Global Markets Action Plan The Blueprint for Creating Jobs and Opportunities for Through Trade © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of , 2013

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Cat. No.: FR5-84/2013

ISBN: 978-1-100-54645-2 Table of Contents


Framing the Environment 5

Introduction 6

1. Targeting Markets That Matter 7 Accessing emerging markets with broad Canadian interests 7 Accessing emerging markets with specific opportunities for Canadian businesses 8 Deepening Canada’s competitive advantage in established markets 9

2. Entrenching Economic Diplomacy: A New Trade Promotion Plan 11 Focusing resources and services to maximize success 11 Promoting Canada’s foreign trade zone advantage 12 Promoting Canada’s innovation advantage 12

3. A Focused Pro-trade and Investment Plan to Open New Markets 13 Prioritizing trade and trade-related agreements 13

4. Enhancing Canada’s Competitive Edge 14 An agile and adaptable trade strategy 14 Renewed and strengthened stakeholder linkages 15 Initiatives that play to Canada’s strengths 15 Setting goals and measuring success 15

Moving Forward 16

Annex I – Priority Markets (Map)

Annex II – Priority Markets A MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE Canada has one of the most successful and prosperous economies in the world. One reason for this good fortune is our recognition that harnessing the power of trade and investment represents one of the most effective ways to drive economic growth and prosperity. In fact, today trade is equivalent to more than 60 per cent of our annual gross domestic product, and one in every five Canadian jobs is directly linked to exports.

That’s why, in 2007, the launched its Global Commerce Strategy—a comprehensive and strategic plan for expanding Canada’s trade network, strengthening our competitive position in our traditional markets, and extending our reach to new emerging markets. This strategy has been a resounding success, leading us to conclude seven different free trade pacts with no fewer than 37 countries.

At the same time, we are pursuing deeper trade and investment ties with many of the largest, most dynamic and fastest-growing markets in the world in order to enhance Canada’s competitive edge in a global economy that is fiercely competitive. The rapidly changing global economic landscape requires Canada to remain nimble and agile. I believe that, to stay competitive, we must keep challenging ourselves.

To this end, our government’s Economic Action Plan 2012 committed to building on the success of the 2007 Global Commerce Strategy by consulting extensively with Canada’s business community to identify new markets, strengths and opportunities. These cross-country consultations included the critical small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the backbone of our economy. We were guided by an advisory panel of leading business and industry leaders. The result is the new Global Markets Action Plan.

Under the Global Markets Action Plan, the Government of Canada will concentrate its efforts on the markets that hold the greatest promise for . We will do this through vigorous trade promotion and ambitious trade policy. Most importantly, the focus will be on core objectives within those markets. In short, the plan will play to our strengths and ensure that all Government of Canada diplomatic assets are harnessed to support the pursuit of commercial success by Canadian companies and investors. We fully understand that, when Canadian companies succeed abroad, all Canadians benefit from the jobs and opportuni- ties that are created at home.

By concentrating on core objectives within our priority markets, the Global Markets Action Plan will also entrench the concept of “economic diplomacy” as the driving force behind the Government of Canada’s trade promotion activities throughout its interna- tional diplomatic network. This new focus represents a sea change in the way Canada’s diplomatic assets are deployed around the world. In so doing, we are ensuring that Canada’s long-term economic success becomes one of our priority foreign policy objectives.

Notably, the plan also establishes ambitious yet achievable targets over the next five years to expand the export footprint of our SME community working in conjunction with government. That said, I firmly believe that our success will be defined not only by the number of new Canadian companies that begin to export but by the number and quality of the jobs that our plan will create.

Going forward, we will continue to work closely with government and industry stakeholders to keep the plan attuned to global trends and to align our government’s priorities and services with the needs of our exporters. Working together, we will build on our past successes to ensure a prosperous Canada that remains a global champion of trade.

The Honourable Ed Fast Minister of International Trade

4 Global Markets Action Plan Framing the Environment Peter G. Hall Vice-President and Chief Economist, Export Development Canada

Since the onset of the global recession of 2008-09, exporters have faced significant challenges. International trade activity was pum- melled by the largest drop in global GDP since the Great Depression. But it didn’t stop there. In spite of the unprecedented outpouring of global stimulus, a short spurt of growth fizzled into on-again, off-again performance as the world economy lived off the excesses accumulated in the pre-recession “years of plenty.”

That’s all changing. Years of austere consumption and investment have created a groundswell of pent-up demand in OECD econo- mies—we’re getting to a point where people and businesses simply can’t put off spending any longer. Leading indicators show that they are back at it: as we speak, a broadly based upswing in momentum is under way. At the same time, the cloud of gloom that has shrouded the world economy for half a decade is lifting. Confidence is up sharply in the United States, the European Union and Japan, hitting heights that we haven’t seen in years.

Another key development is adding to the momentum. Around the world, deep cuts to public spending have been a significant drag on growth for a number of years now. Those cutbacks are rapidly coming to an end, giving a significant lift to the global economy in 2014 and beyond.

Together, these recent developments strongly suggest that international trade activity is turning a very significant corner, and Canadian exporters are poised to benefit.

Launching a trade strategy that reflects current global conditions and remains adaptable to changes will ensure that Canada is poised to continue to achieve success in global markets and enhance its competitive edge.

5 Global Markets Action Plan Global Markets Action Introduction Plan: How we got here “To further promote the success of Canadian exporters, our government will launch a • Conducting consultations with comprehensive new plan to assist Canadian businesses as they expand abroad.” more than 400 Canadian – Speech from the Throne, to open the second session of the 41st Parliament, business and industry stake- October 16, 2013 holders; • Soliciting strategic advice from the advisory panels on the As the 2013 Speech from the Throne states, Canada has been a trading nation from its Global Commerce Strategy and earliest days: the International Education Strategy; and • Building on the successes of “From the days of the coureurs de bois and the Hudson’s Bay Company, Canada has been the Global Commerce Strategy, a trading nation. Today, with one in five Canadian jobs dependent on exports, our first launched by the govern- prosperity hinges on opening new markets for Canadian goods, services and investment.” ment in 2007. Trade continues to define this country’s economic geography and prosperity. However, the global economy is changing and Canada must adapt. The changes include intense competition from countries around the world, as well as those stemming from the worst economic recession in a generation (2008-09), which had a negative impact on Canada’s trade with its traditional partners; advances in transportation and communication, which By providing Canadian businesses are transforming the way we do business; and the growth and maturing of the world’s with“ the support they need to expand emerging markets. Canada’s Global Commerce Strategy, first launched in 2007, enabled in international markets, the govern- Canada to weather the economic downturn better than most of its trading partners. It has ment is demonstrating its commit- placed Canada on a strong economic footing. For example, Canada currently has the ment to strengthening ties with our lowest net debt-to-GDP ratio in the G-7 and has posted the fastest employment growth in global partners. the G-7 since July 2009: over a million more Canadians are working today than when the global economic recession ended. The new Global Markets Action Plan will continue to guide Canada’s strong economic growth now and into the future. Key elements of the — Hon. John Manley, plan include targeting the markets that matter to Canadian businesses and ensuring that President and CEO, ” Canadian Council of Chief Executives Canada’s interests are advanced in those markets. By sharpening our trade policy tools, putting boots on the ground, and promoting business-to-business links with partners globally—links that are so often precursors to new ideas, new commercial activity and new opportunities—the approach is designed to keep the plan squarely aligned to the needs of Canadian business.

Under the Global Markets Action Plan, the Government of Canada is concentrating on the markets that hold the greatest promise for Canadian business through vigorous trade Did you know? promotion and ambitious trade policy. In short, the Global Markets Action Plan will • International trade represents ensure that all Government of Canada assets are harnessed to support the pursuit of more than 60 percent of commercial success by Canadian companies and investors in key foreign markets, to Canada’s GDP. • One in five jobs in Canada is generate new jobs and new opportunities for workers and families here at home. linked to exports. • There would be 3.3 million fewer The economic analysis carried out to identify the priority markets of the Global Markets jobs without international trade. Action Plan included advice and input from businesses across Canada. This information • Canada’s unemployment rate was reviewed and endorsed by an advisory panel composed of eminent Canadians (see would skyrocket to more than “Members of the advisory panel for the Global Markets Action Plan”). 25 percent without exports.

6 Global Markets Action Plan 1. Targeting Markets That Matter Members of the advisory Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan consists of comprehensive actions to advance the panel for the Global interests of Canadian businesses in a specific group of key foreign markets. Priority Markets Action Plan markets were identified through a multi-stage process that included:

 Catherine Swift, Chair, Canadian  economic modelling to identify markets with high-growth potential given Federation of Independent Canadian industrial capabilities and competitive advantages; Business  analysis of potential sources of capital, technology and talent;  key regional trading blocs and Free Trade Agreement (FTA) partners for Canada;  core hubs in global value chains; and Paul Reynolds, President and  guidance from key Canadian industry sectors. CEO, Canaccord Genuity Group

Kathleen Sullivan, Executive By focusing efforts where Canadian opportunities and interests have the greatest Director, Canadian Agri-Food potential for success, the plan plays to Canada’s existing strengths and identifies three Trade Alliance priority market types: Hon. Perrin Beatty, President and  emerging markets with broad Canadian interests; CEO, Canadian Chamber of  emerging markets with specific opportunities for Canadian businesses; and Commerce  established markets with broad Canadian interests.

Hon. John Manley, President and CEO, Canadian Council of Chief Executives Accessing emerging markets with broad Canadian interests Emerging markets with the best potential for broad Canadian commercial interests are defined as those: Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO, Alliance Grain Traders  that demonstrate high potential for economic growth;  where Canadian capabilities have the best potential for success; Jayson Myers, President and  where government support can have the greatest impact; CEO, Canadian Manufacturers &  that are priorities for foreign direct investment, technology and/or talent; and/or Exporters  that are part of regional trading platforms. Brian Ferguson, President and CEO, Cenovus Energy These markets have been identified as:

Serge Godin, Founder, CGI Group ASIA PACIFIC Indira Samarasekera, President, • China University of Alberta • Hong Kong SAR • India • Indonesia • Malaysia • Singapore • South Korea • Thailand • Vietnam

7 Global Markets Action Plan 6 The Canadian Association of LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Importers“ and Exporters applauds the government’s decision to refresh • Brazil the Global Commerce Strategy. This • Chile action plan removes barriers and • Colombia cuts red tape, which facilitates trade, • Peru [and] leads to job growth and economic prosperity for Canadians.

6 — Joy Nott, President, NORTH AMERICA Canadian Association of Importers ”and Exporters • Mexico


• Israel • Saudi Arabia • South Africa • United Arab Emirates

Did you know? 6 EUROPE Deeper trade with partners such as India and the European Union • Russia could provide Canadian business- • Turkey es with improved access to markets that have a combined GDP of nearly $20 trillion and Accessing emerging markets with specific opportunities for Canadian more than 1.7 billion people, businesses creating thousands of jobs in Canada. Emerging markets with specific opportunities for Canadian business include those:

 where Canada has investment links;  where Canada could hold a first-mover advantage;  where the corporate social responsibilities of Canadian companies gives them an advantage;  where Canada sees opportunities to develop infrastructure or talent; and/or  that are potential treaty partners.

The Global Markets Action Plan identifies these markets as:


• Brunei • Burma • Mongolia

8 Global Markets Action Plan 6 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN The new Global Markets Action Plan • Costa Rica is“ a strategy that responds to the • Panama needs of Canadian exporters today • Paraguay and to the realities of international business in the future. It provides • Uruguay exporters with the tools they need to succeed abroad. It will be instrumen- tal in supporting business growth and jobs in communities across 6 MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Canada.

• Bahrain • Benin — Jayson Myers, President and CEO, ” • Burkina Faso Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters • Cameroon • Côte d’Ivoire • Ghana • Kuwait • Madagascar Accessing New • Mali Opportunities for • Morocco • Businesses • Senegal • Tanzania During extensive consultations, five streams of activities informed • Tunisia the establishment of priority • Zambia markets in order to ensure that Canadian businesses had the tools and support needed:

6 EUROPE/EURASIA 1. Access to key global markets 2. Access to capital 3. Access to technology • Kazakhstan 4. Access to support services • Ukraine 5. Access to talent

Deepening Canada’s competitive advantage in established markets Although emerging markets are increasingly important, Canada needs to continue building on existing relationships with our traditional international partners. Business and industry leaders have been clear: a focus on emerging high-growth markets should not come at the expense of Canadian commercial interests in other strategic markets where Canada already has major trade interests and where Canadian companies still face the challenge of penetrating the lucrative global supply chains of multinational corporations.

Canada’s established markets are as follows:


 United States

9 Global Markets Action Plan 6 EUROPE

 European Union The Global Markets Action Plan is a comprehensive“ international trade • Austria strategy that will help businesses of • Belgium all sizes expand and grow in new • Bulgaria markets around the world. By • Croatia prioritizing markets, focusing on core strengths and ensuring that govern- • Cyprus ment services reflect the needs of • Czech Republic exporters, the plan is right for the • Denmark times, and its adaptability will help • Estonia Canada increase its competitiveness • Finland over the long term. • France • Germany • Greece — Hon. Perrin Beatty, • Hungary President and CEO, ” Canadian Chamber of Commerce • Ireland • Italy • Latvia • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Malta • Netherlands • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Slovakia • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • United Kingdom

 European Free Trade Association

• Iceland • Liechtenstein • Norway • Switzerland


• Australia • Japan • New Zealand

10 Global Markets Action Plan 2. Entrenching Economic Diplomacy: A New Trade Promotion Plan By concentrating on core objectives within priority markets, the Global Markets Action Plan will entrench the concept of “economic diplomacy” as the driving force behind the Government of Canada’s activities through its international diplomatic network. Other countries are doing the same, and Canada cannot be complacent. We must be more Senior-level economic diplomacy aggressive and effective than the intense competition we face. Under the plan, all should“ be used in a considered and diplomatic assets of the Government of Canada will be marshalled on behalf of the explicit way to encourage foreign private sector in order to achieve the stated objectives within key foreign markets. governments and companies to give favourable consideration to Canadian aerospace products. The Global Markets Action Plan will promote and support Canadian international business interests in order to:

 open doors, generate leads and resolve problems;  advance Canada’s core industrial capabilities and competitive advantages; — Recommendation from Beyond the  Horizon: Canada’s Interests and Future”  continue the creation and development of various trade-promotion bodies, includ- in Aerospace (Review head, Hon. David ing bilateral joint economic commissions, joint CEO forums, business councils and L. Emerson, November 2012) other trade and investment-enhancing tools (e.g. Canada-ASEAN Business Council);  assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in successfully “making the leap” to exporting;  continue promotion of Canada’s various trade facilitation advantages and infra- structure enhancements (e.g. Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative);  help SMEs expand into new markets through the development of comprehensive market access reports that identify opportunities and challenges;  attract talent to address Canada’s labour shortages;  improve and coordinate branding and marketing of Canada abroad; and  build exporting dimensions into key sectoral strategies (e.g. defence procurement). Did you know? Canada’s TCS: Focusing resources and services to maximize success • is free of charge for eligible Canadian companies Canadian firms, and SMEs in particular, face an uphill struggle expanding into emerging • serves over 13,500 clients a markets, where the business culture, regulatory environment and language can be particu- year larly challenging, even with a trade agreement. To meet these challenges, the Government of • is on the ground in more than Canada maintains a roster of effective trade promotion tools and constantly deploys 160 cities at home and abroad resources and services that match identified priority markets with Canada’s core economic • received a client satisfaction interests and capabilities. Trade promotion tools include market expansion services as well as rating of 83 percent in 2012-13 market expansion programs provided by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service.

As Canada’s original economic diplomats, trade commissioners operate abroad to promote Canadian capabilities, gather and send leads to Canadian businesses, foster investment and innovation linkages, and conduct general, sectoral and company-specific advocacy. The TCS provides real-time, real-world advice to Canadian firms, especially SMEs, on how best to enter new markets.

In order to better assist current and prospective exporters, the Global Markets Action Plan will drive further improvements to the trade promotion and support services efforts of the TCS by:

11 Global Markets Action Plan  aligning staff to priority markets via redeployments and strengthening the TCS network by opening new offices, such as in China’s centres of growth;  providing greater focus on and alignment with Canada’s key sector strategies, The evolution of Canada’s foreign including attracting talent via education, and tourism; trade“ zone policies and programs is  improving and coordinating the branding and marketing of Canada; critical to the continued growth of  developing and maintaining the tools and partnerships needed to communicate the our economy, and [the Foreign Trade benefits of new and existing trade agreements to Canadian businesses; Zone Coalition] welcomes the leader-  organizing sector-specific, targeted trade missions to priority markets, creating ship the federal government has shown in building Canada’s gateways investment-attraction initiatives and highlighting SME success stories; by taking concrete steps we believe  realigning funding programs to priority markets and via deepened partnerships will grow Canada’s international with key industry associations; competitive capacity.  helping SMEs access global value chains and promoting inward investment and innovation partnerships in markets where the TCS can have the greatest impact; — Foreign Trade Zone Coalition and ”  enhancing alignment among Export Development Canada, the Business Development Bank of Canada and the Canadian Commercial Corporation to ensure effective financing support for Canadian businesses in priority markets.

Promoting Canada’s foreign trade zone advantage An important aspect of fostering opportunities for Canada is attracting foreign direct investment that creates jobs for Canadians, supports innovation and increases our exports. One way this is done under the Global Markets Action Plan is by promoting Canada’s foreign trade zone (FTZ) advantage. Canada’s FTZ policies and programs facilitate manufacturing, processing and warehousing for exporters.

Promoting Canada’s innovation advantage We applaud the government’s As the global economy becomes ever more competitive, Canada must continue to commitment“ to helping SMEs grow generate the highly skilled individuals and new ideas that will help our businesses and expand their business interests innovate, secure new markets and create well-paying jobs. around the world. I know from personal experience how the hands-on service, market intelli- The Global Markets Action Plan will promote linkages to international business gence and business links that the partners, international research, venture capital and entrepreneurial services and help Canadian Trade Commissioner high-potential Canadian businesses maximize access to these opportunities. Service provides [are] an essential part of their success. This assistance will include supporting innovative Canadian companies participating in international business and research partnership initiatives. The plan will expand the — Murad Al-Katib, CEO, capacity of Canada’s business incubators by helping Canadian companies access Alliance Grain Traders ” international business accelerators through programs such as the Canadian Technology Accelerator Initiative, which has hubs in New York City, Boston and Silicon Valley. These accelerators are important for venture-financed Canadian businesses, offering hands-on advice, mentoring by successful international business leaders and helping to gain a strategic advantage in a competitive international marketplace.

In addition to increasing TCS funding to help innovative Canadian businesses access international opportunities in global hubs, the government is also providing financing (via the Business Development Bank of Canada) to help firms graduating from business incubators bring their new products and services to market even faster. It is also providing financing (via the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program) to support the growth and development of investment-ready early-stage firms through qualified Canadian business accelerators and incubators.

12 Global Markets Action Plan Through the government’s Venture Capital Action Plan, the Global Markets Action Plan is helping Canadian businesses adopt new and innovative technologies to increase productivity, which will help them to compete globally while creating jobs and growth at home. As a former Governor General, Lord“ Tweedsmuir, once observed, Finally, as stated in Economic Action Plan 2013, the government is also committed to ‘Canada is a nation of bridges.’ This addressing the growing skilled trades shortage within Canada. government is committed to building those bridges. Between employers and job seekers. Between skilled immigrants and Canadian opportuni- 3. A Focused Pro-trade and Investment Plan to Open ties. Between hard-working New Markets Canadians and long-term prosperity.

Prioritizing trade and trade-related agreements — Hon. Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, New, improved and preferential access to foreign markets for Canadian businesses of all Economic Action Plan 2013 ” sizes helps grow Canada’s economy and creates jobs and opportunities for workers and business. The Government of Canada has several tools to help facilitate trade and remove growth-stifling barriers. These tools include:

 Free trade agreements Capitalizing on Canada’s  Foreign investment promotion and protection agreements competitive advantage   WTO agreements The Canada-European Union  Double taxation agreements trade agreement will make Canada  Air transport agreements the only G-8 nation to have  Science and technology agreements preferential access to the world’s  Nuclear cooperation agreements two largest markets—the European Union and the United States, with their more than 800 million consumers—providing In 2006, Canada had free-trade agreements with just five countries. Since then, the Canada with free trade access to Government of Canada has pursued the most ambitious pro-trade plan in Canadian over half of the entire global history. A central element of the plan was the launch of the Global Commerce Strategy marketplace. in 2007. This has driven Canadian leadership on the world stage in support of trade, job creation, economic growth and prosperity for hard-working Canadians.

Canadian business needs competitive and reciprocal access to priority markets. Under the Global Markets Action Plan, Canada’s interests will be advanced by establishing advantageous trade policy frameworks in order to: Small and medium-sized enterprises  advance and conclude FTAs with major economic impact; benefit“ from less red tape and lower  modernize existing FTAs to maximize the benefits to Canadian workers, exporters, taxes, which allow[s] them to expand businesses and investors; in international markets. The Global Markets Action Plan provides  improve “international connectivity” for Canadians (that is, the ability to reach businesses all of sizes with the tools international destinations from various points in Canada) and enhance market they need to achieve success in access for passenger and cargo services through targeted, higher-quality air trans- Canada and abroad. port agreements;  pursue foreign investment promotion and protection agreements (FIPAs) in markets where Canadian investors and businesses are active and where Canadians’ — Catherine Swift, Chair, needs and interests are greatest; Canadian Federation of Independent”  reinforce the multilateral system through various next-generation agreements Business (within and outside the WTO), including the Trade in Services Agreement; and modernize and expand product coverage under the Information Technology Agreement;

13 Global Markets Action Plan  address barriers to trade and investment through targeted advocacy, troubleshoot- Canadian leadership ing and dispute settlement, especially in established markets and priority emerging markets; since 2006  connect Canadian businesses with the extensive international networks in • Reached an historic agree- Canadian embassies and offices abroad to help address market access issues and ment-in-principle with the concerns; and European Union, which will give  leverage development programming to advance Canada’s trade interests. workers and businesses preferential access to the largest and most lucrative market in the world and expand 4. Enhancing Canada’s Competitive Edge Canada’s competitive edge and duty-free reach to 42 countries, representing more than half of An agile and adaptable trade strategy the world’s economy; Under the Global Markets Action Plan, three-year market access plans for each priority • Concluded new free trade agreements with nine other market will be developed and implemented. These plans will be updated regularly and countries, improving access to will mobilize partnerships across the federal government and the private sector to make markets of over 100 million the pursuit of Canada’s commercial interests in identified markets a truly coordinated people and a combined GDP of national effort. Furthermore, actions to capitalize on Canada’s preferential access to almost US$2 trillion; over half of the global marketplace thanks to NAFTA and the Canada-European Union • Continued deepening trade and trade agreement will be taken to ensure that this unrivalled competitive edge benefits investment ties and supply workers and businesses across Canada. chain links between Canada and the U.S. through initiatives that increase regulatory A new advisory council will be created for the Global Markets Action Plan that will alignment and efficiency at the include two standing subcommittees, one on emerging markets and the other on border; established markets. Comprising business and industry leaders, experts in international • Concluded or brought into force business and key representatives from the SME community, the subcommittees will FIPAs with 20 countries; bring together the voices of all businesses, big and small. They will provide strategic • Concluded new or expanded air insight, advice and real-world perspectives on how to keep the market access plans transport agreements covering relevant to Canadian business needs. almost 80 countries; • Eliminated close to 1,900 tariffs, including those on imported machinery, equipment and An Agile and Adaptable Global Markets Action Plan manufacturing inputs, to make Canada the first tariff-free manufacturing zone in the G-20. These actions are providing Three-year more than $525 million in annual Priority markets individual Periodic and market tariff relief to Canadian busi- market plans nesses; assessment access plans will • Stood up for Canadian farmers’ be periodically ability to trade freely by remov- reviewed based ing the Canadian Wheat Board’s on strategic monopoly power. advice and consultations with Identi cation Economic analysis key stakeholders, of target mar- including repre- kets and tools and bench- marking sentatives from to deploy the critical SME Market-speci c sector. challenges and opportunities

14 Global Markets Action Plan Renewed and strengthened stakeholder linkages Global Markets Action In addition to a new advisory council and the two standing subcommittees, deeper ties Plan Priority Sectors with stakeholder representatives from priority sectors and other levels of government include: will ensure that all efforts are focused squarely on achieving commercial success in priority markets. • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed Specifically, under the Global Markets Action Plan, strengthened relationships with key foods stakeholders will include: • Automotive • Chemicals  expanded consultations with key economic sectors, including advisory boards as • Consumer products required; • Defence and security  embedded Government of Canada personnel within key industry associations in • Education order to gain better insight into sectoral needs and ensure these are reflected in • Financial services • Fish and seafood services provided; and • Forestry and wood products  a strengthened and renewed structure with the Federation of Canadian • Industrial machinery Municipalities to ensure that communities of all sizes across Canada benefit from, • Information and communica- contribute to and work alongside the Government of Canada toward shared tions technologies objectives. • Infrastructure • Life sciences • Mining Initiatives that play to Canada’s strengths • Ocean technologies • Oil and gas Canada has become a world leader in providing capabilities and expertise across a vast • Professional services array of industries. The Global Markets Action Plan has identified 22 priority sectors • Sustainable technologies where existing capabilities and expertise provide Canada with a strong competitive • Tourism advantage vis-à-vis other countries, or where there are dynamic opportunities to grow • Transportation and develop Canadian business. • Wine, beer and spirits

Under the plan, these strengths will be developed into comprehensive strategies that will keep Canada at the forefront of key economic sectors and strengthen Canada’s trade, investment and people-to-people ties in priority markets. These will include:

 the launch of an international education strategy to attract international students to Canada and entrench the ties of world-class Canadian educational institutions with Canadian defence-related industries their global counterparts; must“ become even more export-ori- ented beyond their current 50% level  the development of an extractive sector strategy to further the interests of Canadian in order to become more cost companies abroad; and competitive through increasing  the launch of a defence procurement strategy with a clear export-oriented compo- economies of scale, and to meet nent. world-class quality standards.

Setting goals and measuring success

SMEs are the backbone of the Canadian economy. The Global Markets Action Plan sets Report of The Special Advisor – targets for the government and SMEs, working together, to grow Canada’s SME Tom Jenkins, “Canada First: Leveraging” footprint in emerging markets and create new jobs for Canadians. Military Procurement Through Key Industrial Capabilities”, February 2013 Of more than 1.09 million SMEs operating in Canada, just 41,000 are currently exporting. The share of those exporting to the United States, Canada’s largest and most important trading partner, is understandably high. In 2000, 89 percent of Canada’s SMEs that were exporting were active in this market. As of 2011 (the last year of available data), the share was still dominant, but had fallen 12 percentage points to 77 percent. At the same time, SMEs that reported exporting activity in emerging markets

15 Global Markets Action Plan rose from 12 percent in 2000 to just under 29 percent by 2011. This is a sign that some Five-Year Target to significant diversification of export activity has occurred at the SME level. However, Increase SMEs Exporting that share has not changed materially since 2009, suggesting that the trend is on hold. to Emerging Markets Now that international trade activity is beginning to once again reflect pre-recession levels, SMEs are poised to significantly grow their presence in key emerging markets. • Grow Canada’s SME export presence in emerging markets The Global Markets Action Plan combines trade promotion and the pursuit of preferen- from 29 percent to 50 percent tial access to large, dynamic and fast-growing markets through trade agreements. Under by 2018. the plan, the government is working with business to meet targets to grow Canada’s • This would grow Canada’s SME footprint in emerging markets. SME footprint in emerging markets from 11,000 to 21,000 companies. • This growth would create Moving Forward more than 40,000 net new jobs. Trade has long been a powerful engine for Canada’s economy. The Government of Canada understands that jobs and opportunities for Canadians are generated by the Source: Export Development business we do with other countries. That’s why opening new markets for our exporters Canada and attracting prosperity-generating investment are key elements of Canada’s Economic Action Plan. The new Global Markets Action Plan represents the path forward that will help ensure the long-term prosperity of all Canadians in a global economy that is fiercely competitive.

The Global Markets Action Plan aligns Canada’s trade and investment objectives with specific priority markets and ensures that Canada is branded to its greatest advantage within each of those markets. Above all, the plan will harness all of the Government of Canada’s tools in order to achieve commercial success for Canadian businesses, with a particular emphasis on growing Canada’s SME footprint in emerging and key markets.

16 Global Markets Action Plan Annex I – Priority Markets (Map)

Annex II – Priority Markets

Priority Markets :

Emerging Markets with Broad Canadian Interest


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Brasilia AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 198.4 • Canada-MERCOSUR Exploratory Total area: 8,459,420 km2 Trade Discussions Currency: Real • Canada-Brazil Science, Technology Language(s): Portuguese and Innovation Agreement • International Science and Technology  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Partnerships Program GDP ($ billions): 2,263.30 • Air Transportation Agreement GDP per capita ($): 11,410 GDP growth (%): 0.9 • Double Taxation Agreement Inflation (%): 5.4 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Unemployment (%): 5.5  SUPPORT SERVICES  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Aerospace • Brasilia • Education • Belo Horizonte • Information and communications • Rio de Janeiro technologies • Recife (opened in 2009 as part of • Infrastructure Canada's Global Commerce Strategy • Oil and gas • São Paolo) • Sustainable technologies Porto Alegre (opened in 2009 as part of Canada's Global Commerce Strategy)

 TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION INITIATIVES Canada-Brazil CEO Forum Canada-Brazil Joint Economic and Trade Council


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to Brazil: $2,579 ($1,510.1)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Brazil: $3.966.1 ($3,359.9)

Canadian investment in Brazil: $9,844 ($7,687)

Brazilian investment in Canada: $15,810 ($13,974)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Santiago AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 17.4 • Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement Total area: 743,532 km² • Canada-Chile Science, Technology, Currency: Peso and Innovation Memorandum of Language(s): Spanish Understanding • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Agreement Negotiations GDP ($ billions): 268.2 • Air Transportation Agreement GDP per capita ($): 15,413 GDP growth (%): 5.5 • Double Taxation Agreement Inflation (%): 3.0 Unemployment (%): 6.5  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Santiago • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Infrastructure • Mining • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Chile: $789 ($764.7)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Chile: $1,677.1 ($1,686.6)

Canadian investment in Chile: $13,726 ($7,067)

Chilean investment in Canada: $7 ($50)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Beijing AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 1,350 • Canada-China Foreign Investment Total area: 9,327,490 km2 Promotion and Protection Agreement Currency: Renminbi Negotiations Language(s): Mandarin Chinese, • Canada-China Economic Cantonese, other languages Complementarities Study • Canada-China Science and  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Technology Agreement GDP ($ billions): 8,226 GDP per capita ($): 6,093 • Air Transportation Agreement GDP growth (%): 7.8 • Double Taxation Agreement Inflation (%): 2.65 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Unemployment (%): 4.1  SUPPORT SERVICES  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Aerospace • Beijing • Agriculture and processed food • Chengdu (opened in 2009*) • Automotive • Chongqing • Education • Guangzhou • Infrastructure • Nanjing (opened in 2009*) • Information and communications • technologies Qingdao (opened in 2009*) • Shanghai • Life sciences • Shenyang (opened in 2009*) • Ocean industries • Shenzhen (opened in 2009*) • Oil and gas • Wuhan (opened in 2009*) • Sustainable technologies *as part of Canada's Global Commerce Strategy • Transportation

 TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION INITIATIVES Canada-China Joint Economic and Trade Commission


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to China: $19,365.8 ($9,512.3) Canada’s merchandise imports from China: $50,716 ($38,330.7) Canadian investment in China: $4,239 ($2,745) Chinese investment in Canada: $12,037 ($4,224)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Bogotá AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 46.6 • Canada-Colombia Free Trade Total area: 1,109,500 km2 Agreement Currency: Peso • Canada-Andean Countries - Free Language(s): Spanish Trade Discussions • Air Transportation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Canada-Andean Community Trade GDP ($ billions): 364.2 and Investment Cooperation GDP per capita ($): 7,816 Arrangement GDP growth (%): 4 • Double Taxation Agreement Inflation (%): 3.17 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Unemployment (%): 10.4

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES  SUPPORT SERVICES • Agriculture and processed food Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Infrastructure • Bogotá • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Colombia: $828 ($662.2)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Colombia: $664.7 ($486.6)

Canadian investment in Colombia: $1,762 ($737.0)

Colombian investment in Canada: $1 ($1)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Hong Kong AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 7.18 • Air Transportation Agreement Total area: 1,104 km² • Double Taxation Agreement Currency: Dollar Language(s): Cantonese, English,  SUPPORT SERVICES increasing use of Mandarin Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Hong Kong SAR  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012

GDP ($ billions): 236.1 GDP per capita ($): 36,627 GDP growth (%): 1.4 Inflation (%): 4.1 Unemployment (%): 3.3

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Sustainable technologies • Education • Information and communications technologies • Life sciences • Transportation


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Hong Kong: $2,471.6 ($1,551.2) Canada’s merchandise imports from Hong $279.6 ($531.8) Kong:

Canadian investment in Hong Kong: $7,130 ($4,304)

Commercially sensitive information Hong Kong investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: New Delhi AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 1,223.2 • Comprehensive Economic Partnership Total area: 2,973,190 km² Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Rupee • Foreign Investment Promotion and Language(s): Hindi and English most Protection Agreement (Negotiations) widely used • Agreement for Science and Technology Cooperation  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Air Transport Agreement GDP ($ billions): 1,830.3 • Double Taxation Agreement GDP per capita ($): 1,496 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement GDP growth (%): 4 Inflation (%): 9.3  SUPPORT SERVICES Unemployment (%): Not available Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • New Delhi  KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Chandigarh • Aerospace • Mumbai • Agriculture and processed food • Chennai • Automotive • Ahmedabad (opened in 2009 as part • Business and financial services of Canada's Global Commerce • Defence and security Strategy) • Education • Bangalore (opened in 2012 as part of • Information and communications Canada's Global Commerce Strategy) technologies • Hyderabad (opened in 2009 as part • Infrastructure of Canada's Global Commerce • Life sciences Strategy) • Mining • Kolkata (opened in 2009 as part of • Oil and gas Canada's Global Commerce Strategy) • Sustainable technologies • Transportation  TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION INITIATIVES Dialogue on Trade and Investment Canada-India CEO Forum


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to India: $2,360.6 ($1,791.9) Canada’s merchandise imports from India: $2,856.2 ($1,979.0) Canadian investment in India: $644 ($506) Indian investment in Canada: $3,728 ($1,988)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Jakarta AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 244.5 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 1,811,570 km² Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Rupiah • Air Transport Agreement Language(s): Bahasa Indonesia • Double Taxation Agreement • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 881.9  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 3,607 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 6.2 • Jakarta Inflation (%): 4.3 Unemployment (%): 6.2  TRADE AND INVESTMENT  KEY OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Aerospace Canada-Indonesia Economic Dialogue • Agriculture and processed food Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Education • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Indonesia: $1,681.1 ($989.3) Canada’s merchandise imports from $1,313.5 ($993.4) Indonesia:

Canadian investment in Indonesia: $3,218 ($1,886)

$2 (Commercially sensitive Indonesian investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Tel Aviv AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 7.7 • Free Trade Agreement Total area: 21,640 km² • Air Transportation Agreement Currency: New Israel Shekel • Agreement in Industrial Research and Language(s): Hebrew, Arabic Development • Double Taxation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 240.8 GDP per capita ($): 31,287  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP growth (%): 3.1 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Inflation (%): 1.7 • Tel Aviv Unemployment (%): 6.9

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Aerospace PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Defence and security Canada-Israel Joint Economic • Information and communications Commission technologies • Life sciences • Ocean technologies • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Israel: $265.6 ($426.6)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Israel: $1,144.8 ($959.3) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Israel: ($258) Commercially sensitive information Israeli investment in Canada: ($878)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Kuala Lumpur AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 29.5 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Total area: 328,550 km² Negotiations Currency: Ringgit • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): Malay, English, Hokkien, • Double Taxation Agreement Cantonese, Tamil  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 303.6 • Kuala Lumpur GDP per capita ($): 10,306 GDP growth (%): 5.6 Inflation (%): 1.7  TRADE AND INVESTMENT Unemployment (%): 3 PROMOTION INITIATIVES

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Information and communications technologies • Life sciences • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Malaysia: $783.6 ($588.2)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Malaysia: $2,225.6 ($2,916.7)

Canadian investment in Malaysia: $712 ($886)

Malaysian investment in Canada: $37 ($94)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Mexico City AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 115.9 • North American Free Trade Total area: 1,943,950 km² Agreement Currency: Peso • Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Language(s): Spanish Negotiations • Double Taxation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement GDP ($ billions): 1,178.5 GDP per capita ($): 10,259 GDP growth (%): 3.9  SUPPORT SERVICES Inflation (%): 4.1 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Unemployment (%): 4.8 • Mexico City • Guadalajara  KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Monterrey • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Automotive  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Information and communications PROMOTION INITIATIVES technologies Canada-Mexico Partnership • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Mexico: $5,388.2 ($4,958.1)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Mexico: $25,521.7 ($17,179.4)

Canadian investment in Mexico: $5,569 ($5,100)

Commercially sensitive information Mexican investment in Canada: ($294)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Lima AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 30.5 • Free Trade Agreement Total area: 1,280,000 km² • Foreign Investment Promotion and Currency: Nuevo sol Protection Agreement Language(s): Spanish, Quechua, Aymara • Air Transportation Agreement • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Agreement Negotiations GDP ($ billions): 199.4 • Canada-Andean Community Trade GDP per capita ($): 6,544 and Investment Cooperation GDP growth (%): 6.3 Arrangement Inflation (%): 3.7 • Double Taxation Agreement Unemployment (%): 6.8  SUPPORT SERVICES  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Agriculture and processed food • Lima • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Peru: $536.3 ($331.4)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Peru: $3,683.5 ($2,132.8)

Canadian investment in Peru: $6,908 ($2,155)

Commercially sensitive information Peruvian investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Moscow AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 141.9 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 16,376,870 km² Protection Agreement Currency: Ruble • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): Russian, others • Double Taxation Agreement • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 2,009.1  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 14,156 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 3.4 • Moscow Inflation (%): 5.1 Unemployment (%): 6  TRADE AND INVESTMENT  KEY OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Aerospace Intergovernmental Economic • Agriculture and processed food Commission • Automotive • Infrastructure • Mining • Oil and gas • Wine, beer and spirits


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Russia: $1,651 ($1,147.5)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Russia: $994.5 ($1,481.4)

Canadian investment in Russia: $4,816 ($540)

Commercially sensitive information Russian investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Riyadh AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 29 • Air Transportation Agreement Total area: 2,149,690 km² Currency: Riyal  SUPPORT SERVICES Language(s): Arabic, English Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Riyadh  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012

GDP ($ billions): 727 GDP per capita ($): 25,074  TRADE AND INVESTMENT GDP growth (%): 6.8 PROMOTION INITIATIVES Inflation (%): 2.9 Unemployment (%): Not available Canada-Saudi Arabia Joint Economic Commission  KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Chemicals • Defence and security • Education • Forestry and wood products • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Life sciences • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Saudi Arabia: $1,385.1 ($682.7)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Saudi $2,849.1 ($1,870.9) Arabia: $6 (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Saudi Arabia: information) Commercially sensitive information Saudi Arabian investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Singapore AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 5.4 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Total area: 700 km² Agreement Negotiations Currency: Dollar • Free Trade Agreement (negotiations) Language(s): English, Chinese, Malay, • Air Transportation Agreement Tamil • Double Taxation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 276.5 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 51,153 • Singapore GDP growth (%): 1.3 Inflation (%): 4.6 Unemployment (%): 2  TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION INITIATIVES  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Defence and security • Education • Financial services • Information and communications technologies • Professional services • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Singapore: $908.2 ($913.6) Canada’s merchandise imports from $1,424.5 ($1,492.6) Singapore:

Canadian investment in Singapore: $2,323 ($2,464)

Singaporean investment in Canada: $596 ($282)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Pretoria AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 51.2 • Trade and Investment Cooperation Total area: 1,213,090 km² Agreement Currency: Rand • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): Afrikaans, English, • Double Taxation Agreement Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Johannesburg GDP ($ billions): 385.2 GDP per capita ($): 7,525 GDP growth (%): 2.5 Inflation (%): 5.7 Unemployment (%): 25.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Mining • Transportation • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to South Africa: $634.1 ($784.3) Canada’s merchandise imports from South $693.3 ($1,082.5) Africa:

Canadian investment in South Africa: $3,042 ($1,473)

Commercially sensitive information South African investment in Canada: ($1,483)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Seoul AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 50 • Free Trade Agreement (Negotiations) Total area: 120,410 km² • Air Transportation Agreement Currency: Won • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): Korean • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 1,155 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 23,095 • Seoul GDP growth (%): 2 Inflation (%): 2.2 Unemployment (%): 3.3

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Automotive • Chemicals • Defence and security • Education • Forestry and wood products • Information and communications technologies • Life sciences • Mining • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies • Tourism


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to South Korea: $3,713.3 ($3,007.8)

Canada’s merchandise imports from South $6,372.4 ($5,366.2) Korea:

Canadian investment in South Korea: $569 ($977)

South Korean investment in Canada: $5,826 ($1,068)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Bangkok AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 64.4 • Free Trade Agreement (exploratory Total area: 510,890 km² discussions) Currency: Baht • Foreign Investment Promotion and Language(s): Thai Protection Agreement • Air Transportation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Double Taxation Agreement GDP ($ billions): 365.5 GDP per capita ($): 5,678  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP growth (%): 6.4 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Inflation (%): 3 • Bangkok Unemployment (%): 0.5

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Aerospace  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Agriculture and processed food PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Defence and security Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Education • Information and communications technologies • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Thailand: $717.2 ($588.2)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Thailand: $2,631.2 ($2,298.1)

Canadian investment in Thailand: $380 ($1,052)

Thai investment in Canada: $4 ($5)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Ankara AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 74.9 • Free Trade Agreement (exploratory 2 Total area: 769,630 km discussions) Currency: New Lira • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): Turkish • Double Taxation Agreement • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 792.6  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 10,584 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 2.6 • Ankara Inflation (%): 8.9 • Istanbul (opened in 2010 ) Unemployment (%): 9.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Education PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Information and communications Joint Economic and Trade Committee technologies • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Turkey: $851 ($672.5)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Turkey: $1,479 ($561.9)

Canadian investment in Turkey: $909 ($1,660)

Turkish investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Abu Dhabi AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 5.5 • Memorandum of Understanding on 2 Total area: 83,600 km Economic Cooperation, Trade and Currency: Dirhams Investment Language(s): Arabic, English • Air Transportation Agreement • Double Taxation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement GDP ($ billions): 358.7 GDP per capita ($): 64,791  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP growth (%): 3.9 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Inflation (%): 0.67 • Abu Dhabi Unemployment (%): 8 • Dubai

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Agriculture and processed food PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Defence and security Canada-UAE Business Council • Education • Financial services • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Life sciences • Oil and gas • Professional services


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to the UAE: $1,453 ($1,334.3)

Canada’s merchandise imports from the UAE: $202 ($30.5) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in the UAE: (Commercially sensitive information) $5,730 (Commercially sensitive UAE investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Hanoi AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 90.4 • Foreign Investment Promotion and 2 Total area: 310,071 km Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Dong • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Language(s): Vietnamese, English, Agreement Negotiations French, Chinese, Khmer • Air Transportation Agreement • Double Taxation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 140.8  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 1,558 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 5 • Hanoi Inflation (%): 9.1 • Ho Chi Minh City Unemployment (%): 4.5  TRADE AND INVESTMENT  KEY OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Agriculture and processed food Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Education • Information and communications technologies • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Vietnam: $369.9 ($288.9)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Vietnam: $1,617.5 ($758.3)

Canadian investment in Vietnam: $51 ($110)

Commercially sensitive information Vietnamese investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)

Priority Markets :

Emerging Markets with Specific Opportunities for Canadian Business


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Manama AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 1.151 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 760 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Dinar Language(s): Arabic  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) GDP ($ billions): 27.1 GDP per capita ($): 23,560 GDP growth (%): 4.8 Inflation (%): 2.8 Unemployment (%): 3.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Infrastructure • Financial services • Oil and gas • Transportation


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Bahrain: $69.5 ($40.7)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Bahrain: $78.7 ($8.4) Not available (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Bahrain: information)

Bahraini investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Porto Novo AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 10.1 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 112,760 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Franc CFA Language(s): French, Fon, Yoruba  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Côte d'Ivoire (Abidjan) GDP ($ billions): 7.6 GDP per capita ($): 752 GDP growth (%): 5.4 Inflation (%): 6.7 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Infrastructure • Information and communications technologies • Transportation


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Benin: $22.2 ($11.0)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Benin: $0.09 ($0.2)

Canadian investment in Benin: Not available (Not available)

Beninese investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 0.4 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Total area: 5,270 km² Agreement Negotiations Currency: Dollar Language(s): Malay, English, Chinese  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Bandar Seri Begawan GDP ($ billions): 16.9 GDP per capita ($): 42,380 GDP growth (%): 0.9 Inflation (%): 0.5  TRADE AND INVESTMENT Unemployment (%): 2.7 PROMOTION INITIATIVES

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES Canada-ASEAN Business Council • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Information and communications technologies • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Brunei: $4.3 ($3)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Brunei: $6.7 ($2.1)

Canadian investment in Brunei: Commercially sensitive information

Brunei’s investment in Canada: Commercially sensitive information


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Ouagadougou AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 17.4 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 273,600 km² Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Franc CFA Language(s): French, other African  SUPPORT SERVICES languages Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Ouagadougou  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012

GDP ($ billions): 11.03 GDP per capita ($): 635 GDP growth (%): 9 Inflation (%): 3.8 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Industrial machinery and equipment • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Burkina $66.6 ($13.2) Faso: Canada’s merchandise imports from Burkina $7.7 ($0.3) Faso:

Canadian investment in Burkina Faso: $639 ($85)

Burkinan investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Naypyidaw AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 63.7 • Not available Total area: 678,500 km2 Currency: Kyat Myanmar Language(s): Burmese (ethnic languages widely used)  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 52.4 GDP per capita ($): 823 *Announced in 2013 as part of GDP growth (%): 6.3 Canada's Global Commerce Strategy Inflation (%): 6.1 Unemployment (%): 4

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Infrastructure • Information and communications technologies • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Burma: $3.1 ($0.0)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Burma: $1.8 ($7.9) Not available (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Burma: information)

Burmese investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Yaoundé AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 21.46 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 472,710 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Franc CFA • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): English, French, African languages

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 25.32 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 1,180 • Yaoundé GDP growth (%): 4.6 Inflation (%): 2.4 Unemployment (%): 3.8

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Infrastructure


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Cameroon: $39.5 ($19.5) Canada’s merchandise imports from $11.0 ($7.2) Cameroon: Not available (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Cameroon: information) Commercially sensitive information Cameroonian investment in Canada: (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: San José AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 4.7 • Free Trade Agreement Total area: 51,060 km2 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Currency: Colon Protection Language(s): Spanish • Memorandum of Understanding on Trade and Investment  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Air Transportation Agreement GDP ($ billions): 45.1 GDP per capita ($): 9,669 GDP growth (%): 5  SUPPORT SERVICES Inflation (%): 4.5 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Unemployment (%): 7.5 • San José

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Information and communications technologies • Infrastructure • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Costa Rica: $185.5 ($81.6) Canada’s merchandise imports from Costa $513.4 ($368.3) Rica: Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Costa Rica: ($128) Commercially sensitive information Costa Rican investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Yamoussoukro AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 23.4 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 318,000 km² Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Franc CFA • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): French, 60 native dialects  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 24.6 • Abidjan GDP per capita ($): 1,053 GDP growth (%): 9.8 Inflation (%): 1.13 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Mining • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Côte $541.6 ($17.5) d’Ivoire: Canada’s merchandise imports from Côte $37.7 ($283.4) d’Ivoire: Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Côte d’Ivoire: (Commercially sensitive information) Commercially sensitive information Ivorian investment in Canada (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Accra AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 24.9 • Foreign Investment Promotion and 2 Total area: 227,540 km Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Cedi Language(s): English (official), Twi, Ewe,  SUPPORT SERVICES Fante, Ga, Hausa Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Accra  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012

GDP ($ billions): 31.8 GDP per capita ($): 1,530 GDP growth (%): 7 Inflation (%): 9.16 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Infrastructure • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Ghana: $216.2 ($161.2)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Ghana: $20.3 ($21.5) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Ghana: (Commercially sensitive information) Commercially sensitive information Ghanaian investment in Canada: (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Astana AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 16.7 • Foreign Investment Protection and Total area: 2,699,700 km² Promotion Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Tenge • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): Kazakh, Russian and • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Ukrainian  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 196.3 • Astana GDP per capita ($): 11,768 GDP growth (%): 5 Inflation (%): 5.1 Unemployment (%): 5.4

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Mining • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Kazakhstan: $101.7 ($182.8) Canada’s merchandise imports from $3,187 ($93.2) Kazakhstan: Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Kazakhstan: ($1,613) Commercially sensitive information Kazakh investment in Canada: (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Kuwait City AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 3.8 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 17,820 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Dinar • Air Transport Agreement Language(s): Arabic, English • Double Taxation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 173.4  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 45,800 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 5.1 • Kuwait City Inflation (%): 2.9 Unemployment (%): 2.1

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Information and communications technologies • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Kuwait: $97.3 ($114.4)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Kuwait: $19.8 ($1.7) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Kuwait: (Commercially sensitive information) Commercially sensitive information Kuwaiti investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Antananarivo AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 22.4 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 581,540 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Franc MGF Language(s): French, Malagasy  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Johannesburg, South Africa GDP ($ billions): 10.1 GDP per capita ($): 451 GDP growth (%): 1.9 Inflation (%): 6.5 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed foods • Consumer products • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Madagascar: $20.3 ($11) Canada’s merchandise imports from $86 ($18.3) Madagascar:

Canadian investment in Madagascar: Commercially sensitive information

Malagasy investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Bamako AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 16.3 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 1,220,190 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Franc CFA Language(s): French, Bambara, other  SUPPORT SERVICES African languages Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Bamako  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012

GDP ($ billions): 10.3 GDP per capita ($): 631 GDP growth (%): -1.2 Inflation (%): 5.3 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Mali: $16 ($7.8)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Mali: $1.2 ($0.5) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Mali: (Commercially sensitive information)

Malian investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Ulaanbaatar AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 2.8 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 1,553,560 km² Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Tugrik • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): Khalka Mongol, Turkic, Russian, Chinese  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 10.3 • Ulaanbaatar GDP per capita ($): 3,626 GDP growth (%): 12.3 Inflation (%): 14.9 Unemployment (%): 6.8

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Mining • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Mongolia: $71.9 ($10.2)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Mongolia: $166.5 ($192.7)

Canadian investment in Mongolia: $1,936 ($248)

Commercially sensitive information Mongolian investment in Canada: (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Rabat AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 32.5 • Canada-Morocco Free Trade Total area: 446,300 km² Agreement Negotiations Currency: Dirham • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): Arabic (official), Berber languages, French, Spanish  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 97.3 • Agdal-Rabat GDP per capita ($): 2,992 GDP growth (%): 3 Inflation (%): 1.3 Unemployment (%): 8.8

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Infrastructure


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Morocco: $368.5 ($243.5)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Morocco: $154.1 ($217.8) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Morocco: (Commercially sensitive information) Commercially sensitive information Moroccan investment in Canada (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Abuja AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 164.8 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 910,770 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Naira • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): English, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Fulani  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Lagos GDP ($ billions): 268.6 GDP per capita ($): 1,630 GDP growth (%): 6.3  TRADE AND INVESTMENT Inflation (%): 12.2 PROMOTION INITIATIVES Unemployment (%): Not available Canada-Nigeria Bi-National Commission  KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Information and communications technologies • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Nigeria: $327.1 ($186)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Nigeria: $2,006.1 ($290) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Nigeria: (Commercially sensitive information) $9 (Commercially sensitive Nigerian investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Panama City AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 3.7 • Free Trade Agreement Total area: 74,340 km² • Foreign Investment Promotion and Currency: Balboa Protection Agreement Language(s): Spanish • Air Transportation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 36.2 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 9,915 • Panama City GDP growth (%): 10.7 Inflation (%): 5.7 Unemployment (%): 4.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Infrastructure • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Panama: $91.9 ($86.3)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Panama: $122 ($28.7) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Panama: (Not available) Commercially sensitive information Panamanian investment in Canada: ($357)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Asunción AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 6.7 • Canada-MERCOSUR Exploratory Total area: 397,300 km² Trade Discussions Currency: Guarani Language(s): Spanish, Guarani  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Buenos Aires, Argentina GDP ($ billions): 26 GDP per capita ($): 3,902 GDP growth (%): -1.2 Inflation (%): 3.4 Unemployment (%): 5.8

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Infrastructure


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Paraguay: $16.9 ($8.6)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Paraguay: $9.9 ($16) Not available (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Paraguay: information) Not available (Commercially sensitive Paraguayan investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Dakar AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 13.1 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 192,530 km² Protection Agreement Currency: Franc CFA • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): French, Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, Mandinka  SUPPORT SERVICES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Dakar GDP ($ billions): 14.1 GDP per capita ($): 1,073 GDP growth (%): 3.5 Inflation (%): 1.2 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Information and communications technologies • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Senegal: $37.3 ($34.7)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Senegal: $0.9 ($1.2) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Senegal: (Commercially sensitive information) Not available (Commercially sensitive Senegalese investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Dodoma AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 47.1 • Foreign Investment Promotion and Total area: 885,800 km² Protection Agreement (Concluded) Currency: Shilling • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): Swahili, English  SUPPORT SERVICES  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP ($ billions): 28.2 • Dar es Salaam GDP per capita ($): 599 GDP growth (%): 6.9 Inflation (%): 16 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Infrastructure • Transportation


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Tanzania: $80.5 ($45.4)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Tanzania: $9 ($2.1) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Tanzania: (Commercially sensitive information) Commercially sensitive information Tanzanian investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Tunis AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 10.8 • Foreign Investment Promotion and 2 Total area: 155,360 km Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Dinar • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): Arabic (official), French • Double Taxation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 45.9 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 4,257 • Tunis GDP growth (%): 3.6 Inflation (%): 5.6 Unemployment (%): 18.9

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Infrastructure • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Tunisia: $136.9 ($110.6)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Tunisia: $51.2 ($50.4) $205 (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Tunisia: information)

Tunisian investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Kyiv AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 45.5 • Free Trade Agreement (Negotiations) 2 Total area: 769,360 km • Foreign Investment Promotion and Currency: Hryvnia Protection Agreement Language(s): Ukrainian, Russian, • Air Transportation Agreement Romanian, Polish, Hungarian • Double Taxation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 175.9 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 3,871 • Kyiv GDP growth (%): 2.6 Inflation (%): 8.9 Unemployment (%): 9.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Aerospace • Agriculture and processed food • Education • Oil and gas


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Ukraine: $149 ($128.3)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Ukraine: $165 ($117.8) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Ukraine: (Commercially sensitive information) Not available (Commercially sensitive Ukrainian investment in Canada: information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Montevideo AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 3.38 • Canada-MERCOSUR Exploratory Total area: 175,020 km² Trade Discussions Currency: Pesos • Foreign Investment Promotion and Language(s): Spanish Protection Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 49.9 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 14,759 GDP growth (%): 3.9 • Montevideo Inflation (%): 8.1 Unemployment (%): 6

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Forest products • Infrastructure


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Uruguay: $42.4 ($25.1)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Uruguay: $72.4 ($95.8) $999 (Commercially sensitive Canadian investment in Uruguay: information) Commercially sensitive information Uruguayan investment in Canada: (Commercially sensitive information)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Lusaka AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 13.9 • Foreign Investment Promotion and 2 Total area: 743,390 km Protection Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Kwacha • Double Taxation Agreement Language(s): English, Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja, Tonga,  SUPPORT SERVICES other indigenous languages Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Lusaka  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 20.5 GDP per capita ($): 1,473 GDP growth (%): 7.3 Inflation (%): 6.6 Unemployment (%): Not available

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Education • Industrial machinery • Mining


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Zambia: $33,118 ($67.7)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Zambia: $2,767 ($0.4) Commercially sensitive information Canadian investment in Zambia: (Commercially sensitive information)

Zambian investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)

Priority Markets :

Established Markets


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Canberra AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 22.8 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade 2 Total area: 7,692,000 km Agreement Negotiations Currency: Dollar • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): English • Double Taxation Agreement • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 GDP ($ billions): 1,540.8  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP per capita ($): 67,682 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP growth (%): 3.6 • Canberra Inflation (%): 1.8 • Sydney Unemployment (%): 5.2

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Agriculture and processed food  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Defence and security PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Education Australia-Canada Economic Forum • Information and communications technologies • Life sciences • Mining • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies • Tourism • Transportation • Wine, beer and spirits


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to Australia: $2,038.9 ($1,746.5)

Canada’s merchandise imports from Australia: $2,079.9 ($1,780.5)

Canadian investment in Australia: $26,895 ($7,438)

Australian investment in Canada: $5,634 ($4,738)

European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway)

 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capitals: Reykjavik (Iceland); Vaduz, AGREEMENTS (Liechtenstein); Berne (Switzerland); • Free Trade Agreement Oslo (Norway) • Trade and Economic Cooperation Population (millions): 13.4 Arrangement (Iceland) Total area: 1,220,190 km² • Trade and Economic Cooperation Currencies: Swiss franc, Krona, Kroner Arrangement (Norway) Language(s): Alemannic, French, • Trade and Economic Cooperation German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Arrangement (Switzerland) Romansch • Air Transportation Agreement (Iceland)  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Air Transportation Agreement GDP ($ billions): Not available (Norway) GDP per capita ($): Not available • Air Transportation Agreement GDP growth (%): Not available (Switzerland) Inflation (%): Not available • Double Taxation Agreement Unemployment (%): Not available (Iceland) • Double Taxation Agreement  KEY OPPORTUNITIES (Norway) • Double Taxation Agreement • Agriculture (Switzerland) • Information and communications • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement technologies (Switzerland) • Life sciences • Ocean industries  SUPPORT SERVICES • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Reykjavik • Berne • Oslo


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to EFTA: $3,240.9 ($5,493.3)

Canada’s merchandise imports from EFTA: $7,378.9 ($10,005.5)

Canadian investment in EFTA: Not available (Not available)

EFTA investment in Canada: Not available (Not available)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Brussels AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 506.8 • Comprehensive Economic and Trade 2 Total area: 4,381,376 km Agreement (Agreement-in-principle) Currency: Euro • Sectoral Agreements Language(s): 24 languages • Tax Treaties • Double Taxation Agreements  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreements GDP ($ billions): 16,607 GDP per capita ($): 42,047  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP growth (%): -0.4 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada Inflation (%): 2.6 • Brussels Unemployment (%): Not available Athens Barcelona  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Berlin • Aerospace Bucharest • Agriculture and processed foods Budapest • Automotive Bratislava • Chemicals Copenhagen • Consumer products Dusseldorf • Defence and security Dublin • Education Helsinki • Financial services Hague • Fish and seafood Lisbon • Forestry and wood products London • Industrial machinery Madrid • Information and communications Munich technologies Nicosia • Infrastructure Paris • Life sciences Prague • Mining Riga • Ocean technologies Rome • Oil and gas Rekjavik • Professional services Stockholm • Sustainable technologies Warsaw • Tourism Vienna • Transportation Zagreb • Wine, beer and spirits


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to the EU: $38,670.3 ($34,819.7) Canada’s merchandise imports from the EU: $50,564.5 ($49,279.1) Canadian investment in the EU: $172,500 ($135,724) EU investment in Canada: $160,700 ($142,382)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Tokyo AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 127.6 • Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Total area: 364.500 km² Agreement (Negotiations) Currency: Yen • Agreement Between the Government Language(s): Japanese of Canada and the Government of Japan on Cooperation in Science and  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 Technology GDP ($ billions): 5,967.4 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement GDP per capita ($): 46.727 Negotiations GDP growth (%): 2 • Double Taxation Agreement Inflation (%): -0.04 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Unemployment (%): 4.4  SUPPORT SERVICES  KEY OPPORTUNITIES Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Aerospace • Tokyo • Agriculture and processed food • Kitakyushu • Automotive • Nagoya • Chemicals • Osaka (opened in 2011 as part of • Consumer products Canada's Global Commerce Strategy) • Defence and security • Sapporo • Education • Fish and seafood  TRADE AND INVESTMENT • Forestry and wood products PROMOTION INITIATIVES • Information and communications Canada-Japan Joint Economic Committee technologies Trade and Investment Dialogue • Infrastructure • Life sciences • Mining • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies • Tourism • Wine, beer and spirits


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to Japan: $10,358 ($9,222.6) Canada’s merchandise imports from Japan: $15,023 ($15,458) Canadian investment in Japan: $6,362 ($2,592) Japanese investment in Canada: $17,486 ($13,527)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Wellington AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 4.4 • Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Total area: 263,310 km² Agreement Negotiations Currency: Dollar • Air Transportation Agreement Language(s): English and Maori • Double Taxation Agreement

 ECONOMIC FACTS 2012  SUPPORT SERVICES GDP ($ billions): 169.5 Trade Commissioner Service of Canada GDP per capita ($): 38,187 • Wellington GDP growth (%): 2.5 • Auckland Inflation (%): 1.06 Unemployment (%): 6.9

 KEY OPPORTUNITIES • Defence and security • Information and communications technologies • Life sciences • Sustainable technologies


Value (in millions of dollars)

Canada’s merchandise exports to New Zealand: $385.7 ($401.5)

Canada’s merchandise imports from New $534.2 ($509.7) Zealand:

Canadian investment in New Zealand: $770 ($892)

New Zealand’s investment in Canada: $99 ($41)


 FAST FACTS  MAJOR NEGOTIATIONS AND Capital: Washington, D.C. AGREEMENTS Population (millions): 314.2 • North American Free Trade Agreement 2 Total area: 9,147,420 km • Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Currency: Dollar Economic Competitiveness Between Language(s): English Canada and the United States • Softwood Lumber Agreement  ECONOMIC FACTS 2012 • Agreement on Government Procurement • GDP ($ billions): 15,678 Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade GDP per capita ($): 49,901 Agreement Negotiations • GDP growth (%): 2.2 Air Transportation Agreement • Inflation (%): 2.1 Double Taxation Agreement Unemployment (%): 8.1 • Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

  KEY OPPORTUNITIES SUPPORT SERVICES • Aerospace Trade Commissioner Service of Canada • Agriculture and processed food • Washington, D.C. • Automotive • Atlanta • Chemicals • Boston • Consumer products • Chicago • Defence and security • Dallas • Education • Denver • Financial services • Detroit • Fish and seafood • Houston • Forestry and wood products • Los Angeles • Industrial machinery • Miami • Information and communications • Minneapolis technologies • New York • Infrastructure • Palo Alto • Life sciences • San Diego • Mining • San Francisco • Ocean industries • Seattle • Oil and gas • Sustainable technologies • Tourism • Transportation • Wine, beer and spirits


Value (in millions of dollars) Canada’s merchandise exports to the United $338,639 ($355,609.9) States: Canada’s merchandise imports from the $233,902 ($220,890.3) United States: Canadian investment in the United States: $289,426 ($226,116) U.S. investment in Canada: $326,527 ($288,257)