. 'vs. - ne't to be disposed of. the Committee The on tea was fixed at 2 cents per place in front V'trona, lasting almost a thronfh about a dozen gradations of rank or eaaksshooldeieat 17c. aad al casks clear side at W- - stu-i- svira !uue at gi 'o section only remain He denounced James concurred. duty of w. erop reireentativca, &i. over to a Confederate Quartermaster, and The Senate amendment appropriating was fixed a debate and rejection when we should think that three or Ke,ooorders.aadamlenl Sippimr. Ohio s elil eooie new If vote on tbe e of the In regard to tbe cotton tax, it pound, alter the of bole day. quality, at ek. H..r.. F- per UI the Dem- money fur the purchase of land for a fort r s raster UXmy, new anr aott Ruchauan aa a traitor, and possession given ncxi morning to a regiment at Sc. per pound instead of 2c, as fixed by several amendments. The duty on coffee, The first corps, which wss intended to most four gradea would snlBce, say floe, saper-n- wltk ulrs ot n reea Gaai.s The wbeat market was dull and Ir- - bill had taken near ont, some other 71 Wa Nasvville was striken Ve- He. and M keaa at tt- f prH-- save r ocratic party as an to be detailed for the purpose; gar- in any the Senate, and 5c. as fixed by the House. after debate, was reduced from 5 to take a position between Pescbiera and extra family and mucy. Every miller aad DuXiul - ?'ia. and swniws mi" wotild have been terrain. lis friends that the amendment being modified, but not traasncBoo mm i ..,- ipnag; holders of tBosre ewiag ts w proud that In relation to gas companies and horse cents per pound. rona, did not tncceed in tbe attack. Testerdar. .... a.,i. - aibr. ou bare proposed a Tbe duty on and purty. lie rison should march in full equipment important respect. dealer bas his favorite trade brand, and we have were the small stock oa hand, have tnaxted comivouiise. , out railroads Senate provision HARDING, of Illinois, moved The army corps were sek. bsevv traasaeUoo. k OH I aacftane-- d. McCk-llun- House bad tbe authorizing Mb. to second and third talk preea; wmuw wheat remains ti'tuminouf coal to be reduced to New be had voted for Lincoln against to a designated Mr. SHERMAN said that the seen ia the market thia week a lot of floer meat. Including a sale There has Deep a fir demand, bat 'be inae- - if luissc point, and there ground them to add on the tax was agreed to, but increase the duty on buckwheat from 12 to nnable to deliver the first corps from tbe to a dealer of ICO.Uut torn '.a -. safe a man receded from its position. waa extra choice family pounds shoulders t baa been unsettled and the imiairy .peeuiafv- EnrHaod, and tbe duty oa railroad iron if to be for he believed Lincoln was as arms only to continue till theSOth ol April next, 20 cents per bushel, which was rejected. assault bad to sustain against an over- which branded "doable at IV; jsjn powade a- In the presence of the commanding The report was agrwd to. it clear Prwnea have advanced 1 wk per biiSsI; masket rate-o- u moved to increase corps are almost In It did aot come np to tbe ribbed atdee. In balk, at EMe, or xe lowered to satisfy tbe Weft, aud the bijrb to as George YVasuiuirtoo, He could smch resolu- In order to give them time to apply to State Mr. ROSS the duty whelming force. The latter floor," when fact aad Mjm pound clwa a at tor unsound. trj't General and portion ol the aiiny as he Mr. WILSON called up the joint 20 clear aides Mhmi beef bas beea la fair lobbing wool allowed to to tire the Legislatures, horse railroad companies on corn from 10 to cents per bushel, and intact standard of very common Ine floor, and eoold balk at aV. all tekan loose. Beeonkj Pbovibkiss are tvmain kh c no barm in a;neu lln; the CousLitution, might select. on tion for the appointment of commissioners bet ao eaansje m prirea. Cut meals aae Accordingly, ear!y the In the meantime, being bound to sell pack- bay from I to 2 cents per ton. All of which Mil a s. June Za alaoarmer, with aa advaaeine: leadeaey. we prtee- -. TUc I1i4.l1 men were HjJii-a- l claims Massa- ot be ased at all tat food. Sow wheat and aa4 beeu dull, wua ao enarurs in Vcslera apiurt. tariff took, generally, ubout ai bold to examine and audit the of descended quote a sale of per ponua. tod morning of Wednesdny, Sept. 1", prepara- Government ages of tickets of not less than ten, at the was agreed to. Aa Austrian detachment has oa the market next at eaaka shoulders a line, held LJ.SD Hasdeeiined aieit c riosww very much dieconititted by tbe rvilucfion chusetts asaint the General rate, increase new floor will b wok. higher St Ut No 1. and for Wealeea. us the IloUson canJidatca dare tijve were bein made for the ceremony. legal with the actual tax added. Mr. ROSS moved to the duty from Stilvio Pass and occupied Bornio, ia at the close. Baeoo clear rldee we quote at lalv,e 'i1e f Ihe duty sow la lorce on tea and coflee, jut-- t tions for coast defenses. 20 Ws hear or sales to millers of several round lots bji aaias loeee bas Beeu unit Mm Smtiip waa ably and effectively In relation to the exemption of mll on flour and meal from to 40 per cent Lombardy, last night tl s sale of IS eaaka country sides HC4 mis iy n4 a favortie onnHy. in Kentucky. He The ground selected was upon turn- Mr. GRIMES moved to strike out the from Interior, tndading old red at at the manufacturers, such aa tailors and shoe- ad valorem; on peas from 25 to 50 cents per Dispatch. of wheat tbe a) casks city at B He. aa r casta ribbed 14rroa Taw BMrket baa aewa svvrernslv dwtL. Democratic word Agreed to. lOfflcial Austrian clew at bnt h v Lewi D. Campbell, fciuister to Union, replied to by hU opponent, Ja. pike, near Rowlett's Station, near the rail- "and audit." makers, the Senate committee had concur- bushel, on trees from 15 to 25 per cent, ad tiQi 10; a lot at 3 35, and BOO bashela of new. He. Bale pnee, aaderxooe ao material t'bante. As amended the resolution wua passed. ArsTBiA Headquarters. June 24. ef ia cask shoulders at 17e taouijb tbe temiewey bas beeu In lawor of bs bar Harrison, LVq. red with the House in exempting $1,000 valorem; ou tallow 2 to 4 ceuts per pound. AHeDsvlHe, Ky.. entire crop of a firmer sale of er--: reached here It Is Mid be if to receive P. road crossing. Willi marked appropriate- Mb. WADE spoke in favor of the repeal The Arch Duke Albrecht bas forwarded at tbe a It casks clear ribbed sldsess atc though at ta rluss bus atasltet was aeavy at s l?e ior B. worth of work exclusive of tbe value of tbe All of which w ere rejected. equal to $2 30 per round tote are lower, a miKiiin. Instruction to depart on bia uirvion to Cud Specchca were made al60 by R. ness Gen. Bragg had selected Gen. Buckucr of the relroirresoiou act. He be- the following dispatch to the Emperor la that locality, at f 10. 333 sale of at casks clear sides at There has been material. On motion ol Mr. Spalding a paragraph -- a thnlterahle tbe Liberal Government. and others. We subjoin bkelchea of lieved it to be unconstitutional. It The Austrian army, while advancing to- bushel, delivered here. We look apaa the tl e. aad I casks M , a sate of IS wereeeesay for and tb marfcet el.iaee a.1 v as to conduct the surrender and receive the Mb. EGGLESTON, O.. protested against was added taxing wheat 40 cents per bushel. Keflaed bas beeu price required Maryland, Virginia ward was by crop as highly favorable vased sains at ZSue, aad S ttercea Suez's sexar-eare-d mors active, and tVeu. Grant and Secretary ftaiiton h::vc the remarks, of Hon. A. H. Ward, lion. the coient of Uie action of the committee in regard to gas the Mineio, attacked prospects of the wheat aavs vsneii, rUiajog at aa advance. sword ot Col. Wilder. Hart couutv, in eapitol ac- On motiou of Mr. GARFIELD a para- Vic- hasna a Sc. Lard quiet, Zaa ha ttercea, an interview with tbe Mil'tary Coinniit'ee of aud Congress, to locate the aud railroad companies, and hoped taie forces nnder the coin maud of King aa regards good quality, thoaa-- leas thaa the at uv Has Uvea ausBiaal. with a very Bgwt John W. Stevenson and Col. T. L. Jonea. which Munlordvillc is situated, was Ins na- cent square douated. and that graph w as added taxing malt SO per tor EmanueL aad k!4He ta kegs, la small lota. both Mouse, and urgvi that a bill be put the ten miles Congress would sit till December next cent osaal average la the total yield. Kcnicmbcr Ron. A. IL Ward, of tive county, and the event was the anniver- The consideration of the pending ad valorem. Our army carried Montevento by assault WHISKY Ws quote raw at a. with mail FOREIGN MARKETS. adjournment, ivcnjitin- - that Bow further rather than submit to it. Notwithstanding of the Na tt through before toe tbe sary of Gen. Buckner's occupation of bill was postponed On motion of Mr. KETCHUM a para- and Custazza engagement the Intervention ilea. Also 3 bbls new Bourbon tx (Per steamship Suxoaia.) ia one of those Union men who until JKr. SCHENCK, of Ohio, made an argu- at tbe close of tbe at 3. aad a regular army. Gee. Grant stated tbftt win; Green. With equal fitness he detailed resolution graph was added taxing pea nuts, ground tional 4th of July holiday, the tranaictloaa of the bbis raw Jtl w. Mr. WILSON introduced a in same and if or 3 P. M. at a. Lrveasnou Jwne be- rciu&cd to bare anything to do with the the brigades of Generals Chalmers and ment the strain; there were beans, 2 cents, aud Aielled pea 4 ot Cotto) Ualea en ant T an lay M m JMU to tbe niusterwut ol tbe voluLteere, it had authorizing the Secretary of War to pay for nuts cents Our forces took several cannon and many week have been to a fair extent ia moot the WOOL - vin- Duncan, which had, a few days before, no other objection to the report of the We quote aawashed loses at TffctBe, aad bales, im mding t..s) a He- Biatora and ior come absolutely y to first of May Convention till ita action persons held to service or labor drafted per pound. prisoners, and behaved with extraordinary while the sales of provisions Tbe m bnovant, aa xi.r. ciiply tbeir made such a aid committee he would vote against it on that leading prodacta, at Ha me. market win advance of a d wa got- callant though unsuccessful and enlibted during the war. Referred. On motion of Mb. ALLISON, the dnty valor and endurance. aa aeea per pound, but eli ed wllb leaa Imiiiaa. place with oilier Irooj. Tbe Senate took dicated it from tbe charge that it upon the present, and ground. have been heavy at aa advance, will be Tbe Mancneater Corn kikwa attack works, to le At t three o'clock there was an on clover seed and timothy seed was in- The King employed with the attack the market slnao. up the bill but did not fioWh it. An m ten up to place the State under the control on bchall of army receive Mr. MOURILL, of Vt, expressed the 20 So cent, by onr summary. Lonisville Tobacco flrrn. the to the trophies Executive sessiou. The bcuate soon atler creased from to per ad valorem. three corps Army Mincio and Jfarket. Provlainwa wtta aa aiS. opinion that this was a very small matter of the of the a bridge over Ohio river The Beef Ins sad tmprovd. successful attempt ais made at tbe Mine tin:e of bccceiioniste: of war. They were accordingly formed in Mr. RICE, of Mass., moved to out The aecesaity of the tobacco market closes full and active at the vanee oi Js aba-'w-. Pork arra aad at par adjourued. to make a fuss about; that the action of the strike the reserve. advaaord t0 consider it la tbe House. line on cither side ol the turnpike, with the the whole of tbe section taxing agricultural Priuce Amedis and many generals were at the falls, ta front of the city, ia very urgent, advaoce noted yestsrdav. with sale at the fouraoe-tto- u HOJi. A-- H. WAKf REMaFKS. committee vas correct and proper. The A?rioultunti Bnrcan received ad- bead of the line resting near the position HOUSE. products. The chairman ruled the motion wounded. both for the convenience of tbe people aad the wuTChoaaiia at 7S bads, mcladlng reviews, with Commanding Further debate was closed by the previ- vice trom fcoatta, alio Ing After dinner was over and the audience occupied by the General and out of order. advantages Looiavtlje ealy rejection. Th break wa common hum the luai tbe cotton Ma. PAINE, of Wisconsin, from the ous question, and the House proceeded to Official No. commercial of aad the bad resumed their goals, Hon. A. 11. Ward, bis corps and division Generals. When all Mr. FERRY moved to amend the para- Dlsiteh i and eommow leaf though nothing sold mules LOCAL crop ta turning ont better (ban was expected a sight Coiuiuiltee on Elections, called up the re- vote cn the Conference report, which was producers of Indiana. By the eoastroctioa of ta. NOTICES. C'ynthiana, proceeded address the the preiiaratioiis were made the was graph taxing lumber by making the lowest ArBTHiAK Headq'ks, Juue Sj. The sales of the week-o- ne day a holiday were 731 anonth ago. Toe weather bas proved very of to port in the coutcstcd electiou of Fuller agreed to yeas 71, nays 57. Serria, t!)! Fort Wayne Railroad, and Its connection meetinp in a speech, which, for oruriual wit an imposing one. Gen. Bragg, with his rale 2 per 1,000 feet, instead of L This The Imperial troops have repulse! tbe khds, tth 3$ rrjretxmm. staff and escort mounted, the com- against Dan son. The House then went into Committee of gsve with Louisville by means of a bridge over the Taw Cawserw. end humor, minded with a kern aud with- latter Ver- amendment rise to debate, Ferry, enemy at all points alter a hot fight; not The oek ea hand June d IJS aa y Ou motion of Mr. Morrill, of Whole, Mr. Schofield in the chair, and tM. Dr. Biifelow, a noted physkiaa ta been aa excesfivcly hot one. Tbe ering sarcasm, b is rarely been excelled. posed of two companies of favalry, occu- the Driggs, and Trowbridge supporting, and nnout consluesable losses. falls, we could successfully compete with rrom country iifi of Boston, mont, it was post posed until alter the Tariff consideration Lota iu ljM areragvd from to day add bis pied the right of his line. With hiin, in or- resumed the of the tariff bill, Cook opposing it. Custozza wss taken by storm, which Louis and Chicago (a the produce trade. Sow says: thertnometor ha ninety ei,'lit lie was here, be raid, to to bill shall be disposed of. ses- w which der of rank as for review, were the other having first voted to have an evening caused a fresh before position, Prom oar paet one hundred decree ta various quarters in lbe feeble breath to the mijrhty hirlwind Mr. SPALDIN G, Ohio, gave notice struggle that we are cat otl, as tbe cost of transfer of freights obeervatlone I do aot betlewo from the Generals Polk, Hardee, Cheatham, With- of that sion. in which 2,000 were prison- elty. Menibera freely deulare that if tbi con- was alout to sweep radicalism he would call up question of privilege Italians taken from one aide of the river to the other is taiB-- that ehotera. should It appear ia thia country. w ers, and Patton Anderson, with their the The amendments pendibg, down to the ers. The are face of the earth, lie aa an old fopy; be Grinnell-Rottssea- troops animated by the best will so tinue aa adjournment must be hnd of Corpnw stalls and escorts occupying their in the matter immedi- paragraph taxing marble, were rejected. dent to enhance prices so much to the Louis- Htock oahaad . be likely to troubie New Eui;taad aa It believed our fathers made.our Government FOREIGN pint la The following In tbe next ten day. There are numcrouF Buck- - ately on the conclusion of the Tariff bilL On Mr. HOGAN, of Mo., the ville dealer, that he has no chance whatever to tbe cmnaulcaiioa for the week la to visit the malarious regions of the South cute iuM rurht. Tbe Constitution does not suit appropriate relative positions. Gen. motion of lOfflcial Dispatch o. 3. J of sunstroke. ner, with his staff, was in position in the The bill introduced some days since by ad valorem duty on polished marble was Mexico Na- compete with the cities above aamed. Li tit. Resvr. aad West." the Yankee. He wanta to tinker at it. Our General Progress ol the Tbe Austrian flotilla In Lagodl Yard, Common as q Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, explanatory ot the increased from 70 to 75 percent, and a new tbe tars r. t a 4 k,4 t Tbe Doom Judiciary re- road looking toward Mnnforivillc. The tional Cause a committee of the Chamber of Com trtioddo 4 3 Among ail the many different remedies nrrrer-- " Committee hope to Uthcra made it; they bud ita foundations Pacific Railroad Company act ot July 1st, Annexation to the numbering six gunboats, have cannonaded i t IM4 1 m hu- slight eminence upon w hich we were draw n paragraph added taxing slabs and tiles moa leaf. 3d 1 JO rJaed port on the Jeff. Davit investigation next week. deep and firm upon the broad ba&is of I nited Statea Debated Indian the enemy's intrenchments on tbe Lombard merce of Cincinnati waa la this city, for the Medium '.- there are none that act so completely aa up commanded a view for half a mile the ISol, and July 2d, 1NC2, came np in order. (1 per cubic foot, and 25 per cent, id va- do,... IS U 34 11 5",'.,13 3D and buuian rights; then, of Depredations in Honduras. shore t..M,d do 3 aa antidote to this poison, They And that no reliable evidence ha been man freedom AIR. w an without sustaining any losses. purpose of devising ways aad means fur the li 3i.,IH M.c l malarious ax which ma- road by which the garrison would march, iLU. ottered amendment. lorem. fine lo srleetiosA. ' :i adduced Implicating Davit in the a&4Ptt!Datioo upon this basis, they built the great which was agreed to, providing July 6. Caravajal, in On the 23d instant the enemy In great completion of tbe new, or enlarged canal locka, tom at m n a Cve vliror and strength, than Dr. Ru beck's eovernmeut and when all preparaUous were completed that the act Mb. HUBBARD, of Connecticut, moved Galveston, bis Manulaetnrlng wrapper. j chinery ol republican the proclamation Mata-mor- force crossed tbe Po at several points below Blood plot. They will also report Uat no additional every eye waa eagerly turned to sa,tcu the should not interfere with auy right con to strike out tbe paragraph taxing nickel. assuming command of and widening the canal. The committee con Mrdium Stomach Bitters aod Pill. Tha Blood mot trloroue and mugniheen. superstruc- : raiezma. leiridatioe it needed to secure bit trial by c!vil first glimpse of theFf deral columu. Shortly ferred on tbe Pacific Railroad Company of Mb. GARFIELD, of Ohio, moved to says sisted of Theodore ft. Cook, President of the fine to fancy...... Pills act directly oa the liver, cansin4 It to ture the world ever saw. California. "I am happy to salute you In oeace. The The Imperial outposts withdrew and process. penius of the Yankee ia before eiirht o'clock the advance was amend tbe paragraph by making the duty Board, together with B. W. Bishop aad Wm. throw ca" t!re deleterloaa maUer, snd tho Bit- The iuventive SCHENCK, from Committee of 2o cent, hostile you by came npon a rcconnoitering party upon the Aji-i- seen coming over and soon Mr. the on nUakcl per ad valorem. attitude kept tbe side of tbe aiajor General C. B. Fish. t a nt Commis- now demonstrated ri:ht here, in your own the bill, line or Curtotone, which they drove back, Glenn, who, with the nsoal energy that charac- ters restore the appetite aad lavlorato tho blue column came wind- Conference on the army appropriation bill. Mb. MOORHEAD, of Pennsylvania, miserable who sustained the Lonisville Lire Stock .Market. sioner of the Freedroeu's Bureau and Military city of Covinsrton. that larsre and the dark taking several prisoners. terizes the citizens of that place, went promptly whole system, thoroughly keeping' on terri- ing down the slope, with their bayonets made the lollowing report: lue House is moved to amend by increasing the duty Mexican Emperor, has disappeared, and I the in comniuuica-tio- a buiitlin called the Madison Honse lumctal Dispatch. Issue to th BOCRBOX HOCslB. ble scourge, cholera. Commander of Tennessee, a glistening in the morning sun. As its head recommended to recede from the amend from 40 to 50 cent per pound. admit you to the maternal bosom of tbe to work, sugjestin; tb of bonds daw is already raised troui its foundation at requiring country Hidalgo Vienna. Monday. June 25. B. F. Vl8A9 addreveed to the Bureau. state that be ba approached with rear ment suit to be brought against All tbe amendments were rejected, and of Queen." amount of one million dollars, the requisite Prortoln rir-Kill- er leas! six" feet by the Yankee, and anew u., the still beyond The Archduke Albercht telegraphed from " Dateaer' Lightaiaa the Illinois Central Railroad, for sums paid reported. M. lloras and other Matamoras mer- Loriaviua, July 7, closed all tbe medical etMsblishmetits of tbe tonndation aud a new story ia being built the summit ol the hill, and the whole road the paragraph stsndsos Yerder yesterday evening as follows: sum, the whole to be tamed over to Congress lac. Hakes .quick work with Ilea, and If eomrjeneed for transportation ol troops ana muni- On Mr. Thayer, Pennsylva- chants were not imprisoned, but sent -- Th supply ef offer! ox Itareaa ia that State. He intends to cease the so they desire to raise for the halt mile fillad with the the motion of of bick On tbe 21d the garrison Mantua through our Representative, Mr. Guthrie, who cattle tarsal arty, keeps the bowse clear all amsase. underneath. Just tions of wan to agree to the Senate's wood pencils filled with were by Escobedo, wit h assurance that cap- inst, of during the week was large, issue of ratiou except in the most nretit case our Constitution from the foundation placed column, the number 1,000 looked larger nia, lead their made a sortie npon the enemy's corps of ia to petition the Government to take the work rather generally ofeonv amendment making appropriations for the 50 cents per gross, and SO per cent, tured property would be satisfactorily ad- moo aad nwdlam quality, wtrh some few of necessity, and eaya expect the by our Revolutionary and put than it really was, and impressed all with taxed observation at repulsed and completions. seed omm. be to et there father, construction ol s at 1 hiladel-phi- each length 6 justed. , Curtatone, it in hand and posh it through to The Priors shipptng underpinning. Great laugh- its imposing grandeur. As Colonel Wi'der, ad valorem for of inches. eaule, owing to unfavorable Suite apon tie lep aain before frost. ia the new aud to agree to amend- The train is at Reyoaia canal and took several prisoners. stockholders will, we believe. Indorse tb plan, news frees IsCagwelL 1 at the head ot bis troops, approached. Gen- the Senate's The Committee rose. The House then has the Eastern market, have deeueed The Bmt Trwic Mack A Cn 'm ter. twenty-seve- across Mincto. sbout The receipt from internal revenue sources ment making the mileage of army officers recess. wagons. the Italians retreated the the Government to bold the canal tn lien nntil Se, while medium Combination'Tjf Iron, P'aoey Ca)- - Tne Yankees have fonirbt the battle of eral Buckner advanced to meet him, and took The following telegram bas been received quality has beea a shade anner. boras and y fS2 1,079 3b. for ten cents instead six cents. Mejia's division left Bagdad on 2Ctb Sales saya .ye Tbe total receipt was saluted by the former, returning the of On motion of Mr. O'Neil, of e the the bonds are canceled. All the Ohio members of choice aad extra shipping al Srst ine iron restore color lo the blooU; the rebellion, but the Union is not restored The Senate is recommended to recede inst., in two chartered steamers from the Archduke, Albretcht, dated tbia the Puoephonia renew the week endirjj are 9.c4.f56 7S. Slates Dot They same with eqnal courtesy. Colonel Wilder, duty on metallic pens was increased and three of Congress will, aadoobtedly, anile in carry quality Smshc; fair Sv5e; common and wasto of the aervo f with eleven admitted. from its amendment making an appropria- schooners, convoyed by the French war orning: roh tissue, snd, too Caiisaya a (eneral J oha C. Fremont t ia town. l ave given freedom to millions of ne- then drawing his sword and taking it by the by adding 'Si per cent, ad valorem on the he tnrmy are drwen bark, anil ing the measure through, and it may be looked sHMtc A large majority told at fivea aatural, three tion tor purchase hind used as a steamer Adonis, tbe blockade ex- J frnrr our izte. w point of the blade, presented its hilt to Gen- the of the gross, to consist of 144. having Hooa Continue plenty aad m xood demand, ueaikuiui ions to toe uofesuvo onrane. groes, and enslaved eleven millions of hite near Nashville, Tenn. pired. form rmroxted the Mincio ytMrrdtij () npon as aa accomplished bet. at One pint contain one Radical candi- eral Buckner, and said: "I surrender, witli fort un motion oi Air. Aiorrtii, tne amy on my for the different qualities. onnce of Caiisaya, men. General Hobfun, the The section in regard to Quartermaster The same day all the Catholic clergy were lb; imperial si is in tbe best Tbe attendance on 'Change waa lare, though 4te and one tens poon full one is this sword, the troops under my command percussion caps was Increased bv adding 40 SHEEP Are la fair demand at J 3SA4 3 per jr.iin of Iron ana ST. LOUIS. date for Clerk of the Court of Appeals, 6tores is to bo amended so as require put in prison, were and in excellent spirits. transactions were of a limited character, and and the works which they have so gallantly to the cent- ad valorem. but released next day f head, Bve weight, for common Faospoorun. abont the best of their party, but be voted per - by The battle-o- yesterday is called by the and choice defended." General Ruekncr, taking the articles issued in the Pacific States and cm Air. a paragrapn Caravajal, who agrees to consider theui we noticed rather lesa firmness for the leading CAdWELL, MACK A CO., for the Constitutional Ameudment, aud be motion oi oaroeiu, Archduke the batt'e of Castoz ia. . Zeal Properlf Reurardefl Obttnary Territories to be delivered and inspected at hair-pin- as Under F'i'.tti Avenue Xus-B- 6ins party with which sword, replied: "I accept ttio surreudcr, una added taxing of iron wire 50 articles of consumption thaa had prevailed dur- LAMBS-- At fi 3VJ S per head. Hotel, New I pper Minkouri Traffic; Knot. mmt bear the of the points desurnated, and the advertisements Sah 6. sale by all he is acting and tlicy have got enough to with the stipulations already agreed upon, per cent, ad valorem. Francisco, July ing the week. Floor waa decidedly lower, w bile ancBirrs. J'or drarsrit. for supplies be published Information OF Oa Prolitu .Aortas Iroia Renewed and return your sw ord as an evidence of the such to in tbe m oi Air. neuy, a paragrapn was has been received from San T70 K SALC-- a FEET OttOCXD-- the Cattle teM ileo.irKtwtmlT sink a navy and damn a nation. newspapers of San Francisco, Cal., and motion Bias, via Aeapulco. stating west slae of shelnv, between Main ani Markl. bacon oa country or light shipping orders were .) lintrhter. appreciation which is always shown bv my added taxing gold wire 20 per cent, ad va that the Repub- KiiWAN Bl CHASANX Law Office, N? tfepecial Dispatch to the Louisville Courier. Portland, Oregon. , licans have taken the city of Santiago and eplvat sustained. The market for lard was a fractioa heep This iutamous amendment provides that Government for va'.or and humanity." Colo- lorem. corner Slxia aad Main. jea drf FOR SALE. , St. Locta, July 7. nel Wilder, takiDg the sword, replaced it in The section in regard to the Military Spalding, ?V) threaten Tepee. lower. if any male citizen, twenty-on- years of age, On motion of Mr. a duty of TotaL... . 1,31 X. Academy is to be auieuded so as to provide The dispatches to tbe Board of Trade from It I reported that William Graver, Toiled excluded from suffrage, or bis right its srabberd, and again saluted General per ton waa put upon grindstones finished. New Yohk, Jnly 7. LOUISVILLE TJOR stALB SHKLBY PtKW SB le Superintendent may hereafter be New 17 sa W I nuiTI State District Attorney. wire prweutea the abridged, then tbe representation of Buckner, who then took position by the that the and SO per cent. Ad valorem on Bristol Advices from Mexico state that Maximil- York quoted the cotton market aa opening 8HELBT HOC9E. oi on nwiavfU aad Frankrnet thereto side the Commanding General, ou selected and the officers detailed from any ian O. Kailroad. aear t rocneri Depi: s arr-- a la muMr Feels of tbia city with so anoch seal and abil- such Mate shall be dimimsnt-- in proportion of n stone and Bristol brick. is far from preparing to evacuate his heavy aad irregular, and anchanged at noon at Biaca..... Proprietor. and blneirnies. tbe baiaaee ib enltiTationj n which Colonel Wilder passed on dowto arm of the service, and that the supervision fraaaw by the nuuibcr thus excluded bears to the the Mr. GRISWOLD, of New York, moved dominions, and that, on the contrary, be CHEMICAL WORKS. StitSSSc for middling. Dry trood steady and an- Locisnxu. Julv r. mm. dwelling, contaialns au root na. aad nt war ity, has beea removed tbe President. by and chanre of tbe Academy shall be in the ail new: a vartetv oi siT.ary w such Onr only road, followed his column, marching to strike out tbe tax on analine dyes and to has ordered a conscription in the , Cotfee The supply of stock at thai yard fruit jus bef a -- Lovelace, of the Supreme Court, died at hole ooBulation of slate. War Department. . changed. Sugar dull. drooping. Fork duiiag the week stnc to near, a aad a ude without music, and with a dejected air well analine oil 10 cent, to take place on was nur, w ewter. bone for turning the Goths and Vandals out tax per ad valorem. the15'k of July, which, to $31 75. Lard dull and vod prices obtained. e have at t e dep. t a and b'ark.mtiB) St. Charle evterday. tie La been in bud befitting the occasion. A few the officers The section in regard to the extra pay for with aid declined and nominal. shop, a Ol capital IS in oruuei n iscniucranc of Agreed to. the of fire hundred thousand francs BEEF CATTLE The best qualttte ta and (ood arnooi la unt. For rar'.ber who the lue i assumed a mien defiant pride, soldiers employed in constructing public Whisky declined to 133 Mc. Floor steady and market apply ia perr. or by w health far nearly a year part, and those must get representation in the of but the Ma. ROLLINS, of Missouri, moved to per month from Ktance, will be sufficient svwught from X to medium letter ta partv. We works is to be nmended so as to allow en- in tc; to good JmSc, and ib lbs premisee. have noticed bit rapid decline nave of late been Korih. ourselves, and mass, both of officers and mm, bore them- reduce the duty on preparations or tluid to keep him a while longer. DISINFECTANTS fair demand. Wheat inactive and droopin common to vt We must be true to listed men working as artificers and non- interior lvalue. wi Frnv ruiro prepared to bear of hi death at any moment, Democracy will be enconraccd selves with a respectful dignity under mis- extracts not provided, from $10 to t'-l- EIXG now trreatiT tn demand In all Darta of the Mixed corn la good export and bom demand HOGS The the Northern commissioned officers employed as over- New Orleans, July 7. country, market waa quite brisk and quick w fortune which commanded admiration from which was adopted. parties are otlfrinr article of doabtnil at an advance sales lite simple announcement of bia denth is all e to assist us. thirty-fiv- Bagdad letters say that the Imperial w e of lc made. Wa quote heavy and well TAKEN UP. us all. The bead of the column, having seers cents a day, and enlisted Mb. 8TROUSE, of Pennsylvania, moved efHcacj. have prepared, and can ttunply to the fatted from have at present. " There arc but two po'iticol parties in this ss cents troops, tiken off by French trade at wholesale, the following article, embritr At Cincinnati mess pork was beld at' $39 75. to He; extra IS1,!!, aad the lighter qualities at reached its designated position, was halted. men employed laborers twenty per reduce living ctng all the beat Uidinfectanu known to one sectional, the other to the duty on animals from officers, wore side arms Bagdad. tbe b -e The Mlowing heavy profiu have been real- countrv the dav. The report wa3 agreed to. at y Lard Bacon clear sides tl.Vc; ribbed 19ie, to sse. toe rlv- road. Mir when the proper orders were given, and the 30 to 10 per cent, ad valorem. not too coat for free and count act ue We ile mnea rrom oi nniioual The Democracy is a national Liberals ure now occupying Matamoras import a Tery sup en or of from at to per Louis, lilr, in Jerreraoe eonniy, m l- t- ized by tbe mountain boat tbia year: The prisoners, being formed in line facing our The House went into Committee ol the Mb. WENTWOUTII, op article and shoulders 17c; bulk shoulders 15c; balk 3 SIS head, and nM.ntkof M iv la.l. a imuil red c"W, waa a wb party. It is liberal willing to extend its of Illinois, and pursuinga specie train to Monterey. mm os at to 3 per including a considerable u uuu ac- Whole on the tariff bill, having previously ribbed sides 17,5c and clear sides Yser, raw li a head. sireaa d'.wa er ears: abont ibl or nine year ateamer St. John, truopB, liuuuuvu uia piaccu mir posed. Great expectations are Old; drv; ptHir bcncDts to ait mankinu. u uierc uj re- au sepsiou. manifested of a , BBcairrs. ia eondillOB. aKl ber rt orB K,(XK); aiotlic coutrements in front of our line. Then, urticreu eveuiug KObS, or to whieky C; superun floor 79; wheat No brao-- A p lite4 sura lor Government services, f who dou't belong to party and Iibeard air. in., moved increase the renewal of trade with Northern Mexico. Cliloiudc ofLime, $i $a8 14 od. other or mars. rra ed bv L. they were The amendment offered by Mr. Myers on J 11. lloaler Tacony rlB.Wil: W. S. Lewis one morning (alluding to suming their position, marched duty to 50 per cent, which, be said, would The whole country is now $2 25aa 45; mixed Cora S3c and white 7dc, la Pemlor. s is aaid 'mnir. at tie. (jQ.(; of this lOlonel off to be iaroled and sent to Buell's Tuesday last to make the duty on glass bot- opened. Mach richer tn chlorine than the ordinary commer Sfcsep .""J"""..".."." - lines. be mucn below protection claimed by 1 1 M i'i m 4n.K)0- Ieer Lodre Vi.OO Peter Baleu, trip of Carpenter) thete is yet room on the vials, demijohns and carboys four the British Honduras letters say that the cial artine, onma tue aiue iuea in inanauctarinc balk; oats tOatOc wi m I.. .1 r .1. r Alter this ceremony the general officers, tles, jars, Maryland tor ner manufactures. chloroform. Total ninety-si- days, R.O 10. mourner s benen. iLatuguier.j cents per pound, was rejected. naneial failure at London had a depressing otrrraaT. Sneaking the negro s tesuiyine in with their staffs, visited the captured works. air. flh.E, of Me., argued that this was influence on vw a. M. 6. Me;ibaia A Bro. are said to have pained of spent several A similar amendment, making the duty trade at Belize. Tbe money market was closer during the week raj tO. courts, and being placed on a political and hours inspecting the for a Western tariff bill, got up for the benefit The Indians depredations, SOLUTIOXCIILORIDEZLXC a from voyages of tbeir three on glass, to amend the paragraph about cut continue and past than for some time, and though bank rates fool the tifications, iruns, &c. oi swinging into riu t equality with the whites, my idea is that the glass, by adding ad valorem duty a the nest, fennsyivama seizures of people, and demand large ran- TCLEtiltAPU 91AKKET. VATF.T-Ar.E'vT-r- kiw partwowib- -t Teter Bulcn. Goldfinch and I roe City. General Brasrir's headquarters were re- to the and leaving New England out in the cold. of discount were unchanged, parties having to Aifnt- - wanted i.vervwber, and 'entaie neirro a suiui.ii, two cents Re- soms. (CONCENTRATE it oouiucin ui moved to Munlordvillc, and the in fan try specific duty of per pound. w men was careless, vv a t to sell lbe laBDrawed ( Ml-a- Kaaailw This eeast has been the mft lavorable ever Mates is his projcr abode, but I would like uuout taKing vole New York, July 7. seek accommodations oa th street were forced CINCCrXATI MARKET. Mn. Price and trains ordered to Ihc north bunk of jected. on the the committee arose. !ewinj blue. .v Ine M. hiu w.l experienced ta tbe matter of .water: aud there to ship tbem al otf to tiie Kastcra Yankee, para- amendment The Herald's Mexican correspondence, to pay, in some Instances, hi'h rates. Gold . Julv7- -r a. iicb. uem. led. tuck. bisd. qn'H. bntd aod w Green river, leaving tbe south bank to the Mr. DAWES moved to amend the 10 m. ClrivTf, Tbe eloth fiinnui pmled even fleet bitn get bis fill of tbem. Why, House adjourned at r. written from the City of Mexico, 23d, on Saturday in 3ew York ranged a follow- -: . bonder. tx auart ai have bora but lew accident to tbe larpe and let cavalry. graph about window glass by increasing the June hligher srad-s- uw every itrb is rut. kverv Vlwhioe war white man was skulking away to via era Cruz June I'Wh, goes show 10:30 very rante.1 ihree rears, which ten tbisciy. In a few day most of them while the Tbe'day pawed off pleasantly, filling, with duty from three to two and a quarter per. to that a. .. 1MV U - a., 13s',; 1 r. a., tB.u Beat dnB and prices rrreular and t inri laas rssu. Aslreao some ehadv retreat, afraid to poke bia nose - the Mexican people were becoming more Solution Nitrate Lead, - ',tr "PrlB at nd ol.l rail at lot Jclferson street, r. I C,S30 pound, Ironi two and a half to two three- 1:30 P. 4 . few ""'r- ..n.iil w.l' be ia port. Distance ma is mile and the first fruits of victory, the army with 153,; a., U3; r. a, But M w. tora in demand at forMull9No. I ay. a m out, the nigeer could lay down flat on bis a nan SENATE. aud more united in tbe cause of freeing elevator; fid ,ae in (fSmAwt uli. t.Tia.oi.p. requiring, wiihoat auneuai interruption, from rews, enthusiasm, and inspiring thim w ithlii'jh quarters, from three ana to iour, yfnc putrid odnra ta sewers, d transactions were made la our market. Brokers' pc in Oat dull at a. for Vos. IelS General Ak'enia. u. box H. liack between the cotton wun tne trom four four and a half. Adopted. July 7. A discussion, in their coun ry from the Imperial forces. The - aa.i o. l wm ma saleable hope in tbe success of the expedition and to Wa8htotos. Is also wltboat odor. buying rates were per cent, under New York at over 'yc at the '.-. W'AWZn HrVDSft) FTSTCla weveety to ninety days. scorching ravs of a tropical sun beaming rrencn ana natives bad sustained a number Noihlns .loin hn, 1''. Lts-- permanent occupation Kentucky. Ou motion of Mr. Hubbard, of West Vir which Messrs. Johnson, Trumbull, Summer eteadv at M )a i. . . 1 boo, Autsrsro scu. "tue r an- and the of quotations. Silver I at 11 and 14 per uiaai iim. CAC3E"-Xe- There will he a larger Bomber of boat down on bis lace, sleep like a lot, ginia, a new paragraph was added taxing and Fessenden participated, took place on f defeats of ereater or less severifv. in the ZiABABAQUEtJ bonxhi Bond, ' w ra press, eeanplate meae eotwaas al U middling ol bacon. Great laughter field, and the cause ot Maximilim cent, under gold. TVt-!- nounced Bert year tbaa ever before, ai.d it hre brick thirty per cent ad valorem. a motion to receive tbe report of the minor was still r-- , or The over royal octavo paiiaa. by Edward A. Pollard, say IFor the Louisville Courler.l more gloomy in consequence. 'T,""7,"" believed coanpetitina for freight ana (ussengeni The Kadicils they love the Constitu Mr. KFE, of New York, a proviso was ity ot the Committee of r ilteen. the res- Santa Anna Government securities are la very little re- la at tiwluv of Virginia. Tbia is the only work of the kind that suppose uiey love tike Meeting in Co. still engrossed a large share the public Solution Chloride tbe tm. Balk mnu srrn.r win he so active that many or the boats will tion. Yes,! it uie Democratic Marion added to the paragraph, taxing books moie olution was finally adopted that the paper of Soda, quest. Brokers buy for shipment to New York. sboulilers soUl at IMac packed, aad sides at i: v le by tbe author, aad taut baa the auv out an wire. 2. attention. The Mexican Liberals m Is fellow who fell with interesting UkAsox, Mariou Co., Ky , July tlian five copies in any one invoice, shall, if presented by Mr. Johnson be received as proclaim ia sell premi- ei bj iiant.. Lard hid at Jte, wun a tbemiriiy and tfgalty of a oftV-t- money. theory Wen known and excellent for general disinfecting Exchange dull. Banks at 110th demand. ia --ft 1T,M i.. standard aad lsr He said be loved tier so mucn wuen iney Louixi-ili- views in re the that an understanding had been iWol waon reccuUy passed through Editor Courier: written wholly or partly In bnglisn lan the of the minority, but that purposes. um; brokers par; buying to JrlOlb Sides sold at Vr.. and clear side al r. itontiiera History of the War all othera beta mere Fifteen re first married that dc like eating (senate not pre- come to between Mr. Seward, the Emperor at at uit A public was beld by guage. ceiving it the did establish compilations from newspaper a, Eacsas, eastward bonnd, carrvlng no. waa sorry ne own tx witu meeting the citizens I wuu discount. her aui m k Mr. LOAN offered an amendment, which cedent lor the tut"re, iiapuicuu tne by whieb vamped up by traehy pubHshera, ra i op Court-hous- ! I -- order t eventeea Urn lies. Baking about eighty Radicals; they are trying to eat the of Marion counly, at tbe on w .u a. Mb. TRUMBULL Maximilian would be let down srocefullv. CHLORIDE OF LIME a eo. tol. the as agreeu 10, requiring iue l. uiou i ml uie reported from the Ju coaaicrxo bt a. a jtcia Basins, ao. vt !. SEW TOnK MARKET. palm of upon the public votuwhtoae works st aa big and liule, who have deserted Constitution to get clear ol It. Monday, the 2d day being cross lUOtn ot w, diciary Committee, and asked to be dis- Santa Anna restored and elected President Also valuable for iue ran Ita, tewera, ke. HA1X STBS BT. w of July, it County Kailroad to the meridian Bovine femox. wamense pveSt. None hut men ef tne beat ebiUiiea Toanp qnartera. Amor.gthe pilt-ri- was one He was born and rawed big. tie got charged from the consideration a the United States Cabinet holdiug itsell CoTvof without druu-- -- 2. VT: . Court day, for the purpose of appointing Long., between the north bank of the Platte further of Gold i a 1 iM i... employed, with whom liberal terms will ha notoriety. hi political teachings trora Clay, who aaid Republican for expulsion ready to approve ot tbe eventualities aris dollar .' mad. Dr. II. Bates, a man of considerable river and the south bank of the number the of silver i c- Call on INjU, ot delegate to the Democratic Convention to ing trom Stiver anil Hs : r uu Kuiea ueai, ar ttv.v m - ...... or address in when most uis ixonuern ureuireo river, in Nebraska. Mr. Loan proceeded Garret Davis, and one for the speedy trial of the change or Executive. The It ti wi a . who ha served tbe Mormon lor thirty three Silver dimes and Ball ulinea t R ,,r "un-n- I duo. and 1U GEO. a. FESSE'CDE CO.. bad deserted him, "If the Whig party was be held Louisville on Jeff. by Liberals who were imbned with idea 73 for tw elve Apos- at the ISth day of to explain and defend tbe provisions of the Davis this Derasnds i .... trade brands the maraet eionimt dull; i4in- - Pabllshcra, a Jdain yeara. lie bad beea chief clerk of Abolition Tbia la the e portion of nearly all the popular ...... vv sareei, comer vmsA to be merged into a contemptible bill. Mk. TRUMBULL, trom the Judiciary did not entertain such implicit confidence VJ0 coupons .... )4wtf koiuaviii. a.y. Dlintiia. From thence be went a Whig." July, to select a suitable candidate for the rproprietary Uminit'ctanU now offered to toe pub- coupons , port, at is iu..i li. tles at Kaavoo, partv, then be was no longer Committee, reported, with in air. tjewara s friendship as they d id some We prepared so en 151Vii .... office of Appellate Judge in the Third Ap- eOn motion of Mr. Sehencb, of Ohio, the amendments. ic bare this article at the 2 lion New York exchange dia. par. H JawiW tor toJacksoa county, Missouri, aud from thence Manv Union men said at tiie commence Ye?olution provide for the bill in relation to to anir months ago. Santa Anna, it is aaid. will of Prof. J. Lawrence bra ith, aa the cheap! good WetaI'r'e' 0tB, TO re- pellate District of Kentucky. Senate joint to the appointments any COHeOCVD ITTBBBWT SOTBS $30 S50FZZ2WI2II tie traveled with tbem to halt Lake. While ment of the war "Let n put down the publication history re removals from ottiee. remain unpopular with them, no matter in disinfectant lor and other place liUAi Wheat fn!1 and teuiin- - un motion of John 11. Tucker, t.. A. of the official of toe where large maasea of decom poain g organic matter Compound interests une, 19L... .. Ill ... o. I SI. Ir-- aiUl m Sucrota-rie- we will put down H.Iwwum U Kta rr ih TT'AITKO A s in enuutvlw was one of Young bellion, and then the ta- A joint resolution for of nut oiiicim icrui ne may ne presented. have accumulated. Compound Interna, Jnly.l.1...... Westt-rn- . acent there he Graves was called to the chain and by fur- bellion was taken up from the Speaker's the settlement ui'4 l orn opened active aad le better, but v K'Biacty. for a Uit-ei- a work of Abolitionists." How are they fulfilling that The city ot Tampico closely All are creftilTy pot up In coo Ten-- Compound Interest, Auj., Mted ta- -- i.,- - ...... art. jut disgusted but he prepared to Av- - ble, read twice and referred to Commit tbe military claims against Nevada was was besiesred thce ariicle 14... anlet wick - a. .i i i. r men Being at ther motion of R. A. Burton, Samuel the tent package, wttn direction for ase. Compound iltleresMlct-- , 1 for Rubtl.b-t- t lerrmea. and of promise: tee Military passed. by the Liberal forces, who bad made a dash tall unsound new mixed weatera. aod lie and iod a.Mreaa ran earn tb anovw bis escape, and describe it a a bard tark ritt was elected secretary of the Dueling. on Atlairs. Compound Interest, .. w make conclusion, Mr. Ward said he hoped W ing llecl. """at snnnd. le kr ws iia wa... and t lbe miu tima in a in following persons were as a At half past 4 o'clock the House took a MB. Allii introduced a joint resolu attack, riding into the very streets of Componud Interest, May, !.". . . hub mixed nearly vri low. and e lrfor Western vel-- sBace give them the slip. a ibe named 13H5.. 1)4 h.iihly bonorafite aad respectable bueine, c aierv to to ace tbe day when we would have united P. m. tion guaranteeing loans to Republic Compouud Interest, Anx very dull at jau.vtr for new apon any committee to draft resolutions: W. B. Har recess until :), the of & Two ner cent. now, due. tB.K rlns redit ae.t wao sasxea In ta saintitrv: when Constitutional ireedom shall Mexico $50,000,000. which At one time desertions from the Imperial WILSON, :peter to. Hut BBiaa CoAos ltw eauio. Addreaa, wiih aiamp for rison, John R. Thomas, E. A. Tajle, James to the amount of le' S (ood bUHinesa doinz: lorei.n enifeo ui.i - be restored; when our Government shall was referred to the Liberal army were frequent lel deodlmwlm demand at prtcsw. H. HI MUKL. IL Tucker and S. M. Ballard. to tbe Committee on Foreign full uugar dnll aad aeavy.luba Jytlwl llSFtfib atreat, Loaaxtliie, Ky. be wrested from the bands of Radical fanati- Keiations. The idea of annexation to the United lc. MolaeMW dull. NEW OR LEANS. The committee retired, and, alter some SEMITE. s- liull at uv we may be able to transmit to States was BROVCIIITIS LARVGITIS. JSaiTSue a. U'AITIB-AGK5T-- To cism, that with Tbe Senate adjourned at 1:50, on mo Widely posted in the Liberal 41c for m ..j encage lu th sale the priceless boon of freedom time, returned the lollowing resolu Washington, July 6. Ma. EDMUNDS, Renew of tne Market. rettned bond. ol oiue new, low. priced aoveta. KeiMa SS to. our Kterity were tion of Mr. Grimes, who said the beat had ranks. )R. I). W. BRODNAX, Hempstead, Texss, ran Paovisions fork heavv aal few, ,t wn SVa IIper of 1864 How Mr. W. tions, which read and unanimously of V cnuont, from the Committee on Com above fuccessfullv M Fw day enaiiy maiie. bneeiraea novel sent ou Th Coareatioa thff beoueathed to us bv our fathers. already prostrated several Senators, and Major Van DeGrooden. an in the br the fore. Our quotations are tne wholesale prices IJT, for new mess, closing e idl a gja ior receipt of Kor - adopted: method of Dr. Horsce ttreen, of New York, vis: II DC , Scent. par'.iri'arv "f I'tropoae ta Override tae toaMitu waa inwirrupvea oy ucuiousira- merce, reported a House resolution for i sixiy-eignt- uiem ocherwlMe stated, la sm.kll orders to " ior pnrae. neei ateaily at :S inemaiug Irequenuy n A Convention has been called threatened others. tne regiment .New lork volun he direct application ot eaiuuca lo tne part the city or aa to wi pwa roeaa, t stamp. Lf.'.UKK,:t m, tbe aite-- Matea. ureas, joint committee on retrenchment. -- coa'ry trade advauoaui Uue lve ' ana fJU MJA 21 tor Sew uiJS wu LoiuaVcil. Kv. tioa ol I tions ol appiaute. Mb. SUMNER presented a petition that teers, was buried with considerable pomp Ifected. bv means t a nrebang . or tube, pawed percent, is obtained. WJwm weM. t . t ' null. Courier. to meet in Louisville to select a suitable tnrontcn the rims glottldis. He has recently Special libpatch to tbe Louisville COL. T. L. JOKES' SPEECH. tbe importation of India, aud by the Germans and Americans in the City enred BAGGING AND BOPK. We quote the market Laau Don aad heavy at VM31te. candidate fcr the oflice of Appellate Judge, bill several cases that had been abandoned as hopeless Huji- at ti--j aer oa -ll n- Obuaki. Jnlv 7. the Military Committee, reported a for of Mexico. A very friendly feeling was ex- - i- irn: 5tv Colonel Jones, of Campbell county. in the Third Appcllute District of Kentucky, other foreign be prohibited, on under other treatment. He will receive pstlenca dull, though holders maintain their rates, and we SrssLi.vo Kx ua.vhb dteadv al li , MISCELLANEOUS. HoweO, pro tern, of the equalization of bouuties. ressed towards army from s distance Into his family daring treatment. j n. Jadce H. R. President meeting. was and in order tbe county Marion may account of their dangerous character, be the United States on quote common to choice power-loo- bagxlng at tt,9 ?areelv ao armt - i,w. then addressed the It the that of The Committee of Conference on the tax the occasion. The favorable Influence ot the climate of Texaa Cosvention, this evening issues hi fonr in wLlch be had be represented in said is ing Destructive to me ana properly, lie. over diseases of the greatly aids the treat- with small sales at a fractioa hlghar rates the Bute first occasion in vetrs Convention, it bill made a report The committee report The fever considerably lumrs Sl3, tAni-tver- it HMiar S IJIM.TSO. for it reassembly en tbe 3Uth of a in a scene like therefore ferred to Finance Committee. had abated in ment, and when It la kuown that huudreds of pa Rope rangea trom IStslSe. the latter for machine Crab Orchard Salts. prochuoatioe been pBrticiiant the In favor of a compromise on the tax on cot' Vera Cruz. tients go irom an pans oi in states He congratulated the audience Jletolird, by this meeting. That the fol A joint resolution authorizing the pay i aitea India bagging, or gunny doth, Sce&Xc FButiars Liverpool less active and a trifle low- - July, and call upon the Governor to issue wni rrese.nL ton, making it 3 cents a pound. A from Gen. Almonte. Maximilian's lo Dr. Green, and get cured la spite of privilege of once more discussing lowing-name- persons be appointed dele ment of certain military claims afrainst the letter the unfavorable influence of the climate of COAL We quote retail sales of best Pittsburg at W IU IM. PETEH CO. of election for vacancies. upon the Mr. WILSON, in the course of debate BETIEW OF NEW YORK MARKET. National questions so gates said Convention: Ben. E. late Territory of Nevada was reported by minister at raris, which is undoubtedly au New York, tt Is spnarent that Uie same 28c, delivered, or per purpose mf the nubliclv those great to Coffee, on the bill, said be hoped the present tariff In would be followed by much ! cartload of S bushels. Held to The preamble expresses tne com- - A. W. thentic, written trom Paris under date of tresfmrnt Texss fpedal the Western Press. in)rK)rUljt to every lover of our Graves, J. G. Phillips, L. IL Noble, waa ir. BDerman, tram the finance Committee, more resnlte. To those tond ot In barges, afloat, at )aV3e, stock light. Pomeroy -- movement to revise and amend tbe organic law iul bill would be defeated, if it not very and passed. May bl, says that tbe financial committee spdy anntinc snd Aqna U.S mon country. Our old ship of Mate, lor P. McElrov, Andy Barnet John R. Thomas, much modified. New fishing there is abundance ol game for tbeir amuse- coal lo boats Mc Money ra mors ilmonla, Gov England did not want ill not pay tbe salaries of legations. ment. can reach Hempstead by steam demand at per cent. I the 8ute ta barmooy with tbe General the nast five vears. bad been so tossed about T. P. Knott Felix Tarboe, J. M. Ballard, MR. TRUMBULL'S bill to regnlate ap tbe Patients COTTON The The Exchanse dull st ior bankers' bills, J the mil. ucr interests were already sum from New Orleans, need not fear corns market rules dull. auction insure do pointments and whose drafts have arrived in the city. He snd to at teoid eiosed uuietlv . eminent: establish Impartial Justice, by vanons w mas oi a iroumcu iwuunu John McElrov, G. W. Goodrum, J. E. removals from oflice pro any sesson of the year. All Inquiries by mail will tale F rlday Included IS bales, 1 rejected, at HZ1 Me at cieniiy protected, me demand lor anew as asks advice in the matter, as this summary Tbe Government acruriliea rloaed aa ana)-- al - auMtie secure the blesidne of that as one of the freight, hardly Campbell, J. W. Schooling, J. M. Vivian, vides follows: be promptly answered. 4 traMua'itv. nmn be tariff came from Pennsylvania and the !t. Haldeman. Louisville and the others aa follows: bales at 17ejhe. advance of Ihe morning. The busineas inmugiiuul port we bad been carried, and . Ray, M. Card That no officer of the United States ap proceeding interferes considerably with his KKraaBNCKs. W. tb day baa liberty to all alike, and restore the State to a knew to what I. John tpalding, J. will, Northwest . Courier; J. D. On bom, Louisville Journal; K. bales at 29YC aad 1 bales at X31e classed as basB larga aad tb na quit saarp. what England, A. pointed on the Presi- household arrangements. tir. Tbe loilowmc were the closing Extracts, UaSP scarcely knew upon tjpic Alfred R. Burton, James the nomination of But-le- price: riuid proper ao permanent position ia tbe Union, therefore The S nate agreed to the conference report W.Mason, Dr. Bemis, James A. Miller, Noble good ordinary lo low middling. to sneak. The last time ne naa occasion to Elder, John DL Tucker, J. M. Fo- - dent, by and with the adviee and consent New York, July 8. Tbe steamship Sax- - John Kobimtoa, A. M. Kobinnon, H. C. McDow- ri'ei.ruui-- avupiiaa, against a further !ie- - on the tax bill. ell, W. D. Gallaaher, Krv. B. B. COTTON YARNS Choice braads Me for Us with ample guarantee noon Question of national poli-- 1 gle, Hugh Phillips, J. G. Phillips. Jr., T. C, of the Senate, shall be removed except by onia, from Southampton, 27th nit, arrived Ksir.. lit. tsmith. nuK ILSON, PETER sneuk the The bill to provide for the payment for Kev. Dr. ram, Krv. ir. nittie, t:ev. Mr. rwcKcit, 500; for So. 9U0, and e for Xo. 7M perdown,la Ca tarbance: also, with a view to the ratification by be boldly an fearlessly dared I Jackson, W. A. Wathen, Severance, tbe same ageneiea which concurred in bis here this evening, with four days later news i 3c l be atock market was stmarer tnwara ta ei tics, because John quartermaster stores and subsistence sup- Dr. E. D. Force, Lonisville; Hen. Hubert Msllory, Iota, with aa advance of day, amendment to tbe w seeking 1. B. M. W appointment; provided, case LaGranxe, &(. kr amall sales. Inferior the aud Ibvr was s general Improvement IB this Stale of the proposed m denounce those ho were to de Hon. C. 8. Hill, Matthews, plies furnished the army, that in of dis irom turope. mvitdJniAw? prices, ihe greatest Erie, to was then taken 1 T brands, or outside lots, have sold at le less. rVewaaia rl videos nver, In practicable. very of tbe Bat ion and Crawdus, James P Shaw, Samuel Craw d us, ability or misconduct, the President may In H, ir i,j. Ar.lo ltn,lar and foledo, wllb eoosiderani Colors. ( oosli tat ion tne shortest time rtroy the up. rf CORN bags, activcy ib line uis aad In oil, a larg aaanrtmant, liberties people, be . CJ. Barry, Avritt, James Yowell, M. suspend him and designate some to Lord Russell announced Sn conse BUCHANAN'S 'BeSOe: scares spacuiauvs feauui i suit aaeleas In favor BRT Wella, woo first invited tbe muvem. nt overthrow the of tbe John FESSENDEN. of Maine, other that vam-e- . a(sis for sum ov Gov. Mr. from the at lbe mills, at SSmSOc, In lota, aid tne. Including anu mere are more oetatde buyers laaa for Is now was rrvt"d without warrant, without even P. Drye, Ben. Spalding, D. A. Spnldtug, Conference Committee on perform the duties, unlil the Senate shall quence of the hostile vote of the House of sometime pant, jy9 J6w4 W ilson, prntn a cn. and who nas promised to stand br It Wm. the tax bill, made barrels, "ales of choice at (1 0 buaheL knowning the charge, and sent to a Lincoln Musson, Musson, F. G. Phillips, a report was have bod an opportunity of acting on it Commons on that day week, tbe Ministry pr Petroienui and mining bar Consolidated Greu- - from the city. Tbe I'uion wnicn read at length. Mr. COUNTRY mr, I1.-J- e,4Vl , temporarily absent along wit h manv others, whose only James Bell, Felix Johnston, P. B. Cooper, The President to report tbe facts of the case ten it lo be duty to re DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. PKODCCK Apples, free a. we quote ory hi i.unnell al S In quails; HeliLaiJ; TTe- .- e. T bavtile, tessenden, at the conclusion of tbe reading. tneir tender tbeir nited statea, Kill, aud W uVaUie bAawsU aVLUUssJ anew are confident ol success nulcsa betrayed b poIiticalTaith did 1 to the Senate SO days its signatiou, at 18311 bbU In lota. Apples, dried, HA13c 9 I aWnnenon' arm al nt crime was that their not tlias Kusscll, heodore b naming. Arnat said that there were a great many amend within after next but her Majesty having invited BAKBEL3 beat RnKttab a foi new. Beeswax, yellow, V . Broome XEWTOKK DBYGOODd ft the Governor. accord w ith the miserable spies ana emii-s- Bickett, James Hardistz, W. G. Bickett, ments to the bill, but most of them were meeting. them to reconsider their determination. 3a23e. MARKET. t tarsal or W. W. Sec. 2. No person appointed to an they Shaker. ; Louisville 'No. $4 jyldSAwt' WlLSOJf, Tke Democratic State Central Committee ties of despotic power at tne nation a cap John Limpkins, J. Tyler, Mitehel, verbaL Tbe Committee bad considered the office. awaited a result of an interview with L?IGHTT PAGES monthly, with u Portrait. De-- make. L PETEB CO. the time to a common, 13 tbgi p doz. Broom ita'- - Washington Ken, Jelierson Ben, w. subject with very of which is limited by law the Queen on Tuesday, before declaring A com, 11413 a Appietoa Me; it great care, and had do his- less A. ditto Clue; dlito E. lie. CTLKMBAT sUble. Bear wa originally a ion man a Smith, C. B. Harrison, Llovd Ballard, Sid fixed period and a successor shall be ap- - definite resolution. Under cir- provement, health, philosophy, polities, snd the ton, for choice. Butter, fair. dochoice 2 4 .av A He in union difficulty in coming to a conclusion, except their the ot war. A to t!JSc: DicKiieu rress irai uc aiaea, O Irmillb. Er,oa ibe nnrniof the im of r tory our late civil friend the interesca IbcU. ditto .file. Prima last, a bay mam, 13 based npon the Constitution. When the ney H'gan, John G. Maftinglv, Henry upon a w and qualified, shall be permitted to cumstances, he proposed an adjournment of the West and MMith, and the general progress ol ttc Sew York none. Beans, SI MJ1 ii heh . :r; t orneo Tie; b'lanei sieh. beavy maa I iew points uicu were Umilly settled Eointed w and tail, yearsold: were Rav, Aniboras 1 ad-- fi-- ciupno use; rreeinaa tiro a onlla nine was ia waeu tasa. aad CINCINNATI. began, when the Northern States ter. Dr. Hazlewood, 8. T. exercise the duties of such office uutif uesday evening, which was agreed to. numsnitv. Price, three dollars per annum in Egta, Lxs20e doxw for fresh packed. Feathers very Hasty a -r . I Mb. SAULSBURY, of Delaware said ac: llobe t.t. Corset Jeaos Laronia II r. bas coil lollowtnc at Wis clm-- ao Hendrick lievan, Pat- - exceeding Of aoooa i th- rsdc voting to sap the foundations of civil Smith, Ben. O'Neal, when bill came from the sixty days alter the fixed period in iue ttouse oi commons, Monday, June dull at Kinase a, tor shipping lots. Flaxseed, drv kw ia e - l... .i r. wbilaanoul ber; aaail aadlu-an- oa aer bara-bo- I that this House have ' war. The rick v K. for which he was appointed has expired; IS reached the eaximiotts sum of also a krxbed na tbe bind leg. iu- lilxTty, then he denounced the uammllton, alter u uonnel. ur. therewns a tax of 5 cents per pound on cot 5th, Mr. Gladstone announced that be bad Dr. J. R. BlCIIAIfAJT, buying at (2 per buaheL Ginseng, buying at w Is ii;,,i,ji, ttet nsbi and bich 4ii,jo3.K) in sxceas ot tke keavleat rear ia beinw ibe boek; le.t ev rather vat, I will pay as men who had made the greatest preten ton, me on Commerce had whenever practicable it will be the duty received tbe Queen's permission to acquaint mvJdAwtf tOClfVILLE. SOwiMc. a a for new and old. Ouione, in Iota to lb history of pant, tb receipta ior tne to the in'oruHW ot ber wbsraaooHia. tucker, B. committee Tokaccaaist' Association ladicU sions ol loyalty to the Union, were the only 8. fi. P. Rife, and all other Con reduced to 2 cents. The House was oi tne appointing power to appoint a sue the House that after the vote of Monday dealers, none. Potatoes, In lota, range from ftf M lanieaa year, saving seen ,i.jia)na). i ae 4 JAMES GLA-t- . it elad Uie Svs veara Maralerrr IWorria A man voters tbe county. cessor to possession ot oflice the SB IIlluOrtatllrM lor nnmllM Ih.t sneait of the men disloval to the Constitution. 1 he servative of of that: considering take the at week and the debate which bad preceded it, to SS for old, new S3ws 2a. Pa d. .Mortaary but the situation of the aad )wt wa fr and for the tea yer end- - FOK J AILKB OF II st DIM CO! M CoafenMOB could say be bad no sympathy with Zd. Jifmivrft, mat in view or the tact that termination of the fixed period. Lord Russell and his eolleairues had ten - . .jv. I "ITT. tterioit who people in that section where cotton was dried, dull, Ur.e foraapeeled, aad a 423c ' a impon Hc ine last announce Keport. in noble struggle for Inde- - many important and dillicult questions are two provides in case oi a dered resignation, Majesty year sre Urns , per cent, ia sxceas vt average ILRASK me as a Dsaaneratle eaadldato the South ber grown, reduced as they were to abject pov section tuut tne their but Her P a for peeled. las onV oi I .iter of. atardin Louisville Courier. I niMidenpc. not possessed of those Chris- - likely to come np before of Ap- vacancy during recess the Senate, accept of lae ten preceding years. eoma. fSimrial Disnatcli to tbe was the Court erty, scarcely able to get bread for their the of the had not deemed it admissable to CANDLES AND are sell- - ltesprctluiiy, 8 necessary to sustain a free President shill a person to fill BAJ FRASC1SCO MARKET. mhll dtf T. PHILLIP", Cwctsaan, Julr tian impulses families, unrepresented in Congress, he nominate them without further consideration, and MICULTIiPitL WORKS. Ina In lou st the lallowtng rates: star eandlea. mil i. government ciety'this meeting feels impressed with the said vacancy within 30 davs after the meet the advantage comma 8a Favvcts) n. July . A mei'tinK of tbe Association of tbe tobacco thought it unjust to single ont one article without of persoual weight, U ounce at IHe, aad U ounce at IHe, Mining stocks are reue. al'v lower-- . Sava - wa 1 leiral onestion aa to tbe right of a importance ol electing a judge w nose tnea ing oi tne senate the happening trade of Cincinnati and Covington was held he of agriculture for taxation. He was succeeding nlcarion. boxea, while halt boxes are He, and quarter rwicaor mi, i enow jaraei aal, (.bouar La, Imperi- Hurley's Ague State secede has never been finally deter Integrity and acknowledged ability as a opposed of such vacancy, and no such vacancy which Tbe Queen was now on way to Lon al lun. JUgal lendrrs Tonic. yesterday morning, lor the purpose of elect to totally to taxing cotton unless ber boxes 1c extra. Soap Pure German, and mined. The used in the Military jurist will inspire the community with con product the farm were taxed. nas oeeu nuea uv errantm!? a conim ss on. don, and would give Lord Russell himself officers tbe balance of other of pound barn. lldUe. Basin seep Uc Lowmw June 2K lug permanent for Academv at West Point was Kawle on the fidence lu the correctness ol bis decisions; report to expire at the end of the next session of an on 1 uesday. Consobi eloasd at v tat The of the Conference Committee audience Coder the cir any having always a CHEESE We quote smsU sates Westera Be-- ewl laoae.. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. the .ear. A valuable peper eoetrtbotea Constitution, which took the ground that a in our opinion, tbe Hon. G. W. h tne senate, shall be filled after the closed cumstances be proposed House promptly for thrm In quantity, American .tock. t lilted Males Vam TV that was agreed to and sent to the House. that the Koou stocs on uauu: serve and at UtdlSe. Pine apple en , Mr. Koamaaa, an of th oldest tobacco bad a risrht to secede. 11 Jelierson would meet these requirements, and session, except by and with advice and BiS9e. uaoa) vvwanu an Vtaos. by Stale Ma. POLAND, of Vermont called up the the should adjourn until Tuesday. DRY GOODS Tbe baa "I'll only remedy lrr chills wad fevwr or sew doctrine in bis education fill high station in a manner alike satis consent oi the Senate, and the ol" market beea rather lens a. dealer la tbe West waa read before the Asso- Davis imbibed this that bill to provide for the payment for quarter- expiration the House adjourned. Two and FonrIIorse Powers that a or can be depended unaw ia the term, as lTer active thaa asual this week, and we quote prices 1 from at West Point an institution nnder tbe im factory to tbe country and creditable to subsistence provided by the Constitution, Near York Cattle XarkeU rne onte. THer beea tboaaaad enr-- d ciation, and traced tbe history of the plant master stores and supplies Prague, Bohemia. 22. aad Threshers, with Wroaghtiroa httUm and management oi me and, witbout to dispar- at the end of the session, aad shall not be June pretty much unchanged, eapectally for all Ihe bv Btn it wbo bad tried usual rete.nea wu. appearance on Wes'j-r- a soli down to the mediate control himself; intending furnished the army of the L'nilca Mates. The Prussians have passed across Cylinders, complete. oiit benefit; bnt in uw raw ha Its Brst bj any wonder mat ne age the claims of any olhcr aspirant we construed as creatiug a new vacancy, which tbe dard goods. We quote standard sheetings, or do-- Hurley' Asaa steady Increase la its cui Government, it The question was on Mr. Wilson's amend' nights oi where they bad an en nreseat. showing the doctrine or secession ngntr decidedly prefer him to any other candi icaiuciii. is aumonzea to nil without uaiiidorf, One and Two-hor- se Endless-chai- n mettsts, at Sc. la lou or by the bale, for used it tail ineir atlli. led fren.l it? so thoucht the ment to strike out the provision authoriz- counter with troops. They .ure 4 inrc, tbe Improvement in Its mannlactare, and guilty ol date, hereby Instruct the delegates se the advice and conseut of the Senate. Sec- Saxon have Western, and 29e for Eastern. Boutbera brands Lam'ri s ami certain article or uatlis and e r. as Jefferson Davis treasonr lie atd ing payment lor stores not properly Powers aad Threshers. Beeve. Cews. Veala. gwia. owe suffering ttom tb woald li, w hich it will attain ex- - tion four provides the President twelve locomotives in riunen. . 7. cak) eoasult taeir the immense possibilities to would like to see the man who could lected by Ibis meeting to use all honorable that ahull at Vlc less. Bleached sheeting. New York, mills Total .it e i.cii r,.j u.i own imere.1 by sending iw a drug sane aad bny ng not De authorized to fill vacancies Circalar-sa- w Mills, with Last week... &.J44 '. a bottie. It Is as prodnceers devote more aad more attention to nlain to bira bow a Slate can commit efforts to secure bis nomination. The discussion which took place was par diiriiir Neisse. Silesia. June 23. at tfc; Lonsdale, Be; Hope, Sue; tickings, A-- lti kv4 pioasaiil lo taso, eompared the recess of tbe Senate, lorsp'c week othera. aad will b lo ear all eaaeaof via tiie V treason, or a citizen of a Stat acting in obe Cd. That the proceedings of Ibis meeting ticipated Mr. Williams, Oregon; unless they happen Hostilities have beeu commenced bv Saws, lor Kailroad Lse. C. A6iiC4 A. Mc; D. SS; Connesloga, STHssUxc, as last year... MS bver raisins: It la est. in bv of me the WU Ijm KCU and tune ot chiila and r h io tb pra dience to an ordinance oi uie state, some be published in the several newspapers of ; Fessen- - uumiK recess, oy uealh, resignation Prussian army Silesia, to width. Stripes, AWJJc; as Av. . per 'ht. AaaocUtioa will bold its Srst annual fair Clark, of N. H of Vi.; corps iu Yesterday Single Circnlar-sa- w Dest Qaal checks, lo weight Ac w prieton, ULIOkT, ac uiI.K ., bad liecn said about tbe treatment of this judicial district Vaulsbury, ot' not Mills. k laal j r J.JJ 1M 1J0S 1&.JS1 Kv. llth-ins- t and w ill award thing den, Me.; Del.; Howard, of r'UuU? morning three Prussian detachments were 60-in-ch Ski Uc; eottonadea, aMtOc; prints, standard, Xw ta tbia city on the prisoners at Andersonville. He The business meeting being fin AlatlL tty, with 4 to Saws, wits BkBvgs raoa Dirnaasr aTarxs. Foe aale by the whoiewul dmriaia of tederaJ of the Micu. ;, of 111. rrSident the sent out to reconuoitcr toward Seuekman 21c; hferruiac, 22i2Sc; London Bsowralng, C'nemnaU Weit.pbta, Kt. Utt premiuma. came Zr" or without saws. lSe; Sew York Loaw. Vew Orleaaa. e, could mention some Instances that ished, it was moved and seconded that it N 1LSON S amendment was agreed tel, tiedberg and Frienwalden. The last Duchess tv, tsc; wamsutta, ginghaum. 73 Kverv drua1si and conairn muIU Morris, the man Mb. Mb. W1LLEY presented a bill 1, He; de- Ohio 3e raercaanl nav W ill lam Morris alias Denny ooservation In eacralpria-m- i be adjourned, and the meeting was ad for the sale of these detachments 23c; t tr: veas. li; nays, lo. between Breeitenlurl Kentucky Harvesters, a Combined laine, corset Jeans, standard. a3B; Kentucky Indiana .. ?t and rbver ague cotninj Ued the murder at New Richmond far more disgraceful, far more revo'ling journed, sins dir. oi government property at Harper s Ferry, lllm .,- - ar and lever. jriiimevw bo At o)i the senate iook a recess until seven and sndliubel came upon an Austrian regi Reaper and Mower. leana, 29mM; brown drilla, standard, Mc; twilled Jnly, was sent to the to humanity than any b !iaj ever ueaia lours, with respect, II CBb IIIUIU. ment of hussars. kv.... w Ike night of the 4ta of M. Mr. U 1LSON 25c; cambrics, paper Mc; colored IS; ipooi-- New Jersey. , ig from Andefsouvil'e. In conclusion, brsaid SAMUEL AVRITT, Secretary. called ud the bill to reirn I be Prussian needle-en- very Broad-gau- county ail at Batavla and tbe Grand The Senate met at 7 o'clock r. u. and and fix military peace waa effec Kentucky ReaperOaly eotton. Coatee' or Clark's Bl is per dosea. Kwa tag he felt proud of Kentucky; that she was the proceeded, according to resolution late the establish tive ana enabled the regi Kkuaaas. The esttls market ha given way Ui Session at the time. Immediately the of Tenth lusileer FISH Mackerel arm, and we quote sales la per Ib by - GARRETrS being ment kltts. ahoat this ,np- Jary ou'y State that had stood up for ber rights, For the Lonisville Courier. tne ot oi tne cniteu elates, which was read ment to repulse the hnwuira. Kentucky Cider Mill, ke wrk, rsnsed ilie iarje and found aa indictment yesterday, lo consuieration private at icngm. nf the la lots, as follows: Sort at SS Kh No. at SJ as, and Ely last week, full arrivals this, sad tb report Uiat StPEUIOR took rp bis else and acniea uie suiuon t oi iuc ou The Austrians lost eight killed aud five arrivals srs oa ibe wsv taw next week: be- At Democratic Meeting in Spencer bills lrotn iue committee t ensions. Mb. GRIMES saidjhe Senate was pre Revolving Hay-Rak- er No. 9 at ! M42 x White p per bbl. Iterrtne, against him tat awarder in the first degree. Government to interfere in matters pertain A bills granting pensions to not wounueu. .No casualties occurred on the Horse lh sides, beink holiday weak, "lamp asd xreeo County. number of pared to act on this bill He smoked, 7Y)e. per box, (tar dines, tn quarter of the day. The caul were of an SCO TCJI SmWJFJP acknowledged moved 1 tbe trial in tbe Mayor's court he lug to ber domestic policy. s anil wounded soldiers ot the late russian side. We also manufacture very lartcly even avosily Sesh. At a niectiug of the Democrats aud Con widow tbe Senate adjoqrn. boxes, per 10S, !. vrart. rood ami weighed heavv Louisville about two HO JOHJt W. STEVEKSOS S SPEECH. passed. for lbe season. Probably a lew as tb beat IT . that be killed a maa la war were At I;dU the Senate adjourned. FLOl RAND GRAIN The market has been dull hroMt Juhrj W. Stevenson then arose to servative men of Spencer county, held at The following official telegraph has been Carriage, Bny and Wagon Ma ITSe a ainxle aunual may prova burner weeks apo. Colonel and drooping all fbe week for flour, with only when killed but Srst-cl-a buti hert iem rallv t msiWe closiiiK lie said It was a the court houe in Taylorsville on the 2d Provflst Marshals and Aosistant Provost iccvncu ucre: their tnv I7e ami Ihb. We --aw a aeatha occurred la th city last the leecu. terials of tbe Best Quality; I ted salea to All tbe daily demanda for city cattle good. n.Ooift, GARRETT & be bad pleasure of wounded or to beirs of Reichexbach. June 23. the 1 cwi steers weaned at lae, ami uiat wa u. W. CO., long time since tbe day of July, lWo, (it being County Marshals if their -t ahuw Among Uiem are those or John Court , aod Jobbing trade, and but little speculative In- prh e sso- of iae fair caule w vera. addressing an audience upon as Captains and the as Ma.tBCTIENClv made an apnsul to the A slight skirmish has taken place between Finished Wbei-ls- of any size, to order; tin brouuci, Tbere died meeting and Davis was called the former latter dven quiry. We quote flne sothin very roiirh whl.-- o,l 4i . u.w pr se. Tb a n!4 cltiaen of eighty two years, who day), Judge to the chair House in regard to the various armv bills the Prussian Magdeburg bus- - l!.h.-- rtujiay Bodies. In treat vsrlety; slw, hsfta lour al StvaS supertiae Ike Hw Xartat fkirdl Strwt, the vital issues connected wuu our lorm oi Lieuteuants; also giving two dollars each reeiment of imnucilou acainat lue Board of H. allh sinl sol. to. 5. Poles, Meals, Csnrtaifr Parts, any size of Hubs, hick 11 falling down stairs. twenty-tw- B. Cox appointed Secretary. pending between tbe two Houses, 7 75, extra 18 li, extra mmlly I lis X, A Not so that cal lie are driven 1 from iateries sustained ia government It was about and Joseph per month additional to the widows lor lie sai sirs aud Brandenburg dragoons and the ory or aa reposes, renors, fnws,sje. Out lliroiuk lbs raeu st aar PH LJLDKLPin .4. PA, 1 Ul Uius when it siuts nd Lee, a scamslress, who died after ran aa a Tbe object ot meeting having been every child under sixteen years oi age ae-- that he bad au iuterview with Gen. Grant Austrian badctiki and Leebstein hussars. nanuiactnrinc are much at iV13, aud fancy hranda at SUhala, Bran Ue oavBlcaos ef buacaars. Elizabeta voars since lie biwiwk the or The (bUnwiug are -- by of Kentucky. He waa then a icndeut upon them lor support and the Secretary of War the other day, One Prussian, Lieut. Maj. Leieht, was rnrer than snv oinerestah in ine IT, shorU and shipstufl ttM2, the hitter la retail the quotations; VGEN t'tNB and err senertor article ta aav three weeks of ue'ering, occasioned fracture Legislature explained by T. J. Barker, Esq., on motion Sonth, snd we are prepared looArr BETTKK ri F vtra qnalnle. pevewt... la - mansianura a liov: be waa then a J iuoemt be At 8:15 the Senate adjourned. uoth ot whom nrgea the necessity ot tb nouuueu. the enemy lost several prison louud for tbe same Iota, and middling at Wheat ranges from Tt lo ai; of a suaerKa ot T tbe sVutt. - csn be rlrewhere, U. Prioie iiuallllea. per t to 17 artici the following persons were selected as dele- bills being passed immediately, as there snd quality of machines otliber $2 38, with sales aew ftjr cwt Ueinocrau i uc innjui nuic cr. class slid articles of dcpvery neaiwmtogoou.iaaiiuej.perewt.... . 14 a) . A C we aWwer oi raia fell this afternoon. was a troops. DV us. bail been charged to day w ith being gates to represent this county in the Dciik pressing need for It is officially announced that two at manuiactnreu next week, at 12 lugl am. We note a sale e4 LUSS Poor ts tiarty HOl'SE. Lowest ye ilACCOBOT SXUFF. Weather cooler. Iaity. When gentlemen cratic Convention to be held in Loui-- il MB. I.LC1U11, irom the conference tempts have been made bv the Hanovena HALL, IHOOUE fc M1LLSR, busbeh) rys al tt. Cora soaree aad tastalned, w ith aradea tl w u having got Committee on the bill further to prevent army to tienaral sviiing prices (a 14 at "ld by wholesale TruggwIB and Sroeers tw Low tiie uc on the lnth of this mont' to nominate a Mr. STEVENS, of Pa., leave break through the Prussian line Manufacturers, Louisville, Ky. sales this week of bushela mixed al Ge, mc hid Avvante 14 MM vdie, chanre this uion "oiiwst j, smuggling, made a report, whieb was mySdeWeSattroaarira 14 d ky. jel dirndl wviut champion face to face, wuenever candidate for Judge of the Court of Ap- lo make a personal explanation, filed for .imcii ana dot Da. ine sccona at ing sacka; a sale of aw baau while at c, aad 30S moet their some re agreed to. tempt which was NASHVILLE. and wherever they qesireu u peals in this district, viz.: Mark E. Hustou, publication in Ihe uiofie, made made notwithstandin: UaUTllle, Mm Fckriary 1st, luSft. bushels al UOc, sacks Included; and a sale of 1,004 3TEW uui in connection with lbe pom's of contention were as to mat truce agreed upon a A. at. on AXD rStTOlUI f. L. Burnett, Dr. J. N. Allen, .Ino. S. marks the statement of until o'clock bashela prime white. In bulk, al We frenf .: a uabassssT Co. dead W. P. Beard, Dr. T. W. Allen, LeBlond, of Ohio, after the speech of Mr. tens ol detail. me inst., was repulsed by the 4th regl N. beutou. n.'i, n.ii,nifaiia with ksu. Howard. J. Oats are less active, with a sale ef Ck bashela at ISe tbs1 . made (Joseph B. Felix Harris, of Md , in w hich it was asserted that Tbe House resumed, as the regular ordc ment ot Prussian infantry. The Prusslau! Tbamuaoa a loon raratissa f Colored Prnplr He living iu-s- Who the C. VnJyKej Cox, Stone, IFaLZEU rn bulk, and small lo of prime at JJ.VSc, Including i. AHCH3ISKC? SPALDINS'S WORKS wf Uridje dicusd A. Kendal), GeQurc T. Hickman, the views of Harris and of Stevens jn regard of business in tbe morning hour, the con sustained no Iwg, but several of Hano rrr. snpleie tbe Kailroael --wMnilt niMin the Union!" Mas not James the MOVAT.i. aacka; a aale yesterday of t.:ftj bashela, bulk, at Beiliordactuy att slave as sa R. Hughes, M. V. Buckner, Robert to s te&ion cuintiidud. sidepttiou of Senate bill lo grant land titl verians were wounded. ia 0. lsartram V ,ri.i of i.r.niertv in vour Jos. We, and WS bags Wdaj qt Ulstwe, Including sacka; t FITE TOLtagX rr,. Dlspatck to the Loauvfllt ritfht to bis McGrew, James Garrett, A. C. Ktncheloe, He (Stevens) deuied that, during the lour in California. Got li a. Sunday. June 24. Sierial Coaiier.l as Northern man's also, a sale o( husheai corn C!e; k. cred t'ie took place on Commander-in-Chie- f Hi mixed at prime Total...... r.t JC3T Pl'BLISHKD, TOL. VO, CLOTH, 8. rights fully Samuel Baird, Dr. Felix B. Collimrs, Gil years ol the war, tne rebellious States were A considerable discussion The of the Hano- & OSI Afinvnj. July horse? Was not each of those making an KAKN WOLF white very scarce at aWic. T. J rvoSdisaiwed of WS very Sue Ksntnrkv Glass, C. B. May, Jona. Davis, Annies in any sense in the cnlon. the bill, Mr. Julian argument verian troops has declared himself willing Hedl'S-- 1 r, At S meeting of the IViard of Tmrtecs of the guarantetd under the Federal Constitution? bert Wholesale sua Manuraclurers of GKOCE1UES lai.t1, cel., add at lnu ,e. Wakefield, Thos. I). Green, Matthew The bill to grant iensions to officers and against it, and the cainoruia members au to capitulate to the Prussiau if the Tea Stocka fair and the demand mili'U Cow Trade Is qutet, wlia few MetnodK Episcopal College as the property of every man, from H. troo. buyer--. Central Teaaesses not 6. B. May, and all Demo soldiers was taken up. Ibe bill was modi vocating ibe bill was passed without iiauoverian oiiicers are personally con moderate. We quote Kio codee Man! and few Tbe miikraea. So kcp cow. m Ininroved aad graatly Georgia, protected by that same Wakefield, other it tbe vwiniiy ol tbe not yet ready to iBa rea-- e Vwpw, eniarred edttloa and of col Maine to provides in all case Common jVtlSe, veoss, 27 H ciiy.are comuri-i- n Keviewa. for tbe theulocical frneral education in the county w ho may desire to at fied so us to include sailors. The bill was division. It that vinced that tbe Hanoverian armv is com fair 5 prune hence toere nr iraii-l- at Leeiare instrumeiil? bo compared John Brown crats CLOTOBB 'w their sloe; ciy buvera, ami K ivh oa Htaiti al. T Ue4UiHai. Exeeative Board was author- then recommitted Committee on where the State of California has heretofore pletely 6hut in by the RE.1DHUDE 28c. choice 2syr. , lnVaa. Lagulra eoase wub Irw eve. puons. ia ran-ei- any V afl- -- sad ored people, tin Saviour? Those questions are tend. to the In the superior force of T'er raneniM nttrect M art Kv. M. J. loaueond valid Pensions, together with made selections ot any portion ot publ x Uc; Java coffee Baw sugar Island at i im pnrea. wMb r mice from I in wl lioaidla. I. lecd to pnrctase suitable grou.di for the nsc of tlia motion, the following resolutions the amend nisiiiu iroops. chjue Viatic. U (.i.. answered. These we uli;e of On Have removed to their New Storehouse, poor cow., an oAa--ss nur. ami rvalue th a aew were ments and substitutes, so as to have a com- domains in part satisfaction of any graut It is believed that the officers will be tx- Porto Kloo, fair, good UHssUVe. prime g. tod snd ettracoaa. with sow Un aad sreallv ealarged edltlnu nf tbia the College. The following resolutions urou'iwis ot cmnnlaint nrired by the biiUtJ were adopted, vie 13Uui and a wis auld Varned aad ponular work Bas plete bill rciKirted. made to the said statu by any mittetl to withdraw with all honors of sugars r, at a B'.gner price, livalers call (lie. areaeut a dull been eareonia adopted: a reason for taking up arms in defense of TI at we approve the nosninntion the NO. 1 MAIN rstll'TII MIDK, choice Uc4Ute. Hard reSaed aa.1 enlarsed bT We atl.lilMia of anwaid of as tto1va, I'ERIIAM, Me., asked leave re of Congress, and has disposed war, fTK;U llto. tun. V of . .,r jnrf.r. Kuvall aa candidate lor Clerk of the Mr. of to together with their arras and horses, Slide, In lota, soft reflned C yellow silra CaLvas dot pasa wrmiimi aad bihir laiaonaat we. trustees of fne Tenrtcie Cesiral their tit'bt of property uudcr the constitu- faith, lV;i T. Vbai Are Jc,w, ami aotgaaaTa rr, smiirm'iag maav se- Appeals, aud that we Instruct the d' port a hill grant nur pensions lo those sol the same to purchasers in good aud that the choice of residence will be left A few dewra helew B Kaagooa quickly as last a eeg. Tin v ympauiiae w ier itm aa jH.2t.Cohere, accept whatever litnd the M tion, lie did not advise the South to Court of Seventh, 1Sh1Sc. laalSHe, sa 4 at lM(Mle, lib trrt naromiiio schools the Aor d. akyl.e. I lie to he w lftpj w lands so selected shall be confined to to the weather ta a,-- ihroiwbool iety of M. E. Oinn h have airo-nrtmtJ- who inav attend convention diers of the ar ol ho are in neces the king and crown prince of Hanover. rice bnga. asolnssee and muilou The hot -i lo m ib a, soc tbe cede: but be would uc talse to all the Where they win be happy to see their friends and at MV4V.C s Plaatatioa Um veal. ati lar irrliin aad Hi.iorv oi Libran-- aw li- -i beld on the Utti to select a candidate for Jude circumstances. Said State, provided that no selection made onsumptlo at raivee will oa Lvmonoiogy and which are available tor the judgine-ii- t B"fre be to sitous none; Port Bice deAle, ha bbta, aad scares, ire the ti.dare and ibe ktelooaauoa, ac ot d teachings of bis better Court of Animals, to cast the vote of this contrary law- Is customers snd the trade generally. tiy amy luwlic, nuieaa heat pioked leoKirMl stwieral edoa..i"H the color. of the Mr. HALE, of New York, asked whether by said State, to existing It stated on trood authority that th 2S bv M at l to coerce theiu to remain in a K. esq., ana uiey ure exclusively sorghum 4sc. Esslera syrups, reaaed. Tie) ti stid sold in.'tweive at aat tiers do aot prome. that we aceept the control and Wir lor M. llannn, tnai bill Included the soldiers the late shall be couurmeu oy tue act ior tana 10 negotiation lor capitulation of the Buying for Cash, ani nttuniacturtnc to select tue. best, preferring to keep tbem lo H EBB dg LETERI.K., ai4 w only .twin.-rchl.' means for his nomination: but the of the per gallon. . bis hari?e ol the usion school esUlilihe4 In I niou hcrt lue the war. which any adverse, homestca Hanoverians remained without a result. their Goods In rtilltdpJiia under the superintend- sell Uie poorer owe vun. Iirdiaary calve ar by tne fcisliop'a Ocneral bond of union, as openly set at defiance through onr we ple&re our hearty sup HAT We quote sum sa bales timothy, at worth Sf wb sura sold at Was. tyl dlavAwl wrxm M AI5 STaKkT. asbil)e. Mb. PERITAM replied that it did not. right has been, at tue date of li The King Hanover insisted on a free ence ftf o--e of tbe Inu, give them facilities la busi- aJC, and denounced as a "Icterus with diiith and port to the nominee oi saw convention. ot other of U store generally held higher. SHtir A.xn La as-- Mieep are aistut le per pound rionnrv nmmi'.ii. MR. objected to any bill at did passage this act, acquired by any settle passage troops Bavaria, to aid ness unaurpsssed by any Bouse in the West. last As mnied at then, Impressed with the HiHuJved. That the Louisville Courier and HALE tl of for his into as" hwer than week. ea at. litM Hiis hoard, oncr a covenant with bell," ' H E MP We hear no sales, aad quote undressed moat itioneilialely declined, ta labors entms' rt o their hand. IjouUiiUe Democrat be requested to publish not extend the same riirht to the soldiers of under the laws of the United States, cr t Austria against Haly. They are now receiving trom thetr manufactory aad market baa Reward. fnrportant In conclus.wn ha urged bis Democratic ' nominally al t5tM4 per lon; etvnea deased hemp beea full and heavy ever si ace. It aow take $100 which tliev trust will tell a future Intel- tiie late war as to the soldiers of any aqy lauds which have beep reseryei for ' Paris. June 25. a large and varied stock, adapted la the Spring and lots of .lieep to BrlBg .( to lie vigilant t work aud pevar twos aad apwards. thoiutB a tetv. lectual, rehrioos. and moral dTeioironjt of onr matting adionrned. war.' pa'al, military or Indian purposes by the The Moniteur says the Hanoverians Rave Bummer Hade, an wll their gooda ae low aa weighed over " did aril i; aiid a tll'-i- falter, not barter away votes; let On motion, the TALLOW-- hides, iMiil4uM. e werehv tender to their HIDES aota areea reaiiy evtrn lot mig'tt bring V while i'i.ordmiwy Iiim tVar 4 iiewC4i mmm aimA Intail; nvawi ev- JONA. DAVIS, Chairman. Mb. UCBii.VKU, oi Connecticut, irom qitea tsiaies, to mineral una or 10 any succeeded in reaching the territory of they can hp had la aa of the Eastern marketa. A0 i..t tn mii'Muiiary society, blsh-on- here lie no scrwlcbinir of tickets. Let l from aalted. the Utter abeep would b. briau V. Limn aav beea wtl.- Sasj4t.aJul-irk vM Hie. - 1'tmsiiaa frwiiuice B. the Committee on Patents, reported a bill held or claimed under any valid Mex haying eluihad, dtifureiit Prus- butchers, at Wise; ltae, n,r lltib nicmbfes f the M. ery and Conservative approach Jos. Cox, Secretary. im alter grease, se.Uug wed for the htn Sourtii, and th tviKv ti a fiami- mm omm mt n kiAtl 'ms; mm m nimi'ters. at.d t. Crocrat w w fordry;mtat t3S'4l3c Tallow ! He, a,iro. iw, enocei Chris-tia- a to allow Juuies C. Cook to apply for an lean or Spanish grant or to any land wbiv sian carps by hich they ere surrounded, MANVFACTOltY, 'W FOCBTI1 STR'T, aettiasd rr.l i. 1 ley sre sortt 4 pmrmr, ym oio. hiirr. whose hss v4 and tbe K')s as fully sensible of tbe au". laaldo. ul A.. -r t arliim for backs the time the passage aot, was FRAfKroaT, Monday, 25. and rendered -1 JHc km IB4M ftiMaafj. uka mr mr. tM inauguraiud this institution. "Mignon," by Ambrose Thomas, is extension of bis patent button at of of this June a; 'not- liberality responsibility npon biin aa the A, s y 4.11, t4 aVtMu) F vai mVv- 'thai any town Tt Is PHILAPELPHl PEN. IKON AND NAILS ataaufhetured Iroa aad asl'a awrt rbere has amre-i- aay variaben hi til 4i4r4jatrrt4 rJ TrJtVt Urli. over the r's expectedIff Paris, with great anxiety. The and connecting; evei. Included within the limits ot city, announced here that tbe Hanoverian th htg since last report, Um nu-- r .itjwf Oa Natarday the first trala passed of a great pMiiiple which in closing w'.J. of market and siom arlia. tut m miw for u4 is iroin Goethe's celebrated The House went into Committee of the or village, or within the county of San army has evaded, near Witzen Housen, the KA1IN eV WOLF. are anchanged thia week, irm nies mostly ta the retail trade, at wv.4 m fur nrisua completed bridge over the Ttnaeise rivar lies at the foundation of this great' libretto taken ., just Pennsylvania, Francisco, and provided further the Prussians by whom It lurroandcd. (C2 (OSwWU aalla, 1M, la lots, at li ttwJ fax Ws t'aota be lroa f.w4iwTt! . ai xmi-- 3u Jic the of sell government. WUh,elm Mtleter." TVbole,Mr. Scofleld, of lu that wis .iwtt .! Decatur. r'.tt