
THTheE CONSTITUTIONALISConstitutionalistT VOLVOL.. XLIXLJII PLAINF1ELDPLAINFIELD., NN.. J.J.., THURSDA THURSDAYY DECEMBERDECEMBER.. 1, 19101. . 1910. NONO.. 4747.. 1 —ohkb - 1~- l»»M "•* >•«)-. — WHI I. Ha LUUM. a. la Ha a-.-'-—- - ~ ~ WOMEN PUT BRIDGE . GUM HEM; 110 WHO II BUS III 51 Hani Kronold and the AMlat- III i ur air is III im nil 8. P*.. Ca. AA.. AgenAg»ntt Alm Almss to AS TO MI ASSISTS MISS GROSSMAN Andrew McC. Parker, Noted ipg Artteta Dallghted EiflUBrflistt ChildreChildrenn llaa ththee Engineer, to Study at • • ^ D*y" at "J^dlee'UsNhun *Day" Hunt !at CuWatchangs Heaterlln . agedGustaven rear* Sat. erlln. I SomSomee timtimee ag o agoTh e TheDall DallyPres s IPress' The datiThe- fo r datetbe performancfor the e of Bn^ineer, to Study at BiBiffg AudienceAudience.. Club, observeUlab. dolnm^ yesterday yesterday., proved to proveda we I . to > «llnsld eknownnt of ttitr«: aid*bor - Society*Society's WorkWork.. | offeredoffered twtwoo priseprisess fo rfor tb e theguesser gucesers* Th ie "TheDushes Duahesis of Suds. " which was be a delightful occasion. Despite tbe ough e than :i (in; PrincetoPrincetonn UnivUniv.. j bo a delightful occasion. I>»splte the ouch for more than O* • ofofTh# PlalnflelPlainfieldd anandd Nort Northh Plai nPlainfield, field. at flrstat afirstm anno*cd fo r next Tuesday, disagreeable weather, the women en- century, died this, i UIIIIHv CXASMICAci kMulril, woalbor. tbo women oa- c. died this- n PRIZES T" BE AWARDEDiKD , Tbe condition conditionss wer weree tha thatt the thepel personhas I beebaan been cha PROGRAM Climi CI.AWGuAL. Joye \ itKIDQR wtalst, whic,J h Whut.was followe whichd bvaay a tea.'Mundyfollowed by, 9 aHarmon tea. yMundy. i * Harmony i •usBUS figurefiguress asaa t o totb ethe populatio populationn of baofa beebaan sebeen< sen lllwt limit Harri*HarrU.. tiopranu;soprano; Ml*MMa* The affair waa arranged by Mr*. ougb. following a thi• 111- Oratorical ConteMs of Local Scbuiheadl tbthee citdtyy an dand boroug boroughh wa a waato beto be Hart H. Farle« and Mlaa Mabel B. witm«>h swith stomach in 1-.H al High School ml Pupil* \rr liMinnl by Sirs. j awarded a prise of five dollar* In HaaelIU/.-1 limnHatfield., l.i. Contralto( oatralio,, WU Vl>. Hooley. who decorated the clubhouse terlln «uve ao f nativeGerman oy and • | gold,gold, foforr eaceachh municipalitymunicipality.. Th u The; Resident Goea 1 rruioa. Tb_ e ._ intry when a young | time is drawing near for the distri- i...ll*m Mii,- inu-i•-. Unrtlone and .ad appropriately for the occasion.came to thiThes r came to thla country G. \':in time la drawing near for the dlstrt- ’ color ache me waa pink, and thla waa man. For a great □ I butiobutlonn ooff thesthesee tw otwo prlie prisess as theas . the Rack to the I • «( Book* eMor. I [carried out even to tbe color of the'conducted a homing place on Green- Hoe*en. census bureau will ebortly arrive at. Geo. Smith. Teaor. carried out even to the color of the j roadarted a bottllag | I census bureau will shortly arrive at forfor »a DegreeDegree.. [ Jcandle* caudles serveservedd aatt tbthee lea tea.. Mrs .Mr*. H. I brooH. kI brookroad, whicroad,h Iwhichs now ownela d by j the correct•i-rt figuresfigures.. While tb« local Society h# Seldomi habaas a a PlaPlainfieldi ifleld sudlencjtjW audlem c. , ReebW. eBeebe and Mrsand. AMra.. B . A.,Davle B.s j Adolp,Daviee|h Rohren Adolph. Iktbren. * ; Already hundreds> f ofgu i guesses have| ^^■r\ AndreAndreww McClea McCleann Parker l'srkcr., former -ronuer- enjoyedenjoyed a i program ofof suc sorbh uniform. uniformi poure , pouredd and theandy wertheye assistewere daeslated by a, byMr . a|SiHterll Mr.n waSutterllns for man wasy year s | 9nrthas born received and they are>miix coming!K flr \ !y lyof thior s thiscity , city,but nobutw onowf Prince of- Priuce- *1 ..icttf* _-aa —that presente presentedd at thfejnumbeat the j numberr of youn ofg youngwomen . women. |a member of |atb e memberGesang anofd theTur Oe*n | In daily, but there la yet time for nE\ tonton., ha abss entere enteredd the biologicaihe biologicall de- de- to bl> FirsFlratt BaptinBaptistt churcrhtirrhh laslastt night night,, unr ]tinej Th e guestThe *facets Include includedd a numbe a r numberoffYerei nof anVrrelnd had aand larg ehad circl a e la -)f | tent, any who have not yet hatarded an j I aml andhi s matricalatioMs matriculationn haa arousehas daroused h r dederr ththee directiodirectionn ooff Howar Howardd it. MCastt*Pwoiw Caa**Vwonarnn prominen prominentt in societyIn society in the ;la f rieth«*ndg amonfriend*g th Germa then residenGc t •• I " "• ■cm. opinion u to how many people there | 1 unusual Interest among the students forfor ibthae beneObenefitt of oftb ethe Templ Templee Rapr-clt Hap-.cityy and andboroug boroughh and includeand dIncluded tin.. ,, r tbthee boroughof the. boroughHe Is survive Hed by | Steph re-inre In our city and borough. Send In, A ' of Ith e universitynf the , nnlTcrslrr.chiefly becauB cMcflve of b.-caus- of Hali. r. churcbchurch.. TbThee ;; • il'r.igeneralj arrange arrwngee^ j following j following:: j,wo .„. . n .,,; . :inf,'Wo] Alber sons.t Sutler- Charles| tir nand I «•**• a guess today. Aa a basis for- yaur J 1 tbethe fac factt tha tthat Mr. Mr.Parke Parkerr Is nfiyla- flfty- of ih 1 Th e TheMisse Miaseas Charlott Charlottee Finch , Finch.»ft-(n n;Ma- BIPO |, D;tw o »Uodaughters V"» . danghMrs. Ed- | human 1r In;calculation these figures are given, I ooe year s of age He■ *«'fs a graduatHe Is e a graduate at to afford Ibe large audience up) rio Flncb, Margaret Dr&yton, Caro-iward Mundy of the borough .. ami : Washing. n*y i from the census of 1#00: Plainfield. .1 ofof Columbi Columbiaa University University.. Clas Classs of ',80 of, ’*0. exceptional opportunity to hear tb*jUbe Martin. E. L. Brooks. Mabel ». j Miss Katherlne Sutterlln, of New I engaged I r#-|l„.2C»; North Plainfield borough.' ^dV j. I wherwheree he wabes givewaan thgivene degre thee odegreet of q r. , y the Figure out what you believe, / mechanicaniecbenkall engineer engineer.. H e IHes th eIs ottf Ihe- old- 1. i in a new field of mualc. ! ; Mrs. Sdgar Yule, Mr.. Leon Mjran, ; society and baa begun to work n »i to be the per rentage of Increase and i fcst student Princeton has had In a While the work of Ml» Ruth Han-1 Mr«. F. D. Ely. Mrs. W. A. Nye, Mm. i plan to Interest the young peopl.» of,ndo the figures to these and you may! — .numbernumber ooff yearsyears.. MB, soprano, and MIHS Iluz.-l ll.-t- , Kilwin S. Hooley, Mrs. H. W. P. •• b< . 1 tbe city and tbe children In the public \ w~ Probably tbeProbably only othe ther collegonly e other nolle** field, contralto, i.t somewhat familiar i Mrs. Rutherford Tcmner, Mrs. K. C.j (schools which will enlist their CO-OD- k student In Americstudenta toda Iny Ainrrlrawho Is old today- who la old- | ration in the wor*. Jer la Rev. M. L. Troutman, pastor of .pportuity Pli The society is anxious of enlisting i j thathe FirsFirstt MM.. K . Kchurch church,, of Athensof Athena., Udren In the world wide move-, !Ce.. who entered the I'nlveralty of vies, Mrs. William Lock wood. Mn being kind to dumb animals ham Pinto Georgia Georgiathis yea r thlaat tbyeare ag eat o f thefifty age- of fifty- did iil-fi William Holmes, barlf Marlon S. Ackermaa, Mrs. Arthur L. (IT THE COUMfRY Cl(TBi£fand In ordei r to forward tne project r U co ,n, fourTour anandd wawaas electeelectedd presiden presidentt o f oftb «the Otterson. Mies Lucy Otterson. Mrs.! M._ v nk L. Chirk and he. ___ future to have ‘ T.. ~ '»lnK“ junio* juniorr els** .claae. W^IV. Coriell. Mrs. H. K. Tetauka. J gh"J t Henrietta Crosaman. i jjr. Parker la a graduate of the the Misses Edith and Mary oratorical contests In which tbi Crossman, Mr pari(Pr (, a graduate of the Mrs C. E. B. Belto- h Mrs. Morris I Clark, of West Seventh street, gave [ lects to be used are from matt Harques | piflinrield High School and baa al- J.-Dumont, Mrs. J. W. a °0.SpanishL .\ *r*nde«. ways| Plainfield had a deepHigh InterestSchool andIn Plnln-has al- ker, Mrs.ja ct,»rmlng muslcale at the Plain- -Dished by the society and which Miss Flora wUhways bad a deep interest tn Plaln- Hart S. Fartee. f Seld Country Club, yesterday after-. > be given In public la a aeries Scotch Plaii ’ 5* ^ field affairs.Thls wa s Thismore waarecent more- recent- The priies were many Ami nd coatly. .noon from 3 to 6 o'clock. There j *>'ellmJOJ mtests until the final of Mrs. Elle nd fidelity. _ ly demonstrate| |y demonstratedd in what wain s whatjiract - was prset- since i about eighty guests present to j contest shall have been narrowed the borough, were j|IctH icallyy bihiss gifgiftt t o toth ethe cit ycity of aof hand a -hand y the affair. The clubhouse was • down to four representatives from U: 30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at! ill :(i fl'l- nnrvrilrll AIMftnin- ft* land athletisomendc n>ldpark, wblcaa ah publicwill b * playground -fully decorated, pink and green each of the grades of the public [the home of the bride's cousin. (!eo- U |\\ L', fl \U\Ji'K ; ULML if- [thrown ope» n to athleticthe publi field.c nex t sumwhich- will he cliflrin th;it wuu the heartiest ap* tM'int- the prevailing colors through-1 schools and la the best speakers rge Marsh, II Maple avenue the '••:•• MIIJU f'.fl. L'ii''HillH L/iliJUnlULL ; mer, I Mr.thrown Parke openr is ato bridg the e publicbuilde rnext sutn- plauve. In Y. 11 ling-room and reception among tbe High School pupils. ongh In the presence of a la 1• mer.and nd archlfecMr. tParker and waiss aon bridgee of buildertbe ofof tbrthreew electionrr s "LarcheUo," and hall. I Tl|e work of getting the matterlber of relatlva and rrleuc j chief engineers in charge of the con- 1 )L UTulUnilPU rb,* f g,af ra ,n rbara*>d # waaot thmone of (be Minuet."Minu'-i." Moiart5 . and "Rondo," by The program was rendered by Her- Pi" squarely before tbe pupils of the i Franklin K. Msthlews. past r. ffl UUnUuuHWUU l>truc(to * n rwork ~In Panama. * He haa Boccherini.Hucc)i>-rlnl. and be generously . ref man Epstein, piano; Vladimir Dubln-1 public schools will be placed bejfoi — becomelatmctlon, intereste work d InI n Panama.lower anima Hel hsa monde... Ml (.'d■ ! to an efcore. all of wbtcs Aleander Saslavsky, j Superlmenden Hem M. Maxsotf for which the bride mber. per- j I becomelife to suc hInterested an exten t thaIn t lowerhe ha a enanimal- ffave ample opportunity for tne art- TheThe popularitpopularityy ofof th thee Y . Y.M . 1M3 C. , all well-known artists. Mr.) bis approval and 11 Is hoped before formed t re of a large numbertere lifed th toe courssuch ean at extentPrinceto thatn an hed labaa en- tUt io display bM great ability. i A. orchestra' concerts does nqt aeei A. orchestra concerts does nuth Plainneld. werewere marriemarriedd InIn S tSt. the house of I»r. Edmund Capps, pro- played In a pleasing way tbe nan-, of enjo: trio; "Chanson Neapo- teen of tbe Sates. The American > beat man. and Hervey Marsh was at 3 o’clock this af- fcaaoror of classicsof claaalcs., who whoIs abroad' la abroad.. ni.iny of the four voices. Following feeding event. Last night' waa no Casellas, 'cello solo; "E. Humane Education Society Is re-Jthe usher. The bride •moon by Rev. FaFa her'Mlirerher MILef.. MlsMissi r. Mr.Parke Parkerr is a sola n ao f sonCaptai ofn Captain exception to this statement. A large Major," Chopin; "P sharp Major." 'sponsible for tne teaching, of this | marriage by her cou»ln. Thomas Col- nnle Waldron slatersister ooff tbthee bride bride.. Jame Jamess Parker Parker,, of Pertof h PertkAm boy Amboy,, but" but Kronold. Miss Hascl Hut field us* d iti di hd plan* lolln solos, i hranch of study wherever It exists] lard, who Is a principal of one of the' ? as bridesmailaidd annndd JohJohnn J. J.Mc Me-- wb owho wa s waaa Plalnflelde a Plalnftelderr many manyyears year* tbe aria from "Sajnaon and Dellah,' selected: "Schei '• Klegia.'' 1 and In every Instance the result has i public scbools of Newark. The wed-1 onougti brothe■r ooff tbthee groomgroom,, w uwas ago.H e IsHe als ola a alsobrothe a r brotherof Mrs . of Mr*, Salnt-Sftene. "My Heart at Tbv jnsky, trio | been amazing and profitable. I ding marches were played on the' jst man. The uuher hersa werweree AlbeAlbertr Purloin DuBols., wif ewife of Drof. FDr.. E . F.DuBoIs E. Du. o fBole, of fcw.- t Voice." In whlWi Iior excellent direction of Martin A/Korff wbo had Following the refresh-1•fresh-! InIn th ethe contest contestss whic hwhich the tocalfplanthe localo by Mrs. Ada Dum 'aldron nnd M. N.N. WaldronWaldron,, brotbroth-h Washington avenue. voice waa heard to great advantage] to bo»' bis acknowledgements over! ni.-ms were B,.n inder thihee dirdlrec-;t societ societyy proposeproposess t o tobol boldd th e thewj winners friend of the Mlea flatfli-ld has a natural ronlraltd and over again. Jtion of Jobn Hi superintende‘ i ‘ I will be presented with solidbride silver. voice, of wide range and purify, anm NeNeww YorkYork.. WesilleldWestfield.. Sont h Did \wi»h Air; ’Thy Reamingem pi . Eyes."Eyes."a MarDowellMarDowell., anandd "Wh“Whoo is la mlsea ofif co-operatioco-operationn by byprominen prominentt th e early part of the evening t PlainfieldPlainfleld anandd DunellenDunelleo., a s aa v ffrage. Among those who have The program was in two parts and Both Silvia"" In which lit* rich voice de- The program waa In two parts and were Mr. ni3 Mrs. peoplepeople havhavee beebeenn given given.. frofromm ththes citcityy an dand borough borough,, en selected to speak on that oc- 8>ivia " in whlrh his rich voice de-n tbe Interroislon a silver collection B lighted everyone. Mr. Holme* has! In the Interulslon a sliver collection • Misses Kthel and Mrs.Mrs. VaVann HoeseHoeeenn declare declaredd that thatupo n their return will reside at t bridebride anandd KTOOTgroomH receivereceivedd sion are Mrs. C. I.,. Rlley and Miss lighted everyone Mr. Holmes haswas taken up, there having been 1 ihe happy faculty of giving the right was taken up. there having been no and Mrs. Charles duringirlng ththee paspastt yea yearr betwee betweenn fou r fourlom e of the groom on Franklin a handsomhandsomee presentspresents.. Voe Russell-Ratesman and It Is pos- the happy faculty of giving the right admission. The eni jiri'wion and hi i work last nights Sftnrge for admission. The entire thur: Mr. and Mrs. hundrehundredd anandd fivfivee hundrehundredd sick , sick. •••• Howe Hall expreefilon and bit work last nightprogra m wtl well rendered and • a*> fafaultlessi program waa well rendered and re Ir. and Mrs. H, H. *oundedided oorr worwornn ououtt animal animalss ba d hadTheTb e bousbousee wawass attractivel attractivelyy dec |,list fieldi andand MrMr. Smithriinlth.. The volees j CAt'SKCAUMienD SLIGHmijghtT DAM.UiKn . John Hi* rley, Charles stances of cruelty of the worst kinddining-room. The bride was tha re •Iplent of a great many gifts of use blendeblendedd inIn perfocperfectt har harmony.m Part elnlnger. | havhavee recentlrecentlyy comcomee t o tohe iher notice rlpientIn of a great many gifts of use firstfirst wawass concludeconcludedd wiwlh h two num-Spontaneous combustioncutiusllon startestartedd a whichwhich hunterbanterss havhavee bee beenn the cause.pndin d valuevalue.. MrsMrs.. Lace Laceyy wa s was a resi-•, hic h there will be a public Inltia ; together with other men are snxloiw bers hy Mr. Krnnold, "Ki OilyOt ly laslantt SaturdaSaturdayy whilwhilee walkin walkingg dent ooff ScotcScotchh PlaPlainst for severaltlon of forty boys and addresses by' to learn the basis upon wblch th* bers by Mr Kronold. “Kamehol Os-nre In a storehouse of the CrracentHOP E OHAPKL CLASS a number of prc trow.- flu-, rist.-ii! and iln Embossing Ctonipan HOPE CHAPEL CLASH throughthrough ththee woodwoodss nea nearr he rher home home., years I anandd shabee aadmadee man manyy friend friendss . The- i desire uff rage. trow." Rubinstein, and the “Witches*Embossing Company plant on West HAS A CHOWDER SUPPER. r Charles J. Flak. Rev. Dance.' ••••••• of 1 •.- own composition Second street at 11 HAS A CHOWDER HUPPKR.Mrs.Mrs . VaVann HoeseHoeeenn foun foundd a squirrea squirrell both aatt thathatt pla placei and In this city.are Ma; Dance.’ one of his own composition.Second street at 11:«0 last night. Warner, Arthur M: H»-r!s, C. W. i HarrU anandd a rabbirabbitt nea nearr t oto eac eachh other other,, bot bothh Mr. Lacey is also well-known here MKN. A. M. imlM.K TO Ml»a Harris ojM-ned i»art second,The blase >u noticed by a neigh- Ift.r memberi and friends of tt . Con- HIM. A. M. DODGE TO nbers, Coi • headquarters wa* i wounded eo badly tbat tbey could led for a ni ADDHEM8 I JI V 1 with two charming numbers. Gou-bor and fire headquarters was noil iam N'. Run yon Bible Class Ai wounded ao badly that they couldwhere he haa resided for a number affair ADDflKHM CITY UNION. nod's 'Serensde." "and "The Year's not get away. Hbe returned to oofh**rf yearsyears. . HeHe hold holdss an anexcell excellento po- nod's "Serenade." and 'The Year’sfled by telephone, one of the men »tlon, of Hope chapel, enjoyed a will be given under the direction of at tbe Spring.' by Beach, and again home for a agu gunn an dand pu t putbot h bothlittl e littleSltlosition n witwithb MorriMorriss C . C.Va n VanAr Aradale. The annual meeting of the at the Bpruig.' by Usoch. and againturning In an alarm from box 4fl on vder supper In the Sunday- - rles G. August, leader of she pleased with the perfect rendi- of tbeir the shoe merchant of West Fran* if King's Daughters wilt she pleased with ths perfect rendi- of the first apparatus ot room*, last night. At the animals out of their misery. They club, wbo will also speak. An tion, as did also Mis* Hatfleld wbo hahadd evidentlevidentlyy beensho shott b y byhunter bunteras street. He Is an active member of St. held In the Crescent Avenue tion. as did also Miss Hatfield whoThe atorehouae waa filled with luslon of the repaat. Howard Mac will render a •*Dg. "His Lullaby," Bond, and "Tlu> paper infla andand hahadd cracrawledw awa awayy i out of sightStephen’sStephen' s churchchurch,, beinbeingg t an officer of rcb parlors tomorrow afternoon sang. * Ills I.ullabv," Bond, and “Thepaper cuttings and other Inflam-Williams , teacher of the class, oc- program. Ould riatd Shawl." llaynea. K no- able lai a toto didiee ofof thei theirr w < wounds. the parish; also a member of the t o'clock. All King's Daughters Ould riald Shawl." Haynes. X no-mable material and the flames spread . (! the chair and called for ad- The dinner will be served by a table isum!.. r was tbe duet by Miss iit-klv A line of hose was laid TheThe proposeproposedd oratoricaoratoricall contestChoir. and their friends are most cordially table number was the duet by Miasquickly A line of hose was laid In ses. The principal ones were ommlttee of women comprising Mrs. Harris and Mr. Holme*, which was 'jind a tank of the chemical eng willwill bbee helheldd undeunderr th thee anap auspicesl of ofth ethe Ited. those attending are asked Harris sod Mr. Holmes, which was>nd a tank of the chemical enginegive n by (',. Herbert Condict and .'harles G. August. Mrs. Thomas followed with two selections by Mr.waswa s useusedd vnfn additionaddition.' TheThe dam idamage localal societsocietyy anandd thethe topi toplcac wil lwill be ANNIVERSARYAXMVERSARbe Y OFOP SMTSUIT.. to bring a glass of jelly for tba rnlsbed by them. The object in OF THE RESCl'E MISSIOV. Henry. Mrs. Allen Snyder. Mrs. Wai- nurse's closet. Smith.Smith. "Th“Thee LasLastt Watc Watchh " "Pinsultt Plnaultl.. la placeplacedd atat abou aboutt $150 1150.. practlc practicallyi William s also spoke Their remarks furnished by them. The object In OE THE nWCTK MISSION. view Is to lead every person, young Bradford. Mrs. George M. Rltteri Mrs. A. N. Dodge, president of the andsnd "Daint"Daintyy Clare.Clare,'' Alltsen Alltacn.. I n inwhic whichh all oonn rcmii-ntcontent*! M as th ethe buildin buildingg I Iswer a e devoted to the Sunday-school ▼lew la to lead every person, young Id. to treat dumb animals with rvlces marking the fourih an- se. Mrs. Donald Mcfnnes and Mn Federation of D*y Nurseries, of New thlathis favoritfavoritee singesingerr gav gavee a trua etrue In- corrugatedIn-corrugate d IroIronn affaiaffairr an andd wa wass ba iharm-wor k at the chapel. Several solos or old. to treat dumb animals with kindness. All the granges of tbe -sary of John LeMatty as euper- William Terry. > York, win make the address. She terpretationterpretation anaadd pleasepleaaodd hi s hisaudi audl-- eedd buhatt littlelittle.. • contributed by William Ander- kindness All the granges of the ruceence . ThThee progra programm wa a wasconclude concludedd country have taketakenn upup thi sthis Import Import-- ident of the Plalnfleld Rescue recently returned from a trip around matter and the Mattel of the Ion. were held at tbe mission ELIZABETHELIZABETH ELKELKSS HOLHOLDD the world and will undoubtedly have with t*o Velio solot. "Traumerl." The affair was In ant matter and the Master of the whh two Vsllo solo*. "Trwumsrl." charge of the imethlng decidedly Interesting to Bchuniiinii. and "Faotaisie TilK«Be." v. Joh Y. Bro social committee of NationalNational GrangGrangee hahass give givenn th ethe pro -pro- night, and TENTHTESTH AJOnSUANNUAL. KECEPTIOVRECEPTION.. Rchamaan. sad Kants isle Tslgane.” relate. A two mini Mohr,. by. Mr Kronold.Dt>ld. an dand a aeleca aelec-- Ity Refornux! c. posed of Charles Vim jecjectt bibiss heartiesheartiestt approval approval.. Litera Litera-- Ing the even tureture relatinrelatingg toto ththee wor workk o f ofthe theHu -Ho-tlia : ISO Tbe Elisabeth Lodge of Elks gave •nted by I tk»alion frofromm 'KoblRobina Hood. llood."" DeKoven DeKovsn.. i[p» nie.d by Mr. and Mr». F. Broadbent and Adam or the quartet. Too much praise ter. of- Sandfor_ .- d. avenue, attended maaemane SocietSocietyy lala beinbeingg distribute distributedd b y byMatt y by S. T. Perrfn, oi Its tenth annual reception In Turn local circles and tea will be served by the quartet. Too much praise , i In by the Loyal Circle of NVtherwood. fannotcannot bbee Kivesirenn Mr. Mr. Case Case,, th ethe accom accora-- th e 1annua l banquet of the Reformed MrsMrs.. VaVann HoeaeHoeeenn an andd furthe furtherr Infor Infor-- the members of the miss Hall, last night, more than seven Ml— Sirapi--- F—rial. matiomationn regardinregardingg ththee contest contestss ma ymayj>reciatlo n of bis faithful services. hundred couples being present dur- ponlatpanist ooff ihthee evening evening,, whos whosee wor kwork < The funeral ot Miss Margaret J. •as of a high:h order order,. He liewas waa com-• u,' Hotel, . New'York. night. 'be obtainedibtalned frofromm herher.. Mr. LeMatty responded with a few ing tne evening. Representatives Bunt Jeffery Zaip Strapperappe wawass helheldd thi nthis "mornin morningg tn In I'..: 1'iibllcly by Mr. Kronold at which time Captain Robert E. remarks thanking those who had from lodges In Newark. Jersey City. Ernest Jeffery, son of Mr. and plltnented publicly by Mr. Kro»old b St.. Mary'Mary’ss churchchurch,, a aUrg largee gatherin gatheringg :rlbuted to tbe purse. Paterson, Montclalr, Bsyonne and lorr hhi.U worknrk a tat Ih ethe piano piano.. IPeary was the chief sepaker. I Roy* a Italldina: Lot. Mrs. William. Jeffery. of Berkeley of relativerelatives* anandd friendfriendss bein beingg in |atD- at- he meeting was" In charge of tnla city were preset Heights, wfao Is at the hospital un- 'ladles' night." and there ndance. The nu; was said by eorge W. Cole, of Weat Second tendance. The man was aald by William Wrigbt. who spoke briefly Mayor-elect Alfred Stein and der treatment for a gunshot wound Marline Pora>ia Polllint. »bout three hundred guests. ft. closed a deal this morning Ret. Father Hogan and burial was of tbe happy occasion, after which l the sate of a building lot on Le> in bis left arm. Is Improving. Tbo James E. Marline waa one ot the madeade inIn StSt.. Mary'Mary'ss cemetery cemetery.. Th e The .here were short addresses by S. ~ •peak*rs at :he banquet of the Vea'* Craig A. >l«r.h. land avenue, adjoining tbe parson- jy e g g Injury was the remit of the eeri- pallHI bearerbearerss werweree RoberRobertt McCor McCor-- Swackharoer Maurice E. Mc- tions were received by County Col- dental discharge of a un on tlob of the Knury Memorial M. E Society of Friends >Ke of the Netberwood Reformed dental discharge of Ba gun on mack.ack. FranPrankk Sweeney8weene«'.. DenniDenniss O' - O’- ipllmeatary of Mr. LeMat lector Leavitt, chairman of the Thanksgiving Day morning. In the =hnrcli in Jersey Citjr last ntght. and if this city has selected William R church to Enoch Berry. The latter Thanksgiving Day morning. In the KeefeKeefe.. PatricPatrickk KfrtKielvv P. P.J. J.McLongh McLough-- ty"s work. There were piano and committee of arrangements. Lunch- hands of Jeffery's brother. Richard contrary to his usual custom he did i. of the nrm of Codington will begin at once the erection of a hands or Jeffery’s brother. Richard lla inandd JameJamees McLynchsfcrMrLyncba'cy.. selectk ' " eon was serred at midnight. Danc- Jeffery. The lad was trying to hit *>i au politic* with bis remark* lamer, (n succeed tbe lats double apartment house. Jeffery. The lad was trying to hit net and organ selections by Mrs. ing was tbe order of tbe night. a turkey which lay on a table in the >oont rialnfleld'a ««rly history and Marsh ns Its legal repre- a turkey which lay on a table In the F4>wonh Jobn Mauley and piano selections | bungalow and loajead part of the U» own personal coOBerttioti with It lu the Kale of a portion bungalow and Instead part of the A group, rally of tbe Epworfh Veet ,'by Miss Grace L»Matty. A social .charge entered hU brother's arm. Jf *eli aa oratorical firework* on' icharge entered hie brother's arm. Leagues of the Elisabeth district The Young Friends' Association h followed and refrshments "«s ^and reputllc ot ours. Mr. Federal building, which Is now pend- onr held In the Scotch Plains Metb- wni^niee, _ _ t Friday- * - _ »t the home were served under tbe dlrec- •wrtine »„ tne ^jipumt of eon- odlst church last Bight. One hnn- u st th i ^STt T** *"W for'«<™ »t Eugene Wood. During the ternoon, the members meeting the' _^ __ P*tolaf!ons upon bis speecli^nd ,dred delegates were in attendance ,dred delegates we hounds at Watchnng HOI at 3 30 Daughters will bold a Christmas sal* JJ**^ warmly received by Her. A. C. —Lovers of a good drea. was made bv the evening -m be George Fox. *foar 7^n Mr. L*Matty tans been of coffee I The principal add superintendent of tbe mission, there o'clock, provided tk* weather Is fa-[at Grace church parish house. Fri- ould trr Neuman Hroa. Java and |iohn"Tr!er' _ reforme_ d drank arfl J d [Jh trmmmt, dab to MeeC have been many converts and a BDED- vorsble. Farmers are Invited to take;flay afternoon from 3 to S o'clock, ocha. Old Government Java and while Mtsa Nellie WoniBgswl h The Sesame Ctnb will m«et tomor- part In all rum. J at which . tine "A Racnelor'a Rev- —Now is the time to Bne Maracaibo. at SO. !S and ::li. solo^. • o row momlcfr at tk* reddenee of ^______^^^_ I erte" will be presented by memPRv ^»ed glass windows. s a pound They are the best) J Mm L. R. Rosa. 306 Ernst Sevnlh —V*9 Daily Praaa wart t . Ti*f j of the circle, of which Miss Margaret -.•.-.•..••.,•„ ISSSW P* •*• ™»rk»t- I —TIT - Vmlir Pn> want ad. rrs— w» at J ds. Oenareea a*»d lwde»eod*rt. CHRISTIANCHRISTIAN ENDEAVORENDEAVOR.. Te* Talkative. ""ftEVENUftEVENU;S C'JHERSCJTTERS.. No-dN0..1 UNN s.Iir a Billboardffillb*artf.. In fri.u: t ul • ' ••!•:••• 11..,,.-i - -imp 1B TV follow -lory to tntd of the DuringDuring as rei-eomvyit ru rann n o a>o w a« vMr bank a bllllmara w*» set ap ID Paris tbrff u-.^l M -i' a »..:....11 *nb Prayer«y,r M««tinUmmmga TopiTepi*e F* Ferr th athe V (WeekfuDoa* palmer Makart: The artistVariedVarie d DDotieeU(i.. ooff ThaiTbe*#. Uf Lifea S.v* Severe. #ftank a hlllboanl waa art up in t two WW*II !•**. She «...l i.Klutvn Street, where (be line uf depoaltora i PUBHC OUERSHIP s. Khe m>AI pwtoroo •eg.fm.sgB.a.on.og OteDea.. *A.. 1910If 10.. was a very rniooate .be— player, the : ■treet. where tb* tine of depositors ind nous' "nisdd |ilu>>^playsvll *r*|welll uuo<> Ib ther 'to tlro- hut be d.«l •** like hi. adversary teNoN o memenn IInn lhetto • «mi-loy of Foci* Ramwere e gather.d.fatbend. aaandd itUs - frxofrankk atatentenstatementi 1 T«p4r-lh» werth while Itfe.-Prw BorougBoroughh AwocJailoAmocIo'Ioiio D«cl*reD-clsra*« la. In 1M *; iri-bew wwaau therethere,, irr veryj i>r.- pCft*r - ’I-?, . a. (CoraWTri^ (Cemcr.llo-i t.f lil.rPiabtS I Edite t dB litteutterr aa nn^lstogiee wor„..fdd durin duringg tb ethe prog prog-- reader more (Oilciit -errko ofof thth*e bankbank'*s conditioconditionn dt didd nnul muchi t. Qoveroor-EUctGovernor-Elect ServeS.fvh* NotiNoUcc 9 ( •nd drvwd with H mn>d deal of IM*. IF. I>. D. n—• uf .- t...jt-. A stranger wbp «-BH restore • mnnlf iur. M.mv p«opl*> drop- with a p-d deal of tame. re— of a A -cranger whptha*e Was of the loveuue «utterM root ore ronOtb-nce. Many propto drop Itwlf ID Vmror of Public •nd wbt-n LonU Nui«>leoa. then nwrre- Thai form of Ihe i-»-iry 11-rtl bj (*•>' rery nuxi.ni. l«, -»-t on iotliDat* term* ped out of I lie line after reading the onon -Bo**""Boss" UaDmvla.v j». PartPartyy Itaoif In Foror of Public and wbm Lou.- >a|-4«m. then mere- Tbs form of the |«wtry u-cd by Polo-eery anxloo. I*, L get ou Intimate term*Tte tmu "rii*Trv.i nuf. cue."" whic whichh woul wouldd In Inpod out of the line after trading the I7 Prior* IXIIK. wed to go through n>on la 1 in- cb«|iter I- that of contnui wUh ibe fj..t. n, artist iboogbt to be sign, wbl'-b bore ibin legend: "Tlii- Water PUat. 1 ly Prtnrw used to go throughn>ou hi tIxU chapter la tbat of costnud.with tbe feateu* artist thought to' dkule that ibritbelrr dutiidutkws wer weree restricte rratrictedd algo, which boro this h-geml This Moat Keep Faith. Water Plant •trwi nearly every day. be Derer lo ibe flrvt lines certain moral rlrtni •ble to •chlt'Te bis object by B>eani> of bank oan ].-.y erery dollar on depoal Most Keep Faith. tbe atreet nearly every day. be neverIn tbe ftnw llsee certain moral virtuesaide to achieve bin object by meeo. to tho-e H'rtainliLpcrUUdugK tolo tb thee prope propetr en bank can |«y every dollar on dcpoalt pea-ed'•d wifbeuwHtmutt givingivingg he berr something aamrtblng. areare seartt fortforthh an andd I nIn tb ethe secon aecoodd thei rthetrtbthee royaroyall avnu?game.. AfteAfterr man manyy trie friess he befomiisut of lhe revenue law*, ItIt ilas ononee ooff ilit the- stronges strongestt bank bankas 0 0no th etbe ini.iwili.. «W«FKi<»ruiB WITamtH oocwatL.rorsKn. e knew himbltn anandd wawass als alsoo awar awaree contrarycontrar y vices—fovices—forr lnntam-eIn-tance.. (1 >(ll "A“A•ocr—sded at last In getting an lotro-give but fnlut notion of th* variedPacificPacifi c const.-oa-t.. Itft ba ba-n bee beenn your.frien your friend.d UKHt : ASSEKtAKKKKTxs HIHisS LtADKRsaiLKADKKSHIP.p of his iKinnlwry emnnmiaaisents and wise son mnketb a glad father, but (2i give bul a■ I;iliit imtion ufithe varied Jealous ">!![''-iit.it- have w.e'rkcd to of bt* pecuniary emharmaamentB andwise sou rnaketb a glad father, but (2»durtiowductlu o ttoo llakartMakart.. an sadd on onee do rday th eIbedutlsadvitK s ooff ILIill-* wptw .. M-inllddiil i-.in* corpe« o f ofmen . Jeskm* «vmpetirors bare worked to bla politicapoliticall ambition"ambition*.. OnOnee evenin eveningg a• foolliilfoolUbt soaoun I*Is th thee heavines bearlneaas of ofbi ablalattelatter r ronneuteconfutedd tloo plaplayy n a•.-•m gam- wit hwith bringbrinx yoyouu herehere.. EverEveryy perso personn In In thi- As a mnt'er of f*»t. revenue cutter* After i ..i.i.t.n, .• Uitli lln,..,,r, inuWMutk* Ts**tTOea « Pip Kernel Mil-sh e -.il.11- him. -Moniiear, 1 want to mother." Tbe flrxt stansaa aet fortb lllin nee nboulshouldd shoShoww theirtheir,/ loyalt loyal!Jy Afnr rnlrncf UlUl »«-- . she -aid to him. -Monsieur. 1 want tomother." Tbe Aral atansa* aet forthhimhim. . BHnBringg welwelll awsr awaree of thof « thefact factareare thtbee Uflifea Mrccuvma >1or th ethe sea* ■efts.. The )The? feay a word to yon.*' thIbee cbaracierlstlcebarsetertartesa ooff a alif elife tba t tbatlit thaU t his ii.!\crsiiry was very much leavinleavingg aatt once.once.. YouYourr itione fOtmeyj Is aafla eaafe. I*»di'r. W il>.in Calls Some of the "1 M»»i<-Ip»l iy a word to yea." that hto adversary waa very i pnfrolpatrol thtlief nxutxuastaM 0. 1uintula r.-gularr beats bent",, or or L«adrr. U lbo. oOb Soar „f th. wortworthh whilewhile,, whilwhilee tin the- contrastin contrastingg avcrs p lo any talk during the grime. Why.Why-, thenthen,, n-malr-inalnn h.-rihero- doin doingg a nan n nan Key it. msdame " •rente lo any talk during (he game,thethe watcwatchh foforr niwTveee:*e A l uId diHtreas dutrero.. Tbe Theyj M.|W Kn-ll OI»» • "TheyThey teltelll mme» tha thatt yo youu ar eore a gooa dgoodstanza*stanza s reveareveall tbtbee characteristic ebarmrtertotkes o fof a not a word waa spoken, and even tbe kindkind snandd foollxf.*>llabb thingthing?? BreaBreakk ranks. ranks."' I^ii.t-n unora-i.-iiiu, llaa Nc>>»u Yort«tk ", Oa, n tnust luimmw 1,, ii ni.:. -. |in~vent i>niu(: deal rramped jn-t now. 1 have at my. life tbat is not worth while. Tbe not a word wa* sjiokcn. and even themu*» suppro** Qiatlnle-*. prevent *mug Tbe run lafied thirty-six hours, but i Talk. deal cramped Ju-t now. I bare at mylife that la nut worth while. Tbe glins and il.k-it me*) Tto run laofed ihlny-aix hours, but the nW^llllJ rmKM—Ire Talk. Nj W comfortable sqm whlrb In worth while life might, therefore, t word -cheek" wa- never »|>oken. gltng and il.k-it -val licuilur. ilxcy ho. bonk Mood tbe strain and rcnu the SM*»tfon. Portable sum which h»worth while life might, therefore, from examine •bjpa' paj tto bank stood the strain and remali tbe references selected here be defined thethe atra&serat ranger dandarvdd toto d odo wa waai 0 totoac toorbh examine -hip*’ pejxiw.ts, e nenloro# (one qua quarr e d solvenr. An entfirrlsing nprc-hi After a four months' lapse qlr ac earningIng nothingnothing,. Lel+it tn eme offe roffer It tott rbeto reference* scared hero be defined ed solvent. A a cof«Tr'Cl*lng men ha i After • foar moatb.’ lapaa Of aa as one tbat iionsesses the moral virtues hlabis adrenarv'ad Ternary s*a kinkingg whe whenn h ebe pu putt tha that antioeantin e rtcurcgulittnu*.l .U,>u<. snjQilsupplyi iijfrhtboiii« North Plain Bold Aiaoria yea. YoTeau wilwilll retur returnn tb etbe favo favorr whe whenn a* one tbat poaareaee tbe moral virtues took advantage of the incident to oe tlvltf. Ika North PlalDOald Aaaorla- and Is devoid of vices. And this w< piecpiecee iInn ili.-kcheck.. ThThee gam game« ende endedd In andanInd ilan geti-rugenerall a-ido ul lall klud klud-s of pollcof pollerr bl*hia comincomingg Governor-elecGovernor-electt WoodroWoodrowv 1 cure a novel advfviUemeiit for tion bel* . a business meeting la tbi you am emperor " and b devoid of vire*. And Uda wouldMakar t beine mated, when the stran- cure a novel advertisement for hi* Wilson visited A«- llaa belt! a baalaaaa aMetlac 14 “ l.-.tEi- did n tie a brief yec comprebe&sire view of Makart being mated, when tbe stranwork.wort; . Tl11.iiTIku.. t.>-jtvs*.. iLf yIL have becu store. It happened that be was pre- Wllaoa rutted As- Council Chamber!. Friday sight] Th< IHrx-elit n< I-«uis did o*»t accept• ••]:! t the mon-be a brief yet comprebenMre view ofgn quietly Niifd -.-heckmale. • Mnkan ■tore. It happened that to wa* pre- Couecll rbambara. Frldaf iilabt; the subject lu Solomon's day. In our grr quietly -aid “rbocktunte." Makardubtoddubbe d "(li"ibee nunsCK.-»*u„.r, nssr Ixiyboyas o f ofth* lb«pare d to move Into the adjoining Ii sembiyman Joseph mala objtci was 10 discuaa th« mu ey.•y. bubutt bee di didd ou nott f forget tbe kindne**.the subject In Kolomona day. In rose very ewitedlj, threw tbe rlli-cn pared to mote Into tto adjoining build sembly man Joaeph 1 Ing and the picture of the crowd be- P, Tumulty at nl» nlcipaoala l ob>«ownership »aa too f dlaraaawater jthe an d md whpu be i>.- unit- emperor be oflW- age.age. howeverhowever.. ChristianitChrtatboltyy habaas t o tcb e ro*e rery excitedly, threw tbe fleee* lng and the picture of the crowd be- P. Tumulty at hla nlrlpal oaaaraklp of eater and when be became emperor be offer- off the board and. givluK his opponent Alexand Albert. i • In time of nawv tUe 1 utters are under street across the brook and |< say whiswhatt mighmightt harhavee happened Lapj-ncd., bu t buteffect,• rr • • -T . andand whatwhat SolomoKolotnotin saynay*s inIn thi thl*n Th*. average untilr woman lu tbe In In time of i«-ace the «utter* are oudeitabllsbment.UbIUbment.-Bookkeeper —Bookkeeper.. tbe twelv* new a»- •irtH orroM tho brook and intoas it K no." li:ii'ii-r Is ntlll trne. but Slnal has been terlorterior ooff Nlc.-trat.-uNicaraguaa nuimayy appea appearr ener ener- theth e supervisiosupervisionn «off (hthee treasur treasuryy depiurt dep«n- Dr. Wilson. semhlymen toward KorthNorth PlftlnBelPlnintoldd reportereportedd tha thatt i i tb«- chapter l* "till true, bat ttlaal baa been ment. but In Unst of wur tber a transformedMuvf..rj,].-il intIntoo CalvaryCalvary,, an andd th thee gos goe-- ratedvated anandd li'ili-.I bole—,. tin butt be herr metbui mettari] of ment.o! but In time- of war they ar» A Cordial tbe election of a United States ‘Sen- transferrid to tbat of tlip n:ivj'fiepa A Cordial W#lc*m*. ed Stat matter t* under consideration and pel now plays a great pan In deciding coolingcooling watewaterr is I.strenuou strenuouss Indeed indeevl.. transfer!, d to tlxat of tl.e navy dejor; A well known Amerlci progress beln* made. This waj I A DarinDaringg HorsemanHares maw.. . pel now play* a great J*rt In deciding ment. Sin-e lhe war of isi^lhey ba A well known American portraitator. went to the tnhomee ol Hobt-rof Robertt progrotM being mode This *M tbe life Is worth while and what to SheShe fillsAlls aa bnihalfr gallo galloon earthenwar earthenwaree jn rJarmem. 8ln e the war of 1812 fhey havepainter , armed with a full length por Dasl;, whei only bna'nesa remaining over li The fjniioufamouss JuiiiJohni MyttoMyttonn on conce galwhat life U worth while and what la udi-rpd excellent -'service In painter, armed with a full length por-l>av|>. where he conferred•rred w tiwithh tb e th* only bua*n*** remaining ovar^wPh worthless.millfllMsi aboutabout two-thirdtwo-third*s fullfull.. TbThee ja rJar is madla made* always rendered cx.clbnt aervlce Intrai t study taken off the streichpr am Dem the exception of: 6non«« unpaiunpaidd l>:lltin.. lopedoped f(ilfull! '-..-•,apeed! over ar- it.i.raM.ltu warren 1 i.f tinned biwt iii lies. Everj trait study taken off the strati her andDemocratic atlc leafier of HudsHudsoncm fo r for «b« riM-pUon of From biitl-»thh -standpoint*, •.» 1 I-..•!:i" . thereforetherefore,, w wee ofof bakebakedd clndayy nndand.. no nott Win Wingg glared glazed,, \r 1*the event nf a nurd h»-niJHIra. Everyrolle d under bis arm. ventured to cnl halhalft 1an hour or so. to trtryy iwhowhetherf her o orr no nott '•• bis- !." horsei '• woul wouldd partially j«.rni-*. so tbat It soon tie- niberti tbi> romurkable » rolled under hi* arm. ventured to MayorMayor NewtoSen tonnI »/>.. SIU«IICo—mllerT 100)loop1 Ibr th e .*' [The !.••!• did fall and rolled mayy glancglancee aatt tb(bee subjec subjectt submitte submittedd partially puma*, ao tbat It boob one rrnmahm the reumrliable wortono n AVliisTleWhl-tlerr cinonee Siiuiljtj Sunday' morning morning.. H i HI* NeitherNeither UrDr.. WilsoWilsonn no norr A ssemblyAssembly-. floor and' gave a general talk on fall." The borne did fall and rolled udy. coinps tnofsi on the ontslrte. Cy nienns he McCuIlo.-n. udd.T Dewey floor and gav*a pmoral talk on r Mylton. who. with Rood luck. RDI forfor oour study. n»uie* mold • *i the nut*k!e. Ry ni donedone bbyy the McCullorh. uud.Y I>ewey.modestmodes t knocknockk liroughbroughtt ththee grea greatt m mi munnan TumultTumultyy woulwouldd discus* whatwhat borough matters. He eiprease* ap- over Mytton. who. with rood lurk, got r ust bo of two leathern straps flruily attniliu-l at Ute l>a tie of Miiulia Uuy.-New \ort borough matter*. He expressed ap- •i,,•-•!•,' nftmlp :.:"i. r he attained 1 . UnThe- iPw werthn whil whilee lif e life mu*t oflie two leathern strap* flrmly ntta- Ue.1at the ladle of Manila Ray.- to th? iii.ur. says a writer in Oreo ook place at tbelr.-c ce, and proval of tbe municipal ownership up nuburt. Abort ly after be attained to the OCTli of the Jar the wom.111 Press. to the door, say* a writer in r rightt agains agnlturtt wrong wrong,, fo rforcause* tbe same to rotate swiftly In thrustthrust ououtt lilhi*a hea headd an andd demande demandedd Ir Ir-Itt ilas understoounderstoodd thathatt Mr Mr.. Wilso Wllaoan wa swas win 8. Hooley and Charles WJ Mc- Ighteousnrc* nvnlnat sin. for honesty thethe airair.. TbTbee mout monthh I s lawid whlee open open,, bu tbur rltabiy: tot at all pleased with the reports win 8. Hool*y and Charles W.; Mr- to are whawtott tbtbee ma mann ha badd go gott fo rforrighte«u*n«*« agaln*t -in. f>*r hoovstyth e <-entrifu;niI motion keep* the n-alei A GECEtfM OFOF FOESYFOESY.. ritably. not nt all pleased with the report* CatchQrtHftV Wcn. HH*e wil »*idl i: wilIt l willcertainl certainlyy him. Hr putit on onee o f ofth ethe lot Ilotn a>In tana*- tanagainstgallan t fnlsclKHxlfalsehood,. fuforr Ihtbee trut truthh agains agalxxatt tbe centrifugal motion keep* the warn "Wbnt"What bringbringss yoyonu heretore?? WhaWhatt do doconcerningoncernln g tbtbee attitudattitudee of ofa t atleas tleast be Of be'ieBt to lhe In rror-in fact, fur the law of Cod as fromfrom flyingflying outout.. TntTne» eiKliinttic endcrar.eee show ahownn even of the twelve A.-Hemblynien- be of b-ieflt to the Community dedrift5nm lendelenderr toto "try“try"" I t anIt dand wit withh Hi e theerror—In fact, fi* the law of Cod a*by the ,\i -n.ikii ui women of ibe iioor- MaybeMayba 1I* WaWass th th*e Hea Hcstt Tha Thatt Msti M*d** 1 youIt want?" ■even of the twelve Assemblymen- more ways than .one. Tbe irtayor iimmed up I" Un-Tcn Command men tn. by the Nl'-aneuan women of the |M*ir 1 lect from Hudson and had .•••!!. to more ways than ion* The niayordealedealer r »att tilblas nM sidec drov drov*? ou tout on onth esummedthe Up In the Ten Commandment*. Burst Into Bring. TheToe nril-t stammeredmoiProd. ou outt tha thntt h electto from Hudson and had gone to turned hia thoughts in another di erer clasciaoas IInn thithiss for formm o fof calisthenic calisthenicss Is I- ee Mr. Davis to urge him tn use his turned bla thought* In another dlhlgtinwi'j aiJ . AAss the theyy d»T drove« Mytto Myttonn m- In*It mu>t nl-o Include wl-d«>m, aa tbatsai d to If in:irreIons. When. In the Slewfitewnr art EdvsnJ.du MjvJl WtilieWhite.. Wllllai WJJjJa.Tc waa a studentent aniandl ha hadd n studit atndyy tha tbatt h. he Mr. Davis to urge him to u*e hla rectlon and made) known bis disap- word Is usually used in the book of Mid to he inarTelou*. When. In the good offices to prevent thftr »oting reel Ion and made known bla disap-qulrod IIff ththee bor^homee wer weree a agoo goodd timberwoid |* mtually u*ed In the book opinioof n "f th<» operolor, tbe water Is Kenttkcut amandi EB59eliu;selfl wef wereB liuuiln huntingg IOOU D wouldd mucmuchh likUkee toto nhoshoww Whistler Whl*Uer.. good offices to prevent their voting proval of the granting of a permit l*roverbs. not In the Heiixe of Intellec- opinion of the operator, the water I* selection of James Smith, proval of ike granting of a ptriuliJumjier. r nndand.nnd. lhtheee rie^lcrdealerrie^l civin givinge a doul.t-I’roverb*. not In the *en*e of Intellec-snffifieutl y IO.IIH1 abe stops the move- tain-Uuv 8iisheep« p iinu ihth-f faugo rung*--* » f ofMexica Mexicann Whistlerlstlpr said-uld.. "M-m-m—Jus"M-m-m—Juatt wmwaitt 1 for tbe selection of James Smith. by tbe I'lainQeld lauthorlties • to oui Itsits facfacee ttoo th lltee wal nulll nn andd remove rvmovedd fro mfrontlalne d that he had no • al feol- "I only wish." said tbe mfeyur. he wrong. Moreover, personal ha* hero waiting !•• qaeurfa bl* tblr-t.crossing hud miui« u hut goue (o ut "I only wish." oald tho mayor.him. ForthwitForthwithh h eto drov drovee at atth ethe turn turn- than the wrong. Moreover, personalB y thla iiriH-tiut lepld wnler can tie /e brain*jralns «weP felf- l IIi uto makin makingg jh>eir pettyy upo nup. theIB easeen-ell thttoe rnuvi.ranvb*s O onR whic whichh b ebe 1 wasng agalnaagainstt MrMr.. SmithSmith,, bu butt Bal dsaid tha tthat pike gate whlcb hanvd the way before diametertcr iI*s Donidt InIn Itsel Itselff sufficient sufflclent. By this pna-ena trphl water can !»• ft- igngcd. Then, motioning Ibe An • that the building waa locatfld pikein gate which burred the way before dncwl to tto iMnpfMim <* $»*«*} varloo*various 11aapccta•necta i'off deserdesertt life life.- WhitWhitee engaged. Then, motioning the Amorbu (pi(fitt thathatt th ethe Democrati Democraticc part yparty tbetbe borougboroughh soao suc aucbh a apermi permitt £oul Couldd him . The borne cleverly cleared It. Other*Others musmustt bboe considered considered.. ChildreChildrenn dncfvl to tb.- temperature iw -""• York rtiatmodicdrliapm.diod uuuuponn ththee tnranrulfl Urautuln:: Ke mKeiilean In. be **t down and said: "Now.aa hound by the remit of the re- hebe refusedreturned.. It ItIB IU jus tJuat suc hsuch act s aactas leaving aa the wheeler, tin- gig and It*mu-t obeot«ejry theiihefrr parents porent*., tb thee ric richh mos mustt cool nwni t:.»n spring. — New‘ York whawhatt ut sit down—Bit tkra* that retard tbo growth *>f occupant*occupmita * oonn ththee take-oftake-offf Hide *1 .de. Won Won-- u*e their money with proper regard sanj- the atepraU™ of the J:iPk rabM: fearfully toi*r (otlay. but alt damn—altMarline, tfartlnr. Ifff an anyy o:he o'herr cours coursee wer ewer* place Instead of helping It.". r the right:* of others, and in oil the sang the dbprol- - of the Jack rabbitdon-u: " place Inetead of helping It." | derfulderful iton reljiierelate,. nettbeneitherr ih thee hors horsee no r norfor the right- of other*, and In all the : \hi;r..-wli.k for tin down!" in railed, he ie understood to have Tne mayor compared the two irious relations of life unselfishness An Ur»:-,-[H Lighuhip. Fiuuilr Whi.t*. win. wa* c*s.k for tin pursued, be la understood to have The major rompared the twotbe man was hurt. Tbe gig. however,various rolntlon* of life unrolAabnea* An Unw*ne«d Li^hiaKip. day, i.'ffi red 11 K|xm-i:il ptlzm uf dulT old Mr. Davis, the Democratic barty blocks (emoorntlc party block a oa Park avenue bet|weeustood I linu urgenurgentt neeneedd o fof repairs- repairs.-1a>u1 .on mtMt 1-c practiced. With these virtues, lus (Hie last reiuniiat of uur A Pun'til An tat. would he swept out of power on next Front Blieet and! the railroad lo both artlve find panslve. j>osset;setl Inlay, (in t'.n- wi>sl iW ot St-nlliiud. I with ralslus It he last remnant of «i iinsl^iui' puiiitiiiKs lUe pimsel would be swept out of power on next Front atieet and the railroad dondoton Slm-Kits kk JuiminlJournal.. both active and passive, possessedIslay, on fV w.-t ..m-I of Rodlmx!Stor e 1 f< r the premier verse to be Of unsigned paitithiga the DUaael 'l!on I^3y timl th^ n'ljuirtiinlty for show the contrast! between Improve- here will lie 110 room In the heart or at ththee OileOilerr tw- nrk k Bi tan jBtfeceatta Jtitere-tings U«U lightt afore* for the premier verse to l er Sedans ifUu UD muuHlng utory. Election Day and the opportunity for ■bow the contrast b*CW#en Imtoore there will lie uo room In (tie heart or 1 before *uusvt. At nouo we dorter Zeltunis tell* an atuu-lnjj story,whlr h they hud waited so long would ment and unlmprbvenient, "Hi_ de- ife for the contrary vices, and up to ship. It M fiimsinofd. yt it cSn heturn, d —v«t l--f..re -utist-t. At tto<>n w whk-b limy lnler.*t i.lcture buyers, which they bud waited so long would metit and unlmprovemont. He de- Too Rich For H .Ife for tbe contrary ripen, and up to■hip. It to cnmanotol. yet It c*n meto-t u|i u!t!i 11 «imiliTliiff [.rospecior which may Interest picture buyer*.be lost. clared that the block below Second Tee Rich For His Pocket. he point of the law life will be worth rolledrelied oonn t(oo dl*|ilndisplayy lh thee warning warning: llrtimet up with ii wuudertiig prospecto ACQetibnch. the Gennati iirtiNt, enjoy be loot. clared that the block below K«r.»nd Tithe wnr wilh BpaJa a purty et the point of the law life will be worth Will) lilt ••liU'Ml himself im J. XMHAc tout MM li. the (iertnnii artist. enj«»y- JiiBi what Mr. Davis street 4l'h its handsome buildings, After (lie war with Kpalu n |>urty ofivhile . toto gx.^icRj_,de tlitin*e niilrfti'nmritK-rT o onn thl thh** diin dangi-rowo , vogue *i *i in* yi'iirf* n i^u. A cerluii) Jus? what Mr. Davis aald could atreet. v^th Ita hnndaomc buildings,AwtTit-aits , liii-ludlug Colonel BMbl while. Ltensou. j.itivp sun <>f California, and cd n rogue s'Hue year* ago. A certuin ned, I Wilut had greatly increased values HL tbat AtiM-rk an*. Including Colonel lit* k.-r 2- The worth while life today must coa*t.coast, ItIt I*I- s/vag m yvery lncpnl"ii«l Ingeniouslyy *••»»Dcosou. uati*e sun of t'ullforula. andcollecto r liml l»iught from an nrt deat Pot be learned, uut Mr. Wllaoa* had greatly Increased values In that nt 10 1 s.h.. ou a lour of 2. The worth while Ilf* today most 1I.-1 rv.'d collector bad ImiubHI froni an art deal - thinking, section while the other part, bad notof I»ctri>il. wept to ciil»e on a tour of>e Christina. It muol be a Christ!Ike sfnicfedrtnii-tefl TUmtre—el ttui\and thfilee onl onlyy on onee • of !(•oborviil uj—h J(viruing vt **nr litarary words evidently set him thinking, section while the Other part bad not !>•>• bud wllb tiieui a to* Christian. It must he a Cbrtstllke er n orascape represented us n genu- aoon called a conference of all rtwn in .proportion. He added! that ln*|>eciIon. They had with then, iffa. Solomon was wfa* autl great, but kltid.kin.l. In InIW twItao -i.-.- twoi tank- -trelt su( D tank- -utfl. leu•ffort* that bo was *«.ine i-wt hla»«lf.tn e Ai'hciiliiii-h. Afterward II wn>for he soon *all.-d a conference of all rtaeu In ^proportion. He added; that er timiii-d I'm nt. one life Holomon waa wl*e and great, but Ine Achetilaxch. Afterward It wa>hia trusted political a(KI»ers to talk at tbe pieaetit ralo of progress u negro iiM-wiucer tiaund Frank. One gns <-aa be stored l«» *ari*iy Ibe Tre-eOnO n iH-inIs-lngu iDTlte Inrltnld t*> "-Jile r i»th e lisentert In tto list pronotlticeihe l tn l>e n copy. The Imyvi hla trusted political adriaera to talk at the promt rate of progrefla daIty r'ruiik not lulu a pfalra where they 1 greateraterr thanthiin s-•Solomon] 1 haha*s appeare appeared-d — pronoutu vd to to a copy. The buyerbe matter over. almost Impossible to juring day Krnuk ^.d Into a place where they Fnr *t-\ .-ml months, i;\;i..[ii'i.-in- hnvi> retiredretired t o toHit - tottop at lop!« DMSS of. utier a mesa.e tb wb.T# th- tbe matter over. sell k«-S nnd Cflkr* ou the I'rndo. In Jesus Chrlnt. the Son of r. Wilson went to York. North IMalnfleld from tbe city aide. a **•<•i-gi.tei.. AnwrkniiAmerican,. Colone(’obtnell Hei-k lic - k,lead end otherother** toto becomlieoinee Hl III*a followers follos’era.. for a long lime, lioqwcted them rloaely. ittlindp on the thine: m'ttht bo accompltahed.^ }le Instead <>t bping lu bondage.to tbe mile*. ThTliee tlt-lll*lltrllgbtahlp- al-o ba- a to! 1 lov* Hi* Buusl.t/ gn»l-wt-i»«! front nml gnck. unltTiil Ihein ,m.l thi-t uncertain terms hla attitude on the thing ni ght be accomplished. - erHe and11.1 ....in.aoue' friend"rrtemU., wh whou wer weree (it atsi nanInstead of Iwlng In l»>udagv to tbe The duff front atul gnek. snlffivl them and thenselectioelection n ooff aa Unite Unitedd State Statess Senator Senator., aald the matter bdd frequentlyjbeen doling talil... bawrd Frank yell. aw. we are living tn the dlHpenaattnn Which I* m.idc lo ring itutomallrully The duff wa* award* d to him withfranklfrankly y mliiilitiiadmittedl >>toe m tlie "tber c.utratiiut*. Wbii-h wns tlio ori(.'lu:il nnd which the Later In tb* evening b* conferred broached to tbe old Hoard of Trade“What I* the matter. Frankr* naked *e* from t Mas: which was the ..rlgln.il and which thewlt b Senator-elect Johnxon and A»- butbut tlitthe- "ommunicatlon'•obimuMeat Ionaa ba hadd falle fallenn heseiod'ft thing graces supplementin In Jesua g Christ.the mora Withl utlllxro tbe ga- h* It |•N-*eK fr»m fbe Via ga tine opy. Ith Senator-elect Johnson and As- tbseotajDsl. thee# thing* supplementing the moral rsrk ihe bt-i) popy. acmblymon-elect lymen-elect WinnersHlnnera anandd AlgeAlgerr by the wayside. | 1 tank* to tto lantern to work the toll by tbe wayside. "Why didn't y»u MOp me?" sobl^ed virtu,.,, the life of nny t hi* view* with equal rigor. ter (he HWyor ba^l Ablsbcd arul all osn you kuuw dls yer nlggor Con Id also for eternity. The taw could not nampsoti. in hi* M»rill OEV1. Kn nto Itonilngog Hn* ni i-quilatkin of '. Smith has gont> to Old Point ter tbe mayor bad finished and Doanall you know dia yer nigger couldalso for eternity. Tbe faw could o«C Alwara a Harvast SomiwKtr*. « tbe following Mr. Smith haa gone to Old Point were in favor of Ibe public ofrner- it endugh of din yer Muff t.i bank- •'a FCIUI. ami what It could not Always • Harvest ffomawbera. Unduiiuci." «|U-»tcs the followingaboutabou t 2,00'JJ»o0 11mandl Ltis cutirt-I entirelyy differen differentt Comfor t for a week's vacation, and *rr# la favor of the public owner-eat enough of dU yer stuff to bank-save man's wul, and what It could not •i it.-i.- Is a harrsri iv,ry uionth dur- um ou old Saxon Comfort tor a week's vacation, and •hit) of vaicr. and a resolution to ipt the hull gov'ment?"—rhiladcl- do. "being weak through tbe flesh." There l- ■ harvest every month dnr-quaint tradition fn»m an old Haxonfromfro m ananyy oilieotherr towtownn I n intb etto PMHp FhlHp-- hi s is looked upon as a sign that ship of water, and a resolution ruptlo tbe hull gov'nientT’ — Philadel- ing tbe yeiir. a* follows: Januiiry- treatise: "Sonw umrt ttiat the bls- this la looked upon as n sign tbat Ihla offni with al provision that a do.Go d ha"beings don e weaktty th ethrough gift of Hitbes Sonflesh.". Ing tbe year, as follow*: Janoary-trcatUr- "Some assert that th* bl*-ploesplne*. . IInn th thee firs firstt plnce place,. al l allth ethe build build- her e will be "something doluK" In this effect with a provision tkat phiaa flaturdnynlny EveningK I'Post.o Auxtralia. New Zealand. Argcntlm-. oip "i-'J <-omp» through this, here will be "something doing" In i I»TII 1:1 ir •> :' of five be appointed to Clodho dieha*d donefoyth ehy slut thei o fgift ma nof ant Hla] ob Son.- Auatralia. New Zealand. Arg-ntlne•extus or trap dny come* through this,lng* are ofxtoue *toue.. wbitewaKhed whitewashed.. Th eTheconnectio n with the Senalornhlp committee of live be appointed to Chile; Febmnry-Indlu; Xlun-h—lndiu. that Joshua prayed to God that the connection with the Senatorsblp confer with the Council, waslpass- whoiiiii-i diedl ful l fot^theparilon an*!nad ampl of eman salvatio andn ob-Chile; Fehruxiry-India; Mnn-U—Indlu. that Joshua pmjed to ase- A Curieo*Curious RemedyRemedy.. upper Eryjil; April—II exico. 'Culm, inn might naud wtlll for one day's ed. President Milne said In- {i-ould tained>r btm full. includin pardong eternaand amplel life. salvation upper Egypt: April— Mexico. Cuba,aun might stnud -till tor ou* day'strimmed inii-'I saoo :i.aa~ toto affor affonld n ono 1111nl1.1-.1 purchase- shortly. Unite d WhenState s Mr.Senat eSmith seventee wentn to ed. President Milne said h* would- I't-rbap* the moat t-urlmi* remedy f«»r Men bnve the power to form tbe lower Esyi'l. Syria. PvrmUk, Asia Minor: length tlint he r.il^ht sweep tbe hea- tho United States Senate seventeen defer naming tne ciomtultiee unkil ho •UfcabBBj BTDT prescribe*! was thai him. including eternal life, lower Egypt. Syria. I'erala. A-la Minor:length that lie BilfBt IfffCp the Lea ttobe seversever*e typhoontyphoonss whicwhichh swee sweepp R ago, he was enjoying himself defer naming the committee until he•aak kite** ever prescribed was titnv larnptcr of their lives. What shall we May—Nurth Afrfva. . JUIMIU nml then fro the h:ud that God bad gTant- years ago. he was enjoying hlmaelf li:iil time to select the man neii'tit- irrsngcd by Kir Theodure Mayern (W eu have tbe power to form theMay-North Africa. China. Ja|*»n amithen from the laud that Cod had gruntoverove r thttoe islandsi-laud.-.. ThTtoe street atreet*s ar eare abou aboutt a t Old Point Comfort, when the bad time to select tbe man brpi.-Bt-rranged by Kir TU.tKlt.re May era f«»r iake' ours? Worth while or worth- Ihe soulhiT luiti-d Staiif of Ami-ri ed him uml at Old Point Comfort, when th* led for it. He said he wanteii tbe be Eng1i»h princvMs royal when she character of their lives. What shall wetb* Noutbcru Fultcd State* of Amcrled him and hi* follower*. It la true thattwelve:welv e feefeett widewkle., manmanyy o fof the themm pave pavedd •f his selection reached him. ted for It. He said he wanted betbe nngll*li princess royal when *be MI: JI :uud ntlll for one day's matter token up properly an* not makeas? Theroura?e shoul Worthd be nowhile hesitatio orn Iworth-n ra; Jiioe- Mediterranean mid Mmthcrn the *uu did stund stUI for one day'*wit h stone. Some walls extend along new4 ofWilso hla nselection Is understoo reachedd to him.have matter taken up properly and notcroaeedrosse d ttoo Iti'lgluBelgiumm luIn 1C42 ICC.. Cinnamon Cinnamon,. Franc with atone. Home wull* extend along dwindle away loi tne Ivoa? There should be no hesitation IntTance. central and rust Fulled Btu length over the city of Gcbuon. butbothbot b sideaidess ofof th tbee street streetss thei rttolr ful l fullolMr.d Davi Wilsons tha t lah e understoodwould not elanto dhave Allowed to dwindle away fot tbel •orlauOcroriandcr. . Mlmanl»r., anibvrgrlsambergris,. musmuskk ani andl Of .\ni.-rl. J Hnutb of in degrees; In told Daria that he would not tfand of our choice. What 1* worse than an IIIor Amerb a *«iuth of 40 degree*: Julyththe e dadayy went f..rwnrd lu tto samelength,ength , givingivingg thethemm thth*e appearanc appraranc*e of of and see Mr. Smith elected. When want of eaertlon. ■•(gar were to be mtide up luto long —-Pran.e FraiPK*.. AiwirisAuatrtn.. HungryHungary,, sonthe-outbeml The walls are Miout three to by and ace Mr Smith elected. When The ■pent life* fhsl'gives It to u* that we manner as other day*. And the bl*lanea. The wnlls are nl*>ut three to Tbe question of widening Htogior- •*es for her to munch i« ihd voyage: Russia. u..riheni Cnltvd States 1 B is : ire feet iu height, broken at intervals 1 Master i.f Imlwim of 1'em. gum mux- Hie for Hliu. Ilow sad out to doHu—in u->rtbcrti rtlltel State* Sextus..f 1- uor through time, as um# d*»fir* fret In height, broken at Interval- Wilson returns the end of next ael at roe*. from Jackson, avetiuwI'laatrr nf Italaani of I'eru. gum lim- Am»rteAniTlcit n.. Ontari(HParioo nnnodd IJIH-IMV-tju. br-: Aur: Augusta o tbe yards, which in weekweek IItt ielr believebelievedd h e bewil twill publicl publiclyy 1 north in connection with the qisisik h and laudanum n to t>e mmmed so and to pr.wert If f.. Him at I tin think.think."' for entrance to the yarda. which In it and lautbtiium ««. to tlpitt uoff ihtbee xtmniK'h -louia. . ti.au andd iu adilIn addl-l callcal l waftewastedd auandd ruinedruined;: T oTo uvol avoidd suc aucbh la France nud —me jmrra of Kprtlnturn are separated from each other by .11.1 It wai tlou ulio was to lubiile the comfort In tt Its live by His grace the worth many. «-a*t I'umidii: Hej'lt-mber—MxNd- tl rtti re extats u trndltion lls. Most of tbe yard* nre meeting and It was the unanimoustk*U she wa* to luliale the comfortingro«ult* live by Hla grace tbe worthlaud . Sttedi-n. Norwiiy. Uu^siu: |ilr p o Kngland du remainder of tue jeur. Tto white of an erg I- made up of aton was named tb confer »iitf 1-5; vtli. 1. 2: Hatt. T, 1-12: PhlL li. wheat supply |->ur- Into England dur Itlle cells milt! wltb albumen. By receptionreception laslaatt nighnightt I nIn tiro Plainfield ■ton «la named ID confer wlttf tbe Th* Raproof. 1-5: rill. I. 2. Matt. r. M2: ThlL InIL* every tui.ni dttle cell* Ailed with albumen By The Reproof. :; Iv. 8. ». Ing every n»mih «.f tto year.-Engilrii IDS tbe white tln-«e i-elln are np- theatre, where "The Rejuve- proper oSclals. It wbK in thf mid«i of Itie fmitball 1-12; h\ H.». ABTkullural J.iu A Ray*I Apology. beating tbo white tbeae cell* ar* n»»» It «<■ in Ibr uiid-» of I be /»«*. rlMvIJ Agrfc-u/tural Journal. urcd and oxygen front the air in In-nation of Aunt Mary loo" k tookjilac e place The feeling . prevailedrailed aftionamonga tbe• ■w*on. ansliandd ththee s*iiJ.'tit afudenta» o fof I'mtmsn ITufaaaort King fcilwnrd VII. wa* never at tur.-da and oxygen from tbe nlr la In- (, «tm avran- that [heir Perfection of Orgsnication. k»s* for a •jitl' k. suitable auswer. OurCIOUHHI . which glvea the white OIMI to tbe amusement of a «homeM lul lfull Of of members that onlyooe one or ivn no*' BtunkBlank'sV cta. la—.i Well aware that tbelr Pecfectiee »« Orgaroaatleo. A Braiilian Housahold Pat. Closed, which give* tbe white and py folk. ters abould lie -i.Wni tn hand tly mon bad bi^n neglei'ted. were pre- The i«Tf«il 11 UHuf hid 1erimtkal tvalLn white of a stale egg will not inclose KM ■aid In -theI advancadvancee notice notices* of HIof MMUv association at on«i pared foe ropn-if. but not for juat theof tb* railed *.--lcty of Christian Emglbol a UH a rut <-ut- tn-r. It i- tifi.-.-i corner • n »ne «w M.b t,l l (-nineIt came.. deardes. or w am girena au-s tc*r| lu („th e(he protes fwotesft glhola a* a rat m to her. It I- flfteetilon I^i.uiloi Ipi od i'u IV 111a ton1 he heofll.lt( •ollhhd! wit h nw ith a 1 oxygen, will not be as llgbt ami Hobson s clever Impersonation of th*- often (he £;,.U.'£ feet long. In 1. n- (0 Ibe munai sb oxygen, will nut to aa light and nlsking and the play wltn thai an organisation o ' id of tbe li'.iir he Blantmeil it I feet long. Is harmh-— to tto- liuiuanver y stout [H ... being near as easily .llci-sted ns tluit of tbe fresh Sunt wa* missing and (he play with that an organisation of this, kindAt the end of the boor be ■lammedwhich It made agalonttb e tbe Jcffriewbeing . biH-iitiu-s iiultf u boUHebotd. p.-i stout ;--r*i.xi. who. being near- easily digested a* that of tto frosti takes so nturh upon Ita shoulders down bi« book on the d.-*k and «• Jahm izettcht pfc* being. betiUta* quite a hou-vholrl p-t sighted.lighted. (IdidM nun..tt rix-"rrcogoiwi ulze th ethe UB kingS md. of course. Utm valuable. Tbe It* side splittinglitttng humohumorr s>-aspne *ea*pn#dd takes so much upon Ita sboilfionidown hi* busk on tbe de*k and J<|lm-onex prizefight picture*. In twoIs lax; In t'.;t> tluytimc. l>ul nt ^Igli1 egg and. nf course, leas valuable. Tb* that practically »" progress lau ni Is lazy lu lt:e daytime, but at uigtn IP l:i>wl if his coat am mportauce of 1.- .•;•../ the egg ID cold, *UFlthh some real heartft touche touchess Ikep tkept that practically no progress la madeclaimed ya It orgiiblzt-lnttpd aa campaig campaignn effectiv effectivee ronma alxHii the bosw in rom|>tlj gave falia a tongue la-hIng. pur* air la readily s***U. 1- liroiighoiit thf evening. mr IWCJOIH-teacII to!tot WhyWhy.. I'v eI’ve ai-iuall actuallyr ca. Canada nn.ti Australia. Of late talk prey-rats. Theme ahlivah* ll pnuuplly "DoDo yoyouu L kn.iw.on-, fi rsir."• finishe finishedd the the throughout the evening. members agreed that ca. Canada and Au-tralU. Of late talkkill s by IWlnt Paul Decker. Jack Sror>-. Anhur far better 10 do pn* thtnx a^ii »e bloc tenth* of It my *clfl"— ¥ pul b'a laa b«Tii liciird -hat Christian Kndcav- kill* by iwl-tlng ttolr nrcka. WhciIrateirat e manman.. ••flint"tt t 1I 1111 urn1 a amembe numberr of ofth etto Paul fto-ker. Jaek ffinry. Arthur far better to do oneblag thing sad ha. been beard -hat Christian Rndcnv- - Cam plats Livs*. •erfng and Kay 15 Cu -iek were de- CMpftDkm. »• has hnil its day. UespondinB to It Bmrli>an- bare to pa-* from room toLondonLondo n eooneoaoclIT'c Compitt* Liva*. Peering and Faye Cu Irk were de- tt well tl.an to make •rya tryat aat!a .ot or has had it* .lay Responding to It r WeWe tboulaboukld ulalll strivatrivee t o tomak makee our ourIghtfu l In tkeir parts. Tbe former of thing* and get jri'nuWs from nine •owes tliis exljil.ition of nulck action. roomroom ltoo ththee O;:r dr.rkk lory th.-y 1 flr-t |uit on their "I‘Inn thuthatt -u.use«• 1 I botoggyou ryour pardon. pardon."' lightful In (heir parts The fornror of thing* and get reantfifrom from n> jnone comes this evUIMtlon of quick action,Blipper^ . II would not I* J.lea-i livesves completecomplete.. ManManyy i>eopl peoplee only- onl> uu'.t half niiiiH and the latter as ihe girl HIt wawass Plsalsoo (btbee keOeral general'’' ideaIdea Idealj "«J tbat U-an*w*r*d. and accvui«iu.vlng it l» tbe statement■■ Upper-, ll would not to plea|nt "notto mdlM•eplleto d thttoe kking,aci . -fo "forr 1 aI mam ool yonly th« the n* chottn and tbe Utter aa the girl planptourt ones.tmrone* toree fee feett u 11ou u colda cold,. ml Iratin r g of Grcjit U.-i: ..11." live.ve. HealtHealthh withou withoutt usefulness u*efulu«n*.. Intel Intel-- 1 girls for Jack Watk ins. every meeting of asaortat To -Anxlon* tt-iulror." who a«k« n* Iwt the : •- ..-M.,-,-1.-.;. to larger than king of Great Eiitnln.** tct n-lthout unm-'llishneiis, pleasure .If girls for Jack Watkfna. • tn.ul.l I-., one of in1 1 and £ tt that the tuemlKTshlp to larger thanBnanmake e ofi-f tbathati JAW size.. xt without uuiwltlstxnraa. pleasure should be one of interestand snd u. it.t thisr thereben- •are» rat* ou a eat boat everand•vpr beforebefore.. XXAt lh< tbe- sam samee tim timee th ethe (••>- so- iHboutt bout duty—thesduty - throee ar aree incomplet Incompletee an andd effectettect an speakespeakerr terseleraedd Incivi ccivic 1 whetheat r cow. riety polQts out thai It does not seek Just tha Other Way. RedRed MeMenn VlniVisitt I'lalnfteMI’laSnfh .M fairs wil be serwvo. fi whether cowcalclwro were tint put onciety poiDts out that It dors not seek Mad« the Mo1t of It. Just tb* Othor Way. naatlafyingnaatisfytnjj olumeutelementa a ooff Uvipgliving.. fairs v ll.i'l. li.ii:.>. •o much to establish itself in great Mar** th* Mott of It. Rnslyard Kipling was once vlsltlns TbThee degredegreee teateamm of ofOpecbe Opecbe*e trains, we reply that the editor*u tnacb to eetabllsb Itself In greatA well kti-iwn i-'ri'ii' Badyaid K'.pllog waa once vi*itins who fcn-'os A well knowu Fromh hsrto ••r turl«kstn torn,* t a country bowse ;it which Sliss Dor Tribe. Improved Order Red Men, of “1- ks-w* ala)|l 1about *u< h thing* I*•umbei CXI ber*n an*s Itft doe doeas t oto trai trainn youn youngg peo .peti1 n-ltli an t a country |jou*e at which Ml-* Dor How Thay Oo it. Tribe. Improved Order Red Men. of TheThe n1 * for effWiiye service, possibly along lean, grtw beiued. dri-w bis i-»rd othy Drew, the famous granddaughter In a hotel lu a certain city la tbeElizabeth, accompanied by about tbethe thlrithirdl ThursdaThursdayy to loeac heach IUH : . * for effective -T' kr, |.Mlbly alonglean. gr. w healed, drew hi* < *rtlfro mfromif Mr. Gladstone, iht'ii a little gli a hotel In a certain city Is tb* y members, paid a fra l $iont ardard 111-111.. . Hbi'wb*-nn b e hesloppe stoppedd Kin g Kinginps outside of the Societies. It expects, the tabl« of Mr. Gladstone, tb-n a little girl, was thirty members, paM a fraternal vis- andand duduae announcemenannounce*.,on:t miaU1l be b*- madi Unvw outride of the a,--letlea. It expects, hU j—k-t. throw It on the tablewit hwith >nt < t Into following notice: > Tribe, : . 118 Henry**Ilenry'* btortder., thutho*s liecamIwtiwe th etbe first Unitk says, that (t.i members will leave kfd out. alsoalso stayia^staying.. ShShee vwaa sent out Into the "Boarders are taken by the dayit, to Mlantonomo Tribe. No. 11«. I. previouspretto lo them h says, tbat Ra members will leavea tragitragicc aiairr nnandd H« jstalked out.Tt w Tbo "Boarder* are taken by the day. R. M., of this city, Wednesday temperancetcmpft-iin• *• <-ru«aiier. rneadcr.. anandd ""il willl no nott li etw for tt wishes to deal with young gardenjrarden wltifltlii tinthe- dir.(lusulsbe dl-tSu*uUbedd amho authorr week or mouth. Those who do not0. K. M.. of this city. Wednesday It. f.e- it wishes to deel with youngAmerica n rt-enrcl.-il llit iioua Inquirer until American regarded thecar cardd fu for—mrr I^ater on. when the other grownup* week or month. Those who do notlg;ht , and conferred the warrior's «b!e to an-wer Auvwk.. Inquirer until pie. •.:•.:-.:•,:- ttiem tor serrlce. ani it bi« fol Later ou. when (to other gruwniif* ,3 promptly are taken by the neck." night, and conferred the warrior's tH> rent* U|< a Utllr. —ilrowuing'* Mag- people training them for service, andmooM-ut- thru «iw*k 'Kit hi- fountainJoine d them, little llbn Dorothy vai pay promptly are taken by tb* neck."degre e on several candidates. After- he teat* up a tittle.-Browning'* Mag- •olnts out that in most of the later pen and wittte "Admit Joined them, little ML* Dorothy was UtfXtt degre* on aaveral candidates. After- BY UXAt in: IM i I I. CUBB Ill nr. it points out that in mo* of tbe laterton ami wrote “Admit bearer” above ited, "I hoi* y«Q Oi-.iat \mn Mr -Uppim-ott's. ward they were obligated In tbe ■ XI DC. rt'tnents Kndeavoren have etnplor- the engraved line uud a*ked. "I bofift yon didn't bor* Mr ward tb*y were obligated In tbe movement* irodcavorer* have employ- tbe engraved Hue and•ren wentt of foff 1.0 tttoa theKipling? " hiet's degree, and a collati-m WHS ed knowledgknowledgee noandd enthusiasenthusiasmm satoe gainedd theater.—Arg u nan t. Kipling?" A Luxury. chief* degre*. and a eollatitb waa ) TheThe OaOakk FarFarmm DramaDramaticatVti l Clu bClub theater - Argonaut. •Xo. bat be lw.r.^1 me fMirttna;.* A Luxury. «rved. There wtn about oni Hun- K-lEnlightanad . in EodeavoEndeavorr schoosc hoof-.Newarkl .-Newark « .(X. J. ) J.i -No. but to twwrd me friphtfn!!;.' "But." objected the ht.-iress. "1 have •erved. There werj about ono nun presentedpresented uitss rurarurall .irtmi madrama... "Oa. k"Oak"Beftir e 1 timiTiiil." mild Mr. Fli-n- is the iuwTpw tril and rpitl^ued .-*• "Hot.” objected tbe bUfeoo. “1 tor#dre•Ired d ReRedd MeMenn prtsen preventt to toenjo enjoyy the Jib* Farm." at the V. M. C. A. Thursds- Evening New-. A R.proof. waa the uio-ziM-. t«d and MkflNf ro ten oiTinttoiued to every luxury." Farm." at the V. M. C. A.Th JTkuradav A R*proof. ply . affair.1 flair . L "That's all lUe more reason why you TkaThe performancperformancee \tnm was enjo;* enjoyed4 b y ky a» •u|>i»n a wlf.-. - "Ob. children. Jtvu rare* s oou no tnotf to- toy ?.* That's all tto more rraaua wby you large »tii inn. Sat Up a Standard. day. Can t you be n Hi hould m:irry tue." repiird the Impe- Urge »u«* tears. All of the mam ben"I" I prwnnpnvua-w >oyouu knoknoww now. now."" ftet Up a Standard. day. Can’t you to a tllttlo Ie aplMfl quh-turr'] Wai: a Bit. should u.arry me." replied tbe lmi>* Pastor mad Wil.- Celebrate. FaithfulnessFalthfulnexsi implifimplies* Mundardnstandard*.. N«j?e -Now. KrumliaH. >ou mwi to UK a* cunluusua stiliorsuitor.. "I'“I'mm a aluxur luxuryy myself. niysolf."" F*s*«»r and M il ooff tbtbe* ' •cut enatee acquitte acquittedd them*t lv. -Yes"Tee.■ . indh-ltndod.. I Il,«ke lookedd u pup Ib etbe won won!t mast be; n~i--l.o'.irat-I-ooW. tinebrio. ll..I towv Ioc longs cm :n T : RevRev.. LesteLesterr GG.. L*ggettLeggett,. formerl formerlyy rredftably ANatur fwiarve of ihvof •!-•the- spe- eo#ie cacann reltelli whethewhetherr b ehe In t»faithfu fallhMll or oreoDnldtraroamklcrale c ,,.«,ala 11,ink4 nevt-*ofcfd us u-. V u 1 yu a.- •WiPtwrt*f ilx.n '.lie ,.• .1.. db-tternary -,.-h ,r> an andd 41SCO dtetovT e to bavf (.1 nail fur tl:a( lialf |fc,t Of thta city, wbo has Just become the >t unless he! knuws what be Is e«- going to have (.. wait for tha! half p_r Coorsg.. of this city, who baa Juat tocom* tb* cialtydally numbernumber** mwaal tb tb,e ai>arar* i etvd tbat Obe sf Ita mica* he knows what be Is eg.IfIf iItt wasn'waan’tt tm fer u su* yo youu1 wouldn' wouldn'tt be abe tlo• n of eeted to do. . When a scholar has a of duck I »rd. rod? Walter-T*f What one 1,....i- tu cultivate Is a poator of tb* Congregational church. orof ththee HarmonicsHarmonica. TrioTrio.. rompttoe MiTIU ed to do. When a scholar hasgrandma sTandsaa a aatt ull.gif" •boily »rdt-rs Hi" "tlier itu'.t. 1> * What one nenls to cultivate |a Aabura y Park, and bis wife, celebrat- a 10 -••• I N ndellty Is In gettlnc •body or«h ro the other half. V» r•U;i.-l > of i-'ir;.. - tbat Will not qual1 Anbury Park, and bl* wife, celebrat- - WilliamWilliam RlcbardsRichard*,l WlthaWilliamm libbeCfebber-r si to get hi* (idetlry |* in getting ran'r go out ami I:lit halt a d* t.-T^ tenacity of |.urj--* tbat wilt Dot quat' be twelfth anniversary of their lesson, ir Tt.. lesion wen assign- ran'r p* out and I III half • d i< k.—Tc.o r turn a»Mc n i-ournge tbat In rmtr ed th* twelfth anniversary of tbelr levitr anandd PranFrankk ifcoune* Douaea.. Ke«w* Whet's Cemiag that ir do leemoo were assIgD- I Blade. nor torn aside, a courage tbat Id emra wedding at a -get-acijualiited" W- ed be would nave no measure of fldel- »*do Blade (encb-s .i.ir-- to separate from tb- wedding at n -gBt-acgnnlated" ut- ThoseTho»<» appearinappearingc IInn tbtbe« productio productionn Heelit—reel x- dbe harged about - be would have ao roe*.ore of ftdel- Corat-KoGoeat—Kn you«.Hirr unniciiii-asuudterr helotig toUmg*a 10 to ' separate fromciabl ttoe hel d at the church, last Toes' Everr iucpe-foi worker sets crowd, that urver nvuguiies defeat. dabl* bold at the church, last Toe*- w«r« WllltaJB F. Richards, ^f. " BTery Katurffay ulghr Jewett-Yvo. Every Successful worker netstheth e UniversaVulreraatl IVa.Femee HI» aud1 AmUblllt Amiabilityy defeat day night. Tbe couple were the re- were William F Richard*. IV M«»dards for hinw*lf. This Is the !*•- Flirtation.Flirt at Ian. dwy night. Tbe coupl* were tbe re- Cubberle), A. G. Tonnr. Charles during tbe Week be feete aa If be werestandards for hlmaelf This to the reu-society•oclety? ? IlMt-Vtx11ew York IW for our Christian Endeavor pledge. flrhtlngfighting brrber wnwayy tolo f Wtto fn>D frontt «f tbaof tthat LaufltrLaugtetei . oses. presented by lirtie Mi»« Mcarns Mum ford. F. ~ andard of faithfulness tbat at>kt-a-kedd lb»tto* jui'n>«.*sgg in.omani >i off th tto* woma womann of of J. pwnontod br Uuld Ml- x-nn>» I'reasett. Mrs. I- K. Wrekoff: airs. It to tbe standard of taHbfvtneam tbataoclrfy•oclety. . Liu*M»tI.tii:™! 1-1 Mh r-- viiim.-ml. 1! an s <-ur> m behalf of the Ladies' Guild of the ProsaUC. Mrs. f. So Wyrkoff. Mr. »• hare aet up for oorselvea.-ABioB thetbv worlworldd on boknir of 10. UdW Guild ot th. M.M. EE. Fredsrlek.Frederick. MisMU*s TrypbeniTYypbenlaa we bare art up for ooraelv«l-Amos "Altentticulio tot.u withouwlfhirttt Inretiriou,”...... :,.'• r* . fW-forfo r ,:-:.indlce-noa.: •-(;•.ii Itit luuk look*a 1 n-. easyi tu tlitoe ttorOnroh.hureh . MrMr.. L^ngt U made amnd« happ y« hn»M MattoxMatlox tttandidd HisMias* MariareMargarett BirdBird.. B Wells. A trick to ■( the beef but n meeo pevsoupemou !-wto• 11 inI* nonott afllk-tf afflicted* wit withh ludl infil-- espona e 10 the presentation speech. plVd re r-;*r: u-.d one - ftcrapo. tration-Toledo*wtk>D.-Tt>lidu OladeBlade.. reaponi* lo ih. praMUUon apMch. 8«mralt. I find, bowi upon rharlty patient there appear* 1tofaad Brtdso Building On. $48.7$; n II 0 HAUfUfl orruiAL nm-n» or twr Thin^ ih» roeorda Lba tfceee bar* been BO ground* for any COD lands are owned children of plaint and wee findfid tbat the iltuartio "«*««baaf. Iia.lt; Frank rrarar."■•.'Be P. 1.8. DORIS (REST EKD DEM0CRA1S deceased, and a pe- ' > Broesll r misreprid e t th If.S~EOT H P. 18. DOWNS ALUMNI I|QT 0 KHOHo WJUFS WIT WITH BOYS The re*«lar meeting of U>> Board lit low hu been prepared« aadfor athe p*- np- •«»board grossly by bar.i flllIURE'8 WAYWITH BOYS of Krwl)"l-fr«6*lo eaenre Ibeir consent and pomibly touching said matter aad ththate Catherine the Kuuyoa. Ill; Waatara That imaIk.l ofalumni the Plalnflcjd of Ika' PblaOaldThaTbe WesWai t EnEndd Democrati DawmeraUrc Clu bClub br>M»rs Haviland and Randolph. avoiavoidd tbthee necessit*#c—Hyy o f ofbar iibavtcg g h i theirr k vTapprovedd \* u' pe* perarlatt d prlst#4 11.(0; C. C. D»aloa. 111.11; rom- Ik •"» “>• <®fmer•ba aoalraryatadenu tka ADOLPH GRUENER. b lb# ic re o( ls )(1 co»t*s on mcmbera' deaka. Sarj\ery respectfullrespectfullyy yoursyour*.. ADOLPH GRUENER. aoone Company, f2B~; Elisabeth * " '"'• The fame. to become evei more active. It that WbJpptaaj Brmtsea Be*rt of 1 copu. •« S'ovember 3, 1910. noons Company, til; EUxahwh by * acora of II lo a. 10Tba become fame. rOMMI'NICATIONS. : WW.. RH.. CODINGTONCODLNOTON.. November I. 1*10. Hardware Compaay, $9.32; Clark however, waa feat and clean from COMMUNICATION*. On motion of Freeholder Smith Hurd war. Company. I*.11; Cldrli bownvnr. waa faat aad cleanbebe possiDlpoealBlefrom e and Friday ntgbt voted Com inundations were received to ReceivedReceived ansndd placeplacedd o n ontile . flic. On motloa of Kraeholder SmithHardwar e Company, $49.ti«; Brack- start to finish, only two penalUea M'blle a right Soaaetlmra CommunnilK/Di wef* rccf-lved IS received and placed on file. Hardware Compear, Ill.ll; Brack- atari to Salak. only two penaltiesaaaalmou.lyunanimousl y ttoo continueoaUaaee I nla existenc elletencee While s Fight follows, COMMITTERCOMMITTEE REPORTSREPORTS.. received and placed on file. lacber k r Bros.. $7«,O4. $12.17T:; NN. Y.T being Inflicted for offside plays. follow* New Baurioma. and work for the election of James From Hyer A Armstrong reeartl- Jail Committee: Telephone Conpur.-ITl.B4. j defeat of the alui ’■Vniii ||x Arms'rang regsrtl* Jbll Committee: By Freeholder' Krouse. Telephone6? | tl2rrainaV' Company. • ITl.lt.tl*ia ' ' Tn*“*“*o i la«l«odTba defeat for oHrid.of pi...the E alumni. Martln e| aukandto th ework UniteMania, dfor State totka s tbaSenalartloa -Called ofStaten J Sen |ns il«iiii.(o to horse and buggy In Gentlemen—Tour committee on By Freeholder Krouse. r, Whereas, on November IS, 1909, .11—R. T. PotM, $I«.56. (75.S5; partly .! t lack of practice and Linden Township. The matter waa "I Whereas, on November IS. 1*0*.Jail—R. T. Pott.. tia.SO. (75.(5; partlr do. to lack of practice ffJI"iWA? Krt«SE j-mSSSESS1 the Count“ y Collector Issued cheek Central Beef Company. $1».22, $53.- partly illiarity with tbe new referred to Freeholder Krouae asd P" (ha County ,Collector Issued check Central Beef Company. *2».22. |52.- partly uofamlllarltyW. H. Harding with, Clarenctha e Waldro n be warden- I No 24080 on tbe National State 42: Hlldebrandt Co., $56; J. O Bro- rules They outweighted this year's W. II. Harding. Clarence Waldron "The l-roblem of Fighting and the 5-s-,“ ssss- “ •** 52 No. 3408S on the’*"• National Bts'*,42:lliurpiaua*»,i S7Hlldebr.sdt1 Co 4. dI V.$56; 7 05OrO- J. O.rUlM. Bro- 1raUa a\ey OUlB'lfD!They out et] weightedtDU anTMfd thisGeorg I year'ie Moor e were appointed it The I roblem of righllng and tha ro n 1 i In custody Oct. Bank to Harry W. Leek, which kaw, $15.57; Henry Schmidt, $7.05;. team ui never put their opponents* and George Moore were appointed Cultura e of Courage" waa the subjet ""Vrotn? Bho*"°Hiu.lihort Hill*' ytmtm Wafer - - '•*"Co*- ’*«*»*»* •* prisoners la custodyBank OjL to Harry W. Leek, which'. ykaw. L!!r 91S.57:7,?'‘?!L Hear-- I - ;! ilearn, but nerer pat tkalr opponaoU'specia l committee to boom tbe clnb Culture of Courage" was the subje-1 ! was drawn lo "Harry W. 111. R. Lfvengood. $25; Albert Steln, EO,i l danger. The High School special committee to boom the clubhlc b Rev. Franklin K. Mathlewa poor. r*"ju<-siinr*qs**tl*g__g permissio pmrmlmtomn to check was drawn to "Harry W In d,u,„. Th. Hl,h Schoolalong . A stag euchre party will be which Rev. Franklin K Mathlawa P . On recelred dortad l^eed." for kerelcearend dererenderede d in thine | $26.10tha j l!«.ta:__W.; W. Tubba , TabbB,$5.12 ; 15.11;C. W . .^cC. d VV .' 'w.h^ .Q.V.iid''.^wretrTnalong. A stag euchre party will discusseddiscussebe d beforbefor©e a slarg largee audienc audiencee of of Morris avenue. On Number .nttofi prison' •ISj i.ho .. heldheld inIn ththee clu bclnb room roomss on Thurson -Thurs- motion ft Freeholde'JIVI'irl r•» Ml/14Wilb1 J«»^lu~ refeV ' • ...... '•era fn the Young M-n'a Chrlst- V*tAfi (i'r Freeholder Wilbur ref*r- the month Jl. election of 1»0»;Pasqnal e Arlando. $!: thee seconsecondd perioperiodd o f ofpla ypiny an d andtw otwo mothers In the Young M*n’s Cbrtst- e ajjd . said Harry v,\ Leek i Dyei dayday eveningevening.. DecembeDecemberr 15 .IS. Asaoclation auditorium Frl- ™\0 County RoaBondd Committe Committeee aij d sadNumbe Numberr of prisoner of prisonerss In custod in ycustody No0v6 |I die Nov.|d befor e saiWhereas,d cneck saidwaa casnedHarry: touchdown,achdowus ilan thit.e las lastt fifteen Bflo min - Asaoclatlon auditorium Fri- 6a ]died before uld cnaek'sea raaned: 1(14.62; C. C. Deataa. (4.55 i ReflationsResolutions werweree passepassedd las lastt nigh nightt afternoon. In addition (o the Oouaty Attorney.Hill s Water Coil- Number Jays board 1,67.9 Whereas, said check bas been " es. fromOnl y thone goatwol was kicked day afternoon. In addition to th* 1.6Tj|ti_Wber«. ^d^h^k^ba. baen da^i children'. Guardla; Simla itee. Oaly one endorsingendorsingoalw gvu ththe e candidaccandidacyy o f ofJame Jamesn lecture . Mr. Mathlews exhibited an r.»«. snort-miMio Hillsn .oWater lay plpt a Co*Malnttenancs Number. g lays board aad'llTered to the County Collector: and ' Doard 'chUdren't Genrdlsas.’'$2lT*T . ® touchdowns. lecture. Mr. Math lews exhibited an pony, assins permission to Uy pipes Malntteoaac*. groceries, Whereas._ Mary __Dun r> - - - Lunacy—-_W. R >mCodlngtou. the two touchdowns*68.-1 . Th* llaewrK.E. MartlnMartin*as eas fo forrfollows: tb tb*e U .U. S. Senat8. Senatee and aadextensiv naivee arraarrayy ofof pictures pictures,, poster posterss avenue. On‘motion molWn provislonsprovisions (2(4.(11 mother I The line-up <**• aa follows (hethe officerofficerss electefleetedd wer weree a s asfollows follows:: on Hprlnrrfield 4walareaue.n referre Ond to Salaries 12*7.62 of the deceased, hat made aBdarit \ *at# VUtowmlnTWo aadand calendarscalendars,, asaa suggestion suggestionss fo r fora a Hwsln referred to SnUrles High School. Alumni. President, Edward Flack; vice-pres- of Freebr.lde I and County At that no eieca.or or administrator 1 HighMP School. Alumni.President. Edward Flack; vice-pres-hoy'4boy' a ChriatmaChristmasa girtgift.. KiaHis remark remark*s Hoad ComnH^ee aad County Attos'- MO Hospital. R . . . .Wllso' ident.ident. JohJohnn JJ.. HIckeyHickey:; recordin recordingg sec -sec-wer e the result of a special study on pl • 6“* 2- ha, ^....been* appointed aad (hat tha e^ "*•• «** * |, «a/S “ Wilson retary. Thomas J. Monsell: treasur- wera the result of a special study on "*ii«btp of Cr : Co I per day per prleonei lff.V talet.l. of .24Harry 42Wnr>. W WI>e*k I ami,I. notI. notsuM- "'* Morris PlSlBS. SS.SPS.6S. laftleft end | retary. Thomas J. Monsell; treasur-theth e questioquestionn ofof "How "How ca ncan w e wsmak emak* f-rom ibi T.—nrtilp of Cranford: ComRespectfully P*T submitted.per prBone ctea,lent to payP.. th etba funera funerall exp nse..peamaa of' Stationery—Elizabetof h NoveRy Co.' Tnmr er, John A. Connelly; sergeant al 0 E l RRY Terry . Carpenter er. John A. Connelly; sergeant girtats count In the moral life of the I'nW>ii Couaiy Hoard of rreehoLdess. •e be it $20.80, $1.85; Elliot-Fisher Conw , ' Carpenter girta count In ths moral Ufa of tha accordance with a JOSEPH *!PERRY?» ?i,*tv. ' [saidaid HarrHarryy wW.. Leek Lwk., theref thereforei ^ » lef—t tackl——e . arms.arms, ThomaThomass J.J. McGrathMcGrath.. TheThe ex - lad.ex- " Resolved. Tbat the Count? Collec- pany. $18.18. $«.«8. $«.SB, *«.«8 ' ecutive committee consists of F. J lad •• reeolutloa adopted .. Meetin. w^n.g Df o, •*• H. DOANEJACOB^MABTIN.. I lleuoleed. That the Coua'y Collac- pany, llt.ll, Mo »(.(«.' Tnompaoi ecutive committee consists of F. J. .held ibSs JACOB MARTIN, toptor bbee anandd b ebe Is hereb!» herebyy as horizeaatborftadd $2.03 :(105: Advocat Ad.ocwtoe Publishin Publl.hlaiFrg Com8 J - Com-* -• - Shattle. W. H. Harding and P. J. The remark* of yesterday were the TowBship i IlltU im of pany, $2; J. F. Freeh, Jr., $E; Han-) left guard 8battle. W. H. Harding and P. J. __ itlnd to UT OnOn motiomotionn ooff Freeholde PrceOolderr G One;•a.r tolo makmakee paymen pa,-meatt o f saiof d uld .urn of P*»r- 51: J- * ■_ f' - i. 55; Hon-1 RevIIIe. The commltte having the prefaced with a statement ot the con- datdsl".lie, ' you are nr re 07 nnium 10 lay - • —-——-•twenty-fiv -e —dollar s ($25) t. A. M. ry Cook, $24.65; J. R. Ward, $15. j Llndsey . . Flemlni Ravin*. The w,a,n,llt. bavin* clusionthe j s or the last discussioof tka laMn whic dtamtokh iktek a foui . i foot flagstone sidewalk I~n received dnd placed on file. twenty-BPe dollar. (5151 to A. M, tj Cook. 114.(5; J. R. Ward. 515. , Uadwy Job] four t 4 » foot flagstone sidewalk InTb e Auditor's repo»i p!aced fol-,on RunyoRunyonflic. n ftA Sons Sons,, funera funerall di ndirectorstors of ofRecor d RecordBooks anBooksd Repair—Jame and Repair—Jamess I center ettebre in rbara. eomprlwi Job.showe d.ho.od that naturthate demandenatore ddemaodrt first Heat front property owned by you. •$&• be ap- E. Warner. $552.30. - i Vighte ..omIron of proper:r card hr ron da Tbo Auditor a report -*•thetb e ausaisaid d citcityy o fof Plalnfleld Plainfield,. t to be ap- e. Warner. 96S1.3*. j Vlghte Fountali Connolly.oily. JohJobnn HIckeyHkkey., id andClar -Clar-of al l • engt,nb „anrrD|ld tha,h t ,tbnde studthaty cthe .tudy ot Ul Uawta aveniiV DealGentlemen—Tou I* men—Yearr auditoauditorr respectreupect-'- plie pliedd upo uponn tb e thefunera funerall i xpe lseexpensesi of Publicationof Publicationss — EII ta bell—i ElisabethDally Dally right guard encet WaWaldren.i j ththee problem of righting> aIs ato a d study of mroHr*Xirt/ I«•”dJ Tl’acolurtaT.rrom aVeaueoUUathe'date bf 'ull y°l^nllameo—Yoar reports: I have examineauditord threepeot-1e the sai piledd Harr upony W . ibeLeek . . Journal. $17.64, $40.50, $15.54: ' «•-"• VanZandt Thlrte* I 20 1 daru from tba dale of fall! repor.: I hare rrogate eramlaed, j Freeholde tneithe«* aaidr Wilbu uidHarry r Harryi W. Leek.W. Leak. Journal. $17.64. $40.10. $16.54; Karr . ! a process. It Is an minatioexxmlnntloni cf this noticeno ire, anandd i n Inaccordanc aorordlac*e wi( b-lib book sbook, and voucheraad rowhems of the ofSi the Surrocalc.Freeholder Praabr*—-Wilbur moved'ed th e Couriethe Courierr Publishin Publishingg Company Company.. $3.19: $2 2»: | right tackle i- Clerk {adoption of tbe resolutl ■ | how>w NaturNaturee woulwouldd mak mak*e a mann . man. Ih/rUrdlnsnre governing the laylar Sheriff Registrar and Conn j of the resolution,whic hwhich Summi Summitt Herald . Herald.$37.50 ; $17.$*;Cranfor d HanraharCranford!... w. K. Philips of -i.!2lo2.«, • »i.Iks In...” th ruin.« Townshi tb. p l.rlaapf an dBberlB find th e samKertlrare correct and. t-hCon.l,e net waClerkn so |ordered. orderedadopHoa. ClUeen. $37.50; Cltlten.Cranfor d $37.60:Chronicle Cranford. Chronicle, I FirsFirstt ththee mamann an dand late rlater the gentlethe grntle-- or .idea elk... in tbo TTownshipownship of and Pad the m me correct. Tka J*t vaa soit right end ret strength and then beauty j copy of which la piloted receipt (re 852.9S; flyRy FreeholdeFreeholderr KrousKrouse.e $42.10: Summi*41.10:t Herald Summit. $37.50 Herald.; Eli $37.60; Ell- NOISY CELEBRATION | man. First strength snd then beauty $1,948- ResolvedResolved., ThaThatt whewhenn we adjourn . xabeth.. Evenin Eveningg Time* Timex.. $13.32 $13.11;; N. P .ClarkeClarkN. P.e , P. Phillips anandd nobilitnobilityy amiand the thenn th thee nobl noblee loya loynll on the reverae hereof. ve adjourn until Friday, i theelgb -elgh- News ,News, $37.50 $37.50;; N. J, AdvocateS. J. .Advocate. $37.- $3 7.- quarterback gentleman.an. ThThee speake speakerr quote quotedd Dr . Dr. Jt£J»a^ tenth day of November at 2:30 p. m.50. 60. il Rlcketts BnllletBalllet aasa sayinsayingg tha thatt If wIf e w*crushe crushedd of Freeholde OnOn motiomotionn ofof Freeholde Freeholderr Sw Swain Incidentals—J.M. M. $50Drake., $50, leftleft halfbachalfbackk El IN HUE HEthethe lightinflghtmgg instincInstinctt w wee ge gett th ethe cow cow-- received and placed on file. County YoursCollector respectfully.. thethe resolutioreaolotloan waw*aa adopted adopted.. $27.*4; Martla , Auto..; Ed Co..- Nash $45; Ed- SnyderSnyder El IN POLICE COURT ard: If wwee allo alloww thi sthia Instinc Instinctt to ruto nrun BENJAMIN KING. Heaoived.lU-BOived. ThaThatt a acommitte commltti*e o f warofd Waltonward Walton.. $26; 1. $16; J. Savin J. .J. $87. Savlt*.- $87.- right halfback Thanksgiving pulses aided | wild we bave the bully and the (lentle*i«ea—Home threw yeara ago By Freeholder Adams. 50; A. G. Woodljeld, $26: " right halfback Thaukaglvlng Impulses aided wild we have the bully and thn Auditor lly Freeholder Adams. 60; A. O. Wootffteld. $36; M. Jl. ,D6 abetted by an indulgence In, brute; If we train the instinct we Cranford Township, with the aid Of three be appointed with power to Shangle, $25: Benjamin King, $40.-Good Blngeman and abetted by an over indulgence in brute: If we train the instinct w* (be Hfa(e. Improved Walnut ei»no On motion of Freeholder Wilburthree be appointed w|lh power to Strangle. $25: Benjamin King. $40.- fullback he cup that ! to Ibe Hue of Clark Ttl^hip aad received and placed **“ Investlgatenveatlgate thth#e advisabilitadvisabilityy o f oflay -lay- 80 ; Marti80; nMartin Motor fearMotor Com Carp Company. $6; fallback tbat Inebriates broughtit'hav ehave the strontbs gstrong controlle controlledd man. man. SprlasSeld arenue to the line if tba OeailaBen-Your commlltte Inrinong cemenr.cement t oror ston stoaee sidewalk sidewalkss on Won. RW.. CodingtonR. ,Codington. $150; $166; AlumnitiiiiHenryi substitutessubstitutes: : BellowsBellows.. Rif -Rlf-•.bou boo.t aa fracasrraraa.1.. In Wes W«tt Thir Thirdd i atraot.'•! Tbe boyTb.s arboy.e ofte nar. referre „rt.nd tr.t.rrodo aa to .. theihe bridgebridgess aiatt Cranford Cranford,. namely namely.. Or -Or- Windhar Windhamo $17.25 $17.26;; W. R. W.Coding R. - fertCodlflg- and,nd LolzeauxLolseaux.. P. P.H . SH.. substl8. substi-- ThursdayTh day eveningevonlnig inIn whic whichh th eIhc chlnn | tit„mUe; savages u>aeca" an„d fro,ndm theifromr ,h,lr ,,,_ Tuan of Wi-etfleld .coveringe. RosellBridge*e Park on. Grant Avenue Smith, Jenkins and Weber, nd a steaming A\ a moi ecent date, under your and oa L'nton aven rhard-hard streetstreet.. PittsfielPittsfieldd stree streett an d tonand . $130ton.. $150. tutes: Smith. Jenkins and Weber.and silallvorwarov (?(?)) and a atramlna an|i«j, whic hlchh oonn r ilrolll cal calll wa swas so $2,741.43so $2,741.43.. $483.90 $483.*0:; J. E WoodrufJ. E. fWoodruff.been arranged for tomorrow be- of hU boarder., becamew e ..ca nr *•<•>•.„ ^ thes ,he... youngster a goinger., gola, ;rete top re-enforced,'. . Holy Crt the target fo-r th•—e missiletaalleas an dand whil whilee ,b , i„ ,a. „ . Thp cRult bas been tbat by Mram-•i- that a new concrete top re-«nforced. ordered Directorr appointeappointedd aaas $44S.3S$44 8.38:; Weldo Weldonn Contractin Contractingg Com - Com-tween the Holy Cross team and the'the target throughroo Inb their liveslr th e same ex- the m a litlarwer »*** placed upon the small bridge In said committeeolder Freeholderss Adams, pany.pany Ad;, $S1.74$51.74.. $972.67$*72.57.. $139.30 $13*30.. P.P. HH. . S8.. elev elevent at Crescent ovalendeavorlr at endeavorirgg to dodg toe thedodgem struc themk a periencesperiencestrack s througthroughh whicwhichh th ethe rac e race obltwe traveivell has Union avenue, near Westflaldav«- Martiare-n anMarciad Swatn and. Swain. $395.38. $1,616.93. fJ9*5.3S. ff.616.f'3.3 jo In the afternoon. The womaregu- n/ womanbystande fM«renderr in the lips In. rhe lips,ha s passed. This Idea Is practfcal- „!• baa passed. This Idea la practical been ii< flecn-rf lo th me thor< By Freeholder Hall. • Surrogate—George Parrot, $458.- larlar lineulineupp wilwilll pla playy fo ifor the locals. TheThe SmithH(tilthss anandd Mr M. GrayGrpy werweree I nIn ly ,acceptey neetptedd toda today...y bu t whabut t whatare waree t owe to been deflected lo theae thorough-Th e nue.>s t of the not i Resolved..., Tha t a committeI e oFreeholderf 33; Ann a Hall-Dllkf t $60; Rosabel Alltn, ' Surrogate--George Parrot. $45$. faresrart-B » t Tha shas subje subjectedcted the m themto. a to, a The cost of the work not to ex-[ Reived. That a committee of 33; Anna Dilks $60; Rosabel Allln, courtcourt thithiss morninmorningg an sndd tol dtold Judg Judgee do abou^0 t aboutIt? Tt? ^ •ed the sum of $425 for the woi three be apoinled to examine the $100: W. B. Parrot, $208.34. William N Runyou all about the greater wear . CRANE Charles French, m the Township of $44; Elston Darby. $28; John CadyAnnouncement of the cenaua ||g.|and tlentlyadjuste dto thtkelre matte aereralr b y havintale,. g .or ard but we really get mor* than themOn n i In proper repair. JOSEPH PERRY, Fanwood. fi pose of deter- $40: W. H. Randolph, $38; A. D ..... kdJuctBd th. matt.rv h, h.vlngtho coward becaus. e wb«,e retar„d a, nat- Thf • i attar «"» discussed at | JOSEPH PERRY. Fanwood. for the purpose of deter- $40; W. H. Randolph, $38; res for Trenton definitely fixes th*the m all shake hands and promlet- fow ril u w it of ibp Township Corom It- ELSTONKLSTON DARBYDARBY.. miningmining ihthee advlsabadvisabilityl "" ofviden widen-- Crane Crane.. $38: A$38. HH. . CrueneGruener.' ~r $46$46:“ ' WW.rank of me ten leading•ding citie citiess In NeIn wNewthem all BkakB- hand, und promHcura l sense ,o f justice anotd right, and ,nd >Dd meeili Freeh- Ider Swain moved tl • re"iing the same, •ties. $36: to avoid each other In future. tee hi j|( i this date, a follow-lid;' Freeh Ider Swain moved the re- ,n(. H.H. Swain8wain.. $24$24;; Bradfor Bradfordd J> Jones. $36;Jersey according to population.W avoid each other In future. destroy'dcatroy, this elementa ml. l cl.mcp.almoral In- moral lu- •sc '.Hint! waa adopted: ort be received and the recom end-1 Freeholder Swain iovea mthee PetePeter MelselMelsel,, $38$38:: CharleCharles. »v Jensen. atinct.. ••Fighting," said the speak- Ing n , .. atlon adopted► port, whic beh receivedon roll cal andl wa thes recommend-1 Freeholder Swain moved ...... These ten cities with the number of ;ptlnct..atinc ''Fighting." Hid tha .peak- ••W reas. TheThe automobileau:omoblli e t (ravelel ailon adoided. which on roll call idoptlocwas adoption,, which wawhichs B wasdered so. Thordered.e $36 . $32The ; J$36.. HH. . Doane$32Doan*. , $42$42;; B .E. K . K. 's help In the develop- pngield aenerata BO ordered. their inhabitants, arc: FINEDI lsi:i> FOMillR TltKNPAHHIXTit BMP ASKINGd ,.r, " «r. "I. nature', help In Ibe deyelop- lpb. $5 ;5: John N. olph.Cady . $5$13.05 ,*5; ; JohnAtlanticAtlanti N.c Cady.CitCityy $13.05; 44,461def.ndsnls admitted being on Oausthe e „,ofOM th eOI greate llur, strengtgreaterh strengthof the of tha herebyhereby laIs dlrectwdlreciedl t o lowrit ewrite to Ihloe CranforIbe Cranfordd avenue aavenuet at southerly sideWhereas, of , an effortt ahas b beenmad mad#e Jaco bJacob Martin Martin.. $9.40 ; $9.40;W. H . W.Swain II., 8wain.TheThe totato.al l populatiopopulationn 3 f ofthes thesee ten tenpremise, witwithh gungunss bu tbut sai d uldthey Adultthen'adult,, and thiands i s thiswha t Isbruise whats th ebruises tha HonorableHonorable HoarBoardd of ofChose Chosenn Fr*?o -FrW- Elizabet Kllsabelhh avenue. .e. length, alxly feet»o burchasetmrchas e ththee samsamee bubutt n nogree agree-- $."..50 $3.50;; Pete r PeterMetsel .Melsel. $5.If. ; $5.15;A Smith A, citiesSmith,ties ararc e 1.23O.71H1.230,718.. 1 IIts probablis probablee were simply makinmakingg a shora shorlt cu t cutn> hearto,t heartof tb eof lad tha. lad. boldera, -• -ri..- them to take Tbe cost of nent coulouldd bbee reachereachedd a s aa totb e $22.:.<)the :$32.60: J. H. DoaneJ. II.. $16.15 Down*.; A$16.15; D a t when tbe ttguree <-f t holders. requesting them lo tike Of $400 - both i that when the figures of the totalthe foot ot the roountataa. Mr. Butt “It'It lsla takintaktngg advantag advantagee o f tbofe th* over'ovor anandd maintainuxlntaln**lhe*e"as**an these as a parpertt cee dceed the (he sum of $400 for bothpurchilurthas cal e pricprlcae thereofthereof,, thethereforer re b ebe Crane Crane., $11.50 111.50:; Henr yHenry Krous Krouse.e $26.2 0$26.20populationpopulatio n ooff thethe Staf Statec are madefield's property haa been stocked wld! 11 youngsteryoungster anandd hbee know knowss It .It. On eOne boy boy It _ 8. P. T. Wilbur. $18.60: Bradford ifiniif 1 "'I of th.. ronnty road system snd (o verts.Respectfull y submitted “ “ Wilbur. $15.60; Bradfordpublic It iwlll b ebe foun foundd :ha t ththate the variousten ainaskinds ofoi game,n d andanahe beue nhasn '•!! < another boy ananotherd bis ow boyn leve andl bin own le> JoinJoin the(bonm througtaroughh ,1'nio ,1'nlonn avecjueavenue,. Respectfully submitted Resolved.ftexolved. ThaThatt ththee Count Countyy Attor Attor-- Jones Jones.. $10.3V $10.30;; E. K ,E. Adams K. . Adams.(19 45 $1* 46. level thuti fornlnx a continuous county, K.K. KK.. DAVISDAVIS.. aey be dnd hereby is authorized to New State Roads—C. H. citiesWlnan*. named contain fully one halfgone to great trouble and expense antod Und in thlne defealh,t defBall tha., t remain,6s., ' thus forming a continuous county THOMAS HAV1LAND. ley be tfnd hereby is authorized to New State Roads—C H Wloana if New Jersey, al- nalntaln its prlva road fro:.. Clark to SpTtagfletd town-' THOMAS HAVILAND. takeake ththee necessarnecessaryy step stepss to condemto condemnn J3,2T,S.i6 $3,255.56;; Willia mWilliam F. Fleme F. r Firmer.$40; of $40;tbe people of .New Jersey, maintainal- Its pel racy ronuo.ealIs yth e„ whippin,h. rtfppfcg but whe, bun ,punishe ,h„ d punlrtrt road froi.. Clark to Hprlngflvld tc*n- J. H. DOANE. bough they are located within only nade the complain ablpa.”abips." f II J. ||. DOANK. saidtalq propertpropertyy anandd purchaspurchasee th ethe sam samee Weldo Weldonn Contractin Contractingg Compan Company.y $5 - though$5.- they ar# located within onlymade the complaint to protect bhiey th e, adult tber,edult ls tb e Bttna; of „ne ,-h. ,Ung of RedpedfullyRespectfully yoursyours, , I| FreeholdeI - Freeboldc-Krouse move Kroused the movedforor ththethee Count Countyre-y o fof Union Union.. 276.71. $11,161.60276.71., $$11,161.60.1 476 40- F "SI.476.40:J one-thirdine-tblr d F.oof f thJ.thee countie countiess o fof tb ethe State Slate.. rights. Inc il' ;ik with in an unjust and in A. R. DENMAN. port be received and the recomme Freeholder Wilbur moved the Hubbard. $300; J. L. Bauer New Jersey 1B. therefore, an urban RecorderRecorder ItomverOolllveI r exp,.Led to -he ^Llier.'SSTtfS H. DK.VMAN i atlonport adopted ba raaalrad, which oandn rol lthe cal lrOTBjrM- i Freeholder Wilbur moved th* Hubbard. $300; J. L. New JerseyBauer, is. therefore, an urban ■ unfair manner. We must find the On notion ofof Freeholde Kroaholdarr Kroi uKrouaa atlon adopts, whlrh on roll railadoption,idoptlon wu . whicwhichh onon rol rolll cal lcall wa awas so $282.23so $282. $100 23.. $234.10$100, . $234.10. ommonwealth as well as a suburbanmen that mderunder the lawi t Itwa waas i lotboy' k^.,s level .Ural. Thi s waVki.a Illustratewae llluatratedd by by receiver,«.-lv«ld anaadd referredraf.rrad; to Commute.mlltei ~> ordered br aa uaanlamuli role.ordered>rdere d bbyy ainn unanimouunanimouss voterote.. Sheriff's Sheriff'sAccount—Fran Account—Frankk Smith, >neSmith,. Ou r great centres of popula- necessary for an owner to pool hint ^ Oenl ne. Our great ceu'res of popula- u. al, u.™. w !~-L "••«s, 8storytory o off a ngrou groupp o r ofboy boyss wh owho wrot wrot*e Ohon CountCountry RoadsHoadi.. I Oeotleman—2our rommlttraFreeholderFreeholde r WilbuWilburjp- r callecalledd ththee at -at- J4^8.33 $458; 33;Henrlett Henrlettee Mienck eMlencke. $70; lon$70; ar e growing much more rapld- groundabound to keep trespasser, off and. Jo ^ btocktmSd “oli7t*hebWis * From W. R. Codlnstoi tion are growing much more rapld- keep trespassers off and aa Ine bifct,hhOard "our teacbec la a Krom W. R, codlnalon: I pointed to e.amiee Into thelootlo needn ofo -ffor ththe -•e bocrboardboerdd t o totoa bilal jbillf Evely >fn Gora-KellEvelyn Gorm-KeUy.y $40" Ida $40;Course Idar Courser. an are tbe cities ey wei llentlemenGentlemen —Rellovitinellevlmc thatthat fou aad prohabla ro-t of two JohnJohculrerle,n Fh.. Kenah Kenah.. Cit yCity Cler kClerk of thofe $70the; Iren$70;e Donaldson,'$70Irer.e Donaldscti.; Edwir $70;d Edwardthe average than are the cities guilty as charged. He I| doakeYdonkey.”_.. ThThee ttUh teachern W M waawl M w|s* lnc z as the i >arrl should fn , tli Cityy, uloOff ElizabetEllrabethh claiminclaimingg tha t thatthe theBauer .Bauer. $208.34 $208.34,. $25.43 ; $25.43:Charlott e Charlotteofof ththee cocountry u generally.-ally. TbeThe sam esame * - | enough to meet the lad» on their a. the I part .hoald from time to one In Jlrrtla are.ua Ulaadd one a | enough to meet the lads on their timetime hbee Ii.rornicInformedd a da. t dto th thea. lltlgatljon I It Wats ton.Boynto Boyntonn avenue,Wei Weatlleld. . I—SItem*M’ torfor“ printinprintingg ballot ballotss charge chargedd by byLocse Locser.r 140 : $40;Marlo n MarlonSwift $50Swift." $50; l» true. smalletoo.aller r ofraunlci-imunlcl- •own level and wro'e after the acn- iInn •••',!•tonne.iIon• :.'ii witwlihh to ethe count countyy tan ' matrepor t reimrlhavin g h*rln«""""'" »examined •"* tne= |ththe.liee ElizabetElizabethotlB hK 0EveninEveningfg Time,h rTime# s wa a v.iLoul w1o LouiseSraufferh Stauffer.. ,3:$70; Ottlll $70;e ReuterOttllle, Reutrr.litles, wpalltle*. where matertn Is TWTWOO MINISTER MIMSTKR8S OFFICIAT (HTHIATKE ' tieace Ith tenc*e wor dth* "driver. word" Contladriver.”- Contlu- tersters 1I taktake< tbthee libert libertyy [of i»fwndin sendingg »ou youthe nam(he e sameand findand tha Andt th e(hat there »* an bills for the 13-'.: Ella Decker, $70; Jeeaie Garth- gely In of th AT MIW. SCKIItXKlfS PVXERAr*. IPS. Mr. Maibiews said, 'The boy be- herewith a ceriilli>il i•«»T'>" of the ior-told wooden culver, t on nnMy \i: vri|e ave-'l!«•ante hind vrof workl “v , ° oi® ®work M d mntrd/ ' * *- «*• lacker. $70; Jeasl* Garth-, largely ofIn theseevidence AT MRS. Sf lUHNKICS PTXKRAL inf. Mr. Ustblews said. The boy be- herewith a certified eppy of Ibe or- old woodenl d culvert1 onre Myrilehp elave-rk I moved that waite. $70; Edward Slohr, $2.85. ; f whicP h the . Dsus nguresj t»een the ages or ten and (irteen has n the case nue which is In rba da state o Of ren^dr I rk^ be *.In : 1 . ? •'■Ro. $70; Edward Mohr. 12.85. . (places from whichi* figures, the tween tb* age* of ten and fifteen ha* der dcnvtng Injunrtldn In the caee nue whlrh Is o return bill County Clerk—James Calvort. £avJ,be, .!* k.!'A*vf?u f™ * ' ^ »fl«rneted to return bill County Clerk-Jame. Calr— Washington Th(. funeral service or Mrs. Will- physical Ideals. His heroes are In- ofof thih.p KayoMayorr an andd routicl Councill of thofe cit(hey cityIt havin It g havingoriginall orl*.y bee n bu in tn order- $^ ;" v; ^^- irmiA CNI,-..|( $^6' Nef1 ofof RaRahnayh way \».»*. Ih pthe SWVMHoar Boardd of Vffe-of FrAe-alr>'k.««o;r,la.,r,l appearance*, all appearances, merel beeny amerelys Ihunt, asfrom a |tempo- ^ 'eoVr-rcTonr-wMc-h-.i'-oVe';: t.^Tx': .XZ'T&X>£%!i a total populatiofi^ElSEi of 206.014, |I'K') |am Scrlbne r was held at the late rtlans ano soldiers, athleteS.’Es and pu- S ll ! McLeod. (8(.(7; Z.K . NOI inburb- borne on East Front street. Wedne^- gillsts. Slow them what the quail- holder.holders. ThiThiss wa wass aju actioan naction com - rarcom-y affairrary. sTher If aire Is muTherec la '|much. Th Irstelfollowl rJ billThes followingad an billsd (30^3(30 were^ ' read £iuand M McCabe'(20* .J('; ^52?" Fran,] making 1,0 the total urban andiburb- borne on East Froat street. W*dnes- flUlaU. Fhow (hem what tb* qu*ll- mntifed by ib.' city of RahwayHah way otmn thithiss roa droad an dI youjourr « committee 0n. motionI ordered paid Runyon $10«;iioo: Helen Whelan populationi.r th eof Stat thee sStateo l;i r gmyso afternoofar J n at 2:1afternoon5 o'clock ,at an2:15d t\ea o'clock, are tha t andmak e <*«•the fighter: Th*•*•*e make the fighter: Th* against the l,.'iii.l -jIn whicwhlehh thetheyy filed (led recommend reeommendss tha t thata nenewaw newcenlvetAu enlyelA be. be)Courts— Court B Atwater.S. .. At._1500; $36. „ th twelveI 1.436,732.whole coun - withwa i largeliweSvoy attendewhole d coun-by relativewax largelys control attended, tbe framing hy , threlativese Judgment Control,, the training, the Judgm«nt. a bill in th,. Courtt ooff ChancerChaneerry s^ekS«eh.- builbuiltt a t attbl n thispoin t polnlat a coats a tost not to Robert J Kirkland, MJ5.SS;Freeholder c. Krouse moved to ad- ties to srbed froheardm an fromd portion ands anportionsd friends and. Revfriends.. Dr. J. SRev.. Zelle ,Dr. t ha J.strengt 8. hZelle. and the mightntrenuthy qnall - and ibe mrghty quall- Ing an Injnr.etlon to restrain tha exceed (630. At the lloyntnn axe- Salft S$300; ^John Galatian.whlrh II was carried The Dl- ©f all ofnin e th#othe niner countie others paatoround#-*,r of th epastor Crescen oft Avenuthe eCrencent Pres- "eATenues that arPres-e possesse tlead thatby tbaree flght- possessed by the flgbt- boardboard frofromm elevatinrlexatlngg th Ihee bridg bridgee o.ve overr nu eone site sitewe findwe thanodt th thate s t Ibe slrrot ba»iMl.»a; Walter Hctfteld. rair idea of what the byterlan church, assisted bv Rev. *" of the world. thth.e liali*a.Raheayi fliviRiverT onMonro or Monroee s(rir>et at Wei., no t yenott beeyetn gradedben gradedand w iand we reeom- (70, 1n: P*JJ- 0: 9 Kiel. rectorKrH declared the board adjourned Th|B -|TeB ofa whatf,|r the|d« byterlsn church, assisted bv Rev of the world, In the cityrlty of Rahwiy. A rule to mend that action on this ci AutoAuto Co.Co... $11.75$11.75:: Harf HarryV Va n En. : p m i'l shohoww aa#s toto th thee rati ratioo I Dr . Dr.Campbell, Campbell, or th ofe boroughthe borough,, had I J "Ihadt i s| naiure'‘‘It s waIs ynature’s to take onwaye to take on* In Rahway. A rul* to mend that action on this - 1 .__rV v.?*Fm-.... ‘w. P-m. "' "‘""to' '* *' *'*•of c,,,rOnJogn'- dWel,uld ; ot1 be Gentlem mittee ! C Hyl?r wM^ oTwiHlam3 Hrierin UV had .eb«nd Trento luterntlng.n by 2,628Ten. largyear,e anballd beautifu offeredl displa prayer.y of floraThererailsrail sws. Iinn lovelove.a . HUHis sympathie sympathiess go Board of Freeholder cpuld not be Gentlemen—Yonr committee- - on Cran. $x$.40; C. W.«• Kckbardt. d l 3 $66.-30 cloc 22T' 11TT J? •»» Camden led Trenton by 2.628. large and beautiful display of floral enjoineditij.iiii.-.i anaadd dismissedlsml-ar.ld 1 ibe U rulelo Collector'to Collector'ss accoi accountit-** it-«. begsB . «leave .•^-.an to; C.eorgeGeorgre-1 $S:e AngeAngen.Georgen $50$50:Angen,- Henr yllenry$50: * Henry .« Wednesda ®,Frnoony ar- h*«^from ^fago . In*Vr th e State census, tributesago.. ThIn ethe buria Statel wa scenau.. In Hil l tribute..out.out. HHee stand Thestand* * buriala maa nman amonwas amongg lamen Hlll-' men' e port tbat It has nlned bis booKs. K<-hopi>e. $10": Henry Cook 13 r,o' ternoon. from the home of nW 1, * had overcome the lead and side cemetery and tbe bearers wer and tbe kind and quality of man de- show ran sc port tbat It ba* examined his books. ; Srhoppe. flOO; Henry Cook. $3.50; 'Trenton e to bad overcome the lead and | side cemetery and the bearersand were th# kind and quality of man de- TheThe questioquestionn decidedecidedd Was whether xouchers. coupons,warrant warrantss and | Roberandt Llghtfoot. Robert , Llghifoo(.$5.50. $8 . $187$5.50.- daughter*8. $187.-. Mrs .daughter. William NevlusMr*. . WilliamHU Nevlua.,- ilif.-ihead HOd o orf *Camden Camden.. Durin Duringg Leande Iseanderr N. LoveN. HLove'l Joh n LealJohn. JoTaeal.b pendpendsJohns largellargelyy oonn th thee kin dkind of aof bo yn boy or not tn,tb*- Boar Hoardd o of Freeholders bad receipt*, bank hecandk bookchecks audbooks(r.0 r andJame ,50:s ' CareyJames. $7.SO Carey.: Henry$7.50; Elm woodHenry place . ElmwoodThere wa splace. a large . There"~ *' wan' a large . ( i. William D. Murray. Di lbe p8 thetlj'' authoritauthorityy undeunderi t*«la wlaw to liiato eraise An thafindt tbtbate aathe arsamee correc aret ancorrectd | pflueBer and. $21) Pflnecer.: W. B . Hamilton$21; W.. $«$.B -Hamilton. attendanc e$•$.- of relathe*nrtendance, an d offriend*." relathe*the paktand" fivefriends years 'his lead has been { WF.. HedgeHarman.s an dWilliam Andrpw DJ . GaMurray.i I n Dr.closing , the Christ life waa beid the'!.. gradgrad*grad*e oofoft th thethee bridg bridgee an d sndsndtbeteb therebytherebyy agre e agreeagreeIn Ininy particularevery particular.. We M.«l Me: Cfind. nanW . oi;Irwln .c $180.75rW. :Irwin. Thoma Irwin.s$186 Ther 75:$186.75;e MThomas alaThomaso Thereman y There oeautlit. wwal »»«««alao « tomany 2.277. oeautlinlTrenton’s per-, Ells W. Hedge and Andrpw J. ,Gav- aa th i ideal life of the true, lov- necetialiaTnE tbe tilling - and »ais- that h'- ne..r*i a-fhg the filling 1n and »al#- tha- hi* receipts from January 1 Pierson. $12: Watrhung Spring e„rsi (risu«>« Rev v itrre.k cenUge' ett of. growth during the decade ett. K gentleman. ingIng -h:he- Rpproacherpproarhr.s tije tftereror could! h be 1*10. to date amount to $1.406.-! Water Company. $2; W. B Toucher, . f. Trtnlrv Kefnrnaii ekarrh cfchavingrch been 32 against 24.5 for j ing gentleman. donedune withouwithoutt thi.th,.' ronse con$enlr of the mu 284.13. and that bis disbursements $16 52: Charles Sheelen. $5.21: W. of whlch° . » ’ Camd#n “Tha"The EducationaEducationall ValuValuee o f PUof TPlay nlrlpeinldpat authoritsutborit*y ntof to th« munlcRhal- for the «ame pertod amount to $1.- A. IVMeza. $62.25: Joseoh Clark Mr*. HyUr had bren * PlanulagPlanning; foforr WateWaterr Plant Plant.. andand ItItss MoraMorall Benefits Benefits’’" wil lwill be beth e th* P that tty wher. said bridge•ra s baalocated located.d.. 333.3315333.331* 333.3335. l 25.g leavingbalanc ea on'$1.55balance . on *5.55 ' member fo A meetinmeetingg wavats hel brtdd a t *nt Lebano * Lebanonn subject•ubjec t foforr FridaPrldmyy afternooafternoonn o f ofnex naxtt and as above Mated, «, tiecourtou court! dee^ hando-d ohandf $75.»S0.S$7 of $72- whic*50 hS8. Is deposit-which ,I* deposit-Bridges—A . VBridge*—A Stiles $6*W9 50-Btlles. o«cj»ted $6«9. 5«: «*eiated. He read th* Scriptures , .. Wednesday.Wednesday,, to furtheto furtherr the Interesthe t Intereitweek.Week. OOnn thl thiaa afternoo aftemooon ther theree wil l will elded fhai the boaru badjurisdictio JurladlcXlonn *>d (*dn thIne banktbes bankato th e tocredi thet ofcredit the Fof. J .(be Hubbard F. .j. »4OHubbard.^ «\8.7S : *«0.W. F.$$8.75; and refer W.r F *nd referred in hisaa coofldentlyremarks to expecttb- retain tbe "of :h e|h# installatio lnatuUnu tlonof a , wateof .r planwat#r_t beba pImlltdisplayedisplayed d a alarge largerr suggestiv suggestivee col -col- oxer tbe approach** aa well an-the County Collector. , Howarth. $12.15: Chart#* French, long aad faithful Christian life of anparmneyfor Lebano I^ebanonshe hasn anandgained,d Wbltehouse Whltehouse. mere. Som i. Somee lectionlectio n ooff bookbookss a aas glft giftsa fo rfor boya boy*.. bridges r bridge* nd that their ludgnnt In . _ ~ ipertfully submitted. *787: S. D. Winter. 88; H- Wll- tn# departed. sureNew-Ne ito Yorkbe a andtunnel Hunterdonunder the n'Dela-ycounty •alri mat r-rs would not ». P. T. WILBUR. loughby $22.50: Charles Gottllck, The hnria’ will be In the tamtlv »a « Hl»cr between Camden and ■aid matters would not be interfered pltH businessbusiness memenn •ndand IrIraaFfc L L.. LaLaRue. ofMIS SMIS* GENEVIRV GENEVIEVEE CLJX E( LINKTHE THE withwith bbrv the courts.•nrts. W. H. GARRISON. *2.20; 8. D. Winter. $10.80: Jacob ?2S llrench tod^ .aJTtbe >pdPhiladelphia in th. rear** of n few Another matterI n On motion of Freeholder J one. - r*-JwV Bauer. ti$? 118; E L. Hand. $1.60; F. f'<* 3 %mmrnthia ^ city, lhal are ata t thtbee beabeadd or tofh >nthis BRIDE BRIDEOF HARR OFY FHARRY. t,l NGEJLtC| F., LUNG Boardmiard oof( FreeholdersFreeBolder*] w whs J Hubbard. $20; H. R. Palmer.- $1.- * *“ ° to neededneeded ImprovementImprovement.. MrMr.. LaRu Lae Tine la nntant wawn.s th.ih.-- ejectio n tu .alt ln lh.1 *n- "MUM — Thn uodvr.l«ord M;'w. i" fo™5d”l5.«; '6-'i£J Randolph Dnvld R. Wenxxr, to xhnlncrnnMofilden.t pwpnlnDoooICnK-1of a company that ow p^dnntn MlaaMisof s. GenerlevGaaavlavarompnnre CllneihnlCllna.. o ownfof Pblllips PhlUlps-n - I'tameprem« CourtCoun., lirouiihbronchit t tn Gnorca B. rommlllM. to whom wa. mfnrrnd win,,,. (S0.II: William Von Bar- °hn Wyman, »llllam Hh.f.r ard >lxo >h« Trralon will b«ind rorredthe wa'e tor rightn„ars immbnre. urg>nd. an anddlbs Harr Harryyw n'»rP .P. Lunger rlchuLuneer., soat n aoaof of Vaadar|>r*lVand.-n.,^ ananihf(ba bee K..>bonan broughitvAiivhl WonsMt t otn the'attentloto (ha thalrttuitli aft onn oolf thUleIhln, Ins Hankinsll.nhln.. $190.23 11*0; 22;Willia WHIInmm Kit- J™*"Kit-" ’ Mr..Mr. anandd MrsMrs.. Frederic Fradarlakk Peterso PataraoBn fariaateria n churchrhureh.. TbTbae cerem aaramonyo wu declaration aendeami d _ f romln*,.m!ni g boardhhoard,d , lorf lor" tht he tha reaso asoraaaonn tha t lhalthe pa-'aschallpatha asehl pa- l . aaahall.$6$6: RoberRb ICtt RogersR Ilobarl. $33$3 Rocrm.3: JoJ - 122: Jo-— —' ' I WattknnfWafhiin.- CouncilConncU.. KnighKnlshtat o f ofCo Co-- kavahav e Issuebanadd invitationtavltstlonas t o loth ema mar mor--parformadperforme d aalt “Tha Bristol '' Tha to trial,rial, anaadd tb thee agren-m _ c nt snVadejHenl*ada - riantt entereaalaradd ththae sai daald hospita ho.pllall as a|«epaa ah KundM-ph . Kami$10; E. 110;L. Moore E . L.$27. Hoorn,- IJ7.- Will BerardediMww. WBI IambusambaaRaaoavM. , icacnv« v a aeuchr anrhrae an dand d danea ria«oriagIn e ooff theitheirr daughter dcnchlor., His aMlaa Elle nElianeoaplaID pie wu accompanieBroom pad a ladb y thbye tha betweenbetweeween thttbeh e .plaintiff litifplaintiff f "! aarda prtvata patlonatas a aadchar- not; 95 : aaJ. Ma Woodschar-.*3;! $« ;J. Jame M.s Woada.Hobson I(;Wha Jamaat la Hohaonaald to be the Brat will Sebringi Half. Wednesday Surran Peterson, and Rev. Royal groom's mi 1 What b aald to ba Iha brat will Sabrloc’a Hall. Wadaaoday nl*hLSnrrao II Pataraoa. and Rev Royal barer anandd MortimeMortimerr Cook Cook,, ofor I'ntoI'atonn anaadd Morr HorrU roUntlaa »h ! prf« aa a ehar^; $.7.50‘ ; E. L. Moore. $14.25 ; C. L. writte n In Chlnea e characten tver wa s attended by 150 people. Arthur Soul, paator of the Nether- if Phllllpsl d. for said hospital Bell. $55; Helen Carroll. $13.50; sttandad by 150 paopla. TonArthur 8:ou(. pnator of tha Nathar-of Phllllpaburff.rg. « abrothe brolharr o r thofe tha w•a.u sati-actorMIItTaatoryy tolo (11 Ipar'.laa. filed In tbe o«c* of the surrogate of prize* were awarded the play< wood Reformed cbarcL fhe weJ-bride. the sun.*,- last the priaaa wara awajda.1 tha pbyara aadwood Rarormad chnrcL fha waJ-brlda. lh, ,ul('a/v1aat (ba conhty ‘ din* win take place at tbe above dlarontlraaddlsrontit ucd aftar tha award# wara prasanleddlnc will taka place at tbs aboveTbaTbe coupleoaplae wilwilll apea spendd 'hei lhairr honey boaay-- Aamha,Anotfaei mattematlarr a whlrh b . : done lac «cc aajoyad. Snhr'a orahenchurch.church . ThursdaThursdayy evenkigarcsine.. 'Decem Dsaaoi-- mooaoo n Ilon BoatonBoston,, an andd upo uponn thei rthatr re- m- darder proceaproaaaas Isb th thae n maria* ol condam-| _ Wa Sad that Iha *-'(326; 2 P.~01aahy7 i((.((, TlUI • bwyar It b tha wiu of Poac Wine Irabarbe r fnrabbad*(.. aatt 7:3 7:100 o'clockths o'clock, moalc., an andd Rev Rav.. P. Tp.. laraT.r n wilwilll residmoldse a t at1 5 ISGrov Grome street stroat.. ninenlng thIkae landlaadas fo Torr i ttha _ rtm.trnrtl21 a*1 t VoRamann Bergen A' ChakVon. He leave...s hishi s entiraallrae estateastala., compose compoaadd o f ofT. JT.. MeanerJ. ,Maaaay. chair- parfonaperforahalr-m tb(hae c# aaramaay.re many. T*ie7Till irtl i ffaldfielwilld nearlnearlry alalll bi hbs life Ilia,, ls employeb employd ad EathrrRather JJ.. Fostefootorr and andothim | olhtra?^ fIn ' pearsn^a ••wm , walA'4paarn.1 s• a* tt variancf^rlBTif^waaarianc a«Ae witWt\vnrianca #h heh»r hnafwithi f 1«_- $73.50I"bar* E rtboo-: . DaviV\BTH (21.50:dJ SklllmanOkllli«. David>. • * Sklllmaa.. * « _ fonfiblm 154.11;• — —e fonane— . . t_o Pon—. g. . Sun<—. s - . c, -. W«•.» rogartyWF,. ———,—,• WIf". FI-. Schaefer^Mk>^ t •. reside at the parsonage near tbe Ne- by the Spicer Universal Mannfactnr- the CltT *>t band, and had the patient mforibblo fort ana. lo Pose 8»n* moo; C. W. Focarty. W. F gahaefar.maids at tha pnraooaca saw tba Xa-by tha Splrer Calaaraal Maaufaatar- KprlacfteldSprlngneM Tnwaahlp nail Ika City of band, aad had tho pallaata Douglasboon n. ADouxbaa Strieker A$< Slrlrkar; N. J. Do,Hock M;* WfB Wine,K.X J. . abrotherDock brolhar. . C. W. Kling andC. Mlle W.a WilsonKiln*. and tbarwoodtherwooMilan dWtbon. ReformeRaformad d chnrehahnrah.. la( Company. bat Ida close friends denied the nor. Tbey say be baa no thong TheThe ConstitutionalistConstitutionalist 'pfiKIHS HEAR SHE of retiring. an independent weekly. mimmitsiwvirn < "..RlUiHSUni Governor-Elect VotJfl«s w wr Lively Speech From Or. *. i. X! WIHIDSHTIY itor-Boii That P«opl< 100,000,000 Seals to Aid , gmnlBM,ganizer, StuartStuart Bald,Reid, for for u HHIHE FUH EHP I Tony Lnsardl, Jr., tbe well known «>«<• ptr : Will auBt Prevail- In Welfare. trait dealer, whose place of business BetteBettarr Conditions.Conditions. «4 IOIO Monday daughter. Miss Freeholder Committee Finds Is at Front and Somerset streets . v Ul F0R ' nanrowly escaped being bitten by a SL Site Near Scotch Plains huge tarantula Monday afternoon XO "FILL DIXNEK He waa unpacking a barrel of bana- N Y AMU8EMKNT8. JJJ , , . . MoM Suitable. Knd (h4t h( W) her h iband scaM,'* Sew Eaecsitive Will Take tbe . I~»l Society to P-. 4O.OOO Bel. <• ^^'^V^^ £t Waste the Skilled Mechanic ta Eat |— were spending their honeymoon in S.itmi> U Xttummrj to Sat.- SaBe Demnbn 1.—Public and jcame to light be discovered tbe pols- The great success of DoBgla** WMi,jngton. The missive did not A DBC1S1OX OS THTHSPAY. at Table LJke Other Human. FairbankThe areals tn eocenes '"The Cnb. St " po«*'*“Thompson Vutlnus who mTW th ymissive were married did Sol, o r ! onoua spider in a recess leat than an ltatB by the Party/V —Xew M.-mi.,r. Added FairbanksBacbansn' 1Is merr "They satir Cat."e o nThompson tbe feuds etwlewber ebT ( hwhome ceremon thy war*y too married.k place. Tbor e . oBartuint tb« Kentuck • merryy entiremountaloeert os Iks '»•«•. a tWhirs announcemen tbs ceremonyt cam elook aa pises.a surprise Tbs , sun.b) S.I»i.K i.. ,ncn from Dls flager.7 He quickly of Its t CoswisU of 135 Ar to Lodge. ofu. IksComed Kcnierkry Theatre mountaineer.., New !*ork SI . ,M,IUlo,acemenlougb th etsm. bride' *ks sfamil surprlss.y kne w Hrl ]| shifteantuUd thio tbs grase floor,p an wherd shooe klt watbes tardls-- tbs CosMdr Tkssirs. Nsw York.J-_ -. #.[though Iks bride's^ to wefamilyd Ja ,ksswne - tsAT sosld wsrrssl Iks oosllssssrs of .b. sipsslsd Is wsd In Iks sssr The Natio Rc(! Cross Society ta patched. If there are any machinists ttill (ks attraction SI Ikls kosss for so •00—It I* CDMldrnd Am taking effo this year to eclipse] It I* not an uncommon thing cMloo. fault of Stuart Reid, an organizer, ,« rejnoval operator at the local exchange of tbe of Governors thi* ™£_ °" tfaelr seals made last year. There are ana*anas,, bulbu tMr. Mr .Losardl Lusardi declaresdeclares tbaltha t f* °f Sloarl Held, an organize,. Isss. kossvsr, romps! tks refnoral connected with the American Feder^ of "Tks Cab" lo soolksr houso.bouM.an sodd N^w York Telephone Company for tlce upon e>-Senau.r James Tbe committee of the Union Coun- hopes of selling at least one hundred iInn allal l bishi sexperience experience beb enever neve r so-en -connectedu ol «»h Iks American Keder- R" opened at the Circ w. Broad- !„«.„! years and sbe wa* In her po- Jr.. that he does not intend tT Tbs committee of tbs Union Conn .f the little reminders tbe countered one na large as that of yes- ation of Labor. Mr. Reid made aa K opsosd al IBS Clrcls. Broad - ."to'the If BoardBoard ofof Freeholder,Freeholders appointedappointed conalered one as lama si that of res- »Impassione“o f-akor.d speec Mr.h Heldto loca madsl nmchli aa - way and 8l»t let h ,, n..*t LMon ™JB ul <„ S.,Urday noon, when she sent to Mr. Smith's re-elecUo terday. It was Just a trifle short ot war sad But 1sth Blrssl. asit Boa notice totfor Ibethe purpose purpose ofo f recommendloarecommending aa lords,. It ws. Jnsl a trills abort or Impassionedlats Monda .t^echy tn th loe localEagles macing,^ hall |» Amy i-MU'uy. N< « *8, |ror a £, nafafcid for New York for Ih* United States *»»• ^^Z suitable "sit; for the estahli.hr being the size of a small shedder dar srsa'BB. November *». for a t soluble ells for Ibo establishment belnc ike alas of a .mill ahrddsr '«whic■ Mondarh be declare fn (bed thaEaalea;t the balloreanlia 1, - United engagement prj.ne ***f • _^° purpose ..,______crab. limited soasr.mrnl of oas »~k No Jji» here ' b" woett.' le*. firm, which Mr.#>. ofof a proposed tnberrnlaala camp | crab.If Mr. I.usardi's hand bad comwklcbe tlo bou declaredwas "tire thatd o fthe th eoriaolm- politica l bun- norttr srsn lo Nsw York In fscsnl r m tHe' made If Mr. I-naardl's band bad come "'on was "tired of tbs pollilcal bna- "*blng h,;^ "fo'rmerly been employed as Wilson sent to_* J }!*_^^ madepropose a dtour locatio of nInspection Monda yof three results combe of the "(uli dnner pall.' What IBS rrsalsd mor. laughing : proposed location Monday one on In contact vltk II serious reaulla combethey ofwannl Ihet -fullnow daaerami mea pall.'n toWhat get la dlsrss.lt,r,B««.™."hB"nThls"dell«bttul.*tire tksn ibis drllghtlul fours,, gu^jt at t*S* PlaTnneid CoVntry knowledge thai nonntalm near Scotch Plains, mlibt bars followed as 'hathe bitsbite ofo fI ’*'•>' ** now and mean to (at la and «• »'*ve Oldham. Ibe "erf* re- i^ r,be held a similar posi- Intends to take the matter into hU Ihe monnulna near Scotch PUIns. tbe privilege of being civilized be- and as Bls.s Oldham. IBs "cub" rs- cla0 te u 0 oneone atat WcetdeldWestSeld andand one on eal a tRoselle Rosell e lbs Inasci Is deadly ualess prompt |'kaing P«rlle*es and to ofea t beingat a table.*clrlllisd' bo. porlsr.port-r. ssrlansdaligned loto "corsr" jS-Wr" IksU> efsod feud 1ioa ia o[le of ,he coa*twi*e steamers own hand, has I^~ «" J ^'™,!. beinbeingg viewedviewed.. JJ.. HerreHerveyy Uoaae.Doane. ooff medical aid to .scored. '"ga »nd lo sat at a table." ofof Iksthe waitsWhite and*n dReolow Keolciw faction*fafitlr.nC plying betweea New York and the the frlendsof Smith and tne ineoas IbU •_cftp. to chairmanman ofo ftbd-com- tn«r ■ | Mr. MrRaid. Reironfeooad confesse to share to havb*+ae been Fslrhaok.Fairbanks Ista Inlmltshls.Inimitable . TksfsTheft srsar e ^n, At present he is an aaslstant ot James & Martlne, who Is the mlttee« , asd be was accompanied I by at one time a staff correspondent tor thirtythirty sixil* psoplspeople lain Iks th ecast, cast ,tarlud- iiiriqd - clerfc mt ,ne Cadillac Hotel. Broad- choice of the people as reflected It thmittee.e othe andr member ha wass oaccompaniedf the committee by . a big New York aewspaper and ilur- loainx mill'SBIMillion! Ktans,Kvaus, Cbkrlss.Charles Stanley.Stanley. WMy and «3d (treet. New Y*rk. The the recent direct primariea for thtI lbsI tother is sai membersd that aof majorit the committeey of th e Ing Ills years of experience has had JamesJsim-, *A MarcusMarcus sadLn dmksr othe r wsll-well - coupie ,m reside at the hotel upon Senalortblp, into the open. The fight I It mltteIs saide favorthat sa thmajoritye site a oft Scotc tbe h MfllSHIKGfOl, D. C. COUPLE the newspaper Instinct to develops koo-n plarsrs. iur commutesu favors tbe alts at Scotch that be observes and remembors Mains. This comprisescomprises US arras, things. He gave every evidence of ««-»»'•'•'•• [ A "»" " ° '^L^!^"--- i*™r^wii':rSd".i.2iSss™i mil--™«»-'*-"e from town. It• Is easy TksThe demanddemand forfor ssstasea lor Nsw 'solid against Mr. Bmjlh them la ev- to one mile from town. It to easy MARRIED li Pim,S£lSE'&&5the truth oC thi* observation last Among the MARRIED III PLAINFfELD evening. Tear's Kve at the dlff. neewas to tbe trolley. A moo* the Ysar'a Krs al tks different Blaubsrt i stream, two Income from which will be d< evening Ikssi«fea.tre rssa Inin NswN«w YorkYork Clip baa al- , other advantages are a at ream, two Miss Mora Cary Mattell, daughie The speaker was Introduced by ready bc-ome so great that . usblngtOB. .fresfreshh waterwater andand oneon* mineral• ra l aprlnaspring roted to tight against tuberculosis Mlaa Mora Cary Mallell, daughter HBTbah vspeakerR I was lalrodacsd by rssdr bsrnnis so arsalw tksl .¥spsrul= ramVESTRYMEN cmGHffl hHI Dr. Wilson'i ittltude In deciding of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattel!, am Hugh V. Kellly, a deputy provision hss bt-en it.a•erty , which>hlrh. . ItIt laIs said, said. rould< Id beb euaed used year the local anti-tube The Shubert theatre* In New_|Y< .Ided. Dr. j. „. carman ws, chosen „ lne letWr ,htcn hft malt Mr. Smlth — adInln.>tr]lUon purpMM mony was performed by Rev. ftoyal re* In New*uYor Yorkk “Ided.n4nt r I>r.~~ J. H. Cari chosen er lbe letter which b« nent Mr. Smith Jor admlnl»traUon■ ■ ■ purposes until clety will be allowed to eialn all IliKh.' and shornw bo City proper sre IDaly's, rierald « f ward land CbMTiMh. Nicb- to^up f „„ .| A. Stout, pastor or the Netharwood r wages m Jtlv's* raid •*oU o'’ warden and Charles L. Nleh- oorf tnthee Un)teUnitedd BtateState*8 Benatarshlp foror Mcb„ tlme iam<“sufficient en t fund funds g Rr aree lD In but twelve and a half per ent. of al! Mr. speech was de*ol Square, Broadway, Casino, asaw- W,U Reformed church. Reid ed lo Caalno Wf*- Juniorof warden.^^ TheJJTh eotherf othe rrmem- mem publication,- pubUeatlonpubl , butbu ttboae thos eclose clow to t ohim hi mhand han dto t#racto erec othert othe- strueture*-r structures . TheTh e their sa es for tbe prosec 1 Ion of tbe ho are al dy Ble mova's 3Mb street. Marine ElHott's. f the _ *ald that the Gorernor-eleet a light-’ _ . . The bride was attended by* her:he 'nin ** •Mi Maxlne Elliott’s. **• estrselectedy selecte d were W il- MldI that the Cover no r-elects fight- ' committeecommittee baaha soffered offered theth e ownersowner s warfare against the grea white pla- aunt, Mrs. Samuel O. Rtisb. as ma; it the uulc i but be d«*lare that . I-yrtc, Hackedjekett.!_kr.„ , C ela i swith wit hJ. 1. Oscar Osca rStevens, Stevens II, HP.. PHenri. Henri - DrDr.. WilsonWl!BOn iiss takintakingg thothe attitudeattitude canBe the ground h low and flat and Douglas ibat the people of New Jersey at the best co-operation in tbe sale of the lItt waswas alwaysalways thethe desire desire ofo fthe th edau- dau -at the close of the speech. aurround-d by a cassatt ofof stellarstellaj Im-Im -flue* goes andan dJ. J .W. W liegeman.. Hegeman Dougla s tna l the peOple of New Jersey at the doeB not ^^ to have the advan. seals has been perfected. The nat- ghteghterr thatthat aheshe wear wear thisthis gowngown whenwhen Speaking of tbe beginning nf the portance. Huch emineniiinctitt playersplayers asas AndeiwonAnderson andan dHarry Harr y M.M Sanderion. Sanderso ndir^t d(recprimaries t vrlm!iriea expressed expresse them-d them- (ages to be found In the one at Scotch ional association is sending out 8■behe waswa s married.married. TheTh etwin-slater twin-ulste r v.alon Mr. Reid said that lt started Jeule M ilwarrt, Uaurluraa Guerite.<:ueritc,!Fre Fre-- werewere chosenchosen asa aconvocation convocatio n dele-dele - ae]TeB a»ss beingbeing inin farorfavor ofo ftbe th eap- ap -plmli plain s 75,QOO,000 seals which will be put worewore aa gowngown ofo fwhite white messallne.messallne , like all other things in a small way mont iicnton. Jeahette Baieard gates. polntmentpolntment ofof Mr.Mr .Marline, Martine , andan dhe h e " : o—n sal e in- fort y States . Of— theswhilee whil the emztrou-of-honor the m*tron-ot-hono wasr gown- was gown - tn the south in 1SS2. but like all K>. •:•••! itond. John Clendtn^ilng. doesn’tdoesn't proposepropose thatthat thotb elegislature Leglsl |A|| fortyfort yStates Stater ,hthirtys thirt havey hav eorganlxad orgsntza ed Ined pink ln pin allkk Bilk good thinpa bail grown with the Morgan Coman, Frank Farrlniton, fir«»t W« the FJUI. Bhashallll beDe freerree lofo send6end somelome onone, else offor th< e00 sale oE the i " country. '"Even the great North did Julen fluiiettl and others participate If a fellow cannot carry a stove ttoo WashingtonWashington Just]ujt becausebecause thisthis per-per- IMPORTftHT CODICIG L of I ° * •**'* *"5 Tb. bom. >U .nrKtl.,1, dvmi. a ted with carnations and greens, the tn the fast moving hilarity -w'tb on his shoulders on a slippery side*son .,,, has, na Influences |pnuen<: eat aTrenton.t Trenton . TheTb e “ ’" atrd with carnations and green., the irk tooth and natl to •ative scheme being carried out til I came up here and told them which the piece is crowded. Fan is walk should he not either leave the Beselectionie,.tion ooff Mr.Mr . Smith,smith, underunder theth. nUIII | «« »»'“« “ 'ork tooth and nail to decorative aehemo being carried out *he keyiote. The fun Is fasti and stove at home or wear rubbers? circumstances. Governor-elect Wllsoi II make tho sale a succeii. . In the leparlor parlo andr andining-room.d dining-room . about it," be said. After a detailed circumstances. Governor-elect Wilson .. ill The localica l«oclet, society to 1 bending ever, Followingiwln gtbo th ecoremonr ceremon yan aInform-n infornt - account of bis early experiences find furious. It begins the momentj (he Somebody attempted the impossible tBileveB wou]d be one of the hardest 10 ttjps I believes would be one of tbe hardest effort toward a sys uttc ittvitj ceptlon was held and BUpper was early struggles in behalf of tbe ma- curtain r'see on theifirst act, when leat of doing the trick last night and b,OWB eTer dfrerted agai t popula - sffort toward a systematic activity ,] rscoption wan bold and nnppor wan 1 blows e»er directed against popular which is boui bride received a large chinists of the southland, Mr. Reid "the Klrl In the taxi ' and younglB^r- fell against a window of Louis Mole- gDTernment in the hlstoi Tbe will of Craig A.A. MarshMarsh con-I which I. bound to produce results, served. The bride received a large 1 government In the history of tbe Notwithstanding tbe fact that Post- collection said that there were two classei of tie Stewart are Introduced for the desky's store on Somerset street with country, Kiueil an Important codicil.codicil, Itit pro-pro- Notwithstanding the fact that Po«- collection ofj fgifts, gifts . TksTh couplse will meD country. master General Frai ' •Jay'' connected withe unions—unloi first ttni«." it contitiuen to the sec- unfortunate results. The man re- j^,. g^jt^'s followers Plainly let viding that should hse andand kin his wife wife master General Frankt kHitchcock Hitchcock baa ha srsturn retur nto t oWashington Washingto non o Saturday,n oaiuruBy , " C: ,Z~"~,nH Mr. Smith’s followers plainlyP T let men and &f the unlon ilf ond act whPrc Bertie keep- hi* first turned after a while and told Mr. i. be\™n laat nia-ht die close together thae estateestate shouldshould givengiven permissionpermission forfo rthe tb esale sal eot o fIbo the where' wher ethe th groome groo mholds hold aB positiona positio asn as f*"™™ , It bo known last night that they b made midnight aftpolniment with the "tail Moledeaky thathe would pay for the wou,d resent what ^y DV. " divided equally betwee:weenn hishis broth-broth- eeatoseals loIn the th epostoIBces postofflces of o fthe th ecountry, country ,.ecretnry-treaaurrr secretary-treasure rfor fo rthe tn eSealed Seale d -"Y, T 7 i *f would reoent what they term Dr. ep Tne Br8 ec awd girl" fin.1 endeavors to buy her si «60 damage he had caused. Wilson's unnecessary Interference • thisthis willwill notno t bebe done done herehere he. as .In I nthe th ePackage Packag elee Ic Company,e Company . | J*°- . '' °%* ' ' ° Wilson’s unnecoisary interference the man wb k Dis due> ald T •upper with but |1O in his pockets. With tbe powers of the Legislature, j , i8 the on: opinionopinio ofn othef th society,e society the, th worke wor can|k can Thei Th bridee brid baae haliveds live In dWashington fn Washingto n o *P* . P with tbe powers of tbe legislature. | be accomplished without Interfering lnce a child, while the groom Is a *nd ,™b,oJ°?,,ed J°' ibel Tin • srece is one of tbe screaT^ning It"• Is" for• tbe":he LegislatureLegislatr" to' - say whowh•— o nd I both dje In be arcompUsbed without Interfering ,| Bnce , child, while the groom to a u iboes and other pur- Incidents of the piece. •ball represent the people of New •meme khlpwreck,abi withwith theth ebusiness business ofo fthe th epomoBee postoffle enative nativ ofe o thef th Capitole Capito City.l CiJy Both. Bot en-|h en - *"" ther acciden which such a scheme would doubt- j large acauaintance. Tbe bride's ?B and who always was an active Jersey at Washington, and not the other accident, which such a scheme would doubt- joy a largeoy aacquaintance. The bride's clpant in the deliberations ot Governor, they argue, in fact, they or shouldSOT we bothS die wlthlh allBli 'leu les do.s do . ! parents! parent are visitings are visitin Mr. gand Mr Mrs.. am I i Mrs. FRANK S. Htm li Governor,s/rHEr^I| they argue. Id fact, theyE cause Reports from other cities all over Rush and for that I lodge with which be was ufUliai- are making open threats that by tube months of each other from any rause Reports from other cities all over Ru.h and for that reason planned to. i ed. ThQ other class is the m&n who Ing tbe stand he doce. Governor-elect whatooOTer. then tho whole ofi f mym ythe th ecountry countr yshow show that tha unusualt unusua Inter-l inter-Jiav have thoe th weddinge weddin Ing ithisi city. i •* FORTY HOURS' KV01I0H G BUR lllssia?c£?5^5£5ssis,property, real,: personal and minedmixed retes thas ha sbeen bee naroused arouse damong amon gtho th pro-1e peo- 1 c Wilson has thrown away any chance tka > leg-1 pie in the fight being waged aga)--" plea that 1 nnot talk. U ULlll lit he might have bad for obtaining, tbec«. PTOjJ^tTshall after. - the payment of tho lea- plo In the light being waged against nniiinrn nr nAiliifrtnr Wll9oPresidentialn has throw nominationn awaj Inan IMS.y chM acleaacles specifiedspecified inin"sai saidd will,will, bebe applied applied theth edleease diseas ewhich whic hthe tb eNational Nationa lRed Re dI'UnUUlU L I llUUm i Mr. Reid, "should bo non of the U be might have had for obtaining the nratfirst toto thethe properproper supportsupport andand main-main-i cC oa os sSociety Societ yto i strying tryin gto t ostamp stam pout. out UllnillUlll. U[ UulTlITlLIlUL ut In the class with wallflowera. It 111 SI. Mill MM ;ed fifty-seven presidentiaEx-Senatorl nominall Smith, theyy in any. 1912 was. mi ure to be consistent members wins, m H. Nal, tenance of my said wife during, such j The various exhibits which have, ; Mr. and Mrs. willingEs-Senalo to throwr Smith all ,his the prestigey say ,to- wa stenance of my uld wife durlngrauch J The various exhibits which hare ee- to It that the men you employ home. 53 6 W time.time, Ifif any.any. ifof uldsaid allsix month.month sIn I nbeen 1 bee nuut sen t t,h.o tb differente differen rule.t citie for|s tor i R DfPTftD? PBMR Last Sunday being ;the last Sunday ward having Dr. Wilson made the whleh he b n rvlv me died Monday wnilng to throw all his prestige to- which aheahall" " * service•« * me,- andand.next neit;] the the purposepurpose ofo f educatingeducating the th epeople people ' [IMUO Um) UnllUIUn I [0 ,1HO carry their cards, by that I of Advent and the beginning off the 'oiiowing it Front street. warchoiced havinof theg NewDr. JerseyWilson delegationmade the | aean see that the union label Is on cul r tro Alth« bhae divideddivided eqoallyequally betwenbetwen mymy brotherbrother |„in clcanlineu cleanliness and and care car ehe. ha sawakened awakened i 1 I ecclesiastical year, the »t. Rev. John * tss from tuber- cnoto theice oNations'f the Ne Conventionw Jersey delegatio if hen 4 en 1 t»"«VCsrren» H.H. MarshMarsh andand mymy Bister,sister^Ad Ad.a themthem to t othe th eposlbllltlei poslbUllte sof o eradicatingf eradicating1 I ) J. O'Connor, bishop of the Dioc«js of f ^ igh he had not twould0 lhe keepxationa his handsConventio off then UnitedIf be Grace Marsh, share and share $1lke,'to a large extent the disease, espec- rsboea a nythlng .•( >• you pln( e Grace Marsh, share and .bare alike, I to a targe eitent the dluaae. ropec- There are Iwenty-two candidates Newark, followed tbe annual Custom ' ThanksRl ne lime It was only StatesWOQ.d Senatorshlp.keep hla hand So, Omuch.ff the In Unite fact,d ttoo harehave andand loto holdbold thathe same same toto them them (allyuily In I nlocalities localitie swhere wher eIts it spropaga- propaga tor- " director, of the ncl,-organized - by thai and celebrated a pontifical high mass cmSned to hi n« Day that he was stalewas conveyeds Senatorshlp to Dr.. S Wilson,o much. butIn fact it , their heirs, executors, administrate tion results fro C ngaged In St. Patrick's Cathedral. Newark. Um« he failed bed and since that conveyed to Dr. Wilson, but it their heirs, eiecutora, admtnlktrat- tio„ ,„u\t. from Indifference tu per- Chamber ;l of Commerce according to wadidn’ta seem to Impress him very ora andand assignsassigns forever."foreve ! pons! lacleanl cleanlines linear ands an lackd lac ofk properof prope a rl*»t lissuppliedt supplie byd A.by S.A .Herr, S. Hert.'iSle fc-leven to mark tbe beginning of the 4orty Mr. N,-.,I was alpidty m . didn't seem to Impress him very 1 "takei ot the. MlJose the board bours' devotion throngaout the dlo- and aiwaji lived here. Ml ! air to breathe.r to 1 •stbe The. atatlatlceTbe taken of theu will compose the board | t native or Plainfleld strongly. In fact, be turned down from localities where the fight has wt fill be 1 lected at the In fact be has eese for the coming year. , : ago he was engaged in tb< Many yearn the proposal co'dly. and only waited been made show that the dl- meeting hamber . Some ol ge Intelligence. According to a rescript of Ftfbru- business, but during recent he butcher lor the ODportunlty to put himself •ease can be controlled If proper those prominent ln the Mo. rd ary IS, is'-l. Pope HUB IX, ni.ii.!- lived In retirement. He wa years be tbone record regarding his feelings in [FFIIW PINTO IN measures are taken. First, preventive Trade and the Merchants' i ind skill • of the ed to tbe faithful of the Dtoceie ,»f ber of the Fln>t Baptist church, Only the other day a close friend and then curative methods bring re- tion will not seek positions « the day, but he shot . __ . wan talking to Dr. Wilson about hi* I suits which two years ago were deem- board. Including A. E. Force Will-| tell 1 genre away In hi] tool box when spiritual favors attached to this de- survived by a wife ,two sons, Frank, attitude toward the 9enatorship, and led Improbable. lam Jeffery. Herman Schwed id A. he quits work at night. He oucht to vottan In the city ot Rome. T^hese A. and William Edward Keal and one the <,!.-.•.:.•>• T told htm how he "I lUVS'OF The seals, of which the cut is a fac- S- Herr. j use it outside working hours and for had )•• • ;\ served with a notice that indulgences are I,M follow*:] A daughter, Miss Florence Neal. The When "The Duchess of Suds* simile, will go on sale on Thursday,: Th- *.- are tbe candidates accord- 1 Bfs °*n benefit. If be does not do bow to a PIftlnfield>du December 1 and the local society ing to made public today: j this be Is untrue to himself. Of those who, having made a good icon-' . possibly go to htm of he did not op. Jecce'n Tuesday evening, the pro hopes that Flainfield people will be P. H. Burns, telephone company's course, he mum and does give eveir fesslon and communion . vlsttl ih- Mayor FUk Will Take Part. pose the re-election of Senator babllltl. ir,. that she will face one. liberal purchasers. The objective agent; W. R. Causebrook. P. S. C., bit of his skill and brain work Ut his church where (he devtotion of! the The thirty-fifth of Smith. of tbe largest gatherings of peopleJ Int in the sale of these stamps Is electric llgnt company's agent: D. J. • employers during HQOI> hours. He forty hours is celebr,at«d andI abensp.'mdi thtbe N'eNew Jersey "Sanitary Assoclatloi "I told my I iflnt." Dr. WU ever congregated In the Plainfleld prayer i (1,000,000 mark and "it behooves Carney, printer; George N. Chris-.would be unfaithful to his etnpiov- _ __ •e. [tbe will b.e. held at Tbe Laurel-In-th_ e quoted as I ing. "that I would Theatre. Henrietta Crossman, whose blessed sacrament; a partial tidul- Pltes. • Lakewood, Friday and Sat- not have anoM ilnfleld to do Its part. Every seal -tun, dry milk concern's agent; ers If he did not, hut that la no rea- happy day as long fin,e jB world wide ha* an organiu- (ence is granted to those who, idur- urday. Dr. B. VanD. Hedges Is. as I lived If I lght means another bullet shot Frank Clawson, physician; W. A. ton why bis intelligence should be •nt against tbe dls- tioft whicb u recognised to be the o the body of the disease. . Coddlngton. lawyer; B. F. Coriell, entirely submerged in the work-he las the exposition of tbe Blessed chairman of the executive council tales of my i reason and jeon- J best appearing in any play now be- Sacrament. %;i»lt thel churrh, repew- and Mayor C. J. Flsk is also a mem- science in this matter. Not even a — I merchant; R. Henry Depew, p. P. A. Is doing for others, tbe public. One of thi president; F. A. Duttenhofer, mer- "We have got beyond the stage ot Ing at each visit their Intention of ber of tbe council. Saturday mom- Presidential nomination Is a large' the Duchess is Efflnghai Pinto, son Will Hold a Tea. Flak will speak oi „__, chant; C. J. Fisk, mayor; D. W. Lit- the 'full dinner pall.' We want to colng to confession.] . j Ing. Mr. Flsk will speak on the topic, enough inducemjn to cause me to j fo Mr. and Mrs. W. A. PIr to, of West I'jirjcr the auspices of tne Ladies' By an ,rly rescript Issued ;M*y "Value of Health Boards to Com- forsake the r tell, merchant; F. C. Lounsbury, Jr.,. be rid of that old political bui of populap r governg - Aid Society of the First M. E. church II. 1817. t>y Pope Plus VII.. these monlUes." Dr. B. VanD. Hedges Is ment. K'ghth street, who has mad. •rcbant; P. J. McDo 'Ugh, We want and will II* like' tun i against £" ii-h and havh e I a tea will be held Friday afternoon i ;ii.i . Alexander Milne, beings and sit Indulgences are applicable to : tho also a member ot tbe committee on to..! hi.., i from 3 to € o'clock at tbe hi itractor; table like soul* In Purgatory. - tha edocation and training of health. When the emij?aries of Mr. Smith _ .__ _ - . 1 Harry S- Sanderson, th folks i here might in this city as an amateur of un- Mrs. Henry A. McCee, of Odehard ger. Herbert Schuldenfi yourselves If According to the sthedule j pre- By direction of the State Board of reminded the Governor-elect that be doubted ability and later ln profes-1 place. Useful articles, cake and chant; pared by the Rev. Cb-Rtlea A. Smith, Health, the annual conference of might be criticised for assuming- a lom cf co-operation. itonal •ompany secured for hit»lt,bo: B-made ise your intelligence. chancellorchancellor orof thetho diocese.diocese , IBsthe !•>«•Jlevo - member,member sor o fthe th eState Stat eboard boar dand an ddele- dele power- powe whichi _ might_ _ more_ rnrooerlve properl boy be When yo _a rper m >Qt place In the affections j »nd a be receiv-i' •n who will do your tiotlonn willwill bebe heldheld Int n 8t-St . Mary'sUary *gates gate ofa olocalf loca boardsl board sIs thisis thi years yea i-Ar |e10ft ,v(or thled,1st,iree L.ppislat.... he. renlledreplie d | of his townsmen by bis effective ' ed. T Vote for the men who will do jomr churcheauroh., here,here, onon MarchMajrck E. j, k muamlmerge withd wit Ol.h tbmeetinge meetin g lake.at Lake - 'h°.tDa t iVdne nad rinJf. ,.,, j, 1 ilnd that work In tbe Weber production of, fund for tbe Imp: blddtox In our legislative halls and - **— } • woodwood.. he wa.ha workingwai worjiin forg thefo r thram. of eventuallyeventually youyou willwill is«tge twhat what ■w* enru ar e - "The Climax" which had sneb a cent cbapel. all after, equality and Justice." HKV.RKV. F.F . 1LIt .AEWMAN SEVM.IN KKHinNJk1(1 -!..>- governmeat lo opposing Mr. phenomenal run In evry part of all after, equality and Just*#." Smith, a Mr.Mr. ReidReid waswa sfrequently frequently Interrupt-interrupt- I'\HTtxRATF <1K tYU'lUTI. ‘ -**“•* jl.».ir tFslM.li Patric kIn iH.-vas. Smith, and-he thoughtthough thatt tha If tho if si-he ei- intry. With Miss Ci lu; to distinction. eded byby appIs applaus usee andand ft I twas wa s evldesteviden t ColonelColone Masonl Maso C.trick.n Patrick U. .d. ITA... S Ptolaed. A., plaine tkla dto thi thes tpeopleo thh e peoplthey ewould they pany, Jilr. Pint Ree. Fred D. Newmanman sonson of ot Mr. M r«' ot the"> «Board Bomrd ofol Ksglneers.Engineers ,who wh owill wil lunderstand understan dhis hi mot!ress motive ands an backd bac himk ni m >n irlar'e which It Is aald! The Women’s Auilliary Board of The man ’luongst our toea.an thatthat bebe bad had mads made >' •*r-«at RTMS impression Impression and Mrs. 11. O. Newman,STnan afn fWeal W™ sopervtoet supervis etha th ratatage raisin gof otbef th Maine.e Maine «P-, *>!> • i wih consummate ability, j Muhlenberg Hospital wishes to hold onon hisbis hearers. hearers . LFIfth street,•tr«i who-he ha. h..^£ hbea; pastort,alt£r ofo f>• ' • nasal,e *»•* -while wnll ela ' »Havana, Havana ,of of HavingHavin deffaltrlvg definitel decidedy decide tod op-to op- the cam are OA-in John* thank all who sent donstlons to the Is the leader of the crew; R»e CutEsst TrentonTrenton PresbylarlanF^Mbrtorta nEdmund T»!•»•• «O. » Vaughn,• Vaughn at, aVillat Vill Raenaa Buen »oeea P°s Smith.e Smith Dr.. DrWltooa. Wilso doesn doe nots nola-t in- en Wright Alice Baxter, | harvest home festival, held at the Who has their speeches well control- Frauds In Measure. rhurch,h Trenton,Tivnton keati> tendered t-.d-wi kbhl a V'sU‘*“- .Colonel Colone Patrickl Patric kto itkes th none son-in In toad- ten tod letto lethet th mattere matte restr res there.t tbere H.. He r and other favorites. The .Nurses’ Home November 17 Tbe led. J. B. R. Smith. Deputy Secretary rea-gna.ioree'gu.Uoa.T tow takeWke"ff effectM oaon Decern D«em ! tow*»w of o Mrs.f *" -Manta Marti nI ICooley,. Cooler of, o Rock-f Rock win- wil takel tak lbse tb stump.e stump It. wasIt wa said. Mi tortd las t production lais aa anmotuoussumptuous onQOSe and„ contributions;ributlon s fromfrom tbeth eechooD schoo U of_ . AnleI1d _tell s them wha• d—___t t-o —do - . of Bute, is preparing a bill for Intro barb*r 1.J habehavin havingg acceptedaccepted aa emir eallfro fromm ,rVaw»*•» terrace,terrace ,and an dhi. hi wit.s wif eand an sond so Bight,n n'ght sad. sn maked mak .perchue Speeche las ever,in ever y bout tweaty-flve speaking.Plainflel | Plninfleldd andan d.North North PUlnfleldPlainfleld were wen TboogbThong shf) h ^u,e wil facol fac lhee th ngh%e fight alone, \ dnctlon Into the next Legislature thatbe PresbyterianFresbncrian church,church ofo f Tank-tnnk - •"* "topping• •toppin gwith wit hMm Mrs Cooley. Coole ydaring durin gconnty count yneat sea lat itb#n th Slate,e State eiplalalaa, explainin g I• very very generous,generous, sadand the th eboard board great-great- iDdAn dje -le gnt S Othreats threat soons appal 11 himl him . I providing for a State Burean of hannoc.bannoc PaPa . AA coaarecatloaal congregational meet-meet - Ike"> ColoweP.• Colonel saheeore. absence . his attltade.bis attitude sad, antryd and try anforced forcthee the \, appearI ly appreciate laics th.* Intcrro.the Interes of Icch-t of teach Wit?- ,n^igS^.“ JTU.:. ' r ,rer* anPd pupilsP . With Indignation, in our tone, I Weights and Measures. The propos- lagIng hashas 'been been calledcalled whenw*en officialofllc.la l ae-ae - public topnbll takec tthoo tak umee th viewe sam ofe viethew of the Will Addfvaa tbe Oka. 'A boas," wo freely call him. |«a new department will be aimed to Honlion willwill bebe taken taken ooon the tb erulgnatloa. r*siiu*Mon . | Rev.R«T Maguire. Magnln Pleased- Plna*e dThem Them . alluaHossituatio aan hoas does,be does with, wit a hvlaW a vie ofw of 1 Adders, the Hk. * ““ ° “*' "A hose,”But on wge wh freelyo to callonr him.caus e fa bo vlne !h 0 1 Rev. O. I.J. Rhoop.Bhoop. ofof GracwGrace M.M .E.l E . Bat one who to oar cause to bound, Remedy the conditions j exposed by MrMr.. NewmanNewman tooktook Ustb epastorate ppastorat e Ree.Rev Gabriel. Oabrie lReed Ree dMaguire Magnlrg wille wil havingl "*. tke. peop.e* J"'pp? '.*lnal.t" '»«l* upontt upo then the church, haiss acceptedaccepted aaan levitationInvitation j Btevemeow-VaaStevesnwtfVa nDeice. Dawn . ThoughThoug hoh vociferate.he vociferate . the recent report to_f _the Robert L. of tbe Trenton cburrb. May 14, l»01, lecture la Dr. Eaton's church, the * ad ot service from tbe legts- front tbe Por'ortt Jarvta.Jervis, N.N .Y.. J-. lodge lodge "fof Il MlaaHIM Edith EditI hVan Va nDuien. Duien formerly. formerl ya aAndAn orderd orde aar uilkas lik aerfae serf arounds aroun d Stevens Fund for Municipal Re- Immrdistrly following his graduation Madison avenue Baptist. New York, latora. Elks, to delivestiverr tbotbe address address atst tho*Vhaoltha'school teacherI:eache. r lai nthis thi scity, city ,became becam e ToT helpo hel[ himi hi ralem rul thae th State--e State — seareb. Tbe proposed bill will pro- from the Union Theological Sfmln- tonight, on "Among the Cannibals It W memorial exereisi.rctaMM neatnest SundaySttnday|th | thae bridebrid eot o fWilliam William Stephenson, Btephenson of. of | Although! Althougt hisi hi aspects aspec mart ma seamy see grim: vide for two State Inspectors, and «ry. Tbe church has enjoyed great on the Upper Congo.., Mr. Macnlre ex-Senator Smi night. Mr. StoopShoop waawas and. made aaan boa-.OIaana hon-. Glenm Falls.Falls ,X. K T... Y. last, las tWadaaaday. Wednesday . ToT you.o yon oh.. oh gentle, gentl reader,e reader , will supply drastic regulations to prosperity during bla pastorate ln lectured In the church some time ago tire from the r now Utat Dr. WI1- orary memberi boras ofof thotb eorgan organixation notion 'at a tGlenn. Olenn sFalla. Falls .Mr. Mr Slrphaaaoa. Stepbenao nto Ia:s a Wo 1 W kayoe hav anoUore anothe namer nam fore fo him.r him , overcome tbe fraud and deceit In TTTwoto s andd therh e Is deed p regret andd Hi ao greatltly enjoyed an In- son had come oat la tne open agai: during hi* pa.pastoral to rat.e toIn Fort Port Jarrto.Jervis ,| wall-kaowa\ well-known ha.tncsabusines s manma ofn o that*f th !Ha H toe il"oura ""oa paartaror peerlesl leader"s ldleader. " weight* and measures that Is alleg- over his realgnatloa. illation to return was extended. He la down Booth at present. several yearns agoago.. city. —Washington—Washingto Evaaingn Star.Evenin g Star. ed to prevail Is all parts of tne Bute. THE ANGLE OF REPOSE. Ufa Saving SM CawgRi,sg A treatise •« “tu/W to bs klod. bmt NNEEwW IN EVERY DETAIL1 FORTIETH MIIYEMf Depend““Jii* Wholly an th* Friction of JfiftlN IitI scumSCHEDULE eauM'ti-.S mlsbt be wrttte* by a wo- mo niii moiS HrBewtarbar.Mi.all™!.”i ™ 10 STUDY “URST MaterialsMaterial* InIn Cawt—tCsntssl. — j msu who\.\f. nnjH-,eUj M ttltbew tur|«rtt ooff googoodd 8a Hs-- UllliiS TheTbe angleangle ooff rrptm*repose Ila* aa wellwell knownkn-iwn Jmraay C«ntT*Centrall Bafindd B B an d O ' mnuiiUan""I*"J In"• •"lor• °"«lne* "uiwlriflisudrrdl anandd ThirTbtrfid 143 NORTH AVE. TaoTea W««k»Wootu’* CourtOonra** ttoo Dbo OUrf If11.. OLIVunitE CHURCHtereram laln tbthee sciencadenree ooff mechanic*merhanlrs., bat hot., ntreefBtrtvt mii"*muo-*)v Matlunatathm.. Another wo- UnwwiJodUnveiled aMtluCMwnlAT)-t the Cre-c«nt Ave- ^3 NORTH AVEs besJde* being usd In purHr tbeoret' Chang** Wrat Into man. badbnd fainted.fainted. WhaWhatt KII-beP needeHeadedd t oto Given «t Young Woman's i-ta. —I Id pu«*y twotw- Ch»n*ua Want Into bring brr m In a hurry was ameUuig no#nue PrsabyurignPreabyuriaa ChurcChurchh ABt*. US ZSG5HI2 STSTb OtviB at ToaBf Woanl TbeTbe fortiethfortieth anniversary of the k:al problem*; Is taken Into a I l.y bring bar h» In a harrj waa smelling Effect Sunday. aalta. but ii.|-«ly hutl g£» ChristianChristian AssociationAssocUtlon.. MLEt Oil*Olive* llaptlaBaptistt churcebarebh begabegann SuBu%% railroad and otber engloeera. p natta. but n>4.oly had amrillng -alto. TttttnliyYaatardny . day aadand wilwilll bbee continuecontinuedd foforr o non* iL.ii we take a brick and lay It on a -1"I tbtaektbU.k ab-ber !).ihas» aa rhiaterettvinaigrettee ooff baberr own In Urn bug." aaid tbe Sumai weak.week. ThTbae openinopeningg servicservicee yestyester-e board and them gradually rabw one Kl.NMXO TUB is CUT. own in tbsl (mg.** onM Ibe fiamarilan. 4 kCvumaiu*, miTiFi''iTnrKRTIFK'ATBI FOmsB CA*DIDATcaxim datedI day Imorningrarnlng wawass markemarkedd bbyy aaan ablablee end of the board. There will be a cer- -hot* but InIn tbtbee dbtcPDt'absencee tioff aa policeimlb-emnns I OICI*GIFTS OOPF MRSMKH.. FP.. GQ.. MEADMEAD. j\V. sermonion byby tbtba* pastorpastor., R.-«Res.. MM.. tain angle reached In time where tbe amam afraidafraid toIO upeopenu IItt ltoo innfindi oat.o*t.“" Komrtblng thai looked lik* • L o Be- Prmrtlcal MMl I Vaughan,Vaugban, uponupon thtbae stabilitstabilityy ooff tbe brick win not remain at rest on the lf*w l' BotnHhlac that looked Ilka a omall The Church Ha* Received Mmmj lBlIVUa to Bo Broi-tlrol aud Id... eborch.cborcb. Ilas thtbee eveningevening., KfvRev.. board, bat win start to slide down. bottlebold.- couldcould bboe dlnvruedl-reruedd througtbmughh tbIbee aad SO 1 mesben of ibe chain bag. and tb* WilliamWilliam P.V. LawrenceLawrence,, pastopastorr ooft tb thse Tbla ia termed tbe angle bf repose of me*be* of the chain hag. and t» Other Deamlfal u.1 t-Mtly Oraoerr, Votar? PuDlic OfioM TU. hi tormod th, -n,l. of m—r of crowd, valiantly uttming responsibil- cornei «i lark avenue And Swood Union Baptist church, Orange, and tbe brick on tbe board. It Is at that AQXtiac PUbv crowd, valiantly shifting responsibil- 1 comet Cl Park avenue and I president of tbe Afro American Bap- lb* brick ad ib« board. H U at tbot ity, Mii.!, ••<;..! ahead nnd open It." poinn t where the componenpnt of force ity, Mid. -Go abend and oprn It.** n tist Sunday-school Convention o point where the component of force •*On"On oneone conditioeondltbrnn 1I will.will.-" saiMidd th thse doe toto gtavltgravitytl y overcomeOTcrromses thtbeh e reabrt-resist-' NewNew Jersey,Jersey, deliveredeliveredd aaan eseelleexcellentn Ramartian.Rniunritaji. "’II wanwantt threthreee bystanderbyatanders* | i address, taking for hia subject U»to watchwatclr mmee .miandl Klisignn aa wrltwrlttesi state- At the Crescent Avenue Presbytei d A course in "Kim Aid to tt« address, taking for his subject. At the Crescent Avenue Preabytar- GD3rjDt('l j A rourto Hi "Plrat Aid ID It— Id- "Doe* the Church Keep Pace With 1 T Tb. A- .1—«*W. -hl'h ...I ... mentment thatthat 1I navhavee taketakenn nothinnothingg frofromm 1jur'-il urod”" wiltrilll bb«* give«!»•n■ aDtt thIM* Y<»"•“« "Does tbe Church Keep Pace With P—“- —Of—I; oa lb. Mellon, rrv- *o .««! *U.d.T OD Ih. Nov Jor- Innn chnrcbBundnychurchSunday morningmorning., there $900 Wumti'iWomen'* ChristiaChiMIMn AssociationAaaortutioa., bo- thetbe twentietTwentiethh CenturCentury?”y 7" after thn, '.rta. —lib tb. mater!. I. la » , the bag Iml tb* vinaigrette. I know were,i unveiledunveiled twtwoo windowwindows* ltnn mmem-e Salary T*«iv. ginning Im Jed lately after tbe holi- which Prof. Clarence C. Clark sang P this town ton well to take any chance* oryory ofof FredericFrederickk GooOoodhoad hue MeMend.* IlDOlBl IBiJadlstrl; »(l»r III# boll! whkh Prof. CUrenee C. Clark sang p lro OI 0 °srM*n »»d WDBTO or con8d •ditnas9 to rafffa- days. Women or girls who are •sta, MCI. noth. Wot rrvu~ of . bdek icurtuaaStba00 being acen-ed of Ibaft.** Lawrence Myers and Mrs. Laetlt. le* u* w«Men af roo# aMroa, lo nge da;t. Woman ol (Ifla trhb ara la- a solo, OA , pise board -cold be dllereot * “* ' Lawrence Myers and Mrs Loot It la •MwsasMt*-li.nl *PP~?»f»f^"?«S: A bfctory of tbe church was then 11:8J morning train ■ will eoatlnos Tbe oath was drawn up In a Jiffy, M.M. Myers.ltyers. TheTheyy araree tbthae giftgiftss ooff MrMr*.i terse* ed* la each a rourse are re- A hfctory of tha chnrrh * than Its angle of repoee on three -tea*.urea were appended, the «M. •M*i*). I questequitedd ttoo havhavee tietilHrr nameD>DMs aatt ti then readread bbyy WilliaWilliamm AA-. KlineKline,, chnrcchnrrhl aa a regular atop, hut the 18:18 has pp FrederickFrederick G.G. MeaMendd iInn memormemoryy ooff b heri clerk; also calling tbe roll of thi hoard, say. been taken off. The 5:18 and III Ba marl tan upeoed rhe hag. found tba husband and parents. Tbe chun associatio ...elationn roomroom*s kfoo tbathatt aa conTeaeonvaa-- clerk; also calling the roll of tbe Now for the application of this In been lake, oft Tho 1:11 and fill opened the line, found the husband and parent*. Tbe church s :barter members of which Smith V Now for the application of tbla la tralna In the afternoon eastbound vinaigrette and proceeded with resto- baa received other beautiful mem \2znsni n lent dsy and hour may be appointed charter members of which Smith V. ordinary life. Wben • railroad cut bas tralu and [>rncpeded wltb resto- bn* received other beautiful MT5 Ira| da; and boor maj ba bppolbtod Wyckoff, of Plalnlleld avenue, Is stll ordinary Ufe. When a railroad cut ban will not atop hereafter. Before they rative mea-urea -New York Timet rials in the great organ, the sift • srsa r^“v.."KSs.. forfur thetbe meetingmeeting.. Wyckoff. of PUlafield avenue, is still toto bebe madmadee tlitlise aidesidess havbar#e ttoo bbee aafn- will not .lop baraafter. Before lie; rative I- i. N-iv York Tim rial* In the grent organ, the gift of 1 active member. Tbe pastor bac stopped to let off paasengerr from Mrs. Charles Hyde, In me'nory < ! The course wt , cover about tei aa active member. Tbe pastor bad clently slanting la keep tbe earth or lot off poaoeogerw from Mr*. Charles Hyde. In memory of Tba couraa wl'i cover about ten Wrckoff come forward and 1 clenll; .laollnff lo keep I bo Mrlti or tbe west. Th* Real "Sharloek Helm**." husband, the communion ITlVioitll PKOWt, ' weeks and will conalit of lectures bj Mr. Wyckoff come forward aad clay from caving In. Tbe same ap- Tha Real -Sherlack Helmaa.- her has bund, the communion txb'.e. *««k« and will consist of lectures by spoke of tbe many hardships tb: r ,N,o,Jt was a well known Edinburgh pro- total physicians, with praci Ice-worh apoks of the many hardships that plies wben a ditch to dug or when for- Otber changes Ip tb. It waa a well known Edinburgh pro- tho gift ofof MrMr.. anendd MmMr*.. JohJohnn FF.. Haliar: loral physicians. with prad Ice-work tbe Mt. Olive Baptist cfanrcb bai WilO. and demonstrations by t-ach student the Mt. Oliva Baptist church have ssns ,^d jrr z “ fessor of medicine who. all ui man. ini memormemoryy ooff Mr*Mrs.. Harmalfaraan’an •od demonstrations bj each student. Lssed through. Mr. Wyckoff was i Doyle At tba end of the court* Hit re will passed through. Mr. Wyck •etonaly. gar* Blr Arthur Conan Doyl# father;father thth*e pulpipulpitt stallstallss are tha At tba end of the course there wUl ingratnlated by the pastor and a I Tin- angle necessary for tbia Is of , t* an eiamlnatlon prepared by tbl congratulated by the pastor and nil The angle neceeearr foe Ihla la of .... learce at 8:1|. a,d thathatbe IdeWe*a o. f "SberLx-“BberUakk Holmes.Holmes."' giftgift ofof MisMIm* HaMayy CaboonsCabooi In memory Le an exam!aatIon prepared by thft 'eaent upon his loyalty to princ: eooneronme thetbe anglantlee ooff reposrepoeee ooff ththee parpar-- ' J;" °°w „ |:H ,k. ,0‘,moatmoss t fomoMifntnon-r dt>iwtlvdetectivep knowknownn iInn firfic- of heri*r parentpnrentas anandd ththe* eommunloo mm aniono AAmerica mrrl< ign ReRedd (ToCrooew SocietyBotleiy.. SueHue-- at upon his loyalty to princl1 tlcular kind of material through wbicb pie. The past. predicted that a ,1c.., «'°d of rmmtnrtfl thr^ rth* „ 1:„ „ I:„. tlon. Clr Arthur ntudivd under him a: chair#chair* ththee giftgltt ooff ththse childrechildrenn ooff M Mr. ttasfulcvsaful candidatecaadldatee* afteafterr tryintryingg thltblai The pastor predicted that all tbe .nt Is made as measured by Itself . tion. Kir Arthur atndleil under him 1 ri h bad foi a medical Ktudertt. and Mrs. Stephen Cahoone and at a eiainlnatloo.examination, willwill beIn- awardeawardedd aa JoinJoint)t troublesibles whichwhich ththee church had for- '' 3:11. lb. 1:43 « 4:40. tb. 4:46 • medical -tsdetff. and Mrs. Stephen Cafcoons and at an 1 t art end on llaelf. a. It contain, million, of lip , at 7;2t. Tl earlier date tbe silver used ln th .-..:.,;'. of the American Red Cros merltyy experiencedexperienced aare at an end and d |h 7:0 "Gentlemen.""':.-ii'I.-iii.-ii." tblithis professoprofessorr woulwonldi earlier date the allver need In the can Ideate of the Amerlcao Red Croat :be gospel from no dleldoal particle. Id con Let. Tb. I. “ say to the ntnilentK. "I am not quit, munlon service tbe girts < anandd tbetbe NationaNationall BoarBoardd ooff ththee YT.. WWj the gospel from now on wonldmid be My to tbe -rodent*. I am not quite communion service the gift# C. A. preachedpreached aaas neveneveri befobefore.i HHe( also «!egle ilan turtb-n insianr^ueiermmelnma.ee |a de»rml»da wii withn Tno 7;11 morn|ng trs)n t0 Flem ourssure whetherwlicliipr thitblas mamann Ilan aa corcorkk cuttecutterl many. C. A. praised the memt earn and .Implicit;. A pile of ™ ^,. “..- .1 7™, ,L"tTjo r a slater. I nbnprr* a ntlght harden Tbe windows unveiled yeeterda The rourte has been carefully out- praised the members for remi or a slater. I obaerTe a -light hai The windows unveiled yesterday Tbe roeree baa beea carefully out- faithful. tbathe materialmaterial 1la* pu|*itt IntIntoo aann opeopenn cylin- ° "„ -. , ° .,.| atg.'n f:04./ th *the fl-1 P-ll K on MM - il'- nt his forefluKer present tbe presentation, of Jew I.J,. •[ by Major Lvnch. of Cbe Medi- faithful. >( (b hta 13 a2t log on oue -Ide of hi* forefinger and represent the presentation of Jeeui Hard by Major Leach. or (be Med I The historical ,h little thlrkpnlns on one aide of bin . the temple and contain In the up- cal Corps of the U. B. Army, and la The historical sketch of a little thbkealn? on one aide of hla In the temple and contain In the up- cal Corpa of tbe U. 8. Army, and U church- showed that a recognition Of course tbe '“ » **’• * imh, and that IK a mire niga that I per lights above the gallery the fig designed to provide for demon. alumpn down Into I l!:03 at 12:01 and tbe 1:29 after- thumb, and that I- a -ure algo that he per lights above the gallery the fig de»lan«-d to provide for demonstra- pile Immediately a train doe* not stop. Tbe 2:1' one or •!: • other" Or to s patle i of Mary, tbe child Jens and tlttrm and frequent oral testa In i council convened In the First Bap- la one or fbe other.” Or lo a pa Hen uree of Mary, tbe child Je*us and tbe tions and frequent oral teata li , April 5, 1870, and pub mound wltb alanting sldw, tbe angl* leaves at 2:17. tbe 6:23 at 5:21 and i would oiiy. "Yon nre a soldier, ai aged Simeon In the act of blessing tion to tbo necessary lectured. tist church, April 6, 1870, and pub be would aay. "Yon are a ao Idler, and aged Simeon In the act of bleMlng. lion to tbe neceeaary lectures llcly constituted the Mount Olive of ntedd . TThih s the 6:44 now stop* regularly Sati yon hi"' '•••I i •) in r^crmuda aa a no Thee#These windowwindows* araree IInn ththee pal painted: Scjinfific TbeThe aimaim Ila* ttoo dualitqualifyy girlgirlss anandd wit w*o-- Baptist chnrrh. of Plainfield. N. J.. gle I- s t smaller than tbe onedayday nightsnights whilwhilee otbeotherr nightnightss IItt stopstop#* comml—• i..••••.tonedI otTU-i-r.'*.itTiriT," anandd thentben., tu turnr glass.glast. TheTheyy followfollow tbthae traditiotraditionsn o! Scientific JIniericatt. nnmen toto acacti IInn cascasee ooff injuryinjury., ac accl-Et withwltb tbtbe* followinfollowingg namenamedd personpersons,s taken by compact eartb toto pickpick unpp passengerpassengerss foforr ththae weswant.t Ing to tbeie atndenta.-in.]•••!(••. hhee wnukwonk!l poinpointt oout ItalianItalian GothicGothic glasglBMs ooff NortNorthh ItItaly dentd>rnt oror suddesuddenn lilneslllnea-a IInn absencabsencee of thethe originaloriginal numbenumberr beinbeingg ninenine:: 7 llows a good margin of ThaThe samsamee poopoorr servicservicee betweebetweenn thattbat thethe rnnriman c-atuenmee IntIntoo tbtbee moroomm Wiwith-t Th# cathedracathedrall aatt FlorencFlorencee and a physician]ihyslcian oorr trainetrainedd ntirs*nurse;; anandd to« RevRev.. JosepJosephh CareyCarey,, MarshalMarshalll safety. Plalnneld and Trenton U continued it taking off his hat. as he wonldl •• churches'cbe* intn TuscanToscanyy anandd (imUmbria,l give HI. ii working knowledge Brown, from Torktown, Va.; Char- “£? ' .. , fn> lka M Plainfield and Trenton Is roatlnosd,out taking off hla hat. as be would en give such working knowledge ot Brown, from Yorktown. Va; Char- Tber*There areare tnble.able.s gof«t oaon*t foforr the en«-- „ct, t „ won„ e tbma th.^ n before.Qa< On.ter an orderly i .: tbat bis mann mad*made familiafamiliarr tb/ougriyx.aghh ththe? wriwrttlngnt emrrgfacy treatment as may I lotte Brown; Celia Brown, of Ne<* tar an orderly romfc: that bis manner emergency treatment aa lotte Brown; CelU Brown, of New dDcerglneer tloo refereferr toto., bubutt IItt Isu alw-TfJt-a;*l ^r„DO^ ,e(>m MnMe to p,,,p.^atloldnflejd ,n thIn etho af .f-ibowe d IhHl lie m u noncomml ofof RuskiRofklnn anandd Fymon'.!*F/monda,, contaicontainn the needed dally In tbe tnnne. office • Vork city; Robert Randolpn, L •bowed that be wna a noncorx ne-dt.1 dally la the bom. York city; Robert Randolph. Lot •lacrwiser tloo makmakee aa triaIrlall torto**™**!**- every par- ternoo. n betweebotwoenn tb *tbe 3:1 S:It1 an dand th. tbo•Jone d orni-cr nnd flint a r.i-h I.- bad workwork ofof WilliaWilliamm ooff MarseillesMarseille*.. AleAlea-s Manning, Sarah A. Manning, Jei atoned nfllcer and that a rash be had indro Florentlno, and Ugollna d workroom. Manning. 8arah A. Manning. J tlcnlarUcular rondllluncondition ooff tbtb®e sonaoO., fofoer thertheree _.», . ^ , , tW€ that verei A Fallow Fe.ling. furnishIsb a googoodd reasoreasonn foforr ou.ou-* al'.eat'enn nun 11 for tbe -—"rKerurd-LIemlit - - citodlllon.—CblcDdo wklcb b.retolor. covorwl A Fallow Foaling. outfit and the snail edition of tbnthe council for the purpose of organ- Hnc.nl Hrr«‘nccrt«l to find n lore stood.Stood. ThesThesee wlndawwindowss aroree j-alntcpaintedt pastor; Deacon Elston March ant BAIT FOR SARDINES. hour and «rty mlnutee from thowaa iwiIhw dHcr»ue«*rte«l to find a lar and atalned by hand trorfc. The fig TbeThe coursecourse Ilas ttoo bbee ververyy pracpracticalit Deacon Elston March and footfoot of Libert of Libertyy stree etreett to Broa to Broadd stree street,t piecepiec e ooff paper]• I;-T oo»n ththee tnbltablee witwithh It :the and stained by hand work. The fig William Whit*... of tbe First Baptlsr ures are the result of careful studii I inm preparepreparedd ttoo ddoo anyany ooff th the* and.anil. InIn brief,brief, wilwilll taktakee uupp ththee foifollow-l William White, of the First Baptist Breton.Brtioxt CoaCessx ththe. TinTinyy FisFishh WitWithh PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia.. words "Thp ISnrKlnr" written on It 1 ure# are the remit of careful studies lowing subjects ln lecturea and pi rcb; Rev. C. E. Young. Deacon words 'The llnrglar" written on It In from tbe living model. The flgu aboveabove branchebranchess Iinn strictlstrictlyy nrat-claafirst-claaea lowing subjects In lecture* and prac- church; Rev. C. E. Young. Deacoi Salted Esg> of th* Cod. large lettern. "Meant for me evldon from the living model. Tbe figure ne Runyon, or the Second Bap- •sited Eggs of ths Csd. large letters. "Meant for me evldcn panel of Simeon shows blm In i sanitarydiary andand workmanshiworkmanshipp mannermsaner.. tical work: Reune Runyon, of the Second Dap- rum tb« chief In Id ti> himself and picked ' panel or Simeon shows him In an church; Rev. S. L. Cox, ot the Sardine ashing forms tin- chief In- ly.” be -aid to himoelf and picked It r court of the temple. The pan Havlrfierirgv asaoclaladassociated myselmjselff wiiwithh tbthe* 1. The Object of Flrat Aid—"Th( let church; Rev. 8. L. Cox. of the dli^try of Irittanj In an average up. Thin IK what be read: "I kno< Inner court of the temple. The panel I. The Object of First Aid—"Tb Bamptowniptown BaptisBaptistt churchchurch;; RevRev.. dustry of Brittany. In sn average np. Tbla 1- wbnt be re*d: "I know has 480 pieces of glau. His robe MasterMatter MembersMembers AssociatioAssociationn ooff Ne Neww anatomyanatomy ofof tbtbee digestivdigestivee apparatuapparatuss ' aeaitun tbtbee ItritrBrittanym y »sardineinline fisherfisber- lonlsht—never ID In has 480 piece# of (Isas. His robes O.O. Crenelle,Crenelle, orof ththse NeNeww MarkeMarkett Bap Bap-- yonhon- . areIf yo«vuningu will taktonight—nevere away this mindr>ai showr a patternpattern ooff ththee ororbb annndd croscross.s YorYorkk City,City. I emploemployy nonnonee bubutt flrst-firm- (in brief); relief for acute Indigo- Eat church: Rev. R. L. Perry, o cstrhtcb 100.00010n.000.000. MM to 130,000.000 CHIECHIEFF DOMMEE TELL1EEISS el*j (In brief); relief for acute Indiges- bow. If you will take away tbbi par- Madonna's garments are tradi dam mechanics>th?nlrs anandd inon-unloatil on nitsman.. tuin, rollc. cramp, vomiting, etc: n.-. tist church; Rev. R. L. Perry, of H.imiK of sanllncn tor which tbey eel nnd lo*e It effeotaally you are we Th# Madonna's garments are tradl tion. colic, cramp, vomiting, etc; usd . Rev. Mr. Youn pounds of sardinn, for which they cel and lo^ If effectually yon nre wel tional. blue and red. Symbolic fo believe la every man running bln or Internal remedies. VC Emei New Tork city. Rev. Mr. Y. receive tblng Yom £300,000 to lit else you can nnd ln"thl ttonal, bine and red. Symbolic forms of Internal remedies, was made moderator of the councl receive anything from £.*100.000 to come to wbnt elM you can Cod In Ibl- ire shown ln the wheat, pomes rn husloeu, at nil times and In all gency In circulatory and respirator was made moderator of the council £«*1.000 while tbe •bore Industrie* de- are shown In the wheat, pomegran gency In clrcalatory and respiratory ana Rev. Dr. Perry, clerk. fOW.OOO. while tbe shore Industries de- FIDE ESCAPES room.” Wenderluglrinderiucl.v hhee openeopenedd ththee te. Ivy, tbe cross and the Illy. mishaps, choking croup, drowninj anu Rev. Dr. Perry, clerk. pendent >u this fishery give em- Me. Ivy. tbe croM and the lily. mlshapa, choking croup, drowning, Her examination and recognltloi pendent npnpou> this fishery give em- parcel, but at once bin face rleared HIM bleeding, etc. 111. Anatomy of cli After examination and recognition parcel, bwf at once hla face cleared and The smaller windows below bleeding, etc. III. Anatomy of cir- bad been agreed to by the coan ploymentployment toto 20.00020,000 otherother |persons , most' if the fire in Newark ( ie un*Iernlrt<>d. *'Pore cbnp, por. The smaller windows below the culatlon and respiration; wounds I vote bad been agreed to by the coun- ae of tho Or® la Newark oa underotond. "Pore chap, pore gallery contain other Incidents • D.D. WW.. LILI1TELLT TELL rulatloa and respiration a sermon wa* preached by Rev. llyy womewomenn anandd glria*lrL.. SBoo Importanimportantt I nL Saturdayurday moralniornlng b yby wblc whichh nea nearlyr ;hapr be murmured feellnely. "1'1 gallery contain other Incidents con- general, inf.-rtionn. etc.; dressing a cil. a sermon was preached by Rev. chap!" he tntirmored feelingly. •Til neeted with the tbeme of the main general. Infections, etc.; Dr. It. L. Perry: recognition pray thetbe outlineaardlne thatthat ilan manmanyy commnnltlerommanltim* thirt,„,y live||,s wer..ree sacrificeuertffcedd thth.e a al- ake 'em for 'Im right enough and Ie nected with the theme of the wounds. IV. Tbe skeleton an. Dr. K. L. Perry; recognition prayer lh — take 'em for *lm right enough and let windows, namely, events in thi wounds. IV. The skeleton andb y Rer. Mr. Yerkes; hand of felloi lian BrittanyBrittany evereveryy persopenoan Ilas directltUrwrtlyy o »rr tentlo„„Uoan ooff buildinbulldlDKg Inspectorlaapoctoras E all Im off easy too. I'm a father mettelf: windows, namely, events in the DIED. IDIIMI 1. K: fracture?, dlslocatloni by Rev. Mr. Yerksa; hand of fellow- t •lm off a*ay too. I'm a father massif!" childhood and youth of our Lord aiuarlee; fractures, ship by Rev. L. 0. Crenelle. Sln< indirectlyIndirectly supportedsupported bbyy itIt.. anandd ththee fallfall-- aveomr tbthee Stat Statse ba hasa bee beenn calle calledd ag agalaa Por tbe contents of the pnrcel W4 childhood nnd youth of our Lord; sprains, etc.; application of splint ship by Rev. L. O. Orenelle Since * of tbe list! to come means ruin. For tbe contents of tbe parcel were he flight into Egypt and Jesu sprains, etc.; application of spllnta hat time the following pastors have ure of the fish to come means ruin. toto th tehe factor factoryy la laww provisionprovisionss a i andfollo w One I mpet. < » drui the flight Into Egypt and Jesua Siv»o£j*»D »3|Jn»e»|ju,jfM jjoo aj|uaj|M and bandages,. V. Th« Nervou that time the following pastors have irviiiloii and death to many people follows: One toy truni|>ct. Ua ^amongimong ththee doctordoctorss iliT-n ththee templtemple.e and bandage*. V. The en In cbarge of the churcb: .t.rr.tkra and death lo many people •speciallnpK,,llry ba h„s thi ,bsu bee beenn done done! I nla t htbla Til IK *;ej«8as|f)SJB8a«R '0T6'oiglI '9'orZ J»quia*ojJeqmasoxi System—U neon sc I ou a ness At*, sun been In charge of the church . In the more isolated places. (large',(largei. oneone totoyy concertina,• The windows are the work ot Tabe System—U aconarlousneea Revs. John Carey, William In the more isolated places city.:lty. ChieChieff DoanDuanee wbwhoo IDs botbothh buildbolld-- *TThe windows are tbe work ot Taber T lo 'PPBnr"ld linos iv—UIVH'J stroke, hysterical attacks, etc.; em- Revs. John Carey. William A. Sardines are found on tbe coast of bourlne.bourine. oneone mnslcnmn-leall bogbox., < Bear,,Sears, ofof NeNeww YorkYorfc., annndd mwere u nun “t 'N *ppanr«id qmog jy—ajiyno stroke, hysterical attacks, etc.; em- Birch.Birch, R.R. NN.. FairfaxFairfax., JJ.. WW.. MitcheMitchell.! Sardines an? found on tbe coast of .speitpectorc andid beaheadd ooff thtb.e fireHr, departdepart-- trgan. thr**- tin wbixtlen. o Yi.iJJt - UP Monday, November SI, ergency treatment of each, vr; Brittany throughout the yeai bm organ, three tin whistles, ona air gu •eilej yesterday ln the presence o HYLER Or Monday. November 81. ergency treatment of each G. Warnock, P. H. titbsoi E, K Brittany throughout tbe year, but ment, says that tbe law as toiproTid- veiled yesterday In tbe presence of Common emergencies burns, scalds F. O. Warnock. P. II. Gibson. K K. Isb In greater abundance ii meat. saya that th. Uw a, lo provid- a large congregation, amocg whoT ltio,lulu, SaraSarahb A.A.,, wifwifee ooff tbthee latelate) Common emergent lei; burns, scalds, tckson, M. A. Alexander, and the nourish In greater abundance In sum- :apes In tbis city has been n large congregation, among who n dwnllnwlng of poisons, stings, bites Jackson. M. A. Alexander, and the and autumn. Aa many as 100,-ing are eacapea la this city ha. beea Fi it Jew.lry Stor were, man7~frlends and relatives o William Hyler. aged 77 year*, •esent pastor. Rev. M. \V. Vaughan, full;' compiled with, but even! so th* F*.-at Jawsley St or-. nan/* friends nnd relatives of William Hyler. aged 77 years. •etc wallowing. VII. Thof epoisons, sick room stings,: prepara bite*,. present pastor. Rev. M. W. Vaughan, 000 have been taken at one time ln folly compiled with, bat even ao lbe .hose In whose memo y they wer« etc VII. The sick room; prepara4 bo during bis two years as paator type of escape Is not one tbat I* may Inle.-e-t women to know rbnt In whose memory they were '1LLIAM.S—On Monday, November lion far surgeon, warming and mltl- who during his two years aa pastor one net frum one school. One remark- typo of recape Is not one that he be flmt Jewelry store was started In offered, the pastor reading the ctents WILLIAMS—On Monday, November are, bas built up a fast growing net from one school. One remark- would say was perfect, 1b# first Jewelry -tore waa start'd in offered, the pastor rending the events 21, I9io. at tb* residence of her *l°*lutrlnj c pulseanrgaon., feeding warming, baths and, dlel mltl-n here, has built up a fast growing able frature of sardine fishing ln Brit- would aay was perfect. .be city of Ctiaag On about 3.000 J-I in the lire of Jesus and off 81, 1810, at the residence of ber ten m in air branches of the able feature of sardine fishing In Brit- "One thing which mitigates tbs elty of Phnng On ationt S.000 year- tn the life of Jcsas and offering a daughfe*, Mrs. Cornelius Schenck, latrluglection , etcpulse,. feeding, baths, dlsln Interest In all branches of thetan y is tbe enormous amount of belt "One I blag which mitigates igo. The ' • • •- t :.J : millionaire* of I ptayer of dedication. da ugh tec, Mrs. Cornelius fichenck, tany Is tbe enormous amount or bait against the work of the Bremeb whe ago. Tbe fele-tlal millionaire- of that prayer of dedication. 904 West Front street, Jan* It., feetlon. etc. church. wbicb Is used. Tbe bait la general agajnst tb* work of tbe Brewed wbea period borw nulblug of tbe fascination 804 Weat Front street. Jana IL. mbera of tha which Is used. Tbe bait In general upper stories of buildings are ablai period knew nothing «-f tbe fascination wife ot the late John Williams, ManyMany physiciansphysicians havhavee alreadalreadyy eexecnii«e dlnmonds u > ••> wife of the late JOhn Williams, were dlsmtdsed Is tbe soiled eggs of tbe codfish, Is the overloaded of diamond*- I-era HOC din moods were aged 77 years. pressed their opprovsJ and wJJJiog First BnjHlrt church were dismissed and It Is estimated tbat the Breton U the overloaded Irfiree jeseaescape.p In v..":i.. nt ih.ir B. C. perlml JOUBWAL1BT1CJOURNALISTIC OPINIONSOPINIONS aged 77 years pril 4. 1840 and the next day and It fs estimated that tbe Breton Tbonghtless people," says tbe chief, In nqnte *t that B. C. peri.wf ness to assist In apeh a course. The on April 4. 1X40 and the next day lshermen pay £70.000 every year to Thoughtless people.** says the chief, Is and intif nn<] coral and otber with tbo Mt. Olive Baptist fishermen i>ay £70.000 every year to "pile their "belonging* on tke bal- Pearl* nod Jade and rural and other DUNHAM-—OnDUNHAM—On TuesdayTuesday., NovembeNovemberr arrangements are In the hands of nlted with the Ml. Olive Baptist ~;orway for cod roe for use a* bait. "pile their 'belongings on tke bal- illfibnl mincrnl sulistancest bad !<• The Mayo, Ireland, News publishes Norway for cod roe for nse as balL conies of tbe escapes and when a nnpoll-lied mineral -ulntancea had |4. The Mayo. Ireland. News publishes 11.32, 1810,Hid, JacoJacobb CC.., sosonn ooff VlolettViolettaa the chairman of tbe pbrsioal church: The casting of tbe bait, on the prop- conies of the escapes and when a ent them, iiuil. an if to make gixxl in account of a child In Klltlmagb er Wyckoff, Marj- Wyckoff. Tbe casting of tbe bait, on tbe prop- fire visits -the building the Inmates content them. and. as If to make good an account of a child In Klltlmagh aadand tbthee latlatee GeorgGeorgee DunhamDunham,, tee. Miss Margaret MrCntcheon. and Peter Wyckoff. Mary Wyckoff. r use of which a great deal of the suc- fire visitsbl the10 building tbe inmatee the glitter of rcvltrex and tiaras, thf .."(invent who Is marked with the ' Wyokoff. Bertha Wyckoff, er nse of which a great deal of the tbs glitter of rvvlerra and tiaras. Ibe Convent who Is marked with the agedaged 4849 yearsyearn.. Dr.I>r. ClaraClara KransKrana.. anandd ththee pbyslclaphyslclall ne Wyckoff. Bertha Wyckoff. cess ofof tbetbe Ottblng flablng depends.depends. UI* alwaysalways thi lrliabl“* e® to beko entrappe entrappedd throug throughh prince* princes ofof ChaosChang OOno employeemployedd artarili symbolslymbols ofof ibthee PassionPassion.. IItt saysmya:: Wyckoff. William Wyckoff, thelr own director of the local association. It 8m!th Wyckoff. William Wyckoff. done by the captain of tbe boat, wbo carelessnew." to faiihl'in them the most wonder- Richard Randolph. Sarah Manning done by the captain of fbe boat, who 'Serer 1 nreltmtu “A"A girlgirl,, ageagedd ISIS., BsoO goegoess fh lalned that her wrist and arms wei Tbe fast team work of the Eltzai- poison is like tbe poison of serpent*. < k dren In thel The fast team work of tba EllxA- poison la like Ibe poison of lenient*. ' ‘k* * ’ karew>- t fell ecT hie cli.nr at tbe unexpect- plained that her wrist and arms were Btrappe.Strapp*. beihbeLb'I'nltc rolledd wawass totooo mucmuchb foforr ththse MissMis* EvelynEvelyn HillmanHillman,. ageagedd abouaboutt TbeTheyy a.®a.e likIlkae tbthoe deadratf addeadderr thathatt stopatop-- uk*l «n the slidelidee througIhroagbh tb tkee escape eecspe.s moat fell off bis chair af tba nnexpert- sore.ire. OnOn examinatioexaminationn IItt wawaaa founfoundd I'lainHlainflel Beldd W.K. CC.. eleveelevenn SaturdaSaturdayy Inla 7 yoars.years, daughterdaughter ofof MrsMr,.. SaraSarahh KK. pclbpeth herhsr ear,ear. - «ahkh Im it wilwilll nonott hearkebecrkchn w'tl»««*'uldlng bouldlngas an andd wou wouldl ba » Tha Utilitarian. were;re tbthae letterletterss 'I*1.. HH.. S.8/' TheThe homehome teateamm • defeatedefeatedd ththee vlaltvisit- oon. followingfollowing a lonlongg illnesIllnesss witwithh u.us Ibaltbat thertheree i1.s a. widelwidelyy prevailinprevailingg R, an-. positivmPoMtlvee safeguarsafeguardd a ;againstI Mloa. "Ilell.*. Johnnyr aald tbe rllhige "A fewfew daydayss latelaterr thertheree appeareappearedd t>rs by a final score of 2 to 1. Plain- ible. Sfae frequently perstiUon ln tbe east to toe effect tbat llfe- ,!•[.•! .).,•.' -[ pt-ur your paw has gout ielow the letters a crown of thorns. ora by a Inal score of S to 1. Plain- trouble. She frequently euffer- perdition In the ea.t to the effect that ® blacksmith. “I J>cur your paw has gone below the letter* a crown of thorns. ithUHlastic Democrats at Nor- fold's backs put up a very clever d«- met attacks and yesterday botb. the viper and the asp stop their ite polttk-H." Two or three days later there ap- Enthusiastic Democrats at Nor- fteld’a backs pat up a very clever de- ere attacks and yesterday both ibe viper and Iba asp .lop their Into poiltb—." Two or three day* later there ap- olk, Va.. organised a "Woodrow f<-nslve game and time and again lomlng abe waa taken with ear* when tbe cbarmer Is uttering bis -Sure." peared above tbe cross lettei folk. Va. organised a "Woodrow fensive game and time and again morning she was taken with convul- oars when Ibe charmor U uttering his “Sure." peared above the croM letters Wilson Club" Saturday night to managed to repulse tb* idrlvlng •£• on*, one following another, until Incantations or slaving his music by "Uow'C tbat happen?" rounded by a scroll. Wilson Clnb" Saturday night to managed to repulse the driving at sions. one following another, until lacsniai "flow'd that happen rounded by a scroll. i the Governor-elect of New lack of tbe swift Unite* forwardf ie young woman was completely ex- turning one ear to Ihe ground and "WeU. my itncle l.-n him a silk bni "A few days subsequently there boom th* Governor-elect of New tack of tke swift I'nitsd forwards. the young woman was completely ex- turning “Well, my uncle lefi him a silk bat "A few days subsequently there •y for the Democratic prealden- tuated and became unconacloua. mSAY FOWLEFOWLERR BOUGHBOUGHTT and a Prince Albert coat In bis vrill. appeared beneath Jersey for the Democratic praalden- H'|"IITHIII made the first score Ur twisting tbo iiolot of tbe tall Into tbe Henderson made the flrwt score for hausted and became uncouwkui. twisting tba point of tbe tall Into tbe and a Prince Albert coat In hla will, appeared beneath the crown nomination In 1912. tlie I'nitcda by bouncing a pas* In£o His* Hltlman was born here and and |aw had tu do something wltb thorns a chalice sur nted by tol nomination In 1812. the latteds by bouncing a pass Info Miss Hillman was bom here and other. xml paw bod to do something with thorns a chalice surmounted by W. Shultlce. a prominent law- tbe goal with bis bead Just before [ways lived In this city. She was Host, sending fortb rays ln red; R. W. Bhultlre, a prominent law- the goal with his bead just befoiW always lived In this city. She was them."—Washington War. Hoot, sending forth r*ys In red; and rer. waawas electeelectedd presidenpresidentt ooff tothe* time wa* called for th«j flrat bait talentedalented aaas a musiciamusiciann anandd singesingerr Hia Favorit*. STRANGSTRAKG CACARR PLANPLANTT after thethe Minesame perioperiodd thertheree appeaappearr «l»n was railed for tho first hnlf. Hi* Favoeits. lub. Tb* folowlng telegram was stirruck made tbe other tally f«f nd bad a large circle oi friends. She Th* Rama ins. ed a nower shaped drawing, neai club. Tba folowlng telegram wm fttlrrark mads the other tally for and had a large clrcls of friends. She "Wbicb IK your favorite Wi Th# Ramaino. ad a flower shaped drawing, neai nt Mr. Wilson: tbe home team. The Plalnneid goaj attendedended tbthee publipublicc schoolsschools,, goingoingg ny unsuccessful attempts which wu written tb* word 'Lily.' t Mr. Wilson: ths boms team Tbs 1'laiQfleld goal oo^ropera'f" ^cdTblasked tbe rouulclan. o( > Cb.,1- N. Fowler.After many unaocrcaafni attempt* i which waa written the word 'Lily/ "A numbernumber ooff youyourr admireradmirers* havhavee was scored by Sutton. The line-up: a, far aass tbtbse grammagrammarr scboolschool,. wbewhenn "I.i-t'inii- si..." said Mr. Cumrox, little girl managedinped ttoo upelspelll "tbat“that"" c roeo "The"The marksmark* extenextendd frofromm tbthee wriswristt was scored by Sutton. Ths Une-apc lD T7mme.ee- Mr (Ln.ro. -o.~ controllin g Interest inPUrcha^d the Stran ca bll his nlgbt organized a club In tbe account of ill-health she was pealing to his wifi-. "There are L_. i; rnllj.rerfJy. -Sow.“Now.”" saiaaldd beberr mother, "wbai toto thethe uppeupperr ararmm anandd havhavee beebeenn ex ex-- this night organized n eleb la the on account of Ill-health she wan com iT PulledInlted P.F. CC.. PtainlfelPlainfieldd FF.. C C.. : " Uas-Electric Car Company, in Oar- lty of Norfolk, Va.. under tbe HUM pelledled toto givgivee uupp beherr studiesstudies.. MisMlass ernl tbat I uevvr beard yet, aren' remains after *t* Is taken away?" aminedamined byby FatheFatherr CHaraO'Hara., PP.. P.P., city of Norfolk. Va. under tbe name Crumble y Smith iial lhar 1l imv«ore beardio.rO y«. .rva, wood"*, accordin Fle«rleg Carto repor loCompaay. reporuU at West uIn w-t-(Jar . r Tbe Woodrow Wilson Club, to F. Smith HillmanlYiVmati waswaa a membememberr ooff ththee FirsFirstt there 7' -Tba dirty cups anandd HQim«au-mr*r wwa he conveyedPV«^1 IInn IbI e nsnertion. 'Kree- . thetb* mark#marks arare* quitquite* positivpositivee of! thethe country.country." "’ mme help to mr. dodon'tn t youyou-. cborUechortledd aaldaaid thatthat bhae IntendIntend,s makinmakln,g aa rom- c dom BhrieiiPd when K.wcinnto MIT" right wimg 11 the brute.—Detroit Free Press. om -briefcrd when K.~el*ak.. fell?*" that they are not •elf-lnfilcted/'— Brledwood , the brul.,-Detroit Free fro pletplctee reorcanliaUMLreorganization. “freedom-Freedojn owna« prab-|problyr whawhatt bbee fe fe*1l Cor. N. T. Bun. A FUturr. right wlag ^li Th.Tb* WoodroWoodroww WilsoWIIwbn DemocraticDemocratic, on . ma'am."—Houston I'ust. "I"I guesgncMs thealrshlthenlrahlpp Itos herhere* to .'.; . HoaraaHearB*J AssociatioAaaoclalienn ooff TrentanTrwntoa.. hahaas passedpaaaed' VulgaV.laarr Cttantation Oalawtatlan.. I'onevenacw— e LodgeL, Noodae.. 74 Ne.. K. ot14. K. of stay."stay." ..resolution reeolatloaas requestinraqaaallaffg ththee DemoDemo-- LittlIJnlee Willie Willie—Say.— Kay. pa pa.. wlia whatl la lavnl rap- p. .p. wil lwill bol dhold electio .ledloon of Granof Grandd lodg lodgee ' A Comfortina Teacher—Mary succeededI EdwardEdward i "Wfc"Whyy to7ao?"" i .. . Slackilfarhlea ' ermtlecratic majoritmajorityy IInn tbthee LegislaturImfftalatarae tto mr oe!eaafkm7ation? PaPn-Valyar— V ostena oatena-- officersoEcera, nex aaatt Frida Fridayy night alaht. Tb e TheTher e M alway(waysys the rightg kind of FI.;VI.; nownow. . then,then, cacann yoyouu teMUI mmee wfwToJo •'I“l se osee the theyy hav kneee begu begunn to to quarre quarrell Uft wing ,.vote rote foforr JameJ.mcs EE.. MarlinMarti.,e aae* tbtbae ttoii—oa.. m myy son aaa.. ta la ethe displa dhlpta,y mad m.d.e by nylodg e bas a candidate tor tbelor ome th.* oBce partsparts ooff ththee UniteUnitedd followedfollowed Mary?Mary? ! as , retardne regardss tbe advantageth* ad van* tag of os th ofe thare- re- SanaaSatton populapopularr primarprimaryy cbolecholca* foforr UniteCalledd peoplWpre -wbu who bar havee mor .awere monrmone eioocyy to tomakma mehak e o (f ofGGrand Grmad' oute outerr gu a»aardd daad ll all mem-Urates ac-ordlng to tbe wmtberh map. WUlto—Tan.Willie—Te*. sirair;; Msry'Mary‘as littlUtttoe soectlvspectlvee type..'—Washingtotyps#"—Washingtonn HerHer-- left wing : Statea Senator. tt_wttb it with tbanwhu v.e bave.-Cbicagbave.-ChicxgBo KeWBNow*,. ^her.n ^ xr. Mkr ukrif to toj ha. te h.,t te»«ance, . -Dayton News. ___ a fcearty c***r. Contton- __lng BishoDishopp McFaMcFauim saisaidd tbi-rtbaree wa s unfurled Americas oh thinghint; abouaboutt thekee America Americasn Cath C - UfllK MEMBERMEMBERSS ENJOENJOYY K I in m lBBgss_ the equality ofMISS op STRYKER BUI! mi njpn n WlfCtlW olke. compriaenoo.priMnffc tbthe* IrishIrtoh., tb e the 1110 GIVE THISport! unity for •eery man. equality FrenebFreoeh.. tbthe* Italian*ItAllAaa., tkthee Slav.Slava,, tb ttee before Ith« b—for. courts, lb. equalitycoal before Poles and the Germans, and that Is, Evangelical ‘Flock.Flocks BaldBald GodGod.. ImprMiive Bervio* »t ; St. • and the Germans, and that In. MISGIVING SOCIAL OOFF HANI1IVANDE1EK VMDERBEEK HetTenlH####nljry Kesbatt AwociatioAmocUUoqn Impnnlo Bereioe at ■ tbe<- y b*T-'n't learned race suldde. THANKSGIVING EIAI "Bdncstloo"Education buha s beetramn snotb.r Tb* Amertcans of tb* future are to (Thei|Th.lrr CuatomarCustomaryy AnnuaAnnuall progress. Enjoy#Enjoys HiBl#s Speec8p##chh o onn JoMph'aJoseph's ilan WblcWhichh Bi«BU.- The Americana of the future ar laluncld Lodge of EIke held an Mias Annie E. Stryker, daughter b* the descendant* and tbey are pro- Plain field Lodge of Elks held an make#makes mastermasteryy anaadd supremacysupremacy.. As Askk bo the deacendanu mad they are pro-old-faahlone d Thanksgiving social In Barrie#Service ThursdayThursday.. Of Mr. sad Mr*. Nelson D*WUt Ciliunthip.Citizenship. bohopp ParticipatesPartJdp#*##-. vidingng a iac.acee ooff goo goodd peoplepeople.. InIn tb etheold-fashioned Thanksgiving social In GermanyGermany whawhatt hahasa madmadee he herr th e Stryker,Striker, ooff MonmoutMonmouthh JunctionJunction,, an andd th part of Trenton, where th*thetb* cluclubb roomsrooma.. WednesdaWednesdayy night night.. workshop of Europe, most progres- ith part of Trenton, where Orer 240 members were In attend- workshop of Europe, most pn AnderwAnderw Yasderbeek.Vanderbeek, oofl NortNorthh PlainPlain-- III HBARD. Italianliana* lirelive.. IUt Ilas almosalmoatt Impossibl Impossiblee Over 200 members were la attendREVbev. . MRmb. . BiioKnaot:KK I'IIKA(.HH1{pbeacukb.. slvasiv e anandd powerfupowerfull ooff ththee nation nationss of ofHeld.field, werweree marriemarriedd aatt noon noon.. Thurs Thurs-- TULLS*TELL S OOFF HIHISS EARLK.Wtl.YY LIFE LIFE.. A KTIHIUM* to walkwalk alonalongg tbthe* streetstreet** becansbecausee o fofanc# and enjoyed an entertainment Us continent. She will pointwit withh day.day , aatt tntnee bornbornee o orf th thee bride' bride'as par par-- ihe children. and appropriateppp refreshments. id universi- the children. password for ChrikUanitr (he Prime Caaae For and unlrersl- ents.ent*, bbyy RevRev.. MrMr.. ClarkClark,, pasto pastorr of of InformalityInformality wawaas tthe psseword for ties. Ask Japan th* aecret ol hei Compare* United State* With Rum. a.«M r~r* h™. mtirae Continent*Continuing tbtkee bishoblahopp spokspokee :be eveniuB; but a set program kkeptt secret of her thetbe ReformeReformedd churchchurch,, otof MonmontMonmouthb the corner-stone of the church aa theb eveningi but a set program kept riserise ttoo politicapoliticall powerpower,, ththee aecre secrett ol ofJunction . The affair was a quiet > Mc- the cornsr-etowe of the church aaeveryoneeveryon e busbusyy untiuntill midnightmidnight.. Junction. The affair wa* a quiet •1#SU awandl Mexico—Goo—I.ik-Id Storie Mort*s 1 not101 aloanlonoo rerepresentingp resect Ing ththee begibeginn herher unparallelewnparalleledd victorievictoriess onon lan landt one.>ne , onlyonly ththee immediatImmediatee relativerelativess o tof nlagilng orof God'Ood'as househouses* foforr th thee celebra celebra-- WilliamWilliam EE.. MacClymonMacClymoutt was ■RducattoUaoKloon 1U" -\nAn andand seasen.. ThThoe answe answerr come comess bac bark,k th*h e bridbridee arnodd zroogroomm beinbeingg present present.. at End of Fael Me- » » e" Fee .'.11 or tbe mas* bnt tbe devotion r.f mastermaster ooff eeremonleceremonies* anaadd callecalledd up up-- allall JapaJapaun hahass beebe«un toto school school.. Edu Edu-- tion of the mass bat th# devotion ofm the lodge talent for contribntlona. cation alone does not make a na TneTne hrirtbridvt wawn*s attendedattended, n»yy be herr sis sis-- Feast.Feast. »'i*-ra. a motherother, , whwhoo bahadd givegivenn a soa nson toon tbe lodge talent for contributions. cation alone does not make n ter.er. MisMisss KatheryKatherynn VaVann Dyk Dykee Stryke Stryker,r be faith. Tbe block was tbe (inAmongimong thosthosee respondinrespondingg werewere The onion Thanksgiving service Hon.tlon. EducatioEducationn alonalonee ca cann neveni IB the preartie* of • gatherin the faith The block was tbe girt The union Thanksgiving service as bridesmaid, while William Steln- JamesJames KE.. MartinMarline- wawass th thee speake speakerr la IB* nr~m><- of a +-gart-rlngM jf Mrs. Elizabeth McKeown Miller, JohnnJohnnyy CampbellCampbell,, songsongss anandd pipi-hel d at the First Baptist church. savesave AmericaAmerica.. ItIt coulcouldd no nott sav ln theo f South Amboy, mother ot Fatbcr ano solossolos.. MarcuMarcuss HoyHoytt an d andThursday morning at 10 o'clock, GreeceGreece andand RomRomee ansodd ItIt di didd no nott sav sa< meyer. of New York city, wa* the •orner-sK.ne of thfl Tie* Bt. Joseph' of South Amboy, mother or Father Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, beet man. An Informal reception ingIng ooff ththee Men'sMen's AssociatioAssociationn o tof -h thee nrg*r i'»«* »*f th" w* •*- J*4*P*'»Miller , and came from her birth- SmitHmlthh anaadd JacJackk ToddTodd,, vocarocall number numbers* wa s larvely attended by the mem-Spain. It did not save France. best man. An Informal reception Botnan CWfcotfc church at Jackso Miller, and came from her birth- wa* larvHy attended by the memSpain, ft did not save France. followed the ceremony, after wblch ChurchChurch oofr ih.th*. HeavenlHeavenlyy RestRes'.. M r * . Roman * atbolic march at Jacksonplace . County Arnangh, Ireland, Williamtlam Mmiiibmitb.. pianpianoo duetsduets;: bers ot tbe various city churches, "The tdea coming down to ni followed tbe ceremony, after which r ^*J ii 1 BViin |]| • !••• Iklfeff-l place. County Arnangh. Ireland, here of the various city churches. "Th# idea coming down to 1th e couple left on a ahort wedding Martlne teviewed hia long political — WaichuoBj scallcd the tradition that surroi Elks' qiartet composed or Harry the couple left on a short weddingMarline reviewed his long political ami W*tfh*ng amo*« waa pUredrecalled the tradition that surround Elks' qiartet composed of HarryIncluding :lodlns alallt bubutt ththee Crescen Crescentt Ave Ave-- fro ■ fromm ou rour forefather forefatherss la thatthaIs t tbisidside e bbyy trip. I "pen their return ther will life and recounted bla history from lain, positiopool Monn bbyy HlabopUhop Jame Ji s A. Me j It and declared no better stone nilmm.am. ElmeElmerr D.D. CuttingCutting.. Willia Williamm trip. Upon their return they willlit# and recounted hta history from T nuo Presbyterian chsrcb. which held side the school andctaur rchchund should reside at No. 3 Verdon street, the the lime of his arrival in PlalndHd Kl.ii! «f •titon' . Thursday sifter- edmi dIt havande beedeclaredn secured no . betterIn 1atoneSml b and Jack Todd. vocal number* reside at No. 3 Verdon street, thethe time of bis arrival In Plslnfiel* rani, of T'fuloa, Thu Rralh and Jack Todd, vocal numbers Its and much to tbe delight of his big audi- noon. Tii-- .IN[.I.'ipresslv« e ceremony was could have been secured. In iii-l Fred Van Eps. banjo selections Ice of Its own at tbs same staad. Education and religionborough,borough , ththee bornbornee ooff th tbee groom groom.. much to the delight of bis big audi- soon The ImprraMre ceremony *»• luaion be conferred his blessing. and Fred Van Eps. banjo selections RAT. Iir. Charlea M. Ander- paniHpated in »by y| prom (Bent | rlests elusion he conferred hla blesalng hoar. Rev. Dr. Charles M. Andrr-j should be united By the side of theMrs.Mrs . VanderbeeVanderbeekk wawass formerlformerlyy a sence.enc e HHee wawass IntroduceIntroducedd b yby PresiI'rssl- partial i>a*»- the Bible, tbe Word pltaol l Training School ,nd dui I'nlteUnitedd S'BI.'StatesH SenatoSenatorr frofromm Unio Unionn I ta i inn a laud socle, Ire from Urarliy turned to the basement of the prus- appeared;appeared; ProfessoProfessorr CharleCharless TbompThomp-- tber pastors on tho platform nd! should b> tbe Btble. the Word 1 pital Training School sad daring parisbci. Th* ld*ial weather •ondl- journed to tbe basement of the pres- other pastors on the platform wore God. Three two. Bible and school county." which brought forth pro- partakes Th* Id. al weather Condi- n- 1 iiun h. where supper was served son.ton, feafeatst a ooff magicmagic;; SeltzeSeltzerr "Wa "Wa-- are God. These two. Bible and schoc herher residenceence iInn thi(hiss cit cityy b *has1 bee beenn county." which brought forth pro- ent rburcb. where supper was served Rev.Rev. DrDr.. JJ.. AA.. Cbamblisa Chambliss., Re vRev. J. | house, now and forever, on# and In- HIB- longed applause and cheera. PUons permitted tne program u • ters," songs and stories; Stirllg and J. I honse, now and forever, one and I folio*folio Ing her profession.rofegslon. H trHer sis-longed applause and cheers .Ilona permit tad tb* pro* ram to b«by the Rosary Society, tbe arra. ter*." songs and stories; Htlrllg andW . Mu Rev. Dr. Charles wln< ber p carried out In a | highly iun essf by (he Rosary Society, the arrange-n'ooods , sidewalk conversationalists XV. Masson. Rev. Dr. Charles i:.' separableE. ‘ separable.. ter. Mins KathKatheryneryn StrrkerStryker., Is a Mr.Mr. MarlinMartinse toltoldd ththee younyoungg .rae -menB carried oat la a highly being In cbarge or a com Wooods. sidewalk conversationalist* Herring. Rev. Edwin Kiss manner. ments being In ebarge of n commit-tn d tbe Musical Forrest*, banjo art- Herring. Rev. Edwtn 8hsw. Rev.C . C.| "Thlnr“Thing*e seem seemss to btoe changinbe changingg graduategra d nurse anandd resideresidess herehere.. ofof ththee ninnmanyy vlclssftudevicissitudesa wbl<-whichh ba dhad nposed of Mrs. A. I.. Kenn<-y.and the Musical Forreata. banjo art-8 . Kemble, R«v. Ora J. Sboop, Rev. In the process of tin The rlwgy and Islety Interested 'i tee composed of Mr#. A. E- Kenney ists. At the close of the entertain- 8. Kemble, Rev. Ora J. Shoop. Rev.'our country. In the process of tlMr . V;II;I! erbeek has been a r<•sideiit besetbeset hihimm inIn hlbisa politica politicall life life,. 1k- la- The cle«fr and lakly »nierc**ed 'n Mra. James B. Bailey. Mrs.. AUred ist*. At tb* close of th* entertain-A. C. Nlckersok n and RevR . Jol ! thousands ome among us wbo Mr. Vanderbeek has been a resident Mr*. James K. Bailey. Mrs. Alfredmen t refreshments of creamed 1 A. C. Nickerson and Rev. John T., thousands have come among us wofo f tthishis ecitytry fo rfor. man manyyr< yea,yesrsn 1. H e cludln tg eluding ttin man they near-winmany near-win** he hu he h«* Iho exercises aral assembled at tba...•:• ' Mrs. Cormack McDono ment ref'eahments of creamed oys-Broek , the last named being assign- are not Christians. Some Jewi nisde In running for ofAce and said pn-srnt rhurcb ami marcbed to tbeSeidel. Mrs. Cor mack McDonoughters , turkery sandwiches, celery and Broek. the last named being assign- are not Christians. Some Jews,hold*hold tsponaibliblee poaltiopositionn vwithIth A .A.! made In running for ofllco and said present church and marched io th*an d Mrs. Mary Moran. ter*. turkery sandwiches, celery ande d to preach tbe sermon some Infidels, some atheists. All are be beltevt-d that the time bad arriv- ti.irih i-iif • corner •>' tbe *uperf*iruc- and Mrs. Mary Moran. anberry sauce were served. ed Io preech the sermon {some Jnfldels. some atheists. AllMH . (GriflVn.Irlffa D, tbthee hardwarhardwaree nn- merchant.i-chant. believed that tbe time bad arrtv- north raa' comer of tba auperfatrec- Tbe fourth degree of the Knl rmnberrr aauce were served. The chorus cbolr, under the direc- welcomed, all are admitted to equa ed when he would at last reach tne tore wbt-e tbe *-wrclsea took place. The fourth degree of the Knight 1 The affair was arranged and In The chorus choir, under tho dlrec- welcomed, all are admitted to equals-he i•e be bas been employed for a tor* wb« -e the rwrclan took place.i f Colum'jua bad cbarge of the visit- The affair waa arranged ant >n of Howard M. Case, organist, rights and privileges. All are alwhero he bsa been employed for eoaa led o fwhen his ambitio he wouldn despit at elast the reachan- the The blahop and bis ssslsUn's march of Columbus had charge of the visit charge of a committed composed lion of Howard M. Caeo. organist, rights aad privileges. All sronumberlim n ber ok anandd JosepJosephh UurdBurd.. semce becan wib an organ prelude, ship unmolested. the rboir of St Joseph'* In tbnlmean- John III Hobrlakl Boctety. with 25u service began win an organ prelnde, ship unmolested, tteticsa oOff Cltlxensblp,Cltlsensblp."" . lirMr.. MarlinMania*e tba choir of fit. Joaapb'a la the n-aan- len and a band, escorted tbe blsho followed by th« doxology and an In-' "Again this is another problem (lme M'lciiie. "Onward. chirUtlan rn and a bond, escorted the blabop followed by th# dosology and nn In-) "Again this Is another problem saidsaid thathatt aa eltleecitizenn ' waa an Integral ■Incla*. "Onward. Christian om the old church to the ceremony vocation by Rev. Edwin Shaw, of which our country is facing. Abou sv.l-i.i i - accompanied by al bud. t>m the old church to the ceremon vocation by R«v. Edwin Shaw, pof which our country I* facing. AboutTHEITHEIR R TWEHTTIYENTY-FIFIHY FIFIH part Ooff ththee governmentmX an andd 1ns such Roidlera." accompanied by a band. >rner. tbe Seventh-uDay- Baptist church.'on* mlllloa Immigrants are enter Tbe '•••( ii'-r »'"ii- •»•»" then lifted In- rner. the Seventhd>ny Baptist church, one mllllosi immigrants are euter- ought to use hi* prerogative a* a Tba rornaratoao waa than 11 Had In- Tbe cbolr then sang an anthem, "O, Ing our country each year, 20,00' toto ththar PIai'ba. I"- prepjsrepr.psredd foforr I tIt an aadd a saa RobertRobert McCormacMcCormackk wawass ••••v,grandKNIGHT S OfF COLUMBUCOLUMBUSS Tbe choir then ssnjr an anthem. "O. Ing our country each year, 20.000 voterf Uto aiaidd t nIn the betterment of all Come Let Us Worship," after which a week. They ar© illiterate, nnakill Bishop HrFaul tapped It down, the nani haI..1 II loforr thtbee dadayy an andd Jame Jamess Come Let Us Worship." after which s week. They are Illiterate, unsklll- tbetil.- cond.tlonsmil.tloi ooff th thee country that niahof MrVael tapped It down. Iho Rev. Dr. C. K. Herring-, of the Elrst ed In labor, often the senm of for ebolr and band rendered "Holy BaileBaileyy conducteconductedd tbtbee musicmusic.. Rev. Dr. C. E. Herring, of the ^lrst ed In labor, often tbe scum of for WEDDING iinil need treatmenttreatment.. HHee declare declaredd tha thatt choir and baad rendered ' Holy Presbyterian church, read tbe Fresl- elen countries, in a few years tbey Ghost. We 1-ralPM Thy Name|" At TbeThe visitinvisitingg priestpriestss whwhoo a«slasabtedj Presbyterian cbnrch. read the Presl- elga countries. In n few years they Ltfon of tbe RussiaRussia aass comparecomparedd witwithh tbthee Unite Unitedd Oboai. Wo Urals* Tby Kama." At ATIEliDA1TEND iMORIAMEMORIALL MASMASSS dent's Tbankaglvlna; proclamation, j gain citizenship, tbey are attractec A quiet celebration of the twenty H* conclusion. Rev Father William Inn ththee eierclaeezrrclaeaa werewere:: BlsboBishopp M eMona dent's Thanksgiving proclamation. | gain citizenship, they are attracted nlversary StatesStates wa- ass territoriallterritoriallyy aaas great great,, bu batt Ha ronrlualon. K«v Father William llr fifth wed-iing anniversary of Mr.faile d In adTanclnff at the rate nf A. I'i'in.li. of Bound BrookL step- Fot,""*. oof( tbthee cathedracathedrall a tat Trent Trentus;, Rev.Rer. JJ.. WW.. MussonMuaaon., ooff tb thee Templ Templee < " " our shore shores* by tbbye abundanth* abundantt pros proa-and Mrs. B. C.Boice tool failed In advancing at the rate of A IMttrich. of liound Brook, step-tons . O'Grady, of St. Peter's, New AccordingAccording ttoo ItItss annuaannuall custom custom., and Mrs. B. C. Bolce took placeothe r countries because of opprea ped forward and del! Mods. O'Grady. 4f SL Peter *. New BaptistBaptist churchchurch,, leledd Inin tb thee respon respon-- Perit POWy an d andth e thelibert libertyy whic hwhich tbey Thursdathey y at the home other roantrlre because of oppr** ped forward and delivered »bs ce-e- Jrunswiek; and Rev. Fathers Flor- WatcbunWatch uni;e CouncilCouncil., KalghtHaightsa ooft ColCol-- ftnd in Thursday at tbe home of Mrs. Hoke'sslo n of Oi.- people. monlal addrets. He was followed by Brunswick: and Rev. Fathers Flor slvaalv« ScripturScripturee readingresting.. TbThee cbol choirr ,MAna thia countrymis country.. In th e Infac thee faceparents of , Mr. a M slon of ihe people monlal address. Ha »M followed by in of the Sacred Heart, Elizabeth, umbus.umbus, attendeattendedd memoriamemoriall service tni parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey Blair. tbe blabonf wbo spoke briefly, aidlaa of the Sacred Heart. Elizabeth. thenthen sansangg anotheanotherr anthemanthem.. "Awake“Awake.. " heritag" heritagee of ofou rour forefatber forefathersa and and306 Kaa' Sec 'TRIzens"CHliens ooff thithiss country,country."" sai dsaid tba blah op. who apoke briefly, aid•etr l of Atlantic City; Huelsebusch. InIn StBt.. Mary'Mary'ss uchrchuchrch., Thursday Thursday tbe 306 Ess* Second street. Mr. and termlermmte in tedd tht hoe .•ceremonies :-.-iiii.iii'-n bbyy coo fur-Petri of Atlantic City: lluelaebuach Awake."Awake," whicwhichh wawaas followefollowedd wit withh th* institution Institutionss whic whichh the y theyhav e haveleft left loice we married In this city tbe""' farmer-oratfarmc r orator."o areo fof th thee bb high- if Newark: DuckKelnchen, of Rah- morningmorning ThThee membermembers, umbk assembledd ^"eadinVof " ttaVscrt^'lt^ •* "<»» " 1 prob- Mrs. Bolen were married In this city owing t ring bla bleating; uponi tbtbee ka.fatr* of Newark; Durkgelscben. of Rah- the readtng of the Scripture lesson how shall we meet the** bproy R to-e . Dr. K. P. Ketcha 1 Octa est type of men owing to . ring hi. bleaain* upon tb# Ra.hoc-way ; Spiltb, of Belleville; Carew. ol In tbe lodge room and marched In by Rov. Lr. K. P. ketebam on Octo- r, . .... _ . _ Ing. Tin' a ^ the lodge room and marched In a by Rer ^ c Klckemi. of AH >«""•? Anwrt s first duty is syste look la*. The assemblage san^•*J■ .«. ' My Myway: Smith, of Belleville; Carew. of by Rev. A. C. Nickerson, of All '*»»>•• America'* first duty beberr 191*.. 1S»S. but o.luitB t oto Illnes Ulnn#s ' »' rtac.tlo »lonl >r#t#m. r J#« K#>» .'ewark; Maaterson and McEnnery. body.>ody. 1^1300 strongstrong.. 1 Sonl's church. This Is the first.ser- herself. We . not afraid ot mt B Country 'Tla " B I'D. Soar# church This l* the first ser- herself w# *r* not afraid ofIn tb#the er. tbe cele- Mexico, only separated irom us Country *Tia of Thee” aa a fin* «. Newark;• f Caldwell M»#ter*on: Bogan anandd HoganMcEnnery., of loyal to the cr In tb. fu.nlly l»»t Ortober. tb» rtl<- *' >' —t'* *'rt from u. Tb#e ceremonyceremony wawaa« aa solemsolemnn hig highh vie#Yici> ooft ththisU natur naturee tha thatt Mr Mr.. Nicker Nlckvr-- forelgne foreign#-- wb owho la loyal to tbe crossbratio until jester- »* * narrow strip of water and what Rev. FatheFatherr Ulttiicl»ltinchh made» a acap cap--ofIt . Caldwell;Mary's, Plalnneld'Bogan .and Brad Hogan,y of (>t brat Ion ... po.tt>onrt until Jrttcr- by # narrow .trip or w.tnr .nd .bat 1 mass witwithh RevRev.. FatheFatherr Boga Bogann a sas eel cel-- son,o n hahass taketakenn aa part part.. RevRev. C . SC. 8. Christianit fhChristianity.y We musWet Christian must Cbrlstlnn-- I dodo yoyouu find?flndT Semi-barbarlafnsBcmt-barbsrMpis., Illli Illit-- Ital speaker for the occaalr Si. Mary's. Plainfield; Brady of tz frequently South Amboy: Reaper. of Newebrant. Rev. Father Hogan, deacon,Ketnble. of the Monro* Avenue M. «*• *m. It 1* true. But. | believe family were eratese *tc* witwithh aa penchanpenchantt foforr flgbtloic fighting bla remarks were frequently Inter- Corry, of Perth Amboy; E. church, offered prayer, after w>>« »« need this intry 1. OnlyOnly membermemberss ooff ttbe family were upted applause- At the Brunswick; Corry. of Perth Amboy; and Rev. Father Sclola. anbdencon.E. church, offered prayer, after "hat we need In this country __ _ ta other such as no country on rupted b« applause. At thebegin begln-- O'Connor , of High Bridge: Dunphy hich tbe offertory was sung. present, and the occasion *as nlng he paid a tribute t During the service. Rev. Fatherwhich the offertory was sung, the rnoro men who are In tbe churchbapp ofy Vo/""ail""who""gathered *•»• '«* «* »»• Klobe can duplicate. aln* be paid a tribute to the mem-O'Connor,if Dunellen of; OietrlckHigh Bridge;, ot BounDunpby.d Boga n preached an appropriate s Jesus and In whose blood f happy who ’..thered Aus "to *- Jan.» "-™ Blair. Mr. and Mr.. Ad.m .nd otlu-rthrob Buroprtnof Republica Bo.-r.n (r.r.a fr.1- monument to (be leal and enjergy cese:; HaaaetHaasettt ooff StSc.. Marx'Mary'ss Cathedra Cathedral! earth an« the obligations that restedE . church, received the offering with " ' air, of Plalnneld: Mr. and Mrs. ins J1 ,0,:u 1 monument to the *eal and erwrgy of uponipon thosthosee lefleftt behindbehind.. ThThee custo customm E. church, reewrd th. ofTcrtn. w.ih rtd Zct Zr Blalr. ot PlalnDcld: Mr. .ad Ur. * Portuga« 'brobl ha ofs dethrone Kapnbllr.nd her In Rev. Falser Mill.-r. who lias IK of Trenton: Scbeer of Bound Brook: a short pi-ayer, after which the ser- 7^J,itn, .mi's Cialg, Mr. «nd Mrs. Sidney ,r b,ln ,h b 1 Rev. Fattier MlUer. who ha* bc.-uof Trenton; Scheer of Bound Brock it devoting one day in the year for a a short preyer, after which the *er Jam™ C.alg. Mr. «nd Mra. Hldn-yking J”; "*-,Spai n Is tremblin*’ baadr'liron-ilg in tbe bal- h-r tireless in bla efforts to seduce Baldwin, of Mt. Sain Mary'a College. of devoting one day In the year for amo n was delivered by Rev John Y. Instltutloi.-s1 anandd bulwarksbulwarks.. I In Eng-Craig . Mi. and Mrs. Edwin Craig, tireless In bla efforts to seoure Baldwin,a of Mt. Bain Mary's College,servic e In their memory be said, is non was delivered by Rev. John Y. Craig. MI. and Mr.. Edwin Crnlg.anc e“">«• and England I*•s on f'?the poin" t of ? ,* ; more coinmcul loua bouse of worship id Miller, of St. Joseph's. service in their memory he said, laBroek , of Trinity Reformed church. land some obff thth#e besbestt chur cbnrchc and Mrs. Charles Boice. and Mr. h more commodious house of worship nd. Miller, of St. Joseph'a. t that In Inspiring to all and Broek. of Trinity Reformed church. Mr. »nd Mra. Cknrh-i Bolt-, nnd Mr.dissolvin g ber ►Parliament-«'*"« . Tbes'b«n PoBit ol for his people. Father pfttrich one that la inspiring to all and mlgh ik bla text from Psalma 103, active In politic*, Mrs. Charles Coriell, all of Dun for hla people Father Dittrich I be emulated everywhere. rch In tbe hai of the • nd Mr.. Cb.rle. Corl.ll. .11 ot Dun ' ",,!’Vr ^l!! „„J - then launched Into hla thekj*. (he well be emulated everywhere. •We, id Dr and Mrs A." \V.~An-' nabpenlncsnot , whether designed or then launched Into bla th<*m>. the I.. also touched upon Thanks- secon•ccoDdd versemi.:: ••Die. Ih. Lord O M» nf( U>Lc.r onl liiw, Liberty on Bedloe's i- *l<«n. and Dr. *-> Mr. A. W. An- r JSKS defense of (tie American Caljiollc as He also ionebed upon Thanks-Soul , and Forget Not All HIB Bene- 1, formerly of Plalnneld, now throwing the world into an defense of (be American Catholic as giving Day and besought his hi Soul, and Forget Net All Hi. Bone-and , welcomes? all to* tbl^s land, b1 deraon. lortnerlr ol PlalnDald. ow - only France ant a -patriot and supporter of ifio g< giving Day and besought his hearfits. " After impressing npon oil and. welcome* nil to this land, but unsettled state and only France and a patriot and supporter of ipa jor- light of the creat UtA” After Impressing upon #11In her other baud she holds fund ot Port Cbaatar. N T. of all the groa eminent. ers not to lose sight of tbe creator' tbe Importance of always blessing In her other band she holds funda- deceived the United States of nil tho great the Importance of always blessingmenta l laws and institutions of 01 Mr. and M. Bole- rortlred aerer beneAcencebeneficence anandd to glvathank thanks th e Lord and 1 forgetting even mentalU,d lawsnd and Institutions of oi tly gut, rrom their I»™ are enjoying absolute prere. Th#"The assertioassertionn hahass beebeenn madtaadoe t yty the Lord and not forgetting *ven laoia i and proclaims 'Liberty K Si costly gifts from their relatives.^ for thtbee blessingblessing*s that are evero to bssingl e benefit, Mr. Broek pave a II sincerity say peoplpeoplee and-organizationand- organisation!s whwhoo should singleslnvln benefitbenefit. Mr.Mr BroekIlroek save lightenins g *the Wor'd." We possesLibertys E that the advancement he. gr IN INI CHIB HI had.had. masterly discourse abowlng the that tbe advancement of the. grea greatt hbee classeclassedd aass Ignoramusesfgnoramusef.”, (he HUNT CLUB CHASE liberty because we, honor the law* country of wblch you a TheThe arrangementarrangements* foforr thth#e service services* I growth and progress of tbe nation country of which you are thee co comingm speakerspeaker Hidraid,, "rjiai"that. AmericanAmerican) CathoCatho-- anid institutions of this land, citizens, Is due -to the feeling of the werefere madmadee bbyy an committecommitteee compose composedd 1 during the past 300 years, and how citizens. Is du# to the feeling of tbe licslica racannotn nut IKbe> googoodd cltliencitizenss becaus becausee TheThe ridinridingg membermemberss ooff ththoe W Watcb-s are welcome, all have a right I jrreat brotherhood of man which ofrf O_WC. W.. FogartyFogarty.. BryaBryann Hanraha Haarahaan | th«&JS7STAZIXS: ta country, being founded en aroXJZZTTS welcome, all have a rightJS- lo wor PRIVflTPEEIYIEEE FUREtUfillL SERVICESERYIG ' great brotherhood of man which Shey•they oonin t allegiancallegiancee t oto a nforeign foreignung ig HunHuntt Cluflubb enjoyeenjoyedd on onee o rof the this country, being founded . it 1* pre- pervades from coast to coast and andind ThoThomas! • CattyCarty.. Christianity. was still today a Chris - shipVZ^ *as they please, but It 1s pre- pervades from coast to coast and power. ThesThesee dalumnatorcalumnatorss ! forgeforgett bestbes t bunthuntss ooff thth#e season season.. Thursday Thursday., Christianity, was still today a Chris terou r whlcb animates ua Into doing great 0 1 for any person to tell 1 which animates us Into doing great tin- In tills country the cbuj-ch and leetlng tbe bounds at tbe Balta tian nation. In part, Mr. BroeItroekk PP°*? *™ * f° any person (hat in fills couatry fhe church andmeeting tbe bounds at tbe Baltuarol tlan nation. In part, as Americancan Citizencitizenss that'wthat ewe mu must! FEW. JANE ».11U things.'*tblnga." thetb« statstatee iaren • entirelentirelyy aeperatscperatee an dandGolf Club at 10 o'clock. The a said: renounce ChristianitCbrlatlanltyy anandd rejecrejectt ot iour FOR MRS. JANE R. WILLIAMS Mr.Mr. MarlinMarlinee congratulatecongratulatedd th ethe allegianceaUeftlaiict- ttoo tbthee outone' InIn n ono wis ae IseIn - in-was found on th« Brown farm, and ''Plan•Plantt aann acoracornn anandd yoyouu get get a nnn maintain the Chrlstla lyi-n's association upon their splen- right to maintain the Christian ineral service of Mrs. Jano men's association upon their splen- terferesterfere* witwithh ththee oiher.other."" run continued to tbthee ol oldd Bras IJ s BASK£TBALBASKEIBIElL GAMEGAMESS OiBNl oak.oak. planplantt as cedacedarr yo yonu ge gett a cedars cedar.. id Cbriatlan foundations ( The funeral service of Mrs. diddid organizationorgaclzatlon.. RefreahmentR<»e Ne wNewriding ng '' Telephone, Telephone.’’" camcam#e a an .naaty tlrmlv caiBbllshed ID Ihc foundationindatioi "The I i jf the .' roembereo th* afflicted member* of lr tbee parpartt ooft (hthee regularegulari association r coon,rT le housPbold In tbe aad hout l-t.glandd patrioti>at riots.. "AnAndd a* la# If tbla >i>i-r, .ilni'li looked for a mon of our country " * * # alarm and fhf, Uoasehofd In CheCOSTS tad ho P. G. G. SEASON cropper, which looked for s moi team.ID,. TbThee seconsecondd ga rgame was be “ ' stripe* Isstripesrld-wiil Is< world-wide and wheneverletr bereavement .b#reuv*m«t- COSES P. C. I Is nonott miUclensufficientt I pro^provfr o off tha tbai lo yloyaltyasa s iIft hbee mighmightt Nbe- badl badlyy injured Injured,, but “Tk*"The objecobjectt of our rorefstb planted high, thHr tween'een ththee seconsecondd BusBusinessl Men'* 'Nat flagg is planted higher #ducs.( rht,rf. Were , nBinbf>r Df k-suiifulThe active season was conluded bt of the CatholM.!Catholic*."' aalsaidd FatheFathprr Dlet I>i*t-- fortunately unately hh#e wawass onlonlyy shake shakenn coming•tning t«c-o thiibiss country was The active season was conluded at 11 teamteam anandd LocusLocustt GrovGrove,e th* former ountry was to ««- UoBtlon.> bettbeltere eltltenahlp.p. p peer, and „ , f i reUtlre.Ih e aiidi'lalnti. M Country Club. Thurs- trlrb Le'^ett [;.cme recit recitee *om aonlee fact : fartsW.W. IfH.. WildeyWilder,, alsalsoo cam camee t oto grief grief,, tablishtabllsh aa placplacee where a man could or> TOO tl»® Plainfield Country Club. Thurs- winning'Inning bbyy aa scorscoree o off 1 212 t oto 4 . 4. ThThee here a man could pro#parityprompeTuy r.lgn.elgai. ThThee PhPhilippine.: pines f r)end,. Mrs. ! William,. WlllUmas was w».a tne i day, with a four ball match, cross- I the War «r Ihe tteblliton. Th at tbe BtlR four rallcr, with a broad worship God a f[1 nd0 Mr day. with a four bull match, cross- about the War of the Reblllion. Theat the stiff four roller, with a broad wo contests were enjoyed by a large worship God accordingording toto tbthee die die-- e gDo(___j example s he Talmadgn Memorial Re- n .in. Catholic ni-hcii jii ttaou •ti on tbe off-side, but neither two contests were enjoyed by a large anndd CubaCuba are good cample, ol what o( T,|n..d*,. M.raorl.lcountrycountr Ite-y tournamenttournament,, fotorr ClasClasss A A America* Catholic rushed jn thou ditch on tho off-side, but neitherrow d of enthusiasts. Tbe line-up Utetateaa ooff binus oown conaclenrt. Our "* Mpaccoral'T.Ve.1‘byiuiieil by ourb r ! formed church , of tloxborough __ . Pa , 1 nor horse' waa Injured. Those crowd of enthusiasts. The line-up of conaclenee. Our can De aec and ii players, with prlxea (or tbe sandsinda to the defensdefensee ooff th thee star Mar*s an andd rider nor horse was injured. Those constitution an taw. '-‘“-.h* our na? Tbe FtarL°“a an..'d ?_“.?; formed cbnrch, of ttoiborough.nnd Pa.B players, with prizes for tbs the>e teamtremss wawass aasa followsfollows: the general laws ment underun<,p our Bag. Thoe. star ataris an andd fo r1"' a nrM,%t raanv . yemrB hnd thewinnin, g team In each class. As an- stripes and nonnonee werweree bette betterr fight- flghrwb o finished 1 e»vernin« r winningnd teem in each class. Aa an- who finished were: T. M. C. A.—Forwards." Aalholi governing onr tanand araree baseo.™do onon „rtp ™„. ,b..o been .uccerafullyisfully car bcar , a, ((>o k. ., ac* e ,n th.e timiiy, ntot , Btr]pw b k nounced on DloWednesday, Tho course er*, win about such me« a* Y. M. C. A —Forwards.* AalbolmChristianitCh i y and Christianity in gen- . ,hro b ,he 1| l nounced on Wednesday, the cours# era. W hat about such mn* as gab RufuaRutus CC.. FinchFinch.. MM.. FF.. H. H.;; Edwar Edwardd d Cl Hl d gh the Revolutionary War,'at the At)OV B place Frid(,y comprised nine selected btrl^s, as fol- lam Pit11 ttherldan and the ;boys of andd CollColini r; centre Manl-yManley,. guards guards, nW is the law of the land. Our the above place. Friday lant Tbil Sheridan and the boys ofFinch , William Gilder, Hart S. Fai arm^ral'li'lh’ I. the :”law of the land. OurOar War„, th"‘e Spanlsh-Amer, , H'"®'“ SpnaUh-Amer-onnry- ,ug tWar.o |h( , ,,lneM of' ^^ Ke, BlMcrcomprised Frtd.y. nineOw selected hole*, as fol- the GBth regiment? Was it Impos- Finch, William Glider. Hart S. FarMiner iner anandd TaylorTaylor.. clT War Dc to the Illness of both Rev lows: fbe S»lb regiment ? Waa if impos-lee , Harry A. Bourne, Paul Dietrich. conru>urts havbaree repeatedlrepeatedlyy so.o derided derided. , an,d hos:s „,o f, conflicts„f . nBlcu.d M Cornelius Schenck they lows: sible tnr them to be loyal and giv« lee. Harrr A. Bourne. Paul Dietrich Business MenMm—Forwards.— rwards, SmithSmith,, can Wa and n CO I Mrs. Cornelius Bchenck they sible for them io be loyal find givePaulPau l HarrisonHarrison., MisMiass MabeMabell BB.. HooH00-- Takeske foforr exampleeiample., thtb.e lalaww o fof tb etbe ^h e'ThercIor.,, let uletn keeu» p keepbefor beforee us th e we| So.No, 1I,, 1rsfirstt letoee t olo fift fifthh green green:: H* .No. Doane ana Galloway; centre. Haupt; r their hf»rts'-blood for tbelr flag be- I>oane ana Galloway; centre. Ilsupt; i,*. f ifir i* ^,..'•'' BIH iii'ii...., ti iii ! ■e unable to attend the Inter- their hearts-blood for their dag be- ibbatfa. Chrlatianlty forbids the ,,.,r 2. sixth tee to eleventh i" • • '. No. ley.ley, MisMisss GertrudGertrudee Nor.'Noe., BrowBrownn Ro Rola-l larda. S lc*r, Davla and Shaw. Bebbatb. Cbrlatlanlty forbid, the poetic aplrlt .id believe tb.t ’ 2. slzth tee to eleventh green; No. r»im.' ih. i had aworn allegjanco guards. Spicer.p Davis and Shew. ansactlon of allunnecessary labor lnere )a p 3. twelfth tee to eighth ftMBi No. cause they had swore allegiance too.ton. PreFredd ftO. AlpersAlp. ro., W W.. H H.. Wlldey Wilder,, Goals—Aalbolm, 11; Collier, 9; truuctlon of all unnecMMry labor ,h,„ „ no b,,,„!la g d.Kunde underr whic hwhich """ I ^” 2. twelfth tee to eighth green: No - tbethe !••.pope, ooff RomeRome*? It Itwaajno »as.nott a: Goals -Aalbolm. 12; Collier. *; worldly Mow „£ ,„„bette 4. ninth tee to fourth green; No. I, a C. FF.V WlldeyWilder.. Jr.Jr.., Schuyler Schuyler Casey Cl . inley. 2; Miner, 4: Naylor, 3; r transactioran.Actionn ooff worldly bud.™ p., rlv,„ ,™cblng.>f ofChristian- Cbrl.llnn-I1 4. ninth tee to fourth green; No. S. neither Is It today. The Atm-rtc. Manley. 2. Miner. 4; Naylor, 2; Throughout our |(y tbM lnr f. naas fafarr aas ItItas legalegall a«pec a.peett I sI. concer concernn , ng ot -America, “Araerlrt,"" and thande benedictbe benedle-- teenthteenth teteee ttoo fifteentfifteenthh greengreen;; No No.. 8 ,S. •noinfnt dots be loae algbrl of t 1;1: NayloNaylorr 33;: DavlaDavis.. 1 ;1; Uallowa Galloway,r lnI ot moment does he lorn* sight of tbe ed. No contraccontractt laI. binding binding,. B ono deb debtt tlo n by Rev Dr ,j . A Chambllaaj . , ch.rabllee.a Ian Enriea sixteen'bsixteenth teteae ttoo seventeentseventeenthh green green,, fart (hat b* bas sworn to Ntaml by Refeiee— Whitlaker. Timer and R v Dr A Christian Endesvorers to the fart that he has sworn to stand by I. Refeie*—Whittaker. Tinier andcollected,collected , alalll publipublicc officeoSIceas araree rlos rloa-- p^to p„,r oI th, e Firse t FlratBaptlt BaptlMt church church., ' of over a hundred gathered mustmtiat'b bee ulaw-nlayedd bbyy wawayy ooff aliteaat sixteenthh bis (Ian .'in| his government and '1 scorer—I>scorer—Dunning.u or 0 th numbermbe of over a tuudred gathered hla flag and bla government and ay 1 4•6 6., wblcwhirrt wilwilll neceasitatnecessitatee a pUra plgy-- held.In rWngerbund hall, last nlgnt man and Evana; centre, Brlndle; •reaedteued ththoe landland.. TheTb*yy wonblppe worshippedd ere d#red b y byRev .Rev. Joh n JohnSherida nSheridanThanksgiving Day and Its meaning. The Ktfnir waa a great success and man and Evans; centre. Ilrlndle; tunltii ot the Endeavi off,off, provideprovidedd tbthee playerplayerss derid decidee to to In mm IU.I..H Father Dltlfrich 4e Th# affair was a areal success andgaards.guards , LotseLolserr anandd I'lrlcbUlrich.. GodGod anandd HiIf sIs BonSon.. Jes Jesus,u , an dsad ac - sc-Zell er*U* at that e Thanksgivinthe Thanksgivingg ser- TbTbeeser- opportunities of the Endeavor- to conclusion Father Dltirtc! raa attended by an unusually large ton of enjoymc determtno the winner. In Class 11. Ullnd the history of Catholicity Ii was attvaded by an unusually large Goal*—Donne.(>lD 2; Smith. I; Nay-knowtedzed tnowlcd.ted tbth#* ScriptScripturem. . toto bebe th thee vic vie#e In intb e th#Crescen Crescentt Avenu e Avenueers to make tb# season of enjoymentdetermine tb# winner. In Class B. UUed tbe history of Catholicity In •uld b* made C.C. > paris parishh The floor committee comprised EPISCOPAmacoPALL *A RIt.. C.c. <( H HtI i; «ncHKM. Ml— tlanlly. TheTheyey b builubuiltt schoo Kbooll boniebouts ™ -W~we M, mr thlll(ny (thing we) l owallf t nof on illr onr aadand thtbae erectioerertloan ofof tb*tbs [presen * presentt CharlesCharle s RR.. ThompsonThompson,, chairmanchairman:; J .J. anndd collegescollegra,, erecteerectedd cburcneeburehee* an dandr<-llow-r rellow-men."t sai d™ !'rid . Dr.Zell« Zellr,, "bu t"but forw. tbih#* bibigg rallrallyy toto tak lak#e plae plaeo* on on ClawClass A—RA—R.. BH. RowlanRowlandd ati- and1 M .M. *hun-h m t«*8. Father Miller be C. Andersen and T. B. D. Dyett. The ight their children to d th Bi December i. All tbe unions In the Dumout, £,1, 8—45; H. I>. HIb, church in ISIS. Father Miller beC. Anderson sad T. B D. Dyett. Tbe ServicesBervice* llua alalll tbthee Episcopa Episcopall •nght tbrtr children to rend1 tb. Bl- do lo;th,k e to them lo writ. PDecember™lm.. 1. All tb* unions In th#J. Dumont, tl. 6—BS; II. D. HIB-, earn,**ni* pastopaetorr ilan 1S<>1«»33 anandd Fathe Patberr otherothe r committeecommittee ers•ra toto remairemainn loyaloyall toto bl himm an aRdd whe wb.n Conaett.Connett. CharlrCharles. CC.. Iri>yIrby.. EugenEugente ebrated a; 7:30 and at 10 o'clock 'What was then tfa* real cause of have we had comnrehensl- ium.um. AA notenotedd speake speakerr ha hass bee beenn <•» -en-WlllaonWHIeoa. , '•>*.14. 9»—4S; — «'•: UD.. H II.. RowlanHowlandd the a*w edlnc* Is completed con ebrated at 7:30 and at 1* o'clock 'What was then the real cans* of have we had sum a comprehensive the new edifice la Completed co Johnson.Johoion. WW.. RR.. ConnettConnett., A .A B. t.\>n Ven-- cornin g prayer with an address by progress? Undoubtedly relic- k: of tbe needs o[ human- gaged[aged foforr thathatt occasion. endand CC.. CC.. BurkeBurke., 5* 14.. IS—IS II ; 44:J. EJ . t llatin 10 m*k« ea*rtlng lnBu|enc* I01 able; reception—William J. DOOK- morningtb« recwi .prayer R*r. Ewith. Vlemr scs Stevenson.address by r progress? Undoubtedly rellg- knowledge of the needs of buman- Erlckson and K P. Coodwln. '-:*, 10 tlaae to make ezertlng influence f able. reception—William J. Dem-tbe redo, r#t. e. Vicars Stevensonlou* lous anandd politicapoliticall libertlibertyy shoul shouldd nri- firstt ttyity.. Krlrteon and K. P. Hood a In. S». •• goodgnoJ mla tbthee communitcommunityy a *as bja badd cbar char-- ises.Ia«s . AA.. WW.. BrawnBrows.. CharleCharless Bbeltoa Sheltos.; tv congregation* were also no- -49. actedlied th.lr faith to ibe baat. Large congregation* were also no-b# mentionedmentioned. JolJuliaU War Wardd Howe' Howe’ss "It seems hard for s man to keep Just Asking. 4». acted 1 ied their faith In the pas: refreshments—Si.lmbimu- *. HH.. SmithBrail ,k. chairrt.lt-- I at th* Church of the Holy Class (J—C. M. Cburch and C. C. ticedCross . atSt .th# Stephen' Charchs an dof churc the h ofHolymagnificentmagnificen t line*linos.. 'Min'Minee eyeey**s havehave' talkin talkingg nbou shoutt som.-tliln somethingK good good,, bu t butBobby—IHobby— 1 saysay,, 1dad— Clan n—c. M. Osrek and C. C. man; Rolen Maben, W. Carter, Cbar- Rlgga, «l. i>;—45: i-. H. I;HH and BishopBishop MMrPaal. Faul fullowe4.follows*i | ratheFatherr H>*»; sol.. Mab.a, W. c.rtrr. Ctor-Croas. * • Heavenl 8t. Stephen'sy Rest. and Church of•ee n tbe gloryflorr oOff th«#e comincomingg oftb tb#e tha ttosit la whais whatt c nutcounts* an dand accomplishe accomplish**s ] Dudiia.l—Wha — 'Vbatt Iis* IIt taw? Can't Rlnan. Bl. 14 4S: L. H. Hal™ .nd lea Hurling, Charles White, a F MttrtrhtMttrtrh anaadd gavgave* a naa addres addresss re rel— Hurling, ckarlra Wblt.. theo. Heavenly Res' " rd, 0 t only something. ime aay, 'I could be let me have a minute's peace H. E. Hoora, 68, 20-4*; H. V. Vox Taoner. Eugene Coles. An Invita- Lord.* gav Rom# say. *1 could b# let me have a minute'* peace H. V. Moore, B». JU-4I: H. F. Pol Pleteplet* witwithh humor. He tweak by re- At Bt. Marr'a and St. Joseph's th* 1 it tbe happy If— but David aald '1 am] Bobby—I only wanted to art : and E. J. Patterson, €3, IB—<8: T“»1.tion wu extended toCole. siste r lodgAn Ml.rtu-t St. Mary's to tho If / but David aald ’I ami Bobby—I only wanted to asknnd you E. J. Put lemon. 4J. is—•»: citiiuc a coupl* of anecdot** and nn- Uoo to ntraM 10 lIM lad CMCatholi c fhnrcbe* masses were said CITII War, bnt also to those memor- happppy Inlu thlhae lighItwhtt onff Th Thy vcouate- rtinifa.'! If aIf neanigbtem M ir.I.Kd i '.H tti.w>ul d have a V...Georg e. 8. Clay and A. W. Klelnech*. and tevera) wer* present. At mid-Catholic churches Civil War. but also to those *>*mor- happy In th* light of Thy count*-' if a nearsighted Oeorae H Clay nnd A. W. Klelnerke. •onsflouslr drifted l&to a iluweru aad «erer»I »rr. pm-al. At mld- •everti of tbe early morning able .01 s of tbe Declan nanc*, O Lord.' {far-away look in liii eyes.—I»ndoi . 18—49; j. p. gtevens and S. C. night aapper •»» served. at *evsr*l of the early morningable words of tho Declarmtio* of Xa-|naac«. O Lord.' J far-away look In hi* . «7. 1«—4»; J. P. Steven, .nd Jf. C. linn on thn recent election [of Dr■.l.tit N.per —Mrv.d, boars.•». IInn ibtbe* afternoo afternoonn nearl nearlyy al l alldependence . | "TB“Th# « churcchurchh cscana puputt bar backk int oInto Sketch Sketch.. Barnhart.Barnhart, «86»,, ZI—4711—47;; Cc. Ww.. Kin King* WoodrowWoodrow WilsoWilsonn aas* governogovernorr an dand . rommunlcantcommunicant*i oofl botbothh churchechurchre* •w#•W* helholdd thesthreee truthtruthss toto b ebo self self-- tb ’ thoe work work, or oftb etho worl worldd tha t thatlost Baloot- Ha- J — mad GO.. FF.. EarlEarl., 74 74., IT—67 17—57.. esprsesedexpressed admiratioadmirationn ooff h(himm a sas aa gatheretoe redd Ilan NortNorthh PUInflelPlainfieldd t oto wltwit-evident. That aUU memenn araree createcreatedd vo rvor ot praiseof praise.. Praisin Praisingg the Lorthad Lord | Ufce > Manl.ik#. a Ms manmas anandd aana offlclalofflciai.. "An"Andd whe whenn th ethe Mr.[r. anaadd MrsMr*.. CharleCbarlns bobedwell.d well, ot of m ththe* lalayingy me ooff thth*e cornerston cornerstonee equal;equal : thathatt thetheyy araree endoweendoweddd d b yby tbt hthe e bring brings*s »e*cese^c pe^ce,e , h.happines happinesss 1 n dand conten content-t "Did "DidHardruck Hardtack#e l>ear bi*is Is-! -HaHass shah*e as. googoodd memory?memory?"" timeUrn* romee."comes." saisoldd tbthe* blsaopbishop.i "every “every-- Dunellen. annaace* tbe (ncwrutst of thele neneww StSt.. Joseph'Joseph'ss church church,, cor - creator wltbwith. certaicertainn InalienabllnaBenablee mer> meat-"* " fortune like a [man? fortune" like a man!'’) -HpUnnfdBplocaid. . Sh8h*e neveneverr ba bn*s t oto as kssfc , on•aee ooff yoyouu fellowfellowss herheree wan wantt t oto rot votee o f th»l: danght*r. Eleanor, to nerner ooff WatchanWatch a s «nd Jackson tv«- rifbu aaa that among them are life,' •Exactly lik1e one,. H« It what's frump In a card gam*."— tor blm at president." The! remark rights aad that among thorn ar# life. I "Ezactiy like Iton#. what's trump In s rerd gsme."— Cor him aa proMoaL- The remarkCharle s B. Lake, of Little Fall*. libertyUtwrty anandd ththoe punuipursuiti of happl- A%d -spuz%d s.\s;(wuusps tv*i|.r u all on his wife all" on bis wlf#." I' DetroitDetroit FreTreee PressPress.. , AA CHANNELCHANNEL FLIGHT.FLIGHT. JOSEPHJOSEPH MdNTYREMdNTYRE Trip frwm Part* ta Leodro In Ctam-H- Heating JOS.JOS. HARRIGANHARRIGAN THE Oir%*Ma ■all**** Waa Heating OLDOLD COMPANY’SCOMPANY'S Mad# la ftaoeed Iraakiati Tkaa. la•a flADtriELOrLA«rnu> MONDAYSMOHDATS aojaa4 TffUBSDAYSTHURSDAYS ProminenProminentt BusinessBusiness MenMen SNOW PEOPLE »|airT roa*kUNIUASKU> pl.PL. icl.ICU . id-j•!*-•I LCHIGLEHIGHH COALCOAL ProblemProblemss New York Studio. Canwgb Kail LondonI.-A1. -Anothe r chapter WHfl re- rawM liSOSSMbSTBNVm. Udn»-«CamBiAH. (W. 1Mb ! 929299 SouthSouth AAvenu e whoswkoMe judgmentjudgment isia reliable,reliable, areare namingnaming TraatTrust Nor York Cii» lUaai A Mlaunlbllscard oo plsUw-1lain*—I fcswha** ceotly added to tlw falatory or artattoa SolveSolvedd CompanieCom panic,a a,u eithereither SoleSole Executor*Executors ofof theirtheir wh.Ti tbe r'n-n- h dirigible balloon Clem ririCBTn aCAaon«o the rm-fi dIriglM. balloon Clrm- All daj tbat terrible whirl of snow. II ent-Bayard made tbe voyage from MR. FREDERICK F. DAWES All dMf tbai urrlU. -bin of wow. U Ml Rafinl made I MR. FREDERICK F. DAWES TenEycTenEyckk & Harris,Harris, eilnteestate,t oror a*u Co-Executor,Co-Exetutor. withwith iuditridoala.individual!. It bad naacd oMMloaally to girt (a* Complcgne. Franwe, to Londun In tn. It bod ——• ucooolo—oily to giro tba r«mplrgne. France. to I/«4ob la tto* brain a rest. It woold aot hare bra* CI,A««C« TOR The special organization and permanent life brain a root. It -ObM bot bs't 1-ob remarkablerrmsiiulile limatin* ofof -Is-li hours.hours-, aa JourJour The special organixation and permanent life so bard to bear, bat It nerer «•*•& ney fw,ulr1»ft IWVI-II Iniiirt hy the fast DadciosDancing andind PolitaPolite II rai r.i - m*ing LEHIGHLEHIGH VALLEYVALLEY COALCOAL bo bard to boor, tat It boror moot Dry requiring rr« ttoan by (hr fast enjoyedenjoyed byby thethe TrustTrust CompanyCompany makesmalcea itit thethe WWo* no—MW oo!jonly oorootm;ouraelTes; lb«»then wwmM ra•att #*prra«eipnnia train*(rains andand boat*. bout*. Coroo|m -SlSbVWUip M Come botblbgBothln« •»*hM toto wo*c*r batbut lbothe bond)tmbonodteOT pleguepl*>c;iip I*U fortyOveforty-five uUramiles nartDurtbp*s t oi idealideal executor.executor. plain, and that waa shut from om Pari*.P*rta. ti< rlslovisionn byb* tb# tbe anow anow . W#We w#wer e prefMrai TUIThl*a k*IK al*oalso tbatb etint Drat aceastoo crusaei Advertisement* aodand th#tn* wherewithalwbervwitbal toto aiak#make hotbat tm* eofr tb*tlw EnglishKngliab. rhaanH.rbannH. and Fidelity Trust Co., fee aodand shooahonl Idd hav#hare ronaldarodconsidered ourear-- TbaTb»- Oaiaanf-rlen>rnt-It«yari ftoy *rifl lalef ftt f'..n>QjiDplegn(.fegMp Fidelity Trust Co., •a w,tl off. We wo.H.1 hire b<«s NnN«w YorkYork HmU. ariseshad It wallnot beeoff.n foWer tba woaldt trtrlble have. Mr*h#*a* aatt T:137:15 b’rlorb'•'• I" k InIn i tlu> morning and Talk had It not boro for that terrible, aevet na*-ha*l IxHMlonI,'ilir]'ft| *-tWllll'Xl t H BtOp World,World, rtnKa.rioafn.'., Hno , (onrcai.(oirr- NewarkNewark N.N . J.,J., raaetng whirl. wit J.I.1* In Hie afternoon. Tbe pa» Teegram.Te egrmm, Amrrlcao,Americas, at**-it 1:13 in tba aftaroooa. Tb# p*e« ERElatfKfjn 747 Waat Froaa St. TheTbe oeitnext morningmorning thetbe stormitorm abated,abataA. Brooklyn Bagla 747 Wart Front Sl it aod we moved on. About DOOO W* the house from fim floor will act in capacity of Trustee or Executor for and we moved m. About nroa •* H 1lo0 thethe attic—attic — make* ndoo —gad— will act in capacity of Trustee or Executor for roam uponipon aa sightatcfet toto fra#*#freeie th#tb emp mar - dustdu*t •littllittlee ash.ash, and and lemless bother.bother. rowrow laIn #«r our boo#a-«libooefr-als heap*beap* ofof maw.ra*w. NowarVNew.rW EveningEfMMf NewNow*. R.^TL L.. CLINECLTNE Over YOURYOUR estate.estate. i body Qndcrneatb Mcb, the KHUlM A BOYNTON "square pot" A BOYNTON "AQBMB pot " a body underneathpllre In sorb,the centertb# remalaB. Wa furnacefurnace willwill fivegive summersummer tem-tem- Received at (••II-II ta> a M. Xkja * OM THE COST DOES NOT EXCEED THAT OF INDIVID- peraturperaturee inin zerozero weather,weather, onon a THE COST DOES NOT EXCEED THAT OF INDIVID- broabed tbe now from tbe beapa aai surprisingly small amount of UAL TRUSTEESHIP, AND MORE OFTEN IT IS LESS- TI- men and a womaa. utrpnninuly small amount of TheThe DailyDaily PressPress Bert Qu«Hty Utitft. Coal UAL TRUSTEESHIP. AND MORE OFTEN IT IS LESS ln coal.coal. ItIt' as thethe tquoresquare Jin fire pot was wrapped •" •*• thatthat doesdoes it.it. ThThee atAT snoutEMCUK omoiomu urntt*TM. btankeIke wonW that tbe party bad pamtmtti. blanket*t put a pockethat tthe inlrro partyr t oI the month «C TenEyckTenEyck & KelleyKelley I#ac pa*h penona pocket, an mlrmrd the vroaiato th#n mouthalone reat- eorh•ponded perono., abowlta and cth# a fainwomant nl maloo# on re-tk > a«M—or»lo.k—1*»hur.r.ffsioritoA'Kinv Co.Co. sponded.W abowtbge poure da whUkfaint yfilm Jow oon bathar glassthroa t anW#d pouredchafed whiskyher. Sh downe opeoo tugi BOVNTOBOYNTONN UNIFORMLUNIFORMLYY GOODGOOD CCOAL OAL throather eye* and an chafedd ia a her.abor t Shetim eopens* coett ttarVani atof IH haM Clamant-BayargCl.mant-Bayard Airship.Airahip. ipeak to us. bat «e waited till ta* “Square Pol”1 747411 SOUTHSOUTH AVE.AVE . TaLTeJ .1155 115 5 Qeit day fondr be Inr atorya short: tltn# could #rogenipttitci-rn experienced' ([«tii-ji'-nl dono discomfortdiwumrurt anandd ''Square Pot * rf you will like Hwm-Uwir apeak to at bat we waited tIU th# Weretn onlyonly troubledti..ul,|(-.i byl>y tha the bat*-base amandi WALTERWALTER TEMPLETEMPLE THETHE OLDOLD RELIABLE''HOME’.FURNISHERSRELIABLE HOME:FURNISHERS day for her atorj: tal-tml*t InIn crossing rromtinK tbatbe channel. cliannclj > hadbad borsrohorse* andand aa wagon.wagon, It A moot • • "i •'••''• royag^ It waa. SCOCHSSOBiccMsoaR toTO raucio.RBEACME. don't knowknow wherewhen tb#tbe taorar*boraefl ar#are now.no* . A moat anaranf/a) royu# ft was. >. AHMM «c. .11 iwUunDlT *«J Wbea we aaw tbe atom coming «• wilh noihinit to interrupt tbe smooth FURNACFURNACEE w# aaw the storm fooling oa tbonch□ t tbe tlrat Itilng lo do wu t» •winging motion of tbe ballotn, wHicb COALCOAL andand WOODWOOD thoughtget firewood, tb# firstbut sincthinge therto edo wa waas Boa la* ear.b huur Bveragrd i.rtoxe Do thirty- OSM. I40B.40I m. M.W-W - getwe firewood,broke up tbbute wagoo#loce there. wu noon tbrraIhrw mile*.mile*. AnAn altitudealtitude varyingvarying from!froi pui ii (ull oi a^li in J under. A Hint at W.W. W.W. DUNNDUNN Tlri. «7« ta. ad St. TS. m we broke ap tb# wagon. the BOYNTON ath cutiinx nuc dan VanHornCo.' "I don't remember mucb of what naf- »*j-•'"i tolo TIN) feetfo-t waaWAH maintained, maintained, anandid the lit! eoinrlctLii. The BOVNTOM THE PARK GROCER ft remember much of what ha#- THE PARK GROCER P«aed. All I know U tbat now mmt allall alongalong UseHie flightrtljrht ovrrover tbathe landland IbalItai D« Sk. ». U»il.H Arrlral aid Depannre af Htlla 73-773-7X5 MARKETMARKET STREET’STREET ^SiSff A1J 1 know la that now and aaronant-BPruiiiiuin Wt»wt-re rhMffdi li>vn<>ii-nii.50 . la.l.M . 7.:s.?.:• . i.e.7.44 , *to ** oa p . •a s IT — ,.!-. —and you're sure theIngly wagon,- but they used tbetn apor- nxmiiol»r« iulx-r off tbailir ItritlaliItrlibili parliament,i-iirlliian-iit. n-repi Htm aUo. SOMERVILLROMCRVII.I.KE ANDAND BARTON.EA8TON. n-.-iitliii; thf ItritWii parllamentMi ingiy. resenting tin* llritlaii parliamentary «wd oiifd. time*. 14ft i Arrive—*.40. IS.e* a. *».. UN. Rift ood *-**** *v" toto choosechoose wisely,wisely, Preaeatly I aaw • floi-k of walk* MTial d.'fell«> r.iuimltH-e. Only OaH “ITroentiy I aaw a flock of wnifta ■artal defer**# raooitttr. Only . IMM-J wolve* circling aronnd u». and It se«B>- *f\,- wore aUiard. altli-.ni.-h the HITH aoTlsT- a. m. IRIS. Lift. «ft*, ft.ee. wolves circling around ua. and It seem- a armn were aboard. although tba air ed that the men were keeping op am ship ran ui-r-omuuidute Ititri v uiin- VAISTKHHl'\IMI-:i{S AXDAND WXXJH1TOIW.DECORATOKS. ed that the men were keeping op the ahtp ran accommodate thirty nine pool OcmtralOcatnl R.B. R.B. W#waN*w* Mtoari*.I Ire to prevent their closing in and d*> nfnKfnt in addition to the crew. t their dosing In aod do- aengerw In addition to tba «Tew. I oaring un. OcraaloDally ona uf tkat rv-fUKluiiHi wlml miHtn rntiiwd w NonnlllBltMCRL N*w» rwiring ual OcaaPmally on# of tha iNt aalonal wind gnat* ratfaad aom* TtJcTakee a LookLook inin ourour WindowWindow ada. Mb daoosa. 1'iamftaM Dally Ctort' tb. ti‘7 ILM *. a., u rn. Rea. ChoosChoosee thethe GiftsGifts len would aelee a firebrand ami hurl . Mlitht fx-kliiE of the tpllocni. tmt men would aelxe a firebrand and hari -light nrUM Of tha balloon, but otb) oa *M Kiimalfih Journal on aol* *t t at a wolf. They were circling, al- rm-irw "he proved ifta-ftr The I'rpn.-n and-IMI youyou willwill bebe convincedconvinced thatthat ththee atanda Paitadatphla Morning B»« ^THMTOH >*aTRljL*rOB EAST. It at a wolf. They were circling, al- arwlaa aha pro*ad -teady. Tha KrsnelJ Ins «>vd dundgy Paper* trtrgrM a# LIpy.- —and— and you’reyou're suresure aj* circling, to lire our bralna. I Kovtrnionnt |ir»vldod threw U»rj ways circling, to tire our brains I government i>tovldad tbrnt •test In interior work—Aorochrom* :ly P* DIRIDCT TIIROt'OHf A#T MAIL POtl dosed my eyes again, and wben I boat fliwllIIJ1>. wlil.h pruved of tr latest In lalerior work—Aorocbrom dewed my eye# again, and when I l and Sundaay Pap*™ J»- * ^ to choose well! opened them tb* wolva* were go no, assistance In cmaalng tl»a channel Washable Wall Decoration—la very butbut somethingsomething farfar moreraore terribUterrible hsbad* The iv tun iriL- of tbe engineii nttd .ivrred ^ «m tefi ai #taad r*ri»* *d&b$t Tha whlrrin* of tba engine. nod pro- bandaomeaome andunrl #ffactlv*.effective. NtaiM Ml—*' Ooea ■«-■*(« CIOM—«.Icio*» cm0 aa.. m.. u-ftft. Rfte, ft.ie, For 50 years, we have been .applying the taken their" place*.p SnowBnow peoplepeople VMaero» pallarI >••.. r attracted nttrui'Xfl tl»athe attention nlt.'nlion ofof crowd*cm For 50 years, we have been supplying the whirlingwhirl Ins wherewhere thethe wolveswolves badbad whirl-whlfr ofof *l*bt»aar»>.It:ln !••< atH ( FolkestoneFolkestone andand otherotberi CHAS,CHAS. KEIDERLINGKEIDERLING KoUday wants of thousands and thousands of ed#d.. Oh.Oh . howbow coldcold theythey lookedlooked outout ofo f town*town-,, andfind tba111• - halloo*litill.mil arrivednrHvpd orefI ... WoolstoWooktonn & BuckleBuckle SSTi&JSmL. holiday wants of thousands ana thousands of thrirtheir dreadfuldreadful eye*!eye*: TheyThey insteadInstead ««TT London •,'•• •'• nit tbe Htivrtx wn Hlli^l yvnxrrvRWHKNmilK pachkh.IMCKt.K. KUZAHMTH. I'lfUDCT A Ixmdoti juat aa tlw street* war# filled Arrtva—R#e. R«* a. in.. U» IN. ft St folks—this year you will find us better equipped th>ee wolveswol»es wyrew?re nownow tryingtrying toto Or# Mr* acm. withwlih tbathe sraatereut SundaySnndny crowd*cntwdn l.-ovlngleaving PainterPtinlcn* udawl DKonionDecor a tor» FurnitureFurniture., Trunks.Trunks, Picture*.Plctn folks— this year yon will find ns better equipped “EveryETMT nownow and and again Afain on*ona of of th*th a tha chnrvha*. Tin- *p|*e*ran«-e of the 143 NORTH AVENUE. ChinaChina.. UlaaaGlaaa andand Brie-*-BraeBrltva-Brac PackedPacked AVcu. s ee p m. ie.m a. aa. u.sa. as*. than ever to meet every requirement for anoww peoplepeople wouldwould trytry toto seiseaelre Ooa#M mon-tarmonKliT ovarover thatlir feoaariupahousrtopH •uu-eddnuwd tbri 143 NORTH AVENUEL andand CratedCrmted torfor StorageStorage andand Shipping. SUpplns. than ever to meet every requirement for of our men.men. butbu tbo h ewould woul dtake tak eop a pa * rxviiitc tn -niuulpr. anil hundreds o^ NEWARK. DIRECT. prot.Ia to wonder, and buadrvd* of StorageStorage RoamsRoama let* I *et. Arrive—Rev. LN a. a.. I SO. SftC Lb thoroughly sensible, always reliable gifts, at firebrand,firebrand, andi thattbat waa enoughugh . Th# thousand-Tl... I^.::II| - gatheredCll11l^>ri^l toto watchv. :i1. li thathe Ji'T"««]- TeL B.W-J. WM R. Proa* St. thoroughly sensible, always reliable gifts, at ■ THE REASON Tel. BSftJ. VW R Prowl Sc «.i«i. •.no. l'l.IO a, m.. ll.w w man would withdrawwithdraw . II aaVsaar naufa. who now experienced THE REASON CTaaa"* Cftv. ft.ee. M*. ICftS *. m.. lRfta. CS"r aw;i* from ib* I have tb# eonAdanc# of tb* pub- J.00. J.M. K.GV p. m. prices not to be duplicated for lowness I ! of our men stagger away from th# troohiatrrnihle with«'itli thathe varyingvoryliic ulralrj currant>4currralii I have th« conlldenca of the pnb- prices not to be duplicated for lowness ! ! Ire. AA anoww wwomaneman tooktook biashim aod sa d ninl .•.iflli-. In Hiis WH.V they I-IPI.II lic la bocpuao ’ uevor Uke a con DIRBCT MAILB TO BBA. SHOUE RE- ami adflhw. In tbl* way they circled Ic Is b*cxu«* ' nav«r Uka a con- L. Moraller & Son, TS DURING SUMMER. pressed bar lipsHP" tightlSbt toto bio.his . Tbaa.The* St. rnnl'» nml Ib.* Towj.-r iffiilKe twice; L. Moraller & Son, KL Paul** and tb.- ;Tower Irrldg# twice. tracttract atat a Bgar#figure tootoo lowlow toto enableenable ah*ah* openedopened berher anna,ami*. andand bebe fellfell fro***froras rtaton<. J Specialty. a wild writnil>l» of apretatura. !•**•u lain tbatbe and.end . »i.VSUNDAY* MAILS. A CouchCouch SS 7.757.75u upp AASewmgMachineS22.00u[ Sewing Mactune$22.00 up; protectprotect meIB* fromfrom thetbe windWIQ.I andand rktha* Thf ttfigOto liunlnl wifely after de- 219219 PorkPark Are.,Ave . Plainfield.Pl.infield, N J.J. I rrumBL'NDA MlT MAILSto 1*A#. drift. No: It waa to keep off tb* ana* Tl»a dirigible landed safely after de- n troat mLU :M> ft ua> 1B. W a, A BoohciucBookciue 13.001300u upp AA Prince,,Princeta DreaaerDreiter 14.25up 14.25 up drift No; t* waa to keep off the anew arriblng large d.—. tKlIng rlrela*. aid* James C. Hansen ■ Bt SL M. BUU people. I waswu sittingBitting byby thetbe fire,Ore, •a#• *"-cdJ byby nli detachmentilrtnrbuifnf of*>f aoldlpm. xoldl^rs. James C. Kansen " "'ff-mmo. I AADci Deskk 13.50lC.50n upp AA RockerRocker 1.951.95 up up thathatt tb#tbe menmen lnrlooedInclosed bothboth meme andand ttth*a KODAKKODAKSS AAnn EasyEasy ChairCiieJr 1010.2 255 upup A CarpetCarpet SweeperSweeper 2.752.75 upup fire.lira. II fanciedfancied thetbe anow mow peoplepeople w*na-wasl- Complete line of Photo Soppliee. New Jersey Central A Libra, v Laiaip C>.95up A Piano Stool 5.75 up >d meme. , forfor theytbey werewere ailall lookinglooking adat RINGRING PROTECTSPROTECTS ALFONSO.ALFONSO. Complete line of Photo Supplies. New Jersey Central A Library Lamp 5 95up A Piano Stool 5.75up D« outout ofof theirtheir IcyIcy eye#eyes aodand beckoningbeckooUta; 41 Earn Knmt St. TH. CaU :H« Ml KM FroM tt. T.l, OtU I PrintinPrintingg nndand DevelopingDeveloping A ClockClock rt.25*.25u upp AA WritingWriting DeakDeak 5.505.50 upup to0 me.me . ThereThere werewere fourfour ofof ourour mrome t P-«c.awaPi-ecou. Cie«»*tCircle B#'i#v#dBalievsd «oto BringBring JoyJoy A FramedFramed PicturePicture 1.951.95U upp A BrassBran BedBed 9.959.95 upup aroundrooDil me.me. andand eacheach a#seize tiedd aa OreBrebraaa brandl OnlyOnly t#to WarihyWorthy SpanishSpaniah Monarch*Monarch* : ind advancedadvanced as fewfeir pacespaces barkback ta» , and Diaaatar to All Other*. M.M. WARREWARRENN AI Doane’s p^’L, ft.ee, Cftl. (H. T.Sft. 7 1C T.ift. ACbaffoi/eA Chiffonierr Ili.OCu S.5C upp A DinnerDinner SetSet 5.755.75 up up , and O.aaatar ta AH Others. Al Doane's ^i« •te. LU, LB. I ft*, to ftSft. I backback.. TheTbe mowmow peopleoeople couldrould n«nott PAINTER. DECORATOR P 11 ftSU a. as..aa.. li«.lioo. IIUH IS. ISIft ti.4*. LB. 1ST AAnn OfficeOffice RutK..- 7.257.25u upp AA ParlorParlor TableTable 2.502.50 upup stand•Und thetbe beatbeat ofof tb*the brandsbrands aodand findflat ModrS.l -.Kinn ftiljruMfi'l Unk ari^ A1NTER, DECORATOR 5*2. 5.44. Rftft. lie. CIR Cftft. IW **». Mndri-I Kir* Alfotum'* friend* arn »nd PAPERHANGER * 4ft. T ft*. I U, RST. ft.IT, B.44. I* 1ft 1* 44 A LibraryLibrary TableTable 0.50Cs50u upp A PortlandPortland RangeRange 19.0019.00 upup withwith aa shriekshriek . n-ikina-htnga IfIf lib*Ills majestyuinj.viy laI* actually intimity unde**unilei and PAPERHANGER FRANKFRANK NEIDIG’SNEIDIG'S 11.5S p. m Sunday—Rl*. R4l. ».41. T la “So"So wild,wild, soao weirdwetrd , soso terrible,terrible, wawarns OM pcotactlon »t iiuiKt<- linn ot e»L-nl.Ml LINCOLN MEAT MARKET •lie pruleetloa of au magic ring of gridJ 1 LINCOLN HSAT HARKETT T.ftS. LM. Mi RU. left*, au a. as Tbcy'w Usehl Gifts in EVERY Case- tbe shriek tbat I cloaed my eyea nod ili;iiii..int- uii'l pearl* -dint him i'l« « 8OVEB8aVT Si .. They’re Us:fat Gifts in EVERY Case- the shriek that I dosed my eyes and diamond- and pearl* that tin* played FloePin* Meoao.Hrsca, VegetaMeo.VrfrrtaMea. 114C i.es. l.tft. >41. *Ji. Res. R»C i n put my handa to ruy earn. When I a fl.-n*nt)nnt|] |.MI In the li'.' of • 41, Rftft. C«ft. R1R RRT. B.M. Rftft. ia*«. Proving Daily Reminders of the Giver. put my hands to my ear* When I a acn-arinnal part In Hu* lira of Oh OyatersOJ-»1*TB andand Heins’*Heinz'* “ST.”"B7." Proems Daily Reminders of the Giver. lookedlooked againagain thethe menmca hadbad lowered lowered ththa* rujmroyall familyfuaiil.v forf.^r manymany yeyearnn broods,braudB. andand thethe Mowbuoii peoplepeople wereWef* TliayThey recallnCftH thaitii- failurefullur.' «.f»F thath at>e 94 Somerset St. !%*&.•&.‘A *aT%. whirlinwhirlingg moremore franticfrantic thanthan ever.ever. tempthimpl tot'i a-en—InnfaMaaaMtaMrt* himIlim on(ID theHilt' dayday of 94 Somerset St. CHARGECHARGE THEMTHEM & SETTLESETTLE UPUP ININ A “A"A horribleborrlble oldold anowmow hagbag beekooedbeckoned hUhis waddingwiildlns andninl haveli!ira-|trri'wt tr>« ni u*»duwtl i«» HOTELHOTEL WALDOnWALDOhfF Tflephena—781. toto oneone orof thethe men.men. leeringleerlDga att himhim . nn*» ■s(..ri.lurir*« of»f bt*hl« daredevil•lnn->vl| lxIi..rs,.|ii;iti-Hl|'. Taenia n«hl|t/' **»T PKONT ITMII SaSsSKvaf; YEAR,YEAR, OROR A YEARYEAR ANDAND A HALF,HALF, wenwentt towardtoward ber.ber. SheSbe seizedseised him.him. a>a add -Uchmrh. a-BH dashingilnsliliit: ..|»OB horsebackifiirtM-iiai k d«*wddowi| •ACT PAOHT tTWIT A. H. ENANDER I aawaaw himhim whirled whirled off of fup u pInto int othe th esky. sky . ■at——v ai-D—a. rni. A. H. ENANDER oror paypay CASH—andCASH—and taketake offoff 1010 perper cent. cent. Another woman sang a beautlfol song tt»atlip gardenganl>-i) -lc|~«li-|w ..fof thethje P«palacei at Id HfcllRY WIHOHAIk. Prei* miar plumbing Go* nttlog. Another woman sang a beautiful aoag «'*ran)a and aatowotilUngutom.UlliK at hrvaknecli fm «■»». . flamblni- Uas "•'uing. —no sacb beaTenly melody have I ever TIM Uquor. Ml —oobeard—flxtn aoeh heavenlyg ber eyemelodys OD have OQO oI fever the 8ta.a andad HotHo t Wale,Waut UrxungHevuns . beard—fixing ber eyes on one of the Ami u lutks men wbo were left. He. too. auc- And a**w. when danger loth* at av- ContractorOo&tmctor forfor SeamS--«ti GoanecuoiConincuooa . cumbemen whod an wered wen leftt towar Ur.d bertoo.. suc-Sba eraryy turn,mm, withnilh thethe overthrow nvjiTthnjw ofof Thrt»e4 cumbed and went toward ber. Hbe 1OIBBB WATOiFUGVATCllDNO AVI.Alt folded him in an embrace, and I aaw monarchymnunn'liy threatened.tlin-ni.iKii. halie g>+*K.«^ Ihi* his g«J en. t thafoldedt b ehim In dIn bee ann embrace,frozen. aodAnothe 1 aawr of -ndnnd funfun hMlngtoting way.way . SpparMtly• pparrtitly will*will) GG.. J.J . WEINMANWEINMAN thatour menbe bad. wen beent a sborfr.-i#nt distancAnothere frot ata taddarwrfclesaM ill-revnnlttBHBBfd of«f l .»»U*«-«|OrucN-w*f»ni*«*ioifnAi4 ourthe firmene t owent brin ga somaborte spokedistances to burnfrom, JohnJohn LoLo Presti’sPresti's -*Tor a .Lokaweod nx, (il land Satarda AOantlen only City—CM.) 4Krill,b frland*frU-i.J- nr.-m I-UnglllBW ginningI totiwtbln thinkk thatin- the •nofirew to ma bringn ulzc aom#d h!:n epokro. touche to burm.d hta IE*. ^SunJa.J^(7.S8t Likewood Afetal tag atin lealaa Mat hearsK-iii-- an cfharmedflmrm**i lifelife . CAFE rS. ^.£^5r5r"2KaESr o^: A snow.rt »-,ii mani bb aelxedi Icy Rb);er him.. touchedand be felltils, Timi '..• ringHim 1-In ««p|.-**umiiHWmp toto bring»rit)K longlonf ComaCome andand irtryj our Homo-made >UFor Pblia4elnbla~7.il. T.M. S.1B. ».1J. heartlike th w|the rest bis, withou Icy finger,t bendin sodg abe Join felt.t Cream, d«llvared to anj pan of tha Ilk# the rest, without bending a Jol*L UfaUf.> andnml Joy)-.y tot.> worthyworthy Siant-hsi'itrl-li moD|mom- 212133 ParkPark Am.A»... TeLTeL 15271527 Cream, delivered to any port Of i 1.44. 7.0, Rftft. ft.** PIS: Ok. LBtit atob*li "From this lime tbe snow people teem- arvhannh andd dl«n«»ardMUt totiewr everyy onene etaa <4«f city “From this time the anow people aeno- wha hoo i|t.|H»H.-W. tt. ItIt vriss Orytnr*t preaati*i>r««ro% LJOTEL KENSINGTOjyJ Fruit and Confectionery ed1 changed.changHl. TheyThey werew«w nono longer longer hor-bor- -I••'I byby KingKlnc *Alf»n«n"Alfonso X1L.Xli. . thethe fatbr* fnthe|- VjOTEL KENSINGTON] ClearClear*, andand ToMwoTob*«ro riblel>le . TheyTl,.-v werewere beautifulbrautiritl . Tb#Tbe men'amen'a •>f the pWHM kisif. to bin firwl iw»S S Tnai n*A i bti b i-V apparelpr.arcl seemedseemed toto gll-troglisten Ilk;like Irtrla*fctclea hlai of the |waneut king, to hi* Aral .vm le snn; the women's dreaaes tr%ile* iJ 8> d UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT the ann; the women's dr*saw trailed - f'1"" KindlinKindlingg andand GialeGate WoodWood anowSafces- I ssw now only one of o*r It to hi* alrirr Maria,a who died a faW and tbrew a day* Mw Nclt i!»- LINK t-n.- thi'SUNDASUNDAYY FromFran 1230l£30 Cfln Cedar P«»u and Bean Pole*. Pron.pt man. He cam# to me and fbre^ a day* later KaSt the king gave the blanket over me. lie wa* m; haaband. rine IK (!••• ».TiiiHliii>>thrr of M.n.-.!.-. DINNERDINNED 10io2P.M 2 PS.. OUOUl,C dvllTeries. Orders received at blanket over me. He was my husband. ring to the grandmother of Mrrrcdea. ThenThen behe stoopedstooped andanil kissedkissed m#.me. II aawy« NDt■mll aba«h e ille«|itli-d withinwllhln Ithreo Ihrr* m-nthyunmthH -• KII SOMERSET STREET. him soon after. aUndlog by the (Ire. <'-Briiie I.,n bringl>rlnf fartherfurther dbuu*duutJ - JOHNJOHN MOBUSMOBUS people were watching it. and 1 knew '•r i.. i.i- foully. ASr-nixi Nil- (tia<-**3 B*®P*• watching M. aod I knew ter to hi- family. Alfooso XII. |4ae#d HotelHotel IROQUOISIROQUOIS p.P. O.O. BoxBox 110. S30. TelphoMTtipboae UHLlt-P-43. thathatt whenwben thetbe last taat emberember dieddied thetbe rodend IfIt InIn hU til . ownown jewelj.'Wi-l .-a*kat-i-ilsWi'l - andand dieddli'J woulwouldd comecome NearerNearer theythey cam#cam* tmtill I( •aforeI - f. .r.- theI In- yearyear chard..•'. «,il ' ~n.rt.rf4 on tb. E—•— Ptor BETTERBETTER TASTINGTASTING MEATSMEATS r breaths on toy face^ couldtbong bfeel tt seeme theird breathsto m* tha ont Imy ha d faro,bee* Tbatkm king-kiiiK« toxidweepd wife,wife, wbowho Mif-tm f ParkPark Are.An aa* and SecondSKOWI SScI E.E.B B.. Maynard’sMaynard's though It seemed to me that I bad bm MredMiv.1 bliu.htm . wa.WB >Muwllllag unwilllnx toto ajwomf FOFORR LESSLESS MONEY.MONEY. lInn a feverfcTer andand theythey werewere coolingcooling •*me.. ••wti.T-liiji of ttit- rlni: and ordeml (l Then I saw tbem gather around mj owner-hip »f the ring and . Thenbosbasd I .aaw an dthem be fel gatherl Into theiaroundr arms my. PU.vdplan-d onon thelln- -taliie.tauir ofof tbatUt -VI Virgi n (ft PARQUETPARQUET ft8c. HARDWOODHARDWOOD CMWrM’lChllar»ni» Ma*rHair CvttingCutting • husband, and he fell Into their arms AJodaoa.Alndeua, which«lil. h •land#HtamH Inin oneone elo f lh«* FLOORSFLOORS •pacutty. Tat. No. 7M- R. "Thi“Thiss Kla allall Ii rememberremember tilltill I1 fritfelt MadridMadrid pars*park- Itit baaturn remainedrenutlii.il I thrrv Ml MONTHNORTH AIVNULAEVNUE GayleGayle HardwareHardware Co.Co.,, •ometbiag warm Is my throat sod. for.yaamtrr. .,,r, anguarded.in, ju..r,t, .1 . a*iif *af# safe **a* bebeklnj l OIJOld Floor.Fkon RefirmhedRefinUhed opeaUag my eyea. I aaw yon people, a• fortreo*f.-rtn— wallvail , f.wfor nut nul l aa thWt til.-f InIn t Spoil ! 103IO3ParkAve. Park Ave*, aoutdm* **er me." Wouldwould loachtouch Itl*.. GEO.G15O. E. WATTWATT McCULLOUGH'McCulloughsS GeneraGenerall HardwareHardware andand Hoiuefurniahing*Housefurniahinga ~ WM plain tbat we had anatcba* AllAll tbathe auparatltloaaMIIHTSC liloua peoplepeople otof I Spai n - STEAM MILL, calli yom itustloi to Ua woman tram d*atb by fraexlac- -and-«n.l Ithe bayy ,ar e uonMnia*—believe that ISO150 NorthNorth ArmATS . TaLTeL 333-w333-w TelTel.. 398398 FrontFront St.St. andand ParkPark Ave.Ave. t*«k fear with w asd eten-uanj ' STEAM MILL, > *•«• mp to her friends Whether While*>!.iV Itali- touchtoocb wouldwnoM i me*o dMln W Rimless Glasses. U*•bama ItIt poaaeaaeapwfun mademaelc lnfluaoceinfluence or«over. Here Coora Rimless Glosses. racovervd fromfrom thethe effects effects of«T «h#the liftlife ofof KingKln« Alfooso.Alfonao. lta>U lasa!i«c«l o.w»w> - TWy Let* Oert nd fl eipertenaoe#^ I1 havehaw seemnever L nouns TeaTeaaaaOeed Bo* dead.. AdvertiseAdvertise inin TheThe DailyDaily PressPress 'F.• A.A. MITCHRLuiTcasu. CLUB MEMBERS HDEATHI FOLLOWFOllOWSS HKKESCAPE 6RAIGl MARSH'A. SMARSH WILL TOLSTO S WIELII01ST0YIIY II DISCIPLE HOLBITYDIME CROSOOBS DEFEAT KFEAT8S EVILS Of UP IIFK Mr* Morris Ooary Xxpirss Republic'sBapnbllc'a I>«bDebtt t o toth # theBH Bible ENJOY EXCITING CHASE Mn Morris Geary Expires ThsThe BalBalkk of oftb e tbsBatat aEstate la Rev . Dris . .ChambiisKstr. Dr. a.Chambliss Says Bus .Beys l».P. Bus.H. 8 .8. B Y BTW E SCORE22- 0 Pauperism.PauperiBin22-0 , CrimCrimee an endd Lunac Lunacyy BnddsalySuddenly AfteAftarr DaughteD.tighterr BequeathedBequeathed ttoo HiHiss sUI8ia-s GreaOrestt MaMssn Practise Practisedd Due to Alcoholic Drink a andand tbthee PubliPublicc Schoo Schooll Thu Watchaag! HunHuntt Clu Clubb enjoye enjoyedd Thehe footbalfootballl championshichampionshipp o f ofth e theDue to Alcoholic Drink a •jrelem. a lively sad excitingItlng chas chasee afte r afterttie the ■Emergemsrgs*s FroFromm FireFirs.. WidowWidow.. WhatWhat HHee ProfasaedProfMSad.. citycity betweebetweenn P.P. H .H. S. an8.d Holandy HolyCroas Cross DisgraceDisgrace ttoo CountryCountry.. houndshounds oonn SaturdaySaturday.. TheThe cool ,cool, bris kbrisk waswaa decidedecidedd at atCrescen Crescentt Oral , SatOval.- Sat- air. togetherther witwithh tb ethe fas t pacfeete sepacet eel : urdayirtiay afternoonafternoon,, ththee boroug boroughh tea m tsam rkv. mk. ||M(W w««m»Kbbyy ththee houndshounds,, prove provedd a deligh a tdelight to VOt-.TOVOl-X U»G WOMAStM.ltX A HEROI.VE.A HEROINE. BBI-ATIVE HKLATIVK*8 ARE REMEMBERED ARE RKMKMHEKED.. HE LIVED HIHES OWLIVEDN BELIEF HIS. comingotnlnOWSg ouout t victoriouBELIEF.victoriouss b y aby scor a e scoreof UNCOMPROMISINGUXCOUPROMISIX of O HOSniJTVHOSTIUTY.. Idera. The hounds were net at •2 to 0. The teams were evenly thethe Colonlriders.a StatioThen ohoundsf the Pennsylwere -met at I S3 to 6. The teams were evenly the Colon I a Station of the PeanaylTrieTrMd tloo I'uPatt Ot uO.I FUsse Ptan* Tha tThu Casts -Ceea Or*iH « OrrlllaT. Warin T.g lWia Name d As Kx- Cur', Government Feared Rim Batmatchematchedd inIn weight weight,, althoug althoughh P . HP.. SII.. MethodistHetbodia 8. t ChurcChurchh t'naltermblUnalterablyr .Op - .Op. Ih VummMnm ■* <— ▼ranlsalsa RailroadRailroad,, an dand th e scenthe t lescentd led waa outplayeoutplayedd Inla ever everyy period period,, excep exceptt I, J—« Tbrticurt** (I *am Owner- harkbaWk ooff Pert Perthh Amboy Amboy,, ove rover a rollin a grollingaded FataFuell Conflagration—MotheCo.S.irnlo.—Motharr ecntor—The lulnro« Waa j DareDaredd XoNott Consig Consignn Hi m1 t o first. Although Holy fro * did posed to Maaafactore of Uqoor. country to Iselln, where a check was the scorefirst.. It waAlthougha a noticeabl Holye facCromt did country to Iselln.1 where a chuck waa not score. It was a noticeable fact ■n> He IWUl*« la held.’btlrf . ContinuingContinuing fro mfrom tha t pointthat , point. DlesMrsi FroFromm HearHeartt Drain, !„ 1«OS, When Bis Livin1-1 Tingg DeatDnahh I a Ii thattbat ththee balballl wa waas kep keptt In higinh schoohigh lschool SaysSara RevRev.. DrDr.. Charle Charlcas ini leledd toto Mt Mt.. Pleasant Pleasant,, throug throughh Failure.Failurr. Mother Was Uvtag. Siberia. Itory and it waa only a matter Jr. «. ITII.. A .A. Sf .M. Oa< Tn-e to Park avenue, where tbe Mother Waa Living. territoryof time befor ande tbIte borougbUewas onlys woul a d matter M. Til* Park Aventie H»|i'i«t cliureh Ou•worry Tree" wa ato throw Parkn toavenue, the anxiousl wherey theWithi n a few hours after her dau- , The will of the late Corporation "Tolstoy, the Apostle of „Brother - of time before the boroughU** would Tto Park At .. DapUat cbi,reb"worry" waa thrown to the anxiously Within a few hours after her dau-The wiu of th# late Corporation the Apostlep of Brother--w The evils of the liquor traffic oc- was crowded to H™i rapacity Sunday l . . _ L... .. __«_.._ 1. ^%M — I . ,~_ 'rt.. . 1 "* . _ • * — — -I a_^_ * • .» waiting bounds > a reward for ghtergbter hahadd proveprorean hersel herselff a heroin a eheroine Counse l CounselCraig AdamCraigs MarsAdamsh baa hood,Marsh" washas subjechood."j t waa dlsthe- subject of a dla- cupied, the attention of Rer. Dr. C. •Iffb... l rrewdedand « tiuiirtrt-ila libl peopleapncll,e [wer e waiting bounds as a reward for ln thelhe BristolBristol anandd CoylCoylee did did the M best snl • hundred people Urelylivelwerey chasechase. ' the NewarNewarkk holocaust holocaust.. Saturda Raturdary been admittebeen dadmin#-.! to probat ine I i nrnhals In ursthee bjof- Rer .rnuns Dr. I. Ahr. CbambllsaRs. , work fot r Pt. II.cb.mMim S., while Holy I - Anderson, his congregation and •aablr W obtain admittance tojhear Charles F Wilder. Jr., came a! morning, lira. Morris Geary, of South flea of Surrogate Parrot at Elisabeth, at the First Baptist church. Si tDe sasHer . til#fUbrle to l obtainReid admittanceWagulre, h to hearChartee Cross Smith, Wilson. and, Epwortb League Sunday morn- •# Gabriel Raid Maguire. iroppewhor at a bog and Edward Finch I Plalnfleld, dropped dead ln the kit-There are no public bequests, all of night. The sermon followed the Webster were far superior to tbe ln« «d netting, the latter organiia- ■Breached a •pectal sermon td cropper cben ot h r h b ln cbed a special nermou tawen ttbs of f at a fence, but neither rider In * °™e. She wu ln the tbe property, both real and person- tltion of tbe Tranksgiving Day Tbe flrst touchdown was th* "»» * K addressed by Samuel S. members of the Jr O. t. A. M,,>bo '*i»* dongh pie crust al, being left Orvilla by the choir, which included several; £*" ■inrnf.•■tonl ou oft nearlytb# !Jr, ZO OO. •tr'.nic V. A.. uni M.,- wawhoa injure d and finished well relativ i punt from Swackhamer at 7 o'clock, and tbe turne.1 out nearly 2oo siren*, uni- LD« leaders. The distance when shh e suddenly threw up hher , T. WWaringi , of Park avenue, la named anthems and • ni<-n >i no- if nor hi uiu congregation, by tbe paitor. ln the formedformed anandd wiiwithh tliet rtheir standard standard** o" vereof d waa about fifteen miles, the, hands and fell lifeleas to the floor, aa the sole executor of the w:"" Hatfleld, contralto, and George ^"h llia flax*. The topic of Mr. Magulre' A physician was summoned bi f his death, provision la Smith, tenor, | which ibled by a P. H. S. J "»QT «> . Mrs Thu topic of Mr. MafffflTO* >ny Single bunt this sea- I player behind the goal line and I Dr. Anderso took a sermon waa "Character Uullding' -as nothing for him to do,. d* for The Ptalnfleld Trnst, Com- ,.Comt r Habaknki2:lS for a test, and bis sermonanrl It wa s waaprobabl y Characterthe stronges t adBuilding- ; which Webster recovered for and It was probably tbo stronger ad-Thos e who finished wei fol- One of Mrs. Geary's daughters,' pany to act in bis place. The will ,he ~mos~t~ , topic as ''The Retatlof Between tbe drdres sus thlthisi minister minister, ba a hasdelivere dellvertodd in in Miss Mary Geary, has been living In was mademad e MarthMan* 1828., 19051906,, an dsad tb e timethe s "U) sald lDr Cbambllss ' B MetbodlstMethodist EpiscopaEplirop*ll ChurcCburrhh an dand tb etb. tbla city. ark and wsa em[ _ °'t The other three were accomplish- this city. KotoRufus. tC . Finchrinch, M . FM. K. ; Edwarr d Hor dm Nzzz?~sr2ZR""* eond by rushing tbe ball down the field LiquorLiquor Traffic.Traffic.”" TheTh* relationshi relationshipp ••recedinPrecedingg ththue aermo asrmonn Mr Mr.. Magulr Maguiree Finch , Harryr A. • Bourne, Paul Die- j the concerns ln tbe factory building Horn and Nelson Runyon. *th of a president or king ,. waawas explaineexplainedd asaa on eone of uncomproof uncompro-- said tbat be did not IIntend d t eulo- nab. H.rrrr A-'Bourne. Paul Mw uu " “ "*°“ “">’I tbe ball being carried alternatel«-»11 y b»«bh streets.tr-to., wher -b.rce M rs. KatJit*.e Marsh Kate, mot^ H„ab.r of Mrmo,»-r. not bavof« receiveHr. d more space In ZStZTZZWebtte r^WwS'SSiTw'SS and Miller for Urge mising hostility to the traffic and *1Mglse tbthue orde ordurr t o towhic whichh hi his remarks be Br. broke-ou t cosUnout gco«lu, twenty - fw.nt,.Marsh, ts M.r.b,left th e bincom l.fte oth.f 110,00 Incm.0 newspaper of .10.000. Ther oowapaper.e was nu t a city.,,.The. , -a. Vot a Mr,!’..' tCT^Ithethe reasoreason n foforr tha tthat stan ™dstand a s Sfoun aad found were to be addressed, bu thai he pars, W. II. Wlldey, C. F. |tbr«Wlldey UTas Wbon Iba flame, flrat » , . ,h. will or rtll.a, tbrouaboutfinal Ib,scor eworld wa s tb.tHol y In tbe laws of the churc„h represent- ^ ! !Tf!l were to be addressed. bat that5J.7«biji be w cawf'ion's, ""rue! i "" llveal . r,edWhenMl the flamesa T flrst• fofor Ut liteo M.,,,dfor1 th thethe exe . .Mentoexecutorcutor rndo of oflth th he thewI. U willor villag or e villagethroughou•URbof throughout, t the worl d thetha t worldc"^ ; that™.y*'V“‘ P ™. Hr~r.. ini». of ib. church r. om. would preach a sermon ti the .men Jr . Schuyler Casey. Hart 8. Varies., . and.. anotherr |. ordered to pay her such part or did not know of him. His72. wasP. oneH. ...8.. o. whenin g time„„tha t bod. y In tbe.. t 130 conferK. - , prM woald preach a aerrooa to tha Georgemen UllderGilder.. C.C. B . SB.. Bellow8. Bellowa, .nH, •'•nrfand . ■Mi*™ Ge«r- j “«ad °®_ .iiolfce' r lt ordcred to Wy h.r .uch p.rt His was c is called on account of darkness. Ing that body In tb* 130 whomwhom bhee welcomewelcomedd to bto chftrchhis . ch%rrh. Toun.young womawomann madmarl,e a desperata d™p.r.t.e at- p^rta~or~tne"~su'in''oF~|10,7>oat- .art. 0( u,, ,omD „ra i ma110.000y orth*e"few*Tmmortar aa mar of Ik.i :n(-rf.w+ noImmortalt born | narnn not bom ; o.(* ' _ encea.encesw . InIn whic whichh al l nilakioholl aloohollcc drink s drinks He praised tbe men for te ob|ect* an HenryH. ,:ry W»tklnsWatklna.. tompt to Mt thorn out b, throwloa bo roqolrod. In addition to bo own to die. In hi. daatbReferee humanlt,, Hamiltoniisniuion; ba.: timerinner., '"'" are unqualifiedl' y condemned. ' Ha praised thu mm for thu object* tempt to pu,t them out by throwing be required. In addition to her own to die. In his death Qumanlty bas , ndt: umpire, Phillips; head' are unqualifiedly condemned. andand stsnstandd taketakenn b y theby mthemrelatio In nrelation sand on themthem.. Fallin Fallingg In thi sIn be-'mean this abe- o f maintenancemeans of . maintenance.His mother lostHis a greamothert friend lost; I facta ,great anyon efriend; . In pirc.fact, Phillips:anyone head„nt7 llnI TheThe preachepreacheri declared hat pauper- than tbe UhJer. to«. ththue !...•.'Bible• an dand tol d toldther them that thu causecause ooff ththee grea greatt headwa headwayy mad emade by n Mby die dhas sinc diede th e sincewill wa th#s drawn will . waasufferin drawn.g from povertsufferingy h~ba s-from •--lost• a-poverty ' has lost Ism.lit crime >nandd lu :lunacy In this coun- eaaf of lllbleBible wawass th thee secre secrett of siof. sucres* of thethe blazeblase,, thetheyy rushe rushedd to a towindow a window] Mta j, Ada ManinMlM - BtXda,te r ofMmrmh> Mr . grea,utert friendof , Mr. great friend. J trytry wawass largellargelyy attiibutab attributablel > thtoe tb* this country and credited the Purl- this country sad credited the Puri-FlflflfllY OFFICEOFFICESS 10 IIBIBE andand signalesignaledd a firemana fireman acros s acrossthe Marsh the. IsMarsh, given $10,00la given0 absolute, 910.000, .. Hoabsolute. __. th_ _on „.- He_ the _on of . no5Utm 1 liquorliquor habihabitt a iandid lai dlaid th e theblam eblame ror for tanstans witwithh havin havingg brough broughtt the greathe t groat *- «ught a»f. and Mrt. NATl?u Plickard Marsh, sis- He 2.™ gj ^», ^ *( existingexisting conditionconditionss first flrst to thto e manthe - man- Book to Ibis land of free religious Hook to this land of free religious :r.n flightptsttitt'sz and le of the ter-ln-larjs:.“ttss.'nzw of Mr. Marsh, ia given a Germftn tutor and at the a_e of ufacturers.afacturara, anandd In inthi s thisorder , thorder,e th* belief and declared K to be the teve BUTMir REDUCRFDUCIE POSTAG POST#E belief and declared H to be the levs fortunate one* to make an escape to 17i7,S0,G0O0 anand lln additioaddition thertttherttff any efehteen year8 ,ni,erited his fafher's dealers, signers of license petitions, 1st Ion of God. mill BT Gif dealers, signers of license petitions, la> Ion of God FILLED BY GOVi Jghtly burned and ail Indebtedness of the brother together with TOO serv- thethe consumeconsumerr himselfhimself,, tb e theneutra lneutral "Our"Our publipublicc schools, arbbols,"" sai d [said tb e the .boo,about th,b.e fac,.r.e an dsad hand sb.nd. In hertb t o the b.rdecease d tha,ht. wadsM owin.Hg attb.t wM o.ln. At manman.J,b..7., ononee wh whoo neithe neitherr protest protestss nor nor speaker, "form one of the <.<•'.i* -JGovernor ForFortt left leftNe w JereNewe be liberated at tbe age ig «cm si speaker, "form one of thu corner- nlng tor ten days, but th Bahtfight againsaxatnatt ththee Incipien tuelpleutt blaie bb«. The , The,,je tlmotim e ooff hibUs death dootb.. I n explanaIn .xpUn.-- o( ireIWHe year,,;.Uiro.s an d enterera n d mntf rntrrad. u,re. rear, andaidsnids; ; enteredparentsparents, , b yby precep preceptt an d andexam - exam- stones•torn* ooff thithiss grea greatt republic republic.. It la SundayIt la evening for ten days, but reportsreportthe s IInn alnl!l th ethe paper paperss sinc e sincehave tlohaven o f ,ithions thDef wilthisl states the: "Thiwills states: "Tbla .rm> iic 1.hen0 ONEwrotn CEN T SOOwarN pleple;; legislatorslegislators,, an andd finally finally,, tbe thevot vot there that i ,| Americans are muilc Weeklyweekly gatheringatheringg ot ofpolitician politicianss a al 7 r A count of every letter,lap.T paper,. dr- there that *ood Americans are madethe StatStatee Hous Housee in TrentoIn Trentonn tomo i totnorgiven Miss Geary great praise for her bequest Is made to Mrs. Marlon sketches foi magazlnea.gaxlnea. which was d eraera 1whwhoo sensendhrd memenn connecte connectedd with andand ansayy mamann wh owho accept acceptss tbe the]in>u-<- protec- r.’rrorr^o',rareare presencpresencee O fof mindS mind.. | Pac'° kar ""ld Marsh rathe| Packardr than tMarsho m y rather than to my “ „ for i««i5SU ™ \'b^!‘b« ^ Bflflor Internal, to tb. Lecla'la"- (i-iii of our glorious flag and iben .w wilwilll nonott b e beles s lessinterestin Interestingg thai Iban the beginning ofof hi shis authorship1 authorship.. Hi s PedeFederalHis i Postoffice Department with . ^ tion of our glorious flag and thenil. Governor Fort's trip will be "At"At thathatt timtimee th e thestairwa stairwayy was brotherwaa , nobrother,t for wannott offor lov e wantor re -of _ torlot.v .vVar/a"n*l Peace mil refuses to swear allegiance 10 ft usual. Governor Fort’s trip will be a 'levieww to todeterminin determiningng the costhet ooffcost (, , of i «h..k refuses to swear allegiance to__ basiIts for much gossip, aa he waactear.-lear," saiaatdd M|sMl-s Geary Goar,.. "W e coul"W.d could>pect o(^ hlm . for therkS.rfcr"5iJe has alway, *b~£ J.V™t™»Ttr^*K** J handling each piece i o" Andei shouldshould bbee deported deported.. WhenWhen a youn a g youngth«accompanie basis dfor b ymuch Dr. Woodrogossip,w asW Ub# hear S •creaming n r a b..<,l«-t«P.»ot>f mallm.,1., has ouoteIu',,2d to dr ,T“oe hO dm”ce hi a bimo bm ^.u^t man sees that he U not building a accompaniedp yby l>r. Woodrow WU- 11 WhlCh tbe wealthy ttnd the strengthened a belief 'that there Is JJ_ we man sue* that he la not building a atoreabove,above, b«bubutt 1 1i guess the kesmoke in th e In™SrstanT' hths Junderstand." ^'»- * " '"° *"'bleb* *"* "mi °' brotherbro,h rt,oodwill" ,h„ T,„.brotherhood.tRb.th..cd 0, tB „of a weminboltrf,uhy thata„ d th-™ toaInB t tbe lraffic lho ,r.„c ,how.d ,“h.t „ character , whicwhichh he hebelieve believess to b e toson , beGovernor-clect.Gov e or-elect, anandd whilwhilee th e theystairwayitalrwa y madmade* the themm thin kthink tha t thethat' "SaTSTdracthe u^rton* Marsh Grace, the testator' Marsh,s thebrotherho teetator’r°d o f m*a- * (ttoo bbee a areductio reductionn of letteletteofr postagletter e f!postage ^* , :_^ rf iceo^ 0f crimes committed are iway andnd fr efree fromIn Interruptionuption y e tbe null! kind and -IM-II seekn ad- whole building wasablaxa ablas*.. MIas _ nleCQMiss, recelviee®.« $2 .50receives0 payabl »*.600e on , payable•'After" leaving''T^Lltot the yarmy be livebed tlivedo on e centto . oneIt Icent.i blieve d Itth eH coun bllevedt Cbargeabie"to"liqu the count JJargeableo to liquor; 75 per t^nt. thevice frorightm onkinde wh oand can - givthene hi mseekatheyhe y ad-wilwill l discus discusss man manyy Stat eState affairffi saffairs, n vice from one who can give him ot FrascbllnFraschllwhole- buildin anandnd I reacheI reachedd the streethet neatreetr twenty-firs her ttwenty-first birthday, birthday. (befbe liflifee ofof a peasana petMntlnt "ever >verafter , after,do-, i s do-for thIse porpoiws.ofor,W the f purpose#a rearrange of- oaf aIrearrange-j lncbarp pauperls ofi i Is due to |h#th e Mop^rjgm’ u dU* the what In- needs Is worthy of our pro-One of the things which politician Ing everything possible for the relief mom of the scale of postal charges t-aunr while liquor ace eh.f K.T ,.#^,!s Is wnrihv of our sanro-y the y t>**«will settl e»«*• Is tbthingse matt i whichbnorbfcorn politicianse thtbee firemenn,flromen o arrive [ arrivedd an dand stoo distood Th eTh. res t or-aif th e.Mb. estate , both rea bothot r-al * •"fTthln*poor ,n poa.ll.l-1884 hfor th« “rollrf, monf of th- Bam*** seal-e of «f*petal Mms ebarffea cause, while liquor accounts found I-.-M..-. i and admiration, for h. ihlng the girls we had known for personal. Is left to tbe testator', of the poor. In 1SS4 he published a; on all classes of mail with a view to (or r,- |>or tell, nf th(. iuna,.y (n IJoun-Is nt-ariU ..-.pec,K the AndKingdo lulmlratloa.m of God. ' for appointmenthe “F s of two judge»>'* s““{• ol watching the *""girls we bad knownr anfor..,1d .Inonal l. l.ft to th”. tcalalor'aitory, 'My Religion.' whic-h was making *eac Plh'tobadh class beaa• ron it sall propor clasaim- for of 6.1mall t yper with andcent, foa r »l-wnine-tenthof tothe s oflunacy la Is nearing the Kingdom of God.’ appointments of two yearsyearJudge*s leapin leapingofK g ih to to death death.. Mis s HaagMiss . Haag“twire. Th ^e tota lto amoun™ i .n,ountt of tb eo eT.s « K.llalon,' Which makln. this; tn) B councountry, -«hr p cl^mand forb-ar nine-tenthsIt. propor- of i ’Tb.£.eri 'i.,n .,•••• isI.Tenduring tbe enduring (fhlnAlng*^i I lay branc *•—*h of th° ..>re *particep# crlmlnla’ In thn God(Jod grangrantt thathatt w e mawe y builmayd wellbuild. electelecwell.t ar aree goin goingg to thtoe annuathe lannualcalled ailecon-d toto he herr to waito t waitunti l auntil ladde nr ladder thetbe doctrindoctrinee ofof Jesus Jesus,, showin showingg that madthnte omadef the numbeof ther o fnumber stops mad ofe abovatop*e conditionmade sB bovean d conditions,the Church and the Church TheThe ChurcChurchh ofof th ethe livin livingg Go dGod is tb 1*eventionven thet inn ooff Governors Governors,, wblc hwhich open s openscouldoulil bbee raisedraised,, bu butt sh eshe did nodidt heenotd heed ItIt wawass simpl simplee an dand practical practical.. The by locaTbol ( carrierby locals an d carriersthey totale andd ahoul theyd no t fouledfail to pu-bouldt hersel f noton recfall- to put herself on rec- only organization that Is benefiting thisthis weeweekk I n InFrankfort Frankfort., Ky . Ky.Bot h us Bothand plunged to destruction. Russian government would have over 6,000. [or,i againit the damnable traffic. I only organliatlon that Is benefitingwill be among the speakers, Dr. Wit us and plunged to destruction. Rnsslan government would have over 6,000. (ord **,10,1 the damnable traffic. I thethe wholwholee worlworldd today tedny.. He r armHers willarm* be among the speakers. Dr. Wil-‘Several"Severa l ojfof thos e thosewho Jumpewho d Jumped sentsent hihimm toto Siberia Siberia,, bu t butIt feare It dfeared tbe Somtbe e idea Someof Lh eIdea stupendousnea of lhea nstupendousnessave never vote d havefor a manevern who votedm for a man whom are open to all mankind. She re-sonson havinhavingg bee nbeen selecte selectedd to makto< make INHOW UNIOUNIONN OFFICER' OFFICER’SS people. Post master-General Hltcbcack's [ knew to stand for liquor Interest* are op-n te all mankind. 8bethe openinre- g address. boundedbounded frofromm tb eib* sidewal sidewalkk bac k back P«opl*. | of Posrmaster-Oeneral Hltchcack’s 1 knew to stand for liquor Interests jectsjects none,none, TheTh* orde orderr you yourepresent repr«went.. the opening address. againstist ththee walwalll o f thofe buildingthe , building, "It"It wwas* Midtha t thathe diehed outsiddied e outsideorder, whicorder,h place whichd 17,00 placed0 railway 1T.0S0, and i railwaynever will. .gnd" 1 never will.” inIn facfactt allall th ethe ordi-r orderss of a «ofl m l liaa r almtllarSenatorSenato r JosepJosephh S. 8.Frellnghuyse Frellnghuyaen.n twitchingtwitchin g inIn agonyagony.. Other sOthers came came ofof ththee cchurch,h >utbut. ho wbow littl e littleIt mat It- I postalmat- I clerkpostals onclerks the extrona listthes alextral Dr .lists Anderso alln relateI 1 dp severar. Andersonl anec- related several anec- character,efaaracter. havehave,, likelike- th e tb*candle candle.. In I’residentPresiden In t ooff thethe Stat eBtato Senate Senate,, wll crashingraahlnwill g dowdownn on ont'icii 1 theirprostrat prostratee SWORD WAS RETURNEE tersters IfIf b , he waa ai dlsclpltrueo ofdisciple this week of, wilthisl b eweek, gaine d willwhe n beIt isgained ; dotes owhenf his personaIt Is ldotes experience of sbis In personal experiences In ththee enendd burneburnedd to thto» socketth* socket,, flick- bebflicke th thee actinactingg Governo Governorr unti l untiloni innione. No one seemeseemedd ttoo havhavee pres pres-- Christ.Christ. 1 eHe live dlived hi a beliehis f beliefln si nInknown aim- that: 13,173,340,3313,173.340.3399 piece piecess of' (mofe oOfo#* whic ofh hwhiche had obsentehe badd th aobserved th# eredered anandd gongonee out out.. bu butt tb e theChurc Churrbh ot weekwee ofk frofromm Tuesday Tuesday.. He iHes popula Is ipopularencence o off minmindd enoug enoughh to dratog thedragm themLearningLemmin g thathatt th ethe ownerof a picltyp'lclty anandd sinceritsincerityy an dand practice practicedd postal mattematteri of II kindall s kindspasse d j breakinpassed gj breakingof the liqu of< lawthes witliquorh laws with thetbe livinlivingg Go Godd wil l willgo ongo forever on . forever.andand wilwill l receiv receivee th ethe politician politicianss fron fromaway.”away. " 'ord he had captured during I thsworde wha the h had captured during thethroughthroug whath ththe e he UniteUnited professedd Slate State*s mail’ mailss dur-the connivancthe connivancee of tbe policeof the, bu police,t not but not TheTbe birtbirthh of Jesus Is theall Green-parts of the State tomorrow Mrs.In Geary was unaware ,of r, u.n-her1 day'seconda battl day'se of Bulbattlel Ru nof wa Bulla Run waa Inging thtbee 19019068 fiscs.1 fiscal year .year. in PUinneld, and j aaiInd Plainfield,that signer sand of Mid that algnera of wichwlrh frofromm whic whichh al l thalle Iongtltudthe longtltudee theie executivexecutive e officesoffices.. WhatWhat Go- Govern-daughter’sdaughter' s periperill amandi escap escapee as thaae J- the'j.H. Bradt H., o fBradt. of, Majo Chicago.r Sam - Major 8am TheTbe annuaannuall aggregataggregatee numbe numberr petitionof petitionss for license fors whlicenseso are memwho- ars mem- of timtimee iala dateddated.. TbeThe Jew , Jew.the theor • Fori Fortt wilwilll sa yMy In hiIns laahist me lasti messagelatfrrlatfer wawass withholdinwithholdingg Informatio Infor: n I ueluel HH.. PendletonPendleton,. o f EiUabeof EllMbeth.t who lettersletters transmittetransmittedd througthroughh th e thei posthersbers oorf ththee Methodis Mot hodt denominatio 1st denominationn aoatlcMtc,, atheisatheistt anandd 1'n.ltarla Unitariann ha s hastoto i ' ththse LegislaturLegislaturee an andd th ethe char ;characteruntilunti l shshee coulcouldd reac hreach Sout h SouthPlain- 1 wawasPlains aat t ththee tim timee senio eealorr first lleutefirst nlleateu officeses ooff ththee worl worldd Is estimateIs estimatedd •rear e liablatliable e toto tria triall an dand expulsio expulsionn from from acknowledgeacknowledge thiIbiss everyevery tim e he of the Inaugural address of Dr. Wllfield. It waa first reported thatant theof tb* Williamsburg (Va.) LightTEARIY IIEET1& 01 30.000.000. and of newspaper*. 16.-the Church. He cited two such cases writewritess aa letteletterr o ror a checka check.. are subject|sons sharin areg attentiosubject*n motheehartngherr hahad d beebeenttentionn informe Informed d an d andtbat ' ArtilleryArtillery,that , recentlrecentlyy returne returnedd the° YEfiRLtheY MEETi Of,000,000. InIn aa nearbnearbyy town town.. In whicIn hwhich one maonen mao •The"Tbe foundationfoundation,, therefore therefore,; of of with the United States Senatordeath•aiii resulte resultedcon- d frofromm th e theshoc k shock.I prizeprise.. OnOn th ethe awor dsword waa engraved,*u engraved.' InIn 19019099 tbtheePos tPostoffice oR) re Departmen Departmentt saved )d himselhimselff byby bein gbeing reconverte reconvertedd googoodd charactecharacterr la 1*Jesu Jeanss Christ Christ,, the teatthe. test. Jame* Smith, Jr., ofMr*.Mrs .Newark. GearGearyy hahadd reside residedd In SoutInh "Presented"PresenteSouth d bbyy th thee Syracus Syracusee Citizens Cltiaena’' SEVERIH-DIT BAPTISISfacedface d mormoree t t thanm a 117,000,00a 117.000.0000 de- andande-d tb thee otheotherr bein beingg force forcedd to resig to n resign cornerstone. Next to this m announced whether Plainfield for many years and Corpswaa'pps toto LieutenanLieutqnantt Jame s HJames. H. ficitIclt InIn lhelhe operatio operationn o f 60,14of 460,14 post 4- frompost-m hibins churchchurch.. He declareHe ddeclared the th# thethe creedcreed. A maA n mnsmant believmaste Inbelievehe wil willl In b e bea candidata candidatee to succee to< wellwelsucceedl knowknown n lnIn thi thiss city city.. He i naldeHer nmaidenBradt.” Tifflces},» i., yearly448.614 4 6.618 8 mile meetingmiless or posofof t postroutestbe routei,. neutralBev-itra l mamann t o tobe equallbe yequally guilt y guilty somethingsomething anandd accomplisaccomplishh l t IItn hiInSenator Senatos his r JohJohnn KeanKean.. wag Margaret Hughes. Bradt.Be- " e yey 126.569.892|26.569,S92 salarsalaryy ta to60,14 60.1444 post - withwitpost-h ththee advocatadvocatee o f ofth e trtiUltbe c tifefflebo be A fefeww monthmonthss ago ago.. Majo Majorr Pendle Psndle-- eath-Da e*th-Dayy Baptl Baptist churches ofBter s Newand 183.706,049 for the le he did nto use his voice In life.life. A Ama nman withou withoutt a cree ad Ucreeds a ThereTherIs e aIIs s saiMidd l o btoe troublbe troublee in tb tInsides tbt her husband she Is survivedton,ton by, whilwhilee «onverainconversingg wit withh Jame Jamess H. .j,.H.,-,.. , Jdrscy•,„,] N,.and New York city,masters whichand f83.706.049 for causethe he did nto use hla voice la purposelesspurposeless oneone.. I telI l tellyou Jryou. n Jr.U. 0.udno U. n county Legislative delega- sevenn ofof thirteethirteenn votes votes.. Severa l Severalol Grimm,Grimm ol, ooff Newark Newark;; Mis Miass Mar Maryy Gear Gearyy mentionmentio n ththee clrclrcumstar£ec islartce o fof th elhe cap ^cap-- c „n Friday and Saturday last,diture proved of the department for tbe yearblamed for setting a wrong eMmple did purposes, have, the ("hurra . at ' lived with her aunt, and Morris i 1221,004.10Z, while the year's byby drinkindrinkingg InIn th ethe presenc presencee of tbel ofr their did purposes, have, the Churchtheth e. atwe menn announced announced afte r afterelectlo ielectionwho lived with her aunt, and Morris,ture •tof ththee aword sword,. whe n whenthe lattether tllatter ln i*, gf *rrat lnter.-*t a* and9221.004.102. much while the year's jonryour backbaek.. YouYou ar e doinare g adoing nobl e athattha _noblet thethey y woulwouldd no t notsuppor t supportMr John. John, MrEdwardKdward. , MargareMargarett an dand Josep Joseph-h toldtold hihimm hehe wa wms acquainte acquaintedd wft b wflhtbe pthe -,r0flt. Quire a number revenuewere,In>nue wawasnt-s $203,562,383 8201.562.383.. childrenchildren anandd mormoree guilt guiltyy In offerinIn offeringg worworkk Ilan keepinkeepingg tb thee Bibl lllblee In tbIne pnb-|smfththe pub- , £L- a. all living at Soutb Plalnfleld. Bradt family, of Syracuse, N. Y.. i The'lie nppclaspeciall councountt bega begann las t Sunlast - Sun-thethe stuf stufff toto the themm to drinkto drink.. Tb e leg-The. l#g llc scbools. [warSmltb.y expressiobut wouldn of a (.holabidet by theine. pri- all living at South Plainfield.llrmdt family, of Syracuse. N. t Y.. j.-ndance from the New Market islntor becomes responsible for evils ThereThere araree alsalsoo tw otwo brothers brother*., Join Johnwith which he was sure the owner e| day mornlumorningK an andd endendss atmldnljc at midnightl islator becomes responsible for evils mary expression of a choice for tugbe*the . of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson with which he waa sure the owner-ch ant|,urchd the Plalnfleland thed churc Plainfieldh was churchlorrow waa. Eac h railway : resulting from laws for wblch he "Kx.-iiijililiirulnii of your belief U'offlceoffice.. It Itba a ha*bee n beensaid I MM thatHughe*, of Cornwall-on-th*-Hudson.ofof ththoe swor awordd wa awaa connected connected.. Majo r nMajor'presente representedd by < byfly membersover fifty, members.•w. Each railwayal l mallclerk clerkresulting from laws for which he tbe neit essential to! success ln imliil-' , ,,,,,t,i count on all •!..• Hud- id Edward , Hughes, of Long Pendleton, who had long sought tbe ach trip, votesvotes anandd ththee voter voterss mus t mustshar e Insbars In the next essential to sucres* la bjilld S[illtt gmltb roa|d count on alland 4b# HudEdward Hughe*, of Pendleton,Long who had long sought theTb e threeTh# sermo fhr#ei l BmotMthe| Sabbat onh fillslh* outR«bbath a blank slip on each trip,-eaponslblllt y foU,,r OTsending such l ,cvr u Iningg cbsractecharacterr anandd thi tblas Is obtaineIs obtainedd byl ROby!,*,,,D ,.(1U1 county votes. This Branch.Branchassertion. wner. at oncewrot wrotee th ethe forme formar/ I werUa-e Wby Rev. Edw.l R Edwinspecifyingpeclfyln Shawx ththepastore : mbenumber ofr o f pieceof spieces of tb* of responsibility “0 for' ' sendingr W' ,toch* ‘ beinbeingg honeshonestt InIn you ryour creed ereed,, consist-1 coisstst waB evidentl| y madevidentlye withou t madeauthor -without auttaor- Ion otllcer at Syracuse, and shortly , nail he hud hai men to represent the community. Ion officerat Ijtbca—. a»f akortlyhe Plalnflel, |Tptolrf-lfld church “; u«k‘Mrs ] MinniHme Mla.l. < "Happy ia the ma” n who can *"ssr■ ' sotent inla youyourr llve alive* an d endclea n cleanIn your Inilt y youraD(and] (lIs bfin beingn renente rrst-ntedd by thbye Hudth# - Hud- after received an interesting -< Churchward, pastor of the church at )ostofflcei hreaabl e tableo to asutbut on e onecharacte rcharacter j on hand laon tbe Senatorial contest. Plaeel,Plnes). anandd ln Intb eth* seve n sevendays ' reday*’- Kn r re-D VanllornBlir . pastoVanr o fHorn, [be Nepastorw Heretofore,of the Newla estimating the mallclipping «Upplagas frotn thfrome loca th*l newspapers local newspapers,, whiskywht.hr . ThiThisn stuf fstuff baa Itba*s place Its J buplace,t Is butsaid to bfveba dhad conferences with treattreat toto Harrison'Harrison’*s Landing Landing,, on yor k onr| ty Ychurchork . city church. Anan averageInteresting of forty letter* to the #p ^u Anderson Mid lf"how muchr bet- KsIts placplaree IsIs hell hell.. I t haIts causehas d mcausedm RobertRobermoret DeTla. >fof Hudso Hudsonn county county,, and sod VICTIM OF NEWARK FIRE JamesJami-s River,River.”" he bewrote . wrote."Fro m aw.,1,,,"From, of tho sa „f lhe ■•sekageSabbath andschool 156 waipapers to the j tesackr it woulI * d b ek If instea,n d of a»*• drlnk - *■■fr«••** ° ■ character with others, but oc on* will give tbe therethere to to Washington—thencWashington—thencee to balll toW|,kl h-ldi w:ll ;w„hlch waa In ebarga of Buper- t er keeping away from 'boote" we subject of tbe meeting Ther* Inrludedluded Inin th eth* twenty-thre twenty-threee vie - Coantlllyvie- CoantUIy.. At tb * battlAt e othef Dulbattlel | tenden of t HollBully M i | ndcnt Holly. Maxson.hasba s beebeen n Tbe accepted accepted.u-umeet-. Thirni ss cstimntThis t estimate"* «™i»i> »^ =-• ~P/ « ®«” 'boo*#’’ wa buildingbuilding thathann ananyy othe etherr know knownn ele- ele- D Dte t waiwa s madmadee t twenty years ago byild kee

n th eId boos keepe fro them him. booxe" from him.” much intereserestt InIn whawhatt Dr . WilsoDr. nWilsonllmslms o off tb tb*e factor factoryy buildin buildingg fire anfired Runand, wherRun.e Genera wherel PhiGenerall Kearn Phily wa aKearny {ng nex waat , ,,. ir lR t0 ^ *|ty years ago by a' could keea p the bo mentment anandd causecausedd mor nmore sorro wsorrow and |nR nplt Jenr chieftili-to f clerclerkkheId ii in theth Railway Postoffice Beln | unmblh ehBd t unable to finish the sermon willwill ddoo InIn th ethe matte matterr as inas la th*panicpani c InIs NewarkNewark., Saturday Saturday,, wa s waaMrs . jMrs. killed I1 ,killed, I wa s Iwounde wmd anwoundedd take n andM.,,,,„,, „taken churc h Marlboro church. e Railway Postofflc. K miserymUery Inla tbl thiss worl worldd tha n thancan *vecanr ) Itt InIb -:.l' Baldl bl S COnbisonclusio< conclusionn wan baf>ewasd I B abased had PrepareI * d becaus Pf*P«rede ofof laclackb«nik o f of W recompensed for. test ItselfItself.. MaryMary RosenRosen,, unti untill three three month monthss ago | pr*sonerago prisoner,, and wen andt t o Llbbwealy Prisonto Libby. Prison, Anderson prayed for long be recompensed for. 1* expected that defl a residenresidentt orof Nort Northh Plalnfleld Plain. field.Sh e TherShee IsThere where Ila loswheret my armsI loet, yo rmy arms, you | :pouponn 101000 package packagess of mallof .mall. Tb The time.new Dr. Anderson prayed for long -The"The finafinall elemenelementt I nIn th ethe upbuild upbilld-- It Is experted that definite eatlmal-estimate tsla to lob e baseb, dbaaed upon upon continuedcontinue-r-r. d strengtstrengthh foforr th ethe W. CW.. TC.. T. 1 I., made tomoi waa employed!In the undergarmenarmentt or theythey takintakingg thethemm alt . U. and declared that Us rounder, the in■Ug oofr characte-h.rar.-rr I sUMMAIM m-operailon kit h*uh| raaff-m-ai. will b- mad. lomorrowdepartmen t of tbe Wolf Company piecPi—e ooff malmalll handle handledd ln thlae Ilhe rolledU. and declared that Its founder, the Ood.flo.1 In.Hi1. mHim alt tbesall e lh».elements! .l.m-nia.reI«»', are ro-f-r.!,.- ofrati c anD-moarallod department and of tbe Wolompany •*I sendtnd yoyou.i m y myfriend friend,, aomo pa- [Stales tblathis weekweek.. latolate FranciFranrlis )•;.K. Wlllard Willard,. woul dwould live - live pombli.c.l and through Him - fthe s of the Leg andand wawass ononee o fof th ethe wome worn*nI wbWho o leapleap-- per*.pers . saoo yo youn ca ncaa se e Isee a mI am all right. Kill BB foreverforever lnIn thethe heart heartss of Christlsnaof Christina*- fomblur.l .ad through Him ,h. It-puhlkaninlzatlo m-mb-ran for of ed1Iho fro frommI-.rl.la- tb th#* uppe upperr floors floorsto escap e alr-agiaStrength ooff a apurposefu porpo.rfull life ca111.n br.ae tu !>-"•«.n plan10 I oraanlaalion for th« You will please returnpapers papers,, aa I as I ri.-.i.i.-i to ii,'l arvsrywher#.everywbere. ThTh#e othe otherr hal f halfof tbaof. the brough t to a magnificent fruition . *!" n,,fsessio_n and_ tii e distribution tbele flames.Dams*. She8be wa swaaad remove removedtoed todlotrlbolioa th etoWish the to keep them. couldI sencouldd send sermon, which deala with the remedy kroaghl lo a niagalllnni frullloa ot |* '" ewark city hospital with crushed In the Middlenex coun sermon. »bkh deala with tbe remedy n-r-for..Therefore. .Il I"blbWtaa . I •,,„, - all'o dl?"oC"*Tf u*4-we™r#I °*' I hundrr * bundr-dd or more or officnor.e o»oNewark city hospital with crushedcopies of them, butie originathe originall Is 1* RFIERAFTER 10NiONG6 lllll[8S.Saturday -, George Becker, of Clscat- forfor thtb#e liquoliquorr traffi trafficc evil evil,, wil l willbe •]•be• d* andid brokebrokenn limbslimbs an dand die d diedsoon %t-soonbetter. af Hoping to know yon better Haturda,. (ieorna fleeker. of Plata!delivere d at a later day. or.are alalll (nifrail—lol m ti nilo u p tupo .thloe «r.-slb-t ff—a, terT reachinreachingg tberethere.. Tb e Thebod y wabodysln wasthe future.” know yon better awa,away townshiptownship,, wawaas arraigne arralnaedd delivered at a later day. doflodd ooff thIh.e univers unite or*,whos ewhoa, omnipo omolpo-- Identifieddentlned byby a frienda friend., Mrs . DectEMrs. . IDettx.n the fmurc•• , John If. DoMexa. a«ed SI pleadpleayear.,d toto a nan Indictmen Indictmentt for thfore th, tenb-lt hanhandd ra nran uphol duphold and and .hr—HEH E ANDHEBE THERE .ANDof •r THEBERldcewood'svenueRidgewood avenue., Newark Newark.. TheTbe "papers,"paper*."" satisfyinsatisfyingg Majo r Major■on of Mra. Charlottea DeMeza DeMeza.. of of tonallega<]0 l saleatoe o f ofliquor liquor.. O n motioOn n motion FcatsPearof s EpidemiEpidemicc o f ofKablea Kablee.. mercymercy racann heaheall an d andwhoa e whoeepower power PendletonPendleton thathatt hia hlacorresponden correspondt ,Woat Second atreet., die d diedSunda y Sunda,Ibetbe assistanaeatetant t prosecutorproeoentor., tb etbo Indict Indlet-- TheTb e authoritieauthoritiess o f ofRosell Rosellee Par k Park throughthrough ththoe RoAonn ra nran save. "save Mrs.Mrs. RoseRosenn wawaas tb etbe wl. n WUmof Mose of s Moseshabadd beebeenn dul y dulycommissione commissionedd ' Ight byof nervous Mirationprostration,; follow follow-. menl t swae noll e nolleprossed .proeaed. Jam., * areare Jem,.aalarmealarmed d oveoverr wba twhat appear appearss to to IS .11-1 ':IM ,1 In •pedal music wk* snag There Is dlsp' In An Rosen,tosen. aa cigar-maker cigar-maker,, wb owho wa s wmem -Governorem- Morgan as flrat lieutenant Mr. DeMeza wai Benson, bbee aann epidemiepidemicc o f ofrabie rabiess amon amongg tbe th* 1 music was snag by ployed by Frr.l Becker, of East Front Hen eon. fof Dunellen Dunollen... wa aswae arraigne errelffnedd sbelr.rhnlr. Wiiu.nWilliami Ho linellolaies,s J tbe tbe drugrgolr store window boom- fine spedployed by Fred Becker, of East Fronto, U. ...» K.W York VolMta-ro: ^ XlVZ .Z.Z.Ton a charge of assaulting James Car- dogdogss Ooff tbeth* borough borough.. Hlnc e thBlncee the vaster ri-uderina: "Hear Mv I'I>, Omens of appleappless grow grownn by Henryatreet. H . ThTh#e count couplee then livethend onlivedhe promptloa bey forwardepromptlyd th aforwarded aword the aword on n ehnrne of neenulllaff Jemee Cor-shootin g of a dog tbat bad tbe dto- arnster rendering ■Hear My Cr^. O H> unM publie neey - shooting of a dog that bad the dis- Lord." and tbe chorus slngln' DrakDrakee and Walter H Rlttenbowse.Frill placepi—.. AbouAboutt a yea ar agyearo Mraio. Mr. eded hehere He attended thener publicend Pleaded not null!, •ase twBello weeka ago, sU other dogs Lord " and tb# cborua Bingingformerl aay ot Plalnfleld. on th* west schools during hla boyhood days weeaad Band at 1000. but no dataease wee two weeks ago, six other dogs aatbem•nm-m aatt thtb#e offemory} offertory.. N*a t r_Next_ formerly8an of Plainfield, on ths RoseRoaonn securea—.rodd thIbae positio po-llloan as janl-a- Jaal- ,or h i»ve contracted the disease and vet- era stop* of th* Rocky Mountains • if Saengerbund "Hall and they waa employed by eet for irtoL have contracted the dlaeaae and vst «arOr evenin-ranlugg MrMr. Maitulr Mggullw* wil l willpftiac hpiyarbera slope of th* Rocky Mountainslor at of flaooaerbaod Hall and — tbar,xpr».l pg n, ‘,h.‘"d*tobtTtth. aclliM It ‘ton«.»'W. As'„'•;.'"',"'"a Collier a't bis Jewelry store ” *“ implored by crinary-rluary surgoonssurgeons,. whwhoo bav *have visite dvisited la th* Madison Avenu* Pa^tlsjt anaa altitudaltitudee ot of oir overr 1.00 4.0*«* t*tt abofeetv aboveiade their bome* ln thIhothe e buildingbulldlaa., blnim toto d odo ao ao. . Aaa Collier at bt. Jewelr, .tor. on he borough, have declared that it- ■a Iba MadMoa Ar.au- sep.pilMa level , by Irrigation. The Plain i. They him to do ao. ParkPark avenueareoue., wblc wblrhb w u waaafterwar afterwardd Hrhedwle- I" '111 I-- Of II lleenwhee- r II,,,. , Heal,.. th* borough, have declared that ef- •burrA. York. Toth sen level, by Irrigation. The PlainMrs. Rosen acting aa Janlti The, Mr.Mr. BradBradtt th« fhaan sen Beatt Majo Majorr Pendle I'endle-- sold to Cbarle* K. Vail, th* presen fort*forls moamustt bebe pu t putforth forthto sto p toa stop a fieldersBeldcrs bavhave* 2.&03.1*#0 peac peachh tree s atree*n and Bill few months age. ■old lo Cbarlea K. Vail, tbo pr—otRufueKilfii . CC.. FinchFinch., M . M.V. H.F, )i IMIf It .- > spreale-d of tb* rabies. Another 1.&00 appl* trees and ar* meetln ton another letter tkankla* him owner.ownerfor . AfteAfterr leavin leatrlokg Mr . ColMrl le i anedCollier.•ued tbIbe e schedul eebedalee o f bunof ukunle tat >>• •furwide Dw- spread of th* rabies Another yt HII II KAMA 1.. i | I I . t 1.606 apple tree* and are meetl•wbe bea a lhtbo* husban baabandd sreura —rodd a b*tt* a r bonertbo aword. Mr. DeMexa took a clerical posltloi dogdot wawass sho shott b y tbby e policthe e policeFriday , Friday, withwith greagreatt succesbaccesss In raisinin g raisingth p—lace i lnla NewarNaearkk an daad the y lremove be, dremored Mr. PrMru took a clerical pooltloncemberber. , whewhenn thIbee hound bound,s wil l ni«rwill t makinlueel g the third within four days. | MBM iii[..ki v r.i,\ fruit.(run ThTb#e tree ires*s ar e apra>rare sprayedd befor befilo that ell,.Mrs . Ros«Ur. n haRo—d n o bad ao ; witkwith thtbee NeNeww Yor Yorkk Telephon Tulophoaee Com - Com-neM follows follow,,, -weathe wenthorr permitting purmlltlna-: iw - making,» the third within four dnr*. tb* blossoms appear andand tbtb** peachespeacheschildren, bll.lr.-n. so-o w*n wealt to worlo k workfor thfor* Aka >t Tale. a« Tale.panypany aatt tbth*e loca locall office office,, wherebe re -becombercvmbe re- r 31., Braslime.* Kettl Kelliee Inn . AcottInn. h Urol-h ruilaa from ■ .blrd-Atorr window sprayed after th* frult*begtns to Wolf Company. Sh* was tblrtv-flv*| Anl* he 101 student* from New malned for five years.years. Plalne,Plains, 2:I: 7, Rlcbnuni7. Richmondd an I Fronnult Front Him Only Hop#, •f h*r bom*. Baats. _ are sprayed after tbe fruit'begins Wolfu> Compaa,. Rbe waa Ihlrir-flroJ rM r I tbo 111 uladoau from Xuw maloed for Are •f b-r bom.. II.l„ Brtablon. form. They ar* thinned c and becaus* of bar po*l-lJeroe,* at TaleYalo., tr *tro Colo n CaloaHUlma aHlllo , t wo th