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An apport is the transference of an article from one place to another, or an appearance of an article from an unknown source.[1] Apports are often associated with activity, and on rare occasions are said to be witnessed landing on the floor, in a person's lap or dropping from the ceiling. Flowers are a well known form of apport at spiritualistic séances, but tar and mud have also been reported.[2]

Conversely, an asport is the transference of a small object from a known location to an unknown location via paranormal means.[3]

As with all paranormal phenomena, apports are highly controversial, with critics such as Robert Todd Carroll saying that they are the result of magic tricks.[4]

[edit] References

1. ^ Historical Terms Glossary of the Parapsychological Association, entry on Apport, Retrieved Sept 6, 2007 2. ^ Fontana, David (2005). Is There an Afterlife: A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence. Hants, UK: O Books, 352-381. ISBN 1903816904. 3. ^ Kentucky Paranormal Research. Retrieved on 2007-09-19. "An asport is any object the spirits or the medium makes disappear or teleports to another location." 4. ^ Apport entry in the Skeptic's Dictionary by Robert Todd Carroll, retrieved June 19, 2008 [edit] See also


Cosmic Gospel that UFO cults receive by transmission from "Space Brothers

Apports are 'gifts' that manifests from non-physical to physical reality. Manifestation may be linked to teleportation or telekinesis by one or more of the people in the room.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Miracle Outreach Ministry Page 1

Many believe a spirit, such as a deceased loved one, has brought the gift, usually linked to an observer in the room. Often the gift has symbolic significance for the person receiving it.

The opposite of Apport is Asport which is the transference of a small object to an unknown location via unknown means.

The most frequently apported items are: car keys, cigarette lighters, and the left sock of a matched pair.

Sometimes a trumpet is blow after which an item may appear. This is a metaphor for our reality manifesting by harmonics and tones.

 Apports Materialized objects produced by mediums during Spiritualistic séances. These objects can range from flowers, jewelry, and even live animals. o o · Cached page

Silvania Machado

Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Miracle Outreach Ministry Page 2