Key Terms in US History

The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire 1607-1750 Colonies: corporate, royal, proprietary Wampanoags Regions: South, Chesapeake, Middle, New England Metacom; King Phillip’s War Early attempts at colonization: Roanoake Restoration Colonies: Carolinas; New York; New Jersey Jamestown Rice and indigo The Starving Time Tobacco Lord Baltimore New York Act of Toleration (1649) Quakerism Virginia William Penn Sir William Berkeley “holy experiment” Bacon’s Rebellion Georgia Indentured servitude James Oglethorpe Headright system Mercantilism Slavery (rise of) Navigation Acts Rhode Island Dominion of New England Roger Williams Sir Edmund Andros Anne Hutchinson Glorious Revolution (1688) Antinomianism Triangular trade Connecticut Middle passage Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639) Half-way Covenant New England Confederation Salem Trials, 1692

Colonial Society in the 18th c. Immigrants: English, Germans, Scots-Irish, Africans Poor Richard’s Almanac Characteristics: English culture dominates; self-gov’t; no Phyllis Wheatley hereditary aristocracy (a meritocracy); religious toleration (to John Bartram an extent); social mobility Education: sectarian/non-sectarian Religions: Congregationalists, Anglicans, etc. Education: sectarian/non-sectarian Established church Professions: medicine, religion, law Colonial family life Newspapers Economics…varies by region/topography…cash-poor b/c of John Peter Zenger reliance on imports from England Great Awakening Colonial governors and legislatures Jonathon Edwards & George Whitefield Town meetings Georgian-style architecture Limited democracy Painting: John Copley Benjamin Franklin

The Coming of the American Revolution, 1754-1775 French and Indian War, 1754 Declaratory Act (1766) George Washington Townshend Duties (1767) Albany Plan of Union , 1754 Writs of Assistance Peace of Paris, 1763 James Otis Salutary neglect Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer – John Dickinson George III Lord North Whigs Boston Massacre (1770) Pontiac’s Rebellion Crispus Attucks Proclamation of 1763 Committees of Correspondence Sugar Act (1764) Gaspee Incident Quartering Act (1765) Tea Act (1773) Stamp Act (1765) Boston Tea Party (1773) Patrick Henry and Virginia Resolves Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts (1774) Stamp Act Congress Enlightenment Sons/Daughters of Liberty John Locke

American Revolution and the Confederation, 1776-1787 First Continental Congress, 1774 Thomas Paine, Common Sense, The Crisis Samuel Adams Declaration of Independence John Adams Patriots and Loyalists George Washington Valley Forge John Jay Continentals Joseph Galloway George Rogers Clark Declaration of Rights and Grievances Battle of Saratoga Minutemen Battle of Yorktown Lexington and Concord Treaty of Paris (1783) Battle of Bunker Hill (1775) Articles of Confederation Second Continental Congress (1775) Land Ordinance of 1785/NW Ordinance of 1787 Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Up Arms Shay’s Rebellion Olive Branch Petition Abigail Adams…”remember the ladies”

The Constitution and the Federal Period, 1787-1800 Mt. Vernon Conference/Anapolis Convention Tariffs, excise taxes Constitutional Convention French Revolution Framers: Madison, Hamilton Neutrality Proclamation (1793) Checks and Balances Citizen Genet Virginia Plan v. New Jersey Plan Right of Deposit and Pickney’s Treaty (1795) Connecticut Plan…aka Great Compromise Unresolved issues with Britain: British Forts and Loyalist Property…Jay’s Treaty (1794) House of Representatives & Senate Whiskey Rebellion (1794) 3/5 Compromise; slave trade compromise Political Parties: Federalists and Dem-Republicans Limits to “mobocracy”: electoral college, senate Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) Federalists and Anti-Federalists John Adams Bill of Rights XYZ Affair Executive dep’ts formed: War, Treasury, State; the Cabinet Alien and Sedition Acts Judiciary Act (1789) Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions National Debt…assumption…Hamilton Undeclared war with France…war averted Report of Manufactures…National Bank Revolution of 1800

The Jeffersonian Era 1800-1816 Louisiana Purchase (1803) Tecumseh and the Prophet Jefferson’s “style” of presidency” Lewis and Clark Expedition Napoleon Bonaparte Macon’s Bill No. 2 (1810) Toussaint L’Ouverture Tecumseh and the Prophet Strict construction of constitution William Henry Harrison Lewis and Clark Battle of Tippecanoe John Marshall War Hawks Marbury v. Madison (1803) Henry Clay Barbary Pirates John C. Calhoun Neutrality, impressments, Orders in Council, Andrew Jackson and New Orleans and Continental system Battle of Lake Erie The Chesapeake Incident Francis Scott Key Embargo Act (1807) …dambargo…ograbme Treaty of Ghent (1814) James Madison Blue Light Federalists Non-intercourse Act (1808) Hartford Convention

Nationalism and Economic Growth, 1817-1850 Era of Good Feelings American culture: Hudson River School, Washington Irving, Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty 1819 James Fennimore Cooper, North Am. Review, etc. James Monroe Rush-Bagot Agreement (1817) Nationalism: cultural, economic, diplomatic, judicial Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty 1819 Tariff of 1816 Florida Purchase Treaty (1819) Henry Clay; American System (1823) Second Bank of the United States Turnpikes, National (Cumberland Road) Panic of 1819 Erie Canal John Marshall (Cases: FMMDCG) Robert Fulton Implied powers (loose construction) Early railroads Tallmadge Amendment Eli Whitney, interchangeable parts, cotton gin Missouri Compromise (1820) Samuel Slater and the factory system

Sectionalism 1820-1850 Sectionalism Early unions Daniel Webster The “peculiar institution” Industrial Revolution King Cotton Urbanization, urban life The “peculiar institution” Irish; Potato Famine Denmark Vessey; Nat Turner German “48-ers” Free blacks: “slaves without masters” Old Northwest Planters, poor whites, mountain whites Nativists The frontier American Party Native American removal Great Plains – settlement of

The Age of Jackson, 1824-1840 The rise of the common man Trail of tears Universal male suffrage Worchester v. Georgia (1832) Party nominating conventions emerge Trail of tears Death of “King Caucus” States’ rights Anti-Masonic Party Nullification crisis Workingmen’s Party Webster-Hayne Debate Spoils system John C. Calhoun John Quincy Adams South Carolina Exposition and Protest Henry Clay Bank of the United States “corrupt bargain” Nicholas Biddle (Czar Biddle) Tariff of Abominations Two-party system reemerges: Democrats v. Whigs Andrew Jackson Roger Taney Popular campaigning “pet banks” Revolution of 1828 Specie Circular Rotation in office Panic of 1837 Peggy Eaton Affair (Eaton Malaria) Martin Van Buren Indian Removal Act (1830) Subtreasury system

The Age of Reform, 1820-1860 Henry David Thoreau, Walden, “Civil Disobedience” McGuffey Reader Utopian Communes Public school mov’t: Horace Mann Brook Farm McGuffey Reader Oneida Community Women’s Rights: Seneca Falls Convention (1848) New Harmony, Indiana Feminists: Susan B. Anthony Temperance Movement: WCTU, Maine Law The Grimke sisters Second Great Awakening Lucrecia Mott Shakers Elizabeth Cady Stanton Millerites Abolitionism: Garrison millenialism Frederick Douglass Mormons The North Star Asylum reform: Dorothea Dix The Liberty Party Penitentiaries Harriet Tubman

Territorial and Economic Expansion, 1830-1860 Manifest Destiny Mexican Cession Texas Wilmot Proviso Stephen Austin “conscience Whigs” Santa Anna Ostend Manifesto (1852) Alamo Walker Expedition John Tyler and the Whigs Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) Aristook War Gadsen Purchase (1853) Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) Great American Desert Oregon Territory Far West “54° 40’ or Fight!” Overland Trails: Oregon, etc. James K. Polk Mining frontier Rio Grande/Nueces River Gold rush, silver rush John Slidell Mission 49-ers Mexican War (1846-1847) Acquisition of Alaska Generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott Matthew Perry in Japan John C. Fremont Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) Bear Flag Republic

The Union in Peril, 1848-1860 Free soil mov’t; Free Soil Party “The Sack of Lawrence” Popular Sovereignty “Bleeding Kansas” Lewis Cass “The Sack of Lawrence” Henry Clay John Brown; Potawatomic Creek Massacre Zachary Taylor Sumner-Brooks Incident Compromise of 1850 Lecompton Constitution Stephen Douglas Dredd Scott v. Sandford Fugitive Slave Law Roger Taney Underground railroad Abraham Lincoln Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) Lincoln-Douglass Debates The Impending Crisis in the South “House-Divided” Speech Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Freeport Doctrine Republican party Harper’s Ferry New England Emigrant Aid Society Election of 1860; split in parties Split in Churches Crittenden Compromise

The Civil War, 1861-1865 wartime powers: Habeus Corpus, conscription, taxes, Confiscation Acts Confederate States of America Vicksburg, July 4, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation Jefferson Davis and Alexander P. Stephens Sherman’s March CSA constitution Election of 1864 Bull Run War of Attrition Anaconda Plan Appomattox Court House George MacClellan John Wilkes Booth Robert E. Lee Ex Parte Milligan Antietam Draft Riots Monitor and Merrimac Greenbacks Ulysses S. Grant Morrill Tariff Act (1861) Shiloh Homestead Act (1862) David Farragut Morrill Land Grant Act (1862) Trent Affair Pacific Railway Act (1862) Laird Rams Second American Revolution Alabama…Alabama Claims

Reconstruction, 1863-1877 Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction, 1863 (10% Plan) 15th Amendment Wade Davis Bill (1864) Impeachment Andrew Johnson 15th Amendment Presidential Reconstruction Civil Rights Act of 1875 Freedman’s Bureau Scalawags Black Codes Carpetbaggers “Whitewashed Rebels” Hiram Revels Radical Republicans Sharecropping Thaddeus Stephens and Charles Sumner KKK Benjamin Wade Force Act (1870) Civil Rights Act of 1866 Amnesty Act (1872) and Redemption Election of 1866 – GOP congress Election of 1872 14th Amendment Liberal Republicans, Horace Greeley, the Bloody Chasm Congressional Reconstruction Election of 1876 (Hayes-Tilden) Tenure of Office Act (1867) Compromise of 1877 Edwin Stanton

The Gilded Age: National Politics 1865-1900 US Grant Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890) Credit Mobilier McKinley Tariff (1890) Whiskey Ring Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890) Mark Twain, The Gilded Age Populist (People’s) Party Roscoe Conkling Omaha Platform Stalwarts v. Halfbreeds Panic of 1893 Mugwumps Gold drain Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison McKinley Coxey’s Army “Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion” William Harvey, Coin’s Financial School Pendleton Act William Jennings Bryan Greenback Labor Party “Cross of Gold” Speech Crime of 73 Free silver Bland-Allison Act (1878) “Gold Bugs” Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Billion Dollar Congress Mark Hanna Veterans pensions Hawaii

The Gilded Age: The South and West, 1868-1900 Three frontiers: mining, cattle, farming Indian Reorganization Act (1934) Comstock Lode Wounded Knee Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Indian Reorganization Act (1934) Cattle drives New South Barbed wire, Joseph Glidden sharecropping Great Plains The Colored Farmer’s National Alliance Oklahoma Territory; Boomers Jim Crow Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Frontier Thesis” Civil Rights Cases (1883); Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Reservations Disenfranchisement: grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy Indian Wars Ida B. Wells Sioux Wars lynching Sand Creek Massacre; Fetterman Massacre Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Institute Sitting Bull Atlanta Compromise, 1895 Crazy Horse Crop prices Custer and Little Big Horn Granger Movement Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Farmers Alliances; Ocala Demands (Yardstick) Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor Granger Laws Assimilationists Munn v. Illinois; Wabash v. Illinois Dawes Act (1887) Interstate Commerce Act (1886)

The Gilded Age: Industrialization and Urbanization, 1865- 1900 Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York Central RR Alexander Graham Bell, telephone Federal land grants Thomas Edison, Alva Park laboratory Transcontinental RRs Alexander Graham Bell, telephone Union Pacific and Central Pacific George Westinghouse Stock-watering, pools, rebates National market economy; national brands emerge Panic of 1893 Sears and Roebuck; Montgomery Ward; mail order J.P. Morgan Women in workforce (what occupations?) William Vanderbilt Scab, lockout, blacklist, yellow-dog contract; injunction 2nd Industrial Revolution Labor Unions: The NLU, Knights of Labor, AFL. *** Especially note differences between K of L & AFL. Bessemer Process Haymarket Bombing (1886) Andrew Carnegie American Federation of Labor Vertical integration v. horizontal integration Samuel Gompers US Steel Co. Strikes: Great Strike (1877); Homestead Strike (1892); Pullman Strike (1894) – causes and gov’t response. J.D. Rockefeller Eugene Debs Standard Oil Trust In Re Debs (1895) Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) Old and New immigrants United States v. E.C. Knight APA Laissez-faire capitalism Streetcars, mass transportation, skyscrapers (Louis Sullivan) Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations Dumbbell tenements Social Darwinism suburbs William Graham Sumner City bosses Gospel of Wealth Social Gospel Russell Conwell “Acres of Diamonds” Settlement houses Samuel Morse, transatlantic cable

Gilded Age: Culture 1865-1900 Columbian Exposition, 1893 William Randolph Hearst Entertainment: sports, Barnum-Bailey, Wild West shows Nt’l newspapers: Joseph Pulitzer (NY World) Winslow Homer William Randolph Hearst James McNeill Whistler Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage Ashcan School of artists Bret Harte Architecture: Chicago School (form follows function); Louis Mark Twain Sullivan City Beautiful Mov’t: Frederick Law Olmstead (Central Park) Realism Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie

The Age of Imperialism, 1865-1914 William Seward Boxer Rebellion Alaska Purchase (1867) Xenophobia “new imperialism” Boxer Rebellion International Darwinism…survival of fittest Big-stick policy Josiah Strong, Our County: Its Possible Future and Current Crisis Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901) Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Influence of Sea Power Upon History Panama Canal Pan-American Conference (1889) James Blaine Santo Domingo Richard Olney Russo-Japanese War Venezuela Boundary Dispute Treaty of Portsmouth (1905) Cuba Gentlemen’s Agreement “Butcher” Weyler Great White Fleet Yellow-journalism Root-Takahira Agreement (1908) Spanish-American War William Howard Taft De Lome Letter Dollar diplomacy Maine Explosion Nicaragua Teller Amendment Henry Cabot Lodge Phillipines Lodge Corollary George Dewey Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt Moral diplomacy Rough Riders Jones Act (1916) Hawaii, Liliuokalani Mexican Civil War Peace of Paris, 1899 Huerta Phillipine Annexation The Tampico Incident Emilio Aguinaldo ABC Powers Anti-Imperialist League Pancho Villa Insular Cases Venustiano Carranza Platt Amendment (1901) Expeditionary force John Hay John J. Pershing Open Door Policy

The Progressive Era, 1901-1918 Progressivism Hepburn Act (1906) Pragmatism (philosophy) – William James, John Dewey Elkins Act (1903) The Principles of Scientific Management – Frederick W. Taylor Hepburn Act (1906) muckrakers Upton Sinclair, The Jungle Henry Demarest Lloyd and Standard Oil Pure Food and Drug Act (1906); Meat Inspection Act (1906) Lincoln Steffens – The Shame of the Cities Newlands Reclamation Act (1902) Ida Tarbell – A History of the Standard Oil Company Gifford Pinchot Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives William Howard Taft Australian ballot Mann-Elkins Act (1910) Direct primary Preservationism v. conservationism Robert LaFollette Federal income tax – 16th Amendment The Wisconsin Idea Payne-Aldrich Tariff (1909) 17th Amendment – Direct election of senators Joseph Cannon Initiative, referendum, recall Socialist Party – Eugene Debs Social welfare Bull Moose Party Municipal reform New Nationalism v. New Freedom Samuel “Golden Rule” Jones Underwood Tariff (1913) Tom L. Johnson, Cleveland Federal Reserve Act (1914) Charles Evans Hughes Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) Hiram Johnson Federal Trade Commission TR, Square Deal, Anthracite coal strike WEB DuBois, NAACP 19th Amendment Bolsheviks

World War I, 1914-1918 Neutrality Schenk v. US (1919) Unrestricted submarine warfare Bolsheviks Lusitania American Expeditionary Force Sussex Pledge 14 Points Allied Powers v. Central Powers Treaty of Versailles propaganda Big Four Preparedness David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau; Vittorio Great Migration Orlando Zimmerman Telegram League of Nations Russian Revolution Henry Cabot Lodge mobilization Reservationsists and Irreconcilables George Creel, Committee on Public Information Red Scare War agencies Palmer Raids Espionage Act (1917) and Sedition Act (1918) Buford Deportation Red Summer (race riots, Chicago) Food Administration -- Hoover

The 1920s Warren Harding Duke Ellington Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922) James Weldon Johnson Bureau of the Budget Duke Ellington Teapot Dome Scandal Louis Armstrong Calvin Coolidge Ella Fitzgerald Herbert Hoover Marcus Garvey…Back to Africa Mov’t Alfred E. Smith Scopes Trial Business prosperity Prohibition and Volstead Act (1919) Open shop Organized crime Welfare capitalism (benefits, health, sports leagues, pensions) Immigration quotas (1921, 1924) Jazz age 100% Americanism Consumerism: autos, radio, movies KKK Charles Lindberg Sacco and Vanzetti Trial Margaret Sanger and birth control Disarmament modernism Washington Conference (1921) fundamentalism Nye Committee Hearings Revivalists: Billy Sunday, Aimee Semple McPherson Kellog-Briand Pact (1928) Lost Generation War debts F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, Ezra Reparations Pound, T.S. Eliot Frank Lloyd Wright (Prairie Style architecture) Dawes Plan (1924) Harlem Renaissance Advertising

The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929-1941 Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929) PWA, Harold Ickes Dow Jones index Glass-Steagall Act Income distribution PWA, Harold Ickes Buying on margin, stock speculation CCC, TVA, NRA Herbert Hoover Fireside Chats Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930) Schechter v. United States (sick chicken case) Debt moratorium Securities and Exchange Commission Farm Board Federal Housing Administration Reconstruction Finance Corporation Second New Deal – step to the left Boulder (Hoover) Dam WPA, Harry Hopkins Bonus March (1932) Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) , 1935 FDR Social Security Act (1935) Eleanor Roosevelt, “the conscience of the New Deal” Fr. Charles Coughlin, Francis Townshend 20th Amendment (lame-duck period reduced) Huey Long, “Share Our Wealth” 1st New Deal; First 100 Days Court-packing Plan Three R’s (relief, recovery, reform) Congress of Industrial Organizations, John J. Lewis Brain Trust Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) Francis Perkins Keynesian economics Bank Holiday, Glass-Steagall Act, FDIC Dust Bowl, Okies Repeal of Prohibition Marian Anderson, Mary McLeod Bethune, Black Cabinet Indian Reorganization Act

Diplomacy and World War II, 1929-1945 Manchuria (Manchukuo) Atlantic Charter Pearl Harbor Office of Price Adminstration Pan-American Conference (1933, 1936) rationing London Economic Conference (1933) Japanese Internment (Exec. Order 3066) Recognition of USSR, 1933 Korematsu v. US (1944) Tydings-McDuffie Act Battle of the Atlantic Fascism; Mussolini North African campaign Nazism; Hitler Dwight D. Eisenhower Axis Powers D-Day Isolationism; Nye Committee Battle of the Bulge Neutrality Acts Holocaust Spanish Civil War, 1936 Battle of Midway Francisco Franco Chester Nimitz America First Committee Island hopping Ethiopia, Rhineland, Sudetenland Big Three Appeasement, Munich Conference Yalta Conference, Feb. 1945 Quarantine Speech Truman Poland, blitzkrieg Potsdam Confence, July 1945 Cash-and-Carry Manhattan Project Preparedness: Selective Service Act (1940) J. Robert Oppenheimer Destroyers for Bases Deal Atomic bomb Four Freedoms Hiroshima, Nagasaki Lend-Lease Act (1941)

Truman and the Cold War, 1945-1952 GI Bill (1944) NATO Baby Boom East Germany, West Germany Suburbia NATO sunbelt National Security Act (1947) – NSC created Employment Act of 1946 Arms race, NSC-67 Inflation, strikes Douglass MacArthur in Japan Committee on Civil Rights, To Secure These Rights Chinese civil war: Mao Zedong v. Chiang Kai-shek 22nd Amendment (two-term limit for pres) Taiwan Taft-Hartley Act (1947) People’s Republic of China (not recognized until Nixon ’72) Dixiecrats in 1948; Strom Thurmond Joseph Stalin Fair Deal Kim Il Sung Cold War Korean War; UN police action Iron Curtain, communist satellites 38th parallel George Kennan Dennis v. United States Dean Acheson Smith Act (1940) policy McCarran Internal Security Act (1950) HUAC Marshall Plan Alger Hiss Berlin Airlift Rosenberg Case

The Eisenhower Years, 1952-1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower Richard Nixon Open-skies crisis, U2 incident Modern Republicanism “spirit of Geneva” Soil-Bank Program Open-skies crisis, U2 incident Highway Act (1956) Nikita Khrushchev John Foster Dulles, brinksmanship Peaceful co-existence Massive retaliation Hungarian Revolt Third World Warsaw Pact CIA covert operations: Iran, Guatemala Sputnik Indochina NASA Geneva Convention Fidel Castro Ho Chi Minh Cuba Vietnam Military-industrial complex Civil rights SEATO (1954) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS (1954), Earl Warren Suez Crisis (1956) Little Rock crisis Montgomery Bus Boycott, MLK OPEC Civil Rights Act of 1957, Civil Rights Commission

Promises and Turmoil: The 1960s Beatniks JFK Malcolm X New Frontier Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Peace Corps Malcolm X Alliance for Progress Stokely Carmichael (SNCC), Black Power! Bay of Pigs Watts Riots, 1965 Berlin Wall Kerner Commission Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) Warren Court: Rights Revolution (see case sheet) Flexible response; Robert McNamara Students for a Democratic Society Nuclear Test Ban Treaty New Left Warren Commission counterculture Lyndon Johnson Women’s movement Great Society Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique War on Poverty National Organization of Women Michael Harrington, The Other America Equal Pay Act Barry Goldwater ERA Medicare/Medicaid Vietnam War Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964 Ralph Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed Americanization of the War Rachel Carson, The Silent Spring Operation Rolling Thunder MLK March on Washington, 1963, “I have a dream…” Tet Offensive Civil Rights Act of 1964 Hawks and doves Freedom Summer, 1964 Eugene McCarthy 24th Amendment Fulbright Committee Hearings Voting Rights Act of 1965 Robert Kennedy

America, 1969-1980 Richard Nixon Panama Canal Treaty (1978) Henry Kissinger Jimmy Carter Vietnamization Panama Canal Treaty (1978) Camp David Accords Cambodia Anwar Sadat Kent State shootings Iran Hostage Crisis Mai Lai Massacre USSR invasion of Afghanistan Pentagon Papers Immigration Act (1965) Détente w/ USSR Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986) Paris Peace Accords, 1973 China visit, 1972 Mexican Americans, Cesar Chavez and United Farm Workers Org, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty talks (SALT) with USSR American Indian Movement (AIM) Southern strategy Indian Self-Determination Act (1975) New Federalism -- bloc grants to states Asian Americans Stagflation (slowdown + inflation) Warren Burger Gay-rights movemental; Stonewall Inn raid 1969; 1993 “don’t ask, don’t tell” Watergate environmentalism United States v. Nixon. Nuclear accidents: Three Mile Island (‘79), Chernobyl (’86) War Powers Act, 1973 Clean Air Act (1970) Middle East War, 1973 Clean Water Act (1972) OPEC oil embargo Environmental Superfund Gerald Ford EPA