Diaries of Helen Annie Benker Obst 1918 and 1920 Diaries of Helen Annie Benker Obst 1918 and 1920

Helen Benker Obst

 Helen Annie Benker was born on February 21, 1898 to Hermann Franz Benker and Anna Hirsch Benker. Hermann came from Meerane of Saxony, Germany and Anna from Gera of Thuringia, Germany. Hermann’s and Anna’s fathers had both been weavers. No dates have been found when Hermann arrived in the US but he first went to St. Joseph, Missouri before moving to Lawrence for work as a weaver in the wool mills. Anna Hirsch at age 17 arrived with her family in New York on August 14, 1891 on the ship SS Taormina. She met Hermann Benker in Lawrence and they were married on March 11, 1897.  Helen was baptized “Nellie”. When she started 1st grade in public school, the teacher told her that Nellie was a nickname and she had to choose between Helen and Ellen. Her parents told her it was her choice, so she named herself “Helen”. But many friends still thought of her as Nellie.  She lived the first 11 years of her life at 66 Alston St. Lawrence, MA.  Graduated from Allgemeine Deutsche Schule in 1910  In 1910, Helen’s parents built a 3 family house at 199 East Haverhill St. Lawrence. Helen was to spend the rest of her childhood and all of her married life there and died in her bed at this address.  Graduated from John R Rollins grammar school in 1911  Graduated from Lawrence Evening High School in 1914.  Employed as a shop girl in a plumber’s establishment in Lawrence until marriage.  Married at her home on June 21, 1922 to Erich H. Obst whose working career was primarily as a machinist at the textile mills (Ayers and Pacific Mills) and as a foreman at Emmons Harness Shop.  She had 4 children: Raymond Obst (March 1923-Jan 1986), Wilfrid Obst (Oct 1925-Nov 2004), Mildred Obst Saffie (July 3, 1928…..) and Dorothy Obst Glendye (March 16, 1931….)  Always proud of her German heritage, she nurtured her family’s awareness of the German culture and language of her parents by enrolling her children in the Allgemeine Deutsche Schule.  She died June 18, 1975 in her bed at home after a series of strokes.

Her diaries span the years 1918 to 1920 in which she gives such a detailed account of what it was like for a young woman in her early 20’s living in Lawrence. There are many excursions with friends via trolley lines that took them near and far including destinations like Canobie Lake and the beach. It was such a safe inexpensive way for young people to have the freedom of getting about. She reports the cost of refreshments and what movies and concerts she saw on the Strand, an area on Broadway St. that made Lawrence famous at the time because it had a collection of 4 theaters in a row with a 5th one across the street. There are lively descriptions of horse drawn sleighing parties. On one such trip, the way home in the wee hours of the morning proved very difficult as their driver had trouble getting the sleigh through the deep new fallen snow. She later heard that it had dropped to minus 38 degrees F and the driver had had his toes frostbitten. There are parties to see her male friends off to serve in WWI. One feels her intense sorrow as some never make it back. She loses young friends to the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918. Through her eyes, one sees Lawrence as a city of immigrants. She relates lively accounts of life in the German community and social gatherings at the Bayern Hall and Turn Hall. Holidays are observed in a manner charming for their simplicity. National holidays and parades are described. She writes of her joy at the declaration of the end of WWI and the city’s celebrations. There are entries about the young men who are interested in her, but one, Erich Obst, starts showing up more often. The courtship is charming and so gentlemanly. She describes the thrill of traveling at 35 ¼ miles per hour in her fiancée’s ‘machine’! Through these diaries, one has a personal glimpse of a simpler time when listening to a friend’s gramophone was the height of technological wonders!

Compiled by Catherine Obst Millar, Williamsburg, VA., November 1, 2016



January 1 – Tuesday It has been very cold and icy all day. I practised hard in the forenoon and Emily called for me in the afternoon about going with her to see Charlie who is sick. We took the So. Lawrence Car from Essex St and Emily bought fruit. We staid until about 6:30 and walked over new bridge to Essex St and then took the hill car. Irma was in there and she made me come home with her and showed me her gifts, also gave me coffee and lovely cake. When I went she gave me box of chocolates as New Year[‘]s gift. I practised for a short while at home. January 2 – Wednesday Very very cold. Everybody is frozen up and I must work this afternoon. I sent Miss Uhlig a card telling her I will come next Monday. I am all tired out as the people telephone all day long and fairly swarm the place like so many bees. I practised when I got home at night. January 3 – Thursday Still terribly cold. My cold is bothering me very much. It is so bothersome when we are so busy in the store. I never saw such a severe winter. January 4 – Friday Still very cold. Was overloaded with work all day and I have a cold. Invited Irma and Earl up at night to see our beautiful tree and my gifts. Walter and I was home alone and we staid in the kitchen as it is too cold in parlor. They all enjoyed my wonderful chocolates and we also had apples + coffee and Stollen. Irma and I had a great old chat and I invited her to come with us Sunday. January 5 – Saturday Emily called in to see me in forenoon and told me she was to take part in a minstrel show and would not be able to see me Sundays for a while as she had to practise. I went home alone at night. January 6 – Sunday I practised hard in forenoon, and as I was done first I called on Irma. We went to the “Stand” and bought some chocolates for ourselves. We got home about supper time. I practised hard at night. January 7 – Monday It is very cold today. I went music lesson at night. After lessons we chatted for a while + Miss Uhlig walked home part ways with me and Fiddel. I offered her 75 cts., but she refused. 2

January 8 – Tuesday January 9 – Wednesday January 10 – Thursday January 11 – Friday Quite Cold. Big German School concert in Turn Hall, and then dancing. Had all dances. Even H. L. danced with me. […] took me down to lovely supper. I had wonderful time. Irma was also there. I went home with the folks. Ticket cost me 18cts. January 12 – Saturday Severe rainstorm in the morning. All the ice is melted, and it is terrible slushy. I took the car to work in the morning. In the afternoon the sun came out and by night everything was frozen solid. I felt tired after the good time. Papa called for me + took me home. January 13 – Sunday It is very cold + slippery. I worked and practised hard in the morning. Irma and I went to the Stand in the afternoon. We bought fudge and also took some home to mamma. At night I staid home and practised and read etc. January 14 – Monday The weather still stays cold and it is very slippery. From this day on all stores must close at 5 o’clock under new Fuel Law. Payday and therefore I was unable to go home until 6:30. I went music lessons at night and Miss Uhlig walked a little way with me. January 15 – Tuesday Such dreary weather and then it began to snow. Leslie Bryant came in store. Had nice chat. I thanked him for the wonderful chocolates and then we discussed the war and were joined by another lady. I went out after supper for a while and met Emma Kleiner. She asked me about surprise party. January 16 – Wednesday Fair + quite cold. Irma called in store about Colonial. Boss gave me key to safe money. Met Rackets store fellow going home also Miss Uhlig. Practised hard + mamma dranged[sic] my dress over as I was putting on my watch, it slipped and the crystal broke. Irma + I went to “Along Came Ruth”. Great show it started promptly at 7:45. In front of us sat Edwin Fiedler and George Simon. We went home in car. 3

January 17 – Thursday The walking is very bad. Worked hard. I took my watch to Metzner’s and had new crystal put in 35cts. Also went to bank. Bertha Schatz called in about party. I went home at 5:15. I practised hard at night and mended etc. January 18 – Friday Very bad walked. I worked hard all day. A. B. Niles came to see us. Just the same as ever. I went home at 5:45. Went to G. Scholze’s surprise party with Bertha Schatz and we had a fine time. Refreshments were severed and games were enjoyed. We met many fascinating young men. We left at an early hour accompanied by these young men. There certainly was a big crowd at the party. January 19 – Saturday January 20 – Sunday Quite Cold. Practised + worked around house in morning. Irma called for me and went with me to Strand Theatre. We each bought a bag of candy. F. N. spoke to me on Essex St. The show was good. I staid home + practised at night. January 21 – Monday It still remains very cold. Somebody called me up first thing + asked me to forgive him. I could tell be the voice that it was F. N. It was really comical. Went home at 5:15. Went music lessons at night. January 22 – Tuesday Cold. I went to the bank in the morning, also bought “Hungarian Dances” 65 in Knuepfers and 1 plain woolen gloves 98cts. I did not have a chance to go shopping at night. January 23 – Wednesday It is cold and bleak. All stores are open, but I worked until 1 o’clock on account of working all day Monday when other stores were closed. Ed Wurzbacher[‘]s wedding day and the boss was excited all day. I practised hard in the afternoon and went to the “A Girl He Couldn’t Buy” with Irma and Liesel at night. A peachy show. We spied many friends including W. Lehnert and his brother. January 24 – Thursday The weather does not seem to change it still remaining cold. I had plenty of work all day and at night I practised until 8:30 and then went coasting. All my 4

friends from Methuen here also G Laessig. We all had a great time. G Simon asked me to go to Sleigh ride party with him. We got in kind of late. January 25 – Friday Quite cold. Had lots of work. Emily + Charlie dropped in to see me after the Empire. I went home at 5 and went coasting again after practising. I really enjoyed myself immensely but I am feeling a cold coming from breathing that terrible icy air all the time. January 26 – Saturday Fair + cold. Lots of work in the store. I quit work at 9:45 and called at Miss Uhlig about my music lesson. January 27 – Sunday Fair + cold. Practised hard in morning. Went to Strand with Irma in afternoon. Saw F. N. again. Bought candy. I asked her to go coasting at night, but she did not come. I was on various double getting a dump on Charlie Saunders but I was just a little scraped. I asked M. Lange for a ride on his great double the best on the hill. I helped to pull the double up with Bull as it was bitterly cold and we had a great time. I went home quite late. January 28 – Monday All stores are closed, but I must work behind closed doors. It was very cold in the shop all morning and my cold became much worse. I had 1 ¾ hour for dinner and I went home just to get warm. Coming back I walked with A. S[?]wade. Got through shortly after five, and by that time there was a regular storm blinding me so I could hardly see. I dreaded going to the concert at night as my cold was getting steadily worse. Papa and I enjoyed ??? Sundelius very much. She sang like a sweet nightingale and I was not sorry I went. When we got out the storm had become much worse so we were forced to take the car home. January 29 – Tuesday My cold seems much worse after being out last night. I am so hoarse that I can hardly talk. It is awful hard to try and answer the telephone. Hard lots of work and bought myself a pair of black shoes 5.00 and rubbers .75 in Slaters. We closed the store at 9:45 as there was no business. January 30 – Wednesday Quite cold and icy. Mr. Mathison called in the store about a combination ?himb?. I asked him about August and he said that he writes all the time to his folks, but the poor boy claims that the mail from his parents does not seem to 5

reach him. I wonder when he will write me. I have waited so patiently and I often wonder why I don’t hear from him. Mr. Mathison and I discussed the war and I had so much to tell him, but it was impossible as my cold was almost killing me. It must have sounded terribly to him to hear me barking like a bloodhound and I was trying to impress him at that. He is such a dear man. I practised hard at home and went music lessons at 5 o’clock. I waited a long time for my lesson as the pupil before me was late. Miss Uhlig pittied[sic] me as I felt so miserable and my tooth began to ache. On the way I tried hard to see Irma, hoping that she would not expect me to go to the show with her but I was unsuccessful. I took different things made footbaths and went to bed. January 31 – Thursday Not so terribly cold. Christina L came in at noon and asked me to go to a surprise party in No Andover with the girls, but I had promised to go to the sleigh ride party with George Simon. Just after Christina was gone, he came along and told me to be done as early as possible. I went to bed quite late as I had to practise and had different things to attend. February 1 – Friday Quite warm in the forenoon. My monthly cash account was all right. I kept very busy all day and hurried home after 5 o’clock. I dressed hurriedly, and was done just in time for George. We were the first ones and were later joined by others. Julius and Gussie were also there and they each busied themselves with a girl. The weather had become terribly cold and as the sleigh was late George went back for a bed blanket. We had great fun piling in the sleigh and we sat on the side. Max Dietzel was laying flat in the middle of it his feet sprawled all over creation. Everybody was laying all over him. They all sang songs but I could not join them on account of my terrible cold. The wind was so sharp that it went [???] bed blanket and all. George was very attentive and loving, and did his best to keep me warm. It was an endless ride and we were frozen almost stiff. We arrived at the Webster House at 11 o’clock after riding just 3 and ¼ hrs. There a bounteous feast awaited us and we all ate hearty. I had Gussie on my left side and George across from me. After supper we girls cleared off the table and prepared for dancing. I, and others played, and the rest danced. Fred Brothers gave a selection. We were hardly warmed up, when we had to get ready for home again, as it was so late and we would have to go slow on account of the roads not being broken in. The homeward ride was very much like going up, only I managed to keep warmer. We had a glorious time. George and I ran home, bed clothes and all. I got home at 3.30 AM. We found out later that we had gone sleighing on the coldest night – 38° below zero and the driver had frozen his heel. February 2 – Saturday 6

Quite cold. My cold is no worse but I have had a stomach ache all day. My boss laughed at me for going sleigh-riding on such a cold night. I met Irma in the morning and she called in store again at noon asking me to go to Lowell with her Sunday. George Prescott was going and he would bring a fellow for me. I walked home at night with Elsie and Papa and John. Some quartet. I fell down on a slide. February 3 – Sunday It has looked like snow all morning and it turned into a fine snow toward noontime. I practised hard and tidied up around the house. After dinner I got dressed and met Irma. We went walking and then dropped in to see her Grandma. I felt embarrassed to go in, but could not very well back out. We [c]hatted and played and then Irma called up George Prescott about going to Lowell, and he said to be there sure at 6 o’clock. JL also talked to me over the phone, and I asked him about his girl. After having coffee and kuchen we each went our homes, and got ready and then we took the car down. After going into a drug store to get a lemon lime we went up to George’s house. We waited and waited for Joseph and J. Duffy but no one appeared so finally the three of us went off alone, and waited for a jitney or car to go to Lowell, but nothing came. It began to snow hard and we got tired of waiting so we went to the Strand Theatre and after that we took in a swell supper at the Chinese restaurant. We had lots of fun and certainly too much too eat. French fries + lots of chicken + 2 pork chops and bread and butter and coffee and pineapple pie and ice cream. It cost the poor fellow plenty of money. February 4 – Monday Severely cold. Practised and helped ma in the forenoon. Went to work at 1 o’clock. When I went home it was so cold that I took the car home. I went music lessons and almost froze my feet before I got there. February 5 – Tuesday It is still cold. Plenty of work. Did not have a chance to go to supper, but we closed up at 8:45. I have not seen Irma about going to the show. February 6 – Wednesday Disagreeable weather. Has been snowing fine all day. Worked very hard till 5:30. Called in to Irma on the way home, and found that her father had pneumonia. I staid home and practised hard and did different things. February 7 – Thursday It has been snowing off and on all day. I have been very busy today I took cousin Annie’s letter along and read it. It also contained her picture. I must 7

answer it soon. Emily called in at noon, and Amanda called in at 5 o’clock. She asked me to be ready at 6:45. When she came she had forgotten her ticket so we had to go back. We then took the Haverhill car from her house. Eagles’ Hall was packed, and we were obliged to stand during the whole performance. We were afterward joined by Christina, Charlie and others. I had all dances (the first one with Charlie) and it stopped at 11 PM. We couldn’t get our clothes until 11:45. Edwin F. told me that George Simon had fallen down the elevator and had broken several ribs etc. He is now in the hospital, poor fellow. When I got home, papa, mamma, and I discussed war until 2 o’clock. Such nuts as we are. February 8 – Friday It has stopped snowing. I felt a little tired and I staid home, and practised hard also did little mending etc. February 9 – Saturday It has been disagreeable all day. The snow is melting, and is very wet on the feet and it has been snowing + raining in turns. I had supper in Grimes[?] Lunch, and then went shopping also dropped in to see Irma. She asked me to go out Sunday night as she had to help her mamma, her father having been so sick. The Boss walked home with me. February 10 – Sunday Snow once in a while. I practised + cleaned up in the morning, and then went to see Emily in the afternoon. She was expecting Charlie, and when he came at 4 o’clock I wanted to go home, but they teased and coaxed me to go to the show with them that I finally consented. We took the car to get there quick, and the Empire was good. It was late when we got out and I declined the invitation to go to the Chinese Restaurant with Emily and Charlie, but sped right home as I knew Irma was expecting me. I decided to go to her house to save time, and when I got there all out of breath I was informed that she had gone to mine. I rushed home but there was no Irma. Disgustedly I went in and was just going to make supper when Irma came. She had gone toward Schneider’s to meet me and then gone home, and her mother had sent her up to me. After snatching a bite we hurried off to the show as it was late. We got to the Premier just in time to see the last show and it was great. We each bought candy 15cts and I passed some around to Mae Koch and another girl. We had a great chat all the way home and met my folks returning from the Turn Hall. February 11 – Monday A lovely day. I was home in morning, and I was kept busy helping mamma and practising. I went to work at 1 o’clock and also made out pays. I went music 8

lessons at night and felt disappointed. Teacher and doggie walked little ways home with me. February 12 – Tuesday Another nice day. Worked very hard. Went shopping at night. When I got home at night I finished cousin Annie’s letter, also enclosed a snapshot of myself and a crowd. I also wrote a little note for Walter to his cousins. I retired late. February 13 – Wednesday It was very icy and slushy in some places. I worked until 5 o’clock, and on the way home I called in to Irma about going to the show at night. Irma was not home yet, and her mother told me that Irma did not intend to go to the Colonial for pecuniary reasons, but would go to the picture show with me Thursday or Friday. I staid home and practised hard at night and did many things, therefore I got to bed quite late. I often feel so disgusted and disappointed that I never hear from my departed friend. February 13 [14] – Thursday Quite cold. I met Irma in the morning, and we decided to go to the show at night. I had a hard time at working making out the bosses Income Tax. Some job. I hurried home from work, but Irma was done first, and called for me. We went to the Broadway after buying candy, and we had to take the 6 cent seats upstairs, as the house was crowded. We could see fine though, and enjoyed the pictures very much. When we got out at 10 o’clock there was a little fire on Essex St. and we watched for a while. We always stand and talk for a long time at the corner. February 14 – Friday [“Thu” notation above date] St. Valentine’s day. I have wondered much over the valentine I received yesterday, and I have come to the conclusion that it must be from F. N. I practised hard at night, and did various other things. February 16 – Saturday Quite cold. Aunt Alma is to be operated this morning at 10 o’clock. Some terrible internal trouble again. Mabel came to stay with us during the day, and she is cuter than ever. We all gave her some money. She went home at night. I had lots of work to do. The boss walked home with me. We all wonder how Aunt Alma is pulling through. February 17 – Sunday Fair + nice. Cleaned up the house and practised in the morning. Mamma went down to see Aunt Alma in the morning, and said that she was too weak to take 9

ether and had to see herself cut open with open eyes. How she must have suffered. I bought a Sunday paper, and in the afternoon went to the Premier. Good show but I had seen most of it before. We certainly enjoyed our candy 10 cts. We got home around supper and I practised again at night. Papa was wild. I suppose I have lost Emily now, as she did not come, and most likely Charlie was there. February 18 - Monday An ideal winter day. We were all at home. I for a half day and the rest for all day. I cleaned the house and practised and went to work at 1 o’clock. When I got there I couldn’t get in and waited outside till almost 2 o’clock flirting with the gum slot which cost me 3 cts. I got through working at 5:25 and “oh Lord” I practised again. My lesson showed some improvement, and I was glad. We chatted a long time after lesson, and I got home late. February 19 – Tuesday Quite cold + very very icy. It had rained most all day. I had lots of work to do and went out at night shopping and I bought some note books and pencils for the office, thereby trying to see Irma twice, but she had gone to supper. Shortly before 9 o’clock, Emily and Amanda came in and they waited for me going home. It was just as I expected Charlie intends to come every Sunday afternoon. I told her not to mind, that I didn’t blame her and etc. We went in to Morgan’s for ice cream, and there we joined Ida Knorr and Ella Bergen. The ice cream was 15 cts and Emily found me to have misspaid[sic] be her. She wanted to show her appreciation. We had a glorious time enjoying Ida’s cakes, and my cakes, and Ella’s popcorn, and by accident we spilled it on the floor. We picked out what we could and finally went home. When we left the others Ella and I got talking about everything under the sun, and we finally reached the topic of war and she told me that she had heard that conditions in France were terrible and I felt terrible. We talked for over an hour and finally separated. I was so upset that I could not sleep. My soul and heart were in such agony, that right then and there I would write to August, be it right or wrong, as he might be sick or Lord knows what. February 20 – Wednesday It has turned out very cold and windy and all the way to work I thought of what she had told me last night. Tom F. was waiting for me and he asked me to go out tonight, and I didn’t know how to get rid of him, and so I lied to him telling him that I was obliged to work until 8 o’clock and he said he would meet me as he had something important to tell me. During the day I decided to go to the show with Irma as she would be waiting for me. I walked home with G. Erle[?] at 5 o’clock and I asked him to tell him I would meet her at the usual time. 10

Liesel also came along, and we went to the “The Talk of New York.” It was a musical comedy, and although it was played well, I would have enjoyed a drama better as I have been feeling oh so sad and downhearted lately. We walked home as it was too late to wait for a car, and Liesel’s blew off her head, and she had a wild time trying to get it back. February 21 – Thursday It is a beautiful day. My birthday – 20 years old. Oh how time does fly. I was congratulated this morning before I went to work. I had lots of work. Mr. Wurzbacher was going to Boston, but he changed his mind, as it was too cold for him. It turned out to be very cold at night. When I got home they prepared a wonderful birthday celebration for me a great big all frosted Christmas cake with all frosted candy and 20 flowered candles burning brightly. It was a beautiful sight. Besides I received a pretty knitted pink + gray vest made by mamma dear, also a purple silk , also a lovely pink with lace made by Elsie dear, and a card from [???] Paul. Oh yes and a great big box of potato chips I also received. We had a nice time and I practised hard afterwards. I retired late, as I got my clothes ready for tomorrow night. February 22 – Friday George Washington’s Birthday. This is the first time since I can remember that we had to work on this day. The fuel commission decided to have it a working day as there was so many Mondays off. It was very cold, both in the weather and in business and my boss decided to close up at noon time. Oh ye Gods and little fishes. A fellow brought me in some pinks and daffodils and I took them home. The dinner that Elsie sent me, I simply carried with me and the whole office force went home together, that is George and me ahead and Carl + the boss behind. Carl was the only one that showed up, as the rest of the men believed in loafing on holidays. I bought 5 chocolate bars in Morgan’s, one for us each, and when I got home (I had met Elsie) mamma was down to Aunt Alma’s cleaning up. She has gone down every day since the operation. I practised hard, and did different things and we dressed to be at the Turn Hall early. We all marched up in pairs, Amanda and I, and the upstairs hall was filled with tables. The ladies class waited on. We all enjoyed the supper, starting at 6:30, and everybody ate like hungry bears. Speeches were held and Mr. Knorr who sat at the other end of our table with his wife was frequently toasted. He received 2 beautiful bouquets, a 25 dollar gold piece, several smaller ones, and a gold loving cup. After supper dancing was enjoyed and Amanda gave me a pretty little hand bag which Emily made for me. I was surprised and pleased. Amanda then went to the Turn Hall not expecting a good time here as there were so few fellows. I staid with the gymn[sic] girls and had a glorious time or rather appeared to be for my heart was heavy and I kept 11

worrying over poor August and his mates. We had a [????] waltz and that was great. There was all the beer and tonic that you wanted, everything for 50 cts. We left at 11:30 as it was over then, and it snowed quite hard going home. Papa and mamma had a good time too. February 23 – Saturday Fair + quite warm. I took my writing material to work, and snatched a minute now and then to write to my soldier boy. I was able to finish it by night. I went home to supper and Mr. Wurzbacher did not go as he felt sick. At 10 o’clock Papa walked home with us, and after [????] a bit at home I rewrote my letter and for that reason did not get to bed until after 1 o’clock. February 24 – Sunday The weather was warm, but rather dismal. I woke up quite late, and felt tired all day. After Breakfast I practised and cleaned up and after dinner went down to Irma. I took my new bag which contained the letter, and we went down town. After buying some candy 15 and mailing my letter, we went to the Broadway. The show was great. After that Irma urged me to come home with her for a lunch. I refused because I wanted to practise at night, but she persuaded me to come. We then went to hear her cousin Le[???] Victrola. It sounds fine, and she has lovely records. We staid till then and Irma brought me to the corner. When I arrived home I mended + read and the retired. February 25 – Monday Just like Spring. Had plenty of work. Made out pays. Went home at 5:30. Practised in morning before going to work, also practised again 1 hour at night before going lessons. I had to wait quite a while as there was a young lady before me. My lesson was pretty good, and I felt a little better. Miss Uhlig + Fiddel went walking a little way home with me. Retired light. February 26 – Tuesday Very much like Spring. I dressed kind of summery and in work I cleaned out and rearranged the window. I felt quite blue all day, and only when night came did I get little higher spirits when I read several letters. I went shopping and did several errands for the boss. I met Christina in the 5 and 10 ct. store, and we chatted for a long time. She bought chocolates, gum etc. to a soldier in France, and then she walked to the store with me. I bought cakes, and the boss walked home with me. The weather turned out terrible cold, and my poor self almost froze. February 27 – Wednesday 12

A beautiful day. Worked hard in the morning, and went home at noon. Mamma and Walter went down to see Alma in the afternoon and therefore I was all alone. After having a tempting dinner, I read and nasched [“naschen” translates in German to “to eat”] a little, also I practised hard. When mamma and Walter came back I made supper. After supper I practised again, and mended my clothes, and darned etc. February 28 – Thursday It looked very dull and dreary in the morning, and afterwards turned to rain and snow. I finished the Income Tax sheet for the boss, and had quite a time with it. I also had lots of other work as it was the end of the month. I worked until six, as this good 5 o’clock law is over already, and went to meet Irma. She had an umbrella, which was a lucky thing. We went to the comfort station to tidy up a bit, and then we proceeded in the direction of the Chinese Restaurant. There we spent a long time looking over the menu and at last ordered toast + butter, pineapple pie, and ice cream 15. We enjoyed it very much. Then we went toward the Opera House as Theda Bara was playing in Cleopatra. We were informed that the show started at 7:30, so we walked around for a while. Irma was dying for candy, so we tried about every candy store, but it was useless as candy can’t be sold on Thursday night. When we got back to the Opera House I enquired about prices. Oh Boy, they were high in the air, so we beat it to the Broadway. Theda Bara played in Du Barry, and it was fine. We were obliged to sit way down in the first row, and we both got a head ache. After intermission we moved back further. After the show we strolled home and I saw F. N. A. B. N. called + pestered me to death again. March 1 – Friday Snowing again. There is quite a bit of snow on the ground. My cash account was 3.00 over, and I went to the bank for the statements. I indulged in cookies 7 cts. In the afternoon I sent out bills etc. On going home at night I noticed that the local soldiers had been on the firing line since January. A fresh shock. My tooth ache which started in the afternoon became much worse in the night, but in spite of it, I practised hard. During the night I woke up several times through the tooth ache. I forgot to mention that I deposited $20.00. March 2- Saturday Fair + Cool. Had plenty of work. My tooth aches off and on. Went home to supper. Mr. Wurzbacher went home with me at night. March 3 – Sunday Quite icy, but the weather in the morning was pleasant. I cleaned the bed room and parlor very nice, and also practised. Irma and Earl came in the afternoon, 13

and we had a great time, playing piano, and taking etc. Elsie and Irma came later and we all enjoyed a bounteous supper. After that Irma and Elsie went to the Broadway and Irma and I went to the Premier after buying candy. We enjoyed the show very much and on the way home ran in to Tom and Samuel. We were disgusted and they were tickled. We promised to go out with them Sunday night just to get rid of them. They accompanied us home. I wonder if we will go. March 3 [sic][4] – Monday It has been rather warm all day. I had plenty of work. I heard in the afternoon that Mr. John Schertel had cut his throat on account of money troubles. Oh that is terrible. When I got home at night I practised for a while and then went music lessons. I had the first part of Beethoven Sonata perfect, and I was quite happy. After chatting for a while Miss Uhlig and her dog accompanied me home, and it began to snow very hard. March 5 – Tuesday The weather cleared off beautifully. I had plenty of work all day, and I went out shopping at night. I bought several things for mamma and also chocolate bars and nabiscos for Walter. I dropped in to see Irma at her new job, and we chatted for a while. We are quite worried about Walter as he has the symptoms of measles. We hope that it will soon pass over. We kept him out of school this afternoon. Dear little Walter. March 6 – Wednesday Walter is still sick and staid in bed all day. The weather was quite cold and I got through work in the afternoon. I practised and helped mamma, and at night I called for Irma to go to the show “Playthings.” We each bought candy 15 cts. The show was very good. After the performance we walked home, and dropped into “Riker Janes” for a lemon lime. We chatted like mag pies all the way home. March 7 – Thursday Dear little Walter’s birthday and he passed his time in bed. He got ever so many good things to eat. I gave him 3 bars of chocolate, ½ lb. nabiscos, and fancy cakes 20. Besides he received 2 lovely birthday cakes[,] a cream pipe, a new battery in his flashlight, 2 dz. oranges and 50 cts. We had a great time, and I practised. March 8 – Friday Walter is still in bed, but he is getting better. Both Carl + George backed out to- day, I nearly worked my head off. Mr. Niles was here again to tease the life out 14

of me. After getting home from work I practised hard, and then worked on my centerpiece, which I had started in work. I retired to bed late. March 9 – Saturday It is very slushy walking but the weather overhead is nice. I had plenty of work to keep me busy. When the paper came I gave it a hurried glance and to my surprise and wonder I saw August’s picture on the first page accompanied by a letter. Tremblingly I read it thinking that something had befallen the poor boy, but I found to my joy that he had been promoted to 1st class private and was #1 man in the gun crew that fired the first shot. The shell is being sent to Lawrence to preserve for history with all the names of the gun crew inscribed upon it. Oh how proud and surprised I felt about my soldier boy, how I hope that he returns safely. My mind was in a daze the rest of the day, and when I got home for supper the paper had not arrived as yet, so I did not say anything. I found that Walter was out of bed, and had gone to Fritzes birthday party. It began to snow quite hard at night and Irma called for me at 10 o’clock. Mr. Wurzbacher lent us his umbrella, and papa also called asking me to carry a bundle for him. I already had bought different things including a book for the war fund. We chatted all the way home and have not yet decided whether to go with the boys Sunday night or not. After parting from her I met Mr. Heinrich Jr., and he carried several bundles for me. When I got home papa had not arrived yet, and when I sat down for my supper I got a miserable tooth ache. When papa came we discussed that hateful war subject again and papa became excited again, so I vamoosed. March 10 – Sunday I woke up quite late to find it snowing. After cleaning the house somewhat I played the piano, and Walter went for the Sunday paper which included many of the new songs. We sang these for a while, and by that time it was dinner. Irma called when I was just done, so we started off umbrella and all. We chatted all the way, and I had told her about and showed her August’s picture. She said he must be a fine fellow. Well he is. We landed at the Premier Theatre. We enjoyed the show, and when we got out a terrible snow gale had arisen. It blinded us so that we could not see where we went. We bought some fudge 15 cts., and proceeded right then and there we decided that we would not be able to go at night, and I was heartily glad. At the parting corner, Irma asked me to go see Ida Miller. I had intended to practise first, but I finally consented. After eating my supper I hurried back to Irma. The storm was worse than ever. We proceeded on our visit and found her in. We had piano selections by her talented brother Charlie and I. It was a treat to speak with him about music. There were also many beautiful Victrola selections and we enjoyed it immensely. Ida served us each 2 cups of chocolate with cream and cake. We 15

were so entranced by the wonderful Victrola, that we staid until 11 o’clock. Charlie accompanied me home saying that it was something new for him to take a lady home. March 11 – Monday The morning turned out lovely + rather cold. I met Edwin Wurzbacher, and we discussed the war. I always hate Monday, but being pay day, it was some comfort. I hurried home and practised hard before taking my lesson. Miss Uhlig had the Papillons for me which are wonderful, and I paid for them 35 cts, as well as my lesson. She, Fiddle, and I walked home and we chatted gaily. Papa, went to A Kellermann. March 12 – Tuesday The morning was quite cold. I had plenty of work to do. Mamma, Elsie and Walter went to Annette Kellermann right at 5:30 from work. I went out for supper and called for Irma. It had snowed and rained somewhat and therefore was very slushy. We decided to go and see the famous diver and swimmer Wednesday at about 5:30, in order to get a good seat at the Empire as it was packed at every performance. The boss accompanied me home and I caught up to mamma, Elsie + Walter coming from the show. After a hearty supper and chatting etc. I retired. March 13 – Wednesday A beautiful day I worked hard until 1:15. A. B. Niles called shortly before 1 o’clock, and we discussed the show of Annette Kellermann. He asked Irma and I to meet him after the show but I refused. I practised hard in the afternoon and also helped mamma etc. at 5:30. I met Irma and we proceeded to the Empire. I bought some gum. We enjoyed the show very much for (11 cts) and it was not so very vulgar after all. It was quite late when we got out and we walked home slowly. After doing various little things I retired. March 14 – Thursday Rather cold. Georgie was a little cocked just enough to make himself obnoxious. I told Gus about going to the show last night, and he asked me if Irma and I had fallen in the powder box. I was terribly surprised and hurt, as I had very little powder, although Irma had quite a bit. The worst of it was that we met all the mill folks last night. I wonder what they thought. I should worry. I staid home at night practising hard, and mending a few things. I retired quite late. March 15 – Friday 16

The morning started out fine, but as the day advanced it became very cold and windy. I went to the bank, bought postal stamps, and delivered 2 bills for the boss. I then called to see Irma and she told me she could not go to the masquerade ball at night, on account of having gone to the clerks meeting and dance the night before. I had expected it, but I was disappointed. I vowed I would go, and if I had to go alone. I bought a pair of very pretty light tan kid gloves, washable for 1.35. I showed them to Irma, and she had bought white ones. I hurried home from work and dressed to go to the dance. I went in with a crowd, and checked my clothes 10 cts, and bought my ticket 35 cts. I was rather curious about the crowd as I knew many would not go on account of having boys in the service. There was quite a large crowd but not many masks. I spied a seat near Emily, Amanda and Charlie. Practically the only new group were aviators. When dancing started I spied many of my boy friends, also the bunch of girls. I had every single dance and I certainly enjoyed it. At intermission Charlie introduced me to Fred Koch and he took me down for a feed. There were six of us, Charlie and Emily, A. Koch and Amanda[,] and Fred Koch and me. We had a glorious time for August Koch was the scream of the table, and we all received 2 portions of coffee and Kuchen and there also was plenty of tonic and beer for the boys. After we had satisfied our appetites we went upstairs again to dance, and as I had promised the first waltz to another fellow and of course we did not get through eating in time. I went over and excused myself, and promised him the next waltz. It was too bad that Irma did not go as she would have had the time of her life. I enjoyed myself so much that I was almost able to forget about the war for a while. The fun was over at 2 o’clock. All my remaining friends were there. March 16 – Saturday It is a fine day, rather slushy, and I felt so tired from the night before. I was kept busy, and went to supper about 4 o’clock. Elsie went to the Lumper Ball at night, but I felt too tired to go. When I got home from work at night we found Elsie’s pendant on the floor and I pitied the poor girl, because I know that her good time would be all spoiled. When she came home she was tickled that she had found it saying that she missed it from the start. We all got to bed very late. March 17 – Sunday A beautiful day, just like spring. I cleaned the house in the morning and practised over 3 hours. My finger felt kind of stiff, as I gashed my finger twice in work Saturday, and it was very painful. Papa and mamma went to Lowell shortly after 1 with the Gesangverein and Elsie staid home to take care of Walter. They had a grand party together. Irma and I went to the Strand Theatre after buying candy 15 cts., and the show was great, but I had those 17

confounded tight shoes on, and they almost killed me. Coming along Essex St. we saw F. N. again. I staid home at night and practised hard again, but my finger became worse. Papa and mamma came home about 10 o’clock saying that they had a great time. They brought some lovely sandwiches and cake, and I had some of it. After embroidering a little, I retired. March 18 – Monday Another grand day. I had plenty of work, and went to the bank. I telephoned to Marland Mill about cloth and mamma went over to get some cloth. Emily and Gertie called in and asked me to mask with them. Sure thing. As my finger was quite stiff, I called in to Miss Uhlig and told her that I could not come lessons on account of my finger, and she was all sympathy. I offered her the money, but she would not hear of it. At night I wrote, sewed, and did little odds and ends, and then retired quite late. [R]eceived a business card from Mrs. Wurzbacher anonymously her new dressmaking establishment. March 19 – Tuesday Quite cold again. Opening day for many of the big stores. I worked hard all day and my mind felt so heavy that I did not care very much about masking. I went out to supper, but did not see the girls, and was going back to the store when I saw them. I gave Emily 2.00 to buy mine with, and told them that I would meet them after 9 o’clock. The cookies that I bought (5 cts.) tasted great. About 10 minutes past as I was coming out I saw the girls, and they said that they had a terrible time getting the suits and after trying about every store they succeeded in getting 4 blue suits and a blue and white striped for Amanda – she being the leader. The suit cost me 1.50 and the dust .10. We all went to Holmes’ candy store and had a 10 ct ice cream soda and then we went to Millers for cakes. I did not buy any as I had spent too much already, and besides I wasn’t hungry. We had the greatest fun all the way home kicking the bundles in all directions, almost throwing Emily’s in the Spicket. When I got home I found that my suit was a mile too big – imagine size 40. It fitted like a great big balloon and it was impossible to wear it in that condition so we decided to have it washed and then fixed. I retired quite late. March 20 – Wednesday A fine day. I met Irma going to work in the morning, and she wanted to go to the Premier, so I went with her. In the afternoon I practised hard and did little odds and ends, and after supper I met Irma at 6:45 and we proceeded to the Strand. The show was fine as usual and the main Premier picture “The Guilty Man” was a sad deep play. We indulged in chocolate 15 cts which were also good. After getting out of the Theatre we walked along quite slowly, and stood 18

chatting for a while at the corner, consequently I retired late again that night. Papa dear made the cutest broom for me for masking. March 21 – Thursday I have been working hard all day. Elsie got my mask for me. I was planning to call on Emily about masquerading, but luckily she and Gertie called in the store, and we made final arrangements. That saved me lots of trouble, as I had lots of work to finish, also to practise hard etc. Dear mamma washed, and made over my suit and made it quite presentable. I retired quite late. March 22 – Friday A wonderful day. I kept very busy all day. I hurried home at night and me Irma on the way. She told me she was trying to get 2 English girls in the Hall. After supper I dressed as fast as I could, and then went to Gertie where we all assembled. Amanda’s father made quite an attractive sign marked “Preparedness” on the front side, and Finnegan’s Latest Street Department on the back. We were only five of us “not a group,” and nobody had announced us, so we did not expect a prize. The groups were not as plentiful as other years, either was the crowd, but there were enough just the same. The gym girls represented “A Day at Camp Devens,” and they were grand. Some soldiers. The actives were dancing girls, and while they looked attractive and beautiful at first, they soon went to extremes becoming drunk etc. Even Arthur Koehler made a fool of himself. All that I can say is that I had a wonderful time, dancing every one, and being treated with tonic twice. There were many German fellows there. The English were barred entirely. I went mostly to forget little troubles, and I had a fine time. Oh yes, we even got a prize – each 50 cts. a Special Prize “so they said.” If we weren’t glad. I danced seven dances with that tall string bean Howard Weidner, who was a clown and who recognized me right away by my neck. He rushed me around like a madman, which tired me terrible. Elsie had a good time too. Howard accompanied Irma and I home. March 23 – Saturday Another great day. I haven’t had much sleep, but I feel pretty well. I made up my mind not to go up first, but later on I had a longing to go up. I went home to supper, and changed over. On the way back to work I bought a bar of chocolate 6 cts., and picked 10 cts. off the counter. The boss told me I could go at 9 o’clock, and I did. I met Ella Bergner in the ladies room, and went up with her. She introduced me to 2 friends a certain Richter and a nice English fellow. I danced with Richer twice on a one step. He was great. The other fellow was a lovely waltzer, and we had a dreamy waltz. Howard must have been provoked, as I did not go near him right away and he did not dance with me. Elsie was up again also, but lots of my chums were not. Well, as I said before I enjoyed 19

myself immensely. We all went home together that is Minnie H., Ella Bergner, and I and we were afterward joined by Elsie and Erna. We certainly had some fun, but I was oh so tired. When we got home I filled my tummie and went to bed. March 24 – Sunday It is a beautiful day and I got up quite late, but did not sleep half long enough. After breakfast I practised a while, and before I knew it it was noon. After dinner I tidied the house a bit, and then started to dress. I was just combing my hair when who should but Amanda. I had forgotten entirely that she wanted to come with us, but I was glad when she did. I showed her mamma’s pretty vest that she gave me, and she was delighted. We hurried down to Irma’s and found her almost done. We walked as far as the premier and there we found Shirley Mason starred in “The Girl Who Awoke.” We walked as far as the Broadway, but we did not like the looks of the shows, so we marched back to the Premier. The show was just grand, and so long too. Well after that we bought candy 15 cts., which vanished on the way home. I staid in at night, and practised and did various small things. I discovered that the little cap on my watch was gone. Such a fright. March 25 – Monday Another nice day. I was so sorry about losing that little cap for my watch, and I thought I would like to find it in the shop. While I was sweeping the floor I saw a small brass thing, and I could have sworn that it was the lost treasure. I looked under all the stoves, moved things around, and swept over again, but it was impossible to find anything. I saved the dirt until late in the afternoon I went through it with my fingers. I almost had the dust pan empty and had found nothing which I expected when suddenly I came face to face with the little cap. Oh such joy as a new one would have cost me around a dollar. I made out pays and went home at 6:15. After supper I practised hard, and then went music lessons. Miss Uhlig and Fidel accompanied me a little ways. March 26 – Tuesday Fair weather. I worked hard all day. The papers have been full of the big battle now in progress “over there.” The Germans have started a terrible offensive and are advancing steadily smashing everything right and left but of course the casualties are frightful. I went out to supper at night, and chased up and down street for small tags for the business. I went home with Mr. Wurzbacher and I saw Tom and Samuel on Newbury St. March 27 – Wednesday 20

A very warm day. Just like summer. Mr. Wurzbacher came back from dinner very late, so I had to wait for him. I practiced, and helped mamma etc and after supper I went to the Strand with Irma and Liesel to see Madame Jealousy. It was a grand show, also including a fine comedy and several other good pictures. We walked home. March 28 – Thursday A wonderful day. Edwin Fiedler called in at noontime and asked me to go to his house tomorrow night to a time and also bring several girls. I decided to ask Irma and Elsie. I had lots of work to do[.] Carl and George have been buming[sic] for about a week. They are the ruination of the firm. I cleaned my teeth as well as possible after work and then went to see Dr. Birdsall. He was treating several patients when I got there, and after waiting about ¾ of an hour he came over to me telling me he would not be able to treat me that evening. We made an arrangement for Thursday at seven, which will have to be changed, as that is graduation. Walking along Essex St., I was spoken to by a young man who I remembered having seen somewhere, but not where. He walked side of me and we began talking. My first impression was nerve, but he was so agreeable and refined. We discussed the subject of war, and he was very intelligent and fair minded. I stopped into Morgan’s to buy some Easter eggs for Walter, and he waited for me outside. The rest of the way he tried to make a date with me, or at least to give my name and address, so he could write to me, but nothing doing. Of course I saw Gussie L. I always do when I am with a fellow. I bid my fair friend farewell at Kendall St. and he took the car back while I went to Irma to tell her about the party. She was participating in a simple supper, and seemed very delighted that I asked her to come. Elsie also decided to go. I practised hard in the evening, and got everything ready for the party. March 29 – Friday Another wonderful day. I had a lot of work all day, and left for home quite late. I was rather provoked, as my cold sore had not entirely vanished. I dressed hurriedly after supper and Elsie and I called for Irma. She gave me some samples of expensive powder. It is great. We all got cold feet when we came to Edwin’s house, but finally summed up enough courage to go in. There were mostly all girls there, as most of the boys came later. George Simon was there with a stick, as his leg is still very stiff. The bunch of the girls and boys was very sociable, and everybody surely had a good time. I laughed myself almost sick over Freddie Vogles as he ate up almost everything under the sea. After having candy, tonic, ice cream etc. we played spin the cover etc. + different games, and finally Winkum, oh such kissing. I noticed that Gussie was trying to be very friendly to me, but I treated them all alike. After more refreshments, 21

and finally post office the party broke up, and there was a scramble for clothes. Somebody sat on my hat and I was angry, but when I saw that Edwin tried to settle for damages, I wouldn’t have it. I thought that we three girls would have to go home alone, because Gussie was asked to go home with the Hoh girls, but Edwin asked me to go home, and Irma went with Max while Elsie and the Eichorn went together. We were a merry crowd going home, and I got there about midnight, so that wasn’t bad. March 30 – Saturday A lovely day. I felt just a bit tired after last night, but I was kept pretty busy as it was the last of the month. I bought some more candy eggs for Walter, and after 10 o’clock I went down to Carlisle’s, and there I met Irma. We chatted about last night’s events. March 31 – Easter Sunday A lovely warm day. I received a lovely card from Edwin Fiedler and a lovely one from P. Rosenburg. I had sent them each one. We three girls went out walking, and I had my winter things still on. After taking a long walk we went to the premier, and although the show was good, it was so warm that I almost dosed off. We then went in for a college ice, and then went home. I staid in at night taking turns practising and eating Easter eggs. Dear little Walter had quite a time finding his eggs. I had been the Oster Hase [German for “Easter Bunny”] and had hid them. I went to bed rather early that night. April 1 – Monday I was kept busy all day naturally. I also went out to the bank and did several other errands. I hurried home from work in the evening and practised for a while before I went lessons. My lesson showed some improvements. Miss Uhlig and doggie walked a little way with me. I tried to persuade her to accept 75 cts., but she would not saying that she would be willing to give me an hour any time I should say so. Some hint. When I got home I did several little things, and then retired. April 2 – Tuesday Another great day. I had piles of work. After supper I went shopping. I bought 15 cts. I walked home with the boss, and we caught up to mamma and Elsie coming from their shopping tour. Mamma certainly had her head full on account of Elsie graduating. She has so much to sew. It keeps her busy night and day. Mamma bought some good cookies etc. down the Store, and we had a delightful luncheon. April 3 – Wednesday 22

The weather has changed, as it has been raining somewhat all day. I decided to stay home at night as Elsie was graduating tomorrow and I helped mamma. Elsie happened to be out in the afternoon also. Mamma made her a pretty light blue dress for the banquet and dance tonight. I practised a little in the afternoon, and helped mamma mostly. Of course Elsie didn’t do a stitch. Well she was all ready shortly after supper, and at last went off. She called for Rosa Franz on the way. I practised and mended after supper. April 4 – Thursday The weather has become colder again, almost too cold for the spring suits that we have donned. I had so much work all day, and who should happen to call, but A. B. Niles. He is going to by a car by the way, and teach me how to drive. Oh ye Gods. – After 6 o’clock I went up the comfort station to tidy up a bit, and a I had lots of time, I walked around for a while. It was bitter cold and the wind went right through my little thin jacket. I bought a chocolate bar 6 cts as I was hungry. I then called on Dr. Birdsall and had to wait about 10 minutes, before I could speak to him. I told him that I would be unable to come this evening, so we arranged for next Friday. After coming out I waited a little longer in front of the City Hall, and met Anna Lutz who was waiting for a girl. At last mamma and papa came along and Walter. We were seated way down in the second row, so could see everything fine. The grand march looked fine. The program and decorations were very elaborate, but very patriotic. This did not suit papa very much. They had a pretty tableau in which nurses and boy scouts participated. Elsie sat right on the front row so we could all see her plainly. The speakers themselves spoke brilliantly, and the speaker of the evening was lovely. An [I]rish lady sat side of me who works in the same room with papa, and she certainly raked down the English. She kept talking to me until I laughed out loud. When the diplomas were given out we of course clapped hard for Elsie, and my neighbor clapped for every German and Irish name, and never for an English name. After the graduation we hurried home, and I almost froze, it was so cold. Arriving there we made a good hot supper, and enjoyed it. Elsie came home shortly after we did. I forgot to mention that Elsie looked as good as anybody else in her dress. It certainly took up a lot of mamma’s time, and what are her thanks? – None – I retired late that night. April 5 – Friday It is still cold to-day and I have put on my winter coat again. I was wondering all day whether any of the girls going to the masquerade ball but nobody showed up. When I got home Elsie told me that they were having no masquerade ball. I did not mind, as I felt like staying in anyway. Glancing over the paper I noticed that Frank Quinn was on a furlough from the South. I am positive now that the fellow I saw going by the store the other day him. 23

Christina told me quite a while ago that her brother was coming home, and she asked me to be sure and come and see, but I have not got the nerve. I practised my lesson and then I embroidered etc. April 6 – Saturday Fair + Warmer. There has been a terrible battle raging in Europe for weeks, the bloodiest of all – and I American casualties are becoming very large. I read through every one of the names. I went home to supper and later did little shopping. I wanted something for my week day hat, but could find nothing. After buying a little candy 10 cts., I returned to work. Carl helped a little bit, but he was quite drunk. By the way he has been bumming all week again. I walked home with the boss. He said he always enjoyed walking beside a young girl. Of course it was quite later before I went to bed. It always is on Saturday. April 7 – Sunday A fine day. I got up quite early and helped mamma as she must finish Elsie’s new coat, because she is having her picture taken with the class. Elsie was the laziest of all but she claimed that she was sick. I managed to get my lesson in some way between times, and then I made dinner. Mamma managed to get the coat done, all but a few buttons, and at last we sent Elsie off. She was awfully cross and peevish, probably because she was not feeling well. There was a concert in the Turn Hall in the afternoon, and mamma and Walter dressed to go. Papa of course was in it. I met Amanda on the way to Irma, and she said she would just as soon go to the Turn Hall – probably because Julius + Gus just passed us then, and she supposed they would go too. Irma was not quite done. She gave us each lots of samples of powder. Irma did not care so much about going first but she finally consented. The Crowd was not as large as it might have been. I hunted up papa and we bought our tickets from him @ 25. The orchestra numbers were great, so was the music by the Saenger [German for “singer”], and the Spanish Dance, and recitation by Gertrude Doerr instilled “The Pride of Battery C.” It made the tears come to my eyes. The musical appetite was also played wonderfully great. We all enjoyed it very much. I had my tight shoes on, and they bothered me somewhat. After the concert we took a long walk along Essex St. up Broadway, down Essex St., and then home. We stopped into Morgan’s to get some candy 15 cts. When I got home there was nobody in yet, and I had intended to practise. I walked down toward the Turn Hall slowly as my feet ached terribly, and still I didn’t see them. They were still in the Turn Hall around a table so I chatted with Clara C. a while, and then we all proceeded home. We discussed the war of course. I practised hard after getting home. Elsie felt sick when she came home. April 8 – Monday 24

Lovely, but kind of cold. I was kept busy all day. I made out the pays. Carl Erler started to worker a week ago. Carl Wurzbacher had no pay coming to him, but he managed somehow to get $5.00 out of the firm. After he had gone a little while Mrs. Hoppe came to speak to Mr. Wurzbacher. She had just seen Carl very drunk on the street and she said that this must stop, or Carl will have no home soon. Oh she was very bitter toward him and almost cried. Of course Erler Carl and I took it all in. Carl’s actions are enough to drive everyone crazy anyway. After 5:30 Christina called in to see me, and asked me to come to her farewell party on her brother Frank, as they were going to surprise him. Of course I said I would go and I would ask Elsie and Irma also to come. When I got home Elsie was lying on the lounge feeling sick from a very bad cold. Her face was one cold sore piled on another. Of course she would not go in that condition. I practised about an hour, and then went music lessons. To my surprise I got the slow part and Presto of Beethoven Sonata perfect. This makes the whole piece perfect. After lessons Miss Uhlig and Fiddel walked part ways with me. She complained that music was not to be depended on, and that some weeks there was hardly anything coming in. When I got home I read the paper, and then retired. April 9 – Tuesday A lovely day. I went out to the bank in the morning, and called on Irma about the party. She wanted to go but had told Liesel that we were going to the show with her. Erma said she would tell Liesel that we were both unable to go as we were invited to a party. A. B. Niles called shortly after dinner and he began bothering me about the car he wants to buy. He called on a man on Kendall St., about a car, but did not buy any. I went out shopping after supper, and spent quite a little time looking for something for my hat, but could find nothing suitable. I bought 1 doz. cakes 12 cts., to take home to mamma dear. I walked home from work with the boss. April 10 – Wednesday The weather has become cold again. I was kept very busy all morning, and went home at 1:15. I spent the afternoon practising, and looking up my wardrobe for something to wear at the party to-night. I decided to wear Elsie’s best waist and my silk skirt. I hurried down to Irma about 7 o’clock along Ridge Road, and when I got there Irma had gone along the court in back of her house. I hurried back as fast as I could with my tight shoes, and just caught Irma going along Ferry St. We walked slowly out there, and I thought we were early as the house was in darkness. We waited until the car came and several more joined us. When we got inside there was a houseful already. We were ushered right upstairs to dispose of our wraps. I had expected to see quite a few there, but did not dream that there would be half as many. I did not see 25

Frank right away, as he was out in the kitchen. They urged me to play, and the Frank came out. How tall and stocky he had grown. He was a treat to look at. He stood side of the piano while I played several pieces. After a while I looked around and saw that more had come, and still kept coming. The two Millner girls came, the two King boys, and one King girl + several others. After shaking hands with Frank they took possession of the piano. They certainly could play and sing. It sounded like a player piano. That bunch has run minstrel shows, so it is no wonder. I bet they couldn’t touch me on classical music. They played for an endless time and we meanwhile played post office. There were so many young folks that half of them could only come in the parlor to play. Frank was called often, but I did not get a chance to call him. We also played “drop the pillow” for a while. I couldn’t get over the big crowd of boys and girls that had come. Mary Donahue was there and she was a scream. When they presented Frank with a gold piece, his face turned different colors and he gulped several times before he thanked us. He had been totally unprepared. Later on I played some rag time, and I bet I played just as good as they did. Edna King sang. Frank asked me to play with him. Oh it sounded great his ukulele and piano. At times I felt like crying, and so did many others. We had lovely refreshments and then played some more post office. I must say I enjoyed myself immensely, and so did all the others. At 11:30 we all got ready to go home. We all shook hands with Frank, and said good night. I wished him the best of luck. Irma and I walked home with John Duffy, Joseph Scanlon + C. Thomas. I forgot to mention that Mr. Quinn was very friendly to me, but I did not see Mrs. Quinn. She came down quite late and when she spied me she shook hands and was so friendly that I almost laughed. She said she had been in bed ill and I could see that she had been crying. The whole family was upset. April 11 – Thursday Cold weather. I felt a little tired all day, but had to work hard just the same. I practised hard when I got home, and then went to bed. April 12 – Friday It started out cold in the morning, and then what do you think – it began to snow hard all day long. I thought I was dreaming. Christina + Genevieve called in about 4 o’clock. They had taken Frank to the depot and Joseph Q. and George L. went as far as Boston with him. I guess I felt as bad as she did. I called into Dr. Birdsall after work, and he informed me that I must get my tooth capped to save it. Oh Gee – more trouble. I went home feeling disgusted. After practising and darning stockings I went to bed. April 13 – Saturday 26

The snow is melting as fast as it can therefore it is very slushy. It was a very busy day at the store, and I was glad when it was time for supper. I dressed hurriedly as I intended to go to the “Stiftungsfest” at night. I bought 1 Napoleon square on the way back to work. We closed punctually and I hurried to the Turn Hall. It was still raining somewhat. The crowd was rather small and hardly any fellows, so I did not have a very good time. I went home with the Ehrlich family. April 14 – Sunday A most beautiful day. I practised + cleaned in the morning and then got dressed. Irma called for me, and it was quite late, but no Amanda showed up. We finally went off together. Irma treated me to a drink of lemon lime, and I bought chocolates, 20¢ and she 15 cts. We went to the Strand and enjoyed a very good show. I also saw Elsie and Erna in there. It was quite late when we got ???? out. On the way back I called for my rubbers at Mr. Coco’s store which I had left there on the way down. One of my rubbers came off every second and I made Irma stop often while I put it on again. I was certainly glad to get home. Although nearly seven o’clock, the sun was still shining. I staid in at night practising etc. April 15 – Monday Lovely weather. Worked hard during the day. Went music lessons after practising at night. Miss Uhlig and Fiddle accompanied me a little way. April 16 – Tuesday Rainy. Had lots of work. Christina dropped in to chat at noon time. Carl’s wife spoke to his father about Carl. He is a miserable villain. Just before I went out after supper a man bought something from me and the he waited for me outside. He followed me along everywhere, and after coming out of a store, I saw him wait outside. I finally went into the Bay State to Dr. Birdsall, but there were others before me, so I would not have time to wait, besides I was not expected until Thursday, but as part of my tooth broke out, I became scared. Well any way I went downstairs again and out the other door, thereby missing the crazy fool of a man. I looked around for something for my hat, but was unsuccessful. We went home about 9:30 – The boss and I. April 17 – Wednesday A good day. I was quite busy all morning. The boss went out early and did not come back before dinner. Carl called in the forenoon saying that he would start working again. Well it’s about time that he would get over his drunken fit. Eddie Seifert called in again about his short center, and George Simon was with him. George gets along pretty well now with a cane. I went home shortly 27

after they left, and tried to catch up to them, but I could not. I practised at home and helped mamma, and then dressed to go to the show with Irma and Liesel. “The Little Millionaire” was being played, and it was certainly the best comedy I ever saw them play. They all had a chance to show themselves, and the leading man was a funny scream. There were also several beautiful patriotic tableaus. The show was over at 10:40, and when we got out we found that it was raining, so we were obliged to wait for the car, which didn’t come along until 11:20. After getting off the car I ran till I was inside. April 18 – Thursday I worked very hard all day. All the stores are working tonight and I suppose I will also. It is too bad as I have made an engagement with Dr. Birdsall. It has turned quite cold and raw again. There was not much store trade in the afternoon, and to my delight the boss closed up at 6:30. I went right down to Dr. Birdsall, and was the first one there. Before he came the whole office was filled with patients. He just broke out some more of my tooth, and put in a new treatment. I then went shopping. I thought at first that I would buy trimmings for my hat, but I could not get any hat die. I went looking around for waists and bought a dainty crepe di[sic] chine waist in Orenstein’s. I then bought cakes 12 cts and then proceeded home. After a hearty supper I did different odds and ends, and then went to bed. April 19 – Friday Lexington Day turned out to be cold in the morning. Elsie marched with the gymnasium, and papa with the L.T.V. Mamma, Walter and I found a pretty good place. It was a very long parade, taking about 2 hours to pass all the mills, laborer unions, societies, churches, etc., were represented. The[y] were led by Ayer soldiers. They were few Germans, compared to others. Many would not march as they could not carry their flag or a sign. It was cold standing and our feet were almost numb from the cold. We came home about dinner time, and I cleaned the house and helped making dinner. I was so tired that I did not feel like going out. When Elsie came home she said that Irma did not care to go out either. I felt glad, because I was so tired that I took a nap. Then I practised and dressed. Bertha Schatz came before I was finished. I wore my new waist and my silk skirt. We were very early and of course Irma was not done. Well at last we were off, and we didn’t know where to go, to the Schiller or Turn Hall. After taking a walk we went to the Schiller Hall. There we found all fellows, and no girls. That was the place to stay, but we were curious and took a trip down the Turn Hall. Elsie + Erna were there. We decided to go back to the other place again as the crowd was so very small in the Turn Hall. Several fellows induced us to stay, but nothing doing. When we got back we checked our clothes. All of my chums were there. The dance was held for the American Red 28

Cross (a three day affair – so everyone was welcome[)]. There was a great crowd there, and we had many dances. At intermission we went downstairs for a drink, and three elderly men hung around trying to get me to drink some beer. We smelt the rat, and picked it upstairs again. I had the last dance with a light haired fellow named Seifert, I think, and he asked me to accompany me home, but I went home with Irma and Bertha Schatz. Upon arriving home I had a lunch and then retired. Elsie came home from the Turn Hall later than I did. April 20 – Saturday A nice morning. I hurried to work as usual as it was quite late. I had a hard day of it. I went home to supper and changed over as I intended to go to the dance. When I got back Carl and I had quite a little store trade. About 7 o’clock I noticed that Italian man standing on the sidewalk in front of our store gawking right in. I did not pay any attention to him, but every time that I looked out I caught him staring at me. At about 9 o’clock I told Carl + Mr. Wurzbacher about it, and called went out asking him what he wanted. He did not reply, but walked right away. At 10 o’clock Papa and dear little Walter came with some popcorn which he passed around. Papa went for a drink and then he went home with me – that is – as far as Schiller Hall. I got there just at intermission, and met the girls coming down stairs. We all were treated to a ginger ale, and then resumed dancing. I had a wonderful time, only it did not last long enough. Most all of my girl friends and remaining boy friends were there. Elsie and Erna had a good time too. I had quite a time getting my clothes as the crowd was so thick in the check room. I went home with Bertha Schatz and we met George Himmer. After I left them I walked with Elsie, Emma Danner and the Buchtler girl. I was just saying good night to the girls when I saw something coming. I waited while Elsie went in. It proved to be Gussie Laessig all loaded with a big drum, suit case etc. We chatted for a while and then I offered to take his suit case to his house for him, which was heavy enough alone to carry yourself lame. He would not hear of it, but I did carry it. Oh! how glad I was when I sat that down, as it was so heavy. Then Gussie walked up with me again and we talked for an hour long about everything under the sun. Meanwhile ma came home from the coffee klatch. When I finally did get in, I had a hearty feed and read the paper, consequently I got to bed at 1:30. April 21 – Sunday The morning was dull, and it rained a little. I practised and cleaned up in the morning, and mamma had my new spring coat done which I intended to wear, but the weather was so miserable, as it started to pour. About 3 o’clock I ventured to go down to Irma and we went to the show. We landed at the Strand, and the show was great. We laughed and talked, and finally a cute 29

Sailor boy sat in front of us. We kept on our chatter and he soon turned around and smiled. I know I cracked some very witty and dry jokes, and at times he could not keep in from screaming. By the way I forgot to mention that we each finished a big bag of candy. The sailor got up with us, and waited for us while we put on our and he evidently wanted to come with us, but Irma treated him so cool that he did not dare. I gave him a smiling farewell- he had eyes only for me anyway and we proceeded on our way home. It rained harder and harder and fairly got soaked. I practised for a while, and then went to bed. April 22 – Monday A nice day. I certainly worked hard all day. After practising a while at night I went music lessons. The whole Uhlig family felt depressed about the war, and I felt like crying. She did not fell inclined to take a walk with Fiddel as usual. I bought a cone at Morgan’s. April 23 – Tuesday Nice day – rather cool. I started bright and early to clean and change over the window, and was done up in old shoes, apron etc., when who should come along sitting in his dignified new car, but A. B. Niles. He was very friendly but I bet he thought I was some slob. I cannot help it as I must put on old clothes in that dirty store. George has been out drunk again. I wonder what got through him. At night Mrs. Lehninger called and we chatted about various things. I went to supper, and bought matches and soap for the boss, also dropped in to see Irma, and we made out to go somewhere Wednesday night. April 24 – Wednesday A grand day. I worked hard until 1:30 and then went home. I had lots of work to do, as mamma was gone out. After supper I went in the direction of Irma, and she came to meet me with Clara, and we went to the Colonial. Irma and I bought candy 15. “The Country Boy” was played by Joe Cochran, and was played very well. We all enjoyed the show. On the way home we all began telling experiences of men chasing us, and we were scaring each other. Clara’s mother waited for her at Mueller’s Drug Store. Irma and I did not stop to chat at our corner as we were both too tired. I retired late. April 25 – Thursday A nice evening. I worked very hard all day and was tired. I did not know whether to go to the party or not, as I had an engagement with the dentist. I arrived there shortly after 6 o’clock and of course the dentist was out, so I had to wait until 7:30 for the dentist, and all he did was to change the cotton batten. I got out at 7:45 and felt disappointed, as it was so late. I got home at 8 o’clock, and although I was tired and depressed I decided to go to the party. 30

After eating a hasty supper I dressed hurriedly slipping my dark becoming dress on, and hurried out. When I got at the corner by Zelinski’s the whole crowd waited outside. I wondered what was the matter, and they told me that over half the girls did not come, and there were three times as many boys. We all piled into the cozy little cottage and found seats. I sat between all young men, and handsome ones too. A King started the piano going and the fun started. More boys kept coming, among them a sailor boy. There was something interesting about his appearance, I do not know just what. He was quite tall and rather dark. He looked around the room and I caught his eyes resting on me several times. I smiled at him then. After playing post office for a while we played “Drop the pillow.” When the sailor boy got the pillow he beckoned to me, but as I did not move he came over and kissed me. We all had a jolly time, and the fellows were so nice. There were so many that I knew too. I played the piano, and everybody sang. After serving refreshments, we played some more games, and then a young fellow started to get my goat. He was the sailors chum, and asked (him) me to go home with him. I told him that I would think it over, as just then the thought came to me that the sailor might ask me. When it was time to go the sailor did ask me and I said yes. I wonder what the other fellow thought when I gave him my answer. I told him not to be sore. George Lobley also wanted to go home with me but I couldn’t go home with everybody. We chatted gaily all the way home, and I found the sailor boy a nice companion. We stood for a while in front of the house. He told me that his name was Hugh lee and asked me for mine. He also asked me if I would care to have him write. I certainly was, so I rushed in the house for paper and mamma laughed at me. When I got out again we wrote addresses in the dark on the front piazza. After talking a while longer he kissed me goodnight, and we parted. I felt happy and told ma and pa all about. They enjoyed my “Gelatsche” as well as I did. It took me quite a while to fall asleep, but I then slept soundly. April 26 – Friday A quite cool day. I forgot to mention yesterday that Otto Hoh called me up by telephone, asking Irma, Elsie and I to come to his birthday party Saturday night. I would like to go, but I am afraid it will be too late. The best thing to do is to let Irma know, so I wrote her a letter explaining things, which I gave to G. Erler to deliver to her. I thought that was the end of it, and besides I had such a good time at the other party, that I did not care much about going to this. While I was practising in the evening Irma called saying she wanted to go after work. Well I agreed to go with her. After chatting a while she went home, and I finished practising. After mending several things, I went to bed. April 27 – Saturday 31

The weather is fine, but oh! such a busy day. I was on the go all day. Shortly before 4 o’clock I went to supper, that is, I went to the dentist first. When I got there the waiting from was quite full, and I was on pins and needles, as I had so little time. After waiting half an hour I finally got my turn, but not until after I made another girl who jumped into the chair before me get out. I expected to have the cotton batten changed, but the doctor filled the next tooth to it with porcelain. It took him just 15 minutes and cost me three dollars. When I got out it was 4:45. I rushed home like a maniac, as I had to eat and dress over, and be back again by 6 o’clock. I got back just in time too. The evening was very busy. About 10 min. of 10 I asked the boss if I could go, and he said I could have gone long ago. Just then Irma came along, and we walked all the way out to Hoh’s. I had my new spring coat on – Oh boy. We got out there about 20 min. past 10. The house was packed with people, and we all had a good time. We were in time to get some ice cream also. Otto did not get anything from the bunch – just one or 2 presents from 2 girls. Poor boy, I had hoped they would pitch in and buy him something. We went home late – Otto Hoh going with me, and Max Wilfred with Irma. Christina and her younger brothers, also Ed Seifert went with us to Vermont St. I had hold of Otto’s arm with one hand, and had my other hand in Jeff’s pocket. Oh what a merry time we had. I really think that Max had something in him, as he was too silly for anything. We separated at Zelinski. Otto and I going along Ferry St. We talked for a while in front of the house and then X good night. April 28 – Sunday A most glorious day. I cleaned up and practised in the morning. Path[?] Paul came to see us bringing us some bananas. After dinner I put on my tight shoes and new coat, and looked quite speedy. I met Amanda and Irma on E. Hav. St. Irma was rigged out from head to foot, and she looked nice. We walked along Essex St., and Broadway, and back again. Oh how my feet hurt. We dropped into Morgan’s for ice cream 15 cts. We met the Obst boys in their machine, and as the oldest one was leaving for camp the next day, and he knew Irma well – he asked us to come out in the evening, and he would take us for a little spin. We girls got home early, and changed my shoes + practised for a while. Elsie brought Erna for supper. I was done at the last minute and hurried down for Irma. We each bought some gum in Zelinski’s and then called on Amanda. Emily was frying eggs for Charlie. When we arrived at Obst’s we found all Irma’s people there. Eric Obst, the one who was leaving showed us all around the garden and different things he had built. He then took us in the house and showed us the many birds of all kinds that he had stuffed. He must be quite an artist at that. He has a younger brother (who went out every once in a while to cry) and a sweet sister about fifteen years old who was sewing his initial on all his shirts, socks etc. It made us feel so blue. Afterword the whole bunch of us 32

filed in the machine almost to Haverhill and back again. We got out at Vermont St., and after shaking hands, and wishing him good luck we went into Amanda’s house. We scared Emily and Charlie out of their tete a tete as they had no light in the parlor before we came. Emily passed around the chocolate Charlie gave her, and we listened to many new records. I got my book back from Emily too in good condition. We had a delightful time and came home quite late, consequently I retired late again. April 29 – Monday Nice weather. I worked very hard all day and made out pays. My pay was increased to $11.00 – therefore I got 25 cts. more from papa a week. I hurried home from work, and practised until late, but then went music lessons. My lesson was fairly good. After chatting a while Miss Uhlig and Fiddel accompanied me partly home. April 30 – Tuesday Another great day. Of course I am very busy, as it is the last of the month, and besides there is quite a lot of store trade. When it was almost time to go home, someone telephoned and who should it be but Fred N. asking to take me home. I said “Don’t bother,” and hung the receiver up. George who happened to be in the store joked me about it. When I went home he was waiting for me outside, so of course I had to walk with him. We passed mamma and Mrs. Kellerer on the way. We stood in front of the gate for a long time and I could not get rid of him without making a date. I retired late (I had bought flowers 10 and black paint 25 cts for my hat[)]. May 1 – Wednesday My cash account turned out good, and I went to the bank to get the statement, which was also correct. I worked like a wild one until 1:30 when the boss returned. In the afternoon I practised, also blackened my best hat and trimmed the same over, and it looks quite nice. I also (tired) shined my shoes, and fixed up my wardrobe. I then dressed and went off with Fred. We went to the Empire and the show was one of the finest I have ever seen. Great. We stood in front of the gate again for a long time, and I enjoyed myself immensely. Of course it was late again when I went to bed. May 2 – Thursday One great day. I worked hard all day, and got out of work quite late. I hurried home + dressed. Bertha Schatz came before I was quite finished. I wore new coat, and my best waist and silk skirt, also my hat which I had fixed over. Irma was not quite done, but finally we started off. We noticed a big crowd going in the Truell Hall, and I felt tickled. Besides the ticket 50 cts., there was a war tax 33

of 5 cts. and checking for each 10 cts., so it was quite expensive. I felt as strange as Irma and Bertha did, but I got the first dance from a fine dancer, also the 2nd, + third. In short I had all dances, while Irma had a few, but poor Bertha had a punk time. I danced so much that I was very hot. The orchestra was on the Jazz style and was great. During the dance a captain advertised Liberty . Emily Klier came up late and I asked her about Eddie. She told me that he was on the way to France and I was greatly surprised. Well we girls staid to the end and I know I had the best time of all. On the way home our feet were almost killing us, and I felt glad when I was home, and safely in bed. Oh I forgot to mention that I received a letter from the sailor, which made me feel very good. He certainly wrote very promptly. May 3 – Friday The weather is very nice. I went to the dentist from work and was fortunate in getting my turn right away. After getting home I practised for a while, and then wrote the letter to the sailor. Of course I got to bed very late again. May 4 – Saturday The day proved to be warm, and summer like. I mailed my letter in the forenoon, and was exceptionally busy all day. Amanda called in the store saying that she would not be with us Sunday. Irma by the way was going to that recital, so I will work with the boss, and I felt so tired. May 5 – Sunday Another warm day. I spent the morning helping mamma, practising etc, and although I expected Irma not to come, I got dressed just the same. About 3 o’clock I went down to Morgan’s and bought chocolates 15 cts. Coming home I gave Walter and Billie and Freddie some. Then I bought mamma a cone which she appreciated very much. I kept busy all afternoon, and met Fred at 7 o’clock. We went to the Empire, and found that the show was good again. I got in the house after 11 o’clock. May 6 – Monday The weather is getting hotter every day. I was very busy and made out pays. I staid there until 6:20 on account of Carl’s old pay, just when I wanted to get home early to go to the Alumna dance. Amanda called in the store asking if she could go with us, as she had been given a ticket. I told her to meet us in front of the City Hall. When I came home, mamma was almost finished, so I had to do some hustling. I wore the new pink dress which mamma made me, and like it very much. Amanda was waiting for us, and we all found a good seat on the II row. The concert was given from 8 to 9, and the music was great. Promptly at 9 o’clock the Grand March started, and it was beautiful but short. The 34

beautiful gowns on the ladies, with their bouquets looked fine with the men’s dress suits. Elsie got a lovely bunch of pinks from her partner. Then we all danced. I had a great time again. I stuck to one dancer awhile, and he bought me ice cream and drinks during intermission. Elsie’s partner went home early as he could not dance, and Elsie felt disappointed. She did not seem to be having a good time. Mamma left quite early, but we staid until midnight. I also danced with my Truell Hall friend. We girls went home together, and met Mary Donahue. I went to bed late again. May 7 – Tuesday It is really getting hot just like in summer. Clara Ehrlich called in the store about the Colonial. I told her I wasn’t going, but she could see if Irma wouldn’t go with her. When I went out after Supper I explained everything to Irma about having a date. She seemed satisfied. I worked until 9:30 being busy with store trade, and trying to write between times. Mr. Wurzbacher asked me to get an ice cream cone for both of us, which was delicious. I got through working at 9:30, and the boss walked home partly with me. May 8 – Wednesday Was very busy all morning all morning. Left for home at 1:30. Spent the afternoon in practising + helping mamma etc. Was ready at the corner at 7 o’clock. Nobody came. Waited until 7:30 and then took a stroll for myself. I went all over creation and got back after 9 o’clock. Did a few more small things and then went to bed. Oh I forgot to mention that I got a card from Edwin Fiedler inviting me to come to Boston some time, and he would show me around. A nice boy. Took my lesson at 3:15. Was good. May 9 – Thursday The morning was beautiful but I felt depressed, as I did not know what to make of last night. I made up my mind right then that I would not go with Fred again, as I did not care enough for him. When I got to work I gave a hurried glance at the mail as usual and noticed an unstamped letter on top. I looked again, and could not believe my eyes, as the letter was from my old friend August. Just then the boss handed it to me remarking that he must have an eye on me. I opened and read it, and although the boss was dying to read it, I did not show my letter, but just told him some of the facts. August claimed that he would have written some time ago, but was not allowed to write. I was so completely stunned to receive a letter that the boss said I turned quite pale. Harry Abrahams came over and showed me a letter from his nephew in the aviation corps in France, but I did not let him see my letter. Although I had plenty of hard work all day – I felt happy. When I got home I read the letter to mamma, and she was as happy as I was. I also received a (lell[?]) card from the 35

sailor saying that he was going over in a week, and would like to hear from me very much before he goes. I do not know what to make of it, as I wrote him a letter the day after I received his, and he should have had it before this. Since he wrote first he moved to Conn., and probably the mail was delayed on that account. Of course I looked all over the house for a pretty card to send him right to Conn. And mailed it early next morning. I hope he gets both my letter + card. May 10 – Friday Very, very windy. We had the door open in the store, and everything became very dusty. I went to the dentist right from work, and he told me that my tooth was all ready to be crowned, and I made an arrangement to come Monday at 11 o’clock. I had come quite early and was able to practise after supper – and also to start on August’s letter. I retired quite late. May 11 – Saturday Another grand day. I mailed a card for mamma. I had to go to the bank in the morning, and called in to see Irma and showed her my letter. I did a smashing good business all day – making lots of money. During the noon hour I did a little on Augie’s letter. In the evening Emily + Amanda called in to see me, also Irma waited for me. I noticed a sailor across the street who kept waving, and I took him for my sailor, but found out that he was a stranger trying to flirt. Irma and I took in a college ice at Morgan’s. Mamma was gone to Mrs. Voight’s birthday party, and papa was also out. Elsie and Walter were both sleeping. I enjoyed some of mamma’s fresh baked cake and then bustled down to write my letter. It was all written at 1:30 AM. May 12 – Sunday A nice day spoiled only by a cloud occasionally. I rewrote August’s letter, also practised and cleaned up – then dressed up to go out. I walked down toward Irma with my letter in my pocket. We proceeded along Essex St., and along (Broadway Strand), and did not know where to go. The show was good, and after that walked slowly home after getting a drink at Riker Janes – I treated Irma, we went to the Common to tidy up a bit. Oh I forgot to mention that I mailed Augie’s letter after coming out of the show. I staid in at night although it was a lovely evening and busied myself with my music etc. May 13 – Monday Another nice day, although I never like Mondays, I was very busy as usual, and after getting home from work I practised and then went music lesson. Teach did not accompany me home. I went to dentist at 11 AM and had my crown put on. All finished for a while. 36

May 14 – Tuesday I woke up this morning to find that it rained quite hard. Well we needed rain badly. My gold tooth looks quite nice and feels great. We were unusually busy at the store and I was unable to go out till 8:30 and then only for a short time. The rain stopped entirely, and the stars began to shine. I walked home with the boss and felt depressed and tired. When mamma came home from the Turn Hall Fair she brought me a nice pocket book 35 cts. – which I bought from her. May 15 – Wednesday A hot day. We were busy all morning, and I left work about 1:15. Mamma and Walter went to see Charlie Chaplin, so I staid home. I cleaned up, washed dishes, washed my hair, practised, mended and made supper. Then just before I went I washed dishes again. So you see I was quite busy. Irma, Liesel and I went to the Colonial alone as Clara was pretty sick. “Nothing But The Truth” was a fine comedy to end up the season with, and every player was shown to fine advantage. Between the 2nd, and 3rd acts presentations were made and bouquets were received and we all had a nice sociable time. After the show we treated ourselves to an ice cream 15 cts., at Bradshaw’s. I got home quite late, and reached bed shortly before midnight. May 16 – Thursday Quite a nice day. I have felt pretty blue again. This miserable war gets a person almost crazy at times. I have been very busy at the store. When I got home at night I found a letter from my sailor boy. After reading it I went out and mowed almost all the lawn outside. After coming in I practised and was dead tired by the time I went to bed. May 17 – Friday A very warm day. I decided to go to Charlie Chaplin in the Broadway at night. I went to the bank in the morning and bought fudge 10 cts. I was very busy all day. Irma telephoned me in the A.M. asking me to go to the show with her. Of course that suited me fine, and we agreed to meet each other in front of her store. I was terribly tired by night and I had customers bothering me until 6:15. Irma the dear soul came to my store, bringing with her a lunch of which she promised me to give me part. I had eaten a lunch a while before, and was not very hungry. We sat in the Common – she eating bread + ketchup, and coffee rolls and I had eating 2 coffee rolls. We felt dry when we were through and I treated the 2 of us to a Coca Cola + lemon lime mixed. We then went to the Broadway upstairs, and the whole show was great. We just laughed, laughed, laughed through the Dog’s Life. After the show we took our time home as the evening was most beautiful. 37

May 18 – Saturday Another hot day. We had piles of business all day, and I was busy on writing as usual. I went home to supper but did not go shopping. We had a large store trade in the evening, and I worked myself to pieces. The boss accompanied me home. I carried a pretty bouquet of lilacs which he had given me to take home. On the way he sent me into Morgan’s and I got three cones, one for boss, one for [?]o[?]fie, and one for me. When I got home I took a bath + staid up awhile. Mamma was gone to Mrs. Siegel’s birthday party, and I staid up until she came home. May 19 – Sunday A hot summer day. I cleaned up in the morning. Some of the rooms looked nice, as mamma and Elsie cleaned them thoroughly last Friday. I practised my lesson and was just about ready when Amanda came, whom I had really not expected. I wore my new pink dress, carrying my coat. We met Irma down the line and as we did not care to see the May procession we decided to take a carride[sic] to Welches’ Pond. After waiting at Hampshire St., for the car for an hour, we became disgusted, and changed our minds about going, as it was after 4 o’clock. We boarded on Andover car, and it took a ride to Andover Square, and it felt fine and cool. After getting off the Andover car we took a trip to the Ice Cream Farm to treat ourselves. Along the road we met nothing but Andover Academy fellows coming from the farm. After getting a seat we decided to have vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Of course we expected it would cost quite a little, but were almost dumbfounded when he said 30¢ each. Well it tasted great, so we should worry. When we came back to the square, the car just came, so we took it and got back safe to Lawrence again. Walking along Essex St., we passed E. M. with another lad, and he looked as if he wanted to speak, but of course I don’t know him. I got home just in time for supper, and spent the evening practising and trying to write a letter to Hugh. May 20 – Monday Wrote + sent my letter of[f] to Hugh. Another hot sticky day. Of course it was dull and dreary as it always is on that day. I made out the pays and left work about 6:15. After supper I practised a while and then went lessons. Miss Uhlig gave me a nice cool drink of tonic. I retired quite late again. May 21 – Tuesday A rainy day, but it feels welcome after a hot spell. It was not a very busy day for store trade, but half an hour in the evening and I bought myself a etc. May 22 – Wednesday 38

A lovely day. I met Irma in the morning and she also called in the store shortly after 12 o’clock to arrange about going at night. I worked very hard all morning and went home about 1:15. I worked around the house, and practised hard in the afternoon, and then got dressed. When I got down to Irma’s she was not quite done, so I waited. As it was rather cool we decided to go to the pictures, and Liesel went with us. I bought some gum on the way and treated. Mary Pickford was playing in the Strand, so went there. After waiting a long time we at last found 3 seats. The show was great and it quite late when we arrived home. May 23 – Thursday Rather dull. I found plenty of work as usual. Carl Erler said I looked swell last night. Oh Joy. Carl’s case was taken up with the lawyer, and I guess he paid him off. Carl came in at noon and bade me goodbye – saying that he was going to Maine for a vacation of 4 or 5 weeks. He promised me a card. His wife came in later and received a duck from the boss. I put 2 and 2 together and found out that they have sent Carl to an institute for drunkards. I wonder will it do any good. I embroidered, played + sewed at night. May 24 – Friday A lovely day. Worked as usual. Nothing of importance happened. I half expected to find a letter from Hugh, but there was none. I then thought that he might come home Saturday. I staid home at night and besides practising, sewed, mended my clothes etc. May 25 – Saturday The day was lovely. We were not quite so busy as we sometimes are. I went home to supper, and put on my dark dress with a fresh collar and looked quite chic without my coat, in my best shoes and my large hat. I bought a few envelopes before I went back to work. I did not see Hugh all though I have expected that I would. The weather turned into a light rain and then poured. Shortly before closing time, and just when I had finished all my writing the boss sent me to get 2 cones. Going home I was under the boss’es[sic] umbrella, and took his arm, which made him feel quite proud and happy. He gave me the umbrella upon arriving home. I divided the peaches which I had bought, and then took a bath, then retired. May 26 – Sunday A cold quite raw day. I worked hard around the house in the morning, and practised, then got dressed. Amanda did not show up, so Irma and I decided to go to Walsh’s pond. We got a car quite late, and arrived there about 4:30. Of course we had no one to visit, so just stood around for a while. We then went to 39

the YMCA and bought a cone and cracker Jack. We then walked slowly in the direction of home, and were treated to a glass of tonic each by one of the Heinrich fellows at the Arion. After getting back to the little store, we had to wait a long time for the car. When it did come we could hardly get on there was such a mob. The fresh youngsters of the YMCA certainly did some swearing. I spied Clara Ehrlich in the car with a tall girl and her friend. By the time we got back to Lawrence I felt pretty sick from the closed windows, the crowd etc. We had decided to have lunch down town, and take in a show, but when we got off the car we found that it was raining. Just then the Prospect Hill car came so we took that – How I hate those cars sometimes. Mrs. Siegel and family was on that car, and had just come from Ayer, and she was still raving. After getting home I had supper, and then amused myself with the piano etc. I think it is about time to hear from Hugh again. May 27 – Monday A nice day – rather cool. I had plenty to do in work. I received a card from Carl W. from Maine. Nothing of importance happened. Amanda called in after work excusing herself for not coming Sunday. Emily had forgotten to tell me about it. I hurried home from work and practised before going music lessons. Miss Uhlig gave me about 1 hour, so I offered her 75 cts., but she would not take it saying that she thought it a good thing if I were to take an hour as 40 minutes is so short for my advancement. I will think it over. We discussed war for a while with Ida, and then Annie, Fiddel and I went walking. They walked quite a ways with me, and we had a long chat. After getting home I embroidered for a while and then retired. I wrote a letter to Edwin Fiedler in work. May 28 – Tuesday A warm day. Store business during the day was not very good, but plenty of writing. I went and to supper and bought writing paper, stockings, cookies for mamma, and had a pecan sundae – great. When I came back the boss was excited saying that the store was full of people, and he had to send them all off again. Oh I should worry. We went home at 9:30 – I waited for Irma until 9:45, but she did not show up, so I went along. May 29 – Wednesday Looked like rain in the morning. I went had to work in the afternoon, on account of the Holiday tomorrow. In fact – all the other stores worked until 9:30. I went to the bank for the boss in the afternoon, and also intended to deposit some money of my own, but found my bank closed. I called in to see Irma, and we made out to go to the Lake tomorrow afternoon. I got through working at 6:30. At home I helped mamma iron, then practised + embroidered 40

the polished shoes etc. Elsie went to a party in Methuen. Of course it was quite late when I retired. May 30 – Thursday Memorial Day. Very cold + raw. I worked around the house in the forenoon cleaning up, and then went off early intending to go to Canobie Lake. Amanda did not come, so Irma and I went along. The car ride up was fine + breezy. We found a large mob up there. The dance hall was just packed and we spent a great deal of time there, but danced little, as there were most all strangers, and if you spied a friend, you would lose him again the next minute. Tom was there and I had a dance with him. He tried to hang around as usual, and take me all over the place, or dance some more, but nothing doing. Bertha Schatz was also up there with several girls, and when they went home she staid with us. We bought dance tickets, ice cream cones etc., had a light supper etc. After supper we walked all around waiting for dancing to start again and sat up near the dobbie[sic] horses. Bertha and I took a ride. We met several of our friends there, also Elsie and Erna who looked sorrowful because they had no beaus. We staid a little while after dancing started again but then got sick of it and went home. Besides we were more or less cold all afternoon. Bertha and I sat together and Irma got a seat quite far front. It was very cold in the open car, and we pulled the shades down. We soon got interested in 2 couples in front of us – (pickups) and their actions amused us all the way home. We got off at Haverhill St., and walked home. I forgot to mention that before we went to the Lake we walked through the Common, and there were 20 mounds with wreaths + flags, bearing the name of the fallen one – representing the 20 Lawrence boys who have been killed in battle, or died of sickness. We felt very sad to think of the poor fellows. May 31 – Friday A lovely day. I was exceptionally busy as I always am on this day. I went to the bank in the afternoon. At night I staid home and practised etc. June 1 – Saturday One hot day. My cash account turned out all right, which made me feel glad. I went to the bank for the boss, also depositing $50.00 in (my) bank. The store trade was not very large, but I kept bus checking up etc. I went home to supper quite early, and I dressed over, because in case that Hughie might come, which I did not believe, I wanted to look decent. The boss sent me out for 2 cones at night, because it was terribly hot all day and night. Going home he bought some peaches of which he gave me two, and then wanted to buy me some more cream, which of course I refused. When I got home they were all up taking a bath etc. I was so tired that I went right to bed. 41

June 2 – Sunday A very hot day. I practised hard in the forenoon, and cleaned all the rooms. I was certainly very busy. Mamma, papa and Walter went to Laffert’s camp in the forenoon with the Saenger. Elsie and I feasted on bread butter, and strawberries. After I cleaned again and dressed and went off quite late. I met Amanda on the way, and Irma also came along. We walked down toward the city, but oh how hot it was. After walking along Broadway, we turned back again. We went into Glovers for a delicious college ice. We then walked slowly home. As there was nobody home in my house, I made my own supper, and then practised some more. Just before I went off again, Mamma etc. came, being terrible sunburnt. Walter’s shoulders and arms were a sight – he surely must have had a fine time. I went down to Irma and then we went over to Ida Miller. Ima brought her music along thinking we might have to play. Millers were blue as Charlie had enlisted in the navy. We listened to phonographic selections all night not playing ourselves. We chatted pleasantly, and Ida offered us candy and a nice cool drink. We left at a late hour voting it a very good time. June 3 – Monday The world was shocked this morning as the German U Boats are here and have sunk many American ships. Oh it was a surprise, and may people are raving mad. It was a busy day for me and I made out the pays. When I got home I practised and then went music lessons. It was my first lesson under the one hour schedule, and before I got through playing and chatting it was very late. June 4 – Tuesday An ideal spring day. I worked very hard during the day. The German U boats are doing deadly work. I went out shopping in the evening, and bought stockings, and pink ribbon. Clara called in the store about going to circus. June 5 – Wednesday A lovely day. Just an ideal day for a circus. The parade was very late, and held up for a quite while. Clara called in the forenoon and was out for all day. We decided to go at 5:30 and get a good seat. Irma called at 12:15 and we chatted for a while. Christina called for a while and also telephoned from the store. I met mamma and Walter dear going home. I was very busy in the afternoon and dressed very early to go to Irma. Clara was already there, and we proceeded off joined by Mrs. Strauch + Earl. We caught the car at Durant + Square after I had treated them all to gum. We took a transfer and took a car for Stanley’s on Essex St. It was a lovely ride and we got up there quite a lot early. We walked all over the ground listening to the various entertainments outside. Then we bought the tickets for the big show, and went in. We walked around to see the 42

animals’ and then went in. Oh my such awful seats. We almost fell through the planks. After getting fairly settled we waited patiently. Clara and I bought a cone 10 cts. Many people came late on account of the side show. The circus was great and I know how A. M. would have enjoyed it. The music, the gorgeous parade – the neck breaking stunts, the grand acrobats, stallies[spelling?], the great comedians + fun makers. We were all sore and stiff before the show was half over. I enjoyed it more than last year. When we tried to get up to go home we could hardly move. The cars arrived all filled so we hurried along the Lowell Road to get a car. I got almost killed trying to keep from getting crushed. A man made room for me and Clara but Irma and her mother were not so lucky. Well that car crept like a snail all the way. I guess we could have walked home sooner. Emma Huebner (Call) chatted with us. We were just in time to get the last hill car. When the rest of them left me I sat with Ida Fichtner. I naturally left for bed very late. June 6 – Thursday A rather nice day. My cold seems to be getting worse then better. I chased Mr. Wurzbacher out to collect some bills and by golly – he brought a check for almost every one. If he had followed my advice, and gone sooner, we would have had that money long ago. Oh Joy, he went in to Carlisle’s to collect a bill and bought a ½ lb. box of chocolates. Oh I felt thankful, and of course gave him some. I practised in the evening + mended clothes etc. June 7 – Friday It rained hard in the morning, and I took the car to work in the morning, and consequently arrived very early. I finished my few chocolates and I brought home 2. I was busy all day. I met Irma going home, and after leaving her I walked with Mildred Schroeder. I spent the evening practising and mending. June 8 – Saturday I went to work along Sargent St., for certain reasons. I was kept quite busy in the store. Dear little Walter carried my dinner for which I have him 5 cts. I did ℎ표푚푒 not go (푠ℎ표푝푝𝑖푛𝑔) in the afternoon, as I had lots of shopping to do. I expected to see mamma, but did not. I bought some pretty black silk stockings for Emily in the baby shop, also some black silk and 1 pair white silk ones for me. I then went into the Waldorf for supper which consisted of custard pie + coffee 15. On coming out I ran into mamma who had been looking all around for me. She bought me some nice chocolate cake. We both went shopping, and after having a cone I went back to work. George who had become stiff drunk during the afternoon fell asleep down cellar and would not go home with his father. His father was terrible grouch all day on account of George and made it pretty hard for me. Oh sometimes it is almost unbearable. I guess Hugh must have left for 43

France a while ago, as he has neither written or been home on a furlough. The boss let me go out again for a short time after supper, and I bought a small Joke book for Walter. Boss and I went home. I retired very late. June 9 – Sunday A hot day. I practised + cleaned in the morning and intended to get off early, but it was very late. Irma asked me to go to Obst’s with her, as Eric was home. We called into Amanda’s who was too lazy to go off and I gave Mrs. Schneider Emily’s present for her birthday. We then proceeded and were received warmly. He certainly looks fine in his . We were treated to tonic, and lovely home made ice cream. We also had a delicious supper. Just before he left, we left and caught Mrs. Obst crying. Poor thing. They took us half way home and we shook hands and parted. We went to Irma’s and tidied up, and then to her Grandma’s. We found both Fred + Harry going out which was a good thing – although they were both very cordial. We amused ourselves by playing, walking etc. After a while Irma’s mother + grandmother came, and then we played more. Howard did not come so we left at a late hour. Just as we left he came. I retired very late again and had the most peculiar dreams. June 10 – Monday I managed to practise for half an hour in the morning. It is dull and rainy. Went along Sargent St. again. Was pretty busy all day. Mr. Wurzbacher brought me a lovely bouquet of roses. I practised after getting home, and then went music lessons. I waited quite a while for my turn. My lesson was very good. After lessons we chatted for a while, and teacher + doggie went little ways with me. I got home very late. June 11 – Tuesday A grand day. Worked hard all day. Went out in the evening + did some shopping for myself. Bought waist etc. The boss accompanied me home. June 12 – Wednesday Showery. I worked hard in the forenoon, as Mr. Wurzbacher was in Boston and I was all alone in the store. George did not go to dinner in time, therefore I got home late. I was raving mad. Helped mamma in the afternoon, and practised. It rained quite hard at times. Irma and I went to the Premier at night, and found a very good show. I treated to candy. We walked home at a late hour. I retired quite late. I am keeping such late hours lately. June 13 – Thursday A fine day. Was busy as usual. A. B. N. the tormenter came, and I was glad when he left. Upon arriving home at night I practised at the same time trying to 44

keep an eye on G. Laessig and finally did see him. We arranged to go to camp, and also invited me down his house a week from Friday – also Elsie + Irma. June 14 – Friday Another fine day. I was kept very busy as usual. Practised at night. Mr. Filz was elected as Hausman in the Lyra Hall, and they will move pretty soon. June 15 – Saturday A bright warm day. This day is always a good store day, and I certainly find plenty to do. Mamma came in about 4 – bringing my supper, so we did some shopping. I bought shoes etc. underwear etc. We then had a treat at Glovers. I went back to work. Mr. Wurzbacher bought bananas of which he gave me 2. He went home with me. Of course I retired late. By the way Mrs. Bresnahan from Woodland St., would like Filze’s tenement, but I think Sach’s are going to get it. June 16 – Sunday A grand glorious day. I worked in the garden, practised + helped mamma in the morning, and I went up the Lake with Irma in the afternoon. The ride was delightful, although we sat apart. The Lake was crowded and we had a chance to make several hits, but did not like appearances. Of course we spent money etc. + had quite a time amongst ourselves. I weighed myself 120 lbs. Irma weighs 142 lbs. We got home saw A. K. in sailor suit going to station somewhat after supper, and I had time to do a little practising. Mrs. Sachs came very late at night + rented the tenement. Somehow I don’t like the idea of their moving very much. June 17 – Monday Another fine day. I had time to do just a little playing before going to work. Lots of work – and pay day besides. When I got home I practised for a while before going lessons, and suddenly felt dizzy and faint. I managed to get off someway and walked slowly, but when I got to teachers I felt it was impossible for me to take my lesson. She was very sympathetic telling me to go home and go to bed. I told her I would come again Wednesday afternoon. On the way home I met G. Laessig, and he asked me to be sure and come Friday. I went to bed before 9 o’clock – the first time in years. June 18 – Tuesday The weather continues to be fine. I went out shopping in the afternoon this time for only ½ hr. as so many people always come between 7 and 8. I indulged in a college ice and bought white silk stockings and white laces. During the evening Edwin Fiedler + Max Dietzel passed the store + waved. I went home alone. 45

June 19 – Wednesday A showery day. Worked hard in the morning + hurried home after having dinner. I hurried with my lesson and then went to Miss Uhlig. After getting home I practised again + then ate as mamma had Kaffee klatch. We all chatted for a while and then the women went home. I went to the Premier with Irma in the evening, and I bought some candy. The show was great as usual. We had great fun watching a lovely couple in front of us. On the way home I had several chances to make a hit, but nothing doing. June 20 – Thursday A fine day. I was busy as usual. Carlie Filz has got the measles and they will put a card on the house. We will try and put Walter down to Aunt Alma until school closes. I practised hard. June 21 – Friday A fine day – quite cool. I kept very busy during the day, and hurried home. Elsie and I dressed to go to the party at Gussies. When Irma came we went. We found that we were the first ones. He has a very neat and cozy home. Oh my what a big crowd came. Shure all my friends that have not been called to war yet were there. We had one great time playing games – having music and eating refreshments. It was a success. We departed at quite a late hour, and I was glad I had not very far to go. Oh by the way, before we left I called over Max D. and we decided upon going out to camp a week from Sunday. June 22 – Saturday A fine day. I did not feel as tired as I thought I would. Carl came back apparently a cured man, and he gained about seven pounds. We had rushing work and I was more than busy. When I got home for supper Elsie was dressing for the dance at the Turn Hall. I decided to go to as many out of town people were coming. I took my crep di chene[sic] waist to work with me. There was big store trade that night, and the boss, Carl and I were busy. About 9:30 I changed my waist, and the boss told me to go right away, saying that he had known of a dance, I might have gone at 8 o’clock. I got there just at intermission. Oh what a crowd. There were fellows from Clinton, Springfield, Massachusetts, etc. and the girls brought suit cases laden with clothes. I had a great time dancing, and so did everybody. On going down stairs to cool off I met Carl Erler and he treated me to a drink. I went home with Elsie and Erna, and we met Emily Klier and her chum coming from Stanley’s. We chatted for a while and made lots of noise. Howard Weidner and some more fellows joined us, and Howard took me home. I had a feast, read the paper and went to bed. June 23 – Sunday 46

It rained in the morning thereby spoiling the field day in the Turn Hall garden. Papa and Walter went down in the forenoon. I helped clean up, practised and then got dressed. When I came to Irma’s house she was all ready for a change, and she took an umbrella as it became very dark. There was quite a crowd at the Hall, and we witnessed some sports, also a muscle exhibition by a German professor of Harvard College. Then we all went up stairs at the prize awarding and sat with a Manchester friend whom I met by chance. We all enjoyed it. When we reached outside it began to pour, and Irma’s umbrella was hardly sufficient. When we got to Kendall St. I intended to run home in the rain, but Irma asked me to stay with her awhile and have supper. I finally consented. We saw Elsie + Erna come out of that flivver again. They looked like tramps. Irma made a dainty supper for me and I amused myself reading etc., as I had so little time this week. After supper we went to the Strand. We met Edwin Fiedler and the bunch again. We both bought candy which wasn’t extra. On the way home we met Carl Erler and the Toepler boy, and we had some fun because Carl is a joke. After leaving him and Irma I walked as far as the Woodland St. with the Toepler boy. When he left I thought I heard someone call my name, and turning around I thought it was Gussie. I looked around several times as I was not sure until he caught up to me, and I knew then. He then just came from camp, and he asked us to be sure and come next Sunday. After chatting awhile his mother came along, and he went home with her, and I went in. I was dead tired, because I have gone to bed late 3 nights. June 24 – Monday A fine day. I got up early and practised an hour before work. I went to the bank for the boss with a very large deposit. I indulged in a college ice, and bought some white shoe polish. Walter is staying with Aunt Alma now on account of sick little Carl. I practised again at night, and then went lessons. The glass globe fell down, therefore we had a poor light. I got home very late again. Oh dear – where is my sleep. Oh I forgot – I received a very interesting letter from cousin Annie, and I was delighted. June 25 – Tuesday A fine day. I worked hard. I went to the shopping in the afternoon again, having only ½ hour. I called in to see Irma and she told me that she wouldn’t be able to come with me Wednesday, as they were having a farewell time for her uncle who was leaving for war Thursday. I was glad to stay home and have the rest. The boss accompanied me home. June 26 – Wednesday A nice day. I was kept quite busy. Went home after 1 o’clock. Dear little Walter was promoted and is now in the 4th grade. He came home from Aunt Alma in 47

the afternoon, as long as school is over, and Filzes will move next week. I bought Walter some kisses + money. Mamma gave him peaches, Elsie + papa gave money. I mowed lawn in the evening and practised. June 27 – Thursday I feel quite tired. Irma called up in the forenoon, asking me to go to the show with her at night. I did not feel like going first but finally consented. Irma agreed to bring supper for her and I, and Earl would tell mamma. We ate on the common, and I bought us a drink, then we proceeded to the Strand where they had a good show. We got home quite late. I met several of my friends. June 28 – Friday I worked hard during the day. I staid in at night and practised etc. June 29 – Saturday A beautiful day. Was very busy all day being the last working day in the month. On going home I called into M to get my w. 75¢. When I came back from supper I practised 1 hour. I looked over the paper, and saw A. M’s picture in say that he has been promoted to a corporal. Some boy – he deserves it too Irma called in after work and we went home together talking over going to camp tomorrow. Erna could not go – we should worry. Oh I forgot to say – Gussie called in the store at noon to find out for sure if we were going, and he asked us to take the 7:45 car. Irma thought it was kind of early, but I made her come along. I hurried home, took a bath, got my things ready, and went to bed. June 30 – Sunday The next morning we all got up early, and mamma packed our lunches. I dressed becomingly in a white waist with pink sailor tie, and white skirt. We took a satchel between the 2 of us. Irma was waiting for us for one. We hurried down and got there very near car time. When we got on the car who landed beside me – but Gussie all out of puff. He threw in his satchel and ran out to get the morning paper. He had called for us, but we were gone. He passed around the paper to us, and insisted upon paying all our fares, which made us feel funny. I spoke to him about it, but he would not change his mind. We had a most delightful walk through the woods, and to our joy it cleared off, and the sun came out, and turned out to be a most beautiful day after all. When we got to the camp, George and Max were busy cleaning away breakfast dishes. Only the kitchen of the camp is finished, and they are building two more rooms. We girls had a giggling fit, as we did not know where to put our aprons on. The poor boys thought we were giggling at them, so at last I burst out “We don’t know where to put on our aprons.” At this everybody laughed, and the boys showed us the toilet. We girls then went down by the water, as we did not want 48

to disturb the boys, as Gussie was giving them some new points on carpentering. Mrs. Forler invited us in her camp next door, and her son Arthur was home on a furlough. Around noon time George took us girls out in a row boat to a farm across the pond to get some milk. The milk was delicious for only 10¢ per quart. We bought qts. George then prepared a dinner and Gus + Max went in for a swim to cool off. Oh what a dinner we had. We piled our stuff on with theirs, and did we eat. Well I should say yes. I did the dishes Irma helping me, and it was about 2:30 when we had all the traces of dinner wiped away. We laughed more that day than I laugh in a month. Then we all piled in the canoe and had a fine trip all around the pond. When we got back everybody enjoyed themselves to hearts content. Mrs. Forler called us over before her boy went off and gave us a cool drink of orange lemonade. We then shook hands with him, and wished him good luck. He is a very nice chap. It was now getting pretty late, and the boys were starved again so George got supper ready. Everything that we had at that camp was heaped on that table and everything was finished. Those boys ate like a man with six stomachs. I ate too much too. I cleared away the supper dishes and washed them, while the boys cleaned the camp, and it was getting late, and we wanted to get off before darkness. We all dressed up, and finally were ready to start off. We went in couples – George and I, Max and Elsie, Gussie and Irma along the Rocky Road to Dublin. When we were almost near the end of the road, we saw the car coming, and we ran along as fast as we could and caught it just in time. We rode to the Lake in order to get a better seat in the other car. The boys treated us to a cone, but I had started to get a severe headache, and a funny feeling in my stomach, so I could hardly down my cone. We all were separated in the car, as it was so crowded. I felt sicker every minute and longed to get off the car. To my joy we got off on Haverhill St. m and decided to walk home. The air made me feel a little better. George carried my suit case, took my arm and was most attentive. On nearing home it started to drizzle a bit, but not much. When we got to the gate Elsie and I thanked Max and George for the wonderful time we had, as everybody did have a splendid time. July 1 – Monday A glorious day. I came to work rather tired. I figured up my monthly account which came out very close – much to my joy. I went to the bank to get my account and called in to see Irma. She felt sick – while I was all over my spell. I worked very hard all day. I hurried home from work and practised an hour before going lessons. I forgot to mention that I got up at 6 o’clock to practise an hour. There was an interesting letter from cousin Annie for me. Filzes moved out and we were glad to get rid of them, and found the tenement in a very bad condition. I came home very late from lessons – therefore retired late. (I made out pays) 49

July 2 – Tuesday Another busy day. I went out during supper hour and did a little shopping. I bought mamma a pretty plant. Carl and especially George had 1 corkin[sic] bun on – oh it’s a shame. Irma went home with me at 9:30, and when we got as far as High St., we saw a large crowd of people and fire apparatus in front of Collopy’s barn – but the fire was really nothing. July 3 – Wednesday Was kept busy all day. I Had to work in the afternoon on account of the coming holiday, but all the stores were closed at night. Irma and I took our suppers and ate on the common, then went for a drink at Riker Janes. Then we proceeded to the Broadway, where we witnessed a fine show. On the way home we had quite a time ducking firecrackers. There seemed to be plenty of none down around city, but on the while, it was a quiet night before 4th. July 4 – Thursday A peachy summer day. Was very busy in the morning, practising and helping ma. I went out with Irma in the afternoon and we landed in the show – which was great. We both went home to supper and I practised again and then I went down to Irma’s. We sat on the piazza for a while reading magazines, and when her mother and Carl came home from Little Island Pond we went walking in the direction of city. We had a delicious ice cream, and after strolling around for a while we went home and to bed. July 5 – Friday A nice day. Was very busy, but also very tired. The weavers went out on strike and dear papa was glad to get a chance to stay home. The paper hanger started to work in the upper tenement. I was busy practising in the evening when a couple called about the tenement upstairs, and I went up with papa. They seem to be nice people and we may take them. July 6 – Saturday A great day. I was kept busy all day. I went home to supper and practised a while. Another party came after our tenement seeing the ad in the German paper. Irma called for me to go home with her and I asked her to go to Helen Vogel with me tomorrow. Helen’s Brother had been in to see me and asked me to surely come. July 7 – Sunday Showery in the morning. I practised hard and helped mamma. Ma and Pa are in an awful agony, as they don’t know to whom to give the tenement. I picked 50

out some music and started off in the direction of Irma when a storm came along. I took my umbrella, and just got to Irma’s house in time to escape the dashing rain. We waited until the worst part was over and then plotted along. It poured hard all week the way and we were quite wet when we arrived. We played on Helen’s new piano and enjoyed ourselves. Then Hattie Lang came and the fun started. Helen told us our fortunes, and it was rich. We then all had supper and after that Hattie who is some spiritualist told us some ghost experiences. Ha ha. Then Mr. and Mrs. Came home, and after playing a few more pieces we all went home. We took Hattie as far as her house and left her and Helen there. I gave Irma the money for the outing for Wednesday. I went to bed quite late. July 8 – Monday A warm day. I was very busy in the store. I hurried home from work and practised the piano before going lessons. When I got there I waited for my turn, and when the other little girl was through she listened to me a while, as it had started to rain outside. My lesson was good, and when I went home it had stopped raining much to my delight. I did a few little odd things and then went to bed. July 9 – Tuesday Dollar Day. The weather was fine and the shopping came in throngs. I went out after supper with the bosse’s umbrella – by the way it rains every day, and got my ticket from Irma. I looked all around for hats and managed to get a pretty light one for $2. It was the only one I tried on and I was struck on it. When I came back the boss gave me some money to buy peaches and I bought ½ dozen as hard as a brick. He had a good laugh on me, but we managed to eat one. The rest we saved in a pail. We closed up at 9:30 and he went home with me. July 10 – Wednesday The day – The weather turned out fine. I was done very early and called for Irma who was not done. When we finally did get off we got to Hampshire St. to see the first three cars all ready to go. I was disappointed and ran up and down, but could find no place. Suddenly I saw two get out, and I flew up to the seat with Irma after me. We were very lucky, as otherwise we would have waited for ½ hour. The ride was fine, but we stopped quite often, and it was about 11:30 when we got to the beach. We tidied up a bit, and looked around until the next car came. We then all were photographed with a big camera. After that everybody had dinner. We went down on the beach and ate our lunches. Did they taste good? Well, I should say so. Everything was eaten up and we then had a delicious drink to cool it down. After watching the men’s sports for a while we watched the little children dancing from 2 to 3. It was 51

fine. At 3 we were Johnny on the spot, and bought tickets. There were not many fellows around at first, but more kept coming. I had many dances with a nice young fellow. We had a great time dancing until 6 o’clock, then we went for supper which consisted of clam chowder + crackers, and pie. After that I was filled to the brim as I had eaten + drank too much during the day. We then walked around to the different sports and while we were standing in front of the Whip my dancing partner spied us and asked us to go on with him. Irma did so much laughing and made such a commotion that I thought she would faint. It was great and we staid in for a second ride. Suddenly the sky became filled with black clouds, and it began to rain quite hard, so we had to cut our ride short, and ran into the Ocean Echo. It was then 7:30 and dancing started. We had that is I had, all the dances with that fellow. At 8:15 we said goodbye and shook hands and I ran to get my coat. On the way out we bought kisses for our brothers, and we then ran so fast that mine began falling out and I had to stop to pick them up. We got there just in time to see the first car filled to the brim. As we could find no sitting room we ran for an empty car which we saw approaching, which was soon filled up. Before we started off it became very dark and began to pour again. We turned all the lights out and pulled down the shade. By the time we were so tired many of us dozed off. We waited and waited, but the car did not go off. All the cars left but ours, and we left at 9:45. On the way home some of us sang and the rest slept or tried to. Irma slept on my shoulder for a while and then I tried to, but the men in back of me kept tickling me or taking my kisses or something. We certainly had a great time only the long ride made us cramped up and we kept shifting around. I pulled my curtain and behold, the sky was full of stars. From Haverhill to Lawrence the car oversped[sic] and we were knocked around in our seats like on a roller coaster. Irma and I got off at Knox St. Garage and walked from there[sic] home. We both voted it as a very good time. When I got home mamma was a trifle worried about me. After telling her of some of my experiences I went to bed. Carl Erler sent me a card from camp. July 11 – Thursday A great day. I felt very tired when I got up, but I had to make the best of it. Mr. Wurzbacher was glad I had a good time. When I got home I found the new party all moved in – curtains up and all. I spent the evening practising and talking and got to bed late again. About midnight another thunder storm came up and I could not sleep for quite a while. July 12 – Friday A fun day broken up by a shower. I worked very hard. When I got home I practised hard and retired. July 13 – Saturday 52

A fair day. Mamma came to meet me at my supper hour and we went on the Common where I had my supper. Then we went on shopping. We each bought a new waist and + several other things. I bought myself some chocolate 5 cts. We were quite busy in the evening. I was trying to summon up courage all day to ask the boss if chance. I then thought I would walk home with him, but Irma came in and went with me. We met Elsie and Erna at Kendall St. and after chatting for a while, we parted. Oh I bought some peaches, and treated Irma, and the rest of the family. I retired late. July 14 – Sunday The morning started off dull and dreary, and by and by it poured. I did not practise very much, but I did other things. It rained until it was time to go and then stopped a little, but when I was gone half way it poured, so I was glad to get to Irma’s house. I was provoked to find uncle Harry there, as I was not dressed very well. We played and sang a little and then as the rain stopped a bit decided to go to the show, but before we went he invited us up the house and he would sing for us. Oh my – we promised. We landed in the Premier, and there saw a good show as usual. After hurrying home I had supper and practised for a while. When Irma came, I picked up some music and we were off. We both bought gum at Hilbert’s. Harry waited for us, and he was delightful. He is a fine singer, and I accompanied him playing some hard music indeed. He then treated us to a great big hunk of ice cream each, and cookies. Then we played and sang some more and talked, and went home at a late hour. He accompanied us, and both took me to my door. July 15 – Monday A hot day. I practised an hour in the morning. Gus and Carl were back from their vacation. I made out pays, and received an increase. Papa gave me 50¢ more a week. I practised again, and then went lessons. After that Miss Uhlig and Doggie took me part of the way home. Oh I forgot – I summoned up courage and asked the boss if I could go down the beach, and he said I guess so. July 16 – Tuesday A warm day. I worked rather hard although store trade is dull. I went out at night and bought myself a bathing cap and stockings and white tennis shoes. Irma called for me going home and we met her mamma in Torr[??]r buying a big water melon. Earl carried it home, and it was heavy. They coaxed me to go to their house and have some. I ate 2 big slices and enjoyed it. Irma took me partly home. I got to bed late. I wish I would get a letter soon from France. July 17 – Wednesday 53

A hot morning. I went home at noon, and bought a cone. Walter and mamma went up the Altenhaus – I gave Walter my ticket. I did various things at home and was just going to practise when it became dark and a storm came up. Mamma + Walter came back pretty quick. I then slept for a while as I was dead tired. Later the lady way up stairs and her baby came down as they were afraid. It poured when Papa and Elsie came home. About 7 o’clock I went off as it had stopped raining a bit. Erna and Clara were waiting for me. We saw a great show at the Premier “Up The Road With Sally.” We chatted pleasantly all the way home. July 18 – Thursday A nice day. I worked hard and practised hard at night. July 19 – Friday A warm day. I was very busy cleaning. I rode home with the boss on the team. After supper I mowed lawn for a while as Elsie skipped off with Erna. I was just going to practise when Irma came along, so we sat on the front piazza, and I bought her a cone. After a while Max came along, and we called him. We were then joined by Gussie, and later Elsie. Oh what a fine time we had talking and laughing. The boys left very late saying something about coming again Wednesday. July 20 – Saturday A hot day. The store trade was rather quite during the day. Mr. Wurzbacher let me go off quite early, but I did not go home. Mamma came down to meet me and we went shopping. I bought my bathing suit, 2 pairs of silk stockings and lots of small things. I then treated mamma and myself to a nice college ice. Then I went back to work again, and we were very busy in the evening. Irma called for me after work, with her new bathing suit. We met Elsie and Erna and chatted for a while on my bathing suit finding my rather tight. I retired late. July 21 – Sunday A very hot day. Papa, mamma and Walter went to Welch’s Pond, and Elsie and I staid home. We cleaned the house – that is – I did mostly and I practised for a while. I almost roasted on the way to Irma’s house. Clara was already there and we amused ourselves at the piano for a while. We then walked and walked in that hot sun and along the Beacon car line, and sat by the river for a rest. There we had a chance to go canoeing with 3 very nice fellows, but nothing doing. We then walked back to the city and went in the Waldorf for a lunch. Then we went to the Strand, and the show was fine. On the way home we went into Morgan’s for some more ice cream. After chatting for a while at the corner 54

we met Harry who walked home a little way with us. We got home somewhere around 9:30. July 22 – Monday Another scorching hot day. It was very hard to work in that heat. Mr. Wurzbacher bought me some sarsaparilla. I practised for a while at night before going lessons. Teacher and I certainly were hot during the lesson. Emma gave us each a plate of fine ice cream. It was delicious. After lessons I told Miss Uhlig that I was going down the beach and she wished me a good time. I will not go lessons again until September. I bought myself a delicious cone on the way home. July 23 – Tuesday Another terrible scorcher. Mr. Wurzbacher bought me plums in the forenoon. We sweated and sweated and found it hard to work. I went shopping for a while in the afternoon changing my tights etc. After supper I went out again and bought a few more small things. Then he sent me over for a bottle of tonic, and let me go home on account of the terrible heat. When I got home I found a card from Hughie who is now in England. I will write him a letter from the beach. July 24 – Wednesday Somewhat cooler. I worked hard in the morning and went home at noon. Carl came in the afternoon again and brought a ladder but could find nothing wrong with the gutter. I plated some pretty music while they worked. Mamma and Walter went down to Aunt Alma’s. I kept very busy starting on my thing for the beach. I bought some peaches .15 and chocolates for the company at night. Irma came quite late and we sat on the piazza a long time, and had given up hope – when Max came along. We took him inside and began to play and sing. Gussie who had gone on an errand came later. We had one good time, and made some racket. They admired my solos’ very much. We ate up everything, also some lemonade. They staid until after 12 o’clock, and Gussie took one of my music books with him promising to send me some. July 25 – Thursday Rather cloudy and rainy. I felt tired after last night, but was very busy on account of going on my vacation soon. I am expecting a letter from A. M. any day. There is a terrible drive on – and the poor boys are right in it. The casualty lists are getting bigger. Terrible. When I was home in the evening Gussie rang the bell – bringing me 3 lovely books on the study of music and technique etc. A very nice boy. I practised for a while, and worked on my wardrobe for the beach. 55

July 26 – Friday A hot day again. Was kept busy all day. I rode home with the boss. I then walked home with Irma and Bertha. Irma’s cousin isn’t coming. Too bad. I did all sorts of Jobs in the evening and went to bed late. Dear old mamma has been busy working for me. I will have to try and repay her someway. July 27 – Saturday A warm day. I worked very hard and bought a few more things for the beach. I was very tired by night. The boss gave me my pay. Irma called for me at 10 o’clock, and we went home together, the boss wishing us a fine time. When I got home, mamma helped me pack up my suit case and I then went to bed. Of all the things I took. We all got up early in the morning and dear old mamma helped me to get off. She certainly worked hard all week to iron everything etc. I said goodbye to them all and went down to Irma. July 28 – Sunday We hurried to get the 8 o’clock Hav. car. We had a chance to take a machine down, but oh you 1 35 cts. From Hav. on we were obliged to sit backwards and we both began feeling car sick. I felt so bad that I almost threw up. Oh at last we reached the end of our Journey and Irma helped me carry my suit case from the center on, as her mother had taken all her things down Saturday. After we had walked over half a mile we at last arrived, and were greeted by them all. To our disappointment we had to go in the back cottage, but we found it very cozy. There had been some misunderstanding, but who should worry. We dressed over, and started unpacking our things. The boys asked us to go in bathing, but I could not. They kept asking us why, and Harry acted real stupid about it. After dinner we all sat on the sand. Harry went under the same umbrella with me and we talked for hours. There is no more hard feeling between us now, as we understand each other thoroughly. I enjoyed myself fine, and so did he. Howard went home shortly before supper to try and get off next morning, and come back for the week. After supper Irma and I dressed up for the center, and Harry was getting ready to go home. Oh how he hated to go. He staid with me till the last minute Irma and I met a Lawrence friend, and he took us around on everything, and I almost broke my neck on the roller coaster. Never again. We also received ice cream etc. After he left us we met G. Laessig + Bill Minzner, and they rode us to our cottage in the machine. We had a great time. We had lots of fun in bed as we talked back and forth. July 29 – Monday Another lovely day. After a nice breakfast I helped a bit, and then Irma and I enjoyed ourselves on the sand. Then I sent a few cards – one to mamma and brought them to the Centre around 11 o’clock. When I got back Howard 56

arrived, and he seemed to be so glad to be back. After dinner I went in bathing and later beached on the sand. Howard proved himself quite interesting and teased me. We had a lovely time at meals as everyone was so nice. Old Mrs. Lehnert was comical, and old Mrs. Neck from Manchester was a lovely lady. After supper we three dressed up, and went in the center to dance. The old folks were there also. The hall was no where near as crowded as other years, but we had some dances, also with Howard. Irma and I bought 2 drinks and Howard bought us a drink on the way home. It was a beautiful moonlight night, and we walked along the shore. The tide was way out, and it was quite cool. Howard kept us warm by putting his arm around us. He is a dear good hearted fellow. We walked way up to the Life Coast Guard and he flashed the light on us. We had a glorious time singing as we walked. When we got back to the cottage we sat on our front piazza for a while, and then almost went to sleep. After we got in after 12 we retired. Irma and I had a giggling fit before we went to sleep. July 30 – Tuesday After our usual morning routine of eating etc., I wrote many more postal cards. Suddenly it grew dark and a ba??? Thunderstorm came up. It passed over quickly, but rained the rest of the day. I borrowed some books from the first cottage – Gerisches, and we read for a while. I tried to start a letter to Hughie but Howard would not let me. Irma and I decided to go to the Ocean Echo in the afternoon, and had to go in the rain, thereby spoiling my pink dress. We watched the children dance for a while, and as the dancing crowd was so small we walked all around. I bought some more sour pickles. After hanging around for a while we walked home. The back way in the rain. After supper we tidied up again and went off to the center. Howard went ahead of us. We checked our clothes. The crowd was rather small on account of the rain. We had some dances and Howard did not forget us. About 11 o’clock Howard went home with us. The night had cleared up fine. He bought us a drink and then ran back to buy some kisses. We had a regular feast on the way home. We kept fooling long after we were in bed and dressed. July 31 – Wednesday A glorious day. I got up rather late and finished my letter. Howard went up the center, and asked me to go, so I had a chance to send it off, and to buy and write some more postcards. We walked around for a while, I keeping an eye on the cars thinking mamma might come. But as she did not show up we went back home again – Howard taking it home some kisses, and I – some kisses and chocolate bars. I treated every one at the cottage. In the afternoon we all beached – of course Howard tormenting me to death, and stealing my ring. Mrs. Minzner and her folks came for the day. Also Mrs. Strauch. We all went in 57

swimming. The men went after clams for supper, and we each had quite a big pile, enjoying them immensely. After supper we told dear old Howard not to come with us as we had a date. We dressed up – I with my white dress, and hurried to the center. As we were early we walked around for a while. Then as 8 o’clock struck and no one arrived, we went into the Echo. There were so many ℎ푒푟 Lawrence fellows that I did not care to have them come and told (푡ℎ푒푚) so. After waiting a while longer in vain we went in to dance. We were raving, and Howard was tickled. I had a wonderful time danc[in]g and every few minutes ran out to see if they had come. I danced, and danced that night, also with Howard. I bought myself a drink and a cone. Howard treated us and took us home making fun of us all the time. He is a good fellow. We had great fun again before falling asleep. The men had gone fishing and brought home a big pile. August 1 – Thursday A fine day. I got up rather late, and my thoughts flew back to my boss – wondering how he was getting along. We all went in bathing after breakfast, and then had our pictures taken. Later on I went up the center attending to all the mail for the cottage. Mamma did not come. On the way back Howard and the men were going to bowl, and asked me to come, but I refused. After dinner I lay on the sand reading a war story which made me cry. Irma was also reading. Then Howard came along, and after tormenting me, asked me to go to the center with him, Irma urged me to go, so I went. We sat on the window sill of the Echo, and watched for a while. Then when the roughnecks’ dance hall opened Howard paraded me over there intending to dance. After he bought some tickets I refused, as there was hardly a couple dancing. After hanging around for a while he bought a paper, and bought some candy. We walked home along the back way munching candy and talking gaily. Meanwhile Mr. Strauch etc. and the old ladies had gone to Hampton and brought back some lobster, which tasted fine for supper. Irma and I dressed up and went off. There was another big crowd and we certainly danced. We met several nice fellows. Howard came home with us before 11 o’clock, and bought some kisses. We took a walk way past our cottage, as it was so lovely out. When we came in we had to pound on the door, and Mr. Strauch came down to open it for us. He ran back up again and Howard turned on the light thereby displaying Mr. Strauch’s night gown which had a split in back. Oh Joy – it was rich. August 2 – Friday A very hot day. For the first time I got up at 6 o’clock, and went walking along the beach with Mrs. Neck. It was beautiful, and we walked about a mile picking shells as we walked. I also found a cute little celluloid doll, which I took back with me. The rest of the bunch got up quite late, and then we had breakfast. After that we lay on the sand a while and read. It must have been around 11 58

o’clock when I spied mamma and Walter. I had not expected to have them come the last day, but was very glad to see them. I took mamma up in my room, and she made herself comfortable. Walter and I put on our bathing suits, and went in the water. Howard and Irma followed too. They all thought the water very cold that day, but I thought it was fine and went a way out. After changing over I dressed to go the center in the afternoon. Mamma bought 2 pretty cards that Hughie had sent me from So. America. I was delighted. We made mamma eat with us, although she had brought a big dinner. Mamma, Walter, Earl, and I went up the center, and watched them dance for a while, as it was lovely and cool there. We all had cones. Then I treated Earl and Walter to Dobby Horses, Ferris Wheel etc. and drinks. We had a great time. After getting back to the cottage we sat on the sand again for a while, and suddenly the sky began to cloud up, and a storm was approaching. Mamma wanted to go soon, but all the power on the cars would be shut off. During supper how the storm came on terrifically and thundered and lightened while we ate. Mamma was very much ill at ease, and so was I because it was getting late, and the cars were running. We girls and Howard dressed to go to the center for the last time. It was almost 8 o’clock, and still storming. Finally some one suggested mamma to stay there. She was only to[sic] glad to. We all felt relieved. Irma and I hurried along the beach as the sky became coal black and blood red, and looked like a cyclone coming. We just got to the Echo in time. After checking our coats and umbrellas we went into the hall. The crowd was really quite large for the weather. While we danced the lighting flashed all around the hall and peals of thunder crashed over our head. Later the storm let loose on the ocean. Howard was having a better time than we, so we did not ask him to go home with us at 10:30. We had just got our wraps and were starting to go home, when we met that De Cesare fellow. Irma wanted to go back and dance all of a sudden, so we each had a turn dancing with him, the other meanwhile minding the clothes. We were both treated to a drink, and he took us both home. He seemed to enjoy my company, but I did not want to make Irma jealous, anyhow I missed Howard. When we got to the house we sat on the piazza, but I excused myself and went in. Irma was dumbfounded. Howard was in there packing up. He teased me about Irma, and we had a great time. Mamma and Walter was in my bed. After Irma got in we had a grand time talking back and forth from the rooms. August 3 – Saturday A warm day. We all got up early and packed and cleaned up. Howard left about 10 o’clock to go home in a machine. After giving us all some candy kisses, and jollying us along he left us, we hollering after him “Goodbye Howard Dear.” We all hustled and bustled around and ate up all the leavings. Mrs. Strauch would take nothing from mamma, much to her disgust. She only took 1.25 per day 59

from me much to my Joy. Well we’ll get even. At 12 o’clock we paraded off. Oh how I hated to go. We said goodbye to De Cesare boy on passing. Mamma bought everybody a chocolate bar. I bought some chocolate, salt peanuts and popcorn for the car. I enjoyed the ride home very much, and we were munching and talking about the beach all the way. We all got out at Mueller’s and said Goodbye to Mrs. Neck who rode on. On getting out we spied Gus Laessig who smiled as if he hadn’t given us a shut eye. Oh I forgot to mention that the power stopped in Haverhill and we had to wait the longest time, and saw Howard pass in the machine. We did not like Lawrence at first, and I was so dead tired I almost dropped. They were glad to see me at home. After unpacking my stuff I had a little snooze. I spoke to the tenants and neighbors for a while about the beach, and went to bed early. August 4 – Sunday A lovely summer day. I felt tired again. After helping mamma a bit I practised a little and then got dressed. It began to get cool and looked like rain, so I wore my white dress with my coat. Irma had been feeling blue all morning, as she was afraid Howard would have to go under the new draft. I felt sorry as he was so good to us. We both felt blue, and Lawrence was so dull we met hardly a soul. We walked for a while, then getting tired we went to the show. On the way home we met Nick the Star Boarder who wanted to treat us, but nothing doing. We both went home. When I got to Woodland St. I saw H. Lehnert coming, and he stopped me and talked to me quite a while. He was ever so friendly and admired me. I know I looked well – with a slight tinge of red from the Beach. He gave me several hints about inviting him that night to hear me play, but I didn’t take the hint. I practised for a while at night, and then ma and I discussed the beach. I was kind of nervous about Monday, as I wondered how my cash account came out. August 5 – Monday A fine day. At last I arrived at work, and was pleased to find that my account had come out good and the boss wasn’t a bit grouchy. I wrote Helen V. a card asking her to come to my house Sunday, as I intended to invite the whole bunch. The day wore away quick enough, as I was very busy. Of course Carl was on the bum again. I had looked to see if there was any mail from France, but was disappointed to find none. Christina called in at noon and thanked me for the card. We chatted quite gaily. At night I staid home and practised for a while, and then went right to bed. August 6 – Tuesday A beautiful day. I went to work feeling especially happy. On passing the papers I noticed “Seven Local Boys in Casualty Lists” and noticed August’s picture. I 60

gasped for breath and a terrible realization came over to me that he must be killed or wounded. I tottered on to the next news stand and dared to look. There under his picture it said “Killed in Action.” I thought my legs would give way – and I was stunned. I told Mr. Wurzbacher when I came in and he was terribly upset. I was too stunned to be able to think. The boss noticing that I was not myself let me go out a little while in the afternoon. I walked up and down the street – seeing nothing but feeling a dull aching sense in my heart. Finally I went in to see Irma and told her about almost crying while I told her. She was very sorry herself, and had tears in her eyes. I could not bring myself to tell Mr. Erler as he did not know it yet. Oh what a long hard day. The tears kept rushing to my eyes. The boss bought me something to drink, but I was too miserable to know what I drank. Papa came to take me home, and he could tell by my white face how terrible I felt. After Mr. Wurzbacher left us paper asked me about it, and I began to cry. At home when I saw mamma I cried again. They were all so sorry for me, but what could they do. I was awake almost all the night, and almost went crazy. August 7 – Wednesday The weather was great, but I felt rotten. I really fully realized what had happened that day. Erler and all the rest were so sorry. I never knew before how much he was liked here. They all caught me crying at times, as I could not help it. I got through work some way. Irma called in and asked me to go to the show with her at night, so as to forget my trouble I consented. I spent the afternoon some way. I know I cried myself to sleep on the bed. Mamma was so kind to me. In the evening it looked like a storm, so I took my umbrella. We rode down in the car. We went to see Mary Pickford in the Strand. Oh how miserable I felt. I could not help crying to myself. After getting home I could hardly sleep. August 8 – Thursday The weather was fair. I dragged through the day some way. Oh my heart keeps aching and aching, and I can hardly believe it. Mr. Wurzbacher trys[sic] to make it easy for me. I was not able to play at night. I would have gone crazy. Mamma made me walk to Siegel’s with her, and I was bored to death, and was glad to get back. August 9 – Friday A hot day. I was kept quite busy in the morning. I have made up my mind to speak to Emil Mathison, and tell him how sorry I feel. I must see someone of that family or I will go crazy. I saw him go by at noon – most likely the first day he was back since the sad news came. He looked thin and terribly sad – poor fellow. I did not have the heart to speak to him, and felt wild later. When I went 61

home, I met Irma, and she said that she would come up at night, and we could go walking. I tried to play for a short while at night, but had to stop again. Then I went upstairs for a minute. We talked about war, and I told her about August. I can’t help telling everybody I know well. Then I saw Irma coming, and went down to meet her. We went for a walk toward her grandmothers. She was out, so we walked down towards Klingers. There we met her, and she asked us to go in to see Mrs. Hartman with her. She lives at 8 Spring St. She was lovely and friendly, and gave us root beer. We began talking about traveling in Germany, and it was so interesting. I was able to forget for just a short while the terrible death trouble. I got home very late, and was able to sleep a little better. August 10 – Saturday A hot day. Helen Vogel came in at noon telling me that she would come Sunday. I am rather sorry I invited them, as it will be so hard to entertain them tomorrow. When I got home I let Clara know and walked way round to Bertha Schatz asking her to go, and just had enough time to buy peaches and rush back to work. Mr. Wurzbacher bought me a drink. Irma took me home. August 11 – Sunday It rained in the morning. We cleaned the house up side down, and mamma baked some lovely Kuchen. I played just a little while in the morning to get used to it. Oh I don’t feel happy a single minute, and it is so hard to appear normal. All the girls came, making 6 of us and at supper time Elsie and Erna came making 8 of us. We had a nice bunch and most of us could play piano. I felt terrible blue, but tried not to show it. I told the girls all about it and they were so sorry. Clara knows Mrs. Mathison and said she used to cry many times when August first left. Oh the poor woman – she must be almost angry. I know I feel bad enough. We had peaches and root beer, and fun and music, and a general good time, and also a nice supper. After singing a while longer I proposed to go to the show. Irma went home to change over, and we met her. Clara and I discussed the sorrowful subject, and I felt miserable again. We landed at the Premier where there was a fine show as usual. A big bunch of fellows sat in back of us trying to make a smash, but nothing doing, I felt too sad. We were quite Jolly on the way home. After I left Irma I took Bertha Schatz a little way home. When I got home, I went to bed, but could not sleep. August 12 – Monday A beautiful day. I went along Sargent St. in the morning, but could see nothing. I felt so very blue and sad all day. At noon time I watched for Emil a whole hour, but he did not go by, probably because it had started to rain. I felt so terrible that I had not seen him, and wished that I had written a note to the 62

bereaved family, as I first intended. Dear old boss paid me for both week and I was not sorry. Irma waited for me going home, and she said I was a lucky kid. Oh how I wish that I could forget, and be happy but that is impossible. It is a lucky thing that I had my vacation, as I would never go now. August was killed July 23 – the week before I went to the beach, but did not hear of it until Aug 6. There were several nice articles about him at different times, this showing that he was popular. Too bad that the fellow in the gun crew that fired the first shot, should be killed first. Oh I must see Emil tomorrow. I practised a while in the evening. Papa dear gave me fifteen dollars for my 2 weeks. Great. August 13 – Tuesday I worked hard in the morning trying not to feel blue, but it was so hard. Carl W. has started the week off fine by drinking. At noon I hurried with my dinner, and watched for Emil at the back door. I felt quite disappointed, and waited and waited. At quarter of the one I looked out the front way once more, and spied him coming along with his chum. I planted myself in front of the back door. He fortunately looked, and I beckoned. He then smiled and came. I had a carefully planned speech made out, but I forgot every bit of it. I grabbed his hand and told him how sorry I was, almost crying. He had tears in his eyes too, and was so glad that I knew August, and spoke well of him. He told me that his poor mother almost went crazy the night the telegram came. She paced up and down the floor crying, and they did not know what to do with her. Oh the dear woman, how I pity her. Emil said that August was very well liked everywhere and his chums all cried when they heard of his death. I told him that I received a letter from Augie, and his mother could read it if she came by the store sometime. Oh he was so pleased, and thanked himself that I had been so kind to him, and he will know now that I am not the stiff he may have thought I was. Strange to say that I felt a little more comforted in the afternoon, and was able to work better. I went out shopping for a while in the afternoon, thereby collecting a bill for the boss. It was very hot in the evening, and I was allowed to buy a bottle of sarsaparilla. Boss and I went home, and I told him about Emil coming in etc., and he feels so terrible too. At home while I was eating I told the folks about it too, and began feeling blue again. August 14 – Wednesday The morning was quite warm. I felt just a little bit better than the first day after the shock. I did not do much of anything as I began feeling blue again. About half past five a thundershower came on and it rained cats and dogs. Of course the mill people were soaked. I had dressed all in white, but did not know whether to go or not. Finally after seven it rained less, so I started off. Irma (who had taken Earl) was waiting for me at the corner and had her old clothes on. My white skirt became all mud stains on the bottom, and I got my shoes all 63

yellow by running into raw eggs. The premier was just great, and I managed to forget my trouble for a short time. On the way home we all bought a drink. I told Irma about what Emil had said. We talked a long while at the corner, so it was late before I got to bed. August 15 – Thursday I was kept very busy during the day. At night I practised for a while and then started to write a letter to Hugh. I really owe him one. It is so hard to try and write something Jolly, when your heart is bleeding. I did compose quite a nice letter. August 16 – Friday Another fine day. I went along Sargent St., but have seen no signs of her. I supposed she is staying inside to mourn. I wrote Hughie’s letter in work, and it sounded pretty good, something on the style of what I wrote to Augie. I mentioned Augie’s death in the letter. I was kept busy all day. In the evening when I got home I practised a while. There was a pretty card from Miss Uhlig from Onset, Mass. I got a terrible fit of the blues again, and could hardly keep from crying. It is so hard to picture poor Augie’s dead body, when I knew him as a happy and healthy fellow. August 17 – Saturday A hot day. We were kept quite busy at the store. I went home in the afternoon. I bought myself some peanuts and treated the boss. During supper hour I read a letter from Saerg Humphrey, in which he stated of Augie’s death. If there remained any doubt at first, I knew with a sinking heart that it was only too true. Irma called for me going home, and we bought some ice cream in Mr. Gowans, as Irma will be on a milk diet tomorrow and consequently can have no cream. We saw Christina with a fellow, and Emma with one. I went to bed late that evening. August 18 – Sunday A beautiful day – not too hot. I helped ma in the morning, and practised a while, but I seemed to have no ambition. I guess I will never get over it. I went to the Broadway with Irma, and the show was good. On the way home I bought some fudge, but she could not eat any on account of her diet. I staid in at night and practised – then read and treated the family to comedy. Mamma is so loving to me in my trouble. August 19 – Monday A beautiful day. Met Irma in the morning. I was busy cleaning. Shortly after dinner Mrs. Burger called me up, asking me to meet her after the store closed, 64

and she would pay my way home on the car, as she had something important to tell me. It sounded kind of mysterious, but I decided to go. Fortunately the boss let me go shopping in the afternoon so I called in to see her. She asked me if I was satisfied with my job, and I said Yes. She is starting up a wholesale business (millinery) in the Central Bldg., and wants a book keeper – a type writer, and about six girls to make hats – also a drummer on the road. The rooms are lovely with all the latest improvements, and would receive about $12 per week. She asked me to think it over and let her know. I was like in a daze trying to think what to do. It appealed to me fast, but there is no more pay – also the same or more hours, and as I would have to make change in the old stores Tuesdays + Saturdays. I told my folks about it, but they did not seem to care much – as it is not much of an improvement and Mrs. Burger is kind of a fussy woman. I will think it over tomorrow (I practised at night). August 20 – Tuesday A hot day. We are having a rather easy time just now in work. I thought about the change but decided to stay where I was. I went out shopping in the afternoon. Bossie was real good to me. Quite late in the evening I told him about it. He said he hated to lose me, but could not keep me from going if I was offered a lot more money. I told him that I thought I wouldn’t go. After that he sent me for a drink. I went home with him. August 21 – Wednesday A hot day again. Wore my white skirt in the morning. Worked quite hard. I haven’t seen Emil since the day I spoke to him. Irma called in at noon, and we decided to go to the show at night. I telephoned to Mrs. Burger and called it off, thanking her for her kindness in letting me know. Mamma and Walter came down to meet me, and after having my dinner in the Common we went to the Empire to see Charlie Chaplin, and although we had seen it before we all enjoyed it again. The show was fine, but I felt blue all the time thinking of poor August. Coming home I treated us to potato chips. At night I called for Irma and had to wait a long time, as she hadn’t eaten. Clara came unexpectedly and went with us. On the way I told her the rest of what Emil had told me. I felt better after I had spoken about him who is always in my mind. The Premier was good. Clara took the car home, and Irma and I walked chatting on the way home. I retired late. August 22 – Thursday A fair day. My daily routine of work. A. B. Niles came tormenting again. I staid home at night + practised. August 23 – Friday 65

A fine day. Carl has not been working for a long time. This morning he came in saying that his wife left him. He was just a little off – and cried around all morning. I guess she had it all planned, because she had a policeman there when she took the furniture away, in case of trouble. Carl went home with the old folks for supper. August 24 – Saturday A nice warm day. Had pretty good store trade all day. Carl cried and all day long, as though he was being ill treated. He is some man. His wife moved to her mother with her sewing apparatus, and stored the rest of the furniture. Mamma brought down my supper and we ate in the Common. Before that I bought a pair of black slippers and went to the Library for books. Then we bought a hat for Elsie who is going to the Beach tomorrow. Oh what people I saw going to Salisbury today. I forgot to mention that I went past A. M’s sister’s house. She was standing outside with her baby on her arm. I wonder if she feels any worse than I do. Irma called for me going home at night. August 25 – Sunday A beautiful day. I worked hard and practised in the morning. Elsie left about 7:45 – all ready for the beach, and we had quite a time getting her off. Well I hope she has a good time. Irma and I went out to Obsts’ in the afternoon, and we were welcome. Of course we talked about the war, and Mrs. Obst cried about her boy who was in France. She asked me to write him a few words, so I will. She had heard about poor Augie too. Alfred Obst got us some swell ice cream, also some lemonade. When we wanted to go home he gave us an auto ride to Haverhill. It was wonderful. He then rode us home to Irma’s house, and while she was making a dainty supper for me, I amused her by playing for her. After supper we went walking to Essex St. It was too late to go to the show. We bought some candy and a drink in Carlisle’s. I went to bed quite late. I saw F. N., but took no notice of him. August 26 – Monday A fine day. I worked quite hard. Carl has been crying and sighing around, but that will do him no good. I made out pays. Mamma, papa, and Walter went on a big round up all around Boston. When I got home I prepared myself a good dainty supper, but I noticed something about Augie’s death, and took my appetite right away. I then washed dinners for mamma, and practised hard. When the folks got home they were very happy, but tired. August 27 – Tuesday A nice day. I went to the bank for boss, also brought some money to my bank. I went out shopping again at night. Boss bought me a drink. When I got home I 66

found a card from Emily, and Walter had one from Elsie. Mrs. Kellerer sent up late for mamma to go to the beach with her, but mamma had nothing prepared. I suppose Elsie will be disappointed, so I will write her in the morning. August 28 – Wednesday A most beautiful day. I worked hard in the morning, and sent Elsie a nice letter. Irma called in after work, and we arranged to go to Canobie Lake at 5 o’clock. I ate, played, and dressed and was at Irma’s house punctual, but she was not ready. Ed?? Boros[spelling?] surprised us very much by coming to see Irma. I guess she wanted to come with us, but we didn’t notice her. We took an early supper car to Canobie Lake, and had our lunch after we got up there. The crowd was very small at first, but at 8 o’clock it became quite full. We became acquainted with a fellow who took turns dancing with us, so we had a fairly good time, although I had a heavy heart. About 10:30 we took the car for home, and found it crowded. Two young sailors got up and offered us their seats. We appreciated their manly act. We walked home from Essex St., and I got to bed late. August 29 – Thursday A fine day. Was kept busy all day. I received a card from Emily – also Christina. Elsie also sent a letter telling all about the beach. I practised at night. August 30 – Friday Rather cloudy and rainy. Worked hard, as it is near the end of the month. Irma walked home with me, and she said that Mrs. Naeck had answered her letter, and they wanted us to come badly, to try and come Saturday night. We felt greatly cheered up. Irma asked me to go to the doctor with her at night. I intended to practise – therefore did not care to go but I finally consented. Mama was home alone, as papa and Walter had gone on trips again. Irma and I went to the doctor first, and then Glovers. There we got a dish college ice (swell) and we both enjoyed it. At Kendall St. we met the Johnson girl and we had an interesting chat. I was cold all the time without my coat and got a diahrea[sic] out of it. I prepared some things for Sunday and went to bed quite late. August 31 – Saturday A cloudy rainy day. I was kept exceptionally busy being the last of the month. In the afternoon I bought some pink ribbons 5, 1 pair black silk stockings 39, and salt peanuts for tomorrow 10. Irma went home with me, and she bought a dainty leather hand bag for Mrs. Naeck, which she got for 1.75 cash. Of course we each paid half. Irma soaked me on 5 patriotic cards for 10 cts., as Earl is trying to win something. We called into Mr. Gowans to get our pictures, and 67

gave us each an extra one free. When I got home I helped mamma who had been getting my clothes ready, and then went to bed. During the night I woke up and found it pouring. Consequently I closed the window and fell asleep again. I forgot to say that I passed GG house in the morning and was so glad to see her outside with her baby on her arm. September 1 – Sunday The morning started out dull and dreary, but later turned into one of the most beautiful days imaginable. I got up early, and packed up my few belongings. I was ready on time, and looked quite classy in my new silk stockings and oxford pumps. I kissed the folks good bye and went. Irma was waiting for once, and we walked down to the station. As we got there quite early we went into the Ladies toilet, where we met Clara who was going to Derry N.H. We all bought our tickets, and ours cost 84 cts. The train was 15 minutes late, so we left at 9:30. The ride was enjoyed very much, and my salt peanuts also. When we arrived at Manchester we tidied up in the station, and then began to look for our car. We noticed a young man come toward us, and after arguing a little found that he was Mrs. Naeck’s son. Oh how glad we were that we had met him. We took the Goffstown car to Bismarck St. We found that they have one of the most cozy homes imaginable. Her daughter lives down stairs, and Mrs. Naeck upstairs. Oh how friendly she greeted us saying that she wished we had come Saturday as we could have danced with Fred. We spent the most wonderful day. She gave us a grand dinner and then Fred took us to Uncanoonuc Mountain – a wonderful trip and the ride up the mountain is so thrilling. We climbed the tower – and oh the scenery was just beautiful. Clara was also there with her bunch. Fred treated us with ice cream, and then we rode down again and went to his camp at Glen Lake. We enjoyed ourselves immensely rowing etc. The ride home was grand, and we arrived pretty late for supper. Oh the beautiful mountains and lakes in Manchester. Mrs. Naeck made us a lovely supper and after having some music on the piano and Victrola downstairs we went to bed. Fred slept down at the Turn Hall with his sister and Mrs. Naeck also, Fred went with a fishing party to Hampton Beach at 2 o’clock A.M. He had arranged that long ago. He hated to go very much. September 2 – Monday Irma and I got up about 8:30, and found another beautiful clear day. We amused ourselves after breakfast in playing Victrola and piano, also in playing with the dear baby downstairs. Then we all dressed for going out. Of course we had a lovely dinner before we went. Mrs. Naeck is the dearest soul living and she wants to see us happy. Oh how I liked that place. She was also very pleased with (my) our pocket book. Shortly after dinner we all went off – that is – the lady downstairs and her baby, and we called on the other daughter Rose 68

who lives in the Town Hall. She has 3 most beautiful children. We took a car from the Transfer Station to Pine Island Park – and it was a great ride. It is a dandy place – much nicer than the Lake. Such a pile of fellows there too, and I was having a swell time dancing (Irma wasn’t). We had to leave an hour after at 4 o’clock, so we would not miss the train. I gave the children some dobby horse rides too. I was sorry to leave so Early. Poor Miss. Naeck rushed around to give us a supper before we went. We hurried, and then said good bye all around. Mrs. Naeck accompanied us to the car, and we told her how very much we had enjoyed ourselves. She likes mamma too. We arrived at the station at 5:45, and I mailed my 2 cards – to Hughie, and to Miss Uhlig. To our shock, the ticket agent said that our train was just pulling out, and so we ran to track 7, and saw the tail end pulling out. We were stunned, and must have had the wrong time table. I spied 2 Lawrence fellows, and asked them if we couldn’t go along with them on the car. They were very friendly to us, and carried our suit cases. We took the car to Nashua, and after we had gone a while the car busted so we had to change cars and consequently had to stand all the way to Lowell. The Lawrence car came very late and it was almost 11 o’clock before we got home. I had bought some potato chips and cracker Jack at Point A. Elsie had gone to the show with a Beach acquaintance, and he seems to have spent a fortune on her. I told the folks all about everything, and they went to bed. September 3 – Tuesday A fine day. Back to work again. My monthly account came out good for which I was thankful. I felt kind of tired and blue though. I went to the bank – also called in to Irma and we chatted about yesterday for awhile. Of course I worked very hard all day. I went out to supper, and bought some candy, 10 cts. Boss and I went home together. I went to bed rather late. By the way I met Gussie coming home, and we had (Wednesday) a real serious chat. He is a good sensible fellow when you get to know him. Hattie Stoehrer and Arthur Helbert were married Sunday. Such suits. Minnie, they say was caught beaching with a Dago, and were each fined $30. September 4 – Wednesday A beautiful day. I worked hard in the forenoon, but felt quite blue again. Irma called in at noon, and we arranged to go to the show. When I got home I was agreeably surprised to find a letter from Hugh. He wrote very nicely and it almost seems as if he were in love with me. He asked me several questions which I must think about and answer. I practised a while and helped mamma and then got ready to go. I went around Sargent St., and saw Mrs. Pittard outside talking to her neighbors. I often wonder if she feels as bad as I do. To my surprise Clara also came and we three went off. Hearts of the World is played this week at the Opera House, and I was dying to see it, although I knew 69

it would make me feel terrible. After walking up down I inquired for prices – 50 cts. upward. The other two wouldn’t pay it, so we went to the Colonial. The Man They Left Behind. It was played very well and we all enjoyed it, and cryed[sic]. I saw a play practically the same last year. Music was grand. Clara rode home and we walked. I told Irma about my letter. We met Howard on the way and he took me home. He is going in the Marines. September 5 – Thursday Another beautiful day. I felt sad all morning. At noon Herman Vogler invited me to come to Miller St., as they were running a farewell party on him, for he is going to camp tomorrow. Gee even the little shorties are taken. It came so sudden that I didn’t know whether to go or not. I met Irma on the way home. She finally decided to come. I also called down Gussie’s house to tell him to come. Oh I forgot to mention Max + Edwin came in also requesting me to go. Max is going in the Marines Thursday and Edwin in the Navy Monday. Elsie could have come too, but she went to a party with her friend. On the way out we met George and Max and went right out with them. There was a great big crowd outside of the house. Finally we all went in. We all had a fine time, although I got the blues once in a while. Herman was presented with different gifts, and had a hard time to keep from crying. Poor fellow. Of course I played and we all sang. Fred Brothers gave a solo which I accompanied, also another fellow. We had refreshments and post office, also Victrola music. Irma wanted to go home early, but I made her wait till we all went. Before leaving I shook hands and said good bye to Herman, Max, and Edwin and wished them all good luck. I felt so awfully sad. George and Gus wanted to go home with me, so Irma walked with Gus. We had some fun on the way home. George went along Ferry St. with me and were still talking in front of the house, when Gus came along. Right after Gus left us George me a good night smack, and left me. Elsie had come home earlier. They had a swell time riding on auto and everything. September 6 – Friday Cloudy and rainy. Felt quite tired in the morning. Worked hard. Have been expecting a card from Miss Uhlig every day, and always felt relieved when it had not come. Walked home with Irma and Marion Lesure. I practised hard at night and did various small things. September 7 – Saturday A beautiful day. I went to the bank in the forenoon. Was very busy all day and evening. Miss Uhlig has sent no card yet see her. Boss went home with me – bought peaches. When I got home I had a little lunch – and then I wrote my letter to Hughie who is in England. Got to bed very late. September 8 – Sunday 70

The morning was nice. I practised also rewrote my letter. In the afternoon it became dull and rained a little. I took my umbrella and called for Irma. She was feeling sad, as Howard is going on the Merchant Marine tomorrow. To make things all the sadder we went to the Strand and saw “Missing.” This war play made me cry and I thought again of my poor boy who is no more. God I will never get over it. Our fudge 15 cts. tasted good. When we came out it rained more, so after walking along Essex St., we took the car home from Home’s candy store. Irma went up the house at night to bid her cousin good bye. It was a sort of farewell time. I asked her to bid Howard goodbye for me and wish him good luck. I went around Sargent St., but could see nothing. I staid in and practised at night, and felt miserably blue. September 9 – Monday A great day. I worked very hard all day. I turned around my knee cap in the morning, and my knee has become stiffer and stiffer. It was my pay day. Edwin F. and Howard have left today. I have not seen Emil for a few days. Maybe he has enlisted in the Merchant Marine also. I hope he has – dear boy. On the way home my leg hurted so much that I made up mind not to go lessons even if I do get a card. Well no car came. I practised very hard in the evening – also ate a cone. Did not retire too late. September 10 – Tuesday A beautiful day. Have been very busy writing. My arm fairly ached by night. Went shopping at night. Boss walked home with me. I got to bed late. September 11 – Wednesday Rainy. I worked hard in the morning. Irma called in at noon, and we decided to go to Cleopatra at night. Liesel also joined us. It was great, although I had the blues again. On the way home we had a scare. Two Greek fellows followed us in and out of the common. Another girl was also followed by them, and she was scared to death. We certainly hurried home that night. September 12 – Thursday Worked very hard. Registration Day. I forgot to mention that Howard was sent home again on account of “Spanish Influenza,” which is raging everywhere. He will go when called. I staid home and practised hard all night. September 13 – Friday A fine day. Was busy as usual. Carl keeps moping and moping around, and makes me sick. I feel bad enough without hearing his woes. Of course I practised again at night. Mamma met Miss Uhlig and she is starting up again, 71

so she said I could come Monday or the next one. I will go the next one. She feels very bad about Willie going. September 14 – Saturday A beautiful day. I worked very hard, but felt oh so terribly blue. I seemed to see Augie before me and I can’t believe he is dead. When I was coming back from supper just going in the tore, when I ran square into Fritz Naeck. I was very surprised and shook hands with him. After talking for a short time I had to go in so I gave him instructions to ride to H. Lehnert’s house. A few minutes later I saw him go by on the car. I felt a little better then. After work Irma called and said that her uncle Fred had come. I told her about Fred N. Such surprises. We walked home and talked excitedly. I bought some grapes 15 cts. which we enjoyed. I forgot to say that Fred N. and Harry L. came in again in the evening and asked me to come with them tomorrow, but we had promised to go to Clara E. Irma and I decided to go out with Fred N. in the afternoon, and to Irma Clara in the night. I retired quite late. September 15 – Sunday A most beautiful day. I was dressed in the forenoon, as Irma was supposed to come and take me up the house to see the 2 Freds. So I cleaned and practised – and nobody came. I went down to Irma in the afternoon very early and met Fred going to dinner in her house. Ida had been at her house in the morning so Irma couldn’t come. I read and played while they ate and then we entertained Fred by singing and playing. He came back with a nice box of chocolates for us, and was just going to take a walk with us when Harry came. After a little war talk we all went off – I of course with Harry. We discussed war, and I know Harry enjoyed it. We walked way out in the country and after a long walk sat down and rested. What a jolly time we had. Harry had also heard about my poor friend, and asked me about him. Fred wanted to walk homewards with me, but Harry wouldn’t let him. We had some fun on the way home – Harry teasing me to death. I wanted Fred to come to see me too, but it was too late as he had to go on the 6:47 train. We all had supper at Irma’s and then we took Fred to the car. While waiting for the same – we laughed and joked and had an immense time. Mr. and Mrs. Pittard passed us with baby and Mrs. was not dressed in mourning. When the car came Irma and I shook hands with Fritz, and sent him off wishing him good luck. Harry took him to the station. I went home to get my music and then Irma and I hurried to Clara’s. Helen Haffner also was there, and we certainly had a lovely time. We had refreshments, and also supper, and all of us could play. I felt quite flattered the way they praised my playing. We went home not too late. It became quite cold in the late evening. September 16 – Monday 72

A nice day. I worked very hard. Practised at night, and went to bed. September 17 – Tuesday Another cold day. I worked hard again. I bought 3 pretty magazines at the bargain price of 25 cts. In the supper hour I bought a piece of custard pie 10 cts., which was good. I forgot to mention that Mr. Kleiner died from injuries from the accident. I walked home with the boss who bought some peaches. I retired quite late. September 18 – Wednesday A miserable rainy day. Irma called in the forenoon, and we arranged to go to the show at night. She went up to her Uncle in the afternoon with her mother to say goodbye. I spent the afternoon ironing, practising etc. Toward supper time it poured terribly, and the mill people got soaked. By the time I went the rain let up a little. We had to go as Liesel had bought our tickets. The seats we had were fine. The show was also great “A Widow by Proxy” – and I was really able to forget my sorrow for a while. Our candy was also delicious. On the way home we met Liesel’s sister and her friend, also Ida Fichtner. Ida walked home with us. I talked with her a long time, and she feels pretty blue too, as she has not heard from Maxie for some time. We both talked about the war, and told each other everything. She knew Augie and used to fool with him when she called in to see Elsie. Oh I felt so bad. September 19 – Thursday Rainy + dreary. Worked hard as usual. Nothing special occurred. Practised hard at night. McDonald’s baby is pretty sick – poor thing. September 20 – Friday Still keeps raining. Was very busy. I read in the Tribune that Herbert Stiegler died of Spanish Influenza at Camp Upton, N.Y. Another fine young man gone. He had just begun a good business, when forced to go. I forgot to say that I went to Mr. Kleiner last night – laid out in Kresses. He had on the “Ritter” uniform with a sword, helmet, gun etc. on top of the casket. On the way home a bought a cone. Mr. Wurzbacher was a pall bearer today. Irma waited for me at night and I went in with her to send off a money order. She also bought some candy in Morgan’s. I certainly practised very hard. The baby upstairs seems to be getting worse. They had the doctor again. September 21 – Saturday Nice Day. Quite cool. Worked very hard all day. A big store trade. The new sickness is spreading. I waited for Irma until 10:20 but she did not come, so I walked with Bossie. He bought a few bananas. 73

September 22 – Sunday A fine day. I took a bath in the morning, and then practised very hard, as tomorrow is lesson day. I went down to Irma and found Harry there. I was greatly surprised to learn that Howard was sick with the influenza. Oh Dear – will shocks never cease. Harry teased me about Fred N. again. He walked with us down to the Common to see the Patriotic exercises in honor of the dead. It made me feel terrible about my poor boy, and were also worried about poor Howard. After the exercises we left Harry and went to the Broadway after buying some fudge. We enjoyed it, but got out quite late. I was dying to go home and practise, but Irma wanted to go walking a little while. I got home quite late and had time to play only a short time when Earl Irma came bringing Earl – as he could not go up the house. We walked down to Stiegler’s and went in. Oh what beautiful flowers Herbert had and how many friends came to see him. The church choir sang lovely. It was very sad. He looked quite poor – showing how he must have suffered. After we came out, we went to the Italian celebration, and listened to the fine music. We left for home quite late. September 23 – Monday A fine cool day. I was very busy all day, and made out pays. I hurried home, practised hard, and went lessons. Annie and I had a lot to tell each other, as we had not seen each other for some time. I also told her about my misfortune, and we both felt so sad. My lesson went fairly good. Oh I must work hard again. I got home at a late hour. September 24 – Tuesday A nice day. Was very busy all day. I went out shopping at night, and called in to Irma. I felt quite blue again. When I got home I practised so hard. September 25 – Wednesday A fine day. Worked hard in the morning, practised etc. in the afternoon. In the evening we all went to the show that is Liesel, Clara, Irma and I. The Colonial was packed, as they were playing that sweet French play “Lilac Time.” It was played wonderful, and so true to life. We all had to cry, and of course it wre??ked and tugged at my heart strings. On the way home we saw a machine run over a man. Oh horror that Spanish Influenza is spreading very fast. Why the soldiers are dying faster at camp than in France. September 26 – Thursday A rainy day. I worked very hard all day. In the evening I decided to go down to Wm. Uller (who had died at Camp Devens), as I knew them so well. Mamma went with me, and we saw many people there, also lots of flowers, but the poor 74

boy had not arrived yet. We went back home again after talking to Mr. Uller and I finished my practising. September 27 – Friday A fine cool day. I was busy of course. In the evening Mrs. Kellerer called and she went down with mamma and me to Ullers again. The boy looked much different from suffering so, and the whole family was unnerved. Poor Minnie clung to me, and tried to comfort me. They all cried so, and I also. After a while we went back home again and when I was almost there I met Ida Gehrisch with 2 fellows who was going to Ullers also. She did not know the way – so she dragged me down again. I kept the boys company, while she went inside. We all felt so weary and sick of it the way home, and felt gloomy. I finished my music. September 28 – Saturday A great day. I worked very hard all day. I did not go home in the afternoon, as I had to buy shoes and do other shopping. I called in to Irma, and we arranged to eat at the Waldorf together at 5 o’clock. The supper was grand – toast, gelatine[sic] with fruit, custard pie and water. We certainly enjoyed it. Oh I forgot to say I bought high brown shoes with military heel. On the way back I bought gum, of which I got a piece. I waited for her in the evening, and we went home together. I retired late. September 29 – Sunday A most wonderful day. I practised hard in the morning and helped mamma. Irma and I went walking in the afternoon as all shows are closed on account of this terrible sickness. We each bought chocolates and a drink. I got home early, and was able to practise long at night. September 30 – Monday A fine cool day. Was very busy all day, being the last of the month. I went music lessons at night, and then retired. October 1 – Tuesday A fine day. My monthly account was O.K. Went to the bank in the morning, and called in to see Irma. Howard has gotten over the worst of the sickness. Oh it is terrible. Mr. Ammou died today, and many more I know are sick. The hospitals are overcrowded, and they have erected tent hospitals on Town Hall for the patients. The city has thousands of cases, and many die every day. In Camp Devens between 150 and 200 die every day. I think it is the pest on something brought over on the way, as mostly all the corpses turn black. It seems almost like a punishment for entering the war. I met Irma and her mother going home at night. 75

October 2 – Wednesday A fine day – rather cool. I worked very hard in work. I spent the afternoon making supper, practising etc. In the evening I went to Irma, where Clara also came, and from there we went to see Ida Miller. Her brother Charlie had come home unexpectedly and we certainly had a great time. He has grown quite a bit, and looks fine in his uniform. He had fancy shells, grave and everything from Bermuda. It was so interesting. We then went upstairs and Charlie and his niece played duets. Then I also played. We then went down again, and listened to the Victrola munching chocolates. When I got home I refilled my little camphor bag which I wear, and took a drink of whiskey which we do twice a day to prevent sickness. October 3 – Thursday Damp weather again. The people are still dying as fast as can be. I was exceptionally busy all day. Of course I practised hard at night. October 4 – Friday Clear and cooler. I worked hard. I am trying hard not to get sick but there are so many people I come in contact with in the store. I met Irma on the way home, and I bought some grapes – and she some chocolates. I staid in at night and practised etc. October 5 – Saturday A fine day. Irma called me up in the morning about going to Wilkinsons on Tower Hill Sunday. I was delighted to go. I went home to supper and on the way back met Mary Kolifrath. I saw Howard who was out for the first time. He still looked very pale and sickly. The boss had his supper carried in. Of course I was very busy at evening selling and writing. Irma called for me after work, and I asked Bossie to come with us. He had found a dollar that day, and therefore treated us to 2lbs. of grapes 30 cts. They were delicious, and we finished them before we separated. We also met Irma’s friend – When I got home I had a bath, and then a good lunch – then retired. October 6 – Sunday A clear cold Rainy Day. I forgot to mention that last Tuesday evening I went to the Silverthorne studio about prices of pictures etc. and also to Kenefick’s. I decided to go to the Silverthorne. I went back Wednesday and arranged for a sitting today at 11:30. I dressed carefully and fixed my hair, and started off. Elsie going with me. When I got there I was disappointed not to find him. I felt terrible and waited around until about 12 o’clock. It had cleared up meanwhile. I was just going to turn away when he came along saying that he had been in 76

an automobile accident a few days ago and was lucky to get here at all. I fixed my hair upstairs and then went to the studio. There he took me three times differently and it was quite interesting giving me the thills. It lasted about half an hour, and then I was through. I am to come for my proofs Tuesday evening. When we got out the sun was shining and it had become very hot. We arrived home just in time for dinner. After that I practised for about ½ hour and went down to Irma who was not done as usual. We took the Hill car and got a transfer for the Water St. car. There were many fellows on Essex St., also soldiers and sailors. I also saw F. N. We rode to the end of the car line and went up Hobson St. Wilkinsons live in a delightful bungalow. Both Doris and Arlene are very nice girls. The whole family is intelligent. After fixing our hair upstairs we all went for a walk. There were five of us in all. We walked along the Lowell Boulevard, where I have ached to go for a long time. We passed by Emery Hill and saw all the tents, also nurses and soldiers guarding. We walked along and along taking pictures now and then. After a long time we came to a store and bought chocolates. Going home we walked along Lowell St. munching our chocolates. It had become very cold and we all turned up our coats. We passed by Forest St., and near that same little store where A. M. and I talked that night. 3 sailors kissed their girls goodbye (the girls then jumped on the car[)]. I felt like crying all along there, as everything reminded me. We walked all the way back and Irma’s feet were almost off – wearing new shoes. We had a dainty supper served, and then had a wonderful chat. After supper we sang and played, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson joined us – they are such nice people. They got me to play several operas for them, and enjoyed it very much. We left quite late after having spent a very pleasant day. The girls took us to the car and kisses us goodbye. Oh I like them both so much. We took the car getting a transfer for the Prospect Hill car. I must write those girls real soon. I told them all about it at home. October 7 – Monday I got up very early in the morning and practised for an hour before going to work. Going by Pittards I noticed a ribbon on the door, and I wondered who was dead. I found out later that it was the man upstairs. I was very busy all day. I hurried home from work and practised before going lessons. Miss Uhlig gave me a very long lesson. She took Fiddel for a walk when I went home. October 8 – Tuesday A cold clear day. I felt blue all forenoon. Irma telephoned me asking me to go to Manchester over Saturday being a holiday and Sunday. I was surprised and delighted, but I did not know whether I would be allowed to travel on account of the sickness. She told me that Harry was going with us and he would call in my store after dinner to get a definite answer. He did call at 12 and teased me 77

to go. I said I would wondering at the same time if I could. I felt pretty glad after that. In the evening I went out + called into Irma and we talked it over. Oh I should love to go – I bet we will have a nice time. I went to get my photographs, but he was gone to supper. I came back a little later and found the girl there. She gave me my proofs, and I was kind of shocked at first. After looking at them a while longer I liked them better. The boss was crazy about them, and wants a picture when there[sic] done. I took home the aluminum double boiler which was sent to me, as I want to give it to ma for her birthday. They liked my proofs at home and I will have 6 of the two kinds made. The side view is not quite so nice. Papa was against my going first, but if I am not sick by then and keep myself well over there – I can go. Second version of October 8, 1918 found in another volume of the diary: Fine day. I managed to practise a bit before going to work. In the forenoon Irma telephoned me about going to Manchester over Saturday (holiday) and Sunday. Harry is going up too and wants us to come. I was surprised and delighted to say the least. I was doubtful though about going on account of the influenza. Harry called at 12 o’clock for his answer. I told him with a quaking heart that I would go. How kind of him to ask us. I called in to see Irma during supper and we talked it over. I went to Silverthorne to get my proofs. I was shocked when I first saw him. I found that they were pretty good by looking them over. The side view was not as good as the other two. Mr. Wurzbacher struck on one of them and wants a picture. Fat chance. I took home my aluminum double boiler and will give it to mamma for her birthday. When I got home and sprung it about Manchester, papa was shocked saying that the epidemic was trouble in Manchester. Well, I had promised to go, so that settled it. We will take good care of ourselves especially in the train. The folks like my pictures and I decided to have 6 of each of the 2 kinds made. October 9 – Wednesday A grand warm day. I worked very hard until one o’clock. Irma called in at noon and we agreed to stay home for a change as we are going off Saturday and Sunday. That will give me a good chance to practise. I took my proofs down to Studio and had to wait quite a while for him to come. I told him what I wanted and he said he would try and have my pictures ready by Friday evening. I took the car home, as I felt dead tired. Second version of October 9, 1918 found in another volume of the diary: A fine day. Irma called in at noon, and we arranged to stay at home tonight. I will have a good chance to practise. I called at the Studio after work and was surprised to find him out. After hanging around for a long while he came. He said he would try and have them finished by Friday night. I spent the afternoon 78

practising and making supper, as mamma went to Aunt Alma. I practised again at night and did odd Jobs. I retired early. October 10 – Thursday Cloudy. I worked hard all day. Practised at night. October 11 – Friday Rather cold and clear. I was kept unusually busy all day, it being like Saturday. I had so much store trade and piles of checks to make out. I telephoned to B + M to find out about train. We will take the 9:22. I called in to Irma about supper time and we made our final plans. She was a little scared about going and I thought sure something would come in to prevent us from going. The disease is terrible just now and many people I know have died. Antoinette Epp died after being married only 3 weeks. I worked until 10 o’clock and hurried home. Before I had my bath and gotten everything ready it was 1 o’clock. October 12 – Saturday Columbus day. It was rather dull in the morning and cold. I got up quite early and got ready. I was not real joyful about going, as papa was so worried and acted cross. Before I left he put a little bottle of spirits in my satchel and told me to be sure and drink it. I then said goodbye to all my folks, and went off in my wintercoat[sic] hat and new shoes. I was all in brown from head to foot. Irma was waiting for me at the corner, and as we had lots of time we walked to the station. We also met Marion Lesure who was going off. On Essex St. we bought 1 lb. of chocolates 50 cts. to give to Mrs. Naeck. I put them in my satchel. At the station there were many people going off. We each bought some gum. The train was very late as usual. We kept rather quite in the train and thought of germs. The ride was delightful. When we got off in Manchester the first thing we saw was a funeral which was also the last thing. Our car came along shortly and we arrived at our destination about 11 o’clock. They welcomed us very much. Mrs. Naeck was so pleased over our candy. Harry had also brought a box. While we dressed over the boys came from camp chestnutting[sic]. They wanted to get us from the station but missed the car from camp where they had slept. We had a wonderful dinner together. Oh such fun. I was surprised to find Harry so nice to me. After dinner the boys asked us to go walking with them, as every place is closed. The sky had gotten very gray, and we were just starting out when it began to rain. Oh we were disappointed. We took off our and began amusing ourselves immensely singing, playing, dancing, eating chocolates and nuts etc. They were all so nice to us. Fred was especially nice, and Harry planted himself side of me teasing me etc. I never believed that he would be so interesting and full of fun. We had a delightful 79

supper, and as it still rained we decided to stay in for the evening. We sat around the table and argued about the war. Harry’s poor brother is sick at camp – so he wrote him a letter to cheer him up. We then went downstairs again and played the Victrola. Then Harry gave several selections which I accompanied. We had a fine time and I felt better than ever before since Augie died. We went to bed about 10:30 – and Mrs. Naeck brought us each a chocolate in our room. Harry slept in the couchbed[sic] in the parlor, and Fred on the sun piazza. Irma kept talking and talking and I could not fall asleep. We were too excited and hoarse from singing. Fred’s bed kept squeaking. I did not sleep much that night and felt tired in the morning. The only one who slept well was Harry. October 13 – Sunday The weather was rather dull and gloomy, but brightened up later. We girls washed ourselves and gurgled while Harry and Fred shaved themselves. After breakfast we all got ready to go to camp where we expected stay all day. Fred took his satchel and carried our dinner also our aprons. We started about 9 o’clock, and as the car was not here yet, Harry and I walked to the letter to mail his letter. The papers box looked as if the war would soon be over, which made us feel good. We all rode to Glen Lake and rode across in the boat. There were few people at the camps. They boys had not made the beds, and I would have been glad to do so, but Harry did himself. It was rather cool inside so Irma and I dressed warm. Harry spied a boat full of women and went after them to see who they were. We three went out boating and Fred took us all around the Lake. We sang and had a wonderful time. After a while we saw Harry follow our boat. When he caught up to us he said he did not like the looks of them. When we got back to camp it was almost noon, so Irma and I decided to make dinner. Mrs. Naeck had cooked everything so all we had to do was to warm up things. Harry would not let me go in however but made me sit next to him on the piazza and talk to him. Irma and Fred made dinner. We were all hungry, and it tasted good. Irma and I washed the dishes and I swept the floor, while the boys smoked etc. Then we all went chestnutting. Harry walked with me, and took my arm. Poor Fred wanted to walk with me also but nothing doing. It became very hot in the woods, and looked like a thunderstorm coming. We were dressed warm + sweated. Harry was teasing me all the way trying to hug me, or walk hand in hand. I really do not know what came over him. The woods and scenery were just beautiful, the leaves all red and yellow. Oh if I were only an artist. We had to climb several wire fences, but the boys helped us. We all picked and picked and finally came to an orchard of beautiful apples all left there to rotten. We all ate some and I put a few in my bag. On the way home though the country roads and woods we had a nice time. Harry followed me all over in the camp when we got back, and made me almost 80

angry. After a while we got ready to go home, and Fred packed our suits and apples in his bag. We walked up as far as Goffstown. Gee wasn’t it hot. We took the car back to Naecks, and had another supper. We then packed our duds, and waited around until it was time to go. We hated to leave as they were all so good to us. I invited them all to come and see us. I think Fred will come to Lawrence soon. Fred took us to the station and just before we got out of the car it began to pour. We were so surprised. Harry had an umbrella. Harry wanted to pay my fair to Lawrence but I would not hear of it. Fred went in the train with us and we talked. He seemed to be getting rather desperate. He said he liked me. The poor fellow hated to get out when the rain started. We waved good bye to him. Irma and I sat in 1 seat, and Harry sat in front of us facing us. We each ate our 6 ct. bar which we had bought and gave Harry some. We also bought a 12 ct. bar to take home. On the way home Irma had a quarrel with Harry. They had several during the day. Harry said he had a fine time, and I am sure we did. We ran for the hill car after getting on the team. Harry and I sat on 1 seat, and Irma sat in front of us. Marion Lesure came along and sat with Irma. We all chatted pleasantly. Irma and Marion got off first, and when I got off Harry wanted to also, but I advised him not too – as his suit case was so heavy. I said goodbye, and he said he would see me again. On the way out I met Gussie who had also been in Manchester. I saw a machine in front of our home and thought that somebody was sick. When I got in I was relived to find that it was only a guests auto. Millers were celebrating a wedding anniversary. They were glad to see me back safe again at home. I kept them up late telling them all about it. I felt very happy. October 14 – Monday Rather cold. I made up my mind to call in to Miss Uhlig and tell her that I would come Wednesday, as I had not practised very much. I went to the bank in the forenoon, and also got my pictures. I was pleased with them and paid the balance. Irma telephoned me to wait for her after work. She wanted to show me the snap shots we had taken on the Boulevard. She walked to Uhligs with me and waited outside. The pictures were good – and I took good. Miss Uhlig asked me to come Wednesday at 4 o’clock. All the way home we talked and laughed about Manchester. I practised hard in the evening. The folks liked our pictures very much. I retired late. October 15 – Tuesday A cool day. The epidemic is getting slightly better. I was very busy all day long, but felt good when I thought of Manchester. Oh I forgot to mention I received a letter from Hugh yesterday. He is going to send me his picture. I must send him mine, and answer the letter soon. He has received all my mail now. I worked until 9:30. Carl came down late, and we three walked home together. 81

October 16 – Wednesday A most beautiful day. I worke[d] hard until 1 o’clock. Irma called in to see me, and I asked her to come up my house in the evening. I went lessons at 4 o’clock after practising a while. On the way I met Irma and her grandmother who were coming from the milliner. We chatted pleasantly for a while and then I went on. My lesson went pretty good. I bought some candy at Morgan’s 15 cts. on the way home for Irma. I got home with pa and Elsie. Irma called after supper, and we read and played for awhile. She left around 9:30. October 17 – Thursday It is becoming cold. I worked hard all day, and felt disgusted. I spent the evening practising and started writing a letter, but I did not feel like it. I retired quite late. October 18 – Friday Very Cold. I almost froze going to work in my summer coat. I spent the day working hard. I practised until 9 in the evening and they wrote a letter to Hugh. Therefore I got to bed at 12 o’clock. I went to send him my picture but he may not get it as he might be home by Christmas. October 19 – Saturday Quite cold. I wore my scarf. I had to go to the bank in the morning, therefore I inquired about sending photographs at Wards. I was informed that there has never been a ban on sailor’s pckg., and pictures and papers are not included anyway. I hurried home in the afternoon, and papa helped me to wrap it up, and send it off. I mailed it at the Station Post Office and it cost me only 4 cents. I also sent my letter to him. I hope it will cheer him up a bit. Carl came in the store at night, and helped us to wait on. We were certainly very busy. Irma went home with me – that is – I waited for her. We went to Jackson St. to get her grandmother’s hat. I went to bed quite late at night. October 20 – Sunday Cool and windy. I cleaned up and practised in the morning. I called to Irma[‘]s and she was far from done. She was fixing her swell new she got given from Julia. We started off late and just went walking along Essex St. and Broadway. We each bought candy 20 cts., and a drink 5 cts. Irma came home with me to get a book to read. I had intended to practise and she was going right home again but we coaxed her to stay. Erna and Elsie were there also. We all had supper, and had a great deal of fun. Irma then suggested to bring her hat to her grandmothers. Maybe Howard would be in. We went to her home to get the hat, and as we came out met Carl Erler and talked a while. It began to rain so 82

we took an umbrella. Mrs. + Mr. Lehnert were home alone. He being quite sick. Mrs. welcomed us quite warmly, and liked her hat. She was feeling rather blue as Howard received a card from the war department. We had a nice time talking, and I was kind of glad the boys were not there. I had a nice apple. As it was raining when we went she gave me an umbrella to take. I did not want it the worst way, but she actually forced me to take it. She asked me to bring mamma to see her. She is really very good. When I got home I embroidered a short while – then went to bed. October 21 – Monday Cool but nice. I was kept busy all day. It was also pay day. When I got home I found a letter from Fred Naeck. He wrote very nicely, but I had not expected a letter – therefore was quite surprised. I practised and then went lessons, which was good. Miss Uhlig + Fiddel walked home part ways with me. October 22 – Tuesday A cool day. I am wearing my best summer coat to work, and feel quite classy. I was very busy all day. Went shopping for a short while after supper. Went in to chat with Irma a few minutes. Clara sent in to me asking Irma, I and Ida Miller to come to (my) her house tomorrow. We decided we would. I got through working quite late. Boss walked home with me. October 23 – Wednesday A very fine day. I was busy until one o’clock. Carl was stiff drunk all morning, and fell off the steps falling flat on his face. He spent the rest of the time sleeping where everybody could see him. Irma called us, and we talked a few minutes. I spent the afternoon, practising and doing different things. Miss Kellerer called to see mamma, and we all had a lunch. The apple man brought 2 barrels of apples. I got dressed right after supper and went to Mrs. Lehnert to return her umbrella. When I got there and saw everybody at home I became quite scared, and did not take a chair which Mrs. Lehnert offered me, but went right off again. Both Harry and Howard had a few words of teasing to say to me. I went back to the house and got my music and my sewing back. Irma was not done and I waited for her, thereby talking to her mother. When we arrived at Clara’s house we sewed and played and had a general good time. I finished my centerpiece. Mrs. Ehrlich was home and treated us to cocoa, cookies and apples. We staid until 11:15, and then it was high time to go home. October 24 – Thursday A fine day. I went to the bank in the morning, and called into see Irma, and told her about the letter I received from Fred. I told her that she will receive the next mail (which will be only a card, I think). I was very busy, all day. On the 83

way home at night I saw a fellow in Ulrichs that looked just like Augie. I looked at him and stared, because he had the same actions and everything like poor Augie. I felt so blue all night again as everything rushed back to my mind, as if it were only yesterday. I managed to practise somehow and went to bed. October 25 – Friday A dull dreary day. I hope it doesn’t rain again, as the painters have started the second coat on our house. I was very busy all day. In the afternoon bossie let me go out for a few minutes, and I bought some nabiscos for mamma 15 cts also 25 ct. worth of pairs for bossie. I was very busy working up to the last minutes. In the evening I practised first, and then helped mamma, as she is head over ears in work, cleaning, baking etc., as the “Kafee Kranzch” is coming to celebrate her birthday tomorrow night. October 26 – Saturday A fine day. I worked very hard all day. I went home to supper about 4. Then we decorated the table for mamma. She liked my double boiler, and the curtains very much, also my nabiscos. Elsie gave her some pearl beads and a box of chocolates. Pap gave her a lovely pair of nice high warm shoes - $3.00. I went back to work and almost worked my head off. Carl came in for a while to help wait on. Boss had told me to go home early on account of mammas birthday but forgot about it as the evening wore on. About 9:50 he thought of it, and asked me to excuse him, and to go right away. I was angry as I had wanted to do a little shopping. When I got to Cross’s they locked the door right in my face. I then went down, and waited for Irma. Of course she was late. When we got to Riker Janes she remembered that she had forgotten something, so ran back. While I waited George Simon came along, and we chatted for a while. He walked home with us. At Kendall St. we met Elsie and Erna and after holding up the post we parted. When we got home I was surprised to find a soldier boy there, (Richard) Charlie Siegel and his brother Richard who had come to take their mother home. All the ladies were there and Mr. Voight, and Mr. Kellerer. The supper was grand, a regular wedding banquet, and I certainly ate. Mrs. Lange was sick, and could not come. Mamma received a nice set of Turkish towels from the ladies. I sat on the couch talking to Charlie. He is a very nice fellow and told me all about camp life. The clocks were turned back 1 hour that night, so they could stay longer. It began to rain, but stopped again when they went home. They all had a lovely time, and went home late. We shook Charlies hand and wished him good luck. Aunt Alma sent mamma a lovely rooster which we are going to have for dinner. October 27 – Sunday 84

A fine day. I helped mamma in the morning also practised hard. We had that wonderful rooster for dinner, and it tasted grand. I went quite late, and had to wait a long time for Irma. She said that (Irma) Harry had been down a short time before. We went walking, and on the way we met Howard and a sailor friend. There were many fellows down city, but we did not bother with the. We each bought some with them. We each bought some candy 20 cts. and went walking. We got home very early, but as Irma had a headache, we decided to stay in at night. I spent the evening practising, and then I answered Fred’s letter the best I could. I retired late. October 28 – Monday A beautiful day. I worked very hard all day long. I hurried home and practised before going lessons. My lesson was good. After lessons Teacher + doggie walked a ways with me. October 29 – Tuesday A fine day. I was unusually busy all day. Went out for a short while after supper trying to get some napkins to embroider, but I found nothing. Boss walked home with me. On the way I saw Howard, but he did not see me. I had supper, and then retired. October 30 – Wednesday A very warm day. Irma called in at noon, and after she was gone that Jewish drummer from N. York, and how he did talk and tease. I was very glad when it was one o’clock so that he would move. I practised in the afternoon, and helped mamma. I made some delicious pancakes. After supper I called for Irma, and she was not ready. When we started to go it began to rain and Irma changed over. I bought candy only 10 cts. We met Lillian Corbett who wanted to see us the worst way. She is running a Halloween party tomorrow night, and she wants us to come. Of course we will. Well we went to the Strand where there was a swell comical show. We enjoyed it more – not having gone so long. The weekly war pictures made me feel blue again. Oh Gee life is hard sometimes. Oh I forgot to mention while I was making pancakes a letter came from Ehrich Obst. Was I surprised and delighted. He wrote me a very nice letter and asked me to write again. I told Irma about it, and she was pleased. I will let her read it some time. October 31 – Thursday Halloween. It was a funny rainy day and I didn’t feel much like going. It cleared up towards night, so I hurried home and dressed. It had become quite cold. On the way down I walked with Ida Opfermann who was going to church. Irma and I hurried as it was quite late. All the kids were having a fine time. Walter had 85

gone to Billie[‘]s party, and they had from ice cream to machine rides. Irma and I took a jitney from Essex St. and went around the belt line. The driver was very nice to us charging us only 5 cts. We found a very nice bunch at the party. They had a great scare prepared for us. Every one of us had to go down a dark stairs where a gohst[sic] slapped us all in the face as we passed. Oh what merriment and screaming. After that we enjoyed parlor games and music. Of course I played. Refreshments were served. Oh I had a wonderful time. Irma had wanted to go home early but we really couldn’t go. On parting we were all given a Halloween cap filled with candy. Three of us girls went home together, and we had to walk as it was so late. After we left the other girl[,] Irma and I were walking along Essex St. when two soldiers accosted us in front of Chinese Restaurant. They tried to get fresh with us, but nothing doing. We got rid of them and hurried home. When I got there I had Got Halloween card from Fred N. a light lunch and retired. November 1 – Friday A cold day. I was very busy in work as it was the 1st. My account came out fine, and I went to the bank for statements. I called in to see Irma and we chatted about last night. I was very busy all day, and practised hard at home at night. I went to bed rather early. November 2 – Saturday A fine day. We all feel that the war is coming to an end, in fact some say arrangements have been made for peace. Bulgaria and Turkey are out. Austria is going out. Well I was very busy at work. Mamma called in the afternoon, brought my supper and then we went shopping. Oh I had a fine dinner too, brought by Elsie. We sat on the common while I ate supper. I then bought black silk floss for my centerpiece. We looked at different things, and mamma bought things. I bought chocolate bar 5 cts. It began to rain a little bit, but stopped later. After I left mamma[,] I went back to work. I was surprised to see Harry L. come in after 7 o’clock. He wanted to know if Fritz was coming down tonight. I told him not – that he was coming Thanksgiving Eve. After teasing me for a while he asked me to try and get off for a while and come to the Schiller Hall. I was aching to go but was not dressed accordingly. I beat around the bush to the boss, but he said nothing. Carl who was half piffed said [“]Let her go to the dance[“]. I went about 9:10 and Carl wanted to come with me the worst way, but nothing doing. He was all dressed up. I hurried home, dress over, and was at the Hall at 10:15. Helen Vogel and some more girls took me upstairs where I checked my clothes. Just then the music stopped - intermission I spied – guess – Emil Mathison talking to some fellows and girls. I could not believe it was him – but it was. He looked more handsome than I thought at first. I suppose he thinks it won’t do any good moping around the 86

house. I went downstairs for a while, and when I came up again Howard walked over to me and we chatted. Harry also came, and a whole bunch of girls. I danced with Howard, Harry and several others, also that tall fellow from the beach. I enjoyed myself immensely. It was just like olden times, a fine big crowd. Emil also talked to me and I could see that he wanted to dance with me, but didn’t have the nerve. At the last dance I lost sight of the boys, and after getting my clothes I walked out with Christina and her young brother and another fellow. They went right past my house, so I had company all the way home. I found out later that Harry and Howard were looking for me to take me home. November 3 – Sunday A fine day. I practised hard in the morning and helped mamma. I went down to Irma in the afternoon taking me letter from Erich with me. I let them read it, and they were pleased. Irma and I went walking for a while and then to the Premier. We bought some candy, and enjoyed both show and candy. After walking home Irma asked me to come up to her grandmothers at night. I practised for a while at home and went down to meet her. When we got there the boys were not home, so we amused ourselves. They both came however, and we had a great time. Howard and Harry sang. Howard and I also played. Howard played that big horn thing. We stayed until almost 11 o’clock. Harry took us home. November 4 – Monday A cold day. I worked hard all day. We had pay day 30.26 – I hurried home and practised, then went lessons. It went pretty good. To my delight she gave me a new piece Li[s]zts Hungarian Rhapsody 85 cts. It is beautiful and if I can ever play it well, I will consider myself a good player. I got home quite late. November 5 – Tuesday A rainy day. I worked hard all day. Went shopping for ½ hour in the afternoon. I think the war will be over soon now. Austria went out of it yesterday. I walked home with the boss along Jackson St., and tried to get my hat, but it was not done. When I got home I ate, and then wrote my letter to Ehrich. Of course I retired late. November 6 – Wednesday A beautiful day. Worked hard in the morning. Irma called in at noon about going to the show. I spent the afternoon practising and helping ma. Liesel, Irma and I went to the Colonial at night. It was certainly great. Johnny get your gun. Leo Kennedey was back, and the house was. After I left Irma, I met Gussie and walked home with him. He has to go next week too but doesn’t mind so much 87

as we all know that peace is very near – in fact some think that the fighting has stopped. Well I wished him good luck, but he said he will see me again before he goes. November 7 – Thursday Quite cold. I was busy as usual. Toward evening the papers announced “War is over.” Everybody was excited and happy. By 6 o’clock several trucks passed along Essex St. filled with young people celebrating and shouting. I was stunned and dazed, and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I spent the evening practising and embroidering. While I sat there I heard strains of music. Going outside I heard bands playing everywhere, and Hurray and all kind of cheers. I felt real excited too. When papa came home from the Turn Hall he said it was a false report. November 8 – Friday A lovely day. Sure enough it was a false report. Oh how they were fooled. Well peace is as near as it ever was. Irma telephoned me to go to the show with her right from work. I did not care to go, as I wanted to practise, but I agreed to go. She said she would bring a lunch for the two of us. As mamma did not come in the store as I had expected I waited for papa at 5:30, and told him that I was not going home. He wasn’t very pleased. Irma and I ate on the Common. She told me that Harry is going South next week too. Both he and Howard were examined, but as one can only go – Harry is going. After lunch I bought some candy 15 cts., and we went to the Premier. Alice Brady in “Her Better Half” was very good. On the way home I called for my hat, but no one opened the door. I read on the bill board that Private Lorenz was killed. It proved to be Frieda Lorenz’es brother Paul. Another good fellow gone. November 9 – Saturday Rainy in the morning. I practised a short while in the morning. We were very busy with store trade. Papa came in at noon and got the D.B. I sold a big range, also a parlor stove and many other things. After work I met mamma and Elsie and we went shopping. Aunt Mary and Uncle Max were also shopping, and they asked me to come up some Sunday. I bought a nice dull leather new style pocket book for Irma’s Christmas present $2.00. After supper Bertha Schatz called in asking me to go to the Central Hall with her. I could not as I was not dressed to go, and besides mamma and papa went to Mrs. Kellerer[‘]s birthday party. Elsie went to the dance. I went home from work with Irma. When I got home papa was waiting for me, as he wanted to go. Carl Erler was home and called into see me + wanted to ride me home. Walter slept on the lounge. I embroidered a while. When Elsie came home it poured. Ma and pa came about 4 o’clock. 88

November 10 – Sunday A grand cool day. I work[sic] up first 9:30, and had breakfast all ready when the others got up. I practised and cleaned. Erna and Amanda (who had slept at Erna’s house) came for Elsie long before she was ready to go to the flag raising. I called for Irma and made her go up with me too. The people were swarming toward the Rollins School from all directions. We saw everybody we knew up there. Harry came over to us and told us that Freddie was home. Surprised well I should say. I saw all the girls I ever knew. We also met Charlies Siegel in uniform, and talked with him for a while. He was the one who sent me the card. I thanked him. After a while Howard joined us. The services were really very nice including solos, musical selections, remarks, taps for the dead heroes (which almost made me cry) and unfurling of flags. It was all very nice, and we were glad we went. Irma and Howard coaxed me to go down to see her uncle. I did not want to go at all, but finally after much teasing went. Fred and Harry had both called off when we got there. We played and sang. Howard and I played some nice duets. They forced me to have supper with them. After supper we played a few more duets, and then I got ready to come home. They had not come home (which I was glad of). I said goodbye to them and went home. Howard went to church also. At home I practised very hard until almost 10 o’clock. Perhaps will see Fred another time. November 11 – Monday I woke up early through the peal of bells and whistles blowing. Could it be possible that there was really peace. The bells had been ringing since 4 A.M. I felt glad when I thought that the terrible slaughter was now to an end. I felt sad when I thought of the poor boys who had given their lives. The folks went to work expecting to come home again. Papa came back before I went to work saying that Essex St. was mobbed with people. The Dagos parading and yelling in the streets crying victory. Irma came out about 10 o’clock, as in fact all the big stores closed. Of course we didn’t, but it was hard working, as there were small parades, and all kinds of scenes going by every minute of the day. It was a day never to be forgotten as long as we live. ?? ???? ???? I????. The bells rang again at noon, and night, and when I went home about 5:30, everybody was celebrating. I didn’t feel the least bit like taking my lesson. When I got home I heard that Uhlig’s telephoned to Helberts that I should come lessons right away, as Annie want to go off. I was not dressed, and had no supper so I hurried right down pretending I came from work. She asked me to come tomorrow morning. Tough luck – being a holiday too. I practised after supper. Irma came up for a little while too. We all discussed the war and felt real excited. I think the draft is off. That will mean that Harry and Gussie and all them will not have to go. We feel (German) kind of blue, as it looks as if 89

Germany surrendered, and have to pay for everything. The poor Kaiser resigned too – Mamma feels awfully bad for him. The socialist are now in reign. November 12 – Tuesday A fine day. Everybody celebrated the legal holiday today. I went lessons at 9:45 and my lesson went good. When I got through Elsie was waiting quite a while. We went to see the parade, but did not see it all. I saw plenty of Stations marching. The parade was very long, and rather nice. It was over about 12:30 and Elsie and I went home calling at Erna’s house first. We had dinner and then I went down to Irma’s house. Clara was there already. We took a walk – discussing war and peace and finally went in the Premier after buying chocolates 15 cts. The show was good and we enjoyed it. The day was much quieter than yesterday as the people had become calmer. It turned out quite cold when we walked home, and although the Italians were going to have fireworks on the Common, we decided to celebrate at home. I spent the evening working, practising and embroidering and then went to bed. November 13 – Wednesday A rainy day. We had to work all day Wednesday, but didn’t mind that. It rained on the way home from work, and my feet were quite wet. I hurried with supper and then hurried off. We were 4 of us Clara, Liesel, Irma and I. We were quite late so walked fast. I must say we had 4 good seats and the show was good too. We got out at 11 o’clock, and my feet got drenched on the way home, as the side walks were very wet. I dried my feet upon arriving home, and then went to bed. November 14 – Thursday A great day. I worked very hard all day. Irma telephoned me at 6 o’clock to go to the Clerks meeting and dance with her right from work. Of course I couldn’t go with the clothes I had on, and secondly I had to practise at night surely. I think she was disappointed but I couldn’t help it. I got my hat on the way home, and they charged me 75 ct., as it did not get as nice as they wanted it. I met Gussie with his drum again. That poor fellow has always got to play. I practised very hard that night, and went to bed. November 15 – Friday A rainy day, but it cleared up later. I was very busy. The peace situation has not changed any, and everybody breathes freer that the old war is over at last. The way it looks Germany has surrendered completely. Too bad. Irma and Ruth waited for me at night. I spent the evening practising, and went to bed. November 16 – Saturday 90

A mean day rather rainy. Worked very hard all day. So much trade all day. I did not go to supper as I had much to buy. I bought stationary .29 and other different things. Then I had supper at the Waldorf. There I saw Irma, but she didn’t see me. Irma came in the store shortly before 10 – saying that she was sick. Her eyes looked bad her back ached an[d] everything. I told her to go right home and stay in tomorrow to rest. I also bought a pretty black ribbon charm for my watch. November 17 – Sunday A rainy day. It rained all day long. I was busy at home. Irma did not come up – so I staid home in the afternoon and did various things. At night I sewed, darned and embroidered and went to bed quite late. November 18 – Monday A better day. Of course I was very busy. It was pay day too. I hurried home at night and practised before going lessons. My lesson went good and I paid for my piece 85 and my lesson 75. November 19 – Tuesday Another rainy day. I was very busy all day. At night I put on silk stockings and out in quest of shoes and ribbons. I saw some that I liked in Katzes. The fellow was very nice, and tried to flirt with me. I got home strong black shoes for which he wanted $5.50. I did not want to go that high as I had rubbers to get too. Well I got them for 5.00 and the rubbers for .85 also a nice pair of shoe strings. I went home with the boss. November 20 – Wednesday A rainy day. I worked hard all morning and expected Irma to call in but she didn’t. I wonder if she is sick. Mamma and I went down to Aunt Alma. I took her Elsie’s and my picture. Alma was very much surprised to see me and very nice to see us. She made coffee and cake. Afterward Charlie came home with us. I gave Florence and Mabel each a nickel. We got home quite late. I went down to Irma[‘]s after supper and was surprised to see her mother open the door. Irma is sick in bed, and has been since Saturday. It is all on the stomach, and they are afraid it will turn into pneumonia. Poor girl. I am so sorry. After a while I went again, and as I was dressed, I went to the Premier. Clara Kimball Young played in the “A Desert Wooing.” Oh it was great, and the house was full. I came home about 10:30 and then went to bed. November 21 – Thursday Quite cold. I was very busy all day. I practised hard at night, and did several things, then retired. 91

November 22 – Friday A rainy day. Was very busy all day. Practised + embroidered at night. November 23 – Saturday A cold day. Very large store trade all by closing time. Oh what a job on Saturday. I went home to supper and found Uncle Albert there discussing Germany with papa. Billie and Walter were also there. After a hurried supper I went back to supper work again and bought a turnover 4 cts. I met mamma and Elsie who were just coming from the play “Very Good Eddie.” They said it was great. They gave me a banana. I worked my head off until closing time. Christina came in and asked me if I was going to Erna[‘]s and Emily’s party. Elsie went. I said no. Erna K. and Gertie S. also called in. I walked home with bossie. November 24 – Sunday A beautiful sunny day. I staid home all day cleaning, practising, mending, writing etc. I practised again at night. Mamma sold me a bar of chocolate 12 cts. which was great. I retired rather late. November 25 – Monday A cold day. I was very busy during the day, believe me. I hurried home from work and practised before going lessons. I practised so much this week, that I expected a better lesson. Miss Uhlig noted the improvement however. After lessons Miss Uhlig and Fiddel along with me, and we chatted gaily. I embroidered when I got home. November 26 – Tuesday A very cold day – just like winter. I went to the bank in the morning, also called in about Chicago Postal Zone. It is the zone. I also bought some trimming for my hat. I was very busy during the day. In the evening I went out for a short while and bought 1 doz. More of embroidery floss. 56 cts. this time, and 1 bar of chocolate. I went home with Bossie, and after having supper I tried on my shoes, polished other shoes, took my bath, and did various other things in preparation for tomorrow night, also embroidering. Went to bed at midnight. November 27 – Wednesday A fine day. I was very busy all day, and hoped that I would get off early to go to the concert. We closed up at 6 o’clock and as I was going along Essex St. I ran into Fred Naeck with another Manchester fellow. I shook hands with him, and he walked home with him. I had no idea he was coming because Irma was sick. He wanted me to go up the hall with him, but I sent him up to Harry and I 92

went up with Elsie + Erna. Clara joined us later. The concert was fine. Papa sang in the chorus, also Harry. Emily Gunther was the soloist and she had a lovely clear soprano voice. The music and everything was grand. After the concert I introduced Fred to all the girls, and Harry introduced me to the Manchester girls. Fritz and I went in the grand march also Harry and Esther. Miss Uhlig was also there and I talked to her. Oh we had a great time, too bad that Irma wasn’t there. Clara joined us too, and we were a great big bunch. The Manchester girls were very nice also the fellows. I introduced Fred to all the girls, and he gave them all a dance. I had about every dance. There were so many friends, Harry, Howard, Fred and many others. At intermission we all piled down stairs and had some feed. We had our big table and the fellows got our lunches. After that we danced again until 2 o’clock when we all got ready to go home. We all did have a splendid time. We all walked way around Methuen and took the girls home. Before saying good night I asked the whole crowd to come and visit me tomorrow. I could have asked Clara also as she was dying to come, but I thought it was unnecessary. After leaving we walked home, and Harry and Fred took me to the door. I retired about 3:45. November 28 – Thursday Thanksgiving Day – A fine day. I got up early and helped mamma clean the house, also practised some. At 2 o’clock I saw Harry + Fred go out after the girls, and at 2:45 they all came to see me. I introduced every body to mamma and papa, and we had a glorious time, playing, singing and chatting. We all enjoyed ourselves immensely. Of course we were all very tired from last night. At 5 o’clock we had a wonderful supper and ??? fine. We left in good season for the train. They bade us good bye thanking us, and mamma sent her best regards to Fred’s mother. I went to the station too, and walked with Fred, Harry with Esther + Minnie. We talked gaily all the way. At the station we bade them all goodbye, and after the train pulled out Harry took my arm and we walked home together. We were both dead tired and felt that we had done our best to entertain our company. Oh I forgot to mention that for our dinner we had a big fat goose, cranberry sauce, potatoes, and Kraut Salad. Fine. I retired early. November 29 – Friday A good time. I was exceptionally busy during the day as it was so near the end of the month, but I felt good after yesterday. I practised hard at night. November 30 – Saturday A cold day. I have had a slight cold ever since Thanksgiving. Oh I was so busy. So many customers, and so much writing. I worked till the last minute and then was not quite done. Clara called in the afternoon and asked me to see her tomorrow. Boss walked home with me. 93

December 1 – Sunday A very cold day. North wind blowing. I worked in the morning and practised. In the afternoon I went down Clara’s house. Helen Haffner was also there. I almost froze before I got there, it was so terribly cold. I had on silk stockings and spats because my new shoes are so awfully tight. We went for a short walk and almost froze. After returning we played and sang and had an early supper. We then walked to Millers and took the car down to Essex St., and went to the Broadway. The shoe was good. On the way home Helen and I bought some candy to take home. I got home quite late. December 2 – Monday A cold day. On getting up I found my cold pretty bad, and felt sick all day. I was very busy though – besides it was universal pay day. On the way home I felt worse and my head ached so that I thought it would split. After having supper mamma suggested my staying home. I did not like to, but felt too miserable to refuse. She packed me off to bed at 7:30 and I had one good sweat and sleep. It was 1st and I was so busy. I went to back for boss, also deposited 15.00 in my bank. December 3 – Tuesday Quite cold. I felt somewhat better, but still bad. I had so much work on my books too. At night I went out for a short time and met Bill Uhlig talking to another fellow. I went up to him and asked him to tell Annie that I was unable to come, but could not. He said that I should have staid in bed – never mind coming. I bought several small things in the 5 and 10. I went home with Bossie. We met Max Heiman. December 4 – Wednesday A cold day but rather wet. We only worked till noon. I spent the afternoon practising and then I got dressed. Mamma and I left early and went down city. Elsie came home to make supper. I expected to find all the big stores open as I wanted to do some shopping before going to the show. To our surprise all the stores were closed except Nelsons 5 and 10. We went in there and I bought Clara a 50 ct. box of handkerchiefs. Then mamma and I went to the Victoria and I was glad to get inside as my feet were soaked. The show was grand playing “The Price of a Good Time” also a Charlie Chaplin and another 5 reel play. The feature was about the best I ever saw and it made me cry. I treated mamma and myself to some chocolate bars. It was still raining when we got out, so we waited for the car. I saw Fred N. but did not speak. While standing at the Transfer Station that Syrian sailor came up to me – shook hands and talked with me until the car came. In the car we saw Eddie Koehler and his wife. When we got home we had a good feast and went to bed. 94

December 5 – Thursday A cold day. I have been thinking of writing to Irma as she must be better now. On the way to work I met Earl going to school. He has gone back home as Irma is all better now. He asked me to call down and see her as soon as I could. I worked hard during the day. When I got home I wanted to go down to see her, but papa wouldn’t hear of it. Safety first. I hope she won’t be offended. I practised and embroidered at night. December 6 – Friday A cold day. I was very busy. I went out for a short time in the afternoon and was buying some handkerchiefs when papa saw me and gave me a letter. He and Elsie have been out ever since yesterday, and he was going to the show. The letter was from Fred and he wrote lovingly asking me to go to Lynn with him some Sunday. Of course I can’t go and I am very sorry our friendship is going to be spoiled. I practised and worked at night. December 7 – Saturday A cold day. I worked like a slave all day long, and I couldn’t even go home to supper there were so many people all afternoon. Bossie gave me 50 ct. to buy a supper, and I spent .30 – then hustled back to work. I bought ½ doz. oranges to take to Irma tomorrow. I had another good feed when I got home at night. December 8 – Sunday A warmer day. I got up late and after practising a while I went down to see Irma. We hugged each other and we were so glad to see one another. We chatted for a while and I told her all about the sleigh ride party which I have forgotten to mention. Last Thursday George came in and asked me to go with him Friday night. Elsie and Bob Vogler are also going. Friday morning the snow was falling fast and already pretty deep. I thought they would call off the barge party but they did not. I hurried home from work, and we dressed warm and hurriedly. The boys called for us and going past his house George got 2 bed blankets. There were 23 of us in all, and we had some fun. George had on a bakers uniform, Gussie a big p??cy bow, Helbert a silk hat + chasel[sic] rock etc. We all went well as far as Methuen Town Farm when we got stuck. The snow was so high that teamster could not the road and was afraid of throwing us in some ditch. The best thing we could do was to wait for a car. So there we say all huddled up frozen – for over half an hour until the Nashua car came. It was empty so we took possession of it. We were some crowd – dressed like a bunch of farmers. The conductor collected 2 fares, and dropped us at Websters Corner. We had to climb that hill with about 4 ft of snow. I lost my rubber when I got there, but recovered them. We were welcomed warmly inside and some time getting rid of our wet clothes. Then we marched to supper – George 95

and I first (he being the president[)]. The supper was great having everything from chicken to cream pie. Did I eat. Oh boy - Sooo much. We almost died laughing too. After we had some more music and Jig dancing while I played. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. 1:45 we left to go home and we walked all the way to the Town Farm in the deep snow all along the car track for about 3 mules. Although my legs were awful tired I did not mind the walk as I kept warm anyway. J Born was at his truck warming the engine. We all piled on and had great fun. George pulled out a napkin full of chicken legs and we had a feast. George, Bob, Elsie and I got out at McAllister’s Corner and walked the rest of the way. At the gate George unpacked some cake and an orange, and we had another feast. We thanked the boys for the good time they had given us, and then went in. It was about 3:30 when I fell asleep. Sunday After telling Irma about everything I left to go down to Clara to return my spats. Irma asked me to spent the afternoon with her. Clara did not like the idea very much, and Mrs. was so afraid. We decided to stay at Irma’s a little while ??y. I went home for dinner and after dinner Clara called for me. It began to hailstone. I took some music along. We had a great time singing, playing, and had a tempting supper. I wanted to practise at home, still could not very well get away. I left about 8:15, and I got home got a scolding for practising so late. I stopped at 9:45 and went to bed. December 9 – Monday A grand day. I worked very hard, but my cold was bothering me all day. When I got home I practised a while and then went music lessons. On the way home I saw Harry talking with Arno Fickenworth. Harry walked home with me, and I asked him advise about Fred’s letter, and he advised me not to go. Harry has proven a good friend more than once. We chatted for a while at the door, then I went in. I embroidered + sewed for a while and then retired. December 10 – Tuesday A grand day. I was very busy all day. I went out shopping at night and bought a book for Elsie 10 ct. Emily and Amanda called in about buying their mother a dome. I walked home with Bossie. December 11 – Wednesday Not very cold. The stores did not work in the afternoon so I went home. I went to Aunt Mary to bring up my picture + Uncle’s piece. It began snowing very hard. Aunt Mary was glad to see me, and liked my picture. Little Cousin is awfully cute. When I got home I practised and wrote + embroidered at night. I answered Fred’s letter. When Elsie came home we had her Birthday ready for her. 1.50 and book from me. A pair of nice home made gloves, and a great big 96

cake from mamma, also home made candy, a new 3.50 shopping bag from my father. We had a great time eating Jello etc. and retired late. December 12 – Thursday Elsie’s Birthday. Max Dietzel called in to see me. We talked over an hour. Looks fine in uniform. I was very busy during day. It began to rain on the way home. I practised and went to bed. December 13 – Friday A rainy day. Was very busy. Staid home at night and practised. December 14 – Saturday Was very busy all day. Mamma and Elsie came in the afternoon, and I went shopping with them instead of going. We spent most of the time buying stuff for Elsie, but I managed to buy a very pretty boudoir cap for Miss Uhlig (blue). I brought my watch into Metzners to have it fixed. Carl Erler also called in. Looks swell in his uniform. Got home late + to bed late. Received card from Esther today. December 15 – Sunday Was very busy in the morning and called for Irma in the afternoon. We went walking along Essex St., and I bought some candy. We met Howard and a friend of his on Essex St. and I offered them some candy. At our corner we met Howard again and talked for a while. Charlie Siegel came along and also joined us. Irma forced me to go to the house with her. I did not care to very much, as I wanted to practise. I staid till about 8:30 after having supper etc. When I got home mamma scolded me for being so late. I practised another hour which she did like and then retired. December 16 – Monday A nice day. I was very busy, and worked on my centerpiece at noon. I went music lessons at night, and got home late. It was also pay day. December 17 – Tuesday Very very busy. Worked hard + went out to supper looking for lace for my doilie[sic]. I went all around and bought some in McGraths, also bought postal cards and an empty box. When I got home I found Sears Roebuck’s stuff came. December 18 – Wednesday A nice day. Was very busy. I expected to work in late afternoon and brought my dinner. Mr. Wurzbacher thought that the stores were closed so after I worked until 2:30, he sent me to see if the stores were open. I found them practically 97

all open but told the boss that some were closed. He advised me to go home. I practised at home and wrote cards, and darned + embroidered at night. Oh all the cards I sent. I sent Mrs. Naeck a 5 ct. one in a box with a pretty 17 ct. handkerchief. The two Manchester girls I sent a pretty card in an envelope etc. Received a card from France from Hugh Lee. December 19 – Thursday Fine weather. I was very busy all day and sold quite a few tea pots etc. for Christmas. I have my window fixed quite tastefully, and it draws attention. I did not have to work like they rest of them, so I went shopping for a while. I bought more lace for mamma’s doilie[sic] and some more boxes etc. I got home about 7:30, and ma and pa had gone to banquet in Turn Hall. I found a letter from H. L. say that he received my picture + my letter and thanked me but that he had got married, and would now have to discontinue writing. I was certainly so surprised and upset. Elsie was home alone with me and we worked on mamma’s centerpiece and then darned. When Elsie and Walter had gone to bed. I still staid up pondering over the letter trying to get over it. I slept in mamma’s bed but could not fall asleep. She came home very late, after having a grand time. I felt like telling mamma, but waited until morning. December 20 – Friday A nice day. I felt a little blue, but was soon over it. I took Miss Uhlig’s bundle along. In the afternoon Emily called again about her dome. I went to Miss Uhlig’s right from work and gave her present. I hope she will be satisfied. She seemed real delighted. I told her I could not come Monday on account of working. At night I practised + worked on mamma’s doilie[sic]. All the other stores worked. December 21 – Saturday A funny day. I was very busy all day with Christmas sales. I went out to supper very late, and went shopping. I got ½ yard more lace for mamma, also some boxes and some more cards and a pin. Also went to the Jeweller[sic] about my watch. No charge. Was very busy all night. Papa called in around 10, and we all walked home together. December 22 – Sunday A peculiar day. Irma and I went to Broadway and enjoyed some candy I bought. 15 cts. When we got out it was pouring so we ran for the car which took us home. Irma wanted me to come to her house, but I have no time before Christmas. I met Howard when I left the car and he wanted to spend the evening with us. I felt sorry. At home I practised, wrote and embroidered. Retired Late. 98

December 23 – Monday A Grand day. We were busy at our place, and after supper Harry L. called in very friendly, wanting to know if I had heard again about Manchester, and I said no. Oh Edwin Fiedler called in in his uniform this afternoon and he certainly looked fine. Gained about 16 lbs. He came to get my name and address to write. I am pleased. He told me that poor Ed Seifert died after being married only a short while. I felt so bad. When I got home late I found a parcel + many postal cards for me. The parcel was handkerchiefs from Emily, and cards were from Esther, Minnie, Fred, Harry + others. I sent Harry + Howard a card yesterday. I prepared things for Christmas and sewed on my centerpiece until 1:30 A.M. December 24 – Tuesday A raw day. Felt very tired. Was very busy. Emily called in forenoon and I wanted to give her a box of pretty handkerchiefs that I had bought, but she couldn’t take them to Boston. I will go there tomorrow. Clara also called in with Elsie, and gave me a box of handk[sic]. I gave her a lovely box first. In the afternoon it began to snow and then pelt, and by night it was terrible. The customers all went home as soon as possible and trade was punk. Bossie gave me 10.00 for Christmas, and I gave him a picture. When I got outside at 9:45 my car came, + I ran to get it. I was squeezed like a peanut, but I should worry. When I got home I found more cards. Oh it was great. We began to celebrate Christmas. Oh how pretty our tree looked, and what lovely things we had. Papa gave me 10 more, and I received all kinds of lovely useful gifts from mamma, Elsie + Walter. Dear Walter received quite a bit too. We played + sang for a while and then had coffee + stollen. Great. We all retired late. Before I came home the family had been upstairs to see Millers things. December 25 – Wednesday It stopped raining and the weather was very warm + dull for Christmas. I straightened up things in the parlor, and pile all the presents around the tree. Erna came after dinner and then she and Elsie went off. I waited + waited for Irma but as she did not come I took my presents + went down. They were so awfully pleased over the curtains mamma sent down. The folks + the boys were down last night + also admired the curtains. I gave Irma a pretty pocket book and my picture. She was so pleased + delighted. She gave me a box of handkerchiefs + a ticket for the conductors Ball as she couldn’t go. She showed me her presents, and then we went down to Emily S. I gave her some handkerchiefs, and we staid a little while. Emily gave me her picture, and so did Irma. We went back to Irma’s, then to her grandmothers. She made me come. I thought there would be no one home, but both Harry + Fred were there. I had to play for Fred who was amazed at my good playing. After getting 99

a glass of wine we went down to my house. I showed her my things and we played. Earl came too. After having supper we let the tree and all the Millers came down. We had one great time, and I am sure Irma enjoyed it. After she went we made coffee + stollen for Millers. It was quite late when they went upstairs. December 26 – Thursday Quite cold. I worked hard during the day + practised at night. December 27 – Friday (Papa’s birthday) It snowed during the day, but stopped at night. Went to the Eagles Hall with Elsie, Erna, Amanda. Swell time. Many dances. E.M. was there. Fellow took me for a drink at intermission. Was dead tired when I arrived home. December 28 – Saturday Snowed again. Was very tired. Worked very hard. December 29 – Sunday Papa’s Birthday Celebration in the morning, had swell breakfast. Clara called for me in the afternoon + looked at my things. We then went to Irma[‘]s, then to Clara[‘]s. We had chocolates. We then went to the Victoria. Grand show. Then walked. I could not practise when I got home, being so late, and I was wild. December 30 – Monday Very busy. Made out pays. Practised. Went music lessons. Miss Uhlig loves my cap, and she gave me a new piece. Great. It was late when I got home from lessons. December 31 – Sunday Wore my good dress right in the morning. Was so busy in my books. I was allowed to go about 8:30, and Clara called in for me. We went down to Irma[‘]s, but she had to work until 9:30. She came up later. The crowd was not very big in the Turn Hall, as every hall had a dance. We had a good time – I danced with Howard and the Manchester fellow. Irma came up too. Carl Erler treated us too. When the dance was all over we decided to go to some other dance. There were over 70 in all. The Schiller was closed, so was the Hermans, so we all piled in the Bayern. Free dance + everything. We had a great time. After 1 o’clock we all left to go home. Carl Erler went with us. He had music + Irma[‘]s arm, and 2 more girls on each side. When I got home I found a New Year’s card and a letter from Ehrich Obst. HL went to Manchester. We had a good feed + 100

then went to bed. My New Year’s resolor[sic] is to keep better hours than last year. 101



January 1 – Thursday Clear weather. Practiced + helped Ma around the house. In the afternoon we all went up the Turn Hall to see Gymn. Christmas. Very nice. Little Walter did fine. Talked with Emily, Charlie, Minnie G. etc., also Arthur Teichmann. In the evening after having supper + lighting the tree I went to Eagles Hall with Irma, as I was bound to go somewhere. Was strange there, but had a wonderful time. Danced lots. Met a nice fellow named William Langford. After dancing about 5 encores with him, all couples formed a favor march where we all received fools , paper, whistles, clickers, etc., and were strewn with confetti + colored ribbon. Then followed 5 more encores, + it lasted just 40 minutes. The fellow staid with me + bought me ice cream. He came home with us, and I chatted at least ¾ hour before I left him. Was a sailor and had many interesting experiences. I understand him to be a good singer. January 2 – Friday Weather was good, and I was tired + happy. Worked very hard. Emily came for her lesson at night. Bought her her first piece – Bank + cash acc’t were fine. January 3 – Saturday Pretty cold. Busy with customers, also sent out many bills. January 4 – Sunday Very cold. Played in morning. Went to hear Sergei Rachmaninoff with mamma in afternoon. He is certainly a wonder. Such expression + technique. A true artist – a dreamer. Played most everything I have studied. The service is now finished - it certainly was fine. I practiced at night + retired late. January 5 – Monday Still cold. Very busy with bills, etc. Went music lessons at night. Talked after lessons. Got home very late. January 6 – Tuesday Warmer weather. Did not get a change to go out all day. Was tired + disgusted when I got home. January 7 – Wednesday Quite cold. Was busy in the morning. Dressed after diner and went up to Aunt Mary with mamma. Aunt Alma was also there. I just love little Frankie – he is such a dear. We had nice time. After school, Walter, Mabel + Florence also came and we had a supper. – also Victrola selections were enjoyed. The Kreisler 2

records were very fine. We got home just in time to make supper. I staid home and played and wrote at night. January 8 – Thursday Not as cold – Was very busy all day. Emily came for her lessons at night. January 9 – Friday Cold day. Was very busy. Staid home in the evening + practiced. January 10 – Saturday Cold day. Busy on store trade. Brought home 3 calendars. Met Alice Obst + chatted with her. Mr. Ehrlich came along and invited Irma and I to see Clara Sunday. Walked home with boss at night, and after leaving him was joined by Irma. She is delighted to go tomorrow. Retired late. January 11 – Sunday Very cold. Practiced in the morning. Went to Irma’s after dinner + she wasn’t done as usual. Her mother gave me a small gift as Christmas present for mamma, but I forgot to take it. We arrived at Clara’s about 3:15. We spent the afternoon, playing, singing, talking and eating. We went home about 7 o’clock. Practiced at night and talked about Germany etc. January 12 – Monday Very cold – Worked hard + felt good in the morning, but in the afternoon I began to get a back ache, that I could hardly breathe. Made out pays, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Boss gave me $14.00 for the second week, making my pay in all $43.88. When I was home my back ache got worse, but I tried to play, but could – couldn’t hardly breathe. Went right to bed with hot water bottle and was awake great part of the night, as everything ached. January 13 – Tuesday Woke up to find ground covered with snow, and still snowing. Hated to get up as I felt so miserable, but was bound to go to work. Rode down in car. Worked hard all day, although it was so hard + long until nine o’clock. Had supper and went right to bed. January 14 – Wednesday Cold weather. Wanted to see “Damaged Goods” therefore went to Broadway right after 1 o’clock. Mamma wanted to go, but did not show up. Shoe contained very good lesson. Got home for supper. Practised at night. January 15 – Thursday 3

Very cold. Was so terribly busy. Emily came in store telling me that she could not come at night for her lesson. I went up to McDonalds and asked them about masking. They want to but we need more girls. I practised from 8 o’clock on. January 16 – Friday Cold. I telephoned to Emma Stich and thanked her for her kindness in asking me to mask, but that I would go with our crowd from last year, as long as I had my suit. Practised at night. January 17 – Saturday Not so awfully cold. Was very busy both with customers and store writing. Forgot to say that it snowed heavily yesterday. We are having plenty of snow this winter, and it seems to stay awfully cold. Staid on street for supper and went shopping with Elsie – bought hat shape and satin. January 18 – Sunday Such a terribly cold wind and storm. The snow whirled blinding around. I almost hated to go out, but thought Irma might be expecting me. She wasn’t, and didn’t want to go out – therefore made me stay down. We went up to Elsie Beck for awhile and fooled with baby. Irma teased me to stay for supper. When I went home her mother gave me some handkerchiefs to give to mamma. She had forgotten to under the Christmas tree. When I got home I found our tree all untrimmed, and the parlor all fixed over. I played again at night, much to pa’s disgust. January 19 – Monday Cold. Was awfully busy. Chatted with our new man (Wright Fairbert). He is a married man short and cute. Went music lessons and explained to Annie why I couldn’t come last time. She told me about big box they sent to their aunt which weighed 102 lbs. It contained all kinds of goodies and necessities, also candy, nuts + caps etc. for poor children. They have done a noble thing. January 20 – Tuesday More snow. Some winder. Did not have a chance to go out all day, as boss was busy downstairs and I was more than busy upstairs. Went to bed quite late. January 21 – Wednesday Lovely day. Worked hard in morning + went home at 1:15. Dressed over at home and after having dinner went to Aunt Alma with mamma. Aunt Mary and dear little Frankie was also there, also another lady. Had nice time talking and laughing and I played a few of the 250 records. The Victrola has a fine sound. I 4

played with Frankie all the time. After school Walter, Mable, + Florence came and then we all ate out. I hated to go home. Papa was not feeling well had caught a bad cold. I went to the Victoria with Irma at night. Good show. Bought little candy. January 22 – Thursday Quite cold. Worked hard. Gave Emily her lessons at night. January 23 – Friday Very busy. Practised at night. January 24 – Saturday Very cold. Worked very hard. Went home for supper. Mrs. McDonald could not get the Miller girls, so I must try + get some one. Oh boy. Irma did not call in at closing time. I retired late. January 25 – Sunday Pretty fair. Played in the morning. Went to show with Irma in the afternoon. Had some candy. Staid home at night + played. January 26 – Monday Cold day. Very busy. Our new man was sent away because he was not satisfactory. I felt sorry for him. Made out pays. Went music lessons at night. Teacher and her whole family were not feeling good. I sent card to Amanda about masking. January 27 – Tuesday Very busy. Went shopping. Retired late. January 28 – Wednesday Quite cold. Irma took stock in afternoon, and I staid home. In the evening I half expected Amanda to come in response to my card, but as she was not here by 8 o’clock. I washed my hear[sic]. I was about half done when she came. I dried them a bit, and put a cap over my wet head and went upstairs with Amanda. She is going to join us and Mae McDonald got another girl, so we are now complete. It was quite late before I got to bed. January 29 – Thursday It is getting colder all the time. I am more than busy. Book accounting, Income tax etc. In the evening I practised and waited for Emily, but she did not come. If I had known that I would have gone to the dance with Elsie in Saunders Hall. She had fine time. 5

January 30 – Friday It was warm and thawed during the day, but after supper it became bitterly cold. Elsie went to a sleigh ride party to Little Island Pond with Otto Dick. At first I felt bad because I could not go, but when it kept getting colder, I was glad I staid home. I practised and mended – Poor Elsie did not come home until 4:30 – completely frozen. It took them 4 hours to get home. Otto gave her a box of chocolates. January 31 – Saturday Terribly cold. The coldest in years 24° below zero. I was busy all day. Boss let me go at 8:30, as I wanted to get to concert in Schiller Hall for benefit of Germans. It was crowded there, but cold. All the girls were there but Irma. Got warm dancing. Fine crowd and time. Had several dances with Roland Corey, also went home with him. Very interesting, and respectable fellow. Talked outside house about half an hour. Did not mind the cold. February 1 – Sunday Beautiful day. Practised in morning. Went to Victoria with Irma in afternoon. Bought candy. Two fellows tried with us but we gave them candy. That was all. In the morning I staid home, but did not practise again as it was too cold. February 2 – Monday Still cold. Was very busy. Monthly acc’t + everything was O.K. – Went to bank. After supper played, and then I went lessons. Lesson pretty good. February 3 – Tuesday Mild + cloudy. Worked hard. Went shopping. About 7:30 I was surprised to get a telephone call from Albert Fischer asking me to go to a sleigh ride party with him to Little Island Pond tomorrow night. I was delighted. Irma called for me after work and I told her all about it. She was quite jealous. February 4 – Wednesday Not too cold. It kept looking like snow. When I got home at noon I helped mamma clean up as Aunt Mary + Alma + the children were coming. We had a fine time talking, laughing, eating, and playing. I treated with candy and mamma[‘]s lunch was good as usual. After they went home I prepared myself for the sleighride party, and after supper started off. I met Albert and the rest of them at Durant Square. After waiting about half an hour we all piled in the sleigh and we had a wonderful time going up – the bunch being good and jolly. When we reached there we tidied up, and then marched in to supper. Oh what a banquet we had – everything from chicken to ice cream. Later on we sang, 6

danced and played games and had 1 great time. Shortly before 12 we started for home, and half of them slept. Albert took me up the hill too. I thanked him for the good time he gave me. It was 2 o’clock when I got to bed – tired but happy. February 5 – Thursday I woke up to find snow storm blowing and it certainly snowed all day and all through the night, also rained. I was busy all day. Emily did not come for her lesson again, but I practised hard and prepared myself for tomorrow night. Retired at a reasonable hour. February 6 – Friday It rained through the day, but stopped toward evening. That deep snow turned to all miserable slush, and there were places not only ankle deep, but knee deep. Wonderful weather for the masquerade. Half of the group did not show up as there were no cars running. Amanda + I went as a couple, Elsie + Erna in their Japanese suits and Mrs. McDonald wore her new hor???. She looked very nice. My feet were soaked when I got there. The masks + onlookers were few, but we had a fine time. We all got a prize of 75 cts. each. Our suits made quite a hit. We had a lovely time dancing. Not too crowded. Got soaked again going. Danced with Ed. Schwarzer + several others of my friends. Of course I got to bed late. February 7 – Saturday Stopped raining + started to freeze. Was very busy and tired. Did not sleep much. Went home to supper and rested for a few minutes. After work Irma called for me, but did not go to the Central Hall with me. My cold is still very bad so I bought some more cough drops. Fine crowd at Central Hall and I had every dance with various friends. Oh did I sweat. I went right down in the cold check room after dancing, and it’s a wonder that my cold didn’t get worse. February 8 – Sunday It was rather slushy but the air was fine. I practised hard in the morning. Forgot to say that papa sent off 3 more boxes to Germany yesterday. He was busy packing all week. Oh they will be so glad. Irma and I went to the show in the afternoon. It was good. Bought some candy. I practised at night and also righting[sic] my letter to Germany. Retired quite late. February 9 – Monday Walking is still very bad. Was very busy. Made out pays. My biggest one $58.03. In the evening I went lessons. Was pretty good. 7

February 10 – Tuesday Nice weather. Am working on my income taxes more or less. Some bother. Went shopping. Bought some white stockings for the masquerade 69 cts. I called in to see Irma and arranged to go to the Colonial tomorrow afternoon. When I got home I found that my Etude and Womans World had come also found a pretty valentine card from Ed. Fiedler. My I didn’t know what to think. February 11 – Wednesday Quite cold. Had lunch after dinner and then walked slowly to the Colonial to wait for Irma. I waited until every one had gone in and it was just starting when Irma came flying along. She said the car had gone off the tracks and they had to wait 20 minutes. The show was pretty good, but short. In the evening I practised also did little odds and ends. February 12 – Thursday Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. The school children were out in the afternoon. I was very busy through the day. In the evening Emily did not come as she is not taking lessons through the masquerade. Foolish nut. I took my bath and got my things ready for tomorrow night masquerade. Elsie came home from gymn. bringing her harem suit with her. It was a sight all torn + pinned. February 13 – Friday Oh what a snow storm, will it never end. Mamma ironed my suit and fixed Elsie’s costume all up so that it looked fine. Boss let me out before 5 so that I could dress in time. I hurried home and was ready quite early. When it was time to go Amanda hadn’t come, and the rest of us waited for a long time in the blinding snow storm. After 8:30 we decided to go, as we were frozen. Oh how mad we were. There were many other masks in the dressing room at the hall. To our surprise we found Amanda there. Well we were glad to be all complete any way. Turn Hall was crowded with masks and onlookers. Our suits made quite a hit. Elsie’s group danced nicely on the stage. The Gm. fellows formed in 2 groups. I shook hands with Roland C. but he would not shake as he did not know me. Then some one put him wise and he felt embarrassed. He then shook, and asked me for the first dance. Shook hands with Ehrich and Alfred – the dear old souls. I spied Fred N., but did not go near him, for different reasons. I thought the other Manchester boys hadn’t come, as I saw no one. When the prizes were given out we received the 4th. [T]he first 3 being taken by the gym classes. We were happy. To my surprise I saw Christ and another Ma??e fellow dancing in costumes. They had spoken to me during masquerade, but I did not know them. I could not go over to them though until after my 4th dance as they had been engaged. Oh such joy and handshaking all around. Christ told me he had the pictures at last. The new fellow danced with me quite 8

often and bought me ice cream. Mamma was sitting in the front row of the gallery and she could see us having a lovely time. Forgot to say that Irma masqued alone again, and I will never ask her to mask with us again. During intermission Christ, + Eugene (the new one) took me down to dinner and all the rest of them followed. We had a big table all to ourselves but oh how long we had to wait. After our good feed we all went up to dance again. Ella Rank had joined us also as the boys all knew her well. I could not keep my dance with Paul Lutz, as we had not finished eating in time, but I apologized the next morning. I had the 3d + 2d last dance with Eugene and the last one with Christ, so I went down with both to get my clothes. We waited a long time, but finally were all ready. We all went home together. I walked with Christ, and he gave me the pictures before he left me. He wanted to walk to the house with me but Arno wouldn’t let him saying that Howard could take me home. We promised to see them all again next evening. Howard carried my satchel right to the door. When I got in I looked over the pictures hurriedly and found that he had given me every one even an extra one of himself. I retired about 3 AM. February 14 – Saturday A clear winters day. Felt fine although I hadn’t slept much. Worked hard. Boss let me go after 8:30 to my great joy, and I went down to tell Irma that I was going ahead. I found the crowd quite again. I spied the Manchester boys right near the door, but did not want to go near them. They saw me however and joined me at once. I had 2 dances with each of them before Irma came. We had another wonderful time. Fred treated us + so did others. I apologized to Paul for not dancing with him. I also danced with Roland + others. Ella R. joined us again later. The same bunch went home together again, and we had a circus. I walked with Christ, and he wanted to take me home, but Arno wouldn’t let him saying that I had enough company. So we talked a long while at the corner + Christ inv. me up to his house for the masquerade March 5, but I can’t get off in work, although I would love to go. We did not have a chance to even shake hands, as Arno was pulling on 1 side, and Howard me on the other. So we all yelled things back + forth. Howard took my arm and poor Fred + another fellow walked behind. Before we parted I shook hands with Fred + wished him good luck, as I would not see him again – the boys going to Ella’s house Sunday. Fred looked blue. Howard took me to the house but left me at once as the boys were waiting for him. Otto D. took Elsie home. February 15 – Sunday I got up kind of late and practised + helped mamma. I felt good after my good times. After dinner I was just dressing to go out with Irma when who came along, but Fred N. I was more than surprised, as I had said goodbye to him yesterday. He came asking me and Irma to come along with the boys to Ella R’s 9

house. I was more than tickled that they wanted us along. I hurried and then we started down to Irma’s house. She was also very glad. We waited there until the boys came, satchel and all – all ready to leave right for the train. It was bitter cold and very hard walking and we were more than glad when we got to Bennington St. Ella made us all feel very welcome, and we spent the afternoon listening to the Victrola and Ella and I playing. We were treated with ice cream and cake also. After 6 we got ready to leave as the boys had to get the train. Irma, I, and Harry + Arno took them to the station. Fred was bound to walk with me and wanted to buy me chocolates, but I refused. There were many people at the station sending off their visitors. We heard a whistle so we all began to shake hands and say goodbye and Irma and I were just leaving when the boys came back saying that it was only a freight train. I chatted with Christ + Eugene and afterward the train really came so we shook hands once more and said goodbye. Irma and I bought some candy on the way home. When I left her Harry caught up to me and I walked home with him. After supper I worked on my letter to Germany. Then I went up to McDonalds to deliver my instrument but they made me keep it for next Friday. I gave them some money for their trouble. February 16 – Monday A fine day. I worked hard and felt fine. Annie Uhlig came to see me requesting me to come Wednesday instead of tonight as she wanted to go to the Elk’s ball. I was glad having more time to practise. Practised in the evening. Received a lovely valentine from Ehrich, also 1 from Edwin. February 17 – Tuesday More snow. Quite busy. Went shopping. Do not feel extra good. February 18 – Wednesday Pretty cold again. I went home at 1:15. After dinner I practised for a while then went lessons. I did not feel a bit like going. Took my lesson late so rushed home for my supper, and then to meet Irma. She was early, and I was late. Went to the Broadway. February 19 – Thursday Was busy all day, but felt punk. Practised at night and gave Walter his lesson. Treated my cold and then retired. February 20 – Friday Nice weather, but I felt miserable with an attack of the gripe. How I wished that I wouldn’t have to mask at night. When I got home I lay down for a while then dressed. We were the best group again. Elsie was an onlooker. I could hardly 10

stand the strain until my mask was off. The hall was crowded, and there were several original masks. We got 1st prize again $4.00. After checking my instrument I rested for a while. Mr. McDonald bought me drink. I danced once with Ed. Schwarzenberg and a few others, but then I went home all alone. I wanted to talk to no one. How I got home I do not know, but I eventually got there. Mamma was still up, and rubbed + treated me and put me to bed. February 21 – Saturday My 22nd birthday. Mamma congratulated me last night before I retired. I felt better than yesterday, but still pretty bad. I worked hard and when I got home I found that they all remembered me. Mamma baked 2 wonderful cream pies for me, also gave me 2 pretty pink shirts. Elsie gave me nice green petticoat. Papa gave me $2. Walter gave me pckg. of tooth paste. To my surprise I found a lb. box of chocolates and a lovely birthday card from Fred N. Oh how did he remember my birthday. Onkel Paul sent me a pretty card as usual. Benkers from Germany sent me 2 wonderful birthday cards – 1 with little Harry on it. My victor catalog also came. After having a great supper I dressed over and went back to work. After work Irma and I went to Schiller Lumpen ball alth. I felt so sick. I told her about my birthday, and she was surprised. Had a good time dancing up there, and danced with my old friend Ernest who had also been sick. So we both coughed. Had the notion to give him his 10 cts., but then lost my nerve. Had several drinks. Ella K. was also there. Irma and I walked home with Arno + Harry, who took me right to the house. After having a nice piece of cream pie I retired. February 22 – Sunday Awoke in morning not feeling much better. Staid home all day doctoring my cold, and went from bed to couch. I had a regular grippe spell. Elsie went to rehearsal at night. February 23 – Monday Wash. Birthday. Felt somewhat better so practised a while in morning. Went down to Irma in the afternoon + took my snapshots from Manchester along. They had a good laugh on them. We went to the Broadway. Good show. It got pretty cold at night so I staid home and worked on my letter to Lieschen. February 24 – Tuesday Very busy on income tax. Mr. W. went up to agent about 1 question but they had not time to bother with him. He then went to Lawyer Hagen. Hurrah its off my mind. February 25 – Wednesday 11

Was busy. Made out check for State Tax. Lawyer said I did good with it. I went home at 1:15 and had to eat my dinner, dress, and rush lessons. It went pretty good. We had no time to chat after lessons, as Annie’s supper was ready, and I had to get mine, as I was going out at night. Went to the opera house with Irma to see “On with The Dance.” It was splendid. Forgot to say that Mrs. Hollrich on Saxonia Ave. died. It is awful sad. February 26 – Thursday Was quite busy. Staid home at night. Income tax was sent off + practised. Retired quite late. February 27 – Friday Rotten weather. Very busy in store. Elsie had bad cold and is feeling badly now. She finds it hard to rehearse for the play when her voice is so hoarse. I practised hard at night etc. February 28 – Saturday Very cold again. Forgot to say that Elsie went to Bayern Hall last night in spite of her cold. She had a good time with Arthur Witzmann. Today I am more than busy being the last of month. I brought some checks to bank. Irma called at night and we all walked home together. She said we were invited to George Brooks house Monday. I can’t go of course, and I wouldn’t care to, being a married man. We brought home some chocolates. Talked to R. Corey. Went to bed late. February 29 – Sunday I was busy cleaning and practising in morning. Called for Irma in the afternoon and we decided to go out to Obsts. I felt funny about going. They were more than surprised and delighted. They got down their photograph, and we tried to induce the boys to dance. Ehrich wouldn’t – felt cheap. To our disgust they bought moxie for us, and treated us with nuts, cocoanuts etc. Alwine was also there with husband and baby. Ehrich told us about experiences in France. Very interesting. They made us stay for supper which was good as usual. About 7:30 we started for home. To my surprise Ehrich came along too. I bet it was the first time. When we came to Irma’s house she made us come in for a while although I would rather have gone home. I played a bit, and we chatted a bit, finally I started off. Ehrich took me right home and when we came near the house Elsie was standing there with Arthur. Ehrich wouldn’t come any nearer. He is going to Labonte[‘]s dancing school tomorrow night for first time. We shook hands and said good night. March 1 – Monday 12

Somewhat warmer. Monthly acc’t fine. Went to bank. Deposited 30.00 in my bank too. Of course I was more than busy. In the evening after supper I practised a while and then went lessons. To my utmost surprise my Chopin nocturne was checked. Oh! such a load off my mind. Chatted a while and then went home. March 2 – Tuesday Was so busy of course. Went shopping. Called in to see Irma. She told me all about going to George Brooks house with Mrs. Kohl while I was supposed to go too. Elsie went down city about her wig for the play. March 3 – Wednesday The walking is very bad. Went home quite late. Played and worked in afternoon. Went to the Opera House with Irma at night to see “Every Night” at the Opera House. It was very fine. After I left her I walked home with Gus. Laessig, who took my arm. Elsie went to Rehearsal again tonight. March 4 – Thursday Nothing but rain. Oh what walking. Was very busy. Played at night and got clothes ready for tomorrow night in case I go. I was greatly surprised to receive a letter from Irene telling me all about herself. It seems that Harry got after her for not writing me. I retired in good season. March 5 – Friday Very wet walking. Looked like rain all day. Was busy. Irma called for me but I rode home on truck. Upon arriving home I went upstairs and asked McDonalds if they were going to masq. ball. I decided to go with them as long as Irma or Elsie did not go. Elsie rested so as to be in good shape for Sunday. Mrs. Mar masque in her Turkish suit. The hall was packed. Most of my girl friends masqued. I chatted with an old friend of mine May Reta, also Max, Herman and others. To my surprise Fred Neal was there, and although I tried to ignore him he was real friendly. The first thing he asked me was to go home with me. I had a fine time dancing, although it was awfully crowded. At intermission Fred took me down for a feast and we had Kalbsbraten saurkrat, mashed potatoes, bread, coffee + kuchen. It was good. We went for our clothes shortly before the rush. When we got out we found it pouring. Oh I was glad I had an umbrella. The ice was slippery and covered with water. We waddled home like ducks. Poor Fred had to walk back without an umbrella. I bet he was drenched. He told me he had been down south for almost 9 months, and liked it plenty well. I had a most enjoyable time. Too bad Elsie didn’t go along. March 6 – Saturday 13

Oh what a rainstorm on ice. Wanted to get a car, but it wasn’t running. Tracks were flooded. I ploughed to work in my light raincoat in the morning, it being warm. The wind howled an[d] raved terrible and it was a blinding storm by noon. There was no body on the streets. It was the worst day I even saw as long as I remember. I thought sure Irma wouldn’t care to go in such weather; oh but she did. I went home for supper after going down to Jaynes to buy a great big chocolate bar for Walter’s birthday. I almost froze as it had turned bitter cold and so icy windy that it carried me right along. I went in a store to warm myself for a few minutes, or I would have been gone. Oh how glad I would have been to stay home. I dressed over warmly and on the way back walked with Mr. Epp. After supper Fred called up to make date for tomorrow night. All the big stores closed down at 8:30, as there was no one on the street, so Irma called for me and we went to Hermans Hall. It was still bitterly cold but it stopped drifting. The crowd was small on acc’t of rotten weather. Fred was there too. Had some drinks from Arno + others. Fred took me home. Irma came along. Elsie went home with her guy. Fred said he would meet me tomorrow at 7 o’clock. March 7 – Sunday Dear little Walters birthday 10 years. He received an abundance of everything from us from all kinds of chocolate + peanut butter to nice clothes which mamma made him. Of course there were cream pies too. It was cloudy and wet in the morning, but it cleared off toward noon. After practising for 2 hours we were just going to have dinner, when Amanda came along ready for picture taking. I sent her upstairs to see what they were going to do. They decided to have them taken. They all came, so we took them in groups, 3 ds, and alone out in the piazza and in yard. Oh we were cold. I then hurried up Turn Hall with ma + Irma. We had fine seats in 2nd row. To my surprise the seats all filled up. All friendly faces. The play was fine – so much better than I expected. Elsie + all the rest played good. The German talk was very good. It lasted until 6:45, and I had to hurry home with Irma + Ma to keep my date at 7 with Fred Neal. It was just past 7 when I got home, and there was no one there. I felt relieved, because I had no supper etc. Don’t know whether he came or not + don’t care. Practised + worked on my Germany letter. Pa didn’t like my missing date. March 8 – Monday A nice day. Was busy. At noon the teleph. rang, and I was more than surprised to hear from Ehrich who I had been thinking about lately asking me to go to the Colonial Wednesday to see the last play of Stock Co. Where did he get the nerve. Of course I said yes, wondering what Irma would say. Made out pays. In the evening I practised and then went music lessons. March 9 – Tuesday 14

Nice weather. The ice and snow are starting to thaw. Went shopping and called to see Irma. Told her about my date Wed. She said she didn’t mind for once, but I think she did. She wanted Ehrich to take her too. Walked home with boss. March 10 – Wednesday Quite warm. The ice is melting. Pretty slushy + warm. In the afternoon I played + helped ma as tomorrow is Kaffee kränzchen. In the evening I went out to keep my date. Ehrich came way up to meet me. We ran into Irma first thing going to her grandma. We talked a minute. I am sure she is pretty sore. We were bound for the Colonial, and as Ehrich had his tickets bought, and it was early we walked up Essex St. I passed Fred N., but turned my head. When we got there I was surprised to see Alwine + Hubby in 1st row. She smiled at us. Elsie + Alfred were there also. After the first act I was surprised when Ehrich asked me if I wanted something to eat handing out a nice box of chocolates. Goodness, never dreamt that. I opened it, gave him a couple, myself one, and closed it again. The play was good, funny. On the way home we walked behind the others and had some fun. He wanted to buy me a drink, but I wasn’t dry. We talked for a few minutes at home, and I promised to see him next Wed. He wanted me to go out Sunday afternoon, but I must see Irma, poor kid. March 11 – Thursday Irma called me up in forenoon asking if I had received a box of chocolates. Some nerve. I worked hard. At night I played, wrote and retired. March 12 – Friday Some weather we are having. Irma telephoned saying that there is a dance at the Schiller tomorrow night, as George Brooks wants to know if we are going. I think there is no dance. We agreed to go after work. I practised and mended at night. March 13 – Saturday More miserable snow and wind. Was very busy. Went home to supper and found out that there is no dance. I felt glad. Near closing time Irma called up and I told her about there being no dance. She said she would call for me just the same. I waited until almost 10 o’clock, then as she was not coming I decided to go along when E. Friedrich came along and asked me if I was going home. He startled me for a minute as I was in such deep thought. We walked home together, and he took me right to the house. It was very icy and we had all we could do to keep from falling. He is a nice good looking fellow. March 14 – Sunday 15

Rather windy. I was surprised to see Earl come up with a note from Irma saying that she could not go out having a sore throat, also she would explain to me why she didn’t come last night when she sees me again. Also that I should not make an engagement for Wed. night as she had promised to come + see George (Kohl) Brooks, bringing Mrs. Kohl and I. What should I do. I wanted to tell her today that I was going out with Ehrich Wed. I decided to send back a note explaining everything. I wonder how she will take it. I feel bad myself. I staid home all day, as it grew colder, and I practised, mended and finished my letter to dear Liesel at last, hooray! Elsie went to Turn Hall in afternoon for new show, but at night she staid home. I bought ice cream cones and we made fudge, and had a circus. March 15 – Monday Pleasant weather. I was barely in the store when Irma rang me up saying that she didn’t quite understand my note, also that she had promised we would come, and she wouldn’t go without me. She appeared all upset. I thought it over and rang her up tellinger her that I would go with her. I sent a letter to Ehrich at once explaining why I couldn’t meet him Wednesday. Poor fellow I hope he hasn’t any plans made. I went lessons in the evening, and to my surprise played that hard Chopin’s Nocturne perfect. Oh what a relief. March 16 – Tuesday Warmer + rainy. Went shopping. Ehrich called in about letter. Isn’t sore. Will see me Sunday night. Irma called for me at night and we discussed tomorrow. Mamma served “Bayrische” at the Turn Hall. Whist Party where Elsie + Arthur, and Erna + Billie went. Elsie an apron. They had a fine time. March 17 – Wednesday Dry overhead, but wet on the feet. Was very busy in the store in the morning, and at home in the afternoon. Went to meet Irma at 6:30, and we went down to Mrs. Kohl’s house on Bromfield St. Her man was just going out. The[y] just were having a scrap. We all went up to see George who was waiting for us on Cross St. He has a cozy room. A wonderful machine. Everything in records, Kreisler, Caruso etc., new waltzes, fox trots + everything. I played it most of the time. Mrs. Kohl brought a OUIJA board, and none could make it go, unless I played it. We asked whom we were going to marry, and for me it spelled H. A. L., for Irma AM. She couldn’t believe it. George treated us with all kinds of tonic + wine, also chocolates. We had a most enjoyable time, and he was bound to go home with us. He and Irma took me as far as Ferry St. Forgot to stay that he sent us a St. Patrick card. March 18 – Thursday 16

Was busy. Practised at night, also crotched[sic] and mended my clothes. Retired quite late. March 19 – Friday Wet weather – especially on the feet. Changed over the window and was very tired by night. Irma called for me, but I rode in truck and waited for her at the corner. Went to another masquerade ball with Elsie + Erna at the Central Hall. It snowed on the way down. The crowd was very small at first, but very large later. Danced quite a bit. Danced with Findeisen, H. Hartman, J. Emmert + others. Ernie Stanfield came up later. I went home with Elsie at 1 o’clock as it was over. March 20 – Saturday Kind of rainy. Felt a little tired. We were quite busy. Went home for supper, and dressed over for the dance in Turn Hall. Didn’t feel much like going but promised Irma I would. Forgot to say that Ehrich telephoned me in morning to meet him tomorrow night at 7:15 instead of 5:30. All the better. Met Irma and we went to the dance. I felt tired and didn’t care much for it. It was so smoky and hot up there. George came up and danced with Irma. It seems that he asked her to go to show tomorrow night, and she refused. He went home kind of sore. Elsie was with her Arthur. I went home with Irma and we had quite a chat. Had a big feed before retiring. March 21 – Sunday Cleaned up and practised hard in the morning. Went out for a nice walk with Irma in the afternoon. It was so lovely and spring like. I bought some chocolates to take home. Met Lucy + her husband who had been up our way looking for a tenement. They made us promise to come up and hear their new Sonora machine a week from Sunday. I tried to get out of it, but couldn’t. We offered them some candy. We also met Ferdinand and I showed him my snapshots from the masquerade. I got home real early and had time to practise and dress up before going out with Ehrich. Elsie had a date with Arthur. Ehrich took me to the Colonial where we had a third row seat. The vaudeville was fine, much better than usual. On the way down he went into Carlisle[‘]s to buy me a box of chocolates like the last one. All my protesting and scolding did no good. We had a great time coming home talking and laughing. March 22 – Monday A busy day. Pay day. Went music lessons at night. Got my last Chopin Nocturne perfect. I was tickled. March 23 – Tuesday 17

Opening Day. Went to bank in morning. Dep. $30.00. Went shopping. Bought a good pair of brown French kid gloves. Called in to see Irma. Had a drink. Walked home w. boss at night. Met Irma + Liesel after I left home. Walked up with them. March 24 – Wednesday Was very busy. Irma called in with new hat. Looks nice. I worked at home in afternoon, and played. Met Ehrich at night and went to the Colonial with him. Saw a fine picture. Irma + Liesel went and sat upstairs. On the way home Ehrich bought me a drink. We had a great time talking. March 25 – Thursday Rather rainy. Staid home at night and kept busy. March 26 – Friday Fixed over the other window as it was just the right kind of weather for it. The boss was pleased. Practised + chrochet[sic] at night. March 27 – Saturday Warm, but looked like showers. I was quite busy with store trade during slack times. Wrote letter to Irene and mailed it when I went to supper. Irma called for me and walked home together. At our parting corner we were joined by Elsie + Erna who had been to the show. Erna offered us candy and told us about kissing episode at Emily’s house last Sunday night. Forgot to say that F. Exley called in store inquiring for job. I think I know the real reason. March 28 – Sunday A beautiful Spring day. Practised and cleaned up in morning, and went for a nice walk with Irma in the afternoon. Papa and Walter went to see the high water in the Merrimac in the morning, so we did the same in the afternoon. Oh what a mob at the water falls and how it dashed and gurgled. Saw Fred Exley there who tried to follow us. Told Irma who he was. We had a delicious college ice at Glovers. On E. Hav. St. near the spicket the whole back yard of Brailsford house caved in the spicket. Oh how terrible it looked. They had it roped off, so that the mob couldn’t get too near. Irma went to her grandmother after leaving me, and I went home + played. Bought ma + Walter each a cone. Went to meet Ehrich at the corner at 7 o’clock, waited + waited, but he did not come. Lights went out. Elsie, Martha + Ada went by after having supper at Martha’s house, so I hid. He came at just 7:15, much to my relief. We went to the Colonial again, where we saw a fine vaudeville. He offered me a drink on the way home, but I was not dry. I asked him if he would like to go to the Policeman[‘]s ball with me and he said yes. Promised to see him next Wednesday at seven. 18

March 29 – Monday Was so busy masking away and piling away goods that came in. Went music lessons at night. After lessons teacher walked as far as Brailsford’s house with me, as she had not seen the sight. It was pitch dark and the water rumbled and roared like the ocean. We both felt awed and frightened. Suddenly it lightened and thundered, so we both separated + went our way. I walked on the road, and the lightning danced around me all the way home. Probably we are getting the tail end of that terrible cyclone they had out west. March 30 – Tuesday Nice weather. Was so busy with my books. Went shopping. Bought a pair of black Oxfords 5.00 and silk stockings 1.00. Got home quite late. March 31 – Wednesday Nice + springlike. Was busy in afternoon at home. Went to the Opera House with Ehrich at night, where we saw a fine feature picture, also all about the Rhine Germany, where Ehrich was. He certainly enjoyed it. We were way down near the front too. On the way home he stopped at Carlisle[‘]s and asked me to wait a minute. I waited to stop him but couldn’t. He came out with a big box of chocolates, and gave ‘em to me for Easter. I was so surprised and overwhelmed. I didn’t know what to do. He is too good. I told him I could not see him Easter on account of going to Bowes. April 1 – Thursday Oh what a busy day. Cash acc’t was fine. Practised at night. Peeped at Ehrich[‘]s box + found it marked 1.75 on the bottom for 1 lb. Oh my goodness. April 2 – Friday Another very busy day. On getting of the truck going home I saw Irma, and we went in to Morgans to buy Easter Eggs for Johnny Bowes. Practised at night etc. April 3 – Saturday Oh my what a rush. Was so busy all day. Wrote nice letter to Irene. Bought some more Easter Eggs for Walter. Went shopping with ma in afternoon. Wanted to buy her pretty Easter plant, but she wouldn’t hear of it. Went home with Irma in the evening. April 4 – Sunday (Easter) Drizzling rain + cold. Oh dear Walter hunted for all kinds of eggs, + we had great fun eating them. Practised in morning and got my music ready for 19

Bowes. Irma + I took the car after dinner and started off, bag and all. I wore my new hat, but not my new slippers. Johnny was very glad to get his eggs. There was no company but us, so we were quite at home. Their new Sonora machine is wonderful, and they played all the classic records for us. I played too. The supper was fine as usual. At quite a late hour we departed after having had a good time. We walked as far as Transfer Station as no car came. On boarding our Hill car we were joined by Harry + Wilbur B. who had been to see Wilkinsons. Was dead tired when I got home. April 5 – Monday It rained now + again all day. Was more than busy. Pay day $44. It poured around supper time. I worked until 6 and then had to walk home. Oh I felt so grouchy. I hurried and met Ehrich at 7:50. We were early and had a good seat. City hall filled up in every nook + corner. Decorations were lovely. Concert was grand, and dancing was fine. Ehrich and I went out on a waltz, and he went better than expected. We danced at least half of them. The rest we sat out. At intermission a wonderful toe dancer danced. We went home at 12:30. The rain had stopped. Ehrich said I looked tired. On the way he began acting funny and before I knew it proposed to me. He was so nervous while he talked and I was stunned. I could find no answer and after a while gave him sort of a half promise. He told me all about his hopes and expectations, and I found him to have a fine character. He is no fellow to fool a girl, or to be made a fool of. April 6 – Tuesday Was awfully busy. Boss is sending a box to Germany + he has had us all painting the address on it. Nothing can please him, the old fuss budge. He had George and I both crazy about the box. I got some paint for him and he did it himself. When Irma came to go home with me I was all nervous + rattled. April 7 – Wednesday Such a funny day. The sun shines and it snows in turn. The box is finished – hooray, and the express notified. I went lessons in the afternoon. Teacher was busy before and after me. It rained around supper time, but stopped later. Ehrich and I went to the Colonial + saw Tomy Levene + Chorus Girls. It was splendid and so were the pictures. Enjoyed it very much. Had interesting talk on way home. Wants me to go up to Turn Hall with him Friday night. What will I do with Irma? April 8 – Thursday Rainy + miserable. Was quite busy. Practised at night. April 9 – Friday 20

Quite cold. When out in morning unexpectedly + called in to see Irma about going with us tonight. I do not know if Ehrich will like it, but I hate to see her going alone. She was very pleased about it. I was so busy + wanted to get out at 5:30 sharp. The boss was out + I had several people waiting for him until 6. Then I closed up completely nervous + worn out. I locked up everything + let Mr. Himmer stay outside. The boss came much later. I ran all the way home boiling. Ida Hild came for Elsie while I was eating, and Irma came before I was done. Ehrich had to wait a little while, but I couldn’t help it. He checked our clothes + bought our tickets. I made him get cheap ones 50 cts. each. When we got upstairs we found everything crowded and we had to stand. Ehrich didn’t like it and kept fidgeting until he made us go down for $1.00 seats. Poor fellow – some money. We marched down to 2nd row, and everybody saw us. The concert was fine but not quite as good as last time. There was music, singing, piano solo, nice dancing tableau, choruses + sermon. I pointed out pa to Ehrich. Uncle Max played. When dancing started I went out with Ehrich mostly and a few others. Irma had a punk time dancing. Ehrich bought us drinks + we tired lucky wheel. Saw Uhlig sisters. It ended at 1 o’clock, and we went home together. Irma acted rather silly. Ehrich wants me to shake her. Oh Gee. Talked a while outside. Elsie went home with Arthur. April 10 – Saturday Very busy – not very tired. Irma walked home with me at night – with another girl. April 11 – Sunday A beautiful day. Played + cleaned up in morning. Took pictures with Elsie[‘]s new camera at noon. Called or Irma after dinner. She wanted to go see her grandmother so I went with her. Freddie was giving lessons. The others were out. Had nice time talking. Had supper there. We went home before eight, as I wanted to practise. I played until 10 o’clock. April 12 – Monday Rainy weather again. Went music lessons. Went good. Teacher asked me about Ehrich and other fellows. Had a real heart to heart talk. Told her all my troubles. Got home so late. April 13 – Tuesday Rainy weather. Irma called me up about going to Manchester Sunday + Monday. I knew she wouldn’t forget it. I told her I wouldn’t care to go just now. She was disappointed. She walked home with me, and I could tell. April 14 – Wednesday 21

Worked hard in morning, also was busy at home in afternoon. Went to the Opera House at night with Ehrich, where we saw a fine show. All the way up and down he teased about going out with him Sunday afternoon. He thinks that Irma is trying to separate us. I don’t believe it, she hates to lose me, that’s all. I hate to tell her about breaking up with her. April 15 – Thursday Rainy weather. Was very busy, got home late. Elsie went out. I staid home + practised, also gave Walter his lesson. The poor kid wants a bicycle the worst way. April 16 – Friday Rather wet. Was so busy. Called up Irma twice in the morning, but couldn’t get her. Had to go to bank unexpectedly, so called in to see Irma – asked her to go to Stiftungsfest in Turn Hall tonight. She was glad to go. Hurried home from work and dressed. Elsie went ahead with Martha + Clara. I took a pretty box of embroidered handkerchiefs along to give Irma to her birthday which is tomorrow. She was so surprised + delighted as she thought I didn’t know when it was. Irma knows I like her + hate to break with her. About 8 of us girls staid together and we had a great time. Dancing was free and we were surprised to find crowd so small. Talked about Manchester with Harry + Arno, also danced with Gussie, Lutzie O Scherig + other old friends. At intermission I refused an auto ride with Scherig[,] also a feed with Arno, as I do not want to do anything Ehrich would not approve of. Arno asked me to go to Bowler’s banquet, but I said no. He stuck like glue + went home with us. We all (indeed ring) Elsie + Arthur had a machine ride home. Such luck. Forgot to say that during dancing I told Irma that Ehrich wants me to go out with him Sunday + Monday afternoon etc. I could see that she was pained, but she said all right. April 17 – Saturday A strenuous hard day. Was so busy with customers and my books that I got nervous. Could hardly stand by night. As we were closing up, someone waved in at me, and I saw it was Alice + her mother. They were very nice and asked me to come out tomorrow. Alice was dressed beautifully. Irma came along too and waited for me. We chatted with Alice + her mother for a few minutes and then went home. Irma and I held up the fence for a long time talking. Pa bought Walter a bicycle $47.00. April 18 – Sunday Played + worked around house in morning, and at 2 o’clock went to meet Ehrich. We walked way out Prospect St. – made a big round trip. Then finally we went in to his house. I was glad they had no company. They made me feel 22

very much at home, took me in the parlor. Ehrich showed me his stuffed birds + everything. I played with a little wild kitten who tried to bite my finger off. I had cocoanut, fudge, moxie and a very good supper. About eight o’clock I started for home. Ehrich coming with me. We could not agree about tomorrow. He thought I had a date with Irma, whereas I didn’t dare to promise her thinking he would be sore. Finally we agreed to take a nice long walk to Billie Woods new places, as outside places are not open and his auto is being all fixed over. He took me out in the shop + showed me the engine, the fan + all other parts which were painted + fixed over, also 4 new springs were put on machine. I told him to call in house after me tomorrow. I think I scared him as he dreads meeting my parents. Irma went out with Elsie + Clara today. Elsie has a date tonight. April 19 – Monday Fine sunshiny day – rather windy. I more than cleaned the parlor + the other room in the morning. The piano looked fine. Ma + Pa dressed for the occasion. Walter practised on bicycle Ulrich gave him until he gets new one. Ehrich did not come until 2 o’clock, and I thought he had cold feet. Finally he came and was more than relieved to see me at the front door. I called ma + pa and introduced them to him, also Walter. Elsie just went out. Ehrich excused himself for coming to see me and acted very proper. We all sat in the parlor + chatted. He talked war in German with papa for almost an hour. It was too late to go out as we first planned, so I entertained him best I could, playing for him, and showing him snapshots. Ma prepared supper, although we didn’t have much as we were supposed to go out. Pa treated with Kummel. Ehrich wanted to go before supper, as he felt bashful, but I made him stay. I think he enjoyed super too. We then sat in the parlor a while longer, and he asked me to go to the show. I was delighted, as I hadn’t been out all day. He shook hands with ma + pa and met everybody. It was beautiful out. He said he was surprised at the nice way he was taken up. We went to the Colonial to see a musical show. Very good. We had quite a talk coming home. Is going out with me Wednesday if it is pleasant. I and the folks talked about Ehrich etc., until quite late. April 20 – Tuesday Rainy. Was terribly tired in morning. Was awfully busy. Went out shopping, also to bank. Got colder at night. April 21 – Wednesday Nice in morning, but rainy in afternoon. Went music lessons at 2:45. Went pretty good. Around supper time it began to pour in torrents. Elsie + Pa came home soaked. Received notice from Post Office that we had something to get. 23

Papa went right down w. Elsie who went to school. Ehrich did not come, so we had made out not to go if it poured. I played + mended etc. and retired. April 22 – Thursday A fine day. Was very busy. Had big rush at 5 and kept me here till 5:45. Was surprised to see Ehrich come in. He looked fine in his rain coat + cap. Waited for me and I walked home with him instead of riding in truck. Carried my bag for me. Had great fun kidding each other. Left me at Millers. Went to Rollins School with mamma after supper to see entertainment. We were very early and got jammed right and left when the door opened. Saw Paul Mueller and his girl. Did not know me at first. They sat right in back of us. Show was fine. Walter danced very good. They had singing, dancing, minstrel show, club swinging + solos and etc. Each class did its bit. When it was over and I put on my coat Paul recognized me and we both spoke and flushed. Oh how I should like to talk over old times with him. April 23 – Friday Poured off and on all day. Went to bank so called to see Irma. She was sorry she didn’t go last night. Staid home at night and practised hard. April 24 – Saturday Was clear but cold. We were not as busy with store trade until the evening, then we were rushed. Ma came down in the afternoon and we went looking for suits. Went in to and looked over and tried on one. I liked it and as it was reasonable I bought it. It was a regular $35.00 marked down to $29.50, she told me. I had seen one in the window for $27.50 so she went out to look. She came back saying that I was right and let me have it for that. We also bought oranges, I bought cookies, candy and peanuts, so as to have something good when Ehrich comes tomorrow. Irma called in at night and was surprised I bought my first suit so quick. April 25 – Sunday Very clear but very windy. Pa took Walter bicycle riding in the morning, while I was busy cleaning, playing p. and dressing. Ehrich came about 2:30 bringing a nice box of chocolates for me and a big pack of postal cards for my folks to see. They had visited all those places along the Rhine, so found it very interesting. We went out walking along the Hav. Road, but it was very window[sic]. My veil kept my hair in fine. We took a big round trip home again. Papa was sleeping, so I did not play. I showed him photographs and we kept nibbling at goof things. Oh the supper was just perfect. Elsie came back from show practising just in time too. We all did eat. After supper Ehrich and I went to the Opera House, but the show wasn’t as good as usual. Chatted quite a while on piazza. 24

April 26 – Monday Was busy. Went music lessons. Uhlig’s were tickled as they had received letter from Aunt stating that she received big box + everything. Such Joy. April 27 – Tuesday Rainy. More than busy. Called in to see Irma. Went home with her. April 28 – Wednesday Cloudy in morning. Poured in afternoon while I was home. I practised and worked. Cleaned up around 5. Ehrich came up and we went to Rialto to see Virgin of Stamboul. It was fine. On way home he wanted to buy me drink but I did not want any. April 29 – Thursday Nice day. Was very busy. Practised at night + mended. Elsie went to rehearsal, brought home big . April 30 – Friday Rather chilly. Was very busy figuring up accounts. Wrote letter to Irene at noon time. At night Ehrich called and I went to Turn Hall to see play. The whole family went as Elsie had a dancing part. It was called “Beantown Choir.” We had a good seat. I told Ehrich to call Alfred over to us, as he was all alone. Of course Annie U. spied us and kept looking at us all the time. I went + talked to her later. Ehrich danced with me only and is doing fine. I danced with Arthur Witzman too. Irma also joined with us. We were treated + everything. Later Carl Trumpold came over + he + Ehrich talked about Germany + autos. Irma went home with us, as she was all alone. Elsie and her beau took a little spin. Of course I got to bed late. May 1 – Saturday Nice weather. Oh, so tired. Bank acc’t fine. Rushed to bank. Everything O.K. Was more than busy between my book and customers, and was almost dead when Irma called for me at night. May 2 – Sunday It rained in morning, and I though probably Ehrich wouldn’t come. We cleaned and I practised. It stopped raining after dinner. He did come, but we could not go on our big hike again as the weather kept changing. I entertained him best I could, playing for him etc. and then we had one good supper. He felt funny about eating with us again, but we didn’t mind. Walter just loves him. After supper (early) we started off for the show. I wore my winter coat again, as it 25

might rain again. Ehrich was in his suit. Down city he insisted upon buying candy, so I went in with him. Arnold U. sister Ida was also buying, so we chatted. He bought 1 lb. ket[spelling?] chocolates, and she put them in box. We went to Colonial to hear Minstrels and munched our chocolates. On the way home it began to rain a bit, so we stood on our front piazza a while, and had a good long talk. Elsie + Arthur came along later too. When I got in and showed my chocolates; oh my! May 3 – Monday Showery. Worse than April. Rained again. Pretty busy all around. Made out pays 51.33. Plumbers are going to get $1.00 per hour from now on. He told me I would get $1.00 more too. Hooray. Went music lessons at night. It poured while there, but stopped on way home. Retired late. May 4 – Tuesday Went to bank + shopping. Just as busy on Saturday. Irma called for me at night, and we were both dead tired. May 5 – Wednesday A beautiful day at first, but clouded later. Irma did not call in. I was busy at home in afternoon practising + mending. Ehrich came for me at night. I wore my new suit. He said I looked good in it. I think so too. We went to Broadway for a change + saw good show. He told me that he would stay out of work having a bad cold. Also that if I didn’t mind he would not go to Turn Hall Friday. Of course I don’t mind. I may not go myself. May 6 – Thursday Very busy. Rained. Practised at night + got things ready for tomorrow night. May 7 – Friday Dull + dreary through the day but cleared up in evening. Got home from work late. Dressed in a hurry. Ehrich did not come – just as he said. I went up with ma and pa. Elsie + Walter both acted. Mamma was busy all day making Walter a new dark blue blouse and pants. He looked kippy. He acted just like a little soldier, so nice. Elsie did fine too. Schauturnen was good. Witzmann is a good actor. Turning around I spied Christ Gossler + Fred Nack. God, I was surprised. Three Gulz also came, Esther Scheicker + others. The Uhligs also spied me, I bet they wondered where Ehrich was. When dancing started I wanted to sit by ma, but Irma came along + joined me. Pretty soon Fred + Christ, also came, (but I joined) and I danced with them. Also shook hands and spoke to Esther, and introduced Irma to her. At intermission they wanted us to go down stairs with them, and although trying to back out, I went with them. 26

We all sat around table and had tonic. Pretty soon we went up again to dance. I did not stick around them any longer, as I wanted to be true to Ehrich. Ma + Pa went home early. I went home later with Irma + Minnie H. We shook hands with Manchester people + left. Fred looked sore. I guess Irma did not like my backing out, but I can’t help it. Elsie went home with her Arthur. They had a ride. May 8 – Saturday It poured in morning. Oh I was tired. Ehrich called in in forenoon. Was shopping. Felt sorry he didn’t go last night. I told him all about it. It rained all afternoon + night. Pa bought a new mattress for us. May 9 – Sunday A glorious warm day. I practised and cleaned parlor in morning. Ehrich came in afternoon, and as it was so nice + warm we decided to take our long walk to Frye Village. We went in Peters + had a Merry Widow. The walk was so long, that I got a blister on my foot. Billie Wood certainly did wonders. All new white or red bungalows, and pretty fences around. Also parks, drive ways, etc. We took the car back, and I told Ehrich to get transfers for hill car, and have supper at my house. He wanted to eat down city, but that is too much expense. After a good supper we sat in parlor and staid home. Ehrich telling me to rest foot. I played etc. Pa brought Kuemmel. I also gave him 1 of my pictures. He seemed very pleased. He really acted kind of in love that night. Of course Walter adores him. He went home at 9:30 with my picture tucked under his arm. I retired about 10:30. May 10 – Monday Got up early and practised before going to work. Was very busy in shop. No end of work. Went music lessons at night. Teacher pleased with my lesson. May 11 – Tuesday Rainy. Was very busy. Made out checks. Went shopping at 8 P.M. and called in to see Irma, but she was busy. Elsie went to Whist Party again, and mamma to Schumanns birthday. May 12 – Wednesday A beautiful day. Was terribly busy in morning. At home mamma was giving my room a thorough spring cleaning, so I helped her. Some Job. We put our new mattresses in bed too. I also practised and set table. After supper I put on my suit and waited for Ehrich. We went to Rialto to see Lousie Glaum in “Sex.” It was wonderful. Bil Lange + his girl sat right in back of us. All the way home 27

Ehrich talked about getting me a ring. All my protesting seems to do no good, for I really believe he will. Oh mercy. The new mattress feels great to sleep on. May 13 – Thursday Fine weather. Had another nerve racking day. Went to see Birdsall after work, about a supposed cavity. He said it was all right, but my teeth needed cleaning and 3 pulling. I made date for next Thursday after work. Walked up hill with Martha Hildebrandt who was driving Clara Doctor’s baby. Poor Clara has to be operated again. Mamma went bowling. I practised and mended and then retired. May 14 – Friday Cloudy – occasional showers. Quite busy. Practised at night. Elsie went to Gymnasium. When she came home she told me that George Simon invited me to go to banquet with him next Wednesday at Turn Hall. It is going to be a wonderful affair. Elsie + Arthur are going. Of course I can’t go. I felt just a little downhearted. May 15 – Saturday It rained and cleared every 5 minutes all day. Elsie went to Little Island Pond with Gymn. girls. She was loaded with eats. They are staying till tomorrow night. Of course the fellows will come up, so they will have circus. Walked back to work with Arno. About 9 o’clock I got a telephone call from just think Fred Naeck, who was at Turn Hall. Christ and some others are also down with him. He asked me if I was going to Schiller’s Hall Dance after work. I said “No.” He said he would be up to see me tomorrow afternoon, but. I said I was going it. He is coming in morning now. Good night mamma will like that. Pa called in store and I told him I bought candy for tomorrow. Met Irma on way home, and she was wild she didn’t get dress for dance. Told her about Fred. Took bath + retired. May 16 – Sunday A beautiful day. I straightened up the house in the morning. Ehrich came after 2 o’clock looking real mysterious. He sat in the parlor while I put on my hat + coat, and I asked him to eat some candy. When I went out again I spied a purple velvet box in the candy. I knew it was a ring. Goodness my heart left me. I opened it and found a beautiful 14 K. ring with high setting rubie[sic]. I didn’t know what to do. I ran in to show it to mamma. She was surprised. So he bought it even though I protested. We went for a long walk way around Searles. On the way back Ehrich made me stop at his house. I wanted him to come to my house the worst way, but he wouldn’t. Mr. + Mrs. Obst were very nice to me. Alice went to get her picture taken and Alfred painted parlor. Mr. Schoelzel 28

then came. We all sat in Garden house and had great fun joking. I was treated with milk and ice cream cone. Finally Alice + Alwine came, and wanted to see my new ring of course. We then had a good supper. As it was kind of late I decided not to bother about going to show. Alice teased Ehrich to buy more ice cream, so he bought 2 more bricks. We had a circus. They are all planning to get cottage at beach for last 10 days, and want me to go along. I hope I can go. Ehrich took me home at quite a late hour. Forgot to say that this morning I was expecting Fred Naeck, and he came about 11 o’clock in auto. I treated him very nicely and wanted to tell him about Ehrich. Howard had told him already. I felt sorry for him, as he acted so nice. I asked him to stay for dinner, but he promised Lehnerts. Said they all had a great time at Schiller Hall last night. When he went he invited us all to Manchester. I told Ehrich all about it, and while we were talking Elsie + Arthur came from camp with suit case and all. They had a great time eating all good stuff. When Elsie spied my ring – oh my! May 17 – Monday A good day. I didn’t feel extra good. At noon I was surprised to see Billie Oertel come in store. He asked me to go to banquet + dance at Turn Hall with him Wed. I refused and gave him reason why. He was disappointed + said he had planned to take me right along. The 2d one to ask me. I maid[sic] out pays. Got my raise $30.00. Practised and the went music lessons. Teacher walked half way home with me, as the night was so grand. May 18 – Tuesday Nice weather. Very busy. Went out after supper to buy 1 pair of Oxfords. Got some nice brown ones $5.00. Irma did not call after work, so do not know if she is coming to see me tomorrow or not. Mamma went to to[sic]. Good time. May 19 – Wednesday A beautiful warm day. All the trees are blooming, and the air is filled with fragrance. I was busy until 1:15, and then went home. We cleaned up at home, and then I practised. Irma did not come. After supper Elsie dressed for banquet. Mamma dyed her white graduation dress pale green. It looked lovely. Ehrich came and we went to Opera House to see “Down on the Farm.” I told him that I had been invited 2 times. I bet they had a swell time. Somehow I didn’t care to go. Arthur came for Elsie in his auto wearing a dress suit. The show was funny right through, and we certainly laughed. Going home we bought a milk shake, and I got the giggles. We talked a long while outside. May 20 – Thursday Warm Spring Day. There were some little favors on table Elsie got at banquet, also pinks. I was busy through day. Went to Birdsall after work, but he had 29

already gone to supper. I waited from 5:45 to 7:30. He cleaned my teeth. Charged $1.00. Found cavity which he will treat next time. When I got home I had supper then practised. Elsie went to Dramatic Club feed + dance. Some Laufbesen. May 21 – Friday Was very busy. Practised at night. May 22 – Saturday It rained on + off all day. Went home to supper. Boss walked home with me from work. Irma must have gone to Turn Hall Dance or Schiller Hall. I did not go. Elsie went to Gymn. and staid for dance. Of course she had a good time with Arthur. May 23 – Sunday A beautiful day in morning, but later got cold + drizzling. I cleaned up and played in morning. Elsie and Arthur and Erna + Bill went to Juenger[‘]s farm. Ehrich came bring a 1 lb. box of chocolates. Oh he is too good. We went for a long walk way out to Pleasant Valley, but it was drizzling all the time. Ehrich had only 1 glove. He either lost the other one or left it at home. When we returned I gave him candy bananas. We had a wonderful supper. Oh boy. After supper we staid home, and I played for him, opened my box and we had a feast. Of course they all had some. When Elsie came she had some too. May 24 – Monday A fair day. Was very busy. Went music lesson at night. Pretty good. May 25 – Tuesday Was very busy. Went shopping. Walked home with boss at night. We received a letter from Onkel Franz and a picture of Willie + his bride. It is very nice. Also received my magazines. May 26 – Wednesday A fine day. Was very busy in morning also in the afternoon at home. In the evening was surprised to see Ehrich come in auto. Alfred and little Herman sat in front and Ehrich and I in back. We rode way over to Andover and back, then stopped at Opera House. The machine rides fine. I certainly enjoyed it. The show was good too. On the way home we met Irma and talked a little while. She had taken Ella part ways home. We are going on trips Sunday + Monday. May 27 – Thursday 30

Warm day. Busy. Went to dentist after work. Had tooth filled $2.00. All finished for a while. Practised. May 28 – Friday Really hot. Another hard day. Got out late so rode home in Bosses truck. Met Irma – talked little while. Elsie went to dance in Hermans Hall. Not for mine. I treated with a pt. of ice cream at home, it certainly was good on a hot night. Practised + retired. May 29 – Saturday A great day. Awfully busy. Last of month, and Sunday + Monday holiday. Went home to supper, awful hot. At closing time Ehrich got me in machine and took me home. Boss was surprised and pleased. I was home in 2 minutes. Forgot to say that in afternoon Elsie came in to get pretty aluminum fry pan and alum. pressure kettle which I took home in place of tea kettle I didn’t get. May 30 – Sunday A clear day. A little cool. Cleaned and dressed up in morning and had an early dinner. Elsie staid home afternoon, went to Lake with Arthur, Erna + Billie. Ehrich called early with his machine, and pa went out to examine it. Pa was well pleased. Walter was crazy about it. I wore my winter coat as it was quite cool. We rode to Salisbury Beach. Trip was fine. Auto runs good. Big crowd down beach. Brought kisses. Went on dobbies and air ships, then took walk along shore way up to Black Rocks. There we rested and put up a flag of kisses paper. Then we went back to center and sat in sand until near supper time. It began to get cold so we moved. We had a nice hot clam chowder, coffee + pipe. Then to my surprise Ehrich bought me a pretty aluminum plate with blue bird painted on and real ink well in corner. I protested, but no use. He wanted to buy Walter something, so we looked for a long time, then found a pretty rose shell. I bought 2 chocolate bars. Then we each went looking for toilet. It bothered me all day, and I could hardly stand it. I put on my veil, and about 7:30 we left. The ride home was delightful. When we got home ma made hot coffee and had lighted supper. Of course Walter was ticked with present. He loves Ehrich more than ever. Ehrich staid a while then went home. I went to bed. May 31 – Monday Memorial day. Elsie + Arthur + other 2 went to Rock Pond early in morning, loaded with eats. Ma + I went to cemetery carrying lilacs + pansies. We took hill car, then had a long wait for Glen Forest car. Saw small parade. Did not see Ehrich. He must have marched to Methuen Cemetery. Got home around eleven. It was terribly hot. Cleaned up, ate + dressed. It was getting late and 31

Ehrich did not come, so I practised hard. He may have had to parade. Suddenly at 3:30 some one rapped. It was him. I was surprised. We went off for another ride. I wore my suit, and took my long coat along. We decided to go to Salem Willows although it was late. It was further than beach. Ride was wonderful. It is a nice quite place. They had dance, but we didn’t bother. We had drink then sat way out on the rocky cliffs and watched the beautiful ocean. The breeze carried the band concert music right over to us. It was a most perfect day. Around 7 o’clock we broke up and had a nice steamed clam supper. It was about 8:15 when we left. We had some fun the way home. The number plate got loose and we had to tighten it. Then it got dark and we went along the road to Haverhill. Ehrich asked a farmer and we turned back the right. He was so worried about ma + pa not knowing where we went. We went about 35 M. per hour to gain lost time. I never went so fast before. Ehrich kept blaming himself and I thought it was a joke. We got home after 10, and I brought him out a drink. While we stood talking on the back piazza, Elsie + Arthur came along and went in front piazza. Ehrich then went home, and I went in house. Elsie came too bringing ladies slippers. Their guys spent a pile of money on them again, and Arthur bought $5.00 worth of Victrola records for the camp. I had a most wonderful time these holidays.