
Brewer, OBITCATiT, aywwia-iixjaua- i- TiucwArxthis ornTng Tht dial waa renewed n at'tltvrn i. A.uwtnm iiKhnhAi. flrtMn were aetepTeo LOTS DXT.OTSD TOMAkT MIX, riNKIT. o'alnek Tbe frsond ward was Srst drawa. The RXTitAors tiium nsntxr papkm aod their time extended la ordif to allaw them ' r r I e J SecondTdition f ' VTCTCTRrY: nifkjiii j number of iBamts enrolladwaal.UU e.tdlta,Ul VleltlarJsfa4;aAVtar-K- K time to rarolshaebtutattt. TJSffTT iota, sol .sat log 1(0, to which 100 per seat. Is to 7 Jtiriavla i chtn at atlktaa. kfltwJiilHcLcom- - Cloet tht doors H added Sinking a to jal of Ko Bsattso bsdrami rvUrrat TBI Bridle breatti,- -' want EJ tht Tbe (VawiBg aottm'Mea at , wosa las follow Ifo nu ol o iV N2 rcT.iesn - !! th tftvaath of thwMi Wa,IMWU TnunSDATinuiiMitnt&EnKMBIlLS 18Mi Forrest & Jqo barren or the 'JTOba- inKcelTpifand eon- - n and two hudred tu.faU natte1 Arawa Defeatedanfl ( K ware nanouated aa the aants of these wbbse Anting Mi 4laBfjlhAlr rba w Mis. i iusg wiu uMiai i 'j.. ihertfromj ,' Tha torolsnent In thu ward Oritly he woos hetj 1 V MnleeaataferaandedbyUMeoontrrt i" f mm Theqnot,waeSIS,oawblah er hva rtaetred LKCTIOB, I, IOt IBoutedH H. Granf 8n CtAHlasroKi tier; 23jyTracq.comrannIca , ttaa wianaa to avayi Jnhn W.Tnomaon aed JnTh niMkfnril fur Gen. Moving ttoffsoxK.pUctjJo the harWr Hit areas aro ber, V- -v lahed tubatttuWa before- tbt drawing took pine. f jralahed by the ward, making a total ct; ol 222. aouiaway. m, surgeons of t bears her The Uorernraenl ta In receipt of ne i thla j n. mwii. uvit inn au iiui. TanSee anacnapiama wenrrcieaaeo: ' d leavloa: a derliltoer of los. and tht addition J Barton its lltl.it. by ns. A number of women and children were TOO par eenl., making the nqabtr drawn fiom ine Maals somas floatlof morning that Rosaeaa met the rebel Gen. J Hand, Mms. ave. and ISth. t Ant nn hoard the Tankee trace steamer. noxzoi. ine nrai nana unwn wb v. Down from dome. Gra. H Davif, ave, and O, Eichinond. tht Vermont Tho mat Bcallf military rallroaA a pa. . mbv clerg) man and fly soldiers cams .Into our .. fc And aogtls art chanting rorrml Vt force HLmt, sos are. Cfiaa. GotUmadn, 882 Ith St. - sweet welcome hornet '(it teed of '4! futrrildlnE' J. lines jonn Tht MaKcnar.4ll4lhst of stores and Laesv ats tta si. Come, stiisktn weeper. whipped him pitched battle, end J;Uiltr, sotDat. One hundred and fifty boxes Alfred Pratt, ith et. wharf. Come near bed, tod la t n the A. rranala, SM Maw York ave. clothing from the New Tork" Baoltary Jaaes Henley, 54 Md.avt. Gate on tht sleeper droTe him toward Athene, dhtanco of tboat C mlth, 131 12th at, Artil- for Yankee prisoners In our hands Eitas Grayson, K,bet. 4 and Sth. rtneiaoiltaaad. 43.DaUhar,s4Gat. Fifteen Pieces of wcreTtWvTd-and"broug- to the city. Oar Wa ThomaVfTth at. wharfs i ntoe rollee. II. Maattr.Sie A st. of Wm. Stark, bet. M aod N. Smooth out tht rlagleU, Cbas. Maakty, N, tor. lllh. returned prisoners report a recent Increase Gti. T.Woadward.4. U7 B at Clots tht blue tyesi Thiu, we Indicated jeeterday, Forroit li C D. Lord. lery Captured. troops at illlton Ilead from . Cbas. Roblnaon, S71 C at. No wonder such beauty u W, RoMnton, 10 th and r. Oa the 1st of October aa exchange of naval Simeon Bland, alley bet. tta and 10th. Waa claimed by tht sklesi FOIl lTtKSIDENT. meeting the fate of Early. A. Dunbar 1 4th nsd I. prisoners will take place in the hsrbor. JobaDoDawln. 2J, bet. Band C r r Croat the hands gently W, Anderaon, irlDtt, Four hundred mors confederate prisoners John Beard, 1st, bet. N and O. . oor the waitt Vtast. W, II. Donohua, ata Mass. avt. Dirnoy John Haoaboro, 4Kttt M and N. Drop a tear teaderlyi ABRAHAM LINCOLN. j.j. 4lrtl.it, Gon. Advancing on tho have been placed la pens oa Morris Island. Edmund Hiwk.iia.4X. b.AIandN. at 8TAUHT0H. Volht, Sd Our ldsl t rest Or ILLINOIS, SHERIDAN AT w. r.iwin,jM tat, President Davla arrived In Macon the Samuel Gordan, a J, bet. E and F. . Sparrow, IM nth at, North Sldo of tho Jamos. Instant. He mede a speech la the Baptist Erwln, 404 4aL Plant the eweet vloltt J.f Lawrvwot, Jr , 440. church. He la going to Hood's army. There John Mfeogar. H.bet. W aad 1st. O'er bar srava. A. Mnrrudcr, ISth, bt, D and C, no Jackson lay lor, 6Mjf Sth at, Let tht tall willow FOR VICE PRESIDENT. EARLY RETREATING RAPIDLY. i. Bordo, Wlllard' HoUl Is nothing new from that quarter, and JoBiph Flantty, Gov't stables. Gracefully wave) O. WorUalmer, tti O U The following glorloit news has been re movements of the enemy np to latest accounts. Henry Thompson, L, betweta H aad sth- - God oaly lent ber ANDREW JOHNSON, 171 r rannerto. set K at. ceived at the War Department this afternoon t Tho expulsion of the cltlsons of Atlanta has S. E. Vauhom, G street. Atowjoyfolhoara, OF TENNESSEE. Gen. Grant telegraph, to the Preeldest thla W. La, hlrkwcMXt Hotist. been completed. David Delaware. 7th street wharf. Aod then called horns J. Mat low, Pollen Telegraph. HCADqCAnTKSB, Clt Fill's FAW, i MjioQ Bone, lit street, bat. Va. ave nadl 10 46 a. , It was reported vesterdar that Hood's arm J. morning that the Richmond papers announce G. snook. 14th, bet. K and L. at Sept. 79, 18t4 ( Henry Lo beh, I, between 4 M and Sth. WAsniHOtoa. D. C, September 22. last OOLDBI (BHTBHOKI. A. lntln. 7th at. Major Ctt Halt, Clittf tf (toff) was la Sherman's roar, between blm and Chat- Wm. H. GIbeoD, Sl2 Maryland avseaua. "THE CK1SII WHICH THREVTINID TO that Gen. Bherldan hu driven Early through C 8. Wh'iltr, 11th acd H. corps advanced tanooga, Pi lace Morris Deburrt, lit E street. W. H. Moult on, ns Pa. are. Gen. Ord's this morning and ot Yankees are collecting at Joaeph Kuprert, 261 Virginia avenue, UPlSOIAIi NOTICES I IVIDC THE FRIEND, THE ONION A large force or If Btanuton, and la In fall poeaeaelon of the Oruter, iwmhit. carried the very strong fortifications and long Pound Gap, with tho Intention of making a Edward Wood, foot or llth street. KT U, Eh A Tht Oraad Canacll of Dt I TAJT." C WiQrthoii.llOlHLat. worn, a ma John Simpson, Sth atreet wftarf. u u A, wiiimtetioiar,TtiunuaxiniRns. id place. W. G. Maticrotl, kSs E line of entrenchments below Cha pin's farm, raid on the Virginia sail p F. Manor, 60S 7th street. portaat talla for a full atteadaoct. "I SHALL HOT lETPXV TO SL1TCRT AST it. inmMl was Li True. buslattt A. Boyd, 444 ltth at. with some fifteen pieces of artillery sad from to be the same force that at Thomas Steele, 140 Peon a. avenue. It A. C, RICHARD, rrteldsat ) njow terms or N 12,000. who is rtrr r the Eirlj It retreating rapldlj, not harlot; been S. T. Craoo, bet. 12th and tlth. Ington two weeks ago. They number Joan Pieiet, Ttolrd 'Ward, yeu o r jut or M. Calachao,rTtl4that. two to three hundred prisoners. On Baton! sv aod vetterdar heavy cannona Edward M. Garrison. It G street of tho the rtoctiuiTias, jct reinforced Lee. D 612 er mi tha varv verm of balir drafted t vou hava covaxtss." bj i. Williams, 1th, ret. and E. Gen. Ord was wounded la the leg, though ding waa heard at Staunton, Vs., In tbe dlroc Georg W. Gibaon, Maryleitd avtatlt only twodaytltlttofiUthtquotabefortthtdrani L. rurroli, wuiarda Hotel. Harrisonburg. John Fleet, D, between 1st and 2W you power to tho ward, so i moclaim run midon to who O.Mayer, OTtFetreet. not dangeroasly. tloa of Wm. Phlpps, MS 4)f street. only hart tht rtltavo all Early reached Roeslotowa yesterday at come op andhavt Temptvanet Hall full to over- rOLEMNLT IWEAIt TO HENCErORTH FAITH- - A. Moor a, 190 F atreat. Btrney advanced the same Gen. Robert retnt, H, between stticad 7th. To men OFFICIAL WAR BULLETIH. Gen. at time from D avenue. sewing at S o'clock. tho rleh of (UrrORT, NIOTICT, AND OErENO W. Gould, wlUsrdV Hotel. 11 o'clock, a. m. Opinions aro divided aa to Cornellue Balney, and Virginia thawavdaaanpealtasaadt oabeball of tht poor HUT A. L. Kerr, 4 6 iota street. Deep Bottom and carried the New Market road whether he will makis a stand at that place or Alexandre K, Knov,265 Virgil avenu- e- 1 hE CONSTITUTION OF THE DNITED RATES Vermont avanua, bet. and meat aad to tht poor man wt appotl fir them to A.smltb, lata lllh In Wm. II. Talbert, ti D street. do Ml res and aod If THE UNION Livdaay, 48 and entrenchments, and scattered tho enemy noU Charles MO atreet. their duty, to them families AND OF THE tTATXI THERE- - llth street. Is considerable excitement among the Steele, sth up" and do thetr duty, the of S. Dfjtlen, rn llth itret. every direction, though ho captured but few. There John RlcTiard. Sd, bat. T and G. ailwlireomt VNIER" Movements Sheridan. ave atie, doodIo Staunton, and many are lea In if. saerrowa tut will rlatovar tht Third ward fret ABRAHAM N H. aementt, tJ'h and N.Y. of Dsotal O'Neal, Va. ave. from women will LINCOLN, W. H. 39d trait. He la now marching on towards Blchmond. and woundod and Government 710 Sth tht draft and tht children and Hobrltl, llth l All the alck Thomas Liadevtllc, it. sail you bltaaed. ar29-- it A. W. rooki, at Mrs. Rice's. I left Gen. Ulrney where the Mill road In- removed to a place of safety, John Brown, SS I st. HOLD PRK- - II KTICK AT UP KAftlVY-ll- IC DK8TROVS stores have been - "IF WE OUR OWN AND C It lUrl.tn. llth, bet. KandL. Hherldan take Staunton, but the capture Wm. Brown, 7th at, wharf. KAttamUaai, StoTV JtrteyMCBi Au ad- eucciasES RAILUOADS AND DIUDUEfl TO Daa harlan, llth and Pa, areoun. tersects the New Market and Richmond road, miv Edwatd Taatett, 610 10th at. mettle rot tht Now Jtrsey Lincoln and Tent further miutaut him nothing. The valley, since the 4 iouroed UN PART OF OUR FOES. THERE IS K. telU-.s- il rair t. This whole country Is filled with field lortlflca. will avail J. HUl, E, bet and sth. Club will beheld thla tvtolng at 7 o'clock. Tilt 1 grouna. XVERT PROSPECT THAT McCLELLAN delay hkiudak'a T. A. Clark, 3 Kstrret. war, has oeen a race Cyrus Golden, aluy. t at taetr room mint souin wior onoewapuoi B. Melton street. tloos this far. U. 8. Gbamt, reached the hither end the FrtJtriok s ewart,7th (No. XT). DR. A. r. FA ft DON, Free. ELECTED, AND 1118 ELECTION pursuit. 47ih Bhorldan baa of twhaff VILl.DE O. Ivea,(m loth street. Lieutenant General. course, he does not "pull up" of bis own wm. Wbai n, r, bet. 2d ad sdi ltT n. UPON THE CniCAUO PLATFORM MUST bet. 12th and audlf Mohun, K, bet, 1st and 23,. invuiBm;i L.O Seuii.G, lath. accord, ne do ouuea. Patrick tVrlUr.-A- nv .LEAD TO PEACE AND OUR 1NDEFEN Z. G. Chamberlain, lOih and Mata. at taut. win Wm. Weill, alley. BtaorLlIaad Pertata Forrest Drii en Mnc Miles by Rosseau From Culpepper ws hear that there la no B. requiring tht atrvletc of aa txptrtenead Short- DENCE." CAarfctfei, ifmury. V. Muller.ait Pa. avenue. RKAH ADUIIlAb DAVID O. FA nil John Wlitoo, t;at. may enemv that country, except the small body Dtole 1 Murphy, sd sad G, hand Writer in preparing Important papers, A. Mtller, 14ta street. la by In room of W, II. Neweome, . cavalry recently burnod the bridge at Samu 1 Thayer, Hi st. hear of one applying the Editorial Tti Is distinguished naval officer and herohas of that tblBomea. ae27tf POLITICAL inTKLUQKNCK. Thi Draft (lutatlj Progreaalng Yalan. o. Cnrr, ermont avenue. Rapid Ann station. John II. Peaks, lis F st. cheering po u. v, (.oiaiiD, . been relieved of dnty as Commander of the John A. Trow, 232 4'.' St. Bwlldlnar Aeaoelatlata. Uoofca of Ws spoke the other day of the tetrliaer Beata the Draft Attempt I street. Riddle. St. J. Farki', s( JUseaurU-Geiiera- John loth aubaerlptloa for a new Buildlig Aaaoclatloa art Ml leal prospects, and particularly noted tbe to Daatroy harm am a Com J. Btibon, 9id Pa, avenue. West Gulf Blockading Squadron, and assigned Rebel Operat one In l Syavtater Kuost, fit F st open thtofflotof HARVKYfc COLLINS, . 416 Hall, A. C. P ant, 4'5 13th street. of the K ST Coufrontlusr the Kneniy at Hrnry alley. x. sa. iPiuranoe igrni, signs of the timet at Indicated la the North inwnlcnflont. 10 h, 1 And K. to the command North Atlantic Block "in Richard uMlvan, at Capt Goleton. nerenuesretiiScTCCltfl riAneun, W. H. Hodiee, bet It ii ob. ' No. 620 ttreetl WALL, STKPHLNSavCo west Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Mivuraer, 44S M atreet. ed! g Squadron, recently commanded by Rear Samuel Young, G at. No. S22 ftnnavlvaala avenue; ard C B. BAKER, 89. Mr, telegraph 661 Washinotoh, Sep teat btr S9 7 45 a, nu Wm. Kecnt, lit 12th street, St. Louis, Sept. Barnes, James Gant, 10th st. Sftr Office, where persons desirous of becoming Iowa. Minnesota, Missouri, and Kan- - Keleay, 420 L street. Aillral Lee. The Utter will take Admiral Stack York W, operator, who left Pilot Knob yesterday at Thomas memberc hart an opportunity to subsilbt. When sas. Tbe opinion then expressed arc more Major Urnoral Vis, A Wm. P. Powell, Camp Barker. Farraguts recent command lathe Gulf. disguised, arrtyed at De Soto to day. Edward Mahirn. a. ave, bet 1st and 2d. eon charts art tubtorlbeda mttUagwill be called noon, Charles Here'ord, st. A dispatch Just received from Oen. Grant JaeaKlDK.4L street. Is Ewlng has concentrated IX and tht Association organised. eel f than verified by later Intelligence from the Wo. A. heed 11' band I. It not necessary to Indicate to our readers He reports that Gen. A. D Gray, 601 Md. avt. gives a telegtam contained In yesterday's Rich Brnj. Hlehar 'loo, llttu bit troops In front of tbe rebel position. The Robert Jirkion, K at. Btaek 'Waatilagtom Llneoln end Held. that this looks like business on the James river irTkiClub bold a regular meeting IVKHV mond 11A.J7, dsted at Charlottesville, which Ultter . Moore, H and llth. enemy planted a battery on Sheppard's moun- John R. Fairbanks, Ulh st. Johaaoa will Tbe meant of judging tbe public sentiment James S. 'saitl, 402 llth street. and before Wilmington, Gen. Grant could not and were throwing shells Into the fort, LevlJonee,STS4at. TUESDAY EVENING, at Odd Fcllowa Hall, at . tain, 672 TJd o'clock. All true lot era of Union favora-b- lt stand-poin- states that our cavalry entered Staunton on Andrew Brown. a or more Jeremiah rodlcurd, 10th st. tht of the country from this t from have braver active naval commander doing rorae execution to election of Lincoln and Johmoa in- Mooday at tj o'clock, and that onr fortes were Morris Murphy, Boundary. Alex. MeliklDB, Arsenal. tht art these headquarters, so to say areample. They Lolutnbui hlli, 491 llth street, to co operate with him. The Federal forte under Col. Mills were at Anthony Crawford, Sth street wharf. vited to unite with tht Club. also at Waynesboro that no damsge hadbecn Heury B. BrUara. tacked at Mineral Point last night by a large James B Ifallday. 102 C street, WM. DIXON, President. never were so mac a so aa tbe art now. Tbe P. Hermann, 4M14lh atreet. body of rebels. The enemy waa repuhtd, but J4tnti Holllos, 67t llth treat. Jas. C. Dulik, Secretary. a'24tf done up to 4 p. m., but smoke Indicated that street, MAJOnGKSKtlAbtlOOICEllAaSiaifKD Govcramsatttablee. Union Congressional Committee dally recelvea Henry W. Bbbitr,4U llth DUTY, our troops subsequently wiinorew vo do doio. Hearv Demraeiey, Foarth Wardl-T- h we were burning the railroad track between k. 8. Butti, asN. V. Ta TO was bvthe rebels last nleht. JimeaDlflaaego. of tha Fourth ward will matt at tht City bushels of letters, and they come from all parts Henry N. Na 2 Forkllaplce. Potest camured Lotli,7!4CBtreet. Christiana Creek and Staunton, wajne, Thla distinguished officer, we are happy to are still at De John Hall EVERY EVENING, until further notice, at o( tbe country, from almost every county In Georxs T A njker, corocr llth and I. Gen. Bmlth's headquarters Soto, John Day, Va. av., bet. 10th and ltth, 7 for of devising means to fill announce, has been assigned to an Important S3 D o'clock, tht purpoat No direct communication has been had with J.mti Moore, Camp Haytl. where he Is receiving reinforcements. Fmanuel dalthtr, stret, idc quota or am warn, ana- mereov aTvrt me un very loyal Bute, and from those part of 11. 1 bet. aod 6th. M. M aad I. Gen. Sheridan for several days. Couriers to Klohard Blali, iti, 4th command. Uo leaves for the West this after Gen. Ewlng was ordered to evacuate Pilot Robt Boiwsli, 7thtbt. peadlsg draft Every maa la lha ward Is earnestly yebcldom reclaimed onr JohuCaiter, 1Kb, bet U aid P. cut Wm Doile,4f and 1. par to ibis. Come to the which have been by noon. In a few day a the public will be ac- Knob, but tbe rebels the communication L, and sth. requested 10 attention and from blm arc known to have been cap- Robert Maaoo, V, ,bat. toti and llth. before be could eetnwav. Henry Harvey, bt. 4( meetings, and bring vnur money and vour friends. gallant armies. Tbey almost all tell the same Abraham Jennlve-- bos llth street. Geo. M. Higer, C, bet 7th and Sth. ASBURY LLOYD, tured by guerrillas that Infest tbe country In quainted with the character of the duties and 12.000 mllltla are under arms, which. 1st aod flanel., Fresldent. story that of cncouragiment and enthusiasm. Uenntion Uavia, N. V. ave. About George Mitchell, va. av., bet R. S, Davis, sacTttary. his rear. Benjamin Swallow, Tavern and O. whereabouts of Gen. Ileoker. Since his arrival with the Independent citizen companies, make ThomaB Mills, 7th street wharf. 0 he tide seems to be sotting all one way. and Joacph r uphold. In has been guest quite a formidable force, Narcliia Demoogcr. 6t istb atreet. CarnallTl Hallpl Itallp Lincoln and Dispatches to 9.40 last night have been re Benhao, SS9 atreet. this city he the of some of our Md. JOHNSON CLUBA aneolal meeting of tht Club with resistless power. John H. llth John Dey.tlS nvt. at John K. Hoblnson, 2M K. most prominent citizens, and has had a very Chaa Matthewi, 7th atreet what L will be held EVERT EVENING at Union League ceived from Sherman, Atlanta, but no move L. Prom Port Iloyal Charleston anfTarlng d atreet Hall, ninth atreet, between D and E atreeta, at B It might seem, at this stage of the game, Wm H Daw, 10th and large Is Gorge Odea, H Water ments at that point are reported. Patrick Murph, Vt. avt. and llth. number of callera at his hotel. lie from onr Jake Brooksld.bet. E aod F. o'clock. quite superfluous to giro details of the good All friends union, who CO John Wo Ma ti an, 267 L. greeted on the public marts and In the streets 20. Louis W. Tollman, 662, llth. true of tht favnr tht From Nashville our dispatches aro to 9 New Yodk, September The steamer of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, political news coming In, but we will bo ex- Jamea F MeOaire,SiA Ulh, Royal on the 20th, arrived Cato Ward, alley. el'ctloa last night. The enemy did not attack us at Wm. H.Gray, Sioisih. wherever be goes by tho people, who take him Fulton, from Port Anthony Devlne, S717th. art Invited to b present and unite with the Club. cused for stating briefly tbe summings-up- , ave, this morning. 11. 222 4 street. took tbe pike toward Faytttevllle, Wm. Jonea, 'I1 Pnn. cordially by the hand as one of their truest Wm. Meaks; H especially for tbe benefit of tbe many thousand Pnlaskl,but Geori Thorn l, ISth, bet. N and O. TEo Fnlton chased a larco blockade runner Hemy Grovemao. 4i and N. Jo. T. Clements, Jr., Bet. selJtf and was pursued nine mile by our cavalry. John Me Darkle, I. representatives In the field. on passage home, but gave up tbe chase Foeter Durall. alley. il her N af tsia Bftrroue, Ketitinnl, soldiers who read the Kefcbucan. Is Wm. Wtlkvrioo, N, bet. 14th and 16th. mo uciiyaourg vo C Fletcher, and Stlataat Srstama oaw and reliable Gen. Uosseaa returning with his Infantry 421 12lh, at nigoi, leaving gunooai O. R. Whitney,4' 234 Virginia avenue. HEW EHOLAHD. Robert C. Murphy, COTTON AGK.1T8. treatment U Reports of tht HOWARD A550CIA to lSaahvllle. John Mldd eton, I Mh, between ti and K. take caro of the rebl. Robert Walker, alley, England. and a. The statement In a Baltimore paper this Palmetto JhraU states that a Govern- Alfred nun sent vt mail in asira ifmr cuvciui'r, It Is all going one way In New Desperate efforts will be made by tbe enemy M. A. Toppan.417 llth Ibe Stokes. rrttofebarga. Addreac,Dr.J. SU1LLIN HOUGH Jno. Bantu, a, between 13th and 14th. agents have been ment clerk at Hilton Head has been arrested Theodore Hereford, IM4K Tbe aggregate Union majority In " Yankee morning that Government B, Capitol. to force Sherman from Atlanta by destroying Joteph WoDdruf H atreet. for selling passes to go North. Joseph Walters, near south street, . Fa. m2S-- ly 420 IS atreet. appointed to procure cotton In the rebellious Wm. E. Stewart, S7 D south. Und," pt fxrcifoui, will not be less than his communications. Janee Weitake, Ibe Wlh Massachusetts regiment Is still Hear) Canal,i.h(Btnut alley, F.bet. f3th and Uh, States under new regulations Is not true. George RtdgeH , Monument lot. 13s Female Oomplalnta and Ltlseaeee .200,000. It Is much more likely to go over The draft la quietly progressing In all the Thomaa Fatterton, do. guarding the rebel officers on Morris Island. John Cole, k, bet. 2d and Sth. arlslog from Impurity ol tht blood reoelvt special these figures than under them. The excellent Charlea Smith, Lheatnut atreet. Government has not made any appointments TUB reDeia si rort uumier nave Dceu laieiT Fleldlog lawli, Sixth atreet wharf. attention from DR. DARBY, 42J Seventh street, Btatee. Md. ve and D E. Honorable scientific treat- Charlea Leatcr, 12th nod E. yet. Nevertheless, they may be made at any stationing sharpshooters among the debrla of Wm. Glvina, bet llth llth. between aad and Bailie farvle spoke of the highlands of Scot Volunteer enlistments are more speedy than Geo ae Turton, sss tub street. the fort, but no casualties resulting from their Moeea Doreaa, of. bet. Sd aod sd, ment warranted. aelMm which It would tire the very deevll's Charlea Colt, 4M lllh atreet. moment. fire, Steven O'Here, ad, bet B aod C. land, the draft. Latvia Dkckaon, alley between SJ and 4th. tbev have been withdrawn. John Carter, F, bet. 1st and 2d. ErOaJirrT Daptlat Ctiurcn meate every flee top We suspect cop- Charleston has been suffering considerable Sabbath in tha Old Trinity Church, on Fifth street, wings to to the AH loyal and patriotic urge Waablngton Leas, Nat lor' stables. Capture Moabj'a Gnerrlllaa, s. P. Taylor, is4 4jt. Service o" people should N. RoblDBon,441 I of fire of 100 pounders, which are O'Brien, between E aad Louisiana avenue. at perhead arithmetics will give oat without get- William street. lately from the Mlohol a A. M. M. Seats T. R. forward rapid enlistments and enable Wm. K. 7tb near Cspt. Robert Clarke, of this District, and Joaeph AUen, F, bet 2d and and TH F. free. Rtv How him not MeCeaoey, F. more effective than tbe 4S pastor. Jants-t- f to end New England Lincoln ma- AdoI hue Sohaef . r. 667 atreet. W, c.Lyeett, 62710th. left, ting tbe of onlj to hold his position, but also without de- Uth and Provost Marshal near Fort Stban Allen, Twentv-flv- e hundred men are at work year. Daniel Hlekmao, Cheatnut street. and new defences of John mltb, Sth and N. O'lIUllgloiii Kotlct. Tnt Caiiltol UUI jorities this lay to push on bis campaign. Thomaa MeGUl, SH Uth street. a., learnlog that a party of Mosby's guer strengthening the old John Scbepps, SJS Va. ave. Presbyterian Church meetc (temporarily) for pub- V a. MEW YORK. Haory M. Bennet',lM F atreet. vt unaneston. Wm. Taylor, Sd, D and ave. lic worship a ecu SABBATH (oomveaclnr with Edwui M. Btawtov, avenue. rillas ere In the vicinity of Seneca, sent out a Samuel Buck, Government staMee. 38th In room House Commit- personal Joel ihonpaon, hew Yok tht Inst,) tht of tbt McClellan has, perhaps, more Secretary of War. Walker Johnioo. 10lb, between 4 and R. party on last and succeeded In captur- HiraTiF.Blgnall.74F, tee of Poet Gmccs and Post Roads, Capitol,) at 11 Strength In New York than In any other State. Frank Foaey, sai alreet. LOCAL AFFAIHS. Patrick ftUrley, 7l lib. o'clock, a. m. Preaching by tht Pastor, Ret. John Chaa. A. Samataf, 162 ISth street. ing three of their number. One of them ac Henry Matdere, 4Jt and N. Chester. But the opposition has more dead weight to D Y T H A I II . Da o lei Brown, alley. knowledged that their object was to steal horses HenryMattbewe, 6Ialno avt. Entrance by tha east and west doors of the ELEG MsBTiira.Thero was a . rj carry there than la any other State. Tbe Wood George W, Merrlman, 239 I atreet Tdibd Ward Draft Jonn riiinugn. a ave. south wing. Il porta d Daftat af the French at Dn A. D Tbaur. Uth and E. from the Union citizens. Their names are Urge attendance last night at this ward meeting, Jima MttehelL brothers are heavy fellows. Respectable peo- ranajo. Join Dick, 492 H atreet. Robert Thomas, William Slocum, and Lewis Exlrtma lntereat waa menlfeated. The Quota hi L o. Bryan, Arsenal. EWPoplsTtltejraph NswVini Ciais Morrla Hrly, 10th aod F. hren redueei to 2. and bv rreat enerrv tbe draft Owto Plerpontacar 10th and ' Liars, direct to NEW YORE, BOSTON, and all ple can endure association with them only upon Bur Fjukcisco, Sept. 26. The steamer John 8 13 Hunt. They wero turned over to Lieut. Col. la bo hoped, as one of John MaoD, 4 h street, may le avoldrdi aod It to Wm. Johnson, F, 2d aad Sd. Important points. Washington Offices I REPUB- and cologue-wete- L. Stephens brings advices from Northwestern E. J. Dtttrleh, 894 F atreet. speaker sm that one ol the wards la 106 D fret applications of hartshorn Wells, Provost Marshal General defences south th ', tht John Barry, street. LICAN BUILDING, 611 side,) bul- H. B D st aet. metropolis of the would furnUh tta quota Ninth street, (west Then Seymour Is unpopular, while Mexico to September 13tb, and 127,000 la Lukes, nation Jamea Gallagher, Goverasaeat stables. lion. J W laBderlrrd,4S61ith street. of the Potomac. without a draft. The Third ward will have thit John Colbert, 2d. bet. J) aad-E- and corner Pennsylvania avenut and Sixth street Teuton la moat Justly popular In all parts of wm. revnc, wi r aireei. honor provided that a libera'lty Joining the AlbertMlltB, 666 llth. , nnder National Hotel, and corner Fifteenth and F Tbe Mexican troops are reported to have vigor will form compound lntereat la Its Mora, congres- wm. li Bohi or the Peace Copperheads propose to preient Jonathan iX street. streets, opposite Treasury building. the Btate. Tbe Union electoral and gained a decided success In Durango city. It 1 Johmon. 11. 26 4H atreet. lichen Hsrmao, B. YKS, sional tickets are nn usually strong, as Is the has probably been evacuated by the French, Jmca Boyd, 47 llth street. hold a mass copper convention at Cincinnati, Meiari. Wood, Pratt, Heck, Murphy, Foanauirht, Jesse L Foster, aw a. avt. .CHARLES NO appointed at com-- lebts-- tf Manager who were greatly outnumbered. C Leta bll, 421, lllh atreet. 18. Loeb, Johnaon and Neabltt were FJwaid Deads, sth street wharf. Washington District. Btate and a prodigious deal of effect- k29 October tee to new toraeed reerultlnr. 644 " ticket," Eight to ten thousand acres of cotton are T. Bo the, Uth atrvet. aaa'et tboia la John Jacobs, 7th street. gJ-- JU ! a J hnaon, The committee hava secured ford'a Theatre lor C. Hut 120 D TlS4tf Poreano of cede attary ive work Is being done. We do not see how under cultivation In Elusion with line pros- Chratnut alle. W. chins, atreet. John M., HUl, W, bet. is h ana ltth. Fohd's Tdeatrx. Tho beautiful domestic next Saturday afternoon. Thomas Howard, 64 llth street. habits troubled with weakness, lassitude, palptta. the majority for Lincoln can be whittled down pect. Mlas Msggfe Mitchell has very klndlv volun- Hermann Baker, 1st atreet tloa sf the heart, lack of appetite, distress after killed by lightning C, D drama of "Fancboa" still keeps thestaxe, and aervleea for the oectalen, weil as the lo leas than 0,000. Four men were at Henry Jones, atreet. teered her ai John Webster. Va. avt. tatlng, torpid liver, constipation, Ac, deserve to Dr. H 8. Jcflrlta. 414 mh street. draws crowded houses tonltneis Miss Macxle whole of Mr. Ford a splendid company. An at- Jvhn Brooks, Va. avt. bet K and bta. 42S from sufler If they wUI not try tht eclebrattd WEW JERSEY. There Is great rejoicing In California over Henry Kmory, uth atreet. Mitchell as "the Little Cricket." On Saturday tractive bill will be pteiented, and, ailJe the J. C McGregor, 662 Va. ae. Id Glbaon. S6S 16th atreet. object to which the lunda are to be appropriated, B PLANTATION BITTERS, We Francis Train victories. IH Mill Massis Mitchell wlllilvethe Third John Riley, id, bet and C. do not know but George Sherldan'a Pat'k DoUo, 901 K street. afternoon ttwre will be a strong ladieement to the public to Walls, now recommended by highest ruedi per ward dralt a benefit. John ij; atreet which art tht was right In telling McClellan that he would Greenbacks are selling at 52,53 cents Juo.T. Halle k,8M F atreet. fund attend. Nicholas Horner, 2d, bet. B and G. authorities, and warranted to produce aa In M. 4AS 12th et. Wa eall attention to the meeting thla evenlog 11. 627 tal any rate, the dollar. Jno. Gllmaai itrt Thomaa Walker, llth. mediate effect. They are exceedingly not even carry New Jersey. At ship Daniel Marcy.IIong Kong, with H. A. Marshall, 178 llth street. Mas. The announofd In our advertlalcg columns. It la hoped Mrtin Hotiman,eth and N. bcneacial Balled, Mr. akd Babnit Williams. will be a large attendance, that tbe ne- - agreeable, perfectly purt, aad must supercede all Union Leaguea have been better organlxed and VfOtucas anipucrB. n.J. uammar.iti iiinaireer. fairy apeotacle, en that there Jno. Caioell. ioj.vw iu uuuiun irum Saillvan, N Detween Uth and 15th. beautiful lerendry drama aod seisary measurea may be taken to HU the quota, Geo. Jackson, 1st, bet. F and Maryland avenue. other tonics whtrs a healthy, gentle stimulant Is Jersey Confidence In American bottoms for Jon - are sow better organized In New than Chinese Edward F aimpion.i 2 E atreet. titled tbe Fairy Circle," waa given last eight at which can bt eailly accomplished If thtrt Is a dt- Spencer Wand, L, bet. 2d and 4,. laquirtd. trade Is greatly reduced. Jamea Edwarda, Penn'n avenue, one we seen uo so amoag 2d elsewhere. We do not claim tbe Btate, but Grover's to of tbe fullest houses have icrmioatioa to tne citizene. Mr. Ross, G, bet and 4i. They purify, strtngthtn and invigorate. Dao'l Farlonff, llth and F. tbe walla of that theatre In many a day, Geo. Jackson, 1st, bet M and N. shall not give It up till It has been officially an- Prom Calio Ge i. W, Belt i, loth and New Yo.k ai enue. Seventh Ward Exemption Association. Wm. Schaln, 1; aod O atreeta. They create a healthy appetite. E 13 It will be presented axala this trenlns;, for the I 3d. Is John lletcher, near j. being absent, an C. C, At- FredU MoKenoey, 1st, bet Vugiola ave and O, They are an antidote to change of water an nounced. Cairo, Sept. The steamer Nashville Joseph 211 street. last time, with the protean comedietta ol " la and Tht President motion, smith, llth ucixj caq , waa iicu tu Beat Panel), Monument lot diet rESlHTLVAKIA, reported as captured and burned by the rebels Joan, 2S Penn'n avenue. Out of Place," aod the Irlih farce of the iu euiun W infill J 8. Martin, Census Bureau. D "Irlah Mr. McGionlf. frosi tbt committee to call upon They overcome effects of dissipation and late yesterday near Canton, Cumberland river. Chaa. M. Flelda, 272 atreet Tutor. Mis. Barney W lllltms takes bar bentrtt In to fund, Jamra Smith, corral, Cand D streets. A letter from Blmon Cameron bsjbi "Penn M. 416 the Major relation tht bounty reported hours. Sixty bogsbeada of tobacco have arrived here Frank Ilea ton, lUthatreet. evening. that they had been unable to see htm, but would Josiph Hawiey, in F atreet. sylvania will give a good account of bcrself Paducah New York. John Hopklna. do so George Hanlln, Hi and C. Tbty sUeagthtn the system and tnllt en tht mind. from for Woi. Ruaaell, ti. V. avenue, probably on the 2d Tuesday of October." No doubt of A refugee from Charleston, 6. arrived Mr. 8emn.es reported that ha had put la three Dan'I O, MeGlvern, 4,'t near G. Theyprtrent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. C, Georce luroer, Kirkwood. it IV BUS AN I Dsnious' The d men and wnuid Stephen Slmoas, 7ih atrtet wharf. herefrom Memphis, reports having seen 10,000 Matbew s Circus. during tbe day probably put la They purify the breath and acldlt of the it. Wa shall gain lome members of Congress, r. Baxter, llth sttrel. more Deiore ne F. W. Fllllan, S2T Virginia avenue. Union prisoners near Macoc. Oa. James Wilaoa, 4u Uth street. show will give their first entertainment iwrive loiarutiuoi iiace. ac Alex. Mtrlck 7th stomach. popular Mr. be sired to know whe'her It wee tbe wish of the as- wi atreet and very largely in tbe vole. The rebels are running the railroad from diss H. Taylor, 41SL atreet. this evening. The Beloula Arabs appear to men Jmes Hagan, D, bst. 1st and 21. They curt Dyspepsia and Constipation. sua F atreet, anclatlonthat be should put the In alter tht Llneoln will probably get a larger majority Panola. Miss., part of the wav with horses. Henry Ke)aer, the principal feature of the elrcus. and theae sable draft took place, If they were not pioiurcd before Henry Barron, I, bet. 4th and Sth. They tort Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Mot Frnk Taylor, 219 E atreet. descendants of Ubmael pei form wondeis Id bound- that time. Fltz Puwell. 74 F street Jn Pennsylvania than In any other State, though The cotton crop In the neighborhood of Salter, 10th, between N Y. avenue and K, Leddeo, E F. bus. - ing, aod pyramiding. Theyhavepltehed Mr. W. F.Ford moved that the metier be left to Wm J. llth, bet and YicKsourg is Dung uicen to mat city to do Alex, serif posturing, M Mortoo, C, bet. 4H and 6th. They curt Liver Complaint and Nertous Head. the race in this respect will be tight between ft. their teat at corner of New York avenue and Mr. Bemmes discretion ginned. Tbe quality la jay fine. Frederick nehalker. tht upon thla motion, a aerjaia sprang up, wntoh Pat'k Meeglcs, F, bet 12th and 20th. ache. her, Massachusetts and Ohio. mere was great new J ba Freeman, 10th and E. Sixth street. was by members, atd Juo. Bramme), 672 12th street, They make the weak strong, tbe languid excitement ai iaana 437 11 atreet, participated la various the DELAWARE. hen the steamer Mollis Able passed there, the John feanbarn. u. Hiram J. Spetrs, H street. John Brook ll'h, bat, Pand U. iuo'iod iriTiii Geo. R. Lei and, 7th and D axbausted nature's great restorer. rebels being reported five to six miles back. Tht Auociatlon then adjourned until this even They composed Little Delaware la sure to go right by quite a Tobias Clerk, 331 loth street. flaw York Stock UsS. lag, clock, Henry Thomas, 62 G street art of tht celebrated Calls ay a steamer irom du oouna Henry Johmon, lot i atreet. By tht People's Telegraph Lines, at7Xo Wm. Stevens, S bark, wutergrttn, and herbs, hsndsome majority for so small a Btate. Mr. ine insane, louis, Alter ina aajouromcni 01 mi Aiiociaiion, s i lli sUttt. sassafras, roots all to Nashville, laden with Government stores, John I Miller, E, near Pcnna, ave omces 611 Ninth Btreet and corner FeuniylvaolA meetlDar of the e nh wm held. J. V. Duitn H street preserved In perfectly purest Croix rum. Fer can- Mr. Scblmdt, Sth and Boundary. avenue and Sixth atreet. flmllhere, representative In Congress and struck a anag near Sandy vllle Island, four miles On motion of Mr.Murtaarh.lt waa atreed that Hensoa rooie, 4, oec u ana it. particulars, ase circulars and testimonials around Wm. 8 Sqow.M, near Uth. TiitaiUAV, Skit. 22 FiasT BOAKD. no member of should receive his Jtmes . Hill, a ley. didate for re election, la making a thorough above Cape Girardeau, yesterday. The boat Mo SIS M 1881 107 tht club drafted each Jnho Donald, atreet. U.S. coupon f'a was accepted and ser- Mlcoael O'Neal, Goveromtnt stable. bottle and canro will probablv be a total loss. 11 substitute until he held to canvass. Others are on the stump, and the K win Kior. aio uth atreet U. . , ,109', n In tha club Chaa Boms, G, bet, 1st. Beware of Imposters. Examine every bottle, See Tbe steamer II 111 man brings Memphis dates Joaeph st est. (erttiloatesof Indebtedness 96 vice. If surplus remained treasury lKud Jones, sis uth alter the drafted men were furnished with sutatf-tut't- John benderson, 076 uth street that It has D. S. Barnes' signature on our priv ate right result la not doubted. the 24th Instant. Dr. M. Osborn and Fred, wiiner, ses new ror at enue, Gold 201 H. Humphreys, a. Capitol, U aad N. of J. should be retained to bt used in case a bet. U. S. Stamp over the cork, with plantation scene, MAKTLAHD. Lieut. E. Bentlv were murdered on the 22d bv John Wlttlkao. Pnna ate. New York Central lli'f aseood should place, quota Benj F. bttioger,649 itthstreet. Mat hew Donohue. dralt take or until the aad our Arm signature Una en- bushwhackers, just outside of the Memphis Erie IV of the want shoull be Ailed, incase ot a eeciod Temple Checks, alter. oaa steel plate Perhaps the most Interesting campaign any Jerome Bebaetloa. Hudson River . iu waa Wm. atewart, 666 toth street. graving on side label. Set that our bottle is not picket line. 496 draft, and It was fouad that there not morey Is a John F. MetoaU, Uth street. Heading U')a treasury provide for mem Allied Dugle, 884 4 street refilled and We where going on, that In Maryland, where King. Michigan 13 in the suulolent to tbe with spurious deleterious stuil. John Central. U' Dors 01 e uo H. R. Jasper, Government stables. ordinary election Is Cam- .Ntleon Green. Michigan Southern 74 nie men arauea.ioe urimiency laguiu defy any person to match tbe taste or chtraoter of great deal more than an Tdi Kigot Way to Stati It. The be made up by the club. If, upon thatiist draw-la- Joseph Turner, t76 4)( street. Corneliua D ggi, at Dr Stoat's Illinois Central 131 Cnas. I 4)(, G H, our goods. Any person pretending to sell Planta- pending, to wit i tbe adoption or rejection of bridge InttlUgtnetr, a loyal, hearty Union jour- eo many of tht lub wert drafted that It was ucker, bet. atd Addlieo J'ckaoo, llth street. Cleveland end 'itUburg 10V found Impossible to turolsn them with substitutes John Ward, 8W) J atreet. tion Bitters by the gallon or la bulk Is aa impos- a free constitution. It looks as though the nal In Maryland, thus s peaks i ueorgc nauii, im, near uouautry, Cleveland and Toledo. 112 among J. s. Webster Va. avenue. We only log Charles W, House, tbemouey abou d bsdlrUtdpro rata tht tor. sell In our cabin bottle. Auy would have things difference may have heretofore kldnUge, Itugby and Hock Island..... 1Jf draf ed. Frank B. Meek, mlthsoolaa, person Imitating free Bute men pretty much "Whatever F. L Sjkei.ljl titreet. Mllwaukleaad Prairie du Chien 60 Kdwsrd Gross, K, bet. 2d and 4 V this bottle, or selling auy otker existed between ns aa to candidates must now D Jobmoa Pittsburg, Fort Waynt and Chicago 100'4 George Maynardlth atreet wharf. material therein, whether called Plantation Bit- thtlr own way, except In one congressional Board dis- be buried. We are fighting for principles, not Andrew rrice, 7th tnd K. Alton and Terre Haute , 60 Tns Diuft. Tho of Enrolment Smith, t'b, bet. H and I. ters or not, Is a criminal under tha 17. S, Law, aud district. Is 41 posed of lo( oases rnk The eloquent Henry Winter Davis men. Is our country we wish to save, Chloago and Northwestern tbt owing Wm a. mil e, 662 U'h street. wUI so by We It that Quick ver be prosecuted us. already have our on the stump advocating a free Btate not only, not party. Mr. Lincoln, aa our readers well Bokeb Ray- ill 6oa Andrew J. Regan, 106 D street. eye on Ahbest or tui Actors and Charles If Fariell, pbysloal dliabllltyt Jacob B two parties refuting our bottles, etc, who more unacceptable to any one i Ktug.l Unarrest but tue election of Abraham Lincoln as well. know, was not mond. The Baltimore OattU of says F1CIUONAE Haaaeker, furnlihtd suistltutct Levi Pennington, Matthew Flaonlgan, Government dep jf, will sueeeed la getting thtmseh as Into close quar- than to us. Bat we mast now accept him or Last nlt?ht(after the performance at the furnlined substitutct Wm. L. Pullllur. furnlebtd Wm Warder, 161 K street ters. The demand for Bitters Tbe defection of poor old Ilevcrdy Johnson Is Bbnatoh Doouttlb addressed a lenre con F B. Medlar, lurnlsbed Drake's Plantation sacrifice our principles. la suth a crisis, we Theatre, Mr. Dokee, one of tbe aubatltutei subatltuti R bert lltrnsoo, D, bet X tnd Sth. from ladles, clergymen, msrohsnts, 6so , la per- doing tbe Union cause good, for he baa always course of Republicans at ihlcajo, ou Tuesday Henry Crawford, M G stret. are not permitted even to hesitate. It behovea actors, was placed nnder arrest by tbe military last. rocxTit fectly Incredible. Tht simple trial of a bottle la been suspected of venality, and us to rally to his support, and save our prin- guard on charge of using disloyal remarks Dennis Hall, South Capitol street. could never the Hon. Wm. H. Governor Iowa, Morlts HammenobltK:. alleoi Samuel Hodirklns, Geoigt W. I tick, - , the evidence wt prtsent of their worth and superi- ciples from defeat Let us enter immediately upon tbe stage. charge appeared Stone, of ears lo aervleei John W.Maury, paid com- succeed la tielog trusted by any party, though while Ihe peine at eprtQgncid, in., two) ority. They sold by all rtsptotable drug glita, Into an active, energetic, vigorous wsrfsre. to have originated la this way t The play being uciouer oiu. mutation, IWli John H. Dirrell, physical disabil- A Man Spot. Last night about 7 o'clock a trt tried or an. GsN.CnAPMAN,reported bat- Mo- - grocers, physicians, hotels, saloons, steamboats, The cause of the Union and of Unlveisal Lib formed was the " Heir at Law." In a wounded at the ity) Francis Coyle, pbysloal dlsabllltyi J. i. man named HUl was shot Dear Delaware Dot enough. It Is certain tle ol WlneoeBter,wt art happy to say, waa not so Fanand, physical olsaMUty Smuel Stallsy, phyi- avenue, by another man, name unknown, with and country stores, the prospect erir la now Identified with tbe names of Lin but ween Lord Dubtrly (Mr. Hall) and badly injured aa of bla Benjamin htudd, dltabll- - DRAKE A CO.. the to deprive the Guvernmtnt loni uiaaiuiti)i physical whom bt bad a dispute. Hill waa beard te sar. P.H. everywhere Is bright. It could hardly bo more coln and Johnson, That's the banner of our Mr. Steadfast (Mr. Bokee) latter save that aerv Cfi. but continued with the command until ltyi John G. Weaver, phystoal disability. ' God d n ) ou, I am a bctitr man than you." Tbt 203 Broadway N. Y, to and promise D. re- - Sunday he rid an Mewmar encouraging. From Maine to California cornea hope. We unfurl It tbe breeze, he Is Just from Quebec, America. Lord lait,when Gen. reached rimi sen distbict. other said, Don't come nearer," when Hill, to plant It upon the works of tne enemy. "Then you must be a Yankee Doodle.' ket. Djrtog tha late e tlreflftitlngcampalgo, Gen. Geo, FlareDStelDe. aileni Thomaa Grlffla. under waa shot in tha abdomen, receiving a ItPHAHB OOUIIT. the same good news, amounting lothejo)ful Flles, Bokee (Steadfast) Chapman carried a leave of abaenoa labia pocket, agei John Jacksen, phisloal dlsabllltyi Guy R, very serious wound. Justice Clayton wtat to the asserted that Mr. Declined aet upon ao long as his services ao uo. Q OF COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON phrase 11 or Con and am not a Yan- but to It rosier, j toaa uerroi, wuuuuiu uiau mi un uhjbiiivu, uui tauia not all is well. This i a World rixaATiox, answered, "No, thank God, were Deeded In the field. Upon the arrltal of Gen. SIXTH elicit aoy particularsia.i from htm. HUl was taken COUNTY. TO win he who would be no slave must consent to have kee." This, however, It appears, was not the Sheridan at Newmarket It was very clear that O. II, Thompson, detailed to wirk In the navy to a home in Jackson allev. where he la Ivlna verv 6XFTTMSER20, 1844. P1EUSOMAL. was so stamp did. that there yard) Robert Wm. Appiegate, do. 111. Jamea T.Perkins, deny freedom to others reply of Mr. Bokee, which was satisfactorily Early thoroughly Jordan, dot Tht policemen have notes yet succeeded la In tht taatof administrator, E. N. Fulliu, editor of the Daily Journal, no slave. Those who explained, when be was released. Mr. Ray- would be little, If any, more lighting In the V!ley, Wm. Kraus, dot Henry Stewart, dot Jas. Shep- - arresting the man who fired the shot. d. b. n , of Addison Conway, deceased, tht admin- advantage of his du b. n., aforesaid has, approba- at W'wuk, baa btea indicted by the Grand Jary cl deserve It not themselves, and, under a Just God, mond, another of the Holllday Street company, and General Chapman took niru.uo ono iiiuiura,uu i viui r, yvwumi, istrator, with the UaiUdBUies leave of alienee, airlted here and leaves di Thomaa Arnold, do,( Wm. Pegg jr., physical or tion of tht Orphans' Court of waablngton county ins circuit court at Trenton, on a cannot long retain It. A. LixCOLK." while Mr. Bokee was under arrest, had some this rternnnn for hia home in Iadlaua. General disability Tbeophiluc Howard, physical dlsabllltyi U. L. A. Tbe Grand Council tho D. C. aforesaid, appointed Tuesday, October barge of publishing articles to July last counsel-la- Union League, meets evening at rooms, tht Uth of tei,Qc April misunderstanding with the captain of the Chapman was formerly a e respondent ot West jouu joddiod, uaiiucu in obtjt yrui wm u, thla their next, for tht hnal stttlcmcnf and distribution of tht reals to lb flr.ft. To a Republican Committee In Boston, H. on Ninth street Ws are requested to urge a full eald ffnard. oriirlnstlnz In the above affair, which ern papers ia tail euy. rue w wt us.vvri. physical dliabiittyt Samuel Turner, de- Fieraoaal tatatt of deceased, and of tho assets tbe Assistant Secretary 13, 185U. weakened the might of the navy yardi Wm. B. Crawford, do Henry attendance aa far aa the aame have bean collected and Uauhotoe, of resulted in Mr. It. being taken to the office of has not bla belief la tailed in ii S ii theti.Treasury, passed tbrougb ork jeeteraav pen. Hergett. physical dlaabUiiyiGto at H. Clarke. do.t turned lata money whan and whart all tha credi- way icstou a srort vim. Lincoln's Uixxltnos." One of tae provost msrsnai. George Hubbard, do Wm. E. Andoce, do.t Milton A Murder Trial. Tbe trial of Ephralm tors aad heirs of eald deceased art notified to at- cable Onto?" Gen. SioELlslntownand called upon tbe charged W. Boyle, Gxw, Curd ey, asceptadtJobn BrntonLdo.i James Laaey, Philips, with tbt murder of Jaa. tend, (at tht Orphans' Court of Washington coun- MA. DiX arrived at Sandusky. Ohio, tbe most expenslTo sod useless of " Lincoln's a sur- President to dav to par his reapesu Berry, at Miohael Bjyla's restaurant, oa Bridge strttf, la ty aforesaid,) claims vouohed, on Monday and waa Dr. Bonlalsky, Itusslaa anatomist and physical disability! Fernando detailed la with their properly imltr, sariouUj at tnt hirelings," Is Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, geon, lately solemnized his fiftieth anniversary John O. Esq., was drafted a few yardi Matthew jerboa, detailed la marine Georgetown, has occupied the attention of tht er they may otherwise by law bt txefuded from West Htu by tbu Union Band lit acknowl- Nicolat. court during day fn provided edged In array, by presenting to tho oaya ainet one or tnt warue in uui city, erraeksiJohn A. Murray, detailed In navy yard) tht aU benefit said deceased's estate) a the compliment la a few pouted remarks. who traws his salary peacefully when not or of service the li many reasons, Williams, over agt James Marshal, copy of this order bt published ones a wock for Medical Academy of St. Pulersburg his collec- Althouga net so Jest to draft lor cupid ailso Mai. Oiv. Lahdir. formerly Mies J. M, dered to active duty, aod who halts at every Physical as well aa ornciei,yer. nut govt pairiui, I', Caharrellt, alien) Ueary Coster, under age. Tne Draft The Third ward three weeks in the national jUjmblkan previous to Davanport, afltoatpllahadnad wall tion of Instruments of surgery gathered with greenbacks aod CXTU SVS DISTBICT. of this city and Eighth and Ninth tarn (! liar 01 ueioper the known swamp In the field to ha hu inveated Ms six hundred Xttt tht iwi ' io. BOBBINS, dsaldad to resuxM bar profession when write political Ut unwearied patience dnrlng half a century, and put in a subs Mutt or representative, worthy Lewis Bird, over agt George Yates, accepted comprising auoi ueorgetowu, wm veuiw Teet X.C. aat , 4 morrow, Register of Wills. fJoveaiber. ters to bis commanuor-iR-cDici- containing more then 3,000 articles, exampiei stmoa Cherry. acerjttH t John RMoubt,accspted This closes the dralt u tht District