Status of NLCPR Projects in AP As on 14Th February, 2008/Sheet/Ongoing (03.04.08)

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Status of NLCPR Projects in AP As on 14Th February, 2008/Sheet/Ongoing (03.04.08) STATUS REPORTS ON PROGRESS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF SANCTIONED PROJECTS UNDER NLCPR - ARUNACHAL PRADESH II. List of incomplete projects for which full release has been made. (Rs. in crore) Sl. Name of project Approved Year of Total UC not Last Release Status No. Cost Sanction Release received Amount Date 12 345678 9 PH & WS 1 Water Supply Project for 3.978 2002-03 3.666 0.092 3.300 01.07.04 - UC for Rs.3.28 crore have been Daporijo town, (Upper submitted to Ministry of DoNER. The Subansiri District). Department is to submit UC for balance amount of Rs.0.39 crore. - A revised estimate at the revised cost of Rs. 10.38 crore against original cost of Rs. 3.974 crore have been submitted to Ministry of DoNER vide Planning Department's letter No. PD(PMC)28/2003 dated 13.06.05. Response awaited. 2 Naharlagun- Nirjuli Water 11.730 2002-03 11.040 0.000 0.000 27.03.06 U.C for Rs. 1.18 crore released as 3rd Supply scheme. (Papum installment have been submitted to Pare district) DoNER vide Planning Department's letter No. PD(PMC)27/2003 dated 08/03/2007. 3 Bomdila Water Supply 16.595 2002-03 15.435 2.841 2.830 26.03.07 U.C for Rs. 12.462 crore out of total Scheme. (West Kameng release of Rs. 15.435 crore have been District) submitted to DoNER The to submit UC for balance amount of Rs.2.82 crore. Flood Control & Irrigation 4 Anti Erosion works on 7.310 2001-02 6.926 0.000 3.080 27.03.06 The UC for last installment of Kley River (L Subansiri Rs.3.08 crore released during March, District) 2006 have been submitted to Ministry of DoNER vide Planning Department's letter No. PD (PMC) 34/2003 dated 25.4.2007. However, Deptt. Is to submit the Completion Certificate. Road & Bridges 5 Improvement of Porter 3.106 2003-04 2.873 0.000 1.740 22.12.06 Department is to submit the Completion Track from Tungri to Mago Certificate. (West Kameng District) Education 6 Hostel Buildings for 110 22.000 2002-03 22.000 6.100 6.000 20.07.04 The School Education Deptt. have Primary and Middle been reminded several times, latest Schools (All Districts) being vide Planning Department's U.O. No. PD(PMC)30/2004 dated 15/2/07 for expediting submission of UC for last installment released amount of Rs. 6.00 crore. But the UC have not yet been submitted. 7 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 8.210 2005-06 8.210 8.210 8.210 28.03.06 Department is to submit the UC & (2005-06) CC. Sl. Name of project Approved Year of Total UC not Last Release Status No. Cost Sanction Release received Amount Date 12 345678 9 8 Financial assistance for 14.480 1998-99 5.540 0.000 5.540 Due to non-submission of U.C. on completion of 532 time Ministry of DoNER has closed incomplete school the project. buildings, teachers quarter and hostel. 9 Sarva Shiksa Abhiyan 8.220 2006-07 8.220 8.220 8.220 26.09.06 The progress of implementation not yet (2006-07) reported. Deptt. Is to submit the UC & CC. Power 10 Kathalguri-Deomali 29.450 1998-99 29.450 5.420 17.420 17.09.03 -The UC for Rs.16.049 crore against Transmission Line (Tirap 3rd installment released amount of District) Rs. 17.42 crore have been submitted to Ministry of DoNER vide Planning Department's letter No. PD(PMC)15/2003 dated 05.12.2006. -A revised DPR at the cost of Rs.32.49 crore have been forwarded to M/DoNER vide letter No. PD(PMC) 15/2003 dated 18.7.2005. Response awaited. 11 Sub-transmission & 1.720 2002-03 1.720 0.000 0.970 29.07.04 The UC for full funds submitted. Distribution - 2x5 KVA However, to submit the Sub-Station at Bomdila Completion Certificate. (West Kameng District) 12 Sub-transmission & 2.300 2000-01 2.300 0.000 0.920 20.02.04 - Do - Distribution - 33 KV DC Line from Nirjuli to Itanagar (Papum Pare District) 13 132 KV Ziro-Daporijo- 53.170 1998-99 52.810 3.200 3.200 31.01.07 - A revised estimate at an estimated Along Transmission Line cost of Rs 62.17 crore against (Ziro- Lower Subansiri, original estimated cost of Rs 53.17 Daporijo- Upper crore have been submitted to Subansiri, Along- West Ministry of DoNER vide Planning Siang District) Department's letter No. PD(PMC) 14/2003 dated 8.3.2006. - In response to the above revised DPR the Ministry of DoNER vide their letter F.No. DNER/NLP/AP/11/2002 dated 03.08.2007 has requested us to furnish some additional information about the details of actual cost of award of work and the payment details etc. for further consideration. Power Department is to response the same. 14 Sub-Transmission & 0.550 2002-03 0.500 0.000 0.500 21.10.02 U.C. for full fund released has been Distribution - 2X5 MVA submitted. The to submit 33/11 KV at Sangram Completion Certificate. (Kurung Kumey District) Sl. Name of project Approved Year of Total UC not Last Release Status No. Cost Sanction Release received Amount Date 12 345678 9 15 C/O. 11 KV 2.339 2002-03 2.150 0.000 1.340 01.12.06 The Completion Certificate submitted Transmission Line from by Power Department without the Hawai to Kibithu via; signature of Secretary (Power) had Mati Nallah MH project. been returned to department vide Planning Department's letter No. PD (PMC) 31/2004 dated 26.06.2007, which is yet to receive back. Health. 16 C/O. New OPD Block at 3.877 2005-06 3.388 2.224 2.218 28.09.06 Department is to submit the R.K. Mission Hospital, Completion Certificate. Itanagar. Total 189.035 176.228 36.307 65.488 File: Desktop/Xls./Status of NLCPR projects in AP as on 20 April, 2007/sheet/full release (03/04/08) I. LIST OF COMPLETED PROJECTS AGAINST WHICH COMPLETION CERTIFICATES SUBMITTED TO MINISTRY OF DoNER. Sl. SECTOR/NAME OF PROJECT ESTIMATED Year of Funds Remarks No. SANCTIONED COST (Rs. Sanction Released. In crore) ( Rs in crore ) 12 345 6 PH & WS: 1 Water Supply scheme at 10.590 1998-99 10.590 Completion Certificate Itanagar submitted. 2 Special Restoration of Water 2.000 1999-2000 2.000 Completion Certificate Supply facilities at Tezu. submitted. IFCD: 3 Flood Control work at Sisiri 7.470 1999-2000 7.470 Completion Certificate and Dibang to protect Bizari submitted. 4 Anti Erosion work at Noa- 6.876 1999-2000 6.876 Completion Certificate Dehing to protect Namsai and submitted. Lekang Circle 5 Anti Erosion work of Tirap 4.450 1999-2000 4.450 Completion Certificate river from Phangtip to submitted. Kutchep-I 6 Flood Protection work on 7.486 1999-2000 7.486 Completion Certificate right bank of Siang river to submitted. protect Pasighat township. 7 Flood Protection work on 7.190 1999-2000 7.190 Completion Certificate Sipu and Siyom river to submitted. protect Along Township. 8 Flood Protection work at 5.470 1999-2000 5.470 Completion Certificate Siyom river to protect Roing submitted. Gaki Cultivation area at Jumlo. 9 Anti Erosion work on Siyom 4.147 1999-2000 4.147 Completion Certificate river to protect Donyi Polo submitted. Govt. College, Kamki. 10 Flood Protection work to 3.234 1999-2000 3.234 Completion Certificate protect Dirang township. submitted. 11 Anti Erosion work on Tissa 0.709 1999-2000 0.709 Completion Certificate river to protect Tissa camp. submitted. 12 Flood Control work at Dibru 2.150 1999-2000 2.150 Completion Certificate river at Seijosa. submitted. 13 Anti Erosion works to protect 2.600 1999-2000 2.600 Completion Certificate Sagalee township submitted. 14 Anti Erosion works to protect 2.100 1999-2000 2.100 Completion Certificate Yingkiong township submitted. 15 Anti Erosion works at 2.300 1999-2000 2.300 Completion Certificate Deopani river to protect Roing submitted. township. 16 Flood Control Works on right 1.437 1999-2000 1.437 Completion Certificate bank of Dikrong river to submitted. protect NH-52A near Nirjuli. 17 Treatment of Aba river basin 2.980 1999-2000 2.980 Completion Certificate at Old Abali village submitted. PWD: 18 Maintenance of Foot Track & 1.000 1999-2000 1.000 Completion Certificate Suspension Bridges. submitted. 19 Construction of Porter Track 2.590 2003-04 2.590 Completion Certificate from Nuranang to Mago. submitted. 20 Improvement and 2.550 2002-03 2.550 Completion Certificate realignment of porter track submitted. from Jang to Sulungthi. EDUCATION: 21 Furniture for 1557 Primary 1.630 1999-2000 1.630 Completion Certificate and Middle Schools and submitted. Hostels. 22 R.K. Mission School, 12.200 2001-02 12.200 Completion Certificate Narrottom Nagar in Tirap submitted. District. 23 Ramakrishna Sarda Mission 3.000 2001-02 3.000 Completion Certificate Girls School at Khonsa, Tirap submitted. District 24 Infrastructure Development 0.800 2001-02 0.800 Completion Certificate for Vivekananda Kendra submitted. Vidyalaya, Koloriang. 25 Construction of Academic 0.590 2002-03 0.590 Completion Certificate Block of Arunachal Pali submitted. Vidyapeeth-Phase-I. 26 Infrastructure development of 40.000 2002-03 24.000 The project has been NERIST. directly monitored by the Ministry of HRD. 27 Infrastructure development of 5.960 2001-02 5.510 Completion Certificate 275 Community schools submitted.
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