Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Stamford Saint Mary and Saint Augustine The Presbytery, 13 Broad Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 1PG Telephone: (01780) 762010 Parish Priest: Father Simon Gillespie Mobile: 07760 372105 Email: [email protected] Deacon: Reverend Charles West-Sadler (retired) Parish Secretary: Lauren Senior Telephone: (01780) 762010 Email: [email protected] Parish Safeguarding Representative: Tony Williams Telephone: 01780 756456 Email: [email protected] Parish Director of Music: Ruth Proctor Mobile: 07826 017487 Email: [email protected] Parish Hall Manager: Anna Barwell Mobile: 07789 283140 Email: [email protected] Parish Primary School: Saint Augustine’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Stamford (01780) 762094 Part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham Diocesan Website: www.dioceseofnottingham.uk Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees Company Number: 7151646 Charity Number: 1134449

Fourth 24th and 25th August 2019 : Twenty-First Sunday of the Year

The Gospel today speaks of our salvation, and of the way in which we have to purify ourselves and follow Christ in every aspect of our lives, difficult that that might be. Fifty years ago the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council spoke to this theme, and their words, even now, read with a freshness which inspires us: We do not know the time when earth and humanity will reach their completion, nor do we know the way in which the universe will be transformed. The world as we see it, disfigured by sin, is passing away. But we are sure that God is preparing a new dwelling place and a new earth. In this new earth righteousness is to make its home, and happiness will satisfy, and more than satisfy, all the yearnings for peace that arise in human hearts. On that day, when death is conquered, the sons of God will be raised up in Christ; what was sown as something weak and perishable will be clothed in incorruption. Love and the fruits of love will remain, and the whole of creation, made by God for man, will be set free from the frustration that enslaves it. We are warned indeed that a man gains nothing if he wins the whole world at the cost of himself. Yet our hope in a new earth should not weaken, but rather stimulate our concern for developing this earth, for on it there is growing up the body of a new human family, a body even now able to provide some foreshadowing of the new age. Hence, though earthly progress is to be carefully distinguished from the growth of Christ’s kingdom, yet in so far as it can help toward the better ordering of human society it is of great importance to the kingdom of God. The blessings of human dignity, brotherly communion and freedom – all the good fruits on earth of man’s co-operation with nature in the Spirit of the Lord and according to his command – will be found again in the world to come, but purified of all stain, resplendent and transfigured, when Christ hands over to the Father an eternal and everlasting kingdom: “a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace.” On this earth the kingdom is already present in sign; when the Lord comes it will reach its completion.

From the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes on the Church in the modern world

Presbytery Safety

Work is in progress in the presbytery so take care by the building site when going into the parish hall. Please note that a temporary footpath has been laid over the lawn to enable safer access into the parish hall. The compound by the front wall has now been removed, making access to the church door a little easier. Remember to put any post into the post-box in the church porch, or pop into the parish office in the front half of the parish hall. Thank you for your continuing patience whilst this building and refurbishment work is ongoing.

Father Simon leaving : Father Peter arriving

Father Simon will be in the parish until Sunday 22nd September. That weekend he will celebrate the three regular Sunday Masses, and there’ll be opportunity after each for parishioners to say goodbye. On Sunday afternoon Vespers will be celebrated as usual at 5.00pm, to which members of Churches Together in Stamford will be invited (Father Simon is the current Chairman of Churches Together) and parishioners are very much invited too of course. After Vespers there will be a glass of fizz in the parish hall to celebrate Father Simon’s four years’ ministry in Stamford.

Father Peter Vellacott will arrive during the following week and will celebrate Mass on Friday 27th September at 10.00am, and then the usual Sunday Masses. There will be opportunity after each for parishioners to introduce themselves and make Father Peter very welcome in his new parish.

A collection is being arranged to make a presentation to Father Simon. Envelopes are available at the back of church this weekend, and can be put into the retiring collection next Sunday, or given to Noel Kent, Mary Fenn or Anna Barwell. Parish Cake, Plant and Jam Sale : This Sunday

After Masses this Sunday there’ll be a Plant, Cake and Jam sale outside church with proceeds to the presbytery refurbishment fund. All contributions of cakes, plants and jam on the day would be much appreciated – and then please come and buy something to take home! Further information from Anna or Mary.

Forthcoming Events in our parish, community and diocese

The annual Queen of Peace Pilgrimage to Walsingham will be held on Monday 26th August (bank holiday Monday), gathering from 1.15pm. Places are available on a coach from Leicester, see the poster in the porch or contact Mary on 07792 162518.

LACY Sponsored Fun Day and Mass at Rutland Water. See below for information.

The Diocesan Rosary Rally will be celebrated on Sunday 1st September, starting with Mass at 2.00pm, at Mount Saint Bernard Abbey. See the poster in the porch.

The Diocesan Health Workers Mass will be celebrated in our Cathedral in Nottingham by Patrick on Saturday 7th September at 11.30am, for all the many people who work within the Health care sector, to celebrate their work.

The Parish Film Night will be showing Eddie the Eagle, on Saturday 7th September in the parish hall at 7.15pm. All are welcome – Popcorn available!

Songs of Praise will be recorded on Wednesday 11th September at De Montford Hall, Leicester, from 6.30pm. Further information, including how to apply for tickets, from 0116 233 3311 or see the poster in the church porch.

A First Aid Session including refreshments and a Bake Sale will be hosted by the British Red Cross on Tuesday 17th September at 2.00pm in the United Reform Church; all are welcome, see the poster in the porch for more information.

A fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock shrine, Ireland, will begin on 30th September. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or email [email protected] More details are available on the poster in the porch.

The Image of Our Lady of Walsingham will visit our Cathedral in Nottingham between Thursday 10th and Saturday 12th October. Watch out for more information about the liturgies and celebrations to mark this historic occasion. LACY Fun Day : next Saturday (31st August)

Calling all young people, this is for YOU! Bring your families and friends to come and join Leicestershire Active Catholic Youth (LACY) for a day at Rutland Water! Support The Briars Young People’s Residential Centre by sharing in a Three-Mile Walk and being sponsored. The money will go towards “Sponsoring a Room at The Briars”. Be involved in our friendly football and rounders matches! Enjoy a picnic together and before we go home have the opportunity of sharing in the Celebration of Mass by the side of the water. The day commences at 11.15am and finishes at 5.30pm. Be “Motivated!” All welcome! Let’s share this time together! For more information contact Ian ([email protected]) or Pauline ([email protected]).

Faith in Families

It is time for the Faith in Families (Children's Society) boxes to be emptied. Would all box holders please bring them into Church and either give them to me or leave in the Sacristy for me as soon as possible. The number of box holders is diminishing year by year and so if you would like to support our Diocesan charity please consider having a box for loose change, making a donation or regularly giving. If you would like more information please speak to me or contact me by email [email protected] or by phone 01780 751735. Many thanks, Kevin Vinter.

Refurbishment Update

The Annex is nearing structural completion, with the plastering of internal walls in progress and the flooring screed almost dry. The third phase of the electrics is being undertaken, although some of the existing wiring (in rooms which were simply to be redecorated, such as the sitting room) having been found to be decayed and so in need of replacement. Orders have been placed for the internet provision and networking the presbytery and office, together with some soft fittings and blinds. This coming week it’s hoped to remove redundant wiring from around the outside of the building, as well as clear the sacristy in preparation for the new units and wiring to be fitted in there. Work in the presbytery (ie the refurbishment) should be completed by the end of the first week in September, and work on the Annex completed a week later. After this it will be necessary to move everything back into the presbytery in time for Father Peter’s arrival. Thanks to everyone for their patience during this work, and active support of the fundraising and donations! Parish Communication and Website

In preparation for Father Peter’s arrival there’s a new email address for the parish priest : [email protected] Please start using this to email Father Simon, although his existing email still works too. Thanks to those who have changed their electronic address books already, and are using the new email address!

Our Parish Secretary, Lauren, has been working hard to establish a new website after the previous one was compromised last year. This is now online at: www.catholicstamford.com At present there is still work to be done to make it fully functional, but please take a little time to look at it and see if you find it easy to use, and whether it has the information you might be looking for. Maybe have a look at other Catholic parish websites to see what they contain, and how ours might be developed and improved. It needs to include all the information parishioners as well as visitors to our parish might want, without being too complicated to use, or slow to load because of lots of photographs, etc. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions can be sent to Lauren at [email protected]

Parish 200 Club – Vacancies to be filled

The next draw for the parish 200 Club will be held on Sunday, after the 9.00am Mass. Many thanks to all those parishioners and friends who have joined the Club, having a chance to win significant cash prizes, and (more importantly) helping to fundraise for the refurbishments to our presbytery.

If you’ve not joined please consider doing so. We need 4 members now to fill empty places! The end-of-year draw will be in February and members need membership for six months to be entered into this draw for £2,000. If you want a chance to win this jackpot please join the club now! Membership forms are at the back of church.

Mass Intentions

There are spaces in the parish diary for Masses to be offered for your intentions: a birthday, an anniversary, the repose of a loved one’s soul, or simply for the intentions of someone you feel needs prayers in a special way. Envelopes for Masses are at the back of church, do complete one and drop it in to the presbytery. The suggested offering is £10, but any amount can be given. Our Care of Creation

The Catholic of England and Wales have renewed their commitment to care for creation. In a written statement, they call for the development of a "Christian spirituality of ecology" which begins in "personal" and "family life". Outlining the depths of the ecological crisis we are facing and the Catholic response, they also invite the Catholic community in England and Wales to take up the challenge to adopt a new lifestyle. "We the Bishops of England and Wales commit ourselves and invite our people to engage in this urgent challenge, so that together we show leadership by our actions." Quoting from Laudato Si', they highlight the urgency of the environmental crisis. The earth "now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our own irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her." According to British Gas Business, more than 4,500 Catholic churches and schools have switched to renewable gas and electricity, making it one of the largest single consumers of green gas certificates based on annual volume in the UK. The 's energy procurement group, Inter-diocesan Fuel Management (IFM), was instrumental in securing the green gas deal having provided renewable electricity for over 25 years to the dioceses that it serves. They were keen to follow Pope Francis' call to move away from fossil fuels and 'protect our common home.' Green gas and renewable electricity is supplied to 2,800 churches in 20 Catholic dioceses in England and Wales. The contracts with British Gas Business also cover more than 2,200 schools, care homes and community centres across the country. Gab Barbaro, Managing Director of British Gas Business, said: "We commend IFM and the Catholic church for their desire to take the lead on renewable energy adoption, and hope that others will follow. This contract demonstrates that it is becoming easier than ever before to cut carbon emissions from our public and private sector buildings." The Bishop for the Environment, Right Reverend John Arnold, has launched a Laudato Si' Centre in his Diocese of Salford. It is a flagship for effective action on climate change and is set within his home of Wardley Hall. A walled garden houses vegetable patches and beehives. Future phases for the Centre include a wildflower meadow and learning spaces for schoolchildren. The 'LiveSimply Award' is awarded by CAFOD to communities which can show how they have been living simply, in solidarity with people in poverty and sustainably with creation. There are 59 Livesimply awardees: 50 parishes, seven schools, one university and one Catholic organisation and there are 120 Livesimply registered parishes and schools. In 2018, 18 awards were given. The #seasonofcreation is a global ecumenical celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. It begins on 1st September each year and finishes on the Feast of Saint Francis, 4th October. The idea of celebrating 1st September as a Day of Prayer for Creation began at the wish of the Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios in 1989 and was endorsed by Pope Francis in 2015. The Dicastery for promoting Integral Human Development has invited parishes to participate in the Season of Creation. This year's theme is "the web of life."

The European Union Settlement Scheme

The United Kingdom is due to leave the European Union on 31st October, with or without an agreement governing this departure and the ongoing future relationship between the UK and the EU. The Catholic Church in England and Wales stands in solidarity with all EU citizens who have made their home here, many of whom are an integral and valued part of our parishes, schools and communities, including here in the Diocese of Nottingham. The Church has experienced first-hand the extensive contribution that people from across Europe have made to our society and recognises the evidence that immigration from the rest of Europe, and from further afield, has not undermined opportunities for British citizens, but rather has brought considerable economic and social benefits. However, the law concerning the free movement of people will be changing as a result of decisions taken since the referendum on the UK's membership of the EU, and EU, EEA and Swiss citizens must apply to the settlement scheme if they are to protect their existing rights and place in our society. British citizens and Irish citizens do not need to apply. There is no fee for applying to this scheme - it is free of charge. Please visit www.gov.uk/settled- status-eu-citizens-families for more information.

Intercare – Raising money through Recycling

We have been sent envelopes to help Intercare, who provide medicines etc for people in impoverished situations, to raise money through recycling gold, silver, costume jewellery and printer cartridges. If you have any of these see Father Simon. Saint Vincent de Paul Awareness Month

Turning Concern into Action ‘Let us do without hesitation whatever good lies at our hands‘ (Bl Frederic Ozanam) Founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is a Christ-centred organization whose volunteers all share the same mission; to seek and find those in need, to help them in the spirit of justice and to tackle causes of poverty where we can. The focus of our work at the SVP is visiting and befriending people who are isolated, sick, lonely or housebound and giving our support with compassion and responding where the need is greatest. If you would like to know more about the SVP or if you are interested in joining the Society please get in touch with the President of Saint Augustine’s Parish Conference , Nicholas Armitage, on 07792301136 or Jacquie Kent on 07962 671360. We would welcome any new members gratefully, and very importantly would ask if you know anyone in our community who would benefit from regular SVP visits to please let us or Father Simon know so that we can help and support them. There are a series of posters on display in the porch over the next month which give information about our work and also our contact details. Charity is the cement which binds communities to God and persons to one another’ (Saint Vincent de Paul)

George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop Emeritus of Sydney

You may have heard this week that the Supreme Court of Victoria dismissed Cardinal ’s appeal in a 2-1 decision. This is a challenging decision since on the basis of the scant facts available about the case it appears to be an unsound conviction. A statement released by Cardinal Pell's spokesperson said: "Cardinal Pell is obviously disappointed with the decision." It then notes that his legal team will be examining the judgement to "determine a special-leave application to the High Court" of Australia. The statement ends declaring once again that in spite of "the 2-1 split decision, Cardinal Pell maintains his innocence." The Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP, released the following statement following the Court’s decision being made public: The Victorian Court of Appeal has today upheld the verdict of historical sexual abuse allegations against Cardinal George Pell in a 2-1 decision. From the outset the Cardinal has strenuously maintained his innocence. He continues to do so notwithstanding today's decision. Today's split decision amongst the judges is consistent with the differing views of the juries in the first and second trials, as well as the divided opinion amongst legal commentators and the general public. Reasonable people have taken different views when presented with the same evidence and I urge everyone to maintain calm and civility. As the Cardinal may yet decide to appeal the judgment to the High Court of Australia, I am limited in my ability to comment on today's outcome. Matters of the Cardinal's status within the Church can only be determined by the Vatican, not the Church in Australia. I anticipate that the may well wait until the appeal process has been exhausted. I recommit myself and the Archdiocese of Sydney to doing all we can to ensure that past crimes are never repeated and that Church environments are the safest possible for children and vulnerable adults. I pray for and will continue to support survivors of child sexual abuse at the hands of clergy and other members of the Catholic Church so that they may find justice and healing. I again say how sorry I am that you were harmed by people you should have been able to trust. I am conscious how you and your loved ones have had to live with the consequences of abuse for a lifetime. I know that there are many in the Catholic community and beyond who will find it difficult to come to terms with this judgment, especially those who know the Cardinal and will struggle to reconcile this outcome with the man they know. I thank them for persevering in faith, hope and love. As we wait to hear whether the legal process will continue, I will seek to provide pastoral support to those Catholics who may have found their faith tested. The Holy See issued this statement on Cardinal Pell verdict: While reiterating its respect for the Australian judicial system, as stated on 26 February after the first instance verdict was announced, the Holy See acknowledges the court's decision to dismiss Cardinal Pell's appeal. As the proceedings continue to develop, the Holy See recalls that the Cardinal has always maintained his innocence throughout the judicial process and that it is his right to appeal to the High Court. At this time, together with the Church in Australia, the Holy See confirms its closeness to the victims of sexual abuse and its commitment to pursue, through the ecclesiastical authorities, those members of the clergy who commit such abuse. Retired Bishop Peter Elliott, a former auxiliary bishop of Melbourne, pointedly rejected the outcome: I don’t accept this outcome because I hope it is appealed to a higher court. I have known Cardinal Pell for over 50 years, and I believe that he is totally incapable of what he’s been accused of, and what he’s been convicted for. I urge Australian Catholics to keep calm, and carry on praying for Cardinal Pell. Could you help at Citizens’ Advice?

New volunteers are needed to help South Lincolnshire’s Citizens’ Advice service. If you think you might be able to help, or know someone who might be interested to give a little time to help those in need, see the poster in the porch for information about how to volunteer, or visit www.citizensadvicesouthlincs.org.uk

Job Opportunity : Clergy Health and Wellbeing Co-Ordinator

The Diocese is seeking to appoint a clergy health and well-being coordinator to provide support for the health and well-being of clergy throughout their ministry and into retirement. This would suit a qualified person with experience in the fields of health and / or social care. This is a permanent post for a January 2020 start. Hours would be flexibly worked, initially set at 15 per week; salary: £30,000 pro rata. For more information contact Father Paul Chipchase: [email protected]

Liturgy this Sunday and next Sunday

This week Next week Celebration Twenty-First Sunday Twenty-Second Sunday Cycle & Psalter Year C, Week 1 Year C, Week 2 First Reading Isaiah 66:18-21 Ecclesiasticus 3:19-21.30-31 Psalm Psalm 116(117) Psalm 67(68):4-7.10-11 Second Reading Hebrews 12:5-7.11-13 Hebrews 12:18-19.22-24 Gospel Luke 13:22-30 Luke 14:1.7-14 Preface Sunday 6 Sunday 7 Eucharistic Prayer Two Three Memorial Acclamation C (Save us, Saviour) C (Save us, Saviour)

Many Thanks for your Generosity

Envelopes £231.67 Loose plate £274.80 Standing Order £305.00 Collection Total £810.47

The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for August

Families, Schools of Human Growth That families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly "schools of true human growth." Prayers For . . .

All those who have died recently: May they rest in peace!

All our parishioners and friends who have asked for our prayers: especially Saverio Pozella, Mary Donn, John Donnelly, Josette Fahey, Rosemary Henley, Paul Trotter, Michael Paine, Barbara Martin, Lorraine Martin, Eileen Brentnall, Daniel Dopson, Joy, Hariet McBain-Allan, Kate Myers, Kitty Hughes, John and Julia Newman, Maria Pinto, Catherine Farndell, Mary Patrick, Dympna Middleton, Vincent Kelly, Sister Attracta, Verlia Duque, John and Stella Chapple, Jo and Bernard Raffo, Victoria Crouch, Peter Herrick, Mark Grab, Rosa Maria Santos, Kenneth Court, Beth Coleman, Joan Middleton, Pat Dancer, Augusta Deane, Irene Mulligan, Valerie Pellier, Fiona Ruddle, David Cooke, Helen Allen, Jean Maker, Anna Orme, Lucy Court, Debbie Reed, Ken Woods, Lilian Popple, Anne Woods; Monsignori John Hadley, Jonathan Moore and Joseph Phelan; Canons Michael Bell and John Berry; Fathers David Bowler, Daren Brown, John Cairns, Kevin Clark, Anthony Colebrook, Michael Davies, Hugh Doherty, James Hannigan, Christopher Hogan, James Lynch, Joseph McGovern, Frank McLaughlin, Joseph O’Hanlon, Robert Rutledge, Michael Tutcher and Richard Finn OP; Deacons Stephen Doona, William Hutchinson, and Bob Dawson.

Readings at Masses this week

Monday 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5.8-10; Psalm 149:1-6.9; Matthew 23:13-22 Tuesday 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Psalm 138(139):1-6; Matthew 23:23-26 Wednesday 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13; Psalm 138(139):7-12; Matthew 23:27-32 Thursday 1 Thessalonians 3:7-13; Psalm 89(90):3-4.12-14.17; Mark 6:17-29 Friday 1 Kings 8:22-23.27-30; Psalm 83(84):3-5.10-11; Matthew 16:13-19 Saturday 1 Thessalonians 4:9-11; Psalm 97(98):1.7-9; Matthew 25:14-30

A reflection from ‘Marriage Matters’

Our calling is to be a sign of God’s love Married couples have a special calling to evangelise. God created man and woman to live intimately together so that the people we meet see a living example of His love for each of us. Many of us at some time have seen a couple together and felt intense joy or sensitivity in them – living examples of His love for us. Masses and Services this Week

Saturday 24th August Feast of Saint Bartholomew, apostle 9.00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and Confessions TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 6.00pm Mass Martha Brown RIP 7.00pm Confessions Sunday 25th August TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 9.00am Mass Private Intention (TS) Tea and coffee after Mass; 200 Club Draw 11.00am Mass Pro Populo (people of the parish) Tea and coffee after Mass 5.00pm Sung Vespers Monday 26th August Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, priest 10.00am Mass Alan McGowan RIP Tuesday 27th August Memorial of Saint Monica 9.00am Mass November Dead List Wednesday 28th August Memorial of Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop 7.30am Mass November Dead List Thursday 29th August The Passion of Saint John the Baptist 7.00pm Mass Marie Lunny RIP 7.30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction Friday 30th August Feast of the Dedication of our Cathedral 10.00am Mass Holy Souls Saturday 31st August Saturday Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9.00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and Confessions TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 3.30pm LACY Mass at Normanton, Rutland Water – for Vocations 6.00pm Mass Holy Souls 7.00pm Confessions Sunday 1st September TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY OF THE YEAR 9.00am Mass Ethel Hall RIP Tea and coffee after Mass 11.00am Mass Pro Populo (people of the parish) Tea and coffee after Mass 5.00pm Sung Vespers