

T H U R S D A Y, MAY 4,, 1797.

the operatioa* of T B N 1* A, Mrwrf ie. north, of which .Ruffia is to be the head, and to The rtwent fntcefs which attended fotnifh the largefr quota of ftrips. the archduke Charles, in the Tyrolefe, hit, ai wu Impvial Sujefty being informed that ezptded, irrefieti Bu>|iapene In his progrtfs to opinion prevailed all From die lame (tnuce we are alfo informed, that a general of Pruffia, a commercial treaty it Rome. Prcviooi to this, the ntpttblican general dit- °c« his (aniily, and into the Ruuv.n ports, is *V Xv genet*] La Fayette, is to be followed by greater menu of the Auftrians, and pofibly calculating on in the dungeon* of Olmuix minary mealure, which (tllsw-prifonen, ftifTering privileges. fome oppofition from the comdund of general Colli* (he moll barb* rout treatment j that they have been Icr Mar** to 11. he lidencd to the renewed propofials of the pope, and yesrs kcprrigoroufty con fined- in feparate cells, in- a happy peace. .. The report which Rated the failing of the fqnsdrtro concluded felled with tbe peftilcntial air of a morafi and a com- A court of common council, wu held yefterday stt of t\Vo barracka and two hofpitals, with- collected at Dunkirk, we arc enabled to fay, is W»- non fewer, on Guildhall, when the thanks of the court were un*> t bting allowed the benefit of either air, exercife, fouodr d a cutter belonging to Yarmouth ftaiion, w were (evens! sirmoufly voted to Sir John JervU, K. B. and to att or latercoorfe with each other ; that tht health of the Tuefday Mi, looked into thst port there mariners, and anfweting to tbe .defcrip- the admirals, captains, oficers, feanten, nrifoners was fo far impaired u to require medical vtffels there, (ome of them of February * fword, bottomed barges con (traded to foldicra in the fleet ot> the l+th ifijiUrxe slmoft daily ; hu juft ordered that eom- tion of the large flat alfo voted to Sir John Jetvis i fhoal water, and e»ily debark troopi but value topo gufneas, wu niffioners fhould be app'^intcd to inquire particularly ran into freedom of the city, in gold boxes, value too thofe did not wear en appearance equal to immediate and the into theJr fortncr treatment, and the prefent fitustion guinea* each, to all the admirals i* the fleet, tnd to ; and that an authenticated report fcrvice. At Offend ell wu inaOiveon Wednesday. of the prifoners was on commudore tyclibn. fcoulJ be fent without delay to the court. A neutral veffrl arrived off Bridington^ of the public, To much interfiled in Wednesday bnardee1 by the begull brig, t f«\v hours The coriofity the DUBLIN. AtVtA 4. fiv.iur ol tho'e unhappy viltinu, it ftrung'y excited after (he hod been examined by a Dutch floop was the motive, and wbst ii likely to commander of which dated, that the Dutch fleet were The confttroation which prevails from the late to know what tbe fir ft bsthe refult of this order. Is it in confeqmnce of lying at the Tetel, at Bugle inchor, waiting mock fu Rained by the public credit, is indifcribable. being now, tor the firft lime,. favourable wind to put to fea tint they had been All confidence in pa per'is gone, and bufingfs iaata hit Imperial majefty and a (hip of icquiinted with |he treatment >l the ptifonen f or of j'lined'by levera! frigates from Flufhing, complete (lind. made by the Briiifh minifter, the line from Rotterdam. For a confidence time on Thurfday laft the com' die officisl declaration yefterdey no (hare in it f Has the mignamtnoui .Paris journals ol the 4th and jth, arrived miffioners of the revenue refufed to'accept of notes of tbu he had ii concluded be. cooduft of tbe em pei or of Ruffia toward) KofciuGco, they bring an account ihat peace the bank of Ireland from fuch merchants as render he has fo unequivocally difclaimed being an t*e*n the pope and the Fiench. them in payment of the duties on their entries. The by which letters poblilhed by It accomplice of wed tmirjjjy at the cuflom-houfe. of the three French offir > », and ytntoft, Ftb 19. ' At filBMting me;dium guinea notes have been juftily the detention a number of 'bive refolv;d in conf ot a I 'tier which tlie Holy Father hu written B W - Y O R K. April IQ. cannot pofubJy urouuie but m the relief, or tven (fays e lite Knglilh paper) c obferve Bl/ONAPRTB. tbe liberation »f the cajvivrs i we need not Srgnrd, , the teftiraony of many of the French prifoa'ert, thit the report of the commirLoners rannm bat ! « re. Piu. R ft VI. fnccefsof th* upoftoltc benediQion. that (o confident was the eteny in tbe probtted .by all Europe u uadefcrving i»f credit, un- " D-;r fon, health and that an horci-keeper in P«- . terminate smUralJy our disTcrtacti espediiio* igsinft Ireland, lt£i th« investigation be fairly atu) or^nly nuuneed hy " D.6rinR to his eftablifhment, as he faid, to remove not with the French republic by the reueat of the troops ris relihquimcd sftea of honourable and in>lc|vndent ch*ritK-r, to Cork, and embarked his family *nd property with uifltttnced by perfooal intcrefl, fear, or corruption; which. you tomnund, we tend and depute to you, as from, the cardinal as much unconcern, u he would hive removed nd unlefs tbe report is («n£bntj by the fiy_o»'ure 01 our plcnipouniwiics, two eccUfiaAici, ftreet. to you, and M. Ct- one houfe to another in the fame the ptryei concerned, «ir er trail that it.l»e ,ope« fnr Matty, who n pcifcdly known confiderably incrcafcd in Gie, the duke DOB Lrwis Brifchi, The elephant, who is llwir oSferv'itiooi, in oppofia n to th--(e of (h< com- Icpp i iuld (t*0 fecu]»r>, tJiiK, »nd quite improved in various sccomplifl)- ami the marquis Camillus, wlio are in- is more nitBoners. our ntplicw, ments, has arrived here from , ot his way veiled with our full powen, to conceit with you, feen at No. as we nope to Button. We are informed he is to be R A T I S B O N. FrWr; 19. prompt, »nd lubCpribc fuch conditions Yaxktt DttMt extreme­ obliging ourfe!««s un-lcr i to, Front-ftreet. He dances . has been officially will br j.iA and rtai'jnsble, nctt « ftvounbk reception The impending new c»mpait.n to approve and »tify them ft ly well j he muft therefore of the empire. The (War*, our faith and wotd of definition. announced to the dirt Ibrm, in order that they may be valid and at his place lion msde on tlie 14th inftant, on the pan of the em* the fcntimtnti frtm a LeintcH Paftr. ccntsinj it> «ll JiMuca lime. A flu red uf penr, to the three colleges ol 'he empire, ha.v« manifelUd, w« have late vifit to Pe­ : ul |tu"tt will which vnu The refult of the king of Sweden's amopftft others,' the 'following pafTige rtm ivuig soy tauip from Rome, by very little underload. mnft have acquired the moll perfect abtUiaeu from ter fburg, is, we believe, " The dates »Oich you will be prrfiMfied uf'ihc entire confidence intending psuwcaUn have reached u* conviction rro'm many erents, efpecially froin tlic Tue following [ CRACQS. vsiuch we repol: u> yixt. We oeAclude by atfuring Irooi pood authority : hoftilt (entimenfs expreflcd by the enemy t»;. It the. vounte inves st > u »ur prrlcct eiiccB', aci in giving you ibe paternal It u well known that ihr late emprefs employed integrity of the'empire,' that It became unavoidably between eicape or scci- no time, iu apollolic benediction. every poffible intrigue to break op the match nei-tffiry to make great eff jiU, to lole Roan, the 1 2th Feb. 1797, of Mecklenburg, (opport his* ImpcrUl ni'ji-ilv, Given at Si Peter's, u> the king of Sweden and the ptince/s ftrstamg ev«ry nerve to rwnti6cate. . a* To threaten hoftiliucs. She patriotic icfulution ->f mipioyi->g all the izd year i.r our and went even (o far in the genernn,* . " " Pich you have ta.ken there, her majefty did every thing that magnificence the fpeedy faroiming «vr their Qjin»ur>U contingent of ni3 contsinrd of her lj> wii'e * n\c. and liberslby could bcftow in ditzling the tnind ttoopSj who ere to join f*vi army of the empwur <*jiil>-_ ahe-Lfc.'tibl* bride, end tr.oni.-y, » yj,e peace bctwero ihe French republic ind your f,oyt\ ijucJi. The king Caw hii intended »of. dthty : to fncfifh aflb','i/«- continents in thst the contraA of a pub­ in order thai holi&e& i» jv:ft finned t 1 lelsciuiu niykll is> being ^ble there was every appearance und the arrtirt (e(i>r'e f w cooiributt to your perfonal iatery. lic betrothing the tflcclivc force m»y Hied (or the ceremony > tbe grand doke, mnd moft of the opening of the imprndinp e»nif>ij.c, which U to a j totiejt y-.-r bolimls to Jeard againfl the per- yv a; R*Me, -whaj are foW to the courts, the the royal fismtly, with tbe great officers of ftatr, were, he carried on with the prrateft fma *fa to thecontraQ, cuc.nioi of Hfaiicr, or *»l»o' fuiT*r ibcjnfelves to be afT-mbled to wltnefi the king's fignatnre . The emperor concludes his dcclniatlop fry It^ting^. his m«j«fty excufnd hin>(elf from attending, emperor and kin^, c of te«rloiy conftaotly engendcn. end fhe im men (e effort, The grand duke, now cipuienr. uete* /poke to the of the war v\\ich h«ve liitherto taken pWe, Ail! fi»d - >« AH Bu which! haw« to give you _!!.« •, yoi« of tbe refp«« u>4 v*n«r«ti«n fufed t» permit-ft, oWrrvlng Mt^t could only allow u..w.fij4 piojwfwi. 1l>« on evesv one Greek ' " ' Qf.4sf..W. wuh whkbl h*vii-thf etoswwr to *»e yofcr snoft'obe- hU intended bride priiatf chapel, and which i hey AK*D .w iffue, unounu |o prtet for her deyoclMa: On Sunday Istt. 8ft,«oo v>«»? lU«l>P*i »l h swsf be Onmftffad that the Ro««ns had itecd of for oeuly t ,. f Tnjt tn»* i« Ok The H-wskmi mail, doe oo W4n%s^y,a»rv*l ' |*C« tbtcMtee they here poflefled on the king of $i*JJO » oeck. (Wcttfry.t«ty. -<>» oftheir maxkns was that to learn Vff from have fp date, upon ? authority of letters military career >Wiib fucceU, i« hel4n| defeated 'ike thing, was to ufurp upon tht rights of their foverciftt, ,. {f'crflkHfti (sod we Wieve. ihat fovemmtnt w«w of dte Frt«e% arsnr, s^Mianded by «46 «»d«tood( ' every thing t tha.t to know whit f* tpc/T«ft U«s1cM4 »fwr wkkh his r«yd hi»hav thiag which vfry impcrtant Intelligence, g0oer*l iha'«*«sdi«f,*—*-- ' f '"--•• ' ,arrived from 3«v«de») the tteUed *» V.»en«ii*» ef*Jsjh o»« ' "* ' *'' " (lpf, su>otb)r nav«l armed uimraluy »J (otinifjg in the It his been rernvKeJ, that (ire* are ttt re frequent regulated agrembly ,tj> thl^Vikafa of Kot ember 15, Eucunei, and feeling myfelf in LorUlori fh4*Mn Jwy oihct city io Europe, except to the public and a (acred duty to»rny departed i Conftitninople, owing principally to the onneceSary 4 The nkaft of the 8th of April, 1793, (hall be " Though. I/(hall little grace his caufe tihibcr,j»au,c4"^*>--*l>e co»^i«4fion»f"*pr baQdrogi. ftrjiftly obfeflred,*} far as iufertto* the irrfportatufe of " I'will a maud unrarnilh'd tate deliver In tnajce and ubernwny,S*he vellibA*. ' French goods, and #f others which are mere " O^ his whoUcourfe'of lyva.*' corftdojsV*. tec of their itnktre* and Jtoblic cdWpes, _ ot luxury ; at likewiU all tornmuBJciftv" *%h My aftquaintatijg with Euinend corameaeel i\." »f*Ak^i»ilUredrOr lluccoed, fluorti wKb brikk, Hkg- «< French ntHil a lawful goveTnroeVit orcftinedrby (ttt 'period of life when unWkncyed'in the.aruftctTS gedf or tiled, at well as the apartment) of mod houfei, Uiii ukala (hall 'alfrf no longer lie demanded in the men, the generous ardour of youth, draining tKt * totnpliwce with her i particularly of the lower cUfles ; ike (laircafci of ttoi.e future importation, of l'>enchj|ood», Except fa (uch (trafnts of prudential, confideruiont, bear*, do** »)Uk. lutely rtjtfted. her lot Ijt*|ft.li2f7" glrilifl. vciib. wood, aa>d UnWi i».-foiily ufcd articles for which (ome drtuerate-fo be remitted. petty edvamage*of difirntlation; and lays open the dun my encouragem itf door* and windows for beams, rood, and ralters i Done at St. Peterfturg," Jan, »i, whole foul to obfervarion. .On hi* arrival at the (en, onlooted for event (f materials much cheaper, more durable, and a* warm ijary Whale our acquaintance commenced, .he wai fp^i tanr.iti. The cot\tn as thole of- wood, m >re fafely heated wirh ttove*, and SECOND ken of at a young gentleman, ftudious, refvrved, *<\\ Ruaitne* did not en thus capable of being tendered more comfortable, with informed, anrl of _uocoanmon application, buttotall* SNffirfttalued the U Paul I, fcc. .'-. , ...... 'unacquainted witfi th< geaeral routine far-rel> bx\.Jtbw onr coafamption of that iroporunt We do hereby mod gracloufly permit the free ini of colle*jat« lAcetned him a* a. fru article: Taxes upon wiinlcot and wood, uled in Bodies,. Eumene*, .ho.wever, refolved to be a Ickolw «u entering the hot portation in all our harbours, of fuch Dutch good* a* and his mind wn adequate %tO the determination » it houfrs, tt$. would gradually introduce a fimUar con- are not prohibited in the tariff or the ukafs, provided itntioo was arrcfted I ftruetian in Eogjand, and prevent the frequent firet in wat a favonrite maxim with him lhat for a marr to be. j, IK proceeded he hi fuch importation takes place id Oiip* belonging to neu­ come what he *i(hcd to be, it i ~ .the metropolis. . ' tral powers. Thofe goods are to pay duties prefcribed H will facrifice my * The followiag-are fanher particular* of the tate glori­ M uncle I roajrenr* ous defeat of the Spanifh fleet. a tttuauon to which no ptrion funpoitd , H down the c'enfure ftall be publifhed. " ./ wquld alplret and it was with ruuck pleasure I It* Sir John jcrvtt had an accurate account of the force it St. Peteifborg, Jan. H . never be my- him ftatioard at my fide, in *> clad which wasfooa to I pronounce the wot an^coui(e of the Spanifh fleet, three days before-he conclude their academical carets. Notwithit«ndii>> fell in with thetn'. He called all the captains of hi* PHILADELPHIA, " r:msinj in my po1 the difadticUfes under which he laboured Irom it .'f.me fubflsmiil ol fleet on board, and communicated to them in perfon ExtruB »f • Utttrfrim NtVJ-Terk. daltd jifril zO. early negligei.ce 01 tyftemitic educatiun, his tbilitiu hu plan of attack, and >ave them their order»j the This Tccne WM t cortfcquence of which was, that he hsd not ocesfion, " The Britifh packet failed yefterday from the foon reh'dertd him confpic'ouus am

Anne-Anindcl county, April 8, 1797. ;.3 By virtue of t deed qf jruttj/om capt. SAMUBL ,*.;;. \(i\ !% t g April, 175 MATHAKD-IO u*, will be SOLD, on th« premi(c*» bn'TriuffaaV trie eighth" day of Jujje netfr if f4r, THE.._ P*.HiD««T IndDftiticTOiit'oriUilef of ^the''fiijft Uir'day', .ort twelve moothi ctedir, the of* Bjo.T4MO»a mVvinf taken into coufideration faW to ' be continued1 from day to day until all i* On tha, (ecoird WaVtHe' rjurchafers to give bond, with approved', hwing the renmihing ont half POSED to PUBLIC 6AL'B,4f «' Security, before any, p»ing w'ttTbe delivered, ^ being autbarifed by tb« ohartcr to call for this pay­ at PRIVATE SALE before that d»y7 ment at fuch time « they roty a|ojoint, do^therefore HAT valuable plantation whereon iha fiid'Sa- LL IhKt fltomWe PROPERTY, fcn«ai:«r muel Ma'ynard now lives, fituited two gjve* uoti«e< that Monday the jthxlay- of June neat, th» (lock- fLOOM»»tjRY SquAKi, In (kt city of AriniM Tmtie* of Herring Bay, containing about 250 acres, apd the five following day*, are fix»d en for A and fifty li», containing erne acre and an h*lf, the wboN is li\d oat with foine improvement* t her son. Alfo a number of holder* to pay tie remaining one hundred dollars on each (hire, in gold or filter, at ike bank hi thtee fepertte lots, one in the terinre of WILIU.; countr/ bofn neiroes, confi(ling;bf men, women, bciy* Cooittj Bfq;*. large brick balding, handfooxl. fi ckrlle, hog;, and. Ihcep, aforcfatd. arid girls, the frock of horfes, JAMES Cff)X, Uftt.er. toned, with every convenient* and improvtiifm plantation uteli'dfi, houfehold'ir 3 kitcheii'furniture. fu Stable for any gentleman ; the adjoining brick build' And, on Thurfday the fifteenth day of June, will Ni B. It i* fBtende* that the firrf half-yearly divi­ dend (hall be declared on the; atx/ve-memioned Jth ing, now in the poffeffion of Mr. Fowtm,'witbcos be Told, at Lower:Marlborou|h. a parcel oi European Tenience* and improvements} five framed hosfe fchoowr Friendfhip, with her dw of June.- ' good*, one half of the * • t ' ' j. h with gardens, now in the poflemon of diffet^t ] tackle and furniture, as Ihe now lie* in Patuxent river. nints; the whole rents for two hundred and tea Punher particular* will be made known on thediy FERRY BOATS. pounds per annum. This property I* under leife fo, oi i'ale. ninety-nine- yean, and the unetprred term his y»t tt JOHN THOMAS, l Trufter. HE fubfcribers beg leave to inform the public JOSEPH WILKINSON, I lruUeCI' in general, that they have built two large con­ run fif-.y one year*. This property will bt (old, to I venientT FERRY BOATS, for the conveyance of gen­ wroommodate ihe porchafer, either in fepante loo M P. 8. All peribni who have, or formerly had, con- the whole. Alfo a traft of LAND, contiining ft,ar nexrori* with capt. Maynard in trade, are requeued tlemen an.d their hurfe* and carriage*, &c. THOMAS TUCKER, on Welt, river, in Anne-Aruodel county, hundred acres, now in the tenure a,nd cccupaiion of to produce the book*, or a fta:ement from -(aid book's, Mr. EPHRAIM DUVALL, lying in Anne-Arundel with all bonds tnd account* relative to fuch concerns, run* to Kent Ifland «nA*Talbot county, on the Eaftern ftore ; WILLIAM W.T!ADAW*Y, on the bay fide, in county, extending Irom the rjvet Severn to the river on or before i'-»e day of fale, and all perfons hiving Magoihy. within five milei of the city of Annipolii claims agaioft the^aid Samuel Maynard are hereby Talbot cobnty, oppofite to Weft, river, run* to Well river and there about*. As this i* by far the molt con­ and twenty-eve from Bahi u tore tow n ; on this land called on to make them known, tnd all indebted to it an excellent dwelling-hcufe, kitchen, and other out make payment to the trultce*. Q J- T. venient rout from the Federal city or AiextndtU to Battua, Cambridg*, or any of the adjacent towns or houfrs, a large orchard- of choice Irurt i tbii licfl \ttt counties on the Eiflern (bore, and will be attended in a healthy fituatiuti, Ind very convenient to oyfttri, with much lef* expence than any other piiTtgc to the trabs, and a great variety ot fifh and wild low! a Eighty Dollar^ Reward. before.mentioned place*, we are determined to pay the their refpective lia.on». A further defcription of tin greatell attention, in order to gjve every fatijfaelioa in property is deemed ur.ncccfliry, a* any one inc'.irxrf AN away tiorn the fubfcribcr'i farm, about fevtn the litre. our power to thofe that will pleafe to favour u* with to purthafe wouid drubtWs wjfh to view inilei from Annapnlu, on Wednefday, the 5th The title to this land is indilpuurble, and on the pur- RiDitant, two flavca, WILL and TOM t they are their cuttom.. /N THOMAS TUCKER, chafe money being paid a conveyance in f't ftmp"* brother*. Witt, a ftreight, tall, well made fellow, will be immediittly given. The term* ot file will b« upward* of fix feet hi/h, he is generally called black, *? WILLIAM W. HADAWAY. 1797. known by applying to the fubfcriber, in the city e( but ha* rather a yellowilh complexion, by trade a March zl, Anuapoli*. carpenter and cooper, and in general capable of the WILLIAM WHETCROPT. ufe of tool* in almoft any work ; faw* well at the Twelve Dollars Reward. thirty yean of age, when he fpeakl The fubfcriber ha* fevctal thoufaiui »cm of Utd, whip faw, about on the ajth .September lalt, from quick he ft am men little in hi* fpeech. Tom, a AN AWAY in the Rate of Virginia, lying on the w*imof tb: twenty. the fubfcriber, living in Anne-Arundel ccuntr, G'««t Kenhiwa, near tli«t v»Ju«hie tract of the litt float well made fellow, a bright mulatto, R the pro­ about five feet nine or ten a negro wonun named HENNT, formerly Prefident, which he will exchange for property it itw four year* of age, and RAWLINO*, of (aid county, i he i* a corripUie hand at plantation work, perty of Mr. GASJAWAY Federal City. ^ ^ ^, W-. W. inches high age, 5 feet 6 inchc* high, and can hmdle tool* pretty welL Their drefs at (he U about 3; year* of M«rch 8, 1797. and overalls (lender made, ana dark complexion, large ^yn, long home, upper jacket* lined with flannel, 'shay difcover, on variety of other hair, a»«l on clofe examination yon of a drab colour, b\it they have a a few white hiir*; her com* . aod it i* fappofed they will not appear the top of her.ffeehead, , eloathing, w*en (he left my'fcrvice wa* ftriped HIGH FLYER, i abroad in what they wear at home. Will write* mon apparel not furnifced country cloth jacket and petticoat, her under waificuat. Will Hand this feafon, to cove/ mart*, at Snum-iim pretty well', and if he and hi* brother are cloth, bound round with from other*, they will not be at a lof* for i* of courfe white country ferry, four milrs from Ar^lpolii, (fbm th.r ij'bef : with pafTei as Die hu talen a viriett of eloathing it is _t^em, but upon {proper examination may be difcovered red,-but Apri| to. the Yc,>:.. napoll*. Whoever tikes up the Paid negro woman, the two fellow* in the gaol of Baltimore-town, or any IGH FLYER wa» bre.l by R-tlurJ TuttM',, I I get them again, a reward of arid confine* her in any gaol, fo that the fubfcriber get* other ganl, fo that aud if gut b) hi* High Plver, w2i:ch ccxo BC.WII eighty doll»r«, tnd for either forty dollar*. her again, flull receive the above reward, H brought ho:ne reafonabk* charge* paid, by iingland at thirty guinea a nurc, ar.d never wai fceit,) THOMAS KARWOOD. Thiltle, the dam of High F.ycr, wn gf( by Syphoe, j Annapolis, April 10, 1797- J SAMUEL MACCUBBIN. N. B. AH perfons are forbid harbouring or carrying (he \v.v the >^am of Mr. Hutchi h'n grind-dam by Cade, (he wa* the jib j ihe R/eat«r part of >b< N aft to enable the corpora* _ called Mi**IKIII'*'CoMTt (even mile,** t their next lcdion, for an en the noith fide oj Scjrem, faid land i* well timbertd, il will jf)'.>rd.< grca; qo»a- to lay a tax, not exceed­ miles from AnnapolU. lion of the city of Aonapolia laying dire&ly on Magothy river, and i* partly fur. tiyr of wharf lof*i fpar*- *«d y«rrt, 8tt Timber lid ing three (hilling* and nine- pence current money in fine creek ;. the im­ tiiher to Bal:' pound* of properly rounded with faid river and, a wood of any krfid may rb^ crnveyed any «« year, for every kundr^l be matfe comfoitable, . tt, a (nial) with Very little trouble Aoy f«(; city, and the precinct thereof. provement* way more or Annspolls within the faid cxpence t there i* on this valuable (and an abundance (oty Invlinrd tu pufchafe the above land may be in- LL fetfcnji v»»o. art indebted to the etiate of of the bcft pine for (hips, (per*, &c. beJidcia confi- funned of its fituaiioo by applying to captain CKAtiti IOHN HALKBRSTONB, Ute of Prince. deraHe quantity of chcfunt, and o»k t'un,h«r. Vefffht RoniDKM, i» Balthnove-town, %>r may view the p«- GeorgeA 1* county1, deceifed, are de fired to make in- of thy burthen may load clolc in with the fhctre j per- mire* t'/ applying to the fubfcriber, iu AnDipqju mediate payment, atfd tfioft who have claim* agaloft hap* there are few place* within the bay that ha* (urh 11 requiifed imturdrttt pofleffion wlH be -given, ' the faid eft ire are dtfirtd co make them known to ihe advantage* for fifh ing and Ipwlrctj. The tenns will tn indifputaW* nil*. ' ' fobfcriber. be made eafy to the purchaser, %nd more lull de­ . " ' A P» H. WATfS. ELIZABETH HALKERSTONE, Admx, fcription given on the 8th day of June, on the pr«- March 4, 17971 ™' Upper.Marlborough, April 5, 1797. ^ rnife*, when it wilt be told tq the h%ho*t. bidder. ______^ j^ __ ^^^^^ Mr. Hampton Robtrfon^ living o* the premifes, will HF.RBAS I gave roy bopJ to. partn«;HhiP of P1NKNEY ind GUYER (hew the land. ' . : for thirty p mndi currcpt money, iirtKe)M' . is by mutual confetti this day difTolved > all per- 7 HEMRY HAtL tiORSEY, W thoofind Irvtn hundred and eighty-^*, font being indebted to the laid (d* are requeued to ef our lurd ON ^ FJftNRY EVA^NS. tnd the year -following 1 became fecuritr far the W make payment, and thofe having ekitti'to exhibit Anne-Aniode) e>ountjf».' M*/ch 17/1797. . -,...,, them for i'«ttk«Mni. . .-,. - v -. ^ Daniel Smith in a boad payable w_ EDW A** A**^ for a larger fbm of monw, pa/t of which f have pw / JONATHAN PINtNEY. Annaj>6LU, )cth Fe^ruaVy, to the faid Edward AW»V, and I (H>l remain fccuriiy * JOHN OtWR for S^lfc my PLANTATlOry' I therefore forww« AuKpoll*. ajd March,,1797. for ' of th«( ort either of them, or Mr. JOHH Ot»« fr•&'£&* rfiW. >W Jn.. Tbclo..., ,. a-ro, "rheir account*, < ' • ^7 by ^ joth March,' 179^ /» : '( • 1 r *—— IH fi (No; a6ad.) MAR TLANb GAZETTE. •** *: .• •> r '. *'. i ,.' ."'.'! I .' l '. i'-*. -i " r T H U R S D A |Y, MAT ii, 1797.

9 g^sy..•.','; * i1 i. !••>' I'v.ji.vi ".''..'.. ii L /..'" J N 8 P R U C K, Ftfn*y 7._ Suabla, Wurtemberg ia4 Bade: I ere t» draw a cordon. The lue tattraorditiary meaifi m refp*arng the bf«k, condMr»n It fame whet better along the Rhine as far aiBafili we from ihe firft cokfiderad in fraught with dangitr id fi"ce general Liptay'a corps, who now Mr. Jamei Talbot, wh6 !| ' 'ipted. mi/rifler to * country depending on jtt < rtdit, which, like the _ I. hai the commmd, has been reinforced Switzerland, pi fled this day thi h Francfort on his ienfitive plant, fh/inka at the flighted touch of con. e>,ooo men. A great number of way to Bern. He came from, dobi and belonged flriint and arbitrary interfere ce. We dare not look advance likcwifc to occupy to lord Mxlmeibory'a fiiire. forwards to the cotUequencea p ihcfe proceedings with All the inhabitant! of a rteady cjc. We fhudder ai he pryfpecJ. ' The lofa Carintia tnd Carariola tike up ann». --COLOGNE, pf baiiJea, of nWa, of anr ft, <*f pdtTcffiont, ia Venice is blockaded by the French from the land Tt* Uft ridory of the Fr*»e> ia JUly, -nd . ,u, trifling. whejB compared to the depreciation at tb/st f»- and mtny effccls and feveral of the iohabita«.ja »»»rrender of Mantua, h*i. decked the^pUt) of oper*. per oiooey, w4>ich till now w*a eqoaJ »p fpecit ia tbe tf Triefta are gone to Hrmgary. ' ' ' JHom for the next canjpaign on the Lower Rhine t it eyei Q/ [ha; political and commercial world. That out; Ftbrnary \ i. will be offenfive on the part,, if the republicans, and ctriccpijoiM of the fqtjcA arc jofi, appcara frtm thi Tne 4000 DarmftadHipnpj whisk were iti Cirai- the inftruaioni, already givei tn their generali by .the confequcnt rife ol the American foads.: The de|«maj tit, have already joined the army of general Alvinii. Diredory, admit of no o>tSt in that rcfpcQ. Ge- ftock, which Jafl .week wu at 63 is now 67, and tbf Great numbers of perfons are flying from Botien. neral Hoehc, appointed conmaoder in chief of the bank ftock, fr| u rifca to 1 17. Yefterdiy the .French unexpectedly attacked our Sjmhre and Meufe army, a daily expected with, a advanced pofta near Deutfcbmctx i took two pieces of divifion of the expedition iroopt of Brc£, whkh i» cannon, and made (bane prifoners i but general Vucaf- faid (o be 20,000 ftrong. Immediately alter the When the Imperial general Colalm,: took MaaUm fovkh foon aimed with a reinforcement, and repulled arrival of this reinforcement* (he paffage ol the Rhine by ftprm nd plundered it on the iStb of jary, tbe French with fooie lofa. will again be effe&ed, and floating of the wrakpeta of ait the cviriofitiei, which were worth Const Tbe archduke Charlet has fent difpatcbes firom this the Auftrian army on the rgbt bank of that river, id) into the bands of the foldierat by whom they wen city 10 general Colli, at Rome. they trill again pufh forward u far as ppjbble. pertly deftroyed, and panly diflipated, or fold to perv The Auftrian garrrfon in Mantu^, which city it fons who knew but little the value of fecit thing* aow occupied by aooo French troopi, .wai reduced FRONTIERS of ITAlY, ftkrwj \\. At that time, a common foldier wsj To lucky u to get bf fickocb ind fevere fervice to 12,000 mat. Letters from Bologna of the 6th inft. innounco, a booty of eighty thoufand d«caU4 bat he wu Co bed that another tclbn has taken place between the Papal an economifl ai to game it alj away'in in one V I B N N A. Fflrny 18. troopi and that French column which penetrated to for which Coialto hanged him she nen day. Facnta. The advantages which tbe French troopi A courier from Petersburg hat brought the conven­ gained over the tion, which we learn has PapeJ troopi were not owing to the been figned thire on the lownefis of the water in the i6th nit. between the Auftrian, river Sen to; which the A report h»s been in circulation face Sat a r day laft, Ruffian, and Pruffian French eafily forced and torned plenipotentiaries, relative to the payment ol the their enemies, but alfo that in American fhip named th* Alexander, bel'*g. debt to the treachery of a Corfkan reginent in the pope's e/kiog Stamflaui Augofttti and thc«i-dievaat republic j tig'to Philadelphia, had'arrived «t Newcaftle, trom fen-ice, which declared in favour of the French, and Jamaica. That beTcjre Die left that iQaad, the captain ofPoland. In oadcr to examine and liquidate thofe wanted oVws, a comonffion to go over to them i but part of that corps was much alarmed at the thought of being captured.oa of nine rpembers wil be efta- wu cut to pieces by the Papal bltfhed it Warfaw, for which cavaliy of prince Co- his paflage bfoje, and tntrejora jgot on tw>ard cannoij etch court ii to appoint ionna. ' three depntici. The penfion deflined for king Slav to trie number of ix or (4, determined not to be u»- niHaus will imonnt to 200,000 ducats. " *' ' ' futicd by any veflel of coual lo*ce. He met with. n« PARIS, By the fame courier, important difpetcnct are faid tfortt j. obflmflioo during the ptffagt, until clofe in with ibf M have been received from Peterfburg, be fides the A private tetter from Maflena, meationi, that the Delaware Capes, when a vetTcl, which proved to'be'* ulrirattam of tbe emperor of Ruffii withT ItfaltfTOhlf Imperial aimynndei the comteand. ot prince Cluulct French pri>ateet. bore doirn, under a dikKarg* of ban- ukiog any aftiye part in the prelent war. is ftaiiontd in front of him. Thtr general intimates, chifc 8un!- ^u 'l>e Alexander lay to, or.d quickljr The Tyrolian* have now offered to fetrc in a mafs that he is on the eve of carrying into effect fome grand returned the fire; they came to ciofe adion: Ai length, defign, the refutt of which will fubjrft the archduk* whether b/ iw/rritrity tffern, or ooovr «/ ^VtMrft the to__ a_ fate*^.^ fimilartt _ ?\.. ' to_ that_ ._. of_ f' Wunnfer,i«f._ __ r Alvinzi, i. and'» FrenchmanV^KH^aV ^^~. was... A. compelled_ _. ___) i. J to .«. frikttf^.'l^ bitL vtftjt'i It //( TYROL, fr*r»«>7 7. Provera. Maflena addi, that he ha* received m coo- Aa*ntt* menhu^iwuHi I! I Thai, in the interim, a fall fiderable reinforeemwt of ine* and artilirry. hove in fight.'apparently tbe privatcrVa contort, to The French penetrate farther and farther in our We are a/Fused that the Directory leceivtd thii which |he Alexander gave chaie. and ewntry. taok her alfo. On the 4th inft. they entered Saturn four morning difpatches from Buonaparte, dated from tbe This wa* an Amcricap vtffel, and taken polT however, to prevent the enemy from advancing far­ HeajJ ve.ffel he,:ak}|t. tt Infpmck, and continue their msrch to the army. Several of tbc London print* report that the If U a wphder that no mentloo ii road* ol thja^ At/iftf A great numWr of Hungarian troopa art arrived in Ind dBc«r tt thai re­ angmeotlng hla army in the ejecloraie. Hit 'highnefi they went." Tke oliceri, on confulration, thought venue pvfwg discovered tint a OoaU Hoop, ifing^t fnrtbvr informs the Imperial court, that (he Palatine themfelvea very ill wled in being fent on fo difto- one of .the wbvles pf this city, had taken on bocra « u>c] B4Varja coiHingrais (hall fpeedily be Vent to the nonrablc an tcpedhion, and determined on capJtu- quantity ot powder and arms, he gan infommkm, nny pf the empire in the beft condinont. Th« Jaring. e*d furrendering. They had fhi?t one, and and | fcixitre wat made t txw .after if f»»a aMde i re­ *-eAor coacludei, by exprcfling a belief that hia puniOied others of their men, for pillaging. Neither port was fprcad, and information wai jiv*n to the taking opon himfelf the defence of his »wn domi- officers nor men were to receive any ply. Thie report commanding oftoirqf the militia, that Ihia powder* nioni, will ifl^jrd fotne cafe to the AulUan troopa, wai made by a captain of une of their gretyidieir com­ and the a/ma, wen intended to Uavputon board the | *od af>)Eni that maafure as the role caufe of the mili- panies ; the men that cnrnpofed them were rtana/kably French brig gliia, cornma|»kd by capflrin Carvioc. " " / preparationa.' 1 ftout, and the whole, in general, able men. which is now ready for fa. In coefequrnce rf tbia Letters from Infpntck of the 9* jnftavi were re- inforinajion, ab order waa iFyed for a parly of m(- jceirsl here ycfterday, as Act ing, ijtat the Fttnch hiv« LONDON. J&rr* 7. litia to ta|r« p^lefiioa. of the floop. Be^re the party I ptrituaitd to the ditance of one leiguc fron Bonen, Fr«m a, letter receircd yefterday by the atnued toae perfont had teoroved part c< tbe powder I "^ thtt genernl Lipuy haa in confequencJ rttraated packet. w« received intelligence of a »ery to a large veflel lying near; this movement confirmed 1 Brfaten. aQion between the Andromache frigate, and an AIM- the fufptcions of ib«fc nho J^«d afltttad it wu intend­ JThe pa(Tag« ejf |M biperiaJ troopi,, from the Seig rine of ^Ofons, off C«pe St. Vinc%nt*i. The AjR- ed for the brig Eliza, WMHt WM which f have pwi gmenJIy undertoud lead the LahB, M then march to Italy, ftill con- rine, vuft loth of Ptbruarr, ffll in with'the An- that this woajd fdly Jlfpe^r, whaw the ioavic/ inw Mil remain fecurHT . .. *V " "T"* rt^irnent of Storay and GinUy paffed dcomaclMeriiifinf atene, and miftalqRf bjr tit.avfaoaV I therefore for*** I this city l«fl ^unday, and were followed yefrerdav guefe ft (gate, pqnrad- 4 brOMUda Into/^air. The action We do m>t Ittjow \hat th« Inquiry hat tie* i [and to-day by four battallona of grenadier*. In this ww manttlneri ^tiih gT«at-te»arlry 00 both ld«a, for b^ we tft aJkred, fro» food authorirr, that when, [nannera gr«at p«rt of the Imperial annjr will be de- upwardi of an hour, wh«q the AJgO'iM.'M^Jiar Af ever Ub.rriadt, U will clearly appear, that no br«Mi> JUched from the Lower Rhine. On the Uppar Rhine, dromache on board Md {love in 60. me^, . T^ftajr/bon o,f the lawi of ilyt Unlttd SMUM has in thja iataac* liberal battalion* who had orden to m*rcVtoi Italy, fotind they had not .Pprttypte/e tp dr.il with. Every b.ern «>nt*cirijktard. '^ n»d their anarch countermanded. . I titan that boarded fjtc ^nd^omache w^t1ktl\aj4. Tbf jtyjl 19. By the ArtivaJ of captaia Saxct ncconwa They fay that the Pruffiaoi wUI citlnd At, Ine of Algerlne ipdip^ thi AtMtnpt ff|)» P)* »<>&* vt>iahtua cfi*a« ^aii afapraW Anne- Arundel county, Aprils, 1797. Bank of Baltimore. Valuable property re* wie ior Cadi, Cr (LUd YE. By virtue of a deid of trull Irom cnpt. SAMUEL exchanged for property in the ' MAYNAID to us, will h'e SOLD, on the prcmifcs, Ill April, 1797- On Thu.'fday the eighth day cf June next, if fair, HE PRIIID»ST *nd DIRECTOR* of the BANK Federal City. or the firft Fair day, on twelve months credit, the T of BALTIMORE having taken into confideraticn fale to be continued from day to day until all is the great advantages likely to arife to the Bank Irom On the fecnnd Thurfday of M»y next will b* '] one half of the capital paid, and fold, the purchafers to give bond, with approved having the remaining POSED to PUBLIC SALE, if not (old charter to call for this pay­ fecurity, before any thing will be delivered, being authorifed by the at PRIVATE SALE before that day, ment at fuch time is they may appoint, do therefore HAT valuable plantation whereon the fiid Sa­ LL that valuable PROPERTY, fiiu'ited muel Maynurd now live?, (hutted within two give notice, that Monday the 5th day of June next, T and the five following days, are fixed on for the ftock- ,»A«.jnihecitjofAnniw! miles of Herring Bay. containing about 250 acres, lis, containing one acre and an half, the whole is liid out with (bine improvements thereon. Alfo a number of holders to pay the remaining one hundred and fifty dollars on each (hare, in gold or Clver, at the bank in three feparate lots, one in the tenure of WitLU>, country born negro?:, confiding of men, women, boys handfomtlv ft" alortfaid. COOKE, Efqjalarge brick building, and girls, the ftock of horfes, cattle, hogs, and (hcep, CWX, Caftuer. tuated, with every convenience and improvement plantation utenfils, huufchold ar d kitchen furniture. JAMES N< B. It ii intended that the firft haif yearly divi- fuitable for an? gentleman ; the adjoining bikk build' And, on Thuriday the filteenth day of June, will FOWLER, with con" dcnd (hall be declared en the above-mentioned cth ing, now in the poffeflion of Mr. 1 N 8 F be fold, at Lower: Marlborou|h, a parcel of European veniences and improvements j five framed hnufci j *** foods, one rulf'of the fchooner Friendlhip, with her d»y t>f June. with gardens, now in the polleflion of dilfeajtH tt! tackle and furniture, as (he now lies in Pituxent river. nants; the whole rents for two hundred ar.d im Further particulars will be made !;nown on the >ijy I hl PElR Y BOATS. -pounds prr annum. This property is under Icjfc for .1 to ot (ale. ninetv-ninc years, and the unexpired term has yetti JOHN THOMAS, HE fubfcrihers beg leave to inform the public * *'?h l Truftecllrultccl> in general, that they luve boilt two large con­ run fif'.y one years. This property will be (old, m JOSEPH WILKINSON.N.f T f* conmiodate t'ne purchafer, eiiher in feparate lou, cr P. S. All perfons who have, or formerly had, con­ venient FEkRY BOATS,'for the conveyance of gen­ Cinntia and Cam tlemen and their lories and carriage!, &c. THOMAS the whole. Alfo a traft of LAND, containing f'.,or Venice ii block nexions with capt. Maynard in trade, are requefted and occupation of TUCKER, on Welt river, in Anne-AriuiJel county, huniirrd acres, now in the tenure ftJe, and many c to produce the books, or a ila:ement trcm faid books, Mr. KPHRAIM DUVAI.L, lying in Anne-Arondtl with all bonds and accounts relative to fuch concern:, runs to Kent Ifl*nd and»Talbot county, on the Eallern tf Trielle are goo (bore ; WILLIAM W. HAD AWAY, on the bay fide, in county, extending ironi the r:vcr Sevcin to the tivcr on or before t'.ie day of fale, and all perfons hmng Mag'xhy. within five miit» of the city ol Annipolii, claims acainll the /aid Samuel Maynard are hereby Talbot county, "ppoCite to Well river, runs to Well The 4000 Dan river and there a bouts. As thi» is by far the moll con­ and twtnty-fcve from B*!iL',iorc-town j nn thii land called on to make them known, and all indebted to is »n excellent d.vciHn;,-h'ule, kitchen, and (.ther out la, have already aukc payment to the trullces. n ]. T. venient rout from the Federal city or Aiexindna 10 Great numbers EaltuB, Cainbridf.ii, or any i-f the aJjacem towns fifh and ivild low! n their tcfptfcliv..' Ka.on!-. A furihcr dtfctivi' n of tku cinnon, and mad< Eighty Dollars Reward. before-mentioned places, we are de:erntincd to pay the fovich foon aciivei grcatelt attention, in order to give every fati>faflu>n in properly is lieetnrd ut.ivciffuv, as anyone inc'.ir.ni iii AN awiy t, >m the lubfcriber's farm, about feven to puichale would d< ubtlelt \v:lh to view the hire. the French with I our power to thofe that will pleafe to favour us with miles Irom Annar>>li», on Wednesday, the 5th Th? title to ihii land is intliirutnble, and on the pur. The archduke < initant,R two (laves, WILL and TOM ; they are their cuttom. city 10 general C< /X THOMAS TUCKER. chafe money being rsid a crnveyance in f'e Km^< brothers. WUL, a ftreight, tall, well made fellow, will he immediately given. 1 he terms of fale viiil be The Auftrian upwards of fix feet hir|h, he is generally called black, V WILLIAM W. HADAWAY. now occupied by March zS, 1797. known by applying to the fubfcriber, in the city til but has rather a yellowilh complexion, by trade a Annapolis. by* fickncfs and fe carpenter and cooper, and in general capable of the WILLIAM ufe of tools in almoft any work ; faws well at th«~~ ;7T~Twelve Dollars Reward,.,, TZ^:V 1 1 whip faw, about thirty years of age, when he fpeaki " 'The fiihfcriber has (c%eial ilii,uf*iul acns of lar.J, AN AWAY on the 2cth September lalt, from A courier from quick he Hammers a little in his fueech. Ton, a in the ftite of Virginia, lying on the wautior tt: the fubfcriber, living in AnnoArundel ccumr, tiin, which we I flout well made fellow, a bright mulatto, twenty- Ci'i'at Kertliaw*, MC.H iii-> valuable tract ot the 111; aR negro woman named HtNNY, formerly the pro­ four years of age, and about five feet nine or ten P'efidsnt, which tit will exchange lor piopcrty in ;ht i6ih ult. betweer perty of Mr. GASSAWAY RAWI.INOS, of (aid county, plenipotentiaries, inches, high ; he is a complete hand at plantation work, Federal City. ^ * . W. W. (he Is about 35 year* of age, 5 feet 6 inches High, and can handle tools pretty well. Their drefs at Mmniifi the top of hcr.fteeliead, a few white hsiis; her com­ cloathing, and it is fuppofed they will not appear bathed at War(a« (he left my fcrvice was flripcd HIGH FLYER, abroad in what they wear at home. Will writes mon apparel wften three deputies, and pettiest, her under waiflcoai pretty well, and if he and his brother are not furnimed country cloth jacket Will lland this fcafon, tocoxci mare?, at Snurh-tim niflaus will amou is of courfe white country clo;li, bound round with with pafles from others, they will not be at a lofs for ferry, U-iu miles from AryftpAlis, Imm tl-.e tj'bc! By the fame c< red,-but a? (he has taken a variety of cloathing ,t is re them, bu: upon proper examinition may be difcovered April to the i;ih of jui«, at fii guineas ma ort to have been as may b*ft mil her own pur- to be loftrKtT" Tltefe" people", iririmagiTted, are gone f&>sflne <)ollir v.iil be t..kcn ;, Ki:: with lie taking any afiive that (he is harboured in ur near An­ with Mr. Thornm Edwards. For taking up and fecuring her freedom, and itu',1, or p/ul at the end ol the tex!'>:.. The Tyroliam takes up the faid negro wom-n, i | -fi the two fellows in the gaol of Baltimore-town, or any napolis. Whoever abroad. the fubfcriber prs Fl-VER w»\ bm! l.y P.'tlMrJ TaitfrWI, other ganl, fo that I get them again, a reward of a*d confines her in any gaol, fo that her again, (kail receive the above reward, and if b) his High Ki.rr, \v!tUh to-.t- j n-.wit rl ! •[$•. eighty doiUr«, ar.d for eitlte- forty dollars. k.oglatid ot t!>i*:y piur.ea: a nitr*., ar.d nevtr ws>Jrtt, KARWOOD. brought ho:ne reafonable charges paid, by The French | THOMAS SAMUEL MACCUBBIN. Thiltle, ihedainol iligli K.ycr, wa> g«-t by 5yfh'»-, Annapolis, April 10, 1797 3 (he ».; the .'am ol Mr. J'nitctu'tii,', Tliilie, '.\liKt tounlry. On tl N. B. All perfons are forbid harbouring or carrying leagues from B it off (aid woman at their Mill, / was i>vn brrtticr to Hiph Kyir, who was a (icod rur< JOHN MUNROE, n Cade, (he wai the «:aii> u! Mr, I ten had been. ' 6 S M. has left that pli Mulberry Hill, March 16, 1797. Shaft's liuuur Omiiium, Hvr.ild, Mil> B.Ar'crih, 4c. Boot and Shoe-maker, his £n.t-cund.iiain by Partner, (lie was the rl»T. f! been conveyed t( AVING been Come tine wiihout Morocco Toy, rV!.'vi«tu, ihe d«m ol T»vig, Drowfy, Tocif- ol r'rivaterr nJ ther. Dctachme of JOHN HALL, Efq; late of Anne-Arunclcl at Infpruck, and from London, per the Montezuma, large and hand- countyA dcceaied, are rcquellcd to exhibit thi.ni, le. Villager, ail ispi'nl runuers, hi? jn-at ttiat prim.- fome alignment of prim* Morocco leather, of various dam by Miikclcls, B.irr.iuer, Plan.** While Tuik, A great numl gaily authenticated, to the (ubfcriber. that they may the enviroru of 'J colours, fancy and plain ; kid ditto of di fie rent cu- be paid, and tliofe who are indebted to the ellate arc great-grand dam ol Cat touch, DjcKwordi, Lt}bi> lours; Morocco and kid fandil vampj, lundfomely re quelled to make payment wiihout delay. Barb M«rc. ^, worked, boot legi, vamps and be nil (ol«, and a ELEANOR HALL, Executrix of / JOHN CRAUGS. Among ths parcel of excellent feal (kins, fuitablc fur ladies or |OHN HALL. A large lot will b; enc'i-frd for fjvouiitc rr.arejii were made pril a neat and A gentlemen, all which he will make in N. B. Mr. Hall, in his life time, lent a number per week, but not accountable tor ckape or acci­ January, nesr M fafhionable manner, or according to direction. dent. «n«n of the firft public, of his books to his acquaintance*. Tiiofe who have He returns his fincere thanks to a generous to return them to me. pane hts review and hit hiends in particular, for pall favours, and them are requefted lunteers : « yOt hopes to mtrit a continuance of their patrooigc. 4 ______E. H. FOR SALE, them it the yo Annxnj'is, April 12, 1797. 3 BOUT iofx> tr 1200 acres of LAND, l)i»j cuculi. TO the Mcrrikm's Contraft for fale. n Anr.e-A/ur-lel county, on the luuthfidctl >nd reaored hirr gnen, that application will OTICE :i hcreny HE fublcribers will (el) 174^ acres of good laird, Mag'A iliy river,- djiiiiiing the water, «tie to the general uflembly of Maryland, called MKRHIKIN'I CONTRACT, ab .ut (even feven miles' frojq Anna^ )!i>; the r,re«t<-' P'rl °' ^ Nt their next IclLon, for an aft to enable the corpora­ FR A milesT from Annapolis, en the nuith fitte of Severn, faid lapd is well timbered, it will j(V.>r>l a grix qua>- of Annapolis to lay a tax, not exceed- The elector o tion of the city laying direltly on Magothy river, and is partly fur. tuy of whari logs, fpirs and yarfs, &c tir.rber «i and nine-pence current money in affurince of frie ing tliree (hillings rounded wit4t--l*ij river and a fine cre«k » *l^- im- - - wood of a4>y kt«(t may *« c*>i»v«y«J- «nlvw to - Bt!a_. smy~~ohe yea'r, for every liundrO p-iunJs of property hu mijffty pot ;-rov:menti may be made comtoitable,. at a I null more or Ann^poli: with vay little truu'ile Any ptr- within the faid city, and the prccinclt thereof, y augmenting hit expence ; there is on thii valuable land an abundance fon( inclined l<> putchale the above land nuy be in­ further inform* LL perfons \tho are indebted to the ellate of of the bell pine for (hips, (pars, &c. befidcs a confi­ formed of id fitumion by apply ing to captain CIIAUI< and Bavaria con Veffch) view the pi(- A JOHN HALKERSTONK, Ute of Prince- de rable quantity of chc.Vut and oak timber. RORINSON, in Bs!trm>ire-irt- March 4, 1797. '> preparation Upper-Marlborough, April c. 1797. £j miles, whrn it will be fold to the highcll bidder. Lettera from Mr. Hampton Robcrfon, living on the premiles, will HEREAS I gave my bond to DAMM..SOT here ye(l psrtnerfoip of P1NKNEY and GUYER eivNj (hew the land. for thirty p undi current money, in the yen confcnt this day diflblved ; all per­ I f*neirated to tr _ i» by mutual HENRY HALL DORSEY, ofW our K>rd one th'iufand liven hundred «nd eighty-6*. fons being indebted to the (aid fiim are requefted to and that genera HENRY EVANS. and the year following I becume fcciirity for the Hid I «o Brixen. make payment, and thofe having claims to exhibit Anne-^roudel county, March 17, 1797. them for fcttlcment. Daniel Smith in a bond payable to EDWARD AlULj The pafJage for a larger fum of money, p*rt cf whtch i have p«w / JONATHAN PINKNEY. Annapolis, ieth February, 1797. the Lahn tuthe (aid Edward Abel), and I Hill remain fccut;iy . * JOHN GUYER. OFFER for SALE my PLANTATION near Annapolis, t$d March, 1797. (or the Balance due on laid bond, I therefore lorwiio I this city I this city, it contains two hundred and thirty-(even all perfons from taking an aflignment fnwn Dar.itl !«« > today by acres, about one half thereof in wood ; it borders on Smith of my bond, as 1 will not pay off the (aid bou, I manner a great HE partnerJhip of Doaors MURRAY and the Severn river, and is (ituate between two and three nor any part thereof. Inched from th. SHAAFF expiring this day, they requeft all city. There are leveral very beautiful T miles from tbu V JOHN. AVIS. llcveralbattalioi thofe indebted to them for profelTional fervicei to call fltuations and profpeAi, commanding a view of tht on cither of them, or Mr. JOHN Owm, to fettle rl«er aid bay. The improvement! are, an ovetfeer'a Inmhadiheir 'their account i. * V; ' |,Theyf,yth houfe, .a kitchen, and a new framed barn. It haa - ANN A~P O L IS: at J. MURRAY, 5 alfo Several fpringi of excellent water. PoiTcffion ma,y, I demarcation J.T. SHAAFF. W had immediately. . Printed by FREDERICK and SAMUEI IBcndorff to b Annapolis, joth March, 1 797! , /t. . H1NKT RIDGBLY. . GREBV. «'<»ed j next i cr H ' (No. 2626.) the

ill be 'Ej{. MJR ot fold GAZETTE. day, ' faulted m ' "t Annipo. ole itliid out T H U R S Y II '797-

! btu-k build. 1 N 8 P R U C K, Fitruary 7. Suabia, Wurtemberg and Bideojare to draw a cordon The late extraordinary meafrrrs refpecVmg the bank, imrd hnuf»i( condition is fome whit better along the Rhine as far as Bafil. I we Irom the firli confidered aa fraught with danger to diireaftu tt. X ^nce Een«ri' LipNy'acorpt, who now Mr. James Talbot, who is ppointed minifler to a country depending on in fpecie in the Anne-Arundtl tt Trielle are gone to Hungary. lions for the neit campaign on die Lower Rhine ; it eyes ol the political and commercial wor'd. That our n to the tivcr Fttruary 1 1 . wi!l be offenfive on the part jf the republicans, nnd conceptions of the lurjeft are jufl, appears fr-rn th< ol Annip&lii, The 4000 Darmfladt trpnpj whicl were ih Cami­ the ir.ftruflions, already givei to their generals by the confequent rife oi the American funds . Th: deterred in thii Isnd Directory, admit of no doii>l in that rcfpeft. Ge­ hock, which lafl week was at 63 is now 67, and the and dther out lla, have already joined the army of general Alvinzi. Great numbers of perfons are flying from Botien. neral Hxhe, appointed conmander in chief of ihc bank flock, frjm 101 is rifen to 117. (Star.) this lacfl lit, S^rnhre and Meufe army, a daily exptfted with itnt to oyfleri, Yeflerday the French unexpectedly attacked our divifion of the expedition troops of Breft, whimmiflion ol nine members will be me, end therefore got on board cannon it Warfaw, for which each court is to appoint lonna. ER, three deputies. The pen lion defined for king Sta- to the number ol' ix or 14, determined not to be inr fulaxl by any veffel of equal iorce. H« met with no , at Sfiurh-iim Difltus will amount to 200,000 ducats. PARIS, Mail j. obflruflion during tie palTsge, until c'.ofe in with ibe mm tl-.c tj'bc,' B) the fame courier, important difpatcliei are faid to have heen received from Peterfburg, brfldcs the A private letter from MafTena, mention}, that the Delaware Cape:, when a veUcl, which proved to be a guineas and urt Imperial army-under uliiiaatum ol the cmptror of Ruffia with regard to his the command of prince Ciiarlts French pr[>at'er, bore down, under a dtfcharge of hia i* Rationed in front of him. Thu general intimates, chafe guns. That the" Alexander fay to, i i'i kr.'. with tie taking any active part in the preterit war. that he is on the eve of carrying into effect fome grand returned the fire; they came to c!o*e aflion: At length, f»!'.. The Tyrolians have now offered to fetre in a mafa abroad. defign, the rcfult of which will fubjrel the archduke v hctlter by iaftritrity »f fartt. Or tuait tf brautrj, the slurJ TatttrCiE, I to a fate fimilar to that of Wurmfer, Alvinzi, and Frenchman was compelled to f.rikt tii cdcwri tt ttt 1 to-. ft n-.writ TYROL, Fttruary 7. Provera. MafTena adds, that he has received a con- -fmttiia* *trr( haul man '. ! I That, in the interim, a fail I nevtr wa> ttit, fiderable reinforcement of men and artillery. hrve in fight, apparently the privateet'a contort, to » g'-t by byfh'.-, The French penetrate farther and farther in our We are affured that tbe Directory leceived this which the Alexander gave chai'e, and took her alfo. * Tliilie, '.\liKt country. On the 41)1 inft. they entered Salurn four morning difpatche* from Buonaparte, dated from the This was an American veffel, and taken pofTclGon of was a (tcod rur- leagues from B itr.en, where the Auftrian head quar­ capitol ! by the privateer ters had i the «:am u! Mr. I been. The congrefs of the Hates of Botzen The gallant Anpereau arrived laft night. He Trut the mpt-tin of t!.« Alexander having cleared ll> B.U'Crih, 4c. I jus left that place. The military civil chefls h«ve .brought with him to be prelented to the Directory, this (hip of the Frenchmen, and put them on board of > was the rl>T fi I been eonveyed to Infpruck, at which place the arch- thiiig i* advanced on our part to authenticate any ;,r «liaj-e or am- January, ne:r Mantua, were above too youpg noble, The expedition was commanded by a general Tate, part of the aly>ve. That (uch a vcffcl as tbe Alexan­ men of the firfl Auftrian families. General Baona. an Amercan, commandant in chief. The officers der had arrived at Newcaf\le, in company with ano­ pane has reviewed-this fine corps, and faiJ 10 the vo­ were picked from different regiments, and even from ther, is nor improbable t bat that a French privateer, lunteers : «< Your bravery does you honour." Among the fea fervice, in which they had been during the no matter how fmall her force, fhould be wr.rlled by a them is the young prince Paar, and count Moiite- war. They were ordered to embark and take their merchant fhip, appears to favour a little ol lit wtjtr- of LAND, l)i»J curuli. To the latter Buonaparte returned his (word, feveral commands, and were told they were going on /»// If there is any truth in the (lory, it i* moll likely , (he limth fidt&l and rcdored him to liberty. a ferret expedition. Their orders were foaled, and that thcfe two vcfT Is were (topped by the privateer, , and about fix o: not to be opened till they landed, either at Brillol or at and afterwards diimiflcd. We fhould like to have the ?,re4ta p«t of ihc FRANCFORT, Fttm»y 7. Milford H B«Ia_ they were to barn, plunder, and deftroy, wherever" nuMe Any pit- hn rnjjffiy not to take the leafl; uro>»ge at his On the evening before the laft, an officer of the re- they went." The officers, on confutation, thought land m*y be in- augmenting his army in the electorate, tiis highnefs venue haying di (covered that a fmall floop, lying at further inform* the themfelvea very ill uled in being fent on fo difho- i captain CiiAUi' Imperial court, that |he Palatine one of the whtrles of this city, had taken on board a and Bavaria contingent* nourable an expedition, and determined on capitu- may vitw the p«- (hall fpeedily be fent to the quantity ot powder and arms, he gave information, armjr of the empire in the bed conditions. The Jating, anJ furrendering. They had (hot one, and and a feizure was made : foon after it was made a re­ er, iu Annipnl" punifhed others of their men, for pillaging. Neither ill be given, *'.:! «!tflor concludes, hy expreffing a belief that his port was fpread, and information was given to the taking upon himfelf the defence of hi* »wn domi­ officers nor men were to receive any pay. This report commanding orE'irof the militia, that this powder, was made by a rapiain of nne nf their grenadier com­ , H. WATTS. nion-, will nffjrd fome eafe to the AulUan troops, and the arms, were intended to bet put on board the a"d affgni that meafure as the fole caufe of the mili- panies ; the men that cnmpoled them were remarkably French brig Eliza, commanded by captain Canine, 1 preparation*. \ (lout, and the whole, in general, able men. which is now ready for fta. In confequence of this -«iers from Infpruck of the 9th inftanl were information, an order was iflued H Skin" re- for a party of mi­ o D»HH here yeflerday, at Rating, that the French have LONDON, Marct 7. litia to take patlefiion of the floop. Before the part/ jionty, in ihejen P«n«trated to the diftance of one league fro^i Botien, From a letter received yefterday by the Lifbnn arrived fume perfons had removed Ired «nd eighty-fii. part of the powder ~~»d that general Liptay ha* in confequencd retr«ated packet, we received intelligence of a very gallant to a large vcflsl lying near i this movement confirmed ecuriiy for the urf 1 nrixen. aflion between the Andromache frigate, and an Alge. the fufpicions of thofe who bad afferted it was intend­ EDWARD A»Uii The paffage of the Imperial troop;, from the Seig rine of 4O.guns, off C«pe St. Vincent's. The Alge- ed for the brig Eliza, and-it was generally underdo,*! whu»s. The raiment of Storay .and Ginliy dromachecruifing alone, and miftaking her for afartur made. 1 therefore lorv»«o pafTed I this city laft Sunday, and were guefe frigate, poured a broadside into her. The aclion We do not ,neru frmn D»«l (followed yeflerday know that the inquiry ha* been made i and to day by four battalion* of grenadier*. In thii was mantained with great feverity on both fides, for but we are affured, from good authority, that when, y off the faid bodi "era great part of the Imperial army will be de- upwards of an hour, when the Algerine ran the An­ ever it i* made, it will clearly appear, that no breach JOHN AVIS. «»ched from the Lower Rhine. On the Upper Rhine, dromache on board and hove in 60 men. They toon of the law* of the United State* ha* in thi* inftaoce J jeveral battalion* who had orders to march to- Italy, found they had not Portuguefe to deal with. Every been contemplated. !£ ^d l*"lr ">«rch countermanded. man that boarded the Andromache wa,* killed. The Afril 19. By the arrival of captain Scott account* L I S: . They '*y tn*r tn* Pruffians will extend the ine of Algerine finckin; thii attempt fail, fheered off, and are received of general Pinckney'* being at Amu>rd«m, demarcation a* far a* Bendorff on the Rhine i from during the conflict with the boarders, efcaped. The where he arrived on the 171)1 of February. The pub­ and SAMUEI Jflcndorff to Mentz io,0oo Medians «rV.;wtt fta- letter adds, that the lofa on board the AJidromachi lic Have been apprtfcd of the general's 6ted refolution I Honed » next to thefc the Saxon* vs-.ll be pAW I in wai not great. . to remain at (he pelt vthigh hi* counuy had i &&£^ss£Z^JzzDA I OlOCf II»J»> *»••• *•"•— -—— -a. zxs^-d:X3?$£.££b'ewTwTo'"rivalled" : pretcnfions. But confcious of ^^A^^.S^-fair day, at the Viiieyard plantation of die minatioit^f the general had been repeatedly .commu­ tnV fuperiority in'icabivoriji, 1 looked upon h m wjth late Jofl« H*ttk Efqs o, the city' 0 nicated to the:French minifter, who, u reputedly, of Ar.napolis, dcceafcd, had refufed to commit to writing the order to quit, the utmoft contempt, nid.tfir^., under r.o.ppce. ^ ^^'^^o'^'^l^r^. « until the day after the accounts in Pans of Buona­ henfion, from hi. oppfiuon. I w.lh ««, J .r, Wb. gV ^ ^ ^ fo»« vl£ parte', victory in I«)y ; and then he gave general Pinckney___ney notio___ in.- writing,...___ that- he-.- was chsrged_byf , . - &"=^tS^- ' * ^^K^ot^^td me uutciv-j »v...... _..-.. '-^^^the law requiring all tlrangers to quit the territories of the republic, as he hiJ not received any particular r-ulrendortt, ana itnev mo e »>,._. ,__,__,_ affefli- f»U to begin at 10 o clock, and continue tiller permifupn to remain thereon." Having thus received the official written notice, which the- general had coc- Hantly infilled on receiving before he would quit the a» much jr, »«aS a MayM il., 1,97. fpot to which he had been fent by his country, he tntle, he would com: in with then demanded hfa'pafip^ru, which were accordingly given, and he'withdrew to Amfterdam. lVllll.>lllll«.iiia, «i.v* »•!» ...... - f A i . J, On Mandiy'lafl anived here 'jn the brig AmfJer* moll trifling and urtirterefting fu: je£b, that he entirely Virginia, for a term of Tears. duo, Mr. William Rtfledge, from Amfterdam. This drew her attention atd forced me to fet filent, though BOU r 4000 acres ol excellent farnnot land. gentleman has furaifhcl the following information : fwelling with ir«Jigiation. Nature, Sir, never dc- The tenemcDis are to be taLen either in the wood* " On the 25th of February he was at the Helder ; figned me fer a whiting compliant lover. My pride or un highly improved open Uod>t with Lvmiurublc he there faw Mr. Syluaut Bourne, the conlul of the could not brook her icg'.eti, and eviden: preference of dwe!ling-hoj/cs to each tenement, u the tenant nty United States, who ftewed him a letter be had juft the being I defpiled, 1 therefore gave up the unequal ch.ofe. Thole' land* arc in (lie highctt e it i out ion for received from Mr. D/emonn, who had the charge of contcft, and refignrc the victory to my triumphant ri­ fertility, and luve been cultivated with fuccefj. Mr. Bourne's affainktiuring,his abfence from Amltcr- val, with whom fke is finee united in the bond) of They are fiity from Alexandria, forty miles from dam ; this letter Wntained a copy of a paragraph, matrimony. Had 1 been crowned with fuccels, I Dumfries, and tl)ilty-twoniilc»lioin Frcdcmitfiiurgaid .taken from the Ley den Gazette, which' Rated that ci could not have been tappy t and I rejoice in iny Falmouth; in the vicinity ot fix coiiudcr^tnc manu- tiirn ;Nocl, the mmifter of the French repoblic at the efcape, tlnugh my rcfenunent has not fubfided. ialturing mills. UeiJow Und, «nd wood, is toon, Hague, had been directed by the' government of This occurrence has foiled my temper. I have fince nicntly attached t) e.ith ten.incr.t, and uj tiLcmcat France to apply (o the Nuiortal Conventiob of Batavia, endeavoured to difcover i lady whofe inclinations and will ciiceJ two hundred acres. The c mutry u high and requeft of them that orders might be IfJued to treat difpolition differed from ny tormer dulcinea': but in and healthy, »ndt the laiidi confirt of the very fiueft the American nv.niller, (hipping and government cx- vain.>«ui. They111*7 ...all nearly.. ..7 reUmble.--... - each uh«r,-- . ..«>! I arn Inv grounds., anJ excellent ted c*.. aud iuckoty) ii^li ' adly as the French republic treated them." «t length compelled to berVve there doc* n Jl utifl Upun &rou<)^ «dj,,iriing iluin. '.-.- ' '.-'-;- ' ' < 'All the accounts received from Am tier.! am (late, that the face of this globe, a \foman, who would not pte- j: w,u btexjoiu-nt for *tri6fe who wifh to bccdt&t there are immenfe prepar&thns miking in all the fea fe»the company and con^trfation of my contemptible |CnintJ> to view ihc l intended agaiaft England or Ireland. Between 20 from any defect in myfelf. I will thrnv the blame up­ griu: Icafcs to *li th.-iic who wifh tu bcc-iv,c tcnn.li. and jo,ooo men are collected in the neighbourhood of on the female lex. In .Icing this, 1 think mylcll am­ 1: u cipcctdr'tkm Iuffiv-ie:.t :fixuiiibilitj ply jultifie^, not only/by my own ublvrvations, but and good (itiraeter, will, in cvoy cafe, akc..ntf«ay aa BrctU allo by examining the hiAory of mankind. Waiiiug- app!K4ii^R-t-;'< r i.o pcrfi.n vsil bejfaeated \\iikwka txtraff-tf tlttltrjrem Pttii Curve, JateJ March 17, ford tells u; that the Danifh m-rcciLiriei quartered in dcx» uot ur*;ucj*thc f^n.e. ~- -. - - ' 1797. England, in the reign of JttbijtaH, although very ob. ROBF.UT fiRVRRfcRV. Jaiior. 44 Order*-art iflued by general Rigaud, faid to be noxiout to Englifhmen', were the favourites of the i CARl'liR BhVRRLIiY. in confequence ot advice from Mr. Adet, fufpending fair; and the manner in which he accudnu r->r it, WILLIAM KNOX, all ancient debts due n Americans, and there u no proves that the female fex were then jult the lame n [ THOMAS T. KNCX. probability of arcverfion." I fuppolc them to be at the prefent time, only net al­ Cu'^enet together lo reE^ed. He fays that the Dines were ef. ...' NORFOLK, ...... feminate ...... in tbeir manners,...... combed. and curiid thtir George-town Br-i\is;e Corhpaiiy, ^^ • | ^-^ • W SttortJay arrived, the fchooner Friendfhip, captain hairu.u every...., day, ,, and were.-_- particularlyr _. ____._.., careful »f the Extract O_ if an a:t_ t-ajjtd^ ,',* .ly tbt', le$ifm}fit<, . * iT*,tkt Harris, 16 days from St B.rthoimews. By this neatnels of their- drefs, and the beauty of their per ieflel, we learn, that the French continue capturing fans, and by tblt means captivated the hcans and StAtt tf A " > -•••"••-> *?v. •—— y-- -• •——-• our veflels. . gained the aff\f\ipni of the Englifh ladies: While the Capuin Harris alfo informs, that an American martial, though tough a>d ur.polifhtd Englifl.man, brii't vuer PutwuM^tk river. fchooner, Sued at Biltimore, with 11 guns and jo whofe attention was chiefly JirecUd to rni.itsry cxer- ND be it caacica, uui che laid director*, Jmctu on or about the 25^ of Mirch - fel1 ln,,T^ * cifes and the /ervice of his country, was treated with any two of ll.cnv rli»ll and niay rrqi French private-.rio windward of Antigua, called La the utrooft contempt. Now, Sir, if you can judge " any lum vr (uni»t.f mohey, . m equal proponka, MereTaniV, of 10 guns and 6; men. The privateer impartially ol what is here related, you wTTl not tiffin" " TiorTT cTCtl'Jrnl ey«ry pin|'lief>ryi aiimtt 4lm^««« ordered the capuin of the An.eruan Ichooner to heave tate to pals the moll unqualified cenfure upon the la- « to time 3e ccccffary r r c»rr, j,v^ on the baiW'n| » and fend Vm boat On board, and the vcffel s pa- dica of that age. Indeed 1 thick them lefs excuUble 44 of die ijid bri j;e, aud, »ltcl giving thiee moBthi psrs j tHis was refufed i in coi fequence of which, the than thofc of he prefent day, u tbeir education was ' fan'.ic n;iice, i; Q4aj| fi(ame ofikt j rican failors, earaged at the conduft of the pm-ateer, oi the Danes sot remarkably great. At lealt the fame 44 Cv-mpany, fu<.h unpaid rcquifition, viiih H fired, two c;oadfides in return, which killed the degree of eU gance and cffemioacy would be but- a 41 charges incidental therf.u, and legal inuieti thtmaj captain, lieutenant, dorter, and fifteen men. The p.K>r recomro ndation to any lady with whom I have 44 from ilu time the (auic ihould have Ucn criv^cc then dropped her tails and llrock her colours, the itmtur to >e acquainted. 14 aud the ue^>cCt or re filial u» pay auy fuil but the Americans felufed to take poffeffi'-n of hrr 4 1 was a li lie diverted at the manner in which yml 14 fi-.icq, ilicr public nuiiu il.ill bavx iicen obfervirg, however, an American prise brig to wind­ propife to dfcover the degree uf civilization in aoy 44 lealt !vf thr^c mopihs'n all the nc«vi paptrt benis ; ward, Ke Itood for her, retook her, and brought her country, by /afcertain'ing the influence of tlie leuiaie before tnuin.rate'il, fliall have the cC.tt tu forfeit into Anrlgaa-fce wa, trom Norl.Jk bound to An- fex. If by clvilizatun you mean that cxcc&ve retinc- 41 all'picccding payniciitt iiiaJc uu thv fLiit >-r Qiant tUuni wilV a cargo of corn and flour. The J-rench ment which) borders on degeneracy, perhaps you arc " fo nc^lette.! or rc.uled t^ be p^id, to die ufeskj pnvateer went into St. Bartholomews, wliere (he got right. But in the true fenfe.of the word, your doc­ 41 bentht ol the cotrir any." « new captain, »nd procetded again to fea She has trine U undoubtedlyunatuoieuiy erroneous.erroncoui. For,rwr, wheneverWIICI»T« rr.cn»%» TLe publifhndpuu,,i» ~ for...... the inLrmit*a ... 'fincc captured a New-Haven br.g, from MarHnioue w.^...^ tirei...... of_. ,-.-....,.„governing, and—_ refign._ „ their power§ to of fu:h of the ftockholuers a*.have not comu.ieJ bound home, with one hundred hogfheads ol molaflej, the weaker frx. it is rather a mark ol degeneracy than thefh« requifiti^mili-iti >ns,«m heretoforei,.»:orran he. obfervatiora on a fubjaft, of which you have already pleafed. In Ins letter it is eafy to difcover the lan­ N. B. '1 he highvrt rrric* ?wen for OM SiKer treated. The paper I allude to, il I believe, your guage of ditappointment. But although It enteruina In CHANCBRY, Mav 4. '797- 51)1 No. in which (excufe my freedom) the fear of * high opinion of hi* own merit, whkh he gives us to objefl of the bilH»« offending a particular part of your reader*, has cau^tt UBderftand in pretty plain termt, it does not, by any meant, follow, that the ladies are bound to be pleated obtain a decree (or i you to write rather in the obfequiou* ftyle of a cou*> vr real eftate. of tier, than with the boldncfs and dignity of an irapar- with hi* company and convirfation. And if he is not Uttlttti tpvnfni,' /. f>f »Ke treated with fuflkicnt refpecl and attention, 1 fufpeft J TOWHI dr*9l» j, it,. is,», onu.. motion.—-.•—— - |, fault of one woman, may have fome fhare in difgutt- plainai't, aJ-udpct tad ordered, that ft« cau)e jv2| of thij order to be inferted. at Icalt three " '"*<' in» me with the whole fex. I win reli^ln a lew Duvall & Rigby, wordi, the caufe of my difpleafure, Mtfleave yoo to ccflivcw, in the Maryland Gazette before iodge whether it i* without foundation.--! wa», fo«» EG leave to inform the public, and their friendi, the-.-, pfr fent month, to the inlent that the nonths ago, flmple enottgh to fall In love with ladj/, that they have taken the houfe lately occupied by aforefi"id may have notice of her,application who, to do her juBice, wa* adorned with everyevary exter- BMr. WM. AtiXAitDiii,ALIXAIU>I*I inm Cornhill-ftreet,vornniii-nrcet, wherewnere court, and of the objcCt of her bill, '"^^JJ " , ._ i;n,j;,nf I wa* fo captivaied with her they have.... jott received,. , and offer»>». for fale, i a nntecl .. warm. 1 to appear here, on or before the lirlt i»""JI fi-T^^IV^^'^K 11-1 -E»»«i G000S.f«ittd,o,h. prefent £*. , in O, ober next', ,p dew c.ufe wherefore.^ fl^l^ed Ib. DoffeffedI every perfcaion, of whkh ha- they have alfo an eicelleot affortment of GROCB- fcoul not pafi u prayed. ^ I ^«TwS«Sole A. I had no mean opinion RIES. whkh they will fell on.the moft reduced price* . :«&. SAMUEL HARVEY ^O^S^yhope.ofcainkgher.ffea.oo. forcdh. Reg. Ci,r. Can. coun­ N CER Y, April 15, 1797 By order of the orphans court of Anae Arundel Notice, - *, In CH. oh application of an ty, will be SOLD, at PUBLIC SALE, on Sa­ the TAX (br That houle of HAT the CoMMissiuNtRS'of >,.i~, »t any tinw after the firftday of Oc. turday the 13th inft. at the IMC dwelling Anpe- Arundel county will «n*ei at the uty of will proceed to a dividend ( THOMA» JIMVGS, Efq;deceafed, T Tutfdgy oi.'May next," and 0 VhTchance'.lor confiding Annapolii, on the.lecood 'ooey arifing Inm the falet of the rtal ei*ate of EVERAL country born NEGROES, will cOntinu: fitting from day to day for twenty dayi, amcmgft fuch Ot of men, women and children. The fale to be­ ot property. " How RIDCATB, deceafed, S to hear appealt aild make tranjfert creditori as (hall then have exhibited gin at n o'clock. : . * I 'J'i A RidMte*. Adrainiftrator. By Oriicr, «nd «ft'bl>ftcd thcm to the chancellor's THOMAS; JEN1NGS, -- N1CH. HARWOOD, CIS C- 1. A. A Dy. cUitnS ~ f" * f M i r?c'f»ai»n, provided a copy of thU order be infcrted - * r I i '\ once in each of three fucccffive weeka in the Patowmack Company Shares- HE PAMIH of ALL HAI.LOWJ, ,in Ci'rbazeiie and in the Maryland Gazette, before the Aiundol cJunty, being no* vacant, the T__ (ram any cpifvopal mi- ' -t iil.u nrtt.- For S;ALE. ; " TRY will receive applicitiunt VMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, On the third Monday in June next, it fair, IF not the niftcr between thii and Whttfunday next. Reg. Cur. Can. firft fair day, will be SOLD by PUBLIC By order of the Veflry, • • JACOB, Regifler. • |t___j—»»"«i i i ——•—————— AUCTION, at the houfe of Mr. JOHH JOHN The thorough bred running GADIBY, in Alexandria, April j6, 1797. "T-WELVE SHARES of the Old Stock in the H O R S E £ , laid Company, nnlefi, irr the a\ttn time, the St. Mary't county, near Leo^rd-town, April 24, owners of thofe fhtrea pay tot WM. HAKTSUOR.KC, 1797- LAMPLIGHTER, ircafuur. the tjveral bala-vcet due thereon. A1LL per-font having claims lagiinfl JOSHUA TOBIAS LEAR, Pufidci t, M1LLARD. late of St. Mary'i county, de- Mil ftand the enfuing feaMR at Mount Air, near TEMPLEMAN', 1 are dcfire^ to bring thtra Sfl, properly autktn- to cover JOHN ceafcd, Pifcsttwsy, in the Sutt of Maryland, JAMES KEITH, Uireftort ticated, and all thofc indebted io nuke immcdiu* marcs at the moderate price of four guineas, the PHILIP R. FENDALL. f Ui< ' paymeut, to I'-ifon, the money to be fent'when the marea are J MILtARD, Executor, JOHN MASON, . JOSEPH -'--.- "• ' iikcn away, and tike feafon ta end the loth of Au- April i}. 1797. __ ."^ --» ______r -' .' ojlt next. Good and exter.Gve patturage at half \Vill cover thii fcifoo, a: Weft river, ,a(, the farm o! 5 s dollar per week for the marei, *here he hat i-^r la-e Oftibci liuraed,L and pofTeffed of at many running poinu at DRY GOODS, fuiuble for the prc- jfxr- an affonment of my borfe on the continent. Hit ex:raod|aary lent feafon, allo GROCERIES, all of which h: will BELSIZE; brmsnecton the turf at the Bowling GreW in Octo­ reduced pricei. colt, now riQng .'"-r yeart old, foil to and fell at the ro»(t FINE bay ber, 179}. at five years old, when oppoltd May 3, 1797. fifteen bands In^h, he ^u got by G'lveraor beat the two celebrated running horf-t B:lle-Air and A high bred imported horfe PAYMASTER, among the Si ONE', [Ciaiilla, juftly entitle him to be ranked To be SOLD, on the PREMISES, on Vuelday the bit dam by CHA&.LSI CAHIOLL, (jt Car roll ton) itft running horlet ever Known in this country i hit 9th inllant, K^fs. well known horfe BADGER.i his grahM-dam I colts fhew he ii inferior to no horfe at a foal getter. I now live, containing col. LLOYD'S horfe TRAVELLER, «rt great., aorfe Old LAND whereon by Larnpli^hter wat got by'Hart't imported or more, tbout to rail.ea. from the graiid-datn by col.TAiKtft'sisnpoitCiJ horle OTHEL­ out of col. iBraxton't _ acres, tK>tf« | Medley, hit dam by Lsnfla'e, TFederal City, a-.d 15 miles from AUxtadtii ; oa thit LO, hit great gK4t-gracd*dam ^y the imported I iaporied marc Kitty Fifher. ' mil! feat, and a new mill building i alfo OLD SPAHK, out of the high bred itnpoitcd mue got by Joly Roger, land U a fine The bay horfe Lwfdale wai a fine feat juft below that may have the advantages of QUEEN MAB. out of a bay mare boutht of Sir John Ramfden, ba­ never tiil, and ettry timber on- Ooud paiturigr, in a .good ipoce, CKATII, for Monkey, both llreanis, which ronet, Ute lord LonMale't, (he was t- 4 the ^JX STauA.»T, deceafcd, cvjn fitting U fundr/' v«. .A or the fubfcribcr, on or bctjre Saturday getter) will all'u cover at the ume pi»crt- M'CiKiY, luablc fl.ivcs, one milch cow, and a variety ot> houfe- ble furu loal 17th of tliit fnorxh, and to meet oa thtt'day in per« at »t fix dollark fcni *Uk Ih« mare, or cij^t di/ll»/» paid ' hold and kitchen furniture. The falo torommentt bn at Pig Point. , MONEY by the firll day ot Ottoher. next. requefting a meeting U, 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, for KEAQY wttrbe received The fubftrUxr'i ob)eft for ' % ' "-.V \ ' ' _ GiKid p«flur«ge for raarct, but noire the amount of the debit,'knd make tome only. ' - note, (ifetit, with them to Mr. to tfceruio MARG ^RET STFUART, fexecutri*. uiricfi the c.af)i, pr.a prorxfaU to the creditors towards the fettlemcnt of the DAVID M'GiLL, wtio vsill not be anfyerabhe for muck trouble rOBERT DENNY. Executor. IOW fane,' which may perhaps fave them SJ-IUART are or ulhcl accidtCO.! - .' '". ' ' THE cieditori of :hc laid- |oitw- -^ ltd e>j>ence. their ctimt, legally Artl 25, 1797. . . ,' ___ " ^. SMITH, Admimftrator. ' onc» more requrfted to exhibit ' NATHAN trie cxecotors, on OT btfore the firft authenticated, to to my cuftody w iunawayt, vhree M»y to of June next, and to appear it Mrt WtUark't QMMITI'ED day t negrun, two. men and oa/e wcjnan, oue cojro- AN away troin the lublcriber, living U Cuarlva tavern, in Annapolis, at it o'clock in Ac Idrrnoon, who claim* may-b« dittlfd, wd their nutted o» March" " i»th,' r»y-the Btmeol U^K, county, near Port Tobacco, a you^g negto On that day, that'tt.eir Mr. JOHN V Aone- R IOportiou *'. ___ (bawl, May 6, 1797. - ' ''> i ' L county ) he,r cloathing it a calico gown, a calico : Nf>s. WILLIAMS Mufti** »r« deflrcd on the 191)1 of . . • . \ . t. , .. .. , and blue under petticoat. T4Ut» {ro|n l||t,f fcvt,al /COMMITTED to my cuttody, _ . „, . of acqu.mting tne Idiet (he hai ^ ,hem £. wooth§ woman who f April, a negro J7J, imported in "theu - .Mometumt,"-—— from London, they wrll be f ild for their pfifon fats, and about five feet five inchei high, chunky dates, or ANJNE, fhe it part of her fpring patterns.- amongft which are, the other expellees, iRreeably to law. built | her cloathing U a calico gown, brcivn llufj'p come and lak^ her aw»y lalt. Likewile received, by the. P-a- - will be fold (or her pr "pn fe«i, and l6th January April si, 1797. »bove dace, or (he triolen, from Liverpool, a handfomc colicdion of other expenccs. oftrich and fancy feathcrt. Mn. William* will fhort- RICHARD HARWOC3, Sheriff of her fpring pvucrnt from a Twelve Dollars RcwarH. cout y, )y receive the remainder of Anne Arundel different milliner in London, that the lad tea may have AN AWAY 'on Monday the 1410 of April from May j, 1797. a greater choice of variety. She being dctermintd to the ivlSfcribtr, living lo Anne.Arundel county, (para no paint or expenc* to merit a continuance of R named WILL, he fometiaet calls himfclf, rlpHERE it at the plantation of the AUt Hooot, a negro man at a commands from the ladies of this city and the country BILL W ATKINS, ho is about five tact Bx or.fcvco Jt ne«r the Head of South river, tjken up (ha wlrl on when rfmith't bufineft, i«l handi high, eight adjacent. By the Adriana (daily cxpeeled) inches hifh, ol a black compttxiosvi -to ha

I Anoe-Arundel county, April 8, 1797. Bank of Baltimore. Valuable prowrty for falc for Cafc J By virtue of a deed of truft from cape S AMD it , - (Llld Yi MAYNAKP W us, will be SOLD, on the pren»ife*, ift Aprili 1797. exchanged for property in the' on Thwfdky the eighth day of June next, if fair, H£ PkMifiNT and DmiCToas of the BAN* Federal City. or the firft fair day. on' twelve month* credit, tbt of BAITiMoai having taktn into con&deration Me to be continued from day to day until all is theT great advantages likely to arife to the Bank from O« the f«*nd fold, tbc purchafen to give bond, with approved having the remaining one half of the capital paid, and. ThBrfday of May «» wili fc fecurity, before any thing will be delivered, bring authorifed by the charter to call for this pay. POSED to PUBLIC SALE, i? nSr HAT valuable plantalioa whereon ihc fald Sa­ meat at fuch time as they may appoint, do therefore at PRIVATE 4ALE before that day, muel MaynarJ now live*, fituatcd within two give notice, thit Monday the etb day of June next, LL that valuable PROPERTY, fi . of Herring Bay, containing' about 250 acrea, and the fivw Wlrowing __,.. art_ _ find._ on for the flock- BtooMiaunr SOJJAM, in thedty of X holders to pay tke with fome improvements thereon. Alfo a number of remaining one hundred and fifty lit, coauioiog one acre and an half, thettholViTuu' country born negroes, confiding of men, women, bpya dollars on each Disre, in gold or filrer, at the bank in three f.parate lots, one in the tenure of W.V7 0*1 and girl*, the flock of horfcs, cattle, hop, and fhccp, afbrefaidT Coo«.> E(V a large brick building, handfo^uf plantation otenfila, tioufehold and kitchen furniture. JAMES COX, Ctfluer. mated,tuated. widi everyeverv convenienceconvenirnn. and.°A -.-:_..r ««,«*(. *v 8- j And, on Tkurfdiy (he fifteenth day of June, will N. B. It is tetended Out the irt* half yearly dlvi. fuitaWe for airy gentleman _ the adjoining brick Wild. I be fold, at LoMcr-Marlborough, a parcel of European dend fhal) be declared on the above-mentioned 5th ing, MW in the poffeffiotrof Mr. FOWLKH, wi goods, one half rf the fchooner -Friendfhip, with her day of June. veateoce* and improvements; five framed tackle and furniture, as (he now lies in Patuxent river. with gar3eni, now in the pcffcffion of Fun her putkulan will be made known on the day nants ; tba whole rent* for two hundred and ta | oflaJe. FERRY BOATS* pounda per snnmn. Tbis property is. under icaj) fot JOHN HE fubfcribers beg ninety*nine year*, and the unexpired ttnabaintn t I JOSEPHTHOMAS. WILKINSON, lfn»~* leave to inform the public f TreReti- in general, that they have built two large con. ran fifty-one yean, .'/hi* property will be fold,». P. S. All petibsn who have, or formerly had, con- vtnicntT FERRY BOATS, for the conveyance of gen. ccomtnodau the purchaser, either in feparate km, u bexiow with capt. Maynard in trade, are requcQed tlemea and their borfea and carriages, Arc. THOMAS tbe % . calkd on to make them known, and all indebted to river and tltcre aboutt. As this u by far the tnoft con­ ad t*»enty-fivc from Ealtiitiore-town t on _ make payment to the tnftUea. J. T. venient root from tRe Federal city or Alexandria to is an excellent dwclling-boufe, kitchen, and otbir«it j S T \ Baton, Cambridge, «r any of the adjacent towns or honfea, k larec orchard of choice fruit j this laa^ fa Different let' ______J W. counties on the EafUrn fhore, and will be attended la a healthy t nation, and very ca&renient tooyflm, fitting, that t Eighty Dollars with muck lefs expente than any other pillage to the crab*, and a gnat variety ot nfh end wild fowl ii more ground tl Reward. before-mentioned place), we are determined to pay the their refpeltive fcatae*: A fnrtbe* defcriptioa of tU month, have f* AN away tram the rnbferibcr** farm, abort fevea greeted attention, in osier to give every fatitfacYlop. in property iheWeiwed unneccJTiry, u any one iatlhvd been obliged tc R miles from Annapolis, on Wcdnefday, the jth our power to thofe that will pleafc to favour ua with to purchsfe wonld d..ubtUf» wifli to view the fiat of the month, iaftant, two fhvea, WILL and TOM; they ire their cuftoo). * The title to I hi i land b indifpuuble, and en the put. diftempers whi brothers. Win, ftraght, tall, well made fellow, THOMAS TUCKER, chafe mcccy being paid a conveyance i« fee fisap^ of the want of upwards of fix feet high, he is generally called black, W/LLIAM W. HADAWAY. will be immediately given. The- terms of fale will b It appears c< but has rather yellowifh complexion, b) trade a March it, 1797. ' known bj applying to ihc fubfcriber, in tbe city ti nor did they r> carpenter and cooper, and in general capable of the Aonapolisi ' inflint. The ufe of tools in almoft any woik i faws well at the Twelve Dollars Reward. ! WILLIAM WHBTCROPT. ii faid to be th wkip faw, about thirty yean of age, when he fpeeks Tlie fobfcriber has fcveral tboufand acres of lud, fena, from the AN AWAY , quick be Hammers a little In his fpeech. TOM. a on the *jth September laO. from/ in tbe ftaif of Virginia, lying on the waters of the ! directing hi) < Bout well made fellow, a bright mulatto, twenty* the fubfoiber, living in Aone-Anindel county, G'eat Ktr.hawa, near that valuable tracl of the 1m i the pofiti -in of aR negto four yean of age, and about fire feet nine or ten womu named HEN NY, formerly the pro­ PrefUkat, which he wiil exchange for property ia rkr I Thefe attes inches high ; he is a complete hand at plantation work, perty of Mr. QASSAWAT Rawimos, of faid county, Federal City. ' W. W. net* of the roa and can handle tools pretty well. Their drets at fhe iss about v> years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, March 8. 1797. trians in vario borne, Upper jackets lured with flannel, aod overalls (tender made, asd dark complexion, Urge eyes, long Bellunoi the- of a drab colour, but they have a variety of other hair, and on cbfe examination you may difewer, on there i* no off cloathipg, and it b fuppofcd they will not appear the top of her farehead, a few white ruin; her com* when the Fr broad in what they wear at bom*. Will writes mon apparel when (be left my fervice waa flriped HIGH FLYER, Cderable lof*. pretty well, and if he and his brother country cloth jarket and pettkoat, her under waifrcoat are not famifaed Will Qaod (hi* IcafoT), to co^er marcs, at Soath-rive? with paflcs from other*, they will not be at a lofs for is of conrfe wiite country cloth, bound round with M red, but as ferry, feat miles from Annapolis, from the lethof them, but upon pror:r examination may be di fane red (he has taken a variety of clcathing it is Our fleet, cxpeOed fke «ril change April M the tcth of July, at fix guineas aod eat to be forged. Tbtfe people, itis imagined, are gone as may belt luit her own pur. oitixled by D for Baltimore-town, poie i I do expeQ fhe has obtained a forged pals for djJUr for each mare, if credit is expected, bat Uutt a* Tom baa a wife living there, guinea* aad one dollar fhipj belongi jwith Mr. TboOM Edwards. her freedom, and that (be is harboured ia or near An. will be taken if itui arithik Forukiagupandiecuricg mare, Qr i*kl at the end of the feafon. «i Kwh have a tie two fellows th tke gaol of Balumorc-town, or any napolif. Wroever takes up the faid neftn woman, and IGH FLYER wu fallen in will o&er gaol, fb that I get them again, n reward af confines acr in any gaol, fo that the fubfcriber gen bred by Richard TatterOH, Blip* of the her again, fkall receive got by. bU High Flyer, Ii eighty dollars, and for either forty dollaja. the above reward, and if H v^hkh cover* now it the two fleeti THOMAS HARWOOD. brought b0u S. M. ner, his gtsod-dam by Cad«, fte was the dim of Mr. Boot and Shotvcpaker, Mttlberry lilt, March 16, 1797. Shafto'i hunter Omniam, Herald, Mill Bajriotth, Ac. bis gr«at-|rand-da*) AVINO by Pinner, fhe wa> the dim of been fotne time without Morocco Ant.spolis, Toy, Msdim. the dam A R leather, lakes this March 20, 1797. of Twig, Druwfy, Tori/- method to inform his cnf- LL petfoos having ju8 mood, Alcidet, the daa» of Young Cade, We are i tomcrs,H and tbt public in genera), that be has received claJmi againtt the cttate the dam cf of JOHN HALL, Efq; late of Aane-Arunoel Omnium Filly, by Cade, the dam of Privateer ud nminceJ its from London, per the Munteznma, a large and hand- A Village!, Spanilh govt foroe aibrrment coooty dcceafed, are requeued to exhibit them, Ic. ail cipt«al runner*, hi* great -great- graad- of prioic Morocco leather, of various dam lowed, and colours, fancy and plain galry authenticated, to the fubfcriber, that tKey may by Makekis, Brimmer, Place'* White Tail, i kid ditto of different co. be paid, gsMugnnd-i loon; Morocco and kid fanda! vamps, and tbofe who are indebted to the cftate arc dam of CarMach. Dodfwonh, Lsym Itandfomely rtqoefted to *eke payment BarbMn. worked, boot legs, vampe, and bend foles, and a without delsy. parcel of excellent fed (kins, fuliable for ladies or ELEANOR HALL. Executrix of JOHN CRAGOS. a gentkntta, all which he will make in a neat and ! )OH« HALL. A tarae lot will be enclofed for favooritc nsares si "The la ' fafbiooable manner, or according to direction. N. B. Mr) Hall, in his lifetime, lent a number jfy per week, but not iccounubic for efcapc or acci- t.KtH alt. v He returns Kis fiacere thanks to a generous public, of his book* to his acquaintance*. Thofe who have denj. tiut the Ssi od his friends in particular, for pail favour*, and them are rcqteicd to return (hem to »e. . tjic cnemy'i hopes to merit a continuance of their patronage. __^______B. FOR SALE, Aontpolb, April 12, 1797- H. three other* Merrikin's Contract for fale. BOUT tooo or izoo acrts of LAND, lria| Sanuflima ' OT1CE ia hereby give*, that application will n AiDe-Arwndel county, oa the fouth 6dc*f (abe.towec be mask to the general affembly of Maryland, .*TT*HE fubfcriber* will fell 174 J acres of good land, Magoth/ rwer. adjoining the water, and about £x ar " It is a, nlN their next fefioa, for an ad to enable the corpora, J, called MiaaiKin'a ConraACT, about fevea feven miles from Annapolit _ tbe freaicr part of tbt failed from lion of the city of Annapolis to lay a tax, not exceed­ miles from Annapolis, on the north fide of Severn, faid land is treil umbered, it will afford a great q*as- of about 15 ing three fbilliUfa and nioe-pcnce current money in laying direflly on Magothy river, aod b putty fur. tity of tvhsrf log*, fpars and yard*, See. timber ssd vii had onl any one year, for every hundred pound* of property rounded with faid river and a fine ereck; the im­ wood of an) kind may be conveyed either to Balti­ head | but within the faid city, and the precinct* thereof. provement* may be made comfortable, at a fmajl more or Anlapoli* with very little trouble. Any per- fleet wss it cxpcnc* t tbere is on this valuable land an abundance foo inclined to pnrchafe the above land may be » mint was < LJL ptrtoa* who are indebted to the eflate of of tba be! pine for fhipt, fpart, fcc. betide* a confi. formed of in fituatioa by applying to captain CHA»I» JOHN HALKERSTONE, late of Prince- derabk quantity of chefnut aod oak timber. Vefiert Roiiitoii. \n Balthnore-towa, or may view George'sA county, dcceafed, tbe prt- are dcfired to o-.akc im­ f any burthen may load clofc in with the fhor* i per- mife* by arplying to the fnbfcribcr, ia Annapoln- mediate payment, and iHofe who have claims againft bapa tbesc are few placet within tb« bey that Sine* fl has fnch If required immediate pofTeflion will be given, wiik feveral the faid eftat« arc defircd to make them known to the advantage* for riming and fowling. The frrtn* wifl rril fobferiber an iodifpuUble tide. geaera'ti 0' be made cafy to *a« purrhafcr, and a more roll de- P. H. WATTS. ELIZABETH HALKERSTONE, Admk. fcripaoB given on the Stk day of It wr) r Fane, on tbe pre- Marcb, nut agkirt i •Upper-Marlborough, April c, 1797. miles, wbeai it will be fold to tbe Klgheft bidder. Mr. Hampton Roberfoa, living oa tbe prconiiea, will ' HE panatvmip of P1NKNBY and GUYER (bew tba land. TT /HEltAS I gave my bond to OAIIIIL deferred.' • be awuul eoafaat this day dttbhred ; all per- V V for fcirty pounds current moaey. in tbt yest TrWrfi tbaeT being indebted HENRY HALL DORSEY, four lord o»e thoufand fevea to U»< faid Ertn are requeued to HENRY EVANS. hundred aad eighty-tx. mat* payawat, and «d tae Ma| following I became m»nd el' taotc having fJaima to exhibit Marcb 17, 1797. fecnriiy for the faid aJartD far fcttksatat, Daniel Smui in a bond payable to EowAtn ABSLI, leaft'it-ty JONATHAN PINKNF.Y. Aamnpotis, letb Ftbruary, 1797. for largers\im of money, part of whiclrl have p*it*atlfa1 nor nv pan tbercaf. rtfifn, 'oi •Jatial taeaMfopafcfaaadfciTiaWiocali •W a»d ptoipests, cossusmndiag JOHN AVIS. granted h a view of the tithtr It Mr. Jora Oatu, to fade siver and bey. Tb« ianerovt»csrts are, *m e«eHrer>« di( boaifc., a kiatbM.kiachin. «SM|and a-»fcew *ew frmsned barn. barn. It batha* befcre th J. MURRAY. alto Irvwal ijprmgaof aacelsrnt watet. PotefBonmay J. T. SfUAFP. and men lot jotb Maaeb. 1707. HENRY RJDOBLY. G*txrN. t v (• .1 YEAR.) TMI E (No. 26274 GAZETTE.

T H U R 8 D A V, MAY 18, 1797.

W E S E L, A/*rf* j. The weather has been extttraely favourable for their thii ctcmfion, the artillery an! other uniform corn* fei," tunic*, together with the regtil r c rjH, were paraded, French again form e camp of operation*, and the Laguoa, or fliallowa erf the at Venice, is almoA edtircty dryU ; v«: ' ' The adjacent para of the nvl' were crowded with 10,000 men UCAT Dunkirk, under and the ftage* and Qiiin- The Aoftmn army in Italy ; hi* befMt'vpin t» Veflel* of different defcriptlta; the « and Peltre on the JO'h hat defiled by the road of Pontifrtl. into the river, inttint. The motive of thefe retrograde movement!, The m on* fiery of Seeben i* fortified, and artillery ExtraS of a Inttrfrv^ C*pt Fnmaii, JattJ Jfril IO. it faid to be the failure of an attempt nade by MiC- ha* been mounted on the batteriei erefted without " Our fituatioo in. St. Doatingo hn become traP/ fena, from the 6th to the i tth to afcetd the Piava, the town. brilliant. Every where we arc victorious, and cul­ dirt cling hi) way towards BrLccD, in order to turn Recruits lor the militia are pouring in on ill flJei tivation'and commerce flouri{h once ageita, efprc'ul!y the pofiti m of Botten. it i» faid that 25,000 Tyrolefe hive off:red their fer- fince the cornmiffioncrt have dcieraaiiied to- rent oot Thefe attempu did not forceed, owing to the bad- vice fince the arrival of the archduke Charle*. the plantation*. nels of the road*, and the refiftafee nade by the AuT. " You will fae jn the news-pcpert (hat accompany Iriani in various comhat* in the environ of Feltre and I N S P R U C K, Fltrury tt. this, that the eaftern mountain* of the French put of liellunoi the-principal of thefe engagements, of which the com­ St. Domingo, are total If freed from the Brigands. pn the 8th ult. Field>mar(hal lieut. count Mercantin, there ii no official report, took place Charles on the Rhine, The Englifh and envgnnt* have been every where futiained a very con- mander under the archduke when the French muft have the command of the army in the either cut to piece* or completely ranted. The court: ' will now take fleet Edcrable lofi. Tyrol. Bd. dc Rouvray hn been beaten. He had ma hive thit day received advice, that an im­ ball through bit hat. He fled leaving hi* correfpoo- D R I D) Ttbriutg 20. We M A portant action has taken place on the Piava, between dence, of which you will &nd exiracU in the papera Our fleet, confiding of i'6' mips o\ the line, com- thufc of enemy i atut which tbe lormcr annexed. Bmioue hu been evacuated. The En­ out troop* and and mtnrled by Don Cordtnra, Has captured right Englifh advanced to Trevifo. glifh and emigrant* be'ort leaving it fet fire to it, fliipf belonging to the_Etff-Indw Cbmptny, fix of Tag r>puhlirati* are fapppfc'd 'to h«fcf fustf ttA affilfinaied the Spaniard'' *k> were there.' which have already e'nteretTCe~bay ofCidTx. 1t"tiH 1* General Touffiint i.'Ouvertnre with an army of ftlltn in with admiral Jervis'i_ fleet, confifting of 19 10,000 men,' wtU.difcipltixd -od well prwided, ha* ' fliips of the line, and an action commenced between already conquered the Mirebeltis. He marches to­ attack La the two fleet** kt fen in the morcing at the i6th, and LONDON, H«Tc»2i. ward* Port-au-Prince, and it to-mortow to was not over «t midnight. Cruu dei B mquers. General Moii'e, hi* nephew, i* The Himburg mail, which became du« yefterday, into ihc quir- The tooricr from Cadifc, who brought thefe ad* received on to penetrite wiih a divifion of his army de. hi* not yet arrived : but a Du,tch pyxr to attack St. Marc, whiah vices, reached this capital in 48 hours. On his farther fufpenfion of terpf I'Arcehtye. and then known at Siturdiy, makes mention ot a pirture, the event of the action was not in cohfeq^coc* of foote ne- he will perhan* find evacua:e4. hoQilitiet op'the. Rhine, " But in the mean time >(*- communicatiim be* Cs«it. * gorittionf curying o^n among certaio monhem power* Thi| newi/ h^wevVr, it U to be nodcrftoodi i* op twe« l*>e »<»<»> * f"'"h °f l* «olony ." A R A N ) U E 2. fAtuar, 23. origin. Commotion* ftil] cootinoed in the *<»o/ed, and already the aromi ol generil French )uu£tion tu at­ We are allured that the. Englifh fleet having an. interior of the Dutch provinces, and the ftilws, in Lap'.uqie, and B auv.i*. hate brmed afrui provinces, I am in hf|>esthey mill jwt wtot' n<7unce\l its intention of retreating to Lifb/>n, the clamorout for pe*c*. tack P'rt-to-Prince, ptfiicular, were uncommonly p)it u* i ~ " Spanifh government ha* given order* to have it fol­ is (aid, arc very ill mtnned. . the t/catjftof peace to The (hips of war, it , lowed, and that it (hall .be burned even in that port. The more prominent report* of the d*y are that St. DosniDgo," negotiations for pe.ace are |0*io pcadinji, and it i* B A Y O l4'N E, moreover faid, fh»t our mipiltry . n«te pijvitrly dif- 'rag oft tttttrftim AWnV It • (ilitn •/ pAtcheS a pcrion to Paris on buftncf* of .this deferiptwn. i* even, giveB tht count Arret «f of the Frepeh F.teeutive Dfreftory, offte at " The laft expref« whlth reached Cadi* on the The n»me of tfiii *|C,nt ivooritc mart* We merely mentioD tha abqve u a '* > . Mth-V«iMfe, March l. rcfcapcor acd. 'J'H nit. et nigbt, announce*, among other'things, D*Arcejnb*irte. _ that the Sintifitrra Tnnjdada, the idmiral's (hip, Of rumour, retting on very flender authfriiy. Th^-Executive DirecTocjr.hiVlnK eoofu^ted tl>6 Itw" .had glorioufly fuftained the attack of five of A veffel arrived from Li (ban, which port U left M of f.\t gfth Much, I79},'.coa(denng ihiit the Bagi irf, ** I jo gonj, the t|ie coemy't fhift|; that In* »f tbt Itttttr *utrt funk, and the 'jth infl. bring* * pofitiv* fibtlfrucnt that neutral power* b^ing n^'loigcr . refpe^Ud by the, handled. On her fi 'e, the Spanifh fleet h»d not appeared at fc* fioce the Ute enemies of the Preach ripablic, and all the riglit|ia|^ three other* vtrJaVoughly to Sinti(fimi Trlftidada lott 400 men, and was obliged action. A reinforcement of throe, 74*1, is faid men being violatAl to their prejudice, ii. is no longe't \

IIX Saniifarna vis had on^jr 19 We have nothing official on thit it Wat onderftood it Lifbon. tV< the nd navigation, direcls, tmon other d|'(pofit)on*^ till |p d«vs after the magr fk'»p,.i54 heid j but every thing announces that' the Sptnifh Trinidad* did Dot'rrach CadU r. That fhipif of wi( arfd 'L - "iifi lie, % - -- ' ' fleet Mas in a good train, and that the Englifh ad- engigement, and wu then, when ,l«ft leco L A." D'iBt into lhe P01*1'.'**< ^* (bought ,ilie rnirat ww endeavoring t« get into Lifboti.1* rx>rt, in fo (nattered' a flate, (bat Jfri.wa* >.ht Aa whjch ft.Hbe'cliarge'd^jirwhl mull be laid up as a hul|c. t , ,. \ : > . chandlle bclongihg to the enemy. for V ! E N N A, "Th6 Brftifh fleet at Lifbon we* pecfeAly refitted x. That metchada'lfe bitonging (6 rocrtiy fee, H'were the captured fhip^ i grcft eiettion* were, be declared goo^ and lawful prfxet, Slnefe flit imlwl hire of the arcbdul'e Charlei, get ID early readinef* a Ponugucfc fq>«ad> the lib ufj'ng to to the priiflt of the dajtturs. feveral triliiiry councils have been held,- »t Which rorl pf confiderable force. .- genera'tl Odlcgirde afd Mack were prtfent. "l\ army wa» reported u> h« aflemblipg on tbe ttle'r'^Adife (eized fet the moment that It wH reported,'Vrtat his nit I As ,W»r ii. tory of (he merchaodifcjep |hf m.uvfttr-i the Rhine. . . ,f |4,; i^A willing to leave Ills brive army on ,.l •: '-Tke * aoodier to the mini] The- teprefentauon which the >rg|idukf made ^o .'!/,' : j. Thati' '^ Atuatioa of the Itllian pmft i rnt Imperial majefty. of the of flfr. 'turn certainly not fu'ch' at mlf>i* have.,.been army, w«a> which:' 'doe* »Jre*t "General Alvlnti haj applied for leave ta Jofhua Hftmphreyi. in a tnipnev wifhed, The defcent ftWn fceY refifn, ofi wccruiit of ill health j btt^ $ui ha* not been honour to the occtdnfton. th* officers will hf .way* wa* .gradual end o»lfe**B, and'trtr appearance granted Mrt. A great number of may n*W>«ny be Tup eirhtrdifnrrfled, or brought to i ee-urt-tnartiil. In the water tiurji (tlegepti It * Tlie-WeHtfh upprtr to wait for fr'e,ih reinforment* draw tnmihrs nK Irinjiura frmrmirff'Of fpcA*tbni he«»re' lth«y>»ejtin thefr operation* on t^e froptirr* of foregoing law to oe tolly execou They have already 16,000 and the pltsifaiUrMft erf th» vVh« aU their .d,ifpontion*, the fuch an exercife of it t* this (notwithftaoding the any one ma««> charge atxxher with difconeiiy point of trwtlej which Unite France Mfc UN ^feutral fanciful opinion . . paweratrf *f fom'e ingenious wfitcrs) prooably out proof f fret him prove and punifh if he can ^ 7 nby c"iKn muft . the continent, tad tu the United State* of. America | orlk took place is *ur own. The attempt was noble, can do neilker, Ih/n.e.n.time it i that thia but will throw out calumny r ' lift Itw it not deiogatary to the law 0* the suid the fuccetV hitherto ha been beyond all expedi­ he mult ftand1 in otb May, the view of hi* lellow-ci, 17^3, refolve* t» follows : tion . Whether lu bleffingi ar« to be prcferved or loft, flaoderer, and incur the '" Ait. I. The commiflariei fulpkion.that hi* fe lry ad of tbt Executive Direc­ maft in no frnalfabgree dcptBi OD the cooducl of tlw fufpeei other* of difhonourable Intention^ tbe, tory, with th« civil tribunal! of hu'L the depattmnt. (hall people tbM*Cel«4li Wy arifen irom fomcthing in the texture the take car* thar^^n the cooteft* upon the If they wiBk of hii validity of fbi food laws, they mod choofc able mind which led him toafcribe worthlefi moti»a U7K* , muicime prhee, no decifion (hill be founded upon and di&attreaM toto to make dieaW It they wifh for moll natural , holftr«r alarming. the inductnicnt of aft ion. The part f i 7th inkle of the law of (he ijth Nivofe. with­ nficfir*) rqriU to their liationt-ia the other depart- lor every man who '.hattha whole prt out the minuter love* hi* country, hut who dtf* office having been prtvioufly con- mean of govcrammt, it u in their power diretily or prove, of any publk authoritative r, «'" *»* conduC fultcd, conformably to the third indirectly decidon, i, to ^ anicle of die law of to fecore them by a dUcrectand judicioo* mit toil with diffidence and refpefl, confiderin* the 8th Floreal, 41 k year, relative to etercife tU » the trestle*, i« «f the chtkc with whkh they are in vetted, many chance* there are that hi* own opinion them to virtue of which n«ttral perron* intend to withdraw If ia aay particular mi. U their confidence fhoald be abulcd, really wrong, though he cannot perceive it to be ' «f til their deliberat themfelves, by AC*** of the firtt of thefe t praia nd adequate L lawi, from remedy it provided". After that whether it be or not he doe* not live : j ferre Ike |*««. « «* the execution o&katof the 91)1 March, ftated interval IQ a\ fla>*r ' 1793. tbtir legiflaton may be changed. government where any one nun's opinion, nottYtft u,,iol»bty, the honon a. The miotjtet * juftice (kail examine whether Without any deity, but (uch a* the occafion mult re* hit own, I »esct of their countrj th» treatiet i* to decide for all other* j *nd that the nrv (hul fubCtl. or whether they have been quire, any public oficer, who has misbehaved, i* bafii of all republican modified finc'c (he cVncluGon governments in particular jj of them; there (hall be lublc to trial, ponaluneni and difgrac*. To this may the fubmiffion of a minority to the majority, For the MA1 furniQied to (hem, ty the miniftcr tor foreign be added, what y»he're ' affairs, probably u not the wcakeft rettraint, majority are conftitutioaally autboriled to decide The INS I) the document* ol which they .(hall ftaad in need, the genera) odium that muft attead a manifeft depar­ For a Mid reference man to call himfelf a republican wiiV __ -*clamf*. flUll to made to thtf Executive Direc­ ture Irom duty, ia w important public employment. taining this fentiment, i emc " tory, at it u is folly. To be one, Cuffi fxiu f»tru jrtffcritxd by Uu Uw of the 8th flora), Tbe people at large having thefe fecuriiic* lor the cling upon it, i« impartible. 4th ytar. V . faithful IS (he discharge ol offices of publk trutt, it i* fit that Since, therefore, the pUinfft dilate* of duty, * woman o 3. The DirtSory remind all French citizen*, thjt thole whom they Md k company 'elect a* their officers mould have the principle* of republicanifm itfelf, which m thfit ' were f the treaty con:,«Jed en the 6'h Feb. 1778, bctweco Come fecarity on treir part. It i* not to be presumed due applkaiion , tit room. A matrt Foot* and ennoble the human mind, thoush tbt United State*, ha> been, on the term* that men. chofea u they are, mould be remarkably nothing CAB »"re ikot tbe whole evcni of 'taW Bd article\ diigrace ic than the abufe of th(m modified of foil rig* by that whkh deficient either ia «b«lhy or integrity, and therefore lequire ol u* all (o Kmpt « tod baa been concluded ai I/xidoa, obey the laws of our c'untry, it ij on the ipth Novem- they have a right to cxpcQ that ibcir conduel fliould incumbent on>u« to take c*re LccofiheeffcniiaUto ber,, 'l*4« between the United thann or)ligni,.n to ir^. liunsgo State* of Atacrica not immediately be condemned, merely becaufe fume portant be, aot rendered merely nominal, fuch a'quei ad Knglan«V-ia confeouence, perfont are but thai Jfxerer contemptible ready to find fault with it. Tbe u(k they every individual (ball perform bit (bare of the common I. After anicle 17 of the treaty of London, of the have to pcriorra j tft of delicate is of ao common magnitude buth a* truft, or anf»/er Jtorhi* neglect of it. Many intt*nr« Icelmg i/th Nov. 1794* all merthandife of the enemy's, to difficulty aad importance. I At th« P"'0* If in the (mall concern* ol oeg!ea or indifference tcwardt it, which m«y have 1 the t M merchaadifc not efficiently a/certaiaed to be neu- of "private lik few men can conduQ thcmlelves with e|«i>dent. T tril, conveyed great effefl* Co tbe h«ppir.el> ol bis country, are ol a under American flags, (hall be con. Ariel regularity and exaftaefs, aua unexpected difficol- nature not punilb^bJe ea in her wealth, fifcated | but the (hip, by human law** and tke pumfh. on baard whkh fuch m*r- tiej will difcotcert even the moft orderly and difcreet, meat ol thco, iherel-.ie, lulunted uoderfUnJ chandife (hall be found, (hall be rtleafed, mult be lett to the conki. and given can we conceive the path perfectly plain and obviou* ence of the iidtvidua!. ana the reproach lifflplkity of minnrrt to the proprietor The commiflariet of the Dlredcry for which a vio." guides ti: the govcniment ol million* of men, who, though lati; n of the 'ules of mi-rainy, thongh uraccon.pan.td which dii are enjoined t6 accelerat*, by all mean* in their o->(Tc(Iin|; one common and uaited intereft, have (.crved by no men pftwer, an in- by any huma^ Unction, leku^n lain to draw up;a it. the decilton of the eontefb vrhkh (hall an:e, finite variety of private view* tending to divert them Th«re litd love tailed wit) cither upon *re, h<|p»%vvr, others ot lo feriouf a ncure, ind the validity of the capiart* of the cargoes, from the great objcft of union, even if their undcr- lo direflly Itoioa. or upon freight* and insurance. tending cither to drltroy cr injure the focx. ftandmgs aad difp> fitions were perfectly alike i But if ty at lar^e, t^at law* long this left 1. According to the iSth article are provided by u for their pa- of the treaty of to this we add the various degrees ol their underllacd- Didmcnt; *«d wiihout fuch ; pretend to deterr London, dated the iQth Nov. 1794. relative ing, laws, and a due exrcu. to ar- their different means ol' improvcmect aod infor­ t'on ol thcrn, nu focuty could fuhfirt, Bierrupupted by * nu Oclej declared contraband by the *4th article of the mation, the delufive for an idea that to the and dangerous oallions by which all men will /ipjort voiuntaniy any government, bow. fatiifacl treaty diced Feb. 6, 1778, art added the follow­ many are guided, the activity of bad citizens, •ta tto turn and twift ing : Ship the fa - ever excc.'icm. -t cl.eenully fbey my Uws, however k timber, oakum, pitch, and refin, copper piceaeit of good, unrti/ume critical alarm alike ac!u- wile, Fr.im a for (hcithing veffeJi, i* ndicul us.^ut q it is ol great moment to fail*, hemp, and cordage, and MC* botb to a ilruggle which may endanger the go. rttabhOi i*B I frequent the every thing which fervrj, ( we U.vi contai. ing penal lan<-tiotn, fo a ii direclly or indireclly, to vernment at the moment when iu utinolt energies are alfo of L (hat circumftai the arming and equipping of the higheit importance that th« rxrcntion of veff.-Is, excepting bar veceflary, we cannot wonder it the divcrfity of opini­ theie fliould be iuagcr tmpreiuon. iron and fir in plank*. Thefe articlca provided for in (uch a mam.cr, n i« (hall be con. on whkh prevails in relped to mufk public meafure*, fecure a* njixh m pciTiblc IcIprrwUingia my I ifcared a* often at they (hall be deftmcd or attempted nor ibe conviction mi!y of tu at the conferences which follow from rival fcnti- guilty, leaving i.n'ccncc nothing od wai forcibly itru n be carried to the enemy. mencs, to fear. The woe i lo f>v too apt to dilturb the timber crea ot the bet) ol prctecuti«n b long adopted its oyr c-uotry >uraWe to 3 According to the lift article of the treaty of mind*, but which proha- |ieg to the prefci uaav >idab!y give a full fcope to the bly contains tnii ftcurity ia it* uuncft exteat ; accula- London, of the aSove date, every American, who pafinjns of weak, arrogant, or unprincipled it natural for a (ball hold men, who tion by ooc jay ulal by another the lri*l being a commiffioa from the encmici of France, either make nu allowances lor diffirukici which weak (cvnes whi< _H.WC!! ai every fcamaa of that natron. cttnpofing the tnfnds never perceive, adduced f«at crews of the (hip* and vtrflelt, flui!, by this fad prefuntptioa, fnppofc none .can truce gilds with an furmouot them but chaliw^ge* to a ccnfidcrabie nuaalvr < all capital alone, be declared piratical, and treated a* foch, ihem/eSve*, of with views too bafe to be sing to recoiled without avowed, Ktli- cales to let afidc juror* cvea ( r momentary diflik* foffering the parry toeftablift that the ad catt not to gratify aiaJlgnint prupeKfiiio of their own, xmerciufe of unr was the confequcoce of threat* or the jury not beug a permanent, but in acratV-nal bo- violence. without the flighwell independent regard to the honour, dy, liable ifou why we (b o 4. In putfiuoce of the law of to beaffetied either at member* ol il.c c- m- the 141)1 of Feb. the iaiercft, or even tb* fafcty of ihur country. Such munity, or < mdivtdu«la ted ia fuch . glo1 179), the regulation* of the lift Cki 1744, and of eaufct who may be rabkcWd tu a tiled muft often pidir.£ a total cording to thrir form-nod tenor. erlul ft*te*. loa geat degree independent in- diiional characlci Every of each other, munitv lot guilt. With ua, happily, that is ao thco- American Dr-> !h*ll therefore be deemed t having either real or imaginary difference* of hit, bowe/er, i* ex< lawful prize, local in- rttk Ipeculauoa : None of u* c/n remember a time which :V-i not have on hoard a bill of rereft, and with little other effectual cecneiu to bind i sged sflor, who'0 lading in due form, according to whea tncle priviicgci were not in a great degree fami­ the plan annexed to them together, b* a fcnfe of foreign external danger, liar to pan, and lilten > the treaty of the 6*h Feb. 177!, th« us i fo familiar indeed, that knowing fc»tc«!y execution of which, with refptct to BUay, will be apt to operate any thing which attended which is enjoined by the acth ud »7i* of opprcffive profecutioni, but Irom the anide* of but too weakly an til it bat increafcd to a magnitude hicWy (if other c.>untrie*. r tin iu« ftylc of that treaty. which aftontfhtj we are too apt to undcf va­ -(hit aod eocfoundi them. lue trm iadlimable blcniag in my favour j. The ntMaHaVtacn of the Executive Directory Confideratioin our own. | thofe who trod the like thefe are calculated to iraprefs TJ you, geailemen, are re required to carvy ieto effeft the peaaltiei that at. upon the mind mat faluury committed profrcntioiit try cliim to my CO caution with which all for offence* againtt the United State*. Tbe objidl tack on all clandestine attempts that may be made by public meafure* ought tr be examined. u Ifufpect his veracitj American), If it be a the prefervaiion of a union, without which undoubt­ or vcfliela belonging to aav other tutioa, p>iat of duty or jollkc, we need inquire no further. Icoander I he aftior to ptfi neutral, edly we (hould not now be enjoying the rights at an on board the vcfTcli where the Polky i* out of the gnotl jury for the didrict with temper and moderatioa). Belore they itgtion. Ou condemn effort* can be of a*y.-aviil. For tt ycarvtkat 'at* ItWrUad. in the Grail cvurt of the United any one sacafurr. where loarw aaicn »e pltafure, f welfare wa* aectffary, has preferred ua (hrr ugh mnlnplkd dangera, State*. MU at Atfmapotu. on tke Ith of May, 1797. they ought to be very -fare that cgd mote we aflbcUio a better conk! be adapted. than ince rctcocd us Irom by dkt bjHourahk Jame* Iredcll, OM of the aaToci- None can ever be adopted impending ruin. I iruR it 1 * remark whv wit boat feme tnmavenicncie* will ftill JifpUy Mt JlUcci ft" the Supreme cosut of the United Few. perhaps, without itlelf with it* wonted rOcacy. and Nl the end we feote «d»*nta|te*. (t i* the that no threat*, no artifice*, part of Wiidom to wcifk oa* ao devotion to aasnen I » malignant 4! agaraft tke otker, and without meaning, or profcfioaa W7»»> decide it) favour of that maafaee wkere the advaatage* without Gncrritr, .v.Ll | Our abfcat THE be capable of weakening, by any imprcfion on a ftn- fttftvat ttatrat ? coetttnf joftke nectfla- treptcft, tke **M.a*mnitar*«i fewest Any otker kim ? To be l^wed warmly from my heart, and I flatter (bmrce from pcffcAIy cotfidcM kc i* ri*Jk«iB kit optain. *oy(df are l» we uke out aad thole not UHcanxcaial to yout own. Tke prefcnt fituation the (poaiijneoa* iana»V«1..tP dt»»da ate vatuatf Wka ia tke man em- « (bine futi of our country it fach a| to require the 01. liimfcl. n fee wbefc titled to » arratjtM an eftimajd***) of hi*«wa abilitietl exertion oi aU good nten- to fupport f>d favc it Leotrr iato no to a ctc&ktmbk I* be raftxly to lift tarn iat ckat *kc meafwc bat been par- |lnve feen a crul tkulws, u the leaj;(Utntc of tbt United Sutc* *rc on wnverfailon I A, point of meeting, and atm-whofe decline every laid, aad when (he feat of Kprefceftfeon T%W SOLD. jeP$A*R. oa *e 8th Zfjiy citiKH muft wait wkh folkitude attj refpecX every perfon ia cottaat* day of Ju*t i. ihe mean-time it ia of tht otnqoft confeqatnct that tat,- by virtue ol a writ of f,rifmd^ to me di- to the fefhioa of the redtd by the honourable thi man (hould lacrtdly obey the law* of the coun- of tying oa iudg.«» i lAhe General your Court of the Wcftcrn Shore, State « Maryland, Anally «n being. They cannot be altered, nor would have excited odd fa/p»doo».' flkah..**.^. ,(,< ubiertance of then in any inftance difpenfed with, _L«. __1_ i _ , f~ i hundred and twenty Mae am* of hwe}« jrttMBt the autfowhy of the congref* of the United Sut in any eiigeoce, however great, in any fituation, nobk princtft to coataa? what would** tnr alarming. There faW bee* to Herring creek church, the.propetty of U no occaflon fo doubt, her credit to be know*. Sht cetttinry JOIIFB UIALI, that (ha whole proceeding* ddervck praife ID iatitfy debt* due JONM Rooiai, Md otherf. of that mod respectable for her fagaciry, aad many a poor datoW The will be conducted it BO doubt iaic to commence, on the prcmiiei, at 11 with a degree of temper and under great obligation* to her for tlit invention.* o'clock, ifc .... foiled to the important and the iorecoon. trying fituation Such a p:rfon a*, lUp ia a real peft to fbdety, aaxi aa ^juch called them together, and that WCHARD HARWOOD, Sheriif the great object the generality of boufca are not (b coaftruAed a* to j/ all their deliberation* will of AaM-Araadtlcawtjr. be, if polfible, to pre. afford a* /Wurj /V*Vv, \ will humbly propofe a few ferae (he peace, at the fame May ij, 1*97. time that they maintain rule* or regulation*, which, if adopted, i think will be igriolably, the honour, the iattreft, and the indepen- productive of infinite fervice. i,act of their country. irt. That no old bachelor, or other ill natortd man, JAMES MACKtJBfN in any coropaay, (hall be admitted into the young For the MARYLAND GAZETTE. circle. Hath received! The INSPECTOR, No. XII. zd. That if by accident he (hall hear any part of By the laft arrivals from Europe, the convention, he (hall not have the liberty of making a remark on it. VERY general aflbrtmcnt of Aafontba^Goo among 3d. rf card! be introduced, ht (hall take hii fcfjt whkh are, feini of different kagthf* IS (he a woman of fortunes-cried at and leia twioe« all WiTl Lively, a* the table, for the whole 'evening, a* the belt way to of whkh he will fell 01 thi lowed V comp«ny were pnifing Flonlla who had juli left employ ew *p- v . . ' mm i Thirty prehinded the heat of argument might induce her' to Notice* junigo fuch e'OjUetiion would have rendered a man ufe her htndi to enforce her word*. fxrrcr contemptible HE C«MUiinoiKaa in (be female world. But the Jth. But if (he traduce her ffiend> ot fcaodaHce any of the Tax for. Print** i^c of delicate Iccling, George'* county and refined fenGbility wngone. other innocent perfon, (he (hall be tttrmtd over to an will attead at tTpper-Mari* At thit Tborough, on Monday period the gentlemen were candid, genermu old bachelor, if any in cumpany, and if ht be at card* thft jth day of June next, iA iaJ iode(x«dent. order (9 make fuch altcntioM * of a woman confided they (hall play partner* the whole eveminaj, with ai have taken place n vr. n rail the property in thi* her wealth, but 111 the accomplilDmcnta ol a liberty to" revile and abafe each other a* much a* they county fince their meeting ia (ultimed uoderlUnJing, and in an eafy unaffcclcd plcifc, provided they June laft, aad that they will continue until the lift do not proceed to blowi. day of the laid month. implicit/ of manner*. The ditUiea of the hem were G. 6e guide* which directed the choke of both, and SAMUEL HEPBURN, Clerk. (ver\td by Ap»a no mercenary fclfifh principle, happinela From BCJITOV, 17, 1797. i love tailed with aa aufpkKm* eye OB\onnubial VERY « IMPORTANT. HE parilh of WULIAU aad M*av, in CKarlea Laft night the i long thit lecture would have continue! (hip Merchant, Bate*, arrived hero county, ia now vacant, the veliry are dcfirooa I can- from London, leaving T t pretend to determine ; but our female that city, fince the Galen. of employing a minifter of the Protcttant efilccpal oritor wa* With fome exertion we procured by a number of gcntlemea and a paper of March 24. church, and will receive application* until the firll of ladi«», It ha* ihe important information, mich to the fatufaclion of ray frknd Will, wbo be- that the emperor at July new, . '' M crmfeflet the ncceffity of an i to turn aad twift in hi* feat with mark* of evident IMMEDIATE By order, PEACE. The BritiuS king w«i at Sntfj. Froa my Ctuation in )i«m it it but fel- Windfor when the THOMAS HARRIS, Regitter. . new, arrived, but came with halie 11 Ire^uent the fociety of the fair) and prrhap* to London. A Charle* county. May to. 1797. . (bit circumliaoce council wa* inilaatly held. The emperor fUto, that the remark** I. hear, make a a treaty offenfive tr impre:uon. On and defenive, concluded between my return h m- 1 cogid not PiutBa and France, Ten Dollars tip revolting la ray m nd the convcrfaiion in whkh the former promifed to Reward. I had heard, co-operate with hi* id wai forcibly Itru.k with force*, had reduced bin to fue for AN away from tht fntxcribcr, on Tuefday iht (he con'traA drawn by the a peace to favc Io U« 'UtaWe to her hi* empire. He profeflct attachment 4th day of April lift, -negro NATTr Be ' former acquaintance and dif- in the R |ing to the preh.nl. Baglifh. Speak* of the avarict of the king of about }C yean of age, j feet lo'iache* high, very Pruffia. Review* the war and clofe* with declining u natural for a per Ion in the vale of life, to re- black, imall crooked leg*, and long feet, hit upper all further pecuniary aid, fore i UM fcvne* whkh itav* peft. Fancy dwellj teeth broad, aad Ihcwa them when fpoken to with March j}. According to previou* delight on the j >)*oi our youth, and rerarm. arrangement*, with a mod ubleauioua grin, hi* under fore teeth arc the liverymen of LooUoit, atjcmbled numcrouQy wanting cc gild* with an ardent imagination, whatever i* U j he had on a dark cloth jacket, breecho Guildhall'. A mnion for an aJdrefa to the of ain| to recollect, and glance* lightly over every king, the fame, with blue waiflband* i he may, how, praying him to diimifi hi* prefent miniftera for ever, ner cwfe of uneaiinefi and difquiet. Thit it rhe ever, M have changed hi* cloathing. He will probably an important ftep to the attainment of a peace, make for why we io often hear time*, whkh are pat, pafled Baltimore or Annapolia, or may be lurking with but fix difTentlenu. A motion aUb obuined, about a Mr. jiinted ia fuch glowing colours, and character* ex- di­ Thoma* Laoe**, near .Mount Plealant recting the pctiiioo to be couched in firong ferry, where |lltd who perhapi in point of merit would have rank- term*, ex. he hw a brother, a free aepro. Who. prrflivc of the deepeft affliction, aVc. ever deliver* with our common acquaintance. Their vir- faid fellow to roe, near B adrr.fburg, Funher account! art aarrated of the (hall have the above (are exaggerated, their follie* forgotten, rod their convalGon* of reward, with reafonab!e expcncc*, Ireland. An attic* ia mentioned between or if committed ditional character leave* them without a fault, the regular to gaol, fo that I gel him again, the truopt, and the iufargentt ot the notih. above rewind. i. bowe/er, i* excufable. i would willingly pardon f»jed actor, who magiufiet'a play it) which May io. JAMES WARING. be acted Prince-George'* and liftcn with plcafure to all the little inci­ Since our lad the Galen, Mackay i Merchant, county, May 15, 1797. Bate*, te which attended the performance. But if he tell* and Elita, J>avii, have arrived here from Lon­ don (be ftylc of acting i* far inferior to what it By the latter we have received a Portfmauth HE P*aiiH of AIL HALLOW*, in Aaat- -thai my favourite performer* are not to compare paper a* late u April j, containing London newt to Arundel county, being now vacant, the Via* Saturday T ' who trod thellage with him; he would forfeit evening April I. By thi* it i* rendered rar will receive application* from any eptftopal mi- profrcntioiH certain, laim to my confidence, and ( (h:<»gei iheir own youihi'ul follica, and look upon that " He wa* reduced to the fatal ncccf. April a6, 1 797. >ft of which fity ol luing 1 ucef* or extravagance u the gro«lh of the preknt for for an immediate peace to favr the re- rnjoy tl. iiibcd (eight men M |mog, he by ao ffleani delervcd. H« day* after) no mention i* made of the toeffag WILIM, at Lconard-towa, or to the fnhfcribcr, at r», we a (nought- *nd mutt g'xxi tempered fellow, and u alway* happy on (he )ili Mtrth our reader* will fee (hat the Aonapoli*. oalJ when I'ubject be dif- |c*n amulc or entertain the company. He certainly of the Imperial loan we* agitated befi te», in JAMES THOMAS, Exacutor. ittk/o to (he London fo. not conftdcr every word or feotiincnl whicU paper, of the 3tit March, it u mentioned April 6, 1797. ifcotd*, he only fir'.I *rt, but he never infringe* the rulea of good aa circulating ia rrp?rt*. in breed- N'> military ambition 1 0; offsnGve cxpccllioo* or indecnit behaviour. eveno ot nutnitude had occurred i but I thole div : I great prc|>ara(iunt GIDEON WHITE, - - heard ol a lady who Ul apart a final! room fur horlile proceeding! were making. inter The orceft. So whkh (he called the /Way Parlnr\ people of England were meeting to petition tht EGS leave to inform hi* fricftda, and ike pnbtk and king to difmif* ia nothing can «er any ot her vifjtanu were inclined hi* minilteri i change of adyiinlflra- general, that ht baa jut oomm.-need buinefa to be ill- tion inB the nul 'danger, fpered or f.drical, (h« introduced them intothii wa* talked of mcafima were taking to fupport ft»re houle formerly occupied by Mr. Roatar public JOMHIOII. en the molt em, where they were left alone, nntil credit, whkh were con6iti(ut.on. Our obj*a in goin|-|nto ottapany i* fltuate,T lying and being ia Charlci county aforefaid, V«ba4 Mica pltafore, frojn the converfa.ion of thofe with ibout four mile* diftaiu from the (own, of Port-To­ Boot and Shoe-nreker," *" a,a*d mote we aflbcUic. '».nd to rnuoduca a fuhjrft or bacco, and containing two hundred acre* of LAND, AVING been . 1 trull fome fime without Morocco it M * remark whkh give* pain to anv perfon, I* de- will b« EXPOSED to PUBLIC SALRk on the leather, take* thi* method to ffcacy, and inform hi* cuf- llng ihe end we propofe to urfelve*. And howe- prcroifea, by the executrix, on the firft dav of June turneri,H add the public in general, that he ha* received a to aamr» I a malignant difpofition miy be gratified, by de- next, purluaM to the will of (he deceafed. fr >m London, per the W,", icrritr, MonttotMna, a large and band- .wLi Pnl our abftat acquaintance, v ridiculing the MARY TURNER, Exvrcutric of fome affortment of prime Morocco DO on a ie,n.- leather, of varioo* F!" w< '''fappoint the pleafurea of converfati»n, ' to direction. tnt f nation n," m" 'Ulurt / > *« V*** ca"f« w aty) furniture, a* (he BOW lie* i her frame b of He return* hi* Gacerc than** to a gtneroorajoblrc, mioaoi aU mulberrjr.T ' and hi* (ritadt in pankular, for palt fav^ura^ iato no pet> i e feen'a crtfftv old-ft I low deftro JOHN SANPf. hope* to merit a continuaacti of their pauonage.- itatct ate at "nmfation by.faearinjat every thii Annapoli*, May 16, 1797, AnnapoUa, April ti, J797- I whifh:t: - - yeir enjoin* all the ageott of the republic degree, .*•-had fubfiftdiftd io other aget and other* eouotriei, adopted fre-rq*•• {brae difhontft motire to. refpcft and obforve, in ? ua AJ point of m«lin|, all their^difpontioni, the but fuch an exercife of it a* thit (notwiihAanding the any one man to charge another "with d'fc"* treaties which unite France to the -neutral 1 ^'1^*4 I .^ ciiitea muB *i p*wcM*T fanciful opinion »f fome" ingeniout wfitert) prooably out proof t »Vef him prove tnd punifh If h" * w'llu I the continent, and to the United State* of America]America | firft took place ia »ur own. The> attempt was noble, can do neither, i. the Die*n-time it t» < - J ' ••' • «- ' "- but will throw out calnm. ' Cin~~'f he | Lr m« &oul(1 that this laft law is not detoga,tory to the law of the the fuccet* hitherto ha* been beyond -« all-ii expecU- n- heu. mult_...i ftan*a i. ia;.. ihe.L- tiew_;..__, of XT' ... y * r»«>d- Ucr" 9th hi elw in being. May,- 1793, refblvet as follows: Wnether ittbleflingi an to be preferved or lott, flanderer. and incur the that hi M » Art. I. The commiffartet of the Executive Direc­ muft in tiff fmalfeirgree depend on tha conducl of tltt ceof them tory, with the civil tribunals of the department, (hall people tbamfclvir bly uifen trom , the authotlty iomething in the i i $ut«i,io">y take care tharfejfca the coated* upon the validity of If they with fol good law*, they muft choofc able mind which led him toafcribe worthlefi'moUva'°] exigence, maritime prixr*, no dec i fun mall be founded upon and diaatereted tntn to make thew It they wifh for moll natural inducement rcrtf *l»'D>ing. TI of aftion. The nartl ( ,h«t tha whole proci the 7th article of the law of (he ijth NUofe, with- oflcertadequate, to their llation*.ia the other depart­ (or every man who loves hit country, hut w out the miniller office having beep prtvioufly con- ments of government, it i* in their power directly or prove* of any public jri wi)| be conduct authoritative decifion m«fi, foited fulted. conformably to the third article of the law of indire&ly to fecttre them by a ditcrect and judicious /nit to it with diffidence and refpefl, confid to the the 8th Floreal, 4th year, relative to the treaties, in eteicife «f the choice with which they are invelted. teargr chances there are that hi* own opinion Uw virtue of which /ultraI perfont intend to withdraw If in aav particular thtir confidence (Hould be abulcd, really wrong, though P^ ill their deliber«tioi he cannot perceive it to ! fervt ',»,e pe«ce, at the thcmfclvei, bjr at of the firtt of thefe lawi, from a pfain tad adequate remtdy i* provided. After a that whether it be or not he doe* not live in a de(W,' the execution tof the 9th March, 1793. ftatcd interval thtir legiflaton may be changed. government where , i,»iolsbly, the honour, any one man', opinion, awe«! jcucof their country. 2. The mi »f juftice (kail examine whether Without any delay, but (uch a* the occafion mull re- hi, own, .. to decide fo/ all other, , and that the vS th* treatiei fubfifl, or .whether they have been quire, any public oficir, who bat milbchaved, it bail* of all republican governments in particular ,7 modified fince e cVnclufion qt them ; there (hall be liable to trial, pontTiment and difgracc. To this may the fubmiffion of a minority to the mtjoriiy, wh ' ' furnifhcd to them, ly the rainiftcr for foreign affairs, be added, what probably u not the weakeft rcllraint, majority are conftuutionally authored to deeM/ all the document* ol which they, (hall (land in need, the genera) odium that muft attead a manifeft depar­ For a man to call himfell a republican wit>, « . and reference (hall »e made to th« Executive Oirec- ture Irom duty, in in important public employment. taking this fentiment, Is folly. To be cue, witW tor/, at it ii or«sfciibua .to take care thatan obligation |0 in ber,, »«44v between the Uoittd Siatet of America not immediately be condemned, merely becaufe fume portant be, ao; rendered merely'nominal, but thai and paguindnr-ia confequence, perfon* are rcsdy to find fault with it. The tafli they every individual (ball perlorm bit fhare'of the common, j. After article 17 of the treaty of London, of the have to perlorni it ol no common magnitude both a* truft, or anfyer Jor.hi* neglect-of it. Many inltsore* i/th Nov. 1794* '^ atalthindifc of the cnemy'i, to difficulty aad importance. If in the (mall conccrnt ol negleft or.in difference tcwtnh'it, which m«y hive t>i merchandise not fufficicntly »Tcertaiaed to be of "private life lew men ncu. can condud thcmfclves with great cgeQttn tbe happir.eli ol hit country,, are ol 'trJ, conveyed under American flags, (hall be con. find regularity and exa&nefs, aud unexpected difficul- -;- :iii:r nature not puoiih^ble,by human law*,' and the punifh. fifcatcd . --^ «L^ __A -_i _I _ JJ:r_ ^ . ~*.U~_ .L-.I,- _.»LI^. i but the (hip, on b*rd which fuch mrr- ties wilfiiifcoaccrt even the moft orderly and difcreet, ment ot thon), thcrelote, mult be lett to tbe'conki.. ' chandife (hall be found, ftall be releafed, and given can we conceive the path perfectly plain and obvious encc of the irjdifridual, and the reproach to which a via." the proprietor The commiflariet of the Dlf focicty could fuhfifl, for an ticles declared contraband idea that by the *4th article of" the mation, the delufive and dapgervu* palliont by which all men will /»p| ort voluntarily any government, how. treaty dated Feb. 6, 1778. are added the follow­ many are guided, the adlivity of bad citixent, the la- ever excelled, "r cheerfully obey ing : *"iiy laws, howevtr Ship timber, Oatum, pitch, and refin, copper pinenefiof good, unttb/ome critical alarm alike actu­ wile, is ndicul- ui.^Put at, it it oi great for (heithing veffelt, mome.it to failr, hemp, and cordage, and ate* both to a llruggle which may endanger the go. ftlablifh l> me la^vt contai. ing prnM lani'tiotn, fo every thing which Term, direilly ii is or indirectly, to vernment at the moment when it* u tin oil energies are slfo of the lughelt importance that th« rxtrcution of the arming and equipping of veflVli, excepting bar necefiary, we cannot wonder it the divcrfity of opini­ theie (hould be iron provided for in luch a manner, 11 to and fir in pltnkj. Thefe article* (hall be con- on which prevails in refpeft to moft public meafures, fecure a* niuth u« pclTiblc tfcated the conviction only ol tbe a* often a* they (hall be deftracd or attempted nor at the confluence* which follow from rival fctui- guilty, leaving i.mcence nothing tt» be carried to the enemy. to fear. The tncde menu, too apt to dillurb the um(.er even ot the bett ol prolecution b long adopted ut our country proht- j According to ihe * i ft Irtlcfe of the treaty of mindi, but which unavoidably give a full fcope to the bly contains ti>ii London, ficurity it it* uunoft extent ; tccul*. ^ of the *Sove date, every American, who paJBon* of weak, arrogant, or unprincipled men, who don by one ju'} (hall hold ulal by another the trial being a com mi Bio n from the cnemiet of Prance, either make no allowances for difficulties which weak «U.'.gcther pubiit wimrffti adduced a* well it every Teaman (tee to face -lie of that nation, competing the mind* never perceive, or from an excefl of vanity and priloner und>r to reltrainl but from mere crews of the (hip* and TcfTeli, cocnttcD>e*t flu!l» by this fad prelump*ion, fuppofe none .can furrnouot them but chali igr* to a ctnfidcrable numNr m all capita) alone, be declared piratical, and treated a* fuch, them/elve*, of With view* too bafe to be avowed, hifi- cates to witho-.it (ct afidt juror* cvrn lor momentary diflik* Coffering the party to eOiblifh that the aft tat* not to gratify atallgnam propecfitiei of thair own, the jury not bettg wat the confequeoce a prrmancnt, but an »cc*fi'»ntl bo­ of thre«tt or violence. without the flighted independent regard to the honour, dy, liable to bcaffecird rither 4. In puVfuance a* roc in ben ol lU C"tn- of the law of the 1 4th of r~eb. the interett, or even the lafety of ihcir country. -Such munity, or as mdividutlt who 1793, the regulation* may be f«bj«ci«d lu a of the zt ft Od 1744, and of caufe* muft often Produce great agitation in any coun­ firuilar profecution, by thtir own prceedenta^AU the x6th July, thtk 177), refpeOing the manner of veflclt try, but mild operate with increaled and dangerous circumftanccs probably provide and neutral mcrchandift, at great a fecuriiv lor (hall be Complied with ac. vigour in one, likfcoorown, competed of many pow- innocence as it compaiihle with cording toiheir form -and tenor. tvoidicg total in. erlul natei, to a great degree independent of each other, munitv lor guili. With u*, happily, th» it no theo­ Every American (h'i fh^ll therefore be deemed a having either real br imaginary difference*) of local in- retic lawful (peculation : None of ut can remember a time prize, which TV i net have on board a bill of tcreftt and with little other effectual cement to bind wheo tbele privileges lading in were not in a great degree (ami- due form, acgjrd.'og to tbe pl*o annexed to (hem together, btft a fcnfc of foreign external danger, liar to u>) fo familiar the treaty of the 6th Feb indeed, that knowing fcaiccly 1778, the execution of which, with fefatft to many, will be apt to operate any thing of opprclfive profecutiont, which i* cajoincd by the ajth but Irom the and »7'.h article* of but too weakly tntil It has increafed to a magnitude hitlory of other countries, we ire too apt to undtJva- that treaty. which aftonithej and cocfoundt them. lue this iacllimable j. The cocimlVoncn blefliog in our own. of the Executive Directory Confiderations like thefe are calculated to iroprefs To you, gentlemen, are required to carry are committed profrcntioni icto effeA the penalties that at. upon the mind that falutary caution with which all for offence* igaintl the tach on all clandeflinc teinixs United State*. The obiicl it that may be made by public tneafure* ought Wbe examined. If it be a the prefcrvaiion of a union, without Americans, or veffcls belonging to any which onduubu other nation, int of duty or jullice, we need inquire no further, edly we (hould not now be enjoying the to pif* aa neutral, on board the veffelt rights oi an where the K licy is out of t,*c qaeUion : The duty muft be per­ independent people, and without the fup;>ort fu«d it attcwpted to be puftifed, in the manner of which that formed juftice malt be faiisfled at all riflw. Men it is ia vain to think we can continue to enjoy tUro. thefe pen al tie* have beca repeatedly carried into effefl would be for ever nnjnft, and morality wuuld be a This dming the prefent country ha,* great cnergiet for defence, and by ^ war. The penalty (hall attach name, if exceptions were once admitted upon any fuppurUiirf each where the blank* io other might defy the world. But if the confignmenti and invoices arc principle whatever to a ftriel obfitrvince oi it. If a we difupite, if. not illed up, though I goad and we fuffer difference*.of opinion to fealed, where the fubjeA of policy % in qucllion, nothing affords greater corrode into enmity, jcaloufy paper* are in the form -of letter*,' conuining to rankle'into diftruft, fiftitiou* room for real differences of opinion. The wilell men, wealt ruth to delude b, their folly, abandoned Bgoature*, where are double paflportt or policies, wi:h the men to bed motives, have been always divided upon diliurb the order of iuciety by their'crimes, we fpecilying different deflinatioet* j where conlignoteat fuch queftions,' muft aad always will be becaufe nothing expect nothing but a fate as ruinous as it wna'.J be dt(- i* made to two or more fa&on, and where there arc it more fallible than human judgment, when it extend* different gracelui, that ot inviting fome foreign nation to Co. receipt! or papers of any kind which confign it* view* into a futurity for the great eft part fo impe­ incnt Ihe whole, and take advantage oi our internal difcotds, finl or part, of the fame good* to different netrably hid from the fight of man. All political miking owner* of different Ui th* dupe and then the prey of an ambition dcflination*. rneafore* muft be grounded on fuch views, tod coufe. we excited by 6 By tbit article our diviAont, and to whkh ihole div; - » pjovifioa* of the treaty of the qneatly muft partake of the imperfection 6f the ground* fiont if continued o/h Frimaire laft, relative mull inevitably give (ncreft. So to freight and infutjoce, on which they are adopted. Diffidence, therefore, at ciiiical and peculiar ii,our fituaiion, are repealed, a* fir a* th«y apply to infurance. thai nothing can to any point of policy, is becoming the abUll men, fave us.from this at wcllasavory other exrenttl 7. The prefent treaty (ball be publifhed and in danger, in the reality they are, for the rnott part, the btftdil. butconftant vigiUnf* ;.tp ga*td again ft even bulletin of the law*. The minlftcn of marine and of pofed to entertain the molt h. Some mode of drcifion, howe­ diftant ipproachei .ol it,, and being at all tintrs rrady the colonict, of jurtice, and fur foreign affairs, are ver, mud takf'pltcc, C*n we'deflre'l bettrr than to prnvid* charged a(!xqu«tf piKitit of defence. Our e^vrrn* with (hc execution of it in their refpcAive that it fhouM b* fuch a decifion at the people thrm.- went»» f» rbttpcd'i,th*ttha'tv4|iUncecan depajtmrnti. \ ' ,* ' felve* always be ex- have deliberately thought belt adapted to the tiled, and thufc mean* »EHr«LL. Pretldent. catr.? he drawn forth. -.It It indeed, a* well at all other political tut* , To rely upon (hcla-i* not only OUT in proper oSjeft of their review ; but the. only chance.al (ecuring that union of fpirii , . for their own fate, t,h*t review ought to be conduced and exertion wkhou*, rt d*1i¥erri w the i?^ JUI7 wtiich in a moment of daoger no for the with temper and moderation. Be tort they condemn efforts can be of ajpyjavail. of Marrland, in the Cirevit court of the United anyone me Jure, For xi yeawxbat union where fomr ireafure w*i nmfT»ry, hat prrferved ut thr< ugh multiplied danjefiv State*, held at ArinapolU, on theSihofMay, they ought to be very -furr atld more that a better could be adapted. than nnc* rekued ui from impending ruin, by kakp-out.ble Jam.. Irede... one of the None can ever be a«iop*«d without fome i Vull it Ineonvenienciet will ftilt difplay itlelf with in wonted efficicy, and r-.. >. „.. i io weifft OOttw.-.,- . ,,... , ... decide in favour of that metrfure where the advantagei THt mwrmi of coart* of juftlce necfffa- a»e grcatel), the ttvcMHtoieacie* fcwett Any other ._ .ttBaA on >the origin from which wdc of confidering great oiketfion* bf public policy ^ ' *T ' ' - —' ------— _,-,._ -^..--i,, -- tfccv fow. IfelXy pejnfkl I have troubled you with this addrefs, gentlemen, fuch review aiay be to b idle and infigni&caat, If after all, any individual on account fMM B|ti|til, to W_ II_ cati i affoafford nothing but fatisfatii. difapprpvea of the extreme itnporttnce of the matter of the vok« of. hhr country, what doe* of it at the prefent njoment. The \Ve trace the origin of our* a* well duiv aoji vamfetpn modvfty fentimenu have faquir* of him ? To be owed warmly from wy heart, and 1 flatter myfelf.are a of m^*j authority to tha pureft fource from perfc&ly eonndtnt he it right, in kw opinion, and thole ^.«i aajf atjdority en be derived, the fpontaneou* not uncongenial .wyouj own. -fhe preffntfiioation intruded,. to 4««ide arc wnjo§ I Who is t he man en. of our country it iMt tVHbtJraH frent of tne people tbcaMvci for whofe titled to foaifogJiat fuch a| «o require the exertion oi aH «A eftiinaUM of hbown abilitietl good m«l> to fupport %.»d ftvc it lenter h ii elabllmed. Liberty, to a cooGderabJe It he raftily to detwmiiie that uh» meifurc into no p*r- ha* been ticulart, it the le*jjn»tgre of tbe Ufcittd State* «ic ua of meeting, and' far whorfe deciioa every faid, atd when the far of T%W SOLO. «P ASH, ^j ...ixrifvi*i to me di­ rected bv the honourable ihi judgti < f*he General err Court •"^pssssi;'" of the WeAtrn Shore, Matt el Maryland, sss^sSBg 'T^HREB hundred and twenty-MM ami of of land, . _ -i- s sissus nrs: a«MS ? « " 1 called IIKMUAB'I PAKFSU nod iiatiBiiAiA , in >ny exigence, however grent, in any Qtuatlon, noble princeh to coots*! what w< MiAtowt, lying in Anoc Arandel cwnty, Brar w alarming. There b no occafion to doubt, her credit to be ' " he-proptityof Jot»M DIALI, hit tha whole proceeding* of that mod rrfpeOable for* h«r lagaciry, aaa many a Jo MM Rooaat. a*d ochert. , will be conduced, with a degree of temper and under great obligation* to her for tli* on the premika, at 11 o'clock. ,'tfi, foited to the important ie iorcaooa. and trying nruation Such a p:rfon u, tub b a real peft to fociety, and at , ^h called them together, and that the great object TUCHARD HARWOOD, the generiltty of houfct are not (b coaftmAed at to .. "jf ill their deliberations will be, if polfible, to pre- iffird iv Pturinj Ptrlettr, I will humbly propose of Anac-Araaddicotwn. few the pc*ce t few May ?. 1797. > at tnc ^Mn< time lou tney maintain rule* or regulation*, which, if adopted* 1 think will be jirioUbly, the honour, the iniered, and the inJepen. produ£tiv« of infinite (mice. * their country. , . i ft. That no old bachelor, or other ill nitoraJ man, JAMES MACKUBfN in «ny company, (hail be admitted into the young For the MARYLAND GAZETTE. circle. , ' . Hath received The INSPECTOR, No. XII. id. That if by accident he (hall heir any part of By the laft arrivals frorj \ Europe, the converfation, he (hall not have the liberty of making a remark on u. VBRY general aObrunent of drafcnib^JBooos, ' ' t , . . w v ,. 3d.i"' rf" cardi ""« be introduced,imroo.uce.1, ne uuil take his he (hall take his fetttetft atat'TandT7 •**"** "^^"l' Mnt °f ^ftftnt kagtht. IS (he a woman of fortune^cned .W.Tl Lively, *, the table, for the whole Evening, n^ihe fee* ww?» !? , 'I™' M rf tie compiny were prufing wMch * wi" Wl °« th« «*>"*«* Florill* who had jutt left employ «him. - ^ *"** for C*»*» ot at the ulual credit, to Lit pnncW room. A m.tron looking lady, who had been 4th. If any old maid, or other lady, (hall utter,« cuflonl«w- be whole evening, call a tojik of .netful* con- i!l.na,ured witticifm, QIC (hall be nsprimaaded by her Annapolit, May ic, uptM Will, and foecringly a&cd. if fortune WM not neighbour, without benefit of Veply, ai it h an. ^oftheeffcmiaUtocooftitutea'BnewuojJo? Thirty preh:nded the heat of argument night induce her to pnigo fuch a Laft night the (hip Mrixhant, HJW long thii lecture would have Continue! I can- Bates, arrived hen T county, ia now vacant, the Vetiry axe dcfirooj ( pretend from London, leaving that city, fince the Galen, Of crnploying a miniflcr of the Plwcttant epilccpal to determine ; but our fem>le oritor was Wlth lome exertion we procured K/nipted by a paper of March 14. church, and will receive applicationi until the firil of a number of gentlemen and Jadi«», j,t hi, , , impoma, information, that the emperor at T jch to the fuisfiAion of My next. . my frK-od Will, who be ha eonfeffei the neceffity tu to turn and twift in hi* feat with marks of evident of an IMMEDIATE By order, iiuinrb, Fr PEACE. The Britifh king was at Wmdfor when the THOMAS HARRIS, Regitter. jm my dilation in litm it is but fel- new i arrived, tm\ Irrquent the but came with halle to London. A Charlea county, May Io. 1797. . lociety of the fain and perhapt council wa» inltaatly [ktt lau circumftance die remark* held. The emperor (late*, that I. hear, make t a treaty offenfive and defen£ve, tvpicinon. On%>y return h'mr concluded between I coold not Pioifia and France, in which the former Ten Dollars Reward. clprcvtlviog in my m nd the convcrfation I had heard, promifed to co-operate with his force*, had reduced him to id wai forcibly rtru-.k wiih the con'traA drawn by the fue for AN away from the fobicriber, on Toe/day the a peace to five his empire. He profefTcs attachment 4th day of April laft, negro NATT- hen ijr lo f» ut*b!e to her former acquaintance and dif- tn the R a|in| to the prefent. Boglifh. Speak* of the avarice of the king of about 35 yean of age, 5 feet lo inches high, very Pruffii. Review* the war- *nd cloiet It 11 natural for a per ion in the vale of life, wkh declttiiog black, (mail crooked regt, and long feet, hit uppet to rc- all fonher pecuniary aid. ~"" ~ fdte thefccnci which liave ptlt. Fancy dwell* with Iccth broad, and uewi them when fpokcn to id delight M^rch s). According to prevlou* arrangement*, . with a mod obfequioua grin, hit under fore ueth are on the j>}iol our youth, and remem- the c gilds liverymen of Loavjon, aUembled numerbufly at wanting i he had on a dark cloth jacket, breechea with an ardent imagination, whatever it Guildhilt. A motion lag to recoiled, for an addrefa to the king, of the lame, with blue waiflbindi i ke may, how, and glance* lightly over every paying him to dfimift hi* prefent cwfe of unei-finef* and difquiet. mini ft en forever, u ever, have changed hii cloathing. He will probably Thii is rhe an important Hep to the attainment of a puce, pafled make for Baltimore why we io often hear linut, whkh are pad, or Aonapolii, or may b« lurking with but fix diflVntUnc*. A motion alfo obtained, dl- bout a Mr. Thomn Lace*!, near .Mount Pleatant ia fuch gloating colours, and ch«r4Cltr» ex- r eft ing the petition W who perhapj to be couched in ftrong term*, ex. ferry, where he hu a brother, a ftw na^ro. Who* in point of merit would hive rank- prefliv* of the oaly with our common deeped affliction, «Vc. ever delivers faid fellow to roe, oear B adecfburg, acquannunce. Their vir- Further account* are *'t exagxcratrd, their follies narrated of the convaiGontof (ball have the above reward, with reafonabie expemei, forgotten, and their Ireland. An actiotj b-mentioned or if committed i. litioaal chancier leivei them withoat between the regular to gaol, fo that I get him again, the a fault, truopi, and the infaicenti ot the north. above rewird. it, however, ii excufable. I would willingly pardon *-*- * iSor, who miguiaes'a play i*) May io. JAMES WARING. which be acled Prince-George'i county, put, and lilten with pleafurc to all the little inci- Since our lift the Galen, Macltay j Merchant, May 15, 1797. "bich anended the performance. But if he BJICI, ind Elica, Davit, have arrived here from Lon­ tejls don tkit tb* ftyle of acting is tar inferior to whit it By the latter we have received Ponfmauth HE PAIIIM of ALL H«LLOwa, ih Ann*. thit my favourite performers are not to compare paper a* late at April ), containing London newi to T Arundel county, being now vacant, the Vat- thofe who trod the ftage with him i he would Saturday evening April i. By this it i* rendered Tar will receive applicationi from any cpifiopal mi- forfeit nilter between «7 cliim to my confidence, and ( (h:-uld be inclined certain, that the article ia the London Oacle of thit and Whitfuoday OCK. March 141^1, By order his veracity. Perfon* advanced in life are apt announcing the promulgation «f a mef- of the Veftry, coonder (he action* of youth with too much feveriiy. Uge from the eraper;r to the king of Great.Britain, JOHN JACOB, Regifter. L~ loi|et their own youthiul fbUui, and declaring, that " He was reduced to the fatal necef. April 26, 1 797. ^ .:______loan upon fity ucefi or extiavaguce u the growth of the prcl.nt ot lumg tor for an immediate peace to f«vi the re­ Not in idle word. Of ihoughtlcf* maning part of hts dominions, in confequence of a LL pet foot indebted to the efUte of JOHN cxfreffion new treaty f»g, He by no meant delervcd. He i* a thought- days after) no mention it made of the toeflag* j WILIM, at Leonard-town, or to the fukfcribcr, at tenpcicd fellow, *nd on the }llk Mirth our readers will fe« (hit the Annapolit. and i* alwayi happy when fubjeQ xiu imulc or entertain the company. He ot the Imperial loan wti igitated befi lei, in JAMES THOMAS. Executor. certainly (he not confider every word or fentimcnl London paper* of the 31!! March, it if mentioned April 6, 1797. whtcU be only *t circulating wit he never infringe* the rulct of good breed- in report*. No military event* of magnitude offcnGve npielbua* or indecant bchavioar. I had occurred ; but GIDEON WHITE, dy who i«t *pan a finall ranm inter The peuple of England EGS leave lo inform hit fricvdt, which (he called the P*4ing Parian were meeting to petition the and the poHk and king to dtfmifi hi* minifter* i in genera), that he baijuft comm.-nced bufneft «er my 0| her vifitanti were inclined to be ill- change of admintfira- B tion wa* talked of meafim* were taking to fupport in thr ftore houle formerly occvpJed by Mr. RonaT or fatirical, (ha introduced them into thii JoHNioD. fronting V, where public credit, which were conSdc^bly retarded by the market, where he hat for fa)*"' they were left alone, antil rhey dlf- the continued an aflbrtmcnrol DRT GOODS, fukable their bad hymoart expectation of an invafioa. for the pre­ i jutily obr«rvint;, that fent feafbn, aKo GROCERIES, all of whicklM will -i* *v"7 perfoi* had a right to indulge tnemf'lve* fell at tl)* mot reduced price*. "h*tever befl fuited,their utte or incHnatton*. it '797- ' 1 '^fonible to obtrudt whimfiea on company Notice is hereby given, ^ Wey could neither partake of or approve. From HAT the REAL ESTATE of ZBPHAK'IAH ^icrv.tion I have made. I thin* thi* an admfra- TtiaMia, late of (Hyarle* county, deeeafed, JOHN MUNRO1?, ' "Hunon.. Our objedin going- Into company Ci Tfituate, lying and being in Charle* county tforefiid, " e plttfure. from the convtrf* ion of thole with tbout four miletdiflant from the town of Port-To­ Boot and Shoe-owker, ' *6bci«t«. 'And to introduce afuhj.ft or bacco, and containing two hundred acre* of LAND, AVING been forae rime withoat Ifoeocoo .'» «nufk which give* pain to any perfon, Ii da- will be EXPOSED to PUBLIC SA-LB> on the leather, takes thii method to inform his cnf- ' I ««>.'*«««. 4f ridiculing the MARY•'•a^ TURNER,- Executrix of Come affortment of prime Morocco leather, of varioo* ii-iu*' "''"PP0'0' i«e pleafuret of converfation, colour*, fancy and plaia | kid ditto of dlftrent co. the refenrment a/ thofe who reel them- May io,——-~ louni Morocco and kid faodal vamp*, handlbmtlf cither in thtir «wn parfooi, «r that of workad« boot Itgi, vampt, and bend (bles, and And |ho«gh,our wit.be fo poignant and Tube SOLD, at PUBLIC VKNDU.B, ba Satimhf parcel of excellent feal fltint, fultable for Udiel or "> keen a* to filcnce all oppftfirlon. ftill the «9th inftmt, at th« DOCK, for CA8H. geariemeai, tit which he will m*ke In neat ..* take our leave, iraprcfliont naiAiavbahind, /-|-^HE /loop HOPE, with all her tackle, apparel fifhionible maufttr, v accorUing to dlreeJido. « future time we may have good caufe to £ and furniture, u (he aow lies j her frame ia of He return* hit fiacerc thanki to a gencroarfoblhv mulberry; ' and hi* (ri«nd* ia ptrtkulu. for pad favf)ur«».'''a||| JOHN SAND*. hopes to merit a continuance of their pauentgc^ mry Annapolit, May 16, 1797, Aantpolb, April i*. J797- . 'Afln(f«Ai*Mrde'county. Lanjstqjut Rented in'G&lpeper of any perfon By virtflp ol a «Je«d of t»0ft trorn for A term of Teart. - ._ the firft day of Oc- MA»H*»D to uj,, will be SOLD, on Firgmia, to a dividend BOUT 4000 acre! of excellent fittflitff lind. ,..,.,.., .. proceed ,. . from the falei of the real efUte of . or the firft f«u d*y. .on - tweW. month*" credit ^ The tenements are to be taken eUReri'n tntfwoods of ftje i ing ' . ..iDOAjtB, dtceafed, amongfl fuch ot (ale ,to be coftutmed 'from 4«y to day ^nt on highly improved open lands, with c6tnfor»blt THOMAJI I to give b^nd* With t as>khe tenant may iia ... JMM'.H creditors as (ball then hsve exhibited . fd«i, .the parchafen .bQofe* to each tenement, fecurity, befoni any thing wi!l be delivered, ThSe lands are io the- highett elUmlikm i* tneir claiflii «pd elUblilhcd them to the chancellor's order be infixed npHAT valuable plantation whereon the'fjid fertility, and have been cultivated with fucOifi. ratltfaitionTprovided copy «thb of trWee'fuqceflive weeks in the A rou«l M«yn»rd now lives, Glutted Vnhin t They are fixty Irosn Ale«»ndria, forty mile* from at leaft opce .io each, j-0 , in tbt.Mvyl""! Gazette, befve the miles of Herring Bay, containing about fcumfriei, and thirty-two miles from Frederickfburg ««4 'Cit/: Gaiett^wd Alfo a numb next. , ., with fome improvement* ihertoh. f ilnvmth i in the vicinity of fix conGdctable wanu- end of May al men; wonut, , t y SAMUEL. HARVEY, HOWARD, country bow negroes, confining faQuriog mills. MeiJbw lindt 'tnd wood, h conve. T<8, horfes, cattte, ,hog8, and fh' ,'*!£." . Rf'^- Cur. Caji. ..,.,.. and girls, the flock.of ni'ntly attached io each tenement, and no tenement utenfila, houfchold and kitchen Inrnhui Is high . ''' .'' ' T if. j ' plantation will exceedjajro hundred acres. The c Amtry Thnrfday the fi'teenth day of luilt| very fineft TnC thorOUgll DiCd And. on »nd healtbjftnc; the lands confift of the be fold, at Lower-Mar?Vuough, a parcel of Eurr low ground*. «nc excellent ted oak tnd hickory j high u n I) o C with h M U K a C, goods, one half of the fcbooner Friendfhip, |r JUncl»djo6nngthnn. ' and farniXure, a* (he now lie* "in PituMnt nu to become V A\/fpf Tr^HTRR uckle It will be expedient for thofe wlto wi(h Further particular* will be made known oa the I tenajiti, to view the land* previous to the firlr day of IJf/\ IVl I Ui 1VJ171 1 HdXj at of fale. July next, oo wlich d*y the proprietor* will attend Will Aand the enfu'mg fcafon at Mount-Air, near JOHNfTHOMAS, ) ' the Elk wood milh, in the county aforefaid, to meet and Pifcataway, in the Sute of Maryland, to covet JOSEPH WILK.INSON,} Trull1«'- become tenant*,. grant leafes 'to all thofe who with to mares at the moderate price of four guineas the 8. A!i p'-xfon* who have, or formerly had. of relponfibility. P. It 1* expefteft that lufEcient evidences fetlon, the money to be fent when the mares are nexion* with capr. Maynard in trade, are rtn>» And good (hart&rr, will, in every cafe, accompany an taken awayj .and the feafon to end the loth of Au- the book*, or a ftatemcntfrtm ftid * who to produce «pplica:ion4-foT r.o perfon will be treated with guft next.' Good and extenfive paHunge at half with all bond* and accounts relative to fuch < doe* no* proluce the t»me. dollar per week .for. the maret, and the greateft the (Jay ot fale, and all jxr'.oni JunVi BEVERLEY. Junior. on or bclore ROBERT care taken of them, bat will not be liabie fur ac­ claims tgt'nft the faid Samuel Maynird are I CARTER BEVERLEY, cident* or efcapn. on to make them known, .and all indebtrd t KNOX, called WILLIAM AMPLIGHTETl ii a beautilbl feiy, upw&fds make payment to the trufteci. J THOMAS T. KNOX. hinds and an hall highj elegantly Apri' 16. ____ of 'fifteen ______J W. 'Culpeper eouaty, formed,L and poflefled of as many running points as any horfe on the continent. His eatra. rdinary perr Reward. George-town Bridge Company. formslhce* M tht turf at th* Bowling. Green '.> Ofto- Eighty Dollars Extra£l tf an aQ paflid hy tht legiflature of the ber, 179), *t fi^e yean old, when'oppofed to and AN awey irnm the fubfcribfr1* farm, a^ut I State tf Matylana, en tbi agw DettmSer^ beat the two celebrated tunning horfcs Belle-Air and mile* from Annap MJ«, on Wedce'diy, tht H 1791, entitled, An aft for trtR'ing a . Camilla, juflly entitle him to be ranked among the Jp.uint, two fhvcs, WILL and TOM j \] ttidgt svfr Patewmatk river. be ft running horles ever known in this country ; his A'n L, a flreighr, tall, weU made ftlfc enafted, that the faid direflors, or colls fhtw he is irtfertor to no Korfe as a f'>a1 pettcr. fix le.-t huh. he i) generally called bitrj «* A ND be it Old r>, h) trukl J[X " **J two °^ lHen», rhall and may require Lamplighter was got by Hart's imported horfe Init has rather a yellowitl complex'" of money, in equal proportion, Madley, his dam by Lonflale, out of col. BraXtoa'» carpenter and cooper, and in geaeril capable oh any Turn or fums faws w«l| at t " from each and every proprietor, as may from tine imported mare Kitty Pifher. ule ol tli in al>ni ft any wnrk ; for carrying on the building The bay horfe L->iifd»Je was got by Jolly Roger, vVhip ftw, about thirty years of age, when he (pciri « to time be neccfTary na- TOK.I 44 of the faid bridge, and, after giving three months out of a bay mare bought of Sir John fcimfden, ooick he Hummers little in hi* fpetch notice, it (hall and may be lawful for the ronet, late lord Lonfdale's, (he was cot by Monk-y,' H >ut well made fellow, bright mulatto, twtniri " public grand- nine crta " directors to fue tor and recover, in the name of the her dam by lord Lonfdale's black Arahian, her four years oijaaipe, and cbr.ut five 'feet fuch unpaid requifition, with all coda and dam by lord Lonfdale's bay Arabian, her grrat-grcnd- inoiie* high i ne is t conipl«ir h'riil at _ " company, by Tbi.r rfrcU , " charges incidental thereto, and legal intereft thereon d«m by Coney Skins, her great-great gund-dam and can rundle t.x»ls pretty well. royal mxrcs with flunnrl, and ov " from the time the fame (hould have been paid ; Dodfwonh, out of the younger of the two kuuir, vippvr jaclirta lined m bought of Mr. Dtrcy by the firfl inrd Lonfdale. Ot a drab colour, but they hive a vtiicty of bi or refufal to pay any fuch requi- " and the negleft not \f. after public notice fliall have been given at N. B. Mr, D»rcy was m*Jter of the horie to king cloathipg, and it n foppufrd they will .,/" fi'ion, home. Will' »i /" lead for three months in all the news papers herein William. abr.iad in what they w«Ar at enum-rated, (bait have the efieft to forfeit EDWARD &DELEN. pretty wel1, and if he and hi* brother we not fdrtii) "-before - - -• ooc.he*: ahk: ' all preceding payment] made on the fhare or marcs' Mount-Air, April 16, 1^97; --' with fmffe* »n>«-«v- «*.14 ptoper tXstainrJ'.m rhsy be difc ' fo neglefted or refufed to be paid, to the ufe and againtt WILLIAM ihtrn, bet upon LL perfons having clairna, fi of Bilti more town, MI the requifitiopt j/th df this* month, and. to meet OO thai d»y io per< a re*»n! i On the ift Nov. 17^5, io dolls, on'the iotb May, oftier gaM, fo that I get th.ro igairt, fon»t Prg-Po'mt. either I'.rty dollars. t7q6, 40 dolls, on the xoth July. 1 796, 40 dolls, mcetinjt Is, eighty dollars, and for The fuhfcriber's objffl for requefting a THOMAS HARWOOD. | on the id Sept. 1706, 46dolls, and on the ift Nov. the amount of the debts, and make fome after to afcenaU Annapolis, April to. 1796, 60 dolls. Caution .is now given, that propofals to the creditors ^oiyardl the. fettiement, of the th« expiration of the time limited forthe continuance may perhaps f»ve .them much trouble the law will be fame, which t of this advenifement (three months) nd etperite. feank of Baltimore. carried into rigid and complete cffcQ ageinft all the ' NATHAN SMltHV-Adroiniftrator. I ft April, 17157 delinquents. May 19, 1797. . ______. HB PMtit!'N'T «nd DI*.ICTO»S of the Bt< tj order of the Direflnrs, ; of B ALT mon baring taken intoco WALTER SMITH, Treafurer. AN away Irom in* fubfcriber, livfng ih c:.itlti Tthe gre«t tdvaniafies ^»eiy lo,aiite to the i negro May i, 1797. _ _ county, near Pott-Tobacco, a young having the regaining one h.*)f of the c»p»al p*id,. man namtd JESS, about twenty -orre or twenty-two tiefng authnrifed by the charier to call lor ihy p Farii, yean of age, it a fparet fprightly; Well looking b!ack at (uch tim£ ai thiy may appoipl, dotbtrda Charles a re- mink fcjlow, .about fi^e 'feet nitM ineh*» bith, ha* give notice, fl>at'.Mon^a'y the 51*.day of- Clock and Watcb-Maker, raarkable ,fc«r on one of hi* wrirts. Whoever take* i?iy*. are fvx^d oo for (he Ho aflbrtnrent of Gold, Silver, and the five iMlow.ing TTAS received a frrlh up taid fellow, and deliver* him to the' fublcriber, or pay tHe lemming one hundred, and H Gilt warranted WATCHES, Gold, Gilt, holders to J~l- tnd fccur:* him fo that I get himagiin, (hall be entitled to on each. ( (title, in fold or filvcr, Steel Chaini.i Seals, and Key*, with variety of dollars and TWBNTV DOLLARS REWARD. aforefaid. ' '' '" . . other anicle* in hi* line. ; JOHN CHAPMAN. ' ' '. " ' ''J^vtES COX, Cain'. He likawife carries tn the Stlverfmith't bufioefl, in 1797. >-. ' ' ' N. B. It is'intended Out, tke fi|ft h*lf yearly M til iu brcneht*. - N. B. Thr highefl pricetgiven for Old Silver. tj my cuti'idy, on the igtb of d.n'd Ihall be decjated 09'th«:j^,»e.Ba!niloaed Ap^ll, a negro woman who,f«yi her name i* i d*y r,f Juue., | r--.' ! ' \iyj: In CffAN-CBRY, Mav 4, AfiNB, ^he is ibo«( five feet five inches high, chunky ^INKJ^f »nd GL'YL HE objecl of the'-bill *» to- ' / -''pHE-jUirthernifp'oi built|"bcr. clo«thing i* a^alico gown, brO)wn ftuffpet- confent «hi£ d«y obtain a decree forthe f»le Her owner i* denred J. l»"by ptattlki titfoat, ud white linen apron. fon* hearts; -rnd.'ltftfi K> ihe'faid fiim ate real' cttate of JOSHUA io come and take her «w«y in two inomtli* from the deceafed, kstr' of mske payrrifnt, *n'd ' thol^e. haViDjg cl»ims tc *ebt»i thew Tor fettlctnent,' of hi* j»A eapejjces. JO^ATITTAN PINKNEY.' h date* ikit (Jk/,4^i4 JjiT.Tt.iTOH TowuMKt^refide* RICHARD .RARWOOD, Sheriff ' in the flatt fHOeUtVtre i It it, on Tnoribn of Ine com- 'J» - JOHN plainant, a4judgec).Mi*iiordcred, that' me c«ufe-a copy :«. fc ' M !" ofthif. otdcr to ^ inlertfld, at Waft direr v«eekrfue.t *T.3' ,797' l>j«»r» MUKRAV^ ccBveiv, in the Maryland Gazette before the end of the. Mifs Hdov», thii day, th«y i uleh.,.,.. -K^^I, ...... ^HAAJ'if-.iiipinrnt; tKc prefent nvjfith^ to the intent that the rlefetidaM *f*J"lh« Hi. 1 "of SVulh Hv*r. r (f*r proteffioii*" feivicei I ar>,ut fdi/rteen naYidihigh, eight th;rf* I1"«we* V> afocefaW _maj[ ^kkvf. notice of her application UthU - dray, absy MAUB, t fcOT. JOH* OWSNi 10 eotsrt, 'ipf.pf. t%j ;t>bi«cV of 'hex tin, and. miy b« ' years old^-bnmdrd oj\ the rjjbrThOUMer~V.iJJi.lhe4»*i«f.. T^e Owner warned* to appear here, on-or bcfbifl the lrlta>Mfday M.'bsi along'^tail. »fld haqglng A)aoe. J- MURRAY, to fhew cau?e whetefor* dVefre* nay hav*]Hket*()Minfoving pxrbpeny"an/d paying j)i..- <•• ,' ,.' id Oftobn next, ; '• *•* H'.'l V*1 T. ''' H \ Cdf. Company -Share? ." "r vrtfVV i y tu,

TY1K& heave to infpfm the public, and their fritnfo O» jdnfc V'W not the " JO tHat tnjS* k«ve taken the hoofe lately ocoupied by %0 JtUiiv.'. .SOLD hy PUBLIC XT71 Mr. Wte. ALtVAHDtk, in Corpliill-ftreet, v«*)er« AUCTION,* At houfeof Mr.JoH *9T !.*** tt'J^tf*1'' * <>**' foT W*..i».mt«rt W to the pr«f««t f*a,fci>, ^wYLVirsni^&S. i>f K»e Old Stock in fht .(Tott»«t d GOODS, fuited tnrle,' ttrte flfb an excellent (JTortmept of (^ROCE- faid Company, unlcf*. in the mtia tbe> 40 WM. H**T RFE8. WbVA (hey will fell on taw rook reduced nkw L Chafe thawa pay tht feytrjlb«W*ei dueiWreo«..> i for'cjilh. '..,... Ncx»etn1>et Seflion, .I796: or 8 A L AN NAPOLIS tiYW Mr«s of LAND, ^joining *J -OiMB, +tn* fulttjbl*), for. i-• clSfer'^- ,*— *• t^b A. ly io A W.'AfE --^. GRI*N. 1 u ' '- > § ' YEA*.) *. ttTfc AA ***Z 'ihE

H U R S D A Y,

faiooijtnd permanent Vni»«l terprifc'tb tnVc object. Any miniOcr pJenipoaentUiy .frtm the not fi 1 tQ^pv-Qce the moll I L A I>E L ? H I A, jifit/ id. nother davandeti; injury to commerce would p M until after the redrtit of grjtuncea, to preveit'U f^oro being un- « State*, the .French) embjarmiSb^ difordert? CONGRESS. of the Arterkap government, and w&uch it sa ef tntial that ir reccixf the PreEdent oC *r The .AmeiV ^er'iiined an I dcflroyed, TVi day, precisely at i a o'clock, republic had a rjght to expeft froxft protection. ... of cotfgte.fi b the end«a»o«)rei to afcertxta, A adequate miu t^ United Sate* met both hoote* can mlntfter immediately »>Va1 etUblifhmeot ffiuft ocro? to every be addreiod them in receive bin; it viat intended. The .on our ccm'r kill of the recteienUUveJ, where whether by refuGng to who Tqiifideri tr\c * (MJiiriet conjmititd retire frof tt* Smalt, and anlwcr, but obi been prafliled.'' . th« , Ratification he defired a wtiuesv citizen;, canr.ot be afcjibtd to • Gat-lnn of tki Koitft tf Rjfi t/e*t*lhxt the Uft of January4 wheji» and feafaribg the n«uaJt *oni| inconveniencies t9 the tained none., until towards duties dVmandible, cocfijenng , ,. !, n peil ta ^dic .he ttrtitorlea ot omiflk>n«f attiibuted tcj> the fenMe and of the, receiving notice Ih ^writinjg Ctuation of our cov/ntry, they-are to pc members of proceeded to AinAerdan, where he trow afappnfe1) in? of representatives, in leaving the republic, he the hope of impunity, artfing hnufe to wait lor inftruftkm from thu govertimtrit. proteclioo. To tefift the their famllu* and. private afiVui, at propolcd wen ability on our part to atford his refidence at Paris, card* oi hotpirality i'mprrffions on the mind* of Co- thit feafon of the year, are fo obvious, During with being .tub- con(equenee* 9f .fuch- the extreordi- refuTed him, and he wis tjireatened nation*, and to guard again ft .thf degradation that I the more regret oi' »*ie winifterof police; but reign Ramp Ot the the convention of j.-cled tolh?ijurifdiclion and fervility which .they mull nnally which hat .rendered firrnnefs be ioGlled on the protcfiion.pf duty of govern* with becoming of American character, is 'an important eoflgrefi indifpenfible. of nations due to him aa the inowq min>ttc.r afforded me ihe higbeft fatisfiCtian, the law information. L - It would hive t forrgo power. You will derive further to the militia, ii the narur4 able to congratulate you on a reltomion laid before you. A navtl p«wrr, nex: «» hive been from hit difpatche* wbich will be United Sutti. The experience of th*, to the nations of Europe, whole ar.imofitiei nation! (hou\d t,r«at defence of the of t-:«ce have (till At it it often mcefiary that be Iwfficient to fliew, that a moderate endangered our tranquillity. Rut we their affairi, and cfpecially \i& w*r, would the' pre. kive Difpcnl'er for the mutual advantage Ol force, luch aa wou'd be eady within abundant caule of gratitude to the Supreme difference!, apd M naval fufficKnt promifing to accommodate aid terminal* abihtiet of the Union, would hive keen ofni:ionil bleffings, for general hetlihlud by mtnifters, the right of e rob t fly fent ol happhefs; for the they can treat only to have bzfBed many formidable tranfportatiqni (titans i for domeltic and foetal and ellablifhed, by the law and ufi fiv'ely, a* the prefent crifis demand*. eteafing daily in their attachment prefident difclofei. fer.timentt more alarming the failing 6f armed their experience of iti u;ilt- of the. dni- have thought proper to prevent vtrr.ment in proportion to the refofal of a miniftet, bccaufe mpre to- the Eaft Indie*, where and general obedience to laws than t and ai the fame veflils, except on voyages < ; yielding a reidy g*roii' to our independence and union the dsnger from pirates appeared tq reafon, and retting on the only (olid indignities lowarda the jen«ral ufage.and ha* (Wing from time ftudiouOy marked with pcr^njffion proper: yet the reflricVion Sntet. It -«»» *«* « dif- render (he cotlufiora, ohTTige3~i5- " govrrnrAeni of the 'United folely fnin a wiQi to prevent is with extreme regret .that > lh»ll be people of '.he Utited State* originated the afi of It which pofition to feptrate the with the powere at war. contravening tern your ihooghtt to other circutti&tficis, to perfuade them that they feven hundred and felicitiei m*y not be from the goi-ctnment: froqt con^refj of June, one thoufand tdraoniQj os, that fume of thefe different «ffccYioo«, principles and intercflt any doubt entertained by our profpcntj ii 'nil and have themlelve* ninety-four, and not from lifting. But if the tide of of their UHow-cltizens, whom they and propriety of permittipg our a vigilant cfrcuWp«ft'i'$» h*. tbofe concerns j and me of the pj'ficy t reHiii commencing, have chofcn to manage their common means of defence, while engaged in may meet our reverfcs with foni,- to oar 'peace. Such ycffcls to employ Wott o» that we thus to pfo£ace divifions fatal foreign commerce. It remain*, for congrefa extricat* ourfelves from their conloauence'f with i dccifiun wbich i lawful pur fcalaring tude, and m our atufnptt ought to be repelled, prefcribe fuch regylation* at will enable the (kill we po.Tcfi, and all the effort* and the world, that we are to violations of the with all ' : _ (hall convince Prarce citizens to detend themfelvet agiioll power. people, humiliate^ under a color ill time reflrain them of th* flaw qf, not a degraded the law of nitions, and at the fame lo giviof to eongreft ir. formation and fenle of infehoriey, fitted to be tgainft the powers tt their c-mfideration f|,iiit of (eft ic- from committing *Qs of hoftility the onion, and .recommending to kiftnuncnti of foreign tnfluer.ce, and volun&ry provifion for de­ to be neceffary or tt- milrra'ble war. In addiiiun to this fnch fncafarft is appear to me national honour, character and intereft. citizens, p appcart to me ne« conftituuonal duty, the> gardlefi.of veil fence by individual pedirtu, accordfr\g to my I fhould have l>een happy to hive thrown frigates and provide other vcfleli the prefent extraordinary pcflible to con. peffiry to equip the eiofet and the dhjeAs cf over thefe tranfaArons, if it hid b««n to take under convoy fuch merchant oa the grea; theatre of inferior lorce fcion will be explained. ceal them : hot they have paflipd Dull remain unarmed. of the United States received Europe arid America ; vefltW as Alter the preGdent of the world in the fice of all greater part of the cruifcn, whofe d*predation| that the French government had ex- of publicity and folemnity The and tome informition, tl.e and with (ucb clrcuraRanccs been molt injurious, have r«en built, difeontcnts at fome proceeding! ot diiguiiVd ahd will not twn he have Stttej. AU preffed (erioiis that they cannot be of them partii!ly equipped in the U ited of theft fUtw, faid to iffrd th; interefta iqfljacd a, w.oun4 in the Arae- be atttn4ed with government fend to that fortjonen i :they hive though an cfftdtal remedy may «f Prance, he thought it expedient to it my duty ta pre/enC. to enter on brealt. helled. difficulty, yet I have thought country a new minHter, fully inltrwfled my fincere drfire thlr they may be confidcrition. tf a mode give fuch candid It it" I the fubjelt generally to your feeh amicable difcuftioni, and to my finctrc d.-bre,' and in th'|» I prefame the wifdom of congrefi, to pre. rlmove the difcontenti It ii to preferve can be deviled, by explinatiobs at might happily with you an4 with our conBituenis, of the United States from being government, and vin­ cftrcor' and believir.it vent the refourcei a> and fefpiciont* of the French peace and friendfhip with all pati9m: into tne means of annoying our trade, of the United StaKi. For thia nor inurcft of the' United cArcrted Time view I dicate the corduel a that neither the honour will be prevented. With the from among hit fellow citizens, tV.e repetition of advancei fot grVkevil of our ciiitene purpofe he feleQed fer- 'States ahfoluiely forbid (dink it proper to mention that fome whofe integrity, talents, experience and ofcjecti with France, 1 (hall privjteeri, and othera chtrafter, eftermed fecufing thefe defirable refident abroad have fitted out htd placed him in the rank of the mod a'tempt at negotiation, and (hall net command, or entered oa vice, ohjeft of l.is inAhute a fiefh an .have voluntarily taken the relpitcied in the nation. The direft and accelerate an accommodation, committed fpoliitions oh the and credence to the fail to promote ii\tert(\i board of them, and mtOt >t) wat cxprclTcr) in his letter of compatible with the Ughta, duties, Stita. Such unnatural and that good un. term* committed commerce ol the United French republic i being to maintain honour pi the nation. U we have, can be reftrained only by fevert commence m/iit of the and we ftUll. be iniquitout practices derHtndir.fr, which, from the erron, and thefe cap be demonftratcd, between the two nations! and we have done injuries, punifhments. on thf alliance, had fubfirted willing to correct them : U But brfides a protection of our commerce" unfavourable impreffiuns, banifti lufpicion*, willing on convjQon to redreft, them. in pr6tefl it tt feme, to elfact once the we (hill be to ex- jets. I think It highly necefTary that cordiality, which wu at meafurc* of juf»ice we!have a right our mod important. ports. *~" and reliore And hit And equal " where it is collefted in vidtnte and pledge of a friendly union." from F.ranCc and every other nation. United State* from Kurop<, aneT;thf " faithfully to re- peft the United" Pittance of the trrt nitni'ftioni w-rre to the fame cft'eh, The dipl"»natic intercourfe between promptitude, ardour, and cqurvge of { and people prefent Xufpmded, the well known diminifh prefent the difo'fiiion ol the government Statet and Pr»nce being at In defence of their country, hanpily dityoQtiqii being one,'to mear.a of obtaining official in- people, to of the United 3taret, their rial no is, the pfofeahility of invafion ; taiverthelef and chrltte fcffipUintt, by (hewing from that country : ntvertheleft there.' irKuidors, the Situation remove jealmrfin con. formation p«(fcfl Igilnft fuddcn and predatoVy they t»«re cnutidlcfs, to trftore that mutual to believe that tht) Bxecotive Direelory principal fea porti, demindi your con- thit and in- rwfun contrtvtniiig nf fome of our deirr which ind been fo unfortunately decree on the fecond of M»ich Jaft, Add at our country is Vulnerable In other and to' explain the rtlative intercfls of amity and commerce of 1778. commertc,' you Will feri- furlm fly impaired, part the treatv the interelti, befides thoje of itt and. the rta) letitirTientt ol hi* own." our lawful commerce ajjd endangering the mctqi of, gcnersl de­ ot br.tr1. countriti ex |uriopsA .... . to oudy detibcra|e, \^h^(her fpectally fnmm'lfiioned, i|t wat A copy of thjstl^t decrcfdecref %lU Be by an addition to the A rt'inifter thus reltoring live*llve«.of of ourourcitlwp*. citlwp*. A copy fence ought not to b* Incrtafed J>e«ed, would h«ve proved tlieiiiftrurhetttW yoy. ' civalry, and 'by arrangementi fof two repuWlct. The laid before you. all o.ur, il.fr regular artiltarr._arid mutual confidence between the Whfle we are eiuJe.vour.oj to adjutt J»rench t(T»err,mentcorre(p.»tded wi:h ntg^iatioij, the *b'^h evem irftftcp of the at ferepcet wi^i France, by .ajnwabje With the fame w, and M a m«fu«, 'A few dayt befon- hi» Ji«rival aeprtdationt «w QM not i r'efident--«J . at-r Writ.P..I. rom"rnerc^^l)erfo~naTlniur]c^tatommerae, in I rcfonjmend, w your formed the Amerctm"* minifler - complexion of aCtits, render it my »rming, atrd drt>iplin»i)f th*) tilting the t^eneraj the lawa for ot|afaip|, in duty (0 recomicwl ^ Jftytf ctmfiderauoii iifiwal aad lV*.iiefetKe.^ t>f tfthefoTTfanUtstofee^bfemdbyhlmfeH hit fectp- dirpenfa^le «wlk»», tp reader thft and by his fueceffor, preparatory to measure} of def«nc,t.. .. -( ,' ., .,;-.. i. I«avt, the o«h effc'Ttual become «|> country, enVMtqnt. In- Thefe fcrmajniei they obfervcd, and on th«.con>frier« of th* United StMe* hai it \\i very true that wt « *>« nt* 10 lion. niniftir .of _* ^__ isfofytt'nt conSder . AlthouBh/n hot to jb< _..«.: t tvt.k* , * -. » K ' I . fyftem *f Kvrgpe, of Decerther' prefentcd ptfiriatt/, >. l -.« ourfcUei in the political of h:i tetttn of « an^ hnancrt, or tie fttc»$th: volve fep»r»K Iran it, fcrtigri rc)M»e««i the one a copy fn relation to tne wc*!tB to .fc*»p ourfelvea arway* diAinft and hit letter* of credence. ihe nation. Wiihia;Cel.{ba.(l of ^ntar thii fepar»'v««, e»»ly, p«rc- «*l, rhjr other a cOf7 of nd refourcetof field fair ^..we.am.:. \h to efftft laid before lh« E«ec»tlve Dfrec>ory. jillet In extent ofrrMni , wide inlorm.tiop .of «U cun.ot ch.i» - ""' " were two tboufUna pprxlo,, tual, and continualI true minifler of forti|h felatlont tod c^nrawce, great Ac pol\t.c4 projeft* io cwiemp.a- i afrerwardt, C6Mei,nj|«lptiQ» fed «* of avcnU, tnd of . recalled American pibiifter, that thar tpply Ul«r l»dttftry the receive of oar eittxentWlBmly : Diriciory htd determined not to .. no^ left "neStffary, than if we wcrJ difecV.y tojutn has received by thii ar. .Being, eanfteVcr be author p/ evil fT]^ For the M AF conc'ciaed it. thtn. It is nejeffary, in order to the rival price tfirrtoVof tttk infuranc'e, from' a mer. Age ol Realon fay, from whence or -f«m Knfi?' dilcovcry ol the efturn made to di*w njlr.t<*th_e vor- chant at Hamburg!which mentions the premium at 4^ it (pringi1 Our Bible gives us a .u)l"a'rid I"'1* *'01'' The INSP tex^ jn.fiafcto. W make pj;epi>ati<_0jLja«-ainft Owp. to £ perjeotj^,r ceoj^_, ..., . _ «r*Vrfjrv . ...__.._ v ac-jowu of fliis myjtery.myjlery. It tella-ois.eaois Wwee ».,,-M,.*'."l* t'0tr. H In tl* fit* However ive ml./cunfiJer ourfelvcs, thitjmaritittx aftd The above vtflcl M&fi 4vay<_,.._ ' failed.. AprH and came cat oi the handi V>f Ood in commcftial power* ot thet World wi'l-conftdar, the wh.ch it later that any other ikforma.Mta we That i*, ii perfect retiitnde, purity «nd United States of|America,ju forming a^feeigly inKm t_rt>tn that »\ continent' •>.'' » It tells us 100, that we.... /cUllcd_,..._ againft out CKW' balance of power in Europe which never can be for. aod broke :hrough a command which "" w* liven :;; gotten or ncgkfltd. I. wtmld not only be againlt our P H I L A 3 E L PJ ti I A, .May 17. atertofourobcdtence. Hence we fell frr'm Our h irntereft,--but it would be dTtmywrpnj m PB« vnj^«f f a3tttJcjML>a&jvt, tt itt-ttn+'tf t* ftate And h*nee Ipringa.all thetvth Europe at leaftTit we fhould voluntarily tfirow our" Pbiladilpka Oae*/*, dot id May 1 6. 'this'life, even Ihe "Age of Re,7ou"»'~ "" Atkt ** fclvas into eiiberfcale. It is a natural polic;- for a na­ i-slcman (rom this litter toot. Win loft. tion that flu-lies u> be neutral, who arrived hererlaft Sunday fpm tqtTjafaltVith otljft c, Itates, that previous to hft n»tions engaged ia the feme ftudiej emtifrkatioh 'for tod purfuits. At this city, accounts had been received die or dlfikuUy tccurs. It is this. How f the fame time .that cueafuru might be put died with there, that the IMMEDIATELY -end wh«rc is it that w* can ever, be happy I li'i challenge, I rece this view, our treaties with Pruffii and Sweden, one the Age of Rcafon give a fatisfa^ory aiifwer of which ii eatwrcd, and the other near expiring, ST. JtTXN DE PUERTO RICO, things I Now, c.-rtainly, rig.it rwfon didatu ^t fentiments ate jut might be rcnefpjjp was, V few days'before, taken from the Spaniards by that a £wt, li-ift,' and goyd Being, would Gtntltxux 'if* the Britifh army |tul navy from Martinique, under the * inlufficie *{1*J* . create any creature; and bring It into being, w the fire an It is particular' pur province to confider'flic Rate command of lieutenant-general Sir Ralph Abercrom- aod only to make it mtferable I No, bie no. Our Bibla a, unleh the atter of the public finances; and to adopt fuch riicifurtj and rear-admit.! Henry Hetvey i the principal for. here is like that glorious luminary which give* light to (ptcling them ai|nijencies (hall be found to .require tification made! a hsrt rcfi.ti.nce, and cott the " our world. If not only informs us. of ofilar*. but a few .the origin of '.« Yon ire called The prefcrv4tian' of public credit,- the regular extin- men. evil, which we brought upon ourfelves, but it--- guifhmect of the*! ublic debt, and it provifion of funds, " This valuabt- Ifland h fituated between Hifpani. lamb to ourfcit t1ie lift dm'** of MaKnt of rafhncls, to defray any PJJ raodiniry erpencts, will of courfe ola and St.' Chrll«pl.et*f, is 100 miles long and 40 tbt iuay of featt, and c»n accMUp'ifhed too by fuch means and tion of new burf.ens cannot be, in it Pelf, agreeable, ed on by the BrJ ilh and 'French wuh the Spaniards, geftioa "ill ntver K' all the wifdom of this world could never hit upon, to inform you th'at yet there is no ;rcund tq doubt that tht American in<| ' "iremely fertile, producing the fame kinds of the heart of man ever conceive I And yet, now He Weio, and it is wit people will expc ft trvm you, fuch mcafures, a. their fruits with the other \Qttrd_." has revealed if, the. propriety, wifdom, and ut>hii propofition a-Hutl angageiaenis, their prefent ftCurily, and future A letter received fn this city from P^rt an Prince of ot God ; c i* lo gkriOuOv difj'lajcd, that i or my mnoceoce, I fh ir.tc.eflj, dcaand. April i i informs that, ' We have nuw at the head of cannot but fee it, and a gracious * Gtnt/e.vn ef tbt Snati, anJ government a man of fuch character and abilities as or vtct is to be roe from God aa we arc, what wifdom'of tnan i irmi, lh« criterion Qtnthmn tf the H nji tf Rrf'fntativtl, afford us the greateft hopes that his arrival has been find out a way of reconcilu:k-n rery propitious, ? The wfaol* B; thii barbirooi inf The prefint fituatKn of our country, impoles an as it happened at a moment when the world could'not fatisfy the jultice of .God fo as tore. obligation on all the departments of government, to brigands had attacked rood of our ont pcfb, uh.ch, tend kii I lie odious cV.m one f>ul! But th-t ptccidus and-wi,nJ,i(_] nun* fufnciency adept an explicit and decided conduit. In my fitua- from the long inactivity of hi; piedcceff.r, lay quite ftheme of falvaiion, ol revealed to us in the Bihic, clears msn of fnperior wort tion an expofltion of the piincipks by which my ad* d.llitute of defence, both in refpeft to troops and am- up all difficulties. The incarnation, manition, but of. j !u» Lh.iA, ly fallf the viftim o aitniftration will be governed, ought not to be every thing is now affuring the moft the foo of God, to condefcend fo prot-.iftng events, low, as to ta;« ftiiai from his* own omitted. flcur, which l»tely,was at 24 dol­ tSc nature of mail upon htm, fotv.« the ditHculty lars, at once fell to 14 dollars, ! ceat blood of his ir It is impofable to conceal from ourfelves or the and is owing to the ar­ As G'd he ean atine for fia, and fatisly the julli.e world, what has rival of three convoys with upwardi dtirmine the exifter been before obferyed, that endeavours of 5000 barrels." of Htavenv |Hnd n man he could die, and did, 19 have been employed to fofler and eftablifh a divifion cfTed this uw-M-tr/i// for*Mten, and it is r+Jtruftimt- Man, w mail, ccoU ir*aWi vices, between the government and people of the United B A L T I M O R R, Af«y 44. \ only die darec and p.riih, as we ill mull have done! but tiibatsrd a miferfblc State!. To invefligate the caufes which have encou­ The Minerva, Hincklty, arrived at B .lion »n the G'ld, as man, coald Jie to reJecu- die «ic/« vxrlJ, « There lurely n raged this attempt is not nectffary- But to repel by 1 6th inftant, from Himburg, snd brings advices uf who are willing to be f^ved by him J ' decided and united councils, infinuations fo den gv ry the 6th of April, which complexly contraJicl the re­ The deills «.« vrry lavilh and laa* fo exienfivcly p pro.ufc ia fpeikipg ma'i courage and it to the honour, and aggreffiocs fo dsngerrus to the con- port of Mr. Pinckoey being invited back to P»rit. of the ker.rhts Bowing fr<.m morality. This they do ia a duel. ftitut'un, union, and even independence of the nati­ They ftate, however, that commercial confidence hail in fuch » maoner aj if they thought their morality U is i on, is an indiipenfable duty. not diminifhed, as no appreh^iGons were entertained exceeded iht ov-rahty, ben engaged in a or .piiitua'.iiy, ol d.eB'blc! or evade It mult not be pero.lt.ej to be doubted, whether of a war between this country Ind France. But a.at! Let any any ration; < an'lid mind c.llcft and gather wold do more the people of the Unit..! States will fupport the go­ together all the moral.^ bo h of 'he lica'heo hi a,i.>l error, or devife vernment, eftablifhed by their voluntary confent, and cal world, .and let them in op fit on YJ the ' foo appointed by Annapolis * May 25. iffof, would afcertai their free choice t or whether, 'by fur* purity, and rrttitude of tSe mo's » in the B.bie, ami rendering themfelves to the direction of foreign and A copy of a letter from a very rcfpcftable aod ancient " It is well obfer (hey will all meet the fimc f.t., a* th< i-ol Dara|-oi» dorneftic fjctions, in oppoCtion to their own govero- entleman in the country, aged about ninety, to did he lore tht*ri»/GtJf iinot proportioned tru Imuw depen^i rneni, they will forfeit the honourable flatioo they Eis friend in Annapolis. Moreover,'the prcpleciei of die Bible, feme of flvj, or a fear have hitherto maintained. _Si«>- ' ' _ which ate fb!filled an4 come tf For m}fclf, having to jjaU, a< d < ' n art »fc Arttl t/Jhame f;.j never been indifferent to what I HAVE received another inlfance of your -con. now frilling by fucn fl.iw degree* aa G"J , concern.d the interetta of my country ; devoicd the' tinued goodnefs to your unwo/ibv correfpondent. I generally maker ufc of jk*m miy exift w til his wil: pMvu.cni . io ef. fcnith is b.ft part of my life to obtain and fupport its indepen­ mean bifhop Watfon's Apulngy fur the Bible. No­ tft\ wonJerful things m this wT.d | i fhall co'tfirme* dence j and nair.e unlp fvtili^ mf>Ui cnrtftantly witnefTed the patrioti.m, fide- thing more welcome. 1 he Bible 1 embrace, and kifi one of thcfe as Ipecitnen : it rela'cx i ai Ilty, an of rl^ moll trying occafions, it ia not for me to hcfitate or rcfblved, by the grace of Heaven, to put the who'c They were the From a /«* tj only temp-'rall) tkctxil ftfft't *f uW. whle, eoterprifing, abandon a caufe, in which my heart has been fo long flrefs of my prefent anJ future falvation upon what it Thcfe were redeemed from r*- a Itate ol Oaveiv in E^ypl From engaged. contains. by a wonderful chain ot a ftar ef f^ Convinced providences and nii.-ulc*: the.afelves, merely . that the conduct of the government has No infidelity, with all ita wit and fopbifma, has And to whim, under their theocracy., been jull and impartial was givvn Utd to increafe i to foreign nations ; that thofe ever yet, in tht. Kail degree, removed or fhaken my an-J ordinancp.,^ pre figuring that grtut faint.-.. internal regulations, wl.ich have? ," /, hut only 4t been cftablifhed by afiurtdfoitb. But on the contrary, confirmed it more which wis then pr .miled fli uM com*: by uicaut uf a lav? for the prefervalion of peace, are, in their nature than ever. And tlie reafon, under God, iathir. In moll i;racioas' pert'on who & >ur in fuch a co fhould fusing Iron, out cf> Duelling proper, and that tbey have been fairly exccnted : dcifm, Itheifm, snd all kind* of infidelity, I can fee one of (heir own tnt-ei Tl:|5 rirophtcy tr Was fulfilled and his nothing t nothing will ever be done by me to impair the nation­ apparent marks of prejudice of paffion- of prrpof. according as was foretold, relatlog al engagements i to ni the. tribe and the lijl, therefore, i innovate upon principles which feflior. and other malignant principles. But\n the family His office-. fu-Tertngs and death, er J ever)' have been fo deliberately and uprightly eftahlifhed i or contrary, in the blclTed, blcOed Bible, I fee quite the »/yb«s«r is the Iwt reining. ihcrcto,. :ll for their_ and oar fa'.vatvoB^ . - I. " Hot to to furrendcr in any minner the righti of the govern­ reverie of all thefe. I fee calmnefs coolneli foft. Thefe pe-iple (notwjthl.andin'g you > ment. To enable all thefe fav.urs from reif, ning of R>ofl me to maintain this declaration, I nefs found reafi)ning divine phi'ofophy^ Heavenly Heaver.) finned fo often, and fo rJy, under God, with grler-oufly, againlt by his globing «!<« entire confidence, on the firm mindednefs, and every other facred principle worthy tncir God and king, as that at laH he and enlightened fupport of the national permitted them, CtlT*ry. Every m legiOature-, and the Goo, or'iAtTATion. If I was fure there was no for their provocations, to be carried ca'ptivcs t<. Baby- pon the virtue aod patriotifm of my ting rooft decided Icllow-citi- other life thin tkis, and I was aflttd by a child or Ion Jerufalem to be taken Thtir holy temple to be cena. brother for advice in the conduA of their livo, it av opinion that tl burnt And alter f.ffsrirg many other temporal cvili, feme conftitotional JOHN ADAMS. . (hoald be this " l've »p to ib« diclates of your Bible." as punimments, they were, and are yet, dup-rled But, bl«Qed be God, it don't flop here. It extends e»«ry prrtenfion to LONDON, JUWji. over all the four qua/ieia.<.l thisjlbe! Neve.thelefs, t part of the habitable world you will, there yuu'H death in contemj offer five jrvd cjcfenfive, with the frtnth republic ; in through all the windings and turning of his vulpine find this livii.g continued, miracle fublifting! Here which he agrees to guarantee Belgium as an integral chact. He baa hunted him out of every fubterfuge with it ten now is an occular dem-mlUs i rn tq v\ of the pre- of fomethii part of the republic, one and indivifible to recognife of his " Age of Rfafon, and left Reynard to his def. fcienre of the author of our Bible f This was often ' the independence tio'd fate. The faithful bifhop Inrrcr which natu of the Batavian republic, tnd to has been thus parti, foretold by their prr^hets many hundreds of years be- tKrtattned. 'Th concur in fecuring an equivalent cular, not to inform and fct right a maltgnir.t to the Aadtholder, in and fore it ctme to pafi : and after It did come to pafi, method of another_.„.....,-.-- part to ._._....furnifh 'an— army--, of. 60,000--.-„ men...._. tO prepoffefled. obtruder, but that the f«uut of truth may there has been a flight of between fifteen co-operate ind twtoiy mind, hut I do n< with the French in cafe the emperor fhall' enMjjhten every well meaning and hopeful mind. centuries of years in which thefe people (though leal. crofs^the Rhine, But there are,more fhott o irranfe and to force him to agree to a peace and general linking ira- tered through .very cation of the world) have yet kept >er« utj« Upon juft for i, which not only attend, but follow and equitable terms. tint ittnml thewlel»«» diftina and feparate from them all! O >*«ic«iar i Such i» the rumour i and it is faid, that minifters light tho BiMe. Tli« " Age of Reafon" treats ihii wonderful, wondirfil Providence ? What eyes can repeat tht taufi, h have betn in poflefGon of the f*c\ for feveral dnys book is fpurious, and ai an ImpoAure ' Then, I would be fo blind ai not to Are, and bean . fo ca-lrous is frim authority they do not quefjion. afk the author, what inipoftor, cr fet of irrpoftora« of proceed not to fee) this I Take any two nations now upon T rtpntatlm wl Various reports ire, i» circulation that (he etnpcror were the authors of it ? What age of the world wai earth, the snoll remote from a coalition, according to is on the. ej.a <_ aiuking a'faparate It wrote in I And how came ihe world, to be (o 'he event of peace-with Prar.ce i cre­ the nature of ihing.-.?,* inftance, take one cyhny of spending me and this clrtumftance artfes from the dulous as to receive it ? Thefe qutftiors. and others i promulgation of of Turks or heathens, auj another of Chrillian>, »*.d PMlofophicalty a new trezty enfred into between his Pruffian majcQv of like nature, mull be anfwrrrd before we can or let them five together only one century of >ean, I and the French republic. ought to give up the Bible. If «, and jn *ny what means it was effVAed, &c. &c. If frMr I w«,ry Arrived Mary, Rice, in 39 days from Hamburg. Ai ' ' ' with 9} prolixity. Pardon Men place. "Ir Informs that news wai received at Hamburg, a few fon lone. May God Almighty I!" bit prln,clples- days prrvloos to his leaving there, blefs you ind-yooray with' «very Weffing conuined io «niforin1y ifled I that the mifuedir. that the wifdom of God would give a law to Kis'rfa- (h« Banding between the United States fu-red book. So wlfhts, fo prayi him, who, nd the direction and France, wai fooable creafores, whom he has delegated as fovereigns w|th all due amicably fettled, and that Mr. Plnekney was refpeft and love, lives, and i uull, bjr 'P«rienced the*) certainly to govern ard nl« all rhfl inferior creatures In tins his God's grace, will dlr, received attd acknowledged, and that ord*n (which he lower world f If bcanfwetaln the affirmative, the oppofui at we j_ ,. ..., 6ir, yoor finwre friend, faw and read) wereifTued by the Dire-Very to captgre1 (Kink...... he rnnft,' ilfen we'aBI,'lf the Bible 'he an im. &c. opinlo no oioH * American veffeli, unlcfs they had >wofetaxof r>.Aure where is ina^law * Storaly every tongue here papers^ and were carrying on a contraband trade. mutt be a mute. IK ?*Rl»li ol An. HAI.J.»W«, in Anne. the il Arandel eaunty, That 4n eonfrqnence of the above, infurance had We find from fail experience there b evil In being now vactot, the Vn- l hind of t fallen from 15110 tnly 4} per cent, on American vef- will tereiv* applx-iefona from any epifcopal mi- '»«' the hlerhlft (eli botmd tv Amcrka. Kid their virtot f m of remote at For the MARYLAND GAZETTE, no means" infetiflbfifti die opinions of jfcok&'of , -^l " The INSPECTOR, No. XUI. mankind, and While he thought hiihfelf atiainicg a J»lUji.q»t;;4 ,n ,i Ql I III ll* fty »f J*1"* l*Wi<>»>, fovcreign contempt for Ihe calumaitt of focietyf he ilua> tlfe - will cOinl rnc wu cuhivaring a,moftpunailioai fenflbility to itt vtf * lirteot th>! ot b s p. rt nat -fV-.pt ri>1,: toe* „ Hfa, ihtf advance into a. iaii^tftut world J fnrea or appHofe. I- -'- .. Qv &<) cdj ten tomiaa ui loft, fitting of .a nuri>t>«r ol «*ntrv u-rn 'bigru; .anoV« gnat Vtfmty oi'hi-tileiii'in- ue g.v n 'fall i'y * avove / etiUip pla), tu buna' after going into a OfU explanation, he oblerved t me with approved lecuriiy. ,. If bt, and it it with regret I add, I have acquielced ings. " I will, adde*l lie, facrincc my life, but not thilA It to forewarn all perloni tr>tn crediting hit on i*>hit propofition ; could the event atcerttin tii guilt my princiflit, to the opinion; of the world." Oar my account, at 1 am dcuimincd to ply hu debit of or ID innocence, I fhould be fatiified : but when virtue conversation then turned upon indifferent lubje£U, and her contra&inr. ' ' or net ii to be roeafured by dexterity in the ufe of the evening was fpent at ufual. At the time agreed . / ' , WILLIAM HAYS, fen. van, Ihe criterion is falfe, and the coftom ibfurd. on io the morning we repaired to the place bt appoint- _ CliarUt coubtf r f|a?y!and. By tSri barbarool inftitntion, the wretch, who has ren. 'ment, where we were foon joined by Lucio and hia ^^~^^^^^^^^—^—^^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^-.^^***^^m^^^^~^———^*~^**^»^^»^^^^~^*^*^*~~^»i^~»+^^*^*^^m^^*^*^^*^ ^tt^^f^^^^^^f^i^^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^^ fc *- Jrrrd bii li'c odiout and intolerable, hal bat to lum. friend i on th'rs occafion i obfarved with iha moll fcru- LL pctfoni having cUlmt agiinft the eflate of nun a fufnciency of mechanical courage, to tnl'ult a pulous attention'the different emotion i which ihcir (i-, GOT LOVE STKRNBACK, .ate of the cjtjr mm of fuperior worth and merit, and either deferved- tuition would excite 'thein combatantt. RtQi arjd ofA Annapolii, deceafed, are tc<|uettitd t'o biihg them |y ftll| the viAim of hi* own villainy, or wafhet the precipitate, Lucio I on like a man who, by one in, legally attefled, and thofe indebted to faid eftata ' filial Irom his1 own contaminated foul with the inno­ violent exertion, hat fummoneci up all hit refoloibn to are dtfired to m»ke immrdute p»vnientt to cent blood of hit injured antag.onilt. Should chance fome act of del'peration, and trembltt with impatience MARY STERNBAtK, Admihillratiix. determine the exiftence of the offender, hit crimes ire Jeift hit fortitude fhould be cxhaufted before his pur- May t i, 1797. forgotten, tnd it it only remembered that he, who, pofe is iccomplifhed. • • frott'bh vices, dared nn< to live, had courage enough Eumenet wat by no means backward, but the To- tobtfird a mifeWble life for a lair reputation. lemnity of the occafion feemed ta curb the natural im- The « There lurely never wat a notion fo ill}- founded, pemcmy of h:t temper. The ground wat meafurcd, HORSE ui h ti:cnfively prevalent as that which oietiuret a and their ftationi alfcgned them an awful paufe «n- mia'i courage and integrity by his rcadinefa to engage fued in which I wat placed In a fl union to give the LAMPLIGHTER* la a duel. It it true, a man of genuine bravery, fata! word. After the firft fire I felt an inflinctive re- when engaged io a controrerf) , will not flinch Irom luftance to, turn myfelf to the (cenc of aflion, bul Will ftand the toifoing. faafoh at M >unt Air, or ertde any rational propofition of bis adverury he hearing no alarming espreSiont I turned towards tli« Pifcataway, in the Slate of Maryland, to c«ve.r do more he would boldly acknowledge his combaian:s, and difcovered Eumenei with hit hand mares at the moderate price of t«'ur guineaa the error, or devifei *r- fomer_ _ _ mode_. J. of.f redreft_ A _r. which,_k!-L io:. the.1.. onnn the|K|* backKar*t partn«rt off\f hitkia fhoulder,(hnillHrr and therK« bloodhlond ftreirnftrtifn* feafon, the money to be fern when the oi&rct are f, would afcertain his guilt or innocct.ee. ing through hit fingeri. The wound, however, Vtaa t_lnftlvrt. tired from the ground. beat the two celebrated innhing horf i Belle-Air and Fntn a ftar of jhunt fprmg actiona which *re, in But Eumentt was not the prrateft foffcrer ffrrt hit Camilla, jufUy entitle him to be ranked among the Ihemfelvet, merely Ji/enfive, and fuch aa are n"t caicu- wounJ Helena difcovered the blood wfeich had iffued bell running h >r!ei ever known in tliii country i hit laid to increafe th<- reputation. Honour it »evet from the wound, at he returned knt* Ine cultt mew he it inferior to no k^rfe as a foaUgetter. ^, but onlyily ApmJHt,JtftnlU, in a duel. He who (e«kt caufe and felt more lenfibly the effeQt Nature tor a LamplighterL«mrliior in fuchh a conBitt degenerate, into a defpkable while wu unequal to the emorhn. and ."he f.inied at Med, ( g|f Jim b BLon7fJl, out of tol. Craiion'i bnn. Duellinging then ht» iti origin in « fe*rtf jbar-.t, «he fight of blood which had been difimerefledly fhed }.nporied m!ire Ki,' p ift)er and htt nothinging to do with genuinegenuinecouiage. couiagc The >" h:r behaH. ^The feverwhich immediately fei»«d The bty hf)rfe £,ufj,;(' -W(wa» gbt by. Jolly Roger, Atttij!, therefore, it no more ihe itra, ihtn the/>«r Eomenet, and hit confinement, gave full fcope to the out of a hay mare bought of Sir John RamfHcn, ba­ /'yfctfir ii the lave tf glory. ploomy imagination of Helena (he fancied him af- nner, late' lord Lontdtlt'i, (he w«t g t by Monkey, " Hot to you who have fo often felt the energetic Sifted with. . infinitely. . more pain than be ever exprri her dam by lord Lonfdalc'i black AraSian, her-gfand- ruf.ninj of R>ufleau, and been kindled into rapture encei. Sometimetr fhe would wholly defpair of hithi dim by, ,ord L.,nf(l.ie», bay Arabian, her f reat-granieOioni tothit (on-at Pig Point. method of fclvrt uixm mv of life. But Helena, whofe aQ'ecViont were more ma- The fubfcrlbcr's oBjeft for reqtJefling a meeting iij nor haveTtimt ture, tnd whofe attachment wit fublimed e*en beyond to afcertain the. amount of the'debit, and ottke fnme ' h.t wh« h.« the warmed friendfhip, would never fuffer the diC- prapofalt to ihe credit i)r but ai religion and politics ire fubjefta Into which he t. MURRAY, never meant to en(cr, begt Mentor will excufc in , t. SHAAFF* fUributing that «, and ;n any circumftancei, wouW eerttinly have fjpprcflion. *tn place. "Irh'Tftrt^nmines was firm and decided If" »' pflnciplei determined ^n hia coaiduft and had JUST f Vt}'t;I 8tt U, . fonnly afted from the implllfe of hl» own feeliagt, NctR, And to be fold ai tlic £rlnting-pffice> I the direction 6f hit own tetfon i nofhtdheyct Hu imparted in the (hips Montctuma tod Adrian.) Dollars, f»p«rj«nced the'embarratTment which necffliuUy arlfea from Lond< n, ~i the oppofmon Of a maii't own feniimenti, to the A gtneral tfforttnent of Goodt tiling opinion! of fociety. Secluded from iloipft Suited to the prefentaAd approtcMng feafon Amorlgi Thtf LAWS nterewrnr wltlxtrfe w"brld; he M formed hiovVlf them are a number of J 'He illuHriout mod,el» of former limes, In which the 6 » «rtitl hind of the hlllorian lias dr»wn a fri»n But, though that bOraclcdi Anoapolil, »4th Majr, Lands to 6f Rented i* Culpyer county Tn CHANCERY. April te, i 7Q7 Notice is hereby givenj RpERED, That on application of tny ~rfo« Virginia, Jor a term of fears. concerned, at any time alier the firft day of Oc. HAT the RfcAL ESTAtE of BOU (.' 4000. acres of excellent tarming land. t^bcrO next, the chancellor will'proceed to a dividend TURNER, la e of Charles c.ounty, uecs,aj»d, The tenements are to be taken eiihtrin the woods of the n.oncy arifing from the falca. of ihe real eftate of Tfituate', lying aod heing in Charles county cforeliid, orA on highly improved open lamjs, wiih comlortaWe THOMAS How RIDGATB, afe. Thole Unds art In the bighcft eftimltton for their claims, and cftablifhed them to thechsncell will be EXPOSED to PUBLIC SALE, on the fertility, and have been t'uhivated with fuccefs. f»ii»fa£Uon, provided a copy of this order be infci premifes, by the executrix, on the full day of June They are fixty from Alexandria, forty njiles from at lead once ia each of three fucceffive week) in next, purfu«nt to the wiil >! the deceafed. . f f ...thirty-two miles » fromr _»rv_ Frederickfburg __i__I_L rt-,.__. ^_ar.d J fjjty Gazette and in the Mainland Gazette, before vl« of Dumfries, and MARY TURNER, Executrix Faimauth $ in tbc vicinity of fix conlidcuble manu- cn{j oj M,y next. ZtfH. TuRNEa. fafluring mills. Meadow land, and wood, is conveP feft. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD ' May tc, 1797. ._ hiently attached to each tenement, and no tenement ______Reg. Cur. Can. '' will exceed two hundred acres. The c untry i» high - '——• Annc-Arundcl county, April 8, « To be SOLD, at, PUBLIC VENDUE, en Saturday aad healthy, and the lands eonfift of the very finett CASH, By virtue ol a deed of trull trora capt. !__ site igt'i inttip', at the DOCK, tor 1 iw ground:, and excellent re*d oak ar.d hickory \ high HE floop.HOPE» with all her titUe, apparel MAYhARD to us, will be SOLD, on the premtfu, groiind adjoining thtm. eighth day if June qext, iffy,' and lumiture, as fhe now liw; hrr frame is of wifh to become on Thufday the It vrill be expedient for thofe who day, on twelve months credit, Tmulberry, ' JOliN SANDS. the firft day of or the fir A fair tenants, to view the land* previous to be coatinued from day to day until a) An»-r"'i', May 1 6, 17.^7. <*»>' the proprietors will attend at file to July next, on which the. purchafcn to give bond, with the county aforefaid, to-meet and 0 fold, .., . the E kwood mills, in ftcurity, befire any thing will b« delivered,' To be grant leafci to all thofe who wifh to becorhe tenants. next, by virtoi Ot t writ ol f.,-ri facias to me di- ^HAT valuable pU-.ntion whticoh the fatd gs. f -he Genertl It ia expccled ihat fufficient evidences of retponfibillty ouch fo, that they refted by the ainounble will, in every cafe, accompany an i^i^l Mtyn*rd now lives, fitut'.ed u-u'ii'm t»* Cjurt of ihe VV (Urn Shore, 5>ta(e oi Marylat.il, and pood character, T much difficulty, an> application r'or io perf>n will be treated with who mile* ol Herring Bay, containing abcut a:o icrti, ^-^HREE hun red ind twenty-nine acres of land, wi;h fuoie improvemcivts th rcon. A'f'j a numoeruf thon, notwithftandi does not produce ihe Ume. de< J[ oiled BIUKHIAD'S PAHCSU* md BIKKHKAU'* ROBERT- BEV£RLEY, Junior. country bi tn negroes, cm fitting of men, wcoten, ^t ibeb armies have MIAPOWS', Iji^g if Anne- Atuudel cou.ity, iu»r CARIER BRVERLEYi and g:rls, (he i!«ck of h<*(cs, eitik, h .gi, and fftttp, Herring creek church, thepropcity oi Jotirti DtALI, WILLUM K.NO.X, planutijn utrnfils, hoofchold and kitchen furniture-. to lat'ufy debts due JOHN Rocxn, ano othcra. The T. KNOX. And, on 'I liux/d»y, the fiiteenih day ol jure, «il in THOMAS fi!e to commence, on tin preimks, at it o'clock, Ci«'p*per coumy, Apiil,z6. , Be f 4d, at Lovser-Mailbotough, a pare I oi Eur-peti the forenoon. x go->dj, one half of thr fthooucr Pncndfhip, with hn RICHARD HARWOOD, Sherif Company. t« k e and furniture, ai (he now lies in P.tuxem rlvtt. _of Aune-Arundel count j. George-town Bridge Fur.h r par'.ictilart wi;l be made known on May 17, 1797' Esetrafl of an sift pajjed by the legislature «f the ol ialc. tn th: ^<)th December, State tf Maryland^ io:m THOMAS. \. functl. - 1791, entitle^ An a£l ftr erefliitg a JOSEPH WiLK.NSON. J- .-. JAMES MACKUBIN " * bridge aver Patmumatk river. P. S. Al- |-.rf;t:j '"hi have, or formerly had, nt. '». ' Haih received, '• \ ND l:e it cnatled, that the fatd direcloit, or nexioni wiih c'^t. M*yii»rd it> tra-.Je, are rc^':elt/d ^/y ' any two of them, fhall and may tnju're tv ()rjJuce the ?v. >' <, «-r » Metn-ht tr< in (, id b>Jl», r~fey the laft arrivals from Europe, any fum or fums of money, in cqu*l pr^poiiion, with all bonds ar.d acc^un.t r:lati»e to fuch cnnctrn, ;"il VERY general aflbrtment o! feaknable GOODS, from each and every proprietir, as may Irom time on or heforr the day of I'alc, ar-d ail 'Ktlimj httinj among which are, fcios of different lengtht, " to time be neceflary tor carrying on the building claimi Sfa-rll the faid Samuel KJAVIV.;.-! itc l,«rrSy A «*«1 T«..4 rt« t/\ rr\ jl * f li^m L r^rtM. ft •nri'o'l si.4/t* .•_! » 4 and frintwire, all of which he will fell on the lowed «<" of the faid bridge, and, after giving three months called on to m*le them known, and'a;! terms f >r CASH, or at the ufual credit, to his punctual " public rtoiice, it (hall and may be lawful for the make payment to ihe uuli'.cs. J.T. cuiiomer.'. " directors to fue for and recover, in tbc name of the. J.W. Annapolis, May Ij, 1797. " company, fuch unpaid requifiiion, with all colls and " charges incidental thereto, and legal intcfcft thrrenn " from the time the fame fh'iu'd have been p»id i Bank of Baltimore. Notice. " and the negleft or refufal to p»y any fuch rcqui. |1 April, 1797. HE COMMISSIONER* of the Tt« for Prince:. " fition, after public notice flial! have been given «t HB PntsiD»XT and ^IRPCTODS of t'.e B.« George'* county will attend at Upper-Mavl- " lealt for three months in all the news paper* herein oi BMriUOkfc hxvti.g ttken into con fide m .t bT iroujjh, on Monday the c/.h d»y of June next, in " before enumerated, fhall have the effeft to f< neit the great advances like!) to aiife t" the Dank ft a order t'j make (uch alteration as have taken place in " til preceding payments made on the fhJre or (hires hs.wng the remaining cne h'vif ol. the capital pit); oi the property in thit c/junty fince their in n" fo neglecled or refuted to be paid, to the ufe and being au;h»rif«d by the chtrtct to raiflcr thii raj. June U'.t, and that they will continue until the 21 ft " benefit of the company." mcul at (uch time a.« they may app.iint, do thcre|n« Th« above extratt ia publifltkd for the information f >v« tttr c'»»!, arr :',.; d *>n f r >he tt«k. Aptil 17, 1797. the reqoifui.TTu heretofore made ; they arc a* toil-j' : holriert to pay the KsTtaininft '-nc hundnd and f IT I On the ift Nov. 179;, :o dolls, on the icthMa), dollars on each (hare, in gold or fii»er, at tbc btu] 'I 'HE panfh of WILLIAM ind MARY, in Charles 1796, 40 dolls. plo\in^a ovniOer of the Protclbht epiicbpal 1796, 60 dolls. Caution i* now giren, that after N. B. It is intended th«t :r-<- fiiH L«,f >-»arry di«i chuich, ar.d will receive appji;ationj until the firlt of the <-xpiraiion of the time limited for the continuance cWnd (hall be declared on the above-mentioned ;'.i| July r.ext. of this, advtrtifemenl (three months) the law will he day of June. By order, carried into rijtJ and complete effeft againft all the THOMAS HARRIS, Regifter. delinquents. Charles county, May 10, 1797. By Older «f the DieveWj, Patowmack Company Shares WALTER SMITH, Treafurer. George-town. M»y t. 1797. For S A L E, Ten Dollars Reward. On the third Monday in juue next, if /air, if not tin | AN away from tl.e (ub'eribcr. on Turfday tl\« Charles Paris, firft fair dav, will be SOLD by PUBLIC 4'.h day of Apr 1 litl, negro NAl'T, he is AUCTION, at the We of Mr. JOKM Rabout 3j ytan of age, 5 feet to inches high, very Chck and Watch-Maker, GADSBY, in Alexandria, black, (mall crocket legs, ai>d long feet, his upper AS received a U^fti afTortroent of G fore teeth broad, and fhews them when fpokcn to _ and Gilt warranted WA1 CUES, Gold. Gilt, f'J wanting; he had en a duk cloth jack:t, breechci other articles in his line. trca/urtr, the feveral balances due thereon. of the fame, with blue waiftbands; he may, how- He Itkewife carries on the Silvcrfinith's bunnefi, ia TOBIAS LEAR, Prcfidem, ever, have changed his-cloalhing. He will probably all its branches JOHN TEMPLEMAN, ") snake for Baltimore or Annapolis, or may be lurUng N. B. The higrvft price given for Old Silver. JAMES KEITH, ( about a Mr. Thomas Line's, near M'-'unt I'ltafant PHILIf R FENDALL, r wtierc he h«i a brother, a free nej-ro. Who* In CHANCERY, M*v 4, 1797. JOHN MASON, J ferry, bill is |o ever delivers fiiid fellow to me, near B'adenfburp; Leak VvumfoiJ ) "TpHE obje'ift of Ihe April 13, 1797. _! ffaalt l\av« the aixwe reward, with rcafonable expencen, vi (. Jl obtain a decree for the fa!e il commuted to g*ol, Xo that I get him again, tUe LiitletoH T«*vitft*J, f of the real eftate of JOSHUA or late of arVove reward. JAMES WARING. M^otbtri. JTowMSiND, deceafed. FOR SALE, "Prjnce-George's county, May 15, 1797. Worccfter county, for the pay o-.ent of hiijuQdrbtsj A1BOUT looo or 1100 acres of LAND, !'«* it dates that the faid LITTLITOM TOWHSIXO refidcs _ «n Aanc-Atuttucl county, on the foath ii-«* \ it is, on motion ol the oom- LL perfons indebted to the eflme of JOHN in the Hate of Delaware Mspothy river, adjoining the witter, and ab"Ut if late of St. Miry's coun- plainant, adjudged and ordered, that (he caufe a copy fe«en miles from Annapo'.U) the greater part 6f ii« ALLEN THOMAS, three weeks fuc- A to make immediate payment, of thi* order to be infertcd, at leatt faid land is well timbered, it will affjrd a gtut ) '»» ty, dcccafed, are defvred Gacette hefore the end of a:id (hofe having claims agamfl faid eflate are requrP.ed ceflivcl)', in the Maryland nty of wharf logs, fjmrs and yards, tie. timber irf to Mr. JOHN the prcfent n-^ith, to the intent that the defendant wood of any ki.-J may be conveyed either to Bi'u to bring them in, legally authenticated, to this Leonard town, or to the fubfcribcr, at aforcfaid may have notice of her application m^re or Anr«polia w.th very little trouble Any p'' WfciaH, a; of her bill, and may t in B4ltimnre.town, or may view the p«-| fiiould not pafras prayed. mtfes bv' applying to the fubkribtr, in Annsp^M OHN MUNROE, Tea. SAMUEL HARVEY HOWARD, If required immediate pofic&oo will be given, *"' ______Reg. Cur. Can.______'____ indifpuublc title. Boot apd Shoc-roaker, * ?. H. WATTS. AVING been fome ti.ne without Morocco Duvall & Rigby, March 4, 1 797. - leather, takes this metlvod to Inform his cnf- I EG leaue to inform the public, and their fnends, toincrs,H and the public in general, dial he has received that they have taken the hoafe lately occvpicd by HE parinerttisp of HN^Nt-Y ar.O GUYUj iiJm toiulon, per tht Monteiumt, a large and hand- WM. ALBX4»n|f» in CornhBl-ftreet, where is by mutual confent this d.y diffolved j all foinc aftortrncnt of prime Morocco leather, of various they have jull received! and offer for fate, « genteel TIons being indebted (a the faid firm arc requc(lfo«| colouri. fancy and plaint kid'ditto of different co­ aflbrtment ol GOODS, failed tb the prefent Feafon^i make payment, and thofe having claims to «W lour* i Morocco and kid fandal vamps, handfomely they have alfo an excellent effort men t, of GROCE­ them tor fettleroenr. . _ worked, boot legs, vampi, ind bend foles, and a RIES, which, they will f»U on th« moft reduced prices JONATHAN PINKNEY; parcel of .excellent feal (kins, fultabJe for ladies or forcafh. JQHN^ GUYER. gentlemen, afl which he -will msLe in a aeat and ^nnapolil, tgd March, '?97-_____ . fafhionable manner, or according to direction. He returns his fincere than lit to a generous public, For S A L Ej ANNAFQLIS: ml hiajrienda in particular, for pad f»«0un, >yF^BDKRlCKLWdSAM«l»| hope* to'merit a continuance of their patronage. A .'ApjU.ia, .1717.' ' W. GfiBBH. .