D THEA With' Organization Years
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THE SUNT) AT OREGOKTATT, POItTXAIHJ. 3TAT 19161 A" brand, is now busy with the Ameri- can Company at Santa Barbara, where he has the hero's part in "The Mystery PHYSICAL TRAINING of a Submarine," a patriotic series based on America's defense needs. Chat- terton has a California ranch of his DELIGHTS STAYTON FOLK own. He has' lived most of his life .t .1-'.iC-.::'J- out of doors. Being a cowboy Is not School Patrons and Townspeople Delighted With Exercises Presented by all play with him. by Tiffany, O. As a child, Mabel...Trunnelle, of Edi Classes Trained Miss Grace U. of Graduate. son, was determined to oe a trapeze oerformer. Like the man who is to be. or Isn't a gambler, according to wheth er he wins or loses his first bet, Mabel s ..... l.j 1- I. - losing her first hold decided her career. J. She rigged up a trapeze in the back- yard tree. In doing the aerial flying act she missed the family washline. Her neck was quite nearly broken. But papa massaged her back, to even greater animation when he discoverea. amid her lusty yells, that she wasn't much hurt at all. Her decision about a circus career was altered at once. f' A 10.000-mi- le jaunt is shortly to be taken by Director J. P. McGowan, Helen Holmes and numerous others of the cast, in order to obtain the proper real-- Ism of the exterior scenes or ine Dia- mond Runners," a forthcoming Signal-Mutu- al ?sjsa,a-- five-pa- rt feature starring Miss Holmes. The members of the company will depart in a specially-fitte- d steam er, leaving San Francisco early In June. Their itinerary calls for stops In Ha- waii and Japan and on the return voy- age a layover In the Philippines. They expect to be away about three months. The Diamond Runner Is a story or the African gold mines, founded on the Illicit diamond-buyer- s' trade. Tortoise shell eye-glass- es and cloth- - top shoes never assisted a movie actor to rise to heights of emotionalism 5 Selig vSage. Billie Burke's dressing room In the jrW5 George Kleine studios is said to be the cheeriest, lightest, daintiest place that one can possible imagine. It's a perfect riot of roses, for rose-pattern- ed chintz covers the windows, the ward- robe, the curtains, the chairs, the cush ions and spills over into the most un expected places. No wonder Billie Burke, the star of "Gloria s Romance," finds it easy to be cheerful. Something simply must be done at the Famous Players' studio about mak- Beginning: ing it easy to find Ann Pennington. L, folic Liance Prom Left t Studio Manager Kauffman is thinking Right With Girl la Wblte Stocking seriously hiring to Rntta Itoy, Mai-ta- Alexander, Mar of a detective watch Ryan, Carol Robel, Gladys her. The diminutive star, who is only TODAY chapter! srnerlte 10 very another four feet Inches In height, is a Hill, Gladys Hamman. Verda Him--' quiet little person with a penchant for man, Besale Shank, Iva Donrktr 2, magazines. When she com- fiome Gronp, Dumb-be- ll Drill Beaale nestles ' Shank, Marguerite Ryan, Carol Robel, fortably in a seat that is standing idle, Gladys Hill, Verda Hamman, Its she is very difficult to find. Hence the Donghtr, Marian Alexander. 3 Miss threat to hire a sleuth to shadow her 99 Grace Tiffany, In Charge of the Phys- movements. 66 ical .Trainlne Department of Stayton Little Mary Sunshine, hailed as "the Schools. brightest baby on the screen," is back LOVE Or., May 27. (Special.) at the Balboa Studio after a month's vacation in Colorado. She was the STAYTON. most beautiful features featured player In a recent Pathe Gold high school life ever wit- Rooster release, which press and pub nessed In this city was the programme lie alike have pronounced the best pic given this week on the school campus ture of its kind produced. The fact by the physical training- department of that It has been in big demand to re the institution, under direction of the peat wherever shown proves its caliber Another chapter of the new Hughes' Instructor, Miss Grace Tiffany, a grad- This favorable Impression Is due prin- uate of the University of Oregon, at cipally to the sweet, chubby personal Eugene. The work of the class won applause ity of Little Mary Sunshine herself. novel Gloria's Romance will be seen the hearty 'of the large Not 4 years old, she played the lead like throng of parents and other citizen a veteran with Henry King opposite gathered to witness the exercises. The her. Henceforth, this starette will today. Another feature chapter of this society romance, errand march, the military marches, the ulations oyer the performances given. have a company all her own at Balboa, folk dances, English ribbon dance, the The physical training department of under Kings direction. D. F. Whit beautiful Billie Burke! basketball game, the dumbbell drill the school was organized last Septem comb is busy writing stories for Little starring and other numbers constituted the pro- ber by Miss Tiffany and now includes Mary Sunshine. Certainly some dis gramme. Miss Tiffany and her well-drill- ed some form of exercise for practically tinction for a baby star! class won many warm congrat- - all the students. Billie Burke, inimitable star of By Arrangement with F. 2iezftld, Jr. "Gloria's Romance," positively detests the newest of the new veils, and thinks GOSSIP OF MOVIE PLAYERS they make their wearers look years GEORGE KLEINE presents older. The fair "Billie, herself, always wear a wide-mesh- ed excedingly fine Anita King, Lasky star and "Para- cated him. Suddenly the Spanish veil, any mount Girl," had an early ambition to war ominously on when ehe .wears. at all. be a racing American arose tin driver of an automobile. norizon. Young Walthall lost no time The remarkable agility of This ambition has been realized In ways in enlisting. On his joined Pauline divers and vivid. was years return he Frederick, displayed as the dancer in ago It several a stock company. He played with nu- several scenes in "The World's Great that that Miss King began driving merous productions in all parts of the Snare," need not surprise anyone. For epeedy cars in Mexico City. Some country. His venture into pictures was the Famous Players' star first began months later she was spinning grace- accidental. His first role was that of her triumphant stage career in musical fully around the track at Phoenix, Ariz. a sewer-digger- .v He had, you see, been comedy and never Something happened to the steering askesl to in while on a a has lost her clever - fill visit to pedal control. Kear. Anita and the machine kept studio. But Walthall made much of on, sewer-digge- r, straight although the track turned, that particular and from William S. Hart has completed his when she recovered she turned to that humble bit he was given a good work in the Kentucky feud story by something that seemed less hazardous. part In the picture to follow. Walthall's Monte H. Katterjohn, in which he will She became a player In Lasky produc- most recent work is to be seen In "The be starred by Thomas H. Ince on the tions. But last Autumn Miss King es- Strange Case of Mary Page." He is a Triangle programme, now mild-manner- and is in the tablished a record as being the first ed man, a friend of all In snow-cappe- d region of Mount Baldy, person, man or woman, to cross the the studios, and free of the slightest making the early scenes for his next continent by automobile alone. As for taint of vanity. story, which was written by C. Gardner the things she's had to do in automo- Sullivan and gives him the role of a biles in behalf of the photodrama, she Edna Purviance plays leads opposite half-bree- d Indian in a locale of the must be seen to be described. the Mutual's "Caruso of the Movies," Canadian Northwest. Charles Chaplin. Miss Purviance is TJnto the Nation at large several blond, beautiful, as here attested, and Douglas Fairbanks and Director W. things were lost when Henry B. Wal- not yet 20 years of age. She Is an un- Christy Cabanne are now at work on thall chose the stage. To enumerate dergraduate of Vassar, where her work the seventh of the Triangle vehicles a few: A picturesque Southern Con- in amateur theatricals created a dis- for Fairbanks. It is to be the first in gressman or judge; a declaratory fire- tinct college vogue. Indeed, an ama- which the athletic young star does not brand; a literal windmill of gesticula- teur composer in San Francisco was have a violent personal encounter. It tion. the medium which brought Miss Pur- promises, however, not to be lacking It was plowing that settled Wal- viance to the attention of the million-doll- ar in action or novelty. Fairbanks is thall's career. His father, hearing his comedian. practicing a performance with a swift-- oratorical efforts over the furrows, moving automobile thatlf successful promptly decided that his son would Tom Chatterton, hero of many of the will mate spectators gasp en masse. It be a lawyer, and to that end he edu early Western pictures of the "Flying is extremely doubtful if there is an Supported by HENRY KOLKER other player in pictures who could du- plicate A Motion Picture Novel by Mr.