Pegasus XL Development and L-1011 Pegasus Carrier Aircraft
I PEGASUS<iI XL DEVELOPMENT AND L-1011 I PEGASUS CARRIER AIRCRAFT I by Marty Mosier' Ed Rutkowski2 I Orbital Sciences Corporation Space Systems Division I Dulles, VA Abstract Pegasus XL vehicle design, capability, develop ment program, and payload interfaces. The L- I The Pegasus air-launched space booster has 1011 carrier aircraft is described, including its established itself as America's standard small selection process, release mechanism vehicle and launch vehicle. Since its first flight on April 5, 1990 payload support capabilities, and certification pro Pegasus has delivered 13 payloads to orbit in the gram. Pegasus production facilities are described. I four launches conducted to-date. To improve ca pability and operational flexibility, the Pegasus XL development program was initiated in late 1991. Background I The Pegasus XL vehicle has increased propellant, improved avionics, and a number of design en The Pegasus air-launched space booster (Fig hancements. To increase the Pegasus launch ure 1), which first flew on April 5, 1990, provides a I system's flexibility, a Lockheed L-1 011 aircraft has flexible, and cost effective means for delivering been modified to serve as a carrier aircraft for the satellites into low earth orbit. 1 Four launches vehicle. In addition, the activation of two new have occurred to-date, delivering a total of 13 Pegasus production facilities is underway at payloads to orbit. Launches have been conducted I Vandenberg AFB, California and the NASA Wal from both the Eastern (Kennedy Space Center, lops Flight Facility, Wallops, Virginia. The Pe Florida) and Western (Vandenberg, California) gasus XL vehicle, L-1011 carrier aircraft, and Ranges.
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