Issue 3—A Monthly Magazine of RMCMC November 2016 In This Issue Club News Puzzles and Funnies Member articles Spotlight Artists Learn Music Other good stuff Election Results Other Country music clubs Club Information November Guest Artists —The Redlands Blue Grass Boys Welcome to all our members and guests to the Redlands Modern Country Music Club. We trust you will have a great night, stirring up some great memories. REDLANDS MODERN COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB 1 ABOUT OUR CLUB EDITORS NOTE The Redlands Modern Country Music Club is based in the city of Redlands. Our clubhouse is located at the Pinklands Sports Reserve, Cleveland-Redland Bay Road Thornlands. Our members include people from varied walks of life who have a common interest of Country Music; it's performance, promotion and enjoyment within the community at large. Our age groups range from babes in the If anyone has any ideas/requests about what cradle to at least 80 years of age and our particular interests cover goes into our Magazine please let me know, as I the many and varied styles of am open to suggestions. Anyone who has some country music. funny, interesting, bizarre or anything relating to member achievements in any field, please con- ABOUT OUR MUSIC tact me on 042 659 2984 or email me on One of our main aims is to provide opportunity for
[email protected]. persons of all ages to par- ticipate in the practice and Also be advised that although I make most of the presentation of country decisions as far as content is concerned, it is al- music.