~1l:~~~~~·~:::~{~r~?~::::~~~r~~~~~~$"~·::!'~~~~~~'>!'-~'~~~~~'?';'~', -~~. ~~:=-:-~,~ 7 • ,- " ~'·f .' TH~ RECORD:. $1.;;0 PER YEAR, IN .!.DVANc& ' ::_- - ':-- .... · ~g!..,.ThT_;~(.,Y~Ti OX T~E~cba~d.. '~U,,:vbMd~as keR.t--as'a~it. THE-"HONOR DOL~L " ·.:~g~B~..s"~b..:;? R . "-Bm•• ;iii•• ;;;;;:::;:':~::';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"1 - .,»:M:E:NT._",_ '.~ -.SC)'OWEt are known.- as the Detroit- _ ft· Montgomery. Earl. Corpofal-eo. F.• I _ ~ort,!lVille.;yotecis1!.ou1d"not-"eglect.'Bind. We have 'two sections. "A'~ : FOR NORT'H~VI'LL'~E.:-a10thEng.• A. 1"; 0.• 137 A..E.•F. "'" -:~"1t6_vote 3i;es;;: ne'h .Tuesday on' tlle,'and "B." 45 in.ea.ch. '.'"bur l.e.cti6n-is '. M:\fi.p1:iY, {Jhas. F.• Flut Lieut."F. A. '~.' -.Eq~ smlrage~liueSUon"':'uniess they: '!A." :-Howeve"f;·that- is fof conven, __'_ t~~;"ca~p .McCle~~~d.Ann1sto~ ~ ~t to ~uow'th~ ~~~l~Jt ~r. ienll~fn rehearSlng.~ 4~ rehea~e In the' . _ -=- . " . M.;Jconlson. Leo;;'Top Sergt.-Co. H., 3I1aJlY•• German leaders don't believe--forenoon and ;i5 go ;t.o drill.field t9 [Parents" rel!tiv.cs 01' tllenl1s, are :;8tb inf.,.A. E. F. • ,.<- .....:.:.' th = '.,..- . I play; .. th aft - ·t te' t ~ requested to furmsh correct addresses. Martin. Guy-SUpplv Co 328th Field -'f'- ~L~~. w~~e~ ~. ~ote-!1ven.u.:~~ .all:C:.1~. It,. ern9.o~ I ~a_/na es. where -errors'9ccU!, and to keep the •Artlller!'", Amer. Exp, Forces.'. 1 _~ _-'Co~!:!!. we~ n~! g~.e!ned,bY..the lr?n IW:!?e~tliere_'f 1ila~ !D be «ton,!the. Recgrd posted as to any changes]' Mtlise, ·-Charles W.-Co. 578, Bar: 9., \.. Juuid'o! .«e~polism. 'C'O ~glaIll! and -tk~..l9:0_Ple<1e~_are.tege~~: o.~;B~nd- '.' [0 ,f~}:eat Lakes, Ill!- .' ~other CiVi}lZed-_countr1es-"'_of...E'.1roJfe,~master~ ....a.ChlcagC?~!Dlpllon-F-Orches- ,,~ ~ :- - -z l.!urray~YVm_Fos!er-Co. 29, ~eg.16,- ... ~d manyofdiI&=state)i .Qf our '"wn reo !tra "first,,;Bassoon player, an excep. ~bler, Roy-~ng; COrps, A. E. F. _' • Great Lakes, !ll. ° -. J • _ ~ _ • ~ I .--....a..' _. - - •• Via. Paris", ll'I:8nce. • ,<" "'1ontgomery, Scctt-s.~,,"~11 I s -P.!IDl~;~v~ deCl~red by tb.e 'Vote_~fItion~l :nu~c~an an~.a-!lne l.eader... We Ale~nd~r, ~~o. B,.' 56th Am.- -ATbor.' -'% r < ~ • -:' ~ t • -.thei! male dtizelfs that they believe'.aJl like h]DTverymuc.!l, o~ _ ~ - munit!Gn~Train. CllJIlp"Eustis. Ya.. Miller. Wendell;:-S. A. T. C.,Ann.Arbor \. -t~e.~ h~~ -C'0!!1e~hen th.7 wives. I' '~~e gleep 'jn,.hemniocks and'theY:. 'Bec~~._ D0I!:ald A.~reat. ,Lakes I Moye~ ~1lhn"L-::.-P. S, Hospital. Et. I . :motherlf,~_siSt-ers~and daughters of %I'e ,su'elY "Very' comfortable. - We ~T!5;~g Sta.,3U. -,';: b - < .J f?a.rrY.,Ca!if._ • • 1 " ,'" -'.-~ -" .". .' -!'1 ed" In h . ..' 13ryan;:c;.K:rl' .H.~_{MUS1cian)-=:J25th·1'!ewman.AJ~-19tli Rec S'!Uadron " • ...Ariler!-~S!tag..be!t'"~h': recogn1ze<la~ IP ~y. c?: \ e at;d1tori~m""lE- .Ohtcago Int Bang;- Headquarters -'00. A";'l- ~A'yiatill,!'-S>ei;..tioi'i,'"Cl£mp McArthur, 1 '. ",-~e~"~i!fze~s ~': ;>;c. ·""-1on~ mght'"liJId..Sousawas7sullpesed~0 ~-A. P. O~"7.l!'1, ' ,.,- - . >, ,""2-w:a.~~x..?;s:-'-. _ ~ - : • C •• Tlle' co]~~of. tI1~-:"Uilited'Sm~s, leal!-"Us'bu~'!.iis-m and c:>uIlln·t.~l?I1Bi'0t!i. ;;oF.fa.nk:.~-S-Coait ~tllte1'Y" ~~1£.Ws,P:t~r ~.="En-"g.Reg ~and.. A. I -ilas repeatedlr<1:Bclared'byvofce ana.tiust lUissed Playing under him once; B~rRs. 9·-.A: y."~ E. F., . R--'~~- r:- ~'T/ g' d t· eo' =""=""""-= -~ • - - , - , ~ ~, .' aruer Jack"-Moto1' Dept. Co E ansom, .uvUlS.".- ea quar ers .• ~.5- ':'V<l~ ~l::~c~~j.e~~lUl(l.'dC('.:ii!e thisl,·a~.::waY.'c:"""--.-, "":,".::;:. .:::'.. =_ :- ~:t6th.:'Engine~~~ •.!lJ. F~_'''~ '. 2~h.R~g.,-=-q,':Sf\:I. C., A. Eo F. ~u:stiO..!L!"~lts~. _ ~ !J;e~m~ _01. F"~Od"'!s--p~e.tty=go~a.and clean~L' B!,rbe~ Cif1l'ord=-Co~ F.- First U. S. ~ay.m\}lJd.ue,d-F'~» .. S..nto'Do~mgo; t--::- "1\fiehigan,.Ul,0wth.e infe~Jlce't!,at th,e ,nes~ ls_the,1p.'\.lll".0"nFilC'm2th~Navy E.~eers,-._~~E '"Fc. ..' ~ _.£'!Ee R.ostmaster,1'f. Y.~; . -.' -womeft "OLMfcbiganarer 11015as com- f"It lS.. cert.;<inl)'~ wonaeffiU.slght to see Bro"'e~, _ Hn:.atn E.."""'Co. 4;", ~ Field ~:f.der•.::-litalpJ:_-~.. Prt.-F",:A. -School. -= ~ . 1"" 0- 'bOO '" """'"• . -, _Hospital. ,;:sifrvi.<:€ Fort ;:I'resldQ ~of'-.rnstructi6n; A.;P 0., ~o. 722, A. WARMnt ~ pLENTY • "' lle!~t as >~r:, tl'e .we.n:en oJ China. I"on: of}~: l~~evi~w,:,tha!-1tre ~eld "'§.a!i.Ff!ancjs~otctIiif::. ' , , ~'ijJ-_F:,_fr¥c'; ; '. _~;;; ,_ Zlussla._AustraUa or any of all the !te~e._ ,Th~ 'b"!l.nds are all m~ssed. ~ne1Ugy.Cilll'6rd-Ordiiance Dept. De- Roclle,Bs.r1l.eY,=::CoB.; 16th Reg. Eng .• c::b.e tl\;;; <:hilLout of your hou.~ Wtt1l.A Perfection.{)i1Heate~.',it w:>l:M. "p the ~~ in a jiffy.. llcata any foom quickly, 'bsily , o ~-.e~1I!t~~&:~if"states;th8.t have-g;~n.fa::.""U! J"'$,oir~mtt~ci..ll.nS~all playing' .trait.. -=- - .~_ "_ .G<<! • e~t.!'~~,!l': "" -" - =, "" emied about. • ~ , -their "\votii~tl.-a-volcEi':ln.·Choosing me-I mgetheranuma'i-CIling and a iield Just BrasSo.'Y,-"K,lg..-B~-Co... -'I." _30~.:w. S, e, .r!1Wj!~Erg ..• A. E, F ..,;; . ---,p..~,,-",,' -~, - "-. T... Camp"Holabird. Baltimore, Md. onJ.~ Har6ld~.24th. Co... 2, N;l 1\"y your heate': no", ~B ~ ~ !"1%J.' ~=<:O1l1~ in,~ oce =~':.~s _9f c-tlie •t..ws¢":,;~vnlclJ, g~vern'lbl1l:.e'.W1th s.a:l~o:s. .~~lllln.e" m all the. Ball. --"QevelopmefitD,iv.,Chem:. "".:R€~",:£am-.p-Wheeler.-Ga.. them -right away_ ,them:,!~ ~"",•• ,""~ , ",-_ . '.-, ~. :!lUferent fo.rmat10Iis._ ' • ; are-Ser¥lCe; I:.6cK.Bo~426, .liS. ::Georee.F Sergeant~Co .• ill., - ~ ~ -~~~ _~ . If -.romen~ransgres8.th~ laws;Cthey - '=- .,'" _ -~~ '__ -c- ~ Obio. - ; , _ .::..£ ' P - • Otl!.Erig.•.:s5ta;;;!?!y;:~::A.. E. R Np S.mell~ No Smoke~ ~o Trouble .. ~ ; ;are' aini!na.ble.!o the<-ll"UnI§bm.en.!s-:'de- ~LjJE~~,~,OR GRIP ," _ ~ ~. _ _ k~. A"T. ~.• ~uther!aliU., S'iJilW,.?Q.""¥Oth D_epotcBri~de.'Med. -.- .' n _ - = _I It . ,~FIon ' - - - ~ots Camp C'uster. - - <1lreed.by c~fCW- All the-sountries. of. '" '18, aocom~~n_.occurrence uhese Cowell, Wesley, 3rd Co. - 2ftd Pray. S.£il!)Ultz,OChar!es, A., Cqrp.orar-12th ,jUl!!ic!i'-demand..that th<.>yshOiild,h3:Ye~da!s ~oehe~r so~ebodY remar}t, mOl;e Reg.•.pamp H'!,.ncock.Ga. - ~Go :~t Jl~g,0 Motor .!\'fechanics. :.thepglifto help in choosing those Wbo_1or less scornfully"" O~ ~heY havent Curtiss., Sylv~iius.--i\1:"al"inell,.,..Pari"s . §lIgnal Co.rps,A. E. F" '.'" e- <shall ma1<:emodl~ or elimmate any of halrinfiuenza..Dit was nothing but the] ~!;>land, S. C.- ~"ii' '"' 0 • SS!rk. DanIel J.-Co ,E:r S,:c. A'. ~ '1': T' -. t-1'10" grlp" The-folkswhoth'nkth""'t Cram.Ghet>tey-Ccr_y.•_1l10thEngmeers • .8. QrS.A.T C".,E Lansmgo -tho!!e aws,-- he m e 1l:"ent,"VoterI ." I. e" wo A E. 1"'-:;' -" c Stage. L D -@eneml Hospitgl No. )9~ -should1oo~ around hlIDaU<i" slz<lu~" f names mdleate tw.()diHerent d1se:g;es Casterline. 'Orrin. Ser;;l.-E:ng. Camp , ~du£atIonal Department. Lak~wood. I . <l:b.eaveragi! mental. ca.Ilacity of tlie' are re~pe.ctfullYreferred to-any up-to- En¥.•.fillt E1.!l.• Forces. VIa N. Y. .~. Jc ~. _ . ;;man-he lrnO"Wswho vot""in th1S to~- d~te dlctron"ry where they "Will,dis-' Castedu:e.::;.,~ymOnd, Corporal-Camp S~p~ FaY-:;:-Tr~c~eS' 4. AmeJ1can \. - ove. tl t "1' ". d fin.... 'HOl.ablrd,'<Jolgate,W.rl. M. R. S.• Co. 'E. 1;'., France , ANYTH~G ~ THE H.ARDWARE ·LINE.~ ~r :-TJ:el1'he sh~~d j;ompa:-e'Some, ~-:._~ la " a _grl!,~e IS e. "'" as '?:; 1Jnit~6, '. ' Stfmpson, Refd-(Jb.o 30. Prov,"Regt.. rof these (or the wli'Olelot of them) mfIuenza and Vlce ver'\.a. If they ChllJlman. Mlio-.co.'I:f, ll38th Iiif. ~Camp-Wheelef, Ga. ~ with IDS mother' or "his wiI~ or his havent noted t1f~t' the ':-state and A!"er., ~xp Forces. .., 0 tSimmonS":iEarry l\!.-Co C. 123rd Inf. 'ifau-"'hterand ask lllmself which lS the I natlOnal medical authoriti~" have re, C<;?uch,.T~ V- U S M. C., A.- E. F. ,Gamp Wheeler, Ga, "" - 0 • - u ~ _ ~ Cole, 1<'10vd-2{ Co. 2nd Prov Regt.1 Stuart, Haroltl-24tl. Go, 2nd Prov =o1'-e competent to cast au mtelltgent Ipe~tedl: ~~no~g~d. that ~le pres~t Ca!hp Whe~ler, Ga. ' ~Regt, CampQVheeler. Ga. ~ 0 JAMES A. HUFF. I 11ardw~re. ~ote: :;'Compar1sons· ~re =odlOUS·o.l,ep,dem.1c~s a .parti<:.'iilalYvlO~en:form Dic~erson, James _R -116& :Uachine Spencer; J'ames-2nd L~ut. 2nd Re~ I ~some one has saId. but any mau can of ORr loog-bme 11,"lJOdlCalaffu~tmn. ~ .!}UliJ3tn, 31st D1V, Long I~lagd. plasement Camp. Camp Lee, Va. 1 NORTHVILLE; MICHIGAN. _ ~ily think -of various voters' who Igrip When the dl§ease fIrst madedts _y. !, 'li!,omas. lra,-Ordnance Corps. A. E , ~ . r c.. - ~ tho t b t 25" Duiiliam;--Scottlli-A. E. F. F ~ o.don~ ev~n !fnow ltow to =cast thelr , a1>pe~rance.:.n ''!. co~n ry '" ou • orlDb:on, Room 1\L~-Ser~Central Of.
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