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.' TH~ RECORD:. $1.;;0 PER YEAR, IN .!.DVANc& ' ::_- - ':-- ....

· ~g!..,.ThT_;~(.,Y~Ti OX T~E~cba~d.. '~U,,:vbMd~as keR.t--as'a~it. THE-"HONOR DOL~L " ·.:~g~B~..s"~b..:;? R . "-Bm•• ;iii•• ;;;;;:::;:':~::';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"1 - .,»:M:E:NT._",_ '.~ -.SC)'OWEt are known.- as the Detroit- _ ft· Montgomery. Earl. Corpofal-eo. F.• I _ ~ort,!lVille.;yotecis1!.ou1d"not-"eglect.'Bind. We have 'two sections. "A'~ : FOR NORT'H~VI'LL'~E.:-a10thEng.• A. 1"; 0.• 137 A..E.•F. "'" -:~"1t6_vote 3i;es;;: ne'h .Tuesday on' tlle,'and "B." 45 in.ea.ch. '.'"bur l.e.cti6n-is '. M:\fi.p1:iY, {Jhas. F.• Flut Lieut."F. A. '~.' -.Eq~ smlrage~liueSUon"':'uniess they: '!A." :-Howeve"f;·that- is fof conven, __'_ t~~;"ca~p .McCle~~~d.Ann1sto~ ~ ~t to ~uow'th~ ~~~l~Jt ~r. ienll~fn rehearSlng.~ 4~ rehea~e In the' . _ -=- . " . M.;Jconlson. Leo;;'Top Sergt.-Co. H., 3I1aJlY•• German leaders don't believe--forenoon and ;i5 go ;t.o drill.field t9 [Parents" rel!tiv.cs 01' tllenl1s, are :;8tb inf.,.A. E. F. • ,.<- .....:.:.' th = '.,..- . I play; .. th aft - ·t te' t ~ requested to furmsh correct addresses. Martin. Guy-SUpplv Co 328th Field -'f'- ~L~~. w~~e~ ~. ~ote-!1ven.u.:~~ .all:C:.1~. It,. ern9.o~ I ~a_/na es. where -errors'9ccU!, and to keep the •Artlller!'", Amer. Exp, Forces.'. 1 _~ _-'Co~!:!!. we~ n~! g~.e!ned,bY..the lr?n IW:!?e~tliere_'f 1ila~ !D be «ton,!the. Recgrd posted as to any changes]' Mtlise, ·-Charles W.-Co. 578, Bar: 9., \.. Juuid'o! .«e~polism. 'C'O ~glaIll! and -tk~..l9:0_Ple<1e~_are.tege~~: o.~;B~nd- '.' [0 ,f~}:eat Lakes, Ill!- .' ~other CiVi}lZed-_countr1es-"'_of...E'.1roJfe,~master~ ....a.ChlcagC?~!Dlpllon-F-Orches- ,,~ ~ :- - -z l.!urray~YVm_Fos!er-Co. 29, ~eg.16,- ... ~d manyofdiI&=state)i .Qf our '"wn reo !tra "first,,;Bassoon player, an excep. ~bler, Roy-~ng; COrps, A. E. F. _' • Great Lakes, !ll. ° -. J • _ ~ _ • ~ I .--....a..' _. - - •• Via. Paris", ll'I:8nce. • ,<" "'1ontgomery, Scctt-s.~,,"~11 I s -P.!IDl~;~v~ deCl~red by tb.e 'Vote_~fItion~l :nu~c~an an~.a-!lne l.eader... We Ale~nd~r, ~~o. B,.' 56th Am.- -ATbor.' -'% r < ~ • -:' ~ t • -.thei! male dtizelfs that they believe'.aJl like h]DTverymuc.!l, o~ _ ~ - munit!Gn~Train. CllJIlp"Eustis. Ya.. Miller. Wendell;:-S. A. T. C.,Ann.Arbor \. . -t~e.~ h~~ -C'0!!1e~hen th.7 wives. I' '~~e gleep 'jn,.hemniocks and'theY:. 'Bec~~._ D0I!:ald A.~reat. ,Lakes I Moye~ ~1lhn"L-::.-P. S, Hospital. Et. I . :motherlf,~_siSt-ers~and daughters of %I'e ,su'elY "Very' comfortable. - We ~T!5;~g Sta.,3U. -,';: b - < .J f?a.rrY.,Ca!if._ • • 1 " ,'" -'.-~ -" .". .' -!'1 ed" In h . ..' 13ryan;:c;.K:rl' .H.~_{MUS1cian)-=:J25th·1'!ewman.AJ~-19tli Rec S'!Uadron " • ...Ariler!-~S!tag..be!t'"~h': recogn1zeei;..tioi'i,'"Cl£mp McArthur, 1 '. ",-~e~"~i!fze~s ~': ;>;c. ·""-1on~ mght'"liJId..Sousawas7sullpesed~0 ~-A. P. O~"7.l!'1, ' ,.,- - . >, ,""2-w:a.~~x..?;s:-'-. _ ~ - : • C •• Tlle' co]~~of. tI1~-:"Uilited'Sm~s, leal!-"Us'bu~'!.iis-m and c:>uIlln·t.~l?I1Bi'0t!i. ;;oF.fa.nk:.~-S-Coait ~tllte1'Y" ~~1£.Ws,P:t~r ~.="En-"g.Reg ~and.. A. I -ilas repeatedlr<1:Bclared'byvofce ana.tiust lUissed Playing under him once; B~rRs. 9·-.A: y."~ E. F., . . R--'~~- r:- ~'T/ g' d t· eo' =""=""""-= -~ • - - , - , ~ ~, .' aruer Jack"-Moto1' Dept. Co E ansom, .uvUlS.".- ea quar ers .• ~.5- ':'V~r:, tl'e .we.n:en oJ China. I"on: of}~: l~~evi~w,:,tha!-1tre ~eld "'§.a!i.Ff!ancjs~otctIiif::. ' , , ~'ijJ-_F:,_fr¥c'; ; '. _~;;; ,_ Zlussla._AustraUa or any of all the !te~e._ ,Th~ 'b"!l.nds are all m~ssed. ~ne1Ugy.Cilll'6rd-Ordiiance Dept. De- Roclle,Bs.r1l.eY,=::CoB.; 16th Reg. Eng .• c::b.e tl\;;; <:hilLout of your hou.~ Wtt1l.A Perfection.{)i1Heate~.',it w:>l:M. "p the ~~ in a jiffy.. llcata any foom quickly, 'bsily , o ~-.e~1I!t~~&:~if"states;th8.t have-g;~n.fa::.""U! J"'$,oir~mtt~ci..ll.nS~all playing' .trait.. -=- - .~_ "_ .G

e- land, S. C.- ~"ii' '"' 0 • SS!rk. DanIel J.-Co ,E:r S,:c. A'. ~ '1': T' -. t-1'10" grlp" The-folkswhoth'nkth""'t Cram.Ghet>tey-Ccr_y.•_1l10thEngmeers • .8. QrS.A.T C".,E Lansmgo -tho!!e aws,-- he m e 1l:"ent,"VoterI ." I. e" wo A E. 1"'-:;' -" c Stage. L D -@eneml Hospitgl No. )9~ -should1oo~ around hlIDaUpe~rance.:.n ''!. co~n ry '" ou • orlDb:on, Room 1\L~-Ser~Central Of. Thomas. GeQrge-,...,CoC, 3Z8th =Inf., 'ballotS except as some party frlena 39 or years-ago It "as know as .. Rus· . ficie~' Trainmg Camp,. l:4tl! COCo 8Jjth DIV.• A. E. F " , idstructsDtbem,.theu-lle should ask Slan mfluenza" and - caused .'IDa!!y eampJ.,ee. Va TaJ;!:."Gerald-S ~L--r 'C'; Ann Arbor

"himsllil' if his 'daughter. for mstance. deaths and m some C places Dubua.t",oCh.arlesC, Sel;gt.-Ordnance ~eshka. ~e~an-Co. E,. 126~h Jnl.. , • nf f • S· th '1. Dep.., 774.A. P.-o A..E. F. A.. E F; Vla. N. Y. . _ • "W~oi:Jle~haps a s.uc<.essfulteacher. a pam: rear mce- err 1 D1!.buar• .James R, First Sergt. Co. K Tlbblts_ Ffarold.J -10th 'Mjchine_ Gnn -woUld I:ompare "favorably_or uufa.vor- has cah,.:') s ,app<;.ared -every .season, 10th. Eng, (Forest) American E. F. 13m ,'Headquarters Amerlcan E ,F. -..,ably-with snch a man. ~ -'. mpri> or - l~s epuiemlcall,y d'lld ill l?es!--utei~-Ra!ll-0rtd- C, Lle~t -Park Turner. lIarold E -4th Reg Band.. n One Qi: the stock al'gwuents of the' -varYIngdegrees of severlty FIeld. l~nmgton, !'!empbis. Te~n. Camp Perry,

,>,Fo.y. W,uter-Co H 'inft. A. E.. F. VanValkffilburg, Car~D.-Medical.:Qpt 'Quite 1I0ssibly tIlllYwouldn't do th1S 1f S«:;).lUYler~is ~ac~ed up m th1" -:,-ctiQnlj'o~s. Paul, Corporal-Co. I.. 3~8th _ 'I'a:l:!lorFi<.>ld,Moll.!gOm!lry,Ala.- 'th~bad a mother, wlfe.or daughter b")the pUbJ;c;fn general,1:ilany par!,nts dnf.. 85th Biv~ A E. F. - VanSic~e. Harry-Ilase'Hbspitai, No. 'ho activel terested' Don't ha71ng asserted tnat thT,y would not' Foe!'. Vim-U S S Onon care post· <" W~rd -'l4. Gaml' Mer:tltt, ~. J. w was. y m. _.' ,= _ . ji}aster, N. Y. "ValJVa1kenburg, Floyd H.-338th rnf .• , l' ""fail to ....oto on the amendment, -and -'.'11~w the1!:,chIldren to, a!teng 1f the Filkins. Harlan C -1120 Btll~ Co "C. Co E, Quartermaster's Dept.. ~amp ,do!l't full to "\'Ot"right if you are a school seSSlOns were resumed ~e-rt Light Tanks. Camp Suntmeral( "Custer., - , 'Repuu'hcan, your r-arty ha~ endorsed week ,A.lthough",Northville has es· 'Tobyh~nna, Pa. , -"-" VanValK.en~urg.,~wrel1£e lV1:- witIl ~ it. if you=are a Denlocrat, your party caped. so far. anythmgo hke the Freydl, Chas~ ]\; T C. Ann .t\rbor U S 'N ••.;<\'VlatulU RBpalr Base. ~ .. t- th 1J.' h 1;1 d Garfield Truman-165th Aero Sgudn Ea:>tlelgh.England, care Postmaster ilalCennorsed .it Finally, qne hun· sever1 Y. Wl W lC Ie epl emlC care U. S. A. S. 35 "Eaton Pi'ac~: N' Y. . . :!' -.~ ~ • $tatec _ . To da!e, 3~homes have been ~lacardea Greene. Norton. COrpnral-Co. FJ'" GRlup .T. Camp H:"nco"Ck,Augus~. J Th . 1"-1 ' ' . . "lth mfiuenza slgns. 310th Engineers. A. "E. F. • . Ga :: . ' ~ man With Hueo;' Charles-Co-- 10 A Sror"- C WlleO'. Oswald--131st Co., 8th Btn., mon.o'Y '~O?,·7~ n- IS' B~-J; . ~TA.1·"'D~IZD?~ THE TDIE:, JLOCAL-V.~'J)ALIS)r...-----. .;c ~ , A~c: Cape !:lenry, C. B Va. .: ~ lo0th Depot Brigade. - t <;;:- lU.l IV~~ i:l1U'\. _ . ~~t sIlring as..a war meas1!~e..•c~~- . Considerable -damage to bUlld-;ngs. * Hall, Ft;.ank N;o- 0..; . < ; :Woo~ Haro!d E.-lJ S. S :\lassach,US-: ascount. IS a safe§uard for -gress'passed. an act requii\mg a1'1bme general dp.strucbon of property, theft, Hall, Lon O,~ ..D, MO~l Inf. C~mp ~~~k~~~postmast(lr Gener..al,!%~ Ins hom.e. Bank..,yMIrmoney - R-pay: _ ...»ieces .in the....."Gnited;:>t:'-t~ to h ~rld-cth~;:c.:.;;~ vt .;:.ud;;u;;ss-ha;~"":;:-=+,J:i~~~~nll-;:.a. ~~ lfa.l1f~ -Hos;\ilil-wum;-.l'~Uf'lr:~;o;-c;?,""'U.\>W.Me"11im:-~l ~ ;--=-=-- -ifi-t :- --rlli ~ =:;-:------== . -"'-:-1- -.-- - - ' -- .tu=e:I alle~d an 110m', and mat on gomg on at g'.o fair grounds during Aberdeerr."l'.Id. L ical "Gmt,·Q. .111. C, Ft. McPherson, ...Tery_man; a, IS WO C. IDt\" a .U.);, has a home for 1m> • :tI!'l'las! Suuday in Oc;tober!hey WEre the past few weeks The falr ~ a Hayne". Charles "'\?".-Sergpant. 380thJ Atlanta, Ga - _ a famlly an~~ ~"!Uself. But some men a:e f:!.Ioughtless-.and haTe. not -r;;quired to be"tftrned. bacK agam one bb .t - . h h 'ti Apro Squadron; "Selfridge FJ.eld'iwllber •• T. Roland-"Co. F.•,,23rd En.... protected melr home. Is YOm home -prottcted llg:lID§t oaiITerslfy~ - ~ pu c en erprlse ill W lC every Cl - lI!It.Coo rr - A E F .- "" • 0 I ,

"".boUt'."- A~ ~ tim~ DetrOlt ha~.a z.enJ of ::"1orthVllleS~Ould take a per- Heeuey; S~:ii~~? J ~lst Co •.1st Btn, Wllkinson.:'Fr;>nk-Co C. 310 Field A. 'B.LYK ACCOnT is the 'besLsafeg'Uard for your llOme. start -year preVlously abop.<.>dEastem}rme sonal i:lterest. 'l.'hrougll yo~ efforts 160 Depot Brigider--C=-:;>.Cu.e'~~ Sl~al 13 K. lL E. F __ • 'ln~.T!1-]}.l.Y~-.~~ ~__ o-._~ '~.,. "'by,a vote -of -it<;people supplemented this fair ~n be made permanent. HIlls, WllbaJ;ll-Co. B, 106 Supply W3lhams Ruel G.-Am!'.u1ance CO."1\0;'11- _. ~ -. ~ l "'by=a resolution of the ~ity council. - ':Anv nersoD.s·found loitering about _ .tr~ln. Buffiilo, ::"1.Y. '. -' Wh1?8· 17Asamt:;:;YTriUnD A.·hE.:t;; E Put YOl;R money In OURbank. 'Ie pay 3% mtel'est. --- - .' • .' , . ... . H1)lll~Elmer- 2nd Co Coast Artlllery IllP e,1 sa-.,a,a etacI men...... In et:>us.equence ~etrOlt was not l'e· the grounds wifuout a good and 'suffi- .Ft. Ha:Illllton N. Y. Lansing, ·MICh. o - T ..qnired to tUrli its cloc;ks. ,-ahe~d. cient r~ason. will be severely dealt' J"ackson;Elmer..:..sergt., Motor Truc~;' Whlt:, Harry H-Walter Reed. Sanl' Northv~l-lleSta'_te Savl-ngs Bank Abont two w~eks-agc.1nantieiR,aaon of witll. Parents, 'please call the at- A. J2. F. = I torlUm. Takoma Park, Washmgton, I , • ~h- t b k d or ~ongress the . JOl'dan Clayton-Co. A. 310th En'l DC· • _IS urn ~c or. er., • tei1tlOl:.of your boys to thlS Item. gineers. A. E. F. Whi1;e.Harold-lteg. ie, Camp Ross, I' . -oC?tr emmcl; 'agalI~ aIauyha,e already solved the problem by commg to ::;Iabley's. '''': ~astern t~me. they s ~u d hltVe.•. uU ORD. Johns';n. Ben R.-Medical Corps: L. Wheeler. Arthur F.-A. E. F. It is not lIbkeeping wlth tile .spint of . The-paserJlcord of Tommy Farrell G. F.. Presidio. SanFranclsoo. Cal. Wheeler. Foster E.-Co. F. Engineers. SELECT AX ALL-WOOL)LffiLEY O!'ERCOAT. 'these times to whollY ignore th~ laws Ias county clerk ought to assure for Kestell. Stanley J., Sergt.-Co. C.• S. A.'E. F. We have only one.kind::"ofovercoat fabric-all-woQ1-at the bed-rock • t 'th t I ~. N T 'C, E t L . '" h * Yerkes Joseph A. low price. It's the only kind .successful, .sclf-re.~ecting men wish to -of the U. Sc governmen Wl ou even 1 him B- big vote on electlOn day next •. . ". as ansmg ...... c . * Deceas~d -a resolution JU3t because- Detroit did W ty h d K1Gd, Archle-Med. Dept., Amer. Ex. :wear. and it is the only kind a store wlthoa reputation 'Such as lVliibleys . ITuesday. ayne coun never a a Forces, France. ------would every offer to its customers: .;,' it tTlat wa.:-. Let.s llav~ somp, more efficient official DF a more cour-. I{ysor, James D,. Corporal-328 Head- ~OTICE. JOHN D MABLEY -tlo:t. ~f. ~ -standard bme anyho~ and teous one. He hail previously held quarters Go.Field Art., A. E. F. ~ All parents arCcnotified to keep , • sbck ~ It. thiS office for sev~ra1 terms and no Kysor, As~ B.. Corpo:al-6 Co.. :ord their children at home until school l Mabiey's Ctirner DETR6IT. Grand RiTer GriSw31ll. man m. puhI'lC 0ffice healas 'ever -prov Regt.,A. E FMotor.. via MechamesNew York. AIr SerVlce. epens. .-Xewsboys can deliver papers.- ..... , a!ld , ~IG ,U. S. Bl.)'J) AT C.U!P PERRY. more faithful. Tommy Farrcll is * Kldl'n Homer • - 1and a Chlld Cflnbe sent to ~e store; if ~Ha:roidTurner of tbe 4th Regiment gne good man to vote for, Lannmg.': ' Floyd-S." N. 'T. C.,Ann Arbor necessary.children foundTheonMarshalthe'stTeets.Wlll take all I======:::;;===-======"Band U. S. N. writes inter~~tinglY of Lapham, Luther B.-11th Co. 3rd Re- DR. SCHUYLER,...... \ '. placement Btn.. Camp Gordon, At- H Ith Offi ,.,. :his t:"ainlng experience as follows ~ "D!Jli'E" COFFf.S"IS )L\XIXG GOOD lanta, Gl1. ' ea. cer. I := ~"'We started our camp life' at d'l- CA'IPAIGN. Leavenvo-orth, Loren F.-:;-Co •• C.. 21st tention camp, Dee-atur. for_3 weeks. II ,Machine Gun Btn.. Am erlcan Ex- CAlm OF THANKS., r=. ~ad dnring that time our vacciuation "Duke" -,Collin is maklng' a good lIeditionary Forces, Flance. We wish to extend, thro~h the ~nd thrM SllOtsin th-earm. which will campaign tor sheritt on the Republi- Long, Archie-1st Co., l-st. Bn.• 160th Record, our hearty thanks to t4e West Cd .~ ~~ , can ticket. " Duke" is very popu- Depot Brigade, IGth tent, CMnp NoVi school. the Red Cros~ -and all _ L J remain ill the minus of sailors durl~g CUSte friends and neighbors for kind ex- ' lar and ought to poll a big vote. He L k ";::1 h C A ?-d Btn H preB:;ions of sympathy in onr late -their whole career. Then we were 1 bit' i tl t f y e...... p - o. ., - ., eayy r i i ~j trltllsferred to the main camp and las een a. spec a nves ga or or Tank Service. Camp Colt, GettYs- bareavement. May God rews.rd them . th 2 d t 'the prosecutor's office for some years. bU~. Pa. bountifully . -::Q 1 ., ",fttll' beIng ere ays we were sen Langtleld, Conrad, Lleut.-SanltarT WILLIAM MILLER I J • ·to ehicago, playing for Ii days. Then Corps. Surgeon General's ofllce, Al'<"'DFAMILY. I . ';.we stayed -at the main eamp a few More "than One. Washington. D. C. r .. ":.days and were transferred to our pres- Mr. lIensby-"X wns certaInly the Limbrfght, Robert. A-Squad E., Slllf- CARD Of THANKS. I .... ~"'t location. the 4th Regiment band. blggest;!oolln the world when Xnsked Tidge FJeld••Mt. CI~mens. Mich. :Mr.and Mrs. Frank OIm extend sin· J I ," "~m Perry you to mnrry me:' Mrs. Hemsby-"Not Lanning, Orrm-U.~. S. Michigan cere thanks to tbeir friends for kind· l-r'2j -, D • l.lil bl"gI'St, dear I 'accepted you" New York City, care postmaster, neM and to the. Foresters for tlowers , "There ate about 90 plN>esin tI1is r - o· • Miles. Cilas. E.-ehf.. Co. E. 55th during )lr~ OIm's recent illIless. """'" -:. " ~"~~~:;:t~~~~~~J;~~~:~~~~:'-.(~~~i~* ~

" "

1 I c c,

'. St~d~rd~zati6n ....ll~~lt QUTDOO~~~~~}E~i:~T~~':f~~~1UlIES ~ ,---;." ·uts Flee4: COStl~,derMn.Tlllrty·uln.e,,'lnd lr'!l-and- t I ~:~-:. C "1: 'I father, has Just found out he >1- " ~'- -- - ~" c. • .' L wail not ,\ citizen of tJ,;e eJli:eQ ~ n r A' small b'Ottle :of ~'[fanderine" - ' , " - - ~ - ~l· '<0 - - :-..- i~State5:.-fotlo\,\ in~.Jli~}"~I$trJ.t)on ~ l' Keeps.nair {thick, stroDQ, - Ships .Bum Cheapei ~Than Was 1m:. T?-e mor~ ne.u:.l,v t~e lab.1cat",:, * f-ortfie dr:>rt. ,Born 1\1.S:"edHi, "[ ;--~ .' . ' , <:11.lpes101'huH~ 'H1a :Ill shIp tlllldlmen II he tl.i'fi.e..e Q! ~h~ps. f -nO\~ In t-h"'e-;\.em'--,:- He \,.1$ gi'\.-en ):} of your haidn a few ~ U1l.tAlT'U. ~ Tn "~':'Tm"l\. lt is thl! ~mrpose of" t1;e ~nl~er1, T -h:< firSt pal,erS:. - ~ J1'lomen~s, ADDS '1 -u 10 lbrtiH:Jil1 ~'t".3.fes f,hrPllwg no"u,u Lm~l"ge-ney Iq ,~ ...... -J - Fle<:t COl."pOrutwD to 4,'ff~t tlus, son~e- "!:?:-:-t:-"*--::-~-~-~ZJ..-!'J.-J:J.--'!:i---v~"-X; 1 .~~ thIng it: ha"S':llre ...14s accomplIshed 1.\1tll~ ~~ t - " - _ Great Saving irf'CcrSt and "Ma..mtena.nc-~ respect to lnau,:\ ~tnng.;:;;. -Th~ f~c~j_:ile- of cu".tl nmchiner!. _:: ""'-GOOD" TYPE' oF'OUT"OOOR eEl.!l...AR FOR ROOTS:- _' - ~\'ashillgt(jn:-A.n.. item whIch e"e?t- t"bding: 1.lrge oeonsu-u<..uou'entelp!1"es I glld!--a, , naQv ":~ll ,appe.lr ,'< tre:nemlous: fig,] hef",).'e nlltctf.lls, al'l.l-: method,; 1M\ eJ)u":tll..d,md one ,~-eellellt;::f<)r=the-~tor,:ge_:31 many_ v~, §f-ap.proximat-: s~:ze d~Sl!:~ .the dift for c.?verlng i;heCroof p.d "f~ tbe-lll.1ge ~\1!1e:r·.l5~anmcrd1:.mt~ fieeL ,,\-ell :1S C.OSt J:1.$iS t~lS e11"plln,J.tin~j l'e<;l sb!p-'t\lU l't~ euttrel~ ~t::U1~al'~ .nb~ 0Jl the _f:!tl~,-'a.-s~ they ..Affo1:d ~~- nankl!lgthe;slaes_of~e-;.Structure. ~ whidi th" Rf'mands 01 t~ '\ .11.J),), e lon~ dISl.llI'(' li,IUls ~T:naenl1e oJd11lan l-lzed wl1ene,:et:it JS pO~lble to, ~(COW' ;relllent a~a lUe:s:pe,?slVe;S~orage mcrlI- frame is erected by :;;~ng two'rows _ _ 'h[ou,;,.:!'t Jnto e"~tem:e ana ~\JlkJ~ pc'<'f it "a~ sonwumes rr"CeS&lQ tQ.~h)Ill I)b.sh. It. §tan'brtl~.molLh~~ lll'<'Met! Itie;;}02' i1.ur!I1l!8-v~t-able crops, !h~t 6f-pQst.g~01' #1f~rm h,clj;ht l~ the:'i~ot- _ . ,-'.~ Sllli;S!?- t", tlle ...£ont::-~y :,0"\~2:::"~'\0)".::r;s :1Iul, I'M,,> fWm ~ ~ ancom 1'1'.1",\'en fhe ,gulley ,~,,) IS~el11g apphe;I to J otherw1~G mlgb~ ~ ]osto~ .Tt,,~y posse"s :);~Ip.o~thE1,.pij;''1ear the3llrt:wa~':s.a;'-d ., __ =J.nE.:-w~l~-n?.i--=:p.\SS~\\""11:0 Ule-l'npb~t~nll''ii'c''of tlliie. And, too. \1,('; ,1m he' 1 - - .IB- 00. ~K- S' :,' the storB »rodlJct to ~e di$lred point ~eil'd~u"' a ventilator 1l1lt-ln thee root e 0 _~'g,hliilt-clH',11Je",thm: I'd"'" tl'" \\:,rlMIL- LIAN' _ .. ., 1 for.""'at sto~f:!,.ljY 0Re~~: 0.21 1' The who~e,stJ:!1.15~e-.-"'tth the .~eep- , .it.. \\.1". lJ~ll~,ed ,nUllrr~:tl1e, m~ge o;r V,_. 0" l~dU';ln~ th~,;nght~n

ly \\:1.";; f.lf flllnl he.!!l./!one 01 the=;gre.l!:' "l; • - t Q J PIn ~qu.lre '\\Ith U;e. \)tIler ~ \..1'\\, ne the product .and auns to me efficiency lCTe ("~Il3.rs usuan~ nr~ left With "dirt ~tion of Danderrne you C.l.llnot find a ntHl Ul1poTtant md1hl1lC'i. cher". 0 :llle- Ommverously as ,~~ 11, LJ1a. pl>lYt?d~quare ,\1'1.11::bandS off .md there waS !Lttle eG~ . • 'h 1 ~ such a cellar than in t e 'l!;tQOge room Ol' made of concrete, brick h9UOW tile. :vJJI-please vou m9st-mtLbe after a "few - - I of two hlllds ti'"se ..:ontl'" lit", nnn 0 b f ~ ell - " - • ' '. " ..' .a • CQUrfig~.Dent for prnnte (.aptt"J.. to z,o"1 -' - I _ .-r d~ of the in~lhe nc;ement 0 a;tW in.? J 'Stone or otner LnaterblI. weeks!....use;,when-you see n~whtllr, une Into till' e''lprp\)':;e, But \\ Bell the" '!r' ('TORIES thg"e 1JU1'C'h;,.sedbev'the ~un, . . 'Then the chij}f- nse of the outdoor and' -dO~llY at first~yes--dl1lt really glI11e .1' \\ ,I~ cJulnged~ c\. gre,lt fieet PREFER DETECTIVE ,) \ asso~tlo~ "~I(~~ l"n e..:lIlo~lt~:~~~I;~ storage ~e1lal' is f?t' storing ~~1lS. "ELV·~T B-EAN'S c new hair-gr{i\nng all ()ver the scaety (0 f beets. carrots iind other root crop<: v 'l: 0 FOR ,.A llttle Dandmne im"edlately -nul' Unexpe.:ted Demand fOT Seriou,.. Read, I p1v"tery ~tor1es to th"clogtcal tr-eu .,:e... be located near the :;;table, where the c-empare Favorably' With Cottonseed ference llow- ilnl1, faded, brittle 'and~ SUJl~lt()..."..totne (ou~ltne, ",,,rs,,as. The lOll i:rpr,se to Llbrarlans-=-Tech· fro'l1 munlcr Jams to ~mton's po<"m.,. ll1atertal '';11 b: conveuleut-fur ~!1ter Meal-Produce Profitable qains scraggy, 'jnst mQlsten-ll ctoth wIth D!!n, , 'S::B.h>d....",".atps vmermnent lI"'dert(l"~cal Book» Great Auito the 11':1r A.r~:l. so ~eEetables for the table tIle cellar" ~ - yom hair..t.a.killg one small strand at a -- ~ii-Crol --nun die~1 H. n~~"- ,J; ~~~l th:..E' - -=---~_n::!.-..' ~~-- - -~-- ~" O!!lDJ-xemY§l..T..-. a~-::!l-.!~J!te _.. n.!.~_~.eau shQuld -be ac~es~ible from-the- kItchen (p.reparec!=--by the United Stalea DeR-a.rt- L~lmi?--=r-lle-..pJ'fuc.L1s-..nmH.Z'ln~xout' hatr lad~ of ....tnnd:d·{!lzatlOll ',.l'; .1 serwuc;; 1-= ,,__ --, 1 nrrny lil ~nce :T.fl:e~l~eJ1:;rp ~eed~ at all. times.=:; If apples or ~tl1er fjUlts ~.-.-'" ~ men!. of ~Agrlcrilture.)- ~ -·-1 ~il be iight.1i~ 2).nll w';:v~ ;nd nave 1J:trllltc,,1' 'tnd Jllll~t hI' 0' £'!;COllli' If'rap· \. ashmgton -:II ore than, a m'lhO~ for hooks. in the day "hprr !l'e <:Ul ,'I>re to he sto-red lU,.an ontdolJr "tora~ ~The ,feed ques!i0I!. is being soT~ed In appearance-'of abundance; an. m- id \llo'!re~~ ,l"d eeonomJ III ,,,,t "erp ,hOok' hdem;llld \\a~ cellar it is- deslrllbl~ to have. '!- two, ~anYparts of,the South by ll.ll~nda:Jlt compa"rnllJe'lm.tre, softness and ]nxu-

I~oJ ~ _ to lip <..ou.:;;;uJt"rt-->t! &nlHhudlz,ltJOn ·w'rt:3 the AmCT':.U\ll LlbrtlTY W:i50clatlon for so great rl1ft.t n ~ol!ghhoy ",\hQ had cOillp:rrtnlent cellar~ -one for vegclt1.1iles YIe'lds qe velvet b~ns wbic~ w~ rIance.. neees<,ar) aIid ..tand,itdL7.ltlon \\.I~ put T~e 1Jse 01 the AmprJc,m e,pe~lU,Onary takelb ",<'r ~n :""I5'lrl "ck lmg_~, t·Opy~ and ~one -:for apples, with a Yent11>lting sr.";,, ?!l a la~e acreage th~ yea.r- -Get a small bottle ,,1'. Knowltbn's lllto pr.Vilee for<-e. The total a\ ,llfahle "'as 3,000.' ~f.O~ ~enf~ " . T11~Pour~ftmon ,,"Pht apparatns III each compartme~ OW1~ to the lllll~eased. acreage 4~ Danderine for a few cents at any drug Benefits of Standard,z"tlon " 0(1\),"nd tillS \nlf.he"SlllJplemep.ted b! 1~1nto pamphle~, ~ach conta1mn~ one .:constr:uction =of Cellar. 'GevrlQ;>. that state alone could take store or tOilet counter, and prove that The 1ll.1Itllf"eture 01' c1ofhlll'" hat" a umted \\ ar ''''rk C.ilill"ugn <:'~'lIld lllitprJl~ For t!llS.=.,..,,:LSllQ ,,00 rolt for m" SIX .11Iled "'"l'l.are aloa/; the hne, nnd thpy- llternl!s "e free frffill i) moisture amI free from Llll'ge qUl"'!'titles of last vear s,-velvet... 1 tr tm t th t' all-- 0' c' 1 ",- ----='-'.-'n - 0 d t - Iece ~ _ ---= ~:= -':"-':..n-~~ uy care ess e.ll en - a §. y~J1l son a ...t.lndnrdil"ed. SUIt of <...1{)the~or:::tl. U1-g.1nuJ.n ns_ re~l 0 n. "" () c..,- fro$t-lt% type and con"truct1oll_ vary =O~ - ~V-"'~1U(1~ ...,. & ...... ---- ~ --sureIy~n ha'y~~1itifu:lhalr an.d-lots~ pmr hi ..ho~' to"t, much leiSs tl'nn <:0-1 Ahout oDP·hnlf oj' t!l~' are.1 coo"er,,!l The nIqst l11<:lste"t ',HI Is f.J: d"t" wi€!lthe geogr:whical'locutiOn. ln the bemg t:st-d e.ue:Js1vely In ~edlllg darn:, I ~Just try'a hilie. Dan: ..calle<] mad .. te order ,'Pllarel It Is he-I m Frl'nce hy Ille Aml'rlc.l~'Pedltton 11'-" thnU.,,... :md far tllles of the --.: - ~~mt-T:derine."-:-.AdV~ z

Lit'.J"(: ~Wnl'l~n~U17fltlO11permIts ot Ule I lL.!.\ rot ce IlJ:~ J:ecen~t:'u It",; hTSt spr--!~ f noN\:) mountmns ..l. ex -("tjmes 1 e (>0- structure is usually entirely above Et'dS~tes department or-.a:gnc1l1ture on i"'""u U>lgi! cellars are made aimost entirely meal, producmg n.rofitable ~aIns when but'nin~~ corrc,,!,oIHimg thm:g m lIntouLOlnle;; a\aIl:>]};p TO .my Ame!'lcnn soln1er ill °te.lu~, catli€~raIS anll_ !,omt<: _of h'<:'luelow ground and covered wIth a foot the b~S are,the sole ,con~,:ntrate of All1"rtC:L~ prob1em th"n. ''''to m,'he rr:lnc" Upon applIcation of a hut torlC Interl'",t arEl,1ll great demand, as or two of earth_ tI,e :ration; that a combmati')n of com Soothe ~ ~aby Rashes R do1Jur 'hl]', so to ::.peah, or, If ~uu! .:;,;e(-!:et:1ry."In) book In the r'1.lrJ--; IkJ well as lusto~es of Fnln<..e A r~cenr Storage In Regt~ms of Mild Winte~s.. sJlfi...ge ttna :elv.:et beans :orms 11 satl-t;- That itch and burn with Dot ba!hs of ,!,refer It a ~ellgolll~ "fin """." <:ome, J I'llln \\ III h~ ~eut an)" here In Fr:m.ce cabl~ mJ:'ssa~e t?, tlus 'Ol~n,t~ .• ,:lle .1 ThorOl~::;-h-1 ~\t e-\{-r\ booh.,;;;nelf the men find n ing th.lt the :\fn.ld~of. O~..~ns 1:::;_~i_ of the United States may be bruIt ~n f-eed ~o.a"ked be.ans than It IS to ~grmd Nothing betrer. For free samples ad- Iv snUllll prf'lJo~lt"'n fr.,m t!'e ~t.UiG· po<:ter "h"'h r~e::<'ls: '''{'!Iese book~ are p.opuI~r ,IS the modern } reo(h maId 11 weU.drained .site at slight expense. them" and ~at IDore beans :wJll be dress, ~Cntienra. Dept. "Jr, Boston.: pomt of uni,ty :mil eco'lGlU)-. ThIS 'llonned"On the honor system. If) eu ~ns~ . • oA. row of 1!0~ :may he set' five or six eaten. if soaked hefore they are fed r Sold by drnggfsb1 and by malL . Soap mNm. ln~ ha"e b~eo surpr:"e,~ .feet apart, extending o,*ven 01' eIght than if they are fed dry. 25. Ointment 2lr and;;50.-Adv_ ~~ J .It th€=uue.:q>ect ..d demaud for serlon~ feet above- the surface of the'ground, f'"l,tdent- ~-.....-..-::: - r:ea.dIng~ .Jfanya £oldJe.r l&'lS with a ridgepole p1s.eed"Cln top of tliem. liO ERAOICAT-E COTTnN-~EST Unemp]OYlll~nt In Scotland has d,~- o TIJRKS CAPTURED IN PALES-TINE 11" chosen war tImes, to ;::eJ In a dig .A.,"ffinst.-each slde of the rldgep?le a ' 1;;/ ~ appeared, due to the demand fo: labor. , '_ at ,some books t~,e L'e:tdmg.,of WhICh row_of plagks or puneheons 1& p[aced •.: MeXican Agrlc"ltural Officials Here to A!ii2l' ~~ i he ha<: h!therto po,;tpo:l<'d ,0 a mol''' WIT}, fh~r opposlt<;: ends resting lJ;1 a1 Cor!1er on VarIous 1m- ' Keep dun 1DSlde a.s well 1"5 outsJde- by t:l.kJO.lt ~ 1IfI£!&L.~"""::""' ... '0':" ,-" -, J ("on,em,,!,t season W,th .. perfectly £lralIow,n-eJlclr four or five f;oet from - ~~~ S b' ts. ... gentle l~nve at least onte ft week such ~ ~--- ~- ~- ~ -. hh d th pc- ~m U Jec Doctor PferCe·~ PlGa...~l'1t----' PclIe~ .Adv. , --:;:;;;:'" - ~";',' ~g-.\l'!!!:t.~C"'-!':. doug 0)' InqUIre e the line of posts. The eJlds are board- __, ~ , - .~Jti ,J(. other day !()r BiJSWelis-:r,;t';-"f-'f~.!:r'=r"" w. ' ..... _.f j~ ~ I ~, - - "', ~. (> e.~= secrecary o~ "6"""'- K~mgaroo ""farming .an important --- ~ son," . ' . end of the sttncture, and tJie roof COV-I tu;e and ills. i\ssoC1aT~ are "ISInn'! lndn<;tl'y in An<:traFa Of COUrse-more t.han one lllapprop:,- ered "\nth sod to a depth -of five ()r six: th ;,. , ed 1';[ to il ~tm t 1'. L ate book has fou6d its way QYerse:i:s. r· -h' . e ullit ~ a ~s OW"" en 0 agn ,:;;l:~;;~;::;=~::;;~:~::~; I - .'. th - mc es. ~ = • cullure fur conf€rences 'nn seveI'il "Sub- I I iD.l"t~ n~T"ti,...nlQ.,.l"", ~.... +1->.,(\ Im.u.gIne the-- emo~on::.> of e young Stor-a!{e in Region of Severe Freezes.. ~::-~k bolt 1 giant who s1:>\lked.Into a "Y" hut. -!let- In sectIons where low temper-.1tures l·--~ ~~h;:'~:'-:-~~::"::-~ ~~... tt" • il ' worm W ku :s ,uu<:L-uug .....e<. co on 'I tied ~wn for" qu,eT eY~g, an rrenill it L" np("e;:'<:llr" to m<:nJ'!!p th.!' - rti _~ GiJARANTE£D - .. 'il " ,, - - -' - - -- "7 - crcrp ote JIle::nco and some lIo ons uc TO INSTA'~~ R~LIEVE l:;;;(uuuu-.....Ua1L U.l~ 11~L 17\:run. ...~"'""'II.t1l:l---u...1U t sto-rage house so tbat tlle,/"f"egetables !I l~ i-L."I..... • ~ ~in the f>l,:e WIlS one of ~e '!ushlest will not freeZe. .An""bove.~(>und type I AS THM Jl~ 'and most "ffervescent <-= the ElSa> of storage 40nse much ~sed in many -r ~-". - ~ I A'"'- I books. .::. sections of the Xorth has tJll<::kwalls 1 . ,"y{ ':"2 ORM,oNEY REFUNDED-ASK ANYDRUGGIST I _ ~ost of the money • ~pen: f,lr th: nlled with. insulatmg materU1, "Such 2:S ,J, ~7 L C'al 565,000 pnrchaseil book~.IIa" ;rone fo. sawdust O"T sha"iDgs. The construe- \ (''''Op oSI-n'g yeS 1 technical 'Yolnmes de,;ignated"to aid tton IS of traine anii.the waHs are usn' ilL - . I I th~ ambitions soldleT m mestenng ,the :illY ten to .1Weh-i§inches iliick. :Both , Yon-can Stamp Abortion Out , sciCI1CG'of war. Among thes&Iare hooks the insIde- and the 'Qutside walls are I on the p:o;ycbolo~ of cnlor. for the "heathed willi matched lnmber :;;0 as of YOUR HERD and Keep_!t Out ' I camonflage ('Orp~,,,, th" chp.JDlstry of to make them airtight. ~The rafrers 'Dy tbe use of c, I high e.'qJ]OSlVes,ballt<:nc<:, %nitary en' al'e Celled on the nnder side with tne DR. DAVID ROBERTS' ....f ., ...~ -.f>d'Y ' "7:('" ;...,' ~ 1 g1ne-l?J1ng~ hydrost.3ti-e~~ met(>orology, same 'n!atenal and tht:" space---betWeen "Anti Ab rti " ::.r::::0~iz:U'iil$ofuifulll@t"hli~i'#o' " I applied geo]o"," linG otl1er subjects on ih" rafters :fined with dry insulatmg • 0 on" U ..rf'.. lre t\]>~, ,,1 111(>'1"r],,,,h pnsollers mk"n by the thonsaods 111Pales· \ wInch the modern So]dH~r must be.a 1l1&terIa1. The use of hUlldiyg papeT E:u:ily lp';:l:~~ Resul... une 1:» the 'It '"rlOll. 11 o"!'~ of G€neral AlJellby's e.'q>cdition. ,peclah~t. 1Il the roof -and waUs of the stora~ Used sueceo&fuUyfor 30 years. - hou"," is of great aSSistance in insu1at- Consult D!L DAVIP ROBERTS ~ , "SOLID IVORY" IN THE ARMY mg;t. ' - ~=~~~~~::a~~~:,~ ARE' MEXICA N S 0 UT A tYJle 'Q1'-..'1:ornge cellnr mnch m-ed eopyof "Tbe Cattle Spec.ahst" mth fun info... SC . Recruit Believe': That He Sh."uld III northern sertio,:s of The country is V;iE'R\N~l'yboc'8~DI;'i;;.~ ~~ ~~~::l~~~ Carry Out His Ord6>'ll built partly ,under-grotlnd. The wl\lls Regardless.. "1'e of mllSGtU'Yand e:xtead to a. point I - jnst above the surface of the ground. LBreJo Te~~.-(' ....rnllB 1,n,p:t;H": Ilhue 1<;""solutely no foundation for I ,:mcouver Barrncks. Wnsh,-ce.~ On these walls plates me set and :Ii dists '1' uorthern :lle:,I('o .1lHI "Ion<; ,1:hl' report that they will be conscripted talnty in re~rd to but one part of his roof <)f frame -construction erected. the boraf'T ar~ "ct,H>!s ,'ng,,;!1·<1III :n' 1 'Ind n<:ed as washerwomen In F1'llJlce. orders on the Part of a recruit <:entrY The roof structure 1;; ceUed \>n ..:he stllhng frIght lllW =.fp';(-ll1~ ~ltJr .• I·'~Iher.,. are any number <:>fwomen al'l here_ne.'lrly C:lu<:NI the w.mndlng of unde=de of the rafters >lnd some- vieW' to prl'Yentmg tho tl cros:img to, ready in Franee '>nn none <,thers are an officer of the ",lt' thN'e lime.~ tively eR:O;Ymatter. 'right: Ularence Onsley, assistant see- genernlly:' fur sesls In t1;e l?ribilof Island and l'hen tlre.~ ~aid th(> sentry, Protectio'l From Freezing. retary United States department of Deep~Seated Colds These kind of reports have reached "mounts to 33,83\ pelts, accordlng TO 'I'!!e ol!i"er then e.:xplaincd that tnis Protection from 'freezing may be se-I agriculture; Don-J<>se Duvanon, Men- d...e:op serious complication. ii nogl Of d. the Am.·rll'an c.:,nsu1ar !\<'rvle<>on tlle ol<:patche. receiv(d bere. I drdstlc Il"tton wa~ ...,,,iy to be adoptf'd ('ured 'vitb :1 simpler type of sttneture can director ot ngrlcnlture; Don Pas' u.~ an old and "me >ncd remedy eu:at border Il!ld they lire exerting Their !ft. The pelts are helng shl1>ped to St. when the cl,anc}l~erl intruder did I.nt hy making it ..,ntlrely nndeI:,,"l'onnd. In tor .RoUllIX, M6x1.can secretary of ago bAllClvensatW""tionformoretl1&l'1Itt7_ most e,'Com to Sf't the Mexlrons right lA'TIlldnnd dyed nod sold Wl\q much rellevPd to leam that h" of the floor, willi the consequent extra Ignacio Lopez Banca1r1. Mez1can d/.'I 0'8 can citizens mIl be snbject to the se- tlt the fur lluctlon next April. It Is would not have to start k1Il1U&until be ",bor ILl stlil'~g llnd removing the ve,-ll'ectof of irnptioIl- '1l'ctU'e dl'lltt, while. liS for women. ~ed thl!J' Will brill( $l.ooo,ooo. lOt "over ther~" ;", .~~~>-=.;,.:~, ,"!'''- -:.:;~~:~~~~~~-~::?~~:~~~~~~:~~;-~. '" __ ~.. :"';'1'> -f .....:~ 5- .;- ~ ""-,,--~

...... L.Ife fu. dark...Q.not 'Worth mncb to ~ m:tn Ol;~ woman ~ llli an. add Si'tomaeh ~ Acl(f stet!'!:lleh -:kills E:ope. 3..mbItlOil. En~ .a.9'!.nrage IFssJ)S 'the .strength of- th~ stl'lln-gcsti' bo near the full strp.llgth ftom thell' food ~. ;ou s,ce., It':t just tbts-aelu stom -ach--that l";o' boldiug so many peopl~"bd:::k -sapping up tbe strenJrth- the$' ~shouid y~t f.{J)Q. thdr food-taldng -awayJh~tr ""'l:t0T nnd t"ita.hty-leavU1&" them wuk Jl.ud ineftc..enL

/ A-,Remedy That Makes Life Worth Liying- :.-:=:- Genuine bears signature - ~~

PARKER'S HA.iR: BALSAM A ful1er pr1!ps.ra:don o!"J:::leTit. .Helps ta et"JtdJealt:' dJJt.ntL""1l1I. For Rest.r::a::ir4: Color nnc! BcautytoG..~yorF(l.dedHair. " sc.c.=.d$L...v .. 'f~~

1 Ie Wo Are Here Told th~ Best=oRemedy for Their Troubles. " 1"reemont, 0.-"1 was passh:tg through the crlti~ period of life, being forty-six ye,."s of.age and 1m£: all the sym.ptoms incident to that c~ge - heat- ..fl:asnes, nervous;>ess, and wasm a general =n dcwn condition, SOit -.ms hard for me tc do my work. Lydia Eo I'izlk- bam's Vegetaole Com:pound w-...s recommended to :riie as the best remedy for my trouhles,which it "",rely proved to be. "'I feel be~ter and stronger in every way since taldng it, and the annoying symptoms- have disap- peared. ';-Mrs. Yo GoDDEl!<, 925 l'

< North Haven, Conn.-"Lydia Eo Pinkham's Vegeta- ble C'<:>mpo=d r~red my !>ealth after evcr,ythingf'lse bad :fa.ileil "'hen--pabSingthrongh cha.ngeof ilie. Th.,.." •is nothing like it to overcome the trylng~ symptoms." -Mrr.. FLom;:{Cl!: ~Eo;r;.J97. Korth. .!ll:oven, Com::.

- Imponant to Mothers _ Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy 9 l fo!, iIlfan_tsan~dchildren, and &eethatit 1 :Bears the • LYDIA PINKHAM S !Signa~e of : ~~: Eo In Use for Over 30 Years. !Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetoria VEGETABLE COMPOUND Se'l"en hundred British subjects ue born ye.~rlyat sea. When Your EYesNeedCare JiGS the fiNatest" record for ~ ~NC'!testflOW T." Murine &e RemedY • ~A E.PlNKHAM MEDICiNe eo. LVNN.MUSo No 8man.l1lil-;r_ lCfo CoDltort. tlll .... too "" ~ or malL Wrtb& tor ~ JIJw Book. X1l'JmI)'; 1tYJI: :RlDIEDy Co.,C~CAGO ""-:;r...... -....,,_"'.. ..- .S< y...... -f- e ~'7 L,.,c: 'ti_" ...._...... ~ . " "~:,-"-c. ':'; 0:'" : • .:,? .c~. : : .::" r~~,:~".~:'~~}:~?', '" ".>~,.Vf."-,,'"c,,',< y' ;:.:,

~" .. " ,:f..:-. ~,.-, ',,",":' - c ,; , ' ~ ~,L~, , :_'~:.Tf,;;~'~·~~~-.~~~~_~!_·.:,l~:~',r~~~_~".~._'"...... ,...... ,"'-;!f.;"':;.-;.. ~I,~:~:·~~~~~f;{i~~~T:3--,:,,-=,>;:~.;><-_ .. ~- _.: ~ .. ',: ~_ .. ,~~.: .. ~:~~ :'~:;::~~',"=.. ' ~~<:.-;- _<.:: _ ~ _ ' ~~~;~~ - ·lGI! I''''mi''' < --'. ,'. -l'nt HFt'OKII: ,~I~J(TH'!1JjLE,-ECH., F~AYfiNo.~~~;:,t,!~~ . ?r~., ~.>;':::;.'0 ",' ,,~ __ t . ,_ c ..~ ,,~. ",",,,,- ~~ y ~""~--.?..1:.....,",~"'i;... .. ~:.. -..... r .s::.~" 5::~--;:'--. • £ ,.._ " J> ~ ~.,

o~ ., 1 ::-. NO'rtKville,,:-Reeord •. IdQngerO!iS'~nd uii'sjg}iUy'oPeii celr~r .• U,::S-IMPICT. U'HE" S' 'tHE ~B_tuE~,ffit~fifE:~l,=--.. ,..:::.... r '-- " - ,~~ ':' ,.' - Z", -0:':',',.,, - '.' •• "'-"_,_",:7 -" "'jThat thiSrw.¥.':lble pl:operty'is ~er-. " '.., .. K" L" "E "N'_1':..' _ r r' r _'-:nAL~~lftING-cO ~ ~- mitted to lay.idle,an\1 ~ its p'resent .u. .• . , 'ON ,BABEL'S '10WERi .' .' - ,', . ~> ~". ; • .. ~,:.' _ ~_ri ~ ~ ~ ~~~~;-, ~:;: :::~:::u;; ad;::: t:e:at'i~ p::: PROVING QUITE A . L~c;a' ,P;iJ~ ~l -;ha~1 .~;~irer j . ' .' " · 4lcrossJter~faee and shnmlrdo"n onl DEN,TAL'. CREME., i ',.r -~ ~~~~eD~1Y~:~=~l:;.ttnot a cent.in'taXe!l. SENSATlONA·L HI'T ~!~;t;~;-~~~::::yb~~~ ~:6~~~~~~~1 ,.; . . ~~. . . _ ' "' ,:!1M! hfilt1Dg Co., at Northnpe,,lWch-. -. • her.~ 'Exeltroly she Shook .her heail:::!n It "''' ,. JpA. ancl ~ent€red II.t ·the, Nl)rthvUl~ , The talk by- tbe supervisors-o.~ __ -_ _answe~"tQ the question tha~ilIle eoii.Jd' ." A :SEW"SOFT, Si~W.WHITE D~:NiiF.RICE THAT' ,; ~~oo-~ ~n~CIass ma,tter. iWayne county in regard to' emplo';:'" . . r- ' , _ c: not uniJeNtand. ~Shll' u" -... Tons hnd €Xjl1arned·tt all 10 her thllt -LEAVES-THE MOWH ~O OT.... ~» '-'.LO»Ai. _ , :::: lators "lho will :be on .the job t,gere U. So. SUBMARINES- NOW ~ moriifng. 'He had told It to 11('1' n~ln THIS cod I., CLEAK F.EELING nAJ..rs TH~T THE ~A~ through the ballots of Wayne CO\1nty IN EUROPEAN WAT£RS -at t!l.e...WU1on...~Th",n. wa\'l~~ hi" hat I . NERVES EAVE BEEN FREED .FROM THE STALE SEeR:&.-= ." 0, - • be hlld dls:WQeare ':reI'out ber.- ~ey. 'Were ,'eep.ug., , ~REPRESENTS THE ~OST 'UP.TO.DATE OPINIONS OF AME'R- ~~-..Th~ pape(1ia~ eI\UsreQ = = ". _c. - _ ,,-' Throughout t.he stit~ S~ tuc1n;"'''PJr .!~:.'::.3'~ . / _,. .1 QA'S .-LEADL"iG Ji.E~'TlSTS. THE' ~HEER CLE.ANNE~A'H 1rith the 1tove~e~t -Intlle ~'_ ~ NOVl New~. .; 1 ._ ~.- " ,~t~cla hud' b~ ~tt'oth,,=a~;o To!'y CI£EATES PREVENTS GERMS OR ACIDS' FRQ,'\{ DEVilLOP- "'vi~ ~fAmeric2.. for tlie -; ~~': ----- :;- ~~ --~-~~ ~ ,.., :;;n In ttie -otdceonnttV...-cEf~e Y::£l'~~ before,.. I~~:IN THE ]'!.O~H. - -:..- ,- .e 0 r h ••• _..... Wm. lIIairs anil family '!l0tored fo hnSmgr -Mlch.-The".'United'"statel -",nil a:>foiig :!!~k~'.'i~f:,~e~'- ·Y.ork' ;c tertoctOA t e y.rar> . .!Lansmg ~edneslIay - __ govenuneiit- ."'101' .moving'· p_tcture! -ptn!,"d In.~ his Insld~p'!.cket, Ii"'" lover ~ ~BEG~..E:sJOJ::I'NG THE COOL; QL'E.L~, "".. .:: ":> ' -"~ .. :::. -', "' , 'I ~w1lich are,.:D,ow m~ the;to~ds~ol ~d le!~ ~er~~ II.e':."T~te tn...:&'I'.!f:y'let-~ KLE:SZO FEELL~G ANI) .THE W01\. ~" ~-~ , Mrs .• Ffan.ces ~ Dandison ~ visited _ the,stat&. ~der.'.the -auspices- of ",!h.! ter thB:t Ull, ha~.JD!,om!'2n DE.REUL CLEAXSlNG EFFRCi' TODAY. ,---=-.L'~OT-!!ER ~ ~PLE. _ .' friends lii t'.o~tlac last wee"kFrlday.' :>WarP.repire~ess,*ard, are",~ ~e. n~W_~9Un!rp ,JJ:r dow;?, m~n~. ,;; ., - ~ __ ') '. A whole jot of Jleopl£ breathed a ~ .,,- -;-, ~ '.. ~ quite;;" di~t hlt -The~entry of th~ had fina!r~"il!?v.~~Jler o.wn trnnspo. r~ "" ~~' . - • . Glen Melow spent Satllrday~.and -gonrnme!it', and the; state "into th~ tatlan. an~ .f~l7;~o :?,O~t_ISTou,Y--;!1n~ • '. • - '" - _ fll:h ~f 1'e~ef last f~l,wh:n, in-oeo.:u- Sunday with bl; .sister, LUlian fu De:-. ~mov~ ::liiemie. busir;i!ss_has iOO -:!.~I 'llh~.had-li\!en mnrrled.. Then he. ~u\l. _._".' '." -c-~~S.-0 '-TAN- LE-V , ,. Jihance With gove=ent. orders, Olt." -proTcould &:11 ~el1 l\~. ";UlFMI;s: 0: K.1?ax-'1,M,tt Tisi~D _ ~otfi"polleem'!n'~u~a!.olg,.ii!l th~J~ .... _ ...... I'!"':.Mo_""~""_""_""-:-_"" _ . _ '" Mw'Jter~ 1!e-were at".~v~·t1!ough~the heir.son. Albert ~d family tiLPon~u\( "f;:'r-in~p~upn. by the 'Iov.emme~t of, th:!)l!s.ltr~IW~la!!,-= But the.Jl~,_ :;.- '~ : - p " . - • '.. Th~rsd~Y. _ =- -:: llel&ls bekUL to come through.tor .1"& _lIcem!!!l. .!'n!:\, ta!!,M .~ack to her ~s _ _ , ~ _ cOn!u~m~ half-~ast: s:swm"as,J;tilJ _~'~" -_,~-= 5:- .. ii 'i'~se'lu-MiCh!Pb;"" - _' - YlD§;:I~gu~ge~hat_"'.!i~'ll~t<1 .~ -; ~onowea:--b, mosJ of the ~ocal indus- ~'rh,::r.uy~~g_ gu.."sts from U<;'f[Oit. All mi-a. th1 Alif~i'ehf~ets-;gi l;~! I. '_ SJ!e. tOJ.1owet1"~Im dUriil:i~h.~ , :------'irles. ",Then' tJu:ougnoq,t'the summer ~-;F;armmgton and Wiiterforil were en,- rcan be. routed !nto-the gmauer..Pla,;:~~ _ ~llr~-ers. :!"n.hour later a.wll " -' "'"=- ---'- - ' - '. 1\ C C h d' - ,= : . '" • h-- an._ wearing- Amefl,;v!t" l\Ifanll :Mrs;;-~.- ~ '1 '•. ~. ".,,"- . - ':::': ~ -.,. rder~ ~ '- ~ '- '-- J. ~ _ ... ,,-\ - .,...... :---:=-~- - ~IttlUtln:-...uua was. on V' one OJ,. LUOU"_ - seh,back '!-gain as congress 9 eil MrS D;;"bY,;Mr. and l\!rS. IDlfia.!l and tllelit&t"'.-tlleee-heIng,J~ate..<'-.Et ~ra~ r-8llIldS-ot'forelgn-born ,,~meD~ SyrIans.- .' - . ~ - . - tkallye 500 dtte~ and towns. One - ~_.~ - . . ° _~d_eve:rythmg would go .on as befdr", children, .. Mr. and Mrs. Ash, lilts. show,!ng)Vi!! 'be given in ~!'9h elt, Italians", Arme.:'I'!;ns, nUSSlliUS, '"Li.t!in· wlth"ut "trGUble or confuslOI0' But: 10 -!;orence. Mr. and l\Irs",Layaz ~nd ~on, and town lit leagt,. and~ consequently nnlaus, !:?~Is!l. who. w!!~" the draf! -- - - iilt Conrad an;.....@ been ref,;ued _to ~he ch ~ rl'C,:i"e .!D_oney tbrCiugh the !!lall? ,I COUNTY TRE~SURER factories and busmess firms, set Well' nsars of Oakland=eoull!y, now in ses- r m,.Q!l. 6r'1 the Cgu;:ty ~~r!:epar~:=:!lE '''''.here COIlI~_ther.-1lnl! 'work that theY'1 - SlOn at J;"ontlac, endorsing the~equal Comm ttees, v. "~,,,a,e K. knew howoto T!!'. . . _.'was rea '!! 0·0 e - " - • • - ' - l1!!Slstance, butdf would be ot no 'Value . factory 'Whistles were blowmg _any- unammou~~y fil~ormg the "rten~sro'.': of bepn veg"' notleealJle=tha't _the au _to 'Olf-er-.lt In EngIlsh. Conse

~ ";C ~ , r -d -d~~I-n--- ~!J!...!I!!!'!. showing. the c,:,m-.!ete -=-- .. ) 'Ep ta~r AmerlCtlnlza. as a matter' of courSe thatothe town e e, le a IS ome In l:S "ower;- 'movementS and machlnerv of the~~ ~_~ __ ~~ --- -~- Callf a sl:ort tlme=ago, after several '. = - tlon ns to IInd h~r ~ job. ~hellletore c10c1t: woulli-ne----.u un s , , = ------~ - . . -ca-s~" - ...... _~~~~_~ veliFbetbre the war began In Eu- - 'up. One lady of the 10}dkseCflOin;a~ ::;:nn!h:;r- ...as..!>orn OIi the farm uow Jar attention-to them. ,- --[-r-~th learlhr<-~ = - --- "= -- ~ :'1::::: - ope. e ue ~ u .... t"Ut- ...... ~%_e_._~ -placldly 'knittmg mstead of gettmg owned by Harry l\f B'og-drt on tnel- Om:;- ... ~ 4!!-~lI:~Jl:lf,ot!!.Cj~ n~ .nn's.Chrlstiall iwrodatluudoresaw just ~I · . G d R d t f ,. . ~I nouncement was made at WiiS>l1tigton -tl~ --d' ~-~- -'" t ""_ -fimner when her husband cam-e home ran Iver roa wes Q ;,OVI V:r.., age r d -, 1·---su~h,; n -situe. on, an maue ren(.J 0 . about 69 years ago On selllng the..: that American S~hlJlarl,:es ha <;ros;:- m"et It. Tl\.ey studIed the needs ot from Ins" ork Factory tlme an hour I h • ..... k 'I ed tJle Atlantic oce3!n ~d wer~ no~ the Immigrant. They trained sUIted . . - homo;staad, ,,"('h 1_ father_oo up, attached to 111"" AdmL""i SIms' llee~" . b ome fa- ahead of thelr llome clock Another from the government when tfle land I~ h ' ~ Thl t Ame!!.~n social wurkers to ec. . ,£ .,n t e war zone. s Jlnnouneemen rulllnr with,. the Borne habits and t& who is ernp!o)"ed less tllan a hundred ~\as almost au .unbrokeu~wllderneils. In Itself'was somewhat of a"surprlse ~pea'i the language of the JI.;tt and the ~ "5 k " miles from tllis office went home at hE bought a ho~ _ m f'a:mmgton,!, to most. people of the ,cou".try, and HtJllgll~lan' and toe Greek nnd the gpt- _ pO es- ~ the prOl'er hour b} loyal t8te and met \\ here. the family lIve?- for a few I to 'DlaYJ In MIchigan most D. all, for <'r- fOT('lgu mothers "ho .brought ba: . years llefoi'"k settling in' California the sll~ple ,;""son that' the govern. bles and bundles O-'er from~llIs Island _ __ a search party of one ~onllng-to see '_ _ ment press ag-ents have ~t;-ver .men· to Batters park. ,~- c - d th '5 ---ft • \'diat had beco"," of her Probably _ _ '"" U"uea much about the_ A-urerlcan sub- .The- un.cln~'Zed,,-Ilke that care tor the,baby. I least fol' the duratton of ~he war' the a~el"llge American "ants to go out To ,nrls like Italian Luclu. w'm con·, Of,~wheel without sp,?~es? ho~se ::I10nday. _ ~ I and commit mumer "henever he fusedl'; lln~ered on tl'eo- station '>lInt. • - I reads a!:lout them' .But lt must not] forms'when~the dntft trains pulled out, , • V{hat would you think of a 'man oTHE .. Ol:':\CE OF P.RETE::\TIO::\." ::I1rs Leona W~IPple and daugtlter, I be tor~~tten that. tbe ,American nary thE' W. Y. 6:-A.~ls glnng dlre~cas- ~ ld k ~1' fth k Leona, of Ann Arbor -were weel,·eud has su"tnannes-:;-Just as good In their sistenc€." Ei}ne"ted~Enr9pean WOmeD, who w9u . ta e any or i::Ul 0 _ e &PO ",'eS ~ .-\8 °events ha'l'e demoastrated, tlle guests of ::I1rs B. Th~&p~on I own lines. as Those owned by the I appointed to the.regulllr 5t'lfL,.of '«'ork' out of a wheel to mF.tkeit run b~tter'? advR!l(& - ,precautions agams!:' the . I Huns They have now been ·tak~~ "r~at the cainn Y. W. C. A'-HasteSl. . C . '/. ~ f I I . . :llrs J- G ::IIadison went: to Dear· I ovel'S911li"iR order that they may be ~ouses nre ab1~ to talk to tie draftM Swift & ompany' s busin~s" () 3prcad of the m~uenza eplilemlc In born Ja;,t Thursday to spend a tew 1avalla-b1e 1lor ,\:'ice .A!!mirar1 Sima men In tlJeJr own Ja~age,nsslst thcm getting fresh, meat to you is ,a,. ,wheel, _ our part of ":Iilch1gan.!mve been amply days wlth her daughter and famlly, r whenever he .'needs them ~o put an In \\'llting )ett~rs home.. and In' ar' , jnstlfied. In spite of the 'fact that a - I ead to '" section ~,the Imperlal Ger ranging "furloughs 1Ind little \!slts to of which the packing plant is only the ----=--:-, ~--- _-:-.0:.... - - ~ - r-iii13¥Awd14 Han;:;,::n a",d grandson, ,man Na~. _sometb:ng ~h.!Cht every· the etlmp. _ °shub. Retail dealers are the nOm-and' -conslucraole ~umber of our people..... _ body hopes l.g-...nOL 1ii.~'S~n_~ _ -i ...... , __ TT'_~ T_#-.-...... Oi'.?! t:o~lpa TO!" - "~CecIl Pratt. of Owosso have been VlS- I - - I .Lut: nUIU-=: ~~'U' ... ~~ ...... , .... --~ -I .. - -...... =:::...... TT thOtU;ht those pt'ecautions unneces-. g . • . . As shown 10 the, films of the War Forelgll Families of Enllsted Mee" Is SWift & <.;ompany OraneLl .r:l.ouses are '. .. . -. :t1O relatwes 10 tIns TIcmIts the past .Pr~paredness Baard. these 'Amerl= nolng' practical NlIef' work for the the spokes. . sa:rlly -Sq-l('t The appaIlmg deatli 'Week. c. submarines do almost e"eryth!11g 1m· .wl~es 'md mothers. The purpose of _ " rate directly fr!\1D or attrIbute to the -. I~~ble In the water. They sub- the board Is' to belp the women 'folk The hub wouldn't do the wheel aiesas~ that has been raging over he ~Ir. ana JlIrs. Jas. SutI.erland of lmerge whil~ going at high rat~ of teft !'ehind to itnderstand wherepthelr • • ., z _ e Bnghton were SaturdaY to Tuesday speed, one oeetlon of the jilm !"low. boys are and: how they are belngtreat. much good and you wouldn't haV"e country lS almost Wl.hout llt: cedeut. visltors alAhe home of their son, ChaS'. lug a>l American sub goIng under the ed' how' thev need home' 8tlpport and much use for hub or iim if.it weren't Micl!igau's fatalities as a '\'hole nave and wife - wateT while hItting It -up at a rate ch;er, how i;r send them comforts. snd been on a much smaller average than - '. of 35 m~e\an hou:r. IM~n~peoPle to keep=pace themselves by learnlngTl forthe spokesibat fit ,them all together I b · that of many other states~ Detrolt's ":Ifr.an~ ?frs. Hennessy and babY' son :bm':ri~es e~i;:""l lit ~1':;:-: E~gllsh "llnd otber"t!'lngs, so tbarwh~n I to make a wheel of it. 0f Detrmt snent th" week,end with =~ - . the bO'l's~ome home they will not fl~d death rate, while larg~r in the aggre- lITrs H' -par:ntS C H vanc.w-gonerl ?&to, _to ;7 noth!!lg of .~~"f~nning [i",ir ;"vu,dl'Stlli -.e17 nnoAfue'iCl!.n 1 - s ~ •.. a the mIracle of .subm"rg!ng whlle go-. . h- I h th 0.-.;4 O. 1"" - ~'R.....,... - gate, snows a remarkably slltall llj!r-' and wlfe I th t f.' , and out of 8YlDpat ~ w t ",em. .- OVYUE UL- """,mp"',ny _.:.=u.C h House s . . , - I' !lit a all .. - Food conservation bulletinS have centage fi>r one of tne blg· cities of tpe ----- _ - AccordIng to V1ce Admil'&l Sims, hN!D translated Into 18 oY:19 langullges. are placed," after thorough investiga- country. In our own ';lIage, although I Walled Lake Warbles. j who is the lIrst American naval otll At the factorle~ and muultlon plants tion, .in' centers where ,they can be there ha'l'e !:leen manv cases some of _ __ eel' to ea..,-y the Stars and StriPeS into Interpreters ire nvallable for the non. .• School began Monday after a-..-eeK's I the war zone, ,the torpedo boat de- Engllsh speaking women by 1'>hom the sucCessfully operated and do the most them severe, verv few ha'l'e been really vacation"" "I stroyer is the ~ateat weapon thA real war Industries of the country are good for tlle~ most people at the le~~ critical, and our physicians haVe been . - ~ !IUnlttetedtoStatht be any good rea. Swift & Company, U. s. A. Rev. and Mrs. H. F.. ~!lyles enter. pleads for more destrc.l'erll in order United StRtes CIIlnese and Poles Rnd Bon why the aulboritles should ~low tained their son, Harry from Mil. t1<,at he can compete ~th tbe eut. Serb~ w(-re asklnr:. tile ~nme question. the Catholic church prqperty to main. waukee a tew days last week before marine. Is shown standing Oil the deck 'It iq to just .tllh n"",l~ that the War of one of them S.;:e r.Sl

" " TIDJ ]tEcOn»:' NOBTlnlLL:J. lIIC:o:.. F.RID1S •.NOVEMBER I, 1918.

.,;;- -.,. :\, r, "'- ~ ,~ : Northville Newslets. of the tliree lower grades-!n ~theI - A study in J1enecmns. , 'j'£LEpTJQi{'N~TICE; • ", _ ~ '_. ~ , I • • -. : , - - _ _ _ temporary· but very pleasant -sl:hool A .Kansas ~oIDan insists t.hat the J ~otIc~ is .l}:~· ~~E T R S,·:·Lyen townsllfp ""went over" on tlie rooms in the C. S. Hathaway home- ~aytemaIr.ew.yidows shine is to"scrub I eral J>:[_ W1lll.1&ip~!ft, - ': ••- E~ em :fourth LJ'.le.rty loan with $:l,,400 to Redford Record. - tlt WIth s~ampoo. Th1s sng:;es~ fllljOf ~ortl!:~~,Wa ~cb.IPA. :" - -< _~",tJ~ _, ....,J!;;'""~' .'. _ " ,.'-- ~- '::. . : spare. . explanation of the polished surface of wIV- bc )leld _ in.;,t ace liall••'- - , .' , A number· of aerop'lauec were o;'er bald heads. • ' Nortlmlle, Mich.;'"' ~oi'elnlier ' - • , • W." offer th.. [olloWi~ varietie. that aro exce"cl;n~ly .carce thi.. "ear ' I _. - p • 5th' 1918 t h' h' "ollowlD'" , I . J ~" 'l\I - to'''n on ....,.r·,day-afterno~n an'd ',',ere' • - , , l!- ,..w Ie ,. :.~' ~ ~. in .ru<".""'-quantity. ~ _"~ r. !lnd :Mrs.-Charles Hills are to n.o v '. ----~ [Officers are to be:erooteo:::~' .- ". SJEELE:S~D, top,worked.op. Cide-on strong'two-ye::.r head, :occupy- a part of Alexander 'l\filne's l1'yi~g lit ~~llr! ~~' Jl.ltitude oarely ---FOR-.- 'Go'Vera.:>r,~leutinaut~oi~rD.~r, sec- . Sunmons p.edlgree selected s~rain: '. re§.idence at the t;orner ot,DU!llap and' m'ssmg the bUII<8,Q.leot <;arryma: 1,000 Cle~.'-, C·OUll'tyTreasurer "<>e...·iir;ol - ..~. n ... ---, f' D' d ~ D::-cheaa. Rome '"Baau.... Yelloy 1'...... -ct- -- - ~., - '" - • '" " '1 ~ --. - • of F. P Sifumons. "~et, of Ree-bose and c~enncal t@ks: 0' ee SA.,..".,Deeds, Prollecutwg Altoiney/twu.- - CII'- - ~.P£ACH TREES::: 0-' . - . o{ii~ l!e'ieve tills would pr§ve o.!'oOt tii" - CUlt COUI't""Cl>UlUllssion-ers;-tWoCor- -; ElCbb:~P"l_;'__ Crawfords Smock' ; .- 1=- Fr~m an"ad ,llllie' Northvrlle' ~tt- oest InvestIll"n.ts tfie village could _ - I onefs~ Surveyor.~COU!!:~""RO~~Com'" . ,•• Ne...~ Prolia..- ~ JDew-eyH Hal" - Fi~eraldS 1-cord '.we ,nabce ,-our irl end an,d f'-,!r-: llia"e 111 the_\\'8,)",.01 more effiCIent fire fllI IJmSI~ei.rQ,ner'T'-hCe~?e~;};ee"Y~O'l~v~ ,,, .....'....,v...~ ....v_ ~~."': "'. '" M -~... S·· " _aIm)' 1mer townsman,Bcott-A. Lovewell, has .apparatUs.-Pl'IDouth Mall., . - , ~ a- 'that "me A~~en~'-ent -to-Section " .....'fb.::•.,a 'Ullmon.." to J.:>h.... , :~iiiiUoo. etc. ' ~c",edh out as an -auctioneer.-South - ,- _ - - , i, Three,~u Artlc1e-"SeQenteenu ~....,. Of thi .•CI!!'-- I,' _ ~ e$e t;-ees o.re extr~ fi~e -and well ~ownl and. -guarai:teed tTUe to - (r II d - j ,tnO'-ot .;;:'2 "" i _me. ~rult tr!'es'o[ ail km~s will- be almost unobtainable f"r several I y.on. eral ~ . -3.b.e·largest oall bOD.d.mrfelte!l.lllth"8 ,- stm{non f,?:llrpeclal qneseons on.'0I!§ ~~ot; &l.ao - ~ '" C ~ I 0 f ~ • . - ibJue winged_teal., roost sensitive of t!lat Ot ohu Webber, arr"sted dt..Or10n 1 an A1llendment to l:iection·onE:jArl1c!e ~t· (Imp et ...... 11.. o..:-N1U',aiiry Stqdc. Write for -Pri...... on a. charge of PICkIng rae POC,kd or a," 'rnree 'li the ConStltutl.~n.rel~tlTe ~o • .. IwI!d- bIrds, !1l'-S- -paused- here~ in, the - - '" J l' - " ' G .. N ' marshe f f d - d' - ~ reSIdent. Webber .taIled tt; appes:r I<.herig~~o_Vote. .' ] , e -~ ...ae"",,I1Ml ~&. u-rsery CO- t s or 00, shea of .f3chedule - - ~, 1 The polls of saId electlen ",!:"!- ..... - -:;---::-=; '-h l"'liii .IIUliali , ' • ~. time - S-o~-hi_~. ng- 1S< sure 1y bl'ewmg. 111.'.' 1l' I - I lor one hour;; - _ --:.-. - -:::-. - -1 . _~ t pending tire arnval Sun'i:ll&yof officers "'= ,snop very.c a!'llimgly e'lter- 0 0 i"ortb.V1l1e;ocl\llch...Oct. 1.7.1918. _ - _~1 trl.'lllthat-C1ty.- charg'ed With taUledallartyotyoung_lailles.Satur, '. -;.., ER1-<15ST'MILLER,', , 'IRV1N--'Q' J• I . . m1s• _. "'- . _ d' -, -" RI\;H.,I..Rll C. ~ - 'Cl" -~'·1 " assault ",n a· citizen "ot that place. ay ev.enmg_ at tue 'Lormer s- li.o.u;e. . -;: '" - , _ ,~ Town~~P er.", ~ ,

Th(ope~fng ~:;be1; ~ t~e c;t~~€ns,:,:~~;:::m~va:~_~ 1 --"Slat-e- ArrCHiG~, :c~uD.,~.ot ~ _.. r-~ ~~ r'\!- If E t rta- _. - ~:~,~=~?~: ' . - Wayne ·SsOF.. At a'session of ~ Pro- 0 oj ~O' l c - -~ ~ -J-'. I . l.': e =ent course and the open- -'!c1llllller orhan~'?Jtle and usexul gu.ts. m0'" ;- - ba-re,{)~urt-Io.!.'said colUl1Y o~:Wa~e, .~ ~ ··1 C o "' _ - jlng of the I!CW P~nnnnan-~l~n theatre ~,splor,scheme ~I pmk and w~t~ was" held at the Probate - Court-room:lll =::' are-two flf the mor.., impO!taJit p\!.blic 'carned 'out fu tne house uad t'aOle 9. tunctIOn!i a1:_Plyn;.Q.utl!1l'Jstiloned 011 llecorauoll.'S and ,the "costumes of- tile ::: •• - = day' ~I= Oct~er .!ii the y'ear Q.n~tho~- - - -"'"" REPlrnLIC.AN C-,\-)"]}IDATE account of thl'~pTecautionury, -closing nostesses.'. . = _ saud nfue llundred and eight~en. - 'I

~ o. _ ., • orde-c ~ ~. c ::: • - '. • "" ~"' _ "1>rE)sent,-Ed)Vard c6imnltI!.d, ;rude, " ~ FOR' ' ---?_ '- , 9ei:n'LnJ lVI:~lro'Uei:~ged about- £5: A CLE~<\..'\,cc;f,-UlERICA.' • of prubs.te,_. ::. '. "<&1- = _A:oconi"mittee!Ie~ed b~J."'D,LaR~ - th1~1 11. '" - ", fOl'";" ,In''thc .mag-er SJf' thf! esta~'- , _ -'3. _ _ '" c. - ~ -' go' s eg rOKenlast Saturday aflet'- -= :>IART.fI:A,TA.YL-QR,a~easem",,'Sccv_c~"'-= __=,- 'l~ ~n I'm".. III ~ ,,'StricH)" SUlUtarr cUlatm~ m sa,a -cOlllltyot Wayne. ~ • • that WIll ~~=cltizell A. wan WOIT!""for hllnsel!.• A WOla' ,,,,,ilitf,,;'" .tl1 "'1111. )1/;·,ell 1,-llIelr..'l.-n-ue-..up;')~" . 0 ~. Was oue _of1:he_fit"~tmen t<:>en-list'" in the' SpaniBh-Am~rkan Wat- and. of_German descent detll'St lhe race ~,,:~~leB for.-her- husband, for her, ,.. "duet of ow:' o\\n dmn.' "0 [' E;.DWARDCO:MM.AJ.,

c oWas awar!led the Sampson meilaI. Served as Assistant DiviSIOnSuper- ,oYl'r bere IlQdesee the,r bandI~ork_ , _ -----1--- '. " tile year- glyeS ,rou a high stan-jl4c-16 Deputy Probate Re~ister. Inten~c~t:;,;fot' Detroit United Railway ------~xrl1ZJef mIl.k at all times. ~t - ~ ~- o 0 ~ _ ~ Amille proof all to thl' .need ':01 .-:. 'urrll d Iew "ellts a weelt to know ' • _ " .~ • • Tru.J.y_Said.. C? • D . N Un &..Ia Past seve_DyeaTS ser'Fed ad "'aYpe County Tnvestlgator large ~nd more moderlt school hgus" ~ It ls-dlllleult to-think: noMy when ;UIIL you ar" ",,(tmg. I etrOlt ews er ~ CO' o "- VOTE FOB ~ DUKE OJ oi'No'v.6th, WILL BE APPRECUTRD. IU tIf" 8th Redford school -dIStrict' is )Il8"ChinkB OIl!)' to get a llvellhOQd.- Wlo AL \\.a U, Al \1 i-o PLE.aSE- received at the NorthviIle ='- furmshed 9Y about ~about 60 pupils IotiBleflu. QI Ii) 1.:. lU',~1'O.:'l,l'roprietor. =.ltecQrd Otl!.ce~=- '


r'~ l I l- 1 C I'erk who .' MICHIGAN FOR DECISION" IN ~ I ~TH~NEXT FEW DAY8.- j made good J Are lhe law~~made only t~ control the poor Jmd to be ~castout hy the rich? " .IT WAS TQM FARBELL who took a "jtIDk h~ap of ;county papers 'F arrd whipped them into the most ~cient amf.accessible records the county ever h~d. Will the' ~pk-appr=9\T..?.Jhe._a~!i2n sale of a seat in the Unifed ::Senate...... :..-«g-eJ.:.B!!.-t{}-thce=='='·=~~=d , Pe.rsonal courtesy w~s al ways tendered those seeking assist-anee.- . _ '" high~t bidder? - 0;: " Every Judge~ ~awyer, Cuunty""or City, Offici~l wirose The Newberry milli~ilS have been known in exclusive circles for forty daily worlr brought him in co;ltact with county records in- years; yet Mr. NeWberrY's campaign managers claim it wu neces.ary ,-,ur",es'(OM FARRELL. 0 " to spend $176,000 to ip.troouce him t9 the people. - \-- The United States Naturalization Examiner commends WiUUn fifteen years. Henry rord by his own ability is known to the TOM FARRELL'S work=very bighly,. , enmeworld--\Vhy? &~use he believes that the welfare and happi. Intelligent;" efficient and· progressive-- TOM FARRELL ness of all mankind is the most essential thing in the progress of a I~ h2o'Sserved the county in a business-like manner-THEN ~ti~. ~ WHY SHOULD 'WE NOT "VOTE .HIM IN?" Newberry's managers paid $176,000 for his nomination-Henry Foret -r paid not one CeJ1t. -1 VOTE FOR Fair wages-The right to live and he~respected, is the Ford idei of life. Think-Which of the two types of men "[QuId you have to Tepl"e&ent

you in the U. S. Senate? '-. 0 - < •

John W. Bai~y, candidate fOr Governor, r~es from-the i"a..-ua by his TOM FARRELL work. Is introduced by his home folks as absolutely fearless-,because he has lived his life an honest, honorable man. -FOR- He knows no middle ground--and as Governor he would be Governor -110t a neutral ~litician. -

Pr~ident Wilson needs helpers in Congress. If you send the demo- Coun~y Clerk cratic candidates to him you are helping. Election, Tuesday November 5th. I - ELECTION NOVEMBER 5th. PUBLISHED PY DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAl, COMMITTEE.

-.;;-~-.~~.;;,?'~!'!'t:'! __ *-__••• ..1 '. .".;."'_:t~ ;=~"';::;;. ~~ ... ~ :: ,.... ,."..~-:~ ... ~'" ~ ,.. - .. <'" r ~...... ;>"" ~~ ..

•. _"'" i" _ ~

~'l'~o-Presideltts'-of~~he~"~-.".f::') ~:'1C~;.'-.

nited States Write-<:' 'Y' ·~:u~ - - - - - "- ~

:7 " - Conjmander NewberrY~ - , - .-r"------:: / = "' - ~ " ~ - - ~ =- , ~ -~ - -, . -~-Froni.Theodore· Rooseyelt

.::: ~-.=-. ~~'---- ...; /t" -:;-

- ~-- ....



W1" ·ln...... ·lam H. Taft

o~ SOl~tbetiLB~g-, ~l eXtreme, indeed, witIi4is nond~s~ript poHticil affiliat~ons, and \Vashington, D. C., _·~===w=ltiriiis=en:gaoin6=;n~:thJs_cail~simply at lte instance of the October 19, 1918. PresJdent, the_ people- o~1>iaca1~-di!l>:fnmad!L.. _ My dear Commander N~wberry~ respect to how he will "represent th=. He will either go into the rwnteto ~ongr~tu!ateyou 011 being the Republican candidate Democratic caucus and follow imptrcltl1 the wish 9£ t1.lePresident, for Senatorin the State of 1vlichigan. I sinc~rely hope thal: you = who induced·him to run, or no one can.know what hewiU do, not will be elected, and I am very certain thai if you are, you will ren- ~venMr. ForcLip.contingencies that are hKel)..cto aris~." If'rou are - ger to the State and to, the country-a valuj-ble s"ervicein your high elected, the people of Michigin Wiil know that you will act with office. I feel that I :'say this from pe{sonaJ observation of the the loyal ~~pu15licans and that you will back the Pr~sident to the 'way in yvhich you discharged your offi-:ial duties both while you utmost when he is seekip.g Conkr'essional assistance for the win.- -were Assistant Secretary of 'the Na\--y, and while you were in the ning of the ,wa.r,.and that you wiK~e independent

On your ballotlmake a cruss.c)() in the Circle 110" under the Picture ·of Abraham Lincoln~ ~~[Ju1>necn State Central Committee, • Nothing further need be done. John D. Mangum: Chairman. ? . 2 . p- , ""'mtJm ~----~------2:t..M; --•. Ii :a " I: _=. _ -- FOR SAI,J;;---Timothy hay, in any - amount under 25 tons. Howard i Greer. Phone ISO R-.2 _ 15w3p. FOR SALE-Base Burner. Also I warm, furnished room for rent. P. , O. box 276. 15w2p. .moll ,.... IFoRFloydSALE-P.""'~.Northrop: 14w:Op. FOR sM,E-Baseburner. Inquire Cowell's boarding house;' Hw2p: *:- FOR SALE-Two-ton- truck. Mrs. We have a few Boys' Overcoats canied over ;.; Nora VanSickle, Cady St. Hw2p.' from last year, that are good values; sizes 12, ...,; FOR SALE-Ill pigs. Enquire of R. Peters. - Phone 20 F 33. South 13, 14, 15 and 16-just a few leIt. ~ Lyon .. vl2p. !+: ...,; WAR BOARD OfFICES AT LANSING - • Come and get one while the getting is good. FOR RENT-House on )


- ...... -'""" .. .,.::~ yo ~_~"'--~.....fJ_

~ ,J - -' - -' - ~ - " ~--I"- ~I ~ppose the_cfuwn prinee' alid the' Thik'whollO'situation a~pea~ed to the ':--DUrt~g tli;~~;;e"';'ot my'';o:eJr~" ' . o~~_~~~~ _·fur.lre rUler~ of Germal!Y ~~t ..to crown pr1nee very much in the Jij;ht of his priyite sEtCrefarles eame in;. re- J

-! ." 0 - _ _ - • ~ Qe brave at all times," he remalked, of a.joke. , -, ~ - ·peated!y·wlth telegrams l'.nd messages' ,:Th -K · .~--=- I Kn Him; <> , "but l',just h:;.te to have to go to a "r"e jusf'co)be ft~ID' the ~estern fOI:'-the -k-a,sef; and he -,\-ouM.usually .. e roser as . . eW - ~ot.den''tist!'' , front," h-ll told me. "My men are up excuse.lumJ;eJ.!_aad rp.ad them. Som(i' """ '. ' .,--' '' -. jiJ~?:'Se askeallu~ if f ~ad seen any' mem· -to,'th-ise, the kaiser's Qrny dau~t~r, I Ialong very well at t!>:"t time. -A~a:t distan~e fr~m the ~n:.~es that h~l gazed.at)ll~.for a moment Ot.tWQal!!! . ~, - :' =- ~ ---7~ . v - may !:t'ention...usually came similarJy .fr~m the~ct-he was su~:' pbyslCal w~_probablY not fainlhar.:lYith all the] then,. apropos of-nothing, burst,out SupplY..Snould Be"Mal!ltained to Help - We-\l.®r~ng1y_·en;ter~ ~~er~ Ill,.rg:__pr~~ded. No Ge= ever, fets any- co~&.rd.that It was al~ost 'IDl?OSSlble-~!ought ~s :. ~ E'1,ropo;.a!,Allie'" ". gee "()f-ller favorite -roya1,purple, ·en· fast: _ / '""" =- s~~CC! t.Qhave1!o Idea of the meaning a.ware of-the terrific IK)laIl(Is"'~wlthma' CQr- _ The -empress ne':.er &?Qk€,on"politi- _of_~ ,3.Pj!Oi-l.l.tfuen!:- ~' ""- .!I:'~untold .agony and-s~enn,g wb!cchIsh~u1d 1'>,e s~ung-up. by ,tJf€ ne.ck, 3...nd- ...... ~,!•••U~ ..... U_' .' '_ o diallt.· "She:.)ooked yery "OW, ~n~ it I'e:lrsub-jects.·-Sh~ ~:l$not particuJarly B;e would agr ..e tQ be·at ~y ~QfIi;ce ~!W-ons o~ his.,.::.peo~!~~a«! t. "endnre t;hat man ~Is.not I, ~!he World seems 1·(PreParedYbYPie United StalesDe- f· -~- was Plain that s1leo-badbeen su1l'e~mg brilIiant .!ll!-cl evidenced-, seme -reluc: at.~::~Q..!lP-d'T-,:o~d,plan I2Y dee.Is of'this @un!P'::an~ ~ .. ~ ipg gJo!t -was_a.: l!fofuston of;.wlute :ne.ar1y_ as ..,~atfYe'~as t!>e kais~. arrive ~bo~t twelvep This<~apJ!eIled n:llll~\.~~ cr.lk~1>rince and his. ta~- blood t~tlV~h4l:~lled,l tllis. 'p1broken up ~ a,ff:ild,-no ~c~~~~~ publ!e c£ti~m" mt: ll.?'~ertb¥th"i _wM.f~ow l~n , It I'".1•••••••••':;f•••.... ~ ;y~ befo~:_ ..~ ' ' _;'<:, "libje~~ It ,W:lS s¥chllI1ge her oDlyinterest In u.te wii.SYepi'esento· Althollgh:I did.. Jl.otr,See"the <:Town - Of, -thet kmsers oth:,r -c-cb!ldren, -In-=tCe.-sa:me4>reatll"li!11lostlie made c- -:I!L-11:~$< ~lS -",:"~mmenila..:,,n 1U :: ~d b~brQ1Egbt abll11tr3.!h':r'-sUdd<:n-ed 'b.l'~t!>e,s'thre.., K's," KInder, ~Cb.e .p~~e igam ¥0~c~'0Ja~ U~tild.9J,5; Pr~nce V?:llllam.Eitel !reQen.e~ and _~!'- ,inco¥~tciit ~ema-rk; ''Eng!ah? ifS.~~I~entarSilroa..lli't;!on pr.ogr.:>u:- ":= - ly llS"l\,result of ceJ;tain.k'enin%>n ptoh to avert "'-"tef!dency kiichen~dnthere1:s no qdelmon!'])..)ut 1915,' .and, from. fuat-~e'o~ ~d;!Ue, .~~v~met. 7J,,~ --;:..'_ • ~.finY.j it 1:<)012:qerm:uh one hun';...., ~m.r? p~..n~ out,~af d~~ prod~~ o ;:. to jlY0lplUpois which had dlfvelop,:1L itj;bat s~'SeJdom sPQk".o~...?ther-suO:: more. or J~ ",egu\tif"'-.s-t8- _ S!l;ewll:'- ;; !':.mce ~delbert; ~the. k:u§er's third IY~ to accarm· aon~~' ~~_~~ :::= ~c ,,' 't .nahon aud th~attI:!.~alllrycO,!ll~duces _ a- On,..mgI'i,otlUm onE!=occasion he -~ The klUser1n camE'"to mr.i after'".the ~nc~, anstates J~- J ,._ -S .. \!1llr.!!oJulKmg-so-l"uj;,y~tl'I\:1-'-.~st- :abo0ut;:~\lingsJ',~b..cifil~ethf-:k~~r tQld _rl!~er- gen,.~ eIJ~leIZ~~'(};l·th'\.t~~ :s.eldil1~.1l1' Berlin, and ,he Jmv~ed i:hgI: tlle:~s'~r1l~9 ~ade th~ rem~r!t~l ceJ.,"e.?-.~~r:::Il>:~dtlcts.~ l1bo~~~1;W~_ ~ ~ o~.., ,"" ~ _ipoll-e<11i!Y~mo~ngWalIr;'j1utI'n takej'me snorUy- before her ~lf that"s e L01IDt;::-shJr~(}n- Jj~eatne- extrem~y <:()';l_~attel"$~ general lmPO~l:e. I t1la't~the !';i..v""5:md czar']lad 1latChet! -}Y •.f:!f.reJ.f5Jco~trle!, no'!. ?>e:e ",~J? _""_ _ - -'~Wnlk th,\:{)ugllThe Ti&giirteu-fust the int@.~ed comilig,l.ngtQ ?thers. If,this ve=c,j'arge quantlti~" In ~9JA, *~~inlitance•• parkl~ ' _" ll:'lm the-"kaiserln's ph~'§!'(ian Inclos- rememopr one day "WhenI was worlt'- :of ~em all. Be somgtlll1es came to sion of the smrl:!ng-of the l"ai"was pUt"I~e imported appronm:lteIs 6~000:OOO.,. _ " f -But' to -t;etum tQ,the kaisenn; The- lng ~"';;'wWch he said I:ad been-wrIt" j-iug-on-Princess B:a~zfeld, we. heard a ~e1lle in an ordlnary tldi.c:>b a~d'he.l into l1rculation with the idea of ab- lloun?S m"re of da,ry prl'ducts tfia~ p kaiser!n'g physici~ joined lIS, and ten J>y the kaiSerlD, but whiCli / 'Vas lOlld. ':Hoo-hoo" :I'rOlll the~ anteroom7 ~'1.Stil o,;,;IY.<:Jneof fu~_kaJ.ser's sons =solving the-lql.fser, it certainly

Clan explaib.ed to me in a iow- "oice tlieo gre~t army headquarterS. = '[~~ Pnri'cpss Hatzfeld; I-may men- 7:: e J.,?oked~et;y" sa~ ,'*6. d~e~ted.an~ of !nJl.uence. = ~ 0 . that it"was necessal'~ to be_ cautfuus _ Dur::ng the time I was there I coUld bon, "'as an extremeJy intelllgent3IDd ~v.:'eame.{li~ fir~t.).{umabon tha.:: ~e '~Be.fore I ~ft-ure kaiser thaJ: m"O~,f- ~'-_-- "u.u-uv;,...J.~=.Jch. o·E~~ :. not help obse:rying..howertrerJ;ielYtim.? beautrl~l mg llil utmos.t sff.-i)Ity among the kmsel..'s -vIewsfsne expl'essed frQlfJ.time-to time. IJll.rth AlllenGda'h'o!,~ taffike1n l~h; tenanc1ng it. -When 1 fold hIm that - , d J b t I f - - th 11..::: =" ru;. e mentione t at U1.S 0 cers ..u3.u G • anaestl1!'tlc. Sbe 's not m condJ.tioilto un er 'J,1gS, u cou ess It came ra - HeFm<}tl"o....~vas"n AIDerlcan. = t 'd l' - n t 60000 / .erman::ghad :I)so ft01lted "' ,loan In standIlllm '\1thOll1. The onJy anaes- e~ ~s a: slrock to me to see the ma,us' When she c1l.lIel.lou me on SUeof:ca- <), th mil,:11 , ~e~,cans ,were! AmeriCcl,'he repJied: "But ours was thetie .ce~ majesty wIll1akl'; IS chJoro- walldug so nffi(dly.andz;:alkmg ,0 fear- slon after the war bad "Carted, J re- I~n ,e w e4Let;nfr,~u,~ v;dded'don,~be- only $10,Oj)O,OOO, while thelrs IS $500,- _ -. i II r 1 tl S r 1 ...... H~.ve It" h owev:eJ:, ue a e. 'lJL:"OW11)00 000 " .,E..., ( ~ form.,;'"e..a.dnllDlstcrerl it to her ~Ievm ~Il:l \\ len m Ie preGence Q t Ielr P'i:lted to he..: tbe gIst of a couversa- Id ib t th -t't" ,! to WhICh~naturllny re]Q~nea I ' SpJend.d Type of Da.ry Cow u t,m~s and i know just\,hatH meanSj"\l'lte-balred royal mIstress. c»[ noted tlOll I In:tdhad a few day~ before with '!c.Qu .• e~ ge __ ere WIJ;!OUour l. .ow-1that the sIZe of the loan eouId cel'-~l' =," I'm affllfd of her heart at llm, time. J'~.rtIcu1

int", COU{htlOlJI "ant her to go to and how, after knoclilng, they lImnedl- tg convInce nil Germans of mfiUOilnce h J 'hI ' th _. , 13:e crfticized our bank~ Wll0 bun. I 0 The <al :unQllnt of roll];: produced Nauhenn fo-r the'cme." - a~ly plated thelr heads ag..linst the 1:1:",.1; ~t woUldDe u setIOliS mistake. to t lll,ce '1a <:.m, ethkmSErS YO,ung- dIed the..IQan,and wben I :lsked him i.t]llf thfs countrv 10 1917 is cstImllted to l d panel tlllit tilev ill ~ht cat h the. B j • , "" cS son, au 'Que of e ,asG of the h ,:; d' h -.,," b R'l ~ 1 "'0,0'00 . L i ' _ HIS alarmIng \\ords c~lu.:;cd quite 11 ..... • -... "-- 1.0 C ?~?~ e gI.~. ~ _ ;;= Iro.)al family tn viSit me r~minded me 1 e M8 _ever .se6l.. t e-nulDb~ of..::n;r-- ~Q ~~1 ,9'?. Jlounds.~..t ar.ge osses .."..: fiurry; .mnong t!'e m3.lds ilild- they ",.lIserm s ,ow--eouUl~a(idt~ enter the L From m(;~~ lJc\a~~ ~ much of"h.s=~ldlest brother: the man name" t1l:at ap'pear~d ORthe U:>t occur and lobe-greatest 'll tl)ruuglJ the _~ _ '" "{'ro",,= urvul.lU-tl", -empress on,1 first hme, and so, make ,t unneces- rtrymg to~nch our peopie some sense, I i H ' II d I' d of bankers who "are interested in it failure fuIlv'to "UtlIlZe.,kinmled m,lk- ' " ~ 111'" be- lIt I ~ d d AI il L d nn wou ave een guo 4ookm.Z ut ----;;;-- ~ -~~- ~ .:::I - ] f- d _, ' d~: but to en~e her suffe"dng a little (-.:; e~ • t.: _0 an:IE S ce-c oz:r:llne'11n mID. for u. retreatI:o. whiclll 'Was ve y,:n....e:t.qUlte sure Ule.re was one DUiJb. i.n. pt'Uuuets ~l\-e..-tY.l~-Df t lP. 00 '-4ll.Ue_ -----=--..~ g cIlin IQI><;erm~tlle hOjJ~th"t reh"f \\olI1d c.Hl"e the k:userm ne,er seemed to I ,\hvcsltQuid we tuke more re~ponsibl['" -- d H h d ~ I I - ryt New :York "luch wouldn't touch it of "hole nllik "xcept=thecfat. A gl\'er. " (hspiav ilie 'll~htpst 'Mpat ence or 111 ti U h uId b t prou(J=ce. e 11 as= Itt e respec "Th t b .. i _" I d d "l, J' com~ wlthnut the neC"s~aty0-(an oJ)eI'- .. - ~ " - l es Q QU~ S 0 ers y re :lIDlUg:fQr pubhc oplnLOnas tlle cro" n n~ce, v a, ank ,~uHln't tOUch an) t.lting ~uant ty \tl. t ,em woul pro lfce S€lven ~l "tlon at. that ~lm". TheIr pleadl::lgs temp"" "hen deahng w,th her serv-, Belgmm? ([he b.ord only knQ'1s we d '1'1 th U b t De t hI -lld tbat would be den-Imeutl11 to Ger- bmes as much food "alne m the form ~ prevailed trpQnthe patrent to poad j h:rve our .\lands full as It IS. - I don't a:n It II e : A~011. u sc an -was mnuy!" he added.: ,of cottag~ che.ese as they would prQ- the treatment - no dllIerent!y from HI<' h,!IUbiest haus'l see -"lDdI neve!" have seen how Ger· ~n_- sb" 0 mer~<;a....~~muitallY to Sev-eral mQ>lths later I '1atIently -;0 t whetller-I was comfoI·ta:>lySltuaffiiiaild t S'EllStlCregarding the outlook, c~J: told dr! ,- d th ;'" bl oc.eaSIOn. Wliel.lthe kaiser entered he mtiOn -of tll"P.seb,,-products Hr" «nor, %' • t if -.. - n ht f • h- V llg. aroun e c(mn....,yIn, a g - " .- • "Here" he said "r-ve g"t: Docror I' tveq,'Ul'u,,' was U rrg or me_ I er_ . car and usin>" II enomous- rnbber stood erect, wIth lUs _h'lnds to hl~ side, mous. In hrlef, there should be'l1 bet- DaVis t~ comp 10 ~n'~ Snud~v aft~r. J: told her that everyth,ng "..."S qw.te I "The jmO thing about .it." she ~e- ures while ~btfe was th·13 1 clicked hI.<; heels together and,$HlutlJrl W utHIMtion of skimmed milk and noon, and "ou a· t;b . ;~a""o fQrj saj:;'Sw.dory and meutIoaed partlcular- piled, "Is that father is ahva~'s right! ht Id dr.. 1j;Orr th me as a :roldiersalutes it ,supeTlOr'iifll- lmttermlIk- both as food on the farm -'1 o~ T" nwe en,dn w"-yOU ly how mce it waf; fOhave food .!TactlYIJ never Jrnew mID to'inake a mistake -.:e,g ill gQ a~ dman"thC¥s or_ e cer~sm.mng as he did $0 and I knew ah;) throll~h the, mark.et. - th e bat n ue as...... a no h the ~ - ,. ~ - army were Supp...Ie Wl. plam Iron .....~ _ ~- =: ' I - won'( .have anytlung done ~ Thac's the as, we .;d had It befO;,e. \'l1!'. m Judgment. •. '~wheels. . " _ " "he was ~n~o(rab\i:;nor. - ~ B"tfer re"u1ts in d:.'ir~ng Inay be ....rn.vwlth the WQmeuf" ] 'Yes,- she repiled, \\ e hav"" ever¥- 1 \Thea the crown prmce called tQ see Th~ c. - th 1 b" Nevertheless he h9.d bnt little to ~Il" ~ecuretl =bvjJl'lJper=mtalivn and care- "~. . th I ca ef l what 1 eiil. 1 we - .n I »~' d t fi d ISpnnce wa" e on y mem 'e1! o~ I ... - . . I Then 'he turn"d to me and saId: mg: am very r u "Il I ag:u "l!s s-: ...rl~e ? u a the royaJ fam,ly to get near E'ilough J;;Ilsctiticism of.Mr. Wils(>non::thH;OC'lin producing aml han~ mg mIlk; by, "'on i'~ D . lC t' h ., d I watch my heal~ very closely, I conslderabJe change ill his genera! ap. 1- th fi' I t t sb t. Th' casion I, have recorded elsewhere lU I.'etter CQreand .utilization of !!~rgs; - , "e.. aVIS,_m sorry O~'l'\'e.SDoue ~--- 'k- d h d f - ·t Alth h 1: h - ° e rmg me 0 ge 0 e In- - - - - c ,-.-- your day." And he dash~d out Of.tliet-r: remar -e., to~, OW" o~ er or 1 I pearan.ce. ong , ~ :ourse, e was JlLry, whlC'h-he received whlle -at thee these :pat:;es. ' ': by raising on the far.IDailequat~ sup- room, apparently muc]; DrO\-oked.' I must ~e to ~ ...e.S1sts'pula~es hk~ th: 't;n years older, he had ..aged ::!wre ,"estern "front, was only a slight' fiesh In. J.une of J917, atter the great army pUp.sQf rough~e, partICUJarly!e¥UI1les ""feltI had almost "'itnessed a ianulY Homburg estabhshment, the beaune"4 tuall I wouJd hav,'l expected. J.here "ound-Qf- the thigh, bllt It~as enQriiIh headquarters;ha<:1' been removed_ to ar.'ii-.dlIllg~to lAke 1;!1elilil.-:eof gr-a~n" qu~rrel, but the InCIdent ndlcated to o~ ;'~l~, had ~e.e~l:' ,mpress,:d me,~ wer.e llU!)~on Ins :.~ce:'1I:ch mad'.' ~~ t:o start him 491ping thrQngh hIstory. Hom!:mrg v. d. H?he, and Krenzua.cl1 so far. as 's practIca1)I,,~Oy.presett~g me that whatever hopes the kaIser aadln", , 'BIs m~Je;;t,: I m:~erstan~, ',lOOkol<1erth"n hIS tlurts·three :lea::,..: It "as sucll a'superficial "ound that (two ll~jghboring_TIlIages) Iwas'called l'for da~ry purposes.aJ~ the IllgI1-prodt;c- . h. t- . f d d . t has ~Ixty of them, has he not! - In llle outer "odd he "'as geuera.l.;< - 11 't h.... d h h If theN: to Sl:e the 1:n;s"-'- a~·d three in~ anm~ls and elll11matln<>those 'that IDlg L en ertmn 0 one ny OlUlna... ",- ..., -- ( -l ""' n- d - . 1 r It con ( n L&.;1vecause 1m one-, 3 ) ~ ~U:J, ~~ eo 4 _ ~ ~ 4 th 'I' h h d t· t . d ~'('t-qUll6'S=.v,_sbecorrected._'Be--lveleve to be oue of the eadJ.ngsprr- ch i -t -th h' weekslaterlwentthe:r.g,gmntose", are,mefils:,em; b~' feedmg accordmg_ 1llg e wor e,_ e a no 3e acqu~r" tween fifty and Si:cty." 1 Its of the millt.lI-Yparty in Germany as rou pa n -'lB 1 g'dV:- I " royalfam'lypleasure:: ' ~the9->s~,,:t'9oticedattS,..'Stat;ont!iE; 0 Jlr De._n ~o ~s o.. secure e _ bold 1 = - - Between nfty lllid _~~ P:Uaces., but amo,?" ]lis own ?POP-; ~e 'm" ~o~ - -The fact that one of the kalser~ k,iIser's private trala co~s~ GIf ft.'e great:st y~eld o~ nul!':."',th. the _least 1: did not see th" klUserin ~n for 1CO~ldn~t. help_thmkmg-of "he re-l ctedned. 'nth sufficIent _bI1ity or.!1l O\nl so"s had actually hikn wllllDded dark green cars ,,-pon eaen ot'_which quantity of -teed, w~llch no:cessI:ates nearly s year, "'heu she came to ID::\ mark1:he kaIser ouce n:ade to me "hen, flu:"ce ,0..b€'omuc.h of a fact\lr, ill, =d shed his royal ':>loodin a~bve ser-' was-plainly m~Ked the imperial ~at a recor_d of llroductlon. of_mdi;'1dual taJhmg of the mar:merin whIch Atner- \ deJd. wlthin the past yed! he huil beenj . a thO th t th -' .. d ( of arms. The cars had s.peE?llfole:"g cows; b.'{ the full utI'1rzation m the ~ce =~ a ladY-.J,n.-waItlng !,can mm~Qn~llresmJ.d~J:herr fortunes; ulucized rather se"erely m 'army dr· -:,c.~~wn~I]:.o:e ,pgt a e l~sPlr~ ~steps" <'ommunity of good bulls throug,uout She arn,ed m I,<:rown car•. Its ap- "It breeds socwlIsnL:' , cles for h,S lndlfterence to the crIsis .,li""''' wever S oJ? crowm" 6:~, T', '. the enure period of their usefe!ness "roach wus heralded by the -unp.o>.tlali ' ,i - ._, .. but by Just what aCCident 1:h<>prmce, wo rooms .were aSSIgned to roe on " _ , . - _ I "Wl:~n the trme came for me to re-, .n wlli(h hl" l.,,"ntry was m"olved and ha d t th· of th 1 one of the u§per :tloors=of the lla>a<:e and LO theIr full CIlpaClty,and by the - ''T.ad,-Tada''-~Iiliouto the cQncJudmg, tn.rn t"Q.'Berhn. the h.:userm bQde me \ for 'n.3tO ta1.;;11;-!he war S&lOU"iYj -b PJIPenhe~,~com:-:' I~ruugde ~__ e, omtJ.Mv-me.-l"Iscon'is'ed of -ilie s:rma prompt control 01 disease. _ uT..l·Ta," wInch lattE?t' was reserV'ed . di h' d' 'il.' f" l~ -....1 <7'h d .;:.. ~'1 - b1 ~t u et a~ ne"\tl Decn dISClose. J.."'ll~V-' - _..::...... -- -- ~ ~-:!- __ ...... - '" _ ~ ::: ' . I a eu, et u,t"re not a "or ° W'Ill.,S, enou" ,un .worn ...... ~ W?S 'I e 01 rth Ie'"'" 0 • - d t" 7- C .,.'fl.:ind of food as I had alway~ hail be- j - - , --~------Ji' e""i:c1nsl'vely "for tbe l~l.lser~ nnd ~...L';'-""""'r rn;;:-h')."'(f.ll).sY' .;:i!:n:enun nl-Y nriChce t obsa-ve- of hun durnla the VlSlts he. e e::::;::;ue.!'~....ave' Ul~ uon ross 0....1 - ..... ~ • ~ _ even the k"l"erin ".". allowed to use"ll:"""-~ - - -~------~----.--. --~ ----' ~ '>~ =--=-- ~h_ ,,~. ~,~-, ~- -~ M~~ ~-~,~ ....~ .:\'or,,"1..'1e.W=_1l.l.thOU2:1Lt'1e,-lmn!!erenb 0111 DV ~nw I~ l:f'ONOM1P'!l.L ,. ~ ~ I for three da:;s to work m;:dusl"ely for I pald me aftf'1 the l-esumption of om- ~~U--dfu~-fi f th ' - ; demic was raging throughout"th.e~mn,~~~~~--~_ .. __• "!'he kaIser's "'l'aro-'[ada-Ta,Tol," was' her _ - - relations- these criticisms were well rea ze e Slgl1l £llnce 0 e In('1- ~ . - ! . ---- - the subject .of !Duth we-ver dent,remJ.rked, "A first·d= 11"oncross 1 try. It was almost worth the tr,p for 'I Animal Will Ccnvert Hay Gra"s and-'--~-~\~1_ I th 1 ta . h 'II" 't I - , I ~ . - , , fQr a .second class w01llld" . J the sake of the meals alone. ~ , c< • e 'pro e tIat, W 0 "atmta y :pUt 1 ~ CHAPTER XII, which viere natgraUy inspired, always ' . - " .' , _ _. , CornstaJk!" lEto Mlf~ In Cheap- to the words: "Celer'e-Salut T.l-T",,"I _ - - brought hIS name tQ the front when- .AS.he _hmped :nto my office, ~e i Af~er I hud treat:d the. kaIser 'n the I est Manner Pp~ibJe. an allusion to the luxuries of the 1'0::\fl.1 The C"own Prince--and O'hers. I e,er the arm... he was 'Kcredfted to y~"lllg prmce--h" lS -now ~nly"tWent"Y-1~obling I wen~ ~ my rooms, as 11.-new _ .__ - '" _ table ,:luch contrasted 1ll0;,t Unfa".or"j Lfi",,-i ~w the ;o"n ~Jrmc~l'~ofes.1 made any su;cessfnl shomng just as eIgbt-:rE'marked: "See w~.at on.w O1'.l! \yQUldbe three o'c;o!.~ liefore he • Tw.o-facts sta.I>dout!"'o'minentlY as J ably "VIth tht;csnnpJp me.'lls to wll'ch S!i)naJly 10 the sprin'~ of 1005 :l ..few the\" did In,the (ase of the kaiS()l'. your damned Amel:Ican bUllets did 1:0 would be read!ior me ugmn. I!o:never reasons_for the Increased produetlon • -'h ~ to ed' -, I -+h co- - • '" , ,- me T" -nI!owedanytbin" to mterfere Wlth lus - 1 ~_ ~,~y '!<:re ~ccus. ':': ,_,...11e , ,,- mQllth~bl'fore lus" marriage. He was. I DUrlng-llis ,arlOns viSlis to me I , . ." . - "-,,' I and use of milk. The first:is that nulk -a -Ciiilists-snowe(f--on:rr--seuunn....,n;,,~~ ieIf-wcUty"three :vi~OIa.~"""~.l¢ rhieu--ro=~~ ~ -_,=,-- ~z~ 1 ~1!.~ ~oY..Q.!!.!f,Uo:wIt.Y'frSa!l Amer- Jafter-dmn~ap. ~ ,,__ _ _ ...~_Tlnrclu,"Ml,on_rll" mn:rk"t usunllv till "plaIDly by' iW]jT.:)"nsmgthe wordS: lu the uWform of ~ Gemmn- nrmy offi-: ierent "sp'(,,,t« ot ~~e;;'';:~T:\t:;;> ~ul~t?"--r-a&.·.:;a. . !l. I" T--Cl.-..r'»ElCO:V.ll;:~t..'"ElD:Y----==-~J suppll~ ~cr mat:;;:;ttltogeth~fu-~"~· ~ ::Yon Unsern Gel?--Ta-;a." meaning, cer bu: looked more lIke" corps >;;m-'uation~ but the Ide,)s he expressee.] I; '~d b~ans h::.v.. nOthmg~se·th Possibilities GfNorth Africa. ' I tll~ growth·producing elements more ~ " From our mQney::ta-ta, E.e.i~_r:ng~ dent j:X.ceptf'lr the J;act that hIS face I "ere net of much moment. = Tl 0 un on one ..o~c;:slOn at e North Afriea-Tuilis,- Algeria and -economiw:iy tuau ",the>.' >neut "'or ~he .royal Tmmunlty. from· t:lxa.~~.m.was no-rmarked "ith a >;;carfrom dUd-j ~e~c9-E!es tlunl, we will rn:::. short ,~o:uwere complaimn" of the food MoroccQ-contains around a naIf mil. eggs. The secQnd reason Is that the which "as one of theIr bItterest plhs. hng, as is usually the case "\\Ith most) of man-power," he said on one occa- 'f s ~Th~-~f _d~-- m" h li01!~sqllare miles. Some of"it is des. dairy cow is the most economicnl pro- ' It was Mt lon~ ::iter I hnd known members of the German fratern>!..les.I <;,on, "but we",e got 2,000,000 yQuths ey ,ave 00 (!Iwug, e an- ert. butmuCh of--it is highly produc- duc& or animal toUd. One great iaw ~ tha kalserm hefore slH-made ciear to fIe had a habit of placin~ h,s hand~ urowin~ up and we'll soon De able 'to 1swered. .'The best j,hing they ~o .is tive and it has $Pedal l!.dvanta"""sfor of food' conservation "is to turn in- me that she po.sessed a m(\st (hcta- on hiS mps and his couts ;ere always I~t th:m m the w.ar. There's no dau.. ~ co:np~amih D;n'~ -!he~ complam~n :producing some forms 01 live ~~tQck. edible feed., mto edible foods in the rorial n:a.TlI!e:,Whl~~was .qulte.:n con- ilared In at the w::,st "hich, w~h the ~g~.r-of_our run~lllg short -of men, bu:t. m~:::c:. e acv IS ey ~,e o I"The climate :lnd pasture make it al- clleapest poss,ble manner. The dairy traStoWltn that G• .,.e kalSer, .\. least sporty angi€lat WhlChhe wore b,s call, re.alIy, I Wish 11:were ::11Aver. This h in est, ~~a_. -Th'}! don t kn~W most as itJ.eal & eo=try as Australia cow \ViII util17.e coan;.; mateliull; in- when he was i.n my office.• ~ gavl; him a swagger wh'ch was qUlte war is a lot of damned nonsense, :]ou w at: ey want. Ifor sheep raising, and it has peculiar edible to ,h=anS~ct1.:iS ~s..<;, Sh.. object .." strenuously to remov- tQreigu.to the rest of the officers of the !mow:" Be t:llked as if the two mil- CHAPTER XIII. advantages for what might be called cornstalks and hay-and will tnro lng her lIa~-and ~he USUHe c,,!ivertet:> of co::trsercughge ed whp~ I -e..'Pla~nedt11~tI CllU.ldnot 1 was nearly six feet tall. use m; tIiey pieased. To wbat ex cred,t for the successes of his armIes th!s potential wenlth actual and avaIl< . ~_:_- rolls in her mouth. she Inslsted that as took it out and opened it and showed ppoeh'maldng sl!!1uficanceof the ::entand .whid): he Sll.Id,he inter.:l.ed ''W~th so muny men at the front," kept Closely'in touch with everything Mrs. LivewelJ--.:'Please don't be of. Breeding Eurnishes Most Economical rubber. ".lOwmg h,s famJly. he sa,d, "th!' men 11thome ought to be Il11'1tWaSgomg on. From the very be> fend~ at the question, Tillie, but are Way to Obtain Large Produce,s I told her politely b~t ":firmlythat 1114' Thete we~e .wo oeautiful'rings on having a fine time "ith the women, ginning of hostililws he U...ed the roa- you addicted to drink?" New Mald- -Use Best Heifers. work. woul,d he dOll€'m my own :vay, his left hand and he wore a wrist- eh, what? Do you see :many good jor part of the 'time at the great army "I don't know. the tast~ of It. ma'am. and she ftnnlIy acqlhesced, addm~: watch, although at that time wrist- loo!~in, girls in Be»lm now?" head(1'1l1rtersand was in con.tant cor.-j Yon ean keep'a'bottle in every room (Prepared by th~ Unlt<'i1Stales Depart· ) "WelI, if you make such u point of It, watches Were used ulmodt ~clu~lve!y In thIs COi.lnectlQnI m"'" -'entlon sult.~t~onWith his mJita"'" leaders. r in the hiluse it vou IIk<:and ynu'll aI. ment of .<\grlcUJture.). I 1 '1 h tit ..., ~ '. ~ In dairying large llrodu~tlon and " " doctor,h I "uppose " "'ll aVe 0 e by women. He seemed to be bnght that many of t11,-more sober '1fficers,- 1 had several opportunities to see w":vs :find .It as "'on.. left it."-Bmfnl' , profit go haml in llaud. Br...e<1ingfur- you ave your WilY.. anrI q11lck,but b;;,no means hrilliant. told me tbnt th ...... wcre disgnsted with the kll.lser wl"le he was at the v::uious E:s:press. Dishes the most economical way to ob- From that time-on the kUlserin came l'erhllps the qunlity exhibited byhim tl!e manner in wblch the crown prill~e great anny beadquarters. j ". ' tmn large-prOducing cows. The p',ure-' to me more or lcSS regular~. Hher that impressed me most on that' first was actmg "-1:Ins headqllarters. "It is In the ,,-pring of -l91~ r received a NothIng In a Name. bred bY'Ii, with generations of high- I'

, Inckey USU~I!YfolIo,~e~ I)er Into t e occasion was his e..'tces~ivenervousness. r~'\lly a dlsgrnei':' thi'y complain&!, long·distance telephone mt!ssage :from "N:lInin' II boy 'George Wast-In' producing 'lncestors bac,;:or llinl IilUst ll\?userarrymg an Ilrtl~tiClunch box or He trembled all ov~ro It was plain to "1'01'the crown prince to hnve so many the grcat nrmy helldquarters, which 1'n,''' said Uncle Eben, "Is as much 11 be used for breeding, llnd only the best hag l:Ontninlng sun'l" Iclle's nnd bo,)I1- spe he was rlrendfulIy afrl!ld of pain, questionahle women .iSitIllg. him. It. WlISthell.in the pnlace of th~ Priucl> sign dat. he's. g'ineter be truthtW all heifers ~om thp best CO\'1'>3should be lon, of which the emJ)res.!1part{)(lk In nnd he evidently reUUzed th:lt I had cel'talnly dopsn't set rouch 0' an ex- von l'1C3Sat Pless, to the etrect that namln':I.' mule 'J(lb' .Is a ~. dat be" chos...n tl) be the dams of the ne.:t gen- ,l1lJ' otilce. l'he PrIncess Vh:tOrill Ilotlced hIs cOlldltion. amplo for the ret of the stair." _the kALserwanted me to go there. a'1rleterobe patient," eraUon, '-

-The Frock and the -Panel lT1ie-if~~\Vifemid~e '!i]'j - "':,

(Spe-cial":Informabon ser£!

i- t -

-f " ""'''v;."-.-'A ...;...-.,,.__ --JL.!:....-::..::;=~ t !Il~Or _ .6~_ ...... t ~ t - ~-- =!s~s; ~';;~",- <~I'-~~:..Lh..-~\\%;';"': If ~-:.:...>~~ .:~-~ ;~~~:~ ...'"

i ,,~~0""''' ~Y.. .. S ~ __ :~I-:~~~~;~~i~; ...1 i~~~:~,"~;~;::iv<'t~d~':~t~f;:~v;::~::> -€~:;~t:_l" _~~ .i' '~.: _.. l-'e oLTicks; u;. You"ll'::T'cks. '~- - ~ ~'"x'------;" 1""_ := - =:' c. - - - ~-

~~F-R£~F'~~U"t'nl1TD = .. -:lsc,Yeai- wa: the U-~in;Of ;rt~fs~;:~ -" ~-=- -II ... ~~ pi.- whkh-opens. u tiCk-free)n-®- roar ;:l _ -_-;L- -= - ~" ~ ~ .... e- ;;; ,,~~-----~ - - __ ------::?ll:..O' Ule ;gull:. "n.PU ~OUUl~~---_-_ ,

, _ ()niYThr~e' and· a Half Cents"Worth of Ga(yieJ;1i:-Required te \\·e.lrers "fIH~.\'lllJd",tl-",tl.".I'",id1Og _'\.-TlH)e-lef' - ~!'II .11 1111 \J, It-wa'S"esfunatetl bv thecburenu,c-o;f >: ::...,_';~ ... ·c~"'!W .., ..._ ... .,.'- -to::- -;; ~,. _.~~ ~ "',:_ =~Itl't('sf:--:'t\,e paneletl-fr.9t.k~-#J.(.e:;::-fol··f1(ltknf.?tlln,eQn."'h~\S:.lSlnfnrule ..ti? -;"~;:; _ animalmfiustryafe~ye~:agotiiat ? SAVING ..tUEL IS j- cooking. You~Will -find ~at the. meals L,4'.,c~L~~l}Ulq':b::E~ surprbe J;!):US""t,,!pitHctn othlit{<0?"m -sill;:- rat·t:lli bJ;md .", "'~ • ~..., -. " th~fisc:I!.yearl%1B- A =j'tlon:. -- -' - ~ -- -1'~l>€re' ""-there ~-'U &huu",,---!-O,place, "pI!!, J,,,gOlll IE. th" (I) ":.~ ~.iltC ~-UK l\leed for More rQOD. 1:IJ,!'re"ere "hipped t()~mm:ket fot'-1m- ~• . _ ': one The punel IS-the l}utsl-=ding ne,\~ .1'he- «the!' "he'< hn<'---u ulu('h .mOi·e I- :::. --=- -, .. -" y' 1,!'1~~1""~"!!fur 3.015,&7~catJl~llQ~ =-- ~ _ -.. I:: -t<...... iit the ief!'t Fever T~k Haa Done Mo..!:eto Imped'F Tbe fmporta!1ce of such an addmon t() - ---~--~------~ --' ~ '"' :";U.1t-=~=~~~::'nf~dor-.:· }~tic~p~eJs is that ~:::; ..:;ifiij)ly sldt:'~ TIles€' fire. ~hOlt sa~h ~nd~ fil1l~""h- Development of Southern- States Ulll;f-counrry~ foo11 ::.esotlrces \lues nGt ~~ - 7 l~can~ ~ --i1\;ftn~st .....n-~~OUI~U1~V£--\.~~~..J~-=:'\.~~UL_p:ml"E AJto~6:t:~ thev are 'l.ar.! ~-ny Other Single Factor ] ('ull fol" argument~ =- _ l ~ : -1'''0'KP ENTIRr~MEAL IN OVEN'" Hoge.v, sil-ups, 1l;laple f;ngar, .. ,1I.twn. ~n!e3 .are frlU~ed, '!! 4~~~f'lc 1j ~\" ..\ PI~ ~00l1 'O.,pollenl~ Ill" t1", 1ll1)t1"! -Dipping Vat'Ts Use!!. - _ - _~ __ .. U l-niid m.6lasS'es- IU ca\es" cookIes, : I m: br,ud~'1 oro elubrol<1e~eeP1I{lef.,In !"ct the panel t-<' tlh! till< f"ct ~le,ftf'SIgner ... llInce ntter an * , - -- ,....U,.l...... th -.... = ' - • n 0 l.er St.~ es, au In a ar"'cr sense -+ -1-.,e~ c t tU . C" h d * ~ • Iti j ~ "~' Sngartlregsln~o!feecupsand" eclmr:wtf'rllf-thedecomtlOllol;the ll~"ofbc"d~oalld\EtmOlehelltl< In t th - tiG' -hI d ~ I"'-"'~~~"-=~'" e~ce. ..oJ!j;el'eay~ , • fS USL-~ n;~c af-!lat~IOtlC'8en icedteu:tnmble~- - -,;-.... p"nel. If ,t IS 'I rl(h embroltlen tllolt .{me, "Inter bar,es~----~~~ - t J \ .Ce !II' yo.!' to ;l;;uye nel as to save '"L.-~ ,_. I ,. h t tI ~ : - I I'., Ii ' : I ' "_. 1: - na IOns. aSSOCla e 'I!. e struggle .. _ , ~ = ~- - * :fQod, War' actiVlti aU ... -Sugar leavings fn cereaTboWTs" ,aB-es rouc 1m\!, It," pn~e SO:ll" urrol we I·, rc~e \\ l}m.lU 1 ,er" \\ ,1~.1 ).)lll] a lUst Germau'autocru~ " . .. .' i<.i<.it'1lUml<;:; thut ct;U he uiI'k- n:uue us iin~- otbtl·f". '1111:'fl o~k had a II n u.le ~st place~a \lctor:t oVeJ; the (\.~"-' - - .....-.:p -,"" usnal ~emand. To-make this supplv J,~~ >:1 >J -1\ ~lM~)e,l ~)' ~~s"--lJ-.~11 --Q , ,~_# __ ~ • ri IlL • , TIcks 'nil melln that·Soutllern farmers Cooling MIlk Saves DoHal;8. _ ¥ __ ... I it • ~ -eookln - HJl'll ,...... (,::)1.. lr -..::. Ul. u ure l·oSt:lJ. ....l~h.lIt. v, 5~ ..ro~r..c "'t'--",~-~!. U2't-..Le {ll---!llO... • T ~ ., f _.Il'Vuilnble e"ery Ameriean~lDust save.... ~ ... ::. r- t: _ _ _ :: ~uou;;h, ~ln£l thl .... llKlude .... the \\lder (.Hl~d ,~h(>t nnd the loo ...e <::1~e..,e';;1'\\TIr-t14:1"\¥e llu..,t1~t.l1\..,~-u,-~c-....V'n';'"~~1 ::un.m.elLLo.:::t.e_th-0Jl-s~d..§:-=Q~dollars ...... A. lIttle thouget in the plnanmg ,01' ... ' -.:sngar spent to make caramel... ~rm"e< . 't'he needle"'GTn m h ~ - I I ,...... , f I' 'I b' of tnelr e~pllent pasture lands mto ,!unultll::rl)eoo.us~ of poor)y cooled ml:k ---.--=1 .. I thth .. fo£fift....~·oroJ:col(i·lrt ;j .. .l. ~.. l WuO can sw"e( a .\luf" 0"11:1l-o0 )~at(". 12 d . d -I ndc "TII th "trd ' ..t your mea s, ~f e saving of fuelm ... .u '0- .. ,,-uan,lge to do embroIdery ot.bmldIIl~ \\ooden h"'ld< of the S~IlIletnll)" sh,,<1e ~oo. heat '10 mIlk. Ne:s:t,..it w,ll -U~, re:yn I lie t~· e lD, 0 .~ctory • '+, view, "m make it possi'.>le to save an'" Goon su!!"r <11f)lledIn scorched.. f r he plf :ldd' - d II -t~ - I I t i' I I d j luenn " new and Jmpm-tant market sentence of Thrmers Bul1etln 9t6, en- "" ~ &1ppreclllbrt! amount each day. t food <>rbYcar.eless cookIng, .: t~e ~a~,:e fUt:' )laln ~1l;::'I 0!lnrs ~ a;nTl~ \e;P~'''I~\1l1gt;" , upane O~~" for Northern-bred live stock. Flnt.lly 1:!Ug.J:"CoolingllItlknndC,eamonthe ~ - =-~-'-~bli;tinLth.e-"Flame. " ... Pieces of cake -or coo1.-Ies ~r tlbe'lut\ 0' I· r ~ un' mu~ "rt·h1O,s am l,e '1 0l!;1e b e-r Pre 'tlIn" I v there will be mo!'e meat and more IIIllk F"rlll,~ .. Issued by the United States • -~ -----____ -.. ~ - .. &'4.- ~ .... - - ~l n rupe n " lH.. 1 t e b.JJl( l109 "\\:13 - d '" - ~ For the woman ~ho cookS. wit:hga:slr'"ltnY-.:r,\Y~~'CDtu-tt~~~=-"'-- ~tlrrn1.rn-"UC~JIcrUreu ilJ\"""e--Pr. - hnt e partment vessel whIch enl!.blell one to ------' -- c -, I _'- S -~C ki ~:-f~I"~: "f _ Ch' ;:~ •_:.I stat"s~ IS 1n relillty a natIOnal enter-I/ ;nor <:p-r~m._thE productIOn nnd ~cook. tw~ Q, three vegetnhles Qv~r..one - ~Sauerkl'aut Is ill S,eason. , ~: pea ng 0 \laps or rlstmas It ptlse, han?,mg -Qf ~llk- means more money burner .IS a worth-whi!e ~onllmy, .. Att~pts 1la,e cbee,! mllede -to keep _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ • - _ _ • __ • _ A Destroyer of Food. r to hun, ",It Is especIally true that every since the gas frolp_ one -burner cool...,. pOl'nlar the ta:steful nnd pormlar dlsh - I Til AmetiCllIls ,not acquainted-with reform along dairy a~d milk- lines the 1'00,1- o:>;ilmarily X'eqniring three Q'f sauerkl1iUt b~ changing the name --- __Lthe~gructl\ e worl~ of the enttle mu~t be prowd to be 'ecQnomical as - burners, Or IT you bav.: a ("olander to Liberty ~bage. --Bot- u: the ,:ose Jf;Y;;r tick-it shouidoe- explarnea:LnaL~:w"Jl--:t".helitejiclal from_a __sa1!~tll;~l".. _ or_ a wire basket that=fits over an or· will 6~ell as . ~eet by any othJ!r name. _' !.1iIS llttle pnrosite h"s,done -more tD 'h~alth sta~dI'~mt before the ~r~ dInlU'y kettle yon can steam suCh ve~ so ml) sanerkrah-t tastE: liS good tQ nupede the {!evelopment of the SO\Jt!l er § In'~re~t l~ aroused. ,. tables. as S~nll.Sh,,peas 0= carrots Qver ~.nny- people whethe!" its- name be I ern cattle industr;f than any" Qther~ Cooling of miI~ .n,s a rule din Ii~. ill I the.. kettle which the pllt-atoes are diaugea or not.. • single factor, The tICk not'bnly sucks rproPtTJY and plllcncJl1ly d_~"'1!:only b'"lmg. __ . _ - T1!e _ ess~ntrfil pomts 1:0 make the blood of cattle, m,l":i.r1gthem thin ~?e,'.! ice IS oOtainuble, But'> ,ben it Remember "that wherr- the :fl:une gOQd kraut are the ns.e -~'!!:. m::tnre.1 and scrawny, and u3es for 1ts ~Qwn >s rea!Ized th~t ice can be had -on spr~<;l;,'up ,around ?,e side O~'the, ;,o~d. en!ibage,~~crupu10us Cleanliness ,~-rurpose the fiiQn that should go intQ farms :producing 85 per cent of the vessel you waste .g~s. 't'nrll, dQWJ'!the ~oUghout '"the p~c~ss, -nnd proper ' meat and miUS- but it spreads amQng _~ou!'tr:r;'s .milk and c,.!!am supply. one 1lame after :the bllJling pornt ,s reaft~d. ca:.-e or the s~rface of the briNe after tl)e cattle tile serious splenbc or tick see!; the Importance of ~ing advnn- for .the .potat?es 'V!ll not cook- ~nY' :ferment':~l{)n IS completed." - fev-,.r", Cattle seriously infested with -tag;; ofnatnral ~ ..~~==;;;== mor~ Q.U1clr1y m water "!:hat 18 boilml\: In m~mg sauer~llt for home. pur- _ • ~ ticks bec"me emncllltl'd and w&tk 'lnd In other pnrts of the country where :fast than m water that lS bQiling po'!.cs !be~ outer l?een leaves .Q~'the j thousands of them -die everY ye~. natuI';;.! Ice is not aYnilabie, the p}o-~ slQWly. cabbage shonld be removed, Just as = ~e method of- fightinu 'the ftck~ {lucer CllD keep down tM loss fro~ ,The gre~test amoUD!"of gas wasted, in ~r:paring ihne head 1'or ~Olllng. In ailnpted by the UITtted St';tes depart- sour-mIlk or cre:l'm by -bu..mg fnll ailo- however. IS by the inalscrlminate use addlti<:n, aU .de~ayad Qr bnllsed leaves.. lilent of agrt.Culcu-e. in co-operation lantagt' of spring or well wliter • .. :9,f.. the_ ov~n.._ Ti:io:-o!teJ:,~~"ffi':e!!. k '!hQUllt Q.~dJ.sc:U-de~~.ap9 the c~-:e...!""' WIth the st:ltes and.£onnties, i~ the _::- .. _' .'1 lig~te-f::"'-':,\ ~ cattle Infested with ticks or likely to Iand :X:6Ugha:es~megis- . l. ,,_u, , rg IIlm1.el' of Christmas -gl,mg; "'e are I1'0" rtbhon ID ~can1. rhflles "Ii o,'-er It, puShlllg-the freed =!-reat<)ward the-Gulf tl'cnce uwayfrom tha",s~I,,,,,.~ If wln- Peppers stufCeiLwith Rlce and Cheese. !!'=>-c. - . , , [ Qf Mm . d th .At! t ter -P:lstnres -are us~d no oth ~_==-_-="-:g,,..~ 1?!>t~-"- ,.1laked,D,"ons. • The shredded cabbage should -be c.-..:pectetlto ~ut tlO\Vll_c.-..:penultures, to and ,l f"n of" lace ,Ibout the. face" I nce-an e an IC.Qcean.. , .. :: '~, er oar· Corn Dodgers.. 'Butter.. "packe ....-.....~...... ,_...... __...;....~4 ...... 1'a' 'Se~ ...31$ few p_aL~el';:;-;.1 pO~lble by Tl'ere ..1l"e- ho~s and e-ods"'-of nrtrrow When ...the "GmffidE"ates entered the r.....tl.z=>e~:utfor e.~er-elSe Is.. necessary_ Slteed T-omatoes. clean w"ter-ti~ht rec t Ie. such ;runlror .... --q>re>o.,,-;-'HT >;i~ii.:..~::.= ~~hon :It each side.. Bel!I\\ i~ n tri- ~Qrl wade throngh deep mud J?-oast Beet with :~wned- Pota d it is packed into th; T~~Ptacle' ad~ >lnd to do -<)11'1' shopping \ery p"lrly. lace llnd nhhon frills ahout It ,lud I ereas,RCapproprmrw",,: ";~:=;;-_:t.~_,,"~. ~ sn.o", neithet:.s~o~l,d.~ey Ite chased G"'vy. toes an salt in the' proportion of one ponud of E\'en the, boys lniilDyaoglrl1o-n:on.~ ....,v .-~ ::vo~.h.<:!'!!.~ Baked Whole Tomatoes. salt to forty ponnds of ca"hba e, dis- !l:IYC 11 SllJ:llt box-three pounds In loop< . 1O~rro.se our food ~]lly. As a result nor tQ P:l~S thro~gh narrow doors, as Fres~ CelerY. tiibuting it evenly throughout J, cab- welgin Th,s hemg the ,'a<;e, we \\ on't At the nght- there j< 11 ~np 01' White I of the SJ1eedmg-up process there were such tre:rtment 1S .sure to cause loss Bran ~ISCf'~ tty: Butter. baue. Experiments have ShQW: th t ff'el lik~ 'lln extravagant Clll"lstmas at dotted net overdrnped WIth black cmf- treed rQm cattle ticll:s and;,reIensed Qf Illmbs or of both Qwes and lambs.. tw 8 p!'ellr" . ~ppOro~-atelv a d ,-oal1' hotlli'_ fon. It h:l~a plniting of net nbnu.~,t from quarnup.ne in 191'1' total Qf It fleeces are allowed to become • ~ • ~ -"1m. 0 n one-na ' ,'L "I. ~or.'l4 - "1 h' h SQ' ed ,·th' t Ids Stnothe.red Vw. ~'pounds Qf Snit to eact. one llnndrea jl 1'1",_hretlf,,::.t (II' boudOir cap pre- an(" tmy HNender bud:; :;et :lbo\ Q the I," square ttll es, w lC w~s prae.- "II: "I .=,Qr we sno'P, co . Glazed $weet Potatoes.' I nounds of shredood csbL gi' th Sl'nts -Itself wltl> ;;"eet as:;urance-- frIll. Gr> ndmn Will enJoy thiS one. tlc.a~ly 200 per cent Increase over the j and Ilnellmonm WlITsnrely result. Dry :Baked Corn, "Pickles. best flav'lr to th I' !mlti a~u~e e it IS pretty. It IS useful and it I<;ine;;:., ~> 0 . avera~ve.Trly-aeeomplisbment sincl' snew, on the Qther hand, has no 1I1 SUced Fr~':'~es O~D~~d Dl1ed When the bar~el Clor C~Ck is nearlv pc~sl\:e. It make< a ,sm'lll ~nrcel vnd '-''''.t5~~,; tick eradication ~as actively begun ten eft'eet, as the ewes readily shll.!l::eit Peaches. full. the cabbal;e should be ressed welgl's nl"t. to. not1Jmg t:ncI,: Sam • - . years ago. Th,S area induded 127 oft. • !>a~ea1 Drop 'Cookies. down as finnl;<" n" posslhle a~d (,0\,.1:< »0"...,11 to snule appro\ al of It and I " co,:nties .and :portions of counties, into I ----,~ . -I It may nQt a{wSlYsbe convenient-to ered with a clean board COver lr' I~ IS surp to be more popnlar th"n ever I' _,""llCh !'ur ...hTPt'! "'ltt!p f.rom Nonhero I A Cheese Meat Substitute. I ha,"~ 3uch a baked dinner, b~t i:! you adVisable, but not,essential, tha~ cte:J.~ tIll:; (,h.rImll 'v !JlU"I"-U",,-,,," -100"- kmttlllg in the ~me tone. \Vhe9 the ,Expect Ne:w Record T-his Year. Boston roast. is a ment substitnte later meal. If sucb care is used it cabbage.. and a sufficIent weight (If] back 0\ er the greater pnrt of a cen-, scarf IS se,,,ed togetl>er nudet' The -. T~ere are ill ,,-operation now 26.976 mnde i'rQID cottage cheese Md Deans. may 'Prove better eCOOQmy til make ~lean brick .lr stOlle should he added tur~-or to tlto~e bet ... een the.f the swear· this yenr 6,680,239. dIpPings or cattle equiv-alent quantity of home-ccoked S"'v~ Time as Well as Fuel. wOQden cover. Set the container ns!de In the center I~ R en» for II you-'ll( I er. 'lrol'nd the " neck Openmg'. tl'" wpre officlally ;'1Jpervlsed. There are be~lDs Ot' cowpeM. or put them through Another way to save fuel is the use untlI fermentation Is complete and Ictrl. It IS mnde of lI::ht hlIle .18hnmtchl's the Iran- tick" ermllcatiQn wQrk. ami It is be- mnk~ the iDixtnrc stiff enQugh tQ be fn the ~onse1"Vation Ql'~foel In coo1.-Jng T() prevent your little girl's stock- cape tllnt hnllgs O\'"r the neck and Immg hand and the tue!. .... meal cOQked With the aid of a1 . worked strongly round. You also. Threl' bows finIsh the cnp one' !U1d 1Il1of SQuth Carolina, In addition With tomato sauce. ThIs dish mllY be tireless cookel" .must be planned llhead, can tben paas tile suspender through nt the Cront !,n

=:r ~"s:.~~~~_~-.c~ i" ---""""--t.,?":;.;:',... ~~::-~ .. »\ ....{.-~l"...-" .£.... ~.....~ ~.1 .. ~~...-..~~~~~C~~'1y "'r~"","\¥.tl. ~;~~;-~ r- ..-;-~_¥ :>~',...,. ...:~,';f~~;:;!:\;~;;;:~:;;'';,,~.,'':.:""~:',··~;t:r~·~. :':~i";." ~ """'~ _ '" :; • . '. J • • • "Il'.lGl1;°EIGaT.~-.."..~.,.,_...... ~ ~ :J;:, ~:: ,'" .. Itt'l'lt\o·, . '('IJ;fV}I,t,~. ,.MwJi.,- FRlDA,Y. NOYElIBER- 1, 1918.=-

,l,_ ;e... •• •• '~$.~~:'~' :::,"'-',:_ li.'~R.".co', A~QWLES,- _~ Opt•.»_ '~~ , V-IStTO:Rs.~..HERE-. '. tGIVE THE CO",V'l'IniTRY'J ; _~~ ••••• co. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ... •• •• •• •• •• •• •• .!J •• •• .0 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ..". •• ".••y-..v...... ,....- ..- ,~~' , '''''''_. ;'; THE D~TROiT ~ ~~ ~ ~ND ELSEWHF.RE i ;: f. - ...... "'...... ,.... ::....~: --;-- 1 --- -:: -...... -' I .; ~.::.-, ":' -~ '-:0- _'_'..9_.~, ~y-t1ef and son:_<\lbert of De· r 1- ~ Lt~~~t wer~l(J..~rllLvint J.\lol:ittir -I ~ _ ...

~ , D'>''l:eiLaTIlt; -1in~famiiy ~f DetrOlt I Fer the first time In many years, ~ . , i ere In-=ttownfor the week~end fthe ... cou.ptr~i pr~cjncts have been I:': r.. , I ,- • It;,oretlce R C. :I<~ont)e,of ;Ecorse! who ~ , I:ll.dla.nd. • _, I~ "to make the ~. for "Rel~ster Of+* ~, ~. ~, , 1)~eds again~t 0t.~ St<>~I,who h,as lI.cld+.: : 1 2111'S],- E t'-rosby of Maddnaw that office'since JIector was aJ?u)[,> 'j. • ;:c, ~'~-r,~ _ ;':' -:Oplical S:peci~( -, I!sla'iid IS vIsiting. he" mecl', 1'.!rs. S.. 'Or< eof\-h~ ~a1J;::ca~ses tor ~~U'"~IL; ;" -. c, r'C ~ ~KrwTiF " ' 'E . Cranson. =~ t!J~ Wayne county. yoter has .aiwl

- "semce i:.i$ht at ~:your o~ h~e and .0 ... ' I man' outside gf= DetrOit landing a : As - h . ft' ",' 'S't~-t""d= _~VerYthiIlg gua;:;lIlteed..' I will com~, -'\>...tr.;.- L; Whipple aud daughter of county job, but the country voters are • • ' we av~ 0 _ ",n a ,<:; • to Northvllle $uf!ici(;utlY'

o.6J~..1\Ir.;rr~l\.1rs. A'na~W1:l~:~ ~d 1.;ff5: c:~~~,el'l:nti~ ~~ ill, !ow~l\I~~aY : ~s~i~ ,~ichan.d~e 7l~1(f~ as pos~il)1~qua11ty-ca~sidel-e~ ? . g o ~~_.f:~t-~_ '" - _ , '-:JV\~L.ft~J~E!hth'l:Urner and son of Detroit spent c!'l!m on_laCalfne;~s.~<\g~ting,~C' • " • ':: • i'Ii..,"'_,.' it Sunday' with"Otis rew1t:s!Juryand fam.? ql1aJnte~ a:¥ m~t w,_~ enco1!ra~em:nt "TL,h libe B'~~n-~;R6st" < '._ iO:: '" ~.; _ "_;r _ ' , Ih' ." -upon.all Sides from men o~ all parties l'U5 _." ....' D ~~,i" ;h IF ;~ou iRE{ T:.HfN{{ING h OF, 1 .:" ,: __ .' ~ "" " -<~;wllQ,beliel"e,lhecountry district.,ghoUld - = , !> - • tf}n t orget--:t- a'tEwe _h.-nirERs, PLEA'8~ ;lUl:MEJI,I:, ,::I!rs=.!3a~uel }fwLean h~:s."returpeJ!IbP repre.:e~tea jY' aUeast one:man in : : . - ~~ .:.- ;;..!' are Heauquafters ,for" BER DIXOl'~D PHONro 1-40 J. :to her .home in~DetroJ,t.liffer sljlee.dmg tl>e r~l1Jlty,JJUildJUg. -~~, ~ J: t~· = ~ 0 - OIi"CALL IN PF..RSON ' a weeK~r more wlth :'Ill' and Mrs. Fred : " ~idv ..~ell!. ..n~ ~._ ~ "- ~f.k - \ I:yke . ~ ~ - 'r : so ~G'ti}J.F.R r.r:mh. :-:;.~ . iE· - ~ ~9~M~BIZED~_ :ftORTIf,V1U£:G if ffiR OUSt 1 :Mr; ::.j..l\IUr-;hYJec~poo a-t~e~ - ~H~~ar,,' war~~, son ~~~~:::--a.o~~ RUGS"lli\d -~ " _~ =' J. M.-DIXO~. Pil-ll. ' Phone.' Ilgram =!\londay from Lleut. :Murphy ".arner of Farmmgton,. after= ~g t":; " '7; , s!1mrn.onpiglJer to 1\ew YOrk; and left ,ejec1:ed severar:times for military :fa- ~~!1,goleum_ 1tugS. -' ~ !..,.~--~ .rl1ID'm~dlateJ)~lOr~affity~ ser'V:t~eTI·on'l?1iysical_gr 0 r, _' , t, eir .sou. A. 13 Ranaom atlfl family, < "'--"', • • .: r ~£5T sliD III: ~ 0:' " _' __ ~'~--",-~who have g~neto_D~tr01t for .he- Char!es:FreY~I.ofJile$-;,;~T;?ha;;:::~·,_· -='o::CJI.~..oF~IG. Show :t. \V. LO-VEWElt. Auni;neer .1winter:: "" - -LJ been home from-A.!JR '£'bur this -.yeek ~ =. ~' , v , n completlUg 'hi!'.re!;oyery from an ~u' ~ "'.' a.lJf1~ 'ilirs. Goods. - - - .' , 1 ~llSS Gladys, ClJayman y; ;""me from Jiuenza

Re) Bolds farm, Just west (If tl.e l:. "'~CIo~mg of .nughIS vi,nt. :yj "" ~" ::: , ~, • Clar1,,~d daughter. Flore;,ce, all o~ i . ~ ~ Furniture D~akr8-=-Funera[.Dkeciors_ == NORTHVILLE';.~dPLl'MOuTH.': =~==~~~=-~-==---==---_~-==~,.--- ~ _~etrort..~~JP_r.d:.c;: o~o.I:t:hY:l ~ In l.blS "week's 1i!j( of 'Wounde1"* ~ -0 =- -.a \_ _ ~ 0" •• ).918 COmID'mclng-at 1 eo- o·cloch. 11f d d .::: - -rE --~ - ..~ ••••••••• .-••••••••••••••••••• ,...... •••• :::::' ~ ~ ~. rlen s ~n Sun ay lVlr GravelInec!..s app_e.ar -" e names ~ owaret----u- ~.~~:t' ,}~~~.t: u,.. •.,..u ~- __ ==____ ~r. ", - tl"e follow ~ug m:QFert! . aSslstaut ~eneral snperintendent at EJ.seulord of Farmmgtcm v.nd Frank ~ = ,- ~ = 00 ~ ~---o:~ !he CadlUac AUt!J!!lGblrefactory 1\1 Suuth of Plymouth. ~ c == Co ' ~ - , --,- COiVS ". • • ':J I ' . • 2 Hoistem Cov,'s

---JlOGS. the "Cniv~r$t~ of:::Ca.i.lfornla,. ana made I.ll~lp(l '\"Corkmay lie turned ill at the (Parfl£rapJu ..r.:(,mhf$ ad. -7--- __._.- .• ~~_"__ -~ • InsJ!.rlef viSit to Noth"llIe an the wa}·. proper tIme E"ery kmtt~r IS needed dressto tho Un"i'ted St~'e' , --jH- - ~------~ S"".t"" September 30• .1918) , e IS a sou of John G ",mlth~ former - - - - =~[--'- --- ~ ~ =' :~ ffii..~~ 4l~-&\1tJ!-_~QOLB.~sldent h~v~, ""ILbe re~embered Yarn for kmttmg cau. obtamed at ,--~ "The wome~ Amer~ r- \ the heme of 1I1r.sFred SImmons- UJitil,j _ fc.aint~1!fge-nt-atetoo nobleand andtoo too'de- .- 15-Ac,.it C r ,-,.""'81'-IS~~;;:~k" = \: '--~tlie s:hooi....J- ---I State of Ohio,City of :roledo,~' '= _~:;i?m<:lal~ .(l!d", 'fighting.in the field for '},'k J • Lev 11,., ~ ~~~ouc~;n~~makes oath tbat ~be i ment el~1im t:~~ ~~e~~:;U~:~::rl~eW~~ \1:: is seIHor partner of The firm:: of F .J that the $(\1\ lei: 1{'Ill 'j ~l ~ ;': the excluded!' ....:oot"".;& NORTHYILLB. PROPRIETOR I C;,eney& C?,"do1Ogbusmess 10 -t.,'leaty of the country: 1 pn,r ,=, ~ •~ =-~-.,Y=--~-'''' '} 0_ Toledo. L:ount,y an' State""dforesaldF qO:;jit.:J'V"_'n'\.'ro ...... "'..-l_n ....- --. j Ar.ewea1on~tQl'efuse ....===="""'=,--==."...... -s==="" and that smd firm '\"\111:pav the sum at eo ~ ...'~.,r.__~ ...__.~_~ ~""":'---'-;::::""II--=:;: - "i.u..;:eil..""IlLheleSi~AIe ~ • \ONE =DRED DOLL-Uu>for each correspouilent, amI 11" ' " - al t k d ~e _:::: ::"RAN'JK ....J BOY:L' E andcure(lf!:'-;:Gryby theC:lseuseof ofC.atarrh""'thatH.\.LI':S CAT.A.RU:tICcl.nnot be thIS._;;:;:chum ..~y. tlw. rll1u l\";-...... p,' ~ I wth~eutmostone -thoatourwomenas ...~ - P .. ~_...... ----_~~l'o~.::: F..!L~~ CHE!\~Y 6f cOl)}p1mnts that :ne 1 {\I\~·l • can::-gi~se..rvi<;"e and _ I Sworn ~o before me an(il subscribed in by expreSSIOns of :Ull"r0....d1 P" -".0-. sacrifice of every:: kind- ::: '. AUCTIONEER. 1Yrrr~nae. tln~~iVYG'&~s'i5~\ler, press and elseWhere. "In rhe '1";'J'r1 andstillsayweeoiiotse~ _ ~ -:, - ,(S~) . NGtary yuoflc ·1 ment, it 1$ also pointed OUT_C01:!"...~ what title..that gives them STOCK S\LE:S ,\. SPECliL'I'Y .Hans Catarrh MedJcm~lS tahen 10- Spt; at> ce T t • to stand b.y oursi>leslnthe -- _ r tarnaU,,· and actB. th~ough the Btuod oil n n WI :n pas w.as..er,; 15 CQ:U- idii ,. f th aff;. - of Satisfaction Gn~r.teed. ~ lhe MucousSurfa!:esof the System Scnd aucteih with more facilit'l" and eY])ertJ- guh~~-t1':0 ; ~ ...... tor.. t~momals: "I:ree. - C ~ ... "" t etr n<:\ on .anu_OU'f.S_ -= Phone, P!ymouth E,chau:;e. '\ -'¥ J. CHENEY &$0. Toledo, 0, Bon -than. fO~erlY, llud th,,· reports = "We hii've made pa'"rt- SA LE11 • __ "U"HIG ..... S°allbr"F';;U1d druggists ,.c of post office lllspectors. as wel! a5 oem of the women in 1¥3 " " _,' .'" ."'-.. H s annly Pills for,conshpabcn._ j.taternents::. _ furOls~edU.' b~ t~e11 aud"l,-or war; shall we admIt'-th°em of' the department indJcate tliat the' 'onlytoi.partnershlpcfsuf- ability of postmasters to conduct their fenngands."cri!\feandtoil post offices satisfa<:torilYto the public and nat to a pa.-tiiershlp "ER J HAY ES 'nnlfto the department is greater than of prj:vilege-andright?': ~ It has been at a::lYtime in th~ p;~t. - . "This_Wl!r cOUld not' , = . • I' The increased eftklen"cyof postmas- have, been Tought;-either WA LJ: by the M ..... ~ -."'--- ejI- ters has. been due, it is llsserte d, not - d ~1.--;1f I onlYto !he care exercised in their se.- - t:~e no~;;e~ll rore~~~c;;e~ lectiQil. out al..,o.to the. kind ano of !he womell-services -FOR---" amount of ser,"ice required of them. :rendered in every sp!lere No pos~aste!" has been permitted to -not merely in the field!; ,regard his position asa sinecure, but of efforts in .whIch we i ell postmast:ers have been required to have b<:enacclIstom~ to iievote not leSSthan eight hours of the El'ethem 'York,but whert'- .. evennenliaveworkedand IlJay~ their. otli~al d:uties and to as· I upon th~ very sld.1tsand STATE -I sUmetlie -activ~ dt'!"ectionof the poscal edges of the battle !tself.." operatio:s co~mitted to their charge.. I ~'Andita adopt1onia.inmy 'Vide discretion has been granted ;udlii'C.ent. clearly neo:essary I~ postmasters iD_ the '::arrangement and ihes~::s:.~J~~·:~~~:~f~f adJustment of-their facilitie:; to meet rea.lIzatlon o! the obJect. for SEN~A.TOR I10"-'0.1needs an i deman..s-sfor service whlchthewarlSbetnli'~u2"bt. ~ t ~ u: , I Botb of our 2Teatnatlona.l 1 but complete subordination and co-op- par".. are pled"ed,expli... eratlon has been reouired with -respect itely pledged to equality of auffrage !orwomen of the FIRST DtsTRICT to the.....important general- policies- ,of I ~ coun

" , ,