The Kokoda Campaign, July- November 1942, an Analysis
THE KOKODA CAMPAIGN, JULY- NOVEMBER 1942, AN ANALYSIS Peter Damian Williams A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Charles Darwin University. July 2008 I hereby declare that the work herein, now submitted as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, is the result of my own investigations and all references to ideas and work of other researchers have been specifically acknowledged. I hereby certify that the work embodied in this thesis has not already been accepted in substance for any degree and is not being currently submitted in candidature for any other degree. ……………………… ……………………. Peter Damian Williams Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge those who have aided me with this thesis. I thank my supervisor, Professor Alan Powell of Charles Darwin University, Dr. Steven Bullard of the Australia Japan Research Project, the staffs of the Australian War Memorial, the National Archives of Australia and the National Library of Australia. Frank Taylor guided me across the Owen Stanley Range and freely shared his knowledge of the campaign. My research in Japan would not have been possible without the help of Dr. Shindo Hiroyuki and Major General Yoshinaga Hayashi of the National Institute of Defence Studies in Tokyo. Sato Go, Sato Yukiko, Marutani Hajime, Yoshida Haruki, Akaboshi Yayoi and Nakagawa Naoko are to be thanked for their efforts arranging my visits to Japan, translating documents and locating Japanese veterans. Major Horie Masao, who fought the Australians for two years in New Guinea, gave freely of his time, his private papers and his hospitality. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Samantha, the pillar of support on which this thesis rests.
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