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CORY Crime Probers

■ V V ■■■ K •'vr,-'.: ' , ■■ , ■' iKourfri^ater Eo^nfatg If^rali) . t 6. I f f l Avtrage Dally Net Press Ran Chrda racairad from Mlao Baa- Tks W sn tN s • Mlaa m tn od E. Hobaon, a aaaior Fur « e WMk EMhig ffarimai at 0 . 0 , WlpQ MJ at LaaaU JA lor CoUaga la Auburn- tries Bindar, dlrsotor of nuraaa at Manager Waddell Reports Further Talks March M. IWl data, Maaa., and Mlaa June Site- Mancbaater Mamorlal Hoapltal, man, a freahnian at tha aanm ool- who la enjoying a aoutham vaca­ T bOw IMr. South laga, parUclpatad In tha Joint con­ tion, aUte that aha had to On Bonded Indebtedness On New School 10,158 Mr, wanMT thaa laak aIgMii ’ _ *• cert of the Orphean dub of Laaall through anow, lea and avan a bite- al Ow AeOt at ' nine and tha Bowdoin College Olaa club ard before striking warm waath. *t the taat Friday exening at Laaell. Miaa #r. The town-ovaned Water Depart--4 CUy of VlUago Charm le p^up Hobson la the daughter of Mrs. ment has outstanding bonded^ I Bowers and Verplanck achoola a for the Worshipful Master Albert' D. sum larger than enough to have tractor to Iron Out De­ Ethal V. hobaon of 212 Porter Indebtednaaa amoxintlng to a total i.w v o thtm Krauso has called a apeclal com­ carad for tha added coat of tha tUeeMSee Advertlalag m Faga 1$) street, and Miss SKaman. the tails of Construction VOL. LXX. NO. 149 MANCHESTER CONN.. TUESDAY. MARCH 27. 1961 (FOURTEEN PA(iE8) PRICE FIVE ay. Thoao daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William munication of Manchoater Lodg# $676,000 which la being amortlaad I Broad atreet acbool, but officiate !lM to tha No. 78, A. F. and A. M.. to bo held out of Income according to the could not find they had the elear J. Sltaman of 22J S t Jamea street General Manager George H. l i i f A . a •• * i lo iiova aoma* at the Masonic Temple this eve­ March 1 position of the town con­ right to expend this leftover money f " ning at 7:15. At 7:30 a Masonic Waddell, representativea of the ~^ara raqneated to tained In a report compiled by on any other project It may be Miss Suzanne Robb, daughter of limeral service will be held at applied toward making final pay­ Board of Education and o f the ^^X-Prad Bogera. School Building committee and the SaysN.E. Steel Mill Ilita]|f ffohanthal, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood J. Robb, Watkins Brothers Homs General Manager George H. Wad­ ments on the bond teauejfrom which of 08 Adelaide road, is home for agente qf the apparent loweat bid­ mJ)$afaafrow. for the late Francis A. Rolston, a dell. it remains. the Easter holiday from Gk>ucher past master of Manchester lodge. der for the proposed new Broad WHAT IS YOUR *MQ- l O t e r - ^ trapWe » « ------Of the Water Department debt, street elementary school met to­ Crime Probers Ask College, Baltimore, Md., where she 1500,000 te due In a lump lum. Thli * i a-* -i* Could Not Survive . sia hataraan Waldon'a htflt A. wUI is enrolled in the freshmsn class. Dllworth-Comell-Quey Post 102, day to negotiate further on the obligation was a aerlea of flret ^ 1-iOCH 1 t 'O I l l l l l C S ^MANCHESTER QUOTIENT in i TaloottaUla. Ratui gireninf at eight Ameriesn Legion, will meet at the structure. 4oa'a Dn*. pldaParrett will mortgage five per cent gold bonds ' General Manager Waddell said ^ — gglpUlan defenae Temple Chapter No. 53. Order American Ls-gion Home this eve­ Thiq te aaa af a prajeetod mriaa of tafermal ning at eight o'clock. Prior to the eaaumed by tbe town when the! A f I j i n m K i l m e ^ l * that the discussion te on the form qatzaea deolgned to glvo yon mote than a nod- lUi/ftaw hia film, of the Eastern Star, will hold a Water Department waa purchased ' I V I I l I l t y r of the contract which has not yet Outside Competition short business meeUng Wednes­ meeting the members of the exec- from Cheney Brother! in Septem­ dlag aoqtaalataaoe wttb yoar town. Its eharacter, , jJSMt the Atomic utix-e committee will hold a meet­ been completed, but he said it la day evening at eight o'clock in the ber, 1933. It has been Unpoaiible Its hteton and Ito problem. Knowtag Maaehoator \ ORIVINO TO flortda t Toi ' ing at sex-en o'clock. The families of Robert C. An­ expected to be in form for signa­ baiter wul glvo yon a better oaderatandlag of He Masonic Temple. Following the to pay off these bonds without also ture the next few days. New Haxrsn, March 27— — wmsan,. ha that taxpaysra acooBomodata ;i o. t«l_ £ ^ meeting a scml-puhllc installation derson, 55 Birch street; Norman problems and perhaps polat the aray for molding A Yals soonomtet reported today would put up moat of tho monoy Ra Tonight at 7:30 at'the Hartford paying the five per cent interest The A. E. Stephens Construction its future. Magara. liafaren" “ “ of the ofliterrs for 1951-1952 will in full to date of maturity due to Fendell, 519 Center street; Richard that “an Independent, Integrated for the mlU, boar moat o( the Salvation Army citadel, the first company of Springfield, the suc­ WrlU Bo* Q. Haru^ take place. After the reception of the conditions under which they A. Heady, 37 Perkins street: Wil­ Manchester Dsvstopmsnt Cotnmlasioa steel mlU, located anfvhere In risks and get none of tho profits, of a scries of montlily meetings In cessful bidder, has asked $887,000 the new officers refreshments will xvere floated. The general man­ New England, cannot ’ now sur- if any. ! Demand U. S. Treasmy llaOP! —Doad chjBLPWC.S be served In the banquet hall un­ this district will take place, with liam F. Legault, 615 Hilliard street, for the building itself, to which xrivs" against competition from Unfair Oempetittoa Tniman Wears Head net at Conference Scatty In aoma of hl^ ager proposed to refinance this and Kenneth M. Lappen, 44 Cone cost is added $20,400 for grading > Tell How Racketeers der the chairmanship of retiring special hand snd choir music. Issue, "possibly by one-half In other steel producing areaa. Tlta UBS of governmental funds lecta. Teather wlUl' Worthy Matron Mrs. Mary C. Members of the local corps are the ten acre school site and addi­ That, said Professor O. Glenn or credit "for unfair competition cash and then Issue bonds for street, were Invited to spend the tions for furnishing and finishing “Get Away With Mu1^ at boma. Call 3*V752 Dlttmeyer and her committee of urged to attend. week end at Camp Kilmer, New Saxon, wraa the only conclusion i with private tax-paying and risk yearly payments with taat payment which brings the present total Stores new members of the year. in 1973." Brunswick. N. J., visiting their "any realistic economic or mar taking enterprises opens the door der” In listing $100«* XH* PROSH>Cv?l sons. Broad street acbool budget to $1,- ket analyst" could reach. to socialization of the industry so 1^ young chlldran. Miss Kiimcc Field of Norfolk, The Water Department has an­ 065,400. Of thla sum, $165,400 is The executive board of the t’onn., spent the week-end in to\XTi. Army policy prevents new’ '17)6 New England Council, a re­ invaded," said the Yale economist, 000 as Miscellaneous bj/r^Uidargartan, flfin Ra-fcaK other $378,000 outstanding on an being drawn from the town's re- gional promotional organization, adding: K through Friday. Tlb« ^tia Chaminade club will meet tomor­ She attended the sessions of tlie original issue of 8650,000 contract­ soldiers who are taking basic train­ serx’e fund. The original cost, esti­ Income While Ordin­ ing from going off the military has for months been attempting "If one industry-can be social­ ** fomlahad. Mre. Oala — row evening at eight o'clock at 34th annual Bible Conference at ed in 1933 on which $17,000 is mated at $900,000, waa voted for the home of Mrs.'Grace Ca.se, 18 reservation, so the commanding to interest established steel com­ ized by such a process, to can tor. Phona 4S67. the Masonic Temple, and called on being paid off annually and will raising by bond issue. The subse­ every other industry.” ary Citizen Is Pulled in Lilac street. relatives and frictids. officer of the 307th Replacement panies or a big user of steel In be completed in 1973. quent bid made It appear this the Idea of building and operat­ Saxon, former State Finance For Small Infractions WANTED—Rl : • ALL FIRST QUALITY, manufacture? 8 . sports opportunltiea boomed. Similar words were prevl- great grandmother is Mrs. Hannah 285.81 which will be depleted thla Chinese Rear - Guard ouBly u«ed In a Senate Crime com­ YOU W ^IT Johnson of 50 Clinton street. year by a large allotment of $165.- are available In Man­ How many servloo chester In addition to Into Trap Near 38; Prealdent Tramaa and Secretary o? State Dean Aclieaon wear headsets aa they listen to an Engllah mittee report complaining that 400 to meet the Increased cost Hurry, hurry, coffee lovers, an Study Peace federal tax authoriUea accepted boater and lO^urdmumfds a Doors SA M Y U tY ES needs of the new Broad street d u b . are there ha the Schools’ pro­ ttaaslation of a speech b.v Brazilian Foreign Minister Joao Neves da Fontoura at opening session of IMS STUDEBAMER OR'^Patnts offer like this just can’t last. Manchester? grams? Enemy Pulls to Rear | the conference of American foreign ministers In Washington. Left to right—Bolivian Foreign Min­ generallaed atatementa from un­ 7«l MAIN STREET elementary school. For this school derworld figures that they would 5- PASS. S T A k M m Cabinets also, additional bonds of $900,000 But for a limited time we’ll give Reg. $1.19— 22 X 44 Bath S iz e ...... Say U. N. Nations With ister Pedro Zlh-eU Aroe, Aoheson, Tniman and Argentine Porqign Minister HIpollto Pns. (AP Wli«- COUPE—Radio a I Do yon know where Tokyo, March 27—(AP)— Ameri­ photo). " ■ i not accept for .ordinary ciUzena. will be sold. The town has left What te the of . "I don't believe they have been IMl nTTDEBAKER ~ BANTLY a full fresh pound of Hale’s cof­ - to And the remains can troops fought through a Chi­ Troops, in Korea May Manchester? nese regiment today on the west­ getting away with murder,” re­ DAN. “ *-* fee with every Cory coffee brew­ of Manchester’s early glass factory? ern front in a stow advance to­ Make Offer to Reds plied Edward Foley, under-oacre- IMS 01J3SMOBILE Auto Drivem Warned tary of the Treasury. er purchased. Think of it! A W hat'db"Ois assets ward the Red Korean border. They 8S. Radio and OIL CO. killed 850 Communists. On April 30 Deadline Party Caucuses Weigh He said the department’s Inter­ matic beautiful new Cory brewer to of Manchester’s four Name two Manches­ London, March 37—(JF)—Diplo­ Reg. 69c.— 16 X 28 Hand S iz e ...... 1 0 ter gox’eming bodies Nearby another U. 8. unit bat­ nal Revenue bureau has been eon- SERVICES financial histttutloaa tled three battalions of rear-guard matic officiate here reported today Bcientlously trying to force "fuU 1N5 DAN-MOLDBMOE^, od^«.^— >LEVISI0N TEL. 6293 give you fresh fragrance in your total? which provide for Hitetfdrd, March 27.—(ff>— REPAIRS-- Minority representa­ Chinese. By late Tuesday after­ that United Nations governments disclosure” o f Income and ex- ar, hydramaUa.___HAVING TV TROUBLE coffee cup, day after day and It's time to start thinking That hiterpret tha wfshga tion? noon the Americans had squeezed witb forces in Korea are consider­ about your 1951 driver’s li­ Dual Jobs Bill Moves penaea on such returns. But be PONTIAC 5 CUCE AND REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TV Range and Fuel a whole pound of Hale’s coffee What was the wage the Reds into a trap. U niM Na­ ing a new offer to Red to said he thought the committee It- of tha family. tions warplanes dropped surrender cense, says the State Motor allowed for each man Vehicles department. It Issued ■elf had found that In tha criminal — . ~ ~ * ^ jy ^*r^'Rngl7.F.n,?*SEniqiim:D cjCAPF.HART DEALER with every purchase. See that * Question No. 8 was submit­ leaflets. negotiate a settlement. element the bureau did net have IMt COTVROiaX 4 -^ d^VICE — REASONABLE PRICES! Oil Distributors Reg. 29c— Face C lo th s...... each Working on the roads a reminder to Connecticut’s Democrtilic Senate Set you get yours while this offer by Miss Gertrude B. An American division staff offi­ The Informants said that once "willing, responding Uxpayera.” of Manchester In Rockwell, SI 6 Center St., cer said he did not believe the the U. N. forces set up a line they 850,000 licensed drivers that To Act on Measure 333 MAIN ST. the deadline for mailing appli­ News Tidbits Earlier, Secretary of the Treai- John B. Burke lasts. 1828? Manchester, Conn. Chinese would put up another ma­ can bold—for instance, across tha ury Snyder, In a statement read jor stand south of Parallel 38. But Korean- watet->-thsy could stop cations for renewals is April Approved by Republi* aaeawANTTaa-§22?^*^ auto store ^ niNBRAL BOMB 10. Present licenses expire CuU«d From (ff) WlrM JMBPONTXAO 4-SftlO M FIRESTONE DEALER he added; thsln^iurBult. 64 ihs. Chinese sad (OaaObuM m nuM » ■ ) ' Beatear and AnsTren On Page 2 April 80. ean*Dominated House t e l e p h o n t : 7om 87 East Omtar 81 T el 6869 You will want lots of these beautiful quality Cannon *1 think U we them above Korean Oommtmists, possibjy 2M8 CHEVROUBT brsaking fighting contact aa tha Canada and U. 8., In exobanga Ambelaaee Servtaa Turkish Towels at these loxv prices. Real heavy weight (Goatineed on Page Nine) Chinese themselvea have donS Bulletin! of notes, agree on Joint planning CHOBCHES Ml MATTRESSES V more than once during the Korean for civil defense "ae If no b or^ r P M t g-M«3 80 CS(. war. state Ckpitol, Hartford, Three Probers It is better to have a good that will give years of service. 6 beautiful colors: Fla­ TOUR SCORE Denies Link March 27 — Drmocrata existed".. Federal judge in Vene The officiate concede such a dis­ zuela returns Indictments against ItW FORD tudor. Vary rebuilt mattress than a Tea sotTsst answers Toa are a Manchester aoenaed Republicans of Insin­ aaadttloii throughout Chatterbox RMtourant mingo, Maize, green, aqua, grey and petal pink. booster. Hoop Scandal engagement would not succeed if cerity and hypocrisy on the 38 persons In Nov. 13 assasslna Get Threats only $1,495. A cheap nexv one. We re­ tbe Communists wera determined As Atom Spy dual job iMue today aa the tion of acting President Carlos D M E FOR S f i n i H ^ CORY Nine correct answaca You’ve won yvor “ M.” to go on fightings and if they took Delgado Chalbaud.. Major Gen­ Douglas M oion, 998 make and sterilize all types For A Delicious Meal Democratic-controlled Senate Eight correct answers—A eonple of tongh ones, Probe Widens of mattresses. or Cocktail— Try Hie advantage of the U. N. pause by opened debate on a measure eral Lewis .B. Henkey will be In Tobey, Kefauver, Hunt ixh? counterattacking. to bar membeni of the legisla­ Hartford Friday to visit acting IM l WILLTB 4-door CHATTERBOX First Seven e o m e t answers No old timer, yon. If this procedure were adopted, Mrs. Rosenberg Blasts ture from holding other paid Selective Service Director Her­ Green Stamps Given WithtCash Sales Reveal Menacing Let­ aaUcBt oondltlon. Jones Furniture and S it Blala St. TeL 2-8002 Six estteei answers Yon’vs Iota of company. New Group of Players the countries involved would in­ Brother’s Claim She state Jobs. bert J. Hennessy and Governor CLEANING struct their forces to stop fighting Lodge. .City-wide aearcih is on in ters and Phone Gilb 1941 CHEVROLET Floor Covering Leas than six eorrect answers—Try next qniz, On This Year’s Team at positions which could be held Mrs. M. Goss Will Domenstroto yen Bwy do better. Sent Data to Russia State Capitol. Hartford, March Bridgeport for two .teen-age boys good, radio, heater. 36 Oak St. TeL 2-1041 just north of the 38th Parallel. 27—(>P) — Senate Democrats and who fled scene of wrecked stolen Washington, March 27—(ff>— 19M diavrolet tudor, gc J All This Wook In Tho Housoworos Deportment Callei] in for Quiz The lull then could be used, the , March 27—(>P)—Mrs. Republicans were called into party auto at 3 a. m. following high Three members ot tb# Sonata aaw ahodu.' Douglaa officials reason, to negotiste a caucuses today to. discuss last speech chase and crash In which teats. xW WATCiy New York, March 27.—UPy—K Ethel Rosenberg challenged today Crime Investigating committea _y COM formal truce which would set the minute strategy on the contro­ two policemen received minor in­ ris’iK new group of basketball players stage for an overall discussion of her* brother’s testimony that she versial dual job holding'Issue. juries. disclosed today they havej«celvad ■PBCIAL! 1 THE FINEST on this season's college teams the Far Etest problem. was a member of a Soviet spy ring Ready for action in the Demo­ Communist China's plan to send threats against their lives. were called in for questioning to­ Senator Tobey (R „ N. H.) told a Red China has demanded that cratic-controlled Senate was a bill 17-man mission to Investigate TWO DATS ONLT-i NOTICE iwJWIUUeoM day in the stUl-spreading probe of that sent atom secrets to Russia. reporter he bad received "threo such talks, with the Peiping gov­ differing in some mRjpr respects “persecution’’ of Chinese in Ma­ 1941 CHEVROLET 2-X r e p a ik IN hAAMCHRSTBII CCM If game-fixing. The ^-year-old housewife is a laya Is being protested atrongly different threats—two by letter U. S. Mobilization Peak ernment participsting, be held. co-defeillmnt in federal court with 1941 FORD SEDA THE OFFICE OF Aides at the district attorney's (Contlnned on Page Ten) by 203 associatiiins of overseas and one by telephone.” Written Ouarani office said the players had not pre­ A British foreign office spokes­ her husband, Julius, 34, an elec- Chlqese In . .Lieut, Gen i“ l thought them sorloua enough DR. J. A. SEGAL USED CARS viously figured In the inquiry. man refused to comment officially trioal engineer, and radar expert Menton S. Eddy, commander of to have them looked into,” Tobey COLE MOTORS Neai;, Wilson Claims It was reported they were being on the reported plan. He told a Morton Sobell, 33, on a charge of U. 8. Seventh Army, says Amer­ added. 4164 Bring your watch In for CHEVROLET eonmiring to commit espionage WILL BE CLOSED quizzed In connection with the ac­ news conferance that Britain and Arrest Nine ican troops in Germany “ will be Chairman Kefauver (D., Tenn.) a Spring check-up. A minor 1947 Chsvrolst Sporfs- "SINCE 1907 BY REID tivities of a gambler not previous­ other UJf. countnes are consider- for Russia In wartime. said he, too; ha4 tetelved a num­ repair and cleaning now, In training day and night for next ber of threats "in crackpot lat- 1 9 « AUSTIN 4-door, ONE WEEK iiMNi Sodon. Radio and r r s BEEN OF coensE’* 1950 SPORT COUPE ly Investigated in tha scandal. ing terms of some new public She denied the story of her six months to attain maximum may save yon the price of a AUCTION So far, 14 preaant or former declaration ol alms In Korea, pro­ brother, former Army Sgt. David tera.” ^ ar. New Urea. Car like More in Iran coDifiat effectiveness'.” new xnitch fax the future, All Hootor. players from four Ibcal colleges bably to reaasurs Red China that Greenglass, that ahe had type­ 'T ve not token any ' of them Sell. Chn 7244*. work la guaranteed. MARCH 26 Real Estate Sold Hence This Sale, For Moderated, Reports *He | YugoslavlB chargea that at and five fixers, who allegedy the U.N. has no Intention of at­ written atomic secrets hie sent from aerlously,” he added. 1949 Ford " 8 " Cutfom. MRS. VICTOR HEDEEN, 3 JENCKS ST., This 4 passenger coupe has heater, defrosters, radio, Will Seek Power to bribed players to Juggle game least .six Soviet-Greeted spy Senator Hunt (D., Wyo.) said TO APRIL i "" Falls in Sea tempting to reunite North and the Los Alamos, N. M., atom bomb Police Say Terrorist aeJioola are being operated in 1986 PLYMOUTH. Good Ovsrdrivs, Radio and EAST HARTFORD, CONN. scores, have been arrested. South Korea by force. he received a letter warning him Curb Price Ceilings project for transmission to Russia. neighboring Russian salslllte ChU 7940. Hootor. (Juit Off Village Sk, Which Runs North From Conn, Boulevard seat covers and white wall tires. A loxx* mileage car that Officiate would not divulge the She said she did not even know Plot to Kill Tehran againat "sticking my nose Into A t First Traffic Light East of the Hertford Bridge) identity of the new players under Greenglass was employed on the countries to train agents'for es­ other people’s business” during Treasury Balance pionage against Marshal Tito’s WE HAVE A GOOD » is fully guaranteed. Washington, March 27—(/F)— Four Men Still Miss­ questioning, or the number In­ Los Alamos project until after he Governor Is Foiled '47 Nath "500" 4-Deor. Wed.. March 28. 1951. A t 11 A. M.. .Rain er Shine Mobilization Director Charles E. volved. regime (Continued on Page Ten) OF GUARANTEED Ul lERS—EST,-RICHMAN 1906 ing; Submarines and Washington, March 27 — OP) — was discharged from the Army in Radio and Hootor. Wilson said today the country baa Meanwhile, four men charged The position of the Treasury 1946. Greenglass has pleaded Tehran, Irap, March 27.—Wb- 1949 PLYMOUTH CL ANTIQUES — MODERN FURNITURE “In sight” the military power to with bribery and conspiracy In an Special deluxe. Ra<. MAIN STREET CARTER CHEVRO LET CO.,•r Inc. Ships Join in Hunt March 23: Net budget receipts, guilty to the spying'Charge and is Nlne more m dh^ra o f aTanatlcal *37 Pentioc 4-Doer. Ra­ Mahogany Swell Front Chest of Drawers with Inlay, Cherry deter any aggressor. alleged fix attempt of the Jan. 16 $537,275,653.02; budget expendi­ awaiting sentence. Dark green. - .Drop I/Paf Table, Sheraton Style Mahogany Sofa, Comer Cup­ 311 MAIN STREET PHONE 6874 Wilson also told a newa confer­ game between Manhattan college Moslem sect were under arrest to­ 1949 FORD CLUB C O U ^ dio and Hootor. Norfolk, 'Va., March 27.—(/P)— A tures, $108,004,735,08; cash bal­ Point by point, Mrs. Rosenberg day as police claimed to have foil­ board (4*. 8” tall). Carved Claw Foot Mahogany Sofa, Victorian ence the Inflationary spiral has and De Paul university pleaded ance, $7,748,445,291.67. denied all his accusations. er. A good car at Marble Top Table. Several Night Stands, ^nnister Back Chair, been "moderated.” But he said Navy torpedo bomber with four Innocent today in Bronx county ed a plot to assassinate the mili­ 1947 Piymeuth 2-Deer. tary governor of this uneasy Mid­ News Flashies 1949 CHEV. CLUB ' Lincoln Rocker. Pair Curly Maple Chairs, Shelf Clock (8. C. the government may have to "put men aboard crashed in the Atlan­ court. equipped. Jet bl dle East eapitsl. Hootor. Spring A Co., Bristol, Conn.), Some China and Glass, Etc. the brakes a little harder.” tic ocean 100 mites east of Cape Trial was set for April 9. Hull«>.iSk ot the JPt Wire) clean. Violin, Italian Accordion. Henry last night, Atlantic Fleet The men, who Were continued The arrests were announced last 1950 BinCK SPECIA T "We still have the Internal en­ Acheson Bids West Sphere night a few hours after martial 1948 Moreilry Cenvorti- Servel Gaa Refrigerator, 6 ft., 8 mos. old. Magic Chef Oaa emy o f Inflation that we must' lick headquarters reported today. and dynaflow Range with Heater. Easy Electric Washer. Mahogany tiPostcr MEANS FINE law was clamped on sections of blo. Rodie and Hoot­ EXPERIINCE If we are to win the whole fight.” The four men were still missing (Poatinned oa Page Nine) Low mileage. Bed, Maple Bed. Rugs. S-Pr. Carved Mahogany Living Room today after ' a night-long search. the British-operated oil fields of Disputes Ruling On Steel Mill Survey Funds 1947 CHRYSLER or. Wilson indicated bis Office of Nations Meet Red Threat southern Iran in the face of Set. Mirrors, Stands, Other Utility Flirnlshlngs. Laxvnmower. * C A R E Defense Mobilization will seek Their names were withheld tem­ Hartford, March 27— (/P)— Atty. Gen. Gefirge C. Conway’s DR.—Extra nice] Auctioneers’ Notice - - The late Mr. Hedeen was for years a porarily. mounting strikes by oil workers. er. Good conditi 1937 Ford Sodon. Radio 4 - S E R V I C E DRY CUEAhlNG further power to curb pricaa, in­ Arrested were nine members of ruling that the state has no right to use funds of the Steam­ POINT xvMl known Manchester antique desder. Inspection—-Sale Day cluding rexdslon. of the Defense S ear^ for the men continued Asks Strike Washington, March 27.—VF)— ^ To do this, he said, each nation 1947 CHEV. SEDAN « id Hoertor. poly. Lunch Served. today. the strongly Nationalist Fedayan ship Terminal Commission for the steel mill survey was —Extra clean, aa 'a Bj production act’s ^ restriettona on Secretary of State Acheaon urged must contribute Its full share In price ceilings for farm products. The submarine Razorback, Islam, tee terrorist 8Toup teat disputed today. Philip H. Coombs, former economic advisor mileage. B m I the American Republics today to tee spirit of cooperation charac­ 1942 Ford " 5 " Tudor. ROBERT M. REID & SON. AUCTIONEERS WORK! But ha said that precisely now which waa operating In the area, claimed responsibility for tec 1M2 DODGE DEL. . Nami And Make In Arbitration take Immediate aiction to meet a teristic of the inter-American tra­ slaying of Premier All Razmara to Gov. Bowles, said that before making the transfer, Bowles 201 Main Street — Phone 8198 this should be changed has not spotted one man in the ocean dition. SEDAN—E a r L ______Hootor. Raymond B. Reid Rhone 7486 Manchester, Conn. menace posed by International March 7. cleared the procedure with the then Atty. Gen. William L. er and seat e r fP ■ T i l P O That’s why so many people send ns been decided. shortly after the crash. The sub- Cbmmunlsm. Acheson suggested teat the The mobilization chief express- nigrine put one of her crew over- Police said they plotted tee Hadden. 1946 PONTIAC FREEZERS 1941 Ffymeoth Convortl- RoiJiville Mayor Calls He said no free nation any­ American Repiiblics might QObpare death of Gen. Abdul Hosseln He- a * « Radio and their work. Have yon tried our where In the world la secure a coordinated defense i^an for the Mo. Radio and HooN _____ N - - . (OsatlBMd M Page Sevea) (OoBttnned oa Paga Berca) For End of Walkont at jazl, appointed military governor Blasts Withholding Of Vital Military DaU To Semite clean. Redu against the menace, and called for hemisphere as soon as possible, tn and police chief of. Tehran when DISHWASHERS or. fun economic and military cooper­ considering military strength, I#; Washington, March 27— (^P)— Senator Watkins (R., Utah)t Many d| Hockanum Mills r.iartial law was proclaimed In tee ation with the United States. said, any dlsturbancea to the capital last week. told the Senate today that if some of its members can’t hs IRONERS AND 1948 Chovrolot Station Hrvr You Water la Yoar Cellar Acheson delivered the keynote peaceful relations of tee republics BROWN-BEAl Fear Murdered Man^s Wife Rockville, Conn., March 27—(JF) would be detrimental and hence all A high official said the plot waa trusted with military secrets "they ought to be expelled.’* 80 Bteaell p t r ^ Wogon. RcMio and speech ot the* first regular sea- uncovered last Thursday night WATER HEATERS Or A Siwace Disposal Problefli? SAME DAY S ^ y l ^ —The State Board of Arbitration non o f the Inter-American Oon- should “make fullest um o t avalt- Attacking pending troops-to-Europe resolutions as worthless, Hooter. and Mediation, acting on a plaa 'able machinery for the peaceful when Hejazl's adjutant nabbed terence o f Foreign Mlniatera. two men armed with revolvers Watkins shouted that tbe Truman administration has tried Was Kidnaped by Slayer from this town’s mayor, has in­ settlement of disputes.’’ This Sorvieo DoHy Except Saturday. The Instruments of Sovlat Rus- loitering at tee military ' gover­ to set up an "elite group in the Senate that can get infonss- '47 OMs 5 Hydromotie vited representatlvas o f union and He also urged an examination of Consult A Specialist! aia’a "new Imperialism,’’ he aald. nor's home. Hejazl was not at tion when the rest of us can’t.’’ I ThMi A t 4-Doer Sedan. Radio management to meet again in an are "a formidable machine of war internal security measures be­ GaimenU bronght to oar plant before 10 A.' M[. may Riverside, Calif., March 27—(P)^a stolen .45 caliber pistol, police cause such a course, he said, la re­ home at the time. * * • McK i n n e y BROS, s e w a g e d i s p o s a l c o m p a n y attempt to find a solution to tbe and tbe international Communist The official said the two con­ dpd H ootor. — Search was Intenaifisd today for aald. seven-week-old strike h en In the quired by the Communists’ use of Says Livestock Ceilings Needed For Meat Price Curbs 130-132 Pcsrl Street, Manchester. Connecticut bs enlied for at 6 P. M. Slight additional ;eharge for movement.” fessed tee plot and led authorities a pretty young mother because of Tha Air Force sergeant waa Hockanum Milla. "Naver before have we faced a subversion and other forma o f In­ Washington, March 27— (A>-Price Director V . '47 C hovrolot Ffootiuos- questioned for three houre last direct aggreegloit. Strengthening to the group’s hideout, wberd sev­ fears that ahe may have been kid­ Eugene V. Dick, prealdent eC mepace of thla magnitude,” he en others were arrest^ APPLIANCE • WATERPROOFING OF CELLARS this service. naped hy hqr husband’s slayer. nigltt and SherlfTa Officer W. w l of basic d«iRocratle institutions U DiSalle told livestock men today, that price ceiKsgs on Uve^^ I tor 4-Deor Sedan. Ro- striking Local 58, said this morning continued. "N ever before haa A lift of 40 Iranlana, Includlni • SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED AND CLEANED Mrs. Doris Trask Cook, 18. hsa Walrath, chief criminal deputy, that he would accept the invita­ there been ao great a chaUenge to equally important, he added, be­ stock are necessary to control m tsA prices. O th e rw ise ,' dio and Hootor. cause “they are the heart of what ministers in Razmara’s cahtne' not been sc4n since the body of said he Insisted he knew nothing tion to appear in Hartford at tbe our determination to preserve our and high officials, was found in contended, meat packers whose prices are sow frosen wIB^ s SEWER LINES INSTALLED AND PLUGGED her 18-year-old husband, Richard of the case. After the queetioning Labor Department building Ttaun- wa are seeking to defend." COMPANY Independence as nations.” Acheson keynoted a session at tbs hideout, this source said. caught in a squeeze. J o e r a r e n h SEWERS ELECTRICALLY CLEANED Cook, waa found on a lonely road a Bheriffa posae left at midnight day at 10:30 a.m. The freedom o f the individual Guards were placed at tbs homes * * • NtRTFORD ROAD yesterday. Their eight-month-old to search' the area where the eSr which the foreign mlniatera of 21 George Coleman, buslnesa man­ man as well as the independenoe American repubUcs slm to work of those on tbe list. O’Dwyer Returns To Grand Jury Quiz Noma «Md Plaea For D A IR Y ^ FARMS • DRAINAGE OITCRES AND PRY WELtS IN­ baby was playing happily on a was found, 10 miles aoiith o^ here. ager of the mills, said his company of governments la threatened, he out. mutual defense measures. Fedaysn Islam has been clam­ New York. March 27 — (/P) — former Mayor USED CARS STALLED blanket near the.b^y of the father, Sheriffs Captain Don Schrader would probably accept the Invita­ aqld, and the threat demanda "ac­ oring for natloMli$atlon of Iran’s blOLY SERVICE 279 HARTFORD ROAD In a welcoming; address before • SEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOI^ CLEANED PRY who had been ahot to death, when said bumper bolts found at the tion. He said it is being conaldei^ tion now." a preliminary meeting yesterday, oil Industry, Including the hold­ O’Dwyer made a return appearapee tmlsy before the i t e l e p h o n e S-4198 the tragedy was discovered. scene of the tragedy matched those this mornlqg. Only Bend to Penoe President Tnitnnn asked that the ings of tbs Britlsh-«ontrdlled An- probing grand Jury quizzing him on linlm Tdophono 2-1575 FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL MANCHESTER 6308 Police continued to 'lueatlon 8g t on Walker’a car. Cook’s quto, 93 WELLS st r e e t 7t 64 Dick will probably maks a new OiUy 'by buUqing up their Latin republics o f America join in gid-lranian Oil company. and political leaden. O’Dwyer, now Ambo8ss4$F t* Lawrence J. Walker, 20, a Ntgrp parked near his body, had a dented offer to M. T, Stevens and Soda strength can the free nations pro­ ill the effort to throw up dmnsea Nationalisation has bean voted entered the Brooklyn Jury room today for uuiQiit of March Air Foroa Bs h Hera who and tom fender, as though another mill owners, at Thursday’s msetlng. vide a deterrent force uMeh "is •gginst the "aggressive eaepahiidri by the Iranian parliament but has was^oeked on aucpicion of carry­ machine had sidewlped it and tee only real ri>ad to pease,” the of Soviet power” ^e said threat­ not yet gone Into Raa* interrogation. He spent 4 Vi lieurs before the psm ing a concealed weapon, He carried forcad it off the road. (Pontiaasd oa Bags Sovaa) Veretarjetaiy said. ens tbs whole world. mars had opposed jke move. There was no official commqpt on Mo tostimmuri \ ’ ■ i»\ * ' ' • 1' • - 1 ^ .) ', 'W:. ■■ - ' ' i-i; t-'' MANCHESTOR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CUNN„ TUtaUAI, MARCH 27,1961 MAf^CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY. MAHCll 27. 1951 rA f Sit- and haadgoartara battery at New Emergency Doctors — Havan and tha Mind AAA group Police (Jan Here Equipped Retain Bonds Permi^ Asked ^ Mira Mary Morlarty, Mrs. Harold ^nn. G uard and haadquartara battery with that I would d6 anythiag I could to tery. Tha funtral horn# will bs appsarad In this sra. Later thty boma atatloa at Bridgeport. Dr. A. E. Dlakan, tel. 3—1581 be of assiatance. Pwish to raiterate open from 4 to 10 p. m. un Tues­ Puppet Show wers ustd U rsllgtoua Instruotion. Lehmus, Mrs. Wallaca M. Oruba, and Dr. J. C. Bkiry, 2—1178, ForB^uldi..* RockviUe that position and offer any assist­ day. The Piwch and Judy showa In can- Mrs. Carl Rohrbacle>. Mrs. Charles The alert order doaa not effect With Collapsible Stretcher At Maturity tral Europe Increaaad their popu­ r. Mitchell Mrs. Wesley Miles. ArTENTION GIRU Unite Called tha lOlrd AAA brigade or the art the physlciana of the Man- ance that might be considered help­ FeUowahlp Suftper lllth and 183rd AAA automatic cheater Medical Association ful In resolving these differences. The Vernon Methodist Youth Delights Club larity. Tony Barg brought them to Mra. John J. O'Connor and Mrs. Don't let stiff, unwanted hairs smbarrRah yot. waapona battalion. w'ho will respond to emergency Makes E ffort If our official position and wealth Fellowship will serve a spaghetti a larger audience and now tele­ Robert Blake. may now be removed safely and pcrmanantly rtrb Manchester’a Police department >>might prove harmful to the In- Presidential Order Al* calla tomorrow afternoon. Wetstone Tobacco 0>. of experience make you particular­ vision haa extended the appeal of And • Aircraft Groups Tha lOSth group which la under I jured. , ' supper on Wednesday, March 28 electrolyaia. Free consultation— All work dona by la the flrat In , the country to be If there are several Injured and lows Holding Series E To Build on West Side ly qualified to bring this unfor­ from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. the small actors to an unlimited From Bridgeport, New tha command of Col. Howard B. tunate incident to a conqiuslon that Mrs. Dorothy Rankin group. poiniment. >■ Ivaa of llyatlc will report for duty equipped with a new, collapalble tha ambulance cannot take them Securities Longer Of Broad Street To End Strike Banquet Tonight Haven Are Alerted at Fort miaa, Texaa. the anti-air­ atretcher that la expected to be all In one trip, a pick-up or truck w'ill be satisfactory to both labor Tlie RockviUe City Bowling Entertains Group at How She Reoame Intereated RgcotiI Itolitf craft and guided mlsallea training I Cjsn be used to transport the vlc- and management. League will hold its banquet this The interest Mrs. Rankin has of great value In providing prompt New commercial construction Hollister School ELECTROLYSIS SALON center of the Army. and proper care for Injured per- I nms to the hospital. Russell B. Hathaway, President | Answers to Mayor of Rockville Re­ "As Mayor of the C5ty of Rock­ evening at" 6:30 o'clock at the in puppets began when she was for SOUR STOMACH Hartford, March 17— —Two of the Manchester Trust Company, with a total permit v’alue of 888,- ville, I urgently request that you Itallan-American Friendship club. trying to discover some means of M. CROSSON, R.N. AnU-AlrcraU ArUllenr group Recently, tha 20«th took over aoiia, etpcclally autdmoblle accl* 540 Is provided In applications for for httnlwro. oMi Add 370 Main St.. Cor. Ruaadll—Phone Office 2-26«7 control of the lU th BatUllon. dent victima. this morning called tha attention quests State Officials to again intervene in this dispute and The toastmaster will be Ralph A “galaxy of atara" from her ii.sing her 'alents to advantage IfMlIttMioa. ^ hesdouartars of the Ooonacticut “ What is Your MQ?” building permits now being re­ make all possible effort to bring H. Gibson, and the guest speaker puppet thowa surrounded Mrs, . SUll Mill oaty lOc. jifutloBal Quard ware alartad to* Formariy It had under Ite com­ 'Chief of Police Herman O. To (iive Concert of owners of Series ”E”, U. 8. viewed by the office of the build­ Resume Parleys even when busy with housework All Work By Appointment day for activatiofi Into tha faderai mand tha 74»th and 238th AAA Schendel aald thia morning that this matter to a speedy and equi­ win be Charles Blossfleld, general Dorothy Rankin as she took mem­ and aniall children. The hobby of GM battalion. Theee unite were all live police crulaera are now Savings bonds to tha fact that the ing inspector. The larger of two table conclusion. I have every con­ manager of the Hartford Chiefs. puppetry became moi-e time con Mrviea, according to •" activated laat September and are President haa signed the recent 1— Answer to picture—Municipalpermits would give the right to Rockville, March 27—(Special) ’ Guests will include Mayor Fred­ bers of the Women’s Club of Man­ ment by Oov. lodge, made throu^ equipped with the apparatua. The At Bowers School fidence In your ability to do so. and chester on "Adventures With .oiniing as her Interest and popii now training at Camp Stewart, atretcher, which is manufacturered act of Congress permitting the building at Center, Wetstone Tobacco corporation to —At the meeting of the Common you will have performed a valu­ erick H. Berger; First Selectman TUMS llajer Oeneral Frederick G. erect a one-story block construc­ Wooden Actors" at Hollister school larily grew. Her intense interest {i«S*rufetS5^ talk Mt WMMk MO mb'« rOi *«iwl Raii^a, ataU adjutant ^eraT. by the Collapsi Cot company of holders to retain the bonda after 2— The Pitkin family is generally Council held Monday evening it able public servlct. earning the Herbert Paganl. Stephen J. Von and feeling for the little dolls ^la i rOR TMK niMMV ° ^ 1 . John W. Maad of Trumbull, , folda into a compact, flat A concert by the University of aasociated with glass and tion warehorue on the west side of Euw, editor of the Rockville Jour­ last night. They aro the IMth AAA group maturity. Broad street, near Little, at a was voted to support a reaolution gratitude of the many persons con­ rcflcotisl In the wonderful expre’s- For ThoM Who Want tho VERY BEST' ! tha commander of the 241nd group bundle that is strapped te the Connecticut Club conducted powder manufacture. cerned." nal, Thomas F. Rady, editor of A group of tiny animated char­ .-iloiis she has on their faces. who recently aaaumed command back of the front seat of the by Professor Herbert A. France The bond department at the 3— Five service clubs — Klwanla, coat of 130,000. The building introduced by Alderman ' James the Rockville Leader; Joseph De- Trust Company has a supply of would be M by 160 feet In dimen­ Rohan naming Leo B. Flaherty Jr., Mayor Berger told the members acters from the animal world and The success In this art aa well when Cbl. Rajunond Watt, eaecu- cruiser. will be given on Wednesday eve Lions, Exchange, Rotary and of the Council that he was glad to Carli, president of the Itallan- story land performed their vari­ »s many ollicrs l.s the result of Rummag* Sal* tlva aaalatant to Gov. Lodge, was The cot Is light-weight with an ning, April 11. at eight o’clock in folders containing full informa­ Soroptomist. sion and would be used for sort­ as tax collector for the coming American Frlend-shlp club. At ous antics to the delight of the Aranaferred to the headquartcra of tion concerning u e extension. In­ ing and processing tobacco raised year. be able to announce that another the banquet awards will be pre­ much expcrimentutlon. Mrs. Rankin P.kKh-roway overhead doors, electric operators U4tom aluminum tube frame fitted with the Bowers School auditorium as 4— Approximately 27 square mtlea. meeting between management and audience. From the circus ring a ha.s ii.HcU H groat variety of ma- LECLERC Soath Methodist Chnrch the Connecticut National Guard. Istrong canvas. It is equipped with the first fund-raising project of cluding a table of redemption 5— Aa of December 31, 1950—$32,- by the company. Mayor Frederick Berger read the sented to Ralph's Motors bowling little clown teased a ferocious but • doors and partlllonN • TARKway kiteben cabinet trodtd. vaporizers values for the additional ten year The second permit would go to following communication which he labor was being arranged for team, champion oft he leapic. tonals to make the dolls light In FUNERAL HOME sliding cloarl doors, aliiniliiiiro valley and flashing, ornamental W odoy Half Both group! can trace their wheels, and the front or head part the new Bowers School PTA. a 2 .o o o .o o . Thursday. * • fascinating lion. A trapeze artist weight and realistic in movement AatoBMac Shut-Off Peckground to former Connecticut of the stretcher can be adju.sted period. These folders are avail­ 8—Eight cents per hour—Sixteen Refining company for sent to the Connecticut Board of Joseph Gonovesi is president of gracefully swung from his bar In Iron rnlllnga, plastic wall tile • RUSTIC fencing a REVNOLDB According to Lewis A. Gels of able to anyone Intereated. a new service station to be erect­ and appearance. 4 T hm , Msrdi 2*—• A. M. National Guard unite which aerved to various heights up to a sitting the Ways and Means Committee, cents if he had a team. After Mediation and Arbitration on .Mrs. UlUan L. Minor the Rockville City Bowling the usual routines. Two jugglers FUISERAL rain carrying equipment. Insulation • CECO steel aasll • WIN- la SVorld War II. The 108th group ed on West Center street east of March 24th: "As you are well Mrs. Lillian L. Minor, 55, widow of League. popped balls In many directions •\ short business meeting pre- Arthar Drag Slarat positiofi . for the comfort of the this will be the only financial ven­ three years his wage waa in- cedcil llic progi'ani. The following IIOWl.t'ME alumln'um windows • BRADFORD electric hand formerly tha 208th Regiment victim. ture this school year and proceeds created to ten cents per hour. the Intersection of Hartford road aware the strike at the M. T. Stev­ Frank T. Minor, a former resident Fayette Lodge and a skeleton was eerie even In SERVICK ^ «kO*» "Sa„^ (CA) which wont to Camp Ed­ and near Hop brook, llie building, ens Division in Rockville, is now of Rockville died Monday at the Fayette Lodge No. 69, A FA AM bright stage lighting as his head new nicnilicrs were accepted: Mrs. saws • DWW hot water heaters • BUILDING NPEC1ALTIB8. Chief Schendel explained that will benefit Bowers School pupils. Two Grass Fires 7— Paper, glass, gunpowder, wool­aboub 42 by 27 feet In dimension, John 1) ('onion, Mrs Charles ward! In 1940. It waa later ro- crulaera are usually the flrat to A traditional glee club program en and cotton goods. entering its 7th week. I have been Windham County Memorial hospi. will hold their regular busine.ss and appendages floated off from Walter N, dealgnated aa a group and aerved arrive at an accident scene. In­ complete with college songs will 8— Some of the competitive sportsla slated to cost $8,540. quite cognizant of the serious ef­ tal followi-’g a short Illness. She meeting this eveslng at 7:30 his iKxly In a whimsical fashion. Brnnic. Mrs. Edward J. Morlarty, with dlitlnctlon In the Pacific 111 the South End In addition, permits hava been fect upon all persons conocriied, o’clock at Masonic hall. ^ Characters from “Peter and the I.eclerc, New Lundun-Norwich Rood jured persons are usually laid on be sung by the University singers. available in Manchester are was bon Monaon. March 18. Director W A PARK CO at Mnntville r theater. It waa one of the few blankets to await of asked by Green Manor, Incorpo- and hopeful.that labor and manage­ Women of the Mooee Wolf demonstrated some of their In addition, a chorus of Bowers Basketball, baseball. Little lated, for four new 'dwellings of ISnr), a daughter of Henry and feats such as Peter's roping the 'J3 MAIN ST. r j rep anti-aircraft groupi to win a the ambulance, and then they are School pupils from Grades five and Companies 2 and 3 of the South League baseball, softball, ment could resolve their own dif­ Lepa Works Lamb. She stlcnded ; The Women of the Moose will NORWICH t-9600—NEW LONDON MIR PTJ ^ five rooms each with garage to I meet this evening at eight o'clock wolf's tail. Tiny skaters In lumin­ Manchester Call 5269 PrcaldenUal unit citation. transferred to a stretcher before sl.\ will sing a group of songs under Manchester fire department an­ bowling, football, Thankagiv- ferences acrrr.Ts ,tl)c conference the Union Congregational church. The 242nd group can trace Ita being taken to the hospital. cost $11,500 each and to be locat­ table. While discussions continued at the Moose rooms with Senior ous costumes-glided over the stage the direction of Miss Martha White, swered two still alarms yesterday . ing Day races, archery and ed on Weaver and Lawton roads She is survived by two daughters, Regent Margaret Johndrow pre­ and a pair of Oriental dolls did a NlGHTCOUGH origin to the former 242nd Regi­ The new .stretchers will not only local music supervisor. In their field triale. that hope was kept alive. The sit­ Mrs. Kenneth Clark of Coventry, F 5 3 ment (CA) which waa a seacoast save valuable time but will also afternoon. and Woodbridge street. uation for the past week has been siding. Social Serviee Chapter ceremonial dance. A trio of plglete , 0 « I final number the children will be 6— Remains of glass factory on Mrs. Everett Colburn of Mansfield Night will be held. did a South American aong and rubiyoursltap^ vuilt atatloned at Fort Terry dur­ enable police, who are all First joined by the Glee Club and the At 1:30, Number 3 extinguished Parker street, near Porter static. Negotiations seem to have Center, one brother, Arthur Lamb dance I TAil At j • 9' . 'V u aifliT ing the early atagea of World War Aid trained, to give the vgtlm bet­ a .small blaze at the superintend- ‘bogged down'. MORIARTY Bros pinU combined chorus of 100 voices will street. “The Rockville Chpnibcr of of Tampa, riorida; five sisters, Eight Highway Projects Further evidence of the extent S* RA»T ^KniTTin&iniiisr n. ter treatment for ahock and keep be conducted by Piofessor France rnt’s office In the East cemetery 10—School Board and Board of .Mrs. Harland Briggs, Tolland. of her imagination and talents was , , t S ! I R ST •nie call of the two groups the Injured perwjn off cold or Commerce and other ii *» rested ^ 3-WAYIIIUlPI^ yiNCH[S1lP CRilN COflN damp ground. When the ambulance in Christensen's inspiring arrange­ where an oil burner overflowed. Dlrectbrs. Mi.ss, Mildr''d Lamb, Mrs. James Hartford, March '27- i/T'— The presented in the demonstration of brlnga to lO the numtier of Con­ At 3:05. Number 2 was called to citizens have added tlicir endeavors 1(1 1 1 S necticut National Guard unite arrlvea. the cot and victim will ment of "Be.autlful Savior.” to settle this dispute, they are to MacDonald. Miss Dorothy Lamb, State Highway department is pre­ puppets made to represent in­ Don't toM Aiid turn from ntfltt uouihB almplv be lifted Into the ambulance Tickets qre now available from the New Bolton road where a CIRCLE be complimented for their many all of Hartford, Mrs. Gertrude paring to award contracts for eight habitants of the deep .seas such as due to ctddt. Get SnilUi Brotlieril H n m a v f l which have been called to active gras.s fire had started near Mun­ federal aervice ainoo the outbreak eliminating any -transfer from a the various class mothers of the efforts in this direction. I have Bentley of Sarasota Springs, Fla., highway projects estimated to cost an octopus, a crab and a seductive 1. fara dry Ihrool lickla school. , son's Candy Kitchen. About Town NOW a ENDS WEDN-ESDAT five grandchildren. The funeral mermaid who raised imploring ■OMLNUT of the Korea incident. blanket and extra moving that Victor Mature la been constantly informed of de­ $330,000 Biggest In the group is 3 . Soolha your raw mambranat velopments and it now appears that will be held Thursday at a three-span bridge to cari^ the hands as she langiiishingly low-er- 3. Halp leoMn phlaqm St. Rita's Mothers’ Circle will "GAMBLING HOUSE" a stalemate has been reached. 2:30 p. m.. at the White Funer­ relocation of route U. S. 6 over ed her eyelashes. meet tomorrow evening at 7:45 PLUS a U s Scott la “Jb the early stages of the strike al Home. Rev. Forrest Musaer, Center street, Newtown. The Mrs. Rankin opened her program SMITH BROTHERS sharp, at the home of Mrs. Stan­ •COMPANY SHE KEEPS' at a meeting held in Koiiiors. wlicre [ pa.ttor of the Union Congregation­ apparent low bidder wn.s Delia with a sunimao- of the devoloi'- ley Lucas, 62 Edward street. Rev. labor, msnagement and Interested al rhuriii will officiate. Burial will Bitla-Bassola. of Pluntsville, whose iiienl of puppetry. The art is a.s cooARKI^G have been selling tickets. over a million miles' ' Mrs. Thomas Dawkins, presi­ Soys GEORGE Gilt, Taxicab Flaal Operator, Red Bank, New Jersey dent of the Women’s League of I ‘ the Second Congregational church, BUSHNELL "\\7ien five standard Dodge sedans cover a million miles you begin to realize wliat Dodge dependa­ '! directs attention to the telephone bility means. Four of our Dodges are still |^

DfKNDMIUIT) • WAFFLE PIQUES 3 0 S E »dhMML. Sptctficolionb and oquipmtnt • SIZES: 24-32 Hnaiphrey Joel •ub|fCt to chon^w wifKowt notieW. MILES Bogart McCrea ITURBI Jeff Corey Shelley Worfcf Fameus Pkmht Winters ~and Film Star “The “Frenchie” PFR Enforcer” i Dnrk Cardinal Red. Sizes: Small, Medium, Large. IN 195 > ^ M I $ ECONOMY Depend on it! This great new Dodge will see

Itart is pratf positivt that the Nash Rambler is the most econom­ In setting this all-time record, the Rambler carried 4 passen* ical full-size car on the road . . . official proof that you can expect' gers with driver and averaged more than 41 miles ail hour. The you thru the long pull ahead ! course covered all types of terrain—deserts, mountains, city and to go farther on every gallon of gas in a Rambler Airflyte. N 'HMEs like these, it pays to own year’s great new Dodge is the car to highway driving . . . with snow, rain and head winds. Yet never For in America’s blue-ribbon stock car event—-the 1951 I a car you knotv is engineered see you through the long pull ahead- before had any car in thia event gtme to fa r on go little gasoline! through and through to stand up Mobilgaa Economy from to the Grand Canyon Spend 5 Minutes With Us Every Nash Airdyte entrant—Statesman, Ambassador and better, serve you longer at lower cost. -^the Rambler smashed all previous records for the Run . . . Gome in today. Five minutes is all .' ■ J' covered the 840i)5 miles on just 27.05 gallons . . . 31.05 miles per Rambler—was % trophy winner in its class. . . smashing evidence That's why we suggest you drive the it takes to check and compare. . . gallon! That’s the thrifty performance you’ve been looking for. that Nash is your best bet for the years ahead! car whose reputation for long life, to learn how much more Dodge niggedness and stamina is recog­ dependability can mean to you. N«A Melwi. OtfUn Cats., OaM* M, WAk— nized th© world over. We’ll be glad to show how you LADIES' SPRING Styled to the minute, extra roomy, could pay up to $1,000 more and SMOOTMa i m . . . kmger car Ufa. New lONOa IIAKI IIHI Big Safe-Guard Hv- with wonderful new "watchtower” still not get all the extra room, ease Oriflow Shod: Absorbers "Bqat” you over draulic Brakes stop you smoothly, softly, roa(]t that stop other cars. Reduce wear safely. Easier on you. Euler on tires. visibility, more comfortable to ride of handling and famous, rugged oa v^tal chassis parts. Add miles to cor life. Cycl^nd linings last up to twics u long. in, easy to park and handle—this dependability of today’s big Dt^ge. SLACKS Ra)'oa Gahardinea in Blaok, D^rk Green. Navjr. Depsndabk Also Glen Plaide. Side Zipper Closure, Tn-e Pleats. Sizes: 12-lE

fTATHMAN:::M.1S Milas par i RAMHIR:; 1)1.01 mMm pari AMIASSADOR i ;. 1S.92 Milas par I DODGE, „ , , , s m a AU WIATMRI Water-tight, dust- OYtO-MATIC, lowest pricad automatie Just a fkwdolhn more than the hmst-pneedears! BOLAND MOTORS, ln«. * heat in summer. . . cold in winter. or stopping. Car and tires last longer. 1)% iiui OEiifoiiE eiAinssEiiME SwiSBimEi ' P I IA II • ; f ',Pi - -.M v1. C«iit«r nBBfr, Manch«it«r • P L U S: S t a n l y CleRients In **PR1DE OF M ARYLAtny* KniTTino mills IViday: “CsB Ms Mtettr"’ plot “Mim Who Chsstsd Hinusir* SOUMENE & FUGG, INC. * 634 Colter Street MftNi HtsifR -iKrtN Ci:NN


Whits Russia voted against tha Backs Crime Probe and lu t Tuesdaya during tha the eommtttoe oa Christian Social IBTIV — ISSB Begin! 300 Year rasolutioa. Tugoalavia and 'South Student! to Give Oppose Measures Relations of the Council. B o lto n Africa abstained. It now goes to Annual Concert month of April. 'This la howevdr M a n t h e s t e r W » « A —ISB.1 AMESITE DRIVEWAYS only a trial period. The Aral resolution called upon Doris Mahr D’ltaSa In U.N. Countries the Genaral Aaacmbly for final ac­ SINCE 1920 WHAT - Bl« Term for Slayings a REDUCED RATES I ♦ Music Recital On (aaniing, Liquor rhtirrh women ot all drnnmlna- tion. aORADtNG FREE WORK Of C Clef Club W T B T -IB S a TsI. Maaebaatav BBM The commander was Instructed Date Hook llons to exerrise delemilned op- a POWER ROLLER USED GUARANTEED pneltlon to Senate Bill 2 and f e t i s e d V ^ San Franciaco, March J7.- (Fl Geneva, Swltaerlsnd, Makh 17 Garbage Friea Up - CALL to send to each member a copy of a FREE ESTIMATES Tha a Clef Club of Manchester the recent report of Comrade W al­ Miss Phyllis Karlin, local piano Determined opposition to any Ifoiise Bille 1 anti* SO rortcrrning —Badman William E. (Billy) Mias Blai* Uochians of tha. Hart­ —(g^—The United Nations Social a TIME PAYMENTS MANCHESTER Tonight Hartford. March *7—(F>—Even wlIl^OTeaent it* 24th annual con- ter Hansen who Is chairman of the toaohar, will preaent a group of liberalising of state gambling or gambling laws. ^ ‘wno—Fibber MeOae and Mol- Cook moved allently and atbically ford Timaa will sptak to Bomarco commission voted over Sovtot ob­ a SAVE 10% FOR CASH 7601 Color I.o JonM. ItiSO— dishw'aaher had handcuff* and leg pare the types of tredtmant or utes no thst he as chairman of Other features of the recital J U U L A TART OF Tier, TRADITION WTHT—Murte. WDRC—Capitol Cloak Room. lrotra<«n him all the time during Men of the United Methodist punishment employed In the vari­ Am o^g 2 6 can entered in standard chssifications sacred and secular music of the will be an orgihal composition of ’ etnday, March 88 highest type. As with any wo­ the membership ronimlttee could WCCC—New* Muaic HaU. WTHT—Nawa. tlie trip from Oklahoma. church plan to redecorate the ous countries, and proposed that go over the namen of some mein- "The Old Mill Wheel," by Pame­ Annual Masonic Ball, Masonic 4:44— ^ wnc—People Are Giinny. While waiting for hla transfer church aehool claearuom during the the U. N., In the eurvey, define men's rhonis the personnel of the la Barnes, played by Mias Barnes; Temple. ^ club ehanges from yea*r lo year bern wjio had not kept up their w n c —Voung WUJder Brown. WONS—Newa; Jack’a Waut- from an automobile to the prison evening hours on April 4, 5, 8 and euch crimes as homicide, asaautt in A e 1951 M obifgas Econom y R u n .* . dues. This list was read and also a four-hand arrangement of Saturday, March 81 worka launch, Cook sat silent with his 7. Those whi are willing to help and robbery with violence, ao that and through the 24 years oC Its ex­ "The Band Played On." by Lynne Annual l.a

h i s year it’s the 195! Mercury with Touch-O-Matie TOverdrive* that won flrat prize over all other can biur-Fraair’a in Clam “ C” in the Mobilgaa Ek»noray Run! Proving ita pound-for-pound gasoline econoioy, this sfoel; Mercury scored amazing 59.868 ton-mile per* USE fonnance over a grueling 840-roile course staJoBd out ptoHam aim II.IISW . Salaaa by the American Automobile Association. Virtually a*Vw fe e * eOag Naafc ae< baaUaa every kind of weather and road condition—T.OO^oot rysras arnmomm* • OONYERT YOUR ice-ridden mountain passoe . . . sweltering, saodiiwept Mw a. MX aHppaS alto Me* L toH «.a.A*«aipiavwiwaiiniiw. a Wanbauds a Dm h sending the wash out. Ytm save money parts and buriiera are available. Heat Bilst the hlg Sele.IxUa hU, "TOAST OF THE TOWN,”^wltli FA Salllxaa New riding comfort that’s designed to give you • by selecting a reliable laundry like N E W saadar •Tsalsg, 1:14 S* S:S9 p. xx. MxtDa WMIC-TV-t'kxaa.l f. Cbl-BI«aial Falata Tuna On A4vaatnfM nt MODEL with modem equipment and amoother ride longer. New value that can’t Jje sup* BUery Quean TOHira- modern methods. You save time. And passed by any car on the road today! Ta«agstawB W M m Oabtaala daya an TV Statlen above all you save yourself. Call 8072 ¥?■ Once again the fsoU have proved it—the 1861 fk t WNqC-TV OlMUiMa •— now. Mercury is “the bug of your HfeT’ So bettor drop is at c a l l 4148 9:(M to f:M . our showroom soon and get the complete irtofy.

[You SBV6 •Fxr "thx M m ri root IMw** Hxicaiy oSm yaa a trial* eMa* la tosw xiUwiou. Mxr«-0-Mxtlc Drivw th* onr. xlmplar. xsiaolkxT, a**f* aDilax* •utooMtl! truuniaMoii*^ thrift)! Toaeh-0«MAtfe OrtntrivvariApilQMWI . * ^m£R0IRY»S !» atra eo!t. Tbav«‘! ttoo itimt !!!■ Draihreelsad tNiiRiW i MORIARTY 'ta.a.w *P.a. w « i . M h m m m laa it at joar aaaiaat b iw o rn tit lialir tilaj! su ciRiu smiiw auscNUTiR O. iTU.NBsdflMrllt... tdUrNONI 8MI ^ 4 ' ( C « , ^ TO¥fN MOTOMa ING. — 41 W IfT CINnR ST. — m . SS87 M ANCM im a.^m iFHONC SI3S V,


J- ■ ' ** South Windsor; Johann Latbola. Benton street and Jean Marie m lha high place where the claw- for itielf, might b« politically' fat m Connecticut -audienee. The men In the Manchester Fire dapart- ahouki contAin a proviMon par- important audience waa the Designates Date /Mt/sifOMoru 9omis Navy Bomber Asks Arbitration Ilockvillo; Hacry Neupert, Rock­ Hannay of 145 St. John street, ment and 155 man in tha SMTO. ibilirtfrftrr clumped buds of the arbutus were dangeroua. Author of Revue All Must Take m ltUiif auch ArrAngdinantr. Having thus deacribed the at- crew of the "Pinafore"— pardon ro* ville: Kenneth Rllis, GlIMd; Mias wedding April 7 at St. James's The ruling concludes that “ it la FOR Rl This ppovlaton In the United Ns- almost ready to show color. Connecticut moaphere In which the "Tarawa" aa, T a m w a .” For Conseeration Falls ill Sea On Mill Strike Sophie .Sobiral. 185 North Main Thiirch. nur opinion that it la mandatory For AB £Drniay l|enUb geature haa been diacuahed. under­ >• street; Douglas Secor, 183 Spruce Thomas Edward Johnson of 205 for Individiiala, who art amployad tloni charter has subsequently be­ slreel;/\Vllllani W llllaina,-57 Drive Center street and Colette Janlne Loyalty Oath pu MY rak neath the polite surface ripple of COLDS by the state i r municipalitlea on come the legsllwitlon for other ri- applause for It. we now go back M n u n vN riM (OoBaBoed fro n PBga One) { (Continued fror Paga OBf) F, SJUver Lane Honiea; Albert Gtllan of Hartford, wedding April ITAUEN-M initAU> PRIMT1NU CO.. I.VC. Yankee A. A. Aiiiioiiiices The Rt. Rev. W alter H. Gray, h - f 7 by Rev. Clifford O. Simpson of steady duty, and who will bo en­ U kMMI a*r««t. glonsl security Arrangements, Ilk.' Hurl Tar Roiiihs to our original aaeertiun that Bcnlno, 33 Kldrldgr street; Ku- gaged tn a eonalderable dagraa IB I Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Center church. Kirt'ineii anti IVilirr lii- Ud« b. tht North Atlantic Pact, and like By A. H. O. Governor Lodge would probably Ixtard with a Ufa jacket to pick i He said that the American Woolen 1 ^ene Route, North Wlndhaiii; the civilian defense organliatton, OLU THUMAT rCHUUSllN An Open Meeting Connecticut, haa announced that upr the airman but ha sank before ' settlement would perhaps be sub-1 .Mrs. Joan Garharlnl, Coventry, Frederick MIckael Gael of 350 Russia's system of slllsnces with repeat the geature even though rliided in Civilian De­ to take the same oath. In writing, pru. TrtM.. U*n Mansctr At U. S. Embassy | the submariner could reach him. mitted for the company's conatd-{ Admitted today: Charles I.aiiib North Main street and June Elaine Eldriiltt Stm t^ 0 (TMaa*« OMnMt I, tm. forewarned that, so far as the I the Presiding Bishop the Rt. Rev. as all other civil defense volunteers, her .satellites. A gubernatorial presence which public was concerned. It might be The Raaorbock waa joined In eratlon. This Is the compromise Bolton; Gloria Wellman, 24 St I Hutchin.xon of RFD 2, wedding Alcoholics Anonymous will hold | Henry K. Sherrill,- haa designated. SHliirday by Rev. Fred Edgar of fense, Ruling l>t*rluro8 notwithstanding the fact that many Weddings, MMtliiigiy.vt, PuMiakM k»»rji r*aaia* kn^ai There is an inevitable conflict Buenos Aires, March 27 'JCi \ something less than sound po­ the search by fofir other subma-1 which has generally settled New ' .ii lin street; Mr.s. Miriam Finn, 48 Is dedicated to an emphasis on Its first open meeting of 1951 on i Tuesday. April 17. for the conae- South Methodist ehureh, of these Individuals have taken an Showera, Etc. ■uadaya aad Holida/a Bn'.traa at tht between such regional organiza­ Tar bnnihs were hurled twice laat I litically rines, the Diablo, Conger. Gram-1 England's textile strike. The Derrllpld drive; Wendy Alvonl, .'>8 okicd at llanriiaatar. Cona.. aa dignity and accomplishment rath­ Saturday, May 12. at the Hollister r,z 1 Harold .lames OrfUelll of 27 All of Mam heater's poller and nntli at the time they assumed He would do so for reasons street achoiil. The meeting will | ■■ ■ Bishop of the Rev. pUB and Burrflah, and tha cruiser I Hockanum Mills, first to strike. ' 'i eatwimd drive Tel. Daytime 8005 ■arnnd Maaa Mail Matlai. tions and the United Nations it- night at a downtown hank build- I er than Idle political badinage or i Warieii'ijy ie ii street and Jeanette Shlr-sntr- firemen will have to take the the duties of their present poel- he himself has not o l could not .start at 8:30 p.m. ' Robert M. Hatch, Suffragan BIsh- Albany and Uip submarine rescue ' are now the last still out in Con Pl.xchargcd ycKterday; ‘salf, even when, in some cases, Ing In which the Itnlted States erh- j (lia i lea |eyl'M, KeowM of 160 Center street, tions." A fte r « TH. 2-8208 suHMURiprroN r ate s propaganda froth cannot afford i gitp to the public. We are not ahip Kittlwmke. The search veasels I necticut ^ ('ampbrll. 75 Oak Grove street Civilian Defense loyalty oath which •lAUu bsssy has seversl ofTices. The i The AA held several open meet- op-elect of Connecticut. The aerx’- } SUPPLIfS VITAMIN A wedding April 5 at 8t. James's una faar Mall ...... these regional organiaalions pro­ many light opera touches. ^ even sure that we can do It Inga last year and the affairs have ice will be held In St. John'a i were oaatated by flares dropped' Mayor Frederick Berger made • Nathan Miller, Rockville: James i la administered to civil defense .since Uie beginning of the oc­ Six m>JDtha ejt Mall...... • auu boiiihers escaped police arrest. i from planes. t i.iif fess loyalty to the United Nations But, although we haven't the' tactfiill.v. Iiet us. as an effort, been well-received by the public. I church, Waterburj', at 10:30 a.m. | No DcNi5|«roiis Dru^t hla plea to the state board at a .Sargent, .187 Center street; Mrs Robert Hlllyar Sanders of East workers, regardless of wlielher the cupation 2,248 (.liristian mlsaion- Oa^ mnntti t>» 'tall ...... The' hoiuh-lhniwlng followed sav that the •Tarawa'* had been The crashed torpedit bomber i Common Council meeting M onday Carolmr noa.x, Rockville; Mrs. ^ltlfla Copy ...... I M and profess theiiiselvcs to be or­ .several claya of Incrca.slng local , slightest way of Ttnowing whetlie.i Harlfnrd and Dorothy Mae Morri­ police anil liiemen may have taken nnes have been cleared to enter t SU noted to be In something of a was attached to Scouting Squad- , ; night. He sold. "I urgently request ' Hoar Duprey. Amlover; Joseph so n o f .Inpiifi Weaxly. by Ca ner ...... re.senliiic'iil at wtclespreacl U. S. j Governor .lohn Di^'la Lodge real- ' West Hartfold, wedding oatlia when they assumed the du­ tuba daliaarat. Una Taar...... |l&.nn ganized only to carry out a d.-- stale of temporary boredom, roi{ 22, baaed at the Norfolk Naval i jlhot you again Intervene In this l Ha.vcrs. .8oiith Windsor; TVmiin criliclsni of government seizure ized Ihnt he was venturing Into Mairli 31 by Rev. A, L. Wllliania ties of their present iHisiUons, ac­ fense of United NaUons p rin c iples. and that an Intermedlaitr be­ air station. | WILLIAMS of the Independent new.spaper I.a straight Gilliert * Hulllvan when I dispute and make all possible ef- .\."liwp||, Rockville; Otto .^clilrin- of SI Mary's church. cording to a recent ruling hy Slate * MBMMER or tween the ship's personnel and inger, 5 Oak place; James Wright, rUA AliSuaATBD PKEIW The conflict Is essentialty this Prensa. A r'ciiigre.sslcinsl -cciinmit- he went down and grandiloquent­ forts to bring this matter to a M arranlee l>eed* 1 Attorney General Ueoige (’ Cnn- Governor l/odge suggested to I speedy and fair conclusion." Ho 19 CTiarter Oak street. Green Manor Estates Incorpor­ lilt Aaabdiatau Praa» 'a aaciuaitaly that If the United Nations wcr.- tee la Invesligaling the paper's | ly Hilopted the "Tarawa," creating ! Over too Planes Hunt ! way, anlitlad to tsa uaa oi rapiini'ratinn of the latter that he might he will­ I reiterated that lie stood ready "to Discharged today: Caroline ated to Herbert E. Angell et al, what it should be, the.s. rccionni afraiis. Tlie publiciifIon's eclitor- a srene whicli. In many reapects, i ! ’The nilliig dealt with the ques- EXPERT WATCH OIL SERVICE all nawa diaaateaaa cradHao to n. oi puliliahct. .Mherto Gainzn Paz. has ' would put moat pi'ofeasinnal Sa­ ing to imrtlelpate In something Globemaster, .>.3 Men 'o ffer any assistaiicp that might be Robb. 198 i'entcr street; Mrs. Iva propertv on Sanford road, and not oinarafiaa .raditad 'i( tb'» oap»i organizations would he suprrllu- In the nature of a friendly dl- I Uon of whether ll is niandatory for taken reluge at hl.s mother's l ’ ru-| voyards to shaiiir. we .suspect Lonejon, March 27— 1>?’) — More con.sldered helpful in resolving Watkins and daughter, 934 South separately to Vincent P. Fcahlei' 311 RROADST. aeo ala« taa loc aaar» puoi'anrn n»r* \crslon. So the Governor, who rt al I individuals who arc employeii by REPAIRING All ridMa of a uaiicalion of apac’ii ous; -and that, conversely, the ex­ gnay ranch from a l.'i-clay pri.son that even though forewarned, he; than 100 airplanes, including 66 these differences." Main street; Christos Louziotis, ran produce long sfretehes of 101 CTieitiuil street. Rolling Park Incorporated to I the State or municipalitlea, sucli aa Ilia watch haa stopped— ditoatmaa Itarala art alac faaaraad. istence of these regional organiza­ sentence on .liniges of cunlenipl would neverlhele.ss repeat the de­ from the U. 8. Aircraft Carrier , regular police and firemen, tn take nn apparent eaiiae cision and the scene, whatever the Gilbert t Sullivan at will, for Births ye.sterday: A daughter to diaries .1 Vlncek et al properly, , FU E L and R A N G E O IL tions detracts somewhat from the of Congress. Coral Sea. scoured the atlantic 600 Mrs. Burton Knopp The altonicy general But etery watch follow a me- f’ull «rrr*ea 'ill ol N. E A Sara- danger Involved. his own pleasure, stepped Info miles off Ireland today for a trans-. Mr. and Mrs. Knc Starr. 40 Green on I.ydall street, and separately to ;* ''* " “ 'b lea. lot prestige of the United Nntion.s a long actual role for the poteo- ]\fobilizatioii Peak I pointed out that tljeae employees rhniileiil laws The dangers involved, as some i port plane missing with .13 IT. S. .Mrs. Billion Knopp, fa.sliion co­ .Manor road; a daughter to Mr. •lohn ,I Royd et al. PuMiancn .<>n»'bility fot The Kstr.s I'liih of Grenier llnrl- perior Court suit brought In New in the local civilian defense nrgBnl- em Ity as applies to the elTmt ol on tlie one h.niid. and .such an With no further word of the Estimate.s On Request tyOofrcplt'cal T"r» (ppesrint 'n xd ford will hold its flnnl meeting of if you ever drive or ride— if you some- au.spii,>ea of the Weslev group, board, now out of hii.'/ie.ss br- I Warrantee Deed Ilavcii bv Mrs. Gerfinle I.ubeiiow 'z.ntion have already taken the loy- JEWELERS overt 111' line nl ge.stiire on the missing plane, however, little hope . r . „-i „ cause of labor's walkout, soon will ytrtnemeirts slid othei rexcpnj tns'ifi. ,Tiiy individiisl nation to nllnin the iiirretit year on Friday eve- . onsistmt: of original .songs, novel-, ^ fum tioaing. I Ralph Kaufman cl al to Fran- jagain-l Mrs. Emellne M. (Wik as iiilty oiilli, and some ol the regulars 891 M A IN S T . Id The Mxnrhe.ttt llfrxid. ol her. time.s walk— if you ever go to work, was held its peraonnel would he ' ( is W I.arsoii ct al, property on the rrsiiTI of injuries su.xtalned in have also. All other regular fire­ ( A I.L seeurily for itself. .Seiuiilv. in mr.g. .Mareh .'10, nl eight o'clock in ty art* and other little trirUa that. representatives I Opposite St. .iHiiies'a f'lmrch rjlhe llcdel H uiil. Tlie spe aker for It's all right— In fart It's flne found alive. Parker street. ' a fall The High Court ruled there men are urged to take the oath as 'll Hour Service 2-1257 ' Tueaday, March 27 I our kind of world, is no long — Ill have the Governor's office if you ever travel— if you ever engaffe The Navy fliers Joined 34 bomb- go into building an im aginative' walked out in January after the United I evening will he [)r. Ftayhorn Marriage IJrenae [wa.s an error In the eharge to the soon aa possible. There are 80 0. The labor men said liv Paul Paige, winner of the re­ made really .safe, these regionnl tlie group. The annual buainess they were going to be sqiian- i • Yai, h lU m U ba saBdaM. the.v were protesting also other General MacArthur's now famous meeting with election of officers cent Horace Heldt talent show tn dls.ssti.sfacUons with the mobiliza­ organizations will cede to the drred away again on light op­ So we'U Maply raaatad yoo atatement bacomea a little more Will also be held It is hoped that Hartford, and a trio composed of, tion program. They have domaiid- United Nations. era extravaganzas. Or It's all \ understandable today. It now de­ many alumni and friends of Bllfea right to be modest about ar- ttaai Ib is profastloaol phar­ Everett MacCluggage, (krdfrey 1 ed that a new board have power MEN, WOMEN The second dilemma ronfronl- Personal Notices Goiirley and Bob Gordon will sing ; velops that Just before the Mac- will attend ns well ns parents of eeptliig responsibility for eer- macy is always a* your sarr- to settle wage disputes. ing United .States policy at tli s .students. prn.spet tie c- student.s, and a womiriml .song dedicated to MARRIED, SINGLE Arthur statement calling upon the tiilii stale Issues, providing one | ice. Count on ns for absolute Wilson indicated the new board I’an-Ameriean conference is one -1iidenis on vaeniion. Isn't running off all the lime to j Card of Thanks Henry Ro.srnlrM . . . the ingeni­ will have some di.xpiil e-sel t ling IfOU SiH GET A LOAN AT Cbmmunists to admit defeat in accuracy; fresh. pcMsoi drugs IflM LilMtn FrRnklln of Strlcklani ous niakrr of his famous dre.-'ses. of princiifle. In this assorlation. | aeeenl resiMUisIhlllty for alrcriifl ^ powers, but said it is still uncer­ lOANS $23 TO $300 Ivan $ CASH YOU GET and fair pricas. kamsmbar thlR method of ihanknit Miss Gi'rri Patz, television star of tl BROKER’S Korea and meet .for a military Rob ilHIer ( ar I earrlers. tain whether Pre.sident Truman we proclaim our purpose to he a I frianda knd nalKhborp to r t h d r ON SICNATUat AlONi Pay'ss 1.S .station WNHC, will sing and In­ must call a full-dress labor-man­ TSillai 90 Mai.a truce was iaaued the United 1 It In such lights that the —next cims please bring as M fid n cM . d u rin g the tUnepR and reren t defense of freedum. resl.stnnce to . Long Belli h. Ciihf.. Mareh 27 "adoption of the Tarawa" he- troduce one of the themes. agement confereme before dis- Don't borrow unnecettarily, but States government had handed to your donor's prescripaons. d«Rth of her coualn. Ruasell LltUe; Hair styles have been ercated if ■ loan will pay old bills, medi- $245.80 $3r2.3r lotalitarianisni. Yet inside this le- ■1‘. ..Vilc'ir lllller'.s pei'iimnl ni- eomes an iiclioii not (piite viiliier- and alao thoao wha aened aa benrura. putes-.scltlenient machinery can be the governments of the Uiirteen especiallx tor the showing by Ter­ set up. cai or dental expenses, caj.pr home 349.22 451 45 AW/CE m id I gional association we havi- .-■oiiie mni.il inr is not liiirglnr pro.if, 1 ;ihle, ...... hot close to It. and from repairs— it's “ ves" promptly to 4 nations which have troops in Ko­ .‘■'onieoiie stole .VlT.'i.'i from its 1 siieii roiisiileration.s that it niil'hi CENTER In Memortam ! ry Ivnniski. and make up will be I A A^U«g tm Immo ' rather choice dictatorships, and it ROBERT J. SMITH, INC out of 5 at Fast, friendly W. Above poymBnti r<7>#' #>Br>thifV(' I In loTing memory of our wife »n4 done hy the two (Tharles of the rea Its own new proposals for fu­ 1 Mink enmpartmeiit. Ilarrs' K. i)e iihlueil that am' more siieh ; I ------1 service. Com# In or A looT of $100 roOi $20 AO wH«n p/omptly j takes a rather hland talent for us |.•\isliiii of x'hieano. shoulni; the I j,f.,(|iies. In whirh the nilminia-' BXether. A n n ie Ven nn rd, w ho p*.s*e,| Ritz, make-up experts from Bur­ Hospital Notes repo d i8 )? cenitcuriir* n»oprkl]f mitell ture policy in Korea. PHARMACY awsy Hxreh 17. ISM. |ton's. The fa.shion showing will phon# today. miiBh of $10 OS ooclt. |4 1 to be able to talk about defeiuliuR eai on a nalionwnie tour, tohl po- tratlon seems to run a'.vay from. REAL ESTATE — INSURANCE This official proposal of the Ine vesi.rdni-. the linage It is Irving to create ''Where Pharmacy la A reflect the April issue of the ! freedom with governments which Prutraalnn'' A door xwlngx briefly open. |Wfiinan's Home Companion, in o A t n i coasawriVrNAr iiaii ro aar t i r A young man who junt had a United States government, sub­ 1 And a loved one slips awe>'. Patlenta T o d a y ...... 149 conspicuously deny treedoms of 187 M^ln St. Tel. 4'.*53 .MALVSTREET TELEPHONE 34,60 displaying two full pages in color Admitted vesterday; Robert raise in salarv went tn a well- mitted to the other thirteen na­ Blips from life's dt,rk ehsdons. ^ I ti^ tA O n a l FINANCE CO. various kinds to their own Ameii- Free Delivery Into bright efrrnsl i.my. ilevoted to Henry Ro.senfcld dress­ Tliyng. South <'o\eiitiv. Mrs. I tions for their atddy and for sub­ iNSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914’ es. and sold exclusively by Bur­ Alice. Bycenski, 10.1 Birch street;! 2n4 Flasr • STATI THrATRI BUILOINO known broker and asked what ean hemisphere citizens. In our sequent diicuaalon, had just Wb«iw sarlhlv griefs are over. ton's ih Manchester. George Molhea, 74 Delmontj 733 MAIN 3TBHT. MANCHUnH, CONN. he ahnuld buy first. quest for hemispheric unity,. _\v' Where pain shell be no more, Tickets may he purrha.sed at street; Anthony Masemtis, 29 | Dial 3430 • Oaarga H.sklss, YIS MAN#oaf reached these other governments Te peaee pest understanding. I feel eompelled to tolerate things Burton's, or by contacting the Cottage street; Dougins Wilk. 71 Isoai mat* Is isiKwh si til Mrrsssllti tssM The broker, after a fcir pre­ when,the MacArthur statement | Oed ha« opened—eUa-Abe door. we woulil denounce if we wep f'RI IM'I lu', clialrman of the event, Mrs. Ever­ Hawthorne street: Judith Wog-| OFFICE OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 was Issued. So these other nations , ett MacCluggage. man, 30,1 Oak street; Frank Clem, i liminary qiieBtions, ia reported speakpig our national iiiiiid tree- Jamee Vennerd end daughter. ware confronted with a dilemma. M yourService,Ma’am\ to have aaid, “ Your first necurity !y. Our strategic toleration ol What wat United States policy '.' 1 unpleasant denials of freedom ahould be SECURITY'. Aa the beat buy for your drat $1,000, I would tV'aa.,lt represented by the official ' among our neighbors helps pro­ W ITH THE BEST FOR LESS recommend a navings aernunt in a hank that la a member of the memorandum o f the United long and buUie.ss the regimes re­ Federal I>ep4ieit Insurance CorporaHon.” / States government? Or was it sponsible for su< h denials of fre,- represented by the statement oi dom, even while we organize in Utneral MacArthur? Who la the Th h l l m M t M l OOP*. o m I defanae of freedom. government of the United States? f*G d iwYOflUwonf advlto. The constituted officials at ‘ Wash­ •These are the two troublesome Here's The Set ington? Or a general in Tokyo? undertonea in our Pan-Amencaii AGAIN That poses the dramatic clash association. There are many things on the plus side. Even oui which has Apparently caused the REMINDING YouVe Been Waiting For! Our Sovings Dopnrtmonr Foyt 2% For AnmNn Joint Chiefs o f Staff at W’aahing- toleration of things we don't like ton to send General MacArthur an eonstltutes a civilized advajice be­ YOU order, instructing him to clear all yond the ways when we did try to future statements of a political dictate to our neighbors. Our lead- That Pinchurst is optn all day avery Wednesday .ershlp by example, to vs'liich wc nature with W'ashington. . for your shopping convenience. Meanwhile, if there la conster­ are now largely limited, ia certain nation at Washington over this to be more effective for good, in conflict of authority, there la a the long run. than attempted lead­ ctt SaturcCeUf certain dismay at Lsdtr Success, ership by pressure or compulsion. PINEHURST MEATS where the great question is one ■\s \\e grow in our capac ity to rc- C'licck prlcca . . . you will lliid that niiiny of mir major o f whether or not this now tangle ."‘pecl our neighbors for their own I'ompcUtorH gel 7.1c pmiiid for ground heef . . then check in American policy ia going to cultures, in.stead of rating them rinrliiirxl qimlltv . . . and taste the fresh ground flavor In S#> th# Fix it , t i n t ! * 7 » s S# mI * produce the very world war Unit­ merely by our own values, wc lind ed Nations action in Korea wa.s our nrighhors growing in willuii; capacity for cooperation with. us. PINEHURST CHUCK GROUND TNfphoB# 1 • 4TII designed to prevent. ManchMier. .Conoeciicut The British repre.sentativc at And if a regional a.'c.Micial ion i.s LAke Success said yesterday that theoretically bad. it still may be 69c pound. the present situation needs to be somewhat true that practne ol referred to the highest levels of cooperation and mutual respect In Th# Smart Now Ssytalln# D# l#a# 4-D##r t#4#n western diplomacy, to get it set­ a regional atmosphere is in itself and you save 10c Ih. on I’inehursl Kound Steak (lean preparation and gioundumk coii- (CatUaaadaa at Haadard ##a(#iwsa» aad trim lUaa- tled in a manner no one could mis­ comniercial) while wc are fcalurinjr it at 89c Ih. tratad ft Jspssj sat #■ mvaUtUOy at sssltiftf.) understand. ciitioning for that wider and And the representative of stronger cooperation which must France expressed, again, the prin­ eventually feature the United Na­ Save at Iraaf 16c pound h IiIIc ur arc featuring lop grade tions itself. ciple General MacArthur's state- Short and Sirloin steaks tronu'Western dressed U. S. Good and N o w S S . noorly 400,000 onthufllostlc mem and the dajigcrous le.sultam ' li''mi.sphcnc a.s.soi lalion, rholcc, ttovemmcnl Inspected beef . . . fcchism in American policy threat- with its handicaps ami opporluni- riXEHl RST TE.NDER ownorg ... and mgro ovory doyl ca to abandon and dcatroy, tiea, la going to have to be lived •The one purpoae of the UniUd and worked through. The impor­ SHORTS OR SIRLOINS Nations when entering Into that tant thing ia that its biggest Korean action," said France's rep- I member grow in ita i-apavity ri^ard it aa an assooMition Me pound resentative, “haa been to resist or order for the week­ equals. Cut to order aggression, not to win a war." end. That ia the whole issue. If that Chevrolet Owners purpose is not clearly establisheil, The Refllm For Infallihility and the course of action which is w ed PO harmonious with it followed, w e It is one of our picre.s of good FOWL FRYERS BELTSVILLE TURKEYS Like Carter Service are going to convert Korea from iortune that our fallibilities locate (irocerie.s at Pinehur.st . . . While they last, we offer m .. macABiNEr an accomplishment for peace into themselves in relatively iimmpor- j Automa4icTransmi»ion- Built by Chevrolet alone for Chevrolet alone f We have a great many ateady customers who reton the breeding ground of world war. ! •■bt spheres, such a.' war and 8 juice fflasse.s, .\nchor glasis. usually sold at 99c for And if that happens, the blame peare, and the outcome of olcc- the Ion price of 8 {glasses 89c. ' time and time again for regular ear servicing. TTiey will not be solely upon General lions, leaving us a really giand found out long ago the ipiportance of good car care. MacArthur, for so boldly assert- ! concent lation of accuracy ami tfWNmm.47i£eU’ is the Arsf and Wrtesf aulom alic fronsmission in Why not become one of^our satisfied motorisLs? You’ll ing his own views, but also upon | prescience in the things that real- PETEk ;^AN PEANUT BUHER ...... ja r 33c the low-price field, and the only one proved by hundreds of all leadership at Washington, in- ' ly matter. Como In—try cowploC witli find a frielidly welcome at Carter’s. eluding that of President Truman Thus, la.xt Thursday, we wrote Red Ripe LUX Chovrolot's 10S-h.p. Vohfo-ln-Hoo4 onglno and Secretary Acheaon. which that the snow then falling would Tomatoes thousands of owners In over o billion miles of travel I 2.6c box RINSO You’ll get clear, sharp, steady pictures locked in place doaa not dare do better than tem­ rush away and be followed, within TIDE tho fully provod AutomoRc Fowor-Toom In GMAC FIANACING with RCA Victor Eye Witness Picture Synchronizer. The Chevrolet’s magically smooth Power- porize on auch a crucial decision. a few hours, by the music ol DIJZ because drivers know Powerglide is thor­ Carrots new R C A Victor Picture Pick-up gives you best possible tho low-prko floM. FROM $25.00 UF , ^AeActhur at least does not spring. And it was late Friday IVORY SNOW glide Automatic Transmission-intro­ oughly dependable, thoroughly reliable— bch. 10c straddle hia iasuc. We think he ii afternoon when, from' the low IVORY FLAKES reception . . . anywhere. duced over a year ago after many years the only automatic transmission in the wiqng, but at leaat he ia definite Take the wheel of Chevrolet for '51 and fry lha j places, the first peepers tried their D RE FT of intensive development and improve­ low-price field that has been fully proved and clear. It is time for a little I throats, found the air nicllow, ami Grapefruit BOX proved Powerglide Automatic Transmiuion, teamed OXYIXIL ment—captivates everyone who tries it, in over a billion miles of travel. But backbone in Washington too. launched a chorus which kept th- 3 for :j,6c with its own great 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head engine- for these two vital reasons. First, because come, try Powerglide . . . and learn what most powerful engine in the low-price field. N o clutch whole evening bright with song. >Ianche.ster'8 freiKht agrent just phoned to say that drivers say it completely transforms all finest no-shift driving at lowest cost really pedal-no gearshifting-not even a hint o f gear changes We won't say how we knew ihi.x our .shipment of Scott’s SOFT W E .W E TISSUE and Our Hemispheric Ties their ideas of driving ease, by giving the in forward driving! Only velvet veloclty-» smooth, ^ would be so. We suspect, our- CUT R ITE W A X P A P E R had arrived. We suggrest you means . . . by driving^ a new 1951 Thtf conference of the foreign unbroken flow o f power at all engine speeds! Come in I selves, thm we actually knew stock up with a dozen rolls or Vi case o f Soft Weave. It highest degree of smooth, safe, effortless Chevrolet! You’ll find it’s an important ■Binisters of the 21 Americai\ re- and try this only fully proved automatic transmission I nothing at all, but merely liopcd, is packed 100 rolls to the case. no-shift driving at lowest cost^ without reason why more people buy Chcvrolets in the low-price field at your earliest convenience! pubUca now open at Washington from a great need for some overt TELEVISION clutch pedal or gearshifting. And second, than any other Carl diiects attantioB, ones again, to greeting from spring. We auspect j ■ SHOP AT PINEHURST WEDNESDAY •Combination of PowergUde Auiomalie fransmijiion two raeurrant dUtnunas ia Amer- I that our prediction was not so !' and 105-k.p. engine optional on De Luxe models icaui policy. I much a prediction, aa it was a dcs- | OpoM All Doy Fram 8 A. M. Until A P. M. OPEN TODAY ' at extra cost. ^ * regional security ar- i jierate refusal to countenance one j . l ^ L G P . M . AMERICA'S LARGEST AND FINEST LOW-PRICED CARI tmvement, and It is the particu- day more of winter. ^ ngionul security arrangement Whatever it - was, it waa so i 7 CHEVROLET/ -^w gich we were busy commit- powerful that ll frustrated all the l| 3St EAST tiENTCR STREET TELEPHONE 5191 B R D C Q RYu -4 ouraelvea at the oamc Ume vvealbern-jkn'a predictiona for the | . . -'•.ift.-.K' ?vNi' were fostering tka United Na- weekend, so flkat the chorus from OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL fsOO P.l M. CARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. .ISCMB Charter, which was why we low places continued even while, • 3 0 2 MAIN

Beats on ths common council which orgaalaation, which threw Its the parallel In force. They dug In ! I IS another case against Benjamin w w « prsaant and gST* luatrucUva also were at stake. strength behind Sunderland In the Says Steel Mill Over Her Qupta alongtha Xmjln River east „ f 1 1 0 0 | » : 3 e a i H i a i .'■'.chwartzberg, Cornelius Kelleher, talka on cubbing and ahowed mo­ OOP candidates swept thrae of primary contest. The mayor ALout Town Munsan. T o get there they mnivh- , « « ; • 1 I’ oppe. and Poppe's co-captnln tion plcturea. the city’s f'mr wards, losing only abandoned a demand for a re­ ed acroas Korean foothills without I ' F O D C Yv IC lO I lN ' " f the Manhattan college 194ort. 25. al­ 0i«ry Necjds More Vol- fere Uielr boy tan become eligible In 1936, and now also operates a TKDSS F in iNG November, climaxed a campaign Compares Blue Bonnot grated Steel mill. Saxon said he hold a rummage sale tomorrow trict with contributions exceeding only one penetration In force li.n to join the Cubs. Offices Go to ’GOP stationery business and Radio Sta­ leged ilxers, ami Henry Poppe, 24, nnleers for the Work which was waged more Intensely compiled the report "without com­ fiom 9:30 on tn the vestry of the been reported. On the Eii.Ht Co.i.-t, than any In recent years. tion W LAD here. He Is 44 years -W o n 't Go W ithout It! her quota. formei Manhattan college player. ' Bv AKJpOM OmdiiatM Fsperta pensation an a public service" al­ Second Congregational church. District L2, Mrs. Hathaway's . Republic . of Korea ^ troop.'roccuplc,i Danubury, Conn., March 27— old. • - - - r rin v are accused of trying un- I qian qiMltimlnal SiipiHirln Elas- The Women's Auxllisry of Man­ 1 Sunderland was nominated by though the aaaociation offered him Articles for the sale may be left district which Is bounded by Hart- ^ amall village of 5 ounpo — Republicans have broken the a Democratic party which was dl- Others who will take office Eighth Army spokesmen aiilil Ihc >.ui ( es‘)—Frank ing hla bow In politics, led OOP In a primary early this month. Joseph F. Perry. but no enemy as they advnnceil to -t.ll I. ■iiig .-ought. Qiiinii'M IMiurmary Thornton Johnson who heads the the general New Uondon-Water- ' the Public Affairs committee of Mrs.' Elmore Watkins, Mrs. George Modstnsky. of , re­ forcea to a smashing victory over Flnkle waa opposed by the party Only a minority of the voters TEA-BAGS within six miles of 38. Set for trial ou the same date I committee, and her co-workers ford area han been vigorously op- I the Y.W.C.A. will be held In the Reynolds, Mi;s. John McMeekln, mained In critical condition at a dlssenslon-tom Democratic par­ posed by numcroun local Intrrrstn ' have decided to open the drive on afternoon as usual, on Tuesday. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor. Workers Norwalk hospital today. I ty In yesterday's election. as well an supported by other.u. | Sunday. April 1. by Issuing an in­ April 10, at 1:15 at the "Y, " fol­ who served under these captains Mndxinsky. *J4. waa injured In a | He defeated Anthony Sunder­ lowing an Informal luncheon. The STYLED AND COLORED TO 81 IN NR- vitation from the pulpits to wom­ IJstn Four Points were Mrs. Robs Shirer, Miss Cath- I two car crath on the Merritt land, former five-term mayor and speaker at this last lecture will be en of the local chiirche.s to Join Saxon listed thene four rea.nons | erine Putnam, Miss Doris Kibbe, Parkway, neat the Fairfield town ex-state Police commissioner, by Dr. G»-orge McReynolds of the PICT HARMONY WITH YOUR NOUSRI the auxiliary. why he conchitled that mill in New i Ml?. Irving Gunderson, Mrs. Nor­ line, yesterday. a plurality of 1,155 votes, and will England would not be profitable: , University of Oonnectlcut. Telephone Oampalgn' be Inaugurated as mayor next man Larson. Mrs. Oaraventa, Miss His left leg was amputated and 1. It could not compete against Mrs. Johnson and her aasl.st- Monday. The vote: Prevldi, 5,355, Hamia Jensen, Mrs. Thomas Shea, Bestone N ow Is Hie Hme to re.roof with Strd quolHy Rre-reeial- iie .1- also being treated for Inter­ mills under construction on the A daughter waa born at the ants will also conduct a telephone nal Injuries and a posalble con- Sunderland 4,200. Cold wtothar won't horm A iO k SOD. Mrs. Howard Edison, Mrs. Albert ant iblnglatl Shingla pRcat ora iHII reasonable end M campaign both In Mnnehester and Republleans raptured sll other Freaiing and thawing work H into the Delaware River at .Morrisvllle, Hartford hospital yesterday morn­ Chapin, and Mra. Walter Grunder. ciis.slon CHEVROLET Pa., and Paulsboro, N. J,, "except surrounding towns during April. city offices and 9 of the 12 ing to Mr. and Mra. Arthur G Also serving as volunteer solici­ invntimani In hotns protacHon Is wise. . . . Choose a SIrd Alaa Injured were Frederick soil so it is ready to gorminolo whan for more or less nominal volume In - In the effort to enroll new men»- Holmes of 54 Mount Nebo Place. tors In this residential district were Cold Wave Kllcsuskl. 25. of Bristol, and the ground worms. periods of acute ahortapen and • hingle ond know you gal tha best In value, protecHoiV bers and to renew old memher- 1950 StyleliiiR DeLuxt 4-Door Sodan Miss Susan Todd.. Miss Susan Joseph Wilhelm, 26, a sailor aa- sellers' markets when prices, as In I shlps. tn June It la planned to The Connecticut Power com­ Ferguson. Mrs. James Oliver Jr„ 1 beauty ol color, and correct design — one.that odds to slgnert to the Boston Navy Yard. Tlw bast buy b A ( 8 l lAWN S tIO - Accept an invitation from Mrs. a war economy, are .secondary con- pany today Installed a heavy pow­ Including Har\o> McthnH hold a membership tea to wel­ Kilcxuakt was reported In good lost Vorment 3,000,000 iw l« par pouad to yo« naad anly Mies Edith Johnson. Mrs, Arthur tha distinction of your homal come the new aetlve or associate Hoagy Canpichael. Compare Blue •niderations." er cable underground from a Main condition here, while Wilhelm was • lli'ird m much. 1 lb —lI SS S (bi —;A4S Bonnet Margprine srith tny spread A low mileage car with radio, heater, defrostvra, George. Mrs. Peter Pencheff. Mrs. members. Moplo Syrup $5.50 gol. 2. The pre.sent .New KiiglHiid street Iran.sformer lo The Herald Shampoo nnd Finger Wave P See our line of SIrd shingles new — Hiere'a • Bird reported In gtiod condition at St. Um 1 lb Tutr iUllOW Uwn fead lo at any price. Like the compoecr'a building on Bissell street. The .Sherwixid Goalee, and Mrs. Theo- | The Auxiliary ha.s already set Vincent's hospital In Bridgeport. covers and white wait tires. Fully guaranteed market is limited annually to dorr Larson the date of Wednesday. May 2. for Mrs. G arlM d Parllnq 100 sq h — »al Ihraa paundi. 23 lb« — |2.J0 wife, you'll love the delicate, tunny- "about 900.000 Ions of highly di­ cable later will be used to bring atyle shingle |utl mode for your heme I ln*y ferine Police have made no arrests laadt 2300 ■« H. current to the large new press a bridge party at the Manchester pending completion of an Investi­ floath PearJiam. Vermont ■weet iflavor of this 6ne-quality all versified steel product.^ ' arranged if desired. Countri' Club. As previously an­ regefoM* margarine. You'll appredste 3. One-third of New England's which The Herald has purchased, gation. or Tel. Manchester 2-84S0 and which will be Installed In the IJ. S. Troop§ Cut nounced. the annual rummage sale Bi.uE Bonnet’s mifrt'ffoB. No other needs, or 300.000 tons a year, al­ win he held the third week In ■pread for bread ia richer in Vitamin A coming months. $7-70 ready Is produced in New England, Tliruiigli Red Unit May. BUSH HARDWARE CO. the year around! And you’ll wel­ CARTER CHEVROLET C0„1 INC. BO that a mill in the New London CALL 4148 Driver Arrested The members of tha Buckland come its real teonomyt So buy Blue .311 MAIIV STREET PHONE 6874 area "would merely replace older 708 M A IN ST., MANCHESTER Bonnet and get "all 3 "—Flavorl existing mills in Connecticut ajid , Community Club will enjoy a pot- (OoDtlnued from Poga O M ) Cub Organization By Local Police Nutrition I Econom-e-el elsewhere in New England, even If ] luck supper tomorrow evening at It could captiirc their busine.ss." '•1:30 at the school. Mra. Arthur the parallel we'll 6nd them Aght- WE 5PECIALIZE IN H t t THE HNEST : P. Seymour, chairman, advises Charles Byrnes. Jr.. 20, of 97 4. "The balance of the New ing tike sons of guns." Meeting Is. Held ■r i,. ■ ■0', i neighbors and friends who may Elements of six CTilnes* armies PERMANENT WAVES Middle Turnpike, east, who was , .1.... ‘...L England market. 600,000 ton.s per I not have been contacted, to bring Injured In an aocldent Sunday on year, is presently supplied by older were reported massing just north IN I a hot dish and come along. of the border. A report said Reds A Cub organisation meeting for North Main straet, haa been ar­ large steel companies whose con- FOR TINTED HAIR w a c L W H N E y . prospective Cub Scout parents rested for reckless driving by Pa­ defense positions were built direct­ atruction costs are 50 per cent or I The Immaculate Conception waa held last night at the Ver- trolman Oeorga P. McCaughey. ly In front of the present U. N. USED CARS more lower than a newly constnu't- ■ .Mothera' Circle will meet tomor­ line about two miles north of the plank school. A t this meeting It Bymea waa given emergency ed mill. was announced - that Joseph treatment and then discharged row evening at the home of Mrs. parallel. I’KRSONAI.I/.KD HAIR J 3 4 K.MAIUST. Theee larger companies with Raymond Hagedorn of Glcnwood The Chinese 26th Army lorps 1 Schmidt, a member o f the Ver- from Manchester Memorial hospi­ 1947 Chovrolot Sperts- their captive coal and iron mines j n TS K.a late an 5 r. M. . . Z p l.D U planck faculty, would be Cub- tal after eeveral sutures were street. has pulled back across the Imjln moii Sodon. Radio ond and their higher productive ca­ River. master and that Roy Keith 'would taken to close lacerations on hla pacity can and would conoiatently Lumb«r — Ruilding 5upp|jlRt — 5hingl«« — Roofing he Chairman o f the Cub committee face and neck. The local Hairdressers Aasocia* An American spokesman said Hoator. undersell a New Londtvi mill In any men., Bymea struck a parked car tion has set the date of Wednes­ the fchtneee regiment mauled by normal competitiva market, despite Joseph Dutra and Joseph Dyer, owned by Warren O. .Tohnaon. 19, 1949 Ford " i " Custom. day. April 18, for a rummage sal* the Americana Tuesday was part Op«n 7 A. M. to 5 P. M. Doily, Including Wtdnotdoy representatives o f Ci\b Scouts, of 20 Cambridge street. the rail freight advantage of $5 to for the bcne6t of the Cancer o f the 77th Division He said the Ovordrivo. Radio oud Smart young moderns cook $15 per ton which the New England ! Drive. Friends and patrons of the division could no longer be re­ Srhtilfs IV,.STREET '*111PHONE 8951 Afternoons. Open 'Til Noon 5oturday. Huotor. mill would naturally have because ^ different beauty solans may leave garded as an "effective, organized of Its location." i contributions with their favorite fighting force." The second Chin­ m '47 Noth "AOO" 4-Doer. Newer Made Public I beautician. The sale will be held ese force waa not identlil-d. Radio and Hoator; Saxon, who said "the real facts at Mrs. 'Maude Turklngton'e Lily On the American's left flank, and the simple economics of a New Beauty Salon, near ths Center, South Korean troops by sundown YOUR GOOD HEALTH '37 Pontiac 4-Door. Ra­ England steel mill" never have 525 Main street. Tuesday were within five miles of been made public, took issue dio and Hoator. throughout hla report with state­ 1947 Plymouth 2-Door. ments made by Dr. Alfred C. Neal, Lovely to look vice president of the Federal Re­ Symbol of Success Hootor. serve Bank of Boston and research / 1948 Moreury Convorti- economist for the New England 3 ^ STRIKES AHEAD! ford's "fashion Car" beauty Is beauty bulb to lost. New "Bokt- Sueeone for the resegreh Council. Wo. Radio and Hoat­ In tbs April issue of Ladies' Home Journal, Dr. Neal, one of the steel mlll'e fnamel'* colors ore "boked on” to keep their kntre.. ford's new man. SuccesR for your or. origlnoJ aupportera, hoa teetifled Luxury Lounge Interiors ore upholstered wbh long wearing ford- Mrs. Edmund Novak, one of West Hartford's smart In support of the project before craft fobrlctl These fabrics, like oil ford's Interior oppoltrtments, are physician. And nuccees 1937 Ford Sodon. Radio committees of Oongreaa and the moderns, says:. . "M y two teen-agers like to cook. Connecticut legislature. TTie lat­ "Custom-Keyed" to exterior colorsl And In ford's roomy Interior you for U8, your pharmacist and Hnotor. ter has under conaideratlon a bill ride comfortably wbh new Automatic Mde Control That's why I insisted on getting a new automatic which would permit the state to adjusting your ride to every rood condition. . . . Here Is a team that 1942 Ford "A" Tudor. uoe the power of eminent domain Hoator. Gas range. It lights without matches, even for to acquire a mill site. fg tested daily—by your W 4 1941 Plymoath Convorti* baking and broiling. Being able to see the flame continued good health. Leffal Notices Wo. Radio and Hnot- and being able to turn it up or down instantly is nr. AT A COURT OF PROBATE hold iJ another reason I would not consider any other range." at Manrh^it4»r within an of Manchrtftcr, In aaJd DlRtrict, de­ ceased. .11' us too for immediate '47 Olds 4 Hydromotic / The administratrix having exhibited servicing. 4-Deor Sodgm. Radio her adminl.vtration account with aatd ‘ ks ■« ■■ J . 'M - . ■ estate to thia Court (or allowance, It is and Hnotnr. ORDERED: That the 4th day of ■ j;-V4 .'f* i. •.*'•>> •. - .. r 't April. 1951. at ten o'clock, forenoon, at *47 Chnvrolot Flootmas- . V.-, the Probate Office in the Municipal h .’ BulldtnR in said Manchester, be and tor 4-Door Sodon. Ra­ ' ■■■ 'V .. f • , ,r. the same U aaslftned for a hVarlng on * w the allowance of said admlnletratlon dio and Hootor. account with said eatate and this Court dlrectj that notice of the time- and place aaalffntd for ^ id heartnir be HARTFORD ROAD Kiven to all peraona known to be inter­ ested therein to appear and be iieard thereon by puhliahhhff a copy of this USED CARS order in Rome newspaper having a rlr- ^ W'.. culatlon In said Distrtrt. at lea.*»t five 270 HARTFOnO ROAD T i t v'^ -j' da>8 before Uie day Of aald hearing. 873 MAIN STHEKT . TE L. 4136 TELEPHONE 2-4IS8 JOHN J. WAULBTT, Judge.

- , ' & :.£ > r and loaded with'GO'!

Rock-a-Bye Baby Both ford's V -8 and Six engines give you rood-fultng getaway, On the Tree Top end eyo-openlng ecoisomy. Both ore equipped wbh ford's fuel-sav­ NWMUteu,. ' t* ^ * s W^hen You ing Autemolic Mileage Maker . . . o combination Ignition, corburetlon, and combustion syslent that squeezes the lost ounce of power out of - ^ a' a V Diapers every drop of fuel and gives you high compression performance Just Call Us Up Cooking Features wbh regular gas . . . and with Ford Overdrive* they offer up to FLEISCHMANN1S 1 5 % In oddltional gas savings. y'»-. .-.J- Only Gaa Gives: MOTHER GOOSE DIAPER SERVICE ^OpftoAo/ of fgfro ceif. y Any Degree of Heat, from 485 EAst Middle Turnpike UINDBD W HISKIT . 90 P IO O F . 65,% OKAIN NIUTRAL SPIRITS Simmer Burners to. Giant ‘ Tel, 2-1537 Flame— INSTANTI.Y IMS PLSISCHMANN MSnULING CORPORATION, PUKSKIU, N. Y. ■A--- ^ TIME TO •t ^ / Instant Shut-Off ■A'.'- TAKE INVENTORY / Smokeless Broiling. Flame-Kissed for Flavor / Removable Parts for Each ^‘Buy the Diamond Winter driving ofton leovot your cor Dishpan Washing with new rottlos, domogod fondon, mis­ / Tailored Flame . . . Tits Best-Known for Quality” Itself to Any Size Pan aligned wheels and many other outomo- / LOWER Cost to Buy from DEWEV-RICHMAN tive ills. With spring around the comer / Lower Coat to Use and plenty of pleasure driving aheod, a trip to 8ROWN-8EAUPRE'S is in order. Moke o dote rtol soon.

j^ ! 5 l ^ 5 it o m a t iSS p e ! ^ a ^ ^ You won't have time to become a die* mood expert before you buy that ringt , I * ) But it will take us only a few minutea to prove that Keepsake is the diamond ■ i ring of highest quality. Your Keepsake YOU CAN PAY MORE RUT YOU CAN'T RUT RETTER THAN ■ j More Than 50,^ Other Smart Women Engagement Diamond is a registered Manehostitr Division perfect gem. ^ / .1. -This .^rteire store in Greater Hartford Gmk with GAS! aCe J l D r t f o W I S d s €• • Ounronleed a. Oead OeadHon Houeekoeping ■•HU • o »o - I. Koepaak* These women know that a brand-naw Automatie OA8 Ranga brings i ----^ their kitchens up-to-date . . . givea them the old-fashioned goodness of sure-cooibng rssults plus speed, economy and eSo(encyi MANOiqSilTER om cpk m i BtADT SnUEET ' 8ASM0N ACAOCMY AWARD COME IN FOR A "TESY DRIVE'i OpoH llMinaajr Evenings nnd Sntmrday Mornings DEWEY-RICHMAN for Ai^Hanee Ocoonstratlon nnd Selss. To Keepsake "for exquisite de­ sign and brHIionl fashion styling." DILLON SALES «nd SERVICE SIS MAIN STR EET MANCUESTZZ ------— ------— ------" ...... Fnaburg, o f lUdg* atraat, who AikFaett dtod y oUrdsy mofnlnf, wUI bo Party Caucuses Finds Hamlf Loekad Club Lauded 1,400 Youngsters Here See O bitu ary hold tomorrow oftomoon st In a^Local Rast Roan o'clock St tho Watkins Funoral Weigh Jobs BiU On Tax E T ations Homo, 149 Eaat O n tor otroot. A middle-aged Manchestelr By Governor - Hanselp dreteV Operetta Garden Groves Determined to Square Playoff Series Rov. Carl Olson, o f Emanuel Ui- housewife will long remember theran church, will offldato and (Coxtlw *< Froos Page One) her shopping trip this morning i w f i N N O w ) Deaths burtol will bo In the East ceme­ on Main street. The woman Local Exchange Club Is Children of the fourth, fifth xnd^deslrable that children of this age ' . 9 tery. Friends may call at the fu­ from tha msaauro approved by the after using the rest room of a sixth grades In all of the public be given an opportunity..^ hear tv fMor. toM On m Ib m p c o tf Republican-controlled Houae laat THE I >t neral home between seven and service station found herself Complimented Upon schools of Manchester, and of the good music, music which uiay per­ Hosemen Gain K-State Three S a t r ^ M W fraud Mcttpa to be- Mm. Maty E. Straat Knapp week. Goliat New Batting ^ aat «v in tiM rrraaiM borrau Mm. Mary E. Strant Knapp, 9:30 this evening. locked In. “ Freedom Shrine” fifth and sixth grades of St. James haps will never get to hear other­ Laurels Hold One Game In advance of the caucuses, Ma­ After 30 minutes, the pro­ todiM* on the tax ntuma of widow o f Laiman H. Knapp, a parochial school had a special treat wise. Frank Rolatnn jority Leader Bfnjamin M. Leipner | prietor of the station heard a League Honors HeroM Angie ' Point Favtirite former realdent of Mancheater and Governor Lodge today compli­ this morning at the State Theater The operetta was directed by nabtera aad raacatean. Funeral services for Frank Rol* ( D-Bridgeport )^ aald Democrats | banging noise and he Investi­ where they were Invited to see a Snfdar aald tbaia baa not baan Hartford, and for the paat 20 yeara mented the Manchester Exchange Moshe Paranuv, dirtKtor o( tha S-tar with Phillies By ston, of 9 Hazel atreet, who died proposed to back the Senate bill performance of the operetta, Lead Over Champions.,^ a raaident of Milford died yeater- gated. He went to the rear of club for the "Freedom Shrine" Julius Hartt School of Music, and M d will ^ Saturday were held at twro o'clock to tha hilt and would resist any the station where the rest "Hanael and Gretel.” EARL W. YOST First Time in 10 Yrars lataroatloital R arim a buraan a day. She waa In her 90th year and ceremonies It plans on April 8, pupils o f the school acted out tha East Siders'Post 36 - 29 thia afternoon at St. Mary's Epis­ attempt to amend It. rooms are located and discov­ Some walked from their achools, Bporto Bdltar % ------'N U ^rarfara “ acainat major laacua a native of South Wlndaor. and said he regretted that It copal churcM Rev. Alfred W il­ Republican leaders were sum­ ered that a woman was Inside. others came by special bus, and various parts The scenery and all One Time Coal Miner Win Over Vcrplanck Krntiirky Underdog in •rlmlnala” Ha notad it waa the She leavea two daughtera, Mra. would be impossible for him to ac­ stage effects ware brought out to Tickets Still Available Tnnv Reruhe fo Coach Coach Benny PaganiV ^ h liams nfficiated and burial waa in moned to Governor John I-odge's The stntion owner tried his still others were brought In pri­ p.i V cage season . . Sweatwater lacome tax man who banrad the Byron E. Weat, of Wapplng, and cept an invitation to attend. Manchester (roift the school. Etoch For Basketball Banquet Laddcrmen in . Finals at ftalkeley Sladlinn (lollrgo Uagr Hrilish American Nine [ra. Hal T. Perklna. of Milford; the Eaat cemetery. The bearers office for a huddle before the OOP key in the door but It would vate cars by parents. All in all a .\(IHs Fuel to Attack; CIlMon, former Globetrotter star Veterans Have Backs Mt tota Scarfaca At Capone, Chlcaro senators held their caucus. Min­ The club has obtained 28 au­ total of 1400 youngsters filled the year the school chooses a, produc­ Bulkeley Stadium In Hartford one granddaughter, Mra. Edgar were William Bray, Thomas niii relcH.se the lock. A skeleton Tlckcta are still available for and now with the New York gtjig oreriord of the prohibition ority Leader Lyman E. Hall (R- thentic reproductions of historical State Theater to capaclt»; some tion suitable for children and goes Mantle Sensational in The East Side HoMmen beat the will be the site of the 1951 N a­ Minneapolis, March 27— iiT, Tony Berube has been To Wall; Expect Good Gardner, of Devon; two brothera, Wray, Herbert Ingham, Ben key also failed to open the Wednesday night’s testimonial Knicks, sat several rows In front Berlin) said he assumed that the documents to be made available to were forced to stand as there were out to different towns throughout Vcrplanck Laddermsn 36-39 to bo- Kentucky, the Nation's No. 1 named playing-coach of the George W. Strant and Walter A. Housel, Thomas Rogers, and Earl door. Finally, after another fif­ Yankee W in;' Results banquet In honor of the Nassiff tional Baaeball ^ Congress state ^ of the Ooniiecticut delegation . . *O a or(a J. Schoanemaa. commla- party's policy on the Senate bill ■Manchester schools. * not enough seats to go around. the state giving performances. come the champions of the Police ranking haskethall team, meets British American haaeball Crowd at ’ East Side J’* Strant, of T. Trottef. teen minutes, a key was found Arms' basketball team at the baseball tournament finals. The WNHC-TV In New Haven la ex­ alontr of Intamal Revenue, fol* would be discussed at the meeting "In these troubled times,” said The operetta was brought to Last year about fliis Jlme another and Fireman Midget Saturday pected to carry alt home gsmra of Kansas Stale, the No. 4 tram, to­ team for the 1951 season. The The funeral will be held Thura- Masonic services were conduct­ to fit the door and the woman the Governor, "it Is well that we Legion Home. The affair la be­ lewed up Snyder’a statement with ed at the Watkins Funeral Home with the Governor. Manchester by the Manchester P. operetta was given here for the By The .\ssociated f’ress Morning basketball league. annual event will be staged at the the and Brook­ night in Ihe Blue Grass State veteran ri^tcher siiiceedi Second game In the beet out o t


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