Statistical Abstract

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Statistical Abstract STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ARUNACHAL PRADEStt 2004 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS & STAtlSTtCS OOVERlSMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRAbESH ITANAGAR-791 113 PREFACE The formats as recommended by the working group on national level standardisation of the publication, constituted by the Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry of planning, Govt, of India had been used for the Statistical Abstract of Arunachal Pradesh -2004. The publication incorporates the latest available data up to March -2004. I hope this will be useful to the planners, educational Institutions, research Scholars, Policy makers etc. in capturing the rapidly changing socio-economic scenario of the state. This Directorate is grateful to the various Government departments and organisations, for their continued and generous co-operation in making the Statistical data available for this publication. The publication has been compiled and shaped under the guidance of ShriK.Mamai,Research Officer and assisted by Shri Taw Takur, Sub-Inspector of Statistics,Shri A.Jirdo,Sub Inspector of Statistics had computerised the publication in very short time. I avail this opportunity to put in records their sincere services. Any suggestions for the improvement o f the scope, layout and utility o f this Publication shall be gratefully accepted. Place : IT AN AGAR. Sd/^Duyu Pussang Date : 29^^ April,2005 Director Directorate of Economics and Statistics Govt of Arunachal Pradesh Ita na qa r j x ^ <•’ «=< J . ) " g i s s r g ^ ' CONTENTS Table ITEM Page No. No. ADMINISTRATIVE SET UP SHOWING DISTRICTS, SUB-DIVISIONS, BLOCKS & CIRCLES IN ARUNACHAL PRADESH AS ON 31-03-2004. I-III Notional Map of Arunachal Pradesh 1. AREA AND POPULATION 1.1 District/ circle wise population of A. P. per 2001 census (Provisional) 1-5 1.2 Districtwise distribution of population, growth rate, sex ratio, population density, literacy rate and percentage of urban population of 6 Arunachal Pradesh as per Provisional Population Totals of 2001 Census. 1.3 State/UT wise distribution of population, growth rate, sex ratio, population density, literacy rate and percentage of urban population of 7 India as per Provisional Population Totals o f2001 Census 1.4 Districtwise Population, Child Population and Literates by Sex as per 8-10 Provisional Population o f2001 Census. 1.5 Districtwise Provisional population and workers as per 2001 census 11 1.6 Area, villages, occupied residential houses, population & density as per 12 2001 Census. 1.7 Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe population in Arunachal Pradesh 13 as per 2001 Census. 1.8 Distribution of household by source of Lightening in Arunachal Pradesh 14 as per 2001 Census. 1.9 Distribution of Disabled by type of Disabilities in Arunachal Pradesh, 15 as per 2001 Census. 1.10 Sex-wise Urban population with decadal variation in Arunachal 16 Pradesh. 1.11 Distribution of Household by source of drinking water in Arunachal 17 Pradesh as per 2001 census 1.12 Age group-wise Marital status of population in Arunachal Pradesh as 18 per 1991 Census 1.13 Distribution of workers and Non-Workers by Religious Communities in 19 Arunachal Pradesh per 2001 census 2. CLIMATE AND RAINFALL 2.1 Annual rainfall in District HQs of Arunachal Pradesh 20 2.2 Rainfall and temperature at Itanagar 21 3. AGRICULTURE 3.1 Classification of area and land use Statistics in respect of Arunachal 22 Pradesh (2003-2004). Table ITEM Page No. No. 3.2 Districtwise area/production of different important crops in Arunachal 23 Pradesh during 2003-2004. 3.3 Districtwise area/production of different commercial crops in 24 Arunachal Pradesh during 2003-2004. 3A Districtwise area and average yield per hect Of HYV crops in 25 Arunachal Pradesh during 2003-2004. 3.5 District wise average yield of important crops in Arunachal Pradesh 26 during 2003-2004. 3.6 Consumption of chemical fertilisers in Arunachal Pradesh during 2 7 2003-2004. 3.7 Number and area of operational holdings by size class and tenancy 28 status for all social group in Arunachal Pradesh in 1990-91 and 1995- 96 3.8 District-wise number and area of operational holdings for all social 29 groups in Arunachal Pradesh in 1990-91 and 1995-96 3.9 District-wise Number of operational holdings and area operated as per 30-31 Agricultural census 1995-96 in Arunachal Pradesh. 4. HORTICULTURE 4.1 District-wise Area and production offruits& spices during 2003-2004. 32-33 5. EDUCATION 5.1 Number of recognised educational institution by type in Arunachal 34 Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 5.2 District wise classification of educational institution in Arunachal 35 Pradesh by types as on 31-03-2004. 5.3 District w ise, Stage wise number of students in Arunachal Pradesh as 36 on 31-03-2004. 5.4 District-wise, Stage wise number of scheduled tribe students in 37 Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004 5.5 District-wise type of institution -wise of teaching staff by sex in 38 Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004 5.6 Teacher Student ratio by stage in Arunachal Pradesh during 39 2003-2004 6. HEALTH 6.1 Distribution of medical (Allopathic jinstitutions in Arunachal Pradesh as 40-41 on 31-03-2004 6.2 Number of Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic institutions in Arunachal 42 Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 6.3 Number of beds in medical institutions as on 31-03-2004. 43 6.4 Registered medical and para medical personnel, during 2003-2004. 44 6.5 Number of family welfare Clinics/Centres in Arunachal Pradesh as on 45 31-03-2004. Table ITEM Page No, ____________________________ ______________________________ No. 7. INDUSTRIES 7.1 Statement showing Number of Medium/Small Scale Industries in 46 Arunachal Pradesh as on 31.03.2004. 7.2 Industrial Area and estate developed in Arunachal Pradesh as on 47 31-03-2004. 7.3 Trade wise passed out trainees in Arunachal Pradesh during 48 2003-2004 8. TEXTILE AND HANDICRAFT 8.1 District-wise No. of craft centres and weaving centres and other 49 activities in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 8.2 District-wise sericulture activities in Arunachal Pradesh as on 50-51 31-03-2004. 9. LIVESTOCK AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 9.1 Livestock and poultry by district in Arunachal Pradesh as per 1997-98 52 Livestock Census. 9.2 Infrastructure facilities for animal husbandry in Arunachal Pradesh as 53 on 31-03-2004. 9.3 Number of Dairy Farms and milk production in Arunachal Pradesh 54 during 2003-2004. 9.4 Work done in Veterinary institutions of Arunachal Pradesh during 55 2003-2004. 10. FISHERIES 10.1 Area under Pisciculture in Arunachal Pradesh. 56 10.2 Fish and fish seed production in Arunachal Pradesh . 57 11. ELECTRICITY AND POWER 11.1 Installed capacity and electricity generated in Arunachal Pradesh., 58 11.2 Consumption of electric power by uses in Arunachal Pradesh during 59 2003-2004. 11.3 Number of towns/villages electrified in Arunachal Pradesh as on 60 31-03-2004. 12. FORESTRY AND LOGGING 12.1 Number of forest circles , Divisions , Ranges and Beats in Arunachal 61 Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 12.2 Classification of forest area management under reservation , protection 62 etc .in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 12.3 Quantity and value of major forest product in Arunachal Pradesh 63 during the year 2003-2004 12.4 Area under Plantation raised in Arunachal Pradesh during the year 64 2003-2004 12.5 District-wise length of Forest Roads in A.P as on 31-3-2004 65 Table ITEM Page No. __________________________________________________________ No. 13. CO-OPERATION 13.1 Selected statistics of Co-operative Societies in Arunachal Pradesh as on 56 31-03-2004. 13.2 Co-operative Societies and bank classified by type in A.P as on 67 31-03-2004. 13.3 Selected statistics of Primary agricultural credit service societies. 68 13.4 Functioning of Co-operative Apex Banks in Arunachal Pradesh. 69 14. MARKETING AND STORAGE 14.1 District-wise number of fair price shops and CPO Centres in Arunachal 70 Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 14.2 Procurement of selected commodities by agencies in Arunachal Pradesh 71 during 2003-2004. 15. POLICE 15.1 Strength of Civil Police/Bn. in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 72 15.2 Incidence of crimes in Arunachal Pradesh during the year 2003, 73 15.3 Juvenile delinquents, apprehended under cognizable crime in 74 Arunachal Pradesh, during 2003. 16. ROADS 16.1 Length of roads under APPWD in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31 -03-2004. 75 16.2 Length of roads under BRTF in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 76 17. RURAL WORKS DEPARTMENTS 17.1 Districtwise soil and water conservation/suspension bridges and rural 77 housing in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 17.2 Districtwise Length of roads under RWD in Arunachal Pradesh as on 78 31-03-2004 18. COMMUNICATION 18.1 Number of Telephone offices/ Telephone Exchanges and telephone 79 connection in Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 19. POSTAL 19.1 Number of Postal institutions and telegraph facilities in Arunachal 80 Pradesh as on 31-03-2004. 20. STATE TRANSPORT 20.1 Operational Statistics of State Transport Department during 81 2003-2004. Table ITEM Page No. No. 21. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT 21.1 Districtwise registration of motor vehicle in Arunachal Pradesh during 82 the year 2003-2004 21.2 Number of Driving licence/conductor,truck bus permit etc issued in 83 A.P. during the year 2003-2004 21.3 Total Number of Road accident in A.P. during the year 84 21.4. Comperative statement of Road accident in Arunachal Pradesh during 85-36 22. PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING 22.1 Number of towns/ villages covered under drinking water supply in 87 Arunachal Pradesh as on 31-03-2004.
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