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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76648-7 - The Doctrines of US Security Policy: An Evaluation under International Law Heiko Meiertons Index More information INDEX Abbott, Kenneth, 15 Berger, Sandy, 178 Acheson, Dean, 107 Berlin, Congress of (1884), 28 Adams, John Quincy and Adams Biden, Joe, 228–9, 230 Doctrine, 31 bipolar international systems, 172, Afghanistan, 152, 156, 157, 161, 188, 257–9 198, 209 Bolivar, Simon,´ 57 Al Quaida, 179, 198 Bolivia, 66, 68 Algeciras, Conference of (1906), 40 Borah, William E., 86, 93 Alvarez, Alejandro, 29, 43, 50, 52, 53, Bosch, Juan, 131 243 Bowett, D., 30, 56 American Institute of International Boxer Rebellion, 88 Law, 45 Brezhnev Doctrine, 137, 140, 141, ‘American international law’, concept 159–60, 166, 220 of, 43–6, 247 Brian, William J., 55 Angola and Reagan Doctrine, 155 Briand–Kellog Pact (1928) Annan, Kofi, 212 Monroe Doctrine and, 33, 35, 62, 69, Antarctic Treaty (1959), 80 80 anticipated self-defence, 182, 185 Stimson Doctrine and, 85, 90–5, 97, Anzilotti, Dionisio, 12 98, 105, 244, 249 Argentina, 54, 64 Britain. See United Kingdom armed attack Brown, Philip Marshall, 66 Bush doctrine abandoning Brownlie, Ian, 110, 190, 213 requirement of, 193–5, 222 Brum, Balthazar and Brum Doctrine, different interpretations of, 192 74 extension of concept of, 195–200 Budapest Articles, International Law harmonisation of interpretation of, Association (1934), 97 186 Buenos Aires, Declaration of (1936), 36 Asia. See also Nixon Doctrine; South Bush Doctrine, 179–224.Seealso East Asia Treaty Organization
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