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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-14-1949 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1949). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2494. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1949 BACKWARD LOOK The True Memorial l I TEN YEARS AGO 18 AN UNWRrl'TBN BUT RIM Fram Bulloch Times. July ts, 1939 A. W. Barlow, of the West SIde QUENT 8TORY OF ALL THAT eommuntty, brought the T'imes a 50- (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) J8 BBST IN LIFE. pound Mount�in Sweet watermelon. Golden glow watermelon (nnd like II was to the Our work helps to reflect Ifle pumpkin] presented Bulloch Times, Est...bUshed 1892 K 1.1" MISS Ann Cason last Times office Mrs. E. A. Smith as ColUloUdated JUluarr ''', JULY 14, 1949 VOL. 58-NO. 17 spent week at MACON-HENDRIX HERE FOR by St... Established 11101! STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, FUNERAL Ipirlt which pro",pts you to ereet ta.boro NeWll, Fulton. n deliCIOUS CUIIOSlty. D_ber II. 1810 Camp �fr. nd Mrs. T. G. Macon announce Out-o-f-town relatives and fnends Statesboro Eagle, Establi.hed 1917-OonaolldsWl the stone aa an act of revere_ furnilv the World's I viaiting Personal Bill Olliff returned to the 'll"nes 'Purely Tech after marriage of their Car- here for the funeral of Mrs. J. P. III h�s. daughter, and devotion • • • Our experi_ Fnl New York, having returned u week-end VISIt home. olyn, to Donald which took I were Mrs. J. W. With a. world of experience, Hendrix, Beasley Monday il at your ••moe. personal in some 4-H CLUBSTERS TO BIll Brantley spent the week end M,ss Lillian Wall spent the week place Saturday afternoon at the Meth. Flynt, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pes- occupied front page relating of at the BEGIN CAMPAIGN end with the incidents of the trip; WIll' relatives In ",Iatlves in Sll'Vannah. odist parsonage In WIth cock and son and J. A frorn Wrightsville. Statesboro, Beasley, THAYER Linciln Hotel, which wns stopping Mr. and MONUMENT COMPANY MilS Hester Newton spent the PRSt Mrs. Curtis Melton, of Val- R·av. John S. Lough perfomling the Rome, Ga.: Mrs. J. H. St. Clair, Mack quarters, debarked from subway train HOLD SESSION HERE A Local Industry SI_ IVit to BLOOD PROGRAM <_k ead 'at her home In Oliver. dosta, spent the week ead with her double ring ceremony. The couple St. Clair, Mrs. Fred DeLamorton, M.... in basement and started walking JOHN M. ward what was believed to be the di Southeast Youths Ml'. and Mrs. MacDonald lather, L. E. Flake. was attended Mr. MOlell Mrs, T. H. EI TRAYER, Proprietor Georgia Ralph by and Mrs. H. H. Clark, KnIght, found Local and Civic Groups 4& We.t Main Street rection of their room elevator 'M,SS Bevcrly of Mr•. Mr. PHONE 438 Hold spent the week end WIth relatives in Haygood, Eastman, Macon Sr., J. E. Forbes Sr. and fera, FIB.: and Mrs. E. L. MIkell Sta�QL themselves three blocks outside tire To Join With Red Cross Three-Days Meeting the week end with (lallr-tf) Hoboken, Ga. spent Mias Beverly Miss Joyce Porbes, After a week at Jr., Florence, S. C.: Otis Anderson hotel, having followed the Wl'.ng At Georgia College "exit" In Establishing This Aid L: Alderman. Sa.vannah and Marvin sign. \ C.;; Jr., of Jacksonville, Fl. , Beach they WIll be at home Anderson, LaGrange, Ga.: SOCIal events' A pretty campli- Some 200 4-H Club boys and girl. Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. at Mrs. Soon Bulloch visited hIS parents and grandmother Cherry are 208 South Main street. Troy Anderson, Vidalia: Mrs. DECKERS CLUB ON was the Statesboro and county EXTENDED VISIT ment to Mrs. Billie Cone from Southeast Georgia will be ID the week with •• • • Slater last week end. \ spending relative. in Tootle, Mrs. Carton Kickllght- Members of the Deckers"""'.� Club w·re� Mrs. W'll'I IS Waters bridge pal ty Tll'ilsday after WIll become an active in left Tuesday for given participant, Statesboro, Thursday, FrIday and Mrs. Lenora of FItzgerald. SMITH-CRUMBLEY er, Mr. and Mrs. Lester WH· entertained durin- the noon WIth Mias Sallie Maude Temples Parker, lI.tlanta, Collins,' delightfully .. an eJ<te'nded to the National Blood Pro- Charlotte, N. C., s. B McAl Red Cross of next' "'''''k. These club M,sses Md·....r. an M",. Frank of' lIS hostC'Ss.-Mr. and Mr C. Saturday was the week-end of rs, Alderman and Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie week at t.... home M-.•• Erne-on.n guest, M Eliza. BeV'arly Mary Iiams, Pulaski: of wereh she wi I I awhile with will spend Mr. lister and son. Charles Brooks, gram under the auspices of the Bul ISters will be compcti g wlt1l each Henderson arc this S boro, announce the and beth Donaldson. spending week at engagement Nevils, Pulaski, their daughters, Brannen, with Mrs. E. W. Barnes ea- and Mra, leave afternoon for New York tates. Chester Welchel and Mr. this other for a on dl'dtrict 0 the place thc team. Tattnall ca .. f thelr daughter, Sue Nell, to Oscar of New to World's Fair.-Mrs, J. loch County Red Cross Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Brannen had p. Reta Mae, York, and Mrs. co-hostess. Summer lIowers we-.c at- and Mrs. attend the Harry Griflln, and from and a chance to to the state club' . for Au go Mrs. B. B. Morris LarkIn Crumbl e'1 Jr., son of Mr. and 'S. Murray will leave FrIday Tri-County Medical A�sociation and as last week Mrs. Peter J. and daughter, Grace Everett, Brunswick; Mr. and tractively arranged about the rooms, re guest the WIll go to D. Mrs. J. E. in October. Wa,hington,. C., tb her sisters, congress . gu'Sta rs. rum join the J are MOL C bl"y, or M••. local civic orgunlzutlcna. Then Haden," of Atlanta. ane, spending 'dometlme ilt-Sa-' Morgan, Ga., Mrs. Elmer Perkins, Mr. and and refreshment's consisted of ice for several in a days. Before returning Barrow and Mrs. E. G. Barrow The farm and home agen,s from vannah Beach. and Boca G rande, Fla. The wedding and Del- Hen people in this community tlnd area Mr. and M",. Martin Gates, of Jef Han·y Kennedy gaughters, cream in gmger al'a, sandwiches and home Mrs. W trip to N'2W York.-Mr. and Mrs. atera will go te the sa counties as well wi a k I ce A 14 at the First Niagara Janice WIll receive the benefits of blood and twenty-seven the week end with Slitgt. and Mrs. of cpa uguat orcs and Mr. and Mrs. Don cookies. For score TY Howell, Mi sses Sara Howell, foraonville, spent Aubrey Newton, Annette, high Mrs. Ray Fa IIs, N. for a visit Y., with Mr. and Julie Turner lind Ann Groo as many of the Extension Service C the Bapt'ISt chure,h Statesboro, The bride- Mr. and Mrs. Arundel, ItS products through this physicians Mrs. SIdney Smith. olumbus, spent holiday week end Nevils, Lawson Nevils, Darley received Revlon nail polish Mrs, Preston Waters and Mr. and ver spent Sunday at Savannah Beach. specll1h.ts from Athens WIll also be eltdec uated from Statesboro and If and whenever they ss. Mrs W G. is with Mrs. Nellie Miller. was gra Randall Rowe and daughter, Verda, and lipsbick; a box of mints for low entertained hospitala, by Courtesy of Savannah PIC' ) Holloway attending Mrs. Charlie Water... -Mrs. H. C. M�Ginty (Photo in town. School and the need them. PIlots baseball team, at present summer at Philip Weldon of is I HIgh Georgia State Mrs. J. W. Mrs. H. F. we t to Mrs. with one table of Saturday above are members of the Statesboro school Florida State UnI Jr., Grill'in, KImball, Allen, Billy Tillman; Mrs. Joe •••• bridge STATESBORO PILO'l'S-Sh,own All-Star. last night and The group WIll be stationed at Womans Colleg-a in Valdosta, whore morning in honor of Mrs. Bird Dan In this and other 'SImilar communi the League. The Pilots played host to the league Frid�y versity, Tallahassee. spending awhile WIth his grandpa", Mr. and Mrs. Buster Dukes, all of Trapnell won Aquamarine lotion for J.T.J.'s RETURN leadin Ogeechee WIllet FROM come to States From loft to BIll Dunn. Vaughn Dyer, Hili ml1n'gar) Teachers and moat she rccelved her BS in home iel, who has re""ntly t:·a. within the Savannah Blood centar a 9-2 contest. light (front row) GCOlgia College Mr and Mr� H. H. Macon and enta, Mr. and MI'•. C. P. 011111'. degree Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and sun tan lotion all drOi>p� left to Joe MIddlebrooks, Beasley, cut, floating SAVANNAH BEACH boro to live. Herb Reeve'S. Mason Clements Ilml James Hull Back row, right, WIll economics.